25 West Lipoa Street, Kihei, HI 96753
Liturgy Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass:
5:00pm, 7:00pm (en español)
Sunday Masses:
7:00am, 9:30am, 5:00pm
Weekday Mass:
Misa en español, Viernes @6:30pm
Saturday: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
(or by appointment)
First Friday
Anointing of the Sick at Home
by appointment.
(a family member may call the ofce to
schedule a First Friday appointment)
Monday through Friday:
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Ofce: 808-879-4844
E-Mail: info@saint-theresa.com
Website: www.saint-theresa.com
Gift Shop
Open after Masses
upon volunteer availability.
Hale Kau Kau
Served: Mon.-Fri. 5pm—6pm
Sat. & Sun. 4:30pm—5:30pm
Meals served with compassion and aloha.
Rooted in Jesus, we love and serve others.
Our Mission Statement
St. Theresa Church, a Catholic
community called to be disciples of
Jesus, seeks to:
Faithfully model Jesus according to His
Work, become a welcoming, loving and
caring community, grow in our faith and
spirituality through Eucharist, the
Sacraments, prayer and study, put faith
into action through full and active participation in our parish
and community, practice stewardship in our parish and
Hermanas y hermanos, ¿q nos de-
pararán los próximos años? ¿Cómo será el
futuro del hombre en la erra? No podemos
saberlo. Sin embargo, es cierto que, además
de los nuevos progresos, no faltarán, por
desgracia, experiencias dolorosas. Pero la luz
de la misericordia divina, que el Señor quiso
volver a entregar al mundo mediante el carisma de sor
Fausna, iluminará el camino de los hombres del tercer
Pero, como sucedió con los Apóstoles, es necesario que
también la humanidad de hoy acoja en el cenáculo de la
historia a Cristo resucitado, que muestra las heridas de su
crucixión y repite: "Paz a vosotros". Es preciso que la hu-
manidad se deje penetrar e impregnar por el Espíritu que
Cristo resucitado le infunde. El Espíritu sana las heridas de
nuestro corazón, derriba las barreras que nos separan de
Dios y nos desunen entre nosotros, y nos devuelve la
alegría del amor del Padre y la de la unidad fraterna.
Así pues, es importante que acojamos íntegramente el
mensaje que nos transmite la palabra de Dios en este se-
gundo domingo de Pascua, que a parr de ahora en toda la
Iglesia se designará con el nombre de "domingo de la Mis-
ericordia divina". A través de las diversas lecturas, la litur-
gia parece trazar el camino de la misericordia que, a la vez
que reconstruye la relación de cada uno con Dios, suscita
también entre los hombres nuevas relaciones de solidar-
idad fraterna. Cristo nos enseñó que "el hombre no sólo
recibe y experimenta la misericordia de Dios, sino que está
llamado a "usar misericordia" con los demás:
"Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcan-
zarán misericordia" (Mt 5, 7
Su mensaje de misericordia sigue llegándonos a través del
gesto de sus manos tendidas hacia el hombre que sufre. Así
lo vio y lo anunció a los hombres de todos los connentes
sor Fausna, que, escondida en su convento de Lagiewniki,
en Cracovia, hizo de su existencia un canto a la misericor-
dia: "Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo". El amor a
Dios y el amor a los hermanos son efecvamente insepara-
bles, como nos lo ha recordado la primera carta del apóstol
san Juan: "En esto conocemos que amamos a los hijos de
Dios: si amamos a Dios y cumplimos sus mandamientos" (1
Jn 5, 2).
Feliz y bendecida Segunda Semana de Pascua.
P. Ornoldo Cherrez, Capellán Hispano
808-879-4844 ext. 33
Readings for the week of April 7, 2024
Sunday: Acts 4:32-35/Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
(1)/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-31
Monday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 11/
Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38
Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37/Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5/Jn 3:7b-
Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-
9/Jn 3:16-21
Thursday: Acts 5:27-33/Ps 34:2 and 9, 17-18, 19-20/
Jn 3:31-36
Friday: Acts 5:34-42/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/Jn
Saturday: Acts 6:1-7/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19/Jn 6:16-
Next Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19/Ps 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9
(7a)/1 Jn 2:1-5a/Lk 24:35-48
Faith in actionbuilding community where
all can thrive in love, hope and dignity!
