Iowa Parent School
Lunch Survey:
Formave Research
for Communicaon
about School Meal
Paern Changes
Spring 2013
Natoshia Askelson
Elizabeth Golembiewski
Daniel Elchert
University of Iowa
Public Policy Center,
Department of Community and
Behavioral Health, and
Department of Psychological
and Quantave Foundaons
Spring 2013
Iowa parent school lunch survey:
Formave research for communicaon
about school meal paern changes
Prepared for the Iowa Department of Educaon by:
Natoshia M. Askelson, MPH, PhD
Assistant Research Scienst
University of Iowa, Public Policy Center and
Department of Community & Behavioral Health
Elizabeth Golembiewski, BA
Graduate Student Research Assistant
University of Iowa, Public Policy Center and
Department of Community & Behavioral Health
Daniel Elchert, BA
Graduate Student Research Assistant
University of Iowa, Public Policy Center and
Department of Psychological & Quantave Foundaons
2 | Iowa Parent School Lunch Survey
I. Execuve Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
II. Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
III. Methods ........................................7
IV. Results (total n=2189) .............................8
School districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Grade of child ...............................................17
Days eang school lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Why eat school lunch?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Lunch from home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Learning about healthy eang .................................27
Receiving informaon about healthy eang ......................32
Have you heard about the changes to school lunch? ...............34
Sources used to learn about school lunch changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Has your child told you about school meal changes? ...............37
Other parents’ opinions of changes in school lunch ................94
Purpose of school meals ......................................95
Are recent changes to school meals needed? .....................97
Have school meals changed since you were a kid? .................98
Importance of fruit, vegetables, protein, whole grain, and processed
foods in your child’s school lunch ..............................105
Do you agree with the following statements?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
Is it important that your child thinks school meals taste good? ......108
Does your oldest child think the new meals taste good? ...........109
Does your oldest child eat more fruit at home than they used to? ...110
Does your oldest child eat more vegetables at home than they used to? .
How oen do you talk to your oldest child about school meals?. . . . .112
Does your child get a more nutrious meal at home or at school? ...113
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Cost of school meals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Specic foods that are missed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
Specic healthy foods that are needed .........................138
How important are the following items? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Further thoughts ...........................................161
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I. Execuve Summary
The purpose of this parent survey is to determine Iowa parents’ knowledge
and perceptions of the school lunch program and the new school meal
patterns. The results of the survey will inform the development of a health
communication intervention, which will educate parents about the new
school meal patterns and encourage their support of the reforms. The
parent survey is one piece of a larger research effort to understand the
school lunch program and its comprehensive importance to families in Iowa.
Interviews have been conducted with school food service directors, school
administrators and school nurses. Additionally, high school students have
participated in focus groups. Beginning in Fall 2013, in-depth telephone
interviews will be conducted with rural food service directors to better
understand the unique challenges they face and the support and resources
they need to successfully implement the new school meal policies.
Designed by researchers at the University of Iowa Public Policy Center and
Department of Community & Behavioral Health in conjunction with the
instrument measured parent knowledge of school lunch changes along with
attitudes toward these changes; parental beliefs surrounding healthy dietary
practices for their children and the importance of school lunch in childhood
nutrition and general health; and preferred modes of communication
between parents and the school.
Parental response to the electronic survey surpassed expectations. Over
2,000 responses were received during the two-week period of the survey’s
online availability. In general, respondents actively engaged with the
questionnaire and furnished an abundance of feedback in response to open-
ended prompts.
The responses detailed in this report represent parents from a broad range
of backgrounds, experiences, and geographical locations within Iowa,
encompassing 139 districts across the state and 12 private/parochial
schools. A total of 130 parents reported that their student receives free or
reduced lunch.
The results of the survey revealed parental beliefs and opinions that can
be used to further inform schools, districts, and state programs and their
communication efforts.
• 84% of parents were aware of the changes to the federal school
lunch guidelines.
• Most children (72.6%) eat school lunch at least 4 times a week
instead of bringing it from home. Parents report a variety of reasons
for this, most commonly: lack of time to prepare a lunch at home,
child preference for school lunch, and normative culture at their
child’s school of eating school lunch. Parents report that 22.7% of
students never bring a lunch from home. Of the students who bring
lunch from home, 42% do so because they do not like school lunch.
• Parents currently draw from a variety of resources-- including
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magazines, television, the Internet, and other parents-- to learn
about healthy eating. Parents are also receptive to obtaining this
information from a range of resources in the future, like email, social media,
and information circulated by their childs school.
• Many parents express worries about their child’s health in general, but do
not see school lunch as being a causal factor in childhood obesity.
• Parents generally report high levels of communication with their child about
school lunch.
• Parents (64.1%) feel that children are not getting enough to eat at school
lunch, and that unappealing food often goes to waste.
• Many parents report that their children do not like what is being served at
school lunches. For example:
ӹ Children want more fresh fruits and vegetables at school lunch
ӹ ey would also like more condiments, dressings, and desserts such
as cinnamon rolls to be served at school lunch
• Parents report that lunches made from scratch are preferred over processed
or pre-packaged foods, and express nostalgia for the “home-cooked” school
lunches they remember having as children.
• Over half (59.7%) of parents believe that other parents are dissatised with
the new changes.
ese ndings suggest overall negative attitudes from parents toward current school
lunch practices throughout many districts in Iowa. However, trends are promising
for future programs and eorts, given that many of these parents express openness
to communication from the school about lunch and nutrition in general, and report
open communication practices with their child about school lunches.
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II. Purpose
e following report is a summary of the data collected from 2,189 parents of public
school students in the state of Iowa via an electronically disseminated survey. is
report outlines the results of a survey in which Iowa parents of school-aged children
answered a series of questions intended to assess attitudes, beliefs, and practices
surrounding school lunch at their oldest child’s school. Specically, questions were
oriented to reect the federal school lunch guidelines implemented beginning in
August 2012, and were designed to gather opinions from parents on the policy
initiative throughout many districts in Iowa.
e parent survey is one component of a larger research eort to understand school
meal reform with the goal of supporting Iowa schools, parents and students in
successfully implementing the new school meal reforms. Telephone interviews were
conducted with school food service directors, school administrators and school
nurses. A national environmental scan was completed to determine how other
states were responding to these changes. A random sample of Iowa school district
websites were examined to identify what information school districts were providing
about school meals. Iowa high school students (n =18) participated in focus groups.
Starting in Fall 2013, telephone interviews will be conducted with rural food service
directors to better understand the challenges they face and the support and resources
they need to successfully implement the new school meal policies.
e survey instrument was designed to identify parent knowledge and attitudes on
a variety of interrelated topics; namely, the role of school lunch in childhood eating
practices, communication between parents and the school, and the execution of
school lunch in their child’s school.
e central objectives of this survey were:
Assess knowledge of the recent federal school lunch changes among parents and the
ensuing attitudes toward these changes
Uncover parent beliefs surrounding healthy practices in general for their children,
and shed light on the importance of school lunch within this schema
Gauge preferred modes of communication for schools to keep parents informed
about school meals, and get a sense for which resources parents use to access infor-
mation about healthy eating and nutrition for their children
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III. Methods
e electronic survey instrument was jointly developed with the University of Iowa
Public Policy Center and the Iowa Department of Education. e University of Iowa
Institutional Review Board approved the study. e survey was developed using
survey software and was elded from March 1, 2013 –March 18, 2013.
Participants were parents recruited from elementary, middle, and high schools
across the state of Iowa. Schools distributed the online survey via email, on the
school website, and as information sent home with the students. Parents were
also encouraged to disseminate the survey themselves to other parents of children
enrolled in an Iowa school. Only parents of Iowa school students (K-12) were
included in the survey.
e survey items were developed based on the previous research that had been
conducted with school administrators and sta, as well as information gathered from
other states. Parents were asked to report on the experiences of their oldest child,
because school sta identied the younger children as being less concerned about the
meal changes. e nal survey instrument included 28 items, two of which were for
demographic purposes and asked respondents to identify the grade level and school
district of their oldest school-aged child. Questions were asked about current school
lunch practices, communication preferences surrounding eating practices and other
health-related behaviors, knowledge about school lunches and attitudes—both that
of the respondent and perceived attitudes of his or her child along with that of other
parents-- toward these changes, and parents’ perceptions of child preferences and
attitudes towards school lunch.
Both quantitative and qualitative responses were collected from parents. Quantitative
data is tabulated below as frequencies and percent of responses. Qualitative responses
were coded thematically and organized categorically by relative frequency of
response; given the high volume of qualitative responses to the open-ended questions
posed by the survey instrument, particularly illustrative excerpts are given in some
cases in the results section below. e full body of qualitative responses is provided
throughout the report. e qualitative responses are as they were submitted by the
parents without any corrections or deletions from the researchers.
It is important to note the limitations of this study. ere are three limitations that
should be considered when interpreting the results. Parents without internet access
would not be able to the survey. Eorts were made to include school districts that
have limited electronic communication with parents. e sample is not a random
sample of Iowa parents, but a convenience sample. Parents with stronger opinions
about school lunch, may have been more likely to respond. Parents were asked to
report only on the experiences of their oldest child, therefore more high school
students are represented in the sample. e experiences of elementary age students
might not be well represented.
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IV. Results (total n=2189)
School district for oldest child (n=1859)
District Frequency Percent
AGWSR 2 .1
Adel DeSoto Minburn 1 .1
Akron Wesield 55 3.0
Albert City-Truesdale 1 .1
Albia 51 2.7
Alden 14 .8
Algona 1 .1
Allamakee 32 1.7
Alta 2 .1
Ames 2 .1
Anamosa 1 .1
Ankeny 13 .7
Ar-We-Va 1 .1
Atlanc 1 .1
Audubon 2 .1
Ballard 1 .1
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BCLUW 1 .1
Bedford 1 .1
Bellevue 1 .1
Benton 3 .2
Beendorf 1 .1
Bondurant-Farrar 191 10.3
Boone 2 .1
Boyden-Hull 1 .1
CAM 3 .2
Carlisle 3 .2
Carroll 1 .1
Cedar Falls 12 .6
Cedar Rapids 4 .2
Central 42 2.3
Central City 2 .1
Central Decatur 1 .1
Charles City 2 .1
Cherokee 41 2.2
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Clarinda 1 .1
College 5 .3
Creston 3 .2
Dallas Center-Grimes 4 .2
Danville 1 .1
Davenport 2 .1
Decorah Community 15 .8
Denison 51 2.7
Des Moines
20 1.1
Dubuque 2 .1
Boyer Valley 2 .1
Earlham 1 .1
East Marshall 2 .1
East Union 14 .8
Edgewood-Colesburg 1 .1
Farragut 2 .1
Forest City 4 .2
Fort Dodge 1 .1
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Fort Madison 1 .1
Fremont 1 .1
Garner-Hayeld 1 .1
GMG 6 .3
Griswold 4 .2
Grundy Center 5 .3
H-L-V 1 .1
Hamburg 14 .8
Hampton-Dumont 1 .1
Harlan 2 .1
Howard-Winneshiek 141 7.6
Hudson 10 .5
Humboldt 2 .1
Independence 2 .1
Interstate 35 7 .4
Iowa City 4 .2
Iowa Falls 71 3.8
IKM-Manning 18 1.0
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Johnston 6 .3
Keokuk 1 .1
Knoxville 6 .3
Le Mars 2 .1
Linn-Mar 2 .1
Lisbon 18 1.0
Madrid 1 .1
Manson Northwest
2 .1
Maquoketa 4 .2
Maquoketa Valley 7 .4
4 .2
Marion Independent 1 .1
Marshalltown 6 .3
MFL MarMac 4 .2
Moravia 1 .1
Mount Ayr 23 1.2
Nevada 91 4.9
New Hampton 3 .2
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New London 9 .5
Central Springs 1 .1
North Fayee 7 .4
Northeast Hamilton 1 .1
North Polk 1 .1
North Sco 1 .1
North Tama County 10 .5
North Winneshiek 27 1.4
Norwalk 2 .1
Oelwein 4 .2
Oskaloosa 157 8.4
Panorama 1 .1
PCM 2 .1
Pella 3 .2
Perry 2 .1
Pleasant Valley 4 .2
Pleasantville 26 1.4
Pocahontas Area 2 .1
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Postville 3 .2
Red Oak 2 .1
Rockwell City-Lyon 2 .1
Schaller-Crestland 1 .1
Schleswig 1 .1
Sergeant Blu-Luton 2 .1
Shenandoah 77 4.1
Sioux Center 1 .1
Sioux Central 19 1.0
Southern Cal 3 .2
Solon 140 7.5
South Page 1 .1
South Tama County 18 1.0
South Winneshiek 6 .3
Southeast Polk 55 3.0
Stanton 1 .1
Storm Lake 2 .1
Tri-County 1 .1
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Turkey Valley 71 3.8
Union 44 2.4
Urbandale 1 .1
Van Buren 21 1.1
Wapsie Valley 8 .4
Washington 1 .1
Waterloo 2 .1
Waukee 5 .3
Waverly-Shell Rock 1 .1
West Branch 1 .1
West Delaware County 1 .1
West Des Moines 5 .3
Western Dubuque 6 .3
West Lyon 1 .1
Woodbine 1 .1
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Other schools and school districts
School/School District Frequency
Trinity Catholic School, Provin 3
Homeschool 2
Kuemper Catholic School System 2
CFS Catholic School 1
Cresco Iowa 1
Holy Family Catholic Schools 1
Kuemper Catholic School System 1
Private school 1
Shelby County Catholic School 1
St. Francis Xavier Dyersville 1
St Patrick's Catholic School 1
Zion Lutheran School-Denison 1
Zion-St. John Lutheran School 1
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What grade is your oldest school-age child in? (n=1757)
Grade Frequency Percent
Kindergarten 107 6.1
First 76 4.3
Second 85 4.8
Third 103 5.9
Fourth 85 4.8
Fih 128 7.3
Sixth 126 7.2
Seventh 116 6.6
Eighth 158 9.0
Ninth 132 7.5
Tenth 223 12.7
Eleventh 214 12.2
Twelh 204 11.6
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Last week how many days did your oldest child eat school
lunch? (n=1981)
Days Frequency Percent
5 1234 62.3
4 205 10.3
3 166 8.4
2 97 4.9
1 91 4.6
0 188 9.5
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Why does your child eat school lunch?
(Check all that apply)
Reason Frequency Percent
My child likes school lunch. 573 26.2
There is no me to pack a lunch from home. 553 25.3
My child’s friends eat school lunch. 530 24.2
School lunch is a good value for the money. 408 18.6
School lunch is a healthy meal. 333 15.2
My child receives free or reduced cost lunch. 226 10.3
Somemes we forget to pack a lunch from home. 209 9.5
My child never eats school lunch. 126 5.8
School lunch is beer for my child than what we
could make at home.
116 5.3
It is convenient. 88 4.0
We don’t have money to pack a lunch from
79 3.6
My child will only eat school lunch if they like the
food that day.
50 2.3
I like my child to eat a hot lunch. 30 1.4
My child doesn’t want to pack his/her own lunch. 16 .7
School lunch has a beer variety than lunch from
15 .7
It is not cool to bring lunch from home. 11 .5
Other 127 5.8
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Why does your child eat school lunch? (“Other” responses)
About once a month there will be a vegetarian friendlyoption
Bad survey question all answers assume something bad and bias is introduced.
Because it is oered.
Because why the fuck not
better then not eating
but never enough
Cant leave school on Mondays, so has to eat school lunch
child choice
Child uses lunchtime for schoolwork and to meet with teachers.
child will not take lunch from home
class schedule does not allow time for him to leave for lunch
Does not like / doest want to starve
Doesnt eat at school unless he does not have time to leave the building.
dose not look at lunch menu
eats ala carte
eats it on a special day for a treat
Everyone should be entitled to a free lunche lu
he comes home an eats
he easts the lunch, but says that it is not fullling
he eats school lunch as well as snacks from home
he gets bored of home lunches
He has an eating disorder
he otherwise would eat pbnj every day
He rarely eats school lunch.
He walks home for lunch
Home lunch is healthier and my child isnt starving at the end of the day. School
lunches are also undercooked often and cold.
I also eat school once a month with my daughter.
I always did
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I just dont send sack lunches.
I thought it would be better than sack lunch everyday but it is NOT
I wish our lunches were what is posted on our website. Our lunches arent
consistent. I would prefer she eat school lunch, but it is not always reliable.
If we pay for it, then they should eat it.
Isnt allowed to come home for lunch
It’s option we choose to use
It’s the only choice
Just because
just dont give them the option
just eats main
just happens
lunch period too short to go back to locker for home lunch
My child eats school lunch only a few times a month
My child hates cold sandwiches
my child leaves for Central during the lunch hour
my child just eats salad most of the time
my child rarely eats school lunch
My child will only eat a school lunch once a month
My children dont always like what they are having for lunch
My daughter rarely eats lunch and eats only chips and gatorade at school
my son takes his lunch everyday. e school lunches have taken a turn for the
worse. Example....One day that I visited, they were serving cherry tomoatoes. Each
child got 5 cherry tomatoes on their plate. First of all, that was in February and
cherry omatoes are not cheap to buy at that time of year. Also, the table that my son
and I sat at....not 1child ate their tomatoes. Complete waste!!!
needs to stay at school to get work done
never eats at school
no place to keep a pack lunch temperature right
No time to go home for lunch.
no time to leave between classes
no way to keep a sack lunch hot or cold
no way to keep food at proper temps till its eaten
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Not enough time to go home
Occasionally she likes what they are having at school.
occationally if its a less fatty meal, once or twice
Often do not have everything available for a balanced nutritional meal that can be
packaged as a cold lunch.
only if she forgets her cold lunch
Our school lunches are full of frozen processed food that is unhealthy.
