The Evolution of Crew Resource Management Training in Commercial
Robert L. Helmreich, Ashleigh C. Merritt & John A. Wilhelm
Department of Psychology
Aerospace Crew Research Project
The University of Texas at Austin
Changes in the nature of CRM training in commercial aviation are described,
including its shift from Cockpit to Crew Resource Management. Validation of
the impact of CRM is discussed. Limitations of CRM, including lack of cross-
cultural generality are considered. An overarching framework that stresses error
management to increase acceptance of CRM concepts is presented. The error
management approach defines behavioral strategies taught in CRM as error
countermeasures that are employed to avoid error, to trap errors committed, and
to mitigate the consequences of error.
The roots of Crew Resource Management training in the United States are usually traced
back to a workshop, Resource Management on the Flightdeck sponsored by the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration in 1979 (Cooper, White, & Lauber, 1980).
conference was the outgrowth of NASA research into the causes of air transport accidents. The
research presented at this meeting identified the human error aspects of the majority of air crashes
as failures of interpersonal communications, decision making, and leadership. At this meeting, the
label Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) was applied to the process of training crews to
reduce “pilot error” by making better use of the human resources on the flightdeck. Many of the
air carriers represented at this meeting left it committed to developing new training programs to
enhance the interpersonal aspects of flight operations. Since that time CRM training programs
have proliferated in the United States and around the world. Approaches to CRM have also
evolved in the years since the NASA meeting. The focus of this paper is on the generations of
CRM training that reflect this evolution and on the problems that have been encountered in
changing the attitudes and behavior of flight crews. CRM training in the military has followed its
own path of growth and evolution and will not be addressed here (see Prince & Salas, 1993, for a
discussion of military CRM programs).
We use the term ‘evolution’ in describing the changes in CRM over the last two decades.
Evolution, as formally defined refers to the process of growth and development, a description that
aptly fits CRM. Similarly, the very different content and foci of programs called CRM justifies
This work was supported by FAA Grant 92-G-017. Portions of this paper were presented at the
International Air Transport (IATA) Human Factors Seminar, Warsaw, Poland, October 31, 1996, and the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Regional Safety and Human Factors Seminar, Panama
City, Panama, November 20, 1997. We would like to thank two anonymous reviewers who made cogent and
helpful comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript. Additional information and data collection forms can
be found on our Internet Homepage: http//
In Europe, the research of Elwin Edwards (1972) was translated into human factors training at KLM Royal
Dutch airlines in the late 1970s.
University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project: 235
Helmreich, R.L., Merritt, A.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of Crew Resource Management training in
commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32.
Evolution of CRM 2
defining them in terms of generations (although temporally a CRM generation is closer to that of
the Drosophila than the human). Our focus is on the most recent approaches to CRM training.
Early generations are described briefly to show their context and emphases (see Helmreich &
Foushee, 1993, for a more complete description of early programs).
The first comprehensive U.S. CRM program was initiated by United Airlines in 1981. The
training was developed with the aid of consultants who had developed training programs for
corporations trying to enhance managerial effectiveness. The United program was modeled
closely on a form of training called the ‘Managerial Grid’ developed by psychologists Robert
Blake and Jane Mouton (Blake & Mouton, 1964). The training was conducted in an intensive
seminar setting and included participants’ diagnoses of their own managerial style. Other airline
programs in this era also drew heavily on management training approaches. These programs
emphasized changing individual styles and correcting deficiencies in individual behavior such as a
lack of assertiveness by juniors and authoritarian behavior by captains. Supporting this emphasis,
the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB, 1979) had singled out the captain’s failure to
accept input from junior crewmembers (a characteristic sometimes referred to as the “Wrong
Stuff”) and a lack of assertiveness by the flight engineer as causal factors in a United Airlines
crash in 1978. First generation courses were psychological in nature, with a heavy focus on
psychological testing and general concepts such as leadership. They advocated general strategies
of interpersonal behavior without providing clear definitions of appropriate behavior in the
cockpit. Many employed games and exercises unrelated to aviation to illustrate concepts.