Thinking about joining a choir or lending your talent as an
instrumentalist for any of our Masses?
Contact Alex
We would LOVE to hear your gis!
anicholl@rcchawaii.org 808-879-4844 ext. 28
+For All The Faithful Departed+
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord, and Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon
Them, May They Rest in Peace. Amen.
Please help us to keep our prayer list current. Please call the oce to add or remove
names from list. Updated 3.13.24
Parish Schedule This Week
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Divine Mercy Sunday
Family Faith Formaon
7:00am, 9:30am, 5pm Mass
Monday, April 8, 2024
7:00am Mass
6:00pm Bapsm Class
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
7:00am Mass
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
7:00am Mass
Thursday, April 11, 2024
7:00am Mass
8:45am Symbolon
Friday, April 12, 2024
7:00am Mass
Saturday, April 13, 2024
3:30pm Confession
5:00pm Vigil Mass
6:30pm Misa en español
Sunday, April 14, 2024
7:00am, 9:30am, 5:00pm Mass
Abreu, Loretta
Akina, Sandra
Albano, Michael
Alconcel, Noelani
Aquino, Patzy
Asuncion, Lino
Bal, Jason
Bauer, Jane
Berry, Shan
Boren, Scott
Boswell, Arlene
Boteilho, Lorraine
Cablay, Gariella
Carrington, Leroy
Cooney, Jenny
Dabu, Manuel
Davi, Vince
Davidson, Cathy
Diaz, Stephen
Domingo-Gombio, Gerri
Eugenio, Apolonia
Farris, Eric
Ferreira, Caroline
Galam, John
Garbacz, David
Garbacz, Maggie
Gutierrez, Fred
Harris, Myuko Maylin
Hendrick, Jimmy
Hipley, Jane
Jacobo, Arcy
Johnson, Anne
Johnson, Donna
Klempert, George
Klempert, Patricia
Lubaton, Cornelio
Maluyo, Gene
Mandac, Prima
Nay, Bobby
Nelson, Bob
Osaki, Marie
Oswald, Therese
Phaneuf, Gail
Prey, Lois
Ramil, Luz
Reyes, Bennett
Salisbury, Jane
Schell, Kelly
Schopher, Alan
Sussman, Leille
Tabrilla, Marciana
Tackman, Beau
Tamayo, Raymond
Tumpap, Alberto
Tumpap, Glen
Ward, Karen
Wetzel, John
Our Calling: Model Jesus | Become community
Grow in faith and spirituality | Put faith into acon
Pracce stewardship
Seeking South Maui Superheroes
to to feed the hungry on Maui!
Dedicated drivers and kitchen helpers
needed daily to prepare and serve meals
at Hale Kau Kau and deliver meals
to the homebound within South Maui.
YOU have what it takes!
Automobile, drivers license, and vehicle
insurance required for drivers.
Contact Shawn @ (808) 875-8754
April 7 | Maintenance
April 14 | Maui Catholic Schools
April 21 | Diocesan PriestsRerement
April 28 | Ohana in Christ
Rev. Arnel M. Soriano, Pastor
[email protected] 808-879-4844 ext. 27
Rev. Ornoldo Cherrez, Hispanic Chaplain
[email protected]rg 808-879-4844 ext. 33
Residing in Kihei
Rev. Gary Colton, retired
Rev. Jim Orsini, retired
Alex Nicholl, Director
[email protected] 808-879-4844 ext. 28
Faith Formation/Youth Ministry/RCIA/Sacraments
Karen Powers, Coordinator
[email protected] 808-879-4844 ext. 25
Iva Rivera
[email protected] 808-879-4844 ext. 22
Ofce Assistant
Anita Carrington
[email protected] 808-879-4844 ext. 61
Makalita Falekaono
mfalekaono@rcchawaii.org 808-879-4844 ext. 21
Hale Kau Kau
Shawn Wallen
[email protected] 808-875-8754
Ofce Assistant
Paige Fontaine
[email protected] 808-875-8754
Email: Halekaukau@rcchawaii.org
Website: www.halekaukau.org
Gift Shop | Joanne Okane
Pastoral Council | Michaeline Arcangel, Chair
Finance Committee | Nita Aquino, Chair
Building and Planning Committee Marie Kimmey, Chair
Young Adult Ministry (EPIC) | Cecilia Jacinto
Filipino Catholic Club | Andrea Valite, Chair
Hospitality Committee | Kathy Holland, Chair
Our Catholic Church in Hawaii has many dimensions and
connues to make signicant impact in the communies
we serve. Your generous gi will especially help support
numerous ministries and services at our parishes, schools
and beyond - as well as our Parish Priests and Deacons,
Youth and Young Adult Ministry and those most in need.