Our school’s lunch sta
paid for at the beginning of the year
picky eater
Preschool family style meal
rarely eats
rarely eats school lunch
School Lunch is not a good value.
she found metal in her food one day and refuses to eat it again
She isnt picky and will eat school lunch.
She only gets to eat at school twice a month
She sometimes eats school lunch but very rarely
she takes her lunch part of the time
She takes it but doesnt eat it because she doesnt like it.
Sometimes I choose to not pack a lunch from home.
sometimes she likes the lunch
sometimes takes lunch
student choice
Teach kids not to be so picky
ere are ALOT of days my child wants to pack a lunch but I dont want to start
that or she would take one everday
ere are times that my child does not eat school lunch
ere are very limited things you can pack when they dont have access to a
microwave to heat stu, or a fridge to keep stu cold
ey complain the food is horrblie.
they like some of what is served
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unable to pack some days
We cant send peanut butter/jelly like they like
we just make our kids eat the school lunch most of the time
we pay for it but she doesnt always eat it and comes home hungary
we pay for the school lunch
We should be fed if we are here from 8-3
what weve always done
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Why does your child bring lunch from home to eat at school?
(Check all that apply)
Reason Frequency Percent
My child somemes doesn’t like what is being
served at school lunch.
921 42.1
My child never brings lunch from home. 497 22.7
My child needs more food than school lunch
415 19.0
Making lunch from home means I know what my
child is eang.
291 13.3
My child does not like school lunch. 287 13.1
Lunch from home is a healthy meal. 271 12.4
Lunch from home is cheaper than school lunch. 194 8.9
Bringing a lunch from home gives my child more
me to eat.
163 7.4
Lunch from home is made with love. 114 5.2
My child will not eat the fruits and vegetables
the school lunch provides.
110 5.0
My child’s friends bring lunch from home. 67 3.1
My child has food allergies. 21 1.0
My child needs more energy for sports. 8 .4
My child brings a lunch from home for eld trips. 7 .3
My child doesn’t like to wait in line for school
7 .3
My child is a vegetarian and there are very few
vegetarian opons at school lunch.
3 .1
Other 34 1.6
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Why does your child bring lunch from home to eat at school?
(“Other” responses)
As a fun change
because there is NO mircrowave provided for my child to heat up a lunch brought
from home
doesnt eat
due to her college classes, her schedule doesnt allow her to be at school for lunch so
she eats at home
During certain times of the year, my child needs a specic diet.
For fun
He either goes o campus or picks from
the allecart so we do not know what he is eating.
he has open campus he goes home to eat
I think more parents of high school would send lunches if someone would start then
others would follow
like to use his lunch box
Meals are not good because they are processed or out of a can.
My child does not like things covered in sauces. If he has fruit or veggies, he would
prefer to have sauce on the side.
My child struggles with certain smells and he becomes very uncomfortable during
the lunch period. So bringing his own lunch helps him cope.
My children eat a variety of healthy foods,including fruits,veggies,and whole grain
that taste good and are good for them. ey tell me that the school lunch tastes
terrible since they changed to whole grain. My kids do not like pre-packaged foods
and the tell me that school lunch tastes like it comes from a box.”Nothings home-
made like you make
need meatless meal on Fridays during lent
now sometimes she does not eat a lunch
Occasionally they take a sack lunch.
our oldest has sensory motor issues - textures
required for outing
school lunch is too high in fat and calories
Seldom brings lunch from home
She is not at school during lunch time o campus classes
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She planned ahead and it was tasty.
special diet due to disorder
Staying “green” means eating leftovers. Waste not, want not.
e cooking of the food is inconsistent.
e kids sometimes like to prepare their own lunches at home if we have time
we need the good old fashion hot lunches again like I got as a kid in the 70’s
when required
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In the past twelve months, have you learned about healthy
eang in any of the following places? (Check all that apply)
Response Frequency
Magazines 1336
Television 1138
Family members 787
Healthcare provider (doctor, nurse, etc) 705
Other parents 658
A website 420
Facebook 390
School website 291
Blogs 227
Twier 51
Pinterest 24
Work 18
Books 13
Newspaper 10
Personal research 9
Form sent home from school 8
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Coach/trainer 6
Emails from school 5
Food service directors 3
ISU extension 3
Other 59
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In the past twelve months, have you learned about healthy
eang in any of the following places? (“Other” responses)
Altoona Campus
been eating healthy for years
Changed our own lifestyle
Child and Adult Care food program
common sense
Con-ed classes
Dr. Oz show
FCS Conferences
Food & Fitness
Food Mgt. Magazines, Meetings
grocery stores
health and tness references
Health Class
Health class daughter takes.
Health Teacher
Healthly eating is nothing new -
high school - food pyramid
Hy-Vee schoolprogram
I am aware of what foods are haelthy
I grew up with 2 diabetics ( tyoe 1). I was also an athlete.
I know healthy eating
I’ve always known & practiced
involved in the school lunch
Iowa Farmer Today
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Live Healthy Iowa
Mom cooks for a daycare
Moms wellnes program
Myself- my college education
Our own knowledge, things learned and used in the past.
podcasts - Rich Roll
professional conferences
Ridiculous presumptuous question
Scientic Journals
the students dad
too many to name
Upper Explorerland Safe to School Program
We are a very active rural agricultural based community, with most of our childgren
being heavily involved in sports and outdoor activities. As such, our children require
a diet much higher in proteins and carbs to fuel their very active minds and bodies
ese diets of healthy proteins and carbs at higher rates have been suggested by
medical professionals such as our family physicians.
We emphasis healthy choices in our home
We try to ourselves at home
webinars and other online classes
Weight loss meeting
Weight watchers
Weight Watchers
Well aware of how to eat properly
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wellness center
yoga instructor
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In the future would you like to receive informaon about
healthy eang and school nutrion from any of these
sources? (Check all that apply)
Response Frequency
School website 884
At grocery stores 765
At a healthcare provider’s oce or clinic 704
Informaon on paper sent home from school 663
As an email 618
Informaon posted around your child’s school 585
Through your Facebook page 247
Applicaon on your mobile phone 229
Online blog hp:// 176
As a text message 81
As regular tweets on Twier 48
Other 14
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In the future would you like to receive informaon about
healthy eang and school nutrion from any of these
sources? (“Other” responses)
Another presumptuous question
Apps for iPad
city library
funding is scarce--dont waste it on this
I research this on my own
I will seek out and be informed on what I need
I’d like to see the nutritional information posted on the school lunch calendars so
parents can actually see the nutritional information and make educated decisions
regarding their childs eating habits.
Ideas for how to get more nutrition into kids
in class prehaps
Iowa State university extension oce website
Just when I want to look it up
Keep the information coming to parents
List nutritional value with school lunches. Might be surprised how little there is
School Newpaper
school newsletter
School newsletter and posted in lunchroom
School nutrition has proven to be propaganda of the commercial food industry
We do not need any media source telling us how to eat. Our families are long lived
and healthy. We have a good understanding of what constitutes a good, healthy diet.
were pretty self educated...books, PBS programs, etc.
34 | Iowa Parent School Lunch Survey
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Have you heard about any of the recent changes to school
meals? (n=1852)
Response Frequency Percent
Yes 1555 84.0
No 297 16.0
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From what sources did you learn about the school lunch
changes? (Check all that apply; only answered by those who
responded ‘yes’ to whether or not they had heard about any
recent changes to school meals)
Response Frequency
Child’s school 1175
Naonal news 1038
Child 1055
Local news 968
Other parents 791
Internet source (for example: CNN, Yahoo, etc.) 495
Through my job at a school 30
School meal sta 14
Through my job 12
Department of Educaon 5
Family 4
Social media 4
School lunch menu 3
Social newsleer 3
Teachers 3
Other 37
36 | Iowa Parent School Lunch Survey
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From what sources did you learn about the school lunch
changes? (“Other” responses)
alliance for healthier generation
Associated Press
Child and Adult Care Food Program
Congressman Steve King
Faculty meetings
food delivery company
Food distribution companies
Health Class
I am passionate about health so I have been following this closely.
isu extension
Meetings, Food Mgt Magazines
my own district
My wife has had school lunches
Not sure which of the above info recevied was accurate
Personally have eaten them
School District
School Nurse
School’s wellness team
e Daily Show with Jon Stewart
USDA Team Nutrition
webinars and other classes
Wellness committee
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Has your oldest child said anything to you about the changes
to school meals? (Only answered by those who responded
‘yes’ to whether or not they had heard about any recent
changes to school meals.) (n=1523)
Response Frequency Percent
Yes 1143 75.0
No 380 25.0
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If you answered “yes” to the previous queson, what did your
child say?
1. Not enough food is served
Often because child is in extracurricular activities like sports.
“When I pick him up after school, he complains he’s ‘starving’”
2. e food in school lunches tastes bad or is bad quality
“Nothing tastes goods anymore
3. Food is wasted from school lunches
Often because kids dont like food and throw it away
“ey throw away lots of food
4. Condiments and dipping sauces are missing from school lunch.
Salt, pepper, ketchup, and ranch dressing were common examples of missing
condiments / dipping sauces to improve taste
“Kids (mine included) still dont understand why they cant even have more
than a packet of ketchup or why they cant have ranch dressing with their
fresh veggies
5. School lunches have improved
“Big improvement. Fruit and veggie bar is a big hit
6. Kids are adjusting to change
At rst kids didnt like the changes, but now are okay with them.
At rst they were still hungry even after lunch. Now there is a larger variety
oered, and she is no longer hungry. She says the meals arent that bad, and
she can always nd something she likes to eat.
7. Kids dont like that everything is whole grain
“Hates it and the fact that everything is whole grain
8. Kids dont like that desserts have been taken away
“Complaints about changes in the lunch options provided; specically the
lack of desserts
9. Kids like salad bars and fruit options, but in many instances the quality is
lacking. For example, the lettuce oered often looks brown, and the fruit can be
Canned and processed foods were universally panned.
“He likes the fruit, but some of the main courses are not so good
10. Kids think school lunches should have more variety
Often they report not thinking they are presented with very many
appetizing choices.
11. “Dierent variety of meals - expanded choices
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If you answered “yes” to the previous queson, what did your
child say? (“Other” responses)
Suddenly, they are getting more food to eat now. It was very pathetic how little
they got on their plate when the school yr. began. Every day she would come home
very hungry and irritated. Tell me how are kids supposed to even think straight
when the are so ravenous. She isnt heavy at all, just was very hungry and still
Quality and quanity have declined
she loves that they are serving veggies, but would like it better with dipping sauces
“ It tastes really bad”
“I dont like anything they make any more” “I just skip lunch most days” “ey
throw away a lot of food
“It’s fucking gross.
12. “e school lunches have taken a turn for the worse. It doesnt matter if you
feed us “healthy” lunches at school because I will still go home feeling hungry
and eat junk when I get home. e school lunches are not fullling and I
dont like them very mch. Its ridiculous that we can sometimes have cheese
on our nachos, but not on our salad. It would make so many more people eat
the salad if there were other things besides Ranch dressing to put on it. ere
are vegetables, but they look gross and the lttuce looks brown and soggy. e
portion sizes are ridiculous. I do like the apples.” ese are my thoughts as the
parent and as a substitute teacher in the elementary who has eaten many of the
schools lunches in past years and this year. e food migt look like it will taste
good, but I have eaten what looked good and it tasted horrible and I am not a
picky eater. e green beans tasted like wax and had the consistency of wax also.
One day the side dish was cold kidney beans. is was horrible. Tey serve this
tiny, little drumstick as the main dish. It has hardly any meat on it. ey have
tacos and only get tomatoes and lettuce, no cheese to put on it. ey say that
they can only give them a certain number of calories, but these kids range in
wight from probably 40 pounds to 130. ere needs to be some common sense.
I have seen so much more waste this year. One teacher said her sister works at a
nearby school and the amount of waste has increased from 6 garbage cans each
day to eighteen this ear!!!!
13. “ey are changing the lunches again.
14. “ey give us way too many vegetables.” “ey dont give us enough food.
they have to serve more vegetables and less carbs
theyre trying to starve us
“We dont get enough to eat”, “I still feel hungary
“Whole Grain everything is yucky, Little bits of food, Little amount of ketchup,
Do not even like the whole grain (crust) cheese pizza.
A few items that are not good or even taste good
Absolutely hates it & comes home hungry every day because of small portions and
lack of variety
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Ala cart is better
All of my children feel the quantity and quaility of the school lunch has diminished
and is not worth paying for. With three children and one adult being exposed to
school lunches each day I have heard nothing good about the changes they have
experienced through three dirent schools in the same district.
Alot of the time she doesnt even know what she is eating.
At 6 feet tall and 165 pounds, he says he does not get enough to eat.
At rst they were still hungry even after lunch. Now there is a larger variety oered,
and she is no longer hungry. She says the meals arent that bad, and she can always
nd something she likes to eat.
At rst, complaining that the portions were way too small.
At the beginning of the school year, children were unhappy with the changes. But
as the year progressed, everyone got used to the new lunches and they actually like
them. My daughter said that kids were talking about how much better and less tired
they fel during afternoon classes.
At the beginning of the year my child detested it! She would complain how bad the
food was and why did they have to change the meals? She actually took her lunch
at least once, maybe twice - regardless of how “uncool” it was - because she didnt
want beas and rice or the other “stu” that was being served that day. In the past
years she ate a PB&J uncrustable from A La Carte if she didnt like what they were
having. She has adjusted to a degree. Kids (mine included) still dont understand
why they cat even have more than a packet of ketchup or why they cant have
Ranch dressing with their fresh veggies - even in a rationed amount. ey would
actually eat the veggies with the ranch - would that be better than not eating the
veggies at all?
At the beginning of the year my children did not like what was being served. We
packed alot of lunches. As the school year went on I think that the meals got better
and the kids got used to them and we dont pack as many lunches. My oldest is able
to tke extra portions of certain items and she really appreciates this.
At times the food the kids want runs out by the time they get through the line.
Many days the food is not cooked in school. e food is warmed and served or
thawed and served.
Bad idea
better food this year
Big improvement. Fruit and veggie bar is a big hit.
bigger portions which is great
Both of my children say it is not enough food, not regular foods that kids would
eat or even try, same amount of food is given to a senior as is to a 2nd grader. 2nd
grader doesnt get enough for lunch to last them til the end of the day. Starving
when hey get home.
Buns are too brown Spaghetti is watered down no more pickles because they are
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too salty
But Not until I heard other parents complaining about the lunches and asked my
son what he thought. He said there could be more meat and that sometime he is
still hungry.
By the time school ended, he was very hungry, and then had to go to athletic
practices, so by the time he got home, ate almost everything in sight, good and bad.
cant have seconds. Doesnt get full. He is a 13 year old boy who participates in
sports after school and is burning lots of calories. often times never full and hungry
cant understand No ketchup, really. some of the food he says really sucks. ( had
aways loved the lunchs before the change.)
children get less food, they are still hungry after eating lunch. nothing tastes good
Commented about foods that she likes are no longer being served.
complained about all the veggies
complains about the food choices. limited protein options. He doesnt like the
bread. My boys are extremely thin and athletes. ey complain the meals do not
provide enough calories to get them through a full day of school and their athletic
games or ractices. very hungry by the time they get their next meal almost to the
point of feeling sick/weak
Complains that they cant have salt or pepper (non fat way of adding spice to
veggies). complains they dont like the food.
Complaints about changes in the lunch options provided; specically the lack of
desserts (which I am happy about) and that he doesnt seem feel he gets enough
to curb his appetite through the afternoon. When I pick him up after school, he
complains hes”starving”.
complicated- especially breakfast
Concerns that there is not enough food to satisfy her hunger -she is a 3 sport athlete
and is very physically active with practices, weight training, etc.
Could get a double portion of fruit if did not want the veggie.
d0nt get enough, small portions, no meat, all processed foods, not as healthy
Described how what it now required to be taken by each student eating hot lunch.
Desserts served only once a month. Healthier food is being served and less breakfast
meals served as lunches.
did not like sweet potatoe fries. small portions of ketchup.
did not like the changes
Did not like the smaller amounts, did not like how they cut the good stu out to
make food taste better.
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Didnt know why cottage cheese was taken o the menu as he was told it was not a
healthy food?
didnt like changes
didnt like them not enough food
Didnt really like the changes. Too llittle portions, HAD to take items that they
didnt want which created waste
Didnt like the changes. Not enough food and they have taken out alot of items, like
lettuce and replaced spinage. smaller portions not including things like a cookie or
pizza, taken out catcup and ranch dressing. ey are lerning they need food to fuel
th brain.
didnt like the new item but she is saying less now. the new is gone
Dierent food choices than before and sometimes just not enough food to ll him
up, especially during sports season.
dierent variety of meals - expanded choices
Disappointed that lettuce is no longer served. ey do not like the way the veggies
are prepared (would prefer frozen over canned). Main entree portion sizes are too
small (example: 1 chicken leg, most other meals also). Do not like some of the fresh
vegies that are available on the garden bar.
discussed some of the food items no longer served because not healthy; discussed
some items that are oered every day because they are healthy
Disgusting, food is terrible, portions are small, waste of food.
Dislikes changes, wishes some of his favorite foods from past would be served
Dissapointed about no types of lettuce on the garden bar and less portions.
does like the milk choice as its not what we drink at home. States it isnt enough
food to get her though the day when she has sporting events after school
does not care for all the fruit and vegs. need meat and potoes to ll him up
Does not care for the amount of food being served. LOVES the fruit being served.
Does not care for the food, not homemade, everything comes from a can.
