Personal and collective
protective equipment
market 2022
Personal and collective
protective equipment
market 2022
Protective equipment for upper
and lower limbs, protective
clothing for welders,
welding barriers
and acoustic panels in oces
This paper is published and based on the results of a research
task carried out within the scope of the fifth stage of the
National Programme “Improvement of safety and working
conditions” supported within the scope of state services by the
Ministry of Family and Social Policy.
Task no. 4.SP.24, entitled “Development of a diagnosis and
forecasting trends in the development of personal and collective
protective equipment market in Poland”.
The Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research
Institute is the Programme’s main co-ordinator
Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute
ul. Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warszawa, phone: (22) 623 36 98,
Table of contents
4 Preface
6 Market survey of selected protective equipment
8 The object of the survey and the methodology used
11 Market analysis
12 Global protective equipment market
14 The market for protective equipment
in the European Union
16 Sectors of the use of personal protective equipment
and collective protective equipment and the workers
employed in hazardous conditions in Poland
17 Work accidents
19 Characteristics of suppliers
26 Competitiveness level in the supplier market
31 Recipient characteristics
34 Personal and collective protective equipment
38 Summary and conclusions
Market survey Market analysis SummaryForeword
Dear Sir and Madam,
We are pleased to present you with another report, which is the result of a survey
conducted on the personal and collective protective equipment market. The
purpose of this year’s survey on which this material was based was to characterise
the suppliers’ market of protective equipment for upper and lower limbs, protective
clothing for welders and selected collective protective equipment – welding barriers
and acoustic panels for oce rooms.
In an eort to ensure that workers in Poland are aware of hazards that can
dramatically change their lives, and that employers are provided with the right tools
and support in solving these problems, the Central Institute for Labour Protection
- National Research Institute conducts research and development as well as
dissemination activities related to occupational safety and health. It also strives
to respond to the needs of employees and employers by oering them modern
technical and organisational solutions as well as tools to support occupational safety
and health management, certification services, Internet resources and publications.
Particularly in the current situation, when personal protective equipment suppliers
are facing rising business costs and a possible decline in demand for the products
they oer, given also the high inflation, we hope that the following publication will
become a useful tool for them, providing information about the state of the industry
market and pointing out the factors strengthening it.
The conclusions of the report’s recommendations also indicate the importance
of large-scale educational activities promoting the proper selection and use of
personal protective equipment. It ultimately contributes to safer workplaces, but
also brings long-term economic benefits to employers. Therefore, we believe that
the following publication may become useful not only for suppliers of individual and
collective protective equipment, but also to some extent for other people present in
the labour market.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this report and invite you to
read it.
Wiktor M. Zawieska
Director CIOP-PIB
Market survey
of selected
Personal and collective protective equipment market
The market survey of selected personal (PPE)
and collective (CPE) protective equipment
carried out in 2022 is a continuation of last
year’s project aimed at providing information
on the Polish market for suppliers and
recipients of this type of equipment.
Last year we published a report on the market survey of respiratory, eye, face,
head and hearing protection equipment, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
medical masks.
The subject of this year’s survey concerned the protection equipment for upper and
lower limbs and protective clothing. In order to ensure that the market diagnostics
and forecasts of this protective equipment are of interest and benefit to the entities
operating on that market (in particular manufacturers, distributors, importers and
also recipients of PPE), the survey takes into account only a number of product
groups, as universal as possible, due to their wide range of application or their
frequency of use. The survey also included selected CPE, which were subjected
to a separate analysis, therefore giving a broader context to the attempt to
characterise the PPE market. In the case of CPE, after consulting with specialists,
the most repetitive equipment available on the market was selected: acoustic
panels used in oce rooms and welding barriers (curtains, screens, partitions, etc.).
Foreword Market analysis SummaryMarket survey
The object of the survey
and the methodology used
The following PPE have been taken into account in the survey, specifying the
factors or the designation of the selected equipment:
protective equipment for upper limbs (gloves to protect against mechanical
hazards, gloves to protect against chemicals),
protective equipment for lower limbs (footwear to protect against falling
elements, footwear to protect against slipping),
protective clothing (for welders).
The CPE taken into account in the survey included:
acoustic panels (used in the oce working environment),
welding barriers (curtains, partitions, screens, etc.).
The market survey of the above-mentioned protective equipment was carried out
using a methodological triangulation, which takes into account:
1. Analysis of secondary data (so-called desk research analysis), such as: data
published by Polish and European public statistics; information obtained
from business intelligence, market reports and information, oer price lists,
databases of business entities, and certifying and auditing authorities;
information available online, such as articles and web pages.
2. Quantitative surveys carried out using the mixed-mode CATI/CAWI technique
The quantitative survey was carried out on the Polish sample N = 201 of the
representatives of suppliers (manufacturers, importers, distributors and
authorised representatives) and of the recipients of the selected PPE and CPE,
selected in proportion to the number of entities in a given province. In addition,
at least one company employing more than 50 persons from each province
participated in the recipient survey.
