MySQL 8.3 C API Developer Guide
This is the MySQL 8.3 C API Developer Guide. This document accompanies MySQL 8.3 Reference Manual.
The C API provides low-level access to the MySQL client/server protocol and enables C programs to access
database contents. The C API code is distributed with MySQL and implemented in the libmysqlclient library.
For legal information, see the Legal Notices.
For help with using MySQL, please visit the MySQL Forums, where you can discuss your issues with other
MySQL users.
Document generated on: 2024-03-28 (revision: 78215)
Table of Contents
Preface and Legal Notices ........................................................................................................... vii
1 The MySQL C API .................................................................................................................... 1
2 MySQL C API Implementations .................................................................................................. 3
3 Writing C API-Based Client Applications ..................................................................................... 5
3.1 Example C API Client Programs ...................................................................................... 5
3.2 Building C API Client Programs ....................................................................................... 5
3.3 Building C API Client Programs Using pkg-config ............................................................. 8
3.4 Writing C API Threaded Client Programs ......................................................................... 9
3.5 Running C API Client Programs .................................................................................... 10
3.6 Using C API Features ................................................................................................... 11
3.6.1 Support for Encrypted Connections ..................................................................... 11
3.6.2 SSL Session Reuse ........................................................................................... 12
3.6.3 Multiple Statement Execution Support ................................................................. 13
3.6.4 Prepared Statement Handling of Date and Time Values ....................................... 15
3.6.5 Prepared CALL Statement Support ..................................................................... 16
3.6.6 Prepared Statement Problems ............................................................................ 20
3.6.7 Optional Result Set Metadata ............................................................................. 20
3.6.8 Automatic Reconnection Control ......................................................................... 21
3.6.9 NULL mysql_store_result() Return After mysql_query() Success ........................... 22
3.6.10 Results Available from a Query ......................................................................... 22
3.6.11 Obtaining the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row ............................................. 22
3.6.12 Obtaining the Server Version and Client Library Version ..................................... 23
4 C API Function Reference ....................................................................................................... 25
5 C API Basic Interface .............................................................................................................. 31
5.1 Overview of the C API Basic Interface ........................................................................... 32
5.2 C API Basic Data Structures ......................................................................................... 34
5.3 C API Basic Function Reference ................................................................................... 39
5.4 C API Basic Function Descriptions ................................................................................. 42
5.4.1 mysql_affected_rows() ........................................................................................ 42
5.4.2 mysql_autocommit() ............................................................................................ 43
5.4.3 mysql_bind_param() ........................................................................................... 44
5.4.4 mysql_change_user() .......................................................................................... 45
5.4.5 mysql_character_set_name() .............................................................................. 47
5.4.6 mysql_close() ..................................................................................................... 47
5.4.7 mysql_commit() .................................................................................................. 47
5.4.8 mysql_connect() ................................................................................................. 47
5.4.9 mysql_create_db() .............................................................................................. 48
5.4.10 mysql_data_seek() ............................................................................................ 48
5.4.11 mysql_debug() .................................................................................................. 49
5.4.12 mysql_drop_db() ............................................................................................... 49
5.4.13 mysql_dump_debug_info() ................................................................................ 50
5.4.14 mysql_eof() ...................................................................................................... 50
5.4.15 mysql_errno() ................................................................................................... 51
5.4.16 mysql_error() .................................................................................................... 52
5.4.17 mysql_escape_string() ...................................................................................... 52
5.4.18 mysql_fetch_field() ............................................................................................ 52
5.4.19 mysql_fetch_field_direct() .................................................................................. 53
5.4.20 mysql_fetch_fields() .......................................................................................... 54
5.4.21 mysql_fetch_lengths() ....................................................................................... 54
5.4.22 mysql_fetch_row() ............................................................................................ 55
5.4.23 mysql_field_count() ........................................................................................... 56
5.4.24 mysql_field_seek() ............................................................................................ 57
5.4.25 mysql_field_tell() ............................................................................................... 57
5.4.26 mysql_free_result() ........................................................................................... 58
5.4.27 mysql_free_ssl_session_data() .......................................................................... 58
MySQL 8.3 C API Developer Guide
5.4.28 mysql_get_character_set_info() ......................................................................... 58
5.4.29 mysql_get_client_info() ..................................................................................... 59
5.4.30 mysql_get_client_version() ................................................................................ 59
5.4.31 mysql_get_host_info() ....................................................................................... 60
5.4.32 mysql_get_option() ........................................................................................... 60
5.4.33 mysql_get_proto_info() ...................................................................................... 61
5.4.34 mysql_get_server_info() .................................................................................... 61
5.4.35 mysql_get_server_version() ............................................................................... 62
5.4.36 mysql_get_ssl_cipher() ..................................................................................... 62
5.4.37 mysql_get_ssl_session_data() ........................................................................... 62
5.4.38 mysql_get_ssl_session_reused() ....................................................................... 63
5.4.39 mysql_hex_string() ............................................................................................ 63
5.4.40 mysql_info() ...................................................................................................... 64
5.4.41 mysql_init() ....................................................................................................... 65
5.4.42 mysql_insert_id() .............................................................................................. 65
5.4.43 mysql_library_end() .......................................................................................... 67
5.4.44 mysql_library_init() ............................................................................................ 67
5.4.45 mysql_list_dbs() ................................................................................................ 68
5.4.46 mysql_list_tables() ............................................................................................ 69
5.4.47 mysql_more_results() ........................................................................................ 69
5.4.48 mysql_next_result() ........................................................................................... 70
5.4.49 mysql_num_fields() ........................................................................................... 71
5.4.50 mysql_num_rows() ............................................................................................ 72
5.4.51 mysql_options() ................................................................................................ 72
5.4.52 mysql_options4() .............................................................................................. 80
5.4.53 mysql_ping() ..................................................................................................... 82
5.4.54 mysql_query() ................................................................................................... 82
5.4.55 mysql_real_connect() ........................................................................................ 83
5.4.56 mysql_real_connect_dns_srv() .......................................................................... 87
5.4.57 mysql_real_escape_string() ............................................................................... 88
5.4.58 mysql_real_escape_string_quote() ..................................................................... 90
5.4.59 mysql_real_query() ........................................................................................... 91
5.4.60 mysql_reset_connection() .................................................................................. 92
5.4.61 mysql_reset_server_public_key() ....................................................................... 92
5.4.62 mysql_result_metadata() ................................................................................... 93
5.4.63 mysql_rollback() ............................................................................................... 93
5.4.64 mysql_row_seek() ............................................................................................. 94
5.4.65 mysql_row_tell() ............................................................................................... 94
5.4.66 mysql_select_db() ............................................................................................. 94
5.4.67 mysql_server_end() .......................................................................................... 95
5.4.68 mysql_server_init() ............................................................................................ 95
5.4.69 mysql_session_track_get_first() ......................................................................... 96
5.4.70 mysql_session_track_get_next() ...................................................................... 101
5.4.71 mysql_set_character_set() ............................................................................... 101
5.4.72 mysql_set_local_infile_default() ....................................................................... 102
5.4.73 mysql_set_local_infile_handler() ...................................................................... 102
5.4.74 mysql_set_server_option() ............................................................................... 103
5.4.75 mysql_sqlstate() .............................................................................................. 104
5.4.76 mysql_stat() .................................................................................................... 105
5.4.77 mysql_store_result() ........................................................................................ 105
5.4.78 mysql_thread_id() ........................................................................................... 107
5.4.79 mysql_use_result() .......................................................................................... 107
5.4.80 mysql_warning_count() ................................................................................... 108
6 C API Prepared Statement Interface ....................................................................................... 109
6.1 Overview of the C API Prepared Statement Interface .................................................... 110
6.2 C API Prepared Statement Data Structures .................................................................. 111
6.2.1 C API Prepared Statement Type Codes ............................................................ 115
6.2.2 C API Prepared Statement Type Conversions .................................................... 117
MySQL 8.3 C API Developer Guide
6.3 C API Prepared Statement Function Reference ............................................................ 118
6.4 C API Prepared Statement Function Descriptions ......................................................... 119
6.4.1 mysql_stmt_affected_rows() .............................................................................. 120
6.4.2 mysql_stmt_attr_get() ....................................................................................... 120
6.4.3 mysql_stmt_attr_set() ........................................................................................ 120
6.4.4 mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() ..................................................................... 122
6.4.5 mysql_stmt_bind_param() ................................................................................. 124
6.4.6 mysql_stmt_bind_result() .................................................................................. 125
6.4.7 mysql_stmt_close() ........................................................................................... 126
6.4.8 mysql_stmt_data_seek() ................................................................................... 126
6.4.9 mysql_stmt_errno() ........................................................................................... 127
6.4.10 mysql_stmt_error() .......................................................................................... 127
6.4.11 mysql_stmt_execute() ..................................................................................... 128
6.4.12 mysql_stmt_fetch() .......................................................................................... 131
6.4.13 mysql_stmt_fetch_column() ............................................................................. 136
6.4.14 mysql_stmt_field_count() ................................................................................. 137
6.4.15 mysql_stmt_free_result() ................................................................................. 137
6.4.16 mysql_stmt_init() ............................................................................................. 137
6.4.17 mysql_stmt_insert_id() .................................................................................... 137
6.4.18 mysql_stmt_next_result() ................................................................................. 138
6.4.19 mysql_stmt_num_rows() .................................................................................. 139
6.4.20 mysql_stmt_param_count() .............................................................................. 139
6.4.21 mysql_stmt_param_metadata() ........................................................................ 140
6.4.22 mysql_stmt_prepare() ..................................................................................... 140
6.4.23 mysql_stmt_reset() .......................................................................................... 141
6.4.24 mysql_stmt_result_metadata() ......................................................................... 141
6.4.25 mysql_stmt_row_seek() ................................................................................... 143
6.4.26 mysql_stmt_row_tell() ..................................................................................... 143
6.4.27 mysql_stmt_send_long_data() ......................................................................... 143
6.4.28 mysql_stmt_sqlstate() ..................................................................................... 145
6.4.29 mysql_stmt_store_result() ................................................................................ 145
7 C API Asynchronous Interface ................................................................................................ 147
7.1 Overview of the C API Asynchronous Interface ............................................................. 147
7.2 C API Asynchronous Interface Data Structures ............................................................. 152
7.3 C API Asynchronous Function Reference ..................................................................... 153
7.4 C API Asynchronous Function Descriptions .................................................................. 153
7.4.1 mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking() ......................................................................... 153
7.4.2 mysql_free_result_nonblocking() ........................................................................ 154
7.4.3 mysql_get_connect_nonblocking_stage() ........................................................... 155
7.4.4 mysql_next_result_nonblocking() ....................................................................... 155
7.4.5 mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() .................................................................... 155
7.4.6 mysql_real_query_nonblocking() ........................................................................ 156
7.4.7 mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking() .............................................................. 157
7.4.8 mysql_store_result_nonblocking() ...................................................................... 157
8 C API Thread Interface .......................................................................................................... 159
8.1 C API Thread Function Reference ............................................................................... 159
8.2 C API Threaded Function Descriptions ......................................................................... 159
8.2.1 mysql_thread_end() .......................................................................................... 159
8.2.2 mysql_thread_init() ........................................................................................... 160
8.2.3 mysql_thread_safe() ......................................................................................... 160
9 C API Client Plugin Interface .................................................................................................. 161
9.1 C API Plugin Function Reference ................................................................................. 161
9.2 C API Plugin Function Descriptions .............................................................................. 161
9.2.1 mysql_client_find_plugin() ................................................................................. 161
9.2.2 mysql_client_register_plugin() ........................................................................... 162
9.2.3 mysql_plugin_get_option() ................................................................................. 163
9.2.4 mysql_load_plugin() .......................................................................................... 163
9.2.5 mysql_load_plugin_v() ...................................................................................... 164
MySQL 8.3 C API Developer Guide
9.2.6 mysql_plugin_options() ..................................................................................... 164
10 C API Binary Log Interface ................................................................................................... 167
10.1 Overview of the C API Binary Log Interface ................................................................ 167
10.2 C API Binary Log Data Structures .............................................................................. 168
10.3 C API Binary Log Function Reference ........................................................................ 169
10.4 C API Binary Log Function Descriptions ..................................................................... 170
10.4.1 mysql_binlog_close() ....................................................................................... 170
10.4.2 mysql_binlog_fetch() ....................................................................................... 170
10.4.3 mysql_binlog_open() ....................................................................................... 171
Index ........................................................................................................................................ 173
Preface and Legal Notices
This is the MySQL 8.3 C API Developer Guide. This document accompanies MySQL 8.3 Reference
The C API provides low-level access to the MySQL client/server protocol and enables C programs
to access database contents. The C API code is distributed with MySQL and implemented in the
libmysqlclient library.
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Chapter 1 The MySQL C API
The C API provides low-level access to the MySQL client/server protocol and enables C programs
to access database contents. The C API code is distributed with MySQL and implemented in the
libmysqlclient library. See Chapter 2, MySQL C API Implementations.
Most other client APIs use the libmysqlclient library to communicate with the MySQL server.
(Exceptions are Connector/J and Connector/NET.) This means that, for example, you can take
advantage of many of the same environment variables that are used by other client programs because
they are referenced from the library. For a list of these variables, see Overview of MySQL Programs.
For instructions on building client programs using the C API, see Section 3.2, “Building C API Client
Programs”. For programming with threads, see Section 3.4, “Writing C API Threaded Client Programs”.
If, after an upgrade, you experience problems with compiled client programs,
such as Commands out of sync or unexpected core dumps, the programs
were probably compiled using old header or library files. In this case, check
the date of the mysql.h file and libmysqlclient.a library used for
compilation to verify that they are from the new MySQL distribution. If not,
recompile the programs with the new headers and libraries. Recompilation
might also be necessary for programs compiled against the shared client
library if the library major version number has changed (for example, from to For additional
compatibility information, see Section 3.5, “Running C API Client Programs”.
Clients have a maximum communication buffer size. The size of the buffer that is allocated initially
(16KB) is automatically increased up to the maximum size (16MB by default). Because buffer sizes
are increased only as demand warrants, simply increasing the maximum limit does not in itself cause
more resources to be used. This size check is mostly a precaution against erroneous statements and
communication packets.
The communication buffer must be large enough to contain a single SQL statement (for client-to-
server traffic) and one row of returned data (for server-to-client traffic). Each session's communication
buffer is dynamically enlarged to handle any query or row up to the maximum limit. For example, if
you have BLOB values that contain up to 16MB of data, you must have a communication buffer limit
of at least 16MB (in both server and client). The default maximum built into the client library is 1GB,
but the default maximum in the server is 1MB. You can increase this by changing the value of the
max_allowed_packet parameter at server startup. See Configuring the Server.
The MySQL server shrinks each communication buffer to net_buffer_length bytes after each
query. For clients, the size of the buffer associated with a connection is not decreased until the
connection is closed, at which time client memory is reclaimed.
Chapter 2 MySQL C API Implementations
The MySQL C API is a C-based API that client applications written in C can use to communicate with
MySQL Server. Client programs refer to C API header files at compile time and link to a C API library
file, libmysqlclient, at link time.
To obtain the C API header and library files required to build C API client programs, install a MySQL
Server distribution.
You can install a binary distribution that contains the C API files pre-built, or you can use a MySQL
Server source distribution and build the C API files yourself. Building MySQL Server also builds
libmysqlclient; see Installing MySQL from Source. It cannot be built alone, but configuring with the
optional -DWITHOUT_SERVER=ON CMake option is related.
The names of the library files to use when linking C API client applications depend on the library type
and platform for which a distribution is built:
On Unix (and Unix-like) systems, the static library is libmysqlclient.a. The dynamic library is on most Unix systems and libmysqlclient.dylib on macOS.
On Windows, the static library is mysqlclient.lib and the dynamic library is libmysql.dll.
Windows distributions also include libmysql.lib, a static import library needed for using the
dynamic library.
Windows distributions also include a set of debug libraries. These have the same names as the
nondebug libraries, but are located in the lib/debug library. You must use the debug libraries when
compiling clients built using the debug C runtime.
On Unix, you may also see libraries that include _r in the names. Before MySQL 5.5, these were
built as thread-safe (re-entrant) libraries separately from the non-_r libraries. As of 5.5, both libraries
are the same and the _r names are symbolic links to the corresponding non-_r names. There is
no need to use the _r libraries. For example, if you use mysql_config to obtain linker flags, you
can use mysql_config --libs in all cases, even for threaded clients. There is no need to use
mysql_config --libs_r.
Chapter 3 Writing C API-Based Client Applications
Table of Contents
3.1 Example C API Client Programs .............................................................................................. 5
3.2 Building C API Client Programs ............................................................................................... 5
3.3 Building C API Client Programs Using pkg-config ..................................................................... 8
3.4 Writing C API Threaded Client Programs ................................................................................. 9
3.5 Running C API Client Programs ............................................................................................ 10
3.6 Using C API Features ........................................................................................................... 11
3.6.1 Support for Encrypted Connections ............................................................................. 11
3.6.2 SSL Session Reuse ................................................................................................... 12
3.6.3 Multiple Statement Execution Support ......................................................................... 13
3.6.4 Prepared Statement Handling of Date and Time Values ............................................... 15
3.6.5 Prepared CALL Statement Support ............................................................................. 16
3.6.6 Prepared Statement Problems .................................................................................... 20
3.6.7 Optional Result Set Metadata ..................................................................................... 20
3.6.8 Automatic Reconnection Control ................................................................................. 21
3.6.9 NULL mysql_store_result() Return After mysql_query() Success ................................... 22
3.6.10 Results Available from a Query ................................................................................. 22
3.6.11 Obtaining the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row ..................................................... 22
3.6.12 Obtaining the Server Version and Client Library Version ............................................. 23
The following sections provide information on building client applications that use the C API. Topics
include compiling and linking clients, writing threaded clients, and troubleshooting runtime problems.
3.1 Example C API Client Programs
Many of the clients in MySQL source distributions are written in C, such as mysql, mysqladmin, and
mysqlshow. If you are looking for examples that demonstrate how to use the C API, take a look at
those clients: Obtain a source distribution and look in its client directory. See How to Get MySQL.
For information about individual C API functions, the sections for most functions include usage
3.2 Building C API Client Programs
This section provides guidelines for compiling C programs that use the MySQL C API.
Compiling MySQL Clients on Unix
Compiling MySQL Clients on Microsoft Windows
Troubleshooting Problems Linking to the MySQL Client Library
Compiling MySQL Clients on Unix
The examples here use gcc as the compiler. A different compiler might be appropriate on some
systems (for example, clang on macOS or FreeBSD, or Sun Studio on Solaris). Adjust the examples
as necessary.
You may need to specify an -I option when you compile client programs that use MySQL header
files, so that the compiler can find them. For example, if the header files are installed in /usr/local/
mysql/include, use this option in the compile command:
Compiling MySQL Clients on Microsoft Windows
You can link your code with either the dynamic or static MySQL C client library. The dynamic library
base name is libmysqlclient and the suffix differs by platform (for example, .so for Linux, .dylib
for macOS). The static library is named libmysqlclient.a on all platforms.
MySQL clients must be linked using the -lmysqlclient option in the link command. You may also
need to specify a -L option to tell the linker where to find the library. For example, if the library is
installed in /usr/local/mysql/lib, use these options in the link command:
-L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient
The path names may differ on your system. Adjust the -I and -L options as necessary.
To make it simpler to compile MySQL programs on Unix, use the mysql_config script. See
mysql_config — Display Options for Compiling Clients.
mysql_config displays the options needed for compiling or linking:
mysql_config --cflags
mysql_config --libs
You can invoke those commands at the command line to get the proper options and add them
manually to compilation or link commands. Alternatively, include the output from mysql_config
directly within command lines using backticks:
gcc -c `mysql_config --cflags` progname.c
gcc -o progname progname.o `mysql_config --libs`
On Unix, linking uses dynamic libraries by default. To link to the static client library instead, add its path
name to the link command. For example, if the library is located in /usr/local/mysql/lib, link like
gcc -o progname progname.o /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a
Or use mysql_config to provide the path to the library:
gcc -o progname progname.o `mysql_config --variable=pkglibdir`/libmysqlclient.a
mysql_config does not currently provide a way to list all libraries needed for static linking, so
it might be necessary to name additional libraries on the link command (for example, -lnsl -
lsocket on Solaris). To get an idea which libraries to add, use mysql_config --libs and ldd (or otool -L libmysqlclient.dylib on macOS).
pkg-config can be used as an alternative to mysql_config for obtaining information such as
compiler flags or link libraries required to compile MySQL applications. For example, the following pairs
of commands are equivalent:
mysql_config --cflags
pkg-config --cflags mysqlclient
mysql_config --libs
pkg-config --libs mysqlclient
To produce flags for static linking, use this command:
pkg-config --static --libs mysqlclient
For more information, see Section 3.3, “Building C API Client Programs Using pkg-config”.
Compiling MySQL Clients on Microsoft Windows
To specify header and library file locations, use the facilities provided by your development
Troubleshooting Problems Linking to the MySQL Client Library
To build C API clients on Windows, you must link in the C client library, as well as the Windows ws2_32
sockets library and Secur32 security library.
You can link your code with either the dynamic or static MySQL C client library:
The dynamic library is named libmysql.dll. In addition, the libmysql.lib static import library
is needed for using the dynamic library.
The static library is named mysqlclient.lib. To link with the static C client library, the client
application must be compiled with the same version of Visual Studio used to compile the C client
library (which is Visual Studio 2015 for the static C client library built by Oracle).
When using the Oracle-built MySQL C client library, follow these rules when it comes to linking the C
runtime for your client application:
For the MySQL C client library from a Community distribution of MySQL:
Always link dynamically to the C runtime (use the /MD compiler option), whether you are linking to
the static or dynamic C client library. Also, target hosts running the client application must have the
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 installed.
For the MySQL C client library from a Commercial distribution of MySQL:
If linking to the static C client library, link statically to the C runtime (use the /MT compiler option).
If linking to the dynamic C client library, link either statically or dynamically to the C runtime (use
either /MT or /MD compiler option).
In general, when linking to a static MySQL C client library, the client library and the client application
must use the same compiler options when it comes to linking the C runtime—that is, if your C client
library is compiled with the /MT option, your client application should also be compiled with the /MT
option, and so on (see the MSDN page describing the C library linking options for more details). Follow
this rule when you build your own static MySQL C client library from a source distribution of MySQL
and link your client application to it.
Debug Mode: Because of the just-mentioned linking rule, you cannot build your
application in debug mode (with the /MTd or /MDd compiler option) and link
it to a static C client library built by Oracle, which is not built with the debug
options. Instead, you must build the static client library from source with the
debug options.
Troubleshooting Problems Linking to the MySQL Client Library
The MySQL client library includes SSL support built in. It is unnecessary to specify either -lssl or -
lcrypto at link time. Doing so may in fact result in problems at runtime.
If the linker cannot find the MySQL client library, you might get undefined-reference errors for symbols
that start with mysql_, such as those shown here:
/tmp/ccFKsdPa.o: In function `main':
/tmp/ccFKsdPa.o(.text+0xb): undefined reference to `mysql_init'
/tmp/ccFKsdPa.o(.text+0x31): undefined reference to `mysql_real_connect'
/tmp/ccFKsdPa.o(.text+0x69): undefined reference to `mysql_error'
/tmp/ccFKsdPa.o(.text+0x9a): undefined reference to `mysql_close'
You should be able to solve this problem by adding -Ldir_path -lmysqlclient at the end of your
link command, where dir_path represents the path name of the directory where the client library is
located. To determine the correct directory, try this command:
mysql_config --libs
Building C API Client Programs Using pkg-config
The output from mysql_config might indicate other libraries that should be specified on the link
command as well. You can include mysql_config output directly in your compile or link command
using backticks. For example:
gcc -o progname progname.o `mysql_config --libs`
If an error occurs at link time that the floor symbol is undefined, link to the math library by adding -
lm to the end of the compile/link line. Similarly, if you get undefined-reference errors for other functions
that should exist on your system, such as connect(), check the manual page for the function in
question to determine which libraries you should add to the link command.
If you get undefined-reference errors such as the following for functions that do not exist on your
system, it usually means that your MySQL client library was compiled on a system that is not 100%
compatible with yours:
mf_format.o(.text+0x201): undefined reference to `__lxstat'
In this case, you should download a source distribution for the latest version of MySQL and compile the
MySQL client library yourself. See Installing MySQL from Source.
3.3 Building C API Client Programs Using pkg-config
MySQL distributions contain a mysqlclient.pc file that provides information about MySQL
configuration for use by the pkg-config command. This enables pkg-config to be used as an
alternative to mysql_config for obtaining information such as compiler flags or link libraries required
to compile MySQL applications. For example, the following pairs of commands are equivalent:
mysql_config --cflags
pkg-config --cflags mysqlclient
mysql_config --libs
pkg-config --libs mysqlclient
The last pkg-config command produces flags for dynamic linking. To produce flags for static linking,
use this command:
pkg-config --static --libs mysqlclient
On some platforms, the output with and without --static might be the same.
If pkg-config does not find MySQL information, it might be necessary to
set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the directory in which the
mysqlclient.pc file is located, which by default is usually the pkgconfig
directory under the MySQL library directory. For example (adjust the location
# For sh, bash, ...
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib/pkgconfig
# For csh, tcsh, ...
setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH /usr/local/mysql/lib/pkgconfig
The mysqlconfig.pc installation location can be controlled using the
INSTALL_PKGCONFIGDIR CMake option. See MySQL Source-Configuration
The --variable option takes a configuration variable name and displays the variable value:
# installation prefix directory
pkg-config --variable=prefix mysqlclient
# header file directory
pkg-config --variable=includedir mysqlclient
# library directory
pkg-config --variable=libdir mysqlclient
Writing C API Threaded Client Programs
To see which variable values pkg-config can display using the --variable option, use this
pkg-config --print-variables mysqlclient
You can use pkg-config within a command line using backticks to include the output that it produces
for particular options. For example, to compile and link a MySQL client program, use pkg-config as
gcc -c `pkg-config --cflags mysqlclient` progname.c
gcc -o progname progname.o `pkg-config --libs mysqlclient`
3.4 Writing C API Threaded Client Programs
This section provides guidance for writing client programs that use the thread-related functions in
the MySQL C API. For further information about these functions, see Section 8.2, “C API Threaded
Function Descriptions”. For examples of source code that uses them, look in the client directory of a
MySQL source distribution:
The source for mysqlimport uses threading in the code associated with the --use-threads
The source for mysqlslap uses threads to set up simultaneous workloads, to test server operation
under high load.
As an alternative to thread programming, applications may find the asynchronous (nonblocking) C API
functions useful. These functions enable applications to submit multiple outstanding requests to the
server and determine when each has finished using polling. For more information, see Chapter 7, C
API Asynchronous Interface.
If undefined-reference errors occur when linking a threaded program against the MySQL client library,
the most likely cause is that you did not include the thread libraries on the link/compile command.
The client library is almost thread-safe. The biggest problem is that the subroutines in sql/ that read from sockets are not interrupt-safe. This was done with the thought that
you might want to have your own alarm that can break a long read to a server. If you install interrupt
handlers for the SIGPIPE interrupt, socket handling should be thread-safe.
To avoid aborting the program when a connection terminates, MySQL blocks SIGPIPE on the first call
to mysql_library_init(), mysql_init(), or mysql_connect(). To use your own SIGPIPE
handler, first call mysql_library_init(), then install your handler.
The client library is thread-safe per connection. Two threads can share the same connection with the
following caveats:
Unless you are using the asynchronous C API functions mentioned previously, multiple threads
cannot send a query to the MySQL server at the same time on the same connection. In particular,
you must ensure that between calls to mysql_real_query() (or mysql_query()) and
mysql_store_result() in one thread, no other thread uses the same connection. To do
this, use a mutex lock around your pair of mysql_real_query() (or mysql_query()) and
mysql_store_result() calls. After mysql_store_result() returns, the lock can be released
and other threads may query the same connection.
If you use POSIX threads, you can use pthread_mutex_lock() and
pthread_mutex_unlock() to establish and release a mutex lock.
If you examine programs in a MySQL source distribution, instead of calls to
pthread_mutex_lock() and pthread_mutex_unlock(), you will see
calls to native_mutex_lock() and native_mutex_unlock(). The latter
Running C API Client Programs
functions are defined in the thr_mutex.h header file and map to platform-
specific mutex functions.
Multiple threads can access different result sets that are retrieved with mysql_store_result().
To use mysql_use_result(), you must ensure that no other thread uses the same connection
until the result set is closed. However, it really is best for threaded clients that share the same
connection to use mysql_store_result().
If a thread does not create the connection to the MySQL database but calls MySQL functions, take the
following into account:
When you call mysql_init(), MySQL creates a thread-specific variable for the thread that is used
by the debug library (among other things). If you call a MySQL function before the thread has called
mysql_init(), the thread does not have the necessary thread-specific variables in place and you are
likely to end up with a core dump sooner or later. To avoid problems, you must do the following:
1. Call mysql_library_init() before any other MySQL functions. It is not thread-safe, so call it
before threads are created, or protect the call with a mutex.
2. Arrange for mysql_thread_init() to be called early in the thread handler before calling any
MySQL function. (If you call mysql_init(), it calls mysql_thread_init() for you.)
3. In the thread, call mysql_thread_end() before calling pthread_exit(). This frees the
memory used by MySQL thread-specific variables.
The preceding notes regarding mysql_init() also apply to mysql_connect(), which calls
3.5 Running C API Client Programs
If, after an upgrade, you experience problems with compiled client programs, such as Commands out
of sync or unexpected core dumps, the programs were probably compiled using old header or library
files. In this case, check the date of the mysql.h header file and libmysqlclient.a library used
for compilation to verify that they are from the new MySQL distribution. If not, recompile the programs
with the new headers and libraries. Recompilation might also be necessary for programs compiled
against the shared client library if the library major version number has changed (for example, from to
The major shared client library version determines compatibility. (For example, for, the major version is 18.) Libraries shipped with newer versions of
MySQL are drop-in replacements for older versions that have the same major number. As long as the
major library version is the same, you can upgrade the library and old applications should continue to
work with it.
Undefined-reference errors might occur at runtime when you try to execute a MySQL program. If these
errors specify symbols that start with mysql_ or indicate that the libmysqlclient library cannot be
found, it means that your system cannot find the shared library. The solution
to this problem is to tell your system to search for shared libraries in the directory where that library is
located. Use whichever of the following methods is appropriate for your system:
Add the path of the directory where is located to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or
LD_LIBRARY environment variable.
On macOS, add the path of the directory where libmysqlclient.dylib is located to the
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
Copy the shared-library files (such as to some directory that is searched
by your system, such as /lib, and update the shared library information by executing ldconfig.
Be sure to copy all related files. A shared library might exist under several names, using symlinks to
provide the alternate names.
Using C API Features
3.6 Using C API Features
The following sections discuss techniques for working with several features of the C API into your
applications. It also covers some restrictions and troubleshooting topics.
3.6.1 Support for Encrypted Connections
This section describes how C applications use the C API capabilities for encrypted connections.
By default, MySQL programs attempt to connect using encryption if the server supports encrypted
connections, falling back to an unencrypted connection if an encrypted connection cannot be
established (see Configuring MySQL to Use Encrypted Connections). For applications that require
control beyond the default behavior over how encrypted connections are established, the C API
provides these capabilities:
The mysql_options() function enables applications to set the appropriate SSL/TLS options
before calling mysql_real_connect(). For example, to require the use of an encrypted
connection, see Enforcing an Encrypted Connection.
The mysql_get_ssl_cipher() function enables applications to determine, after a connection
has been established, whether the connection uses encryption. A NULL return value indicates that
encryption is not being used. A non-NULL return value indicates an encrypted connection and names
the encryption cipher. See Section 5.4.36, “mysql_get_ssl_cipher()”.
Options for Encrypted Connections
Enforcing an Encrypted Connection
Improving Security of Encrypted Connections
Options for Encrypted Connections
mysql_options() provides the following options for control over use of encrypted connections. For
option details, see Section 5.4.51, “mysql_options()”.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CA: The path name of the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate file. This option, if
used, must specify the same certificate used by the server.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CAPATH: The path name of the directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificate
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CERT: The path name of the client public key certificate file.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CIPHER: The list of encryption ciphers the client permits for connections that use
TLS protocols up through TLSv1.2.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRL: The path name of the file containing certificate revocation lists.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRLPATH: The path name of the directory that contains certificate revocation list
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_KEY: The path name of the client private key file.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE: The connection security state.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_SESSION_DATA : Serialized session data from an encrypted connection that was
returned by a call to the mysql_get_ssl_session_data() function while the connection was
MYSQL_OPT_TLS_CIPHERSUITES: The list of encryption ciphersuites the client permits for
connections that use TLSv1.3.
MYSQL_OPT_TLS_VERSION: The encryption protocols the client permits.
SSL Session Reuse
MySQL 8.2 and earlier provided a mysql_ssl_set() function that has since been removed. Instead,
use mysql_options() to specify specify certificate and key files, encryption ciphers, and so forth.
Enforcing an Encrypted Connection
mysql_options() options for information such as SSL certificate and key files are used to establish
an encrypted connection if such connections are available, but do not enforce any requirement that the
connection obtained be encrypted. To require an encrypted connection, use the following technique:
1. Call mysql_options() as necessary supply the appropriate SSL parameters (certificate and key
files, encryption ciphers, and so forth).
2. Call mysql_options() to pass the MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE option with a value of
SSL_MODE_REQUIRED or one of the more-restrictive option values.
3. Call mysql_real_connect() to connect to the server. The call fails if an encrypted connection
cannot be obtained; exit with an error.
Improving Security of Encrypted Connections
For additional security relative to that provided by the default encryption, clients can supply a CA
certificate matching the one used by the server and enable host name identity verification. In this way,
the server and client place their trust in the same CA certificate and the client verifies that the host to
which it connected is the one intended:
To specify the CA certificate, call mysql_options() to pass the MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CA
(or MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CAPATH) option, and call mysql_options() to pass the
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE option with a value of SSL_MODE_VERIFY_CA.
To enable host name identity verification as well, call mysql_options() to pass the
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE option with a value of SSL_MODE_VERIFY_IDENTITY rather than
Host name identity verification with SSL_MODE_VERIFY_IDENTITY does
not work with self-signed certificates created automatically by the server,
or manually using mysql_ssl_rsa_setup (see Creating SSL and RSA
Certificates and Keys using MySQL). Such self-signed certificates do not
contain the server name as the Common Name value.
Host name identity verification also does not work with certificates that specify
the Common Name using wildcards because that name is compared verbatim
to the server name.
3.6.2 SSL Session Reuse
As of MySQL 8.0.29, the server supports SSL session reuse by default, but only within a configurable
timeout period after a user enables the feature. All MySQL client applications support session reuse.
For a description of server-side and client-side operations, see Reusing SSL Sessions.
This section describes how C applications can use the C API capabilities to enable session reuse for
encrypted connections.
SSL session reuse works as follows:
1. With an active SSL connection ongoing, your application can request the current SSL session data
by calling mysql_get_ssl_session_data(). The call returns a pointer to an in-memory object,
which is currently the PEM serialization of the session as an ASCII string.
2. Your application then passes the pointer to mysql_options() with the
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_SESSION_DATA option for use in the new connection it is building (during the
pre-connect phase).
Multiple Statement Execution Support
3. At runtime, the application connects as it normally does. At this point the prior session has to
potential to be reused. Your application can determine whether a session is being reused for the
new connection by calling mysql_get_ssl_session_reused(). The call returns TRUE if there
was a session and it was reused.
4. After your application no longer needs the pointer, it is important to free it with a call to
MySQL uses a random TLS context-related context ID, which also applies to session reuse. With TLS
1.3, when the previously described call sequence occurs, OpenSSL uses pre-shared keys for session
reuse. In contrast, with TLS 1.2, OpenSSL uses session tickets.
3.6.3 Multiple Statement Execution Support
By default, mysql_real_query() and mysql_query() interpret their statement string argument
as a single statement to be executed, and you process the result according to whether the statement
produces a result set (a set of rows, as for SELECT) or an affected-rows count (as for INSERT,
UPDATE, and so forth).
MySQL also supports the execution of a string containing multiple statements separated by
semicolon (;) characters. This capability is enabled by special options that are specified either
when you connect to the server with mysql_real_connect() or after connecting by calling
Executing a multiple-statement string can produce multiple result sets or row-count indicators.
Processing these results involves a different approach than for the single-statement case: After
handling the result from the first statement, it is necessary to check whether more results exist
and process them in turn if so. To support multiple-result processing, the C API includes the
mysql_more_results() and mysql_next_result() functions. These functions are used at the
end of a loop that iterates as long as more results are available. Failure to process the result this way
may result in a dropped connection to the server.
Multiple-result processing also is required if you execute CALL statements for stored procedures.
Results from a stored procedure have these characteristics:
Statements within the procedure may produce result sets (for example, if it executes SELECT
statements). These result sets are returned in the order that they are produced as the procedure
In general, the caller cannot know how many result sets a procedure will return. Procedure execution
may depend on loops or conditional statements that cause the execution path to differ from one call
to the next. Therefore, you must be prepared to retrieve multiple results.
The final result from the procedure is a status result that includes no result set. The status indicates
whether the procedure succeeded or an error occurred.
