AUGUST 31, 2025
23-MED-04-0405 (Wage Re-opener)
BEA 2022-2025
ARTICLE I---AGREEMENT ....................................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE II---RECOGNITION .................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Negotiation Rights ..................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Terms of Recognition ................................................................................................................ 2
2.3 Association Rights ..................................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Board Rights .............................................................................................................................. 5
ARTICLE III---NEGOTIATION PROCEDURES ......................................................................... 5
3.1 Bargaining Procedures .............................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Procedures for Concluding Bargaining ................................................................................... 7
3.3 Inability to Reach Agreement .................................................................................................. 7
ARTICLE IV---COMPLAINT PROCEDURE ............................................................................... 8
4.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 8
4.3 Complaint Procedure ................................................................................................................ 9
ARTICLE V---GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ...............................................................................10
5.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 10
5.3 Grievance Steps ....................................................................................................................... 11
5.4 Time Limits .............................................................................................................................. 13
5.5 Rights of Grievant and the Association ................................................................................. 13
5.6 Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................... 14
ARTICLE VI---OTHER CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT .......................................................15
6.1 Certification/Licensure ........................................................................................................... 15
6.2 Assignments and Transfers .................................................................................................... 17
6.3 Layoff Procedure and Procedure for Reduction .................................................................. 18
6.4 Separation ................................................................................................................................ 22
6.5 Payroll Deductions .................................................................................................................. 23
6.7 Secondary Teaching Load ...................................................................................................... 24
6.8 Elementary and Intermediate Planning Time ...................................................................... 25
6.9 Student and Community Enrichment Events ....................................................................... 25
6.10 Employee Discipline ................................................................................................................ 25
6.11 Resident Educator Program ................................................................................................... 27
6.12 Administration of Medication ................................................................................................ 28
BEA 2022-2025
ARTICLE VII---WAGES AND HOURS ......................................................................................28
7.1 Salary Checks .......................................................................................................................... 28
7.2 Supplemental Pay and Vacancies........................................................................................... 29
7.3 Individual Contracts ............................................................................................................... 30
7.4 Limited Contracts and Continuing Contracts ...................................................................... 30
7.5 Nonrenewal and Termination, and Fair Dismissal Procedure ............................................ 32
7.6 Academic Freedom/Nondiscrimination ................................................................................. 33
7.7 Teacher Evaluations ................................................................................................................ 33
7.8 Sick Leave ................................................................................................................................ 34
7.9 Leaves of Absence .................................................................................................................... 37
7.10 Short Term Leave Without Pay ............................................................................................. 38
7.11 Military Leave.......................................................................................................................... 38
7.12 Family Medical Leave ............................................................................................................. 38
7.13 Educational Leave with Pay ................................................................................................... 40
7.14 Personal Leave ......................................................................................................................... 41
7.15 Court Appearance/Jury Duty ................................................................................................. 41
7.16 Assault Leave ........................................................................................................................... 42
7.17 Professional Leave ................................................................................................................... 43
ARTICLE VIII---OTHER PROVISIONS .....................................................................................43
8.1 School Calendar ....................................................................................................................... 43
8.2 Intra-School Substitution Conditions and Compensation ................................................... 44
8.3 Medical Examination .............................................................................................................. 45
8.4 Personnel Files ......................................................................................................................... 45
8.5 Use of Extended Service .......................................................................................................... 46
8.6 Calamity Days .......................................................................................................................... 46
ARTICLE IX---ECONOMIC PACKAGE ....................................................................................47
9.1 Salary ........................................................................................................................................ 47
9.2 Severance Pay .......................................................................................................................... 48
9.3 Work Day and Hours .............................................................................................................. 49
9.4 Insurance .................................................................................................................................. 50
9.5 STRS "Pick-up" Salary Reduction Method ......................................................................... 51
9.6 Mileage ..................................................................................................................................... 52
9.7 Tuition Reimbursement .......................................................................................................... 52
9.8 Attendance Incentive ............................................................................................................... 53
9.9 Background Checks ................................................................................................................ 53
BEA 2022-2025
ARTICLE X---TRAVELING TEACHERS ...................................................................................54
ARTICLE XI---COMMITTEES ...................................................................................................54
11.1 Standing Committees .............................................................................................................. 54
11.2 Master Teacher Committee .................................................................................................... 55
11.3 Certified Staff Evaluation Task Force ................................................................................... 56
11.4 Association/Administration Council ...................................................................................... 57
11.5 Insurance Committee .............................................................................................................. 57
11.6 Building and District Leadership Committee ....................................................................... 57
11.7 PBIS Committee ...................................................................................................................... 57
11.8 Curriculum Committee ........................................................................................................... 58
ARTICLE XII---EMPLOYMENT OF RETIREES ........................................................................58
ARTICLE XIII DURATION .....................................................................................................59
APPENDIX A--SALARY INDEX ...............................................................................................61
TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE .................................................................................................. 62
APPENDIX A-1 - SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY SCHEDULES ...................................................64
APPENDIX B TEACHER EVALUATION PROCESS .............................................................68
SELF -ASSESSMENT SUMMARY TOOL - FORM 1 ................................................................. 70
SELF-ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FORM 2 .................................................................................... 71
APPENDIX C GRIEVANCE FORM ........................................................................................82
BEA 2022-2025
A. This agreement is entered into between the Bellefontaine City Board of
Education, hereinafter referred to as the Board, and the Bellefontaine
Education Association, an affiliate of the Ohio Education Association and
the National Education Association, hereinafter referred to as the
B. This agreement supersedes and cancels all previous agreements, verbal or
written, or based on alleged past practices between the Board and the
Association, and constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Any
amendment or agreement supplemental hereto shall not be binding upon
either party unless executed in writing by the parties hereto. Therefore,
amendments, alterations, or supplemental agreements hereto, shall not be
made by unilateral action of either party unless to do so would be a legal
C. The parties acknowledge that in the event that negotiations are required
during the term of this Agreement due to changes in the terms or conditions
of employment, the parties shall conduct such negotiations according to the
procedures set forth in this Agreement. Opening such negotiations shall be
the responsibility of the party who desires such change.
D. This negotiated Agreement on language, shall become effective on
September 1, 2022 and shall continue through August 31, 2025. Teacher
evaluation language, compensation and the economic package shall be
reopened for negotiation for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years.
E. If any provision of this agreement between the Board and Association shall
be found contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be
valid, but all other provisions or applications shall continue to remain in full
force and effect. The parties agree that should any section of this contract
be declared invalid or unenforceable, representatives of the Board and the
Association shall meet to develop new language relating directly to the
section declared invalid or unenforceable. The scope of this agreement
shall include all revisions and/or other changes to this Agreement affecting
wages, hours of work and/or other conditions of employment, resulting from
the implementation of 20 U.S. Code 6316, Elementary and Secondary
Education Act as revised in 2002.
F. For the purpose of this agreement, bargaining unit member(s) and members
shall mean the same.
G. For the purpose of this agreement, days shall be calendar days unless
specifically modified in the agreement.
BEA 2022-2025
2.1 Negotiation Rights
A. The Bellefontaine City Board of Education recognizes the Bellefontaine
Education Association (BEA), an affiliate of the Ohio Education Association
and the National Education Association, as the sole and exclusive
bargaining representative for a bargaining unit, which shall include all full or
part-time (18.75 hours or more per week) employees required by law to be
certificated/licensed and serving under contract in the position of teacher,
counselor, nurse, special area employees, and substitutes serving sixty (60)
days in one specific teaching position. (This shall not preclude the Board
from non-renewal in accord with R.C. 3319.10).
B. Excluded from the bargaining unit are the Superintendent, principals, tutors,
non-certificated employees, supervisors, psychologists, administrators and
all positions excluded as per R.C. 4117. As per R.C. 4117.01, department
heads, instructional coaches or consulting teachers shall not be deemed
2.2 Terms of Recognition
A. The recognition of the Association shall be for the term of this negotiated
agreement and in accord with the following provisions.
1. Elections pertaining to recognition of an exclusive bargaining agent
shall be conducted in accord with R.C. 4117.
2. Both parties agree that all members of the bargaining unit have the
right to join, participate in and assist the Association, and to function
as officers of the Association so long as that functioning does not
violate Board policy, rules or regulations, and does not interfere with
school duties.
3. Under no circumstances shall the involvement of a BEA member in
Association committees and/or other protected activities have an
adverse impact on the educator’s performance evaluation, nor be
used for adverse employment decisions by the employer.
2.3 Association Rights
A. Recognition of the Association as the employee representative shall entitle
the Association to the following rights:
1. The building representatives of the Association in each individual
school will have the use of a bulletin board in the teachers' lounge.
2. Permission to make announcements during school faculty meetings.
BEA 2022-2025
3. Use of the district website or the building P.A. system to make
announcements at times selected by the building principal during
member work hours or during the school day under emergency or
extenuating circumstances.
4. The Association shall have access upon reasonable request to public
documents in possession of the Board and may receive copies of such
documents at Association expense except for the following
documents which shall be provided to the Association President
and/or his/her representative/s at Board cost:
a. Board agenda and Treasurer's Report inclusive of all exhibits
and addenda, except those items that are confidential in
b. A copy of the Board's Official Annual Appropriations Resolution
when adopted by the Board (both temporary and permanent).
c. A copy of the Official Certificate of Estimated Resources and
any amendments thereto when received by the Board
d. A copy of the Proposed Budget when distributed to the Board
and a copy of the official budget when adopted by the Board.
e. A copy of the Treasurer's Fiscal Year End Financial Report to
the Board.
f. Class size computer printouts as they are available as of
October, if requested by the BEA President and/or his/her
g. Copies of all public documents released by the Board, in the
same manner and at about the same time as copies are
released to the public.
h. Seniority list prior to November 15 of each year. This list may
be in the form of standard or customized computer reports and
shall include names, areas of certification, years of continuous
service with the district, and contract status. Upon request of
the Association President and/or his/her representative/s, the
continuing contract status and areas of certification of other
employees will be provided.
BEA 2022-2025
i. A copy of the training and experience computer printouts for
bargaining unit members based on the current teacher's
salary schedule.
5. Names of newly employed professional staff members shall be
provided to the Association as early as practicable following Board
approval of their contracts. The administration will provide addresses
as long as the employees do not object.
6. The Association shall provide a copy of this agreement to all
members of the bargaining unit. The Association shall also provide
a copy of this agreement to all newly employed unit members at or
prior to the pre-school orientation meeting. Non-members of the
bargaining unit may purchase copies of the agreement from the
7. Following ratification, an electronic and hardcopy of this Agreement
will be provided to the Association President and District Treasurer.
Additionally, an electronic copy of this agreement will be posted on
the district website.
8. The President of the Association, and/or a designee, and/or the
UniServ consultant of the Association shall have the right to visit
schools. Either prior to, or immediately upon the arrival at any
school, the President, and/or a designee, and/or the UniServ
Consultant shall advise the principal or, in his/her absence, the acting
building administrator, of the desire to visit the school and secure the
permission of said administrator to make the visit.
9. The Association may use individual teacher "mailboxes" in each
school building for distribution of materials. A copy of materials
distributed through school "mailboxes" to all teachers in a school
building should be provided to the building principal. In addition,
"inter-school mail" can be used to deliver such material to members
of the bargaining unit.
10. The Association President and/or his/her representative/s shall be
provided a total of six (6) school days of release time per year without
loss in pay. Notice of a need for his/her leave shall be given to the
unit member's supervisor/principal at least five (5) school days in
11. Association representatives may use school equipment, with the
approval of a building administrator, provided that such use does not
interfere with or interrupt normal school operations.
BEA 2022-2025
12. Association representatives may use the Board of Education
Risograph machine and FAX machine located at the Board Office
provided that it does not interfere with or interrupt normal business
hours and provided that the Association reimburse the Board for
costs of operating the FAX machine.
13. The Association shall reimburse the Board for the cost of any
supplies it uses.
14. The Association shall be allowed to use school buildings to conduct
meetings or transact official business on school property provided
that it does not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations
and with the knowledge of a building administrator.
2.4 Board Rights
A. The Board hereby retains and reserves unto itself, without limitation, all
powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and
vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Ohio and of the
United States.
B. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and
responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and
practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in
connection therewith shall be limited only by the specific and express terms
of this contract, the Constitution and laws of the State of Ohio, and the
Constitution and laws of the United States.
3.1 Bargaining Procedures
A. The scope of bargaining shall be matters of wages, hours, terms and other
conditions of employment, and the continuation, modification, or deletion of
an existing provision of the collective bargaining agreement.
B. The Board and Association shall each designate a bargaining team of no
more than five (5) members. All bargaining shall be conducted by and
between these teams.
C. Not earlier than one hundred twenty (120) calendar days and not later than
one hundred five (105) calendar days prior to the expiration date of the
negotiated agreement, either party may notify the other in writing of a desire
to commence bargaining. It is the responsibility of the parties to submit the
appropriate notice/s in accord with R.C. 4117.
BEA 2022-2025
D. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of such notice, an initial
meeting will be held for the purpose of permitting the parties to submit in
writing all of their proposals and negotiations. Thereafter, neither party shall
be able to submit additional items for negotiations except with the consent
of the other party. Topical lists of items proposed for negotiations ("laundry
lists") shall constitute a clear failure of compliance and may be disregarded.
E. Original proposals of both parties shall be in writing in language suitable for
inclusion in the agreement.
F. The bargaining procedure will be set at the initial meeting. All necessary
subsequent meetings shall be held at times and places mutually agreed to
by the parties. Either party may require, at each meeting, a decision on the
date and time of the subsequent meeting.
G. Time Limits
1. Either party may call caucuses for a period of up to thirty (30)
2. Bargaining sessions shall last a maximum of three (3) hours.
3. Time limits established under Article III may be modified by mutual
agreement of the parties.
H. Information
1. The parties agree to furnish upon written request and in a reasonable
time, available information concerning the financial status of the
district and such other available information as will assist the parties
in the development and evaluation of proposals. Access to available
information in such form as it may exist constitutes compliance with
the provision, and neither party is obligated to develop data or
information not in existence or to rework, redraft, summarize,
compute or otherwise develop data or information in other than its
existing form.
2. Statements to the media may be issued, as needed, by either party.
A copy of any media release shall be furnished to the other party on
the same day and by the same method.
3. The parties retain the right to issue reports to their respective
constituency groups (i.e. the Board of Education and the
Bellefontaine Education Association) regarding the progress of
BEA 2022-2025
4. The parties agree not to share bargaining details with students,
parents, community members and/or Bellefontaine City School
employees, except as provided for previously in this Section.
3.2 Procedures for Concluding Bargaining
A. When a tentative agreement has been reached on a proposal, each party
shall initial the proposal. Such initialing shall not be construed as final
B. The bargaining teams shall have the authority to indicate a tentative
agreement pending final approval by the Board and Association. When a
tentative agreement has been reached on all issues proposed, they shall
be reduced to writing and submitted to the Board and Association for
approval. Following approval by the Association, the agreement shall be
submitted to the Board for its approval at the next regular or special meeting
of the Board. The Board shall attempt to meet no later than ten (10) calendar
days subsequent to ratification by the Association.
3.3 Inability to Reach Agreement
A. Impasse may be declared by either party in writing, when one or both parties
have bargained to the point where they have had several meetings and
further discussion or providing of counterproposals has become futile in
terms of reaching agreement.
B. Impasse shall be considered to have occurred when agreement is not
reached within forty-five (45) days prior to contract expiration. Upon
declaration by either party that impasse has been reached, the moving party
shall contact the Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service (FMCS) to
request the services of a mediator whereupon mediation shall be initiated.
This process shall continue until either party or the mediator determines that
no further progress is attainable at this initial level of impasse whereupon:
C. The parties shall request a list of arbitrators from the American Arbitration
Association (AAA), the majority of which shall be from the state of Ohio.
The AAA list shall contain only arbitrators who are able to serve within
fifteen (15) days from selection. The AAA shall at the time of mailing the list
to the parties, telephone the representatives of the parties with names on
the list to facilitate the selection process. The selection of the arbitrator
must be made within fifteen (15) days of the declaration of impasse.