Personal and collective protective equipment market
Table 1. Size of CATI/CAWI survey sample among the suppliers and recipients of
the selected personal and collective protective equipment
Source: ASM’s own study
Size of the sample of recipients of
selected personal and collective protective equipment
Size of the sample
of suppliers of
selected personal
and collective
Size of the company (number of employees)
Up to 9 10-49 50-249 250 and more
Lower Silesia - 1 - 2
Kuyavian-Pomeranian - - 1 - 1 8
Lublin - - 3 - 3 5
Lubuskie - - 1 - 1 4
Łódź - - 2 2 4 10
Lesser Poland - - - 2 2 18
Mazovia - - 3 4 7 25
Opolskie - - 1 - 1 4
Subcarpathia - - 4 - 4 4
Podlesia - - - 1 1 3
Pomerania - 1 3 4 8 8
Silesia - - 2 1 3 20
Holy Cross Province 1 - 1 - 2 4
Warmia-Masuria - - - 2 2 4
Greater Poland - 1 2 2 5 16
West Pomerania - - 3 1 4 6
Total 1 3 26 21 51 150
Foreword Market analysis SummaryMarket survey
Recipients and suppliers were selected for the survey, taking into account the
division into PPE and CPE. The information was obtained from:
N = 130 suppliers of selected PPE,
N = 62 suppliers of selected CPE,
N = 51 recipients of selected PPE,
N = 18 recipients of selected CPE.
Table 2. The number of suppliers and recipients of the quantitative survey
according to the individual products that are the subject of the survey
Source: ASM’s own study
3. Enhanced Individual Telephone Interviews (ITI)
The qualitative surveys consisted of a detailed, thorough conversation with the
respondent. ITI interviews were carried out to deepen the information acquired
during quantitative surveys. A total of 20 experts participated in qualitative
interviews (consisting of: representatives of suppliers of PPE and CPE, recipients
providing selected protective equipment in workplaces, OSH specialists,
representatives of market surveillance authorities and R&D environment).
Suppliers Recipients
Personal protective equipment 130 51
Gloves to protect against mechanical hazards 114 45
Gloves to protect against chemicals 103 40
Footwear to protect against falling elements 107 46
Footwear to protect against slipping 104 46
Protective clothing for welders 105 29
Collective protective equipment 62 18
Collective protective equipment 25 12
Welding barriers (curtains, screens, partitions) 44 11
Market analysis
Personal and collective protective equipment market
A. Personal protective equipment
The global PPE market amounted to USD 52.43 billion in 2019. The forecasts
for the years 2020-2027 assume the market’s average annual increase of
7.4% (CAGR). According to these forecasts, in 2022, the PPE market value will
amount to USD 64.96 billion and will increase to USD 92.86 billion by 2027.
Figure 1. The global PPE market value in 2019-2027 (in USD billion)
* forecast
Source: ASM based on Statista data
According to the Grand View Research report
, the largest share of the revenues
of the global PPE market in 2020 (28%) corresponded to the hand protection
product segment. The hazards associated with harmful and hazardous chemicals,
contact with hot objects and protruding, sharp or rough elements are likely to
stimulate demand for safety gloves in the construction industry, food processing,
oil and gas, health care and metal manufacturing. The global market of industrial
safety gloves to protect against mechanical hazards amounted to USD 2 billion
in 2018
. According to the Global Market Insights report, the best development
forecasts for those product categories are found in several sectors/areas, such as:
mining, construction, automotive, assembly activities, heavy machine equipment
manufacturing, and industrial handling and packaging. The extractive industry has
a high demand for gloves due to the handling of heavy machinery and equipment.
Report from the analysis of the size, share and trends in the PPE market by product (respiratory protection, protective
clothing), by final use (healthcare, manufacturing), by region and segment forecasts, 2021-2028.
Global Market Insights Industrial Safety Gloves Market Size By Product (Mechanical/[Multi-Purpose, Cut Protection,
Oil Repellent, Specialized, Back Hand Impact Protection], Chemical & Liquid Protection/[Chemical Solutions, Single Use/
Disposable], Thermal/[Arc Flash], Special Protection), By Material (Nitrile Gloves, Natural Rubber Gloves, Vinyl Gloves,
Neoprene Gloves, Polyethylene Gloves), By Application (Automotive, Chemical, Machinery, Metal Fabrication, Oil & Gas,
Mining), Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook, Growth Potential, Price Trends, Competitive Market Share & Forecast,
2019 2020* 2021* 2022* 2023* 2024* 2025* 2026* 2027*
Global protective
equipment market
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
Gloves to protect against mechanical hazards provide excellent protection against
cuts and injuries due to their resistance to cutting, piercing or abrasion. These
characteristics make these products desirable in the market. In the machinery and
equipment market alone, 2018 saw a demand of more than 750 million gloves to
protect against mechanical factors.
The second largest product segment is protective clothing, which consists of
clothing to protect against high temperature and flames, chemical-resistant
clothing, clean room clothing and clothing to protect against mechanical damage.
The high quality of these products has resulted in their increased use, which has
stimulated demand for them in dierent industries.
Safety footwear also represented a significant market share in the PPE
sales market. It is expected that during the forecast period, CAGR will reach
a level of 6.8% due to high demand for products. Increasing employers’
awareness about protecting workers from foot injuries caused by chainsaw
cuts, electric shock and midfoot impacts (caused by falling products or
materials) is likely to have a positive impact on segment development.
According to the Industrial Protective Footwear Market Research Report,
Analysis and Forecast
, the global industrial safety footwear market was valued
at USD 5.2 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 6.9 billion by 2028. The
greatest demand for footwear to protect against falling elements is generated
by the manufacturing and construction sectors. According to Global Market
, the global industrial footwear market amounted to over USD 9 billion
in 2021. The demand for protective footwear has remained high in recent years,
mainly due to the increasing focus on reducing the number of victims of accidents
at work. An increasing number of workplace injuries will contribute to the growth
of this segment, which will generate revenues in excess of USD 3 billion by 2030.
Development prospects are also found in the agricultural segment. In 2021, this
segment achieved sales of more than 50 million pairs of safety footwear. It is
expected that by 2030 more than 57 million pairs will be sold.
B. Collective protective equipment
In the case of the global architectural acoustic panels market, according to the
Fortune Business Insights report, its size was valued at USD 7.37 billion in 2021.