The multiple statement and result capabilities can be used only with mysql_real_query() or
mysql_query(). They cannot be used with the prepared statement interface. Prepared statement
handlers are defined to work only with strings that contain a single statement. See Chapter 6, C API
Prepared Statement Interface.
To enable multiple-statement execution and result processing, the following options may be used:
The mysql_real_connect() function has a flags argument for which two option values are
CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS enables the client program to process multiple results. This option
must be enabled if you execute CALL statements for stored procedures that produce result sets.
Otherwise, such procedures result in an error Error 1312 (0A000): PROCEDURE proc_name
can't return a result set in the given context. CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS is
enabled by default.
Multiple Statement Execution Support
CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS enables mysql_real_query() and mysql_query()
to execute statement strings containing multiple statements separated by semicolons.
This option also enables CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS implicitly, so a flags argument
of CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS to mysql_real_connect() is equivalent to an
CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS is sufficient to enable multiple-statement execution and all multiple-
result processing.
After the connection to the server has been established, you can use the
mysql_set_server_option() function to enable or disable multiple-statement
execution by passing it an argument of MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON or
MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF. Enabling multiple-statement execution with this
function also enables processing of “simple” results for a multiple-statement string where each
statement produces a single result, but is not sufficient to permit processing of stored procedures
that produce result sets.
The following procedure outlines a suggested strategy for handling multiple statements:
1. Pass CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS to mysql_real_connect(), to fully enable multiple-
statement execution and multiple-result processing.
2. After calling mysql_real_query() or mysql_query() and verifying that it succeeds, enter a
loop within which you process statement results.
3. For each iteration of the loop, handle the current statement result, retrieving either a result set or an
affected-rows count. If an error occurs, exit the loop.
4. At the end of the loop, call mysql_next_result() to check whether another result exists and
initiate retrieval for it if so. If no more results are available, exit the loop.
One possible implementation of the preceding strategy is shown following. The final part of the loop
can be reduced to a simple test of whether mysql_next_result() returns nonzero. The code as
written distinguishes between no more results and an error, which enables a message to be printed for
the latter occurrence.
/* connect to server with the CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS option */
if (mysql_real_connect (mysql, host_name, user_name, password,
db_name, port_num, socket_name, CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS) == NULL)
printf("mysql_real_connect() failed\n");
/* execute multiple statements */
status = mysql_query(mysql,
"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table;\
CREATE TABLE test_table(id INT);\
INSERT INTO test_table VALUES(10);\
UPDATE test_table SET id=20 WHERE id=10;\
SELECT * FROM test_table;\
DROP TABLE test_table");
if (status)
printf("Could not execute statement(s)");
/* process each statement result */
do {
/* did current statement return data? */
result = mysql_store_result(mysql);
if (result)
Prepared Statement Handling of Date and Time Values
/* yes; process rows and free the result set */
process_result_set(mysql, result);
else /* no result set or error */
if (mysql_field_count(mysql) == 0)
printf("%lld rows affected\n",
else /* some error occurred */
printf("Could not retrieve result set\n");
/* more results? -1 = no, >0 = error, 0 = yes (keep looping) */
if ((status = mysql_next_result(mysql)) > 0)
printf("Could not execute statement\n");
} while (status == 0);
3.6.4 Prepared Statement Handling of Date and Time Values
The binary (prepared statement) protocol enables you to send and receive date and time values (DATE,
TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP), using the MYSQL_TIME structure. The members of this structure
are described in Section 6.2, “C API Prepared Statement Data Structures”.
To send temporal data values, create a prepared statement using mysql_stmt_prepare(). Then,
before calling mysql_stmt_execute() to execute the statement, use the following procedure to set
up each temporal parameter:
1. In the MYSQL_BIND structure associated with the data value, set the buffer_type member to
the type that indicates what kind of temporal value you're sending. For DATE, TIME, DATETIME,
or TIMESTAMP values, set buffer_type to MYSQL_TYPE_DATE, MYSQL_TYPE_TIME,
2. Set the buffer member of the MYSQL_BIND structure to the address of the MYSQL_TIME structure
in which you pass the temporal value.
3. Fill in the members of the MYSQL_TIME structure that are appropriate for the type of temporal value
to pass.
Use mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() or (deprecated)mysql_stmt_bind_param() to bind the
parameter data to the statement. Then you can call mysql_stmt_execute().
To retrieve temporal values, the procedure is similar, except that you set the buffer_type member
to the type of value you expect to receive, and the buffer member to the address of a MYSQL_TIME
structure into which the returned value should be placed. Use mysql_stmt_bind_result() to bind
the buffers to the statement after calling mysql_stmt_execute() and before fetching the results.
Here is a simple example that inserts DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP data. The mysql variable is
assumed to be a valid connection handler.
MYSQL_BIND bind[3];
strmov(query, "INSERT INTO test_table(date_field, time_field, \
timestamp_field) VALUES(?,?,?");
stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
if (!stmt)
Prepared CALL Statement Support
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_init(), out of memory\n");
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(mysql, query, strlen(query)))
fprintf(stderr, "\n mysql_stmt_prepare(), INSERT failed");
fprintf(stderr, "\n %s", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
/* set up input buffers for all 3 parameters */
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_DATE;
bind[0].buffer= (char *)&ts;
bind[0].is_null= 0;
bind[0].length= 0;
bind[1]= bind[2]= bind[0];
mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind);
/* supply the data to be sent in the ts structure */
ts.year= 2002;
ts.month= 02; 03;
ts.hour= 10;
ts.minute= 45;
ts.second= 20;
3.6.5 Prepared CALL Statement Support
This section describes prepared-statement support in the C API for stored procedures executed using
CALL statements:
Stored procedures executed using prepared CALL statements can be used in the following ways:
A stored procedure can produce any number of result sets. The number of columns and the data
types of the columns need not be the same for all result sets.
The final values of OUT and INOUT parameters are available to the calling application after the
procedure returns. These parameters are returned as an extra single-row result set following any
result sets produced by the procedure itself. The row contains the values of the OUT and INOUT
parameters in the order in which they are declared in the procedure parameter list.
For information about the effect of unhandled conditions on procedure parameters, see Condition
Handling and OUT or INOUT Parameters.
The following discussion shows how to use these capabilities through the C API for prepared
statements. To use prepared CALL statements through the PREPARE and EXECUTE statements, see
CALL Statement.
An application that executes a prepared CALL statement should use a loop that fetches a result and
then invokes mysql_stmt_next_result() to determine whether there are more results. The
results consist of any result sets produced by the stored procedure followed by a final status value that
indicates whether the procedure terminated successfully.
If the procedure has OUT or INOUT parameters, the result set preceding the final status value
contains their values. To determine whether a result set contains parameter values, test whether
the SERVER_PS_OUT_PARAMS bit is set in the server_status member of the MYSQL connection
mysql->server_status & SERVER_PS_OUT_PARAMS
Prepared CALL Statement Support
The following example uses a prepared CALL statement to execute a stored procedure that produces
multiple result sets and that provides parameter values back to the caller by means of OUT and INOUT
parameters. The procedure takes parameters of all three types (IN, OUT, INOUT), displays their initial
values, assigns new values, displays the updated values, and returns. The expected return information
from the procedure therefore consists of multiple result sets and a final status:
One result set from a SELECT that displays the initial parameter values: 10, NULL, 30. (The OUT
parameter is assigned a value by the caller, but this assignment is expected to be ineffective: OUT
parameters are seen as NULL within a procedure until assigned a value within the procedure.)
One result set from a SELECT that displays the modified parameter values: 100, 200, 300.
One result set containing the final OUT and INOUT parameter values: 200, 300.
A final status packet.
The code to execute the procedure:
MYSQL_BIND ps_params[3]; /* input parameter buffers */
int int_data[3]; /* input/output values */
bool is_null[3]; /* output value nullability */
int status;
/* set up stored procedure */
status = mysql_query(mysql, "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p1");
test_error(mysql, status);
status = mysql_query(mysql,
" IN p_in INT, "
" OUT p_out INT, "
" INOUT p_inout INT) "
" SELECT p_in, p_out, p_inout; "
" SET p_in = 100, p_out = 200, p_inout = 300; "
" SELECT p_in, p_out, p_inout; "
test_error(mysql, status);
/* initialize and prepare CALL statement with parameter placeholders */
stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
if (!stmt)
printf("Could not initialize statement\n");
status = mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, "CALL p1(?, ?, ?)", 16);
test_stmt_error(stmt, status);
/* initialize parameters: p_in, p_out, p_inout (all INT) */
memset(ps_params, 0, sizeof (ps_params));
ps_params[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
ps_params[0].buffer = (char *) &int_data[0];
ps_params[0].length = 0;
ps_params[0].is_null = 0;
ps_params[1].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
ps_params[1].buffer = (char *) &int_data[1];
ps_params[1].length = 0;
ps_params[1].is_null = 0;
ps_params[2].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
ps_params[2].buffer = (char *) &int_data[2];
ps_params[2].length = 0;
ps_params[2].is_null = 0;
/* bind parameters */
status = mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, ps_params);
Prepared CALL Statement Support
test_stmt_error(stmt, status);
/* assign values to parameters and execute statement */
int_data[0]= 10; /* p_in */
int_data[1]= 20; /* p_out */
int_data[2]= 30; /* p_inout */
status = mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
test_stmt_error(stmt, status);
/* process results until there are no more */
do {
int i;
int num_fields; /* number of columns in result */
MYSQL_FIELD *fields; /* for result set metadata */
MYSQL_BIND *rs_bind; /* for output buffers */
/* the column count is > 0 if there is a result set */
/* 0 if the result is only the final status packet */
num_fields = mysql_stmt_field_count(stmt);
if (num_fields > 0)
/* there is a result set to fetch */
printf("Number of columns in result: %d\n", (int) num_fields);
/* what kind of result set is this? */
printf("Data: ");
if(mysql->server_status & SERVER_PS_OUT_PARAMS)
printf("this result set contains OUT/INOUT parameters\n");
printf("this result set is produced by the procedure\n");
MYSQL_RES *rs_metadata = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt);
test_stmt_error(stmt, rs_metadata == NULL);
fields = mysql_fetch_fields(rs_metadata);
rs_bind = (MYSQL_BIND *) malloc(sizeof (MYSQL_BIND) * num_fields);
if (!rs_bind)
printf("Cannot allocate output buffers\n");
memset(rs_bind, 0, sizeof (MYSQL_BIND) * num_fields);
/* set up and bind result set output buffers */
for (i = 0; i < num_fields; ++i)
rs_bind[i].buffer_type = fields[i].type;
rs_bind[i].is_null = &is_null[i];
switch (fields[i].type)
rs_bind[i].buffer = (char *) &(int_data[i]);
rs_bind[i].buffer_length = sizeof (int_data);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unexpected type: %d.\n", fields[i].type);
status = mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, rs_bind);
test_stmt_error(stmt, status);
/* fetch and display result set rows */
while (1)
status = mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
Prepared CALL Statement Support
if (status == 1 || status == MYSQL_NO_DATA)
for (i = 0; i < num_fields; ++i)
switch (rs_bind[i].buffer_type)
if (*rs_bind[i].is_null)
printf(" val[%d] = NULL;", i);
printf(" val[%d] = %ld;",
i, (long) *((int *) rs_bind[i].buffer));
printf(" unexpected type (%d)\n",
mysql_free_result(rs_metadata); /* free metadata */
free(rs_bind); /* free output buffers */
/* no columns = final status packet */
printf("End of procedure output\n");
/* more results? -1 = no, >0 = error, 0 = yes (keep looking) */
status = mysql_stmt_next_result(stmt);
if (status > 0)
test_stmt_error(stmt, status);
} while (status == 0);
Execution of the procedure should produce the following output:
Number of columns in result: 3
Data: this result set is produced by the procedure
val[0] = 10; val[1] = NULL; val[2] = 30;
Number of columns in result: 3
Data: this result set is produced by the procedure
val[0] = 100; val[1] = 200; val[2] = 300;
Number of columns in result: 2
Data: this result set contains OUT/INOUT parameters
val[0] = 200; val[1] = 300;
End of procedure output
The code uses two utility routines, test_error() and test_stmt_error(), to check for errors and
terminate after printing diagnostic information if an error occurred:
static void test_error(MYSQL *mysql, int status)
if (status)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s (errno: %d)\n",
mysql_error(mysql), mysql_errno(mysql));
static void test_stmt_error(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, int status)
if (status)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s (errno: %d)\n",
Prepared Statement Problems
mysql_stmt_error(stmt), mysql_stmt_errno(stmt));
3.6.6 Prepared Statement Problems
Here follows a list of the currently known problems with prepared statements:
TIME, TIMESTAMP, and DATETIME do not support parts of seconds (for example, from
When converting an integer to string, ZEROFILL is honored with prepared statements in some
cases where the MySQL server does not print the leading zeros. (For example, with MIN(number-
When converting a floating-point number to a string in the client, the rightmost digits of the converted
value may differ slightly from those of the original value.
Prepared statements do not support multi-statements (that is, multiple statements within a single
string separated by ; characters).
The capabilities of prepared CALL statements are described in Section 3.6.5, “Prepared CALL
Statement Support”.
3.6.7 Optional Result Set Metadata
When a client executes a statement that produces a result set, MySQL makes available the data the
result set contains, and by default also result set metadata that provides information about the result
set data. Metadata is contained in the MYSQL_FIELD structure (see Section 5.2, “C API Basic Data
Structures”), which is returned by the mysql_fetch_field(), mysql_fetch_field_direct(),
and mysql_fetch_fields() functions.
Clients can indicate on a per-connection basis that result set metadata is optional and that the client
will indicate to the server whether to return it. Suppression of metadata transfer by the client can
improve performance, particularly for sessions that execute many queries that return few rows each.
There are two ways for a client to indicate that result set metadata is optional for a connection. They
are equivalent, so either one suffices:
Prior to connect time, enable the MYSQL_OPT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA option for
At connect time, enable the CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA flag for the client_flag
argument of mysql_real_connect().
For metadata-optional connections, the client sets the resultset_metadata system variable to
control whether the server returns result set metadata. Permitted values are FULL (return all metadata)
and NONE (return no metadata). The default is FULL, so even for metadata-optional connections, the
server by default returns metadata.
For metadata-optional connections, the mysql_fetch_field(), mysql_fetch_field_direct(),
and mysql_fetch_fields() functions return NULL when resultset_metadata is set to NONE.
For connections that are not metadata-optional, setting resultset_metadata to NONE produces an
To check whether a result set has metadata, the client calls the mysql_result_metadata()
indicate that the result set has full metadata or no metadata, respectively.
Automatic Reconnection Control
mysql_result_metadata() is useful if the client does not know in advance whether a result
set has metadata. For example, if a client executes a stored procedure that returns multiple
result sets and might change the resultset_metadata system variable, the client can invoke
mysql_result_metadata() for each result set to determine whether it has metadata.
3.6.8 Automatic Reconnection Control
The MySQL client library can perform an automatic reconnection to the server if it finds that the
connection is down when you attempt to send a statement to the server to be executed. If auto-
reconnect is enabled, the library tries once to reconnect to the server and send the statement again.
The automatic reconnection feature is deprecated. The related
MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT option is still available but now returns a
deprecation warning to the standard error output if your application calls the
mysql_get_option() or mysql_options() function with the option, even
when setting it to false.
Expect automatic reconnection functionality to be removed in a future version of
Auto-reconnect is disabled by default.
If the connection has gone down, the effect of mysql_ping() depends on the auto-reconnect state. If
auto-reconnect is enabled, mysql_ping() performs a reconnect. Otherwise, it returns an error.
Some client programs might provide the capability of controlling automatic reconnection. For example,
mysql reconnects by default, but the --skip-reconnect option can be used to suppress this
If an automatic reconnection does occur (for example, as a result of calling mysql_ping()), there
is no explicit indication of it. To check for reconnection, call mysql_thread_id() to get the original
connection identifier before calling mysql_ping(), then call mysql_thread_id() again to see
whether the identifier changed.
Automatic reconnection can be convenient because you need not implement your own reconnect code,
but if a reconnection does occur, several aspects of the connection state are reset on the server side
and your application will not be notified.
Reconnection affects the connection-related state as follows:
Rolls back any active transactions and resets autocommit mode.
Releases all table locks.
Closes (and drops) all TEMPORARY tables.
Reinitializes session system variables to the values of the corresponding global system variables,
including system variables that are set implicitly by statements such as SET NAMES.
Loses user-defined variable settings.
Releases prepared statements.
Closes HANDLER variables.
Resets the value of LAST_INSERT_ID() to 0.
Releases locks acquired with GET_LOCK().
Loses the association of the client with the Performance Schema threads table row that determines
connection thread instrumentation. If the client reconnects after a disconnect, the session is
NULL mysql_store_result() Return After mysql_query() Success
associated with a new row in the threads table and the thread monitoring state may be different.
See The threads Table.
If reconnection occurs, any SQL statement specified by calling mysql_options() with the
MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND option is re-executed.
If the connection drops, it is possible that the session associated with the connection on the server
side will still be running if the server has not yet detected that the client is no longer connected. In this
case, any locks held by the original connection still belong to that session, so you may want to kill it by
passing a KILL statement to mysql_query() or mysql_real_query().
3.6.9 NULL mysql_store_result() Return After mysql_query() Success
It is possible for mysql_store_result() to return NULL following a successful call to the server
using mysql_real_query() or mysql_query(). When this happens, it means one of the following
conditions occurred:
There was a malloc() failure (for example, if the result set was too large).
The data could not be read (an error occurred on the connection).
The query returned no data (for example, it was an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE).
You can always check whether the statement should have produced a nonempty result by calling
mysql_field_count(). If mysql_field_count() returns zero, the result is empty and the
last query was a statement that does not return values (for example, an INSERT or a DELETE). If
mysql_field_count() returns a nonzero value, the statement should have produced a nonempty
result. See the description of the mysql_field_count() function for an example.
You can test for an error by calling mysql_error() or mysql_errno().
3.6.10 Results Available from a Query
In addition to the result set returned by a query, you can also get the following information:
mysql_affected_rows() returns the number of rows affected by the last query when doing an
For a fast re-create, use TRUNCATE TABLE.
mysql_num_rows() returns the number of rows in a result set. With mysql_store_result(),
mysql_num_rows() may be called as soon as mysql_store_result() returns. With
mysql_use_result(), mysql_num_rows() may be called only after you have fetched all the
rows with mysql_fetch_row().
mysql_insert_id() returns the ID generated by the last query that inserted a row into a table with
an AUTO_INCREMENT index. See Section 5.4.42, “mysql_insert_id()”.
Some queries (LOAD DATA, INSERT INTO ... SELECT, UPDATE) return additional information.
The result is returned by mysql_info(). See the description for mysql_info() for the format of
the string that it returns. mysql_info() returns a NULL pointer if there is no additional information.
3.6.11 Obtaining the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row
If you insert a record into a table that contains an AUTO_INCREMENT column, you can obtain the value
stored into that column by calling the mysql_insert_id() function.
You can check from your C applications whether a value was stored in an AUTO_INCREMENT column
by executing the following code (which assumes that you've checked that the statement succeeded). It
determines whether the query was an INSERT with an AUTO_INCREMENT index:
Obtaining the Server Version and Client Library Version
if ((result = mysql_store_result(&mysql)) == 0 &&
mysql_field_count(&mysql) == 0 &&
mysql_insert_id(&mysql) != 0)
used_id = mysql_insert_id(&mysql);
When a new AUTO_INCREMENT value has been generated, you can also obtain it by executing a
SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() statement with mysql_real_query() or mysql_query() and
retrieving the value from the result set returned by the statement.
When inserting multiple values, the last automatically incremented value is returned.
For LAST_INSERT_ID(), the most recently generated ID is maintained in the server on a per-
connection basis. It is not changed by another client. It is not even changed if you update another
AUTO_INCREMENT column with a nonmagic value (that is, a value that is not NULL and not 0). Using
LAST_INSERT_ID() and AUTO_INCREMENT columns simultaneously from multiple clients is perfectly
valid. Each client will receive the last inserted ID for the last statement that client executed.
If you want to use the ID that was generated for one table and insert it into a second table, you can use
SQL statements like this:
INSERT INTO foo (auto,text)
VALUES(NULL,'text'); # generate ID by inserting NULL
INSERT INTO foo2 (id,text)
VALUES(LAST_INSERT_ID(),'text'); # use ID in second table
mysql_insert_id() returns the value stored into an AUTO_INCREMENT column, whether
that value is automatically generated by storing NULL or 0 or was specified as an explicit value.
LAST_INSERT_ID() returns only automatically generated AUTO_INCREMENT values. If you store an
explicit value other than NULL or 0, it does not affect the value returned by LAST_INSERT_ID().
For more information on obtaining the last ID in an AUTO_INCREMENT column:
For information on LAST_INSERT_ID(), which can be used within an SQL statement, see
Information Functions.
For information on mysql_insert_id(), the function you use from within the C API, see
Section 5.4.42, “mysql_insert_id()”.
For information on obtaining the auto-incremented value when using Connector/J, see Retrieving
AUTO_INCREMENT Column Values through JDBC.
For information on obtaining the auto-incremented value when using Connector/ODBC, see
Obtaining Auto-Increment Values.
3.6.12 Obtaining the Server Version and Client Library Version
The string and numeric forms of the MySQL server version are available at compile time as the values
of the MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION and MYSQL_VERSION_ID macros, and at runtime as the values of
the mysql_get_server_info() and mysql_get_server_version() functions.
The client library version is the MySQL version. The string and numeric forms of this
version are available at compile time as the values of the MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION and
MYSQL_VERSION_ID macros, and at runtime as the values of the mysql_get_client_info() and
mysql_get_client_version() functions.
Chapter 4 C API Function Reference
The following table summarizes all functions available for the MySQL C API. For greater detail, see the
individual function descriptions.
Table 4.1 C API Functions
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_affected_rows() Number of rows changed/
deleted/inserted by last UPDATE,
DELETE, or INSERT statement
mysql_autocommit() Set autocommit mode
mysql_bind_param() Define query attributes for next
statement executed
mysql_binlog_close() Close replication event stream
mysql_binlog_fetch() Read event from replication
event stream
mysql_binlog_open() Open replication event stream
mysql_change_user() Change user and database on
an open connection
mysql_character_set_name()Default character set name for
current connection
mysql_client_find_plugin()Return pointer to a plugin
mysql_client_register_plugin()Register a plugin
mysql_close() Close connection to server
mysql_commit() Commit transaction
mysql_connect() Connect to MySQL server Yes
mysql_create_db() Create database Yes
mysql_data_seek() Seek to arbitrary row number in
query result set
mysql_debug() Perform DBUG_PUSH with given
mysql_drop_db() Drop database Yes
mysql_dump_debug_info() Cause server to write debug
information to error log
mysql_eof() Determine whether last row of
result set has been read
mysql_errno() Error number for most recently
invoked MySQL function
mysql_error() Error message for most recently
invoked MySQL function
mysql_escape_string() Escape special characters in
string for use in SQL statement
mysql_fetch_field() Type of the next table field
mysql_fetch_field_direct()Table field type for given field
mysql_fetch_fields() Return array of all field structures
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_fetch_lengths() Return lengths of all columns in
current row
mysql_fetch_row() Fetch next result set row
mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking()Asynchronously fetch next result
set row
mysql_field_count() Number of result columns for
most recent statement
mysql_field_seek() Seek to column within result set
mysql_field_tell() Field position for last
mysql_fetch_field() call
mysql_free_result() Free result set memory
mysql_free_result_nonblocking()Asynchronously free result set
mysql_free_ssl_session_data()Dispose of session
data handle from last
mysql_get_character_set_info()Information about default
character set
mysql_get_client_info() Client version (string)
mysql_get_client_version()Client version (integer)
mysql_get_connect_nonblocking_stage()Information about the
state machine
mysql_get_host_info() Information about the connection
mysql_get_option() Value of a mysql_options()
mysql_get_proto_info() Protocol version used by the
mysql_get_server_info() Server version number (string)
mysql_get_server_version()Server version number (integer)
mysql_get_ssl_cipher() Current SSL cipher
mysql_get_ssl_session_data()Return session data for SSL-
enabled connection
mysql_get_ssl_session_reused()Whether a session is reused
mysql_hex_string() Encode string in hexadecimal
mysql_info() Information about most recently
executed statement
mysql_init() Get or initialize a MYSQL
mysql_insert_id() ID generated for an
previous statement
mysql_library_end() Finalize MySQL C API library
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_library_init() Initialize MySQL C API library
mysql_list_dbs() Return database names
matching regular expression
mysql_list_tables() Return table names matching
regular expression
mysql_load_plugin() Load a plugin
mysql_load_plugin_v() Load a plugin
mysql_more_results() Check whether more results exist
mysql_next_result() Return/initiate next result in
multiple-result execution
mysql_next_result_nonblocking()Asynchronously return/initiate
next result in multiple-result
mysql_num_fields() Number of columns in result set
mysql_num_rows() Number of rows in result set
mysql_options() Set option prior to connecting
mysql_options4() Set option prior to connecting
mysql_ping() Ping server
mysql_plugin_get_option() Get plugin option
mysql_plugin_options() Set plugin option
mysql_query() Execute statement
mysql_real_connect() Connect to MySQL server
mysql_real_connect_dns_srv()Connect to MySQL server using
DNS SRV record
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking()Asynchronously connect to
MySQL server
mysql_real_escape_string()Encode special characters in
statement string
mysql_real_escape_string_quote()Encode special characters in
statement string accounting for
quoting context
mysql_real_query() Execute statement
mysql_real_query_nonblocking()Asynchronously execute
mysql_reset_connection() Reset the connection to clear
session state
mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking()Asynchronously reset the
connection to clear session state
mysql_reset_server_public_key()Clear cached RSA public key
from client library
mysql_result_metadata() Whether a result set has
mysql_rollback() Roll back transaction
mysql_row_seek() Seek to row offset in result set
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_row_tell() Current position within result set
mysql_select_db() Select database
mysql_server_end() Finalize MySQL C API library
mysql_server_init() Initialize MySQL C API library
mysql_session_track_get_first()First part of session state-change
mysql_session_track_get_next()Next part of session state-
change information
mysql_set_character_set() Set current connection default
character set
mysql_set_local_infile_default()Set LOAD DATA LOCAL handler
callbacks to default values
mysql_set_local_infile_handler()Install application-specific LOAD
DATA LOCAL handler callbacks
mysql_set_server_option() Set option for current connection
mysql_sqlstate() SQLSTATE value for most
recently invoked MySQL function
mysql_stat() Server status
mysql_stmt_affected_rows()Number of rows changed/
deleted/inserted by last prepared
mysql_stmt_attr_get() Get attribute value for prepared
mysql_stmt_attr_set() Set attribute value for prepared
mysql_stmt_bind_named_param()Associate application data
buffers with named and
unnamed parameter markers in
prepared statement
mysql_stmt_bind_param() Associate application data
buffers with parameter markers
in prepared statement
mysql_stmt_bind_result() Associate application data
buffers with columns in result set
mysql_stmt_close() Free memory used by prepared
mysql_stmt_data_seek() Seek to arbitrary row number in
prepared statement result set
mysql_stmt_errno() Error number for most recently
invoked MySQL prepared-
statement function
mysql_stmt_error() Error message for most recently
invoked MySQL prepared-
statement function
mysql_stmt_execute() Execute prepared statement
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_stmt_fetch() Fetch next result set row and
return data for all bound columns
mysql_stmt_fetch_column() Fetches data for one column of
current result set row
mysql_stmt_field_count() Number of result columns for
most recent prepared statement
mysql_stmt_free_result() Free resources allocated to
statement handler
mysql_stmt_init() Allocate and initialize memory for
MYSQL_STMT structure
mysql_stmt_insert_id() ID generated for an
previous prepared statement
mysql_stmt_next_result() Return/initiate next result
in multiple-result prepared
statement execution
mysql_stmt_num_rows() Row count from buffered
statement result set
mysql_stmt_param_count() Number of parameters in
prepared statement
mysql_stmt_param_metadata()Return parameter metadata as
result set
mysql_stmt_prepare() Prepare statement for execution
mysql_stmt_reset() Reset statement buffers on
server side
mysql_stmt_result_metadata()Return prepared statement
metadata as result set
mysql_stmt_row_seek() Seek to row offset in prepared
statement result set
mysql_stmt_row_tell() Current position within prepared
statement result set row
mysql_stmt_send_long_data()Send long data in chunks to
mysql_stmt_sqlstate() SQLSTATE value for most
recently invoked MySQL
prepared-statement function
mysql_stmt_store_result() Retrieve and store entire result
mysql_store_result() Retrieve and store entire result
mysql_store_result_nonblocking()Asynchronously retrieve and
store entire result set
mysql_thread_end() Finalize thread handler
mysql_thread_id() Current thread ID
mysql_thread_init() Initialize thread handler
mysql_thread_safe() Whether client is compiled
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_use_result() Initiate row-by-row result set
mysql_warning_count() Warning count for previous
Chapter 5 C API Basic Interface
Table of Contents
5.1 Overview of the C API Basic Interface ................................................................................... 32
5.2 C API Basic Data Structures ................................................................................................. 34
5.3 C API Basic Function Reference ........................................................................................... 39
5.4 C API Basic Function Descriptions ........................................................................................ 42
5.4.1 mysql_affected_rows() ................................................................................................ 42
5.4.2 mysql_autocommit() .................................................................................................... 43
5.4.3 mysql_bind_param() ................................................................................................... 44
5.4.4 mysql_change_user() ................................................................................................. 45
5.4.5 mysql_character_set_name() ...................................................................................... 47
5.4.6 mysql_close() ............................................................................................................. 47
5.4.7 mysql_commit() .......................................................................................................... 47
5.4.8 mysql_connect() ......................................................................................................... 47
5.4.9 mysql_create_db() ...................................................................................................... 48
5.4.10 mysql_data_seek() .................................................................................................... 48
5.4.11 mysql_debug() .......................................................................................................... 49
5.4.12 mysql_drop_db() ....................................................................................................... 49
5.4.13 mysql_dump_debug_info() ........................................................................................ 50
5.4.14 mysql_eof() .............................................................................................................. 50
5.4.15 mysql_errno() ........................................................................................................... 51
5.4.16 mysql_error() ............................................................................................................ 52
5.4.17 mysql_escape_string() .............................................................................................. 52
5.4.18 mysql_fetch_field() .................................................................................................... 52
5.4.19 mysql_fetch_field_direct() .......................................................................................... 53
5.4.20 mysql_fetch_fields() .................................................................................................. 54
5.4.21 mysql_fetch_lengths() ............................................................................................... 54
5.4.22 mysql_fetch_row() .................................................................................................... 55
5.4.23 mysql_field_count() ................................................................................................... 56
5.4.24 mysql_field_seek() .................................................................................................... 57
5.4.25 mysql_field_tell() ....................................................................................................... 57
5.4.26 mysql_free_result() ................................................................................................... 58
5.4.27 mysql_free_ssl_session_data() .................................................................................. 58
5.4.28 mysql_get_character_set_info() ................................................................................. 58
5.4.29 mysql_get_client_info() ............................................................................................. 59
5.4.30 mysql_get_client_version() ........................................................................................ 59
5.4.31 mysql_get_host_info() ............................................................................................... 60
5.4.32 mysql_get_option() ................................................................................................... 60
5.4.33 mysql_get_proto_info() .............................................................................................. 61
5.4.34 mysql_get_server_info() ............................................................................................ 61
5.4.35 mysql_get_server_version() ....................................................................................... 62
5.4.36 mysql_get_ssl_cipher() ............................................................................................. 62
5.4.37 mysql_get_ssl_session_data() ................................................................................... 62
5.4.38 mysql_get_ssl_session_reused() ............................................................................... 63
5.4.39 mysql_hex_string() .................................................................................................... 63
5.4.40 mysql_info() ............................................................................................................. 64
5.4.41 mysql_init() ............................................................................................................... 65
5.4.42 mysql_insert_id() ...................................................................................................... 65
5.4.43 mysql_library_end() .................................................................................................. 67
5.4.44 mysql_library_init() .................................................................................................... 67
5.4.45 mysql_list_dbs() ........................................................................................................ 68
5.4.46 mysql_list_tables() .................................................................................................... 69
5.4.47 mysql_more_results() ................................................................................................ 69
5.4.48 mysql_next_result() ................................................................................................... 70
Overview of the C API Basic Interface
5.4.49 mysql_num_fields() ................................................................................................... 71
5.4.50 mysql_num_rows() .................................................................................................... 72
5.4.51 mysql_options() ........................................................................................................ 72
5.4.52 mysql_options4() ...................................................................................................... 80
5.4.53 mysql_ping() ............................................................................................................. 82
5.4.54 mysql_query() ........................................................................................................... 82
5.4.55 mysql_real_connect() ................................................................................................ 83
5.4.56 mysql_real_connect_dns_srv() .................................................................................. 87
5.4.57 mysql_real_escape_string() ....................................................................................... 88
5.4.58 mysql_real_escape_string_quote() ............................................................................. 90
5.4.59 mysql_real_query() ................................................................................................... 91
5.4.60 mysql_reset_connection() .......................................................................................... 92
5.4.61 mysql_reset_server_public_key() ............................................................................... 92
5.4.62 mysql_result_metadata() ........................................................................................... 93
5.4.63 mysql_rollback() ....................................................................................................... 93
5.4.64 mysql_row_seek() ..................................................................................................... 94
5.4.65 mysql_row_tell() ....................................................................................................... 94
5.4.66 mysql_select_db() ..................................................................................................... 94
5.4.67 mysql_server_end() .................................................................................................. 95
5.4.68 mysql_server_init() .................................................................................................... 95
5.4.69 mysql_session_track_get_first() ................................................................................. 96
5.4.70 mysql_session_track_get_next() .............................................................................. 101
5.4.71 mysql_set_character_set() ....................................................................................... 101
5.4.72 mysql_set_local_infile_default() ............................................................................... 102
5.4.73 mysql_set_local_infile_handler() .............................................................................. 102
5.4.74 mysql_set_server_option() ....................................................................................... 103
5.4.75 mysql_sqlstate() ...................................................................................................... 104
5.4.76 mysql_stat() ............................................................................................................ 105
5.4.77 mysql_store_result() ................................................................................................ 105
5.4.78 mysql_thread_id() ................................................................................................... 107
5.4.79 mysql_use_result() .................................................................................................. 107
5.4.80 mysql_warning_count() ........................................................................................... 108
This chapter describes the set of MySQL C API “basic” interface. For the most part, this interface
comprises the original set of C API data structures and functions to handle client/server interaction,
before others were invented for more specialized purposes (such as prepared-statement handling).
Other chapters describe more those more specialized data structures and functions.
5.1 Overview of the C API Basic Interface
Application programs should use this general outline for interacting with MySQL by means of the client
1. Initialize the MySQL client library by calling mysql_library_init().
2. Initialize a connection handler by calling mysql_init() and connect to the server by calling a
connection-establishment function such as mysql_real_connect().
3. Issue SQL statements and process their results. (The following discussion provides more
information about how to do this.)
4. Close the connection to the MySQL server by calling mysql_close().
5. End use of the MySQL client library by calling mysql_library_end().
The purpose of calling mysql_library_init() and mysql_library_end() is to provide proper
initialization and finalization of the MySQL client library. For applications that are linked with the client
library, they provide improved memory management. If you do not call mysql_library_end(),
a block of memory remains allocated. (This does not increase the amount of memory used by the
application, but some memory leak detectors will complain about it.)
Overview of the C API Basic Interface
In a nonmultithreaded environment, the call to mysql_library_init() may be omitted, because
mysql_init() will invoke it automatically as necessary. However, mysql_library_init() is
not thread-safe in a multithreaded environment, and thus neither is mysql_init(), which calls
mysql_library_init(). You must either call mysql_library_init() prior to spawning any
threads, or else use a mutex to protect the call, whether you invoke mysql_library_init() or
indirectly through mysql_init(). This should be done prior to any other client library call.
To connect to the server, call mysql_init() to initialize a connection handler, then call a connection-
establishment function such as mysql_real_connect() with that handler (along with other
information such as the host name, user name, and password). When you are done with the
connection, call mysql_close() to terminate it. Do not use the handler after it has been closed.
Upon connection, mysql_real_connect() sets the reconnect flag (part of the MYSQL structure)
to a value of 0. You can use the MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT option (deprecated) to mysql_options()
to control reconnection behavior. Setting the flag to 1 cause the client to attempt reconnecting to the
server before giving up if a statement cannot be performed because of a lost connection.
The automatic reconnection feature (Section 3.6.8, “Automatic Reconnection
Control”) is deprecated and subject to removal in a future release of MySQL.
While a connection is active, the client may send SQL statements to the server using
mysql_real_query() or mysql_query(). The difference between the two is that mysql_query()
expects the query to be specified as a null-terminated string whereas mysql_real_query() expects
a counted string. If the string contains binary data (which may include null bytes), you must use
For each non-SELECT query (for example, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), you can find out how many
rows were changed (affected) by calling mysql_affected_rows().
For SELECT queries, you retrieve the selected rows as a result set. (Note that some statements are
SELECT-like in that they return rows. These include SHOW, DESCRIBE, and EXPLAIN. Treat these
statements the same way as SELECT statements.)
There are two ways for a client to process result sets. One way is to retrieve the entire result set all at
once by calling mysql_store_result(). This function acquires from the server all the rows returned
by the query and stores them in the client. The second way is for the client to initiate a row-by-row
result set retrieval by calling mysql_use_result(). This function initializes the retrieval, but does not
actually get any rows from the server.