It was
also recognized that CRM training should not be a single experience in a pilot’s career and annual
recurrent training in CRM became part of the program. In addition to classroom training, some
programs also included full mission simulator training (Line Oriented Flight Training) where
crews could practice interpersonal skills without jeopardy. However, despite overall acceptance,
many of these courses encountered resistance from some pilots, who denounced them as “charm
school” or attempts to manipulate their personalities.
NASA held another workshop for the industry in 1986 (Orlady & Foushee, 1987). By this
time a growing number of airlines in the U.S. and around the world had initiated CRM training
and many reported on their programs. One of the conclusions drawn by working groups at the
meeting was that explicit (or stand alone) CRM training would ultimately disappear as a separate
component of training when it became imbedded in the fabric of flight training and flight
At the same time, a new generation of CRM courses was beginning to emerge.
Accompanying a change in the emphasis of training to focus on cockpit group dynamics was a
change in name from Cockpit to Crew Resource Management. The new courses, typified by the
program developed by Delta Airlines (Byrnes & Black, 1993) dealt with more specific aviation
concepts related to flight operations and became more modular as well as more team oriented in
nature. Basic training conducted in intensive seminars included concepts such as team building,
briefing strategies, situation awareness and stress management. Specific modules addressed
decision making strategies and breaking the chain of errors that can result in catastrophe. Many of
As an example, one of the most widely used exercises or games was called ‘Lost on the Moon’--requiring
participants to prioritize supplies necessary for survival. Another game was called ‘Win as much as you can’.
University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project: 235
Helmreich, R.L., Merritt, A.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of Crew Resource Management training in
commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32.
Evolution of CRM 3
the courses still relied on exercises unrelated to aviation to demonstrate concepts. Participant
acceptance of these courses was generally greater than that of the first generation, but criticisms
that the training was heavily laced with “psycho-babble” continued (for example, the notion of
‘synergy’ in group dynamics was often condemned by participants as representative of irrelevant
jargon). Second generation courses continue to be used in the U.S. and other parts of the world.
In the early 1990s, CRM training began to proceed down multiple paths. Training began to
reflect characteristics of the aviation system in which crews must function, including the multiple
input factors such as organizational culture that determine safety. At the same time, efforts began
to integrate CRM with technical training and to focus on specific skills and behaviors that pilots
could use to function more effectively. Several airlines began to include modules addressing CRM
issues in the use of flightdeck automation. Programs also began to address the recognition and
assessment of human factors issues.
Accompanying this was the initiation of advanced training
in CRM for check airmen and others responsible for training, reinforcement, and evaluation of
technical and human factors.
Accompanying this greater specificity in training for flight crews, CRM began to be
extended to other groups within airlines such as flight attendants, dispatchers, and maintenance
personnel. Many airlines began to conduct joint cockpit-cabin CRM training. A number of carriers
also developed specialized CRM training for new captains to focus on the leadership role that
accompanies command.
While third generation courses filled a recognized need to extend the concept of the flight
crew, they may also have had the unintended consequence of diluting the original focus on the
reduction of human error.
The Federal Aviation Administration introduced a major change in the training and
qualification of flight crews in 1990 with the initiation of its Advanced Qualification Program
(AQP: Birnbach & Longridge, 1993). AQP is a voluntary program that allows air carriers to
develop innovative training that fits the needs of the specific organization. In exchange for this
greater flexibility in training, carriers are required to provide both CRM and LOFT for all flight
crews and to integrate CRM concepts into technical training. Most of the major U.S. airlines and
several regional carriers are transitioning into AQP from the older model expressed in Federal
Aviation Regulations, Parts 121 and 135. To complete the shift to AQP, carriers are required to
complete detailed analyses of training requirements for each aircraft and to develop programs that
address the human factors (CRM) issues in each aspect of training. In addition, special training for
those charged with certification of crews and formal evaluation of crews in full mission simulation
is required (Line Operational Evaluation or LOE).
As part of the integration of CRM, several airlines have begun to proceduralize the concepts
involved by adding specific behaviors to their checklists. The goal is to ensure that decisions and
actions are informed by consideration of “bottom lines” and that the basics of CRM are observed,
particularly in non-standard situations.
