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Registrar's O7ce Newsletters Registrar's O7ce
Bossy Beats, August, 2021 Bossy Beats, August, 2021
Minnesota State University moorhead, Registrar's O7ce
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A newsletter from the Registrars Oce at Minnesota State University Moorhead.
Aug 2021
Dearly Departed
*Disclaimer – none of the following have
passed on, just left the oce.
The Registrar’s Oce has had to say our
farewells to three of our cherished sta this
summer. The rst to retire was Jim Anderson, a
well-known gure and historian of MSUM. Jim
retired in June after 32 years of service to the
institution. When asked about retirement plans,
he told us he plans to lower his golf handicap
and his blood pressure. We wish him well!
Since Jim is gone, the Admissions Oce
has taken over the readmission process for
MSUM. Any students who wish to return to the
university will work with their oce.
Second up on the list is Jill Helm. As much as
she wishes she could retire, she moved onto
greener pastures. That would be across the
hallway to Human Resources. She has always
wanted to work for HR and has now achieved
her goal. And we still let her in the door
sometimes to visit.
In the interim while we look to replace Jill’s
position, questions on the following topics can
be directed to:
Residency and Reciprocity – Shawn Soderberg
Continuing Studies Registrations – Sarah Jegela
Academic Appeals – Heather Soleim
Immunizations and Name Changes – Joanne
Senior Citizen Registrations – Wendy Olsgard
Last but certainly not least is Jolene Richardson.
Jolene retired at the beginning of this month.
She plans to spend a lot more time with her
daughter Elsa, and also may start an Etsy shop
of her own. We celebrated her retirement on
August 13..
Happy Academic New Year Dragons!
Before classes begin on Monday, August 23, 2021, please take a look at the
following reminders:
Faculty: As you return to classes for the fall 2021 semester, please check your
class lists on eServices. Please be aware of the time and where your classes are
meeting, as that can change after the semester begins. Students are not allowed
to sit in classes they are not registered for.
Drop/Add Deadline: The deadline for dropping a course(s) without nancial
penalty and/or adding a course(s) is August 27, 2021, at 4 p.m. No entry will be
made in a student’s record if a course is dropped before this date.
Class Permissions: After the August 27 deadline, a student can no longer add
courses via eServices. The new process is as follows:
A student who wants to register for a course after the semester’s free add/
drop period (rst ve days of the semester) will need to contact the instructor
via email. The email needs to include the student’s name, student id, semester,
course subject and number, course id, and # of credits (if variable credit course).
If the instructor grants the approval, they will reply to the student’s email and
copy in the Registrar’s Oce ([email protected]).
The Registrar’s Oce will process the registration and email both the student
and instructor to conrm.
Holds: If students have an issue while trying to add or drop a course, it maybe
because of a hold or certain restriction on the course. To see a list of common
reasons along with the error message and possible solution, go to the following
link: Common Registration Problems
Withdrawal Deadline: Students may continue to drop classes after August 27, but
will receive a ‘W’ on their academic record and will remain nancially responsible
for tuition and fees. Withdrawal deadlines vary for half term and full term sessions.
For most full-term sessions the deadline is November 22, 2021; however we advise
students to check their eServices for specic withdrawal deadlines for each course.
Waitlists: Waitlists for the 2021 fall semester courses will end on August 27.
Waitlists are lists of students waiting to get registered for a course that is full. If
a student is on a waitlist for a course, they will receive a notication sent to their
mnstate.edu email account. The student will have 24 hours after being notied to
go to eServices and register for the course.
If you have questions, please visit the Registrar’s Oce Webpage or contact the
Registrar’s Oce at [email protected].
Summer 2022 Registration
The decision has been made for students to register for Summer 2022 at
the same time they register for Spring 2022. The Spring and Summer course
schedules will be due back to the Registrar’s Oce for review on September 9.
Registrar Bookclub
The Registrar sta decided to hold a
summer book club to get us geared
up for the upcoming fall semester.
Here are some of our top picks we
wanted to share with you all.
Curriculum Approval Deadlines and Updates
Spring 2022 Approval
Courses eective for SPRING 2022 must be approved by Sept. 22, 2021. (this is
the date schedule is published online and before advising begins on September 27).
This means it must go through all stages of the curriculum approval process
AND be approved at Meet and Confer by Sept. 16, 2021. If the proposal is not
approved by this date, the course cannot be eective for spring 2022, but can be
eective for fall 2022 or later.
Fall 2022 Approval
Courses eective for FALL 2022 must be approved by March 2, 2022.