Sunday Oertory $ 8,113.15
Online Giving $ 2,006.25
Marriage Blessing
$ 200.00
$ 30.00
Gi Shop
$ 815.85
St. Theresa Church Donaons
$ 163.00
Coee Hour Donaons
$ 55.00
Operang Income Subtotal
$ 11,383.25
2nd Collecon/Maintenance $ 4,738.29
Filipino Catholic Club Mebership Dues
$ 10.00
Life Teen Donaon
$ 300.00
Hale Kau Kau Donaon
$ 279.35
HKK St. Patricks Day Dinner
$ 1,340.00
HKK St. Patricks Day Donaons
$ 1,148.00
Charity Walk Collecons
$ 3,340.00
Fire Relief Fund
$ 800.00
Mass Intenons
$ 145.00
Ohana In Christ
$ 15.00
Maui Catholic Schools
$ 2,058.91
Income Subtotal
$ 14,174.55
Total Income Collected
$ 25,557.80
Curious? Want to know more?
Do you have quesons? We can help!
Contact Karen Powers 808-879-4844 ext. 25
2024 FAITH Formaon SCHEDULE
Sunday, 8:15am in the Parish Hall on:
April 7
May 5
Wednesday, 6:30pm in the Youth Room on:
April 3, 17
May 1, 15 (updated)
Would you like to receive the
bullen directly to your
email? Scan the QR code to
see how!
Model Jesus | Become Community | Grow in our faith and
Spirituality | Put faith into action | Practice Stewardship
Bapsm | Conrmaon | Communion | RCIA
If you or someone you know is interested in
becoming Catholic or ready to prepare to receive
the Sacraments,
please contact Karen in the oce.
Do you have me to serve the
Hale Kau Kau Ministry?
Please contact the Hale Kau Kau oce at
808-875-8754 for more informaon.
Meal Prep | Meal Service | Meal Delivery
General Informaon
Sacrament of Bapsm:
Please contact the parish oce to schedule an appointment with
Pastor and complete Bapsmal Registraon Form.
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Contact the oce at least one year before your wedding to
schedule preparaon sessions.
Anoinng of the Sick at the Hospital:
Contact the hospital chaplain who will contact the priest on-call.
Hospital Chaplains:
Chaplain Jennifer Crouse 808-442-5561
Chaplain Elaine Morin 808-442-5560
Holy Communion & Anoinng of the Homebound:
Please call the parish oce to request an appointment.
Please nofy our parish oce FIRST—before conrming funeral
arrangements with the mortuary.
Mass Intenons:
Mass Intenons are read only at the 7:00a.m. Mass Monday
through Friday.
House Blessing:
Contact the parish oce to schedule an appointment.
Blessing of Cars:
Please contact the oce to schedule. Cars are blessed aer the
scheduled Mass.
Blessing of Religious Arcles:
To have religious arcle blessed, you may approach a priest
AFTER any Mass for a blessing.
RCIA—Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of Adults:
Contact Karen Powers: 808-879-4844 or [email protected]
Catholic Charies Hawaii—Maui:
66 South Kane Street, Kahului | PO Box 277, Kahului 96733
Maui Emergency Rental Assistance | Statewide Resource Families—Foster
Families Home Studies, Licensing, Training | Limited Emergency Financial As-
sistance Program
New Parishioners Welcome!
We would love to know more about
you. Please register in the parish oce
or on our parish website.
If you have had a change in address, phone number,
or email, please let us know! Thank you.
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