Marketing and Communications
Open House and Recruitment Playbook
CAP Pamphlet 150-17
Maxwell Air Force Base,
16 September 2024
Table of Contents
1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Open House ........................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Key Messages ..................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Plan Ahead .......................................................................................................................................... 5
5. Storytelling ......................................................................................................................................... 5
6. Photography ....................................................................................................................................... 6
7. Video .................................................................................................................................................... 7
8. Social Media ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Paid Social Ads or Boosts........................................................................................................ 7
9. Creative Assets .................................................................................................................................. 8
10: Marketing ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Facebook Event ...................................................................................................................... 10
Invitations ................................................................................................................................ 11
Press Releases and Media Advisories ................................................................................ 12
Radio PSAs ............................................................................................................................... 12
TV Station Interviews ............................................................................................................ 12
Community Calendars ........................................................................................................... 12
Members .................................................................................................................................. 12
Support Requests ................................................................................................................... 12
11: Event Planning ............................................................................................................................... 13
Attachment 1: Addendums ............................................................................................................... 16
Addendum 1- Event Recruitment Card ............................................................................. 16
Addendum 2- Event Flyer ..................................................................................................... 17
Addendum 3- National Brochures ...................................................................................... 18
Addendum 4- National Flyers .............................................................................................. 19
Addendum 5- National Banners .......................................................................................... 20
Addendum 6- National Pop-up Banners ........................................................................... 21
Addendum 7- National Tabletop Program Banners ....................................................... 22
Addendum 8- Branded Event Flags .................................................................................... 24
Addendum 9- National Photo Foam Storyboards ........................................................... 25
Addendum 10- Event Bitly Link in Bio ............................................................................... 28
Addendum 11- Facebook Event Description ................................................................... 28
Addendum 12- Facebook Event Header Image Example ............................................. 29
Addendum 13- Scheduled Postings Examples ............................................................... 30
Addendum 14- Invitations .................................................................................................... 32
Addendum 15- Media Advisory ........................................................................................... 32
Addendum 16- Press Release ............................................................................................ 33
Addendum 17- Sample Support Request Letter ............................................................. 33
Addendum 18- Sample Support Request Letter Attachment ........................................ 35
Addendum 19- Sample Support Letter Fact Sheet Attachments ................................. 36
Addendum 20- Sample Cadet Program Display ............................................................. 37
Addendum 21- Sample AE Display .................................................................................... 38
Addendum 22- Sample ES Display ....................................................................................
Addendum 23- Sample Flight Display ............................................................................... 40
1. Overview
The purpose of Marketing and Communications in
Civil Air Patrol is to connect with internal and
external audiences to show our national value,
manage the brand, and strengthen relationships with
key audiences and customers to enable the
organization to grow.
The goal of this playbook is to provide a high-level
guide to train members who serve in local squadrons
as public affairs officers and recruitment officers
(adult volunteers and cadets) to host open houses
and other public events. This is meant to provide a
framework for consistent and intentional
communications for these activities.
The squadron’s public affairs officer develops and
executes the event’s marketing program goals and
objectives. By using this guide the activity goals will
end up aligning with the goals of the wing and the
corporation to promote one cohesive nationwide
The objective of every Marketing and
Communications plan is to raise awareness, engage
the target audiences, generate demand, and create
an affinity and lasting emotional bond with the
brand. The concept behind the playbook template is
to coordinate for greater national impact using
standardized, properly branded marketing assets
and strategies such as images, newsletters, social
media postings, etc.
This is a how-to guide for a basic Marketing and
Communications plan for open houses and events
that outlines the basic activities that should be
occurring and how to best execute them.
Using the plan and materials available on the CAP Brand Portal will relieve the burden on
commanders, squadron public affairs officers, and squadron staff, and will help the national
effort to raise awareness of Civil Air Patrol.
2. Open House
The Squadron Open House is a community engagement event where the squadron opens its
doors to the local community to form connections, recruit new members, and spread
goodwill. It's an opportunity to showcase what the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) offers by inviting
prospective cadets and their families to explore CAP's programs and activities. While precise
details may vary, a typical Open House includes static displays, cadet-led talks, presentations
on CAP membership, refreshments, and hands-on activities for youth, all designed to provide
a welcoming environment and encourage interest in joining the squadron.
The Marketing and
Communications program’s core
competencies described below
are the primary contributions to
overall mission accomplishment:
Trusted Counsel to Leaders. Deliver
candid communication counsel and
guidance to the unit commander and
leaders at the appropriate levels.
Member Morale and Readiness.