Does not eat as much of the lunch, food is not as good. Goes hungry most days
Does not feel like she has enough to eat. My child is very thin, has a high
metabolism, and feels she is still hungry after lunch.
Does not get enough food and is forced to eat what they dont like or they can not
get 2nd helping of things they do like.
Does not get enough to eat.
Does not like new guidelines. My kids all come home hungry every day. She tells
me how little food they get now.
Does not like the amount given now or the options.
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Does not like the change. Need more variety & more time to eat what they get.
Does not like the changes in the school meal- not enough to eat. He also has sports
right after to school and the small meals they are served is not enough to keep him
going through the day.
Does not like the changes. Reduced portions is an issue, causing hunger at end of
the day. Bing eating when he nally gets home from after school activities and right
before eating supper with the family. Too often “odd” food options are provided
and re not appetizing (refried beans, quesidilla with brocolli, etc.). Comments
on the large amounts of food being thrown away and the waste that it is. He has
concerns with the school “policing” what students bring in for lunch from home
because they dont ike the menu for a particular day. Certain foods cannot be
brought into the school. Wishes he could have a meeting with Michelle Obama to
talk about his concerns.
Does not like the food, portion sizes are not enough, hungry all the time.
Does not like the new way the meals are provided and that he has to take food he
knows he will not eat. inks this is very wasteful as good food is being thrown out
as kids are not eating it.
does not like the school meals anymore. tastes horrible
does not like them at all and both my kids are completely starving when they get o
the bus they eat everything in site
Does not like them at all!!!!
Does not like them. Does not get enough food. Food taste bad.
Does not taste as good or look as good as before.
Does not think it is enough food feels hungry throughout the remainder of her day.
Does not think that many of the meals are good...lots of food gets thrown away.
Also does not understand why if the school wants to feed hungry kids over the
summer for free then why would they throw away a tray full of food in lunch line if
the child doe not have enough money to pay for it??? Shenandoah schools do this,
what are we supposed to tell the kids.
Doest like that all breads, pastas, etc must be whole grain. e pizza dough is very
thin and not very tasty. We are a meat, potato, and corn/beans family. (all home
grown). More and more school lunches are processed than home made. Even my
own childsays the childhood obesity doesnt happen at school, so why must this one
meal be so strict.
Doesnt care for all the asian and hispanic foods. Need more American type food.
Doesnt care for the menus.
Doesnt get to have 2nds and wish he got a little bit more food; wish we could still
have butter sandwiches with our tray
Doesnt like as well as used to.
Doesnt like most of the changes.
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Doesnt like much of the food. Has sent me pictures of some things that are look
really nasty via cell phone. I wouldnt eat some of it which looks like poop.
Doesnt like some of the food oered and not enough food.
Doesnt like the changes
Doesnt like the food as well. Often feels hungry.
Doesnt like the food. Refusing to eat most of the school lunches when this was not
a problem before. She has stated the taste has changed and she is not a picky eater
like my other child.
doesnt like the new fruits/veggies oered i.e. black bean salsa
Doesnt like the new options
doesnt like the salad bar choice because you cannot order a salad with your regular is only “in place” of the regular meal
Doesnt like them as well
Doesnt like them as well as previous lunches.
Doesnt like them.
Doesnt like them. I have seen some, they look very unappealing.
Doesnt like vegetables, less food, not as satisfying to appetite
Doesnt mine the school meals if they would provide better portion sizes! He is 16
years old...growing , active boy! Right after school he plays sports...not always bring
food to school, energy level low! School needs to supply after school snacks for hose
athlete if they dont supply better portion sizes at lunch!
doesnt taste as good
doesnt taste good, not enough food, starving by the end of the day
Doesnt get enough to eat
Doesnt like them. No taste and limited amount of food. He has a plate full of food
and he doesnt eat 3/4 of it but they put it on his plate. It is a totally waste of food.
Dont care for much of it.
Dont liek what is being served. Wouldnt eat it.
Dont like the changes. Want to eat what they like to eat.
Dont like them near as much, way more hungry now. Miss the old items that they
used to have. Miss the basics now they put “weird” things on everything.
dose not like them. Not enough food.
Enjoyed getting fresh veggies and herbs from the school garden!
Enjoys new salad bar at school -- wishes it was oered every day. Also wishes they
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they didnt have to choose a regular lunch or the salad bar, sometimes would like a
side salad to the regular menu items oered that day.
Enjoys the extra fruits and vegetables
First time in twelve years she has not liked lunches, or does not get enough!
food doesnt taste good/ everyone is still hungry/ the products are tasteless/
parents worry about their children that are athletes not getting enough calories to
participate in after school practices
Food has no avor, items we do not eat at home, portions are still too small.
Food in school is less in portions and variety. Most of the food is breaded, and
canned fruit and vegs.
Food is bland, does not make sense, portions are too small, they feel like the local
cooks are being told what to do and cannot make exceptions, more govenment
control, the kids that are fat were not getting fat o school lunches, the kids go
home and et junk,
Food is fairly good; not too much dierent than before; it leaves her hungry
Food is not as good; portion sizes are too small & she is hungry when having sports
practices after school.
food is not enough and often is hard to pay attention at school being hungry
Food is not very good.
Food is ok, but dont get nearly enough!
food is tasteless
Food not as good and not enough to eat.
food potions are too small, not fresh (cold, hard), no avor, same food all the time.
Food quality is not as good. Portion sizes too small. Always hungry while at school
and after school at extra-curricular practices and games
Food tastes better
Food tastes dierent. Not as much food still hungry
Foods are more limited, fewer condiments, smaller portions, the good stu is gone.
For the most part he likes the new school lunches. But he likes fruits and vegs.
For the most part she does not like them as much and wastes a lot of food. She
misses getting dessert t more frequently and doesnt like most of the vegetables.
Good - more fresh fruits and vegetables. Bad - small portion size.
Good at times but not enough of the main food item
Gross veggies
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gross, only drank meal, starving when get home, hungry wants more supper
Gross, sucks, get 4 grapes, very smaller portions.... Has friends that are guys that
play football -- dont get enough food at lunch time to keep them energized and
stu to play sports/football until 5:30 at night.. Certain kids need more food to
keepthem going for after school activities.. And what happened to the saying food
for fuel.. Or need healthy food to keep the brain going...
Has not been enjoying the meals, portions have changed
Hates it and the fact that everything is whole grain. Also there isnt enough food
there to keep them “full”.
hates it! not enough food! no desserts. cant buy extra food.
HATES IT. Doesnt want to eat the food. Older children are not getting served
enough protein to keep them going.
Hates the changes. ey are not getting enough to eat to get them through the day
and then sport practices after school.
have a buet bar now
He can tell they are better than they were in the last few years. He said that they are
made to take a fruit or a veggie and they are more fresh options.
He comes home hungry every day. e entree is no longer the main large portion.
Cinnamon rolls and desserts are now very small portions.
He complained of the portion size and that the meals did not taste good because
they are mainly canned and processed food. We serve fresh fruits/vegetables (when
in season).
He complains that some things taste badly.
he complains that the amount of food is not sucient
He didnt like the change to wheat bread and he felt the portion size was too small.
However...I didnt feel bad for him and explained that these were good changes.
He disliked them most in the fall when he played football. He didnt think he got
enough to eat to sustain him through football practice. He complained he didnt
feel he had enough energy to practice, he felt sick when he got home. He started
taking lunchmany days when he had practice and then felt better. He hated the was advertised as a fresh salad bar but the lettuce was brown, the fruit came
from a can. It was disgusting.
He dislikes some of the oerings that are made.
He does not feel that the meals are as good and he thinks they cost too much.
Especially those of us who have to pay full price.
He does not get enough food. He gets headaches by the end of the day.
He does not get enough to eat. He is an athlete and does activities right after
school. So we need to send a afterschool snack with him to get him through. Also
he does the salad bar line a lot. ey have even restricted the amount of fruits
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you can tae. Which my understanding was that you can have all you wanted. He
believes the hot meal line has changed a lot. He does not care for must of it. No
taste is the big thing.
He does not get enough to eat. He is hungry. e food is not appetizing for
He does not like that he has to take certain components that he is not going to eat
He does not like the changes
He does not like the changes due to the amount of food he gets. He does like some
of the food changes but not all of them.
He does not like the changes. He said the food was bland and was going to start
taking salt and pepper packets to school to season his food with.
He does not like the changes. He would like a dessert.
He does not like the majority of them. Most of the meals taste terrible.
He does not like the meals as much as he used to so sometimes he wont even eat
anything at lunch anymore.
He does not like the new changes and feels like he doesnt get enought to eat.
He does not like the new changes. He would prefer more fresh fruits and
vegetables, salads, etc.
He does not like the recent changes. He says that he doesnt like having almost every
patty on a whole grain bun, he doesnt care for beets and many veggies that have
been added to the menu, he doesnt like that the option of a peanut butter sandwich
(if e doesnt like what’s being served) has been taken away, during the seasons where
he is in sports he is frequently still hungry after eating lunch, and he says that he
would rather be hungry (and throw most of his lunch away) than eat things he
doesnt lie.
He does not like the serving size. He is an active child who starts out his day at
6am and sometimes does not get home until after a a sports event. He is a child
who could use to gain weight. He usually gets doubles at school, but is still hungry
and ard on my pocketbook.
He does not like the taste of a lot of the meals; and when he does like the lunch
there is not sucient quantities to keep his hunger satised as he is involved with
after school sports.
He does not like the whole wheat change and it is not enough food for a senior boy.
he does not like them!!!!!!
He does not like them. ere is not enough food. Lack of avor. He will not eat
them anymore.
He does not think it is fair to limit what he can eat at school because parents can
not regulate child in take at home. In his words he is not obese so why cant he eat
what he wants.
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He doesnt always like them but when I’ve subbed in the classroom they look very
good and healthy. ey may not keep them full as long however.
He doesnt feel he gets enough to eat and is amazed that some of the meals meet
nutritional standards. For example, cheesbread as a main entree is not sucient.
He doesnt get enough to eat!
He doesnt get lled up at all and is starving all day.
He doesnt like a lot of the changes. He does not like the whole grain
he doesnt like all the changes, they serve things that arent kid liked, he likes the
salad plate option, he likes that he can buy bottles water with his meal if he chooses
He doesnt like that he is forced to take food he knows he will not eat. It just gets
thrown away and is wasted.
He doesnt like the food as much.
He doesnt like the food quality and is not served enough (and he is a very slim
He doesnt like the lack of meat/protein, and is always hungry. Teachers oer more
snacks throughout the day to compensate for lacking lunches. is defeats the
purpose of a healthy lunch!!
He doesnt like the main dish as much but loves having access to salad bar for fruits
and veggies
he doesnt like the school lunches anymore cause he is very hungery when he gets
home cause he says that he doesnt get enough to eat through the school lunch
meals. He is also out for sports football, winter weight lifting, track and baseball. So
he need extra to protein to help build muscles. And he doesnt get that through the
lunch program he is also 6’ 1” about 170 lbs. not very much fat cause he is always
He doesnt like them and has trouble feeling like he gets enough calories to make it
through the day and through sports practices after school.
He doesnt like them; they dont ll him up; theres not enough food; food isnt
prepared correctly; food isnt tasty.
He doesnt like to eat hot lunch anymore
He doesnt mind the changes. He feels there are a lot of choices as long as you like
healthy fruits and vegetables. He stated that many students go hungry because they
dont take the extra options that are oered to them.
he doesnt see that they are a whole lot healthier other than the yogurt has less sugar.
He feels that he does not get enough food to satisfy him to get through the
He feels that the meals are too small. He is a 16yo that is very active.
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he feels the lunch is not enough food to keep him full. he gets hungry quickly
He feels the lunches have been worse this past year. He will often only eat cottage
cheese. Quantities have been reduced and quality is worse.
He has choices on fruits and vegetables
He has complained about the portion sizes not being enough for an active teenager.
He has complained that the servings are smaller and he is not getting full. He is an
athlete & burns many calories. He has also complained about the lack of salt and
He has not had a positive attitide toward the changes but he is a teenager. It is
tough to get any positive comments about school
he has said there isnt as much food, espcially when he was in football he would get
He has to take food from home with him because the amount he is served is not
enough to ll him up. Also ‘tricks’ they do by serving baked beans cold to make
them worth less calories apparently. e amount they get is not nearly enough for a
growing teen
He has told us about the food served and how he hardly eats at all during the day.
We visited during lunch one day and I can see why the food looked horrible. He
use to be go for seconds in previous years since being a teen that is growing and
now he ist allowed to. He leaves on a bus at 7am and dont get back until 430pm
sometimes later with sports. We have to pack him snacks because he is soooo
hungry. He says give back what they use to have it is more healthy to eat then not
eat all day.
He hasnt eatten one meal at school this year. When they do have something he likes
its not enough food for a high school child. Is limiting ketchup packets really a cure
to obesity? No it starts at home. Is making them take food they dont want to eat
a wate of good food? Yes. By High School they know what they want. I can see a
young child may end up eatting it if its in front of them but not a high schooler.
He hated it
He hates that there are no longer peanut butter and jelly sandwiches available
He hates the changes, misses being able to have two fruits at lunch. LIked the
freedoms of choosing 4 out of 5 componets. Is very hungry in the fall (during
football - long days 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.) not enough served with school lunch.
e quality oood has decreased in his mind since the new Obama standards.
He hates the fact that they cant have salt and ketchup on the tables/available to
apply to meals as needed (and many of the school meals are bland). He appreciates
the fruits and vegetables and says that most meals taste pretty good, but he doesnt
likethe fact that they cant have “real” desserts (ALWAYS has to be healthy).
He hates them because ALL 3 of my kids come home around 4pm everyday
STARVING!!! I know nutrition is great BUT how can our kids learn when they
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dont get enough to eat!! We make Breakfast every morning in our house because
hoping it will help them learnand not get HEADACHES!!
He hates them. He said so much food is wasted because it’s required to go on your
plate whether you want it or not. He said it doesnt make any sense and many days
he hates what is being oered. I never heard these complaints before the changes in
He is 16 yr old boy that works very hard before and after school and is given the
same amt of food as a 6yr old. He is made to pay for katsup if he wants any. Both
of my children are very good veggie and fruit eatters but soggy over cooked vetggies
and ver ripe fruit are not what a child needs. example: A smaller hamburger with
same size white bun with no condiments WHO would eat this ???
He is active in high school running sports - cross country and track and does not
get enough to eat. He will purchased more than 1 meal and milk. Plus, he will
bring things from home to supplement his lunch. If he has early AM practice
he will come hom to eat before class starts if time allows instead of eating school
breakfast because it is not enough food. I think the calorie count for the meals are
less then the calories the athletes are burning with practice and competition.
He is always hungry when he gets home from school. He tells me that there wasnt
anything he liked.
He is being introduced to new foods for himself, and is a very picky eater and has
not liked many of the items served. I encourage him to try new foods. I myself
have ate the new meals and MANY are not very good tasting/appetizing at all.
Squash and swet potato fries are impossible to even eat, taste awful. Food has very
little seasoning and when used somethings (onions especially) are over used. ere
is much room for improvement. Children seem to like the fresh fruit/vegetables,
meals lack good prtein source (something they will eat). I see many lunches
that children are not eating the protein portion of meal. Adults are the obese
ones~~need to be focusing on them also.
He is displeased with the quality of some of the “ new” lunches being served. He
also becomes hungrier before the end of the day. Prior to this change, they were
allowed seconds on fruits and vegetables if they were still hungry, this is no longer
th case. I nd this absurd! As a parent who pays for school lunches, prices should
not be increased for less food being served.
He is hungery and does not get enough food at lunch time. He wants some
condiments and can not get them with his lunch. for example he wants ranch and
you can only get with salads
He is hungry
he is hungry some days, would eat more veggies if he had enough ranch for all of
them, the pasta is gross
He is hungry, never gets even close to full even if he takes doubles. ere just isnt
enough of the things he will eat.
He is no longer getting enough to eat and is starving in the afternoon. He
understands about making the lunches healthier but thought it was too much of a
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change at once and he also doesnt have enough fuel for sports.
He is not fond of the lunch choices. Not as many choices. Sometimes comes home
hungry because he didnt g et enough
He is not getting enough main dish and that some of the side are changed and you
cant get dressings for food.
HE is not impressed! Now most days i pay for 2 lunches because 1 does not ll him
He is not receiving enough food to ll him up.
He is receiving less food than in the past. Portions and options are smaller. We are
having to pay for ‘seconds’ everyday.
He is still hungery
He is still hungry after he is done eating all of his meal. He says they do not give
him enough to eat. He says he is not allowed to have 2nds until he is in 6th grade
(I believe it was 6th grade). He does ask alot to take his own lunch. If this progrm
continues as it is, I will for sure consider sack lunch for next year!!!
He is still hungry after lunch. It isnt enough food.
He isnt happy about the changes and isnt getting enough food to ll him up.
He leaves hungry
He likes the choices on the salad bar
He likes the fact that there are more choices.
He likes the fresh options they are now receiving.
he likes the salads
He likes the scholol lunches. He misses the lettuce and cottage cheese on the salad
He mentioned that he isnt getting enough to eat and is eating everything even
though it may not be his favorite. He would like larger portions or the opportunity
to get doubles.
He never complains about younger three are not thrilled with the
he never has enough time to eat nor enough “good” choices to feel full.
He really misses the salad bar. Seems like we have the same meals, not much variety
He refuses to eat school lunch and it isnt necessarily the fruits and vegetables he
doesnt like--it is the main dish like pork tenderloin--crispitos (which arent healthy
by the way) that he doesnt like.
He said that he is hungry because they are not getting enough food.
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He said that the lunches taste dierent than they had previously.
