OES Study Guide III
1. Is it necessary for an officer to wear a badge?
Answer: Each officer wears the badge belonging to their office during Chapter
Source: OES Ritual, page18
2. What are the required items necessary to open Chapter, and where are they
Answer: A Bible placed on an altar in the center of the room; a pedestal with gavel in
the East; a pedestal in the West; chairs and pedestals for the Star Point stations; a seal,
signet, one or more small Bibles, a sword and veil for Adah, a sheaf of barley for Ruth, a
crown and scepter for Esther, a broken column for Martha and a cup for Electa. The
Chapter’s Charter or Dispensation, or a photostatic copy, must be present at all Chapter
meetings. The Flag of our Country should be placed at the left of the Marshal’s station,
or in the East, at the right of the WM.
Source: OES Ritual, page 168 and Book of Instructions, page 4-5.
3. What is the purpose of the signet?
Answer: The signet shows the colors, emblems and flowers associated with our
degrees and it is used to refresh the memory of the new members during their initiation.
Source: OES Ritual, pages 83-84.
4. During initiation, when are lights dimmed? Turned up?
Answer: The lights are dimmed when the Conductress returns from the Preparation
Room door to report that the candidate(s) are ready -- before the door is opened to
admit the candidate(s). The lights are turned on full after the Obligation.
Source: OES Ritual, pages 53 and 59.
5. When is full lighting to be used?
Answer: All lights to be used throughout the meeting shall be on before the officers
enter for the opening of Chapter, and remain on until Chapter is declared “closed”
(except during initiation, as noted in the OES Ritual, pages 53 and 59).
Source: Book of Instructions, page 4.
6. Explain how and why the Charter is to be draped:
Answer: A drape is placed across the Charter in case of the death of a member of the
Chapter, and remains draped for a 30-day period.
Source: Book of Instructions, page 5.
7. Where are copies of the Chapter Bylaws and Grand Law to be displayed?
Answer: A copy of the Bylaws of the Chapter and the Grand Law must be on the
Secretary’s desk at every meeting.
Source: Book of Instructions, page 5.
8. Who is responsible for seeing that the Chapter room is properly set up?
Answer: The Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron shall make a final check to see that
the Chapter room is properly set up before the officers enter.
Source: Book of Instructions, page 5.
1. What does the Warder do before reporting to the Worthy Matron?
Answer: The Warder closes all other doors and advances to the Sentinel’s door,
informs him/her that Chapter is about to open, and closes the door.
Source: OES Ritual, page 25.
2. What is the proper sitting position of officers?
Answer: Officers and Grand Officers are requested to sit straight in their chairs with
hands in lap; keep feet flat on the floor; legs are not to be crossed.
Source: Ohio OES Book of Protocol 2017, page 6.
3. When the Conductress attends at the Altar, when does she bow to the Worthy
Matron? When does she bow to the Bible?
Answer: During the opening ceremony, the Conductress makes a slight bow to the
Worthy Matron before opening the Bible, and gives the Salutation Sign to the open Bible
before backing out of the labyrinth. During the closing ceremony, the Conductress makes
the Salutation Sign to the Bible, closes it, and then gives a slight bow to the Worthy Matron.
Source: OES Ritual, pages 41 and 47.
4. Does the Chaplain hold the “Reverent Attitude” when entering or retiring from the
Answer: No. During the opening ceremony, the Chaplain does not assume the
Reverent Attitude while marching from station to Altar. During the closing ceremony, the
Chaplain recites the prayer and backs into the circle of Star officers before assuming the
Reverent Attitude.
Source: OES Ritual, page 16 and pages 42 and 46.
5. Where in the Ritual does it explain the “Reverent Attitude” or “Attitude of
Answer: OES Ritual, page 16, under “Altar Services.”
1. When the Worthy Matron “closes” the Chapter, does she rap the gavel?
Answer: Yes. The WM strikes one blow of the gavel on the word “closed.”
Source: OES Ritual, page 47.
2. Does the Warder give the “raps” when informing the Sentinel that Chapter “is
Answer: No. The Warder opens the door without raps. (The Warder DOES use raps
when informing the Sentinel that Chapter is about to engage in the Closing Ceremony.)
Source: OES Ritual, pages 45 and 47.
1. What is the required residency in the State of Ohio?
Answer: Applicants for initiation must have been residents of the State for six months
immediately preceding the presentation of the petition. No residence qualification is
required for affiliation.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 1.a.2 and Section 2.c (pages 36 and
38 in Red Book).
2. May a petition be voted upon with only two signatures of the Investigating
Answer: Petitions for membership shall be referred to a committee of three, one of
whom shall be a Brother. No action shall be taken on any petition until the committee’s
report is made and signed by at least a majority of the committee one of whom must be a
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 2.b, c and d (pages 38-39 in Red
3. One member of the Investigating Committee must be a __________.
Answer: Brother
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 2.b and 2.c (page 38 in Red Book).