Contribute to member morale and
readiness by providing members and their
families with the activity experience in a
brand-appropriate structure in the digital
Public Trust and Support. Strengthen
the bonds between CAP and the public
through open and honest dialogue and
engagement that communicates with
communities, opinion leaders, decision-
makers, donors, and the media.
Brand Persuasion. Directly affect
operational and service environments at
all levels by engaging the public and
members with information that supports
and builds a positive CAP narrative.
Organizational Growth. Contribute to
growing the organization’s membership
and donor base through appropriate
The Squadron Open House is an essential part of a cadet unit's annual recruitment strategy,
designed to attract new members by showcasing the Civil Air Patrol's (CAP) Cadet Program.
Conducting an Open House fulfills the unit's requirement to hold at least one recruiting event
annually, as specified in CAPP 60-1. The event should be strategically planned around
community events, such as airshows or school fairs, to maximize exposure and interest.
The Public Affairs Officer is appointed by the Squadron Commander and is responsible for the
overall planning, coordination, and execution of the Open House event. This includes
developing the event plan, setting objectives, managing logistics, and coordinating with
different team members. The PAO oversees the event setup, schedules activities, manages
resources, and ensures that all necessary preparations, such as training the cadet cadre,
obtaining materials, and arranging for orientation flights, are completed in a timely manner.
The Public Affairs Officer works closely with the PAO to plan and coordinate promotional
efforts, engage with community partners, and ensure that the event is well-publicized to
attract a diverse group of potential recruits.
More information on best practices for Open Houses, including planning considerations,
hosting tips, suggested schedules, and lesson plans, can be found at
3. Key Messages
The key messages should focus on these primary themes:
Support and accentuate the CAP mission: Volunteers serving America’s
communities, saving lives, and shaping futures. This encompasses the organization’s
three major programs: emergency services, aerospace education, and cadet programs.
Encampments and Activities: Encampments are a key part of cadet life. These are
typically 7- to 10-day events held during the summer, where cadets develop leadership
skills, explore aviation and science, improve mental and physical fitness, and apply
CAP’s core values of respect, excellence, integrity, and volunteer service.
National Cadet Special Activities: National Cadet Special Activities are designed to
give cadets direct hands-on experience with various aspects of the Civil Air Patrol
program. These are typically 7to 10-day events held during the summer, where
cadets gain valuable experience and explore potential careers. Activities focus on
robotics, flight training, leadership schools, officer training, cyberspace and
cybersecurity, search and rescue, honor guard, and more.
Note: When promoting opportunities such as cadet scholarships, National Cadet Special
Activities, pilot training and similar programs, it is important to manage expectations
appropriately. While these opportunities are valuable and can be transformative, they are
second-year (at least) activities that only a small percentage of cadets participate in each year.
Focus your messaging on the typical experiences that all cadets and families can expect at the
squadron level. Highlight that CAP provides excellent opportunities for those passionate
about aviation or other specialized interests, but be cautious not to promise specific
outcomes, such as becoming a pilot, attending the International Air Cadet Exchange, or
securing an appointment to the Air Force Academy. Instead, emphasize the range of
opportunities available and CAP’s role in supporting cadets in pursuing their interests and the
typical squadron activities.
4. Plan Ahead
One of the first steps in the planning process is the PAO developing a comprehensive plan
that will serve as a framework for the activity. This plan will act as the working document and
game plan to ensure the event's success.
Decide on how much space you will have available for your displays. Evaluate budget
allowances for adding additional creative assets. Determine personnel available to assist.
Advance planning is a very important part of the PAO role for any activity. This planning
should be made at least two months out and include the following:
Train ahead of time. Put together a training brief or slide deck, or both, for your
squadron staff to run through. Don’t make it long; it should be brief. Include topics
such as: being approachable, being friendly, answering questions, and being a good
How will the squadron meeting look? Make an agenda.
Make a photography “shot list” to use in future open house advertising.
Create a social media calendar. This is important so that posting is intentional and not
just thrown together at the last minute. Base your post subject matter on the schedule
of your event.
5. Storytelling
Plan to have your cadet commander and a couple more cadets (e.g., senior NCO and junior
NCO) get up in front of the guests and tell their stories about why they joined CAP and what
their most memorable experiences have been. Here’s what will make this storytelling more
Good stories must have a human element. These cadets are talking about their
personal experiences.
When cadets talk about what they want to do in the future, it gives both potential
cadets and their parents a sense of where the cadet experience may lead.
Have the cadets tell and show how CAP has helped them mold their career aspirations.
The cadet stories must have motion (activities), humanity (community service), and
show camaraderie (the sense of the squadron as a community).