He said that they changed the menu but that it still taste retched. He also says
that some of his friend/classmates get dierent main courses. He also said that the
biggest section of the tray is for veggies. Now I know that it is proven that you are
uppose to have so many servings of veggies and fruit. But for an Iowa 13 year old
boy that lives and works on a farm he needs more meat portions.
He said the teachers had discussed it in homeroom and they had asked the students
opinions and that everyone was glad about the new healthier choices being oered.
He said there is less food and more fresh veggies.
He said they changed them and he doesnt like them anymore. Bad taste
He says he does not get enough to eat anymore. He misses having the open salad
bar and ranch dressing. He brings snack to school now.
He says he is still hungry and doesnt feel there are enough options.
He says they get less to eat and is usually hungry when he gets home
He tells me he is still starving after lunch. Our pediatrician has suggested we send
granola bars or peanut butter sandwiches in addition to his lunch.
He tells us that food amounts are rationed. You cannot buy additional food like
you used to be able to. He understands that we need to make healthy choices
and does chose to do so. He is actually according to our medical provider “under
weight” for hisheight and weight. is makes my husband and I very concerned.
He is starving when he gets home. We now send snacks to school for him prior to
sports practice as his caloric intake versus his exercise was inadequate.
He tells us what he had for lunch most days. He has commented only once that he
wished he could have more of something (the chicken drumsticks - he loves those).
He tends to like many of the “healthy” alternatives that most kids his age do not,
but he does not like many of the school meals. Many of the casseroles that many
children will eat have been eliminated completely. He likes the fresh veggies, but
there is ot any fresh fruits anymore. He talks a lot about canned fruits.
He thinks hes being starved
He thinks the lunches are getting somewhat more paletable.
He throws more away now and there’s not enough good fresh (not just oranges and
mushy red delicious apples) food.
He tolod me that if there arent enough things he likes he can choose something
from the fruit basket.
He used to like some of the things served at school lunch but now says there is
nothing that he is willing to eat. He now gets only what would be considered a
snack” item and a drink - not the full lunch because he says it always tastes awful
and he woud just throw it all away
He usually buys a sub sandwich an is complaining about the portion size.
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He wants desserts back. He also has noticed there is A LOT more waste as kids are
forced to take “at least 1” from each category even if they know they are just going
to throw it away.
He was happy he would get more food.
He was very hungry and didnt get enough to eat ever...and that he had to pay a
good share of the cost of almost anoter meal to get more of the main dish.
Hes always still hungry and when he gets home (he is in ALL sports available) he is
starving. Not enough food for kids in sports.
healthier choices
Healthier choices
healthier food and not given as much food to eat
Healthier lunches, more fresh fruits/veggies
His response was “great now we really arent going to get enough food” I think
our district took it to an extreme because they monitor how much of everything
they get to an extreme measure even not even getting them enough food when we
they are so active o get through the day. I’m not a fan of this at all - young active
teenagers need more than what they are getting.
how dierent it is
How little they are.
How she only eats one thing o her plate some days because she doesnt like the
taste of the rest. Also how the ketchup is rationed and you do NOT get enough to
even half of your food.
How small the portions were and how the school seems to have a lot of chicken
Hungery all the time, wants salad bar back. Food is not good.
I advised him of the changes. when asked he will tell me what he liked and did not
I dont eat vegtables or fruit. I just cover it up with napkin. I dont like my food
mixed up. Meaning- wants a piece of ham, chicken, beef, pork , pudding etc.
i dont get full starving after school eats 2 times as much snacks to get full before i
can get supper done
I dont like the change. I dont eat lettuce. I want more meat and less vegetables
I have two children that dont like it.
I keep trying to defend school lunch, but it keeps getting harder to do.
I like the new fresh vegetables we are getting. It is good to have a fresh salad every
day. ere really is no dierence in the whole grain from the white....
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I think the school lunches sound better and less starch than before, however, the
kids wont eat 90% of what is being served. I see more thrown out (even with
choices) than ever before.
If he want more food he cant have it. He is not over weight, if anything is under
weight and cant eat anymore than what the government tells the schools he can
in the beginning of the school year did not get enough food so was packing his
lunch daily but now eats at school every day
Is not happy with selection, amounts....
It doesnt taste good, or there is not enough to eat. I end up getting two lunches
when can or eat o of the AliCarte
It has declined...she is very hungry most days she returns home
It is a waste for the required fruit and veggie because most kids do not eat them and
it is thrown away
It is less food. ere are restrictions on calories, which limits or excludes
condiments. Beans (legumes) are served more often. Favorite meals are no longer
served. Athletes walk away from the cafeteria still hungary.
It is not enough food. Especially for athletes that have practice after school. It is
not enough calories to sustain them through practice.
It is not enough. He is still hungry through the whole day. e other day the kids
had chili and cinnamon rolls. Because of the new standards they were not allowed
to have crackers for their soup because it was do many carbs.
it sucks. theres not enough food. they are staving.
It tastes bad
It tastes bad and portions are small. ey get hungry in the afternoon.
It was gross. A lot gets wasted.
It’s not a lot of food/no more choices.
It’s not enough food, especially for athletes. e kids throw away the food because
it’s so dierent.
It’s not enough to get thru the day.
It’s not good and he is always still hungry.
Just said there were changes that would be healthier.
Just that they get to make choices
Just that they only get a desert twice a week and that they dont give enough food to
the kids.
Just that things are self serve
lack of calories and small food portions
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Last year potions were small. is year is better. She likes the fresh vegetables and
Last year the food was not as good. is year she likes the meals a little bit better.
She likes fresh fruits and veggies. Says its good most of the time.
Less caloric. Lesser amount of food distributed.
Less cookies, more whole grains and vegetables
Less desserts
less lling, still hungry, more fruits/veggies on tray
less food
less food and sometimes it’s not enough to ll him up
Less food is received.
Less food, fewer choices, fewer condiments
Less food. Hungry at school and has to have immediate snack (yogurt,cheese,or
fruit) right after school.
Less meat and more veggies
less protien
Less to eat
liked last years meals better, more food. Has been hungry esp on days where she has
practice for athletic teams or games after school. We have had to send additional
food for her on these days.
Liked some of the new items; not enough food; theyre forced to take things they
dont want.
likes most of the changes
Likes some and doesnt like some.
Likes some of the variety, but isnt thrilled with the smaller portions
LIkes the expanded salad bar. Has commented that the main item is not as large
and that everything is whole grain or whole wheat.
Likes the extra variety and unlimited access to vegetables. Can always nd
something to eat.
Likes the food and choices
Likes the salad bar options. Would like local sourced foods to ensure quality.
Likes the unlimted fruit and veggie bar
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Likes the variety--salad bar; small quantities though
Likes variety of salads
Likes veggies,but not sweet potatoes and legumes
Lots more vegetables and fruits. Miss some of the “treats”.
Lots of fruit and veggies
Loves the fresh fruit and vegetables
Lunch is not good. She is always hungry when she leaves the lunch room. Very
Lunches are gross and getting worse all the time. My son went from eating school
lunches daily to eating them once or twice per week, max!
Lunches are healthier and some are just healthier versions of meals the school has
always served which is great. Some meals are new and are not as kid friendly.
Frequent complaints from kids about cowboy cavatini, for example. When eating
lunch with yongest I observed the table of children and very few ate any of it. It is
great to make meals healthier but it needs to be something children will eat.
Main entree portion seems smaller
Mainly that when she eats last lunch she has not been able to get what she wanted
for the main selection and that most of the time the portions are not large enough.
Mainly when she states that when she is in a activity and will take bars or fruit to
snac on to get thru the day.
Meal sizes are too small. She many times still feels hungry when nished with
lunch, particularly during sports seasons. Feels weak at the end of many days of
Meals are less lling, and they are often running out of food
Meals are not as lling as before
Meals are not good, lots of wasted food as it is not being eaten, not getting enough
to eat, especially when they right from school to sports practice. Some nights we
dont eat supper till after 7:00 p.m. due to practices
Meals are supposed to be healthier and include more fresh fruits and vegtables. She
also commented on the HS salad bar being taken away.
meals are too small. he gets double helpings of main course now
meals were very sparse, no choices, no seconds, and many days multiple vegetable
options with no fruit options
Michelle Obamas kids probably doesnt eat these lunches. ey probably have more
Misses certain aspects of it. Sometimes not enough to eat for my athletic child.
Mom we dont get enough food.
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More choices
More choices are being oered.
More fresh fruit
More fruit and vegetable options.
More fruits and veges.
more fruits and vegetables
MOre fruits and vegetables
More fruits and vegetables choices, which she loves!
More fruits available. He likes fruit.
more healthy choices and smaller portions
More positive then negative. Only a few things that they dont care for but overall
they like it. It makes me feel better knowing that we are paying attention to the
nutritional value of these meals.
More salad bar options
More selection
More variety of foods
more variety of “sides”-She like it
more variety of foods, tasty. But portions seem smaller.. our elementary and our
middle school have similar size portions, and yet our middle schoolers are bigger
kids with bigger appetites.. they need more food.
More variety of fruits & vegetables, but smaller servings
More variety of fruits and veggies, smaller portions
more variety, healthier choices
more variety, healthy and needs more desserts provided
more veggies, fruit: breakfast sandwiches no longer made with sausage or cheese and
must be put together (bummer) they actually like the changes
more vegies and other healthy choices. She likes the fruits
Most comments are with regards to no more ketchup, no more ranch, no more
crispitos, no more tator tots. I personally ate lunch with my youngest one day...
lunch was chicken sandwich, sweet potato fries, pineapple. My least
they gave me a may pack for my sandwich, the kids did not get one. My sweet
potato fries were disgusting...I did try them because I wanted to be a good example,
but I couldnt nish them. e pineapple was canned and I just cant do canned
pineapple knowing how good the fesh pineapple is.
Most of the food is wasted and the food is not tasty. She mentions that the goals
are good, but the implementation is bad. Better to transition and not see all of the
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food thrown away. e plan wastes more money than what food is eaten by the
Most of the lunches dont taste as good, he doesnt like that he can not have gravy.
Most of the meals are better. He didnt mind the changes.
Most of the time still hungry when leaving lunch... Dont care for some of the new
vegetable that have to be oered, why cant we have seconds?
Mostly about what is not available now
Mostly I hear when there is stu not liked.
Mostly that there is not enough food. eyre still hungry so when they get home
they eat and they eat again at supper time (2 hours later). If they are out for after
school activities, they say that they are starving by the time they get to eat.
Mrs Obama started a healthy eating campaign for schools.
Must have fruits and vegetables, lunch room has changed layout
My boys feel as if they are not getting enough to eat, I have told them they are
getting portion size and a well balanced meal. ey also have the opertunity to
get salad bar. I feel if this would have began in their earlier years they would have
been use to it. My youngest son comes home from school and will eat many PB&J
sandwiches to get him by till dinner. What if the school had the option of extra
PB&J sandwiches if the child is still hungry or does not like some for a substitute?
Just a thought.
My child states she throws away at least one item everyday, that she does not like.
She states she often feels like she didnt get enough to eat. I have noticed that they
eat more snacks after school, than they have before the change.
My child does not like meat and says she is forced to take it on her tray. I think
vegetarian/vegan options should be oered. And I feel no one should be forced to
take anything they will not eat. at is wasteful.
My child does not like the changes made in the school meals. e avor is bland
and horrible tasting.
My child does not like the changes. At her school they are required to take a piece
of fruit, even if they dont want it. Apples and bananas that are not eaten are placed
in a basket and served the next day. ey often have rotten and bruised fruit to pic
My child does not like the school lunches now. ey do not get enough to eat,
especially if they are in extra curricular activities after school. e kids should go
back to eating school lunches like years ago and have some added activities to get
them mving more in school
my child does not much of what is oered at school he is always hungry when he
gets home because the food choices are limited and do not taste good
My child is a very athletic lean student and the food does not satisfy his hunger.
He is not overweight and he needs more carbohydrates/protein due to his athletic
activities after school. My youngest son is also in many after school activities and
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alsofeels hungry. ey occasionally dont like what is served but for the most part
the complaint is they dont get enough food. I have to keep healthy snacks available
for them and if I dont they nd something unhealthy to eat which defeats the
purpose f the healthy food program.
My child is dissatised with the changes that are being made.
My child is extremely hungry when he comes home from school. He doesnt feel as
though there is enough food provided for school lunch.
My child is hungry after eating the items in his lunch that he likes. He choses
whether or not to take school lunch based on the main dish, but also according to
how many of the sides that he likes because if he does not eat all of the sides and the
main ish he is hungry and unable to get additional helpings of what he does like.
my child is not getting full enough. says the vegetables being served are gross and
hard to eat... although my child will eat all types of plain vegetables and fruit at
home... we have a very healthy home. Also due to my child being served more
vegetablesversus staple foods they are constantly hungry and no longer want to do
sports because it makes my child “feel weak”. We started packing a well balanced
and healthy lunch and have not heard any more “feeling weak after running”
My child is not thrilled with the food. He often buys something o the ala carte,
because he doesnt get enough to eat. He is 6’4” and 180 pounds - a lean, healthy,
growing boy. We are disappointed that the menu that is released to families that
indictes “healthy” food, is not always what is served.
My child likes the changes.
My child loves fruits and vegetables. e problem is that although these are oered
they are not replenished. If the rst group uses up the fruits and veggies, the second
group gets the leftovers. We only have two shifts at that school for lunch so i
should not be a problem. Her main gripe is the quality and the consistency of the
cooking of the food.
My child loves that fresh fruit and veggies provided. She is not a fan of whole wheat
breaded items, but fail to see much added nutrional value adding whole wheat
breading to cheese sticks, chicken nuggets or sh sticks. I DO believe they should
use whol wheat breads and rolls with no or limited high fructose corn syrup or
rened sugar. Also why are we providing chocolate milk every day?? It is VERY
unhealthy. If they dont like milk, what is wrong with water?
my child really did not care much for all the changes in the school lunch. Starting
with less of the main courses and the limitations of condoments.
My child was upset that they removed certain items from the salad bar .
My children are not happy with the new lunches. I send extra food so that they
arent hungry all day at school. is was too drastic of a change. ere are a lot of
foods that my children havent tried and arent fond of. I think a lot of food goes to
My children dont feel like they get enough food. ey are not happy about not
getting butter and peanut butter sandwiches.
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My children say that its not enough food and that they dont like having to choose
certain things and if they dont choose certain things, they dont get other things
that they want. But mainly, they are not full
My daughter is a four sport athlete and there is not enough food on the plate for
her energy needs, so we pack our own lunches.
My kid is a active kid that is 5’10’’ tall and 120 pounds he said there is not enough
food for him.
My kids think processed food is crap and we dont eat that stu.
My son has told me that they have cut down on portion sizes and he often comes
home hungry and tells me that the school isnt serving very much for lunch.
My son is active in athletics and generally has 2-3 hours of physical practice after
school. e lunches no longer provide adequite calories to get him thrugh practice
yet there is no time between school and practice to get anything to eat.
My younger two eat school lunch daily. ey complain about portion size (too
little), and the lack of taste. (Both of these children are of healthy BMI)
Negative feedback, mostly driven by comments of teachers and sta.
Neither child cares for them and not enought for the oldest to ll full
Neither of my children are impressed with the “new” menu or items- they do not
like the whole wheat pasta at all, they say that they eat chicken all the time, very few
days do they “like” the lunch. I think it is a terrible waste of money to make childre
take fruits and vegetables” when they dont like them or eat them. My oldest is a
very poor fruit and veggie eater we compensate at home in other manners but to
make her take them and she throws them away day after day-
New lunches are terrible. My son is 6’’4” and weighs 210lbs. e portions are
so much smaller than they used to be that he does not get enough to eat - he is
hungry when he leaves school. How is he supposed to survive on the same amount
of calories as 100lb freshman? e whole wheat bread items are awful - the kids
throw the buns away. My daughter is in middle school and the same for her
lunches. She is also hungry when she leaves school. My children have always loved
their school lunches until ths year. It makes no sense to make kids put fruits and
veggies on their plates, when they throw them away. ere are children eating
Little Debbie snacks on the bus in the morning and on the way home because they
know they will be hungry during the day. ere is a steady stream of high school
students that drive directly to the Caseys store after school because they are hungry.
How are children supposed to be able to listen in class and study when they are
not getting the nutrition they need during th day? ey are starving when they get
home and eat everything in sight.
no butter for dinner roll, so they will not each a plain roll. food is more bland, lack
of avor
No cheese
No desserts
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No desserts, more fruit, some foods not on menu any longer
No longer any salad on the salad bar, which is disappointing.
No more desserts, smaller portions,pretty much nothing is made from scratch
No or less syrup, Ketchup, salt, you have to take fruits & veggies, smaller main dish
size...doesnt taste good
not alot of food served
Not always happy with food oerings. Complaints of still being hungry
not always the best. misses cinnamon rolls. cant always eat the raw vegetables
because of his braces. Hates ranch dressing.
Not as big of portions and changes in items served
not as avorful.
Not as good as before. More food is thrown out than eaten.
Not as good as they use to be.
Not as much and less quality of nutritious foods
Not as much food
Not as much food, food is dierent, no ketchup, not as good, less variety of meals
during the month.
not enough
Not enough calories when hes involved in sports as well as does an Bigger/Faster/
Stronger PE regimen. Hes often hungry before school lets out and purchases
additional food between school/after school practices just to make it through until
he returns hme.