On the surface, the fourth generation of CRM would seem to solve the problems of human
error by making CRM an integral part of all flight training. It would also appear that the goal of
By assessment, we mean understanding how well specific behaviors are enacted, not formal evaluation of
human factors skills.
University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project: 235
Helmreich, R.L., Merritt, A.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of Crew Resource Management training in
commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32.
Evolution of CRM 4
making explicit CRM training “go away” is starting to be realized. Although empirical data are
not yet available, there is general consensus among U.S. airlines that the AQP approach yields
improvements in the training and qualification of flight crews. However, the situation is more
complex and the resolution not so straightforward. Before considering the latest iteration of CRM,
it may be valuable at this point to pause and examine what has been accomplished in the past two
decades of CRM training.
Validation of CRM
. The fundamental question of whether CRM training can fulfill its
purposes of increasing the safety and efficiency of flight does not have a simple answer. The most
obvious validation criterion, the accident rate per million flights, cannot be used. Because the
overall accident rate is so low and training programs so variable, it will never be possible to draw
strong conclusions about the impact of training during a finite period of time (Helmreich,
Chidester, Foushee, Gregorich, & Wilhelm, 1990). In the absence of a single and sovereign
criterion measure, investigators are forced to use surrogate criteria to draw inferences more
indirectly (Helmreich & Foushee, 1993; Helmreich & Wilhelm, 1991). Reports of incidents that
do not result in accidents are another candidate criterion measure. However, incident reporting is
voluntary and one cannot know the true base rate of occurrences, which is necessary for
validation. We will discuss new developments in incident reporting later.
The two most accessible and logical criteria are behavior on the flightdeck and attitudes
showing acceptance or rejection of CRM concepts. Formal evaluation during full mission
simulation (LOE) is a start. However, the fact that crews can demonstrate effective crew
coordination while being assessed under jeopardy conditions does not mean that they practice
these concepts during normal line operations. We feel that the most useful data can be obtained
from line audits where crews are observed under non-jeopardy conditions (Helmreich & Merritt,
in press; Hines, 1998). Data from such audits has demonstrated that CRM training that includes
LOFT and recurrent training does produce desired changes in behavior (Helmreich & Foushee,
1993). This finding is congruent with participant evaluations of training. Crews completing course
evaluations report that it is effective and important training (Helmreich & Foushee, 1993).
Attitudes are another indicator of effect as they reflect the cognitive aspects of the concepts
espoused in training. While attitudes are not perfect predictors of behavior, it is a truism that those
whose attitudes show rejection of CRM are unlikely to follow its precepts behaviorally. The
attitudes that have been measured to assess the impact of CRM were ones identified as playing a
role in air accidents and incidents (Helmreich & Foushee, 1993; Helmreich, Merritt, Sherman,
Gregorich, & Wiener, 1993). Data from a number of organizations show that attitudes about
flightdeck management also change in a positive direction (Helmreich & Wilhelm, 1991).
CRM does not reach everyone
. From the earliest courses to the present, a small subset of
pilots have rejected the concepts of CRM (Helmreich & Wilhelm, 1991). These CRM failures are
found in every airline and are known to their peers and to management. Any chief pilot can
identify these individuals, who have come to be known by a variety of names – Boomerangs,
Cowboys, and Drongos to mention a few.
Efforts at remedial training for these pilots have not
proved particularly effective.
While CRM is endorsed by the majority of pilots, not all of its precepts have moved from the
classroom to the line. For example, a number of airlines have introduced CRM modules to address
The Drongo label comes from Australia and is perhaps the most appealing. A Drongo is a small bird that
flies around and defecates on the heads of unsuspecting passersby.
University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project: 235
Helmreich, R.L., Merritt, A.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of Crew Resource Management training in
commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32.
Evolution of CRM 5
the use of cockpit automation. This training advocates verification and acknowledgment of
programming changes and switching to manual flight rather than reprogramming Flight
Management Computers in high workload situations or congested airspace. However, a significant
percentage of pilots observed in line operations fail to follow these precepts (Helmreich, Hines, &
Wilhelm, 1996).