When selecting cadets to speak, always look for a hook the unusual stories such as
trips to a particular event, the fifth member of their family to attend an event,
disability a cadet is working through, top achieving cadet, family members already in
the Air Force (family affair), etc.
Having multiple cadet storytellers reinforces the overall story of what the cadet
experience is.
6. Photography
Photography is the single most important asset produced at activities that has a lasting use
for the organization if captured, curated, and processed correctly. Photos can also make or
break not only the organization’s image but also the story.
While there is a time and place for group photos, most photos should contain 3-5
people (or fewer) in a well-lit area with something showing the activity in action. This
way an outsider will have a good idea what the photo is about.
Limit the amount of group photos you take — close-up photos are more appealing and
interesting. Candid shots are ALWAYS more interesting than posed shots.
When posting photos on social media, do not upload any more than three to four
pick the top photos from the event and post those.
7. Video
Just like photography, video work has an impact as well. Video work from your activity could
be used months to years from now, continuing to tell Civil Air Patrol’s story.
Post-event photography/video
Create a highlight reel for the event.
Using popular music tracks for videos violates copyright laws. There are multiple
websites where royalty-free music may be downloaded.
8. Social Media
Social media is a great channel to communicate what will happen at the activity. Photography
and/or video is a critical part of any social media post (see below). All social media posts
should reflect CAP’s brand, i.e., CAP logo, CAP colors, mission, etc. (See
Best Practice Steps:
Internal information should not be posted to public channels.
Protect members by not posting personally identifiable information (PII).
Create a Facebook Event:
o To yield the highest level of engagement for recruiting purposes, as a best
practice, the squadron should create a Facebook event on its page and add the
parent wing as a cohost. This maximizes exposure for the host wing and the
event and increases recruitment overall.
Posting Schedule:
o Post once a week on the event page leading up to the week before the event,
then twice during the week before the open house.
o Social media platform algorithms "punish" accounts that post multiple times
daily, reducing the number of people who see the posts. To avoid this, post
within the event itself but still try to limit posts to a couple times per week.
o Post once after the event thanking everyone who attended and inviting them
to return.
Focus on mastering one or two social media channels (Facebook and Instagram are
likely the best to start) and then move to another when you feel comfortable. Of the
approved social media channels, cadet families are most likely using Facebook, while
cadets are most likely using Instagram.
Good photos or video drive social media engagement, so try to use your most
impactful image as the primary one, with no more than three to four photos per post
(a few more on Instagram is okay).
Share, like, or indicate other appropriate (i.e., positive) reactions to someone else’s
post about your open house.
And don’t forget to use hashtags a word or phrase preceded by a hash or pound
sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic. Any hashtag that includes
CAP or Civil Air Patrol in the name must be approved in advance by MAC send your
request to s[email protected].
o Use hashtags when you want to connect posts or pictures back to a related
event or topic.
Brand hashtags: #CivilAirPatrol #CAPCadet #GoFlyCAP #TotalForce
Topic hashtags: #STEM #youth #leadership #fitness #aviation
o Facebook: use one to three hashtags
o Instagram: use one to five hashtags
Paid Social Ads or Boosts
If your squadron allows for a budget for social media, it is recommended that you use it for
the Facebook event you created.
This boosting places your event in the feed of people on the platform who do not
follow your page.
You do not have to spend a lot to boost your event. A suggested budget is one dollar
per day, 30- 90 days out from the event. If you do not boost the event, you will not get
a lot of draw from the public for it.
When you boost your event, create an audience 20-40 miles around your squadron
location; this will limit the exposure and expense to reach audiences that could
potentially become new members.
9. Creative Assets
Below are recommended assets for you to consider. It’s best to use nationally provided
templates for graphics rather than creating something on your own. By using national
templates you are certain to stay within branding guidelines.
1. Event Domain - Purchase a vanity domain for your squadron’s recruitment use, using
services like namecheap.com, godaddy.com, etc. This is solely used as an easy-to-
remember URL that redirects to your squadron page or website; it is not used for a
separate website.
a. These cost $10-12 for a year at most depending on how you brand your vanity
b. It should be short and easy to remember.
c. Use your city name, if possible, don’t complicate it for your potential guests.
This will only be used for your open house and is intended for clear
communication only.
d. Example: JenksCAP.org or FortWorthCAP.org
e. Use the .org domain only. This brings more professionalism to mind than a .com
or .net.
f. Set your domain to forward to your squadron website, wing landing page, or
Bitly Link in Bio page. This page should have a graphical link on it to point to
your Facebook event.
g. Communicate your domain to your cadets, senior officers, and parents.
