Lower Extremity Prosthetics
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UnitedHealthcare Commercial and Individual Exchange Medical Policy
Effective 04/01/2024
Proprietary Information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
Commercial and Individual Exchange
Medical Policy
Lower Extremity Prosthetics
Policy Number: 2024T0645E
Effective Date: April 1, 2024
Instructions for Use
Table of Contents Page
Application ..................................................................................... 1
Coverage Rationale ....................................................................... 1
Documentation Requirements ...................................................... 2
Definitions ...................................................................................... 2
Applicable Codes .......................................................................... 4
Description of Services ................................................................. 9
Benefit Considerations ................................................................ 10
Clinical Evidence ......................................................................... 10
U.S. Food and Drug Administration ........................................... 16
References ................................................................................... 16
Policy History/Revision Information ........................................... 18
Instructions for Use ..................................................................... 18
UnitedHealthcare Commercial
This Medical Policy applies to all UnitedHealthcare Commercial benefit plans.
UnitedHealthcare Individual Exchange
This Medical Policy applies to Individual Exchange benefit plans in all states except for Colorado.
Coverage Rationale
See Benefit Considerations
A lower extremity prosthetic for amputations is proven and Medically Necessary in certain circumstances. For medical
necessity clinical coverage criteria, refer to the InterQual
CP: Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Lower Extremity.
Click here
to view the InterQual
A bone anchored percutaneous limb Prosthesis [e.g., Osseoanchored Prostheses for the Rehabilitation of Amputees
(OPRA) Implant System] is unproven and not Medically Necessary
due to insufficient evidence of efficacy.
An endoskeletal knee-shin system with microprocessor control feature (swing/stance phase) is unproven and not
Medically Necessary due to insufficient evidence of efficacy for the following:
Amputee with functional classification status of K1 or K2; and
One of the following:
o Transfemoral [above knee (AK)] amputation (includes knee disarticulation); or
o Hip disarticulation or hemipelvectomy
Related Commercial/Individual Exchange Policy
Upper Extremity Prosthetic Devices
Community Plan Policy
Lower Extremity Prosthetics
Medicare Advantage Coverage Summary
Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Prosthetics,
Orthotics (Non-Foot Orthotics), Nutritional Therapy,
and Medical Supplies Grid
Lower Extremity Prosthetics
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UnitedHealthcare Commercial and Individual Exchange Medical Policy
Effective 04/01/2024
Proprietary Information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
A combined microprocessor-controlled ankle foot system with power assist is unproven and not Medically Necessary
due to insufficient evidence of efficacy for the following:
Transfemoral [above knee (AK)] amputation (includes knee disarticulation)
Transtibial [below knee (BK)] amputation
Hip disarticulation or hemipelvectomy
Documentation Requirements
Benefit coverage for health services is determined by the member specific benefit plan document and applicable laws that may
require coverage for a specific service. The documentation requirements outlined below are used to assess whether the
member meets the clinical criteria for coverage but do not guarantee coverage of the service requested.
HCPCS Codes*
Required Clinical Information
Lower Extremity Prosthetics
L5010, L5050,
L5060, L5100,
L5105, L5150,
L5160, L5200,
L5210, L5230,
L5250, L5270,
L5280, L5301,
L5321, L5331,
L5400, L5420,
L5530, L5535,
L5540, L5585,
L5590, L5616,
L5639, L5643,
L5649, L5651,
L5681, L5683,
L5703, L5707,
L5724, L5726,
L5728, L5780,
L5795, L5814,
L5818, L5822,
L5824, L5826,
L5828, L5830,
L5840, L5845,
L5848, L5856,
L5858, L5930,
L5960, L5966,
L5968, L5973,
L5979, L5980,
L5981, L5987,
Medical notes documenting the following, when applicable:
Vendor coversheet with the narrative describing the request
Vendor invoice listing the HCPCS codes, make, model, and description; indicate if the item is right
or left
Other healthcare professional notes (i.e., physical therapist)
Current prescription
Physician office notes including documentation of:
o History related to the prosthetic request
o Examination findings to include strength, range of motion (ROM), condition of the contralateral
limb, residual limb length and shape, and skin integrity of residual limb
o Co-morbidities
o Specify absent limb, including the date, level, and etiology of amputation
o Current functional classification level; include specific examples and expected rehabilitation
o Describe limitations to Activities Of Daily Living (ADLs); include assistive devices to facilitate
ambulation within and outside the home
o Surfaces normally traversed include distance and environment
o Prosthetist notes to include medical justification for each of the requested prosthetic
Specify if the request is for initial prosthetic, preparatory prosthetic, definitive prosthetic,
replacement of the entire prosthetic leg, replacement of the prosthetic components/accessories, or
request for additional components and accessories
For replacement Prosthesis, also include:
o The age of the current Prosthesis and reason for replacement
o The components on the current Prosthesis, including socket, knee, foot, ankle, sock ply, and
liner thickness
o Describe changes in limb including, but not limited to, comparative residual limb measurements
For socket replacement also describe what adjustments have been tried and failed
*For code descriptions, refer to the Applicable Codes section.
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs): Basic tasks people need to do to function and interact such as bathing, grooming, dressing,
toilet use, eating, and physical ambulation. (Mlinac and Feng, 2016, Edemekong et al., 2022)
Lower Extremity Prosthetics
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UnitedHealthcare Commercial and Individual Exchange Medical Policy
Effective 04/01/2024
Proprietary Information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs): A higher cognitive and complex activity related to independent living such as
shopping, transportation, meal preparation, housecleaning, managing finances and managing medications. (Mlinac and Feng,
2016, Edemekong et al., 2022)
CMS Modifiers/Medicare Functional Classification Level (MFCL): A clinical assessment of member rehabilitation potential
must be based on the following classification levels:
Modifier K0 (MFLC-0): Does not have the ability or potential to ambulate or transfer safely with or without assistance and
Prosthesis does not enhance their quality of life or mobility.
Modifier K1 (MFLC-1): Has the ability or potential to use Prosthesis for transfers or ambulation on level surfaces at fixed
cadence. Typical of the limited and unlimited household ambulator.
Modifier K2 (MFLC-2): Has the ability or potential for ambulation with the ability to traverse low level environmental barriers
such as curbs, stairs, or uneven surfaces. Typical of the limited community ambulator.
Modifier K3 (MFLC-3): Has the ability or potential for ambulation with variable cadence. Typical of the community
ambulator who has the ability to traverse most environmental barriers and may have vocational, therapeutic, or exercise
activity that demands prosthetic utilization beyond simple locomotion.
Modifier K4 (MFLC-4): Has the ability or potential for prosthetic ambulation that exceeds basic ambulation skills, exhibiting
high impact, stress, or energy levels. Typical of the prosthetic demands of the child, active adult, or athlete.
(CMS Health Care Procedures Coding System (HCPCS)/Theevan et al. (2011))
Medically Necessary: Health care services that are all of the following as determined by us or our designee:
In accordance with Generally Accepted Standards of Medical Practice.
Clinically appropriate, in terms of type, frequency, extent, service site and duration, and considered effective for your
Sickness, Injury, Mental Illness, substance-related and addictive disorders, disease or its symptoms.
Not mainly for your convenience or that of your doctor or other health care provider.
Not more costly than an alternative drug, service(s), service site or supply that is at least as likely to produce equivalent
therapeutic or diagnostic results as to the diagnosis or treatment of your Sickness, Injury, disease, or symptoms.
(Certificate of Coverage 2018)
Microprocessor Controlled Ankle Foot Prosthesis: (e.g., Proprio Foot) Is able to actively change the ankle angle and to
identify sloping gradients and ascent or descent of stairs as the result of microprocessor-control and sensor technology.
