A mericAn i n s t i t u t e o f cer t i fi ed Pub l i c Acco u n tA n t s
The story of
our new language
Personalities, cultures, and politics combine to create
a common, global language for business
By Karen Kernan
based on a chronicle of Charles Hoffman and Louis Matherne
A me r i c A n i n s t i t u t e o f cer t i fi ed Pub l i c Acco u n tA n t s
The story of
our new language
Personalities, cultures, and politics combine to create
a common, global language for business
By Karen Kernan
based on a chronicle of Charles Hoffman and Louis Matherne
Copyright © 2009 by
American Institute of Certied Public Accountants, Inc.
New York, NY 10036-8775
All rights reserved. For information about the procedure for requesting permission
to make copies of any part of this work, please visit www.copyright.com or call
(978) 750-8400.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 BRAAS 0 9
XBRL has been a journey of high and lows that met with great successes in 2008. We at the AICPA
are proud of the founding and original development of XBRL, and we made a critical decision in its
infancy to focus on broad-based support and a large footprint. We defined success as (1) the accep-
tance of this new tool in the broad-based business and business-reporting community and (2) the use
of this tool in areas broader than just financial statement information. Those two fundamental beliefs
grounded some early decisions that we believe will make XBRL a critical foundation for business and
government in the decades to come.
The first critical decision was deciding to make XBRL intellectual property available in the public
domain. The belief of shared development and use made this decision easy, but it doesn’t take away
from the significant impact it had on ensuring that XBRL wouldn’t become just a tool for financial
reporting by CPAs for CPAs.
The second major decision was ultimately to give XBRL its own organizational standing outside
of the AICPA. This would allow non-CPAs an active role in nurturing and development. CPAs played
a critical role—the largest role and a leadership role—but not the sole role.
The fundamental decision to develop applications outside of financial reporting—the broader
footprint previously mentioned—ensured that XBRL could be leveraged in the U.S. jurisdiction for
the reporting of all types of business information. Then Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Chairman Chris Cox deserves credit for seeing the broader business reporting vision that led to his
support of the U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) project through XBRL-US, Inc.,
the U.S. jurisdiction of XBRL International.
As XBRL moves forward, the broader footprint will result in projects focused on tax information,
business regulatory metrics, corporate actions, tracking of asset-backed securities, and even state-to-
state based regulatory models. All of these tasks can fully utilize the power of XBRL and its ability to
create and analyze common data.
2 The Story of Our New Language
This paper documents XBRLs exciting journey to the present. With the continued support of and
involvement from broad parts of the business and government communities and a vision for broad
applications, 2009 will be remembered as the crucial next step in a long and prosperous journey.
Barry Melancon, CPA
President & CEO
American Institute of CPAs
“This consortium thing—this is not me at all. People in consortiums have to agree, they have to col-
laborate, and achieving this agreement takes a lot of time. But many people who started the XBRL
ball rolling were like me: opinioned, driven, autocratic, ‘get it done now’ type of people. In trying to
create XBRL, each of us typically had to scramble for budgets; we didn’t have staff, and we didn’t
have any other resources,” said CPA Charles (Charlie) Hoffman, who in 1998, when it all began, was
working as a consultant helping small businesses clean up financial messes and integrating their ac-
counting systems.
“I’d found a niche that worked for my Marine Corp-type approach,” said Hoffman. “I’d come in
to an organization with the backing of top management, authority to act, all the resources I needed,
and a mandate to solve a very specific problem quickly. This included getting people out of the way
of solving the problem if necessary. Boy was I spoiled!” But his new idea would require a different
approach; the ability to reach consensus. Voluntary consensus. It would only work if the whole world
Hoffman had come across a potential solution for a problem shared by everyone in the financial
industry. “It had to be the AICPA,” he said, explaining his determination to convince the Institute to
jump on the idea. Other organizations had clout and connections, he said, but only the AICPA had
the neutrality that would be needed to convince intense competitors to collaborate on a solution—a
solution that no one entity could own and that some might consider a threat.
The AICPA also had the highly spirited Wayne Harding, a VP of Great Plains Software, who was
heading the institute’s New Technology Task Force and was under pressure to produce. “We were
testing a new, ad hoc task force model,” recalled then incoming board chairman Bob Elliot. “Hard-
ing’s directive was to reach out and find something in the area of new technology that would be really
valuable to the accounting profession and develop it ASAP. When Hoffman called, there was a place
to go with people who understood the problem, who could grasp his idea and run with it.”
The problem that Hoffman’s idea addressed was that computer applications couldn’t effectively
exchange information between each other.
4 The Story of Our New Language
Although spreadsheet software had powered the computer
revolution, by the 1980s there was a proliferation of applications
for specific business functions, such as general ledgers, payrolls,
or taxes, all of which could produce just one end result: a report.
Only a person can read a report. The data can not be shared
with other systems, only with other people. It was like having an
e-mail system that could only create a message, not send or re-
ceive it. The financial world had become trapped in an electronic
Tower of Babel, endlessly copying and pasting information from
one system into another.
The Vision
But what if everyone would use one standard? What if you could
turn a financial report into a database? What if a piece of busi-
ness information, once entered into a computer anywhere, never
needed to be retyped as it moved through the business supply
In February 1998, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C),
the group that sets standards that help make the Internet work
by allowing the sharing of all types of information on Web pages,
had published the set of guidelines for a new document markup
language: XML (extensible markup language). XML made it
possible to attach defining “tags” to each piece of information in
a document, allowing the document to be accessed and redistrib-
uted through multiple applications without manually re-entry.
At a bookstore in April of that year, Hoffman browsed
through a new publication on XML that described how the new
markup language was solving data sharing problems in the chem-
ical industry, the publishing industry, and… “I didn’t even finish
before I realized that this was the last piece of the puzzle,” said
Hoffman. “This could revolutionize the way we create and share
financial statements!” Regardless of what system was used to
generate a report, the data could be sent, recognized, and used by
other computer systems. No more error-prone, tedious, manual
Early connections. Wayne Harding
(left), then a member of the AICPA
Information Technology Executive
Committee, presented CPA Charles
Hoffman the 1997 Innovative User
of Technology Award. Months later,
when Hoffman had an idea for
improved financial statement report-
ing, he already had contacts at the
institute, including Wayne Harding,
head of New Technology Task Force,
who had recommended him for the
5The Early Years
The timing of Hoffman’s discovery was perfect. Hoffman al-
ready knew Wayne Harding. As VP for Great Plains Software,
Harding had encouraged Knight, Vale, and Gregory (the com-
pany where Hoffman worked) to hire him to install accounting
systems for their clients. Hoffman led several very successful in-
stallations and also built an intranet, which in 1997 was leading
edge technology for a small CPA firm. The project earned Hoff-
man the AICPAs 1997 Innovative User of Technology Award.