In both cases, you access rows by calling mysql_fetch_row(). With mysql_store_result(),
mysql_fetch_row() accesses rows that have previously been fetched from the server. With
mysql_use_result(), mysql_fetch_row() actually retrieves the row from the server. Information
about the size of the data in each row is available by calling mysql_fetch_lengths().
After you are done with a result set, call mysql_free_result() to free the memory used for it.
The two retrieval mechanisms are complementary. Choose the approach that is most appropriate for
each client application. In practice, clients tend to use mysql_store_result() more commonly.
An advantage of mysql_store_result() is that because the rows have all been fetched to the
client, you not only can access rows sequentially, you can move back and forth in the result set using
mysql_data_seek() or mysql_row_seek() to change the current row position within the result set.
You can also find out how many rows there are by calling mysql_num_rows(). On the other hand,
the memory requirements for mysql_store_result() may be very high for large result sets and you
are more likely to encounter out-of-memory conditions.
An advantage of mysql_use_result() is that the client requires less memory for the result
set because it maintains only one row at a time (and because there is less allocation overhead,
mysql_use_result() can be faster). Disadvantages are that you must process each row quickly to
avoid tying up the server, you do not have random access to rows within the result set (you can only
C API Basic Data Structures
access rows sequentially), and the number of rows in the result set is unknown until you have retrieved
them all. Furthermore, you must retrieve all the rows even if you determine in mid-retrieval that you've
found the information you were looking for.
The API makes it possible for clients to respond appropriately to statements (retrieving rows
only as necessary) without knowing whether the statement is a SELECT. You can do this by
calling mysql_store_result() after each mysql_real_query() (or mysql_query()).
If the result set call succeeds, the statement was a SELECT and you can read the rows. If the
result set call fails, call mysql_field_count() to determine whether a result was actually
to be expected. If mysql_field_count() returns zero, the statement returned no data
(indicating that it was an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and so forth), and was not expected to
return rows. If mysql_field_count() is nonzero, the statement should have returned rows,
but did not. This indicates that the statement was a SELECT that failed. See the description for
mysql_field_count() for an example of how this can be done.
Both mysql_store_result() and mysql_use_result() enable you to obtain information about
the fields that make up the result set (the number of fields, their names and types, and so forth). You
can access field information sequentially within the row by calling mysql_fetch_field() repeatedly,
or by field number within the row by calling mysql_fetch_field_direct(). The current field
cursor position may be changed by calling mysql_field_seek(). Setting the field cursor affects
subsequent calls to mysql_fetch_field(). You can also get information for fields all at once by
calling mysql_fetch_fields().
For detecting and reporting errors, MySQL provides access to error information by means of the
mysql_errno() and mysql_error() functions. These return the error code or error message for
the most recently invoked function that can succeed or fail, enabling you to determine when an error
occurred and what it was.
5.2 C API Basic Data Structures
This section describes C API data structures other than those used for prepared statements,
the asynchronous interface, or the replication stream interface. For information about those, see
Section 6.2, “C API Prepared Statement Data Structures”, Section 7.2, “C API Asynchronous Interface
Data Structures”, and Section 10.2, “C API Binary Log Data Structures”.
This structure represents the handler for one database connection. It is used for almost all MySQL
functions. Do not try to make a copy of a MYSQL structure. There is no guarantee that such a copy
will be usable.
This structure represents the result of a query that returns rows (SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE,
EXPLAIN). The information returned from a query is called the result set in the remainder of this
This is a type-safe representation of one row of data. It is currently implemented as an array of
counted byte strings. (You cannot treat these as null-terminated strings if field values may contain
binary data, because such values may contain null bytes internally.) Rows are obtained by calling
This structure contains metadata: information about a field, such as the field's name, type, and size.
Its members are described in more detail later in this section. You may obtain the MYSQL_FIELD
structures for each field by calling mysql_fetch_field() repeatedly. Field values are not part of
this structure; they are contained in a MYSQL_ROW structure.
C API Basic Data Structures
This is a type-safe representation of an offset into a MySQL field list. (Used by
mysql_field_seek().) Offsets are field numbers within a row, beginning at zero.
A type used for 64-bit unsigned integers. The my_ulonglong type was used before MySQL 8.0.18.
As of MySQL 8.0.18, use the uint64_t C type instead.
A boolean type, for values that are true (nonzero) or false (zero). The my_bool type was used
before MySQL 8.0. As of MySQL 8.0, use the bool or int C type instead.
The change from my_bool to bool means that the mysql.h header file
requires a C++ or C99 compiler to compile.
The MYSQL_FIELD structure contains the members described in the following list. The definitions apply
primarily for columns of result sets such as those produced by SELECT statements. MYSQL_FIELD
structures are also used to provide metadata for OUT and INOUT parameters returned from stored
procedures executed using prepared CALL statements. For such parameters, some of the structure
members have a meaning different from the meaning for column values.
To view the MYSQL_FIELD member values for result sets interactively, start
the mysql client with the --column-type-info option, then execute some
sample queries.
char * name
The name of the field, as a null-terminated string. If the field was given an alias with an AS clause,
the value of name is the alias. For a procedure parameter, the parameter name.
char * org_name
The name of the field, as a null-terminated string. Aliases are ignored. For expressions, the value is
an empty string. For a procedure parameter, the parameter name.
char * table
The name of the table containing this field, if it is not a calculated field. For calculated fields, the
table value is an empty string. If the column is selected from a view, table names the view. If the
table or view was given an alias with an AS clause, the value of table is the alias. For a UNION, the
value is the empty string. For a procedure parameter, the procedure name.
char * org_table
The name of the table, as a null-terminated string. Aliases are ignored. If the column is selected from
a view, org_table names the view. If the column is selected from a derived table, org_table
names the base table. If a derived table wraps a view, org_table still names the base table. If the
column is an expression, org_table is the empty string. For a UNION, the value is the empty string.
For a procedure parameter, the value is the procedure name.
char * db
The name of the database that the field comes from, as a null-terminated string. If the field is a
calculated field, db is an empty string. For a UNION, the value is the empty string. For a procedure
parameter, the name of the database containing the procedure.
C API Basic Data Structures
char * catalog
The catalog name. This value is always "def".
unsigned long length
The width of the field. This corresponds to the display length, in bytes.
The server determines the length value before it generates the result set, so this is the minimum
length required for a data type capable of holding the largest possible value from the result column,
without knowing in advance the actual values that will be produced by the query for the result set.
For string columns, the length value varies on the connection character set. For example, if the
character set is latin1, a single-byte character set, the length value for a SELECT 'abc' query
is 3. If the character set is utf8mb4, a multibyte character set in which characters take up to 4 bytes,
the length value is 12.
unsigned long max_length
The maximum width of the field for the result set (the length in bytes of the longest field value for the
rows actually in the result set). If you use mysql_store_result(), this contains the maximum
length for the field. If you use mysql_use_result(), the value of this variable is zero.
The value of max_length is the length of the string representation of the values in the result set. For
example, if you retrieve a FLOAT column and the “widest” value is -12.345, max_length is 7 (the
length of '-12.345').
If you are using prepared statements, max_length is not set by default because for the binary
protocol the lengths of the values depend on the types of the values in the result set. (See
Section 6.2, “C API Prepared Statement Data Structures”.) If you want the max_length values
anyway, enable the STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH option with mysql_stmt_attr_set()
and the lengths will be set when you call mysql_stmt_store_result(). (See Section 6.4.3,
“mysql_stmt_attr_set()”, and Section 6.4.29, “mysql_stmt_store_result()”.)
unsigned int name_length
The length of name.
unsigned int org_name_length
The length of org_name.
unsigned int table_length
The length of table.
unsigned int org_table_length
The length of org_table.
unsigned int db_length
The length of db.
unsigned int catalog_length
The length of catalog.
unsigned int def_length
The length of def.
unsigned int flags
C API Basic Data Structures
Bit-flags that describe the field. The flags value may have zero or more of the bits set that are
shown in the following table.
Flag Value Flag Description
NOT_NULL_FLAG Field cannot be NULL
PRI_KEY_FLAG Field is part of a primary key
UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG Field is part of a unique key
MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG Field is part of a nonunique key
UNSIGNED_FLAG Field has the UNSIGNED attribute
ZEROFILL_FLAG Field has the ZEROFILL attribute
BINARY_FLAG Field has the BINARY attribute
ENUM_FLAG Field is an ENUM
SET_FLAG Field is a SET
BLOB_FLAG Field is a BLOB or TEXT (deprecated)
TIMESTAMP_FLAG Field is a TIMESTAMP (deprecated)
NUM_FLAG Field is numeric; see additional notes following
NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG Field has no default value; see additional notes
following table
Some of these flags indicate data type information and are superseded by or used in conjunction
with the MYSQL_TYPE_xxx value in the field->type member described later:
To check for BLOB or TIMESTAMP values, check whether type is MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB or
ENUM and SET values are returned as strings. For these, check that the type value is
MYSQL_TYPE_STRING and that the ENUM_FLAG or SET_FLAG flag is set in the flags value.
NUM_FLAG indicates that a column is numeric. This includes columns with a type of
NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG indicates that a column has no DEFAULT clause in its definition.
This does not apply to NULL columns (because such columns have a default of NULL), or to
AUTO_INCREMENT columns (which have an implied default value).
The following example illustrates a typical use of the flags value:
if (field->flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG)
printf("Field cannot be null\n");
You may use the convenience macros shown in the following table to determine the boolean status
of the flags value.
Flag Status Description
IS_NOT_NULL(flags) True if this field is defined as NOT NULL
IS_PRI_KEY(flags) True if this field is a primary key
IS_BLOB(flags) True if this field is a BLOB or TEXT (deprecated;
test field->type instead)
C API Basic Data Structures
unsigned int decimals
The number of decimals for numeric fields, and the fractional seconds precision for temporal fields.
unsigned int charsetnr
An ID number that indicates the character set/collation pair for the field.
Normally, character values in result sets are converted to the character set indicated by the
character_set_results system variable. In this case, charsetnr corresponds to the
character set indicated by that variable. Character set conversion can be suppressed by setting
character_set_results to NULL. In this case, charsetnr corresponds to the character set of
the original table column or expression. See also Connection Character Sets and Collations.
To distinguish between binary and nonbinary data for string data types, check whether the
charsetnr value is 63. If so, the character set is binary, which indicates binary rather than
nonbinary data. This enables you to distinguish BINARY from CHAR, VARBINARY from VARCHAR, and
the BLOB types from the TEXT types.
charsetnr values are the same as those displayed in the Id column of the SHOW COLLATION
statement or the ID column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA COLLATIONS table. You can use those
information sources to see which character set and collation specific charsetnr values indicate:
| Collation | Charset | Id | Default | Compiled | Sortlen |
| binary | binary | 63 | Yes | Yes | 1 |
| utf8_general_ci | utf8 |
enum enum_field_types type
The type of the field. The type value may be one of the MYSQL_TYPE_ symbols shown in the
following table.
Type Value Type Description
C API Basic Function Reference
Type Value Type Description
MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB BLOB or TEXT field (use max_length to
determine the maximum length)
are used only on the server side. Clients see the MYSQL_TYPE_TIME, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME,
You can use the IS_NUM() macro to test whether a field has a numeric type. Pass the type value
to IS_NUM() and it evaluates to TRUE if the field is numeric:
if (IS_NUM(field->type))
printf("Field is numeric\n");
ENUM and SET values are returned as strings. For these, check that the type value is
MYSQL_TYPE_STRING and that the ENUM_FLAG or SET_FLAG flag is set in the flags value.
5.3 C API Basic Function Reference
The following table summarizes the functions available in the C API basic interface. For greater detail,
see the descriptions in Section 5.4, “C API Basic Function Descriptions”.
Table 5.1 C API Basic Interface Functions
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_affected_rows() Number of rows changed/
deleted/inserted by last UPDATE,
DELETE, or INSERT statement
mysql_autocommit() Set autocommit mode
mysql_bind_param() Define query attributes for next
statement executed
mysql_change_user() Change user and database on
an open connection
mysql_character_set_name()Default character set name for
current connection
mysql_close() Close connection to server
mysql_commit() Commit transaction
mysql_connect() Connect to MySQL server Yes
mysql_create_db() Create database Yes
mysql_data_seek() Seek to arbitrary row number in
query result set
mysql_debug() Perform DBUG_PUSH with given
C API Basic Function Reference
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_drop_db() Drop database Yes
mysql_dump_debug_info() Cause server to write debug
information to error log
mysql_eof() Determine whether last row of
result set has been read
mysql_errno() Error number for most recently
invoked MySQL function
mysql_error() Error message for most recently
invoked MySQL function
mysql_escape_string() Escape special characters in
string for use in SQL statement
mysql_fetch_field() Type of the next table field
mysql_fetch_field_direct()Table field type for given field
mysql_fetch_fields() Return array of all field structures
mysql_fetch_lengths() Return lengths of all columns in
current row
mysql_fetch_row() Fetch next result set row
mysql_field_count() Number of result columns for
most recent statement
mysql_field_seek() Seek to column within result set
mysql_field_tell() Field position for last
mysql_fetch_field() call
mysql_free_result() Free result set memory
mysql_free_ssl_session_data()Dispose of session
data handle from last
mysql_get_character_set_info()Information about default
character set
mysql_get_client_info() Client version (string)
mysql_get_client_version()Client version (integer)
mysql_get_host_info() Information about the connection
mysql_get_option() Value of a mysql_options()
mysql_get_proto_info() Protocol version used by the
mysql_get_server_info() Server version number (string)
mysql_get_server_version()Server version number (integer)
mysql_get_ssl_cipher() Current SSL cipher
mysql_get_ssl_session_data()Return session data for SSL-
enabled connection
mysql_get_ssl_session_reused()Whether a session is reused
mysql_hex_string() Encode string in hexadecimal
C API Basic Function Reference
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_info() Information about most recently
executed statement
mysql_init() Get or initialize a MYSQL
mysql_insert_id() ID generated for an
previous statement
mysql_library_end() Finalize MySQL C API library
mysql_library_init() Initialize MySQL C API library
mysql_list_dbs() Return database names
matching regular expression
mysql_list_tables() Return table names matching
regular expression
mysql_more_results() Check whether more results exist
mysql_next_result() Return/initiate next result in
multiple-result execution
mysql_num_fields() Number of columns in result set
mysql_num_rows() Number of rows in result set
mysql_options() Set option prior to connecting
mysql_options4() Set option prior to connecting
mysql_ping() Ping server
mysql_query() Execute statement
mysql_real_connect() Connect to MySQL server
mysql_real_connect_dns_srv()Connect to MySQL server using
DNS SRV record
mysql_real_escape_string()Encode special characters in
statement string
mysql_real_escape_string_quote()Encode special characters in
statement string accounting for
quoting context
mysql_real_query() Execute statement
mysql_reset_connection() Reset the connection to clear
session state
mysql_reset_server_public_key()Clear cached RSA public key
from client library
mysql_result_metadata() Whether a result set has
mysql_rollback() Roll back transaction
mysql_row_seek() Seek to row offset in result set
mysql_row_tell() Current position within result set
mysql_select_db() Select database
mysql_server_end() Finalize MySQL C API library
mysql_server_init() Initialize MySQL C API library
C API Basic Function Descriptions
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_session_track_get_first()First part of session state-change
mysql_session_track_get_next()Next part of session state-
change information
mysql_set_character_set() Set current connection default
character set
mysql_set_local_infile_default()Set LOAD DATA LOCAL handler
callbacks to default values
mysql_set_local_infile_handler()Install application-specific LOAD
DATA LOCAL handler callbacks
mysql_set_server_option() Set option for current connection
mysql_sqlstate() SQLSTATE value for most
recently invoked MySQL function
mysql_stat() Server status
mysql_store_result() Retrieve and store entire result
mysql_thread_id() Current thread ID
mysql_use_result() Initiate row-by-row result set
mysql_warning_count() Warning count for previous
5.4 C API Basic Function Descriptions
This section describes C API functions other than those used for prepared statements, the
asynchronous interface, or the replication stream interface. For information about those, see
Section 6.4, “C API Prepared Statement Function Descriptions”, Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous
Interface, and Chapter 10, C API Binary Log Interface.
In the descriptions here, a parameter or return value of NULL means NULL in the sense of the C
programming language, not a MySQL NULL value.
Functions that return a value generally return a pointer or an integer. Unless specified otherwise,
functions returning a pointer return a non-NULL value to indicate success or a NULL value to indicate
an error, and functions returning an integer return zero to indicate success or nonzero to indicate an
error. Note that “nonzero” means just that. Unless the function description says otherwise, do not test
against a value other than zero:
if (result) /* correct */
... error ...
if (result < 0) /* incorrect */
... error ...
if (result == -1) /* incorrect */
... error ...
When a function returns an error, the Errors subsection of the function description lists the possible
types of errors. You can find out which of these occurred by calling mysql_errno(). A string
representation of the error may be obtained by calling mysql_error().
5.4.1 mysql_affected_rows()
mysql_affected_rows(MYSQL *mysql)
mysql_affected_rows() may be called immediately after executing a statement with
mysql_real_query() or mysql_query(). It returns the number of rows changed, deleted, or
inserted by the last statement if it was an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT. For SELECT statements,
mysql_affected_rows() works like mysql_num_rows().
For UPDATE statements, the affected-rows value by default is the number of rows actually changed. If
you specify the CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag to mysql_real_connect() when connecting to mysqld,
the affected-rows value is the number of rows “found”; that is, matched by the WHERE clause.
For REPLACE statements, the affected-rows value is 2 if the new row replaced an old row, because in
this case, one row was inserted after the duplicate was deleted.
For INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements, the affected-rows value per row is 1 if
the row is inserted as a new row, 2 if an existing row is updated, and 0 if an existing row is set to its
current values. If you specify the CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag, the affected-rows value is 1 (not 0) if an
existing row is set to its current values.
Following a CALL statement for a stored procedure, mysql_affected_rows() returns the value
that it would return for the last statement executed within the procedure, or 0 if that statement would
return -1. Within the procedure, you can use ROW_COUNT() at the SQL level to obtain the affected-
rows value for individual statements.
mysql_affected_rows() returns a meaningful value for a wide range of statements. For details,
see the description for ROW_COUNT() in Information Functions.
Return Values
An integer greater than zero indicates the number of rows affected or retrieved. Zero indicates that no
records were updated for an UPDATE statement, no rows matched the WHERE clause in the query or
that no query has yet been executed. -1 indicates that the query returned an error or that, for a SELECT
query, mysql_affected_rows() was called prior to calling mysql_store_result().
Because mysql_affected_rows() returns an unsigned value, you can check for -1 by comparing
the return value to (uint64_t)-1 (or to (uint64_t)~0, which is equivalent).
char *stmt = "UPDATE products SET cost=cost*1.25
WHERE group=10";
printf("%ld products updated",
(long) mysql_affected_rows(&mysql));
5.4.2 mysql_autocommit()
mysql_autocommit(MYSQL *mysql,
bool mode)
Sets autocommit mode on if mode is 1, off if mode is 0.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
5.4.3 mysql_bind_param()
mysql_bind_param(MYSQL *mysql,
unsigned n_params,
const char **name)
mysql_bind_param(), available as of MySQL 8.0.23, enables defining attributes that apply to the
next query sent to the server. For discussion of the purpose and use of query attributes, see Query
Attributes defined with mysql_bind_param() apply to nonprepared statements executed in
blocking fashion with mysql_real_query() or mysql_query(), or in nonblocking fashion with
mysql_real_query_nonblocking(). Attributes do not apply to prepared statements executed with
If multiple mysql_bind_param() calls occur prior to query execution, only the last call applies.
Attributes defined with mysql_bind_param() apply only to the next query executed and are cleared
thereafter. The mysql_reset_connection() and mysql_change_user() functions also clear any
currently defined attributes.
mysql_bind_param() is backward compatible. For connections to older servers that do not support
query attributes, no attributes are sent.
mysql: The connection handler returned from mysql_init().
n_params: The number of attributes defined by the bind and name arguments.
bind: The address of an array of MYSQL_BIND structures. The array should contain n_params
elements, one for each attribute.
name: The address of an array of character pointers, each pointing to a null-terminated string
defining an attribute name. The array should contain n_params elements, one for each
attribute. Query attribute names are transmitted using the character set indicated by the
character_set_client system variable.
Each attribute has a name, a value, and a data type. The name argument defines attribute names,
and the bind argument defines their values and types. For a description of the members of the
MYSQL_BIND data structure used for the bind argument, see Section 6.2, “C API Prepared Statement
Data Structures”.
Each attribute type most be one of the MYSQL_TYPE_xxx types listed in Table 6.1, “Permissible
Input Data Types for MYSQL_BIND Structures”, except that MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB and
MYSQL_TYPE_TEXT are not supported. If an unsupported type is specified for an attribute, a
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
The attribute data type is not supported.
This example uses mysql_bind_param() to define string and integer query attributes, then retrieves
and displays their values by name using the mysql_query_attribute_string() user-defined
MYSQL_BIND bind[2];
const char *name[2] = { "name1", "name2" };
char *char_data = "char value";
int int_data = 3;
unsigned long length[2] = { 10, sizeof(int) };
int status;
/* clear and initialize attribute butffers */
memset(bind, 0, sizeof (bind));
bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
bind[0].buffer = char_data;
bind[0].length = &length[0];
bind[0].is_null = 0;
bind[1].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
bind[1].buffer = (char *) &int_data;
bind[1].length = &length[1];
bind[1].is_null = 0;
/* bind attributes */
status = mysql_bind_param(&mysql, 2, bind, name);
test_error(&mysql, status);
const char *query =
"SELECT mysql_query_attribute_string('name1'),"
" mysql_query_attribute_string('name2')";
status = mysql_real_query(&mysql, query, strlen(query));
test_error(&mysql, status);
MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
unsigned long *lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(result);
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
printf("attribute %d: [%.*s]\n", i+1, (int) lengths[i],
row[i] ? row[i] : "NULL");
When executed, the code produces this result:
attribute 1: [char value]
attribute 2: [3]
5.4.4 mysql_change_user()
mysql_change_user(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *user,
const char *password,
const char *db)
Changes the user and causes the database specified by db to become the default (current) database
on the connection specified by mysql. In subsequent queries, this database is the default for table
references that include no explicit database specifier.
mysql_change_user() fails if the connected user cannot be authenticated or does not have
permission to use the database. In this case, the user and database are not changed.
Pass a db parameter of NULL if you do not want to have a default database.
This function resets the session state as if one had done a new connect and reauthenticated. (See
Section 3.6.8, “Automatic Reconnection Control”.) It always performs a ROLLBACK of any active
transactions, closes and drops all temporary tables, and unlocks all locked tables. It resets session
system variables to the values of the corresponding global system variables, releases prepared
statements, closes HANDLER variables, and releases locks acquired with GET_LOCK(). Clears any
current query attributes defined as a result of calling mysql_bind_param(). These effects occur
even if the user did not change.
To reset the connection state in a more lightweight manner without changing the user, use
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
The same that you can get from mysql_real_connect(), plus:
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
The MySQL server does not implement this command (probably an old server).
The user or password was wrong.
The database did not exist.
The user did not have access rights to the database.
The database name was too long.
if (mysql_change_user(&mysql, "user", "password", "new_database"))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to change user. Error: %s\n",
5.4.5 mysql_character_set_name()
const char *
mysql_character_set_name(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns the default character set name for the current connection.
Return Values
The default character set name
5.4.6 mysql_close()
mysql_close(MYSQL *mysql)
Closes a previously opened connection. mysql_close() also deallocates the connection
handler pointed to by mysql if the handler was allocated automatically by mysql_init() or
mysql_connect(). Do not use the handler after it has been closed.
Return Values
5.4.7 mysql_commit()
mysql_commit(MYSQL *mysql)
Commits the current transaction.
The action of this function is subject to the value of the completion_type system variable. In
particular, if the value of completion_type is RELEASE (or 2), the server performs a release after
terminating a transaction and closes the client connection. Call mysql_close() from the client
program to close the connection from the client side.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
5.4.8 mysql_connect()
mysql_connect(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *host,
const char *user,
const char *passwd)
This function is deprecated. Use mysql_real_connect() instead.
5.4.9 mysql_create_db()
mysql_create_db(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *db)
Creates the database named by the db parameter.
This function is deprecated. Use mysql_real_query() or mysql_query() to issue an SQL
CREATE DATABASE statement instead.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
if(mysql_create_db(&mysql, "my_database"))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create new database. Error: %s\n",
5.4.10 mysql_data_seek()
mysql_data_seek(MYSQL_RES *result,
uint64_t offset)
Seeks to an arbitrary row in a query result set. The offset value is a row number. Specify a value in
the range from 0 to mysql_num_rows(result)-1.
This function requires that the result set structure contains the entire result of the query, so
mysql_data_seek() may be used only in conjunction with mysql_store_result(), not with
Return Values
5.4.11 mysql_debug()
mysql_debug(const char *debug)
Does a DBUG_PUSH with the given string. mysql_debug() uses the Fred Fish debug library. To use
this function, you must compile the client library to support debugging. See The DBUG Package.
Return Values
The call shown here causes the client library to generate a trace file in /tmp/client.trace on the
client machine:
5.4.12 mysql_drop_db()
mysql_drop_db(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *db)
Drops the database named by the db parameter.
This function is deprecated. Use mysql_real_query() or mysql_query() to issue an SQL DROP
DATABASE statement instead.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
if(mysql_drop_db(&mysql, "my_database"))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to drop the database: Error: %s\n",
5.4.13 mysql_dump_debug_info()
mysql_dump_debug_info(MYSQL *mysql)
Instructs the server to write debugging information to the error log. The connected user must have the
SUPER privilege.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
5.4.14 mysql_eof()
mysql_eof(MYSQL_RES *result)
This function is deprecated. mysql_errno() or mysql_error() may be used instead.
mysql_eof() determines whether the last row of a result set has been read.
If you acquire a result set from a successful call to mysql_store_result(), the client receives the
entire set in one operation. In this case, a NULL return from mysql_fetch_row() always means the
end of the result set has been reached and it is unnecessary to call mysql_eof(). When used with
mysql_store_result(), mysql_eof() always returns true.
On the other hand, if you use mysql_use_result() to initiate a result set retrieval, the rows of
the set are obtained from the server one by one as you call mysql_fetch_row() repeatedly.
Because an error may occur on the connection during this process, a NULL return value from
mysql_fetch_row() does not necessarily mean the end of the result set was reached normally. In
this case, you can use mysql_eof() to determine what happened. mysql_eof() returns a nonzero
value if the end of the result set was reached and zero if an error occurred.
Historically, mysql_eof() predates the standard MySQL error functions mysql_errno()
and mysql_error(). Because those error functions provide the same information, their use is
preferred over mysql_eof(), which is deprecated. (In fact, they provide more information, because
mysql_eof() returns only a boolean value whereas the error functions indicate a reason for the error
when one occurs.)
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if the end of the result set has been reached.
The following example shows how you might use mysql_eof():
mysql_query(&mysql,"SELECT * FROM some_table");
result = mysql_use_result(&mysql);
while((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))
// do something with data
if(!mysql_eof(result)) // mysql_fetch_row() failed due to an error
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
However, you can achieve the same effect with the standard MySQL error functions:
mysql_query(&mysql,"SELECT * FROM some_table");
result = mysql_use_result(&mysql);
while((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))
// do something with data
if(mysql_errno(&mysql)) // mysql_fetch_row() failed due to an error
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
5.4.15 mysql_errno()
unsigned int
mysql_errno(MYSQL *mysql)
For the connection specified by mysql, mysql_errno() returns the error code for the most recently
invoked API function that can succeed or fail. A return value of zero means that no error occurred.
Client error message numbers are listed in the MySQL errmsg.h header file. Server error message
numbers are listed in mysqld_error.h. Errors also are listed at Error Messages and Common
Some functions such as mysql_fetch_row() do not set mysql_errno() if
they succeed. A rule of thumb is that all functions that have to ask the server for
information reset mysql_errno() if they succeed.
MySQL-specific error numbers returned by mysql_errno() differ from SQLSTATE values
returned by mysql_sqlstate(). For example, the mysql client program displays errors using
the following format, where 1146 is the mysql_errno() value and '42S02' is the corresponding
mysql_sqlstate() value:
$> SELECT * FROM no_such_table;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'test.no_such_table' doesn't exist
Return Values
An error code value for the last mysql_xxx() call, if it failed. zero means no error occurred.
5.4.16 mysql_error()
const char *
mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql)
For the connection specified by mysql, mysql_error() returns a null-terminated string containing
the error message for the most recently invoked API function that failed. If a function did not fail, the
return value of mysql_error() may be the previous error or an empty string to indicate no error.
A rule of thumb is that all functions that have to ask the server for information reset mysql_error() if
they succeed.
For functions that reset mysql_error(), either of these two tests can be used to check for an error:
// an error occurred
// an error occurred
The language of the client error messages may be changed by recompiling the MySQL client library.
You can choose error messages in several different languages. See Setting the Error Message
Return Values
A null-terminated character string that describes the error. An empty string if no error occurred.
5.4.17 mysql_escape_string()
Do not use this function. mysql_escape_string() does not have arguments
that enable it to respect the current character set or the quoting context. Use
mysql_real_escape_string_quote() instead.
5.4.18 mysql_fetch_field()
mysql_fetch_field(MYSQL_RES *result)
Returns the definition of one column of a result set as a MYSQL_FIELD structure. Call this function
repeatedly to retrieve information about all columns in the result set. mysql_fetch_field() returns
NULL when no more fields are left.
For metadata-optional connections, this function returns NULL when the resultset_metadata
system variable is set to NONE. To check whether a result set has metadata, use the
mysql_result_metadata() function. For details about managing result set metadata transfer, see
Section 3.6.7, “Optional Result Set Metadata”.
mysql_fetch_field() is reset to return information about the first field each time you execute
a new SELECT query. The field returned by mysql_fetch_field() is also affected by calls to
If you've called mysql_real_query() or mysql_query() to perform a SELECT on a table
but have not called mysql_store_result(), MySQL returns the default blob length (8KB) if
you call mysql_fetch_field() to ask for the length of a BLOB field. (The 8KB size is chosen
because MySQL does not know the maximum length for the BLOB. This should be made configurable
sometime.) Once you've retrieved the result set, field->max_length contains the length of the
largest value for this column in the specific query.
Return Values
The MYSQL_FIELD structure for the current column. NULL if no columns are left or the result set has no
while((field = mysql_fetch_field(result)))
printf("field name %s\n", field->name);
5.4.19 mysql_fetch_field_direct()
mysql_fetch_field_direct(MYSQL_RES *result,
unsigned int fieldnr)
Given a field number fieldnr for a column within a result set, returns that column's field definition as
a MYSQL_FIELD structure. Use this function to retrieve the definition for an arbitrary column. Specify a
value for fieldnr in the range from 0 to mysql_num_fields(result)-1.
For metadata-optional connections, this function returns NULL when the resultset_metadata
system variable is set to NONE. To check whether a result set has metadata, use the
mysql_result_metadata() function. For details about managing result set metadata transfer, see
Section 3.6.7, “Optional Result Set Metadata”.
Return Values
The MYSQL_FIELD structure for the specified column. NULL if the result set has no metadata.
unsigned int num_fields;
unsigned int i;
num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
for(i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
field = mysql_fetch_field_direct(result, i);
printf("Field %u is %s\n", i, field->name);
5.4.20 mysql_fetch_fields()
mysql_fetch_fields(MYSQL_RES *result)
Returns an array of all MYSQL_FIELD structures for a result set. Each structure provides the field
definition for one column of the result set.
For metadata-optional connections, this function returns NULL when the resultset_metadata
system variable is set to NONE. To check whether a result set has metadata, use the
mysql_result_metadata() function. For details about managing result set metadata transfer, see
Section 3.6.7, “Optional Result Set Metadata”.
Return Values
An array of MYSQL_FIELD structures for all columns of a result set. NULL if the result set has no
unsigned int num_fields;
unsigned int i;
MYSQL_FIELD *fields;
num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
fields = mysql_fetch_fields(result);
for(i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
printf("Field %u is %s\n", i, fields[i].name);
5.4.21 mysql_fetch_lengths()
unsigned long *
mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result)
Returns the lengths of the columns of the current row within a result set. If you plan to copy field
values, this length information is also useful for optimization, because you can avoid calling strlen().
In addition, if the result set contains binary data, you must use this function to determine the size of the
data, because strlen() returns incorrect results for any field containing null characters.
The length for empty columns and for columns containing NULL values is zero. To see how to
distinguish these two cases, see the description for mysql_fetch_row().
Return Values
An array of unsigned long integers representing the size of each column (not including any terminating
null bytes). NULL if an error occurred.
mysql_fetch_lengths() is valid only for the current row of the result set. It returns NULL if you call
it before calling mysql_fetch_row() or after retrieving all rows in the result.
unsigned long *lengths;
unsigned int num_fields;
unsigned int i;
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
if (row)
num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(result);
for(i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
printf("Column %u is %lu bytes in length.\n",
i, lengths[i]);
5.4.22 mysql_fetch_row()
mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result)
mysql_fetch_row() is a synchronous function. Its asynchronous counterpart
is mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking(), for use by applications that
require asynchronous communication with the server. See Chapter 7, C API
Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_fetch_row() retrieves the next row of a result set:
When used after mysql_store_result() or mysql_store_result_nonblocking(),
mysql_fetch_row() returns NULL if there are no more rows to retrieve.
When used after mysql_use_result(), mysql_fetch_row() returns NULL if there are no more
rows to retrieve or an error occurred.
The number of values in the row is given by mysql_num_fields(result). If row holds the
return value from a call to mysql_fetch_row(), pointers to the values are accessed as row[0] to
row[mysql_num_fields(result)-1]. NULL values in the row are indicated by NULL pointers.
The lengths of the field values in the row may be obtained by calling mysql_fetch_lengths().
Empty fields and fields containing NULL both have length 0; you can distinguish these by checking the
pointer for the field value. If the pointer is NULL, the field is NULL; otherwise, the field is empty.
Return Values
A MYSQL_ROW structure for the next row, or NULL. The meaning of a NULL return depends on which
function was called preceding mysql_fetch_row():
When used after mysql_store_result() or mysql_store_result_nonblocking(),
mysql_fetch_row() returns NULL if there are no more rows to retrieve.
When used after mysql_use_result(), mysql_fetch_row() returns NULL if there are no
more rows to retrieve or an error occurred. To determine whether an error occurred, check whether
mysql_error() returns a nonempty string or mysql_errno() returns nonzero.
Errors are not reset between calls to mysql_fetch_row()
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
unsigned int num_fields;
unsigned int i;
num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))
unsigned long *lengths;
lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(result);
for(i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
printf("[%.*s] ", (int) lengths[i],
row[i] ? row[i] : "NULL");
5.4.23 mysql_field_count()
unsigned int
mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns the number of columns for the most recent query on the connection.
The normal use of this function is when mysql_store_result() returned NULL (and thus you
have no result set pointer). In this case, you can call mysql_field_count() to determine whether
mysql_store_result() should have produced a nonempty result. This enables the client program
to take proper action without knowing whether the query was a SELECT (or SELECT-like) statement.
The example shown here illustrates how this may be done.
See Section 3.6.9, “NULL mysql_store_result() Return After mysql_query() Success”.
Return Values
An unsigned integer representing the number of columns in a result set.
MYSQL_RES *result;
unsigned int num_fields;
unsigned int num_rows;
if (mysql_query(&mysql,query_string))
// error
else // query succeeded, process any data returned by it
result = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (result) // there are rows
num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
// retrieve rows, then call mysql_free_result(result)
else // mysql_store_result() returned nothing; should it have?
if(mysql_field_count(&mysql) == 0)
// query does not return data
// (it was not a SELECT)
num_rows = mysql_affected_rows(&mysql);
else // mysql_store_result() should have returned data
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
An alternative is to replace the mysql_field_count(&mysql) call with mysql_errno(&mysql).
In this case, you are checking directly for an error from mysql_store_result() rather than inferring
from the value of mysql_field_count() whether the statement was a SELECT.
5.4.24 mysql_field_seek()
mysql_field_seek(MYSQL_RES *result,
Sets the field cursor to the given offset. The next call to mysql_fetch_field() retrieves the field
definition of the column associated with that offset.
To seek to the beginning of a row, pass an offset value of zero.
Return Values
The previous value of the field cursor.
5.4.25 mysql_field_tell()
mysql_field_tell(MYSQL_RES *result)
Returns the position of the field cursor used for the last mysql_fetch_field(). This value can be
used as an argument to mysql_field_seek().
Return Values
The current offset of the field cursor.
5.4.26 mysql_free_result()
mysql_free_result(MYSQL_RES *result)
mysql_free_result() is a synchronous function. Its asynchronous
counterpart is mysql_free_result_nonblocking(), for use by applications
that require asynchronous communication with the server. See Chapter 7, C
API Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_free_result() frees the memory allocated for a result set by mysql_store_result(),
mysql_use_result(), mysql_list_dbs(), and so forth. When you are done with a result set, you
must free the memory it uses by calling mysql_free_result().
Do not attempt to access a result set after freeing it.
Return Values
5.4.27 mysql_free_ssl_session_data()
mysql_free_ssl_session_data(MYSQL *, void *data)
mysql_free_ssl_session_data() disposes of a session data handle that was obtained
previously by calling mysql_get_ssl_session_data(). It frees the memory that was allocated.