Microprocessor Controlled Lower Limb Prostheses: Microprocessor controlled knees offer dynamic control through sensors
in the Device. Microprocessor controlled knees attempt to simulate normal biological knee function by offering variable
resistance control to the swing or stance phases of the gait cycle. The swing-rate adjustments allow the knee to respond to
rapid changes in cadence. Microprocessor controlled knee flexion enhances the stumble recovery capability. Prosthetic knees
such as the microprocessor-controlled knee that focus on better control of flexion abilities without reducing stability have the
potential to improve gait pattern, wearer confidence, and safety of ambulation. Available devices include but are not limited to
Otto-Bock C-Leg device
, the Ossur RheoKnee
or the Endolite Intelligent Prosthesis
Modifier: A two-position code that is added to the end of a code to clarify the services being billed (CMS Health Care
Procedures Coding System (HCPCS)). K0 through K4 are HCPCS level II Modifiers.
Myoelectric Prosthetic: A prosthetic device operated by battery-powered electric motors that are activated through electrodes
by the myoelectric potentials provided by muscles (Medical Dictionary).
Prosthesis: A man-made substitute for a missing body part (American Cancer Society
Prosthetist: A healthcare professional who makes and fits artificial limbs (prostheses) for people with disabilities. This includes
artificial legs and arms for people who have had amputations due to conditions such as cancer, diabetes, or injury (John
Hopkins Medicine).
Lower Extremity Prosthetics
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UnitedHealthcare Commercial and Individual Exchange Medical Policy
Effective 04/01/2024
Proprietary Information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
Applicable Codes
The following list(s) of procedure and/or diagnosis codes is provided for reference purposes only and may not be all inclusive.
Listing of a code in this policy does not imply that the service described by the code is a covered or non-covered health service.
Benefit coverage for health services is determined by the member specific benefit plan document and applicable laws that may
require coverage for a specific service. The inclusion of a code does not imply any right to reimbursement or guarantee claim
payment. Other Policies and Guidelines may apply.
L5000 Partial foot, shoe insert with longitudinal arch, toe filler
L5010 Partial foot, molded socket, ankle height, with toe filler
L5050 Ankle, Symes, molded socket, SACH foot
L5060 Ankle, Symes, metal frame, molded leather socket, articulated ankle/foot (SACH)
L5100 Below knee (BK), molded socket, shin, SACH foot
L5105 Below knee (BK), plastic socket, joints and thigh lacer, SACH foot
L5150 Knee disarticulation (or through knee), molded socket, external knee joints, shin, SACH foot
L5160 Knee disarticulation (or through knee), molded socket, bent knee configuration, external knee joints,
shin, SACH foot
L5200 Above knee (AK), molded socket, single axis constant friction knee, shin, SACH foot
L5210 Above knee (AK), short prosthesis, no knee joint (stubbies), with foot blocks, no ankle joints, each
L5220 Above knee (AK), short prosthesis, no knee joint (stubbies), with articulated ankle/foot, dynamically
aligned, each
L5230 Above knee (AK), for proximal femoral focal deficiency, constant friction knee, shin, SACH foot
L5250 Hip disarticulation, canadian type; molded socket, hip joint, single axis constant friction knee, shin,
SACH foot
Hip disarticulation, tilt table type; molded socket, locking hip joint, single axis constant friction knee,
shin, SACH foot
L5280 Hemipelvectomy, canadian type; molded socket, hip joint, single axis constant friction knee, shin, SACH
L5301 Below knee (BK), molded socket, shin, SACH foot, endoskeletal system
L5312 Knee disarticulation (or through knee), molded socket, single axis knee, pylon, SACH foot, endoskeletal
L5321 Above knee (AK), molded socket, open end, SACH foot, endoskeletal system, single axis knee
Hip disarticulation, canadian type, molded socket, endoskeletal system, hip joint, single axis knee, SACH
L5341 Hemipelvectomy, canadian type, molded socket, endoskeletal system, hip joint, single axis knee, SACH
Immediate postsurgical or early fitting, application of initial rigid dressing, including fitting, alignment,
suspension, and one cast change, below knee (BK)
L5410 Immediate postsurgical or early fitting, application of initial rigid dressing, including fitting, alignment and
suspension, below knee (BK), each additional cast change and realignment
Immediate postsurgical or early fitting, application of initial rigid dressing, including fitting, alignment and
suspension and one cast change 'ak' or knee disarticulation
L5430 Immediate postsurgical or early fitting, application of initial rigid dressing, including fitting, alignment and
supension, above knee (AK) or knee disarticulation, each additional cast change and realignment
L5450 Immediate postsurgical or early fitting, application of non-weight bearing rigid dressing, below knee (BK)
L5460 Immediate postsurgical or early fitting, application of non-weight bearing rigid dressing, above knee (AK)
Lower Extremity Prosthetics
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Effective 04/01/2024
Proprietary Information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
L5500 Initial, below knee (BK) PTB type socket, nonalignable system, pylon, no cover, SACH foot, plaster
socket, direct formed
L5505 Initial, above knee (AK), knee disarticulation, ischial level socket, non-alignable system, pylon, no cover,
SACH foot, plaster socket, direct formed
L5510 Preparatory, below knee (BK) PTB type socket, nonalignable system, pylon, no cover, SACH foot, plaster
socket, molded to model
L5520 Preparatory, below knee (BK) PTB type socket, nonalignable system, pylon, no cover, SACH foot,
thermoplastic or equal, direct formed
L5530 Preparatory, below knee (BK) PTB type socket, nonalignable system, pylon, no cover, SACH foot,
thermoplastic or equal, molded to model
L5535 Preparatory, below knee (BK) PTB type socket, nonalignable system, no cover, SACH foot,
prefabricated, adjustable open-end socket
L5540 Preparatory, below knee (BK) PTB type socket, nonalignable system, pylon, no cover, SACH foot,
laminated socket, molded to model
L5560 Preparatory, above knee (AK)- knee disarticulation, ischial level socket, nonalignable system, pylon, no
cover, SACH foot, plaster socket, molded to model
L5570 Preparatory, above knee (AK) - knee disarticulation, ischial level socket, nonalignable system, pylon, no
cover, SACH foot, thermoplastic or equal, direct formed
L5580 Preparatory, above knee (AK) - knee disarticulation ischial level socket, nonalignable system, pylon, no
cover, SACH foot, thermoplastic or equal, molded to model
L5585 Preparatory, above knee (AK) - knee disarticulation, ischial level socket, nonalignable system, pylon, no
cover, SACH foot, prefabricated adjustable open-end socket
L5590 Preparatory, above knee (AK) - knee disarticulation ischial level socket, nonalignable system, pylon no
cover, SACH foot, laminated socket, molded to model
L5595 Preparatory, hip disarticulation-hemipelvectomy, pylon, no cover, SACH foot, thermoplastic or equal,
molded to patient model
L5600 Preparatory, hip disarticulation-hemipelvectomy, pylon, no cover, SACH foot, laminated socket, molded
to patient model
L5610 Addition to lower extremity, endoskeletal system, above knee (AK), hydracadence system
L5611 Addition to lower extremity, endoskeletal system, above knee (AK), knee disarticulation, four-bar linkage,
with friction swing phase control
Addition to lower extremity, endoskeletal system, above knee (AK), knee disarticulation, four-bar linkage,
with hydraulic swing phase control
L5614 Addition to lower extremity, exoskeletal system, above knee (AK), knee disarticulation, four-bar linkage,
with pneumatic swing phase control
Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, 4 bar linkage or multiaxial, fluid swing and stance phase
L5616 Addition to lower extremity, endoskeletal system, above knee (AK), universal multiplex system, friction
swing phase control
L5617 Addition to lower extremity, quick change self-aligning unit, above knee (AK) or below knee (BK), each
L5618 Addition to lower extremity, test socket, Symes
L5620 Addition to lower extremity, test socket, below knee (BK)
L5622 Addition to lower extremity, test socket, knee disarticulation
L5624 Addition to lower extremity, test socket, above knee (AK)
L5626 Addition to lower extremity, test socket, hip disarticulation
L5628 Addition to lower extremity, test socket, hemipelvectomy
Lower Extremity Prosthetics
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Effective 04/01/2024
Proprietary Information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
L5629 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), acrylic socket
L5630 Addition to lower extremity, Symes type, expandable wall socket
L5631 Addition to lower extremity, above knee (AK) or knee disarticulation, acrylic socket
L5632 Addition to lower extremity, Symes type, 'ptb' brim design socket
L5634 Addition to lower extremity, Symes type, posterior opening (canadian) socket
L5636 Addition to lower extremity, Symes type, medial opening socket
L5637 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), total contact