Harding was intrigued and agreed to meet Hoffman in Chi-
cago in July at a conference they were both attending. There,
Hoffman pulled out a stack of documents on XML, including
yellow highlights, notations, and more than a few exclamation
points. Asked to present these ideas at the upcoming task force
meeting in Sedona, Arizona, Hoffman left nothing to chance.
For his presentation, he created a demonstration CPAs could
relate to. He built samples for audit schedules, financial state-
ments, and other tasks commonly performed by accountants and
hooked up a computer in his basement that could pull real time
inventory data out of the Great Plains Software accounting sys-
tem to be rendered live, online, in his presentation.
how Do we GeT The Money?
Two hours into the meeting with the task force, the only ques-
tion left from the members was how do we get the money to
do this? Team member Karen Waller suggested they put together
a product description with a funding request to build an XML
prototype. “So we need $49,000,” said Harding in August, con-
cluding his progress report to the AICPA board, which included
incoming board chairman Robert Elliott, a partner at KPMG.
From the advent, Melancon recognized the opportunity and the
challenge that technology presented to the accounting profession.
He was prepared to make the best of it. Likewise, Elliott immedi-
ately grasped that what Harding was talking about could enable
his own vision for real-time reporting and continuous assurance,
which Elliott had been writing about for at least 10 years.
The AICPA Task Force. Hearing Char-
lie Hoffman’s presentation on a new
technology that would allow separate
systems to share financial data in real
time on the Internet, the team moved
quickly to fund more prototypes and to
make a business plan. Pictured here
are some of the task force members
at the July 1998 meeting in Sedona,
Arizona, including John Woodburn
(The Woodburn Group), Dianne Spen-
cer (Deloitte & Touche LLP), Charles
Hoffman (Knight, Vale and Gregory),
Mike Harnish (Dickinson Wright et al),
Wayne Harding (Great Plains Soft-
ware), Chris Reimel (N.J. Department
of Labor), Barbara Vigilante (AICPA),
and Karen Waller (AICPA).
6 The Story of Our New Language
The board approved the funding, and the future was back in
Hoffman’s court. But Hoffman was in trouble. Forty-nine thou-
sand wouldn’t cover it. He was working full time, and besides,
he was no techie. Hoffman was a CPA who liked using new tech-
nology, not creating it. His first step was to convince his CEO to
let him work on company time—and to cover cost overruns. To
learn more about XML, he flew to Washington D.C. to meet with
Jeffrey Ricker, CEO of a company with a promising name: XML
So far so good, but Hoffman still couldn’t build the proto-
types on his own, and finding anyone with XML experience was
proving difficult. After a few false starts, he found Mark Jewett, a
former Microsoft employee. Jewett had worked out the problem
of rendering an XMLnancial statement so that it looked good to
humans, not just to other computers. They decided that the first
complete financial statement to be created in XML would be for
Great Plains Software. They finished on budget.
In January 1999, Hoffman, Jewett, and Harding went to
New York City with an historic demonstration. Melancon, El-
liot, and other AICPA members watched the computer screen as
a financial statement was rendered in a Web browser using XML-
tagged data extracted from a server in Hoffman’s basement in
Tacoma, Washington. The XML version looked identical to the
printed versions they were holding in their hands, except that the
financial information could be automatically extracted from the
XML-based financial data using a simple Excel macro.
It wasn’t just humans anymore who could read financial
statements. No one, not even Hoffman, could fully grasp the im-
TiMe To QuiT anD GeT sTarTeD
Back in Tacoma, Hoffman reported on how well the meeting
went to a company that wasn’t interested, a familiar scenario for
many early enthusiasts. For Hoffman, it was time to part ways.
If he couldn’t change how his company worked, he’d change in-
stead how the entire accounting profession worked. Stepping out
7The Early Years
on his own, Hoffman became the first person dedicated full time
to developing the new language for financial statements. He had
no idea how, but he knew he had to continue the project. This
too, would become a common experience.
Enthused, the AICPA wanted a formal business plan for mak-
ing XML-based financial statements. The plan had to demon-
strate market feasibility and lay out next steps. From the begin-
ning, the project was to be a market-oriented (versus academic)
endeavor. Harding started finding the people.
Louis Matherne was already on board as Director of Infor-
mation Technology at the AICPA. He had attended the January
demonstration and would now lead the business plan project.
Next came CPA Eric Cohen. “I remember the excite-
ment in Wayne’s voice,” he said about Harding’s call to recruit
him. “Eric! This is going to change accounting, and audit-
ing, and assurance, and reporting, and everything—you have
to get involved!” Eric jumped at the chance. As a computer
consultant in Rochester, New York, Cohen was working on his
own application for transferring accounting data into a financial
statement, and he knew about XML. He understood what Hoff-
man was saying. Accountants needed to be proactive and come up
with the XML tags to define information in financial statements—
before someone else did. But Cohen was interested in getting agree-
ment on even more tags—ones that could help move information
into and out of accounting systems, for example, between a payroll
provider and a small company or between a company and its CPA.
(Cohens passion for such details would result in his development
of the XBRL Global Ledger.)
Back at KPMG, Bob Elliott searched his firm for any-
one with XML experience and found Zach Coffin. Coffin
was neither an accountant nor an XML expert. But he was
smart, energetic, and very interested. Coffin consulted for KP-
MG’s Digital Media Institute, an internal think tank. He was
already working on standards for the publishing industry and
chaired the U.S. committee on MPEG. Those digital standards
have transformed the music industry, much as XBRL is predicted
to transform business reporting.
8 The Story of Our New Language
The Vision expanDs
As the business plan took shape, the name of the project became
XFRML, which was an unfortunate choice because team mem-
bers would be hard pressed over the next two years to sell others
on a project they couldn’t pronounce. Nonetheless, it described
the team’s objective to develop an “Extensible Financial Report-
ing Markup Language” for financial statements.
Bob Elliott was at the May 1999 meeting when the prelimi-
nary plan was presented and interrupted with a comment that, in a
heartbeat, changed the entire vision of project. “We need to think
bigger here,” he said. “We should cover more than just financial
statements. We need to encompass all of business reporting.It
would be many years before any work was done beyond financial
reporting, but everyone agreed that their work needed to be done
with the bigger goal in mind.