This market is expected to increase from USD 7.55 billion in 2022 to USD 10.59
billion in 2029 showing a CAGR of 5%. In 2021, Europe held the second largest
share of the global market of acoustic panels for oce rooms due to both the
location of many international corporations that use the panels in oces to meet
stringent regulations, and standards of living in the region.
Industrial Safety Footwear Market Size By Product (Shoes/{By Material/[Leather (Construction, Oil & Gas, Transport, Mining,
Food, Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Fishery), Rubber (Construction, Oil & Gas, Transport, Mining, Food, Pharmaceuticals,
Agriculture, Fishery), PVC (Construction, Oil & Gas, Transport, Mining, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Fishery), PU
(Construction, Oil & Gas, Transport, Mining, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Fishery)]}, Boots/{By Material/[Leather
(Construction, Oil & Gas, Transport, Mining, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Fishery), Rubber (Construction, Oil & Gas,
Transport, Mining, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Fishery), PVC (Construction, Oil & Gas, Transport, Mining, Food,
Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Fishery), PU (Construction, Oil & Gas, Transport, Mining, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture,
Fishery)]}, Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook, Covid-19 Impact Analysis, Growth Potential, Price Trends, Competitive
Market Share & Forecast, 2022-2030
Personal and collective protective equipment market
The market for
protective equipment
in the European Union
In publicly available sources of information on PPE in the EU, there are no data on
protective clothing and therefore they are not included in the following subchapter.
The EU28 countries produce by far the most safety footwear. The manufacturing
increased from EUR 818,34 million in 2014 to EUR 1 billion in 2019. There has
therefore been an increase of 23.6% in five years. During the analysed period,
the highest increase in production value compared to the previous year occurred
in 2018 and 2016.
Figure 2. Manufacturing value of footwear with protective metal toe cap in EU28
between 2014 and 2019
Source: ASM based on Statista data
The production of safety gloves in EU28 is no longer significant. In 2014,
the manufacturing value of safety gloves in EU28 countries amounted to
EUR 37,76 million and despite an increase in the manufacturing value in the
following year, the next two years experienced a decrease in the production
volume of this type of PPE. The year 2018 resulted in a 54.3% increase in the
manufacturing of safety gloves, reaching a value of EUR 51,57 million. However,
already in 2019, the manufacturing value decreased to EUR 45,9 million
(an 11% decrease relative to 2018).
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
year-over-year growth rate (in %)
value (in mln EUR)
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
Figure 3. The manufacturing value of safety gloves in EU28 between 2014
and 2019
Source: ASM based on Statista data
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
year-over-year growth rate (in %)
value (in mln EUR)
Personal and collective protective equipment market
Sectors of the use of personal
protective equipment and
collective protective equipment
and the workers employed in
hazardous conditions in Poland
The recipients of PPE are all businesses in which workers are exposed to
bodily injury during their work. PPE and CPE are used in particular in the
following industries:
food industry (processing),
chemical and petroleum industry,
healthcare and pharmaceutical industry,
agriculture (the surveyed CPE does not apply here).
Polish employees are most vulnerable to working environment hazards. In
2021, almost 339,000 people were employed under such conditions. This
is 2.7% more than the year before and 7.1% more than in 2019. Noise was
the most frequent hazard in the working environment (more than 182,000
people were exposed to noise at the workplace in 2021, almost the same as
in the previous year and 2.2% less than in 2019).
In 2021, the number of employees exposed to mechanical factors related to
particularly hazardous machinery increased in comparison to 2020. There was an
annual increase of 14.1%.
At the same time, last year, an occupational risk assessment was carried
out in Polish businesses for 2.48 million employees, and for 68.6% of the job
positions, occupational risks were eliminated or reduced. PPE was used by
almost 1.3 million employees. The largest number of employees for whom,
in order to eliminate or reduce occupational risk, some form of personal
protective equipment was used in 2021, was in the provinces of Mazovia
(19.9%), Silesia (17.3%) and Greater Poland (9.8%).
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
Work accidents
The demand for PPE and PPE depends on the number and intensity of risk factors,
but also on the awareness of company managers and workers themselves. As
a rule, the greatest demand is generated by sectors most frequently exposed to
accidents at work. According to data from the Central Statistical Oce (GUS),
11,111 people injured by accidents at work were reported in the first quarter of
2022, 2.0% more than in the first quarter of 2021. The number of injured people
per one thousand employees has also increased (the accident rate has increased
from 0.81 to 0.82).
The highest number of victims of accidents at work in the first part of the current
year was recorded in three sectors:
industrial processing – 3,468 victims,
trade, repair of motor vehicles – 1,425 victims,
healthcare and social work – 1,195 victims.
Many individuals were also injured at work in the transport and warehouse
management sector (986) and in the construction industry (602). All the above-
mentioned industries will probably generate the greatest demand for PPE and CPE.
Map 1. Victims of accidents at work in Q1 2022
Source: ASM based on GUS data
Personal and collective protective equipment market
The people injured the most by accidents at work are those injured as a result of
a collision with a fixed object (34.9%). Impacts by a moving object cause injuries
in 18.9% of cases. A total of 17.7% of accidents at work result from contact with
a sharp, coarse or rough object.
Figure 4. Victims of accidents at work in the first quarter of 2022 by events
causing injury (%)
Source: ASM based on GUS data
The most common cause of accidents at work is improper employee
behaviour (61.4%). Only 1.8% of accidents at work occur as a result of the employee
not using protective equipment.
Accidents at work occur most frequently when the employee is moving (40.3%).
Only 12% of injuries occur while performing work with manual tools and 8.8%
during machine operation. The most common injuries include those of upper
limbs (44.2%) and lower limbs (35.1%). It follows from these data that for PPE, arm
and leg protection equipment will generate the largest demand.