D. Representatives of both parties will have the authority to call witnesses, hold
hearings and confer with either party to effect a recommendation.
E. The arbitrator may attempt to mediate a resolution at any time during the
process if representatives of the parties mutually agree to such mediation.
BEA 2022-2025
F. The arbitrator shall make recommendations for settlement of the unresolved
issues within twenty (20) days of the hearing. In making the
recommendations, the panel shall take into consideration the factors noted
in R.C. 4417.14G(7)(a)(f).
G. The parties shall accept or reject the arbitrator's recommendation within
fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the recommendations. If either party
rejects the recommendations, the teams shall meet at least once within
three (3) days after the above mentioned fifteen (15) day limit to attempt to
reach a settlement.
1. If a party fails to vote on the recommendations within the fifteen (15)
days, that party shall be viewed as having accepted the
2. If either the Board or the Association rejects the recommendations,
either party may publicize the findings of fact and recommendations
of the fact-finding panel.
H. The fees of the arbitrator and/or the AAA shall be borne equally by the
parties. Each party will pay the expenses of its own representatives.
I. The right to strike shall be in accord with R.C. 4117.
4.1 Purpose
A. The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible
administrative level, equitable solutions to complaints which may arise
between a member of the bargaining unit, parents, and an administrator.
Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept informal and
confidential, except as required by law. No anonymous complaints will be
made a matter of record.
4.2 Definitions
A. A complaint for purposes of pursuing the procedures of this Article shall be
defined as a concern, problem or dispute based upon the condition or
circumstances under which a unit member/s works except those topics
listed by subject in the negotiated agreement.
B. A complaint procedure is a method by which an individual employee or
group of employees or parents can express a concern, problem or dispute
and obtain a fair hearing at progressively higher administrative levels. A
BEA 2022-2025
complaint procedure provides a method for interpretation and application of
personnel policies and practices.
C. The "complainant" is the person or group of persons making the claim.
D. "Days" shall mean actual working school days during the school year, and
weekdays during summer vacation except holidays.
E. The number of days indicated at each level shall be considered as
maximum, and every effort should be made to expedite the process which
should be terminated within the school year. The time limits may be
extended by mutual consent, in writing, by both parties.
4.3 Complaint Procedure
A. Step One: Informal Step with Supervisor
1. The complainant shall present the complaint orally to the immediate
supervisor within ten (10) working days after the complainant has
knowledge of the fact which gave rise to the complaint.
B. Step Two: Formal Step with Supervisor
1. If the discussion does not resolve the complaint, the complainant
shall present this complaint in writing by fully completing the
Complaint Form within five (5) days after the discussion in Step One
and submitting it to the building principal. The building principal or
his/her designee will investigate the complaint, and the complainant
may request a conference on the facts of the complaint. The request
for conference will be noted on the form. Such conference will be
held within seven (7) days. The building principal will reply in writing
within seven (7) days.
C. Step Three: Review of the Executive Director
1. If the answer of the building principal does not resolve the complaint,
then the complainant may refer the complaint to the Central Office
Executive Director having jurisdiction over the contents of the
complaint, by fully completing the Complaint Form within five (5) days
after receipt of the reply in Step Two. The complainant may request
a conference on the facts of the complaint. The conference shall be
held within seven (7) days. The Executive Director will reply in
writing within seven (7) days.
D. Step Four: Review by Superintendent
1. If the answer of the Central Office Executive Director does not
resolve the complaint, then the complainant may refer the complaint
to the Superintendent by fully completing the Complaint Form within
BEA 2022-2025
five (5) days after receipt of the reply in Step Three. The complainant
may request a conference on the facts of the complaint. The
conference shall be held within seven (7) days. The Superintendent
will reply in writing within seven (7) days. With agreement of the
Superintendent, the complainant may appeal the decision to the
Board of Education. No appeal from Step Four may be made unless
the complainant has requested a conference within the appropriate
time limits.
E. Procedure for Appeal from Step Four
Within five (5) days after the receipt of the written disposition at Step Four,
the complainant shall submit the Complaint Report Form Level IV to the
Board President. The Board shall study the complaint and prior dispositions
and shall provide to the parties its decision by the second regular Board
meeting subsequent to submission of the complaint to the Board's
5.1 Purpose
The purpose of these procedures is to secure equitable solutions to grievances at
the lowest possible level of administrator having authority to resolve the grievance.
5.2 Definitions
A. "Grievance" is a claim of a unit member, a group of members, or the
Association acting for a group of members that this agreement has been
misinterpreted and/or misapplied.
B. The term "grievant" or "aggrieved" shall include individual or groups of
members of the bargaining unit, or the Association filing for a group
represented by the recognized Association. All grievants within the group
shall sign the grievance.
C. "Party in interest" shall mean the person, or persons making the claim,
including their designated representative as provided for herein, and any
person or persons who might be required to act or against whom action
might be taken in order to resolve the grievance.
D. "Days" shall mean actual working school days during the school year, and
week days during summer vacation except holidays.
BEA 2022-2025
5.3 Grievance Steps
A. Step One - Informal Procedure:
1. If a member believes there is a basis for a grievance, the grievant
shall first discuss the problem with the immediate supervisor. The
intent is to resolve the problem informally at the lowest possible level,
provided the remedy is not inconsistent with the negotiated
agreement. Representation for either party at this level will not be
B. Step Two - Formal Procedure with Supervisor:
1. If the grievance is not resolved within seven (7) days of such informal
meeting, the grievant may appeal his grievance within seven (7) days
of such informal meeting by submitting a completed Grievance Report
2. Copies of this form showing the date of the occurrence, a statement
of the nature of the grievance, the provisions of this agreement
allegedly violated, and the relief sought shall be submitted by the
grievant to the immediate supervisor. Within five (5) days of receipt
of the Grievance Report Form, the immediate supervisor shall meet
with the grievant, in an effort to resolve the grievance. The immediate
supervisor shall indicate the disposition of the grievance within five
(5) days after such meeting by completing Step Two of the Grievance
Report Form and sending copies to the appropriate parties. No
additional information may be considered at any later step of this
grievance procedure if it has not been presented at this step. Both
the grievant and the supervisor may be represented at this step.
C. Step Three - Formal Procedure with Superintendent:
1. If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at
Step Two or, if no disposition has been made within the above time
limits, the grievant may complete the Grievance Report form, Step
Three, and submit the grievance along with the disposition from Step
Two to the Superintendent and/or designee within five (5) days of
receipt, the Superintendent and/or designee shall meet with the
grievant. Within three (3) days of this meeting, the Superintendent
and/or designee shall indicate in writing the disposition of the
grievance by completing the portion of the Grievance Report Form and
sending out the appropriate copies. No additional information may be
considered at this step if it has not been presented at Step Two. Both
parties may be represented at this step.
BEA 2022-2025
D. Step Four Optional Mediation
1. If the Step Three procedure does not resolve the grievance, the
grievant, with the written concurrence of the Association, may within five
(5) days appeal the grievance to Grievance Mediation with the Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) with mutual agreement from
the Board. The parties shall contact the local FMCS office to mediate
the grievance. The parties will hold a mediation session as soon as
practicable following the selection of a mediator, but in no event more
than thirty (30) calendar days from the appeal date unless mutually
agreed by both parties. In the event there are costs and expenses which
may be incurred in securing and utilizing the services of a mediator, such
costs will be shared by the Board and the Association. As of the date of
the written agreement to submit the grievance to mediation, the timeline
for appealing the Step Five shall be stayed until the end of the Grievance
Mediation session.
E. Step Five - Formal Procedure with Arbitrator:
1. If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at
Step Three or Four, or if no disposition has been provided within the
time limits specified in Step Three or Four, the grievant may appeal
the grievance to arbitration by completing the Grievance Report
Form and filing the same with the Superintendent within five (5) days
of the meeting at Step Three.
2. If the Superintendent and/or designee and the grievant cannot agree
as to the arbitrator, he/she will be selected from the American
Arbitration Association in accordance with its Voluntary Labor
Arbitration Rules then in effect. The arbitrator shall have the authority
to consider only a single grievance or several grievances involving a
common question of interpretation or application.
3. The arbitrator shall hold the necessary hearing promptly and issue
the decision within such time as may be agreed upon, but not more
than thirty (30) calendar days after the hearing. The decision shall
be in writing and a copy sent to all parties present at the hearing.
The decision of the arbitrator shall be binding on the Board, the
Association, and the grievant.
4. The arbitrator shall not have the authority to add to, subtract from,
modify, change, or alter any of the provisions of the negotiated
agreement, nor add to, detract from, or modify the language therein
in arriving at a determination of any issue presented that is proper
within the limitations expressed herein. The arbitrator shall expressly
confine himself/herself to the precise issue/s submitted to him/her or
to submit observations or declarations of opinion which are directly
essential in reaching the determination.
BEA 2022-2025
5. The costs and expenses of the arbitrator and the American
Arbitration Association shall be shared equally by the Board and the
5.4 Time Limits
A. The number of days indicated at each step is considered a maximum. The
time limits specified may, however, be extended by written-mutual
agreement of the parties in interest.
B. If a bargaining unit member does not file a grievance in writing or meet
informally under 5.3A within seven (7) school days after the act or conditions
on which the grievance is based, then the grievance shall be considered
C. If a decision on a grievance is not appealed within the time limits specified
at any step of the procedure, the grievance will be deemed settled on the
basis of the disposition at that step and further appeal shall be barred.
D. Failure at any step of these procedures to communicate the decision on a
grievance within the specified time limits shall permit the grievance to
proceed to the next step.
E. All notices of hearing, dispositions of grievances, written grievances, and
appeals may be mailed, and shall be deemed to be received three days
after postmarked. If hand delivered, the date received and initials of the
official shall be recorded thereon. If emailed, the document shall be
deemed received at the time stamped on the email.
5.5 Rights of Grievant and the Association
A. A grievant may have representation of his/her own choice at all steps of the
grievance procedure, except at the informal step, and except that a grievant
may not have representation at a grievance meeting where that
representative is an officer or employee of any teachers' organization not
recognized as the exclusive negotiations representative. The person
against whom a grievance is filed may also have representation at all steps
except the informal one.
B. Both parties shall provide notification within a reasonable time prior to the
grievance meeting of the fact that a representative will attend the grievance
C. The Association shall receive advance notice of each formal grievance
meeting held to resolve the formal grievance and shall be given a copy of
the recommended disposition of such grievance at each step of the
grievance procedure. Such written notice and disposition shall be made at
BEA 2022-2025
the same time and in the same manner as such notice or disposition is
required to be sent to the grievant.
D. Expenses of attendees other than administrative representation will not be
paid by the Board, nor will the attendees be excused from their regular
duties in order to attend any of the grievance meetings unless excused by
the Superintendent. Staff members whose attendance is required by the
arbitrator will be excused by the Superintendent.
E. The fact that an employee files a grievance shall not be recorded in his/her
personnel file or in any file used in the transfer, assignment, or promotion
process; nor shall such fact be used in any recommendation for re-
employment or recommendation for other employment; nor shall the
grievant, the Association or its officers be placed in jeopardy or be the
subject for reprisal or discrimination for having followed this grievance
F. If a grievance appears to rise from the actions of an authority higher than
the principal of a school and affects a group or class of teachers, or is a
system-wide concern, it may be submitted at Step III.
G. All parties agree that proceedings shall be kept confidential.
H. The Association is not bound by this contract in using its discretion in
determining at any level of the grievance procedure to withdraw or maintain
support of a grievance, and shall have the sole authority to advance
grievances to arbitration.
5.6 Miscellaneous
A. Nothing contained in this procedure shall be construed as limiting the
individual right of a member having a complaint or problem to discuss the
matter informally with members of the administration through normal
channels of communication. However, the Association shall be entitled to
have representation of its choice at all meetings involving the formal
Grievance Procedure. There shall be no resolutions of grievances at any
level of this Grievance Procedure which shall be inconsistent and/or conflict
with the terms and conditions of this Negotiated Agreement.
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6.1 Certification/Licensure
A. Bargaining unit members must be certificated/licensed by the State of Ohio,
Department of Education.
B. Bargaining unit members with temporary certificates shall complete
requirements for Provisional Certificates/Licenses. Teachers with
Provisional Certificates/Licenses must meet legal requirements for renewal.
C. Certification/licensure and certificate/licensure renewal are the
responsibility of the bargaining unit members. The Superintendent's office
shall make every effort to assist them with certification/licensure.
D. Bargaining unit members shall maintain all areas of certification/licensure
which were held on the date of employment, for a period of five (5) years
(July 1 - June 30). Bargaining unit members shall receive a salary and
benefits in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Ohio Revised
Code, which currently state that no teacher shall receive salary and/or
benefits without holding proper certification. Bargaining unit members must
be able to provide proof of proper certification to the district by September
1 of each school year.
E. If a bargaining unit member is requested, but not required by the Board of
Education to secure new areas of certification/licensure, the Board shall
reimburse tuition costs.
F. Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC)
1. Purpose and Authority
a. The purpose of the District LPDC is limited to the review and
approval of individual professional development plans and
professional development activities for recertification and
licensure as specified by ORC 3319.22 and OAC 3301-24.
b. The LPDC shall have no authority or affect to revise, delete,
add to or modify any article or section of this negotiated
agreement. Actions of the LPDC are not to be contrary to the
negotiated agreement or law.
c. The Association shall be held harmless in any suit, claim or
administrative proceeding arising out of or connected to
actions taken by the LPDC.
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2. Selection of Committee Members
a. The LPDC shall be comprised of a majority of practicing
classroom teachers appointed by the Association.
b. The committee shall be comprised of four (4) Association -
appointed teachers and two (2) administrators pending LPDC
3. LPDC Procedures
a. The LPDC shall determine the time, location and number of
committee meetings.
b. In the event of an in-term vacancy or removal, the teacher
member shall be replaced by the association.
c. The LPDC shall work with other educators to establish its Plan
of Operation.
4. Training and Compensation
a. The LPDC member shall be provided with on-going training
as determined by the committee.
b. LPDC members shall be compensated at the index rate of
.0403 on the supplemental salary schedule in order to perform
his/her LPDC duties.
5. Facility, Equipment and Support Services
a. The LPDC shall be provided with adequate and secure space
for the safe and secure storage of records, files, IPDPs and
any other work requiring storage and/or file space.
b. The LPDC shall be provided with secretarial support and any
other support services necessary.
6. Terms of Office
a. The Association shall determine the length of the term of office
for the teacher members of the LPDC.
7. Employee Protection
a. Under no circumstances is the involvement in the activities of
the LPDC process to be used for employment decisions by
the Board.
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b. Nothing in the LPDC process shall have an adverse impact
on the educator’s performance evaluation as established in
the collective bargaining agreement.
8. LPDC Appeals Procedure
The LPDC shall determine its own appeals procedure.
The LPDC appeals procedure is not subject to the
grievance/arbitration procedure outlined in the collective bargaining
6.2 Assignments and Transfers
A. All assignments of unit members will be made only into areas where proper
certification/licensure by the State of Ohio is evident in the form of a valid
and current certificate/licensure.
B. Assignment of all unit members into areas of proper certification/licensure
is and will remain the responsibility of the Superintendent.
C. Letter of intent forms will be distributed to all unit members after January 1
of each year.
D. Request for changes of assignment should be indicated in the letters of
E. In the event of an opening in the District:
1. A notice of such opening will be posted electronically (sent to all
employees by email) for a minimum of five (5) school days (excluding
weekends or other days when school is not in session). Such notice
shall contain requirements of training, experience, and other
qualifications which are a basis of employment for that position.
Certificated/licensed personnel within the district will be given the
opportunity to apply for posted openings within one week of the initial
postings of announcements.
2. Qualified personnel within the district shall, when feasible, be given
priority in reassignment to vacancies. Items such as major and minor
fields of study, needs of the educational programs, member's area of
competency, previous involuntary transfers or reassignments,
availability of work, and length of service in the district will be
considered in the transfer and/or reassignment of personnel.