Not enough choices or foods they like
not enough food
Not enough food
Not enough food Terrible tasting
not enough food and also at times he doesnt like what is being served
Not enough food and doesnt like most of what’s being served, like beans, salads
and sweet potato fries.
not enough food and is disgusting
Not enough food and many foods are just thrown away of those they have to take
not enough food and no condements
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not enough food and no fresh vegetables or fruit
Not enough food and some days choices they dont like
not enough food and the portions are smaller
Not enough food being served. No seconds.
not enough food for a child who grew three inches in height last year
Not enough food given
not enough food given food tasted stale
Not enough food given to students in sports
Not enough food given, not enough protein available; However more fruits and
vegetables oered but entrees are not healthy and highly processed still.
Not enough food is being provided, not enough variety is being oered. She is
always hungry before she gets home from school.
Not enough food is served for athletes.
Not enough food presented at lunch.
not enough food provided for athletes
Not enough food provided to keep them full until the end of day. Does not taste
Not enough food provided to the student to give them the needed energy for after
school sports practice.
Not enough food served at one meal to feel satised.
Not enough food served...but does like the fresh fruits and vegetables being oered.
Not enough food still hungry. ey get home and pig out on everything in site
Not enough food to ll them up for the rest of the school day.
Not enough food to keep him full when he is involved in sports and other activities
after school.
Not enough food to satisfy hunger. When he did eat school lunch he would eat a
full lunch plus an additional entree or two full lunches. My younger children 14
and 11 both say they are still hungry after eating one school lunch.
Not enough food, cant make it through the day and into afternoon sports with the
amount of food provided.
Not enough food, dislikes “healthy” food substitutes (sweet potato fries instead of
french fries) -- cant we just have fresh fruit instead? Enough with canned fruit.
WE WANT SALAD BAR. Enough already with the 22 versions of “chicken
patty”. If kidsarent eating a particular food, stop serving it. Let the cooks try their
own healthy recipes. NOT ENOUGH FOOD. Kids all go to vending machines
after lunch to get more to eat.
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Not enough food, especially for students in athletics
not enough food, food is “gross”, ruined certain items by cooking it dierently, mad
that there are rarely desserts
Not enough food, he gets hungry before the day is over.
Not enough food, no extra bread put out, does not really like the way whole grain
coatings cook up, whole grain noodles tend to either be too mushy or too hard, no
Not enough food, not enough ketchup or no ketchup, change in lettuce (will no
longer eat it), veggies she does not recognize. e food is often times cold.
not enough food, poor quality of food
Not enough food, this child is not over weight and participates in sports
Not enough food, too small of serving sizes.
Not enough food; portions are too small for their age and appetite; kids are still
hungry; portions (including condiments) are strictly monitored; there is no salad
bar anymore to supplement with on days they dont care for the main item or are
just hungr for salad, also.
not enough food; she is starving when she gets home which tells me she is hungry
in the later part of the day and not able to learn. We are nancially stable but I am
concerned for the kids who only get a good meal at school. Recent changes have
more detimental impact to low income than they do on my children
not enough food!
Not enough food!
Not enough food.
Not enough food. Go hungary. Dont like all the vegetables primarily beans.
not enough food. he is 6 ‘ 3 and weighs 140. athletic.
Not enough food. He was buying double/triple lunches $5 to $7 each day!!!
Not enough food. Still hungry especially when in sports.
Not enough food. Tastes bad. No avor. Not lling.
Not enough food. ese are growing children. Females have enough pressure to be
skinny” from society and now they get it from their school. How sad...
Not enough food. Hungry
Not enough food. Sta doesnt let them take more veggies. e two oldest get extra
main once or twicw a week.
Not enough food. Too many vegetables. food she doesnt like. portions too small.
doesnt get full.
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Not enough food... Hes hungry all the time. Poor quality and quantity
Not enough in serving size-still hungry; dont like some of the foods being served
not enough meat.. servings too small
not enough portions for athletes
Not enough protein/meat main course for older kids. Athletes especially need extra
calories for them to perform. Many are still hungry during and after school.
Not enough quantity of food and not enough fresh fruits and vegitables. Poor
quality protien.
Not enough some days, still is bad
Not enough time and too many restrictions. He is concerned about the double
standard for schools lunches.
Not enough time given to eat meal. Likes some of the changes such as salad bar
and variety of fruits and veggies
not enough to eat more fruits and veggies
not enough to eat
Not enough to eat and not enough time to eat it.
Not enough to eat, and it is gross. He say he throws a lot away, and doesnt feel
good about that. We throw to much away at school so why not have things the kids
will eat.
not enough to eat, dont necessarily like what they serve
Not enough to eat, its healthy so add more food that is healthy
Not enough to eat, lettuce on salad bar is gross.
Not enough to eat, portions small. Food is bland.
Not enough to eat, selection is not as appealing
Not enough to eat!
Not enough to eat. Doesnt taste like real hamburger.
Not enough to eat. He is very active and the lunches provided are designed for
obese kids.
Not enough to eat. Would rather have meals made from scratch versus processed
Not enough to eat. Most of the food gets thrown away.
Not enough to eat. e fun foods have been taken away. Very hungry when she gets
Not enough to eat.Dierent foods that most kids dont like.e portions have
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gotten smaller.
Not enough to keep him through the day-especially since most kids have after
school activities. Doesnt always like the quality of the food
not enough to keep nhim full through football, basketball, or track practice until he
gets home
Not enough variety or substance. In her words “food they serve us is crap”,
maggots were found in the corn this year”, “they are starving us”.
not enough, too small of portions and the taste is Blah.... for Young Athletic Men/
Women... All of our kids come home like they are starving..... none of them are
overweight.. etc.. they are very athletic. School lunches are NOT the problem for
obesit.. etc in children.. it stems from HOME.. not SCHOOL!!!!!
Not enoughf food and doesnt taste so good. Black bean salsa with corn, not a kid
Not enought food provided. Taste bad.
Not enought food, they want us to eat better and they buy grilled cheese????
Not getting enough food to eat. Does not feel full after eating a meal. Was really
hungry after school to go to practice for football. Has asked if they also changed
the portion sizes. Started buying ala carte as extras to not feel hungry all the time
Not getting enough food to make it through practices after school and getting
home at 7:00 p.m. Athletic events are costing big bucks for our kids as parents have
to buy food and give them to take with them on the bus
not getting enough to eat sometimes, Starving after school.
Not getting enough to eat to satisfy her.
not getting enough, left hunry and not as good as they had been in the past (not
cooks fault)
Not good.
Not happy with the portion sizes of the meals. Too many vegetables and fruits for
her to eat in one sitting.
Not happy with the quality or quanity of food provided. Feels like she is not getting
enough food in a day. She is a very active child.
Not improved, actually somewhat worse and that the meal preparer’s do not wear
hair nets and that hair is frequently found in the food.
Not much to eat-only one fruit and vegetable choice-not several choices like they
were told at the beginning of the year. Neither of my kids eat ketchup and it is
counted as a vegetable choice and they are always having refried beans and my kids
do not lke them-we do not live in the south!
Not overly appetizing and not enough food/calories for a growing boy who is in
school many days from 6:15 to after 5:30 p.m.
not pleased with the reductions in cheese availability
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not taste
Not very good meals and you hardly get anything to eat
not very happy about them, thinks they got too carried away with what they will &
wont allow kids to have
Not very much food. Kindergarteners get the same amount as 7th grade
not very much to eat, not alot of choices, very blah and basic, he dosent get full,
Nothing good. Small portions, gross veges, etc
Nothing much - just that they had changes.
Nothing specic, but not a fan
Obaham wife took out cinnamon rolls with chili and also no ice cream
Only get ketchup in packets
Our school is charging extra for a lot of the things they serve. It is not made clear
to the children what they will be charged extra for at elementary or middle school
level. en we get a big bill, and we cant aford it as we are on free lunch. e thngs
our school serves are not always healthy. ey serve cutie pies and lots of things
that are full of sugar, salt and carbs. ey need to make more things from scratch.
ey buy everything premade. ey have high levels of preservatives, sugar, sodium,
abohydrates, etc. that turn right to sugar in our body. us kids gain weight and get
diabetes. e extra things they serve that cost extra are getting rediculous. You need
a seperate job to pay for them. Our last cook made almost every thing from scratc,
and the kids ate better. e food tasted better. Now Deanna serves everything from
a box or can. It is not healthy for the kids, and they dont like it.
Our school’s food is awful and the portions are not large enough to sustain kids
who are attending athletic practices after school and not getting home until 6:00 in
the evening.
Parents are very concerned about the quality of the food served, the amount of
food served and what is actuvally consumed from what is oered. We at Wapsie
are very concerned about oering enough from the salad bar (let alone a daily
salad bar in additon to their meal) where kids can choose healthy options instead
of being forced to take the standard lunch. Kids are bringing junk food to satisfy
their hunger. Forcing kids to make poorer healthy eating options. ey need
optimal nutrition for extra crricular performances. Being a rural school with not a
lot of options near, students even have a locker full of junk food to share in some
hallways. School is trying hard to meet nutrition standards, but it is not appeasing
to kids and not enough oere to satisfy. Even compared with other school districts
and oerings. Dont get me wrong. Wapsie is a quality school with best intentions
for all in mind. Very grateful to be asked to participate in survey.
Portion size is to small for a high school student who is active in many extra
curricular activities
Portion sizes are too small.
Portion sizes are too small. Not given enough food to sustain them through entire
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school day and through after school activities. Food being served is not what kids
“like” so unwilling to eat food they do not like the taste of.
portion too small.....still hungry especially at the end of day prior and during sports
Portions are not big enough
Portions are now smaller, not fully cooked, options limited, “healthy” optinos do
not taste or look healthy.
Portions are smaller but you can get extra. e hamburgers are not seasoned and
are boiled, not grilled. e pizza has grease dripping o of it. Shrimp poppers are
portions are too small, condiments are not always oered,
Portions are too small, he has to go back and get extra. FYI year round athlete with
low body fat
Portions not large enough. Cant have enough catsup, ranch, no cheese on the
breadsticks, no more fries.
Portions sizes are too small. Food does not taste good. Food appearance is not
appealing. Choices are limited.
Portions too small, less variety, cant gain weight like coaches want because of
portions and cost to purchase more
pros and cons
Quantity of food seems to be limited and not enough for growing children who are
doing sports after school with no time to eat between school and sports time.
Ran out if good food...small amts
Really misses the option to get a peanut butter sandwhich
Receive larger portions of fruit and vegetables. No longer get peanut butter or plain
sandwiches on days with soup.
Reduced sizes. “New” lunches not as lling, left her hungry.
Run out of food often, salad bar not as appealing and not always available, hot
vegetables served cold, too many diernt foods than used to would like to try rst
and then have on the menu, sta not very pleasant about the changes, hungry at
times as ot enough food for athletes
Said he was glad he doesnt eat lunch because you get even less now.
Said that the choices have gone down hill. ey were good, but have declined.
said they were small and gross
Salad bar
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Salad bar is not as good as last year. No soup on the salad bar this year.
Says he likes most of the items, but some things he doesnt like.
School lunch does not ll him up anymore. Still hungry after lunch.
School lunches have less food, smaller portions, generally not good, not satisfying.
Worse than years past.
School lunches suck. Dont get enough food, especially for athletes. Not enough
See comments on previous question that had free text
Serving size not adequate for a active athlete. Lots of wasted food as school makes
kids take items they do not like because the school will not nancial support if they
do not take it.
Serving size to small, he is hungry after lunch. Little avor.
She believes there is not enough food served. e main course has been reduced
signicantly. Some of the items she loved before have been eliminated.
She can now choose twice as much of the fruit if she doesnt like the vegetables-they
can choose from several fruits and veggies and take as much as they want (within
reason!). ey also have a yogurt option if they dont like the main meal or the
sandwic oered and she loves that, since she isnt a big fan of bread.
She didnt eat because they didnt like was served. She said, the lunch sucks and
would like to bring her own lunch to school more often.
She does not like 90% of the meals and when she does eat, there isnt enough.
She does not like some of the food served. It is bland.
She does not like the changes that were made. She said there is not enough food
given to her. Her friends and her try to bum food o other students because they
are hungry.
She does not like the food and wishes she could bring her own lunch, most days my
child will not even eat the lunch.
She does not like the food. She has found metal and other items in her food. Both
of my kids have told me of nding things in their food and friends nding things
in their food. Not sure if this is a problem with the cafeteria or hte food that is beig
purchased. e cooks do not care when something is found and expect the kids to
eat it anyway.
She does not like the lunch change and that she is still hungry after lunch.
She does not like the wheat crust pizza. She thinks the required vegetables are
wasteful because “no one” eats them. She laughs when I explain the rationales for
serving whole grains and veggies!
She does not like them.
She does not really like the changes even if they are healthier.
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She doesnt always like the food.
She doesnt always like what is now being prepared and doesnt get enough to eat.
She doesnt care for several things that are served. She also says that what is served
is not enough. She is very hungry at the end of the day and participates in sports so
she needs more calories. She is taking snacks most days to school.
She doesnt feel there is enough oered still, and they are trying to make children
consume less lettuce by taking away the salad bar on certain days.
She doesnt like alot of the food provided thru the new Michelle Obama initiative
She doesnt like most of the food choices
She doesnt like most of the school lunches.
She doesnt like some of the veggies and fruits put on her tray.
She doesnt like the changes as in not being able to serve ranch dressing. e whole
wheat pastas though dont taste that bad, look very unappetizing when in pasta
salads, etc...
She doesnt like the elimination of hard boiled eggs, cheese and ham/turkey from
the salad bar. She thinks the meatless entrees dont ll her up and shes hungry at
school the days they dont serve meat. She wonders why they can serve chocolate
milk, bt not deserts.
she doesnt like the meals very well, doesnt feel like she gets enough and is hungry
before the school day ends
She doesnt like the taste of some of the food that is now being served
she doesnt like the taste of the food. She is buying the lunch and eating fruit only,
so we had her start taking her lunch from home
SHe doesnt like them and hardly eats school lunch any more
She doesnt mind the actual meal as we eat healthy at home. e issue becomes
the drink for her. e school will not provide a drink substitute for a documented
medical allergy so we are paying for a drink that my child can not drink and no
alternativeis available other than us sending a water bottle or paying additional
money. I do not agree that the school provides alternatives so some documented
medical allergies (i.e. nuts, gluten) free of charge where a whey protien intolerance
requires additiona cost from the family. If one medical condition provides a free of
charge dietary substitution then all should. I do agree that only those medically
documented needs should provide free of charge substitutions.
She doesnt most of the meals served. She doesnt like vegetables
She feels the size of portions is sometimes too small and leaves lunch feeling hungry.
She feels they arent oering as much food as in the past and she quite often doesnt
have enough to eat to ll her up.
She gets more food than the K-5th and that sometimes she gets desserts and her
siblings dont. is causes issues between them because the youngest ones dont
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understand why.
She has a lot more choices than she used to. She likes it.
She has complained about how a lot of the new food isnt as good as it once was.
She has said they are actually serving vegetables now instead of just listing them on
the menu, but not oering them.
She has talked about the healthier choices they have.
She hates it and many things taste so badly, she doesnt eat much.
she hates it...all 3 of my kids come home hungry cos lunches that used to be good r
now nasty,tasteless and cardboard like
She hates the change. She has lost weight because the lunches are not enough
for her. ere are children passing out during school and during sporting events
because they are not being fed enough throughout the day.
She hates the new changes. Not enough food and it’s usually cold
She is a very picky eater so it is more economical for us to send a fruit and
sandwich from home then have her throw her food away at school.
She is disappointed because she loves fruits and vegetables. Prior to the new rules
our school always had fruits and vegetables available for students that were still
hungry after eating lunch and wanted seconds. Now students must request extra
fruits or egetables when they go through the line the rst time. is promotes poor
eating habits. ey must either throw the food away if they get full before nishing
She is frustrated that the “cooks” seem to act like they know what my daughter
likes. Wrong.
She is hungry - not enough food is being served. She has a medical condition
- Ulcerative Colitis and she needs more food that most. She is not getting that
at school. She often takes cold lunch on top of the school lunch she gets to get
enough food!
she is not a big girl, but complains that she is still hungry
She is not getting enough food. Neither is my 7th grade son. ey are very t
athletes and need more caloric intake. ey take extra money each day to purchase
additional items a la carte. ey also welcome any leftovers that classmates dont
eat. ey need more to eat. ey come home and snack heavily to make up for the
missing calories that they need to perform. Our family is very unhappy with the
changes related to reduced caloric intake. It’s not enough for my kids.
She is not happy with the changes. She feels that less food is provided and that
many of the food choices are unappealing.
She is not satised and comes home hungry. e variety is limited. She also says
that she wishes they would serve more meats.
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she is still hungry
She is still hungry when she eats school lunch and is NOT a picky eater. She often
has salad bar if having hot lunch
She is upset she cant have ketchup when she wants it.
She likes all the salad choices and the fresh fruits and vegetables. Shed eat school
lunch if there was enough time to eat it. She says by the time she gets through the
line, sometimes theyd be out of silverware and often less than 10 minutes to actualy
eat the lunch so she started packing her own lunch.
She likes that there are vegetables and fruits, but they are not always fresh. Also she
eats the second shift of two shifts. If they run out they do not replenish it.
She likes the addition of more fresh veggies.
She likes the food that the school provides. ere wasnt rally any negative feedback
about the school’s lunches.
She likes the option to be able to pick some of her sides, but is disappointed that
there are not any types of deserts anymore (my childern are both very healthy and
active so need to get more calories during the day - so a small treat is ok). She also
sys sometimes there is not enough food to ll her up.
She LOVES that she gets more fresh fruit and vegetables!
She loves the vegetables!
She mentioned that some of the things she liked from last year havent been served at
all this year. Also, the introduction to the garden bar...both my girls like that!
She noted that there are still unhealthy options.
She refuses to eat school lunch now.