(this is the date schedule is published online and before advising begins on March 7).
This means it must go through all stages of the curriculum approval process
AND be approved at Meet and Confer by Feb 17, 2022. If the proposal is not
approved by this date, the course cannot be eective for fall 2022, but can be
eective for spring 2023 or later.
Programs eective for FALL 2022 must be approved by the last Meet and
Confer date of May 12, 2022. If it does not go through all stages of the approval
process by this date, the program cannot be eective fall 2022, but can be
eective for fall 2023 or a later fall term.
NEW eective Fall 2021:
Library Consultation
This consultation piece has always been a part of the curriculum approval
process; however now the library is a part of the workow in Navigator. The
library consultation workow is between the department chair and the dean. All
new courses and programs require library consultation, along with signicant
course/program updates. A box will need to be checked on the change request
form in order for the proposal to go to the library workow for review and
4-Year Graduation Plans
We have added 4-year graduation plans for each major on the MSUM website.
If there are signicant changes being proposed to a program, an updated 4-year
plan is required and will need to be attached as documentation on the proposal.
Equity Curriculum Design Elements
This is a new question on the program proposal form which addressed how
your program addresses diversity and inclusion. You will need to explain how the
curriculum of the program reects culturally relevant elements addressing the needs
of a growing diverse student body. This question is required on both new programs
and program revisions and is mandated by the MN State System Oce.
Dierential Tuition
The dierential tuition area on the course and program proposals has been removed.
Any formal requests for extra tuition/fees must go to the dean of your college.
 Owens Hall
PHONE: 218.477.2565
FAX: 218.477.2941
2021-22 Academic
Bulletins and 4 Year Plans
Now Available
The 2021-22
and Graduate
Bulletins have
been published
and can be
accessed on the
website. The links to the bulletin can
be found on the Registrar’s Oce
webpage. We were going to make
this a summer book club read, but
unfortunately Sarah didn’t get it
done on time. It’s a real page turner
though, so check it out!
We are also happy to announce
4-year graduation plans can now be
found on each of the departmental
NEW Online Graduation Application &
Commencement System
The following are instructions and updates for the online graduation application.
If you have questions, please contact Shawn Soderberg in the Registrar’s Oce at
Faculty Instructions
Login to the Advising and Early Alert System with your star id and password.
The system will bring up a list of all your currently enrolled advisees.
From the main dashboard page, advisors will select Advising Home.
The advisor will mark the advisee(s) that are eligible to graduate by clicking on the
box next to the advisees name in the Grad App column. This step is REQUIRED
before a student can complete the graduation application online.
Once you mark the student as eligible, a system generated email will be sent to
the student that includes a link to the graduation application.
If the student has more than one declared major, only the PRIMARY advisor will be
able to mark the student as eligible to graduate in the system.
If students need the email with the link sent again, you can unclick the box by their
name and re-click. This will trigger an email to send again.
Student Instructions
Student will receive email and click on link to complete graduation application.
They must sign in with star id and password.
Most of the required information will pre-populate for them (name, ID, major, etc.)
Student will verify all information, conrm if they are participating in the
commencement ceremony and if they are, pay the commencement participation
fee of $30 (this is non-refundable).
Student will submit form and Registrar’s Oce will begin the graduation review
process to conrm all university and program requirements are met. It may take
2-4 weeks for a student to hear back from our oce (via email) after receiving their
graduation application.
If the student checks the box in the graduation application that says they are commencing,
the application is NOT submitted until the commencement participation fee is paid
online. Students can sign back in to complete the payment and submit the application.
EMS scheduling system update
The updated state wide EMS room scheduling system is back up and running.
While the system is up and running, not everything is the same as before. Please
make sure to update your bookmarked link for the EMS Web App used to make space
requests. The new link is:
If you nd issues or have questions about the EMS Web App, please send your
questions to [email protected].
If you are planning an event and would prefer to talk to a to ensure the appropriate
maintenance, hvac, door scheduling and security are scheduled, please contact one of
the areas below.
Scheduling Services, [email protected] or 218.477.2400
Course/Class Scheduling, Joanne Strandlien, [email protected] or 218.477.2557
CMU Scheduling, [email protected] or 218.477.2261
Minnesota State University Moorhead is an equal opportunity educator and employer and is a member of the Minnesota State system. This information will
be made available in alternate format, or if a disability-related accommodation is required, please contact Accessibility Resources at 218.477.4318 (voice) or
1.800.627.3529 (MRS/TYY).