Determination of qualifications shall remain the responsibility of the
3. The Association President and designees (not to exceed five (5))
shall be notified of vacancies occurring during the summer. Such
BEA 2022-2025
notification shall be provided only if the Superintendent is /provided
with the list of designees prior to the end of the school year. It is not
the responsibility of the Board/Administration to seek out this
information from the Association.
F. In the event an employee desires a change of position to another teaching
area, grade level, or another area where proper certification/licensure is
held, or to another building, such person shall make formal application to
the Superintendent. Upon determination by the Superintendent that such
opening exists and the member possesses the proper certification/licensure
and qualifications, the member shall receive priority consideration for such
change. Such consideration shall include a discussion concerning the
position with the Superintendent/designee prior to the filling of the position.
The unit member will be notified whether or not he/she has received the
G. Building and teaching assignments for all unit members will be made by
July 1 of each year. A notification will be mailed only to members who have
a new or additional assignment and will include the building assignment as
well as the subject or grade to be taught.
H. The Superintendent retains the administrative prerogative to change or
modify member assignments after July 1. However, the member/s involved
shall receive a notice in writing of the change and the reasons for it at the
earliest possible time. In the event that a member receives a notice of an
involuntary transfer/change in assignment three (3) weeks or less from the
first student day, he/she shall receive a five-hundred-dollar ($500) stipend
for the inconvenience of the transfer. This payment shall be paid to the
member upon receipt of the Stipend Payment Approval Form by the
Treasurer’s Office.
I. If requested by the unit member, a personal conference shall be held with
the building principal or the Superintendent/designee to discuss further the
change in assignment.
J. In the case of a unit member requesting a transfer (as in F. above), the
reasons for denial of the application will be given to the member upon
6.3 Layoff Procedure and Procedure for Reduction
A. Reduction In Force Defined:
1. A reduction in force (RIF) is the suspension of a bargaining unit
member's employment status.
BEA 2022-2025
B. Layoff Procedure:
1. When the Board determines that it is necessary to reduce the
number of certified staff positions, it may make such reduction due
to decreased enrollment of students, return to duty of regular unit
members after leaves of absence, suspension of schools, territorial
changes affecting the district, or for financial reasons.
a. To the extent possible, persons affected by a reduction in
force will be kept to a minimum by not employing
replacements for employees who retire, resign, or whose
limited contracts are not renewed.
b. The Association will make every effort to encourage
bargaining unit members to notify the office of the
Superintendent or designee in writing of his/her intent to
request leave, retire, return from leave, or resign.
c. Reductions needed beyond those by attrition shall be made
by suspension of contracts.
C. Procedure for Reduction:
1. The administration shall inform the President of the Association
and/or his/her representative/s in writing concerning any anticipated
reductions in staff. Such notice shall be given at least fourteen (14)
days prior to official Board action. Such notification shall include the
positions being considered for reduction and the reasons for those
proposed reductions.
2. Bargaining unit members will be placed on two (2) separate lists (one
for limited contract members and one for continuing contract
members) in areas for which they are properly certified/licensed and
by their ranking on the performance evaluation rating within their
certification/licensure area (s). Members on a continuing contract
shall hold greater status in the District than members on a limited
contract and shall not be RIF’d before limited contract members.
a. In the event of a pending reduction in force or if requested by
the Association President and/or his/her representative/s, a
RIF-ranking list shall be given to him or her on or before
November 15 of each school year. The BEA president shall
notify unit members of the list’s availability via school e-mail
and unit members wishing to check the accuracy of their own
information shall contact the BEA president.
b. Each member shall have until December 15 to advise the
Treasurer of any inaccuracies which affect his/her
BEA 2022-2025
c. The Treasurer or his/her designee shall investigate all
reported inaccuracies and make such adjustments as are in
order and notify unit members of such adjustments. The
updated list shall be given to the Association President and/or
his/her representative/s, if requested, on or before January
3. Seniority will be defined as the length of continuous service as a
certificated/licensed employee under regular teaching contract in the
Bellefontaine City School District. Seniority may only be used as a
“tie breaker” between two members who have comparable
a. Board approved leaves of absence will not interrupt seniority,
but time spent on such leave shall not count towards seniority.
b. If two or more members have the same length of continuous
service, seniority will be determined by:
1. The date of the Board meeting at which the member
was hired and by;
2. The date the member signed the initial contract in the
district, and then by;
3. Any remaining ties will be broken by the
Superintendent's review of recent evaluation and
judgment regarding the best interests of the district.
4. Recommended reductions in a teaching field will be made by the
following procedure:
a. Teachers shall be divided into two tiers within each teaching
field: limited or continuing contract.
b. Teachers shall be ranked based on their performance
evaluation rating into four groups within the prescribed tiers:
Accomplished, Skilled, Developing or Ineffective.
c. The Superintendent/Designee shall recommend reduction in
force within tiers beginning with Limited Contracts/ Ineffective.
d. Seniority shall be used as a “tie breaker” between two
teachers with comparable ratings.
e. For the purpose of this agreement, comparable evaluation
shall be defined as teachers with all evaluation ratings through
the last four (4) years in the following categories (1)
BEA 2022-2025
Accomplished and Skilled (2) Developing; and (3) Ineffective
for the purpose of making reductions in force.
A member so affected may elect to displace another member who holds the
lowest rated position on the seniority list in another area of certification
provided he/she holds a valid certificate in the area and unless:
a. He/she elects to displace another member who teaches
advanced science, advanced math, or advanced foreign
language, then he/she must have taught those subjects for at
least one hundred and twenty (120) days in the last five (5)
school years immediately preceding the date of reduction,
unless remediation in course subject is obtained or the
member demonstrates adequate proficiency in the area to be
b. Notice of intent to displace must be made within ten (10)
calendar days of receipt by the member of notice that his/her
contract will be suspended. The ten (10) days include date of
receipt of notice.
5. Other factors may be used to determine those affected by a reduction
in force if the Superintendent is able to demonstrate clearly that the
use of some other factor is necessary to maintain a current
educational program.
6. Notification:
a. Unit members shall be notified of the Superintendent's
recommendation to suspend their contracts at least five (5)
calendar days prior to the Board meeting at which the
implementation of the reduction in force policy will occur.
7. Recall:
a. The names of unit members whose contracts are suspended
will be placed on a recall list for up to twenty-four (24) months
from the date of reduction.
b. Unit members on the recall list will be recalled in reverse order
of the layoff for vacancies in areas for which they are certified.
c. If a vacancy occurs, the Board will send an announcement by
certified mail to the last known address of each unit member
on the recall list who is qualified according to this provision.
d. It is the unit member's responsibility to keep the Board
informed of his/her current address. Each unit member is
required to respond by certified mail to the district office as to
BEA 2022-2025
whether or not the position will be accepted. The highest
rated and most senior of those from the recall list responding
will be given the vacant position. Any unit member who fails
to respond or who declines to accept the position within ten
(10) calendar days will forfeit all recall rights.
e. A unit member on the recall list, upon acceptance of a
position, shall return to active employment status with the
same seniority, accumulation of sick leave, and salary
schedule placement as he/she enjoyed at the time of the
f. A unit member whose contract is suspended pursuant to the
provisions of the Article shall receive a letter from the
Superintendent that the contract was suspended because of
a reduction in force and a copy of this letter shall be placed in
the unit member's personnel file.
g. Where group life/health insurance policies permit, a unit
member whose contract has been suspended may continue
to participate in those benefits. Unit members may maintain
their health insurance provided they assume the cost of
COBRA rates for that insurance.
8. These procedures apply only to the suspension of contracts for
reasons as set forth in 6.3(B). This Article shall not require the Board
to fill any vacancy, nor shall it interfere with any other lawful
personnel practice in the District.
9. If a position initially abolished is reinstated or if a new position/s is/are
established, an attempt will first be made to fill the vacancy from unit
members on the recall list prior to filling such vacancy pursuant to
6.2 of the negotiate agreement.
10. Except in the most unusual situations no reduction of educational
program shall be made less than requirements currently set forth in
the State Minimum Standards for Elementary and Secondary
6.4 Separation
A. Resignation:
1. A bargaining unit member desiring to resign should do so, in writing,
as early as feasible. A bargaining unit member may submit a written
resignation, effective as of the end of that bargaining unit member's
contract year, at any time on or before the tenth of July. Such
resignation shall be accepted by the Board. A resignation after the
BEA 2022-2025
tenth of July must be recommended by the Superintendent and
approved by the Board before it becomes effective. A resignation
may be withdrawn by the person submitting it, at any time prior to the
time the Board has taken action on it, by a letter submitted to the
B. Termination of Contract by Board shall be in accordance with R.C. 3319.16
and 3319.161.
6.5 Payroll Deductions
A. Deductions of Association dues shall begin with the first check in October
and are equally divided over a total of twenty-two (22) paychecks
encompassing an eleven (11) month period. The Association shall notify
the Board Treasurer or designee of those members who will participate in
payroll deductions by September 15 of each year, and shall indicate the
total amount to be deducted from each check. The Association Treasurer
shall furnish an original document signed by the member authorizing such
deduction. The Board Treasurer (or designee) shall transmit to the
Association Treasurer, the total dollars withheld for Association dues each
pay by ACH transaction.
D. Political Contributions:
1. Pursuant to Section 3599.031, Revised Code, the Board will deduct
from the salaries of employees such amounts for political
organizations and parties and for non-partisan issues as the
employee, by written authorization, may demand. Such written
authorization must be on a form different from the dues authorization
E. Tax-Sheltered Annuities:
1. Payroll deductions for new tax-sheltered annuity programs will be
made if at least five (5) applicants request deductions from any one
(1) company/vendor. Any new vendor must agree to abide by current
IRS regulations and participate in current TPA programs.
Employees can make changes in their tax-sheltered annuity at any
time during the year. Two (2) equally divided deductions will be
made per month.
F. Dues Deduction
1. Dues Deduction authorization may only be revoked by a member by
submitting a written request by Oct 31 in any year for such
termination of dues to the Association Treasurer and to the Board
Treasurer. Members who check off continuing membership shall not
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be required to fill out another dues deduction authorization from year
to year, but must comply with this provision if they choose to
discontinue membership. The Board Treasurer shall cease such
dues deductions only upon written notice from the Association.
2. The Association agrees to indemnify and save the Board harmless
against any and all claims that may arise from or by reason of action
taken by the Board in reliance upon any authorization cards
submitted by the Association to the Board, or in compliance with the
provisions of this Article.
G. Payroll deductions
1. Payroll deductions may also be used for the employee's share of
insurance, garnishments, purchase of retirement credit, back taxes,
cancer insurance, Ohio deferred compensation, payments to the
United Way, or other reasons.
6.6 Class Size
A. The administration shall continue to abide by the Administrative
Guidelines established to regulate class size. A copy of these
guidelines shall be given to the Association President.
B. Bargaining unit members are encouraged to report special problems,
considerations, situations, or ideas to the administration as early as
possible. Consideration of such reports shall be given priority
treatment by the administration.
C. Input and recommendations from Instructional Team Leaders shall
continue to be given priority consideration when establishing class
D. The Administrative Guidelines may be subject to the Complaint
Procedure but are not subject to the Grievance Procedure.
6.7 Secondary Teaching Load
A. Middle school bargaining unit members may not be required to teach more
than six (6) periods in a school day, and high school bargaining unit
members may not be required to teach more than the equivalent of three
(3) block periods in a day, but unit members may be requested, but not
required, to volunteer to do so in lieu of study hall or other supervisory
duties. The remaining time will be planning time free of meetings and/or
other duties except under extenuating circumstances.
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6.8 Elementary and Intermediate Planning Time
Elementary and Intermediate planning time shall be at least four hundred (400)
minutes per week, based on a five (5) day week, free of meetings and/or duties.
No more the twenty percent (20%), or eighty (80) minutes, of the weekly planning
time will be for PLCs to collaborate in order to sustain the common instructional
decision making. Professional discretion will be used to allow for flexibility in
planning times when the need is communicated to all parties involved. The
remaining time would be used for teacher-directed collaboration and planning for
their daily operations with the classroom, except under extenuating circumstances
that include, but are not limited to, staff shortage and required student supervision
in which case the administration will make every effort to provide the maximum
amount of minutes available as the master schedule allows. The Association
President or designee and Superintendent or designee may reconvene annually
in January to make adjustment to planning time as needed.
6.9 Student and Community Enrichment Events
Teachers whose attendance is requested at open house-like events including but
not limited to “Freshman Camp”, “Back to School Night”, and elementary and
intermediate music program shall receive compensatory time on a subsequent
work day in an amount no less than the event’s length. Attendance at such events
which occur outside of the teacher’s contract work day/year shall not be mandated.
6.10 Employee Discipline
The administration may take progressive disciplinary action against any
professional employee for good and just cause resulting from violations of, or
failure to comply with any provisions of this contract, reasonable rules and
regulations adopted by the Board and implemented by the Administration, and for
conviction of a felony or major misdemeanor. All disciplinary procedures shall be
carried out in private, in a timely fashion, and in a businesslike manner. Whenever
applicable, discipline shall be addressed at the lowest possible administrative
level. Any discipline against a bargaining unit member must be initiated within ten
(10) workdays after the administration has knowledge of the event or should
reasonably have known of the event necessitating the discipline.
A. Discipline should be to instruct as well as to correct and will be progressive
in nature, except when an alleged offense is serious enough to merit a
higher form of discipline or discharge at the discretion of the
Superintendent/designee. Before implementing the discipline steps, the
administration shall hold an investigatory meeting with the bargaining unit
member to give him/her an opportunity to learn the reasons for the potential
disciplinary action and to challenge the reason for the potential action or
otherwise explain the alleged misconduct or other cause. All allegations
shall be substantiated prior to any discipline being applied. Association
representation shall be allowed at any step.
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B. Steps
1. The first instance of misconduct by a bargaining unit member may,
at the discretion of the administration, result in a verbal warning.
Such verbal warning shall not be recorded in the bargaining unit
member’s personnel file.
2. Should the same or similar problem occur a second time or the
severity of the violation warrant, a written reprimand may, at the
discretion of the administration, be issued to the bargaining unit
member. The written reprimand shall be signed and dated by the
bargaining unit member if it is to be placed in the bargaining
member’s personnel file. Signing the written reprimand by the
bargaining unit member does not indicate agreement and the unit
member may attach a written response to the written warning which
shall be placed in the unit member’s personnel file with the written
reprimand should the written reprimand be placed in the unit
member’s personnel file.
3. Should the same or similar problem occur a third time or the severity
of the violation warrant, the Superintendent/ designee, for good and
just cause, may suspend a unit member with or without pay for up to
three (3) days.
4. Further misconduct occurring after Step 3 may result in further
suspension without pay by the Superintendent/ designee; or the
Superintendent/ designee, for good and just cause, may recommend
contract termination proceedings be initiated by the Board pursuant
to Section 3319.16, Revised Code.
C. If the Superintendent/ designee determines that the bargaining unit
member’s continued presence in employment prior to the investigatory
meeting poses a danger to any person(s) or property or pose a threat of
disrupting operations, he or she may suspend the bargaining unit member
with pay for up to three (3) days pending the investigatory meeting to
determine potential disciplinary action.
D. When imposing a suspension without pay by the Superintendent/ designee
or when contract termination proceedings have been initiated by the Board,
the Superintendent/ designee shall provide written notice of the action and
grounds for the action to the bargaining unit member and the BEA
E. The bargaining unit member may file a written grievance if he or she feels
unjustly reprimanded, given a suspension or is terminated. Such written
grievance shall be filed in accordance with the time limit set forth in Article
5 Grievance Procedure.
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6.11 Resident Educator Program
A Resident Educator Program shall be implemented in accordance with the
Teacher Education and Licensure Standards, the guidelines and standards
established by the Ohio Department of Education, all applicable laws and rules
and with the provisions of this section. A Resident Educator Mentor shall be
assigned to each newly hired teacher employed under a four (4) year resident
educator license. The purpose of this program is to provide assistance in
enhancing teaching skills and give support for professional development.