Never call this function for any session that is still in use or if the handle was not obtained with
mysql_get_ssl_session_data(). The call you make to mysql_get_ssl_session_data()
should match exactly the call to mysql_free_ssl_session_data().
Do not attempt to use the session data handle after freeing it.
Return Values
FALSE on success. TRUE on failure.
5.4.28 mysql_get_character_set_info()
mysql_get_character_set_info(MYSQL *mysql,
This function provides information about the default client character set. The default character set may
be changed with the mysql_set_character_set() function.
This example shows the fields that are available in the MY_CHARSET_INFO structure:
if (!mysql_set_character_set(&mysql, "utf8"))
mysql_get_character_set_info(&mysql, &cs);
printf("character set information:\n");
printf("character set+collation number: %d\n", cs.number);
printf("collation name: %s\n",;
printf("character set name: %s\n", cs.csname);
printf("comment: %s\n", cs.comment);
printf("directory: %s\n", cs.dir);
printf("multi byte character min. length: %d\n", cs.mbminlen);
printf("multi byte character max. length: %d\n", cs.mbmaxlen);
5.4.29 mysql_get_client_info()
const char *
Returns a string that represents the MySQL client library version (for example, "8.3.0").
The function value is the version of MySQL that provides the client library. For more information, see
Section 3.6.12, “Obtaining the Server Version and Client Library Version”.
Return Values
A character string that represents the MySQL client library version.
5.4.30 mysql_get_client_version()
unsigned long
Returns an integer that represents the MySQL client library version. The value has the format XXYYZZ
where XX is the major version, YY is the release level (or minor version), and ZZ is the sub-version
within the release level:
major_version*10000 + release_level*100 + sub_version
For example, "08.3.0" is returned as 080300.
The function value is the version of MySQL that provides the client library. For more information, see
Section 3.6.12, “Obtaining the Server Version and Client Library Version”.
Return Values
An integer that represents the MySQL client library version.
5.4.31 mysql_get_host_info()
const char *
mysql_get_host_info(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns a string describing the type of connection in use, including the server host name.
Return Values
A character string representing the server host name and the connection type.
5.4.32 mysql_get_option()
mysql_get_option(MYSQL *mysql,
enum mysql_option option,
const void *arg)
Returns the current value of an option settable using mysql_options(). The value should be treated
as read only.
The option argument is the option for which you want its value. The arg argument is a pointer to a
variable in which to store the option value. arg must be a pointer to a variable of the type appropriate
for the option argument. The following table shows which variable type to use for each option value.
For MYSQL_OPT_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET, it is possible to set a session or global maximum buffer
size, depending on whether the mysql argument to mysql_options() is non-NULL or NULL,
mysql_get_option() similarly returns the session or global value depending on its mysql
arg Type Applicable option Values
arg Type Applicable option Values
argument not used MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS
cannot be queried (error is returned) MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND,
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred; this occurs for option values that cannot be queried.
The following call tests the MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE option. After the call returns successfully, the
value of infile is true or false to indicate whether local_infile is enabled.
bool infile;
if (mysql_get_option(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, &infile))
fprintf(stderr, "mysql_get_option() failed\n");
5.4.33 mysql_get_proto_info()
unsigned int
mysql_get_proto_info(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns the protocol version used by current connection.
Return Values
An unsigned integer representing the protocol version used by the current connection.
5.4.34 mysql_get_server_info()
const char *
mysql_get_server_info(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns a string that represents the MySQL server version (for example, "8.3.0").
Return Values
A character string that represents the MySQL server version.
5.4.35 mysql_get_server_version()
unsigned long
mysql_get_server_version(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns an integer that represents the MySQL server version. The value has the format XXYYZZ where
XX is the major version, YY is the release level (or minor version), and ZZ is the sub-version within the
release level:
major_version*10000 + release_level*100 + sub_version
For example, "8.3.0" is returned as 80300.
This function is useful in client programs for determining whether some version-specific server
capability exists.
Return Values
An integer that represents the MySQL server version.
5.4.36 mysql_get_ssl_cipher()
const char *
mysql_get_ssl_cipher(MYSQL *mysql)
mysql_get_ssl_cipher() returns the encryption cipher used for the given connection to the server.
mysql is the connection handler returned from mysql_init().
Return Values
A string naming the encryption cipher used for the connection, or NULL if the connection is not
5.4.37 mysql_get_ssl_session_data()
void *
mysql_get_ssl_session_data(MYSQL *,
unsigned int n_ticket,
unsigned int *out_len)
mysql_get_ssl_session_data() permits SSL session reuse by extracting a ticket from an
established session and submitting that ticket when connecting, provided the server still has the
session in its runtime cache. This function returns a session data string and provides the length of
the string in out_len (if non-NULL). Otherwise, it returns nullptr to indicate the expected session
data is not possible or the connection is not in the right state. To prevent leaks, you must release the
session data handle by calling mysql_free_ssl_session_data() when your application is finished
with the pointer.
The format of the data is PEM serialization of the session. A session can be reused only if it was
fetched from a prior session to the same mysqld server on the same port. In addition, the SSL version
of the new session must match the SSL version of the original session.
n_ticket specifies which ticket or tickets to returned. For TLS 1.3, the server generates two session
tickets by default for new sessions and one when a session is reused. For TLS 1.2, the server
generates one session ticket by default. This should be considered when deciding on the size of the
SSL session cache on the server.
Currently, only the last transmitted session is returned. Specifically, anything
other than 0 for n_ticket causes an error. OpenSSL version 1.0.2 imposes
this limitation.
Avoid reusing SSL sessions more than one time.
Return Values
5.4.38 mysql_get_ssl_session_reused()
mysql_get_ssl_session_reused(MYSQL *mysql)
Indicates whether the currently connected session is reusing a prior session.
Return Values
TRUE if a session was reused when establishing the TLS connection. FALSE if the session is not
connected, is not a TLS session, or there is insufficient memory.
5.4.39 mysql_hex_string()
unsigned long
mysql_hex_string(char *to,
const char *from,
unsigned long length)
This function creates a legal SQL string for use in an SQL statement. See String Literals.
The string in the from argument is encoded in hexadecimal format, with each character encoded as
two hexadecimal digits. The result is placed in the to argument, followed by a terminating null byte.
The string pointed to by from must be length bytes long. You must allocate the to buffer to be at
least length*2+1 bytes long. When mysql_hex_string() returns, the contents of to is a null-
terminated string. The return value is the length of the encoded string, not including the terminating null
The return value can be placed into an SQL statement using either X'value' or 0xvalue format.
However, the return value does not include the X'...' or 0x. The caller must supply whichever of
those is desired.
char query[1000],*end;
end = strmov(query,"INSERT INTO test_table values(");
end = strmov(end,"X'");
end += mysql_hex_string(end,"What is this",12);
end = strmov(end,"',X'");
end += mysql_hex_string(end,"binary data: \0\r\n",16);
end = strmov(end,"')");
if (mysql_real_query(&mysql,query,(unsigned int) (end - query)))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to insert row, Error: %s\n",
The strmov() function used in the example is included in the libmysqlclient library and works
like strcpy() but returns a pointer to the terminating null of the first parameter.
Return Values
The length of the encoded string that is placed into to, not including the terminating null character.
5.4.40 mysql_info()
const char *
mysql_info(MYSQL *mysql)
Retrieves a string providing information about the most recently executed statement, but only for the
statements listed here. For other statements, mysql_info() returns NULL. The format of the string
varies depending on the type of statement, as described here. The numbers are illustrative only; the
string contains values appropriate for the statement.
String format: Records: 100 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
INSERT INTO ... VALUES (...),(...),(...)...
String format: Records: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
String format: Records: 1 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0
String format: Records: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
String format: Rows matched: 40 Changed: 40 Warnings: 0
mysql_info() returns a non-NULL value for INSERT ... VALUES only for the multiple-row form of
the statement (that is, only if multiple value lists are specified).
Return Values
A character string representing additional information about the most recently executed statement.
NULL if no information is available for the statement.
5.4.41 mysql_init()
mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql)
Allocates or initializes a MYSQL object suitable for mysql_real_connect(). If mysql is a NULL
pointer, the function allocates, initializes, and returns a new object. Otherwise, the object is initialized
and the address of the object is returned. If mysql_init() allocates a new object, it is freed when
mysql_close() is called to close the connection.
In a nonmultithreaded environment, mysql_init() invokes mysql_library_init()
automatically as necessary. However, mysql_library_init() is not thread-safe in a
multithreaded environment, and thus neither is mysql_init(). Before calling mysql_init(),
either call mysql_library_init() prior to spawning any threads, or use a mutex to protect the
mysql_library_init() call. This should be done prior to any other client library call.
Return Values
An initialized MYSQL* handler. NULL if there was insufficient memory to allocate a new object.
In case of insufficient memory, NULL is returned.
5.4.42 mysql_insert_id()
mysql_insert_id(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns the value generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous INSERT or UPDATE
statement. Use this function after you have performed an INSERT statement into a table that
contains an AUTO_INCREMENT field, or have used INSERT or UPDATE to set a column value with
The return value of mysql_insert_id() is always zero unless explicitly updated under one of the
following conditions:
INSERT statements that store a value into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. This is true whether the
value is automatically generated by storing the special values NULL or 0 into the column, or is an
explicit nonspecial value.
In the case of a multiple-row INSERT statement, mysql_insert_id() returns the first
automatically generated AUTO_INCREMENT value that was successfully inserted.
If no rows are successfully inserted, mysql_insert_id() returns 0.
If an INSERT ... SELECT statement is executed, and no automatically generated value is
successfully inserted, mysql_insert_id() returns the ID of the last inserted row.
If an INSERT ... SELECT statement uses LAST_INSERT_ID(expr), mysql_insert_id()
returns expr.
INSERT statements that generate an AUTO_INCREMENT value by inserting
LAST_INSERT_ID(expr) into any column or by updating any column to
If the previous statement returned an error, the value of mysql_insert_id() is undefined.
The return value of mysql_insert_id() can be simplified to the following sequence:
1. If there is an AUTO_INCREMENT column, and an automatically generated value was successfully
inserted, return the first such value.
2. If LAST_INSERT_ID(expr) occurred in the statement, return expr, even if there was an
AUTO_INCREMENT column in the affected table.
3. The return value varies depending on the statement used. When called after an INSERT statement:
If there is an AUTO_INCREMENT column in the table, and there were some explicit values for this
column that were successfully inserted into the table, return the last of the explicit values.
When called after an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement:
If there is an AUTO_INCREMENT column in the table and there were some explicit successfully
inserted values or some updated values, return the last of the inserted or updated values.
mysql_insert_id() returns 0 if the previous statement does not use an AUTO_INCREMENT value.
If you must save the value for later, be sure to call mysql_insert_id() immediately after the
statement that generates the value.
The value of mysql_insert_id() is affected only by statements issued within the current client
connection. It is not affected by statements issued by other clients.
The LAST_INSERT_ID() SQL function will contain the value of the first automatically generated value
that was successfully inserted. LAST_INSERT_ID() is not reset between statements because the
value of that function is maintained in the server. Another difference from mysql_insert_id() is that
LAST_INSERT_ID() is not updated if you set an AUTO_INCREMENT column to a specific nonspecial
value. See Information Functions.
mysql_insert_id() returns 0 following a CALL statement for a stored procedure that generates
an AUTO_INCREMENT value because in this case mysql_insert_id() applies to CALL and not the
statement within the procedure. Within the procedure, you can use LAST_INSERT_ID() at the SQL
level to obtain the AUTO_INCREMENT value.
The reason for the differences between LAST_INSERT_ID() and mysql_insert_id() is that
LAST_INSERT_ID() is made easy to use in scripts while mysql_insert_id() tries to provide more
exact information about what happens to the AUTO_INCREMENT column.
The OK packet used in the client/server protocol holds information such
as is used for session state tracking. When clients read the OK packet to
know whether there is a session state change, this resets values such as
the last insert ID and the number of affected rows. Such changes cause
mysql_insert_id() to return 0 after execution of commands including but
not necessarily limited to COM_PING, COM_REFRESH, and COM_INIT_DB.
Return Values
Described in the preceding discussion.
A user-specified AUTO_INCREMENT value in a multi INSERT statement falls within the range
between the current AUTO_INCREMENT value and the sum of the current and number of rows
affected values.
5.4.43 mysql_library_end()
This function finalizes the MySQL client library. Call it when you are done using the library (for
example, after disconnecting from the server).
To avoid memory leaks after the application is done using the library
(for example, after closing the connection to the server), be sure to call
mysql_library_end() explicitly. This enables memory managment to be
performed to clean up and free resources used by the library.
For usage information, see Chapter 4, C API Function Reference, and Section 5.4.44,
5.4.44 mysql_library_init()
mysql_library_init(int argc,
char **argv,
char **groups)
Call this function to initialize the MySQL client library before you call any other MySQL function.
To avoid memory leaks after the application is done using the library
(for example, after closing the connection to the server), be sure to call
mysql_library_end() explicitly. This enables memory managment
to be performed to clean up and free resources used by the library. See
Section 5.4.43, “mysql_library_end()”.
In a nonmultithreaded environment, the call to mysql_library_init() may be omitted, because
mysql_init() invokes it automatically as necessary. However, mysql_library_init() is
not thread-safe in a multithreaded environment, and thus neither is mysql_init(), which calls
mysql_library_init(). You must either call mysql_library_init() prior to spawning any
threads, or else use a mutex to protect the call, whether you invoke mysql_library_init() or
indirectly through mysql_init(). Do this prior to any other client library call.
The argc, argv, and groups arguments are unused. In older MySQL versions, they were used for
applications linked against the embedded server, which is no longer supported. The call now should be
written as mysql_library_init(0, NULL, NULL).
#include <mysql.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void) {
if (mysql_library_init(0, NULL, NULL)) {
fprintf(stderr, "could not initialize MySQL client library\n");
/* Use any MySQL API functions here */
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
5.4.45 mysql_list_dbs()
mysql_list_dbs(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *wild)
Returns a result set consisting of database names on the server that match the simple regular
expression specified by the wild parameter. wild may contain the wildcard characters % or _, or may
be a NULL pointer to match all databases. Calling mysql_list_dbs() is similar to executing the
You must free the result set with mysql_free_result().
Return Values
A MYSQL_RES result set for success. NULL if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
Out of memory.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
5.4.46 mysql_list_tables()
mysql_list_tables(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *wild)
Returns a result set consisting of table names in the current database that match the simple regular
expression specified by the wild parameter. wild may contain the wildcard characters % or _, or
may be a NULL pointer to match all tables. Calling mysql_list_tables() is similar to executing the
query SHOW TABLES [LIKE wild].
You must free the result set with mysql_free_result().
Return Values
A MYSQL_RES result set for success. NULL if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
5.4.47 mysql_more_results()
mysql_more_results(MYSQL *mysql)
This function is used when you execute multiple statements specified as a single statement string, or
when you execute CALL statements, which can return multiple result sets.
mysql_more_results() true if more results exist from the currently executed statement, in which
case the application must call mysql_next_result() to fetch the results.
Return Values
TRUE (1) if more results exist. FALSE (0) if no more results exist.
In most cases, you can call mysql_next_result() instead to test whether more results exist and
initiate retrieval if so.
See Section 3.6.3, “Multiple Statement Execution Support”, and Section 5.4.48, “mysql_next_result()”.
5.4.48 mysql_next_result()
mysql_next_result(MYSQL *mysql)
mysql_next_result() is a synchronous function. Its asynchronous
counterpart is mysql_next_result_nonblocking(), for use by applications
that require asynchronous communication with the server. See Chapter 7, C
API Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_next_result() is used when you execute multiple statements specified as a single
statement string, or when you use CALL statements to execute stored procedures, which can return
multiple result sets.
mysql_next_result() reads the next statement result and returns a status to indicate whether
more results exist. If mysql_next_result() returns an error, there are no more results.
Before each call to mysql_next_result(), you must call mysql_free_result() for the current
statement if it is a statement that returned a result set (rather than just a result status).
After calling mysql_next_result() the state of the connection is as if you had called
mysql_real_query() or mysql_query() for the next statement. This means that you can call
mysql_store_result(), mysql_warning_count(), mysql_affected_rows(), and so forth.
If your program uses CALL statements to execute stored procedures, the CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS
flag must be enabled. This is because each CALL returns a result to indicate the call status, in addition
to any result sets that might be returned by statements executed within the procedure. Because CALL
can return multiple results, process them using a loop that calls mysql_next_result() to determine
whether there are more results.
CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS can be enabled when you call mysql_real_connect(),
either explicitly by passing the CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS flag itself, or implicitly by
CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS is enabled by default.
It is also possible to test whether there are more results by calling mysql_more_results().
However, this function does not change the connection state, so if it returns true, you must still call
mysql_next_result() to advance to the next result.
For an example that shows how to use mysql_next_result(), see Section 3.6.3, “Multiple
Statement Execution Support”.
Return Values
Return Value Description
0 Successful and there are more results
-1 Successful and there are no more results
>0 An error occurred
Commands were executed in an improper order. For example, if you did not call
mysql_use_result() for a previous result set.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
5.4.49 mysql_num_fields()
unsigned int
mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *result)
To pass a MYSQL* argument instead, use unsigned int mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql).
Returns the number of columns in a result set.
You can get the number of columns either from a pointer to a result set or to a connection handler. You
would use the connection handler if mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() returned
NULL (and thus you have no result set pointer). In this case, you can call mysql_field_count() to
determine whether mysql_store_result() should have produced a nonempty result. This enables
the client program to take proper action without knowing whether the query was a SELECT (or SELECT-
like) statement. The example shown here illustrates how this may be done.
See Section 3.6.9, “NULL mysql_store_result() Return After mysql_query() Success”.
Return Values
An unsigned integer representing the number of columns in a result set.
MYSQL_RES *result;
unsigned int num_fields;
unsigned int num_rows;
if (mysql_query(&mysql,query_string))
// error
else // query succeeded, process any data returned by it
result = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (result) // there are rows
num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
// retrieve rows, then call mysql_free_result(result)
else // mysql_store_result() returned nothing; should it have?
if (mysql_errno(&mysql))
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
else if (mysql_field_count(&mysql) == 0)
// query does not return data
// (it was not a SELECT)
num_rows = mysql_affected_rows(&mysql);
An alternative (if you know that your query should have returned a result set) is to replace the
mysql_errno(&mysql) call with a check whether mysql_field_count(&mysql) returns 0. This
happens only if something went wrong.
5.4.50 mysql_num_rows()
mysql_num_rows(MYSQL_RES *result)
Returns the number of rows in the result set.
The use of mysql_num_rows() depends on whether you use mysql_store_result()
or mysql_use_result() to return the result set. If you use mysql_store_result(),
mysql_num_rows() may be called immediately. If you use mysql_use_result(),
mysql_num_rows() does not return the correct value until all the rows in the result set have been
mysql_num_rows() is intended for use with statements that return a result set, such as SELECT. For
statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, the number of affected rows can be obtained with
Return Values
The number of rows in the result set.
5.4.51 mysql_options()
mysql_options(MYSQL *mysql,
enum mysql_option option,
const void *arg)
Can be used to set extra connect options and affect behavior for a connection. This function may be
called multiple times to set several options. To retrieve option values, use mysql_get_option().
Call mysql_options() after mysql_init() and before mysql_connect() or
The option argument is the option that you want to set; the arg argument is the value for the option.
If the option is an integer, specify a pointer to the value of the integer as the arg argument.
Options for information such as SSL certificate and key files are used to establish an encrypted
connection if such connections are available, but do not enforce any requirement that the connection
obtained be encrypted. To require an encrypted connection, use the technique described in
Section 3.6.1, “Support for Encrypted Connections”.
The following list describes the possible options, their effect, and how arg is used for each option. For
option descriptions that indicate arg is unused, its value is irrelevant; it is conventional to pass 0.
MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH (argument type: char *)
The name of the authentication plugin to use.
MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN (argument type: bool *)
Enable the mysql_clear_password cleartext authentication plugin. See Client-Side Cleartext
Pluggable Authentication.
MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND (argument type: char *)
SQL statement to execute when connecting to the MySQL server. Automatically re-executed if
reconnection occurs.
MYSQL_OPT_BIND (argument: char *)
The network interface from which to connect to the server. This is used when the client host has
multiple network interfaces. The argument is a host name or IP address (specified as a string).
Indicate whether the client can handle expired passwords. See Server Handling of Expired
MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS (argument: not used)
Compress all information sent between the client and the server if possible. See Connection
Compression Control.
As of MySQL 8.0.18, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS becomes a legacy option, due to the introduction of
the MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS option for more control over connection compression
(see Configuring Connection Compression). The meaning of MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS depends on
When MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS is not specified, enabling
MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS is equivalent to specifying a client-side algorithm set of
is equivalent to specifying an algorithm set of zlib and the full client-side algorithm set is the
union of zlib plus the algorithms specified by MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS. For
set to zlib,zstd, the permitted-algorithm set is zlib plus zlib,zstd; that is, zlib,zstd.
zstd,uncompressed, the permitted-algorithm set is zlib plus zstd,uncompressed; that is,
As of MySQL 8.0.18, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS is deprecated. It is subject to removal in a future
MySQL version. See Configuring Legacy Connection Compression.
MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS (argument type: const char *)
The permitted compression algorithms for connections to the server. The available algorithms are
the same as for the protocol_compression_algorithms system variable. If this option is not
specified, the default value is uncompressed.
For more information, see Connection Compression Control.
This option was added in MySQL 8.0.18. For asynchronous operations, the option has no effect until
MySQL 8.0.21.
MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE (argument type: char *)
Given a key name, this option deletes a key-value pair from the current set of connection attributes to
pass to the server at connect time. The argument is a pointer to a null-terminated string naming the
key. Comparison of the key name with existing keys is case-sensitive.
See also the description for the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_RESET option, as well as
the description for the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD option in the description of the
mysql_options4() function. That function description also includes a usage example.
The Performance Schema exposes connection attributes through the session_connect_attrs
and session_account_connect_attrs tables. See Performance Schema Connection Attribute
MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_RESET (argument not used)
This option resets (clears) the current set of connection attributes to pass to the server at connect
See also the description for the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE option, as well as
the description for the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD option in the description of the
mysql_options4() function. That function description also includes a usage example.
The Performance Schema exposes connection attributes through the session_connect_attrs
and session_account_connect_attrs tables. See Performance Schema Connection Attribute
MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (argument type: unsigned int *)
The connect timeout in seconds.
MYSQL_OPT_GET_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY (argument type: bool *)
Enables the client to request from the server the public key required for RSA key pair-
based password exchange. This option applies to clients that authenticate with the
caching_sha2_password authentication plugin. For that plugin, the server does not send the
public key unless requested. This option is ignored for accounts that do not authenticate with that
plugin. It is also ignored if RSA-based password exchange is not used, as is the case when the client
connects to the server using a secure connection.
If MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY is given and specifies a valid public key file, it takes precedence
For information about the caching_sha2_password plugin, see Caching SHA-2 Pluggable
MYSQL_OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR (argument type: char *)
This option affects the client-side LOCAL capability for LOAD DATA operations. It specifies the
directory in which files named in LOAD DATA LOCAL statements must be located. The effect of
MYSQL_OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR depends on whether LOCAL data loading is enabled or
If LOCAL data loading is enabled, either by default in the MySQL client library or by explicitly
If LOCAL data loading is disabled, either by default in the MySQL client library or by explicitly
can be used to designate a permitted directory for locally loaded files. In this case, LOCAL data
loading is permitted but restricted to files located in the designated directory. Interpretation of the
MYSQL_OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR value is as follows:
If the value is the null pointer (the default), it names no directory, with the result that no files are
permitted for LOCAL data loading.
If the value is a directory path name, LOCAL data loading is permitted but restricted to files
located in the named directory. Comparison of the directory path name and the path name
of files to be loaded is case-sensitive regardless of the case-sensitivity of the underlying file
For example, to explicitly disable local data loading except for files located in the /my/local/data
directory, invoke mysql_options() like this:
unsigned int i = 0;
The MYSQL_OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR option can be set any time during the life of the mysql
connection handler. Once set, the value applies to all subsequent LOCAL load operations until such
time as the value is changed.
The ENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE CMake option controls the client library default for local data loading
(see MySQL Source-Configuration Options).
Successful use of LOCAL load operations by a client also requires that the server permits local
loading; see Security Considerations for LOAD DATA LOCAL
The MYSQL_OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR option was added in MySQL 8.0.21.
MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE (argument type: optional pointer to unsigned int)
This option affects client-side LOCAL capability for LOAD DATA operations. By default,
LOCAL capability is determined by the default compiled into the MySQL client library.
To control this capability explicitly, invoke mysql_options() to enable or disable the
To enable LOCAL data loading, set the pointer to point to an unsigned int that has a nonzero
value, or omit the pointer argument.
To disable LOCAL data loading, set the pointer to point to an unsigned int that has a zero
If LOCAL capability is disabled, the MYSQL_OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR option can be used to
permit restricted local loading of files located in a designated directory.
The ENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE CMake option controls the client library default for local data loading
(see MySQL Source-Configuration Options).
Successful use of LOCAL load operations by a client also requires that the server permits local
loading; see Security Considerations for LOAD DATA LOCAL
MYSQL_OPT_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET (argument: unsigned long *)
This option sets the client-side maximum size of the buffer for client/server communication. If the
mysql argument is non-NULL, the call sets the option value for that session. If mysql is NULL, the
call sets the option value globally for all subsequent sessions for which a session-specific value is
not specified.
Because it is possible to set a session or global maximum buffer size, depending on whether the
mysql argument is non-NULL or NULL, mysql_get_option() similarly returns the session or
global value depending on its mysql argument.
MYSQL_OPT_NAMED_PIPE (argument: not used)
Use a named pipe to connect to the MySQL server on Windows, if the server permits named-pipe
MYSQL_OPT_NET_BUFFER_LENGTH (argument: unsigned long *)
This option sets the client-side buffer size for TCP/IP and socket communication.
This flag makes result set metadata optional. It is an alternative to setting the
CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA connection flag for the mysql_real_connect()
function. For details about managing result set metadata transfer, see Section 3.6.7, “Optional Result
Set Metadata”.
MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL (argument type: unsigned int *)
Transport protocol to use for connection. Specify one of the enum values of
mysql_protocol_type defined in mysql.h.
MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT (argument type: unsigned int *)
The timeout in seconds for each attempt to read from the server. There are retries if necessary, so
the total effective timeout value is three times the option value. You can set the value so that a lost
connection can be detected earlier than the TCP/IP Close_Wait_Timeout value of 10 minutes.
MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT (argument type: bool *)
The MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT option is still available but is deprecated;
expect it to be removed in a future version of MySQL.
Enable or disable automatic reconnection to the server if the connection is found to have been lost.
Reconnect is off by default; this option provides a way to set reconnection behavior explicitly. See
Section 3.6.8, “Automatic Reconnection Control”.
MYSQL_OPT_RETRY_COUNT (argument type: unsigned int *)
The retry count for I/O-related system calls that are interrupted while connecting to the server or
communicating with it. If this option is not specified, the default value is 1 (1 retry if the initial call is
interrupted for 2 tries total).
This option can be used only by clients that link against a C client library compiled with NDB Cluster
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CA (argument type: char *)
The path name of the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate file. This option, if used, must specify the
same certificate used by the server.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CAPATH (argument type: char *)
The path name of the directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificate files.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CERT (argument type: char *)
The path name of the client public key certificate file.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CIPHER (argument type: char *)
The list of permissible ciphers for SSL encryption.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRL (argument type: char *)
The path name of the file containing certificate revocation lists.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRLPATH (argument type: char *)
The path name of the directory that contains files containing certificate revocation lists.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_FIPS_MODE (argument type: unsigned int *)
The MYSQL_OPT_SSL_FIPS_MODE option is deprecated and subject to removal in a future version
of MySQL.
Controls whether to enable FIPS mode on the client side. The MYSQL_OPT_SSL_FIPS_MODE
option differs from other MYSQL_OPT_SSL_xxx options in that it is not used to establish encrypted
connections, but rather to affect which cryptographic operations to permit. See FIPS Support.
Permitted option values are SSL_FIPS_MODE_OFF, SSL_FIPS_MODE_ON, and
If the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module is not available, the only permitted
SSL_FIPS_MODE_STRICT causes the client to produce a warning at startup
and to operate in non-FIPS mode.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_KEY (argument type: char *)
The path name of the client private key file.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE (argument type: unsigned int *)
The security state to use for the connection to the server: SSL_MODE_DISABLED,
SSL_MODE_VERIFY_IDENTITY. If this option is not specified, the default is
SSL_MODE_PREFERRED. These modes are the permitted values of the mysql_ssl_mode
enumeration defined in mysql.h. For more information about the security states, see the description
of --ssl-mode in Command Options for Encrypted Connections.
MYSQL_OPT_SSL_SESSION_DATA (argument type: void *)
The session data to use for session reuse when establishing the next encrypted connection. It should
be set before mysql_real_connect() and after mysql_init(). It expects the PEM session data
as returned by mysql_get_ssl_session_data() and copies the result into the MYSQL handle.
It is reset to nullptr (the default) after mysql_real_connect(), unless specified otherwise
If specified, an attempt is made to reuse the session at TLS establishment time.
mysql_get_option() returns the handle set by mysql_options(), if any, and it does not
increase the number reference counts.
This option was added in MySQL 8.0.29.
MYSQL_OPT_TLS_CIPHERSUITES (argument type: char *)
Which ciphersuites the client permits for encrypted connections that use TLSv1.3. The value is a
list of one or more colon-separated ciphersuite names. The ciphersuites that can be named for this
option depend on the SSL library used to compile MySQL. For details, see Encrypted Connection
TLS Protocols and Ciphers.
This option was added in MySQL 8.0.16.
MYSQL_OPT_TLS_SNI_SERVERNAME (argument type: char *)
Which server the client is trying to connect to at the start of the TLS handshake. This option must be
set prior to connecting to the server. The server name contains the fully qualified DNS host name of
the server, as understood by the client. The server name is represented as a byte string using ASCII
encoding, without a trailing dot, and it is not case-sensitive.
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the TLS protocol (OpenSSL must be compiled using
TLS extensions for this option to function). The MySQL implementation of SNI represents the client-
side only.
MYSQL_OPT_TLS_VERSION (argument type: char *)
Which protocols the client permits for encrypted connections. The value is a list of one or more
comma-separated protocol versions. The protocols that can be named for this option depend on
the SSL library used to compile MySQL. For details, see Encrypted Connection TLS Protocols and
MYSQL_OPT_USE_RESULT (argument: not used)
This option is unused.
MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT (argument type: unsigned int *)
The timeout in seconds for each attempt to write to the server. There is a retry if necessary, so the
total effective timeout value is two times the option value.
MYSQL_OPT_ZSTD_COMPRESSION_LEVEL (argument type: unsigned int *)
The compression level to use for connections to the server that use the zstd compression algorithm.
The permitted levels are from 1 to 22, with larger values indicating increasing levels of compression.
If this option is not specified, the default zstd compression level is 3. The compression level setting
has no effect on connections that do not use zstd compression.
For more information, see Connection Compression Control.
This option was added in MySQL 8.0.18. For asynchronous operations, the option has no effect until
MySQL 8.0.21.
MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR (argument type: char *)
The directory in which to look for client plugins.
MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE (argument type: char *)
Read options from the named option file instead of from my.cnf.
MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP (argument type: char *)
Read options from the named group from my.cnf or the file specified with
MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION (argument type: bool *)
Enable or disable reporting of data truncation errors for prepared statements using the error
member of MYSQL_BIND structures. (Default: enabled.)
MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY (argument type: char *)
The path name to a file in PEM format containing a client-side copy of the public key required by the
server for RSA key pair-based password exchange. This option applies to clients that authenticate
with the sha256_password or caching_sha2_password authentication plugin. This option is
ignored for accounts that do not authenticate with one of those plugins. It is also ignored if RSA-
based password exchange is not used, as is the case when the client connects to the server using a
secure connection.
If MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY is given and specifies a valid public key file, it takes precedence
For information about the sha256_password and caching_sha2_password plugins, see
SHA-256 Pluggable Authentication, and Caching SHA-2 Pluggable Authentication.
MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR (argument type: char *)
The path name of the directory that contains character set definition files.
MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME (argument type: char *)
The name of the character set to use as the default character set. The argument can be
MYSQL_AUTODETECT_CHARSET_NAME to cause the character set to be autodetected based on the
operating system setting (see Connection Character Sets and Collations).
MYSQL_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE_NAME (argument type: char *)
The name of the shared-memory object for communication to the server on Windows, if
the server supports shared-memory connections. Specify the same value as used for the
shared_memory_base_name system variable. of the mysqld server you want to connect to.
The client group is always read if you use MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE or
The specified group in the option file may contain the following options.
Option Description
character-sets-dir=dir_name The directory where character sets are installed.
compress Use the compressed client/server protocol.
connect-timeout=seconds The connect timeout in seconds. On Linux this
timeout is also used for waiting for the first answer
from the server.
database=db_name Connect to this database if no database was
specified in the connect command.
debug Debug options.
default-character-set=charset_name The default character set to use.
disable-local-infile Disable use of LOAD DATA LOCAL.
enable-cleartext-plugin Enable the mysql_clear_password cleartext
authentication plugin.
host=host_name Default host name.
init-command=stmt Statement to execute when connecting to MySQL
server. Automatically re-executed if reconnection
interactive-timeout=seconds Same as specifying CLIENT_INTERACTIVE to
mysql_real_connect(). See Section 5.4.55,
local-infile[={0|1}] If no argument or nonzero argument, enable use
of LOAD DATA LOCAL; otherwise disable.
max_allowed_packet=bytes Maximum size of packet that client can read from
Option Description
multi-queries, multi-results Enable multiple result sets from multiple-statement
executions or stored procedures.
multi-statements Enable the client to send multiple statements in a
single string (separated by ; characters).
password=password Default password.
pipe Use named pipes to connect to a MySQL server
on Windows.
port=port_num Default port number.
protocol={TCP|SOCKET|PIPE|MEMORY} The protocol to use when connecting to the
return-found-rows Tell mysql_info() to return found rows instead
of updated rows when using UPDATE.
shared-memory-base-name=name Shared-memory name to use to connect to server.
socket={file_name|pipe_name} Default socket file.
ssl-ca=file_name Certificate Authority file.
ssl-capath=dir_name Certificate Authority directory.
ssl-cert=file_name Certificate file.
ssl-cipher=cipher_list Permissible SSL ciphers.
ssl-key=file_name Key file.
timeout=seconds Like connect-timeout.
user Default user.
timeout has been replaced by connect-timeout, but timeout is still supported for backward
For more information about option files used by MySQL programs, see Using Option Files.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if you specify an unknown option.
The following mysql_options() calls request the use of compression in the client/server protocol,
cause options to be read from the [odbc] group in option files, and disable transaction autocommit
MYSQL mysql;
mysql_options(&mysql,MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND,"SET autocommit=0");
if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"host","user","passwd","database",0,NULL,0))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",
5.4.52 mysql_options4()
mysql_options4(MYSQL *mysql,
enum mysql_option option,
const void *arg1,
const void *arg2)
mysql_options4() is similar to mysql_options() but has an extra fourth argument so that two
values can be passed for the option specified in the second argument.
The following list describes the permitted options, their effect, and how arg1 and arg2 are used.
MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD (argument types: char *, char *)
This option adds an attribute key-value pair to the current set of connection attributes to pass to the
server at connect time. Both arguments are pointers to null-terminated strings. The first and second
strings indicate the key and value, respectively. If the key is empty or already exists in the current
set of connection attributes, an error occurs. Comparison of the key name with existing keys is case-
Key names that begin with an underscore (_) are reserved for internal use and should not be created
by application programs. This convention permits new attributes to be introduced by MySQL without
colliding with application attributes.
mysql_options4() imposes a limit of 64KB on the aggregate size of connection attribute
data it accepts. For calls that cause this limit to be exceeded, a CR_INVALID_PARAMETER_NO
error occurs. Attribute size-limit checks also occur on the server side. For details, see
Performance Schema Connection Attribute Tables, which also describes how the Performance
Schema exposes connection attributes through the session_connect_attrs and
session_account_connect_attrs tables.
See also the descriptions for the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_RESET and
MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE options in the description of the mysql_options()
MYSQL_OPT_USER_PASSWORD (argument types: unsigned int *, char *)
This option specifies the password for a multifactor authentication factor (see Multifactor
The first argument points to an unsigned int variable that should have a value of 1, 2, or 3 to
indicate the factor for which the password is being specified. The second argument points to a
character string that provides the password value.
This option was added in MySQL 8.0.27.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if you specify an unknown option.
A duplicate attribute name was specified.
A key name was empty or the amount of key-value connection attribute data exceeds 64KB limit.
Out of memory.
This example demonstrates the calls that specify connection attributes:
MYSQL mysql;
mysql_options(&mysql,MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_RESET, 0);
mysql_options4(&mysql,MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD, "key1", "value1");
mysql_options4(&mysql,MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD, "key2", "value2");
mysql_options4(&mysql,MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD, "key3", "value3");
mysql_options(&mysql,MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE, "key1");
if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"host","user","passwd","database",0,NULL,0))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",
5.4.53 mysql_ping()
mysql_ping(MYSQL *mysql)
Checks whether the connection to the server is working. If the connection has gone down and auto-
reconnect is enabled an attempt to reconnect is made. If the connection is down and auto-reconnect is
disabled, mysql_ping() returns an error.