Figure 5. Victims of accidents at work by the location of the injury in the first
quarter of 2022
Source: ASM based on GUS data
contact with electrical current,
temperature, dangerous substances
and chemical solutions
drowning, burying, closing
collision with/impacting
a fixed object
impact by a moving object
contact with sharp, coarse,
rough object
experiencing aggression
from man or animal
trapped, crushed
physical or mental load
neck with cervical spine
whole body and its various parts
back, including spine
torso and internal organs
lower limbs
upper limbs
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
Characteristics of suppliers
The identification of entities involved in both the production and distribution of PPE
and CPE was not easy, as there is neither a section nor a dedicated department
for PPE and CPE on the Polish Classification of Activity (PCA) list. An additional
diculty was that only selected PPE and CPE had to be taken into account for
the analysis.
Suppliers of personal protective equipment
In the quantitative survey carried out among selected suppliers of PPE, 65.4% of
the entities were part of the distributor group and 16.9% of the manufacturers.
Respondents could only assign themselves to one of the groups that best
characterised the entity’s main activity. Among the manufacturers, only N = 1
declared that it has its own research department.
Figure 6. Structure of the surveyed suppliers of selected PPE (N = 130)
Source: ASM, CATI survey.
Among the surveyed suppliers of the selected PPE, small and medium-sized
enterprises with up to 49 employees were the dominant group (89.2%). A total of
7.7% of respondents employed 50-249 people, while 3.1% employed 250+ employees.
authorised representative
Personal and collective protective equipment market
Table 3. Struktura dostawców wybranych ŚOI według wielkości przedsiębiorstwa
(N = 130)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
As many as 80.2% of the surveyed PPE suppliers have been active on the market for
more than 10 years. A total of 14.6% of respondents declared to have been active
on the market for over 30 years. Only one supplier has operated on the PPE market
for 1 year.
Figure 7. The PPE suppliers’ period of operation on the market (N = 130)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
A total of 97.7% of the surveyed suppliers are companies with only Polish capital.
Only 3 suppliers declared that the company holds foreign capital. Among them:
N = 1 holds Danish capital,
N = 1 holds US and Italian capital,
N = 1 holds United Kingdom and French capital.
The vast majority of the surveyed suppliers diversify their PPE product
range. A total of 86.2% of suppliers have at least two types of PPE that are
subject to analysis. Then 63.8% of suppliers declared that they oer all types
of analysed PPE (gloves to protect against mechanical hazards, gloves to
protect against chemicals, footwear to protect against falling elements,
footwear to protect against slipping and protective clothing for welders).
Size of enterprise Share (%)
Up to 9 employees 66.9
10-49 employees 22.3
50-249 employees 7.7
250 and more employees 3.1
up to 10 years
11–20 years
25–30 years
31 years and more
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
The largest number of PPE suppliers (87.7%) oer gloves to protect against
mechanical hazards, and the smallest (79.2%) oer gloves to protect against
chemicals. Every third supplier of PPE declared that it also oers CPE.
Figure 8. Selected PPE included in the PPE suppliers’ oering (N = 130)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
For most of the surveyed suppliers (59.2%), PPE accounts for more than
50% of the company’s total manufacturing/distribution oering. Businesses
conducting their activity in dierent areas have expanded their oering with
PPE, which is linked to an increased market demand for this product range.
It is also worth noting that for 22.3% of the surveyed suppliers, PPE are the only
products in their oering (100% share). Moreover, for 39.2% of the suppliers, PPE
represents at least 90% of the total oering.
Figure 9. Percentage of personal protective equipment in their suppliers’ oering
(N = 130)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
In addition to PPE, the suppliers include in their oering in particular: CPE, welding
equipment and materials, firefighting equipment, e.g. fire extinguishers.
gloves to protect against chemicals
footwear to protect against slipping
protective clothing for welders
footwear to protect against falling elements
gloves to protect against mechanical hazards
to 25%
to 25%
76% and more
Personal and collective protective equipment market
Table 4. Share of individual products in the personal protective equipment
oering (N = 130)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
In total, 41.5% of the surveyed suppliers are directing their oering to entities
throughout Poland and 20.8% to businesses both in Poland and abroad. Almost
every third PPE supplier operates only locally.
Figure 10. Entities to which the personal protective equipment suppliers direct their
oering (N = 130)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
The highest revenue for PPE suppliers is generated by large companies with more
than 250 employees. The revenue generated by the PPE suppliers is therefore
directly proportional to the size of the company’s workforce (the larger the
workforce, the higher the sales revenue).
Figure 11. Recipients generating the highest revenue for personal protective
equipment suppliers (N = 130)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
Individual personal protective equipment Share (%)
Gloves to protect against mechanical hazards 14.24
Gloves to protect against chemicals 7.53
Footwear to protect against falling elements 14.45
Footwear to protect against slipping 13.98
Protective clothing for welders 7.40
Other PPE products 42.40
to entities from several provinces
entities across the entirety of Poland and foreign entities
exclusively local entities
entities across the entirety of Poland
micro-companies (up to 9 persons)
small companies (10-49 people)
medium companies (50-249 people)
large companies (over 250 people)
dicult to say
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
PPE suppliers were asked to assess their financial situation. As much as
86.9% of them agreed that their product prices will increase in 2023. Large
increases in business costs are a large problem for 73.1% of respondents.
In the next 3 years, sales growth is expected by nearly every fourth
PPE supplier.
Suppliers of selected collective protective
In the quantitative survey carried out among selected suppliers of CPE, 53.2% of
the entities were part of the distributor group, and 29.0% of the manufacturers.