A. Mentor Teachers
1. The responsibilities of the assigned resident educator mentor
teacher will include the following:
No mentor teacher shall participate in any formal evaluation of a
resident educator, nor make, nor be requested or directed to make,
any recommendation regarding continued employment of the
resident educator.
All interaction, written or oral, between the mentor teacher and the
resident educator shall remain confidential and shall not be used by
either the Board of Education or the Association in termination or
non-renewal actions, unless the matter involves illegal, immoral and/
or criminal activities. Any violations of this tenet by the mentor shall
constitute grounds for immediate removal from the role as mentor
without recourse to the grievance procedure or §ORC 3319.16.
2. Criteria for selection of mentor teachers will be as follows:
It is recommended that a mentor teacher meets the following criteria:
has earned a five-year Professional License or 2 - year Provisional
License that has been renewed two or more times, has completed
five (5) years of teaching experience; has recent classroom
experience within the last five (5) years and has successfully
completed the requirements of the state.
Posting of mentor positions shall be in accordance with the collective
bargaining agreement. Whenever possible, the mentor teacher
should be employed in the same building, grade level and hold
similar certification/licensure.
A mentor teacher must have demonstrated above average teaching
performance, the ability to utilize a variety of instructional methods,
and the ability to communicate with colleagues constructively.
BEA 2022-2025
3. Compensation and Planning Time
Assigned mentors shall be compensated for their work as a mentor
teacher at $500.00 for the first mentee and $200.00 for each
additional mentee in subsequent years, except when the mentee is
completing the Resident Educator formal assessment. In
assessment years, $500.00 will be paid for each additional mentee.
B. Resident Educators
School district administrators shall not use a resident educator’s ODE
assessment information in the district’s evaluation of the resident educator.
Any documents pertaining to the Resident Educator Program and the ODE
assessment shall be confidential to the extent permitted by law.
6.12 Administration of Medication
No teacher will be required to administer maintenance or routine medication. If a
bargaining unit member must administer medication for an emergency or
extenuating circumstances, he/she will not be held liable for their actions as long
as they are consistent with ORC 2305.23 Liability for Emergency Care.
7.1 Salary Checks
A. Unit members shall be paid for their regular duties in twenty-six (26) equal
installments on every other Friday of the month. Except in those state fiscal
years in which twenty-seven (27) pays would accrue, one three-week
interval between pays may be chosen at the discretion of the Board in a
month which would normally have three paydays, provided the Association
is given notice of such plans before January 1. The first check shall be
issued on September 9, 2016 and continuing thereafter for the length of this
B. Whenever the payday falls on a holiday or during a school vacation period,
salary checks will be issued on the first preceding workday, except when
the period of time between the last workday and the regular payday exceeds
three (3) workdays. In the latter case, salary checks will be available on the
day of the payday, or the day before, if the payday falls on a school holiday.
C. The Board shall give new teachers credit for teaching experience in other
Districts up to ten (10) years as required by law and shall give credit to such
teachers for up to five (5) years military service in accordance with Section
3317.13 of the Revised Code. The total years credited for military service
BEA 2022-2025
and teaching in other districts shall not exceed ten (10) years on the salary
schedule unless determined otherwise at the discretion of the Board at the
time of employment. This section shall not affect placement of unit
members hired by the Board and provided service credit prior to the
implementation of this agreement.
D. Direct Deposit: The District shall direct deposit all employees' payroll checks
to accounts designated by each employee. Direct deposit shall continue
during the employment of the employee. Employees shall maintain bank
routing information with the Board Treasurer and shall receive check stubs
electronically from the Board Treasurer or designee showing payroll
7.2 Supplemental Pay and Vacancies
A. Payment for all supplemental contracts shall be made monthly in equal
installments on the second payday of each month so long as all paperwork
has been completed and submitted to the Athletic Department and/or
Treasurer’s Office and the contract is Board approved. For non-coaching
contracts, number of payments will continue to follow current payment
schedule in practice as of the beginning date of this contract. For seasonal
(i.e. sports) contracts, the payment schedule shall be as follows:
Fall Sports August, September, October, November (25% each)
Winter Sports December, January, February, March (25% each)
Spring Sports April, May, June (33%, 33%, 34%)
B. Experience earned in supplemental positions in other districts (or in this
district) shall be evaluated by the Superintendent, and at the
Board's/Superintendent's discretion, experience deemed equivalent to that
in the position to be filled shall be used to place the person on the district's
supplemental salary schedule.
C. The issuance of supplemental contracts for supplemental (pupil-activity)
programs shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Revised
Code, Section 3313.53, except as those provisions are modified by the
terms of this Article.
Supplemental positions held by non-licensed individuals not employed by
the district as a teacher or a para-professional, shall be posted annually.
Bargaining unit members with prior experience in a specific supplemental
duty area within the Bellefontaine District shall be given consideration in filling
a supplemental position in that area. Other experience in that supplemental
area shall weigh heavily in the decision of filling the position.
D. The Administration will re-convene a committee to continue exploring the
supplemental salary scale. This committee will consist of representatives
from the administration and the Bellefontaine Education Association
members (as appointed by the BEA). This committee will convene to
BEA 2022-2025
address new positions to the Supplemental Salary Schedule no more than
7.3 Individual Contracts
A. Bargaining unit members whose limited contracts are renewed for the
subsequent school year shall be provided such contracts prior to the
beginning of the school year and shall contain the following:
1. Type of contract (limited or continuing)
2. Bargaining unit member's name
3. Length of contract
4. School year
5. Number of paydays per year
6. Salary placement (degree, teaching experience, or other experience
7. Salary
8. Signature lines
B. Salary notices need not be provided unless the unit member changes
columns on the salary schedule since the issuance of the prior salary notice
or is returning from an extended leave of absence during which time his/her
salary has changed in accord with this agreement.
7.4 Limited Contracts and Continuing Contracts
A. Limited Contracts:
1. All bargaining unit members employed in the Bellefontaine City
Schools will be employed according to the following procedures:
a. All bargaining unit members new to the Bellefontaine City
School system shall be hired for one (1) year.
b. Upon re-employment after the first contract, the new contract
shall be for one (1) year.
c. Upon re-employment after the second one-year contract, the
unit member's contract shall be for two (2) years.
d. Upon re-employment after the first two-year contract, the unit
member's contract shall be for three (3) years.
BEA 2022-2025
e. Upon re-employment after the three-year contract, the unit
member's contract shall be for five (5) years and subsequent
renewal thereof shall be for five (5) year periods, except that
the Board may offer a one-year extended contract before any
five (5) year contract if, prior to the expiration of the last
contract, a decision based only upon the written evaluation
instrument of the system so warrants it. No extended one-
year contract may be offered two (2) or more years in
f. The Board may grant a continuing contract, provided service
and certification/licensure requirements are met by the unit
g. The usual term of contracts for unit members with continuous
service in Bellefontaine shall follow the sequence of one (1)
year, one (1) year, two (2) years, three (3) years, five (5) years
until eligible for a continuing contract, except as defined in
Paragraph e. Effective with the 2007-08 school year, all
newly-employed bargaining unit members who are hired with
a One-Year Supplemental Teaching License will be limited to
a one (1) year contract renewal each year until a multi-year
license has been attained.
h. A unit member who resigns or is non-renewed and who is
subsequently rehired within nine calendar months shall be
eligible for multi-year contracts, subject to the provision of
paragraph e.
i. A unit member who resigns or is non-renewed and who is
subsequently rehired after nine calendar months have expired
shall not be eligible for multi-year contracts and will be treated
as a unit member new to the system.
j. This section does not apply to supplemental contracts.
B. Continuing Contracts:
1. In order to be eligible for a continuing contract, a unit member must
meet the requirements specified in the Revised Code, which
currently states that a unit member must:
a. hold a professional, permanent, or life certificate (under prior
BEA 2022-2025
b. hold a professional educator license, senior professional
educator license, or lead professional educator license (under
current law) plus either of the following:
1. if a master’s degree was held at the time of initially
receiving a certificate or license, six semester hours of
graduate coursework in the area of licensure or in an
area related to the teaching field since the initial
issuance of the certificate or license
2. if no master’s degree was held at the time of initially
receiving a certificate or license, 30 semester hours of
coursework in the area of licensure or in an area
related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of
the certificate or license.
In addition, a unit member who holds a teaching certificate/license initially issued
prior to January 1, 2011 must have had at least three (3) years of teaching
experience in the last five (5) years in the Bellefontaine City Schools. A unit
member who holds a teaching license initially issued on or after January 1, 2011
must have had at least seven (7) years of teaching experience. Bargaining unit
members who are eligible for a continuing contract are required to submit in writing
to the building principal and superintendent their request to be evaluated during
the year of their eligibility. This request must be submitted by October 15 of each
school year. Unit members who have had a continuing contract elsewhere in Ohio
become eligible for a continuing contract after serving a two (2) year period in the
Bellefontaine City Schools. Unit members who have met all legal requirements to
become eligible for a continuing contract but whose work has been evaluated as
being less than satisfactory, using the prescribed evaluation procedures, shall be
notified in accordance with said evaluation procedures and Revised Code 3319.11,
which currently states that they may be placed on a limited contract, provided they
are given written notice of the intent to issue such limited contract, with reasons
directed at professional improvement of the unit member on or before June 1. It
should also be noted in connection with the question of “service” generally, that
there is no distinction made in the statute between service rendered before
retirement and after retirement.
7.5 Nonrenewal and Termination, and Fair Dismissal Procedure
A. In effecting the nonrenewal or termination or any unit member contract, the
Board shall act in accordance with applicable state statutes dealing with
such action except as provided otherwise in this agreement.
B. If the Superintendent intends to recommend the non-renewal of a contract,
the bargaining unit member in question shall be given the reason/s for such
a recommendation. The Superintendent shall put the reason/s in writing to
be presented at a scheduled meeting with the bargaining unit member at
least five (5) school days prior to any recommendation by the
Superintendent that the contract of the employee may not be renewed. The
BEA 2022-2025
purpose of the meeting will be to discuss informally the reasons for
recommendations. The unit member may be accompanied by a
representative of his/her choice.
C. Prior to official Board action, bargaining unit member/s whose contract/s are
subject to non-renewal shall be notified of the date when the Board intends
to act on the Superintendent's recommendation.
D. The limited contract of any bargaining unit member may be terminated
during its term as provided for in Section 3319.16 of the R.C.
E. The establishment of this procedure and requirement shall not create any
right or expectancy of continued employment.
F. This section does not apply to supplemental contracts.
7.6 Academic Freedom/Nondiscrimination
A. The unit member has the right to perform his/her professional
responsibilities in the classroom in ways he/she believes will best
encourage a broad and complete understanding of educational subject
matter. Such right shall be exercised within the bounds of professional
responsibility and Board educational philosophy and curricula.
B. The Board shall not discriminate against employees with regard to disability,
race, color, creed, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation,
religion, marital status, age, political affiliations or opinions. All provisions of
the Agreement, Board Policy, and any Building Policies shall be uniformly
applied and administered for all employees of the bargaining unit.
7.7 Teacher Evaluations
A. “Evaluators will follow the following timelines as established in R.C.
3319.111 and 3319.112 as well as other procedural aspects of the current
evaluation procedures. The contents of the Bellefontaine City Schools
Teacher Evaluation System binder shall be attached as Appendix B.
B. Unit members will be provided with copies of the evaluation instrument.
Newly employed unit members will be provided a copy of the evaluation
instrument at or prior to orientation.
C. A unit member receiving a rating of ineffective, based on performance
measures, for two out of three years may receive a recommendation of non-
renewal of the teacher’s contract.
D. Unit members who receive a developing or ineffective performance
measure must comply with an improvement plan developed with the
building principal/designee. The improvement plan shall include the
following components: 1. Address at least two (2) areas of deficiencies
BEA 2022-2025
and 2. Facilitate professional development opportunities. The Board’s plan
for the allocation of financial resources to support professional development
is as follows: reimbursement/tuition, LPDC, In-service/waiver days, book
studies, consultants, and professional development opportunities.
E. The procedural aspects of the evaluation shall be subject to the grievance
procedure and the substantive aspects are subject to the complaint
F. Any substantive changes in the teacher’s evaluation instrument will be
developed and approved by a committee consisting of four (4) Association-
appointed members, the BEA President or designee, two (2) administrators,
and the Superintendent or designee. Any substantive changes to the
teacher evaluation instrument or procedure an MOU to be ratified by the
BEA prior to implementation. The evaluations committee shall make
recommendations with regard to the application of new evaluations systems
initiated by law. The recommendations made by the committee will include,
but are not limited to, determining how to implement “high quality student
data” instruments that meet requirements of legislation.
7.8 Sick Leave
A. All contractual employees shall be entitled to sick leave benefits computed
at the rate of one and one-fourth (1 1/4) days of credit for each month of
completed service, or fifteen (15) days each year, cumulative to 302 days.
For part-time unit members, the computation shall be proportioned to their
contracted services. Sick leave may not be taken in increments of less than
one quarter (1/4) day. One quarter (1/4) day may only be taken at the
beginning or end of the work day. One quarter (1/4) sick leave will be
defined as any amount of time less than ninety (90) minutes.
B. Sick leave shall be granted for personal illness or illness in the family.
Illness in the family shall be construed to apply only to the immediate family
(spouse, child, mother, father, sister, brother, mother-in-law, and father-in-
law, grandparents, grandchildren, or someone who stands in these same
relationships to the employee) and shall be an illness of severe nature such
as one that would require hospitalization of the family member or one that
would involve special attention for that member.
C. Bargaining unit members will be allowed a credit of five (5) days at the
opening of the school year. The five (5) days must be earned and at the
end of four (4) months, if none of the days has been used, the amount
accumulated remains at five (5) days. Up to ten (10) days of sick leave may
be advanced to an experienced member who has exhausted sick leave
during the current school year. Members cannot borrow additional days in
sequential years until all days advanced have been made up. Once an
individual has been advanced sick leave days in a given contract year, they
cannot use any more sick leave until their accumulated sick leave balance
is back to or above zero (0) days. Members shall only be advanced the
BEA 2022-2025
number of days that can be made up through accumulation before the end
of the current contract year.
D. Sick leave may not be used for child care beyond the time approved by an
attending physician.
E. Unit members shall be allowed the use of sick leave of up to five (5) days
for the death of members of the immediate family. One (1) day will be
allowed for other blood relatives.
F. Should the school be closed during the period of an employee's sick leave
by an "emergency" day, as called by the Superintendent, or a holiday, such
employee will not be charged a sick leave day.
G. The abuse of sick leave may result in loss of pay for those days abused or
may result in termination as defined in R.C. 3319.141.
H. Sick Leave Bank: All employees of Bellefontaine City Schools are eligible
to receive donations of sick, personal days and vacation time from other
Bellefontaine City School employees in order to provide extra sick leave
days for employees who have catastrophic personal illness/injury, including
quarantine time due to pandemics, or who have immediate family with a
catastrophic illness/injury.
1. In the case that an employee of Bellefontaine City Schools has
exhausted all of their available sick leave, personal days and
vacation time, it is permissible for other employees to donate unused
personal days or vacation days to extend the sick leave of that
2. These days will not count against the perfect attendance incentive
for the donor. Each donor may only give one day per occurrence.
3. Sick leave may be extended up to forty (40) days for the individual’s
illness/injury and up to twenty (20) days for immediate family.
Immediate family shall be limited to spouse, children, and parents.
In situations where the employee is the primary caregiver for another
person, their case may be brought to the Sick Leave Extension
Committee for a determination of eligibility.
4. The Board of Education will pay out no more than forty thousand
dollars ($40,000) per year for this benefit.
5. Any employee or their representative who wishes to use this benefit
must notify the president of their respective bargaining unit
(secretaries and administrators will ask the superintendent).
