Math 1730 Course Syllabus
Course Title:
Course Prerequisites:
MATH 1710 or successful completion of high school pre-calculus course.
Instructor Information:
Office Hours:
Course Description:
Pre-Calculus. Four credits. An integrated and rigorous study of the algebra and trigonometry
needed to successfully attempt calculus. Emphasis on functions, their analysis and their
applications. Level of algebraic sophistication developed above that found in MATH 1710.
Topics include exponentials and logarithms, analysis of graphs, and word problems.
This course satisfies the True Blue Core Quantitative Literacy requirement and meets specific
requirements for programs as outlined in the MTSU Undergraduate Catalog.
Quantitative Literacy (Quant Lit) (3 hours)
For all catalogs 2024-2025 and beyond, this course meets the True Blue Core (TBC)
curriculum requirement for Quantitative Literacy (Quant Lit). To learn more about TBC
requirements: https://w1.mtsu.edu/truebluecore/core.php.
For all catalogs prior to 2024-2025, this course meets the general education curriculum
requirements for Mathematics (3 hours). To learn more about general education
requirements for catalogs prior to 2024-2025:
The TBC outcome for Quantitative Literacy: Students demonstrate the ability to
interpret, represent, calculate, apply, and analyze numerical data in a variety of settings,
and will make assumptions and communicate those assumptions based on quantitative
MATH 1730 in an active learning class. This means you will be directly engaged in the learning
process rather than listening to lecture. The student workbook breaks each topic into a series of
investigations, and we will be working through several of these investigations each day. Each
investigation will proceed through four learning steps:
Launch the investigation problem is introduced and connections made to previously
covered material
Explore students probe and dissect the problem and develop or identify potential
Present students present potential solutions to the class
Discuss students and the instructor work with each other to identify or develop
correct solutions from those presented and understand how and why they are correct
To help with this learning process, you will be assigned to small groups and will be expected to
be an active participant in your group. In addition, you will engage in the “launch” and
“explore” phases of a few investigations prior to coming to class to help organize your thoughts
before group investigations.
Attendance Policy:
Attendance is required at each class meeting. Participation in University sanctioned activities or
in military duties and situations where the institution’s policy on inclement weather is
applicable are considered excused absences. However, non-attendance does not relieve a
student of the responsibility for work covered or assigned. The instructor will keep a record of
attendance for each student.
Required Materials:
Textbook: Pathways to Calculus workbook and access code. The workbook contains an access
code for the online textbook. The workbook can be purchased at the campus bookstore, other
area bookstores.
Calculator: A graphing calculator is required for this course (preferably TI-83/84). Note: You
may not use graphing calculators with symbolic manipulation software (DERIVE, MAPLE, etc.)
on exams.
Course Purpose:
Pre-calculus is an introduction to functions in general and the specific classes of functions you
encounter in the calculus sequence.
Learning Outcomes:
Content Goals:
Upon completion of this course, students will have developed:
An understanding of graphs and how to extract information from them;
An understanding of functions and how to manipulate them;
An understanding of polynomial and rational functions;
An understanding of logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric functions;
An understanding of basic applications of the major function families;
An understanding of some advantages and limitations of current technology.
Process Goals:
Upon completion of this course, students will have:
Made sense of problems and persevered in solving them.
Reasoned abstractly (representing quantities symbolically and manipulating those
symbolic representations) and quantitatively (attending to the meaning of quantities,
and now just how to compute them.)
Used appropriate tools (e.g. manipulatives, calculator) strategically to solve
mathematical problems.
Developed and extended understanding through active communication (reading,
writing, speaking and listening) of mathematics, attending to precision of mathematical
Constructed viable mathematical arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Course Requirements:
In general, you are expected to:
Attend class and participate in discussions both small group and whole class;
Read and study class assignments and solve assigned problems;
Ask questions in class when you are unsure of any concept or on any assigned problem;
Attend the help lab or come to my office for any additional assistance as necessary;
Take all announced quizzes and exams (including the final) on the day they are scheduled;
Come to class prepared. This includes completing homework in a timely manner, bringing your
workbook, completing assigned readings and bringing your calculator.