Respondents could only assign themselves to one of the groups that best
characterised the entity’s main activity. N = 4 of manufacturers declared that
they have their own research department.
Figure 12. Structure of the surveyed suppliers of selected collective protection
equipment (N = 62)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
Among the surveyed suppliers of the selected CPE, small and medium-sized
enterprises with up to 49 employees were the dominant group (83.9%). A total
of 16.1% of respondents employed 50 and more.
The vast majority (98.4%) of the surveyed companies have operated on the CPE
market for at least 5 years, with none of the companies operating for less than
1 year. As many as 77.4% of the surveyed CPE suppliers have been active on the
market for more than 10 years. Almost every third respondent has operated
for 21-30 years.
authorised representative
Personal and collective protective equipment market
Figure 13. The collective protective equipment suppliers’ period of operation on
the market (N = 62)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
As many as 98.4% of the surveyed CPE suppliers are companies with only Polish
capital. Only one respondent declared that the company holds foreign capital
(British and French).
Only 11.3% of the suppliers declared that they oer all the analysed CPE
(acoustic panels in oce rooms, welding barriers). Most oer only one of the
analysed CPE products.
The largest CPE suppliers (71.0%) oer welding barriers. As many as 68.9% of the
CPE suppliers also oer PPE.
For the vast majority of the surveyed suppliers (85.5%), CPE represents up to
25% of the company’s total production/distribution oer. It is worth noting
that more than half of the respondents (51.6%) declared that CPE represents
up to 5% of the company’s total oering.
Figure 14. Percentage of collective protective equipment in their suppliers’
oering (N = 62)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
up to 10 years
11–20 years
11–20 years
31 years and more
76 % i więcej
do 25 %
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
Apart from CPE, their suppliers oer in particular: PPE, welding equipment and
materials, furniture.
The suppliers were asked what percentage the selected products have
in their CPE oering. Only 9.55% of the total CPE oering consists of
analysed products.
Table 5. Share of individual products in the collective protective equipment
(N = 62)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
A total of 50.0% of the surveyed suppliers direct their oering to entities across
the entirety of Poland, and 29.0% to both businesses in Poland and abroad. Only
12.9% of CPE suppliers operate locally.
Figure 15. Entities to which the collective protective equipment suppliers direct
their oering (N = 62)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
The highest revenue for CPE suppliers is generated by large companies with
more than 250 employees. Close to every fourth respondent encountered
diculties when trying to indicate which consumers generate the highest
revenue for the company.
Individual collective protective equipment Share (in)
Acoustic panels in oce rooms 6.60
Welding barriers 2.95
Other CPE products 90.45
to entities from several provinces
exclusively local entities
entities across the entirety of Poland and foreign entities
entities across the entirety of Poland
Personal and collective protective equipment market
Competitiveness level in the
supplier market
Personal protective equipment
The vast majority of the surveyed PPE suppliers declared that competition on
the PPE market was strong or very strong. There are many small and very small
manufacturers and distributors, but there are also several larger players with well-
established positions and significant market shares.
In the opinion of the surveyed PPE recipients, competitive advantages may also
include issues such as the provision of non-standard orders, or the fact that the
manufacturer’s/distributor’s representative arrives at their company and advises
which specific products will be appropriate, measures the workers in order to select
the appropriate size of PPE, etc. Also, solutions such as B2B platforms that facilitate
placing orders are an additional advantage for suppliers in the opinion of the
PPE recipients.
From the point of view of PPE recipients, companies providing solutions in this area
also compete on the breadth of their product range. Some suppliers are authorised
dealers of one manufacturer and oer only its products, while other distributors
oer products from many dierent manufacturers.
The surveyed suppliers indicated that there are eight major competitors on the
PPE market (average). In total, 18.5% of respondents declared that the number of
key competitors did not exceed three, and more than every fourth one could not
indicate a specific number.
Companies, both manufacturers and distributors, present on the Polish PPE market are
mainly competing with prices, quality, innovative solutions and product availability.
Level of servicing, handling of complaints and customer care are also important,
i.e. everything that the manufacturer or distributor oers besides the PPE itself, such
as scanning feet to support the proper selection of protective equipment or workplace
audits to select the right solutions.
The importance of product availability arises from COVID-19 pandemic constraints,
which, although they are no longer in place in most countries or are being applied to
a more limited degree, continue to aect supply chain disruptions, both in terms of
components and raw materials for manufacturers and finished products in the context of
distributors. Some companies have protected themselves by increasing their inventory,
but typically they are stockpiled for existing customers, and handling additional orders
could be a problem.
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
Figure 16. Number of major competitors on the personal protective equipment
market according to the suppliers (N = 130)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
In particular, large manufacturers have unquestionable competitive advantages,
as they have their own factories and can control the entire manufacturing process.
The advantage is also held by those companies that have a wide range of products
covering all PPE. However, Polish and European manufacturers present on the
Polish PPE market still have to face a high share of imported products, e.g. from
China, which are significantly cheaper but worse in quality.
Dierences between companies located in Poland can be observed. Often
those with foreign capital transfer OSH requirements from their main
oces abroad, and therefore pay more attention to better quality products.
Conversely, companies with Polish capital often only look for the price of
a single purchase of safety gloves or footwear.
During the enhanced ITI interviews, the PPE suppliers were asked about the most
important players on the market, which are shown by the graphics below. These
are manufacturers and distributors who, according to the PPE suppliers, are the
most important businesses in the industry.
Graphic 1. Top distributors of personal protective equipment according to the
suppliers (N = 6)
Source: ASM, ITI survey
1-3 competitors
4-9 competitors
10-15 competitors
16 and more competitors
dicult to say
Personal and collective protective equipment market
The PPE suppliers emphasised that although there are few Polish
manufacturers, those who are present on the market have a strong, well-
established position and are known among the recipients.