L5638 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), leather socket
L5639 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), wood socket
L5640 Addition to lower extremity, knee disarticulation, leather socket
L5642 Addition to lower extremity, above knee (AK), leather socket
L5643 Addition to lower extremity, hip disarticulation, flexible inner socket, external frame
L5644 Addition to lower extremity, above knee (AK), wood socket
L5645 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), flexible inner socket, external frame
L5646 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), air, fluid, gel or equal, cushion socket
L5647 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK) suction socket
L5648 Addition to lower extremity, above knee (AK), air, fluid, gel or equal, cushion socket
L5649 Addition to lower extremity, ischial containment/narrow M-L socket
L5650 Additions to lower extremity, total contact, above knee (AK) or knee disarticulation socket
L5651 Addition to lower extremity, above knee (AK), flexible inner socket, external frame
L5652 Addition to lower extremity, suction suspension, above knee (AK) or knee disarticulation socket
L5653 Addition to lower extremity, knee disarticulation, expandable wall socket
L5654 Addition to lower extremity, socket insert, Symes, (kemblo, pelite, aliplast, plastazote or equal)
L5655 Addition to lower extremity, socket insert, below knee (BK) (kemblo, pelite, aliplast, plastazote or equal)
L5656 Addition to lower extremity, socket insert, knee disarticulation (kemblo, pelite, aliplast, plastazote or
L5658 Addition to lower extremity, socket insert, above knee (AK) (kemblo, pelite, aliplast, plastazote or equal)
L5661 Addition to lower extremity, socket insert, multidurometer Symes
L5665 Addition to lower extremity, socket insert, multidurometer, below knee (BK)
L5666 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), cuff suspension
L5668 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), molded distal cushion
L5670 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), molded supracondylar suspension (PTS or similar)
L5671 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK)/above knee (AK) suspension locking mechanism (shuttle,
lanyard or equal), excludes socket insert
L5672 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), removable medial brim suspension
L5673 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK)/above knee (AK), custom fabricated from existing mold or
prefabricated, socket insert, silicone gel, elastomeric or equal, for use with locking mechanism
L5676 Additions to lower extremity, below knee (BK), knee joints, single axis, pair
L5677 Additions to lower extremity, below knee (BK), knee joints, polycentric, pair
L5678 Additions to lower extremity, below knee (BK), joint covers, pair
Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK)/above knee (AK), custom fabricated from existing mold or
prefabricated, socket insert, silicone gel, elastomeric or equal, not for use with locking mechanism
L5680 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), thigh lacer, nonmolded
Lower Extremity Prosthetics
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Effective 04/01/2024
Proprietary Information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
L5681 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK)/above knee (AK), custom fabricated socket insert for
congenital or atypical traumatic amputee, silicone gel, elastomeric or equal, for use with or without
locking mechanism, initial only (for other than initial, use code L5673 or L5679)
L5682 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), thigh lacer, gluteal/ischial, molded
L5683 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK)/above knee (AK), custom fabricated socket insert for other
than congenital or atypical traumatic amputee, silicone gel, elastomeric or equal, for use with or without
locking mechanism, initial only (for other than initial, use code l5673 or l5679)
L5684 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), fork strap
L5685 Addition to lower extremity prosthesis, below knee (BK), suspension/sealing sleeve, with or without
valve, any material, each
L5686 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), back check (extension control)
L5688 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), waist belt, webbing
L5690 Addition to lower extremity, below knee (BK), waist belt, padded and lined
L5692 Addition to lower extremity, above knee (AK), pelvic control belt, light
L5694 Addition to lower extremity, above knee (AK), pelvic control belt, padded and lined
L5695 Addition to lower extremity, above knee (AK), pelvic control, sleeve suspension, neoprene or equal, each
L5696 Addition to lower extremity, above knee (AK) or knee disarticulation, pelvic joint
L5697 Addition to lower extremity, above knee (AK) or knee disarticulation, pelvic band
L5698 Addition to lower extremity, above knee (AK) or knee disarticulation, Silesian bandage
L5699 All lower extremity prostheses, shoulder harness
L5700 Replacement, socket, below knee (BK), molded to patient model
L5701 Replacement, socket, above knee (AK)/knee disarticulation, including attachment plate, molded to
patient model
L5702 Replacement, socket, hip disarticulation, including hip joint, molded to patient model
L5703 Ankle, Symes, molded to patient model, socket without solid ankle cushion heel (SACH) foot,
replacement only
L5704 Custom shaped protective cover, below knee (BK)
L5705 Custom shaped protective cover, above knee (AK)
L5706 Custom shaped protective cover, knee disarticulation
L5707 Custom shaped protective cover, hip disarticulation
L5710 Addition, exoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, manual lock
L5711 Additions exoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, manual lock, ultra-light material
L5712 Addition, exoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, friction swing and stance phase control (safety knee)
L5714 Addition, exoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, variable friction swing phase control
L5716 Addition, exoskeletal knee-shin system, polycentric, mechanical stance phase lock
L5718 Addition, exoskeletal knee-shin system, polycentric, friction swing and stance phase control
L5722 Addition, exoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, pneumatic swing, friction stance phase control
L5724 Addition, exoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, fluid swing phase control
L5726 Addition, exoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, external joints fluid swing phase control
L5728 Addition, exoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, fluid swing and stance phase control
L5780 Addition, exoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, pneumatic/hydra pneumatic swing phase control
L5785 Addition, exoskeletal system, below knee (BK), ultra-light material (titanium, carbon fiber or equal)
L5790 Addition, exoskeletal system, above knee (AK), ultra-light material (titanium, carbon fiber or equal)
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Proprietary Information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
L5795 Addition, exoskeletal system, hip disarticulation, ultra-light material (titanium, carbon fiber or equal)
L5810 Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, manual lock
L5811 Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, manual lock, ultra-light material
L5812 Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, friction swing and stance phase control (safety
L5814 Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, polycentric, hydraulic swing phase control, mechanical stance
phase lock
L5816 Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, polycentric, mechanical stance phase lock
L5818 Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, polycentric, friction swing, and stance phase control
L5822 Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, pneumatic swing, friction stance phase control
L5824 Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, fluid swing phase control
L5826 Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, hydraulic swing phase control, with miniature high
activity frame
L5828 Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, fluid swing and stance phase control
L5830 Addition, endoskeletal knee-shin system, single axis, pneumatic/ swing phase control
L5840 Addition, endoskeletal knee/shin system, 4-bar linkage or multiaxial, pneumatic swing phase control
L5845 Addition, endoskeletal, knee-shin system, stance flexion feature, adjustable
L5848 Addition to endoskeletal knee-shin system, fluid stance extension, dampening feature, with or without
L5850 Addition, endoskeletal system, above knee (AK) or hip disarticulation, knee extension assist
L5855 Addition, endoskeletal system, hip disarticulation, mechanical hip extension assist
L5856 Addition to lower extremity prosthesis, endoskeletal knee-shin system, microprocessor control feature,
swing and stance phase, includes electronic sensor(s), any type
Addition to lower extremity prosthesis, endoskeletal knee-shin system, microprocessor control feature,
swing phase only, includes electronic sensor(s), any type
L5858 Addition to lower extremity prosthesis, endoskeletal knee shin system, microprocessor control feature,
stance phase only, includes electronic sensor(s), any type