If you do not take the final exam, you cannot pass the course.
Course Evaluation and Grading:
We will cover the majority of Modules 1-8 in this course. The grading components for the
course are as follows:
In-class testing: There will be 4 in-class exams. All exams are closed-book and last the
entire class period. Exams will count 60% of your final grade / you will drop your lowest
exam grade (not the final).
Final exam: There will be a comprehensive in-class final given on the specified final exam
date. This exam will count 20% of your final grade. It is a departmental exam given to all
sections of MATH 1730. No one will be exempt from the final.
Miscellaneous: The remaining 20% of your grade will come from homework, quizzes,
attendance and participation. Participation means attending class and being actively
involved in your group work, group presentations and whole-class discussions. I will look
for evidence of meaningful mathematical discussion and the sharing and critiquing on
mathematical ideas.
Final Exam:
The final examination is a Mathematics Department, multiple-choice, comprehensive
examination given to all students enrolled in Math 1530. Students are required to have
completed the final examination as per the scheduled date/time for their respective section:
see Academic Calendar on MTSU Pipeline. The final examination is closed book and closed
notes (except for 8.5” x 11” sheet allowed for notes). Examination pamphlets and scratch paper
are provided by the exam proctor. Unexcused absences for the final examination result in a
course grade of F.
Note: Students are responsible for and required to bring the following materials to the final
examination: (1) a large scantron, Form No. 4521, (2) a TI 83 or 84 Plus graphing calculator, (3) a
#2 pencil, and (4) an 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper containing student preferred information.
Grading Scale:
90 100
80 89
70 79
60 69
Below 60
Tentative Test Dates:
Test 1:
Test 2:
Test 3:
Test 4:
Final Exam:
Important Dates:
Last day to drop without a grade:
Last day to drop with a W:
Final exam time and date:
Judicial Statement / Academic Misconduct:
Please review the information on Academic Integrity and Misconduct. Academic integrity is a
hallmark of Middle Tennessee State University. We expect students to present original work for
all academic assignments turned in for credit and appropriately credit all sources used.
Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
1. Plagiarism: The adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, statements, images, or works
of another person as one’s own without proper attribution. This includes self-plagiarism,
which occurs when an author submits material or research from a previous academic
exercise to satisfy the requirements of another exercise and uses it without proper citation
of its reuse.
2. Cheating: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids
in any academic exercise. This includes unapproved collaboration, which occurs when a
student works with others on an academic exercise without the express permission of the
professor. It also includes purchasing assignments or paying another person to complete a
course for you.
3. Fabrication: Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an
academic exercise.
Going online and using information without proper citation, copying parts of other students’
work, creating information to establish credibility, or using someone else’s thoughts or ideas
without appropriate acknowledgment is academic misconduct. If you have a question about an
assignment, please ask me to clarify. All cases of academic misconduct will be reported to the
Director of Student Academic Ethics and may result in failure on the test/assignment or for the
Drop/Withdrawal Policy and Dates:
Please note the Drop Policy and Withdrawal procedures as they are stated in the Current Registration
Guide. A grade of “I” will be given only in accordance with University Policy. No grade of “W” will be
assigned after the official drop date except in situations involving extreme extenuating circumstances
beyond the student’s control. In particular, a “W” will not be granted merely because the student is
failing. Students should be aware that missing the official drop date and thereby receiving an “F” can
have ramifications on financial aid.
General Conduct in Class:
The instructor has primary responsibility for control over all classroom behavior and can direct the
temporary removal or exclusion from the classroom of any student engaged in disrupted conduct or
conduct which otherwise violates the general rules and regulations of MTSU.
Attendance and Make-up Policy:
You are expected to attend class. Attendance will be taken at the discretion of the instructor. Make-ups
will not be given for anything other than in-class exams, and only with the instructor’s prior consent
(emergencies accepted). A University approved excuse must be provided in order to be given a makeup
exam and, depending on circumstances, the instructor has the right to not give a make-up exam.