She said that the kids didnt like the changes. And in regards to students whose
accounts were not paid up, they were allowed to ll their trays and when the got to
the ‘cashier’ the lunch was thrown in the trash.
She said the food is gross and they dont get much at all! I’ve heard this complaint
from many many kids! Frustrating to know we pay so much for school lunch and its
not keeping them satised because they dont get hardly any and its not good!
She said there isnt enough food and she is still hungry after lunch.
she said they are eating healthy foods now and that a lot of food gets thrown away
because the kids wont eat it.
She says they do not provide enough food. She would like more fresh fruit and
She talks about dierent foods they get the chance to try.
She thinks that most of the foods are ok but would like some condiments with some
meals. Not all of the meals ll her up long enough to make it through her after
school sports so she is starving prior to getting done with practice and then she stops
at te gas station on her walk home to get something to eat even though she only
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have a 1/2 mile walk home.
She wanted to know, as a healthy, t/active, involved in sports, etc., child why she
was being punished by less food and less choices at lunch. She liked the school
lunch until the changes were made in calories, removing salt, etc. She thinks that
ther should be a way to oer healthier choices to everyone, but only limit calories for
the students who are overweight.
She was expecting big changes and didnt feel like the options were much healthier.
She was hungry in the early afternoon. ere are not enough calories for her
through the school lunch program. We pack her lunch now. We think there should
be more selection at school lunch so if kids want more foods that ll them up they
should be abe to purchase it.
She was not getting enough to eat. ey had to count the calories she had on her
tray to see if she could have honey mustard sauce to eat with her chicken nuggets.
Which, she would not eat the chicken without the sauce.
She was unhappy with the portion sizes, salt restrictions, and the very large amount
of wasted food thrown away each day
She was VERY excited to nally get to eat on the salad bar. She loves salads and now
there is no salad on the bar. She was very upset.
Shes hungry at school.
shes not pleased
Small portions Taste is dirent
Small portions and are left hungry. Are having more of a variety. e ham
sandwiches are nasty. pizza pasta, spaghetti, chicken and rice bowl are good. e
meals need to have more seasoning added to them to give them some avor.
small portions for athletes. He is hungry.
Small portions--Sacriced taste for nutritional value
smaller meat portions & more veggies - not avorful or appealing.
Smaller portions
Smaller portions & dierent veg.
smaller portions but good veggies
Smaller portions, fewer extra items
Smaller portions, food isnt as good as it used to be, comes home hungry
Smaller portions..... healthier choices.....
smaller servings, whole wheat bread
Solon recently made changes to the administrators over the school lunch program -
it made all the dierence in the world - went from trash to tasty they say
Some changes are good, some changes she doesnt like.
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Some changes they like others they think are stupid.
Some foods have no taste. Some portions are not enough. Instead of lettuce, spinach
was given for salad. Whats wrong with lettuce?
some meal not very lling or tasty
Some meals are good n some are not.
some new fresh fruits and veggies are really good
Some of his favorite meals are being canceled; such as giant fruit muns.
Some of it tastes really bad and he doesnt get enough to eat somedays.
Some of the favorite meals at school had been changes to the point they no longer
liked the item that was once a favorite
Some of the food is harder to eat with braces. Need more brace friendly meals or
options. Sometimes she can only eat 1 item she is given due to her braces.
Some of the food now tastes nasty. I dont like having wheat bread. Why do they
feed us a hot dog and put it on a wheat bun...does this some how make the hot dog
better? My child generally eats salad bar as they do not like the main course being
served a lunch
Some of the meals are not real good
Some of the meals are terrible. Not enough to eat and he is very thin.
Some of the stu is gross and they give really small protions. e food they surve is
burned o too fast and for some kids its their only meal between home ans supper
at 6:30 at night. I feel bad for those kids in sports. Give larger prtions of the healhy
foods or something. Oer salad bar to all ages. they need to get full. My child who
is 9 and a growing boy( all three children actually) come home starving they look
weak and are in need of energizing the body. I agree processed and unnatural foods
hould be exempt from their shchool food diets. Home like foods! Real foods, we
dont serve frozen foods or foods out of cans at home, besides some vegetables and
soups the reg.
Some things are better and some are not.
some things he doesnt like but willing to try new things
somethings are gross and the portion size is small
Sometimes I hear, “All we get is fruit and veggies. I’m starving!”
Sometimes not enough food
somewhat healthier
Still doesnt like the choices. Still doesnt feel full when a good choice is oered.
Still doesnt like the meals.
Still hungry after he eats.
Still hungry when done
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Still not good options. e message the kids are ‘hearing’ is that they have to eat
MORE in order to get the proper nutrition. We arent teaching them about healthy
versus fatty school foods.
Still not good, athletes not getting enough to eat.
at it taste awlful, they dont give you enough, its to greasy
that changes were in the process, but were slow
at condiments like salt, ketchup, and ranch dressing has been removed. Portions
or calories are less, and that leaves my athletic, active child hungry in the afternoons.
at he didnt like the fact that he received so much of the fruits/veggies portions.
He likes and eats fruits/veggies, but stated it was to much of them and not much of
anything else.
that he does not like it
at he does not like the new lunches as he does not get enough to eat. e food
quality is good, there simply is just not enough of it and we cannot aord to double
up on lunches as we have several children in school and we do not get free lunch.
at he doesnt like it. And it was way better before!!!
at he dosnt like what he gets now. He miss having special treat with his meal. All
they get now is fruit and veg and not some of the homemade stu.
at he eats salad every day because they have to eat healthy at school. :)
at he is starving even after he eats because there is not enough food
at he likes the fruit, but some of the main courses are not so good. He denately
says the sweet potato fries/wedges are NOT very good.
at he strongly dislikes the food choices, and that the food is not enough. He is
often hungry after lunch. Also that they do not oer desserts anymore.
that he would like more food
at her friends are hungry as they are not being served enough food.
at it makes lunch tasteless. She barely eatas lunch because of it. I think its stupid
at it sucks
at it sucks and the portions are too small
that it’s not enough food, that the condiments (ranch and ketchup, etc) are
rationed”, bummed that she no longer gets to eat o a salad bar because she cant
be trusted to eat what she wants to
at lunch would be better again because of the changes.
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at not many children eat most of the lunches. She also said many students dont
have enough time to nish food even if they do like it, and that many are still
hungry in the afternoons.
at she does not like it.
that she gets small portions and that she is super hungry when she gets home from
that she is getting less food at each meal and fewer of her favorite meals
at she liked the changes.
that she must take a little of each item, even if she doenst like or want that item.
at some kids dont like things they serve at school.
at some of the meals dont make sense.
at sweet potatoes are gross and why do they serve them if everyone just throws
them away.
at thanks to mrs. Obama, he is starving by the time he gets home from school.
at the amount of protein they get is small... and they have several carbs on their
plates. Not enough to ll them up. Fresh fruit is often not good. Does not taste
good. Does not ll him up.
at the changes have made the meals worse than they already were
at the food doesnt taste good and there is not enough.
at the food doesnt taste quite as good as it used to, but they are not allowed near
as much food as they feel they need. My daughter has said that her and her friends
end up going to the “a la carte” for additional food and snacks, which are unhealthy.
at the food is not good anymore. at there is such a small amount and weird
varieties that they dont get full.
at the food is supposed to be healthier, they dont serve ranch, people are still
hungry, the salad bar looks good
that the food is terrible and they dont get enough to eat.
at the food isnt any dierent than it was before she just gets less of it. It is always
cold and over or under cooked and there is never enough to ll her (mind you my
child is not a big child by any means). e only thing dierent is they never eer get
dessert any more and sometimes the vegetables are raw but most of the main course
is still pre-processed junk.
at the food was not very good. Nothing was made from scratch. Everything is
frozen and reheated
at the healthy substitutions were not any good.
at the lunches they receive now are tasteless or awful. No seasonings, no real
cheese, no real meat. Serve tofu substitutes, lettuce is nothing but large chunks from
the core - no leaf lettuce. Cooks make you take food that you know you wont eat so
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itis just wasteful. If school lunches are to be healthy, then why not make the cooks
actually make something instead of all this pre-package, full of salt food.
that the lunches would be more healthy for her.
at the meal portions have gotten smaller and she is still hungry after lunch. Most
everything is starchy and the avor is gone.
at the meals are small and she never feels she gets enough. And not the foods she
has had in past. Foods are not good like before.
at the meals suck and you dont get enough food to eat, so they are hungry when
they get home and eat what they can nd. e food isnt as good tasting as it was in
the past.
at the meals taste worse then in past years with whole wheat etc. and that they
are not ever full after eating lunch. ey often order “seconds” which increases our
that the portions and food options are awful and there is no llers such as
sandwiches etc if you dont like the meal, they never complained about school
lunches until the last couple years - it is awful.
at the portions are smaller and some of the healthy foods arent prepared very
well. Like the veggies are overcooked and smooshy and the sweet potatoe fries are
undercooked and arent crispy but soft and greasy.
at the salad bar was great.
at the school lunches are almost becoming ‘too healthy’. ey are not allowing
potatoes and gravy at lunch because there is ‘too much fat in the lunch’. Also she is
never full when she eats at school and ends up taking a candy to school to satisfy her
at the school lunches are not very good in taste and quality and that the servings
are too small.
at the serving sizes are small and the food doesnt have a good appearance
at there have been new foods introduced.
that there is alot more fruits and vegetables to choose from
at there is not enough food and that it is not very good.
at there is not enough food being given. at the kids are leaving hungry.
at there is not enough food on their trays. She is still hungry when lunch is over.
at there isnt enough food; that she is still hungry.
at there was not enough food and alot of the kids were keeping food in their
lockers or going to fast food places right after school cause they were starving
at they are better than in the past, with more variety of fruits and vegetables.
at they are having healthier meals. More fruits and vegetables & smaller portions
of meat in which I am agreement because that is what we are doing at home.
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at they are not getting enough food.
that they are not good and he comes home hungry. He wont take a lunch because
then he cant sit at the regular table. Cold lunches have to sit at a dierent table.
at they are not good and not enough food
at they are still hungry after they are done with the meal.
at they can not go over a certain calorie count and have to serve less meat
at they do not like the changes that the school has made. ey are hungry when
they get home from school most days because they do not like the choices on their
plate. Although the school says the new lunches are healthier, much of the fruit they
eat s frozen and not appealing (brown bananas), the entres are not fresh but frozen,
they dont geel full
at they dont get enough food
at they dont get enough food during some lunches and that the main meals are
not always good, like mozzerella sticks, breadstick with sauce or garlic cheese bread.
We do not consider this a main entre.
at they dont get enough to eat.
at they get about half of what they used to get and it doesnt ll them up. And
some of the food isnt very good anymore.
at they get less food on their tray and it is not as good as it used to be
at they had to take everything that is oered now, they cant pick and choose so
alot of food is being thrown away.
at they now have to eat healthy and that their portions are so small that they are
still hungry after eating.
at they only get to eat so many calories for lunch. at they cant go back for
seconds and that they are very hungry when they get home because they dont get
much to eat.
that they still make processes foods, and the portions are very small, that they come
home very hungery. they say that not all kids are obeses, and the ones that are it is
the parents responsibilty to feed thier child better.
at they suck, and the portions are smaller
at they trying to be healthier but its not good and then she is starving, cause they
dont serve enough.
that they were healthier
at they were healthier
THat you can pick either fruit or vegetables, you dont have to have both.
that you dont get much. the portions may be ok for the younger kids but as we are
older and growing and in sports we need that extra food. not that its real tasty but it
is something.
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the “healthy” food they serve know ends up in the trash and if they dont take it they
get a ne. so who ever came up with this crap just made the kids not eat! mine usally
come home starving because they wouldnt eat the crap they try to feed them. sure i
might be healthy and most adults would eat it, but guess what we are talking about
e amount of food has signicantly decreased. 2% milk is no longer an option.
e amount of food is not enough for many teenagers.
e amount of food provided and quality is not as good. She says a lot of kids are
still hungry after eating.
e amount oered has decreased.
e are bland and never enough food
the bread/crusts are tough and hard to chew, the protein amount is too small(still
hungry), they are forced to take foods they know they will not eat and the food
waste has increased dramatically!
the changes are not good
e changes are the reason my child now bring her lunch everyday. She is an athlete
dedicated to feeding her body to be successful and the food quality and quantity
given at our school doesnt meet the qualications coaches aim for athletes to
eat. She ad the majority of her peers have said the same comments and want this
e changes have made it so she doesnt like school lunches
e food does not taste as good. ey are starving when they get home from school.
Not enough to eat.
the food does not taste good as compared to other years.
e food does not taste good. e fruit is not fresh. ere is not enough food to
get them through the day.
e food doesnt taste as good, there isnt much of it, and the pizza used to be good
but it is really greasy now.
e food has no taste not served enough food either
e food is good but there is not enough.
e food is gross and he doesnt like to eat very often. Also there is not enough for
him to be satisied. It is basically a snack for him.
the food is not appetizing, portions are too small, elementary studends are treated
the same as high school students when the school is determining portion/serving
sizes. most foods are prepackaged and not prepared freash at the school.
e food is not as good and alot of the time they do not get enough.
e food is not good and only eats it because he is hungry. perportions are way to
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small for a growing teenager.
e food is not good so she hardly eats
e food is still good, but there is not enough to eat. Our oldest child continually
asks if they can get “seconds” just in order to feel satised at lunch. We are not on
free or reduced lunches, and a second main entree costs nearly half of the entiremeal.
We do not have it in our budget for our children to get second servings every day.
Our children come home hungry. e portions are smaller, and protiens, and
especially the carbohydrates have been greatly reduced or all but taken out of the
meals Our children say they get hungry at school in the afternoon, and even get
tired towards the end of their school day. is is a very serious concern. School
children cannot be getting hungry like this. It has extremely negative impacts on
learning andschool performance as well as growth and development.
e food is tasteless or doesnt taste good-all the bread is wheat (which he hates).
ere seems to be less portions of each food group. Sometimes he says all he eats is
the meat. Hes always hungry afterward, so he buys unhealthy snacks at school and
ats these on the bus home. He also states other kids say they dont like the meals
e food is terrible.
e food isnt good anymore. I am starving by the time I get to cross country. I
plan to take my own lunch on meet days.
e food isnt healthy. ey have decreased the amounts, and only give you a short
time period to eat. ey receive 20 minutes from the time the bell rings, to waiting
in line to receiving the food, and then eating it.
e food isnt very good and there is not enough of it. My daughter only eats o of
the a la cart at school. ey have taken out all of the things that she did like.
e food sizes are way too small, the food is gross.
e food sucks and they dont feed us enough.
e kids dont like the new school meals.
e kids receive emails from the school about lunch. e cost to me has increased,
and they are allowing the kids snacks during the school day. ey also have more
fruits and vegetables.
e lunches are almost inedible. Too small portions for those that are go in early
for practices and stay after for other practices. e kids are starving and some bring
less nutritional things to snack on because they are starving in school. Kind of bows
the whole healthy kids act right to pieces. Some are struggling with classes and
concentration because of being hungry.
the lunches are getting better but there isnt enough time to sit and enjoy lunch, they
are rushed, by the time they get through the lunch line they have a very short time
to eat. sometimes my child opts not to even eat so shes hungry when she gets home
e lunches are healthier, but less food is served. My child comes home hungry
every day. Sometimes the food does not taste good.
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e lunches are not lling and do not taste good.
e lunches are not very good & not enough food.
the lunches are smaller, the lunches dont have enough of food that he likes to eat,
complaint around the “peanut butter” substitute.
e main complaint is that the portions are just not big enough and she is starving
when she gets home from school.
e meals are getting smaller, and less apealing. My boys are hungry before the
school day is over.
e meals are much worse than they use to be. Less food. ey are hungry after
nishing the meal.
e meals are not good, and they do not ll her up. She is constantly hungry after
eating school lunch. e school also shuts o the vending machines (which actually
have healthy snacks in them) during lunch, so she cannot even purchase anything to
susidize her lunches.
e meals are okay, she wishes some days more food was available, she doesnt like
changes to the salad bar
e meals arent that good.
e meals do not give you enough to eat. When kids have activities from 6 a.m. till
8 or 9 at night, they do not get enough to eat at all.
e meals dont taste as good. Many time food is overcooked. eir biggest
complaint is lack of food. My child is of healthy weight and has high metabolism.