Addition to lower extremity prosthesis, endoskeletal knee-shin system, powered and programmable
flexion/extension assist control, includes any type motor(s)
L5910 Addition, endoskeletal system, below knee (BK), alignable system
L5920 Addition, endoskeletal system, above knee (AK) or hip disarticulation, alignable system
L5925 Addition, endoskeletal system, above knee (AK), knee disarticulation or hip disarticulation, manual lock
L5926 Addition to lower extremity prosthesis, endoskeletal, knee disarticulation, above knee, hip disarticulation,
positional rotation unit, any type
L5930 Addition, endoskeletal system, high activity knee control frame
L5940 Addition, endoskeletal system, below knee (BK), ultra-light material (titanium, carbon fiber or equal)
L5950 Addition, endoskeletal system, above knee (AK), ultra-light material (titanium, carbon fiber or equal)
L5960 Addition, endoskeletal system, hip disarticulation, ultra-light material (titanium, carbon fiber or equal)
L5961 Addition, endoskeletal system, polycentric hip joint, pneumatic or hydraulic control, rotation control, with
or without flexion and/or extension control
L5962 Addition, endoskeletal system, below knee (BK), flexible protective outer surface covering system
L5964 Addition, endoskeletal system, above knee (AK), flexible protective outer surface covering system
L5966 Addition, endoskeletal system, hip disarticulation, flexible protective outer surface covering system
L5968 Addition to lower limb prosthesis, multiaxial ankle with swing phase active dorsiflexion feature
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Proprietary Information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
L5969 Addition, endoskeletal ankle-foot or ankle system, power assist, includes any type motor(s)
L5970 All lower extremity prostheses, foot, external keel, SACH foot
L5971 All lower extremity prosthesis, solid ankle cushion heel (SACH) foot, replacement only
L5972 All lower extremity prostheses, foot, flexible keel
L5973 Endoskeletal ankle foot system, microprocessor-controlled feature, dorsiflexion and/or plantar flexion
control, includes power source
L5974 All lower extremity prostheses, foot, single axis ankle/foot
L5975 All lower extremity prosthesis, combination single axis ankle and flexible keel foot
L5976 All lower extremity prostheses, energy storing foot (seattle carbon copy ii or equal)
L5978 All lower extremity prostheses, foot, multiaxial ankle/foot
L5979 All lower extremity prosthesis, multiaxial ankle, dynamic response foot, one piece system
L5980 All lower extremity prostheses, flex foot system
L5981 All lower extremity prostheses, flex-walk system or equal
L5982 All exoskeletal lower extremity prostheses, axial rotation unit
L5984 All endoskeletal lower extremity prosthesis, axial rotation unit, with or without adjustability
L5985 All endoskeletal lower extremity prostheses, dynamic prosthetic pylon
L5986 All lower extremity prostheses, multiaxial rotation unit (MCP or equal)
L5987 All lower extremity prosthesis, shank foot system with vertical loading pylon
L5988 Addition to lower limb prosthesis, vertical shock reducing pylon feature
L5990 Addition to lower extremity prosthesis, user adjustable heel height
L5991 Addition to lower extremity prostheses, osseointegrated external prosthetic connector
L5999 Lower extremity prosthesis, not otherwise specified
L7367 Lithium-ion battery, rechargeable, replacement
L7368 Lithium-ion battery charger, replacement only
L7600 Prosthetic donning sleeve, any material, each
L7700 Gasket or seal, for use with prosthetic socket insert, any type, each
L8400 Prosthetic sheath, below knee (BK), each
L8410 Prosthetic sheath, above knee (AK), each
L8417 Prosthetic sheath/sock, including a gel cushion layer, below knee (BK) or above knee (AK), each
L8420 Prosthetic sock, multiple ply, below knee (BK), each
L8430 Prosthetic sock, multiple ply, above knee (AK), each
L8440 Prosthetic shrinker, below knee (BK), each
L8460 Prosthetic shrinker, above knee (AK), each
L8470 Prosthetic sock, single ply, fitting, below knee (BK), each
L8480 Prosthetic sock, single ply, fitting, above knee (AK), each
is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association
Description of Services
A Prosthesis is an artificial device used to replace all or part a missing body part and is intended to restore normal function.
Meier and Melton (2014) identify the most common levels of amputations for the lower limb are the transtibial (TT) (below knee,
BK) and the transfemoral (TF) (above knee, AK).The Prosthesis is a tool that helps the single-limb amputee gain functional
independence. Ideally, lower limb amputees should be able to accomplish things such as ambulation with Prosthesis on level
and uneven surfaces, stairs, ramps, and curbs, independent with dressing and return to work with or without modifications.
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Benefit Considerations
Prosthetic Devices
An initial or replacement prosthetic device is a covered health care service when all of the following criteria are met:
The prosthetic device replaces a limb or a body part, limited to:
o Artificial arms, legs, feet, and hands
The prosthetic device is Medically Necessary
, as defined in the member’s specific benefit plan document; and
The prosthetic device is not subject to a coverage exclusion in the member’s specific benefit plan document
Benefits are provided only for external prosthetic devices and do not include any device that is fully implanted into the body.
Internal prosthetics are a covered health care service for which benefits are available under the applicable medical/surgical
covered health care service categories in the certificate.
If more than one prosthetic device can meet the member’s functional needs, benefits are available only for the prosthetic
device that meets the minimum specifications for the member’s needs. If the member purchases a prosthetic device that
exceeds these minimum specifications, payment will only be the amount that would have paid for the prosthetic that meets the
minimum specifications, and the member will be responsible for paying any difference in cost.
Exclusions and Limitations
Devices used as safety items or to help performance in sports-related activities
Repair or replacement of prosthetic devices due to misuse, malicious damage or gross neglect or to replace lost or stolen
Clinical Evidence
Bone Anchored Percutaneous Limb Prostheses
A Hayes report (2023) reviewed the evidence and found no clear support for use of the Osseoanchored Prostheses for the
Rehabilitation of Amputees (OPRA) Implant System (Integrum Inc.) in patients with transfemoral (above the knee) amputation
(TFA). The reported benefits for the implant should be reviewed with caution due to high attrition rates, potential harm to the
patient, and high rates of revision after the procedure was performed.
In a 2022 ECRI clinical assessment, the evidence is inconclusive for the OPRA (Osseointegrated Prostheses for the
Rehabilitation of Amputees) Implant System. The OPRA is a bone anchored percutaneous limb prosthesis intended for
skeletally mature patients with transfemoral amputations due to trauma or cancer. Evidence from two systematic reviews, two
before and after studies and two case series is limited and of low quality. The studies report that while OPRA restores mobility
and improves the patient’s quality of life (QOL), serious complications, such as infection and implant loosening, have been
frequently reported and thus the risk-benefit balance remains unclear.
Sinclair et al. (2022) evaluated the safety and efficacy of the percutaneous osseointegrated prosthesis (POP) in ten unilateral
transfemoral amputees. This single center, prospective study was conducted with FDA Investigational Device Exemption (IDE)
and Institutional Review Board approval. A two-staged surgical protocol was used; the first surgery included resection of the
residual femur to accommodate the length of the device and prosthetic components, and the second surgery addressed
attachment of the percutaneous post. Rehabilitation started with physical therapy postop day one and then continued with
supervised sessions twice a week for a minimum of at least 10 days. DEXA scans and radiography were performed to observe
the bone response to the device and determine its safety. Functional use of the device was assessed by timing participants
while they put the device on and off, evaluation of distance walked over a 6-minute timeframe and collection of patient reported
outcomes on the Questionnaire for Persons with a Transfemoral Amputation (Q-TFA). Adverse events (AEs) included one
device loosening and needed removal at 5 weeks; a second device was removed at approximately 7 months due to a
periprosthetic fracture after a non-device-related fall; a third patient was treated for postoperative infection not related to the
device implant; and other various minor AEs included musculoskeletal pain, stoma irritation and a loose outer adaptor bolt for
three patients. The authors concluded that the POP offers a promising alternative for transfemoral amputees who have
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dissatisfaction with socket prostheses. Limitations included small sample size, two of ten participants were lost to follow-up due
to device removal, lack of female participants and limited number of surgeons in the single center where the study took place.