4. May a petition be destroyed?
Answer: No. A petition which is withdrawn MUST NOT BE DESTROYED. Action
should be noted thereon and the petition filed.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 2.d.6 (page 39 in Red Book).
5. In case of a rejection, must a new petition be presented?
Answer: Yes. If an applicant for initiation has been rejected, a NEW petition may be
presented at any subsequent stated meeting and processed the same as the original
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 4.a.2 (page 40 in Red Book).
6. May a petition for membership or affiliation be presented at a special meeting?
Answer: No. All petitions shall be presented at a stated meeting.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 2.a.4 (page 38 in Red Book).
1. How many compose an Investigating Committee?
Answer: Petitions for membership by initiation or affiliation (except for members from a
Chapter that has surrendered its charter) shall be referred to a committee of three for
investigation, one of whom shall be a Brother.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 2.b. and 2.c (page 38 in Red Book).
2. Why is a Brother appointed to the committee?
Answer: The Brother should check to see that Masonic qualifications are met.
Masonic qualifications need not be checked on petitions for affiliation, except for Brothers,
to ensure that the applicant is in good standing in his lodge.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 2.b and 2.c (pages 38 in Red Book).
3. May a petition be accepted and balloted upon the same evening?
Answer: No. Petitions for initiation or affiliation shall lie over until the next stated
meeting, unless the committee requires a longer time for investigation.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 2.b and 2.c (page 38 in Red Book).
4. What is the official duty of the Investigating Committee?
Answer: To make inquiry as to the character and standing of the petitioner.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 2.d.l (page 39 in Red Book).
5. What is the difference between handling a regular petition and one for affiliation?
for dual membership?
Answer: All three types of petitions (initiation, affiliation or dual membership) are
submitted, investigated, and balloted upon in the same way. In the case of candidates for
affiliation/dual membership, Masonic qualifications need not be checked, except for
Brothers and no residence qualification is required.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 2.b and 2.c (page 38 in Red Book).
1. Who is in charge of the ballot box?
Answer: The Associate Conductress has charge of the Ballot Box under the direction
of the Worthy Matron, from the time she is instructed to prepare it until, at the completion of
balloting, she returns it to its place.
Source: OES Ritual, page 13; Book of Instructions, page 20.
2. How many days must a petition lie over before being balloted on?
Answer: Petitions for initiation or affiliation shall lie over until the Chapter’s next stated
meeting, unless the committee requires a longer time for investigation.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 2.b and 2.c (page 38 in Red Book).
3. May balloting be held at a Special meeting?
Answer: No. The ballot upon petitions for the degrees or membership can be taken
only at a stated meeting. However, the degrees may be conferred at a special meeting,
provided the applicant has been elected at a previous stated meeting.
Source: OES Ritual, page 13; Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 6.a. (page 42
in Red Book).
4. When is the time to challenge a ballot?
Answer: The time to challenge a ballot is immediately after the Worthy Matron has
given the report of the ballot, but before the ballot has been destroyed. A ballot cannot be
questioned or disputed by a member after the ballot has been destroyed.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 3.h (page 40 in Red Book).
5. Must a petition be voted upon the second time when only one cube appears in the
first ballot?
Answer: No. A ballot is considered clear if no more than two black cubes appear.
Source: OES Ritual, page 15; Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 3.c (page
39 in Red Book).
6. What happens if the ballot is not clear?
Answer: If three black cubes appear, a second and final ballot is ordered. If three or
more black cubes appear in the final ballot, the WM announces the result of the ballot
(rejection of petitioner) and reads Article V, Section 4 from the Grand Chapter Bylaws
Source: OES Ritual, page 15; Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 3.c and
Section 4.a (Pages 39 and 40 in Red Book).
7. Is any discussion allowed on a ballot?
Answer: All ballots must be inviolably secret without debate or discussion.
Source: OES Ritual, page 15, and Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 3.c (page
39 in Red Book).
8. What is a “collective” ballot?
Answer: When there are a number of applicants, and if no one in the Chapter objects, a
collective ballot may be taken.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 3.c (page 39 in Red Book).
9. What is the procedure when a “collective” ballot is not clear?
Answer: If three or more negative votes appear in the collective ballot, a separate
ballot shall immediately be ordered on EACH petitioner as on an original petition.
Source: Grand Chapter Bylaws, Article V, Section 3.c (page 39 in Red Book).
10. Can a collective ballot include petitioners for initiation and affiliation?
Answer: No. Petitions for affiliation, initiation, or restoration shall be voted on
separately, and in that order.
Source: Grand Chapters Bylaws, Article V. Section 3.e (page 40 in Red Book).