Auto-reconnect is disabled by default. To enable it, call mysql_options() with the
MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT option (deprecated). For details, see Section 5.4.51, “mysql_options()”.
mysql_ping() can be used by clients that remain idle for a long while, to check whether the server
has closed the connection and reconnect if necessary.
If mysql_ping()) does cause a reconnect, there is no explicit indication of it. To determine whether
a reconnect occurs, call mysql_thread_id() to get the original connection identifier before calling
mysql_ping(), then call mysql_thread_id() again to see whether the identifier has changed.
If reconnect occurs, some characteristics of the connection will have been reset. For details about
these characteristics, see Section 3.6.8, “Automatic Reconnection Control”.
Return Values
Zero if the connection to the server is active. Nonzero if an error occurred. A nonzero return does not
indicate whether the MySQL server itself is down; the connection might be broken for other reasons
such as network problems.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
An unknown error occurred.
5.4.54 mysql_query()
mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *stmt_str)
Executes the SQL statement pointed to by the null-terminated string stmt_str. Normally, the string
must consist of a single SQL statement without a terminating semicolon (;) or \g. If multiple-statement
execution has been enabled, the string can contain several statements separated by semicolons. See
Section 3.6.3, “Multiple Statement Execution Support”.
mysql_query() cannot be used for statements that contain binary data; you must use
mysql_real_query() instead. (Binary data may contain the \0 character, which mysql_query()
interprets as the end of the statement string.)
To determine whether a statement returns a result set, call mysql_field_count(). See
Section 5.4.23, “mysql_field_count()”.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
5.4.55 mysql_real_connect()
mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *host,
const char *user,
const char *passwd,
const char *db,
unsigned int port,
const char *unix_socket,
unsigned long client_flag)
mysql_real_connect() is a synchronous function. Its asynchronous
counterpart is mysql_real_connect_nonblocking(), for use by
applications that require asynchronous communication with the server. See
Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
To connect using a DNS SRV record, use
mysql_real_connect_dns_srv(). See Section 5.4.56,
mysql_real_connect() attempts to establish a connection to a MySQL server running on host.
Client programs must successfully connect to a server before executing any other API functions that
require a valid MYSQL connection handler structure.
Specify the arguments as follows:
For the first argument, specify the address of an existing MYSQL structure. Before calling
mysql_real_connect(), call mysql_init() to initialize the MYSQL structure. You can change a
lot of connect options with the mysql_options() call. See Section 5.4.51, “mysql_options()”.
The value of host may be either a host name or an IP address. The client attempts to connect as
If host is NULL or the string "localhost", a connection to the local host is assumed:
On Windows, the client connects using a shared-memory connection, if the server has shared-
memory connections enabled.
On Unix, the client connects using a Unix socket file. The unix_socket argument or the
MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable may be used to specify the socket name.
On Windows, if host is ".", or TCP/IP is not enabled and no unix_socket is specified or the
host is empty, the client connects using a named pipe, if the server has named-pipe connections
enabled. If named-pipe connections are not enabled, an error occurs.
Otherwise, TCP/IP is used.
You can also influence the type of connection to use with the MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL or
MYSQL_OPT_NAMED_PIPE options to mysql_options(). The type of connection must be
supported by the server.
The user argument contains the user's MySQL login ID. If user is NULL or the empty string "",
the current user is assumed. Under Unix, this is the current login name. Under Windows ODBC, the
current user name must be specified explicitly. See the Connector/ODBC section of Connectors and
The passwd argument contains the password for user. If passwd is NULL, only entries in the user
table for the user that have a blank (empty) password field are checked for a match. This enables the
database administrator to set up the MySQL privilege system in such a way that users get different
privileges depending on whether they have specified a password.
Do not attempt to encrypt the password before calling
mysql_real_connect(); password encryption is handled automatically by
the client API.
The user and passwd arguments use whatever character set has been configured for the MYSQL
object. By default, this is utf8mb4, but can be changed by calling mysql_options(mysql,
MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, "charset_name") prior to connecting.
db is the database name. If db is not NULL, the connection sets the default database to this value.
If port is not 0, the value is used as the port number for the TCP/IP connection. Note that the host
argument determines the type of the connection.
If unix_socket is not NULL, the string specifies the socket or named pipe to use. Note that the
host argument determines the type of the connection.
The value of client_flag is usually 0, but can be set to a combination of the following flags to
enable certain features:
CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS: The client can handle expired passwords. For more
information, see Server Handling of Expired Passwords.
CLIENT_COMPRESS: Use compression in the client/server protocol.
CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS: Return the number of found (matched) rows, not the number of changed
CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE: Prevents the client library from installing a SIGPIPE signal handler.
This can be used to avoid conflicts with a handler that the application has already installed.
CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE: Permit spaces after function names. Makes all functions names
reserved words.
CLIENT_INTERACTIVE: Permit interactive_timeout seconds of inactivity (rather than
wait_timeout seconds) before closing the connection. The client's session wait_timeout
variable is set to the value of the session interactive_timeout variable.
CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS: Tell the server that the client can handle multiple result sets
from multiple-statement executions or stored procedures. This flag is automatically enabled if
CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS is enabled. See the note following this table for more information
about this flag.
CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS: Tell the server that the client may send multiple statements in
a single string (separated by ; characters). If this flag is not set, multiple-statement execution is
disabled. See the note following this table for more information about this flag.
CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA: Do not permit db_name.tbl_name.col_name syntax. This is for ODBC.
It causes the parser to generate an error if you use that syntax, which is useful for trapping bugs in
some ODBC programs.
From MySQL 8.0.32, the CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA flag is deprecated. Client programs can omit this
flag and the db argument to have the connection set the database value to the current (or default)
CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA: This flag makes result set metadata optional.
Suppression of metadata transfer can improve performance, particularly for sessions that execute
many queries that return few rows each. For details about managing result set metadata transfer,
see Section 3.6.7, “Optional Result Set Metadata”.
CLIENT_SSL: Use SSL (encrypted protocol). Do not set this option within an application
program; it is set internally in the client library. Instead, use mysql_options() before calling
CLIENT_REMEMBER_OPTIONS: Remember options specified by calls to mysql_options().
Without this option, if mysql_real_connect() fails, you must repeat the mysql_options()
calls before trying to connect again. With this option, the mysql_options() calls need not be
If your program uses CALL statements to execute stored procedures, the CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS
flag must be enabled. This is because each CALL returns a result to indicate the call status, in addition
to any result sets that might be returned by statements executed within the procedure. Because CALL
can return multiple results, process them using a loop that calls mysql_next_result() to determine
whether there are more results.
CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS can be enabled when you call mysql_real_connect(),
either explicitly by passing the CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS flag itself, or implicitly by
CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS is enabled by default.
result for every call to mysql_real_query() or mysql_query() by using a loop that calls
mysql_next_result() to determine whether there are more results. For an example, see
Section 3.6.3, “Multiple Statement Execution Support”.
For some arguments, it is possible to have the value taken from an option file rather than from
an explicit value in the mysql_real_connect() call. To do this, call mysql_options() with
mysql_real_connect(). Then, in the mysql_real_connect() call, specify the “no-value” value
for each argument to be read from an option file:
For host, specify a value of NULL or the empty string ("").
For user, specify a value of NULL or the empty string.
For passwd, specify a value of NULL. (For the password, a value of the empty string in the
mysql_real_connect() call cannot be overridden in an option file, because the empty string
indicates explicitly that the MySQL account must have an empty password.)
For db, specify a value of NULL or the empty string.
For port, specify a value of 0.
For unix_socket, specify a value of NULL.
If no value is found in an option file for an argument, its default value is used as indicated in the
descriptions given earlier in this section.
Return Values
A MYSQL* connection handler if the connection was successful, NULL if the connection was
unsuccessful. For a successful connection, the return value is the same as the value of the first
Failed to connect to the MySQL server.
Failed to connect to the local MySQL server.
Failed to create an IP socket.
Out of memory.
Failed to create a Unix socket.
Failed to find the IP address for the host name.
A protocol mismatch resulted from attempting to connect to a server with a client library that uses a
different protocol version.
Failed to create a named pipe on Windows.
Failed to wait for a named pipe on Windows.
Failed to get a pipe handler on Windows.
If connect_timeout > 0 and it took longer than connect_timeout seconds to connect to the
server or if the server died while executing the init-command.
The MYSQL connection handler is already connected.
MYSQL mysql;
if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"host","user","passwd","database",0,NULL,0))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",
By using mysql_options() the MySQL client library reads the [client] and [your_prog_name]
sections in the my.cnf file. This enables you to add options to the [your_prog_name] section to
ensure that your program works, even if someone has set up MySQL in some nonstandard way.
5.4.56 mysql_real_connect_dns_srv()
mysql_real_connect_dns_srv(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *dns_srv_name,
const char *user,
const char *passwd,
const char *db,
unsigned long client_flag)
mysql_real_connect_dns_srv() is a synchronous function. Unlike
mysql_real_connect(), it has no asynchronous counterpart.
mysql_real_connect_dns_srv() is similar to mysql_real_connect(), except that the
argument list does not specify the particular host of the MySQL server to connect to. Instead, it names
a DNS SRV record that specifies a group of servers. For information about DNS SRV support in
MySQL, see Connecting to the Server Using DNS SRV Records.
The dns_srv_name argument for mysql_real_connect_dns_srv() takes the place of the host,
port, and unix_socket arguments for mysql_real_connect(). The dns_srv_name argument
names a DNS SRV record that determines the candidate hosts to use for establishing a connection to a
MySQL server.
The mysql, user, passwd, db, and client_flag arguments to
mysql_real_connect_dns_srv() have the same meanings as for mysql_real_connect(). For
descriptions of their meanings, see Section 5.4.55, “mysql_real_connect()”.
Suppose that DNS is configured with this SRV information for the domain:
Name TTL Class Priority Weight Port Target 86400 IN SRV 0 5 3306 86400 IN SRV 0 10 3306 86400 IN SRV 10 5 3306 86400 IN SRV 20 5 3306
To use that DNS SRV record, pass "" as the dns_srv_name
argument to mysql_real_connect_dns_srv(), which then attempts a connection to each server in
the group until a successful connection is established. A failure to connect occurs only if a connection
cannot be established to any of the servers. The priority and weight values in the DNS SRV record
determine the order in which servers should be tried.
mysql_real_connect_dns_srv() attempts to establish TCP connections only.
The client library performs a DNS SRV lookup for each call to mysql_real_connect_dns_srv().
The client library does no caching of lookup results.
Return Values
A MYSQL* connection handler if the connection was successful, NULL if the connection was
unsuccessful. For a successful connection, the return value is the same as the value of the first
The same that you can get from mysql_real_connect(), plus:
DNS SRV lookup failed.
The following example uses the name of the DNS SRV record shown previously as the source of
candidate servers for establishing a connection.
MYSQL mysql;
const char *dns_srv_name = "";
if (!mysql_real_connect_dns_srv(&mysql,dns_srv_name,"user","passwd","database",0))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",
5.4.57 mysql_real_escape_string()
unsigned long
mysql_real_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql,
char *to,
const char *from,
unsigned long length)
This function creates a legal SQL string for use in an SQL statement. See String Literals.
mysql_real_escape_string() fails and produces an
mode is enabled. In this case, the function cannot escape quote characters
except by doubling them, and to do this properly, it must know more
information about the quoting context than is available. Instead, use
mysql_real_escape_string_quote(), which takes an extra argument for
specifying the quoting context.
The mysql argument must be a valid, open connection because character escaping depends on the
character set in use by the server.
The string in the from argument is encoded to produce an escaped SQL string, taking into account
the current character set of the connection. The result is placed in the to argument, followed by a
terminating null byte.
Characters encoded are \, ', ", NUL (ASCII 0), \n, \r, and Control+Z. Strictly speaking, MySQL
requires only that backslash and the quote character used to quote the string in the query be escaped.
mysql_real_escape_string() quotes the other characters to make them easier to read in log
files. For comparison, see the quoting rules for literal strings and the QUOTE() SQL function in String
Literals, and String Functions and Operators.
The string pointed to by from must be length bytes long. You must allocate the to buffer
to be at least length*2+1 bytes long. (In the worst case, each character may need to be
encoded as using two bytes, and there must be room for the terminating null byte.) When
mysql_real_escape_string() returns, the contents of to is a null-terminated string. The return
value is the length of the encoded string, not including the terminating null byte.
If you must change the character set of the connection, use the mysql_set_character_set()
function rather than executing a SET NAMES (or SET CHARACTER SET) statement.
mysql_set_character_set() works like SET NAMES but also affects the character set used by
mysql_real_escape_string(), which SET NAMES does not.
The following example inserts two escaped strings into an INSERT statement, each within single quote
char query[1000],*end;
end = my_stpcpy(query,"INSERT INTO test_table VALUES('");
end += mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql,end,"What is this",12);
end = my_stpcpy(end,"','");
end += mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql,end,"binary data: \0\r\n",16);
end = my_stpcpy(end,"')");
if (mysql_real_query(&mysql,query,(unsigned int) (end - query)))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to insert row, Error: %s\n",
The my_stpcpy() function used in the example is included in the libmysqlclient library and
works like strcpy() but returns a pointer to the terminating null of the first parameter.
Return Values
The length of the encoded string that is placed into the to argument, not including the terminating null
byte, or -1 if an error occurs.
Because mysql_real_escape_string() returns an unsigned value, you can check for -1
by comparing the return value to (unsigned long)-1 (or to (unsigned long)~0, which is
This error occurs if the NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES SQL mode is enabled because, in that case,
mysql_real_escape_string() cannot be guaranteed to produce a properly encoded result. To
avoid this error, use mysql_real_escape_string_quote() instead.
5.4.58 mysql_real_escape_string_quote()
unsigned long
mysql_real_escape_string_quote(MYSQL *mysql,
char *to,
const char *from,
unsigned long length,
char quote)
This function creates a legal SQL string for use in an SQL statement. See String Literals.
The mysql argument must be a valid, open connection because character escaping depends on the
character set in use by the server.
The string in the from argument is encoded to produce an escaped SQL string, taking into account
the current character set of the connection. The result is placed in the to argument, followed by a
terminating null byte.
Characters encoded are \, ', ", NUL (ASCII 0), \n, \r, Control+Z, and `. Strictly speaking, MySQL
requires only that backslash and the quote character used to quote the string in the query be escaped.
mysql_real_escape_string_quote() quotes the other characters to make them easier to read
in log files. For comparison, see the quoting rules for literal strings and the QUOTE() SQL function in
String Literals, and String Functions and Operators.
If the ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode is enabled,
mysql_real_escape_string_quote() cannot be used to escape double
quote characters for use within double-quoted identifiers. (The function cannot
tell whether the mode is enabled to determine the proper escaping character.)
The string pointed to by from must be length bytes long. You must allocate the to buffer
to be at least length*2+1 bytes long. (In the worst case, each character may need to be
encoded as using two bytes, and there must be room for the terminating null byte.) When
mysql_real_escape_string_quote() returns, the contents of to is a null-terminated string. The
return value is the length of the encoded string, not including the terminating null byte.
The quote argument indicates the context in which the escaped string is to be placed. Suppose that
you intend to escape the from argument and insert the escaped string (designated here by str) into
one of the following statements:
1) SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = 'str'
2) SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = "str"
3) SELECT * FROM `str` WHERE id = 103
To perform escaping properly for each statement, call mysql_real_escape_string_quote() as
follows, where the final argument indicates the quoting context:
1) len = mysql_real_escape_string_quote(&mysql,to,from,from_len,'\'');
2) len = mysql_real_escape_string_quote(&mysql,to,from,from_len,'"');
3) len = mysql_real_escape_string_quote(&mysql,to,from,from_len,'`');
If you must change the character set of the connection, use the mysql_set_character_set()
function rather than executing a SET NAMES (or SET CHARACTER SET) statement.
mysql_set_character_set() works like SET NAMES but also affects the character set used by
mysql_real_escape_string_quote(), which SET NAMES does not.
The following example inserts two escaped strings into an INSERT statement, each within single quote
char query[1000],*end;
end = my_stpcpy(query,"INSERT INTO test_table VALUES('");
end += mysql_real_escape_string_quote(&mysql,end,"What is this",12,'\'');
end = my_stpcpy(end,"','");
end += mysql_real_escape_string_quote(&mysql,end,"binary data: \0\r\n",16,'\'');
end = my_stpcpy(end,"')");
if (mysql_real_query(&mysql,query,(unsigned int) (end - query)))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to insert row, Error: %s\n",
The my_stpcpy() function used in the example is included in the libmysqlclient library and
works like strcpy() but returns a pointer to the terminating null of the first parameter.
Return Values
The length of the encoded string that is placed into the to argument, not including the terminating null
5.4.59 mysql_real_query()
mysql_real_query(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *stmt_str,
unsigned long length)
mysql_real_query() is a synchronous function. Its asynchronous
counterpart is mysql_real_query_nonblocking(), for use by applications
that require asynchronous communication with the server. See Chapter 7, C
API Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_real_query() executes the SQL statement pointed to by stmt_str, a string length bytes
long. Normally, the string must consist of a single SQL statement without a terminating semicolon (;)
or \g. If multiple-statement execution has been enabled, the string can contain several statements
separated by semicolons. See Section 3.6.3, “Multiple Statement Execution Support”.
mysql_query() cannot be used for statements that contain binary data; you must use
mysql_real_query() instead. (Binary data may contain the \0 character, which mysql_query()
interprets as the end of the statement string.) In addition, mysql_real_query() is faster than
mysql_query() because it does not call strlen() on the statement string.
To determine whether a statement returns a result set, call mysql_field_count(). See
Section 5.4.23, “mysql_field_count()”.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
5.4.60 mysql_reset_connection()
mysql_reset_connection(MYSQL *mysql)
Resets the connection to clear the session state.
mysql_reset_connection() has effects similar to mysql_change_user() or an auto-reconnect
except that the connection is not closed and reopened, and reauthentication is not done. The write
set session history is reset. See Section 5.4.4, “mysql_change_user()”, and Section 3.6.8, “Automatic
Reconnection Control”.
mysql_reset_connection() affects the connection-related state as follows:
Rolls back any active transactions and resets autocommit mode.
Releases all table locks.
Closes (and drops) all TEMPORARY tables.
Reinitializes session system variables to the values of the corresponding global system variables,
including system variables that are set implicitly by statements such as SET NAMES.
Loses user-defined variable settings.
Releases prepared statements.
Closes HANDLER variables.
Resets the value of LAST_INSERT_ID() to 0.
Releases locks acquired with GET_LOCK().
Clears any current query attributes defined as a result of calling mysql_bind_param().
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
5.4.61 mysql_reset_server_public_key()
Clears from the client library any cached copy of the public key required by the server for RSA
key pair-based password exchange. This might be necessary when the server has been restarted
with a different RSA key pair after the client program had called mysql_options() with the
MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY option to specify the RSA public key. In such cases, connection
failure can occur due to key mismatch. To fix this problem, the client can use either of the following
The client can call mysql_reset_server_public_key() to clear the cached key and try again,
after the public key file on the client side has been replaced with a file containing the new public key.
The client can call mysql_reset_server_public_key() to clear the cached key, then
call mysql_options() with the MYSQL_OPT_GET_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY option (instead of
MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY) to request the required public key from the server Do not use both
MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY takes precedence.
Return Values
5.4.62 mysql_result_metadata()
enum enum_resultset_metadata
mysql_result_metadata(MYSQL_RES *result)
mysql_result_metadata() returns a value that indicates whether a result set has metadata. It
can be useful for metadata-optional connections when the client does not know in advance whether
particular result sets have metadata. For example, if a client executes a stored procedure that returns
multiple result sets and might change the resultset_metadata system variable, the client can
invoke mysql_result_metadata() for each result set to determine whether it has metadata.
For details about managing result set metadata transfer, see Section 3.6.7, “Optional Result Set
Return Values
mysql_result_metadata() returns one of these values:
enum enum_resultset_metadata {
5.4.63 mysql_rollback()
mysql_rollback(MYSQL *mysql)
Rolls back the current transaction.
The action of this function is subject to the value of the completion_type system variable. In
particular, if the value of completion_type is RELEASE (or 2), the server performs a release after
terminating a transaction and closes the client connection. Call mysql_close() from the client
program to close the connection from the client side.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
5.4.64 mysql_row_seek()
mysql_row_seek(MYSQL_RES *result,
Sets the row cursor to an arbitrary row in a query result set. The offset value is a row offset, typically
a value returned from mysql_row_tell() or from mysql_row_seek(). This value is not a row
number; to seek to a row within a result set by number, use mysql_data_seek() instead.
This function requires that the result set structure contains the entire result of the query, so
mysql_row_seek() may be used only in conjunction with mysql_store_result(), not with
Return Values
The previous value of the row cursor. This value may be passed to a subsequent call to
5.4.65 mysql_row_tell()
mysql_row_tell(MYSQL_RES *result)
Returns the current position of the row cursor for the last mysql_fetch_row(). This value can be
used as an argument to mysql_row_seek().
Use mysql_row_tell() only after mysql_store_result(), not after mysql_use_result().
Return Values
The current offset of the row cursor.
5.4.66 mysql_select_db()
mysql_select_db(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *db)
Causes the database specified by db to become the default (current) database on the connection
specified by mysql. In subsequent queries, this database is the default for table references that include
no explicit database specifier.
mysql_select_db() fails unless the connected user can be authenticated as having permission to
use the database or some object within it.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
5.4.67 mysql_server_end()
This function finalizes the MySQL client library, which should be done when you are done using the
library. However, mysql_server_end() is deprecated and mysql_library_end() should be used
instead. See Section 5.4.43, “mysql_library_end()”.
To avoid memory leaks after the application is done using the library
(for example, after closing the connection to the server), be sure to call
mysql_server_end() (or mysql_library_end()) explicitly. This enables
memory managment to be performed to clean up and free resources used by
the library.
Return Values
5.4.68 mysql_server_init()
mysql_server_init(int argc,
char **argv,
char **groups)
This function initializes the MySQL client library, which must be done before you call any
other MySQL function. However, mysql_server_init() is deprecated and you should call
mysql_library_init() instead. See Section 5.4.44, “mysql_library_init()”.
To avoid memory leaks after the application is done using the library
(for example, after closing the connection to the server), be sure to call
mysql_server_end() (or mysql_library_end()) explicitly. This enables
memory managment to be performed to clean up and free resources used by
the library. See Section 5.4.43, “mysql_library_end()”.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
5.4.69 mysql_session_track_get_first()
mysql_session_track_get_first(MYSQL *mysql,
enum enum_session_state_type type,
const char **data,
size_t *length)
MySQL implements a session tracker mechanism whereby the server returns information
about session state changes to clients. To control which notifications the server provides
about state changes, client applications set system variables having names of the form
session_track_xxx, such as session_track_state_change, session_track_schema, and
session_track_system_variables. See Server Tracking of Client Session State.
Change notification occurs in the MySQL client/server protocol, which includes tracker information in
OK packets so that session state changes can be detected. To enable client applications to extract
state-change information from OK packets, the MySQL C API provides a pair of functions:
mysql_session_track_get_first() fetches the first part of the state-change information
received from the server.
mysql_session_track_get_next() fetches any remaining state-change information received
from the server. Following a successful call to mysql_session_track_get_first(), call this
function repeatedly as long as it returns success.
The mysql_session_track_get_first() parameters are used as follows. These descriptions
also apply to mysql_session_track_get_next(), which takes the same parameters.
mysql: The connection handler.
type: The tracker type indicating what kind of information to retrieve. Permitted tracker values are
the members of the enum_session_state_type enumeration defined in mysql_com.h:
enum enum_session_state_type
SESSION_TRACK_SYSTEM_VARIABLES, /* Session system variables */
SESSION_TRACK_SCHEMA, /* Current schema */
SESSION_TRACK_STATE_CHANGE, /* Session state changes */
The members of that enumeration may change over time as MySQL implements additional session-
information trackers. To make it easy for applications to loop over all possible tracker types
regardless of the number of members, the SESSION_TRACK_BEGIN and SESSION_TRACK_END
symbols are defined to be equal to the first and last members of the enum_session_state_type
enumeration. The example code shown later in this section demonstrates this technique. (Of course,
if the enumeration members change, you must recompile your application to enable it to take
account of new trackers.)
data: The address of a const char * variable. Following a successful call, this variable points to
the returned data, which should be considered read only.
length: The address of a size_t variable. Following a successful call, this variable contains the
length of the data pointed to by the data parameter.
The following discussion describes how to interpret the data and length values according to the
type value. It also indicates which system variable enables notifications for each tracker type.
SESSION_TRACK_SCHEMA: This tracker type indicates that the default schema has been set. data
is a string containing the new default schema name. length is the string length.
To enable notifications for this tracker type, enable the session_track_schema system variable.
SESSION_TRACK_SYSTEM_VARIABLES: This tracker type indicates that one or more tracked
session system variables have been assigned a value. When a session system variable is assigned,
two values per variable are returned (in separate calls). For the first call, data is a string containing
the variable name and length is the string length. For the second call, data is a string containing
the variable value and length is the string length.
By default, notification is enabled for these session system variables:
To change the default notification for this tracker type, set the session_track_schema
system variable to a list of comma-separated variables for which to track changes, or * to
track changes for all variables. To disable notification of session variable assignments, set
session_track_system_variables to the empty string.
SESSION_TRACK_STATE_CHANGE: This tracker type indicates a change to some tracked attribute of
session state. data is a byte containing a boolean flag that indicates whether session state changes
occurred. length should be 1. The flag is represented as an ASCII value, not a binary (for example,
'1', not 0x01).
To enable notifications for this tracker type, enable the session_track_state_change system
This tracker reports changes for these attributes of session state:
The default schema (database).
Session-specific values for system variables.
User-defined variables.
Temporary tables.
Prepared statements.
SESSION_TRACK_GTIDS: This tracker type indicates that GTIDs are available. data contains the
GTID string. length is the string length. The GTID string is in the standard format for specifying a
set of GTID values; see GTID Sets.
To enable notifications for this tracker type, set the session_track_gtids system variable.
SESSION_TRACK_TRANSACTION_CHARACTERISTICS: This tracker type indicates that transaction
characteristics are available. data is a string containing the characteristics data. length is the
string length. The characteristics tracker data string may be empty, or it may contain one or more
SQL statements, each terminated by a semicolon:
If no characteristics apply, the string is empty. The session defaults apply. (For isolation level and
access mode, these defaults are given by the session values of the transaction_isolation
and transaction_read_only system variables.)
If a transaction was explicitly started, the string contains the statement or statements required
to restart the transaction with the same characteristics. As a general rule, this is a START
TRANSACTION statement (possibly with one or more of READ ONLY, READ WRITE, and
WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT). If any characteristics apply that cannot be passed to START
If a transaction was not explicitly started, but one-shot characteristics that apply only to the next
transaction were set up, a SET TRANSACTION statement suitable for replicating that setup is
generated (for example, SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY;).
Next-transaction characteristics can be set using SET TRANSACTION without any GLOBAL or
SESSION keyword, or by setting the transaction_isolation and transaction_read_only
system variables using the syntax that applies only to the next transaction:
SET @@transaction_isolation = value;
SET @@transaction_read_only = value;
For more information about transaction characteristic scope levels and how they are set, see
Transaction Characteristic Scope.
To enable notifications for this tracker type, set the session_track_transaction_info system
tracker type).
Transaction characteristics tracking enables the client to determine how to restart a transaction in
another session so it has the same characteristics as in the original session.
Because characteristics may be set using SET TRANSACTION before a transaction is started, it
is not safe for the client to assume that there are no transaction characteristics if no transaction is
active. It is therefore unsafe not to track transaction characteristics and just switch the connection
when no transaction is active (whether this is detected by the transaction state tracker or
the traditional SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS flag). A client must subscribe to the transaction
characteristics tracker if it may wish to switch its session to another connection at some point and
transactions may be used.
The characteristics tracker tracks changes to the one-shot characteristics that apply only to the next
transaction. It does not track changes to the session variables. Therefore, the client additionally must
track the transaction_isolation and transaction_read_only system variables to correctly
determine the session defaults that apply when next-transaction characteristic values are empty. (To
track these variables, list them in the value of the session_track_system_variables system
SESSION_TRACK_TRANSACTION_STATE: This tracker type indicates that transaction state
information is available. data is a string containing ASCII characters, each of which indicates some
aspect of the transaction state. length is the string length (always 8).
To enable notifications for this tracker type, set the session_track_transaction_info system
variable to STATE.
Transaction state tracking enables the client to determine whether a transaction is in progress and
whether it could be moved to a different session without being rolled back.
The scope of the tracker item is the transaction. All state-indicating flags persist until the transaction
is committed or rolled back. As statements are added to the transaction, additional flags may be set
in successive tracker data values. However, no flags are cleared until the transaction ends.
Transaction state is reported as a string containing a sequence of ASCII characters. Each active
state has a unique character assigned to it as well as a fixed position in the sequence. The following
list describes the permitted values for positions 1 through 8 of the sequence:
Position 1: Whether an active transaction is ongoing.
T: An explicitly started transaction is ongoing.
I: An implicitly started transaction (autocommit=0) is ongoing.
_: There is no active transaction.
Position 2: Whether nontransactional tables were read in the context of the current transaction.
r: One or more nontransactional tables were read.
_: No nontransactional tables were read so far.
Position 3: Whether transactional tables were read in the context of the current transaction.
R: One or more transactional tables were read.
_: No transactional tables were read so far.
Position 4: Whether unsafe writes (writes to nontransactional tables) were performed in the context
of the current transaction.
w: One or more nontransactional tables were written.
_: No nontransactional tables were written so far.
Position 5: Whether any transactional tables were written in the context of the current transaction.
W: One or more transactional tables were written.
_: No transactional tables were written so far.
Position 6: Whether any unsafe statements were executed in the context of the current transaction.
Statements containing nondeterministic constructs such as RAND() or UUID() are unsafe for
statement-based replication.
s: One or more unsafe statements were executed.
_: No unsafe statements were executed so far.
Position 7: Whether a result set was sent to the client during the current transaction.
S: A result set was sent.
_: No result sets were sent so far.
Position 8: Whether a LOCK TABLES statement is in effect.
L: Tables are explicitly locked with LOCK TABLES.
_: LOCK TABLES is not active in the session.
Consider a session consisting of the following statements, including one to enable the transaction
state tracker:
1. SET @@SESSION.session_track_transaction_info='STATE';
3. SELECT 1;
With transaction state tracking enabled, the following data values result from those statements:
1. ________
2. T_______
3. T_____S_
4. T___W_S_
5. T___WsS_
6. ________
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
The following example shows how to call mysql_session_track_get_first() and
mysql_session_track_get_next() to retrieve and display all available session state-change
information following successful execution of an SQL statement string (represented by stmt_str). It
is assumed that the application has set the session_track_xxx system variables that enable the
notifications it wishes to receive.
printf("Execute: %s\n", stmt_str);
if (mysql_query(mysql, stmt_str) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Error %u: %s\n",
mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql));
MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result(mysql);
if (result) /* there is a result set to fetch */
/* ... process rows here ... */
printf("Number of rows returned: %lu\n",
(unsigned long) mysql_num_rows(result));
else /* there is no result set */
if (mysql_field_count(mysql) == 0)
printf("Number of rows affected: %lu\n",
(unsigned long) mysql_affected_rows(mysql));
else /* an error occurred */
fprintf(stderr, "Error %u: %s\n",
mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql));
/* extract any available session state-change information */
enum enum_session_state_type type;
for (type = SESSION_TRACK_BEGIN; type <= SESSION_TRACK_END; type++)
const char *data;
size_t length;
if (mysql_session_track_get_first(mysql, type, &data, &length) == 0)
/* print info type and initial data */
printf("Type=%d:\n", type);
printf("mysql_session_track_get_first(): length=%d; data=%*.*s\n",
(int) length, (int) length, (int) length, data);
/* check for more data */
while (mysql_session_track_get_next(mysql, type, &data, &length) == 0)
printf("mysql_session_track_get_next(): length=%d; data=%*.*s\n",
(int) length, (int) length, (int) length, data);
5.4.70 mysql_session_track_get_next()
mysql_session_track_get_next(MYSQL *mysql,
enum enum_session_state_type type,
const char **data,
size_t *length)
This function fetches additional session state-change information received from
the server, following that retrieved by mysql_session_track_get_first().
The parameters for mysql_session_track_get_next() are the same as for
Following a successful call to mysql_session_track_get_first(), call
mysql_session_track_get_next() repeatedly until it returns nonzero to indicate no more
information is available. The calling sequence for mysql_session_track_get_next() is similar
to that for mysql_session_track_get_first(). For more information and an example that
demonstrates both functions, see Section 5.4.69, “mysql_session_track_get_first()”.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
5.4.71 mysql_set_character_set()
mysql_set_character_set(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *csname)
This function is used to set the default character set for the current connection. The string csname
specifies a valid character set name. The connection collation becomes the default collation of the
character set. This function works like the SET NAMES statement, but also sets the value of mysql-
>charset, and thus affects the character set used by mysql_real_escape_string()
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
MYSQL mysql;
if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"host","user","passwd","database",0,NULL,0))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",
if (!mysql_set_character_set(&mysql, "utf8"))
printf("New client character set: %s\n",
5.4.72 mysql_set_local_infile_default()
mysql_set_local_infile_default(MYSQL *mysql);
Sets the LOAD DATA LOCAL callback functions to the defaults used internally by the C client library.
The library calls this function automatically if mysql_set_local_infile_handler() has not been
called or does not supply valid functions for each of its callbacks.
Return Values
5.4.73 mysql_set_local_infile_handler()
mysql_set_local_infile_handler(MYSQL *mysql,
int (*local_infile_init)(void **, const char *, void *),
int (*local_infile_read)(void *, char *, unsigned int),
void (*local_infile_end)(void *),
int (*local_infile_error)(void *, char*, unsigned int),
void *userdata);
This function installs callbacks to be used during the execution of LOAD DATA LOCAL statements. It
enables application programs to exert control over local (client-side) data file reading. The arguments
are the connection handler, a set of pointers to callback functions, and a pointer to a data area that the
callbacks can use to share information.
To use mysql_set_local_infile_handler(), you must write the following callback functions:
local_infile_init(void **ptr, const char *filename, void *userdata);
The initialization function. This is called once to do any setup necessary, open the data file, allocate
data structures, and so forth. The first void** argument is a pointer to a pointer. You can set the
pointer (that is, *ptr) to a value that will be passed to each of the other callbacks (as a void*). The
callbacks can use this pointed-to value to maintain state information. The userdata argument is the
same value that is passed to mysql_set_local_infile_handler().
Make the initialization function return zero for success, nonzero for an error.
local_infile_read(void *ptr, char *buf, unsigned int buf_len);
The data-reading function. This is called repeatedly to read the data file. buf points to the buffer where
the read data is stored, and buf_len is the maximum number of bytes that the callback can read and
store in the buffer. (It can read fewer bytes, but should not read more.)
The return value is the number of bytes read, or zero when no more data could be read (this indicates
EOF). Return a value less than zero if an error occurs.
local_infile_end(void *ptr)
The termination function. This is called once after local_infile_read() has returned zero (EOF)
or an error. Within this function, deallocate any memory allocated by local_infile_init() and
perform any other cleanup necessary. It is invoked even if the initialization function returns an error.
local_infile_error(void *ptr,
char *error_msg,
unsigned int error_msg_len);
The error-handling function. This is called to get a textual error message to return to the user in case
any of your other functions returns an error. error_msg points to the buffer into which the message is
written, and error_msg_len is the length of the buffer. Write the message as a null-terminated string,
at most error_msg_len1 bytes long.
The return value is the error number.
Typically, the other callbacks store the error message in the data structure pointed to by ptr, so that
local_infile_error() can copy the message from there into error_msg.
After calling mysql_set_local_infile_handler() in your C code and passing pointers to
your callback functions, you can then issue a LOAD DATA LOCAL statement (for example, by using
mysql_real_query() or mysql_query()). The client library automatically invokes your callbacks.
The file name specified in LOAD DATA LOCAL will be passed as the second parameter to the
local_infile_init() callback.
Return Values
5.4.74 mysql_set_server_option()
mysql_set_server_option(MYSQL *mysql, enum
enum_mysql_set_option option)
Enables or disables an option for the connection. option can have one of the following values.
Option Description
MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON Enable multiple-statement support
MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF Disable multiple-statement support
If you enable multiple-statement support, you should retrieve results from calls to
mysql_real_query() or mysql_query() by using a loop that calls mysql_next_result() to
determine whether there are more results. For an example, see Section 3.6.3, “Multiple Statement
Execution Support”.
Enabling multiple-statement support with MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON does not
have quite the same effect as enabling it by passing the CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS flag to
mysql_real_connect(): CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS also enables CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS.
If you are using the CALL SQL statement in your programs, multiple-result support must be enabled;
this means that MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON by itself is insufficient to permit the use of
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
The server did not support mysql_set_server_option() (which is the case that the server is
older than 4.1.1) or the server did not support the option one tried to set.