In a cohort study of 111 participants, Hagberg et al. (2020) reported on device and patient outcomes for unilateral transfemoral
amputees treated with a bone-anchored, transcutaneous prosthesis. The patients were treated for the first time with the
Osseointegrated Prostheses for the Rehabilitation of Amputees (OPRA) implant system and all consented to a longitudinal
follow-up that occurred over 18 years. Treatment consisted of a two-stage surgery approach followed by a rehabilitation
protocol. The primary outcome was to describe patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) which were captured using the
questionnaire for Persons with Transfemoral Amputation (Q-TFA); the secondary outcome was to relate the mechanical failures
to the demographic data, activity level, and PROMs. The authors found at two, five, seven, and ten years, respectively, the Q-
TFA scores demonstrated far more prosthetic use, improved mobility, and fewer problems. The authors discovered 55% of
patients had at least one mechanical complication, almost 20% of patients had six or more complication events, and
approximately 40% of patients had repeated episodes of fractures. These drawbacks were contributed to a higher prosthetic
activity level with more demanding physical activities. It was concluded that over a 15-year period, the fixture remained stable
and was able to transfer loads to an artificial limb anchored to the fixture via the abutment. Limitations included lack of control
group, missing data due to 15 year follow-up, lack of investigation into the mechanical failures, and lack of association between
patient outcome, mechanical complications, and infection.
Brånemark et al. (2019) conducted a nonrandomized study on fifty-one transfemoral amputees that were treated with the OPRA
implant system. Inclusion criteria consisted of patients with issues related to using a conventional socket-suspended prosthesis,
the inability to use a prosthesis, or not using one at all. Exclusion criteria consisted of amputation due to severe peripheral
vascular disease (PVD) and/or diabetes mellitus (DM), skin diseases on the amputated limb, pregnancy, and current treatment
with systemic corticosteroids, chemotherapeutic agents, or other drugs that could adversely affect the treatment. The implant
system consists of three main components (the fixture, the abutment and the external prosthesis) and involves two separate
surgeries separated by 6 months and followed by a rehabilitation program. Clinical examination for safety assessment was
completed at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. The Transfemoral Amputation (Q-TFA) and the Short Form 36 (SF-36) Health Survey were
given to the participants before the first surgery and again at one year, two year and 5 years following the second surgery. From
the original fifty one patients, only forty made it through to five years for analysis. Adverse events were numerous and included
34 patients with multiple superficial skin infections, 14 deep infections on eleven patients, and 43 mechanical complications in
fifteen patients which resulted in replacement of the damaged abutment and/or the abutment screw. Details of prosthetic use
demonstrated 29 out of 42 participants used their prostheses on a daily basis for at least 13 hours; at five years, it was 28 out of
40 that showed continued use of at least 13 hours. The authors found at the 5-year mark, patients demonstrated a continuous
cumulative fixture (bone anchorage) survival rate of 92%, but the increased number of mechanical complications and the
increase in deep infections was troublesome; further research and investigation regarding this is warranted. Limitations
included small sample size, four patients withdrew from the study, three patients were lost to follow-up and the adverse
outcomes were numerous.
Microprocessor Controlled Knee Prostheses
Although there is ample clinical literature to support the efficacy of microprocessor knees with community ambulators
(Medicare functional classification level [MFCL] K3), there is insufficient evidence to support suitability of microprocessor knees
for patients with lower functional classification levels.
Alzeer et al. (2022) assessed the impact of using a microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee (MCPK) and compared it to a
non-microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee (NMCPK) in 76 adult unilateral transfemoral amputees. In this hospital-based
comparative study, the participants were put into one of two groups: 38 were part of the MCPK group and the other 38 were put
into the NMCPK group. Inclusion criteria consisted of participants aged 18-60 years old, medically stable, able to perform
outdoor ambulation at a mobility level of K3 and K4, and intact cognition. Outcomes were measured by self-reporting responses
via the Prosthetic Evaluation Questionnaire (PEQ), which consisted of scores for ambulation (AM), appearance (AP), frustration
(FR), perceived response (PR), residual limb health (RL), social burden (SB), sounds (SO), utility (UT), and quality of life (QoL).
Data results suggest the MCPK prostheses improved gait, daily activities, and overall positive experience in transfemoral
amputee. The authors found participants with MCPK experienced higher prosthetic satisfaction, improved QoL and body
image, and greater well-being when compared to those with NMCPK. Limitations of this study included a homogeneous
population, self-reporting data, and a modified PEQ scale with inability to compare results to other PEQ scales. Future studies
with larger sample sizes are warranted to check the efficacies of different MCPK types.
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Jayaraman et al. (2021) conducted a 13-month longitudinal crossover randomized clinical trial that included 10 individuals with
unilateral transfemoral amputation due to vascular conditions designated as Medicare functional classification level (MFCL) K2
to evaluate gait performance and safety with a microprocessor-controlled knee (MPK). Participants were randomized to one of
two groups, either an intervention with a MPK with a standardized 1M10 foot or with then non-microprocessor-controlled knee
(NMPK) with a standardized 1M10 foot. Inclusion criteria were dysvascular or diabetic unilateral transfemoral amputation; at
least 6 months or more post-prosthetic fitting; currently using an NMPK appropriate foot; and household or limited ambulator
post-amputation (MFCL K1 or K2 level). Exclusion criteria were individuals with amputation secondary to trauma, cancer, or
congenital causes; skin ulcers or lesions on the residual limb that may prevent fitting the prosthesis or from physical activity;
and visual impairments or cognitive deficits that may impair ability to give informed consent or follow simple instructions during
the study. Clinical outcomes and self-reported outcomes were collected at the end of 6-month interventions. Some limitations of
this study include small sample size, the mean age of study participants is 63 ±9 years (which is relatively young when
compared to the typical age range (7075 years) of transfemoral amputation due to vascular complications in the United
States), consideration of comorbidities, and the use of assistance devices in the home. The authors concluded that individuals
with transfemoral amputation from dysvascular conditions at a MFCL K2 designation benefited from using an MPK with
appropriate foot in gait speed, balance, self-reported mobility and fall safety.
A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted by Hahn et al. (2021) to update a previous 2014 analysis of benefits in
safety, performance-based, and patient-reported outcomes the use of microprocess-controlled prosthetic knees (MPKs) in
limited community ambulators. The investigators searched Medline, Cochrane Library, CINAHL Complete, EMBASE, and
Google Scholar and found 13 research projects (n = 704 participants classified as limited community ambulators). Two
reviewers independently rated relevant publications for their methodological quality. According to the investigators, limitations
of this analysis include the challenge of effective blinding to meet the formal criteria of high-quality research, some studies
suffered high attrition that limit generalizability but may also reflect the challenge of natural progression of underlying conditions
(e.g., vascular disease, diabetes) over longer observation periods, all studies reported some outcomes did not improve as
expected, and the vast variety of parameters characterizing clinical outcomes. The investigators of this review are also noted as
employed by a manufacture of MPKs. The authors concluded that the review suggests that limited community ambulators may
experience reduced fall, fear of falling, and risk of falling, and improve mobility but indicate further research to study specific
needs and characteristics of this population should be considered.
Deems-Dluhy et al. (2021) evaluated the potential of the microprocessor swing and stance-controlled knee-ankle-foot orthosis
(MPO) on improving balance, functional mobility, and quality of life (QOL) in 18 individuals with lower-extremity impairments as
compared to a stance-control-orthosis (SCO) and conventional knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO) over 30 days of use.