2. Event Recruitment Card - Create a business card-size handout for recruiting.
a. See Addendum 1 - Event Recruitment Card
b. Use the template on the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com)
c. Edit the template with your squadron information. The card is just a reminder
to check it out.
d. It should include your event domain and a QR code.
e. These can be ordered on Vistaprint inexpensively, 1500 for $36.
3. Event Flyer - Create a high-quality, CAP brand-positive invitation graphic for texting
and emailing to invitees.
a. See Addendum 2 - Event Flyer
b. Use the template on the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com)
c. Edit the template with your squadron information. The flyer can be used as a
textable image or as a handout. It is just a reminder to check out the event.
d. It should include your event domain and a QR code.
4. National Brochures - Use the professionally branded brochure handouts provided by
a. See Addendum 3 - National Brochures
b. These are available to order by PAOs in the Material Orders section of
5. National Posters - Use the professionally branded flyers designed by MAC.
a. See Addendum 4 - National Flyers
b. Use the templates available on the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com)
6. National Banners - Use one of the professionally branded banners designed by MAC.
a. See Addendum 5 - National Banners
b. Use the templates available on the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com)
7. National Pop-up Banners - Use one or more of the professionally branded pop-up
banners designed by MAC.
a. See Addendum 6 - National Pop-up Banners 34 x 81”
b. Use the templates available on the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com)
8. National Tabletop Program Banners - Use one or more of the professionally branded
pop-up banners designed by MAC.
a. See Addendum 7 - National Tabletop Program Banners 11 x 20”
b. Use the templates available on the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com)
9. Branded Event Flags - Use nationally branded event flags to grab attention
a. See Addendum 8 - Nationally Branded Flags
b. Use the templates available on the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com)
10. National Photo Foam Storyboards - Use the MAC-designed foam photo storyboards to
display key elements of various programs. These storyboards use lightweight,** foam
core panels** as a base. Images and text are then mounted onto the foam core,
perfectly visualizing the key elements of our programs.
a. See Addendum 9 - National Photo Foam Storyboards 9.8 x 7.8”
b. Available on the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com)
11. Bitly Link in Bio - To help facilitate the customer’s journey, it is recommended that you
create a Bitly Link in Bio page. This page is a launching point, designed for mobile
devices that links to specific details on a wing website or squadron landing page. The
launching point streamlines the journey so the customer is not lost on a website.
a. See Addendum 10 - Event Bitly Link in Bio
b. You can forward your squadron’s domain or your SiteViz domain to this page.
Examples: cityCAP.org or okwg.cap.gov/info.
c. Keep the links limited. Remember that this is informational only for the public.
A good practice is no more than seven links.
10: Marketing
Below are recommended marketing practices to make the most of your event reach.
Facebook Event
1. Setup Create your event either on your squadron Facebook page or partner with
your wing PAO for an event on the wing page if squadrons do not have individual
pages. If the event is created on a squadron page, you will need to add the wing page
as a co-host.
a. See Addendum 11 - Facebook Event Description
b. Add all of the dates of the open house to the event.
c. The event header image should be 1920 x 1080 pixels. It should be a clean
design. Details like date, location, etc. do not need to be in the image as it is
part of the event setup itself. The design should have the Civil Air Patrol logo
and does not need the unit emblem. Remember the unit emblem should be in
the profile picture. See Addendum 12 - Facebook Event Header Image.
d. Send all squadron members and parents an invitation to the event, either by
direct invite or other discussion means. Communicate the importance of
squadron members joining the event and sharing the content on their personal
pages. Activity breeds excitement and involvement yields results.
2. Scheduled Postings You must post regular content. Nothing will kill your event more
than stagnation. Schedule no more than two posts each week before the event. Split
the schedule evenly if you do more than one post for example, two days after your
last meeting and two days before the next meeting. You do not want to spam the
social pages of your potential guests.
a. See Addendum 13 - Scheduled Postings
b. Posts should include 1-3 images, be engaging, and follow the storytelling,
photography, and video best practices in this pamphlet.
c. Post high-quality Civil Air Patrol videos and graphics. Remember that you MUST
portray the brand in the proper light.
d. Use Meta Business Manager to create the post mockup. Include a short blurb
inviting guests. Be sure to toggle the mobile view and keep your domain link
above the “see more” line.
e. Encourage members to share.
f. Post interesting information about your squadron. What makes it unique? What
makes it a fun place to be?
g. Develop brand-positive images for posts related to encampments and summer
activities, cadet leadership development, aerospace education, emergency
services training, orientation flights, etc.
h. Your target youth audience may not be on Facebook, but their parents and
grandparents will be. Target your posts accordingly.