5.4.75 mysql_sqlstate()
const char *
mysql_sqlstate(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns a null-terminated string containing the SQLSTATE error code for the most recently executed
SQL statement. The error code consists of five characters. '00000' means “no error.” The values are
specified by ANSI SQL and ODBC. For a list of possible values, see Error Messages and Common
SQLSTATE values returned by mysql_sqlstate() differ from MySQL-specific error numbers
returned by mysql_errno(). For example, the mysql client program displays errors using the
following format, where 1146 is the mysql_errno() value and '42S02' is the corresponding
mysql_sqlstate() value:
$> SELECT * FROM no_such_table;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'test.no_such_table' doesn't exist
Not all MySQL error numbers are mapped to SQLSTATE error codes. The value 'HY000' (general
error) is used for unmapped error numbers.
If you call mysql_sqlstate() after mysql_real_connect() fails, mysql_sqlstate() might not
return a useful value. For example, this happens if a host is blocked by the server and the connection is
closed without any SQLSTATE value being sent to the client.
Return Values
A null-terminated character string containing the SQLSTATE error code.
See Also
See Section 5.4.15, “mysql_errno()”, Section 5.4.16, “mysql_error()”, and Section 6.4.28,
5.4.76 mysql_stat()
const char *
mysql_stat(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns a character string containing information similar to that provided by the mysqladmin status
command. This includes uptime in seconds and the number of running threads, questions, reloads, and
open tables.
Return Values
A character string describing the server status. NULL if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
5.4.77 mysql_store_result()
mysql_store_result(MYSQL *mysql)
mysql_store_result() is a synchronous function. Its asynchronous
counterpart is mysql_store_result_nonblocking(), for use by
applications that require asynchronous communication with the server. See
Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
After invoking mysql_real_query() or mysql_query(), you must call mysql_store_result()
or mysql_use_result() for every statement that successfully produces a result set (SELECT, SHOW,
DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN, CHECK TABLE, and so forth). You must also call mysql_free_result() after
you are done with the result set.
You need not call mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() for other statements,
but it does not do any harm or cause any notable performance degradation if you call
mysql_store_result() in all cases. You can detect whether the statement has a result set by
checking whether mysql_store_result() returns a nonzero value (more about this later).
If you enable multiple-statement support, you should retrieve results from calls to
mysql_real_query() or mysql_query() by using a loop that calls mysql_next_result() to
determine whether there are more results. For an example, see Section 3.6.3, “Multiple Statement
Execution Support”.
To determine whether a statement returns a result set, call mysql_field_count(). See
Section 5.4.23, “mysql_field_count()”.
mysql_store_result() reads the entire result of a query to the client, allocates a MYSQL_RES
structure, and places the result into this structure.
mysql_store_result() returns NULL if the statement did not return a result set (for example, if it
was an INSERT statement), or an error occurred and reading of the result set failed.
An empty result set is returned if there are no rows returned. (An empty result set differs from a null
pointer as a return value.)
After you have called mysql_store_result() and gotten back a result that is not a null pointer, you
can call mysql_num_rows() to find out how many rows are in the result set.
You can call mysql_fetch_row() to fetch rows from the result set, or mysql_row_seek() and
mysql_row_tell() to obtain or set the current row position within the result set.
See Section 3.6.9, “NULL mysql_store_result() Return After mysql_query() Success”.
Return Values
A pointer to a MYSQL_RES result structure with the results. NULL if the statement did not return a result
set or an error occurred. To determine whether an error occurred, check whether mysql_error()
returns a nonempty string, mysql_errno() returns nonzero, or mysql_field_count() returns
mysql_store_result() resets mysql_error() and mysql_errno() if it succeeds.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
Out of memory.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
5.4.78 mysql_thread_id()
unsigned long
mysql_thread_id(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns the thread ID of the current connection. This value can be used with a KILL statement passed
to mysql_query() or mysql_real_query() to kill the thread.
If the connection is lost and you reconnect with mysql_ping(), the thread ID changes. This means
you should not get the thread ID and store it for later. You should get it when you need it.
This function does not work correctly if thread IDs become larger than
32 bits, which can occur on some systems. To avoid problems with
mysql_thread_id(), do not use it. To get the connection ID, execute a
SELECT CONNECTION_ID() query and retrieve the result.
Return Values
The thread ID of the current connection.
5.4.79 mysql_use_result()
mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql)
After invoking mysql_real_query() or mysql_query(), you must call mysql_store_result()
or mysql_use_result() for every statement that successfully produces a result set (SELECT, SHOW,
DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN, CHECK TABLE, and so forth). You must also call mysql_free_result() after
you are done with the result set.
mysql_use_result() initiates a result set retrieval but does not actually read the result set into the
client like mysql_store_result() does. Instead, each row must be retrieved individually by making
calls to mysql_fetch_row(). This reads the result of a query directly from the server without storing
it in a temporary table or local buffer, which is somewhat faster and uses much less memory than
mysql_store_result(). The client allocates memory only for the current row and a communication
buffer that may grow up to max_allowed_packet bytes.
On the other hand, you should not use mysql_use_result() for locking reads if you are doing a lot
of processing for each row on the client side, or if the output is sent to a screen on which the user may
type a ^S (stop scroll). This ties up the server and prevent other threads from updating any tables from
which the data is being fetched.
When using mysql_use_result(), you must execute mysql_fetch_row() until a NULL value is
returned, otherwise, the unfetched rows are returned as part of the result set for your next query. The C
API gives the error Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now if you forget
to do this!
You may not use mysql_data_seek(), mysql_row_seek(), mysql_row_tell(),
mysql_num_rows(), or mysql_affected_rows() with a result returned from
mysql_use_result(), nor may you issue other queries until mysql_use_result() has finished.
(However, after you have fetched all the rows, mysql_num_rows() accurately returns the number of
rows fetched.)
You must call mysql_free_result() once you are done with the result set.
Return Values
A MYSQL_RES result structure. NULL if an error occurred.
mysql_use_result() resets mysql_error() and mysql_errno() if it succeeds.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
Out of memory.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
5.4.80 mysql_warning_count()
unsigned int
mysql_warning_count(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns the number of errors, warnings, and notes generated during execution of the previous SQL
Return Values
The warning count.
Chapter 6 C API Prepared Statement Interface
Table of Contents
6.1 Overview of the C API Prepared Statement Interface ............................................................ 110
6.2 C API Prepared Statement Data Structures .......................................................................... 111
6.2.1 C API Prepared Statement Type Codes .................................................................... 115
6.2.2 C API Prepared Statement Type Conversions ............................................................ 117
6.3 C API Prepared Statement Function Reference .................................................................... 118
6.4 C API Prepared Statement Function Descriptions ................................................................. 119
6.4.1 mysql_stmt_affected_rows() ...................................................................................... 120
6.4.2 mysql_stmt_attr_get() ............................................................................................... 120
6.4.3 mysql_stmt_attr_set() ................................................................................................ 120
6.4.4 mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() ............................................................................. 122
6.4.5 mysql_stmt_bind_param() ......................................................................................... 124
6.4.6 mysql_stmt_bind_result() .......................................................................................... 125
6.4.7 mysql_stmt_close() ................................................................................................... 126
6.4.8 mysql_stmt_data_seek() ........................................................................................... 126
6.4.9 mysql_stmt_errno() ................................................................................................... 127
6.4.10 mysql_stmt_error() .................................................................................................. 127
6.4.11 mysql_stmt_execute() ............................................................................................. 128
6.4.12 mysql_stmt_fetch() .................................................................................................. 131
6.4.13 mysql_stmt_fetch_column() ..................................................................................... 136
6.4.14 mysql_stmt_field_count() ......................................................................................... 137
6.4.15 mysql_stmt_free_result() ......................................................................................... 137
6.4.16 mysql_stmt_init() ..................................................................................................... 137
6.4.17 mysql_stmt_insert_id() ............................................................................................ 137
6.4.18 mysql_stmt_next_result() ......................................................................................... 138
6.4.19 mysql_stmt_num_rows() .......................................................................................... 139
6.4.20 mysql_stmt_param_count() ..................................................................................... 139
6.4.21 mysql_stmt_param_metadata() ................................................................................ 140
6.4.22 mysql_stmt_prepare() ............................................................................................. 140
6.4.23 mysql_stmt_reset() ................................................................................................. 141
6.4.24 mysql_stmt_result_metadata() ................................................................................. 141
6.4.25 mysql_stmt_row_seek() ........................................................................................... 143
6.4.26 mysql_stmt_row_tell() ............................................................................................. 143
6.4.27 mysql_stmt_send_long_data() ................................................................................. 143
6.4.28 mysql_stmt_sqlstate() ............................................................................................. 145
6.4.29 mysql_stmt_store_result() ........................................................................................ 145
The MySQL client/server protocol provides for the use of prepared statements. This capability uses
the MYSQL_STMT statement handler data structure returned by the mysql_stmt_init() initialization
function. Prepared execution is an efficient way to execute a statement more than once. The statement
is first parsed to prepare it for execution. Then it is executed one or more times at a later time, using
the statement handler returned by the initialization function.
Prepared execution is faster than direct execution for statements executed more than once, primarily
because the query is parsed only once. In the case of direct execution, the query is parsed every time
it is executed. Prepared execution also can provide a reduction of network traffic because for each
execution of the prepared statement, it is necessary only to send the data for the parameters.
Prepared statements might not provide a performance increase in some situations. For best results,
test your application both with prepared and nonprepared statements and choose whichever yields
best performance.
Another advantage of prepared statements is that it uses a binary protocol that makes data transfer
between client and server more efficient.
Overview of the C API Prepared Statement Interface
For a list of SQL statements that can be used as prepared statements, see Prepared Statements.
Metadata changes to tables or views referred to by prepared statements are detected and cause
automatic repreparation of the statement when it is next executed. For more information, see Caching
of Prepared Statements and Stored Programs.
6.1 Overview of the C API Prepared Statement Interface
To prepare and execute a statement, an application follows these steps:
1. Create a prepared statement handler with mysql_stmt_init(). To prepare the statement on the
server, call mysql_stmt_prepare() and pass it a string containing the SQL statement.
2. Set the values of any parameters using mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() or (deprecated)
mysql_stmt_bind_param(). All parameters must be set. Otherwise, statement execution
returns an error or produces unexpected results.
If there are large text or binary data values to be sent, you can send them in chunks to the server
using mysql_stmt_send_long_data().
3. Call mysql_stmt_execute() to execute the statement.
4. If the statement is a SELECT or any other statement that produces a result set, call
mysql_stmt_result_metadata() if it is desired to obtain the result set metadata. This
metadata is itself in the form of a MYSQL_RES result set, albeit a separate one from the one that
contains the rows returned by the query. The metadata result set indicates the number of columns
in the result and contains information about each one.
5. If the statement produces a result set, bind the data buffers to use for retrieving the row values by
calling mysql_stmt_bind_result().
6. Fetch the data into the buffers row by row by calling mysql_stmt_fetch() repeatedly until no
more rows are found.
7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 as necessary. You can repeat the mysql_stmt_execute() to re-
execute the statement by changing parameter values in the respective buffers supplied through
mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() or (deprecated) mysql_stmt_bind_param().
8. When statement execution has been completed, close the statement handler using
mysql_stmt_close() so that all resources associated with it can be freed. At that point the
handler becomes invalid and should no longer be used.
9. If you obtained a SELECT statement's result set metadata by calling
mysql_stmt_result_metadata(), you should also free the metadata using
When mysql_stmt_prepare() is called, the MySQL client/server protocol performs these actions:
The server parses the statement and sends the okay status back to the client by assigning a
statement ID. It also sends total number of parameters, a column count, and its metadata if it is a
result set oriented statement. All syntax and semantics of the statement are checked by the server
during this call.
The client uses this statement ID for the further operations, so that the server can identify the
statement from among its pool of statements.
When mysql_stmt_execute() is called, the MySQL client/server protocol performs these actions:
The client uses the statement handler and sends the parameter data to the server.
The server identifies the statement using the ID provided by the client, replaces the parameter
markers with the newly supplied data, and executes the statement. If the statement produces a result
Prepared Statement Logging
set, the server sends the data back to the client. Otherwise, it sends an okay status and the number
of rows changed, deleted, or inserted.
When mysql_stmt_fetch() is called, the MySQL client/server protocol performs these actions:
The client reads the data from the current row of the result set and places it into the application data
buffers by doing the necessary conversions. If the application buffer type is same as that of the field
type returned from the server, the conversions are straightforward.
If an error occurs, you can get the statement error number, error message, and SQLSTATE code using
mysql_stmt_errno(), mysql_stmt_error(), and mysql_stmt_sqlstate(), respectively.
Prepared Statement Logging
For prepared statements that are executed with the mysql_stmt_prepare() and
mysql_stmt_execute() C API functions, the server writes Prepare and Execute lines to the
general query log so that you can tell when statements are prepared and executed.
Suppose that you prepare and execute a statement as follows:
1. Call mysql_stmt_prepare() to prepare the statement string "SELECT ?".
2. Call mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() or (deprecated) mysql_stmt_bind_param() to bind
the value 3 to the parameter in the prepared statement.
3. Call mysql_stmt_execute() to execute the prepared statement.
As a result of the preceding calls, the server writes the following lines to the general query log:
Prepare [1] SELECT ?
Execute [1] SELECT 3
Each Prepare and Execute line in the log is tagged with a [N] statement identifier so that you can
keep track of which prepared statement is being logged. N is a positive integer. If there are multiple
prepared statements active simultaneously for the client, N may be greater than 1. Each Execute lines
shows a prepared statement after substitution of data values for ? parameters.
6.2 C API Prepared Statement Data Structures
Prepared statements use several data structures:
To obtain a statement handler, pass a MYSQL connection handler to mysql_stmt_init(), which
returns a pointer to a MYSQL_STMT data structure. This structure is used for further operations with
the statement. To specify the statement to prepare, pass the MYSQL_STMT pointer and the statement
string to mysql_stmt_prepare().
To provide input parameters for a prepared statement, set up MYSQL_BIND structures and pass
them to mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() or (deprecated) mysql_stmt_bind_param().
To receive output column values, set up MYSQL_BIND structures and pass them to
MYSQL_BIND structures are also used with mysql_bind_param(), which enables defining
attributes that apply to the next query sent to the server.
The MYSQL_TIME structure is used to transfer temporal data in both directions.
The following discussion describes the prepared statement data types in detail. For examples
that show how to use them, see Section 6.4.11, “mysql_stmt_execute()”, and Section 6.4.12,
This structure is a handler for a prepared statement. A handler is created by calling
mysql_stmt_init(), which returns a pointer to a MYSQL_STMT. The handler is used for all
C API Prepared Statement Data Structures
subsequent operations with the statement until you close it with mysql_stmt_close(), at which
point the handler becomes invalid and should no longer be used.
The MYSQL_STMT structure has no members intended for application use. Applications should not try
to copy a MYSQL_STMT structure. There is no guarantee that such a copy will be usable.
Multiple statement handlers can be associated with a single connection. The limit on the number of
handlers depends on the available system resources.
This structure is used both for statement input (data values sent to the server) and output (result
values returned from the server):
For input, use MYSQL_BIND structures with mysql_bind_param() to define attributes for
a query. (In the following discussion, treat any mention of statement parameters for prepared
statements as also applying to query attributes.)
For output, use MYSQL_BIND structures with mysql_stmt_bind_result() to bind buffers to
result set columns, for use in fetching rows with mysql_stmt_fetch().
To use a MYSQL_BIND structure, zero its contents to initialize it, then set its members appropriately.
For example, to declare and initialize an array of three MYSQL_BIND structures, use this code:
MYSQL_BIND bind[3];
memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind));
The MYSQL_BIND structure contains the following members for use by application programs. For
several of the members, the manner of use depends on whether the structure is used for input or
enum enum_field_types buffer_type
The type of the buffer. This member indicates the data type of the C language variable bound
to a statement parameter or result set column. For input, buffer_type indicates the type
of the variable containing the value to be sent to the server. For output, it indicates the type
of the variable into which a value received from the server should be stored. For permissible
buffer_type values, see Section 6.2.1, “C API Prepared Statement Type Codes”.
void *buffer
A pointer to the buffer to be used for data transfer. This is the address of a C language variable.
For input, buffer is a pointer to the variable in which you store the data value for a statement
parameter. When you call mysql_stmt_execute(), MySQL use the value stored in the variable
in place of the corresponding parameter marker in the statement (specified with ? in the statement
For output, buffer is a pointer to the variable in which to return a result set column value. When
you call mysql_stmt_fetch(), MySQL stores a column value from the current row of the result
set in this variable. You can access the value when the call returns.
To minimize the need for MySQL to perform type conversions between C language values on the
client side and SQL values on the server side, use C variables that have types similar to those of
the corresponding SQL values:
For numeric data types, buffer should point to a variable of the proper numeric C type.
For integer variables (which can be char for single-byte values or an integer type for larger
C API Prepared Statement Data Structures
values), you should also indicate whether the variable has the unsigned attribute by setting the
is_unsigned member, described later.
For character (nonbinary) and binary string data types, buffer should point to a character
For date and time data types, buffer should point to a MYSQL_TIME structure.
For guidelines about mapping between C types and SQL types and notes about type conversions,
see Section 6.2.1, “C API Prepared Statement Type Codes”, and Section 6.2.2, “C API Prepared
Statement Type Conversions”.
unsigned long buffer_length
The actual size of *buffer in bytes. This indicates the maximum amount of data that can be
stored in the buffer. For character and binary C data, the buffer_length value specifies the
length of *buffer when used with mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() or (deprecated)
C API Prepared Statement Data Structures
mysql_stmt_bind_param() to specify input values, or the maximum number of output data
bytes that can be fetched into the buffer when used with mysql_stmt_bind_result().
unsigned long *length
A pointer to an unsigned long variable that indicates the actual number of bytes of data stored
in *buffer. length is used for character or binary C data.
For input parameter data binding, set *length to indicate the actual length of the parameter value
stored in *buffer. This is used by mysql_stmt_execute().
For output value binding, MySQL sets *length when you call mysql_stmt_fetch(). The
mysql_stmt_fetch() return value determines how to interpret the length:
If the return value is 0, *length indicates the actual length of the parameter value.
If the return value is MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED, *length indicates the nontruncated length of
the parameter value. In this case, the minimum of *length and buffer_length indicates the
actual length of the value.
length is ignored for numeric and temporal data types because the buffer_type value
determines the length of the data value.
If you must determine the length of a returned value before fetching it, see Section 6.4.12,
“mysql_stmt_fetch()”, for some strategies.
bool *is_null
This member points to a bool variable that is true if a value is NULL, false if it is not NULL.
For input, set *is_null to true to indicate that you are passing a NULL value as a statement
is_null is a pointer to a boolean scalar, not a boolean scalar, to provide flexibility in how you
specify NULL values:
If your data values are always NULL, use MYSQL_TYPE_NULL as the buffer_type value when
you bind the column. The other MYSQL_BIND members, including is_null, do not matter.
If your data values are always NOT NULL, set is_null = (bool*) 0, and set the other
members appropriately for the variable you are binding.
In all other cases, set the other members appropriately and set is_null to the address of a
bool variable. Set that variable's value to true or false appropriately between executions to
indicate whether the corresponding data value is NULL or NOT NULL, respectively.
For output, when you fetch a row, MySQL sets the value pointed to by is_null to true or false
according to whether the result set column value returned from the statement is or is not NULL.
bool is_unsigned
This member applies for C variables with data types that can be unsigned (char, short
int, int, long long int). Set is_unsigned to true if the variable pointed to by buffer is
unsigned and false otherwise. For example, if you bind a signed char variable to buffer,
specify a type code of MYSQL_TYPE_TINY and set is_unsigned to false. If you bind an
unsigned char instead, the type code is the same but is_unsigned should be true. (For
char, it is not defined whether it is signed or unsigned, so it is best to be explicit about signedness
by using signed char or unsigned char.)
is_unsigned applies only to the C language variable on the client side. It indicates nothing
about the signedness of the corresponding SQL value on the server side. For example, if you use
an int variable to supply a value for a BIGINT UNSIGNED column, is_unsigned should be
C API Prepared Statement Type Codes
false because int is a signed type. If you use an unsigned int variable to supply a value for
a BIGINT column, is_unsigned should be true because unsigned int is an unsigned type.
MySQL performs the proper conversion between signed and unsigned values in both directions,
although a warning occurs if truncation results.
bool *error
For output, set this member to point to a bool variable to have truncation information for the
parameter stored there after a row fetching operation. When truncation reporting is enabled,
mysql_stmt_fetch() returns MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED and *error is true in the
MYSQL_BIND structures for parameters in which truncation occurred. Truncation indicates
loss of sign or significant digits, or that a string was too long to fit in a column. Truncation
reporting is enabled by default, but can be controlled by calling mysql_options() with the
This structure is used to send and receive DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP data
directly to and from the server. Set the buffer member to point to a MYSQL_TIME structure,
and set the buffer_type member of a MYSQL_BIND structure to one of the temporal types
The MYSQL_TIME structure contains the members listed in the following table.
Member Description
unsigned int year The year
unsigned int month The month of the year
unsigned int day The day of the month
unsigned int hour The hour of the day
unsigned int minute The minute of the hour
unsigned int second The second of the minute
bool neg A boolean flag indicating whether the time is
unsigned long second_part The fractional part of the second in microseconds
Only those parts of a MYSQL_TIME structure that apply to a given type of temporal value are used.
The year, month, and day elements are used for DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP values. The
hour, minute, and second elements are used for TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP values. See
Section 3.6.4, “Prepared Statement Handling of Date and Time Values”.
6.2.1 C API Prepared Statement Type Codes
The buffer_type member of MYSQL_BIND structures indicates the data type of the C language
variable bound to a statement parameter or result set column. For input, buffer_type indicates the
type of the variable containing the value to be sent to the server. For output, it indicates the type of the
variable into which a value received from the server should be stored.
The following table shows the permissible values for the buffer_type member of MYSQL_BIND
structures for input values sent to the server. The table shows the C variable types that you can use,
the corresponding type codes, and the SQL data types for which the supplied value can be used
without conversion. Choose the buffer_type value according to the data type of the C language
variable that you are binding. For the integer types, you should also set the is_unsigned member to
indicate whether the variable is signed or unsigned.
C API Prepared Statement Type Codes
Table 6.1 Permissible Input Data Types for MYSQL_BIND Structures
Input Variable C Type buffer_type Value SQL Type of Destination Value
Use MYSQL_TYPE_NULL as indicated in the description for the is_null member in Section 6.2, “C
API Prepared Statement Data Structures”.
For input string data, use MYSQL_TYPE_STRING or MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB depending on whether the
value is a character (nonbinary) or binary string:
MYSQL_TYPE_STRING indicates character input string data. The value is assumed to be in the
character set indicated by the character_set_client system variable. If the server stores the
value into a column with a different character set, it converts the value to that character set.
MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB indicates binary input string data. The value is treated as having the binary
character set. That is, it is treated as a byte string and no conversion occurs.
The following table shows the permissible values for the buffer_type member of MYSQL_BIND
structures for output values received from the server. The table shows the SQL types of received
values, the corresponding type codes that such values have in result set metadata, and the
recommended C language data types to bind to the MYSQL_BIND structure to receive the SQL values
without conversion. Choose the buffer_type value according to the data type of the C language
variable that you are binding. For the integer types, you should also set the is_unsigned member to
indicate whether the variable is signed or unsigned.
Table 6.2 Permissible Output Data Types for MYSQL_BIND Structures
SQL Type of Received Value buffer_type Value Output Variable C Type
C API Prepared Statement Type Conversions
SQL Type of Received Value buffer_type Value Output Variable C Type
6.2.2 C API Prepared Statement Type Conversions
Prepared statements transmit data between the client and server using C language variables on the
client side that correspond to SQL values on the server side. If there is a mismatch between the C
variable type on the client side and the corresponding SQL value type on the server side, MySQL
performs implicit type conversions in both directions.
MySQL knows the type code for the SQL value on the server side. The buffer_type value in the
MYSQL_BIND structure indicates the type code of the C variable that holds the value on the client
side. The two codes together tell MySQL what conversion must be performed, if any. Here are some
If you use MYSQL_TYPE_LONG with an int variable to pass an integer value to the server that is to
be stored into a FLOAT column, MySQL converts the value to floating-point format before storing it.
If you fetch an SQL MEDIUMINT column value, but specify a buffer_type value of
MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG and use a C variable of type long long int as the destination buffer,
MySQL converts the MEDIUMINT value (which requires less than 8 bytes) for storage into the long
long int (an 8-byte variable).
If you fetch a numeric column with a value of 255 into a char[4] character array and specify a
buffer_type value of MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, the resulting value in the array is a 4-byte string
MySQL returns DECIMAL values as the string representation of the original server-side value,
which is why the corresponding C type is char[]. For example, 12.345 is returned to the client as
'12.345'. If you specify MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL and bind a string buffer to the MYSQL_BIND
structure, mysql_stmt_fetch() stores the value in the buffer as a string without conversion. If
instead you specify a numeric variable and type code, mysql_stmt_fetch() converts the string-
format DECIMAL value to numeric form.
For the MYSQL_TYPE_BIT type code, BIT values are returned into a string buffer, which is why the
corresponding C type is char[]. The value represents a bit string that requires interpretation on the
client side. To return the value as a type that is easier to deal with, you can cause the value to be
cast to integer using either of the following types of expressions:
SELECT bit_col + 0 FROM t
To retrieve the value, bind an integer variable large enough to hold the value and specify the
appropriate corresponding integer type code.
Before binding variables to the MYSQL_BIND structures that are to be used for fetching column
values, you can check the type codes for each column of the result set. This might be desirable
C API Prepared Statement Function Reference
if you want to determine which variable types would be best to use to avoid type conversions. To
get the type codes, call mysql_stmt_result_metadata() after executing the statement with
mysql_stmt_execute(). The metadata provides access to the type codes for the result set as
described in Section 6.4.24, “mysql_stmt_result_metadata()”, and Section 5.2, “C API Basic Data
To determine whether output string values in a result set returned from the server contain binary or
nonbinary data, check whether the charsetnr value of the result set metadata is 63 (see Section 5.2,
“C API Basic Data Structures”). If so, the character set is binary, which indicates binary rather than
nonbinary data. This enables you to distinguish BINARY from CHAR, VARBINARY from VARCHAR, and
the BLOB types from the TEXT types.
If you cause the max_length member of the MYSQL_FIELD column metadata structures to be set
(by calling mysql_stmt_attr_set()), be aware that the max_length values for the result set
indicate the lengths of the longest string representation of the result values, not the lengths of the
binary representation. That is, max_length does not necessarily correspond to the size of the buffers
needed to fetch the values with the binary protocol used for prepared statements. Choose the size
of the buffers according to the types of the variables into which you fetch the values. For example,
a TINYINT column containing the value -128 might have a max_length value of 4. But the binary
representation of any TINYINT value requires only 1 byte for storage, so you can supply a signed
char variable in which to store the value and set is_unsigned to indicate that values are signed.
Metadata changes to tables or views referred to by prepared statements are detected and cause
automatic repreparation of the statement when it is next executed. For more information, see Caching
of Prepared Statements and Stored Programs.
6.3 C API Prepared Statement Function Reference
The following table summarizes the functions available for prepared statement processing. For greater
detail, see the descriptions in Section 6.4, “C API Prepared Statement Function Descriptions”.
Table 6.3 C API Prepared Statement Functions
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_stmt_affected_rows()Number of rows changed/
deleted/inserted by last prepared
mysql_stmt_attr_get() Get attribute value for prepared
mysql_stmt_attr_set() Set attribute value for prepared
mysql_stmt_bind_named_param()Associate application data
buffers with named and
unnamed parameter markers in
prepared statement
mysql_stmt_bind_param() Associate application data
buffers with parameter markers
in prepared statement
mysql_stmt_bind_result() Associate application data
buffers with columns in result set
mysql_stmt_close() Free memory used by prepared
mysql_stmt_data_seek() Seek to arbitrary row number in
prepared statement result set
C API Prepared Statement Function Descriptions
Name Description Deprecated
mysql_stmt_errno() Error number for most recently
invoked MySQL prepared-
statement function
mysql_stmt_error() Error message for most recently
invoked MySQL prepared-
statement function
mysql_stmt_execute() Execute prepared statement
mysql_stmt_fetch() Fetch next result set row and
return data for all bound columns
mysql_stmt_fetch_column() Fetches data for one column of
current result set row
mysql_stmt_field_count() Number of result columns for
most recent prepared statement
mysql_stmt_free_result() Free resources allocated to
statement handler
mysql_stmt_init() Allocate and initialize memory for
MYSQL_STMT structure
mysql_stmt_insert_id() ID generated for an
previous prepared statement
mysql_stmt_next_result() Return/initiate next result
in multiple-result prepared
statement execution
mysql_stmt_num_rows() Row count from buffered
statement result set
mysql_stmt_param_count() Number of parameters in
prepared statement
mysql_stmt_param_metadata()Return parameter metadata as
result set
mysql_stmt_prepare() Prepare statement for execution
mysql_stmt_reset() Reset statement buffers on
server side
mysql_stmt_result_metadata()Return prepared statement
metadata as result set
mysql_stmt_row_seek() Seek to row offset in prepared
statement result set
mysql_stmt_row_tell() Current position within prepared
statement result set row
mysql_stmt_send_long_data()Send long data in chunks to
mysql_stmt_sqlstate() SQLSTATE value for most
recently invoked MySQL
prepared-statement function
mysql_stmt_store_result() Retrieve and store entire result
6.4 C API Prepared Statement Function Descriptions
To prepare and execute queries, use the functions described in detail in the following sections.
All functions that operate with a MYSQL_STMT structure begin with the prefix mysql_stmt_.
To create a MYSQL_STMT handler, use the mysql_stmt_init() function.
6.4.1 mysql_stmt_affected_rows()
mysql_stmt_affected_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
mysql_stmt_affected_rows() may be called immediately after executing a statement with
mysql_stmt_execute(). It is like mysql_affected_rows() but for prepared statements. For
a description of what the affected-rows value returned by this function means, See Section 5.4.1,
See the Example in Section 6.4.11, “mysql_stmt_execute()”.
6.4.2 mysql_stmt_attr_get()
mysql_stmt_attr_get(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
enum enum_stmt_attr_type option,
void *arg)
Can be used to get the current value for a statement attribute.
The option argument is the option that you want to get; the arg should point to a variable that should
contain the option value. If the option is an integer, arg should point to the value of the integer.
See Section 6.4.3, “mysql_stmt_attr_set()”, for a list of options and option types.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if option is unknown.
6.4.3 mysql_stmt_attr_set()
mysql_stmt_attr_set(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
enum enum_stmt_attr_type option,
const void *arg)
Can be used to affect behavior for a prepared statement. This function may be called multiple times to
set several options.
The option argument is the option that you want to set. The arg argument is the value for the option.
arg should point to a variable that is set to the desired attribute value. The variable type is as indicated
in the following table.
The following table shows the possible option values.
Option Argument Type Function
STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTHbool * If set to 1, causes
to update the metadata
STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE unsigned long * Type of cursor to open
for statement when
is invoked. *arg can be
(the default) or
STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS unsigned long * Number of rows to fetch from
server at a time when using a
cursor. *arg can be in the range
from 1 to the maximum value of
unsigned long. The default is
If you use the STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE option with CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY, a cursor is
opened for the statement when you invoke mysql_stmt_execute(). If there is already an open
cursor from a previous mysql_stmt_execute() call, it closes the cursor before opening a new one.
mysql_stmt_reset() also closes any open cursor before preparing the statement for re-execution.
mysql_stmt_free_result() closes any open cursor.
If you open a cursor for a prepared statement, mysql_stmt_store_result() is unnecessary,
because that function causes the result set to be buffered on the client side.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if option is unknown.
The following example opens a cursor for a prepared statement and sets the number of rows to fetch at
a time to 5:
int rc;
unsigned long type;
unsigned long prefetch_rows = 5;
stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
type = (unsigned long) CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY;
rc = mysql_stmt_attr_set(stmt, STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, (void*) &type);
/* ... check return value ... */
rc = mysql_stmt_attr_set(stmt, STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS,
(void*) &prefetch_rows);
/* ... check return value ... */
6.4.4 mysql_stmt_bind_named_param()
mysql_stmt_bind_named_param(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
MYSQL_BIND *binds,
unsigned n_params,
const char **names)
mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() sets up unnamed and named (query attributes) bind
parameters for prepared statements. It supersedes the existing mysql_stmt_bind_param()
function, which only supports unnamed parameters.
stmt: The statement handler. Statements must be prepared with mysql_stmt_prepare().
binds: An array of named and unnamed bind parameters. In the absence of named parameters,
pass in NULL as the array of bind parameter names.
n_params: Number of items within arrays.
names: An array of bind parameter names.
mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() requires an input of array MYSQL_BIND structures and the
matching names array. It succeeds without any effect (in corner cases) if the bind argument count
parameter is zero or if the bind array pointer is NULL. It fails if an invalid MYSQL_BIND type is used for
any bind parameter arguments.
To store both named and unnamed bind user variables, call mysql_stmt_bind_named_param()
after mysql_stmt_prepare(). Subsequent to binding the variables, you can set and change them
Additional actions to consider are:
Execute the statement using mysql_stmt_execute().
Reset the statement using mysql_stmt_reset() or reprepare it with another query using
Close the statement with mysql_stmt_close().
For a description of the members of the MYSQL_STMT and MYSQL_BIND structure and how they should
be set to provide input values, see Section 6.2, “C API Prepared Statement Data Structures”.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
The conversion is not supported. Possibly the buffer_type value is invalid or is not one of the
supported types.
Out of memory.
An unknown error occurred.
The following example demonstrates binding one unnamed and one named parameter. The unnamed
parameter has NULL in a matching names array slot:.
// Compile example on Linux with a command similar to:
// gcc example.c --std=c99 -I/usr/local/mysql/include -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient -o example
#include <mysql.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// variable declarations
MYSQL *mysql;
int int_data = 4; // unnamed input parameter value
int int_parentid = 1329494394; // named ('traceparent') input parameter value
MYSQL_BIND params[2];
const char *names[2] = {NULL, "traceparent"};
int rc;
MYSQL_BIND rbind[1];
int result_val;
// connect to the database server
mysql = mysql_init(NULL);
if (mysql == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
return 1;
if (mysql_real_connect(mysql, "", "root", "password", NULL, 0, NULL,
0) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
return 1;
// create a prepared statement
stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
if (stmt == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
return 1;
const char *query = "SELECT POW(?,2) AS square";
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, query, strlen(query))) {
return 1;
// bind the prepared statement parameters
memset(params, 0, sizeof(params));
params[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
params[0].buffer = (char *)&int_data;
params[0].length = NULL;
params[0].is_null = NULL;
params[1].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
params[1].buffer = (char *)&int_parentid;
params[1].length = NULL;
params[1].is_null = NULL;
rc = mysql_stmt_bind_named_param(stmt, params,
sizeof(params) / sizeof(params[0]), names);
if (rc != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
return 1;
// execute the prepared statement
rc = mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
if (rc != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "[%d] %s\n", mysql_stmt_errno(stmt),
return 1;
// bind and fetch the result parameter
memset(rbind, 0, sizeof(rbind));
rbind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
rbind[0].buffer = (char *)&result_val;
rc = mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, rbind);
if (rc != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "[%d] %s\n", mysql_stmt_errno(stmt),
return 1;
rc = mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
if (rc != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "[%d] %s\n", mysql_stmt_errno(stmt),
return 1;
// expect POW(4, 2), i.e. 4 squared being 16
if (result_val != 16) {
printf("Unexpected result!\n");
} else {
return 0;
After executing, binding the results, and fetching data, the result of the statement on success is 16 (that
is, 4 squared).
See Also
See mysql_stmt_send_long_data() for sending long text or blob data in pieces. Refer to the file
tests/mysql_client_test.c for complete examples. This file can be obtained from a MySQL
source distribution or from the source repository (see Installing MySQL from Source).
6.4.5 mysql_stmt_bind_param()
mysql_stmt_bind_param(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
mysql_stmt_bind_param() is used to bind input data for the parameter markers in the SQL
statement that was passed to mysql_stmt_prepare(). It uses MYSQL_BIND structures to supply the
data. bind is the address of an array of MYSQL_BIND structures. The client library expects the array to
contain one element for each ? parameter marker that is present in the query.
mysql_stmt_bind_param() is deprecated and subject to removal in a future
version of MySQL. It is replaced by mysql_stmt_bind_named_param().
Suppose that you prepare the following statement:
When you bind the parameters, the array of MYSQL_BIND structures must contain three elements, and
can be declared like this:
MYSQL_BIND bind[3];
For a description of the members of the MYSQL_BIND structure and how they should be set to provide
input values, see Section 6.2, “C API Prepared Statement Data Structures”.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
The conversion is not supported. Possibly the buffer_type value is invalid or is not one of the
supported types.
Out of memory.
An unknown error occurred.
See the Example in Section 6.4.11, “mysql_stmt_execute()”.
6.4.6 mysql_stmt_bind_result()
mysql_stmt_bind_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
mysql_stmt_bind_result() is used to associate (that is, bind) output columns in the result set
to data buffers and length buffers. When mysql_stmt_fetch() is called to fetch data, the MySQL
client/server protocol places the data for the bound columns into the specified buffers.