Meanwhile, Hoffman was learning more about XML than
he ever wanted to know. He had no alternative. He had to build
10 additional prototypes that showed value in real-life business
situations, or the project would end. Hoffman camped out with
technical people “because they knew the technology, but they
didn’t know the business issues. I wanted the prototypes to do
what XML promised it could.”
a BolD leTTer
What better real life business scenario could there be than the
SEC’s electronic system for financial reporting? The SEC had in-
vited comments on its plan to Web-enable EDGAR, the Electronic
Gathering And Data Retrieval system that public companies used
to file quarterly and annual reports, IPOs, and other federally re-
quired financial statements. The upgrade would allow the system to
accept HTML code and PDF versions of company reports (in-
stead of using the outdated ASCII/SGML format).
Hoffman wrote to suggest EDGAR also accept XML versions
of company reports—not as official filing, but as a way for the
SEC to test the data format that the accounting profession was
using to develop a new standard. It was incredibly bold to tell the
9The Early Years
SEC that XML was in its future given the infancy of the AICPA
project, but the letter got a response—not from the SEC, but
from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). What consortium? What
new technology? How can PwC participate? PwC’s Tom How-
land wanted to know. More importantly, Howland passed what
he learned to his boss, Walter Hamscher, who passed it along to
his boss, Mike Willis. Touchdown.
The pass off was probably the most significant event in the
story of XBRL.
Today, in the spring of 2009, Hamscher is with the SEC’s
Office of Interactive Disclosure, Taxonomies and Technology De-
velopment, overseeing the transition to XBRL reporting by all
U.S. public companies and mutual funds. They will be upgrading
the EDGAR system, with a $50 million infrastructure investment
for Interactive Data Electronic Applications. Mike Willis is now
chairing the International XBRL steering committee, addressing
the opportunities and challenges from the accelerating adoption
of XBRL by markets all around the world.
They didn’t waste time. Computer scientist Walter Hamscher
invited Hoffman to tour PwC’s technology center in Silicon Val-
ley. He concluded the day long visit with a request to join the
AICPA consortium. Who should he make the check out to and
for how much? Good question.
“What do I say?” Hoffman asked Matherne. “I promised to
get back to him tomorrow!” After some discussion, they decided
the fee was $10,000. Hoffman called Hamscher back, and almost
immediately after hearing PwC was sending a check, Hoffman
broke the news to Zach Coffin at the competing KPMG. Includ-
ing the AICPA, the “consortium” now had 3 members.
Matherne and Hoffman based the $10,000 membership fee
on 3 criteria. The amount had to be high enough to show a com-
mitment, low enough to prevent multiple levels of internal orga-
nizational approval, and, assuming they could find 12 members,
the $120,000 would cover start up funding.
10 The Story of Our New Language
13 MeMBers siGn on
In quick succession, the other large accounting firms were on
board, and several information technology companies were sign-
ing up, delighted at the rare opportunity for the face-to-face
collaboration. They included Great Plains Software, FRx Soft-
ware, and Microsoft. Microsoft already had a working relation-
ship with the AICPA, but when marketing representative Christy
Reichhelm got wind of the consortium, she brought her company
on board. Reichhelm was instrumental in helping people under-
stand that despite its place-holder name, XFRML wasn’t just a
“techie thing”; it was a better mousetrap.
The consortium also wanted Mark Schnitzer of FreeEDGAR,
but because his company was being acquired by EDGAR Online,
he would have to wait until negotiations were complete. The two
companies aggregated and published SEC data and were the first
to make it available online. This was a direct connection with the
SEC, whose buy-in was considered critical.
Back in Tacoma, Hoffman was drinking a lot of coffee. His
10 prototypes were due in July. Each day at Starbucks, he’d share
his excitement with Mitch Dombrausky, a barista taking time off
from his religious studies at college. When the barista mentioned
an interest in learning programming, Hoffman roped him in to
work on the code required to render the XML prototypes. (Hoff-
man doesn’t know if Dombrausky ever got his religion degree,
but the barista did go on to work for Microsoft.)
By July, the business plan was ready to present to the AICPA.
“I went with a very simple, deliberate strategy,” said Hoffman.
“CPAs are not known for embracing change. I’ve worked with
CPAs my entire career, and I knew what I was getting into. The
AICPA was just a whole group of CPAs. So my strategy was to
take away all reasons for them to say no. The only remaining op-
tion would be ‘yes’!” Not everyone in attendance understood the
technical talk that day, said Hoffman, but they knew that board
chairman Bob Elliott was behind it and that all the big account-
ing firms had signed on. The business plan countered any last
11The Early Years
On July 17, 1999, the AICPA board of directors agreed to
fund the project. Hoffman was moved. A single CPA from a
small town in the United States had reached out to his profes-
sional organization, and they listened. Not only did the AICPA
listen, it nurtured the vision, gave it a home, and gave the money
to keep it alive. He was moved that the rest of the world was also
listening and had come to the table to help the AICPA do what it
could not do alone.
The 13 original members (12 plus the AICPA) met the follow-
ing month to form a steering committee. “I really don’t believe
that it had to be XML,” said Eric Cohen, “but it did have to be
a community in agreement. That, to me, is the bigger story. To
go on from this point—for a group of competitors to create a
new language for the entire financial world to use—that would
require fierce agreement. It had to start with us,” said Cohen.
“We had to agree. We had to agree to agree. And we would have
to keep on agreeing to agree.”
a CulTure of Consensus
“We were 13 people sitting in the dark, and the disagreements started right away,” said Zach Coffin,
recalling the first meeting of the XFRML steering committee. Everyone agreed they needed a better
name (eventually changed to XBRL), but on the bigger questions of what are we doing and how
should we do it, the group was not in unison.
They had to act quickly. Other industries were already using XML to solve problems of sharing
data. If they didn’t come up with a solution fast, others surely would. If a few large organizations
were to offer competing, proprietary solutions, those winners would have a huge advantage and trap
everyone else in their silos. The members who had gathered had reason to be wary.
“For some reason,” said Coffin, “I suggested that we don’t take a vote on anything other than
what we get for lunch or procedural issues.” Louis Matherne asserts “The decision to use consensus
instead of voting was key. It set up a future of long, agonizing debates, but it turned us into a united
As Coffin explained, “If you start voting, you start making alignments and counting those in your
camp.” Getting consensus would often make the group inefficient, “but it was incredibly powerful
to say to another organization or country or other industry leaders that if they joined us, they could
also stand up and veto. It set a wonderful standard of true collaboration. Wonderful. Besides, if some
member really had issue with what we were planning, then I didn’t want to go forward until we all
felt comfortable.”
The veto power, wisely given, was just as wisely never used. Matherne credits the leadership of
Mike Willis as the biggest driver behind the concept of consensus. He personified the spirit of inclu-
sion, and, as a partner in a major accounting firm, he had a deep understanding of how to get things
done. “It was always his approach” said Matherne, “that it is better to include than exclude.”