6. The president of the bargaining unit will ask the superintendent to
convene the Sick Leave Extension Committee. This committee shall
BEA 2022-2025
consist of the President of the BEA or their representative, the
President of OAPSE or their representative and two administrators
appointed by the superintendent.
7. The individual requesting the days may be asked to appear before
the committee (if practical) and the committee may ask for, and must
be granted, documentation from a physician concerning the
necessity of the leave.
8. The committee must have a majority of affirmative votes (at least
three) for the leave to be granted. The decision of the committee is
final and is not subject to the grievance process.
9. The confidentiality of the committee meeting will be absolute. No
record of the voting results will be released other than to say that the
leave was approved or disallowed.
10 If the leave is approved, the president of the member’s bargaining
unit will be responsible for issuing an email notification to solicit the
need for donations of leave days. Donors will be allowed to donate
unused sick leave, personal days, or vacation days. Donors will then
respond to both the Union President and Treasurer’s Office designee
declaring their desire to donate sick leave, personal days, or vacation
days. As employees use donated leave days, the Treasurer’s Office
designee will transfer days from the donor’s balance to the
employee’s sick leave balance, in the order that email replies were
received by those willing to donate, up to the maximum approved.
11. Employees using donated sick leave will not accumulate sick leave
during that time.
12. An employee who is receiving worker’s compensation or who is
eligible to retire (meets minimum requirements for full retirement) will
not be eligible for this provision.
13. If appropriate, an employee must apply for disability if they are not of
retirement age. This determination will be made by the Sick Leave
Extension Committee.
14. No instances of pregnancy or childbirth will qualify for this provision.
No instances of self-inflicted injury will qualify for this provision.
15. Acceptable reasons for using this provision would include
catastrophic illness, catastrophic injury, mental illness requiring
hospitalization, stroke or heart attack, non-elective doctor mandated
surgery, and other reasons deemed appropriate by the committee
such as injury or quarantine time due to pandemics.
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16. Donated days shall be used within the same school year they were
donated. Days requested for a subsequent school year shall require
a new request by the unit member at the beginning of said school
7.9 Leaves of Absence
A. Requests for a leave of absence shall be granted for illness or disability due
to pregnancy, and may be granted for child care, adoption upon receipt of
legal custody of the adopted child, or education work leave.
1. No salary will be earned by the employee on a leave of absence
without pay, nor shall the employee accrue seniority and thus
advancement on the salary schedule during the leave of absence.
Previously established tenure and seniority rights shall be retained.
2. A request for a leave of absence shall be made in writing to the
Superintendent, through the principal involved, no later than thirty
(30) days prior to the requested start of the leave of absence, except
medical leave and child care leave can be granted on shorter notice
in case of an emergency or urgent necessity.
3. The application (request) will state the anticipated date of return. If
written notification of the intention to return has not been received by
April 1, the bargaining unit member shall have been considered to
have resigned.
4. Leaves of absence may extend for no more than two (2) complete
school semesters following the semester during which leave began,
except for educational leave, which may extend for no more than one
school year or two (2) semesters. No leaves of absence for less than
a year will be granted beyond the semester break. The
Superintendent may grant exceptions upon the request of a
bargaining unit member who has requested a leave of absence or
who is on a leave of absence.
5. While on leave, a member will have the right to continue all group
insurance. The total amount will be at the member's expense,
regardless of the negotiated agreement on medical insurance as
stated in this agreement. The member, in order to be eligible for
such insurance, shall pay the cost of this insurance by the first (1
day of each month. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of
membership in the insurance plan.
6. The Superintendent reserves the right to terminate prematurely a
leave of absence should there exist factual information indicating this
privilege is being abused. Should the information be open to
question in respect to the authenticity, completeness, or proper
BEA 2022-2025
interpretation, the grievance procedure is the proper method of
7. Should the situation or condition prompting the request for a leave
change prior to the action by the Board, the request may be
8. A member who has begun a leave of absence will be expected to
complete the term of leave.
9. A member who is granted a leave of absence for a year will be
reassigned by the Superintendent according to the usual assignment
procedures. A member who is granted a leave until the end of the
semester will be reinstated to his/her former position.
7.10 Short Term Leave Without Pay
A. A bargaining unit member may be granted up to five (5) days without pay
per school year, with the approval of the Board of Education. Member
benefits will continue for members who are approved for short term leave
without pay. Leave without pay may be approved before or after school
holidays or in conjunction with personal days under unusual circumstances
and at the sole discretion of the Superintendent/Designee.
7.11 Military Leave
A. Military leave will be granted in accordance with applicable law (R.C.
7.12 Family Medical Leave
A. Notwithstanding other provisions of this agreement, the Board agrees to
abide by the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. The
parties to this agreement agree that all benefits guaranteed by the Act will
be provided to members covered by this agreement.
B. A member must have one (1) year's service in the district to be eligible for
benefits under this section of the agreement.
C. Leave Provisions
1. Each eligible member is entitled to and shall be granted upon request
up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year to care for a new child or a
sick child, parent or spouse, or to use for the member's own medical
treatment. Such leave may be taken for the care of a newly adopted
or newly placed foster child, as well as a newborn child.
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2. Any leave beyond twelve (12) weeks in a year for these combined
purposes may be granted pursuant to the other leave provisions of
this agreement.
3. Eligible members may choose to use paid sick leave granted by other
provisions of this agreement to run concurrent with all or part of the
unpaid leave granted under this Article.
4. Leave taken to care for a new child must be taken within one year of
birth or placement of the child. The member must give the Board
thirty days' notice of the birth or placement if possible, or as much
notice as possible if less than thirty days.
5. Leave under this section may be taken intermittently, when medically
necessary. The member will attempt to schedule medical procedures
so as not to interrupt work unnecessarily.
6. In the case of birth of a child, adoption of a child, or child placement
when an eligible husband and wife are both employed by the Board,
they are limited to a combined total of twelve (12) work weeks of
FMLA leave during any twelve (12) month period. If the eligible wife
takes the full twelve (12) weeks of FMLA leave in a twelve (12) month
period, then the eligible husband may take one (1) week of FMLA
leave in the same twelve (12) month period.
D. Protection of Employment and Insurance
1. The Board shall return the member taking a leave under this Article
to the same position he/she occupied prior to the leave, if possible.
2. The Board will continue to pay the Board contribution to the current
medical and dental insurance plans for the member while on leave
under this section.
3. The taking of a leave under this section shall not result in the loss of
any employment benefit accrued prior to the date the leave
E. Medical Certification
1. The Board may require medical certification from a licensed
physician as to the medical necessity for a leave under this section.
Such certification will include a statement by the physician that the
member is unable to perform all duties of his/her position, or that
his/her presence is required to care for a seriously ill family member.
This section shall be uniformly applied.
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F. Return from Leave
1. If a member takes a leave under this Article which is to terminate
within the last three (3) weeks before the end of the school term, and
the leave is of more than five (5) weeks duration, the Board may
require the member to remain on leave for the remainder of the term,
under the same conditions as are required by this article, even if all
twelve weeks required by law have been used.
7.13 Educational Leave with Pay
A. Upon written application to the Superintendent and approval by the Board,
a member may be granted a leave of absence for professional improvement
for one school year or two (2) semesters with pay.
B. The member requesting a professional leave of absence with pay shall
submit a plan to the Superintendent, outlining the proposed professional
improvement to take place during the leave period. The applicant must
show the value of the proposed plan to the Bellefontaine City Schools and
the educational program thereof. Professional improvement leave shall be
granted for the following purposes:
1. Professional graduate study in the teaching area of the applicant,
guidance and counseling, or educational administration.
2. Professional performance or field experience directly related to the
teaching field of the applicant.
3. Professional research or writing in the teaching field of the applicant.
4. Other - as deemed beneficial to the Bellefontaine City Schools by the
C. Upon the return from the leave, the member must submit evidence to the
Superintendent that the plan was followed.
D. An applicant must have completed a minimum of five (5) years of service in
the Bellefontaine City School system immediately preceding the
professional leave.
E. A member granted a leave of absence for professional reasons shall not
advance on the salary schedule for the time of the leave. Previously
established tenure and seniority rights shall be retained.
F. The member requesting leave with pay must request such leave by May 1.
He/she must also sign an agreement committing himself/herself to
returning to the Bellefontaine City Schools for at least two (2) years or
repay the amount of the leave with pay.
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G. Only one (1) leave with pay will be granted each year. A second leave may
be granted if the Board determines sufficient funds are available.
H. The amount of the leave payment will equal the difference between the
salary of the member on leave at the beginning of the school year and the
salary of the member replacing the member on leave. Any salary increase
during the school year will be considered for the member leave payment.
The member will receive one-half (1/2) of the leave payment on the payday
following the start of school and one-half (1/2) on the payday following the
end of the first semester.
7.14 Personal Leave
A. Personal leave is an excused absence, with pay, taken by the employee
and may not be used in increments of less than one-quarter (1/4) day.
Personal Leave is for personal reasons which, due to time, distance, or
other unique factors cannot be accomplished outside of regular working
B. Each bargaining unit member shall be permitted three (3) Personal Days,
per contract/school year provided the following conditions are met:
1. One week's written notification be given to the building principal and
2. No more than ten percent (10%) of the bargaining unit members
assigned to a building shall be absent from their assigned building
for reason of personal leave on any given school day.
3. No personal leave days may be taken during the last fifteen (15)
school days (including teacher workday(s) except in a situation
approved by the Superintendent/Designee.
4. Quarter days shall only be taken at the beginning or end of the
5. The Superintendent/Designee may waive the above requirements
under unusual circumstances if reasons are given for the use of
personal leave and a replacement, if necessary, is able to be
C. Any unused personal days at the end of the school year will roll over into
sick days at the start of the next school year.
7.15 Court Appearance/Jury Duty
A. In case of absence from duty in response to subpoena for a case in court
or an administrative hearing, the amount of any witness fee or other
compensation, exclusive of any reimbursement paid specifically for
BEA 2022-2025
expenses incurred by reason of such subpoena, shall be submitted to the
Board. Members receiving notices of jury duty shall be granted a leave of
absence without loss of pay or benefits for the duration of the leave. The
compensation received as a juror shall be submitted to the Board.
B. A member who is subpoenaed to appear as a witness in a court of law to
give testimony in a school business/activity case shall be granted a leave in
accord with 7.15A except that the compensation received less expenses of
no more than five (5) dollars per day shall be submitted to the Board.
Receipts for expenses shall be submitted to the Board.
7.16 Assault Leave
A. Any service-connected case of physical or verbal assault on a member of
the bargaining unit occurring on the school premises during a school-
sponsored function and not caused by another employee of the district shall
be reported immediately to the principal or other administrator in charge
who shall initiate an investigation of the incident not later than twenty-four
(24) hours after receipt of the report. When such an assault results in
absence from duty for medical reasons, such absence shall be at no loss of
pay and shall not be chargeable to sick leave to a maximum of fifteen (15)
days per member each school year. The member shall provide a written
statement of the facts surrounding the assault and his/her willingness to
participate fully and cooperate fully with the Board in pursuing legal action
against the alleged assailant/s.
B. Medical verification shall be furnished to the Superintendent for all such
absences requiring more than five (5) days leave. The Board shall have the
right to require a medical examination by a physician of its choice after the
member has been absent for five (5) school days per occurrence. In such
event, Board shall pay the full cost of the examination.
C. Absences due to court appearances resulting from an assault shall be
chargeable to assault leave.
D. If a member is required to be absent from school because of court
appearance/s resulting from an assault and he/she requires assault leave
days exceeding fifteen (15) during that school year, additional days
equivalent to the number of days used for court appearances shall be
granted to that member.
E. The member assaulted agrees to cooperate fully with police and the
administration in any investigation of an alleged assault unless otherwise
advised by his/her legal counsel.
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7.17 Professional Leave
A. Professional days are used for educational conferences related to the
member's assignment, for field experience used to maintain or expand
licensure or for visitation to exemplary programs.
B. Such leaves must be approved by the principal and affirmed by the
C. A one (1) week written notification should be given to the building principal
and the Superintendent. The Superintendent may waive this requirement
under unusual circumstances. The form to be used shall be developed by
the Superintendent.
D. The Superintendent has authority to grant such requests for member
absences for professional conference attendance with the following
payment to the member:
1. Absence without loss of pay.
2. Absence with loss of pay equivalent to the wages paid a substitute
or loss of half pay if no substitute is required.
E. Employees sent to such conferences as representatives of the Board shall
have no deduction of pay. Expenses directly related to the educational
conference and/or visitation may be paid by the district.
8.1 School Calendar
A. A committee shall be established for the purpose of recommending a school
calendar. The committee shall be composed of the building principals, two
teachers from each building (one appointed by the BEA president), a
representative of the Association, and the Superintendent or designee. In
addition, representatives from the Ohio Association of Public School
Employees Local 30 (OAPSE) will sit on this committee.
B. The committee shall present a school calendar to the Superintendent prior
to April 1. The Association may also make recommendations regarding the
C. The committee may recommend a single or multi-year calendar. When a
multi-year calendar is approved, the committee may reconvene annually in
January to make adjustments to the calendar as needed.
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D. The Superintendent shall recommend a calendar to the Board. Prior to
making changes in the calendar after it has been adopted and where such
change affects unit members, the Association shall be provided an
opportunity to provide input concerning suggestions and alternatives (e.g.
where alterations are considered, due to "makeup" days for calamity days,
input and alternatives may be provided by the Association prior to
scheduling such make-up days).
E. Calamity days that are to be made up will be made up at the end of the
school year provided those days do not exceed five (5) days. If the days to
be made up exceed five (5) days, then spring break days, if scheduled on
the school calendar, will be used to make up the days in excess of five (5).
8.2 Intra-School Substitution Conditions and Compensation
A. When any member, including special areas of instruction, is absent from
school, every reasonable effort will be made to obtain a
certificated/licensured substitute for the member. Substitute teachers shall
be selected from the list certified by the Superintendent. When a specialist
is absent and no substitute is available, the teacher that keeps those
students shall be compensated accordingly with Article 8.2.B.
B. Intra-school substitution may be performed by a regular teacher who
volunteers to teach during his/her regular assigned conference period.
Certificated employees will be paid according to the following length of time:
46-80 minutes - $35.00
20-45 minutes - $22.50
C. When a substitute is not available and students are placed or split into other
classrooms, the teacher(s) covering shall be compensated according to
Article 8.2.B. as such:
1. Teachers covering students 20 to 45 minutes shall be compensated
2. Teachers covering students 46 or more minutes shall be
compensated $35.00.
3. Teachers shall not be requested to accept more than one-third (1/3)
of students from another class.
D. Every effort should be made to avoid using Intervention Specialists, Title
Teachers, Co-Teacher and Teachers of Gifted Students for the purpose of
coverage of another teacher’s class.
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8.3 Medical Examination
A. The Board shall pay for all medical examinations that it requires of members
to the extent that such examinations are not paid for by insurance coverage
provided for in this agreement, with the exception of the pre-employment
8.4 Personnel Files
A. The personnel files of members of the bargaining unit will be located in the
Board offices. Unit members shall have access to all materials contained
in the files, except confidential pre-employment information, within one day
of the receipt of a written request to review the files of said member upon
presentation of a written authorization from the member, including the
signature of said member.
1. Any examination of a member’s personnel file shall be governed by
the current Ohio Public Records Law (O.R.C. 149.43) and Ohio
Privacy Act (O.R.C. 1347.01). The Board shall maintain
confidentiality with respect to items required to be confidential by law,
for example, social security numbers, annuities and medical
information. A member shall be notified, within 24 hours, confirmed
and with all available information, any time a request has been made
to view his/her file by someone other than the building principals, the
Superintendent, treasurer, assistant superintendent or secretary to
the superintendent. All materials placed in the personnel file of
members shall include the dates the items were placed in the files.
B. Prior to placement in the files, a member shall be given a copy of any
1. Relating to evaluation and classroom performance and the member
will initial the material indicating that the member has seen it. The
initialing does not mean agreement, but only that the material has
been reviewed by that member. Lack of such initialing by the
member due to refusal or neglect shall not preclude its placement in
the file and such refusal or neglect may be noted and included with
the material to indicate the member was shown the material and did
not so acknowledge he/she was shown the material by initialing it.