All columns must be bound to buffers prior to calling mysql_stmt_fetch(). bind is the
address of an array of MYSQL_BIND structures. The client library expects the array to contain one
element for each column of the result set. If you do not bind columns to MYSQL_BIND structures,
mysql_stmt_fetch() simply ignores the data fetch. The buffers should be large enough to hold the
data values, because the protocol does not return data values in chunks.
A column can be bound or rebound at any time, even after a result set has been partially retrieved.
The new binding takes effect the next time mysql_stmt_fetch() is called. Suppose that an
application binds the columns in a result set and calls mysql_stmt_fetch(). The client/server
protocol returns data in the bound buffers. Then suppose that the application binds the columns to a
different set of buffers. The protocol places data into the newly bound buffers when the next call to
mysql_stmt_fetch() occurs.
To bind a column, an application calls mysql_stmt_bind_result() and passes the type, address,
and length of the output buffer into which the value should be stored. Section 6.2, “C API Prepared
Statement Data Structures”, describes the members of each MYSQL_BIND element and how they
should be set to receive output values.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
The conversion is not supported. Possibly the buffer_type value is invalid or is not one of the
supported types.
Out of memory.
An unknown error occurred.
See the Example in Section 6.4.12, “mysql_stmt_fetch()”.
6.4.7 mysql_stmt_close()
mysql_stmt_close(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
Closes the prepared statement. mysql_stmt_close() also deallocates the statement handler
pointed to by stmt, which at that point becomes invalid and should no longer be used. For a failed
mysql_stmt_close() call, do not call mysql_stmt_error(), or mysql_stmt_errno(), or
mysql_stmt_sqlstate() to obtain error information because mysql_stmt_close() makes the
statement handler invalid. Call mysql_error(), mysql_errno(), or mysql_sqlstate() instead.
If the current statement has pending or unread results, this function cancels them so that the next
query can be executed.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
The MySQL server has gone away.
An unknown error occurred.
See the Example in Section 6.4.11, “mysql_stmt_execute()”.
6.4.8 mysql_stmt_data_seek()
mysql_stmt_data_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
uint64_t offset)
Seeks to an arbitrary row in a statement result set. The offset value is a row number and should be
in the range from 0 to mysql_stmt_num_rows(stmt)-1.
This function requires that the statement result set structure contains the entire result of the
last executed query, so mysql_stmt_data_seek() may be used only in conjunction with
Return Values
6.4.9 mysql_stmt_errno()
unsigned int
mysql_stmt_errno(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
For the statement specified by stmt, mysql_stmt_errno() returns the error code for the most
recently invoked statement API function that can succeed or fail. A return value of zero means that no
error occurred. Client error message numbers are listed in the MySQL errmsg.h header file. Server
error message numbers are listed in mysqld_error.h. Errors also are listed at Error Messages and
Common Problems.
If the failed statement API function was mysql_stmt_close(), do not call or mysql_stmt_errno()
to obtain error information because mysql_stmt_close() makes the statement handler invalid. Call
mysql_errno() instead.
Return Values
An error code value. Zero if no error occurred.
6.4.10 mysql_stmt_error()
const char *
mysql_stmt_error(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
For the statement specified by stmt, mysql_stmt_error() returns a null-terminated string
containing the error message for the most recently invoked statement API function that can succeed or
fail. An empty string ("") is returned if no error occurred. Either of these two tests can be used to check
for an error:
// an error occurred
if (mysql_stmt_error(stmt)[0])
// an error occurred
If the failed statement API function was mysql_stmt_close(), do not call mysql_stmt_error()
to obtain error information because mysql_stmt_close() makes the statement handler invalid. Call
mysql_error() instead.
The language of the client error messages may be changed by recompiling the MySQL client library.
You can choose error messages in several different languages.
Return Values
A character string that describes the error. An empty string if no error occurred.
6.4.11 mysql_stmt_execute()
mysql_stmt_execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
mysql_stmt_execute() executes the prepared query associated with the statement handler. The
currently bound parameter marker values are sent to server during this call, and the server replaces the
markers with this newly supplied data.
Statement processing following mysql_stmt_execute() depends on the type of statement:
For an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT, the number of changed, deleted, or inserted rows can be found
by calling mysql_stmt_affected_rows().
For a statement such as SELECT that generates a result set, you must call mysql_stmt_fetch()
to fetch the data prior to calling any other functions that result in query processing. For more
information on how to fetch the results, refer to Section 6.4.12, “mysql_stmt_fetch()”.
Do not follow invocation of mysql_stmt_execute() with a call to mysql_store_result() or
mysql_use_result(). Those functions are not intended for processing results from prepared
For statements that generate a result set, you can request that mysql_stmt_execute() open a
cursor for the statement by calling mysql_stmt_attr_set() before executing the statement. If you
execute a statement multiple times, mysql_stmt_execute() closes any open cursor before opening
a new one.
Metadata changes to tables or views referred to by prepared statements are detected and cause
automatic repreparation of the statement when it is next executed. For more information, see Caching
of Prepared Statements and Stored Programs.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
Out of memory.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
The following example demonstrates how to create and populate a table using mysql_stmt_init(),
mysql_stmt_prepare(), mysql_stmt_param_count(), mysql_stmt_bind_param(),
mysql_stmt_execute(), and mysql_stmt_affected_rows(). The mysql variable is assumed
to be a valid connection handler. For an example that shows how to retrieve data, see Section 6.4.12,
#define STRING_SIZE 50
#define CREATE_SAMPLE_TABLE "CREATE TABLE test_table(col1 INT,\
col2 VARCHAR(40),\
test_table(col1,col2,col3) \
MYSQL_BIND bind[3];
uint64_t affected_rows;
int param_count;
short small_data;
int int_data;
char str_data[STRING_SIZE];
unsigned long str_length;
bool is_null;
if (mysql_query(mysql, DROP_SAMPLE_TABLE))
fprintf(stderr, " DROP TABLE failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
if (mysql_query(mysql, CREATE_SAMPLE_TABLE))
fprintf(stderr, " CREATE TABLE failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
/* Prepare an INSERT query with 3 parameters */
/* (the TIMESTAMP column is not named; the server */
/* sets it to the current date and time) */
stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
if (!stmt)
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_init(), out of memory\n");
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, INSERT_SAMPLE, strlen(INSERT_SAMPLE)))
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_prepare(), INSERT failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
fprintf(stdout, " prepare, INSERT successful\n");
/* Get the parameter count from the statement */
param_count= mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt);
fprintf(stdout, " total parameters in INSERT: %d\n", param_count);
if (param_count != 3) /* validate parameter count */
fprintf(stderr, " invalid parameter count returned by MySQL\n");
/* Bind the data for all 3 parameters */
memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind));
/* This is a number type, so there is no need
to specify buffer_length */
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
bind[0].buffer= (char *)&int_data;
bind[0].is_null= 0;
bind[0].length= 0;
bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
bind[1].buffer= (char *)str_data;
bind[1].buffer_length= STRING_SIZE;
bind[1].is_null= 0;
bind[1].length= &str_length;
bind[2].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT;
bind[2].buffer= (char *)&small_data;
bind[2].is_null= &is_null;
bind[2].length= 0;
/* Bind the buffers */
if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind))
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_bind_param() failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
/* Specify the data values for the first row */
int_data= 10; /* integer */
strncpy(str_data, "MySQL", STRING_SIZE); /* string */
str_length= strlen(str_data);
is_null= 1;
/* Execute the INSERT statement - 1*/
if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt))
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_execute(), 1 failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
/* Get the number of affected rows */
affected_rows= mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt);
fprintf(stdout, " total affected rows(insert 1): %lu\n",
(unsigned long) affected_rows);
if (affected_rows != 1) /* validate affected rows */
fprintf(stderr, " invalid affected rows by MySQL\n");
/* Specify data values for second row,
then re-execute the statement */
int_data= 1000;
strncpy(str_data, "
The most popular Open Source database",
str_length= strlen(str_data);
small_data= 1000; /* smallint */
is_null= 0; /* reset */
/* Execute the INSERT statement - 2*/
if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt))
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_execute, 2 failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
/* Get the total rows affected */
affected_rows= mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt);
fprintf(stdout, " total affected rows(insert 2): %lu\n",
(unsigned long) affected_rows);
if (affected_rows != 1) /* validate affected rows */
fprintf(stderr, " invalid affected rows by MySQL\n");
/* Close the statement */
if (mysql_stmt_close(stmt))
/* mysql_stmt_close() invalidates stmt, so call */
/* mysql_error(mysql) rather than mysql_stmt_error(stmt) */
fprintf(stderr, " failed while closing the statement\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
For complete examples on the use of prepared statement functions, refer to the
file tests/mysql_client_test.c. This file can be obtained from a MySQL
source distribution or from the source repository (see Installing MySQL from
6.4.12 mysql_stmt_fetch()
mysql_stmt_fetch(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
mysql_stmt_fetch() returns the next row in the result set. It can be called only while the result set
exists; that is, after a call to mysql_stmt_execute() for a statement such as SELECT that produces
a result set.
mysql_stmt_fetch() returns row data using the buffers bound by mysql_stmt_bind_result().
It returns the data in those buffers for all the columns in the current row set and the lengths are
returned to the length pointer. All columns must be bound by the application before it calls
mysql_stmt_fetch() typically occurs within a loop, to ensure that all result set rows are fetched. For
int status;
while (1)
status = mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
if (status == 1 || status == MYSQL_NO_DATA)
/* handle current row here */
/* if desired, handle status == 1 case and display error here */
By default, result sets are fetched unbuffered a row at a time from the server. To buffer the entire result
set on the client, call mysql_stmt_store_result() after binding the data buffers and before calling
If a fetched data value is a NULL value, the *is_null value of the corresponding MYSQL_BIND
structure contains TRUE (1). Otherwise, the data and its length are returned in the *buffer and
*length elements based on the buffer type specified by the application. Each numeric and temporal
type has a fixed length, as listed in the following table. The length of the string types depends on the
length of the actual data value, as indicated by data_length.
Type Length
MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB data_length
In some cases, you might want to determine the length of a column value before fetching it with
mysql_stmt_fetch(). For example, the value might be a long string or BLOB value for which you
want to know how much space must be allocated. To accomplish this, use one of these strategies:
Before invoking mysql_stmt_fetch() to retrieve individual rows, pass
STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH to mysql_stmt_attr_set(), then invoke
mysql_stmt_store_result() to buffer the entire result on the client side. Setting
the STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH attribute causes the maximal length of column
values to be indicated by the max_length member of the result set metadata returned by
Invoke mysql_stmt_fetch() with a zero-length buffer for the column in question and a pointer in
which the real length can be stored. Then use the real length with mysql_stmt_fetch_column().
real_length= 0;
bind[0].buffer= 0;
bind[0].buffer_length= 0;
bind[0].length= &real_length
mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind);
if (real_length > 0)
data= malloc(real_length);
bind[0].buffer= data;
bind[0].buffer_length= real_length;
mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt, bind, 0, 0);
Return Values
Return Value Description
0 Success, the data has been fetched to application
data buffers.
1 Error occurred. Error code and message can be
obtained by calling mysql_stmt_errno() and
MYSQL_NO_DATA Success, no more data exists
MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED Data truncation occurred
MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED is returned when truncation reporting is enabled. To determine which
column values were truncated when this value is returned, check the error members of the
MYSQL_BIND structures used for fetching values. Truncation reporting is enabled by default, but can be
controlled by calling mysql_options() with the MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION option.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
Although mysql_stmt_fetch() can produce this error, it is more likely to occur for the following
C API call if mysql_stmt_fetch() is not called enough times to read the entire result set (that is,
enough times to return MYSQL_NO_DATA).
Out of memory.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
All other unsupported conversion errors are returned from mysql_stmt_bind_result().
The following example demonstrates how to fetch data from a table using
mysql_stmt_result_metadata(), mysql_stmt_bind_result(), and mysql_stmt_fetch().
(This example expects to retrieve the two rows inserted by the example shown in Section 6.4.11,
“mysql_stmt_execute()”.) The mysql variable is assumed to be a valid connection handler.
#define STRING_SIZE 50
#define SELECT_SAMPLE "SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4 \
FROM test_table"
MYSQL_BIND bind[4];
MYSQL_RES *prepare_meta_result;
unsigned long length[4];
int param_count, column_count, row_count;
short small_data;
int int_data;
char str_data[STRING_SIZE];
bool is_null[4];
bool error[4];
/* Prepare a SELECT query to fetch data from test_table */
stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
if (!stmt)
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_init(), out of memory\n");
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SELECT_SAMPLE, strlen(SELECT_SAMPLE)))
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_prepare(), SELECT failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
fprintf(stdout, " prepare, SELECT successful\n");
/* Get the parameter count from the statement */
param_count= mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt);
fprintf(stdout, " total parameters in SELECT: %d\n", param_count);
if (param_count != 0) /* validate parameter count */
fprintf(stderr, " invalid parameter count returned by MySQL\n");
/* Execute the SELECT query */
if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt))
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_execute(), failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
/* Fetch result set meta information */
prepare_meta_result = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt);
if (!prepare_meta_result)
" mysql_stmt_result_metadata(), \
returned no meta information\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
/* Get total columns in the query */
column_count= mysql_num_fields(prepare_meta_result);
" total columns in SELECT statement: %d\n",
if (column_count != 4) /* validate column count */
fprintf(stderr, " invalid column count returned by MySQL\n");
/* Bind the result buffers for all 4 columns before fetching them */
memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind));
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
bind[0].buffer= (char *)&int_data;
bind[0].is_null= &is_null[0];
bind[0].length= &length[0];
bind[0].error= &error[0];
bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
bind[1].buffer= (char *)str_data;
bind[1].buffer_length= STRING_SIZE;
bind[1].is_null= &is_null[1];
bind[1].length= &length[1];
bind[1].error= &error[1];
bind[2].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT;
bind[2].buffer= (char *)&small_data;
bind[2].is_null= &is_null[2];
bind[2].length= &length[2];
bind[2].error= &error[2];
bind[3].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP;
bind[3].buffer= (char *)&ts;
bind[3].is_null= &is_null[3];
bind[3].length= &length[3];
bind[3].error= &error[3];
/* Bind the result buffers */
if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind))
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_bind_result() failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
/* Now buffer all results to client (optional step) */
if (mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt))
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_store_result() failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
/* Fetch all rows */
row_count= 0;
fprintf(stdout, "Fetching results ...\n");
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt))
fprintf(stdout, " row %d\n", row_count);
/* column 1 */
fprintf(stdout, " column1 (integer) : ");
if (is_null[0])
fprintf(stdout, " NULL\n");
fprintf(stdout, " %d(%ld)\n", int_data, length[0]);
/* column 2 */
fprintf(stdout, " column2 (string) : ");
if (is_null[1])
fprintf(stdout, " NULL\n");
fprintf(stdout, " %s(%ld)\n", str_data, length[1]);
/* column 3 */
fprintf(stdout, " column3 (smallint) : ");
if (is_null[2])
fprintf(stdout, " NULL\n");
fprintf(stdout, " %d(%ld)\n", small_data, length[2]);
/* column 4 */
fprintf(stdout, " column4 (timestamp): ");
if (is_null[3])
fprintf(stdout, " NULL\n");
fprintf(stdout, " %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d (%ld)\n",
ts.year, ts.month,,
ts.hour, ts.minute, ts.second,
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
/* Validate rows fetched */
fprintf(stdout, " total rows fetched: %d\n", row_count);
if (row_count != 2)
fprintf(stderr, " MySQL failed to return all rows\n");
/* Free the prepared result metadata */
/* Close the statement */
if (mysql_stmt_close(stmt))
/* mysql_stmt_close() invalidates stmt, so call */
/* mysql_error(mysql) rather than mysql_stmt_error(stmt) */
fprintf(stderr, " failed while closing the statement\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
6.4.13 mysql_stmt_fetch_column()
mysql_stmt_fetch_column(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
unsigned int column,
unsigned long offset)
Fetches one column from the current result set row. bind provides the buffer where data should be
placed. It should be set up the same way as for mysql_stmt_bind_result(). column indicates
which column to fetch. The first column is numbered 0. offset is the offset within the data value at
which to begin retrieving data. This can be used for fetching the data value in pieces. The beginning of
the value is offset 0.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Invalid column number.
The end of the result set has already been reached.
6.4.14 mysql_stmt_field_count()
unsigned int
mysql_stmt_field_count(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
Returns the number of columns for the most recent statement for the statement handler. This value is
zero for statements such as INSERT or DELETE that do not produce result sets.
mysql_stmt_field_count() can be called after you have prepared a statement by invoking
Return Values
An unsigned integer representing the number of columns in a result set.
6.4.15 mysql_stmt_free_result()
mysql_stmt_free_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
Releases memory associated with the result set produced by execution of the prepared statement. If
there is a cursor open for the statement, mysql_stmt_free_result() closes it.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
6.4.16 mysql_stmt_init()
mysql_stmt_init(MYSQL *mysql)
Creates and returns a MYSQL_STMT handler. The handler should be freed with
mysql_stmt_close(), at which point the handler becomes invalid and should no longer be used.
See also Section 6.2, “C API Prepared Statement Data Structures”, for more information.
Return Values
A pointer to a MYSQL_STMT structure in case of success. NULL if out of memory.
Out of memory.
6.4.17 mysql_stmt_insert_id()
mysql_stmt_insert_id(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
Returns the value generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the prepared INSERT or UPDATE
statement. Use this function after you have executed a prepared INSERT statement on a table which
contains an AUTO_INCREMENT field.
See Section 5.4.42, “mysql_insert_id()”, for more information.
Return Values
Value for AUTO_INCREMENT column which was automatically generated or explicitly set during
execution of prepared statement, or value generated by LAST_INSERT_ID(expr) function. Return
value is undefined if statement does not set AUTO_INCREMENT value.
6.4.18 mysql_stmt_next_result()
mysql_stmt_next_result(MYSQL_STMT *mysql)
This function is used when you use prepared CALL statements to execute stored procedures, which
can return multiple result sets. Use a loop that calls mysql_stmt_next_result() to determine
whether there are more results. If a procedure has OUT or INOUT parameters, their values will be
returned as a single-row result set following any other result sets. The values will appear in the order in
which they are declared in the procedure parameter list.
For information about the effect of unhandled conditions on procedure parameters, see Condition
Handling and OUT or INOUT Parameters.
mysql_stmt_next_result() returns a status to indicate whether more results exist. If
mysql_stmt_next_result() returns an error, there are no more results.
Before each call to mysql_stmt_next_result(), you must call mysql_stmt_free_result() for
the current result if it produced a result set (rather than just a result status).
After calling mysql_stmt_next_result() the state of the connection is as if you had called
mysql_stmt_execute(). This means that you can call mysql_stmt_bind_result(),
mysql_stmt_affected_rows(), and so forth.
It is also possible to test whether there are more results by calling mysql_more_results().
However, this function does not change the connection state, so if it returns true, you must still call
mysql_stmt_next_result() to advance to the next result.
For an example that shows how to use mysql_stmt_next_result(), see Section 3.6.5, “Prepared
CALL Statement Support”.
Return Values
Return Value Description
0 Successful and there are more results
-1 Successful and there are no more results
>0 An error occurred
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
6.4.19 mysql_stmt_num_rows()
mysql_stmt_num_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
Returns the number of rows in the result set.
The use of mysql_stmt_num_rows() depends on whether you used
mysql_stmt_store_result() to buffer the entire result set in the statement handler. If you use
mysql_stmt_store_result(), mysql_stmt_num_rows() may be called immediately. Otherwise,
the row count is unavailable unless you count the rows as you fetch them.
mysql_stmt_num_rows() is intended for use with statements that return a result set, such as
SELECT. For statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, the number of affected rows can be
obtained with mysql_stmt_affected_rows().
Return Values
The number of rows in the result set.
6.4.20 mysql_stmt_param_count()
unsigned long
mysql_stmt_param_count(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
Returns the number of parameter markers present in the prepared statement.
Return Values
An unsigned long integer representing the number of parameters in a statement.
See the Example in Section 6.4.11, “mysql_stmt_execute()”.
6.4.21 mysql_stmt_param_metadata()
mysql_stmt_param_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
This function currently does nothing.
6.4.22 mysql_stmt_prepare()
mysql_stmt_prepare(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
const char *stmt_str,
unsigned long length)
Given the statement handler returned by mysql_stmt_init(), prepares the SQL statement pointed
to by the string stmt_str and returns a status value. The string length should be given by the length
argument. The string must consist of a single SQL statement. You should not add a terminating
semicolon (;) or \g to the statement.
The application can include one or more parameter markers in the SQL statement by embedding
question mark (?) characters into the SQL string at the appropriate positions.
The markers are legal only in certain places in SQL statements. For example, they are permitted in
the VALUES() list of an INSERT statement (to specify column values for a row), or in a comparison
with a column in a WHERE clause to specify a comparison value. However, they are not permitted for
identifiers (such as table or column names), or to specify both operands of a binary operator such
as the = equal sign. The latter restriction is necessary because it would be impossible to determine
the parameter type. In general, parameters are legal only in Data Manipulation Language (DML)
statements, and not in Data Definition Language (DDL) statements.
The parameter markers must be bound to application variables using
mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() or (deprecated) mysql_stmt_bind_param() before
executing the statement.
Metadata changes to tables or views referred to by prepared statements are detected and cause
automatic repreparation of the statement when it is next executed. For more information, see Caching
of Prepared Statements and Stored Programs.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
Out of memory.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query
An unknown error occurred.
If the prepare operation was unsuccessful (that is, mysql_stmt_prepare() returns nonzero), the
error message can be obtained by calling mysql_stmt_error().
See the Example in Section 6.4.11, “mysql_stmt_execute()”.
6.4.23 mysql_stmt_reset()
mysql_stmt_reset(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
Resets a prepared statement on client and server to state after prepare. It resets the statement on the
server, data sent using mysql_stmt_send_long_data(), unbuffered result sets and current errors.
It does not clear bindings or stored result sets. Stored result sets will be cleared when executing the
prepared statement (or closing it).
To re-prepare the statement with another query, use mysql_stmt_prepare().
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query
An unknown error occurred.
6.4.24 mysql_stmt_result_metadata()
mysql_stmt_result_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
mysql_stmt_result_metadata() is used to obtain result set metadata for a prepared statement.
Its use requires that the statement when executed by mysql_stmt_execute() does produce a result
mysql_stmt_result_metadata() may be called after preparing the statement with
mysql_stmt_prepare() and before closing the statement handler. The result set metadata returned
by mysql_stmt_result_metadata() is in the form of a pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure that can
be used to process the meta information such as number of fields and individual field information. This
result set pointer can be passed as an argument to any of the field-based API functions that process
result set metadata, such as:
If the client has suppressed metadata (as described in Section 3.6.7, “Optional Result Set Metadata”),
the MYSQL_RES structure has the field count filled in but is no field information.
When you are done with the metadata result set structure, free it by passing it to
mysql_free_result(). This is similar to the way you free a result set structure obtained from a call
to mysql_store_result().
If you call mysql_stmt_result_metadata() after mysql_stmt_prepare() but before
mysql_stmt_execute(), the column types in the metadata are as determined by the optimizer. If
you call mysql_stmt_result_metadata() after mysql_stmt_execute(), the column types in
the metadata are as actually present in the result set. In most cases, these should be the same.
If the executed statement is a CALL statement, it may produce multiple result sets. In this case, do
not call mysql_stmt_result_metadata() immediately after mysql_stmt_prepare(). Instead,
check the metadata for each result set separately after calling mysql_stmt_execute(). For an
example of this technique, see Section 3.6.5, “Prepared CALL Statement Support”.
The result set returned by mysql_stmt_result_metadata() contains only metadata. It
does not contain any row results. To obtain the row results, use the statement handler with
mysql_stmt_fetch() after executing the statement with mysql_stmt_execute(), as usual.
Return Values
A MYSQL_RES result structure. NULL if no meta information exists for the prepared statement.
Out of memory.
An unknown error occurred.
See the Example in Section 6.4.12, “mysql_stmt_fetch()”.
6.4.25 mysql_stmt_row_seek()
mysql_stmt_row_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
Sets the row cursor to an arbitrary row in a statement result set. The offset value is a row offset that
should be a value returned from mysql_stmt_row_tell() or from mysql_stmt_row_seek().
This value is not a row number; if you want to seek to a row within a result set by number, use
mysql_stmt_data_seek() instead.
This function requires that the result set structure contains the entire result of the query, so
mysql_stmt_row_seek() may be used only in conjunction with mysql_stmt_store_result().
Return Values
The previous value of the row cursor. This value may be passed to a subsequent call to
6.4.26 mysql_stmt_row_tell()
mysql_stmt_row_tell(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
Returns the current position of the row cursor for the last mysql_stmt_fetch(). This value can be
used as an argument to mysql_stmt_row_seek().
You should use mysql_stmt_row_tell() only after mysql_stmt_store_result().
Return Values
The current offset of the row cursor.
6.4.27 mysql_stmt_send_long_data()
mysql_stmt_send_long_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
unsigned int parameter_number,
const char *data,
unsigned long length)
Enables an application to send parameter data to the server in pieces (or “chunks”). Call this function
after mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() or (deprecated) mysql_stmt_bind_param() and
before mysql_stmt_execute(). It can be called multiple times to send the parts of a character or
binary data value for a column, which must be one of the TEXT or BLOB data types.
parameter_number indicates which parameter to associate the data with. Parameters are numbered
beginning with 0. data is a pointer to a buffer containing data to be sent, and length indicates the
number of bytes in the buffer.
The next mysql_stmt_execute() call ignores the bind buffer for all
parameters that have been used with mysql_stmt_send_long_data()
since last mysql_stmt_execute() or mysql_stmt_reset().
To reset/forget the sent data, call mysql_stmt_reset(). See Section 6.4.23, “mysql_stmt_reset()”.
The max_allowed_packet system variable controls the maximum size of parameter values that can
be sent with mysql_stmt_send_long_data().
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
The parameter does not have a string or binary type.
Invalid parameter number.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
Out of memory.
An unknown error occurred.
The following example demonstrates how to send the data for a TEXT column in chunks. It inserts the
data value 'MySQL - The most popular Open Source database' into the text_column
column. The mysql variable is assumed to be a valid connection handler.
test_long_data(text_column) VALUES(?)"
MYSQL_BIND bind[1];
long length;
stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
if (!stmt)
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_init(), out of memory\n");
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, INSERT_QUERY, strlen(INSERT_QUERY)))
fprintf(stderr, "\n mysql_stmt_prepare(), INSERT failed");
fprintf(stderr, "\n %s", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind));
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
bind[0].length= &length;
bind[0].is_null= 0;
/* Bind the buffers */
if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind))
fprintf(stderr, "\n param bind failed");
fprintf(stderr, "\n %s", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
/* Supply data in chunks to server */
if (mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt,0,"MySQL",5))
fprintf(stderr, "\n send_long_data failed");
fprintf(stderr, "\n %s", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
/* Supply the next piece of data */
if (mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt,0,
" - The most popular Open Source database",40))
fprintf(stderr, "\n send_long_data failed");
fprintf(stderr, "\n %s", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
/* Now, execute the query */
if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt))
fprintf(stderr, "\n mysql_stmt_execute failed");
fprintf(stderr, "\n %s", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
6.4.28 mysql_stmt_sqlstate()
const char *
mysql_stmt_sqlstate(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
For the statement specified by stmt, mysql_stmt_sqlstate() returns a null-terminated string
containing the SQLSTATE error code for the most recently invoked prepared statement API function
that can succeed or fail. The error code consists of five characters. "00000" means “no error.” The
values are specified by ANSI SQL and ODBC. For a list of possible values, see Error Messages and
Common Problems.
Not all MySQL errors are mapped to SQLSTATE codes. The value "HY000" (general error) is used for
unmapped errors.
If the failed statement API function was mysql_stmt_close(), do not call
mysql_stmt_sqlstate() to obtain error information because mysql_stmt_close() makes the
statement handler invalid. Call mysql_sqlstate() instead.
Return Values
A null-terminated character string containing the SQLSTATE error code.
6.4.29 mysql_stmt_store_result()
mysql_stmt_store_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
Result sets are produced by calling mysql_stmt_execute() to executed prepared
statements for SQL statements such as SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, and EXPLAIN. By default,
result sets for successfully executed prepared statements are not buffered on the client and
mysql_stmt_fetch() fetches them one at a time from the server. To cause the complete result
set to be buffered on the client, call mysql_stmt_store_result() after binding data buffers with
mysql_stmt_bind_result() and before calling mysql_stmt_fetch() to fetch rows. (For an
example, see Section 6.4.12, “mysql_stmt_fetch()”.)
mysql_stmt_store_result() is optional for result set processing, unless you will call
mysql_stmt_data_seek(), mysql_stmt_row_seek(), or mysql_stmt_row_tell(). Those
functions require a seekable result set.
It is unnecessary to call mysql_stmt_store_result() after executing an SQL statement that
does not produce a result set, but if you do, it does not harm or cause any notable performance
problem. You can detect whether the statement produced a result set by checking whether
mysql_stmt_result_metadata() returns NULL. For more information, refer to Section 6.4.24,
MySQL does not by default calculate MYSQL_FIELD->max_length for
all columns in mysql_stmt_store_result() because calculating this
would slow down mysql_stmt_store_result() considerably and
most applications do not need max_length. If you want max_length
to be updated, you can call mysql_stmt_attr_set(MYSQL_STMT,
STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, &flag) to enable this. See
Section 6.4.3, “mysql_stmt_attr_set()”.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
Out of memory.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection to the server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
Chapter 7 C API Asynchronous Interface
Table of Contents
7.1 Overview of the C API Asynchronous Interface ..................................................................... 147
7.2 C API Asynchronous Interface Data Structures ..................................................................... 152
7.3 C API Asynchronous Function Reference ............................................................................. 153
7.4 C API Asynchronous Function Descriptions .......................................................................... 153
7.4.1 mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking() ................................................................................. 153
7.4.2 mysql_free_result_nonblocking() ................................................................................ 154
7.4.3 mysql_get_connect_nonblocking_stage() ................................................................... 155
7.4.4 mysql_next_result_nonblocking() ............................................................................... 155
7.4.5 mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() ............................................................................ 155
7.4.6 mysql_real_query_nonblocking() ................................................................................ 156
7.4.7 mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking() ...................................................................... 157
7.4.8 mysql_store_result_nonblocking() .............................................................................. 157
As of MySQL 8.0.16, the C API includes asynchronous functions that enable nonblocking
communication with the MySQL server. Asynchronous functions enable development of applications
that differ from the query processing model based on synchronous functions that block if reads from or
writes to the server connection must wait. Using the asynchronous functions, an application can check
whether work on the server connection is ready to proceed. If not, the application can perform other
work before checking again later.
For example, an application might open multiple connections to the server and use them to submit
multiple statements for execution. The application then can poll the connections to see which of them
have results to be fetched, while doing other work.
As just indicated, execution of multiple simultaneous statements should be done
using multiple connections and executing one statement per connection. The
asynchronous interface is not intended for executing multiple simultaneous
statements per connection. What it enables is that applications can do other
work rather than waiting for server operations to complete.
7.1 Overview of the C API Asynchronous Interface
This section describes how to use the C API asynchronous interface. In this discussion, asynchronous
and nonblocking are used as synonyms, as are synchronous and blocking.
The asynchronous C API functions cover operations that might otherwise block when reading to or
writing from the server connection: The initial connection operation, sending a query, reading the result,
and so forth. Each asynchronous function has the same name as its synchronous counterpart, plus a
_nonblocking suffix:
mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking(): Asynchronously fetches the next row from the result set.
mysql_free_result_nonblocking(): Asynchronously frees memory used by a result set.
mysql_get_connect_nonblocking_stage(): Information about the
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking state machine.
mysql_next_result_nonblocking(): Asynchronously returns/initiates the next result in
multiple-result executions.
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking(): Asynchronously connects to a MySQL server.
Asynchronous Function Calling Conventions
mysql_real_query_nonblocking(): Asynchronously executes an SQL query specified as a
counted string.
mysql_store_result_nonblocking(): Asynchronously retrieves a complete result set to the
Applications can mix asynchronous and synchronous functions if there are operations that need not be
done asynchronously or for which the asynchronous functions do not apply.
The following discussion describes in more detail how to use asynchronous C API functions.
Asynchronous Function Calling Conventions
Example Program
Asynchronous Function Restrictions
Asynchronous Function Calling Conventions
All asynchronous C API functions return an enum net_async_status value. The return value can be
one of the following values to indicate operation status:
NET_ASYNC_NOT_READY: The operation is still in progress and not yet complete.
NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE: The operation completed successfully.
NET_ASYNC_ERROR: The operation terminated in error.
NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE_NO_MORE_RESULTS: The operation completed successfully and no more
results are available. This status applies only to mysql_next_result_nonblocking().
In general, to use an asynchronous function, do this:
Call the function repeatedly until it no longer returns a status of NET_ASYNC_NOT_READY.
Check whether the final status indicates successful completion (NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE) or an error
The following examples illustrate some typical calling patterns. function(args) represents an
asynchronous function and its argument list.
If it is desirable to perform other processing while the operation is in progress:
enum net_async_status status;
status = function(args);
while (status == NET_ASYNC_NOT_READY) {
/* perform other processing */
other_processing ();
/* invoke same function and arguments again */
status = function(args);
if (status == NET_ASYNC_ERROR) {
/* call failed; handle error */
} else {
/* call successful; handle result */
If there is no need to perform other processing while the operation is in progress:
enum net_async_status status;
while ((status = function(args)) == NET_ASYNC_NOT_READY)
; /* empty loop */
if (status == NET_ASYNC_ERROR) {
/* call failed; handle error */
} else {
/* call successful; handle result */
Example Program
If the function success/failure result does not matter and you want to ensure only that the operation
has completed:
while (function (args) != NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE)
; /* empty loop */
For mysql_next_result_nonblocking(), it is also necessary to account for the
NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE_NO_MORE_RESULTS status, which indicates that the operation completed
successfully and no more results are available. Use it like this:
while ((status = mysql_next_result_nonblocking()) != NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE) {
/* no more results */
else if (status == NET_ASYNC_ERROR) {
/* handle error by calling mysql_error(); */
In most cases, arguments for the asynchronous functions are the same as for the corresponding
synchronous functions. Exceptions are mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking() and
mysql_store_result_nonblocking(), each of which takes an extra argument compared to
its synchronous counterpart. For details, see Section 7.4.1, “mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking()”, and
Section 7.4.8, “mysql_store_result_nonblocking()”.
Example Program
This section shows an example C++ program that illustrates use of asynchronous C API functions.
To set up the SQL objects used by the program, execute the following statements. Substitute a
different database or user as desired; in this case, you will need to make some adjustments to the
program as well.
USE db;
CREATE TABLE test_table (id INT NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (10), (20), (30);
CREATE USER 'testuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'testpass';
GRANT ALL ON db.* TO 'testuser'@'localhost';
Create a file named containing the following program. Adjust the connection
parameters as necessary.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <mysql.h>
#include <mysqld_error.h>
using namespace std;
/* change following connection parameters as necessary */
static const char * c_host = "localhost";
static const char * c_user = "testuser";
static const char * c_auth = "testpass";
static int c_port = 3306;
static const char * c_sock = "/usr/local/mysql/mysql.sock";
static const char * c_dbnm = "db";
void perform_arithmetic() {
cout<<"dummy function invoked\n";
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
Example Program
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
MYSQL *mysql_local;
MYSQL_RES *result;
net_async_status status;
const char *stmt_text;
if (!(mysql_local = mysql_init(NULL))) {
cout<<"mysql_init() failed\n";
while ((status = mysql_real_connect_nonblocking(mysql_local, c_host, c_user,
c_auth, c_dbnm, c_port,
c_sock, 0))
; /* empty loop */
if (status == NET_ASYNC_ERROR) {
cout<<"mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() failed\n";
/* run query asynchronously */
stmt_text = "SELECT * FROM test_table ORDER BY id";
status = mysql_real_query_nonblocking(mysql_local, stmt_text,
(unsigned long)strlen(stmt_text));
/* do some other task before checking function result */
while (status == NET_ASYNC_NOT_READY) {
status = mysql_real_query_nonblocking(mysql_local, stmt_text,
(unsigned long)strlen(stmt_text));
if (status == NET_ASYNC_ERROR) {
cout<<"mysql_real_query_nonblocking() failed\n";
/* retrieve query result asynchronously */
status = mysql_store_result_nonblocking(mysql_local, &result);
/* do some other task before checking function result */
while (status == NET_ASYNC_NOT_READY) {
status = mysql_store_result_nonblocking(mysql_local, &result);
if (status == NET_ASYNC_ERROR) {
cout<<"mysql_store_result_nonblocking() failed\n";
if (result == NULL) {
cout<<"mysql_store_result_nonblocking() found 0 records\n";
/* fetch a row synchronously */
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
if (row != NULL && strcmp(row[0], "10") == 0)
cout<<"ROW: " << row[0] << "\n";
cout<<"incorrect result fetched\n";
/* fetch a row asynchronously, but without doing other work */
while (mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking(result, &row) != NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE)
; /* empty loop */
/* 2nd row fetched */
if (row != NULL && strcmp(row[0], "20") == 0)
cout<<"ROW: " << row[0] << "\n";
cout<<"incorrect result fetched\n";
/* fetch a row asynchronously, doing other work while waiting */
Asynchronous Function Restrictions
status = mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking(result, &row);
/* do some other task before checking function result */
while (status != NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE) {
status = mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking(result, &row);
/* 3rd row fetched */
if (row != NULL && strcmp(row[0], "30") == 0)
cout<<"ROW: " << row[0] << "\n";
cout<<"incorrect result fetched\n";
/* fetch a row asynchronously (no more rows expected) */
while ((status = mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking(result, &row))
; /* empty loop */
if (row == NULL)
cout <<"No more rows to process.\n";
cout <<"More rows found than expected.\n";
/* free result set memory asynchronously */
while (mysql_free_result_nonblocking(result) != NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE)
; /* empty loop */
Compile the program using a command similar to this; adjust the compiler and options as necessary:
gcc -g -std=c++11 \
-I/usr/local/mysql/include \
-o async_app -L/usr/lib64/ -lstdc++ \
-L/usr/local/mysql/lib/ -lmysqlclient
Run the program. The results should be similar to what you see here, although you might see a varying
number of dummy function invoked instances.
dummy function invoked
dummy function invoked
ROW: 10
ROW: 20
dummy function invoked
ROW: 30
No more rows to process.