3. Facebook Ad Boosting If you have the budget to boost your event, it is highly
recommended that you do so. You don’t have to spend a ton of money. We
recommend that you spend at least $1/day for 30 days. You can scale your ad as much
as you wish to.
a. Boost your event itself on Facebook, not a post that you create for it. This will
drive traffic to the event.
b. You can get into the targeting specifics of the ad if you wish, but we
recommend you let Facebook do all of the work for you. The only exception is
the radius. A 60-90 mile radius limit from the city the squadron is located in is
recommended to focus budget dollars on those people closer to your
a. See Addendum 14 - Invitations
b. One of your strongest tools for inviting is your current youth. Make it a competition, if
you get a certain number of 12-18-year-old visitors for the open house you’ll schedule
a pizza party, movie night, or something similar. Motivate them!
c. Engage parents to help spread the word in groups they are a part of.
d. Invite your local military community, retired and local active duty.
e. Invite local homeschooling groups.
f. Invite local community groups.
g. Invite local JROTC programs.
h. Invite local school boards and other school officials. This invitation should focus on the
opportunity to learn about the AEM program. They will show up and if they have youth
at home, they will bring them, so encourage them to do so.
Press Releases and Media Advisories
Press releases and media advisories should not be the end-all of your open house PR
campaign; they are a small part of the overall mechanics of marketing. They are not the
critical part. Social, radio, and local school contacts should be your primary focus.
a. See Addendum 15 - Media Advisories
b. See Addendum 16 - Press Releases
c. Media advisories should be sent at least five days prior to the event and must be
newsworthy in some way in order to grab their attention. Advisories are different from
releases. An advisory is just the specifics who, what, when, where, why.
d. You may choose to send a press release after your event. The release should be
reviewed by the wing PAO before being sent to the media.
Radio PSAs
a. Check with local radio to see if they can offer an opportunity for an on-air interview.
b. If they do not offer the interview, send the approved radio PSAs located on the Brand
Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com)
TV Station Interviews
a. Send media advisory to local TV morning shows with your invite. If they decide it’s a
story worth covering, either a reporter will show up to report on the event or you will
be invited for an on-air interview segment.
Community Calendars
a. Do your homework. Most media websites (radio, TV news, and newspaper) have
community calendars. Add your open house dates to these community calendars. Be
sure to add as much detail as you can, such as the Facebook event description. When
possible, add photos including your event invitation image. Always include the
squadron/event domain for your event.
a. Give a stack of the event recruitment cards to every squadron member (see Addendum
1). Encourage members, especially cadets, to hand them out to friends, classmates,
and neighbors. They tend to draw like-minded potential members. Encourage cadets
to hand them out at school or in other groups they are involved in.
Support Requests
a. See Addendum 17: Sample Support Request Letter
b. See Addendum 18: Sample Support Letter Attachment
c. See Addendum 19: Sample Support Letter Fact Sheet Attachments
d. Possible people to contact to request a support letter include: elected officials, the
local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and other service clubs, community and business
e. Officials and leaders may ask for a written sample of what you expect from them.
Provide them with it upfront to improve your chance of getting something back. They
will edit if they see fit.
f. Include the current CAP NHQ Fact Sheet and your wing’s current wing report, available
on the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com). The sheet will provide nuggets that
officials may choose to copy and paste into their letters. This is a win, as they will
better understand what CAP is.
g. Asking for a support letter does two things. First, it creates a sense of partnership with
the individual you are asking. Second, it plants the idea of attending your event on one
of the dates. The support letter request should also include an invitation to attend the
open house.
h. Your squadron PAO should be the contact person for officials and community leaders.
The PAO is the designated spokesperson for the unit. If you don’t have a PAO, then
your squadron commander is the point of contact.
i. Be sure your email signature complies with the directions at
j. Chamber of Commerce
11: Event Planning
Below are recommended event planning practices to make the most of your displays at the
open house. Tailor the tables, sizes, etc. based on available space and budgetary
1. Brief Your open house schedule should be focused on specifics. Do not try and cram
all that Civil Air Patrol is and does into one two-hour event. You will not cover it all and
what you do cover will not be done with excellence.