2. In the form of written criticism or complaints, and the member may
initial the material indicating he/she has seen it. The initialing of the
material does not indicate agreement with its content.
3. Members shall have the right at any time to attach a written reply to
any material being placed in the file and this replay shall be attached
to the material in question. Anonymous letters, complaints and/or
commendations will not be included in the personnel files of any
BEA 2022-2025
member of the bargaining unit, nor shall they be made a matter of
4. Any member shall have the right to obtain a photo copy of any item
(except confidential pre-employment items) in the personnel files
upon the payment of the reasonable cost of photocopying said
material. Records shall be examined in the presence of the
Superintendent or designee and shall not be removed from the
immediate area.
5. The provisions of this section of the contract shall not be construed
as limiting the rights accorded to a bargaining unit member pursuant
to Title 1347 of the Revised Code.
6. Upon request of the unit member, material may be removed from
his/her file five (5) years from date of placement. Such removal shall
be done upon consent of the administrator responsible for placement
of the material in the file and/or the Superintendent.
8.5 Use of Extended Service
A. Bargaining unit members who are granted days of extended service, must
use them as assigned, in units of not less than one-half (1/2) day at a time.
If they cannot be used as assigned, they may be rescheduled with mutual
agreement. If there is no mutual agreement, the days will be cancelled.
8.6 Calamity Days
A. Calamity days beyond the first five (5) days shall be made up according to
the procedures outlined below. All days beyond those outlined below shall
be made up in accordance with Article 8.1(E), which states five (5) days at
the end of the school year, then five (5) days starting with the Monday of
spring break.
1. If the sixth (6
) cancelled day occurs more than two (2) weeks prior
to President’s Day recognition, that day shall become an instructional
day with students and teachers in attendance.
2. The next cancelled day beyond these shall be used by teachers to
complete Public School Works professional development modules.
If these modules are completed prior to this date, this day shall serve
as compensatory time for teachers.
3. The next two (2) cancelled days shall be made up by teachers by
logging time spent working at home or at school outside of the
contracted work day. Teachers may log time starting on the first
student day of the school year. This time must be used to complete
work related to assessment, standard alignment, instructional
practices, or data analysis.
BEA 2022-2025
a. The completed log must be submitted to the individual
designated by BEA president in each building by the Friday
before the last Monday in January.
b. Seven (7) hours should be logged for each day to be made
up, for a total of fourteen (14) hours.
c. Required log must be submitted by this date or the teacher
will either report to work on that day (if not a level three snow
emergency), use a personal day (if available), or take a day
without pay. There will be no exceptions. This indicates the
importance of logging time if these options are to be avoided.
d. Principals shall provide to the building representative a list of
teachers assigned to that building at the start of the school
year. The designated building representative shall return that
list indicating who did and did not turn in their log to their
building principal by 3:00pm the last Monday in January.
4. If a single additional cancelled day is missed more than two (2)
weeks prior to the May waiver day, that day shall become an
instructional day with students in attendance.
5. If another additional cancelled day occurs more than two (2) weeks
before the March waiver day, that day shall become an instructional
day with students in attendance.
9.1 Salary
A. In recognition of the Association’s dedication to the students and community
of Bellefontaine, bargaining unit members shall be paid according to the
salary schedule set forth in Appendix A for each of the three (3) years
covered by this negotiated agreement, respectively. This constitutes the
1. Effective September 1, 2022, a two and a half percent (2.5%) increase
for the 2022-2023 school year.
2. For the 2023-2024 contract year, the parties agree to reopen for
discussion concerning salaries only.
3. For the 2024-2025 contract year, the parties agree to reopen for
discussion concerning salaries only.
For bargaining unit members to be eligible for the BA plus hour step
increases, all additional hours over the BA must be graduate hours and will
BEA 2022-2025
be measured in semester hours. If quarter hours are accumulated, it will
take three (3) quarter hours to equal (2) two semester hours. (Note: A
quarter hour is equal to 2/3 of a semester hour).
B. The summer school teaching salary schedule is set at the following hourly
Summer of
Summer of
Summer of
Summer of
0-5 (Yrs. Exp.)
6-10 (Yrs.
11+ (Yrs. Exp.)
Pay raise granted on the base will be applied to the summer school salary
at the same percentage.
9.2 Severance Pay
A. Eligibility
1. An employee's eligibility for severance pay shall be determined as of
the final date of employment. The criteria for eligibility for severance
pay are:
a. The individual retires from the school system.
b. Retirement means disability or service retirement under any
State of Ohio or municipal retirement system.
c. The individual must have not less than ten years of service
with this school district.
d. The individual must submit a copy of a check stub or other
proof showing receipt of retirement payment from the
appropriate retirement system.
e. If a member eligible for severance pay dies, severance pay
will be made to the beneficiary as stated on the insurance
policy as provided for in this agreement.
B. Benefit Calculation
1. Severance pay shall be calculated by multiplying the bargaining unit
member's accrued but unused sick leave by one-fourth (1/4) and
multiplying the product times the per diem rate of pay appropriate for
BEA 2022-2025
that individual's placement on the base salary schedule at the time of
a. Severance payment to bargaining unit member employees by
the district at the time of retirement from teaching will be up to
a maximum of thirty-eight (38) days provided the unit member
has one-hundred and fifty-two (152) days accumulated leave.
b. Unit members with fifteen (15) through twenty-five (25)-years
of service in the district shall receive a maximum of fifty-three
(53) days accumulated sick leave provided they-have two-
hundred twelve (212) days accumulated sick leave. Members
with more than twenty (20) years of service-in the district will
be eligible for one additional day of-severance pay for each two
years of service through-the twenty-fifth year provided they
have the additional days of accumulation to allow for additional
days of severance payment [i.e. for one (1) additional day to
potentially be paid out, unit member shall have at least two
hundred sixteen (216) total accumulated sick leave days and
two (2) for additional day to potentially be paid out, unit member
shall have at least two hundred twenty (220) total accumulated
sick leave day].
c. Unit members with twenty-six (26) or more years of service in
the district shall receive a maximum of seventy-one (71) days
severance pay provided he/she has two hundred eighty-four
(284) days accumulated sick leave.
9.3 Work Day and Hours
A. The bargaining unit members will work seven and one-half (7½) hours a
day, one hundred and eighty-five (185) days a year. Central Ohio Education
Association Day (COEA Day) will be included within the 185 days.
B. The one hundred and eighty-five (185) work days shall include three and
1/2 (3 1/2) teacher work days to be scheduled as follows: one-half (1/2) on
COEA day, prior to the start of the school year, one (1) during the semester
change, and one (1) as the last day of the school year. Administrative
meetings are not to be scheduled on the three and 1/2 (3 1/2) teacher work
C. On days when the district declares a late start due to inclement weather or
otherwise, bargaining unit members will not be required to report any earlier
than the normal starting time, adjusted by the increment of delay.
D. Teachers who attend district sponsored professional development during
the summer months shall receive their hourly summer school rate as the
rate of pay. District sponsored professional development is defined as
professional development provided by district employees and/or grade
BEA 2022-2025
level/department work on instructional areas such as curriculum,
assessment, etc. and professional development related to the
implementation of district initiatives as determined by the District
Leadership Team initiatives and Director of Instruction.
9.4 Insurance
A. The Board shall provide a $20,000 life insurance policy including an
accidental death and dismemberment provision to each bargaining unit
member. Members will be allowed to purchase additional term life
insurance through payroll deduction from the same insurance carrier.
B. The Board will pay eighty percent (80%) of the premium for individual or
family coverage for a hospitalization and major medical policy. The
employee electing individual or family coverage will assume and pay the
cost of the remaining twenty percent (20%) of the premium. The Board will
provide the same, similar, or superior benefits as those currently provided
by the Bellefontaine City Schools Health Insurance and Benefits Program
for bargaining unit members.
C. The Board will pay eighty percent (80%) of the premium for a single or family
dental policy. The employee electing single or family coverage will assume
and pay the cost of the remaining twenty percent (20%) of the premium.
The Board will provide the same, similar or superior benefits as those
currently provided by the Bellefontaine City Schools Health Insurance and
Benefits Program for bargaining unit members.
D. Less than full-time bargaining unit members shall have the Board's share of
insurance premium provided in sections B and C and paid on a prorated
E. Members of the bargaining unit may elect not to receive hospitalization,
major medical or dental insurance coverage.
F. Costs connected with pre-certification, length of stay, customized care, and
second surgical opinion, will be paid by the insurance company.
G. A unit member who is divorced will no longer be eligible for family
insurance coverage, unless he/she has dependent children.
H. The Board will be responsible for keeping a current copy of the Bellefontaine
City School’s Health Care Plan on file in the Library of each school building.
The Board will also be responsible for making a current copy of the
Bellefontaine City School’s Health Care Plan available on the Bellefontaine
City School District’s Website.
I. 125 Benefits Program
BEA 2022-2025
1. The benefits provided to employees by Section 125 of the Internal
Revenue Act of 1978 shall be made available to all members of the
bargaining unit. The amount shall not exceed that allowed by Federal
2. The employee or Board shall not be charged any fees for the set-up,
enrollment, or administrative costs of the program and in full
compliance with provisions of the IRS.
3. The Board may change carriers or providers for the above referenced
services, but must give the Association President ninety (90) day’s
notice of their intention to change such carrier prior to making the
change. Said change shall not allow for any change in the services or
terms of this provision. The Board shall also provide the Association
President will all pertinent information on the new carrier at the times
of the notification of their intent to change carriers.
9.5 STRS "Pick-up" Salary Reduction Method
A. The Board herewith agrees with the Association to "pick-up" utilizing the
salary reduction method at no cost to the Board, contributions to the State
Teachers Retirement System paid upon behalf of unit members under the
following terms and conditions:
1. The amount to be "picked-up" on behalf of each employee shall be
equal to the member's required contribution to the STRS. The
member's annual compensation shall be reduced by an amount
equal to the amount "picked-up" by the Board for the purpose of
State and Federal tax only.
2. Shall be uniformly applied to all members of the bargaining unit.
3. The "pick-up" shall apply to all compensation including supplemental
4. Payment for all paid leaves, sick leave, personal leave, severance
and supplementals including unemployment and workman's
compensation shall be based on the employee's daily gross pay prior
to reduction as basis (e.g., gross pay divided by the number of days
in a teacher's contract).
B. Each teacher will be responsible for compliance with Internal Revenue
Service salary exclusion allowance regulations with respect to the "pick-up"
in combination with other tax deferred compensation plans.
C. If the foregoing "pick-up" provisions are nullified by subsequent Internal
Revenue Service Rulings, Ohio Attorney General Opinions, or other
governing regulations, the Board will be held harmless and this article of the
agreement shall be declared null and void.
BEA 2022-2025
9.6 Mileage
Mileage at the current rate approved by the Board of Education shall be paid to
unit members who are assigned at different buildings, and due to the assignment,
are required to drive between or among those buildings. This does not include
travel between buildings due to a supplemental contract or travel to and from
9.7 Tuition Reimbursement
A. Bargaining unit members who wish to take enrichment courses in subject
areas which they are teaching, may apply for tuition reimbursement from
the Board of Education. Only graduate level credits which are earned from
accredited institutions will be accepted. Earned grades of "B" or higher or
"P" (Pass/Fail) must be presented in order to be eligible. Applications and
all required accompanying documentation, including proof of tuition paid,
shall be submitted by June 30 for courses completed during the July 1 to
June 30 timeframe of the same year and reimbursements will be paid out
by the end of August.
B. A purchase order for reimbursement issued to the unit member will establish
eligibility of funds for reimbursement. A warrant for payment will be issued
upon receipt of grades, credits, and an oral or written report of the benefits
earned from taking the course.
C. In order to encourage an equitable access to reimbursement, the Board will
assemble a list of unit members who wish to be considered for
reimbursement. No unit member will be eligible for reimbursement of over
seven (7) semester hours or ten and one half (10½) quarter hours per
calendar year.
D. A total of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) annually shall be set aside for
each fiscal year beginning in July. If any funds remain from the previous
year, they shall be rolled over into the next year. Reimbursement shall be
made to each unit member at the end of the fiscal year and shall be based
on a division of the total funds available by the number of the approved unit
members. In no case shall the amount of reimbursement to the unit
member exceed the actual cost of the approved coursework.
E. The Superintendent may use his/her discretion to decide reimbursement
eligibility. The Superintendent/designee could consider eligibility of a
teacher wishing to take courses designed to improve his/her
classroom/environment or courses in subject areas which he/she is
certified, as well as courses in subject areas which he/she is currently
BEA 2022-2025
9.8 Attendance Incentive
A. Attendance Leave Bonus shall be awarded as follows:
1. A member of the bargaining unit who uses one-half (1/2) day of sick
leave or personal leave during the school calendar year shall receive
2. A member of the bargaining unit who uses no more than one (1) day
of sick leave or personal leave during the school calendar year shall
receive $400.00.
3. A member of the bargaining unit who uses no more than two (2) days
of sick leave or personal leave during the school calendar year shall
receive $200.00.
B. Attendance Bonus payments shall follow STRS (State Teachers Retirement
System) deduction guidelines.
C. In the case where the Board approved calendar ends in May, a teacher has
submitted their resignation for the purpose of retirement based on the May
end date of the school year and the calendar is extended into June due to
calamity days, this article will be waived for the retiring teacher.
9.9 Background Checks
During the duration of this contract any certificated/licensed employee will pay
fifteen dollars ($15) for a combined FBI/BCII background check or twelve dollars
($12) for a FBI background check.
9.10 College Credit Plus
A. Teaching a course that qualifies for College Credit Plus (CPP) shall be
voluntary on the part of the teacher. If the district has paid for Master or
credentialing classes, by mutual agreement between the district and the
teacher, for the purpose of the teacher to teach CCP classes, the teacher
while employed by the district, may be required to teach CCP classes for a
minimum of five (5) years or repay the actual cost of the Master or
credentialing classes equal to the amount paid by the district or grant.
During the same five-year period, teachers who leave the district to be
employed by a different district, may be required to repay the same.
B. Teachers of CCP courses shall be given release time or compensation at
summer school rate (if the day is outside of their contracted time) to attend
all professional development workshops or conferences related to their
CCP course offered or recommended by their host college.
C. Students enrolled in a CCP course should meet all entrance requirements
required by the host college.
BEA 2022-2025
D. No existing bargaining unit position shall be eliminated and no bargaining
unit employee shall be displaced as a result of the district's participation in
E. All CCP teachers will be given the opportunity to use one (1) professional
leave day per CCP class taught during the school year to complete required
administrative responsibilities (grading for course aligning curriculum,
preparing for observations, etc.) This day can be taken at a time requested
by that teacher but should not be the first or last day of the week or in the
month of May, not to exceed three (3) professional leave days per teacher
per year.
10.1 Teachers that are assigned to more than one building shall be designated as
traveling teachers.
10.2 The building to which the traveling teacher is assigned for the majority of the day
shall be designated as their "home" building, and the traveling teacher shall receive
planning time and lunch time in accordance with contractual requirements and the
building procedures of that building.
10.3 For the purposes of evaluation, the traveling teacher shall be evaluated by the
administrator in their "home" building. Administrators from other buildings to which
the teacher is assigned may provide written input for that evaluation, but may not
formally evaluate the teacher. Such input shall be provided to the teacher.
10.4 Traveling teachers shall be provided with adequate time to go from building to
building and adequate classroom space and supplies, as well as space from which
to work during their planning and conference time.
10.5 Traveling teachers shall keep a log of the mileage traveled between their assigned
buildings and shall submit such log at the end of each month to the Board
Treasurer for payment in the next regular pay in accordance with the provisions of
this agreement.