14 The Story of Our New Language
The first official XFRML meeting. Thir-
teen original companies met with the
AICPA at its New York headquarters in
October 1999 to establish the XFRML
steering committee: The AICPA, Arthur
Andersen, Cohen Computer Consulting,
Deloitte & Touche, e-content company,
Ernst & Young, FreeEDGAR.com, (now
EDGAR Online), FRx Software Corpo-
ration, Great Plains, Microsoft, PwC,
KPMG, and The Woodburn Group.
whaT Does iT Mean To Be a MeMBer?
The 3 non-negotiable demands of membership created a mean-
ingful identity that united the members behind a cause: (1) mem-
bers had to pay a fee that put skin in the game, (2) they had to
actually use the technology (which encouraged application devel-
opment), and (3) they had to tell the world. Visible support for
XBRL within a member’s company, product, or service was criti-
cal. People couldnt join just to network or make their company
look good. For example, Microsoft committed to publishing its
own financial statements in XBRL. Membership fully committed
members to the outcome of their XBRL projects and helped the
consortium achieve the broad market acceptance that was neces-
sary for success. When the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC) joined, they not only used XBRL for a major project, they
also agreed in advance to share the results with the public—not
something companies normally do with a competitive advantage.
xBrl eVanGelisTs
There is a sincere, heart-felt altruism that many people have no-
ticed about the XBRL community and its more evangelistic mem-
bers. As the work progressed, many members of the XBRL com-
munity saw that there would be no immediate benefit to them but
instead that it could benefit the world. It was during the time of
the Enron scandal and WorldCom collapse and calls for honesty
and transparency in business reporting. “All of us saw an op-
portunity to do good for the world,” said Eric Cohen. “It’s my
personal belief that this attempt to give a gift to the world is the
reason XBRL is today the global standard for business report-
ing,” said Hoffman. “Not everyone approached it that way, but
a core group of people did, and that’s what made it work.”
In light of such an exciting career challenge, who cares if
there’s no budget, no profits, and no compensation or promotions
in sight? So what if you are working the equivalent of two jobs, or
that XBRL on a business card is not enhancing your career?
In large measure, the individuals engaged in XBRL were not
mainstream players. There were exceptions, of course, but these
15Agreeing To Agree
passionate heroes were willing to take risks and drive change
where few of their more traditional peers would venture. “People
wanted to be a part of it,” recalls Hoffman. “Those who under-
stood what we were doing had to jump in.” Some jumped back
out. Some stayed a while longer and then burnt out.
It was a heady time, and there were so many smart, individu-
alistic people, recalled Eric Cohen, such as Todd Boyle, “XBRLs
greatest fan and biggest tormentor,” whose brilliant insights and
quasi-religious conspiracy theories spun heads in all directions.
He would cajole us to admit our dark desire to use XBRL to take
over the world, said Cohen. But on the other hand, XBRL could
empower individuals, and as Boyle posted on a discussion site,
“As soon as any P2P software emerges that allows the individual
to conduct business without being molested by the government
and its unholy alliance with financial services companies and
software companies, there is quite a good potential for explosion
even more rapid and disruptive than Napster.”
“I drank so much XBRL Kool-Aid I turned color,” said Louis
Matherne. “It wasn’t just a growing membership roster; it was a
movement,” said Zach Coffin. Sister movements were also tak-
ing place at the time, such as the social reporting initiative, triple
bottom line, and the global reporting initiative. “We knew we
could help.”
Some believed the group could bring about the biggest change
in financial reporting since the adoption in the 15
century of the
double entry bookkeeping method. A colleague at PwC told Cof-
fin he reminded him of the maniacal preacher played by actor
Robert Mitchum in the movie The Night is a Hunter. “I’m not
sure that was a compliment,” said Coffin. It wasn’t. Their enthu-
siasm often got the XBRL community in trouble for selling the
benefits the open standard would bring to the world, long before
they had something to show.
one year MilesTone: The firsT release
July 31, 2000, was set as the deadline for the release of the first
specification of the standard—and it still didn’t have a name.
16 The Story of Our New Language
Mike Willis, PwC, Founding Chair of
the XBRL International steering com-
mittee, pictured here with Michael
Ohata, Microsoft (currently with
KPMG), the 4th XBRL International
steering committee chair.
They needed something tangible to demonstrate success and
maintain momentum.
Despite the struggle everyday to get resources, XBRL was
being built by ordinary heroes and not the established thought
leaders or entrenched folks in established lines of business. With
over 50 members, the year-old grass-roots volunteer effort had
moved quickly and accomplished much to lay the foundation for
the explosive growth ahead:
• A new name: XBRL. In a well attended meeting, mem-
bers who were tired of trying to pronounce XFRML hap-
pily agreed on the descriptive though still unlovely name
of XBRL, which stands for eXtensible Business Reporting
• A new name for the committee: XBRL International.
As XBRL International, the group was still a part of the
AICPA, which continued to provide financial and physi-
cal resources along with the influential public endorse-
ment of board chairman Bob Elliott. Mike Willis was
the organization’s founding chair, whose understanding
of business helped organize the group around a business
plan. A general partner at PwC, he helped attract high
level talent from the big accounting firms. This automati-
cally extended the reach of this small community into the
highest levels of the profession, including the banking in-
dustry, government, securities regulators, and other inter-
national standards associations.
• Organic growth. With members spread across the coun-
try and no budget for meetings, they set up free Yahoo!
Groups as their communication network. This had the
tremendous advantage of allowing task teams to grow
quickly and organically, organize around the needs of the
project and the talents of volunteers, and avoid the pit-
falls of organizational bureaucracy. People who wanted
to lead, and could, quickly rose to the top.
• Technical advances. XBRL broke from the traditional
use of XML, which Hoffman’s prototypes were based on.
To continue in that direction would have required every
17Agreeing To Agree
business either to create its own data points, which would
reduce comparability, or to report in the same way by
filling out a standard form that the consortium would
define. Neither of these approaches was acceptable. Busi-
ness reports expressed using XBRL had to allow their cre-
ators to express their information as they saw fit, just as
it works with U.S. GAAP reporting today. This was one
of the group’s most significant and far-reaching decisions
and would lead the way to truly interactive data: Any
piece of business information, from anywhere, at any
time, expressed in any way, in the language you need it,
converted to the way you want to see it.
• SEC contact. An informal meeting, with the SEC’s then
chief accountant Lynn Turner, initiated a relationship
with the agency that would eventually lead to its adop-
tion of XBRL.