According to one of the PPE suppliers, Polish glove manufacturers mainly supply
ordinary, knitted or crocheted products, while the coated ones, which protect
against chemicals, originate mainly from foreign manufacturers. Polish companies
manufacturing PPE, that were mentioned by the suppliers include: Strzelce
Opolskie (JS Gloves), Prortor, Demar, PW Krystian.
Graphic 2. The most important manufacturers of PPE in the opinion of the
personal protective equipment suppliers (N = 6)
Source: ASM, ITI survey
Competition on the PPE market is very strong. It is therefore worth paying attention
to the factors that determine the selection of the PPE supplier. In the opinion of the
PPE recipients, the price of the product is the most important. In the opinion of the
recipients, there are many PPE suppliers and, for example, in the case of gloves,
they have a very diverse product range in terms of price, ranging from PLN 1.5 to
gloves that even cost PLN 150. However, the problem is finding good quality
products at an aordable price. There are far fewer suppliers of protective clothing
for welders. As underlined by one of the recipients, there are few suppliers on the
Polish market who oer good quality protective clothing.
Product certification and the availability of products for immediate delivery are
also important for the PPE recipients. Among the ‘other’ responses, the respondents
indicated the quality of the product and brand loyalty. Only 7.8% of the recipients
indicated that the PPE products are selected through a tender. Large numbers of
suppliers always participate in these tenders. Companies also test products. During
these tests, the employees receive the products of the individual manufacturers for
a certain period of time and determine which ones they find best for their work.
Contracts are signed on this basis.
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
The test period lasts three months. During this time, we have over
200 models of gloves to test from nearly forty companies. Our
purchasing department sends our specification of requirements
to our bidders database, and then those companies, if they can
oer a product that we are looking for, submit an ocial oer and
test samples.
Collective protective equipment
Competition in the CPE market is less intense than in the PPE market. However,
most CPE suppliers assess the competition level as high or very high.
The surveyed suppliers indicated that there are six major competitors (average)
on the CPE market. In total, 24.2% of respondents declared that the number of key
competitors does not exceed three. It is worth noting that 22.6% of the surveyed
suppliers could not indicate the number of key competitors on the CPE market.
Figure 17. Number of major competitors on the collective protective equipment
market according to the suppliers (N = 62)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
In the Polish CPE market, in the opinion of the suppliers, there are mainly
distributors of foreign brands. This is especially visible in the case of welding
barriers. However, when it comes to acoustic panels for oce rooms, there are
several Polish manufacturers, e.g. Bejot. According to the suppliers, this market is
filled with a large number of competing companies and is rather fragmented. The
most important players among the CPE manufacturers and distributors, according
to their suppliers, are presented in the graph below.
1-3 competitors
4-9 competitors
10 and more competitors
dicult to say
Personal and collective protective equipment market
Graph 3. The most important suppliers of the selected collective protection
equipment in the opinion of the suppliers (N = 4)
Source: ASM, ITI survey
The companies dealing with CPE in Poland compete primarily with prices and
the colour range on oer, e.g. for welding barriers. The speed of delivery is also
important, as well as (for acoustic panels for oce rooms) acoustic parameters
and certificates. In Poland, in the opinion of suppliers, CPE certificates are
unnecessary, so their possession may be a competitive advantage.
The technical requirements for CPE products are clearly defined by regulations and
must be met by the manufacturers, so this is not an aspect that enables a company
to gain a competitive advantage in the market. However, in the opinion of suppliers,
innovation in terms of consuming less materials while maintaining the necessary
parameters on a given surface may provide an advantage over competition.
Although competition on the CPE market is assessed by suppliers as less than
on the PPE market, it still remains at a high level. It is therefore necessary to pay
attention to the factors that determine the selection of the CPE supplier. The most
important for the CPE recipients is the product certificate (88.9%), and only then its
price (77.8%). Products that are available for immediate delivery is also important.
Most important acoustic panel suppliers
Most important welding barrier suppliers
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
Recipients of selected personal
protective equipment
The vast majority of the surveyed PPE recipients are active in a widely defined
manufacturing sector, which is a part of section ‘C’ in the PCA list. A total of 7.8% of
respondents were representatives of the construction sector.
Figure 18. Sector in which personal protective equipment recipients operate
(N = 51)
Source: ASM, CATI/CAWI survey
Among the surveyed recipients of the selected PPE, medium-sized and
large businesses with more than 50 employees dominated (92.2%). Only
5.9% of respondents employed 10-49 people, while 2.0% employed up to
9 employees.
The surveyed recipients use a range of PPE. Respondents most often source
lower (96.1%) and upper (92.2%) limb protection equipment. Eye and face
protection equipment (88.2%) and hearing protection equipment (86.3%) are also
very important. The surveyed suppliers use respiratory protection equipment
least frequently. However, the percentage of surveyed entities applying this
precautionary measure is still high (72.5%).
Wykres 19. Personal protective equipment used by their recipients (N = 51)
Source: ASM, CATI/CAWI survey
protective clothing
protective equipment for hearing
protective equipment for eyes and face
protective equipment for upper limbs (arms)
protective equipment for lower limbs (legs)
protective equipment for respiratory system
protective equipment for head
Recipient characteristics
Personal and collective protective equipment market
Taking into account the selected PPE, the recipients most often source footwear to
protect against falling elements (90.2%) and footwear to protect against slipping
(90.2%). More often, respondents use gloves to protect against mechanical hazards
than against chemicals. A total of 56.9% of the PPE recipients also use protective
clothing for welders.