Assessments were done at baseline with the participants own device and again after training and use of each of the study
devices. Performance-based outcome measures included walking endurance, gait speed, balance, functional sit to stand and
outdoor ambulation; patient reported outcome measures included the Modified Falls Efficacy Scale (mFES) and the Orthotic
and Prosthetic User’s Survey (OPUS). Clinic visits included reports of any falls and adverse events. The results identified several
performance-based measures improved significantly from baseline scores to post testing scores with the participants that wore
the C-Brace but not with the SCO. In addition, the ability to descend hills measured by hill assessment index showed the MPO
group performed better and were able to walk significantly farther. The authors found improvements in both static and dynamic
balance, gait speed, walking endurance, stair descent, and self-reported falls while using the MPO but not the SCO. Limitations
included small sample size, inability to blind participants due to device type and short time frame of study.
Mileusnic et al. (2021) conducted a systematic review to evaluate the effect of the Genium knee on ambulation, mobility,
activities of daily living (ADLs) and quality of life compared to standard MPKs. A search was conducted using PubMed, Cinahl
and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and returned 12 publications. Six publications contained randomized control
cross-over design, five publications before-and-after design and one study used a cross-sectional design. Participant sample
sizes ranged from 10 to 25 patients and follow up was anywhere from two days to three months. The overall quality of evidence
was moderate to high except for one article. Data was gathered on how the Genium was assessed for walking, ramps and
stairs. The authors found that while mobility and functional levels were both significantly improved and there were positive
effects on the performance and safety of ADLs, it is unclear if the results can be generalized beyond community ambulators
with a transfemoral amputation. Limitations included absence of blinding in all studies, short acclimation period for the patient
with the prosthetic and small sample sizes.
Stevens and Wurdeman (2019) published clinical recommendations on prosthetic knee selection for unilateral amputees at the
knee and transfemoral level. The following are the proposed recommendations:
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Fluid knee benefits and indications: knees with hydraulic or pneumatic swing resistance are indicated for active walkers,
permitting increased walking comfort, speed, and symmetry.
Microprocessor knee benefits when compared with non-microprocessor knees:
o With respect to self-report indices and measures, microprocessor knees are indicated to reduce stumbles, falls, and
associated frustrations as well as the cognitive demands of ambulation.
o With respect to self-report indices and measures, microprocessor knees are indicated to increase confidence while
walking, self-reported mobility, satisfaction, well-being, and quality of life.
o With respect to physical performance indices and measures, microprocessor knees are indicated to increase self-
selected walking speed, walking speed on uneven terrain, and metabolic efficiency during gait.
Microprocessor knee equivalence: given the comparable values observed with the use of microprocessor and non-
microprocessor knees with regard to daily step counts, temporal and spatial gait symmetry, self-reported general health,
and total costs of prosthetic rehabilitation, these parameters may not be primary indications in prosthetic knee joint
Microprocessor knees for limited community ambulators: among limited community ambulators, microprocessor knees are
indicated to enable increases in level ground walking speed and walking speed on uneven terrain while substantially
reducing uncontrolled falls and increasing both measured and perceived balance.
Kaufman et al. (2018, included in the Hahn et al. (2021) systematic review above) conducted a prospective non-randomized
cross-over clinical trial with repetition to evaluate if limited community ambulators would benefit from a microprocessor-
controlled knee (MPK). The aim of the study was to compare functional efficacy, patient satisfaction, and safety of MPK vs
NMPK. The study included 50 unilateral transfemoral amputees (TFA) with a mean age of 69 (range 55-93) and a MFCL of K2 (n
= 48) or K3 (n = 2) that were tested with current non-microprocessor knee (NMPK), then tested with a MPK after 10 weeks of
acclimation. Participants were then retested with their original mechanical NMPK after 4 weeks of re-acclimation. Participants
were excluded if on dialysis, contained a history of acute or chronic residual limb skin breakdown or had a prosthetic socket
adjustment within the previous 90 days. Participants self-assessed on nine validated scales for ambulation, appearance,
frustration, perceived response, residual limb health, social burden, sounds, utility and well-being. Limitations of the study
include safety data is directly linked to the ability to accurately monitor falls, increased burden on participants, use of recall that
is limited by the extent of memory decay over time or under or over estimation, and intervention bias. A number of subjects (n =
21) did not complete the final data capture. The authors concluded that this trial confirmed that MPK use to patients with a TFA
and MFCL K2 results in improved function in the free-living environment, a reduction in fall and improved patient satisfaction.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) conducted an effectiveness review (2018) on Lower Limb Prostheses
(LLP) (Balk et al., 2018). A literature search was conducted in PubMed
, both the Cochrane Central Trials Registry and
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Embase
, and CINAHL
databases and identified 77 articles for review;
52 articles addressed key questions (KQ) 1-3, fifteen articles addressed KQ 4, one article addressed KQ 6, nine articles
addressed KQ 7, and no articles were found for KQ 5.
What assessment techniques used to measure functional ability of adults with major lower limb amputation have been
evaluated in the published literature?
What prediction tools used to predict functional outcomes in adults with major lower limb amputation have been evaluated
in the published literature?
What functional outcome measurement tools used to assess adults who use an LLP have been evaluated in the published
In adults who use a lower limb prosthesis, how do ambulatory, functional, and patient-centered outcomes with different
prosthesis components vary based on study participant characteristics?
How do study participantspre prescription expectations of ambulation align with their functional outcomes?
What is the level of patient satisfaction with the process of accessing an LLP?
At 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years after receipt of an LLP, (accounting for intervening mortality, subsequent surgeries, or
injuries) what percentage of individuals maintain ambulation, continue to use their prosthesis as intended, have
abandoned their prosthesis or have encountered major problems?
The following key findings were found:
Since many specific measures can be used for at all stages of evaluation of function for amputees, it is difficult to effectively
make the distinction between assessment techniques, prediction tools, and outcome measures.
Among the 50 instruments found to assess the psychometric properties, 41 had evidence of test validity, 35 had evidence
of reliability, and 28 had evidence of both test validity and reliability.
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14 studies were found that compared LLP components along with provided data to compare differences in effect among
different subgroups, however, most studies were small, underpowered, nonrandomized, reported only participant-level
data, and did not evaluate heterogeneity of treatment effect. In addition, most of these studies evaluated knee components
and most included younger men at K2 or K3 level, with unilateral transfemoral amputations with traumatic etiologies; only
one study addressed a mean age greater than 65 years.
No evidence was found that addressed how study participants’ pre prescription expectations of ambulation aligned with
their functional outcomes.
As far as long-term follow-up, eight studies with at least 100 participants were found that addressed follow-up of at least 6
months after prescribed LLP, but only one of these studies was conducted in the United States and most (including the
U.S. study) were published more than 10 years ago. There is insufficient or low evidence:
o Regarding failure to maintain bipedal ambulation.
o Regarding use of prostheses only for transfers.
o Regarding reasons why LLP amputees have poor outcomes in terms of their prostheses use.
o Regarding rationale of amputees and why they have abandoned use of their prostheses at 1 year.
Limitations of this review included that most studies were observational, evaluated only a limited set of patient characteristics
lacking heterogeneity, and most long-term studies were conducted outside the U.S. which addressed a different healthcare
system. Future research should include robust studies including amputation level and etiology, baseline K level or equivalent,
living situation, and other participant functional status.