Acceptance of basic concepts may decay over time
. We have surveyed pilots in a number
of organizations several years after they received initial CRM training. A disturbing finding from
this research is a slippage in acceptance of basic concepts, even with recurrent training (Helmreich
& Taggart, 1995). Figure 1 shows shifts in CRM-related attitudes over time within two airlines.
The reasons for the decay in attitudes are not immediately apparent, but it is possible to speculate
about likely causes. One candidate is a lack of management support for CRM and a failure by
evaluators such as line check airmen to reinforce its practice. Another is the broadening of
training to include flight attendants and other personnel, because a program stretched to fit all
groups may lack the specificity needed to change behavior.
As training has evolved from one
generation to the next, the original, implicit goal of managing error may have become lost.
Proceduralizing CRM (that is, formally mandating the practice of CRM precepts) might also
obscure the purpose of the behavior.
Support for this view comes from informal interviews of
crews asked “What is CRM?” A typical response is “Training to make us work together better.”
While this is certainly true, it only represents part of the story. It seems that in the process of
teaching people how to work together we may have lost sight of why working together well is
important. The overarching rationale for CRM, reducing the frequency and severity of errors that
are crew-based has been lost.
CRM did not export well
. As first and second generation CRM training programs began to
proliferate, many airlines in the U.S. and around the world began to purchase courses from other
airlines or training organizations. Even in the U.S., courses imported from other organizations had
less impact than those that were developed to reflect the organizational culture and operational
issues of the receiving carrier. The situation was much worse when training from the U.S. was
delivered in other nations. In many cases, the concepts presented were incongruent with the
national culture of the pilots.
The data are also interesting in showing the impact of initial training. The airlines from which data are
shown did not stress the effects of stress on behavior and the scores stayed relatively flat across the
measurement period.
We strongly endorse joint training as a means of enhancing overall performance. Our concern is with the
dilution of meaning.
This is not a criticism of proceduralizing CRM, which can aid in making the practices part of the culture.
University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project: 235
Helmreich, R.L., Merritt, A.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of Crew Resource Management training in
commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32.
Evolution of CRM 6
Command Resp
Recog. Stressors
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Command Resp
Recog. Stressors
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Airline 1
Airline 2
Scale scores (range 0-100)
Figure 1. Changes in CRM attitudes over time in a two major U.S. Airlines.
The Dutch scientist, Geert Hofstede (1980) has defined dimensions of national culture,
several of which are relevant to the acceptance of CRM training. High Power Distance cultures,
such as China and many Latin American countries, stress the absolute authority of leaders.
Subordinates in these cultures are reluctant to question the decisions and actions of their superiors
because they do not want to show disrespect. Exhortations to junior crewmembers to be more
assertive in questioning their captains may fall on deaf ears in these cultures. Many cultures which
are high in Power Distance are also collectivist. In collectivist cultures where emphasis is on
interdependence and priority for group goals, the concept of teamwork and training which stresses
the need for effective group behavior may be readily accepted. In contrast, highly individualistic
cultures such as the U.S. stress independence from the group and priority for personal goals.
Individualists may cling to the stereotype of the lone pilot braving the elements and be less
attuned to the group aspects of flightdeck management. A third dimension, Uncertainty
Avoidance, refers to the need for rule-governed behavior and clearly defined procedures (Merritt,
1996). High Uncertainty Avoidance cultures such as Greece, Korea, and many Latin American
countries, may be much more accepting of CRM concepts that are defined in terms of required
behaviors. The U.S. is low in Uncertainty Avoidance, which is reflected operationally in greater
behavioral flexibility, but also weaker adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (Helmreich,
Hines, & Wilhelm, 1996). Management of cockpit automation is also influenced by national
culture. Pilots from high Power distance and/or Uncertainty Avoidance cultures show more
unquestioning usage of automation while those from cultures low in Power Distance and/or
Uncertainty Avoidance show a greater willingness to disengage (Sherman, Helmreich, & Merritt,
in press). The low Uncertainty Avoidance of U.S. pilots may account, in part, for frequent failure
to complete checklists and the imperfect acceptance of proceduralized CRM in this country.