• Effective marketing. The consortium never could have af-
forded the talents volunteered by member Christy Reich-
helm, who began a branding, marketing, and PR effort,
shaping the market impression of XBRL that continues
• Contact with standard setters. Eric Cohen became the pri-
mary bridge to other national and international standards
organizations to ensure interoperability with XBRL.
• Release of first specifications. On July 31, 2000, XBRL
International published the XBRL 1.0 specification and a
taxonomy (a list of terms and associated computer code)
defining 1,880 concepts for financial reporting of com-
mercial and industrial companies under U.S. GAAP. The
specifications were edited by Walter Hamscher and David
vun Kannon. Editors of that first U.S. GAAP taxonomy
were Sergio de la Fe, Elmer Huh, and Charlie Hoffman.
18 The Story of Our New Language
First public demonstration. On July 31, 2000, XBRL International proudly announced the on-time release of the first
specification for U.S. companies, “XBRL for Financial Statements.” Membership in the XBRL steering committee had
grown to more than 50 entities and now included several international professional organizations.
19Agreeing To Agree
“I remember the room getting quieter and quieter
as everyone realized we were in a whole new ball
game,” said Zach Coffin, describing an unforget-
table moment in the fall of 2000, as he updated the
group on his progress. It had become his personal
mission to get the whole world on board, and he
was doing just that. “It was a crazy, crazy update,”
he said. “Twenty minutes into my report, I had gone
through about 15 countries, and I could see them
thinking… Here we are, this little group, sitting in
this little room, and this guy is talking about Indo-
More than anyone during those first two years, Coffin
had a sense of urgency. He intuitively knew the consor-
tium had to have at least one more application some-
where in the world. Australia was about to implement
an XBRL solution, and France intended to develop its
own technology.
“With no agreement on a single global platform that
let everyone communicate, we’d replicate what al-
ready exists in the world of accounting standards:
French accounting standards, Indian accounting,
U.S. GAAP—a hundred different standards and sys-
tems, unable to use each other’s information, unable
to understand the numbers in any context. That was
the problem in the first place!”
This continues to be a major concern of the interna-
tional organization. Even with agreement on XBRL
as the global standard, the language is extensible.
If national XBRL domains choose to, they can use
XBRL to build economic or political barriers—and
extend themselves into isolation.
XBRLs world travelers.
Zach Coffin (left), shown
here with Walter Hamscher,
was on a personal mission
to make XBRL the global
standard for business
reporting before other countries started developing their
own standards and replicating the very same communi-
cation problem the consortium was trying to solve.
In a race against time, Coffin made creative use of
his expense account and the international travel re-
quired by his “day job” at KPMG. “I would have a
meeting in Beijing for example, and then skedaddle
down to Shanghai to the stock exchange or to meet
with the ministry of finance on behalf of XBRL and
somehow squeeze in a few extra days on my trip.
That’s how I got a lot of stuff done. Plus, I didn’t
Coffin circled the globe, leveraging the international
organizations of XBRL members’ firms, including
the Big Four. Between his evangelizing efforts and
the success of the consortium’s work with the IASB
and IFAC and other international standard setters,
XBRL soon became the only game in town.
Two years was enough. Coffin had slept in 200 too
many airports, and his neighbor was tired of feeding
his 14 cats. By the time he left, there were 8 formal
XBRL jurisdictions. He had been to 30 countries.
About 20 were “warm,” and China was moving
forward. In 2002, at the age of 32, Coffin resigned
from KPMG as Global XBRL leader, leaving be-
hind a team, a road map, and good sized budget.
“I had done what I needed to do, and personally, I
was looking to grow in some other areas.” (Coffin
is currently producing a movie about Bhopal, the
industrial disaster.)
“Zach is a very unusual, very high energy person,”
said Louis Matherne. “I know. I spent a year with
him one weekend.”
Connected. Liv Watson has
spent seven years circling
the globe to nurture the in-
ternational network and to
advise companies, regula-
tors, and governments. She
has amassed the most air miles (“most of it in coach”),
the most extensive black wardrobe, and the largest
address book of anyone in the XBRL community. She is
pictured here with Eric Cohen somewhere in the world,
at yet another conference site.
Zachs Mission
The firsT inTernaTional ConferenCe
XBRL was “done.” Interest was forming outside the United States, such as in Japan and Canada, and
some financial centers were taking note. Even so, it was obviously a U.S. organization. At the first
international conference, in London in January, 2001, one European raised his hand to pointedly ask
what the bunch of Americans up front knew about the world’s accounting standards. Later, a spon-
taneous meeting took over the day’s agenda as members voiced their biggest concern: “extensibility.”
Just how flexible was this new language for gathering and communicating financial information?
The scope of XBRL was huge, encompass-
ing all the processes of business reporting,
from data gathering to internal and external
reports, investment and lending regulation,
and economic policy. It would touch everyone
from businesses and their trading partners
to investors and banks, auditors, securities
regulators, and more. Would XBRL be “exten-
sible” enough for the United States, let alone
the entire world?
Could XBRL be extended, for example, to work with International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS)? David Hardidge, a partner with Ernst & Young, needed to know. (Hardidge would become
the founder of XBRL Australia.) Another potential user, Fidelity Investments, was interested in using
XBRL. Its team, led by Steve Tolkin, had already provided significant feedback on the specifications
to extend XBRLs use into mutual funds.
The corporate reporting supply chain
and Data
Software Vendors
22 The Story of Our New Language
Campbell Pryde and Michelle Savage
participating in a panel session at the
11th XBRL International conference in
Boston in the spring of 2005.
Clearly, XBRL 2.0 was needed. The agonizing struggle for
consensus continued between the business and technical groups,
but they worked in a culture where people listened. The technical
people, such as Walter Hamscher, David vun Kannon, and Geoff
Shuetrim, endeavored to understand what business users wanted
to do with XBRL and tried to balance sometimes conflicting
requirements. People in the business domain, mostly account-
ing and financial reporting expertise such as Charlie Hoffman,
Campbell Pryde, and Josef Macdonald, endeavored to under-
stand how the technical tool they were trying to create and use
worked or didn’t seem to work.
The QuieT Japan perioD anD xBrl 2.0
The cultural differences of the people creating XBRL were also
beginning to surface, though in each jurisdiction, a potential new
member was converted by XBRL evangelists and took a similar
leap of faith. In an academic study on knowledge management,
author Emma Gibson reported that Eiichi Watanabe, founding
member of XBRL Japan and member of the XBRL International
steering committee, “was sold in three days and single handedly
managed to engage Japanese corporations without the clout of
big brand names and only his passion to do so.”