11.1 Standing Committees
A. The parties agree to participate in collaborative committee work structured
as follows to improve workplace conditions, including but not limited to
insurance, supplemental salary options (Article 7.2), professional
development (LPDC) (Article 6.11(F)), Master Teacher, Association/
BEA 2022-2025
Administration Council, evaluation (OTES), career lattice, calendar (Article
8.1) and any and all other contractual issues.
1. The committee shall consist of the appropriate number of employees
appointed by the Association and Administration appointed by the
2. The chairing of this committee shall be alternately shared by the
Superintendent/designee and the Association President/designee
and the respective chairperson shall take charge of preparing and
distributing the minutes of each meeting.
3. This committee shall submit its recommendations to the Association
and the Board for approval. Upon the acceptance by both parties,
such recommendations shall be included into the Agreement.
4. All committees shall meet at least once each school year and as
needed as determined by the committee chairperson(s). Notice of the
meetings will be provided at least a week in advance. Members
involved in committees shall have their classrooms covered if the
meetings for the committee which they are participating in occur
during the teacher work day.
11.2 Master Teacher Committee
A. A master teacher committee shall be established for the purpose of
designating teachers in the district as a master teacher.
1. The committee shall be comprised of four (4) Association - appointed
members and two (2) administrators.
2. The master teacher committee shall be co-chaired by one (1)
Association member and one (1) member of the Administration who
shall jointly determine the time, location and number of committee
meetings. The master teacher committee members shall establish
its Plan of Operation for the appropriate designation of a master
teacher, including but not limited to the application and review
processes, the dissemination of general information to local
association members, and the appeal procedure.
3. The Association shall determine the length of the term of office for
the local association members serving on the master teacher
committee. Terms of office for the master teacher committee shall
be staggered to the greatest extent possible. The Association shall
determine the process for removing a teacher member from office.
In the event of an in-term vacancy or removal, the teacher member
shall be replaced by the Association.
BEA 2022-2025
4. Nothing in the master teacher committee process shall have an
adverse impact on the educator’s performance evaluation as
established in this Agreement.
5. As determined by the master teacher committee, the Association’s
master teacher committee members shall be provided on-going
training by the employer to ensure consistent application of the
master teacher criteria.
6. The Association’s master teacher committee members shall receive
forty dollars ($40) for each application a committee member reviews.
7. The master teacher committee shall be provided with adequate and
secure space for the safe and secure storage of records, files and
any other work and materials requiring storage and/or file space.
The master teacher committee shall be provided with the equipment,
paper and other materials necessary to perform its duties, as
specified in the master teacher operating procedures. The master
teacher committee shall be provided with secretarial support and any
other support services necessary.
8. The master teacher committee shall determine its own appeals
procedure. The master teacher committee appeals procedure is not
subject to the grievance/arbitration procedure outlined in this
9. Teachers who successfully complete the initial Master Teacher
process shall be compensated in the amount of five-hundred dollars
($500.00). Teachers who complete the renewal process shall be
compensated in the amount of two-hundred dollars ($200.00).
11.3 Certified Staff Evaluation Task Force
A. An evaluation committee will meet at least two (2) times a year to review
and update the evaluation process. The committee shall be comprised of
four (4) Association appointed members, the BEA President or designee,
and an equal number of administrators. The Committee shall be co-chaired
by one (1) member of the Association and one (1) administrator, who shall
jointly establish a meeting schedule.
1. This committee shall be compensated at two hundred dollars
($200.00) per person, per year.
2. The following topics shall be discussed by the committee: evaluation
instrument, procedural guidelines, and forms used. The committee
shall clarify issues/ concerns that arise relative to the evaluation
instrument and implementation of new elements of the evaluation
process brought on by new legislation.
BEA 2022-2025
3. This committee shall convene on a regular basis after the ratification
of this contract to develop written recommendations on each of the
above topics using the consensus decision-making process.
11.4 Association/Administration Council
Each year, the Association President shall appoint five (5) teachers to serve on an
Association/Administration Council with the building principals and the
Superintendent. This Council shall meet bi-monthly, if needed, to cooperatively
resolve non-contractual building and district issues that affect the working
conditions of certified staff. The Council shall not consider items relating to
grievances. Minutes shall be made and distributed at the conclusion of each
meeting via the district’s email system.
11.5 Insurance Committee
An insurance committee shall be established for the purpose of monitoring and
reviewing current District insurance plans as well as examining different options
for insurance.
A. The insurance committee shall meet monthly, or as needed.
B. The committee shall be comprised of four (4) Association-appointed
members, the BEA President or designee, two (2) administrators, and the
Superintendent or designee as well as representatives from OAPSE.
11.6 Building and District Leadership Committee
Building and District Leadership Teams shall explore the data and trends of
student learning in the district. Team members will set building and district goals
and provide leadership within their staff.
BEA president or designee shall be a member of the District Leadership Team.
Building Leadership Teams will consist of members of the Instructional Leadership
Team. Up to five (5) additional members may be on each Building Leadership
Team and these additional members will be compensated at $200.00 each.
11.7 PBIS Committee
A PBIS District Team will consist of assistant principals whose direct
responsibilities are discipline as well as a counselor who may provide student
intervention. Members of the District Team must participate in the state required
five (5) day training.
Each building PBIS Team will be developed by the building principals in
collaboration with the BEA President and/or designee. The building teams will
create a building environment using a non-aversive effective behavioral system to
improve academic and behavior outcomes for all students. The building team will
consist of five (5) (or less) staff representatives including at least one (1) BEA
BEA 2022-2025
member. The building members will be compensated two hundred dollars
($200.00) each for implementing a PBIS framework.
11.8 Curriculum Committee
When curriculum evaluations, changes or selections are to be made,
representatives will be selected by the Executive Director of Instructional Services
and BEA President or designee. The Executive Director of Instructional Services
will establish curriculum working committees, and define its purpose. The BEA
President or designee and Executive Director of Instructional Services shall select
the committee members and include at least one (1) BEA member on each
committee. Each committee will serve as long as deemed necessary and may be
reactivated as needed.
Upon approval of the Executive Director of Instructional Services, all new or
revised programs, courses of study, and/or course guides will be forwarded to the
Superintendent and then to the Board for final approval.
For Supplemental and/or resource material (including online platforms and/or
apps), each principal shall select staff, including at least one (1) BEA member, who
are directly involved in the program for which the materials and/or equipment will
be used. Their responsibility is to review and evaluate suggested resources, using
board of education criteria and make recommendations to the principal.
The principal shall review the recommendations and, if necessary, the materials or
platform/app, and submit the recommendations to the Executive Director of
Instructional Services.
The Executive Director of Instructional Services will then review recommendations,
and either review refer them back to the principal or approve their use.
12.1 Where a teaching vacancy exists that the Board chooses to fill, the Board may
consider and employ a retiree for such vacancy upon the recommendation of the
Superintendent. For purposes of this Article a “retiree” is an individual who has
attained service retirement status with Ohio’s State Teachers Retirement System
(STRS) and is otherwise qualified by licensure/certification and background for
public school teaching in Ohio.
12.2 A retiree shall be placed on the teachers’ salary schedule at Step 5 of the
appropriate column, regardless of years of service, and shall not advance on the
salary schedule based on additional years of service. This Section supersedes
R.C. Chapter 3317. A retiree may be hired on a part-time basis, in which case
salary shall be pro-rated based upon a full workday of seven hours, thirty minutes.
BEA 2022-2025
12.3 A retiree shall receive a one-year limited teaching contract which shall expire
automatically at the end of the stated term. No Board action or notice of contract
nonrenewal is required. Continuation of the employment of a retiree through
offering new one-year limited contracts which automatically expire shall be at the
election of the Board and upon recommendation of the Superintendent. A retiree
is not eligible for a continuing teaching contract. This Section supersedes R.C.
Sections 3319.08 and 3319.11.
12.4 A retiree will accumulate and may use sick leave in accordance with Article VII of
this Agreement, but will in no event not be entitled to severance pay or tuition
reimbursement under Article IX of this Agreement.
12.5 A retiree will not be eligible to participate in insurance fringe benefits under Article
IX of this Agreement, other than life insurance. In addition, if a retiree is precluded
by STRS policy or rule from participating in STRS-provided health and prescription
drug insurance, the retiree may participate in Board-provided health and
prescription drug benefits under Article IX of this Agreement.
12.6 A retiree shall not accumulate seniority and has no right of recall in the event of a
reduction in force.
12.7 This Article supersedes any differing or inconsistent terms of this Agreement or
provisions of Ohio law.
13.1 This Negotiated Agreement shall become effective on September 1, 2022 and
shall be implemented following ratification by the Association and the Board and
written execution by each party’s negotiating committees. This Negotiated
Agreement shall continue through August 31, 2025.
13.2 The parties agree to reopen salary and insurance provisions included within Article
IX entitled Financial Package during the second and third years of this Negotiated
Agreement. Proposals that either party wishes to submit subject to the foregoing
limitations shall be in accordance with Article 3.1. Additionally, the parties agree
that the negotiation procedures for said reopener shall be governed by all the
provisions of Article III herein entitled Negotiation Procedures.
By affixing our signatures, we affirm the necessary action has been taken to ratify and adopt
this Agreement by our respective party.
BEA 2022-2025
On ____________, 2022, the Bellefontaine Education Association ratified the Negotiated
Agreement and the Bellefontaine City Board of Education approved the document on
___________, 2022.
___________________________________ __________________
President, Bellefontaine Board of Education Date
___________________________________ __________________
Superintendent, Bellefontaine City Schools Date
___________________________________ __________________
President, Bellefontaine Education Association Date
BEA 2022-2025
BEA 2022-2025
BEA 2022-2025
BEA 2022-2025
BEA 2022-2025
BEA 2022-2025
BEA 2022-2025
BEA 2022-2025
Probationary and At Risk Teachers
Teacher completes Self Assessment Summary (Form 1) with the support of the self
assessment rubric (Form 2)
Select 2 goals form separate areas after conferencing with principal. Complete
Professional Growth (Form 5) or Improvement Plan (Form 4) and give a copy to the
principal by October 15.
October November:
Observation 1 Teacher comples pre-evaluation form (Form 6) and reviews it with
approved administrator. Administrator completes an observation for at lesat 30
minutes in length. After observation, teacher completes right hand side of Form 6
and has post conference with observer.
Principal will complete Form 7 and share with teacher.
If teacher is deemed ineffective or devleoping after first observation, suggestions for
improvement should be attached to Form 7, and the teacher will be notified of the
need for a third observation. Professional development opportunities should be
discussed with the tacher.
November January 15:
Observation 2 Teacher completes evaluation form (Form 6) and reviews it with
approved administrator. Administration completes an observation for at least 30
minutes in length. After observation, teacher completes right hand side of Form
6 and has post conference with observer.
Principal completes Form 7 and shares with teacher. Goals are reviewed at this
time. Suggestions for improvement and professional development
opportunities/resources should be reviewed with teacher, if teacher is deemed
ineffective or developing (at risk only) at this time.
January 15 April 15 (For those in danger of non-renewal and all probationary
Observation 3 Teacher completes pre-evaluation form (Form 6) and reviews it
with approved administrator. Administrator completes an observation for at least
30 minutes in length. After observation, teacher completes right hand side of
Form 6 and has post conference with observer.
By May 1:
Administrator completes Ratings Page, reviews growth plan with employee, and
sends to the Board Office, with recommendation to renew or non-renew contract.
BEA 2022-2025
Teacher in Good Standing, Up for Contract
Teacher completes Self-Assessment
Summary (Form 1) with the support of
the self-assessment rubric (Form 2)
Optional, but suggested.
Select 2 goals from separate areas after
conferencing with principal. Complete
Professional Grown (Form 5) or
Improvement Plan (Form 4) and give a
copy to the Administrator by October 15.
September January 15:
Observation 1 Teacher completes left
hand side of pre-evaluation form (Form
6) and reviews it with approved
administrator. Administrator completes
an observation for at least 30 minutes in
length. After observation, teacher
completes right hand side of Form 6 and
has post conference with observer.
Administrator completes Form 7 and
shares with teacher.
Goals reviewed in January.
January 15 April 15:
Observation 2 Teacher completes left
hand side of pre-evaluation form (Form
6) and reviews it with approved
administrator. Administrator completes
an observation for at least 30 minutes in
length. After observation, teacher
completes right hand side of Form 6 and
has post conference with observer.
By May 1:
Administrator completes Ratings Page,
reviews growth/improvement plan with
employee, and sends to the board
Office with recommendation to renew
Teacher Up for Contract Renewal with
Ineffective or Developing after First
Process same as left hand side.
September October:
Observation 1 Process same as left
hand side.
If teacher is deemed ineffective or
developing after first observation,
suggestions for improvement should be
attached to Form 7, and the teacher will
be notified of the need for a third
observation. Professional development
opportunities should be discussed with
the teacher.
October January 15:
Observation 2 Teacher completes left
hand side of pre-evaluation form (Form
6) and reviews is with approved
administrator. Administrator completes
an observation for at least 30 minutes in
length. After observation, teacher
completes right hand side of Form 6 and
has post conference with observer.
Administrator completes Form 7 and
shares with teacher.
Goals reviewed in January.
January 15 April 15:
Observation 3 Teacher completes left
hand side of pre-evaluation form (Form
6) and reviews it with approved
administrator. Administrator completes
an observation for at least 30 minutes in
length. After observation, teacher
completes right hand side of Form 6 and
has post conference with observer.
By May 1:
Administration completes Ratings Page,
reviews it and goals with employee, and
sends to the Board Office with
recommendation to renew or non-renew
BEA 2022-2025
BEA 2022-2025
BEA 2022-2025
Choose Option A or B
A. Credentialed Observer and/or
Administrator completing observation.
Teacher completes Self-Assessment
Summary (Form 1) with support of self-
assessment rubric (Form 2) Optional.
Select 2 goals from separate areas after
conferencing with principal. Complete
Professional Growth (Form 5) or
improvement Plan (Form 4) and give a
copy to the Principal by October 15.
September January 15:
Teacher completes left side of Pre-
evaluation (Form 6)
Teacher meets with credentialed
observer to review the plan (Form 6)
Observation 1 Credentialed Observer
completes an observation for at least 30
minutes in length. After observation,
teacher completes right hand side of
Form 6 and has post conference with
observer. Credentialed observer
completes Form 7 and shares with
teacher. Credentialed observer meets
with principal to discuss observation.
Goals reviewed in January
If teacher is rated accomplished after
first observation, second observation
may be waived.
January 15 May:
Administrator completes Ratings Page,
reviews Professional
Growth/Improvement Plan with
employee, and sends to the Board
By June 1:
Administrator completes Ratings Page,
reviews Professional Growth
/Improvement Plan with employee, and
sends to the board.
B. Administrator completing observations
Same process as stated on left hand
September January 15:
Administrator completes first announced
observation of at least 30 minutes in
length. Timely feedback mutually
shared after observation.
Goals reviewed in January.
If Teacher is rated accomplished after
first observation, second observation
may be waved.
January 15 May:
Administrator completes second
announced observation of at least 30
minutes in length. Timely feedback
mutually shared after observation.
By June 1:
Administrator completes Ratings Page,
reviews Professional Growth
/Improvement plan with employee, and
sends to the Board Office
BEA 2022-2025
Ohio Teacher Evaluation System
Assessment of Teacher Performance
Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric
The Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric is intended to be scored holistically. This means that evaluators will assess which level provides the best overall description of the
teacher. The scoring process is expected to occur upon completion of each thirty (30) minute observation and post-conference. The evaluator is to consider evidence gathered
during the pre-observation conference, the observation, the post-observation conference, and classroom walkthroughs (if applicable). When completing the performance
rubric, please note that evaluators are not expected to gather evidence on all indicators for each observation cycle. Likewise, teachers should not be required to submit
additional pieces of evidence to address all indicators. The professionalism section of the rubric may use evidence collected during the pre-observation and post-observation
conferences as well as information from the Professional Growth and/or Improvement Plan (if applicable).