2. Displays – Set up tables with professional-looking displays. Materials are available on
the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com) and can be printed at local or online
print shops.
a. Have cadets staff the tables and do mini-talks on the subject matter, with them
on the guest’s side. This is important, do not put people behind tables. You
want this to be personal, not transactional. The professionalism of cadets
talking about their passions will sell the program more than anything. Have
adults mingling/escorting parents/guests.
b. Use plain Navy blue tablecloths if possible.
c. Cadet Programs (six feet) see Addendum 20: Sample Cadet Program Display
i. It’s important to not have a bunch of paper. Include things people can
pick up and look at. Ideas to add to the table include:
ii. CP Brochure, see Addendum 3.
iii. National Tabletop Program Banner, see Addendum 7.
iv. National Photo Foam Storyboard, see Addendum 9.
v. Uniform samples, insignia samples, and other training samples.
vi. One or two of the 6-foot pop-up banners from Addendum 6.
vii. 5-10 recruitment cards from Addendum 1.
viii. Activity Memorabilia that anyone has earned and is willing to put on
d. Aerospace Education (six feet) see Addendum 21: Sample AE Display
i. Tabletop activity pop-up banners, see Addendum 7.
ii. National Photo Foam Storyboard, see Addendum 9.
iii. STEM Kit samples, AEX props, etc
iv. One or two of the 6-foot pop-up banners from Addendum 6.
v. 5-10 recruitment cards from Addendum 1.
e. Emergency Services (six-twelve feet) see Addendum 22: Sample ES Display
i. It’s important to not have a bunch of paper. It is recommended to use a
couple of the ES-related info sheets to describe important aspects of
the program related to your unit.
ii. Tabletop activity pop-up banners, see Addendum 7.
iii. One or two of the 6-foot pop-up banners from Addendum 6.
iv. 5-10 recruitment cards from Addendum 1.
v. 24, 48, or 72-hour ground team kit, direction-finding equipment, other
f. Leadership Table (six feet) see Addendum 23: Sample Flight Display
A table showing a collection of flight-related materials and displays for
orientation flights, flight academies, etc.
i. Tabletop activity pop-up banners, see Addendum 7.
ii. National Photo Foam Storyboard, see Addendum 9.
iii. Flight headset, sectionals, and other related items.
iv. One or two of the 6-foot pop-up banners from Addendum 6.
v. 5-10 recruitment cards from Addendum 1.
g. Static CAP aircraft, if the events are at an airport
3. Schedule Schedule your event dates with a specific activity topic to focus on during
the meeting night.
a. Activities to consider are aerospace education, leadership development,
emergency services, etc.
b. The meeting should be mainly for people to meet and greet and participate in
hands-on activities. You do not want to bore your guests with an hour-long
classroom instruction.
4. Content/Makeup Do not plan to touch on everything CAP has to offer. You want your
people to sell the program, not a deluge of facts.
a. Print an agenda to display in an acrylic sign at the sign in table. Include a topical
list of what is coming in the following weeks. This makes you professional, and
it shows respect for their time. It also gives you a set schedule to go by and
something to entice them to return in the following weeks.
b. Have your night start with a mingle, allowing visitors to walk the display area
looking over materials at your tables. Give 30-45 mins of mingling and browsing
time to allow for late comers to arrive. The important thing is that they get to
experience your greatest asset, your people.
c. As people migrate from the mingling to the presentation, chatter will
commence. To get control of the audience, dim the lights and start by showing
the video PSA found on the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com).
d. Begin with a brief overview of Civil Air Patrol, using the CAP 101 slide deck
found on the Brand Portal (brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com).
e. Hold a short hands-on activity, if possible, around the night’s topic, 15 minutes
f. Form up your cadet corps and conduct no more than 10 minutes of drill, a drill-
down is recommended. Invite your youth-aged guests to participate.
g. End the night with additional mingle time, inviting visitors to ask questions in
the table area. This should take another 30 minutes to an hour, depending on
your meeting length.
Attachment 1: Addendums
Below are recommended event planning practices for you to consider, all of which can be
found on the Brand Portal under Resources & Templates.
1. Addendum 1 Event Recruitment Card
Available at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com
2. Addendum 2 Event Flyer
Available at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com
3. Addendum 3National Brochures
Available in Materials Orders on eServices
4. Addendum 4 - National Flyers
Available at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com
5. Addendum 5 - National Banners
Available at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com
6. Addendum 6National Pop-up Banners
Available at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com
7. Addendum 7National Tabletop Program Banners
Available at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com
Emergency Services Related
Aerospace Related
Cadet Programs Related
Flight Related
8. Addendum 8Branded Event Flags
Available at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com
9. Addendum 9National Photo Foam Storyboards
Available at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com
Aerospace Activities Foam Storyboard
Cadet Programs Foam Storyboard
Flight Activities Foam Storyboard
10. Addendum 10Event Bitly Link in Bio
Available at https://bitly.com/
11. Addendum 11Facebook Event Description
In Civil Air Patrol, cadets focus on Emergency Services, Aerospace Education, Safety,
Character Development, Leadership, and Fitness. As they learn about these areas, they
advance through a series of achievement levels, earning honors and increased responsibilities
along the way.