To experiment with the program, add and remove rows from test_table, running the program again
after each change.
Asynchronous Function Restrictions
These restrictions apply to the use of asynchronous C API functions:
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() can be used only for accounts that authenticate with one
of these authentication plugins: mysql_native_password (deprecated), sha256_password, or
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() can be used only to establish TCP/IP or Unix socket file
These statements are not supported and must be processed using synchronous C API functions:
Input arguments passed to an asynchronous C API call that initiates a nonblocking operation may
remain in use until the operation terminates later, and should not be reused until termination occurs.
Protocol compression is not supported for asynchronous C API functions.
C API Asynchronous Interface Data Structures
7.2 C API Asynchronous Interface Data Structures
This section describes data structures specific to asynchronous C API functions. For information about
general-purpose C API data structures, see Section 5.2, “C API Basic Data Structures”.
enum connect_stage
Stage of an asynchronous connection. The value may be one of the CONNECT_STAGE_ symbols
shown in the following table.
Enumeration Stage Value Description
CONNECT_STAGE_INVALID = 0 MYSQL not valid or an unknown state
CONNECT_STAGE_NET_BEGIN_CONNECT Begin connection to the server
CONNECT_STAGE_NET_WAIT_CONNECT Wait for connection to be established
CONNECT_STAGE_NET_COMPLETE_CONNECT Initialize the local data structures post connect
CONNECT_STAGE_AUTH_BEGIN Determine the plugin to use
CONNECT_STAGE_AUTH_HANDLE_FIRST_AUTHENTICATE_USERHandle the result of the first authentication plugin
CONNECT_STAGE_AUTH_READ_CHANGE_USER_RESULTRead the implied changed user authentication (if
CONNECT_STAGE_AUTH_HANDLE_CHANGE_USER_REQUESTCheck if server asked to use a different
authentication plugin
CONNECT_STAGE_AUTH_RUN_SECOND_AUTHENTICATE_USERStart the authentication process again with the
plugin requested by the server
CONNECT_STAGE_AUTH_INIT_MULTI_AUTH Start multifactor authentication
CONNECT_STAGE_AUTH_HANDLE_SECOND_AUTHENTICATE_USERNow read the results of the second plugin run
CONNECT_STAGE_AUTH_DO_MULTI_PLUGIN_AUTHInvoke client plugins multi-auth authentication
CONNECT_STAGE_AUTH_HANDLE_MULTI_AUTH_RESPONSEHandle response from client plugins
authentication method
CONNECT_STAGE_PREP_SELECT_DATABASE Authenticated, set initial database if specified
CONNECT_STAGE_PREP_INIT_COMMANDS Prepare to send a sequence of init commands
CONNECT_STAGE_SEND_ONE_INIT_COMMAND Send an init command, which is called once
for each init command until they all run (or a
failure occurs)
CONNECT_STAGE_COMPLETE Connected or no asynchronous connect is in
enum net_async_status
The enumeration type used to express the return status of asynchronous C API functions. The
following table shows the permitted status values.
C API Asynchronous Function Reference
Enumeration Status Value Description
NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE Asynchronous operation is complete
NET_ASYNC_NOT_READY Asynchronous operation is still in progress
NET_ASYNC_ERROR Asynchronous operation terminated in error
NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE_NO_MORE_RESULTS For mysql_next_result_nonblocking();
indicates no more results available
For more information, see Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
7.3 C API Asynchronous Function Reference
The following table summarizes the functions available for asynchronous interaction with the MySQL
server. For greater detail, see the descriptions in Section 7.4, “C API Asynchronous Function
Table 7.1 C API Asynchronous Functions
Name Description
mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking() Asynchronously fetch next result set row
mysql_free_result_nonblocking() Asynchronously free result set memory
mysql_get_connect_nonblocking_stage() Information about the
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking state
mysql_next_result_nonblocking() Asynchronously return/initiate next result in
multiple-result execution
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() Asynchronously connect to MySQL server
mysql_real_query_nonblocking() Asynchronously execute statement
mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking() Asynchronously reset the connection to clear
session state
mysql_store_result_nonblocking() Asynchronously retrieve and store entire result set
7.4 C API Asynchronous Function Descriptions
To interact asynchronously with the MySQL server, use the functions described in the following
sections. For descriptions of their synchronous counterparts, see Section 5.4, “C API Basic Function
7.4.1 mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking()
enum net_async_status
mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking(MYSQL_RES *result,
mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking() is an asynchronous function. It is
the counterpart of the mysql_fetch_row() synchronous function, for use
by applications that require asynchronous communication with the server.
For general information about writing asynchronous C API applications, see
Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking() is used similarly to mysql_fetch_row(). For details about
the latter, see Section 5.4.22, “mysql_fetch_row()”. The two functions differ as follows:
mysql_fetch_row() returns a MYSQL_ROW value containing the next row, or NULL. The meaning
of a NULL return depends on which function was called preceding mysql_fetch_row():
When used after mysql_store_result() or mysql_store_result_nonblocking(),
mysql_fetch_row() returns NULL if there are no more rows to retrieve.
When used after mysql_use_result(), mysql_fetch_row() returns NULL if there are no
more rows to retrieve or an error occurred.
mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking() returns an enum net_async_status status indicator
and takes a second row argument that provides a pointer to a MYSQL_ROW value. When the return
status is NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE, the row argument is a pointer to a MYSQL_ROW value containing
the next row, or NULL. The meaning of NULL depends on which function was called preceding
When used after mysql_store_result() or mysql_store_result_nonblocking(), the
row argument is NULL if there are no more rows to retrieve.
When used after mysql_use_result(), the row argument is NULL if there are no more rows to
retrieve or an error occurred.
mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking() was added in MySQL 8.0.16.
Return Values
Returns an enum net_async_status value. See the description in Section 7.2, “C API
Asynchronous Interface Data Structures”. A NET_ASYNC_ERROR return status indicates an error.
See Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
7.4.2 mysql_free_result_nonblocking()
enum net_async_status
mysql_free_result_nonblocking(MYSQL_RES *result)
mysql_free_result_nonblocking() is an asynchronous function. It is
the counterpart of the mysql_free_result() synchronous function, for
use by applications that require asynchronous communication with the server.
For general information about writing asynchronous C API applications, see
Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_free_result_nonblocking() is used similarly to mysql_free_result(). For details
about the latter, see Section 5.4.26, “mysql_free_result()”. The two functions differ as follows:
mysql_free_result() does not return a value.
mysql_free_result_nonblocking() returns an enum net_async_status status indicator.
mysql_free_result_nonblocking() was added in MySQL 8.0.16.
Return Values
Returns an enum net_async_status value. See the description in Section 7.2, “C API
Asynchronous Interface Data Structures”. A NET_ASYNC_ERROR return status indicates an error.
See Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
7.4.3 mysql_get_connect_nonblocking_stage()
enum connect_stage
mysql_get_connect_nonblocking_stage(MYSQL *mysql)
mysql_get_connect_nonblocking_stage() provides a function to determine which stage
of the mysql_real_connect_nonblocking state machine is in currently. This function permits
an application to monitor and take appropriate actions based on the progress of an asynchronous
connection. For general information about writing asynchronous C API applications, see Chapter 7, C
API Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_get_connect_nonblocking_stage() was added in MySQL 8.1.0.
Return Values
Returns an enum connect_stage value. See the description in Section 7.2, “C API Asynchronous
Interface Data Structures”.
7.4.4 mysql_next_result_nonblocking()
enum net_async_status
mysql_next_result_nonblocking(MYSQL *mysql)
mysql_next_result_nonblocking() is an asynchronous function. It is
the counterpart of the mysql_next_result() synchronous function, for
use by applications that require asynchronous communication with the server.
For general information about writing asynchronous C API applications, see
Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_next_result_nonblocking() is used similarly to mysql_next_result(). For details
about the latter, see Section 5.4.48, “mysql_next_result()”. The two functions differ as follows:
mysql_next_result() returns an integer status indicator.
mysql_next_result_nonblocking() returns an enum net_async_status status indicator.
mysql_next_result_nonblocking() was added in MySQL 8.0.16.
Return Values
Returns an enum net_async_status value. See the description in Section 7.2, “C API
Asynchronous Interface Data Structures”. A NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE_NO_MORE_RESULTS return
status indicates there are no more results available. A NET_ASYNC_ERROR return status indicates an
See Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
7.4.5 mysql_real_connect_nonblocking()
enum net_async_status
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *host,
const char *user,
const char *passwd,
const char *db,
unsigned int port,
const char *unix_socket,
unsigned long
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() is an asynchronous function. It is
the counterpart of the mysql_real_connect() synchronous function, for
use by applications that require asynchronous communication with the server.
For general information about writing asynchronous C API applications, see
Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() is used similarly to mysql_real_connect(). For details
about the latter, see Section 5.4.55, “mysql_real_connect()”. The two functions differ as follows:
mysql_real_connect() returns a connection handler or NULL.
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() returns an enum net_async_status status indicator.
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() was added in MySQL 8.0.16.
Return Values
Returns an enum net_async_status value. See the description in Section 7.2, “C API
Asynchronous Interface Data Structures”. A NET_ASYNC_ERROR return status indicates an error.
See Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
7.4.6 mysql_real_query_nonblocking()
enum net_async_status
mysql_real_query_nonblocking(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *stmt_str,
unsigned long length)
mysql_real_query_nonblocking() is an asynchronous function. It is
the counterpart of the mysql_real_query() synchronous function, for use
by applications that require asynchronous communication with the server.
For general information about writing asynchronous C API applications, see
Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_real_query_nonblocking() is used similarly to mysql_real_query(). For details about
the latter, see Section 5.4.59, “mysql_real_query()”. The two functions differ as follows:
mysql_real_query() returns an integer status indicator.
mysql_real_query_nonblocking() returns an enum net_async_status status indicator.
mysql_real_query_nonblocking() was added in MySQL 8.0.16.
Return Values
Returns an enum net_async_status value. See the description in Section 7.2, “C API
Asynchronous Interface Data Structures”. A NET_ASYNC_ERROR return status indicates an error.
See Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
7.4.7 mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking()
enum net_async_status
mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking(MYSQL *mysql)
mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking() is an asynchronous function. It
is the counterpart of the mysql_reset_connection() synchronous function,
for use by applications that require asynchronous communication with the
server. For general information about writing asynchronous C API applications,
see Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking() is used similarly to mysql_reset_connection().
For details about the latter, see Section 5.4.60, “mysql_reset_connection()”. The two functions differ as
mysql_reset_connection() returns a zero for success or a nonzero if an error occurred.
mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking() returns an enum net_async_status status
If mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking() returns NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE,
then connection state has cleared successfully. Otherwise, continue to call
mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking() from the client application until the function returns
status NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE. A NET_ASYNC_ERROR return status indicates an error.
mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking() was added in MySQL 8.1.0.
Return Values
Returns an enum net_async_status value. See the description in Section 7.2, “C API
Asynchronous Interface Data Structures”.
See Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
7.4.8 mysql_store_result_nonblocking()
enum net_async_status
mysql_store_result_nonblocking(MYSQL *mysql,
MYSQL_RES **result)
mysql_store_result_nonblocking() is an asynchronous function. It is
the counterpart of the mysql_store_result() synchronous function, for
use by applications that require asynchronous communication with the server.
For general information about writing asynchronous C API applications, see
Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
mysql_store_result_nonblocking() is used similarly to mysql_store_result(). For details
about the latter, see Section 5.4.77, “mysql_store_result()”. The two functions differ as follows:
mysql_store_result() returns a pointer to a MYSQL_RESULT value that contains the result set,
or NULL if there is no result set or an error occurred.
mysql_store_result_nonblocking() returns an enum net_async_status status indicator
and takes a second result argument that is the address of a pointer to a MYSQL_RESULT into
which to store the result set. When the return status is NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE, the result
argument is NULL if there is no result set or an error occurred.
mysql_store_result_nonblocking() was added in MySQL 8.0.16.
Return Values
Returns an enum net_async_status value. See the description in Section 7.2, “C API
Asynchronous Interface Data Structures”. A NET_ASYNC_ERROR return status indicates an error.
When the return status is NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE, the result argument is NULL if there is no result
set or an error occurred. To determine whether an error occurred, check whether mysql_error()
returns a nonempty string, mysql_errno() returns nonzero, or mysql_field_count() returns
See Chapter 7, C API Asynchronous Interface.
Chapter 8 C API Thread Interface
Table of Contents
8.1 C API Thread Function Reference ....................................................................................... 159
8.2 C API Threaded Function Descriptions ................................................................................. 159
8.2.1 mysql_thread_end() .................................................................................................. 159
8.2.2 mysql_thread_init() ................................................................................................... 160
8.2.3 mysql_thread_safe() ................................................................................................. 160
The MySQL C API includes functions enabling threaded client applications to be written. These
functions provide control over thread initialization and termination with the client. See also Section 3.4,
“Writing C API Threaded Client Programs”.
Another C API function, mysql_thread_id(), has “thread” in its name but is not used for client
threading purposes. Instead, it returns the ID of the server thread associated with the client, much like
the CONNECTION_ID() SQL function. See Section 5.4.78, “mysql_thread_id()”.
8.1 C API Thread Function Reference
The following table summarizes the functions available for the thread control within the client. For
greater detail, see the descriptions in Section 8.2, “C API Threaded Function Descriptions”.
Table 8.1 C API Thread Functions
Name Description
mysql_thread_end() Finalize thread handler
mysql_thread_init() Initialize thread handler
mysql_thread_safe() Whether client is compiled thread-safe
8.2 C API Threaded Function Descriptions
To create a threaded client, use the functions described in the following sections. See also Section 3.4,
“Writing C API Threaded Client Programs”.
8.2.1 mysql_thread_end()
Call this function as necessary before calling pthread_exit() to free memory allocated by
For release/production builds without debugging support enabled, mysql_thread_end() need not
be called.
For debug builds, mysql_thread_init() allocates debugging information for the DBUG
package (see The DBUG Package). mysql_thread_end() must be called for each
mysql_thread_init() call to avoid a memory leak.
mysql_thread_end() is not invoked automatically by the client library.
Return Values
8.2.2 mysql_thread_init()
This function must be called early within each created thread to initialize thread-specific variables.
However, it may be unnecessarily to invoke it explicitly. Calling mysql_thread_init() is
automatically handled by mysql_init(), mysql_library_init(), mysql_server_init(), and
mysql_connect(). If you invoke any of those functions, mysql_thread_init() is called for you.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
8.2.3 mysql_thread_safe()
int mysql_thread_safe(void)
This function indicates whether the client library is compiled as thread-safe.
Return Values
1 if the client library is thread-safe, 0 otherwise.
Chapter 9 C API Client Plugin Interface
Table of Contents
9.1 C API Plugin Function Reference ........................................................................................ 161
9.2 C API Plugin Function Descriptions ...................................................................................... 161
9.2.1 mysql_client_find_plugin() ......................................................................................... 161
9.2.2 mysql_client_register_plugin() ................................................................................... 162
9.2.3 mysql_plugin_get_option() ......................................................................................... 163
9.2.4 mysql_load_plugin() .................................................................................................. 163
9.2.5 mysql_load_plugin_v() .............................................................................................. 164
9.2.6 mysql_plugin_options() ............................................................................................. 164
This section describes functions used for the client-side plugin API. They enable management of client
plugins. For a description of the st_mysql_client_plugin structure used by these functions, see
Client Plugin Descriptors.
It is unlikely that a client program needs to call the functions in this section. For example, a client
that supports the use of authentication plugins normally causes a plugin to be loaded by calling
mysql_options() to set the MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH and MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR options:
char *plugin_dir = "path_to_plugin_dir";
char *default_auth = "plugin_name";
/* ... process command-line options ... */
mysql_options(&mysql, MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR, plugin_dir);
mysql_options(&mysql, MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH, default_auth);
Typically, the program will also accept --plugin-dir and --default-auth options that enable
users to override the default values.
9.1 C API Plugin Function Reference
The following table summarizes the functions available for the client-side plugin API. For greater detail,
see the descriptions in Section 9.2, “C API Plugin Function Descriptions”.
Table 9.1 C API Plugin Functions
Name Description
mysql_client_find_plugin() Return pointer to a plugin
mysql_client_register_plugin() Register a plugin
mysql_load_plugin() Load a plugin
mysql_load_plugin_v() Load a plugin
mysql_plugin_get_option() Get plugin option
mysql_plugin_options() Set plugin option
9.2 C API Plugin Function Descriptions
The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the functions that enable management of client
9.2.1 mysql_client_find_plugin()
struct st_mysql_client_plugin *
mysql_client_find_plugin(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *name,
int type)
Returns a pointer to a loaded plugin, loading the plugin first if necessary. An error occurs if the type is
invalid or the plugin cannot be found or loaded.
Specify the arguments as follows:
mysql: A pointer to a MYSQL structure. The plugin API does not require a connection to a MySQL
server, but this structure must be properly initialized. The structure is used to obtain connection-
related information.
name: The plugin name.
type: The plugin type.
Return Values
A pointer to the plugin for success. NULL if an error occurred.
To check for errors, call the mysql_error() or mysql_errno() function. See Section 5.4.16,
“mysql_error()”, and Section 5.4.15, “mysql_errno()”.
MYSQL mysql;
struct st_mysql_client_plugin *p;
if ((p = mysql_client_find_plugin(&mysql, "myplugin",
printf("Plugin version: %d.%d.%d\n", p->version[0], p->version[1], p->version[2]);
9.2.2 mysql_client_register_plugin()
struct st_mysql_client_plugin *
mysql_client_register_plugin(MYSQL *mysql,
struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin)
Adds a plugin structure to the list of loaded plugins. An error occurs if the plugin is already loaded.
Specify the arguments as follows:
mysql: A pointer to a MYSQL structure. The plugin API does not require a connection to a MySQL
server, but this structure must be properly initialized. The structure is used to obtain connection-
related information.
plugin: A pointer to the plugin structure.
Return Values
A pointer to the plugin for success. NULL if an error occurred.
To check for errors, call the mysql_error() or mysql_errno() function. See Section 5.4.16,
“mysql_error()”, and Section 5.4.15, “mysql_errno()”.
9.2.3 mysql_plugin_get_option()
mysql_plugin_get_option(struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin,
const char *option,
void *value)
Given a plugin structure and an option name, returns the option value. If the plugin does not have an
option handler, an error occurs.
Specify the arguments as follows:
plugin: A pointer to the plugin structure.
option: The name of the option for which the value is to be returned.
value: A pointer to the option value.
mysql_plugin_get_option() was added in MySQL 8.0.27.
Return Values
Zero for success, 1 if an error occurred.
9.2.4 mysql_load_plugin()
struct st_mysql_client_plugin *
mysql_load_plugin(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *name,
int type,
int argc,
Loads a MySQL client plugin, specified by name and type. An error occurs if the type is invalid or the
plugin cannot be loaded.
It is not possible to load multiple plugins of the same type. An error occurs if you try to load a plugin of
a type already loaded.
Specify the arguments as follows:
mysql: A pointer to a MYSQL structure. The plugin API does not require a connection to a MySQL
server, but this structure must be properly initialized. The structure is used to obtain connection-
related information.
name: The name of the plugin to load.
type: The type of plugin to load, or 1 to disable type checking. If type is not 1, only plugins
matching the type are considered for loading.
argc: The number of following arguments (0 if there are none). Interpretation of any following
arguments depends on the plugin type.
Another way to cause plugins to be loaded is to set the LIBMYSQL_PLUGINS environment variable to a
list of semicolon-separated plugin names. For example:
export LIBMYSQL_PLUGINS="myplugin1;myplugin2"
Plugins named by LIBMYSQL_PLUGINS are loaded when the client program calls
mysql_library_init(). No error is reported if problems occur loading these plugins.
The LIBMYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR environment variable can be set to the path name of the directory in
which to look for client plugins. This variable is used in two ways:
During client plugin preloading, the value of the --plugin-dir option is not available, so client
plugin loading fails unless the plugins are located in the hardwired default directory. If the plugins are
located elsewhere, LIBMYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR environment variable can be set to the proper directory
to enable plugin preloading to succeed.
For explicit client plugin loading, the mysql_load_plugin() and mysql_load_plugin_v() C
API functions use the LIBMYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR value if it exists and the --plugin-dir option was
not given. If --plugin-dir is given, mysql_load_plugin() and mysql_load_plugin_v()
Return Values
A pointer to the plugin if it was loaded successfully. NULL if an error occurred.
To check for errors, call the mysql_error() or mysql_errno() function. See Section 5.4.16,
“mysql_error()”, and Section 5.4.15, “mysql_errno()”.
MYSQL mysql;
if(!mysql_load_plugin(&mysql, "myplugin",
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
See Also
See also Section 9.2.4, “mysql_load_plugin()”, Section 5.4.16, “mysql_error()”, Section 5.4.15,
9.2.5 mysql_load_plugin_v()
struct st_mysql_client_plugin *
mysql_load_plugin_v(MYSQL *mysql,
const char *name,
int type,
int argc,
va_list args)
This function is equivalent to mysql_load_plugin(), but it accepts a va_list instead of a variable
list of arguments.
See Also
See also Section 9.2.4, “mysql_load_plugin()”.
9.2.6 mysql_plugin_options()
mysql_plugin_options(struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin,
const char *option,
const void *value)
Passes an option type and value to a plugin. This function can be called multiple times to set several
options. If the plugin does not have an option handler, an error occurs.
Specify the arguments as follows:
plugin: A pointer to the plugin structure.
option: The name of the option to be set.
value: A pointer to the option value.
Return Values
Zero for success, 1 if an error occurred. If the plugin has an option handler, that handler should also
return zero for success and 1 if an error occurred.
Chapter 10 C API Binary Log Interface
Table of Contents
10.1 Overview of the C API Binary Log Interface ........................................................................ 167
10.2 C API Binary Log Data Structures ...................................................................................... 168
10.3 C API Binary Log Function Reference ................................................................................ 169
10.4 C API Binary Log Function Descriptions ............................................................................. 170
10.4.1 mysql_binlog_close() ............................................................................................... 170
10.4.2 mysql_binlog_fetch() ............................................................................................... 170
10.4.3 mysql_binlog_open() ............................................................................................... 171
The MySQL client/server protocol includes a client interface for reading a stream of replication events
from a MySQL server binary log. This capability uses the MYSQL_RPL data structure and a small set of
functions to manage communication between a client program and the server from which the binary log
is to be read. The following sections describe aspects of this interface in more detail.
10.1 Overview of the C API Binary Log Interface
The following simple example program demonstrates the binary log C API functions. Program notes:
mysql is assumed to be a valid connection handler.
The initial SET statement sets the @source_binlog_checksum user-defined variable that the
server takes as an indication that the client is checksum-aware. This client does nothing with
checksums, but without this statement, a server that includes checksums in binary log events will
return an error for the first attempt to read an event containing a checksum. The value assigned to
the variable is immaterial; what matters is that the variable exist.
if (mysql_query(mysql, "SET @source_binlog_checksum='ALL'"))
fprintf(stderr, "mysql_query() failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Error %u: %s\n",
mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql));
rpl.file_name_length = 0;
rpl.file_name = NULL;
rpl.start_position = 4;
rpl.server_id = 0;
rpl.flags = 0;
if (mysql_binlog_open(mysql, &rpl))
fprintf(stderr, "mysql_binlog_open() failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Error %u: %s\n",
mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql));
for (;;) /* read events until error or EOF */
if (mysql_binlog_fetch(mysql, &rpl))
fprintf(stderr, "mysql_binlog_fetch() failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Error %u: %s\n",
mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql));
if (rpl.size == 0) /* EOF */
C API Binary Log Data Structures
fprintf(stderr, "EOF event received\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Event received of size %lu.\n", rpl.size);
mysql_binlog_close(mysql, &rpl);
For additional examples that show how to use these functions, look in a MySQL source distribution for
these source files: in the client directory
mysql_client_test.c in the testclients directory
10.2 C API Binary Log Data Structures
C API functions for processing a replication event stream from a server require a connection handler
(a MYSQL * pointer) and a pointer to a MYSQL_RPL structure that describes the steam of replication
events to read from the server binary log. For example:
MYSQL *mysql = mysql_real_connect(...);
# ... initialize MYSQL_RPL members ...
int result = mysql_binlog_open(mysql, &rpl);
This section describes the MYSQL_RPL structure members. Connection handlers are described in
Section 5.2, “C API Basic Data Structures”.
The applicable MYSQL_RPL members depend on the binary log operation to be performed:
Before calling mysql_binlog_open(), the caller must set the MYSQL_RPL members from
file_name_length through flags. In addition, if flags has the MYSQL_RPL_GTID flag set, the
caller must set the members from gtid_set_encoded_size through gtid_set_arg.
After a successful mysql_binlog_fetch() call, the caller examines the size and buffer
MYSQL_RPL structure member descriptions:
The length of the name of the binary log file to read. This member is used in conjunction with
file_name; see the file_name description.
The name of the binary log file to read:
If file_name is NULL, the client library sets it to the empty string and sets file_name_length
to 0.
If file_name is not NULL, file_name_length must either be the length of the name or 0.
If file_name_length is 0, the client library sets it to the length of the name, in which case,
file_name must be given as a null-terminated string.
To read from the beginning of the binary log without having to know the name of the oldest binary log
file, set file_name to NULL or the empty string, and start_position to 4.
The position at which to start reading the binary log. The position of the first event in any given binary
log file is 4.
C API Binary Log Function Reference
The server ID to use for identifying to the server from which the binary log is read.
The union of flags that affect binary log reading, or 0 if no flags are set. These flag values are
Set this flag to cause mysql_binlog_fetch() to skip heartbeat events.
Set this flag to read GTID (global transaction ID) data. If set, you must initialize the MYSQL_RPL
structure GTID-related members from gtid_set_encoded_size to gtid_set_arg before
calling mysql_binlog_open().
It is beyond the scope of this documentation to describe in detail how client programs use those
GTID-related members. For more information, examine the source file. For
information about GTID-based replication, see Replication with Global Transaction Identifiers.
The size of GTID set data, or 0.
The address of a callback function for mysql_binlog_open() to call to fill the command packet
GTID set, or NULL if there is no such function. The callback function, if used, should have this calling
void my_callback(MYSQL_RPL *rpl, unsigned char *packet_gtid_set);
Either a pointer to GTID set data (if fix_gtid_set is NULL), or a pointer to a value to be made
available for use within the callback function (if fix_gtid_set is not NULL). gtid_set_arg is a
generic pointer, so it can point to any kind of value (for example, a string, a structure, or a function).
Its interpretation within the callback depends on how the callback intends to use it.
After a successful mysql_binlog_fetch() call, the size of the returned binary log event. The
value is 0 for an EOF event, greater than 0 for a non-EOF event.
After a successful mysql_binlog_fetch() call, a pointer to the binary log event contents.
10.3 C API Binary Log Function Reference
The following table summarizes the functions available for reading a replication event stream from
a binary log. For greater detail, see the descriptions in Section 10.4, “C API Binary Log Function
Table 10.1 C API Binary Log Functions
Name Description
mysql_binlog_close() Close replication event stream
C API Binary Log Function Descriptions
Name Description
mysql_binlog_fetch() Read event from replication event stream
mysql_binlog_open() Open replication event stream
10.4 C API Binary Log Function Descriptions
The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the functions that enable reading the stream of
replication events from a MySQL server binary log.
10.4.1 mysql_binlog_close()
mysql_binlog_close(MYSQL *mysql,
Close a replication event stream.
mysql: The connection handler returned from mysql_init(). The handler remains open after the
mysql_binlog_close() call.
rpl: The replication stream structure. After calling mysql_binlog_close(), this structure should
not be used further without reinitializing it and calling mysql_binlog_open() again.
See Section 10.4, “C API Binary Log Function Descriptions”.
10.4.2 mysql_binlog_fetch()
mysql_binlog_fetch(MYSQL *mysql,
Fetch one event from the replication event stream.
mysql: The connection handler returned from mysql_init().
rpl: The replication stream structure. After a successful call, the size member indicates the event
size, which is 0 for an EOF event. For a non-EOF event, size is greater than 0 and the buffer
member points to the event contents.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
See Section 10.4, “C API Binary Log Function Descriptions”.
10.4.3 mysql_binlog_open()
mysql_binlog_open(MYSQL *mysql,
Open a new replication event stream, to read a MySQL server binary log.
mysql: The connection handler returned from mysql_init().
rpl: A MYSQL_RPL structure that has been initialized to indicate the replication event stream source.
For a description of the structure members and how to initialize them, see Section 10.2, “C API
Binary Log Data Structures”.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
The specified binary log file name was too long.
Out of memory.
See Section 10.4, “C API Binary Log Function Descriptions”.
@source_binlog_checksum user-defined variable, 167
asynchronous C API
data structures, 152
function descriptions, 153
function reference, 153
asynchronous interface
C API, 147
asynchronous interface usage
C API, 147
C API, 32
basic data structures
C API, 34
basic function descriptions
C API, 42
basic function reference
C API, 39
basic interface usage
C API, 32
binary log
C API, 167
binary log C API
data structures, 168
function descriptions, 170
function reference, 169
binary log interface usage
C API, 167
client programs, 5
asynchronous interface, 147
asynchronous interface usage, 147
basic, 32
basic data structures, 34
basic function descriptions, 42
basic function reference, 39
basic interface usage, 32
binary log, 167
binary log interface usage, 167
client version, 23
data types, 1
encrypted connections, 11
example programs, 5
function reference, 25
linking problems, 7
multiple statement execution, 13
optional result set metadata, 20
prepared CALL statement, 16
prepared statement interface usage, 110
prepared statements and temporal values, 15
reconnection control, 21
server version, 23
SSL session reuse, 12
C API functions
mysql_bind_param(), 44
client programs
building, 5
client version
C API, 23
threaded, 9
compiling clients
on Unix, 5
on Windows, 6
data structures
asynchronous C API, 152
binary log C API, 168
prepared statement C API, 111
data types
C API, 1
DNS SRV records, 87
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, 10
encrypted connections
C API, 11
environment variable
linking, 7
example programs
C API, 5
function descriptions
asynchronous C API, 153
binary log C API, 170
plugin C API, 161
prepared statement C API, 119
thread C API, 159
function reference
asynchronous C API, 153
binary log C API, 169
C API, 25
plugin C API, 161
prepared statement C API, 118
thread C API, 159
prepared statement C API, 117
unique, 22
last row
unique ID, 22
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, 10
LIBMYSQL_PLUGINS environment variable, 163
LIBMYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR environment variable, 164
linking, 5
errors, 7
problems, 7
prepared statement C API, 111
multiple statement execution
C API, 13
MYSQL C type, 34
mysql_affected_rows(), 22, 42
mysql_autocommit(), 43
MYSQL_BIND C type, 112
mysql_bind_param() C API function, 44
mysql_binlog_close(), 170
mysql_binlog_fetch(), 170
mysql_binlog_open(), 171
mysql_change_user(), 45
mysql_character_set_name(), 47
mysql_client_find_plugin(), 161
mysql_client_register_plugin(), 162
mysql_close(), 47
mysql_commit(), 47
mysql_connect(), 47
mysql_create_db(), 48
mysql_data_seek(), 48
mysql_debug(), 49
mysql_drop_db(), 49
mysql_dump_debug_info(), 50
mysql_eof(), 50
mysql_errno(), 51
mysql_error(), 52
mysql_escape_string(), 52
mysql_fetch_field(), 52
mysql_fetch_fields(), 54
mysql_fetch_field_direct(), 53
mysql_fetch_lengths(), 54
mysql_fetch_row(), 55
mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking(), 153
MYSQL_FIELD C type, 34
mysql_field_count(), 56, 71
mysql_field_seek(), 57
mysql_field_tell(), 57
mysql_free_result(), 58
mysql_free_result_nonblocking(), 154
mysql_free_ssl_session_data(), 58
mysql_get_character_set_info(), 58
mysql_get_client_info(), 59
mysql_get_client_version(), 59
mysql_get_connect_nonblocking_stage, 155
mysql_get_host_info(), 60
mysql_get_option(), 60
mysql_get_proto_info(), 61
mysql_get_server_info(), 61
mysql_get_server_version(), 62
mysql_get_ssl_cipher(), 62
mysql_get_ssl_session_data(), 62
mysql_get_ssl_session_reused(), 63
mysql_hex_string(), 63
mysql_info(), 22, 64
mysql_init(), 65
mysql_insert_id(), 22, 22, 65
mysql_library_end(), 67
mysql_library_init(), 67
mysql_list_dbs(), 68
mysql_list_tables(), 69
mysql_load_plugin(), 163
mysql_load_plugin_v(), 164
mysql_more_results(), 69
mysql_next_result(), 70
mysql_next_result_nonblocking(), 155
mysql_num_fields(), 71
mysql_num_rows(), 22, 72
mysql_options(), 72
mysql_options4(), 80
mysql_ping(), 82
mysql_plugin_get_option(), 163
mysql_plugin_options(), 164
mysql_query(), 22, 82
mysql_real_connect(), 83
mysql_real_connect_dns_srv(), 87
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking(), 155
mysql_real_escape_string(), 88
mysql_real_escape_string_quote(), 90
mysql_real_query(), 22, 91
mysql_real_query_nonblocking(), 156
MYSQL_RES C type, 34
mysql_reset_connection(), 92
mysql_reset_connection_nonblocking(), 157
mysql_reset_server_public_key(), 92
mysql_result_metadata(), 93
mysql_rollback(), 93
MYSQL_ROW C type, 34
mysql_row_seek(), 94
mysql_row_tell(), 94
mysql_select_db(), 94
mysql_server_end(), 95
mysql_server_init(), 95
mysql_session_track_get_first(), 96
mysql_session_track_get_next(), 101
mysql_set_character_set(), 101
mysql_set_local_infile_default(), 102, 102
mysql_set_server_option(), 103
mysql_sqlstate(), 104
mysql_stat(), 105
MYSQL_STMT C type, 111
mysql_stmt_affected_rows(), 120
mysql_stmt_attr_get(), 120
mysql_stmt_attr_set(), 120
mysql_stmt_bind_named_param(), 122
mysql_stmt_bind_param(), 124
mysql_stmt_bind_result(), 125
mysql_stmt_close(), 126
mysql_stmt_data_seek(), 126
mysql_stmt_errno(), 127
mysql_stmt_error(), 127
mysql_stmt_execute(), 128
mysql_stmt_fetch(), 131
mysql_stmt_fetch_column(), 136
mysql_stmt_field_count(), 137
mysql_stmt_free_result(), 137
mysql_stmt_init(), 137
mysql_stmt_insert_id(), 137
mysql_stmt_next_result(), 138
mysql_stmt_num_rows(), 139
mysql_stmt_param_count(), 139
mysql_stmt_param_metadata(), 140
mysql_stmt_prepare(), 140
mysql_stmt_reset(), 141
mysql_stmt_result_metadata, 141
mysql_stmt_row_seek(), 143
mysql_stmt_row_tell(), 143
mysql_stmt_send_long_data(), 143
mysql_stmt_sqlstate(), 145
mysql_stmt_store_result(), 145
mysql_store_result(), 22, 105
mysql_store_result_nonblocking(), 157
mysql_thread_end(), 159
mysql_thread_id(), 107
mysql_thread_init(), 160
mysql_thread_safe(), 160
MYSQL_TIME C type, 115
mysql_use_result(), 107
mysql_warning_count(), 108
my_bool C type, 35
my_ulonglong C type, 35
optional result set metadata
C API, 20
PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable, 8
plugin C API
function descriptions, 161
function reference, 161
prepared CALL statement
C API, 16
prepared statement C API
data structures, 111
function descriptions, 119
function reference, 118
functions, 117
logging, 111
type codes, 115
prepared statement interface usage
C API, 110
prepared statements
C API, 109
prepared statements and temporal values
C API, 15
linking, 7
client, 5
QUOTE(), 89, 90
automatic, 21
reconnection control
C API, 21
result set metadata
suppression, 20
server version
C API, 23
session state information, 96, 101
SIGPIPE signal
client response, 9, 85
@source_binlog_checksum user-defined variable, 167
SSL session reuse
C API, 12
unique ID for last row, 22
thread C API
function descriptions, 159
function reference, 159
threaded clients, 9
type codes
prepared statement C API, 115
unique ID, 22
compiling clients on, 5
compiling clients on, 6