Teacher Name: Date:
(Standard 4: Instruction)
Sources of Evidence:
The teacher does not demonstrate a clear
focus for student learning. Learning
objectives are too general to guide lesson
planning and are inappropriate for the
students, and/or do not reference the
Ohio standards.
The teacher communicates a focus for
student learning, develops learning
objectives that are appropriate for
students and reference the Ohio standards
but do not include measurable goals.
The teacher demonstrates a focus for
student learning, with appropriate learning
objectives that include measurable goal(s)
for student learning aligned with the Ohio
standards. The teacher demonstrates the
importance of the goal and its
appropriateness for students.
The teacher establishes challenging and
measurable goal(s) for student learning
that aligns with the Ohio standards and
reflect a range of student learner needs.
The teacher demonstrates how the goal(s)
fit into the broader unit, course, and
school goals for content learning and skills.
(Standard 3: Assessment)
Sources of Evidence:
The teacher does not plan for the
assessment of student learning or does not
analyze student learning data to inform
lesson plans.
The teacher explains the characteristics,
uses, and limitations of various diagnostic,
formative, and summative assessments
but does not consistently incorporate this
knowledge into lesson planning.
The teacher demonstrates an
understanding that assessment is a means
of evaluating and supporting student
learning through effectively incorporating
diagnostic, formative, and/or summative
assessments into lesson planning.
The teacher purposefully plans
assessments and differentiates assessment
choices to match the full range of student
needs, abilities, and learning styles,
incorporating a range of appropriate
diagnostic, formative, and summative
assessments into lesson plans.
The teacher does not use or only uses one
measure of student performance.
The teacher uses more than one measure
of student performance but does not
appropriately vary assessment approaches,
or the teacher may have difficulty
analyzing data to effectively inform
instructional planning and delivery.
The teacher employs a variety of formal
and informal assessment techniques to
collect evidence of students’ knowledge
and skills and analyzes data to effectively
inform instructional planning and delivery.
Student learning needs are accurately
identified through an analysis of student
data; the teacher uses assessment data to
identify student strengths and areas for
student growth.
BEA 2022-2025
(Standard 1: Students;
Standard 2: Content;
Standard 4: Instruction)
Sources of Evidence:
The teacher’s lesson does not build on or
connect to students’ prior knowledge, or
the teacher may give an explanation that is
illogical or inaccurate as to how the
content connects to previous and future
The teacher makes an attempt to connect the
lesson to students’ prior knowledge, to
previous lessons or future learning but is not
completely successful.
The teacher makes clear and coherent
connections with students’ prior
knowledge and future learningboth
explicitly to students and within the
The teacher uses the input and
contributions of families, colleagues, and
other professionals in understanding each
learner’s prior knowledge and supporting
their development. The teacher makes
meaningful and relevant connections
between lesson content and other
disciplines and real-world experiences and
careers as well as prepares opportunities
for students to apply learning from
different content areas to solve problems.
The teacher plans and sequences
instruction to include the important
content, concepts, and processes in school
and district curriculum priorities and in
state standards.
The teacher plans and sequences
instruction that reflects an understanding
of the prerequisite relationships among
the important content, concepts, and
processes in school and district curriculum
priorities and in state standards as well as
multiple pathways for learning depending
on student needs. The teacher accurately
explains how the lesson fits within the
structure of the discipline.
BEA 2022-2025
(Standard 1: Students)
Sources of Evidence:
Analysis of Student Data
The teacher demonstrates a lack of
familiarity with students’ backgrounds and
has made no attempts to find this
The teacher demonstrates some familiarity
with students’ background knowledge and
experiences and describes one procedure
used to obtain this information.
The teacher demonstrates familiarity with
students’ background knowledge and
experiences and describes multiple
procedures used to obtain this
The teacher demonstrates an
understanding of the purpose and value of
learning about students’ background
experiences, demonstrates familiarity with
each student’s background knowledge and
experiences, and describes multiple
procedures used to obtain this
The teacher’s plan for instruction does not
demonstrate an understanding of
students’ development, preferred learning
styles, and/or student backgrounds/prior
The teacher’s instructional plan draws
upon a partial analysis of students’
development, readiness for learning,
preferred learning styles, or backgrounds
and prior experiences and/or the plan is
inappropriately tailored to the specific
population of students in the classroom.
The teacher’s instructional plan draws
upon an accurate analysis of the students’
development, readiness for learning,
preferred learning styles, and backgrounds
and prior experiences.
The teacher’s analysis of student data
(student development, student learning
and preferred learning styles, and student
backgrounds/prior experiences) accurately
connects the data to specific instructional
strategies and plans.
The teacher plans for and can articulate
specific strategies, content, and delivery
that will meet the needs of individual
students and groups of students.
BEA 2022-2025
Instruction and Assessment
(Standard 2: Content;
Standard 4: Instruction;
Standard 6: Collaboration
and Communication)
Sources of Evidence:
Formal Observation
Classroom Walkthroughs/
Informal Observations
A teacher’s explanations are unclear,
incoherent, or inaccurate, and are
generally ineffective in building student
understanding. The teacher uses language
that fails to engage students, is
inappropriate to the content, and/or
discourages independent or creative
Teacher explanations are accurate and
generally clear but the teacher may not
fully clarify information based on students’
questions about content or instructions
for learning activities or the teacher may
use some language that is
developmentally inappropriate, leading to
confusion or limiting discussion.
Teacher explanations are clear and
accurate. The teacher uses
developmentally appropriate strategies
and language designed to actively
encourage independent, creative, and
critical thinking.
Teacher explanations are clear, coherent,
and precise. The teacher uses well-timed,
individualized, developmentally
appropriate strategies and language
designed to actively encourage
independent, creative, and critical
thinking, including the appropriate use of
questions and discussion techniques.
The teacher fails to address student
confusion or frustration and does not use
effective questioning techniques during
the lesson. The lesson is almost entirely
The teacher re-explains topics when
students show confusion, but is not always
able to provide an effective alternative
explanation. The teacher attempts to
employ purposeful questioning
techniques, but may confuse students
with the phrasing or timing of questions.
The lesson is primarily teacher-directed.
The teacher effectively addresses
confusion by re-explaining topics when
asked and ensuring understanding. The
teacher employs effective, purposeful
questioning techniques during instruction.
The lesson is a balance of teacher-directed
instruction and student-led learning.
The teacher accurately anticipates
confusion by presenting information in
multiple formats and clarifying content
before students ask questions. The
teacher develops high-level understanding
through effective uses of varied levels of
questions. The lesson is student-led, with
the teacher in the role of facilitator.
(Standard 1: Students;
Standard 4: Instruction)
Sources of Evidence:
Formal Observation
Classroom Walkthroughs/
Informal Observations
The teacher does not attempt to make the
lesson accessible and challenging for most
students, or attempts are developmentally
The teacher relies on a single strategy or
alternate set of materials to make the
lesson accessible to most students though
some students may not be able to access
certain parts of the lesson and/or some
may not be challenged.
The teacher supports the learning needs
of students through a variety of strategies,
materials, and/or pacing that make
learning accessible and challenging for the
The teacher matches strategies, materials,
and/or pacing to students’ individual
needs, to make learning accessible and
challenging for all students in the
classroom . The teacher effectively uses
independent, collaborative and whole-
class instruction to support individual
learning goals and provides varied options
for how students will demonstrate
BEA 2022-2025
Instruction and Assessment
(Standard 2: Content;
Standard 4: Instruction)
Sources of Evidence:
Formal Observation
Classroom Walkthroughs/
Informal Observations
Instructional materials and resources used
for instruction are not relevant to the
lesson or are inappropriate for students.
The teacher uses appropriate instructional
materials to support learning goals, but
may not meet individual students’ learning
styles/needs or actively engage them in
Instructional materials and resources are
aligned to the instructional purposes and
are appropriate for students’ learning
styles and needs, actively engaging
Instructional materials and resources are
aligned to instructional purposes, are
varied and appropriate to ability levels of
students, and actively engage them in
ownership of their learning.
BEA 2022-2025
Instruction and Assessment
(Standard 1: Students;
Standard 5: Learning
Environment; Standard 6:
Collaboration and
Sources of Evidence:
Formal Observation
Classroom Walkthroughs/
Informal Observations
There is little or no evidence of a positive
rapport between the teacher and
students. For example, the teacher may
respond disrespectfully to students or
ignore their questions or comments.
The teacher is fair in the treatment of
students and establishes a basic rapport
with them. For example, the teacher
addresses students questions or
comments but does not inquire about
their overall well-being.
The teacher has positive rapport with
students and demonstrates respect for
and interest in all students. For example,
the teacher makes eye contact and
connects with individual students.
The teacher has positive rapport with
students and demonstrates respect for
and interest in individual students’
experiences, thoughts and opinions. For
example, the teacher responds quietly,
individually, and sensitively to student
confusion or distress.
There are no evident routines or
procedures; students seem unclear about
what they should be doing or are idle.
Routines and procedures are in place, but
the teacher may inappropriately prompt
or direct students when they are unclear
or idle.
Routines and procedures run smoothly
throughout the lesson, and students
assume age-appropriate levels of
responsibility for the efficient operation of
the classroom.
Routines are well-established and orderly
and students initiate responsibility for the
efficient operation of the classroom.
Transitions are inefficient with
considerable instructional time lost.
Lessons progress too slowly or quickly so
students are frequently disengaged.
The teacher transitions between learning
activities, but occasionally loses some
instructional time in the process.
Transitions are efficient and occur
smoothly. There is evidence of varied
learning situations (whole class,
cooperative learning, small group and
independent work).
Transitions are seamless as the teacher
effectively maximizes instructional time
and combines independent, collaborative,
and whole-class learning situations.
The teacher creates a learning
environment that allows for little or no
communication or engagement with
The teacher welcomes communication
from families and replies in a timely
The teacher engages in two-way
communication and offers a variety of
volunteer opportunities and activities for
families to support student learning.
The teacher engages in two-way, ongoing
communication with families that results
in active volunteer, community, and family
partnerships which contribute to student
learning and development.
Expectations for behavior are not
established or are inappropriate and/or no
monitoring of behaviors occurs. The
teacher responds to misbehavior
Appropriate expectations for behavior are
established, but some expectations are
unclear or do not address the needs of
individual students. The teacher
inconsistently monitors behavior.
A classroom management system has
been implemented that is appropriate and
responsive to classroom and individual
needs of students. Clear expectations for
student behavior are evident . Monitoring
of student behavior is consistent,
appropriate, and effective.
A classroom management system has
been designed, implemented, and
adjusted with student input and is
appropriate for the classroom and
individual student needs. Students are
actively encouraged to take responsibility
for their behavior. The teacher uses
research-based strategies to lessen
disruptive behaviors and reinforce positive
BEA 2022-2025
Instruction and Assessment
(Standard 3: Assessment)
Sources of Evidence:
Formal Observation
Classroom Walkthroughs/
Informal Observations
The teacher does not routinely use
assessments to measure student mastery.
The teacher uses assessments to measure
student mastery, but may not differentiate
instruction based on this information.
The teacher uses assessment data to
identify students’ strengths and needs,
and modifies and differentiates instruction
accordingly, although the teacher may not
be able to anticipate learning obstacles.
The teacher uses assessment data to
identify students’ strengths and needs,
and modifies and differentiates instruction
accordingly, as well as examines classroom
assessment results to reveal trends and
patterns in individual and group progress
and to anticipate learning obstacles.
The teacher rarely or never checks the
students’ understanding of content. The
teacher fails to make adjustments in
response to student confusion.
The teacher checks for student
understanding and makes attempts to
adjust instruction accordingly, but these
adjustments may cause some additional
The teacher checks for understanding at
key moments and makes adjustments to
instruction (whole-class or individual
students).The teacher responds to student
misunderstandings by providing additional
The teacher continually checks for
understanding and makes adjustments
accordingly (whole-class or individual
students). When an explanation is not
effectively leading students to understand
the content, the teacher adjusts quickly
and seamlessly within the lesson and uses
an alternative way to explain the concept.
The teacher persists in using a particular
strategy for responding to
misunderstandings, even when data
suggest the approach is not succeeding.
The teacher gathers and uses student data
from a few sources to choose appropriate
instructional strategies for groups of
The teacher gathers and uses student data
from a variety of sources to choose and
implement appropriate instructional
strategies for groups of students.
By using student data from a variety of
sources, the teacher appropriately adapts
instructional methods and materials and
paces learning activities to meet the needs
of individual students as well as the whole
The teacher does not provide students
with feedback about their learning.
Students receive occasional or limited
feedback about their performance from
the teacher.
The teacher provides substantive, specific,
and timely feedback of student progress to
students, families, and other school
personnel while maintaining
The teacher provides substantive, specific,
and timely feedback to students, families,
and other school personnel while
maintaining confidentiality. The teacher
provides the opportunity for students to
engage in self-assessment and show
awareness of their own strengths and
weaknesses. The teacher uses student
assessment results to reflect on his or her
own teaching and to monitor teaching
strategies and behaviors in relation to
student success.
BEA 2022-2025
(Standard 6: Collaboration
and Communication;
Standard 7: Professional
Responsibility and
Sources of Evidence:
Professional Development
Plan or Improvement Plan;
daily interaction with
The teacher fails to communicate clearly
with students and families or collaborate
effectively with professional colleagues.
The teacher uses a variety of strategies to
communicate with students and families
and collaborate with colleagues, but these
approaches may not always be
appropriate for a particular situation or
achieve the intended outcome.
The teacher uses effective
communication strategies with
students and families and works
effectively with colleagues to
examine problems of practice,
analyze student work, and identify
targeted strategies.
The teacher communicates effectively
with students, families, and colleagues.
The teacher collaborates with colleagues
to improve personal and team practices by
facilitating professional dialogue, peer
observation and feedback, peer coaching
and other collegial learning activities.
The teacher fails to understand and follow
regulations, policies, and agreements.
The teacher understands and follows
district policies and state and federal
regulations at a minimal level.
The teacher meets ethical and
professional responsibilities with
integrity and honesty. The teacher
models and upholds district policies
and state and federal regulations.
The teacher meets ethical and
professional responsibilities and helps
colleagues access and interpret laws and
policies and understand their implications
in the classroom.
The teacher fails to demonstrate evidence
of an ability to accurately self-assess
performance and to appropriately identify
areas for professional development.
The teacher identifies strengths and areas
for growth to develop and implement
targeted goals for professional growth.
The teacher sets data-based short-
and long-term professional goals and
takes action to meet these goals.
The teacher sets and regularly modifies
short-and long-term professional goals
based on self-assessment and analysis of
student learning evidence.
BEA 2022-2025
BEA 2022-2025
Name of Grievant: ____________________________________________________________
Assignment: ________________________________________________________________
School Building: _____________________________________________________________
Date Grievance Occurred: _____________________________________________________
Date of Step One Informal discussion with principal or immediate supervisor: ______________
A. Concise statement of the Grievance, including the facts upon which this grievance is based
and a reference to the specific provision of the agreement, allegedly violated,
misinterpreted, or misapplied.
B. Relief Sought.
Signature of Grievant: __________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________
BEA 2022-2025
Letter of Understanding
The Bellefontaine Education Association and Bellefontaine City School District
This Letter of Understanding between the Bellefontaine Education Association (the BEA) and
the Bellefontaine City School District (the Board), known jointly as “the Parties”, acknowledges the
1. The Parties agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding on __________, 2022 to change
the length of the school day for the 2022-2023 school year. This Memorandum of
Understanding is attached to this Letter.
2. This Memorandum of Understanding will temporarily supersede the school day length for
the 2022-2023 school year for the following articles in the 2022-2025 Collective Bargaining
Agreement between the Parties:
a. 8.6Calamity Days
b. 9.3Work Day and Hours
c. 12.2Employment of Retirees
The Parties acknowledge that they discussed the inclusion of the Memorandum of
Understanding changing the length of school day during the most recent contract negotiations.
During these negotiations, it was the intent of the parties to include this Letter of Understanding as
part of the negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreement.
_________________________ _________________________
For the Board For the BEA
BEA 2022-2025
BEA 2022-2025