Civil Air Patrol has been an integral start for many astronauts, pilots, engineers, and
scientists. Home-schooled cadets can even earn high school credits for their work in the
The open house event is a great opportunity for people who are interested in aviation or
community service to learn more about Civil Air Patrol and what it offers. The event will take
place at the Fort Worth Composite Squadron headquarters, located at 3300 Ross Ave, Fort
Worth, TX 76106
During the event, attendees will have the chance to meet with current members of the Fort
Worth Composite Squadron and learn more about their experiences in Civil Air Patrol. They
will also have the opportunity to participate in various activities, including a tour of the
squadron headquarters, a demonstration of the squadron's search and rescue equipment, and
a briefing on Civil Air Patrol's emergency services and aerospace education programs.
Visitors who are interested in joining can begin their membership process on this date.
For more information, go to fortworthcap.org
12. Addendum 12 Facebook Event Header Image Example
13. Addendum 13 Scheduled Postings Examples
14. Addendum 14 Invitations
Good afternoon,
Your local Civil Air Patrol squadron in the [city] area will be holding an open house on [date]
at [location] from [time start] to [time end]. We cordially invite you to attend as we discuss
Civil Air Patrol’s history and accomplishments.
[Add a small blurb about your history to make it personal such as the following:
I have been a volunteer member of the Civil Air Patrol for nearly 10 years now. My heart is in
the cadet program and I continue to serve because I have seen it change the lives of my two
children and set them on the paths they are on today. I am excited about the opportunity for
the program to reach out to the Jenks, Bixby, and South Tulsa areas, affecting the lives of
the youth in these areas as it has my own family.]
I look forward to your RSVP for our event and I thank you for your support.
Very Respectfully,
[Be sure your email signature complies with the directions at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com]
15. Addendum 15 Media Advisory
Who: Civil Air Patrol’s [squadron name]
What: Open House
Where: [Address]
When: [Date], [Time, including time zone]
Why: The public is invited to learn more about Civil Air Patrol’s dynamic and engaging cadet
and adult programs. Members of the squadron will be present to greet visitors and explain
CAP’s missions for America. The event will kick off with a brief presentation of Civil Air
Patrol’s programs and continue with various activities each evening.
[Be sure your email signature complies with the directions at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com]
16. Addendum 16 Press Release
a. Civil Air Patrol Squadron Plans Open House
[City name, state abbreviation] The [squadron name] Squadron, a local Civil Air Patrol unit,
is hosting an open house on [date] at [location] from [time start] to [time end].
The public is invited to learn more about Civil Air Patrol’s dynamic and engaging cadet
and adult programs. Members of the squadron will be present to greet visitors and
explain CAP’s missions for America. The event will kick off with a brief presentation of
Civil Air Patrol’s programs and continue with various activities each evening.
Youth between the ages of 12 and 18 can join the award-winning program as cadets,
although there are also plenty of opportunities for adults over 18 as well. In many
instances, cadets can recruit their parents or other family members once the adults see
what's available to them, making the family aspect of CAP unique. Volunteers don't have
to be pilots or veterans. Members come from all walks of life and there is a place in CAP
for most everyone. We need teachers, accountants, human resources specialists,
marketers, medical personnel, and more. If you have an interest in emergency services
or search and rescue, aerospace, STEM, or leadership training, CAP is the place for you.
It's not just about flying.
The open houses will cover an overview of Civil Air Patrol and its missions, the cadet
program’s drill and ceremonies, physical training program, and aerospace education with
STEM kits, flight simulators, model rocketry, and Civil Air Patrol aircraft on-site. There will
also be an overview of emergency services capabilities including ground teams, search
and rescue and disaster relief, hands-on ES fun activities, and more.
The origins of the Civil Air Patrol story began in 1936, when Gill Robb Wilson, World War I
aviator and New Jersey director of aeronautics, returned from Germany convinced of
impending war. Wilson envisioned mobilizing America’s civilian aviators for national
defense. The proposal for a Civil Air Patrol was approved by Commerce, Navy, and War
departments and CAP national headquarters opened its doors Dec. 1. In January 1942,
U-boats started attacking the shipping lanes along our east coast. By June, enemy
attacks destroyed nearly 400 merchant vessels and oil tankers off the U.S. Atlantic
coastline, often within sight of our shores. Civil Air Patrol was called into action by a short-
handed military. With privately owned airplanes armed with light bombs, civilian
volunteers became the eyes of the home skies, flying a total of 244,600 hours patrolling
and safeguarding America's coastline, aiding the safe movement of war material to the
battlefields of Europe and the Pacific. Today’s Civil Air Patrol may look different, but its
core remains the same. We are volunteers serving America's communities, saving lives,
and shaping futures.