Kannenberg et al. (2014, included in Hahn et. al. (2021) systematic review above) conducted a systematic review on behalf of
the manufacturer to evaluate if there is support that limited community ambulators (Medicare Functional Classification Level
[MFCL]-2) may benefit from using a microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee (MPK) in safety, performance-based function
and mobility, and perceived function and satisfaction. The investigators searched the Medline, EMBASE, PsychInfo, Cochrane
Library, CINAHL, DARE, Cirrie, OTseeker, PEDro, and RECAL Legacy for terms related to MPKs and individuals with a unilateral
transfemoral amputation (TFA) and MFCL-2 mobility grade. Two reviewers independently screened studies, extracted data, and
assessed for relevance. Of 986 articles screened, 3 studies were eligible for final inclusion for safety outcomes (n = 27 with
MFCL-2 mobility grade); 6 studies for performance-based function and mobility outcomes (n = 57 with MFCL-2 mobility grade);
5 articles on perceived function and satisfaction (n = 57 with MFCL-2 mobility grade). The authors concluded that the results of
this systematic review of clinical trials of individuals with a unilateral TFA on interventions with MPKs suggest MPK use may
significantly reduce uncontrolled falls by up to 80% and significant improved fall risk. Performance-based outcome measures
suggest individuals with MFCL-2 mobility grade may be able to walk about 14% - 25% faster on level ground, be around 20%
quicker on uneven surfaces and descend a slop almost 30% faster when using an MPK. Trial fitting may be used to determine
whether or not individuals with TFA and MFCL-2 mobility grade benefit from MPK use is also suggested by this systematic
review. According to the authors, limitations of this systematic review was that the results of the studies were derived with low to
moderate methodological quality in a limited number of patients, trial fittings with different types of MPKs and that the criteria
for appraising success or failure of the trial fitting have been suggested. The authors indicate that the current general and
ambiguous definitions of the MFCLs are a challenge and that an evidence-based and unambiguous quantifiable functional
classification would help better define patient groups for clinical research.
Theeven et al. (2011) conducted a randomized cross-over trial on 41 participants to assess the effects of using a
microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee joint on the functional performance of ADLs in persons with a unilateral above-knee
or knee disarticulation limb loss above knee(AK) leg amputation, classified as Medicare Functional Classification Level-2
(MFCL-2). The patients were tested in 3 different prosthetic knee joint conditions: 1) with their current mechanically controlled
knee joint or manual locking knee, 2) with a knee joint featuring a microprocessor-controlled stance and swing phase (MPK-A),
and 3) with a knee joint featuring a microprocessor-controlled stance phase (MPK-B). Baseline data was collected for the
mechanically controlled knee joint condition and then performance using both MPK devices was compared to the use of the
patient’s mechanically controlled knee. After 13 participants dropped out, MPKs were randomly assigned to the remaining 28
participants by a blinded assessor. The test circuit utilized consisted of 11 circuit stations, where the participants were tested
on 17 simulated daily activities. For each activity the performance time was recorded, and with the visual analogue scale (VAS),
participants rated the perceived level of difficulty for each circuit station; 0 was deemed very easy to 100 which was considered
very difficult. At the end of the study the participants were asked which type of knee joint they preferred in daily life. The authors
found some participants preferred and benefited from the MPK-A, some participants preferred and benefited from the MPK-B
and one patient preferred their own mechanically controlled prosthesis. These results illustrate a singular prosthesis may not be
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the best choice for an entire group of amputees; utilization of tests such as the ADAPT help to personalize the choice for the
patient since each individual responds differently to a specific prosthesis.
Powered Microprocessor Prosthetic Ankles
There is insufficient evidence in the clinical literature demonstrating support for the use of powered microprocessor prosthetic
ankles (MPAs) for transtibial amputations.
An evolving evidence review from Hayes (2022, updated 2023) focused specifically on the evidence to support the use of
powered MPAs for transtibial amputations. There were no systematic reviews identified and a few poor-quality studies with
variable outcomes. There were no professional guidelines identified.
Thomas-Pohl et al. (2021) investigated the relevance of microprocessor prosthetic ankles (MPAs) on six participants with
transtibial amputation that currently wear an energy storing and returning (ESR) foot; the ability to stand on both level and
inclined surfaces was evaluated. The study evaluated three MPAs: ElanVR Endolite (MPA1), MeridiumVR Ottobock (MPA2),
ProprioFootVR Ossur (MPA3). All participants completed the simplified Activities-Specific Balance Confidence scale (ABC)
questionnaire and underwent balance and mobility tests (the Berg Balance (BBS) scale and the 2-min walk test (2MWT)).
Instrumental analysis was completed by furnishing the subjects in reflective markers and performance of several walking tasks;
lower limb angular position and moment, Centre of Pressure (CoP) position, Ground Reaction Forces (GRF) and functional
scores were collected stationary, on level ground and at 12% inclined slope. The authors concluded that increased ankle
mobility is associated with better posture and slope balance and that the benefits of wearing MPAs had a direct relation to their
design. Limitations included small sample size and lack of comparison group.
Kim et al. (2021) Twelve individuals with unilateral transtibial amputations (TTA) participated in a randomized clinical trial
comparing unpowered prosthesis against the BiOM powered prosthesis. 7 people were randomly assigned to the powered
prosthesis group and the other 5 were part of the unpowered prosthesis group; 10 participants completed the full study.
Inclusion criteria for the participants consisted of patients aged 21years or older and had a unilateral TTA with prosthetic use
for at least six months. The authors collected data on metabolic costs, walking speeds in-lab and in daily life, step count, step
count away from home, perceived mobility, and preference between powered and unpowered prostheses. Participants
completed the Prosthesis Evaluation Questionnaire (PEQ) which captured their mobility experience and quality of life. The
authors concluded there was no significance between the two groups; wearing the powered prosthesis did not significantly
decrease metabolic costs, increase physical activity or walking speed, or increase the individual’s perceived mobility. Yet
participants with the powered prosthesis reported they felt they could walk faster and with more ease but did complain about
the battery life and weight of the prosthesis. Limitations included small sample size, lab environment assessments which
contributed to the absence of real-world situations, and inaccurate data for the power operated device due to dead battery.
Future studies with larger cohorts are warranted.
Kaluf et al. (2020) examined the differences in patient reported balance, mobility, socket comfort, and preference between a
fixed-ankle energy-storing-and-returning (ESAR) foot and an MPA. 23 participants at a K3 level with unilateral transtibial
amputation (UTA) were randomly assigned into two groups. Group AB received the MPA to use during the first 4-week period
and Group BA received the ESAR foot; both groups then switched. A certified prosthetist performed all the fitting and
alignment of each participant's prosthetic. At each visit, participants filled out patient reported outcome measures (PROM)
which included the Activities Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC), Prosthesis Evaluation QuestionnaireMobility Subscale
(PEQ-MS), and Prosthetic Limb User Survey of Mobility (PLUS-M), Socket Comfort Score (SCS). At the end of study, each
subject was interviewed by the research prosthetist and asked what they liked and disliked about both devices, and which
would be their choice for their daily prosthetic. The authors found the MPA showed significantly better patient reported
outcomes when it came to walking and standing on sloped surfaces. Limitations included small sample size, male gender
participants only and participants with K3 level functioning or higher. Future studies should examine type of ankle-foot system
and type of socket suspension, physical therapy training, comparison groups along with including patients with lower
classification levels.
Struchkov and Buckley (2016) studied nine unilateral trans-tibial amputees to determine whether use of a microprocessor-
controlled passive-articulating (MPC) hydraulic anklefoot device improved the gait biomechanics when compared to
conventional anklefoot mechanisms. Out of the nine participants, which were all classified as K3 users, 4 of them used an
Elan, 4 an Echelon VT and one a Re-flex Rotate; all were familiarized with using an articulating anklefoot device. The ramp
used was custom made with a 5-degree incline and 2.8 m long/1 m wide walking surface. The participants completed trials at
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two speeds walking down the ramp with both active and inactive MPC and the comparable elastic foot device. Residual limb
kinematics, joint moments/powers and prosthetic foot power absorption/return were compared across all ankle types using
analysis of variance (ANOVA). The authors found that use of a MPC hydraulic foot reduced the biomechanical compensations
used to walk down slopes. Limitations included small sample size, lack of comparison group, and limited education and use for
the non-hydraulic foot may have skewed certain values/results.