He is very active in sports. He takes snacks for free time and after school. He says
he feel hungry and lightheaded from lack of food many days after lunch. Portions
are way too small for growing and healthy children who do not need to lose weight.
e meals served were disgusting. e appearance of fruits and vegetables was that
they looked old. e salad dressings were now given to them in small packets and
the contents were often lumpy. Any meats used in the meals was very greasy. For
the mos part, portions were smaller and the appearance of the food and consistency
was not appetizing at all.
e meals themself are not lling and the choices are not as good salad bar has been
drasticly changed and that’s what she used to eat a lot of
e meals were healthier and had more choices but is sometimes bland.
e new meals are radically dierent than the old lunch menu.
e oerings have changed slightly.
e portion sizes are bad. ey have taken away some things that the kids liked to
eat. ey have to take food they wont eat, which is a waste of money. My kids wish
there was a salad bar with more fruits and raw vegetables available.
e portions are not big enough to get full. e same size portion is givin to the
WHOLE school system. If you go back for seconds you get charged the same as for
the rst time
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e portions are not large enough and the type of food served is tasteless.
e portions are smaller and healthier
e portions are smaller and the food tastes worse
e portions are smaller, and the main portion (usually the protein) isnt enough to
ll her.
e portions are smaller, the choices are not always good, kids are throwing away
more food because they dont like it, they cut out all desserts so kids get more junk
food at convenience stores and/or at home to satisfy their sweet tooth, kids are llin
up on junk food after school because they are starving, kids in sports are over-hungry
at practices and games, kids want more variety and bigger portions, and they want
healthy foods they actually like and will eat.
the portions are to small for a child of het age to keep them satised until they get
the portions are way too small
e portions are way too small for high school students and do not provide enough
energy to get them through the school day e toppings for tacos and sandwiches
are NOT side dishes and should never be considered as such. Juicy Juice is not a
side dish it is a drink. A lot of the food gets thrown in the trash which is a waste
and shows how much it is not liked.
e portions have been drastically reduced and the small size causes him to be
hungry all day long
e portions sizes are very small and she always feels hungry after lunch. She tends
to eat junk food (because it’s easily avalible and quick) after lunch to make it until
she can have a healthy snack at home.
e portions will be cut back which is a big problem. My child is not over weight
and not even close and does not get enough food at the school lunch. Not even
close. We supplement his lunch every day with granola bars or some other item.
e quality of the food is poor and not much of it. She likes to eat lettuce, but every
day it is brown and very unappetizing.
e quantity of food they get is less veggies are soggy
e quantity of the food is not enough, as well as being served food they will not
eat, resulting in them not eating much of their lunch.
e rolls are smaller. Too much vegetables and fruits, not enough protein.
e salad bar no longer has cottage cheese, applesauce or pudding on it which is
what he would select to help make sure there was something he would eat. He does
not like the steamed vegetables as they are cold and hard by the time he eats lunch.
e school cooks have to serve more fruit and veggies because of Michelle Obama..
I like her, but not all the lettuce they serve now!! we HAVE to take at least one of
each, but then we just throw it away if we dont like it, so it seems like a waste. I ish
we could pick just the ones we liked.
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e school lunch doesnt taste good anymore. He takes his lunch more often than
not which is not convenient for me as a working parent.
e school lunch has gotten worse since the new regulations, No variety being
served, the same thing on the salad bar everyday. Lettuce, carrots, ranch. Orange
Chicken, Stir Fry and Ribs are disgusting!!!!!
the school lunch is horrible, but more fruit and vegy choices
e school lunch is worse than ever now
e school lunches arent as good as they used to be.
e school lunches do not taste as good as they did previously. e serving sizes are
sometimes not sucient. Sometimes the items served do not seem to complement
each other.
e school used to oer salad on the salad bar each day, and now with all the new
changes, they are not doing that. He really enjoyed this and was sad when they
discontinued oering it.
e schools are trying to oer more healthy choices
e selection is poor. e taste of many items is not as good as it was before.
e serving size of food is to small. e fresh fruits and veggies are good.
e taste and amount of food is much less.
ere are a few meals that he does not like, but for the majority he likes them.
ere are less choices for meals, less portions, and things he doesnt like to eat.
ere are more choices for lunch, but they dont give us enough of the main dish.
ere are more fruit and vegetable choices oered.
ere are more veggies and fruit available.
ere are no desserts... ey dont oer the fruits or veggies my child likes to eat.
ey often serve food that doesnt sound good or I even question if I would eat
ere are several things he does not like, therefore, he does not eat his whole lunch.
ere are some good meals and there are some meals that needed more food.
ere has been changes and he adjusts
ere is a lot of things she doesnt eat now. Some of her favorites are no longer
ere is more avor in the food.
ere is not as much food.
ere is not enough comes home still hungry
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there is not enough food
ere is not enough food and alot of foods are not good and have no avor. Misses
his old lunches.
ere is not enough food and he doesnt like some of the choices.
ere is not enough food at lunch anymore and they are starving at the end of the
ere is not enough food for an 8th grade boy who goes to a sporting activity right
after school. Our school is serving things like refried beans and black beans on a
regular basis (almost weekly) and very few students will eat these.
ere is not enough food for me. I am a football player, mom, I need more than
what they are oering.
ere is not enough food oered.
ere is not enough food oered....still hungry and costs me more due to getting a
second main dish at more cost to me
ere is not enough food on their plates and they are only given the required
amounts of fruits and vegetables they cant have any extra or there is a charge....Still
a lot of processed. ey should start making them from scratch and they would be
able t monitor what goes into the product instead of relying on the plastic wrappers
for their information
ere is not enough food or enough time to eat.
ere is not enough food to eat to support an active childs lifestyle.
ere is not enough food to ll her up, especially when she is staying after school for
ere is not enough food to sustain a person through all of their activities later in
the day.
ere is not enough food, the food is bland and mushy, there is no avor, the
choices are limited, no more condiments, use of more “appetizer” type food as an
entree (bosco sticks, crispitos). In general neither of my children receive a lling,
tasty mal at lunch unless they bring their own. e smaller kids have to have
afternoon snacks just to keep their moods from going downhill due to hunger.
ese kids need more energy for learning and lunch is certainly not providing it.
ere is not enough food!
ere is not enough food. Food is not very nutritious
ere is not enough for him to eat. He is normally hungry throughout his afternoon
ere is not enough to eat and he is still hungry after lunch.
ere is not enough to eat and what there is really doesnt taste to good. e portion
sizes are decreased. To me this is where they should be eating they are growing and
moving at school. Some kids may not get much to eat at home so school should at
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lest ll them up before they get home.
there is not enough to EAT!
ere is not enough to eat. Still hingry after the meal is over
ere is not enough to ll him up. Sometimes the choices of fruits and vegetables
are not appealing. Sometimes the meals are not as good.
ere is not enought to eat. She does not get enough salt in her diet for her low
blood pressure from the available choices anymore.
ere isnt as many sweets and not as much food being served. he likes the foods
though. even broccoli :)
ere isnt as much food or choice in what there is to eat. He often eats other kids
portions because he is still hungry after he eats all on his tray. e food doesnt taste
as good as it use to.
ere isnt enough food in a meal. e portion sizes are too small, especially
considering that the needs of a growing child dont seem to have been considered. A
teenager needs more calories than what are being provided.
ere isnt enough food to keep him full. e low fat is killing him--hes as thin as a
rail, and eating double lunches is expensive.
ere isnt enough quality food now, how will this help
ere isnt enough to eat and that they are still hungry when lunch is done.
ere isnt enough to eat. ey are hungry because they cant have extra sandwiches
incase there is something they dont like. e fruit isnt fresh. Cant have
condiments to make items taste better. ey have to take food even if they know
they wonteat it.
ere seems to be a limit on the calorie intake during lunch. is limits what is
served at lunch. My children are in sports and are still very hungry after eating.
eres more fruit
eres not enough food, the meals arent as good as they use to be, there is no taste
ese are her words.. “I hate them!” She hates that the ketchup packets are limited,
and she the ranch dressing is horrid. When she is in sports she said that it doesnt
keep her full through practice. I do send a snack but she is so hungry by the tim she
gets home she feels sick. She also complains about the amount given. She loves the
fruit and salads but said that she doesnt usually get enough main dish. hates that
she gets only 1 hotdog or a few chicken nuggets.
ey dislike the changes to the foods they eat at school.
they are allowed to eat o of the salad bar.
ey are better.
ey are boring or poor tasting and still not satisfying in portion size for 18 year olds
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they are countning calories, and only giving you certain portions.
ey are getting used to it, mostly there is not enough to ll them up. Doesnt have
enough avor.
ey are giving them a lot less food and she is starving when she gets home.
ey are gross and hes still hungry!!
ey are horrible. ey barely get any food for almost 3 dollars per day.
ey are making the meals healthier but in her opinion not better.
ey are nasty, no dessert
ey are not as lling. However, more vegetables and fruits are provided for the
ey are not as good as they used to be.
ey are not as good. But now my oldest child attends a dierent school district
and he likes the lunches. My younger 2 still go to Solon and the lunches there are
not as good.
ey are not lling and arent as avorful as previous lunches
ey are not getting enough food to keep him full. ey have to take a fruit and
THey are not getting enough to eat
ey are not getting enough to eat during lunch of what they would like. And then
having to go straight to a sport or practice of some kind after school they still feel
very hungry. ey were satised before all of the changes to our school lunch.
ey are not getting enough to eat. He really misses having the salad bar option
that included soups or a sandwich choice with the fruits and veggies. e fruit and
veggie bar doesnt have much for an option and doesnt ll him up.
ey are not good. Not enough portion size. Still hungry.
ey are not happy, mostly with things like very little ketchup provided. Sometimes
that will make a child eat a vegatable!
ey are not provided with enough, and the choices are gross. What teenagers eat
hummus and red pepper sticks, and what happened to lettuce salads instead of
ey are now required to take a fruit from the lunch line even if they are not going
to eat it.
ey are often still hungry after lunch & breakfast
ey are required to take a vegetable, even if they are not going to eat it, it HAS to
be on their tray, and if they dont eat a fruit with skin (banana for example) they
return it instead of throwing it away. e portions are smaller.
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ey are serving healthy food, but my friends are always hungry. Especially the boys
who go to early weight lifting then have sports practice right after school. ey have
taken away most of our favorite meals such as build your own sub sandwich and past
bar. Yes kids may be losing weight but it is because they arent eating what is served
and then nishing the afternoon hungry.
they are small and not lling.
ey are so hungry at the end of the day. e meals are smaller or less lling. ey
had chocolate milk taken away! is has been the biggest let down. What is wrong
with seconds of a fruit or peanut butter sandwich we all grew up with? My daughter
s an athlete an not over weight...she is completely famished after a 2 hour practice.
ey are still hungry after lunch
ey are still hungry after they eat. Just another way to get more money from them
by making thembuy extras as ala carte to get lled up.
ey are still hungry when they get home from school-said they dont get enough to
eat at school.
ey are tasteless, and there are so many meals that dont get eaten because of the
ey are terrible and its the same thing every 2 weeks, no variety, no seconds, they
dont have straws anymore.
ey are terrible and lack adequate sustenance, the choices are limited, the quantity
is less than enough.
ey are terrible for the most part
ey are terrible lunches even foods they had previously tasted bad. Fake meat
ey are too complicated and have avors she doesnt care for.
ey are trying to starve the kids.
ey are unhappy.
ey are very disappointed with the new program. Less food for more
money. Comes home hungry everyday. Never did so last year. IT IS VERY
DISAPPOINTING as a parent.
ey arent always getting enough food, but likes the food that is being served
most of the time. Another child was very upset they had to take away the salad bar
because they could not measure out the calories for each child.
ey can no longer have desert.
ey come home hungry. Says they dont get enough to eat !
ey come home starving from school.
they did not like the changes
ey didnt like no gravy or no icing on the cinnamon rolls. My son the football
player needs more calories/food.
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ey didnt like the changes but that they would get used to them.
ey dislike the new menu. Not just because it’ s healthier, the new food is made
from cheap ingredients that doesnt taste good
ey do not feel enough food is being oered and are starving when they get home.
ey do not get enough to eat. When they are nished they are still hungry. ey
get less.
ey do not get enought to eat and they taste bad.
ey do not like 50% of the lunches being served because they do not like all the
vegetables. My children do not like frozen vegetables of any kind no matter how
they are prepared. ey would also like to see a “treat” not necessarily a cookie but
even small cup of yogurt or fruit pop.
ey do not like many of the things that are currently served. e taste, texture,
and appearance are unappealing. My kids complain of nding hair in their food and
moldy fruits. I have tried some of the “healthy” cookies and spit them out because
ofthe taste. e amount of food being wasted by the kids is shameful, but trying to
force foods they dont want is useless. Both of my school kids come home ravenous
and then eat all the food they can nd in the house. ey are then too full to eat
muc of the dinner that I prepare. ey also always have to take food from home if
they have any kind of after school practice because they get so hungry. As a parent,
I think this whole “healthy” lunch idea has been a huge failure. Obese kids are not
ging to lose weight because of the “healthy” lunch served at school. Is the Obama
bunch really that naive? I would like to see what the Obama girls get served for
lunch. Oops, I forgot. ey go to private school, so they probably dont have to eat
th same “healthy” lunch that their poorer public school peers have to eat.
ey do not like most of the food provided from the school. ey usually never get
ey do not like the changes, as they do not get enough to eat~ starving after school.
ey do not have time to eat all the raw vegies/fruits and they dont ll them up
ey do not like the food served that ths school says is heathy
ey do not like the foods and the amounts along with the time they have to eat.
ey are hurried.
ey do not like the school meals
ey do not like what is being served.
ey do not taste as good and sometimes you dont get as much as you used to.
ey do not taste good. You do not get to put your own salad dressing on. Portions
are smaller. Extras cost more. You cant have both fruit and juice at one meal.
ey do not thing the foods served are any healthier than what they got in previous
years. e only change they really see are less breads and desserts.
they dont feel like they “ll them up” and are still hungry afterwards
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ey dont get as much food. ey have to take a cup of fruit and 1 cup of vegetables
but they do have choices. ey can only have a measured amount of condiments
such as ketchup and ranch dressing.
ey dont get as much to eat & are hungry later in the day. ey dont like the food
as well.
ey dont get enough food somedays and they dont like some of the new foods.
ey dont get enough food to eat. She is still hungry after eating some days. She
likes vegetables, but says the schools are often not good.
ey dont get enough food to ll them up, and they food they do get is not
appealing. My son is a senior and works in the lunchroom, so he knows its not the
cooks’ fault.
ey dont get enough food to ll them up. ey are very hungry when they come
home from school, pigging out on snacks - healthy or not - just to make it to supper.
I thought they were supposed to get unlimited fresh fruits and veggies, which my
kids lke, but I’ve been told by them that you can only have a couple pieces and it
comes out of a can. Several of my friends’ kids have said the same thing.
THey dont get enough to eat
they dont get enough to eat and the avor is bland....cant use salt or pepper to help
the taste, they are very hungry when they get home
ey dont get enough to eat for their age. Even the school counselor agreed with
that statement.
ey dont give him hardly any food and hes still hungry.
ey dont give them enough food. Even water is rationed to only a couple ounces.
Foods lack seasoning.
ey dont like it
they dont like it. all the whole grain stu makes everything taste weird. And they
are never full usually are hungry the rest of the day. e servings are so small. By the
time they get home they want to eat everything. Wishes I would send lunch everyda.
ey dont like it. Servings are too small. No avor
ey dont like the changes.
ey dont like the changes. ey dont like all the food being called fancy names.
Just say if it is spaghetti - not whole wheat pasta with red sauce, or whole grain
noodles with marinara. We many times have the same thing many times a month,
but wit unique names. e kids dont really always know what it is. If it is pizza,
call it pizza.
they dont like the food tastes bad and dont get enough to eat no deserts
ey dont like the meals served.
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ey dont like the meals they are hungry still after lunch hate it
ey dont like the new food choices.
they dont like the new fruit/veg combinations with a entree that they liked before.
She doesnt want to eat if there is only one item on the menu that she likes.
ey dont like the school lunches, say they dont get enough portions and are still
ey dont like the wheat bread, noodles and taco shells. ey are glad to be getting
more fruits and vegetables,
ey dont taste as good as they use to.
ey dont think it is enough food. But I have ate their school lunch with them and
it is more than I can eat and I get the same serving size as the 2nd graders.
they dont feed him enough and has a hard time making it through the day then
attend after school sports
they dont have any good food to eat
ey dont have the salad bar anymore
they dont like changes
ey dont like some of the new food choices therefore waste more food.
ey feel they are not served enough food and that the food does not taste as good
ey get less, they do not get the regular items on the salad bar. e food doesnt
taste as good as it has in the past. She is usually very hungry by the time she is done
with school.
ey get more food again in the last month
ey get more fruits and vegetables
ey get to serve themselves fruits and vegetables, and she really likes being able to
do this.
ey had this
they hardly get any food and he isnt over weight so why does he get punished for a
small # of students. and it is food that nobody will eat and it gets thrown away most
of the time. he does like some of the food just such small portions for the age of id
he is
they hate them
ey have a lot of fruits and vegetables. No more cookies.
ey have a lot more vegetables and some of them are very good; however, the
menus arent as satisfying as they once were and now he often ends up feeling hungry
in the middle of the afternoon.
ey have alot more choices for fruit and veggies
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ey have no taste and no lling enough as he is in sports and is hungry before and
after his sports.
ey have to pick certain amounts of a fruit and a vegetable
ey have to take certain things now where they did not have to before.
ey have to take it even if they dont want it. Makes him not want to take it at all
since he dislikes cheese and it’s smell. If it has to be on his tray, he wont take the
tray. We have to pack a cold lunch almost every day.
they have to try the fruits and vegetables provided for the day. less deserts, more
fruits and veg
ey haved changed the school lunches and they are not as good as before. e food
is very bland and not avorful. Have added some weird foods like two potato mash
that no one eats. Sometimes the school lunch personnel are suprised the students
will et the lunch they think they are bad. All of the food is prepackaged and
precooked. School lunch is merely a heat and serve operation.
ey like some of the changes, but not all. ey mention lots of fruits and
vegetables, which gives me more condence that they are getting a healthy meal.
ey made the school lunches less calories, but now portions are really small.
ey made them very small.
ey must take 2 scoops of Fruits and Vegetables, even if they dont like it and are
going to throw it away
ey never get real cooked food
ey noticed their wasnt a dessert every day and that you had to take a veggie.
ey oer more fruits and vegetables
ey prefer the alternate meal and thats why they eat school lunch now. (the cold
sandwich provided)
ey said that they are trying to make it healthier and you dont get much to eat.
ey say that they are often hungry after eating school lunch. e food isnt as good
as last year.
ey sometimes dont get full.
ey still dont taste any better
ey suck
ey suck ....child is starved by end of school day
they suck and not enough to eat
they suck!
ey suck.
ey think it tastes bad, there is not as much food, the bread products are hard,
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there is no gravy, it is not worth paying for since there isnt anything they like.
ey throw a lot of food away because they are forced to take food that they do not
like or does not look good to them.
they took away chili crispitos
ey took away cottage cheese. ey make us eat lot’s of fruits and vegetables and
then serve us candy in class.
ey took away many salad bar options. Foods she likes to eat are no longer oered.