To learn more about Oklahoma’s Civil Air Patrol visit, okwg.cap.gov.
[Insert the latest boilerplate from brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com]
[Be sure your email signature complies with the directions at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com]
17. Addendum 17 Sample Support Request Letter
Good afternoon,
Your local Civil Air Patrol squadron in the [city] area will be holding an open house on [date]
at [location] from [time start] to [time end]. We cordially invite you, or a member of your staff,
to attend as we discuss the history and accomplishments of Civil Air Patrol. If you would like
to say a few words, please let me know and I will add you to the evening’s agenda.
Additionally, we are cataloging support for our unit and would very much appreciate a letter
of support from your office. Attached is a sample letter in Word format for your benefit, as
well as a statistical report for our wing and for Civil Air Patrol. If you would not mind writing
a letter or using content from the attached, I would most appreciate it.
[Add a small blurb about your history to make it personal, such as:
I have been a volunteer member of Civil Air Patrol for nearly seven years now. I continue to
serve as the Public Affairs Officer for the Oklahoma Wing. My heart is in the cadet program
where I have seen it change the lives of my two children and set them on the paths they are
on today. I am excited about the opportunity for the program to reach out to the Jenks,
Bixby, and South Tulsa areas, affecting the lives of the youth in these areas as it has my
own family.]
I look forward to your RSVP for our event and I thank you for your support.
Very Respectfully,
[Be sure your email signature complies with the directions at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com]
18. Addendum 18 Sample Support Letter Attachment
Include the following as a sample in a separate Word document.
Include the following at the top of the letter.
Commander, [Squadron Name]
Civil Air Patrol, U.S. Air Force Auxiliary
Dear sir or ma’am,
Civil Air Patrol has had a great impact on the youth of our area, our future leaders. I can
attest to the values that the CAP Cadet Program brings to a young person's life and to the
extent to which it prepares our youth for what lies ahead. The STEM, aerospace education,
and leadership education Civil Air Patrol provides in other parts of the city has had an
immeasurable effect on the future leaders of our communities.
I am very interested in continuing to bring these values and this program to the [City Name]
area. I fully support the efforts of the [Squadron Name] to provide youth development and
emergency services capabilities to the community of [City Name] and State of [State Name].
Thank you for your willingness to shape the lives of young people who are the future of
America. The lessons they are learning through you are lessons they will remember when it
is time for them to show selfless sacrifice.
Civil Air Patrol cadets are some of the brightest, most disciplined young people I have ever
met. As an American and leader who actively seeks to protect our culture and standards, I
am extremely encouraged about what is being accomplished in this program. We need more
cadets like this. We need more programs like this.
Duty Title
[Be sure your email signature complies with the directions at brand.goCivilAirPatrol.com]
19. Addendum 19 Sample Support Letter Fact Sheet Attachments
20. Addendum 20 Sample Cadet Program Display
a. Cost of items
i. Cadet Programs pop-up: $38
ii. Summer Activities pop-up: $38
iii. Cadet Activities foam board photo collage: $27 (plus stand)
iv. Recruitment cards: $1.50
v. Total cost: $104.50
b. Other recommendations for the table:
i. Insignia
ii. Uniform items
iii. Leadership books
iv. Other items you think are appropriate
21. Addendum 21 Sample AE Display
a. Cost of items
i. Aerospace Summer Activities pop-up: $38
ii. Aerospace Excellence pop-up: $38
iii. Aerospace Activities foam board photo collage: $27 (plus stand)
iv. Recruitment cards: $1.50
v. Total cost: $104.50
b. Other recommendations for the table:
i. Model rocketry items
ii. Drones
iii. Stomp rockets
iv. Remote controlled planes
v. Other items you think are appropriate
22. Addendum 22 Sample ES Display
a. Cost of items
i. Emergency Services Capabilities pop-up: $38
ii. Lifesaving Technology pop-up: $38
iii. Fly With Us pop-up: $38
iv. Recruitment cards: $1.50
v. Total cost: $115.50
b. Other recommendations for the table:
i. Sectionals
ii. Dummy ELT / LPER
iii. 24-Hour Bag
iv. Other items you think are appropriate
23. Addendum 23 Sample Flight Display
a. Approx Cost of items
i. Orientation Flights pop-up: $38
ii. Flight Academies pop-up: $38
iii. Activities foam board photo collage: $27 (plus stand)
iv. Recruitment cards: $1.50
v. Total cost: $104.50
b. Other recommendations for the table:
i. Flight Headset
ii. Sectionals
iii. Other Related Items
iv. Other items you think are appropriate