Table 6. Selected personal protective equipment used by their recipients
(N = 51)
Źródło: ASM, badanie CATI/CAWI.
In the opinion of the suppliers, the PPE recipients and therefore the end-
users are very often not aware that better safety gloves or footwear exist on
the market. Yet, even if they have such knowledge, they are usually not the
decision makers for the PPE purchased by the business. However, they are
able to best assess the quality and functionality of PPE, and their opinion is
the most important for manufacturers.
In the opinion of the PPE suppliers, recipients and end-users lack work safety
awareness. Decision makers for the purchase of PPE in Polish businesses are still
largely guided by the cost of this purchase – so cheaper gloves or footwear are
often selected, including those originating from China, for example. OSH specialists
and decision makers are not always aware of the benefits of purchasing better
quality and more expensive personal protection equipment, and how this translates
into a reduction in costs related to accidents at work.
Selected personal protective equipment % of users
Gloves to protect against mechanical hazards 88.2
Gloves to protect against chemicals 78.4
Footwear to protect against falling elements 90.2
Footwear to protect against falling elements 90.2
Protective clothing for welders 56.9
Recipients of selected collective
protective equipment
The vast majority of the surveyed CPE recipients operate in a widely defined
manufacturing sector (83.3%). In total, 16.7% of respondents were representatives of
the construction sector.
Figure 20. Sector in which collective protective equipment recipients operate
(N = 18)
Source: ASM, CATI/CAWI survey
Among the surveyed recipients of the selected CPE, medium-sized and large
businesses with more than 50 employees dominated (88.9%). Only 5.6% of
respondents employed 10-49 people, while 5.6% employed up to 9 employees.
The CPE recipients most commonly source acoustic panels for oce rooms (66.7%)
and welding barriers (61.1%), which results from the selection of respondents (only
respondents who are recipients of these products were eligible for the survey).
Among the subsequent CPE used in companies, the surveyed entities indicated
ventilation systems (55.6%), lightning protection systems (38.9%), handrails and
working platforms (38.9%).
Figure 21. Collective protective equipment used by their recipients (N = 18)
Source: ASM, CATI/CAWI survey
In the opinion of the suppliers, CPE recipients do not look for innovative
solutions because most of them only want to comply with regulatory
requirements. As a general rule, they do not source these products for their
own needs, but are rather interested in them out of necessity.
handrails and working platforms
lightning protection system
welding barriers (curtains, screens, partitions)
acoustic panels in oce rooms
acoustic panels used in the industrial rooms
fall arest nets
working and protective scaolding.
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
Recipients of selected collective
protective equipment
The vast majority of the surveyed CPE recipients operate in a widely defined
manufacturing sector (83.3%). In total, 16.7% of respondents were representatives of
the construction sector.
Figure 20. Sector in which collective protective equipment recipients operate
(N = 18)
Source: ASM, CATI/CAWI survey
Among the surveyed recipients of the selected CPE, medium-sized and large
businesses with more than 50 employees dominated (88.9%). Only 5.6% of
respondents employed 10-49 people, while 5.6% employed up to 9 employees.
The CPE recipients most commonly source acoustic panels for oce rooms (66.7%)
and welding barriers (61.1%), which results from the selection of respondents (only
respondents who are recipients of these products were eligible for the survey).
Among the subsequent CPE used in companies, the surveyed entities indicated
ventilation systems (55.6%), lightning protection systems (38.9%), handrails and
working platforms (38.9%).
Figure 21. Collective protective equipment used by their recipients (N = 18)
Source: ASM, CATI/CAWI survey
In the opinion of the suppliers, CPE recipients do not look for innovative
solutions because most of them only want to comply with regulatory
requirements. As a general rule, they do not source these products for their
own needs, but are rather interested in them out of necessity.
handrails and working platforms
lightning protection system
welding barriers (curtains, screens, partitions)
acoustic panels in oce rooms
acoustic panels used in the industrial rooms
fall arest nets
working and protective scaolding.
Personal and collective protective equipment market
Personal protective equipment
The surveyed suppliers diversify sales of PPE to dierent sectors. The main
recipients of PPE are mainly the manufacturing and construction sectors. In total,
57.7% of suppliers deliver PPE to the automotive sector and 55.4% to the food sector.
Figure 22. Sectors to which the personal protective equipment suppliers’ oer is
addressed (N = 130)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
The sale of PPE by distributors takes place in two ways:
directly to the end-user,
sales to other trading companies which then distribute products to end-users.
Graphic 4. Distribution of the personal protective equipment distributors
Source: ASM, ITI survey
chemical and petroleum
health care
Personal and collective protective
equipment distribution
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
PPE manufacturers typically sell their products to distributors, who then sell them to
end-users, i.e. workplaces. Sometimes, the manufacturer has several key end-users
who buy PPE directly from the manufacturer, bypassing the distributor.
Where the producer is an international conglomerate, the distribution is somewhat
dierent. PPE from manufacturing facilities is distributed to branches in each
country and only then domestic subsidiaries distribute the products to their
distributors and end-users.
Graphic 5. Distribution of personal protective equipment manufacturers
Source: ASM, ITI survey
Figure 23. Personal protective equipment distribution channels used by their
suppliers (N = 130)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
The development of online sales is all the more important because the vast
majority of recipients are making purchases online. A total of 64.7% of the PPE
recipients combine oine purchases with online purchases, and 11.8% make only
online purchases (N = 51).