The Japanese made valuable contributions to the next release,
XBRL 2.0. As a result of their work, the Japanese government
wrote XBRL into new regulations that allowed securities regula-
tors to use XBRL-tagged financial information in their updated
financial reporting system. (Along with Watanabe, the Japanese
XBRL working group included Masatomo Goto, Makoto Koi-
zumi and Atsushi Ohtake.)
Soon, additional Japanese government agencies began adopt-
ing the data format, including Financial Services Agency (Japan
FSA) and the National Tax Authority. Along with XBRL 2.0, the
XBRL Global Ledger addressed the needs of tax regulators and
larger enterprises. (The XBRL Global Ledger team was led by
Eric Cohen.)
Japan moves forward. XBRL Interna-
tional and Japan Standards Asso-
ciation (JSA) sign an agreement on
translation of XBRL for the purpose
of making it a Japanese Industrial
Standards at the JSA head office
in Tokyo. From left to right: Hideo
Kayama, Masayuki Yamanaka, Akira
Ito, Professor Shogo Sakakura, Louis
Matherne, Eiichi Watanabe, and
Nobuyuki Sanbuichi.
23Out of Committee, Into the World
First major implementation. In the
summer of 2005, FDIC CIO Mike Bar-
tell gives an update on the agency’s
use of XBRL to improve the speed and
accuracy of call reports from more
than 8,200 banks. It was the first major
project for XBRL.
As the U.S. community was soon to learn, Asia and emerg-
ing markets (with some notable exceptions) were more open to
change and quicker to adopt XBRL than the country of its origin.
ausTralias Close Call
Here’s how it happened in Australia which saved the day for
global XBRL: Project manager John Turner (now Chief Executive
of CoreFiling, a leading developer of global XBRL solutions) was
studying an architectural diagram of the new financial report-
ing system for the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority
(APRA). The diagram had a box labeled “XML” that seemed to
Turner to relate to how data would get into the system. Curious,
Turner tried some Google searches using “XML” and “financial
reporting.” Up popped XBRL.
He called APRAs auditor, KPMG, for advice. Zach Coffin
called back. “God bless John Turner,” said Coffin. “Had I never
gone to Australia, and had John not wanted to work with the
XBRL organization, Australia would have been the first to de-
velop a competing XML-based solution, and global XBRL may
never have happened.”
APRA decided not to reinvent the wheel. Theirs was the first
implementation of XBRL. A lot of people were watching now
to see if it could live up to its promises. APRA, like all consor-
tium members, committed to sharing their results with the pubic.
The APRA case study opened doors around the world for XBRL
evangelists. That year, 2001, many jurisdictions were formed:
XBRL Australia, XBRL Canada, XBRL Germany, XBRL IASB,
XBRL Japan, XBRL Netherlands, XBRL UK, and XBRL US.
CoMpeTinG for The BiG prize: The fDiC proJeCT
Back in the United States, the very people who had worked so
hard to achieve consensus were now positioning themselves to
compete for the largest, most visible implementation of XBRL
to date. In June 2002, the FDIC issued a request for proposals
to create a centralized data repository where bank call report
data would be received from filers and delivered to users. XBRL
24 The Story of Our New Language
Walter Hamscher with Tim Bray at the
8th XBRL International conference in
Seattle. Tim Bray was a co-editor of
the W3C XML specification that XBRL
is built on.
would be the data format to improve the quality, speed, and cost
of the call reports from approximately 8,200 U.S. banks.
The FDIC is part of the larger FFIEC (Federal Financial In-
stitutions Examination Council), a collection of regulators, each
with their own data collection systems. The FDIC was leading an
effort to create a single, flexible data collection format that all the
regulators could use, which was exactly why XBRL was created!
The FDIC was taking a big risk, but assistant director Phil
Walenga was very familiar with the promises of XBRL. He served
on the consortium’s steering committee and led his company’s
team, which included Jon Wisnieski and Mark Montoya. Not
only was he familiar with XBRLs promises, he also knew the in-
teroperability problems that were beginning to surface with users
of XBRL 2.0. These issues would have to be solved before any
contract could be awarded.
The XBRL teams were pushed to quickly resolve some very
sticky technical issues, but they were also pulled to protect their
own solutions, which might help win the contract. The pressure
of the FDIC deadline, and the desire for the prize, now sorely
tested the community’s professed altruism.
The big prize of a high-profile FDIC project turned collabora-
tors into competitors and pressured them to release XBRL 2.1.
The editors held together with the extraordinary project manage-
ment of Hugh Wallis, the solid grounding and focus of David
vun Kannon, an extraordinary understanding of XML by Geoff
Shuetrim and Phillip Engel, plus the practical approach and
broad skill set of Walter Hamscher. Two nontechnical contribu-
tors, CPA Charlie Hoffman and CA Campbell Pryde, ensured
that the technical solution met the business market’s needs.
It helped that much of the job fell to the technical people. The
brilliance of the work they had been doing was becoming clear,
and the business domain people began to share the confidence.
As they worked together more intensely than ever before, the
business people began understanding many of the trade-offs nec-
essary to reach the goal XBRL was striving to achieve—the goal
they were all trying to achieve.
25Out of Committee, Into the World
Mandates in Asia. Former SEC chair-
man Christopher Cox meets with
XBRL members from Japan, China,
Korea, Singapore, and Israel, which
were countries that adopted XBRL for
their capital markets years before the
United States mandated its use for
public company and mutual fund re-
porting. Shown here from left to right
are Li Wei, Deputy Director-General,
Information Center, China Securities
Regulatory Commission; U.S. SEC
chairman Christopher Cox; Mark Bo-
giano, President and CEO, XBRL U.S.;
and Xiaocheng “Peter” Shi, Deputy
Director, Information Center Shanghai
Stock Exchange, China.
The new release, delivered on time on December 31, 2003,
was a vast improvement over the last. Evidence of the quality of
XBRL 2.1 is that the specification has held for the last 5 years (as
of this writing), delivering on its promise of stability and serving
the even bigger implementations that would follow.
UBMatrix (Hoffman’s company) won the XBRL portion of
the contract, working with Unisys, which built the data reposi-
tory. They had made the effort to learn about the new data stan-
dard, which helped win the contract. The FDIC system went live
in October 2005 and was, by all measures, an astounding suc-
cess. The high profile project gave confidence to others watching
and waiting to see if XBRL would really work. It did.
asia MoVes QuiCkly
Although there were significant XBRL projects all across
Asia, China, in 2004, was the first capital market to adopt XBRL
as its data standard. Stock exchanges in Japan, Singapore, and
South Korea quickly followed. China was opening its markets
to foreign investments and realized the benefit of a standard that
could overcome national language barriers.