There is a growing trend for carriers outside the U.S. to include national culture as part of
CRM training and to customize their programs to achieve harmony with their own culture. This is
University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project: 235
Helmreich, R.L., Merritt, A.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of Crew Resource Management training in
commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32.
Evolution of CRM 7
an important development that should enhance the impact of CRM in those organizations.
Malaysian Airlines, for example, has made national culture a part of its program (Helmreich &
Merritt, in press).
Considering both the observed limitations of CRM in the United States and the differing
reactions to the training in other cultures, let us now turn to the fifth generation of CRM training -
-one which we believe addresses the shortcomings of earlier training approaches.
We have been searching for a rationale for CRM training that could be endorsed by pilots of
all nations--including the Drongos. Returning to the original concept of CRM as a way to avoid
error, we concluded that the overarching justification for CRM should be error management
(Helmreich & Merritt, in press; Merritt & Helmreich, 1997). In reaching this position, we were
much influenced by the work of Professor James Reason (1990, 1997). While human error was
the original impetus for even the first generation of CRM, the realization and communication of
this was imperfect. Even when the training advocated specific behaviors, the reason for utilizing
them was not always explicit. What we advocate is a more sharply defined justification that is
accompanied by proactive organizational support.
CRM as error management
. Underlying the fifth generation of CRM is the premise that
human error is ubiquitous and inevitable--and a valuable source of information. If error is
inevitable, CRM can be seen as a set of error countermeasures with three lines of defense. The
first, naturally, is the avoidance of error. The second is trapping incipient errors before they are
committed. The third and last is mitigating the consequences of those errors which occur and are
not trapped. This error management troika is shown in Figure 2. The same set of CRM
countermeasures apply to each situation, the difference being in the time of detection. For
example, consider an advanced technology aircraft which experiences a controlled flight into
terrain (CFIT) because an improper waypoint is entered into the Flight Management Computer
(FMC). A careful briefing on approach procedures and possible pitfalls, combined with
communication and verification of FMC entries would probably avoid the error. Cross-checking
entries before execution and monitoring of position should trap erroneous entries. Finally, as the
last defense, inquiry and monitoring of the position should result in mitigating the consequences
of an erroneously executed command before CFIT.
To gain acceptance of the error management approach, organizations must communicate
their formal understanding that errors will occur, and should adopt a non-punitive approach to
error. (This does not imply that any organization should accept willful violation of its rules or
procedures.) In addition to normalizing error, organizations need to take steps to identify the
nature and sources of error in their operations. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has
announced a new initiative, Aviation Safety Action Programs, to encourage incident reporting
within organizations to deal with safety issues proactively (FAA, 1997). For example, American
Airlines is participating in the program with the cooperation of the pilots’ union and the FAA.
This confidential, non-jeopardy reporting system allows pilots to report safety concerns and
errors. The program has proved to be a resounding success, with nearly six thousand reports
received in a two year period. Data generated by this system allow the company to take steps to
prevent or minimize the recurrence of incidents.
University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project: 235
Helmreich, R.L., Merritt, A.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of Crew Resource Management training in
commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32.
Evolution of CRM 8
Figure 2. The error troika.
Considerations for fifth generation CRM
. Instruction in the fifth generation has at its aim
the normalization of error and the development of strategies for managing error (Helmreich,
1997). Its basis should be formal instruction in the limitations of human performance. This
includes communicating the nature of cognitive errors and slips as well as empirical findings
demonstrating the deleterious effects of stressors such as fatigue, work overload, and emergencies.
These topics, of course, require formal instruction, indicating that CRM should continue to have
its own place in initial and recurrent training. These can be dramatically illustrated with examples
from accidents and incidents where human error played a causal role. Indeed, the analysis of
human performance is common to all generations of CRM training. We would argue, however,
that even more powerful learning may result from the use of positive examples of how errors are
detected and managed.