The rapid development of new technologies and the change of purchasing processes force
suppliers to develop sales channels. In total, 59.2% of the surveyed suppliers declared that
they employ both stationary and online sales. However, more than every third supplier
uses only stationary sales channels. The share of traditional sales will decrease over
the years. In fact, suppliers in their plans take into account the development of dierent
sales platforms, thereby planning innovation in the field of distribution strategy.
only stationary sales
only online sales
stationary and online sales
Personal and collective protective equipment market
Collective protective equipment
The surveyed suppliers diversify their CPE sales to dierent sectors. The main
recipients of CPE are mainly the manufacturing and construction sectors.
A total of 38.7% of suppliers supply CPE to the automotive, chemical and
petroleum sectors. Among the responses ‘other’, a broadly defined service sector
has emerged.
Figure 24. Sectors to which the collective protective equipment suppliers direct
their oering (N = 62)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
Graphic 6. Distribution of the collective protective equipment distributors
Source: ASM, ITI survey
The distribution of CPE manufacturers is identical to that of PPE manufacturers.
chemical and petroleum
health care
Foreword Market survey SummaryMarket analysis
Graphic 7. Distribution of the collective protective equipment manufacturers
Source: ASM, ITI survey
The change of purchasing processes forces suppliers to develop sales channels.
In total, 64.5% of the surveyed CPE suppliers declared that they employ both
stationary and online sales. Only 29.0% of suppliers use only traditional sales
channels as part of the distribution strategy.
Figure 25. Collective protective equipment distribution channels used by their CPE
suppliers (N = 62)
Source: ASM, CATI survey
In what concerns CPE purchases, the recipients are accustomed to traditional
purchases. In total, 44.4% of the surveyed recipients use this channel only. Every
other CPE recipient combines oine purchases with online purchases, and only
5.6% make online purchases (N = 18).
only stationary sales
only online sales
stationary and online sales
Summary and
Personal and collective protective equipment market
PPE and CPE are necessary to ensure that
employees are safe during their work.
Therefore, the demand for selected protective equipment is mainly influenced by
the type of work performed and the risks with which it is associated. Factors such as
better technical support and increased awareness of the price/performance ratio
of products are expected to encourage the production of own-brand products. The
increasing contractual production of PPE designed according to the specifications
of distributors, mainly in the developed economies of North America and Western
Europe, has a significant impact on the increased demand for products.
In the case of protective clothing, end-users consider several factors when
purchasing, such as the material used and the coating it has, the barrier properties
of the seams and other features such as fastenings. Continuous innovation, such as
the development of lighter and convenient industrial protection equipment using
high-quality fabrics, is expected to have a positive impact on the growth of the
Demand for protective equipment that combines safety with better aesthetics and
technological innovations can contribute to market growth.
The market of textiles for the production of protective clothing is changing
dynamically, there is an increasing number of innovative solutions, and companies
are increasingly open to benefiting from technological innovations.
Protective clothing should be light, convenient, safe and compliant with the current
standards. In particular, they must (which is important for specialist clothing), be
tailored to the specific expectations of the recipient and examined in detail in this
respect. Entry into the market of such a range as, for example, textile fabrics used
for the production of inflammable overalls, is preceded by numerous laboratory
tests and performance tests.
Foreword Market survey Market analysis Summary
The development of innovation on the market is partly determined by ecological
requirements. For example, millions of gloves reach the landfill every year. In
response, new companies have emerged who have introduced biodegradable,
disposable nitrile gloves. Manufacturers of PPE may, apart from switching to
biodegradable materials, also reduce their energy footprint by designing new
machinery and modifying existing machinery in order to reduce their energy
The analysis of the information collected during the market survey of the
selected PPE and CPE allowed for the preparation of the following conclusions/
Further eorts are needed to increase the awareness of people involved in
ensuring the safety of workers – the use of personal protective equipment
should not only be a legal requirement;
the use of good gloves and higher-quality safety footwear translates into long-
term savings and better protection of workers;
it is essential to properly train OSH specialists and to disseminate knowledge in
the medical environment on the role played by CPE and PPE;
greater advice on the selection of PPE and CPE in the workplace should be
encouraged and promoted;
the selection of PPE should be targeted at the individual needs of the recipients
– safety gloves or footwear should be selected for specific hazards;
regular training on the use and selection of OSH products at end-user level is
recommended; it is good practice for suppliers to organise this type of training
at their regular recipients;
the employers should be made aware that the selection of PPE and CPE should
be made by an OSH specialist who has the necessary knowledge;
it is worth placing more emphasis in marketing activities on the promotion of
new innovative solutions for PPE and CPE, since consumers, when asked about
innovative products on the market, often indicate that they are not familiar with
such products;
from the point of view of manufacturers, it is necessary to invest in research and
development activities;
the new legislation should be amended swiftly as new technologies emerge
(e.g. the conversion of traditional welding into laser welding, in which case there
are still insucient provisions for CPE);
suppliers should invest in online sales platforms because the online sales
channel is most frequently selected by the recipients of PPE and CPE;
cooperation on the PPE and CPE market should include manufacturers,
scientific and research units, market surveillance authorities and OSH services.
Personal and collective protective equipment market
Information on
environmental factors aecting the behaviour of suppliers and recipients,
market entry barriers and key elements of the supply chain,
market innovation potential,
market price factors,
factors aecting the demand for selected PPE and CPE,
export and import,
the current and future market situation,
see the document entitled
‘Personal and collective protective equipment market 2022. Supplement to the
Report’, available at a charge
Details concerning the purchase of the supplement and the free electronic version of
the publication ‘Personal and collective protective equipment market 2022. Report’
is available at
The material was prepared on the basis of a market survey of the suppliers and recipients of
selected personal and collective protective equipment carried out by ASM – Centrum Badań
i Analiz Rynku Sp. z o.o. at the request of the Central Institute for Labour Protection – National
Research Institute.
Personal and collective
protective equipment market
ISBN 978-83-7373-382-4