The Chinese stock exchanges were interested in XBRL for
better regulatory reporting, according to Shuo Bai, CTO of the
Shanghai Stock Exchange, “but the dramatic change in the qual-
ity, granularity, and timeliness of the data has had the effect of
changing the West’s view of the Chinese market.” During con-
ferences and meetings with XBRL experts, the Chinese teams,
like so many others, were impressed by the level of devotion and
change is hard. resistance is good.
Hoffman by now had developed an appreciation for the resistance
he once disdained: “I learned some things about change. It’s not a
bad thing that people are resistant to change. I learned that change
should be hard. Resistance is healthy. If it was too easy to change,
we would change too many things probably too quickly and make
a lot of mistakes. If it’s hard to change, you have to really want it,
and then be willing to go through a lot of pain and effort to get it
right. Change basically needs to be earned.”
26 The Story of Our New Language
Europe takes center stage. In 2004,
the focus of XBRL development turned
to the European Union, which under-
stood the value of a language that
could be understood across borders
and regardless of national accounting
rules. Pictured are Kurt Ramin and
Olivier Servais, IASC Foundation.
energy they saw. “That influenced a lot of people in China,” said
As XBRL was being introduced throughout Asia, national
cultures and international politics frequently came into play. “I’d
be at a little meeting about XBRL and felt like I was negotiating
international treaties, in terms of who could be at the table as
equal collaborators or why they should agree to use a nonpropri-
etary technology,” said Liv Watson. Watson had taken up where
Zach Coffin left off, meeting with companies and governments
everywhere to promote the adoption of XBRL. “Not everyone
warmed to the idea of a free, open standard that no one could
own or control,” she said. “I was surprised at the amount of
time I had to spend on this concept. In a country like Dubai,
I’d be asked how can we buy XBRL, and in another country
people would ask why should we spend money on something
that’s free.”
The european era
Focus was shifting to building a taxonomy for financial report-
ing under IFRS, and XBRL innovation was shifting to Europe.
Interest in XBRL took a huge leap when, in 2004, the European
Commission awarded a grant of US $1.2 million (1 million)
to accelerate awareness. Their funding and endorsement helped
establish new jurisdictions across Europe and made XBRL the
default business reporting protocol for the European Union.
Million dollar boost. Seven companies in XBRL International
worked with the European Commission on a grant to accelerate
awareness. The center of XBRL soon shifted to Europe, whose
developers found new and innovative uses for the young report-
ing standard. In November 2004, approximately 500 people
came to see what the excitement was all about at the 10th XBRL
International conference in Brussels.
Concerns about XBRLs extensibility had been addressed in
the XBRL 2.1 specifications, allowing an eye-popping array of
government-wide and cross border applications. For example,
the Dutch Water Board saw that it could incorporate XBRL
Federico Florez offering a toast to the
success of XBRL.
27Out of Committee, Into the World
XBRL team leader Jan Pasmooij,
XBRL Netherlands, and part of the EU
reporting into an e-government initiative to reduce duplication in
reporting requirements among the government, businesses, and
even private taxpayers.
On a larger scale, the innovative Bank of Spain (driven by
CIO Federico Florez and his assistant Ignacio Boixo) saw that
XBRL could be used to meet Basel II requirements with more
efficient reporting and improved data quality. They led the Com-
mittee of European Banking Supervisors’ use of XBRL for liquid-
ity reporting and financial reporting.
The vision of a global community and the ways a common
language could unite the world of business reporting was com-
ing true as the Bank of Spain pulled in other central banks from
Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, and Greece. That collaboration
to extending XBRL to meet their needs spawned the innovation
known as XBRL Dimensions (aka “tables” or multidimensional
analysis features), which was then used back in the United States
to improve the U.S. GAAP taxonomies architecture. (Much credit
goes to Ignacio Hernandez-Ros who has been the primary driver
behind this innovation that is proving to be an ingenious design
for conveying multidimensional information.)
The seC ManDaTes xBrl for The worlDs larGesT CapiTal
“What is the SEC’s position?” That was always everyone’s first or
second question, said Louis Matherne. While XBRL was taking
off in Europe and Asia, it appeared stalled in the United States.
Rumors were circling the globe as to why the regulator of the
world’s largest capital market was missing in action. Could the
dream of global consensus end here?
The SEC was actually very interested, but the task was enor-
mous! Could XBRL really be flexible enough to bridge all the
technical, legal, and infrastructure issues built into the huge,
mature U.S. market? Unlike the more prescriptive form-based
reporting of many other countries, corporate reporting require-
ments in the United States are flexible, which leads to greater
complexity. If the compliance burden was high, backlash would
The French Connection: Fredric Cha-
pus, UBMatrix France; Gilles Maguet,
XBRL France; and Bruno Tesniere,
PwC Belgium/France
28 The Story of Our New Language
Jeff Naumann leading a session at
an XBRL conference with Charlie
be huge from the 17,000 public companies and 8,000 mutual
funds reporting to the SEC. The agency wanted the request for
the standard to be market driven.
The SEC followed XBRLs development closely. In 2005,
chairman Christopher Cox made the call himself to Louis Math-
erne (in his dual role as AICPAs director of XBRL and as chair-
man of XBRL International) to see how the SEC could help. Cox
quickly became its most visible cheerleader. But U.S. financial re-
porting was the toughest case yet for XBRL to fulfill. No entity
could do it alone.
XBRL would demand yet another level of collaboration and
consensus. And here is how that happened:
• The AICPA had already initiated an update to the U.S.
GAAP taxonomies. But now those taxonomies would
need to cover every type of industry and business and
every reporting requirement. The institute hired Jeff Nau-
mann to manage the project and XBRL working groups.
To help him, Naumann brought in Brad Homer.
• The SEC then recruited Naumann to lead its internal ef-
fort. Homer was now managing the taxonomy develop-
ment with help from Matthew Slavin at E&Y, allowing
Naumann to spend his days at the SEC, educating and
helping Cox garner full support.
• All the major CPA firms continued providing consider-
able support to the effort. For example, Yossef New-
man (Deloitte), Paul Penler (E&Y), Dan Roberts (Grant
Thornton), and Mike Willis (PwC), among many others,
were leading the contributions on behalf of their firms in
the United States.
• Who was going to pay? Although the volunteer efforts and
contributions were considerable, the AICPA had funded
much of the taxonomy work and back office support so
far, but now a business model needed to be crafted among
the AICPA, FASB, the PCAOB, and the SEC before they
could move forward.