Grade Appeals:
University Policy 313, Student Grade Appeals, provides an avenue for MTSU students to appeal
a final course grade in cases in which the student alleges that unethical or unprofessional
actions by the instructor and/or grading inequities improperly impacted the final grade.
Free Tutoring:
Take advantage of our FREE tutoring service and learn how to study, get help with
understanding difficult course material, receive better test grades, or simply improve your
grade point average. Tutoring is available in study skills and learning strategies that
includes sessions on time management, notetaking, when and where to study, and
memory principles. Tutoring is also available in over 200 courses including biology, history,
computer information Systems, physics, math, psychology, chemistry, economics,
recording industry, and many more. The central location for tutoring is the Tutoring Spot,
located in Walker Library, but is also conducted at various other campus sites.
For available tutoring opportunities, visit
http://mtsu.edu/studentsuccess/tutoring.php#on. For questions, call the Tutoring Spot at
Hope (Lottery) Scholarship Information:
Do you have a lottery scholarship? To retain the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship
eligibility, you must earn a cumulative TELS GPA of 2.75 after 24 and 48 attempted hours and a
cumulative TELS GPA of 3.0 thereafter. A grade of C, D, F, FA, or I in this class may negatively
impact TELS eligibility. 
If you drop this class, withdraw, or stop attending this class, you may lose eligibility for your
lottery scholarship, and you may not be able to regain eligibility.
For additional Lottery rules, please refer to your Lottery Statement of Understanding form or
contact your MT One Stop Enrollment Counselor.
Make-Up Policy:
Make-ups will not be given for anything other than in-class exams, and only with the
instructor's prior consent (emergencies accepted). A University approved excuse must be
provided in order to be given a make-up exam and, depending on circumstances, the
instructor has the right to not give a make-up exam.
Mental Health:
As a college student, you may experience a range of challenges and issues that can interfere
with your physical and mental well-being, hinder your academic experience, and negatively
impact your daily life. Some of these experiences may include overwhelming
depression/sadness, anxiety, high levels of stress, use of alcohol/drugs, difficulty sleeping,
difficulty concentrating, and/or loss of motivation. These challenges and issues can lead to
thoughts of self-harm and suicide. If you or any of your classmates are experiencing these
issues, it is important to reach out and ask for help. Discuss your situation with a friend, a family
member, your instructor, or an academic advisor. Remember: Everyone struggles. It's okay to
talk about it. Ask for help. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Outreach and Support Programs:
The MTSU community is committed to the academic achievement of each student, and
we know that struggling to address basic needs can affect a student’s ability to
perform academically. If you are having trouble finding a safe and stable place to live
or enough food to eat, please contact Danielle Rochelle (615-898-2808 or
[email protected]u ), come by the MTSU Food Pantry at the MT One Stop, or
speak with your instructor to get the assistance and resources you need.
Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:
Middle Tennessee State University is committed to campus access in accordance with Title II of
the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of
1973. Any student interested in reasonable accommodations can consult the Disability & Access
Center (DAC) website and/or contact the DAC for assistance at 615-898-2783 or
Student Resources:
Frequently Used Student Resources
Technical Support:
Students who experience technical problems including, but not limited to, logging into their
course, timing out of their course, using the course web site tools, should be encouraged to
contact the MTSU Help Desk online (24/7) or at 1-615-898-5345.
Title IX:
Students who believe they have been harassed, discriminated against or been the victim of
sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking should contact a Title IX/Deputy
Coordinator at 615-898- 2185 or 615-898-2750 for assistance or review MTSU’s Title IX website
for resources.MTSU faculty are concerned about the well-being and development of our
students and are legally obligated to share reports of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic
violence and stalking with the University’s Title IX coordinator to help ensure student’s safety
and welfare. Please refer to MTSU’s Title IX website for contact information and details.
The True Blue Pledge:
I am True Blue
As a member of this diverse community, I am a valuable contributor to its progress and
success. I am engaged in the life of this community. I am a recipient and a giver. I am a listener
and a speaker. I am honest in word and deed. I am committed to reason, not violence. I am a
learner now and forever. I am a BLUE RAIDER. True Blue!
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