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Department of Veterans Affairs(VA)/Department of Defense (DoD)
In a 2017 Clinical Practice Guideline for Rehabilitation of Individuals with Lower Limb Amputation, the following is
Assessment of behavioral health and psychosocial functioning at every phase of amputation management and
rehabilitation. (Weak recommendation)
Institute rehabilitation training interventions, using both open and closed chain exercises and progressive resistance to
improve gait, mobility, strength, cardiovascular fitness and activities of daily living performance in order to maximize
function. (Strong recommendation)
Microprocessor knee units over non-microprocessor knee units for ambulation to reduce risk of falls and maximize patient
satisfaction. There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against any particular socket design, prosthetic foot
categories, and suspensions and interfaces. (Weak recommendation)
Use of valid, reliable, and responsive functional outcome measures, including, but not limited to, the Comprehensive High-
level Activity Mobility Predictor, Amputee Mobility Predictor, 10-meter walk test, and 6-minute walk test. (Strong
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
This section is to be used for informational purposes only. FDA approval alone is not a basis for coverage.
Prosthetic devices and components are classified by the FDA as Class I medical devices. Class I devices have the least amount
of regulatory control; manufacturers of these devices are exempt from the premarket notification procedures and are not
required to provide safety and effectiveness data prior to marketing. Examples of these devices include ankle, foot, hip, knee,
and socket components; mechanical or powered hand, hook, wrist unit, elbow joint, and shoulder joint components; and cable
and prosthesis suction valves.Additional information is available at: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices
(Accessed October 19, 2023)
Implant System is an Osseoanchored Prostheses for the Rehabilitation of Amputees (OPRA) device and composed
of parts that allow a prosthesis to attach directly to the femur (thigh bone). The device was granted FDA premarket approval on
December 18, 2020. Additional information is available at:
(Accessed October 19, 2023)
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prosthetic knee joints among transfemoral amputees on functional outcomes: a comparative study. Cureus. 2022 Apr
Balk EM, Gazula A, Markozannes G, et al. Lower Limb Prostheses: Measurement Instruments, Comparison of Component
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2018 Sep. Report No.: 18-EHC017-EF. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK531523/. Accessed October 19, 2023.
Brånemark RP, Hagberg K, Kulbacka-Ortiz K, et al. Osseointegrated percutaneous prosthetic system for the treatment of
patients with transfemoral amputation: a prospective five-year follow-up of patient-reported outcomes and complications. J Am
Acad Orthop Surg. 2019 Aug 15;27(16):e743-e751.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Health Care Procedure Coding System (HCPCS). Available at:
. Accessed October 19, 2023.
Lower Extremity Prosthetics
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Effective 04/01/2024
Proprietary Information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
Deems-Dluhy S, Hoppe-Ludwig S, Mummidisetty CK, et al. Microprocessor controlled knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) vs
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Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Defense. VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Rehabilitation of Individuals with
Lower Limb Amputation. 2017. Available at:
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Edemekong PF, Bomgaars DL, Sukumaran S, et al. Activities of Daily Living. 2022 Jul 3. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island
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Hahn A, Bueschges S, Prager M, et al. The effect of microprocessor controlled exo-prosthetic knees on limited community
ambulators: systematic review and meta-analysis. Disabil Rehabil. 2021 Oct 25:1-19.
Hayes, Inc., Evolving Evidence Review. OPRA Implant System (Integrum Inc.) in Patients With Transfemoral Amputation.
Lansdale PA: Hayes, Inc., February 2023.
Hayes, Inc., Evolving Evidence Review. Powered Microprocessor Prosthetic Ankles in Patients with Transtibial Amputation.
Lansdale PA: Hayes, Inc., February 2022; updated April 2023.
Jayaraman C, Mummidisetty CK, Albert MV, et al. Using a microprocessor knee (C-Leg) with appropriate foot transitioned
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Neuroeng Rehabil. 2021 May 25;18(1):88.
Kannenberg A, Zacharias B, Pröbsting E. Benefits of microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knees to limited community
ambulators: systematic review. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2014;51(10):1469-96.
Kaluf, B., Duncan, A., Bridges, W. Comparative effectiveness of microprocessor-controlled and carbon-fiber energy-storing-and-
returning prosthetic feet in persons with unilateral transtibial amputation: patient-reported outcome measures. Journal of
Prosthetics and Orthotics 32 (2020): 214 - 221.
Kaufman KR, Bernhardt KA, Symms K. Functional assessment and satisfaction of transfemoral amputees with low mobility
(FASTK2): A clinical trial of microprocessor-controlled vs. non-microprocessor-controlled knees. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon).
2018 Oct;58:116-122.
Kim J, Wensman J, Colabianchi N, et al. The influence of powered prostheses on user perspectives, metabolics, and activity: a
randomized crossover trial. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2021 Mar 16;18(1):49.
Meier RH 3rd, Melton D. Ideal functional outcomes for amputation levels. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2014 Feb;25(1):199-
Mileusnic MP, Rettinger L, Highsmith MJ, et al. Benefits of the Genium microprocessor controlled prosthetic knee on
ambulation, mobility, activities of daily living and quality of life: a systematic literature review. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol.
2021 Jul;16(5):453-464.
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prosthesis for transfemoral amputees: a prospective 1-year follow-up cohort study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2022
Stevens PM, Wurdeman SR. Prosthetic Knee Selection for Individuals with Unilateral Transfemoral Amputation: A Clinical
Practice Guideline. J Prosthet Orthot. 2019 Jan;31(1):2-8.
Struchkov V, Buckley JG. Biomechanics of ramp descent in unilateral trans-tibial amputees: Comparison of a microprocessor-
controlled foot with conventional ankle-foot mechanisms. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2016 Feb;32:164-70.
Theeven P, Hemmen B, Rings F, et al. Functional added value of microprocessor-controlled knee joints in daily life performance
of Medicare Functional Classification Level-2 amputees. J Rehabil Med. 2011 Oct;43(10):906-15.
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Effective 04/01/2024
Proprietary Information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
Thomas-Pohl M, Villa C, Davot J, et al. Microprocessor prosthetic ankles: comparative biomechanical evaluation of people with
transtibial traumatic amputation during standing on level ground and slope. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2021 Jan;16(1):17-
Policy History/Revision Information
Summary of Changes
Coverage Rationale
Added language to indicate a bone anchored percutaneous limb prosthesis [e.g., Osseoanchored
Prostheses for the Rehabilitation of Amputees (OPRA) Implant System] is unproven and not
Medically Necessary due to insufficient evidence of efficacy
Applicable Codes
Added HCPCS code L5991
Removed HCPCS codes L5781 and L5782
Supporting Information
sections to reflect the most current information
Archived previous policy version 2024T0645D
Instructions for Use
This Medical Policy provides assistance in interpreting UnitedHealthcare standard benefit plans. When deciding coverage, the
member specific benefit plan document must be referenced as the terms of the member specific benefit plan may differ from
the standard plan. In the event of a conflict, the member specific benefit plan document governs. Before using this policy,
please check the member specific benefit plan document and any applicable federal or state mandates. UnitedHealthcare
reserves the right to modify its Policies and Guidelines as necessary. This Medical Policy is provided for informational
purposes. It does not constitute medical advice.
This Medical Policy may also be applied to Medicare Advantage plans in certain instances. In the absence of a Medicare
National Coverage Determination (NCD), Local Coverage Determination (LCD), or other Medicare coverage guidance, CMS
allows a Medicare Advantage Organization (MAO) to create its own coverage determinations, using objective evidence-based
rationale relying on authoritative evidence (Medicare IOM Pub. No. 100-16, Ch. 4, §90.5
UnitedHealthcare may also use tools developed by third parties, such as the InterQual
criteria, to assist us in administering
health benefits. UnitedHealthcare Medical Policies are intended to be used in connection with the independent professional
medical judgment of a qualified health care provider and do not constitute the practice of medicine or medical advice.