29Out of Committee, Into the World
• The SEC announced in September 2006 that it would spend
$54 million to upgrade the EDGAR system and $5 million
more on the taxonomies to be paid to a new entity: XBRL
US. XBRL US was spun off from the AICPA, taking its part
as a separate, national jurisdiction in the global community.
• Mark Bolgiano, first CEO of XBRL US, was to pull every-
thing together and deliver what the SEC needed. Instead
of volunteers, a paid team of contractors was hired to cre-
ate the taxonomies, which scaled development across a
hundred subject matter experts and overcame numerous
technical hurdles under pressure from the SEC deadline.
• A voluntary SEC filing program was created—just as
Charles Hoffman had suggested in his bold letter nearly
eight years earlier—allowing business to test the data
standard and get feedback.
“My personal measure for success was to see a Wall Street
Journal article quoting SEC chairman Christopher Cox about
XBRL,” said Liv Watson, who, on March 22, 2007, opened the
morning paper to a nice birthday present. The world beyond the
XBRL community was taking note. The question was no longer
what is the SEC’s position, it was when will the SEC mandate
XBRL filings?
Few outside the XBRL developer community understood the
enormity of the accomplishment when XBRL US, on April 24,
2008, published the complete taxonomy for U.S. GAAP. It was
the last remaining obstacle to going live. Broken out by industry
sectors, the U.S. taxonomies currently include more than 12,400
XBRL tags and definitions for the standard accounting terms
used in U.S. GAAP. This is nearly double the size of any other
national taxonomy.
On May 14, 2008, the SEC announced its proposed rule re-
quiring public companies to file XBRL data. On June 10, 2008,
the SEC announced an additional proposed rule requiring XBRL
reporting of mutual fund risk/return summaries.
On August 19, 2008, the SEC unveiled EDGAR’s successor:
an entirely new system built from the ground up to use XBRL
30 The Story of Our New Language
data. On December 18, 2008, the SEC rules were finalized, and
companies began filing XBRL reports in June of 2009, 10 years
from when the idea was born.
As of this writing, XBRL International, led by CEO Tony Frag-
nito, is a not-for-profit consortium of approximately 550 compa-
nies and agencies worldwide, working together to build a com-
mon language for business reporting and to support its adoption.
“Collaboration is
needed to make it
to the finish line
This chronicle is written as seen through the eyes of as many of the key influencers of XBRL as we
could practically interview. While we did our best to ensure accuracy and to be inclusive, this docu-
ment may portray some individual perspectives that are not shared by all, and the perspectives of
some key contributors may have unintentionally been left out. The following is a list of just some of
the people who are key players in the XBRL journey. Please note that some affiliations may not be
current as of the writing of this chronicle, and in spite doing our best to cover the many leaders who
helped bring XBRL to life, we have undoubtedly missed a few names of people who deserve recog-
nition. Please excuse any oversights in light of the many contributors to XBRL over the years. The
AICPA wishes to express its sincerest gratitude to all who have worked, and who continue to work, so
diligently to influence this revolutionary improvement to the efficiency and transparency of reporting.
Mark Bolgiano, President and CEO of XBRL US
Ignacio Boixo, Bank of Spain
Zach Coffin, formerly KPMG
Eric Cohen, PwC
Marisa Chung, formerly AICPA
Christopher Cox, former chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission
Sergio de la Fe, KPMG
Robert Elliott, KPMG, former chairman of the board of directors of AICPA
Phillip Engel, formerly KPMG
Federico Florez, Bank of Spain
34 The Story of Our New Language
Anthony Fragnito, President and CEO of XBRL International
Gianluca Garbellotto, Chairman of XBRL Global Ledger Working Group and XBRL columnist for
International Management Association’s (IMA) Strategic Finance Magazine
Masatomo Goto, Fujitsu
Walter Hamscher, formerly Standard Advantage and PwC, now Office of Interactive Disclosure,
Taxonomies and Technology Development, SEC
Elmer Huh, formerly Morgan Stanley
David Hardidge, Ernst & Young, XBRL Australia
Wayne Harding, formerly Great Plains Software and AICPA New Technology Task Force, now
Navidec Financial Services, Inc.
Charlie Hoffman, formerly Knight, Vale, and Gregory, now UBmatrix
Brad Homer, formerly Ernst & Young and AICPA
Mark Jewett, Microsoft
Makoto Koizumi, Fujitsu, the Japanese XBRL working group, XBRL International Steering
Committee (XBRL ISC)
Josef Macdonald, Ernst & Young, XBRL ISC
Gilles Maguet, XBRL France
Louis Matherne, formerly AICPA and chair of XBRL International, now Director—XBRL Services,
Clarity Systems
Barry Melancon, President and CEO of AICPA
Mark Montoya, FDIC
Jeff Naumann, formerly Deloitte and AICPA, now Office of Interactive Disclosure, SEC
Yossef Newman, Deloitte
Michael Ohata, formerly Microsoft, now KPMG, XBRL ISC
Atsushi Ohtake, Hitachi and the Japanese XBRL working group
Jan Pasmooij, Royal NIVRA, XBRL Netherlands
Paul Penler, Ernst & Young
35Affiliations of Key Players
Geoffrey Pickard, Editor and Communications Contributor, formerly AICPA
Campbell Pryde, formerly KPMG and Morgan Stanley, now XBRL U.S. Chief Standards Officer
Kurt Ramin, IASC Foundation
Christy Reichhelm, Microsoft
Jeffrey Ricker, CEO XML Solutions
Dan Roberts, formerly Grant Thorton, now RAAS Consulting
Michelle Savage, formerly PR Newswire, now XBRL U.S. VP Communications
Mark Schnitzer, formerly FreeEDGAR (EDGAR Online), now MSN Money (Microsoft)
Olivier Servais, IASC Foundation
Geoff Shuetrim, KPMG
Matthew Slavin, Ernst & Young
Bruno Tesniere, PwC
Arleen Thomas, AICPA, Treasurer of XBRL ISC
John Turner, Chief Executive of CoreFiling, XBRL ISC
David vun Kannon, formerly KPMG, and PwC, now Deloitte
Phil Walenga, FDIC
Karen Waller, formerly AICPA
Hugh Wallis, formerly Hyperion Solutions, now Director of Standards Development, XBRL
Eiichi Watanabe, Tokyo Shoko Research, XBRL Japan
Liv Watson, formerly EDGAR Online Inc., now Board of Director IRIS Business Services (India)
Private Limited, XBRL ISC
Mike Willis, PwC, Founding Chairman of XBRL International, Chairman of XBRL ISC
Jon Wisnieski, FDIC
John Woodburn, President of the Woodburn Group