Pilots from all regions of the world have been found to hold unrealistic attitudes about the
effects of stressors on their performance -- the majority feel, for example, that a truly professional
pilot can leave personal problems behind while flying and that their decision making ability is the
same in emergencies and normal operations (Helmreich & Merritt, in press; Merritt & Helmreich,
1997a). This attitude of personal invulnerability is a negative component of the professional
culture of pilots and physicians (Helmreich & Merritt, in press).
Training that demonstrates that
these are erroneous or over-confident beliefs and that every individual is subject to stress can
foster more realistic attitudes by reducing the onus attached to personal vulnerability. In turn,
pilots who recognize the performance degradation associated with stress should more readily
embrace CRM training as an essential countermeasure.
In theory, the error management approach should provide a more compelling
justification for CRM and human factors training, but the impact remains to be evaluated
empirically. Continental Airlines has refocused both the basic awareness and recurrent
components of CRM as error management. As part of their commitment to this approach, all pilots
were given the new basic course. Data on the outcomes of this program should help determine the
effectiveness of the fifth generation approach. At the same time that error management became the
primary focus of CRM training, Continental introduced a new program to train instructors and
There are many positive aspects of pilots’ professional culture such as pride in job and motivation that
contribute strongly to safety.
University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project: 235
Helmreich, R.L., Merritt, A.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of Crew Resource Management training in
commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32.
Evolution of CRM 9
evaluators in the recognition and reinforcement of error management (Tullo, in press). This
training stresses the fact that effective error management is the hallmark of effective crew
performance and the well-managed errors are indicators of effective performance.
As part of our development of strategies for using the line audit as an organizational
assessment strategy, we have modified the Line/LOS Checklist, which is used to measure team
performance to include data on error types and error management (Helmreich, Butler, Taggart, &
Wilhelm, 1994). In preliminary observations at a U.S. airline, we found that observers could
readily identify errors, their sources, and management strategies. Examples were found of errors
avoided, errors trapped, and errors mitigated. Instances of errors never detected by crews and
errors whose consequences were exacerbated by crew action were also found. We feel that a focus
on error management both in LOFT and in line checking can provide valuable feedback and
reinforcement for crews.
Fifth generation CRM is compatible with earlier generations. Special training in the use of
automation and the leadership role of captains as highlighted in the third generation can be neatly
subsumed under this model. The error management approach should strengthen the AQP approach
to training by providing an all-important demonstration of the reasons for stressing CRM in all
aspects of flight training. In the same vein, the integration of CRM into technical training and the
proceduralization of CRM also fit under this umbrella, and are likely to be better understood and
accepted when the goals are clearly defined and organizationally endorsed. Pilots should also be
better able to develop effective strategies for error management in situations where procedures are
lacking and provide a focal point for CRM skills which are not amenable to proceduralization.
Training modules such as situation awareness and the nature and importance of briefings can
be seen as basic error management techniques. Similarly, joint training of cabin and cockpit crews
can be seen as extending the scope of error management to all employees in a safety culture
(Merritt & Helmreich, 1997b). Finally, clarification of the basic goals of CRM training may be the
best way to reach the Drongos who should find it difficult to deny the importance of error
CRM is not and never will be the mechanism to eliminate error and assure safety in a high
risk endeavor such as aviation. Error is an inevitable result of the natural limitations of human
performance and the function of complex systems. CRM is one of an array of tools that
organizations can use to manage error.
The safety of operations is influenced by professional, organizational, and national cultures
and safety requires focusing each of these toward an organizational safety culture that deals with
errors non-punitively and proactively (Helmreich & Merritt, in press). When CRM is viewed in
the context of the aviation system, its contributions and limitations can be understood. What we
do know is that the rationale for human factors training is as strong now as it was when the term
CRM was first coined.
Leadership represents a critical area where training can be effective but a set of rote procedures will not
lead to optimum performance (Pettitt & Dunlap, 1997).
University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project: 235
Helmreich, R.L., Merritt, A.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of Crew Resource Management training in
commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32.
Evolution of CRM 10
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Helmreich, R.L., Merritt, A.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of Crew Resource Management training in
commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32.
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