She said she is required to take a certain amount of fruits or vegetables even if she
doesnt want to eat them so they are thrown away and wasted. e calorie restriction
do not oer enough fuel for active teenagers.
they took away some of our meals and gave us “healthy” things
ey took away the Bagel ursdays at school, and do not oer baked potatoes on
the salad bar anymore. e portion sizes are smaller and she is hungry by 2:00.
Some days there are two or three fruits on the tray and that natural sugar burns
faster, so he is hungry earlier. Not a lot of carbs and protein to tide them over.
ey were asked to take more veggie and fruit choices
ey were not impressed with some of the choices, portion sizes, taking away the
salad bar, older kids getting another option then the younger kids.
ey werent getting enough to eat like they used to.... they also had a better salad
bar previously with more items available. ings are better now that they get a
snack right after school before sports.
eyre not as good, he doesnt get enough to eat, and he doesnt have enough time
to eat either
eyre terrible - dont get enough to eat
inks M. Obama should have to eat it everyday.
inks school lunches have gotten worse. Says the meals now have no avor. She
has to take a vegetable each day but usually throws it away unless it is corn, beans
or peas. Some days she will not eat lunch at all or will just eat a granola bar and a
ygurt from home. ere is way too much processed food being served like crispito,
burrito, etc that are commodities.
is food isnt real
is is not because of the lunch personal!! ey have no avor, some of the
food doesnt even look good, dont get enough to eat. Why cant they have the
condiments? Why do they have gaterade and poweraid available? Arent they loaded
with sugar and sodim? Government is so worried about those 2 things, compare the
amount they get in their meals and what they get in a bolttle. It scares me!! Where
are we headed with our children. Who is leading them! is is very scarey!
to much chicken---3 times a week------small portions and not enough choses
Told me that they had to start serving more fruits and veges
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Too little food. He is a growing high school boy and the new lunch guidelines are
denitely not enough. He is usually hungry.
Too much chicken served and not the most lling meals. Alway come home hungry.
Took away things they enjoyed.
Unfortunately they think more food is getting thrown away . ings like lettuce
dont even have dressing on them. I’d eat more vegetables if I could dip them in
Unfortunatly “healthier” foods are not popular with kids. So the feed back we
recieve is not the most positove.
unhappy that the treats she allowed herself once a week are no longer available, feels
shes being punished for other kids poor choices.
Unhappy with the changes to the type of food and amount of food oered under the
school lunch program
Usually the fruit and veggies are good and fresh
very little food...still hungry
Very little to eat than in previous years and they are always hungry when at school
wants PB&J and bread put out every day
Wants to keep a menue on the fridge, so she can check it everyday as there are a large
number of meals she doesnt like.
Wasnt fair he had to wait until 3rd grade for salad bar and now all kids can have it as
well as the bar doesnt have salad on it daily like it did in the past
wasnt real happy with the meals being served
We are actually paying more money due the portions have decreased, but this has
also decreased his energy. I have started buying snacks for my children to take to
school, due to them complaining that they are starving. I allow them to pack an
apple, orage or a small pack of crackers.
We get more fruit.
We talk about school lunch daily. ey have had a salad bar in the past, she kind of
misses having lettuce and dressing to go with the vegetables. Sometimes she takes her
own ranch dressing to school when she has school lunch. She likes all the selections
We talk about school lunch every day. Sometimes he likes it, sometimes he doesnt.
He wishes that some of the junk would come back!
When they have practice or games there is not enough on the plate that is worth
eating to sustain them until after practice or at a game some kids eat as early as 11
and wont eat for at least 6 more hours and not so sure but did not think 500 calories
isenough for a growing boy or athlete for that matter
When we rst moved to town the kids had one choice and that was it. Now they
have a few choices.
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While they understand they may be more healthy, they still dont necessarily like the
whole wheat items taste like cardboard. Quantity of food is not keeping stomachs
full all afternoon.
Why dont they give us enough to eat?
Wishes he got a small dessert more often. Said a lot of kids dont eat all of the new
and dierent vegetables.
Wishes there was more variety (lots of chicken)
Wishes they could have more to eat.
Worse food than before. Not healthier just nastier
Yes, a come do they put the salad on the taco or how come dont I get
Yes, they do not like them. ey sometimes do not give enough food for an athlete
to eat.
You dont get enough to eat! As a parent for the cost it seems like they should get
more food.
YUCK! What happened to my french come we only get pizza once a
YUCK!! But does eat it, she likes salads and fresh fruits and veggies! Shes glad
they’e gotten healthier main meal options - not full of grease and calories!! Tasty!!
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In your opinion, how do other parents at your oldest child’s
school feel about the recent school meal changes? (Only
answered by those who responded ‘yes’ to whether or not
they had heard about any recent changes to school meals.)
Opinion Frequency Percent
Very Dissased 244 16.5
Dissased 332 22.5
Somewhat Dissased 306 20.7
Neutral 122 8.3
Somewhat Sased 91 6.2
Sased 78 5.3
Very Sased 26 1.8
I have not heard feedback about school meal
changes from other parents
278 18.8
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In your opinion, what is the purpose of the school meals
program? (Check all that apply)
Opinion Frequency Percent
To provide school children with healthy food. 1430 65.3
To make sure school children have something to
eat during the day.
1195 54.6
To set an example for what a healthy meal looks
857 39.2
To help families who are struggling to feed their
children because they do not have enough
702 32.1
To help families who are struggling to feed their
children because they do not have enough me.
289 13.2
To give school children a break from their lessons. 119 5.4
To sasfy the government and/or policians. 11 .5
To lower rates of childhood obesity. 9 .4
So kids have enough energy for school acvies. 6 .3
To teach kids about poron sizes. 6 .3
To help kids develop social skills. 5 .2
To save school districts money. 5 .2
None of the above. 35 1.6
Other 14 .6
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In your opinion, what is the purpose of the school meals
program? (“Other” responses)
experience eating new foods
Have enough to eat, not just something to eat
hot meal
I am tired of paying for other children on reduced or free lunch- it is cheaper to send
lunch from home
I have no idea
need to target to individual childs needs
not sure anymore cause my kid is very hungury and feels he is not getting enough to
oer choices to eat
ey are at school, and the infrastructure exists to feed them lunch. I’d prefer they
ate food I choose, but it’s convenient to have the school feed them.
To also provide meals that are tasty.
To help advance the nanny state
to provide a hot meal that is healthier than a cold . meat sandwich.
To support dairy and meat farmers in USA
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Do you think the recent changes to school meals are needed?
Response Frequency Percent
Not needed at all 221 12.5
Not that needed 380 21.5
Neither Agree nor Disagree 212 12.0
Needed a lile 538 30.4
Needed very much 417 23.6
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Thinking back to when you were in school, do you think
school meals have changed much? (Check all that apply)
Response Frequency Percent
Less food is served at my kid’s school meals than
when I was in school.
1002 45.8
I would be less likely to eat school meals now than
when I was in school.
807 36.9
School meals look less appealing since I went to
749 34.2
School meals have goen a lot healthier
compared to when I went to school.
668 30.5
School meals look more appealing since I went to
229 10.5
I would be more likely to eat school meals now
than when I was in school.
216 9.9
School meals are not as healthy as they used to be
when I was in school.
173 7.9
School meals are prey much the same as when I
went to school.
160 7.3
School meals today have more processed foods
than when I was in school.
67 3.1
School meals today taste worse than when I was
in school.
5 .2
Other 80 3.7
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Thinking back to when you were in school, do you think
school meals have changed much? (Ranked in order of
decreasing frequency):
1. School lunch used to be cooked from scratch, but now is made from foods that
have been processed and pre-packaged
“Food is no longer homemade. It was when I was in school. It is ALL
“Meals were actually prepared by the cooks, rather than serving pre-made or
pre-packaged food”
“Growing up, I remember homemade buns, rolls, sandwiches, etc. I wish I
saw this more often
“It seems the lunches now are made from alot (sic) of frozen ready-made and
come from canned foods that are high in salt
2. Portions are smaller and kids are getting less food at school lunch
“Less food is being served at school so the kids when they go home are
“I think things have gone a little overboard with the miniscule counting of
calories. Kids should get more than one treat per week. Dont completely
abandon some of the old favorites
“It’s not enough calories for student-athletes
At my school growing up, you could go back for seconds AND get either a
peanut butter or a jelly sandwich to add to your lunch, free of charge, which
helped get enough to eat to sustain you for the rest of the day…”
3. School lunch is less appealing or tasty now than it used to be
“Real food was served when I went to school and it was much tastier
“Some of the food looks so unappetizing now
“Flavor is not as good now
4. School lunch is healthier now than it used to be
“Healthier options are served now
“School meals have gotten a little healthier than when I was in school”
“Meals when I ate at school were more appealing, yet higher in fat/carbs/
5. School lunch has more variety now than it used to
“Much more choices now
6. School lunch used to be healthier
“Meals today are not as nutritious
“Food was homemade when I was in school, not prepackaged. erefore, it
was healthier!!
7. ere has been little or no change from what school lunch looked like when
parents were growing up
“Looks & tastes the same
“e same but smaller”
8. Too much food is being served to kids today
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“I am appalled by the amount of food that is thrown away
“Kids get more than when I was in school”
“ey get a lot of food oered to them
9. Dessert is not served at school lunch anymore
“ere are few/no desserts
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Thinking back to when you were in school, do you think
school meals have changed much? (“Other” responses)
I think we had more appealing foods kids would eat and more lling types of food
2nds were always an option! Some of those boys in high school denately need
more than the average girl.
alot more healthier choices
at my school growing up, you could go back for seconds AND get either a peanut
butter or a jelly sandwich to add to your lunch, free of charge, which helped get
enough to eat to sustain you for the rest of the day and after school sports practice
cant remember
Children are not required to get fruits and vegetables
dont remember
For me they havent changed much other than the fact that they dont see who is
eating cold or hot lunch. ey serve more food, and my child gets free seconds if
she wants, and I dont nd it necessary when I am trying to help her gain weight.
She eats ore fore school meals than she does at home, and its hard to control her
Healthier options are served now; however, the serving size is standard but not
enough other options are available for children
I am not familiar with what school lunch looks like today so cannot make a honest
I brought lunch from home
I did NOT eat school lunch when I was in school. I took a sack lunch every day.
I did not eat school meals as a child
I did not have school lunch available when I attended grade school. I have eaten at
several of the elementary schools and have answered these questions based on these
I dont even remember..
I dont see the harm in serving something a little fatty even now and then.
I feel that giving young children the same serving size as an older student is a waste
of food.
I had less choices
I had sack lunch.
I have ate the lunch at it is horrible
I have not seen the lunches provided at our HS
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i have seen what some of our school lunches look like and i wouldnt feed it to my
I never ate school lunches
i never had a meel at school
I think the healthy eating options could still improve
I think things have gone a little overboard with the miniscule counting of calories.
Kids should get more than one treat per week. Dont completely abandon some of
the old favorites.
I took a lunch box to school as a child
i went home for lunch
I work at the a school and will not eat the school meals.
If our schools meals looked like the After picture I would agree wtih this but they do
If schools were making kids fat, then I would say that the changes are necessary.
But it is not the eating at school that is making kids fat, it is the lack of activity and
increased screen time. If you wish to help kids be healthier, perhaps mandated daly
physical education classes would be the way to go. Instead of piling tons of money
into the lunch program, lets increase funding of daily physical activity within the
school day.
if you are going to watch the calories then why can you buy pop with food stamps
Kids need a snack for energy
Meals when I ate at school were more appealing yet higher in fat/carbs/sodium.
more choices
more GMO, llers, preservatives
More selections
More variety now
most adults would not eat what is served to the kids more kids are going without
eating because they do not like it. i’d rather see a kid eat a somewhat unhealthy
lunch than just a half an apple for the day
Much more choices now.
My school did not school meal plan, private school
Not enough time to eat.
not sure i ate much helthier for mostly seafoods cause I’m from an Island.
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Our school lunch program was serving almost the exact same meals as when I was in
school up until this year with the federal changes to the program. Our school lunch
now is somewhat similar (but modied to meet the new criteria) and less appealing
overal. e fresh fruits and veggies served arent quality or properly ripened unless
they are seasonal items from the school garden, which is giving fresh fruits and
veggies a bad wrap.
Pizza was always a popular favorite and there are so many ways to “sneak” in healthy
foods in them.
Real food was served when I went to school and it was much tastier
School meals have changed to t the current eating trends of our society.
school meals have gotten a little healthier than when I was in school.
school meals look as appealing as i went to school
since i always took a sack lunch, i wasnt really aware of what my school served as hot
small school home cooked meals
taste should be a factor when preparing school lunch
e changes implemented for the fall of 2012 were needed. ere have been some
slight modications to increase calories...people seem to be more satised.
e meals seem comparable but with perhaps a few more fresh veggies. It’s the
processed meats and sides that I’m worried about.
ere was more local control which is needed
they are serving food that NO ONE will eat and are just getting thrown away
ey could charge more for meals and make them healthier than they are now.
ey get a lot of food oered to them.
ey sound less appealing to kids. And when a few kids start talking about how
aweful” the food suddenly is, the rest catch on and say the same thing. It’s a trickle
down. Also the parents talking about the changes in a negative way also trickles
down o the kids. I think if parents were made more aware before the school year
started, it wouldnt have been taken so negatively.
too many mixed foods
took my lunch
Up to the parent at home what is health not the schools job
way to much cut back on food
We had a salad bar every day, that’s usually what I ate.
We never had salad bar and I would have loved that!
We packed lunches as a child.
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when i go eat with my child i bring lunch. i didnt mind school lunch as a child
when I visit and eat lunch at school I bring my own lunch
Wish there was less food wasted
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Parcipants choose a number from 1-5 for each of the
following quesons where 1 is “not at all important” and 5 is
extremely important.
Not at all
2 3 4
Is it important
that fresh fruits
and vegetables
are available for
your oldest child’s
school lunch?
Is it important
that protein
rich foods (like
meat, sh, beans,
cheese, nuts)
are available for
your oldest child’s
school lunch?
Is it important
that whole grain
products are
available for your
oldest child’s
school lunch?
Is it important
that school
meals are NOT
preprocessed or
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Indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following
agree nor
School meals
are healthy.
Eang healthy
school meals
will make my
oldest child
Eang healthy
school meals
will make my
oldest child
Eang healthy
school meals
will make my
oldest child
beer at sports.
Healthy school
meals will
help improve
my oldest
child’s school
My oldest child
gets enough to
eat at school
Healthier meals
at my oldest
child’s school
will change the
way I feed my
child at home.
I am condent
that I can
feed my child
healthy foods.
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I can tell if food
is healthy for
my child.
The food
service sta
at my oldest
child’s school
system seems
about school
meal nutrion.
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How important is it to you that your child thinks school meals
taste good? (n=1705)
Response Frequency Percent
Not at all important 5 .3
Very unimportant 30 1.8
Neither Important nor
71 4.2
Very Important 948 55.6
Extremely Important 651 38.2
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Does your oldest child think the new school meals taste
good? (n=1726)
Response Frequency Percent
No, does not taste good
at all
334 19.4
Yes, very tasty 106 6.1
I do not know 110 6.4
Depends on the day 1176 68.1
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Since the start of the school year, does your oldest child eat
more fruits at home than they used to? (n=1732)
Response Frequency Percent
Yes 272 15.7
No 1407 81.2
I do not know 53 3.1
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Since the start of the school year, does your oldest child eat
more vegetables at home than they used to? (n=1736)
Response Frequency Percent
Yes 202 11.6
No 1485 85.5
I do not know 49 2.8
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How oen do you talk to your oldest child about school
meals? (n=1744)
Response Frequency Percent
Every school day 293 16.8
Most school days 498 28.6
Once or twice a week 497 28.5
Once or twice a month 388 22.2
Never 68 3.9
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Since the start of the current school year, on a typical day
does your oldest child get a more nutrious meal at home or
at school? (n=1718)
Response Frequency Percent
School 90 5.2
Home 797 46.4
Both equally 695 40.5
My child rarely or never eats school meals 136 7.9
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How would you rate the cost of school meals at your oldest
child’s school? (Excluding kids who receive free and reduced
lunch) (n=1596)
Response Frequency Percent
Somewhat Reasonable 551 34.5
Very Reasonable 527 33.0
Somewhat Expensive 286 17.9
Very Expensive 84 5.3
No opinion 79 4.9
Best value for my dollar 69 4.3
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Are there any specic foods that are no longer available
at school meals that your oldest child has missed? (Please
In general, what parents report their child wanting at school lunch is consistent
with responses from the rest of the survey—that is, less processed or pre-packaged
food, more homemade items, and bigger portion sizes or options for seconds. Many
parents requested the return of specic food items or categories to school lunch, such
as desserts, non-whole wheat grains, and additional condiments.
10. Desserts represent the overwhelming majority of comments that parents made
regarding items their child missed. e most popular items parents list are:
Cinnamon rolls
Chocolate cake
Ice cream
11. More homemade items and fewer processed or pre-packaged items
“[My child] misses homemade food”
“My children miss foods made from scratch. ey often talk of how they are
eating foods pre-pared and dumped out of cans or box mixes. ey would
like to see recipes and real cooking happen.
12. Condiments: e.g., Ranch dressing, ketchup, mayonnaise
less rationing of condiments
13. Pizza
more availability and better quality
14. A la carte sandwiches
Children miss the option of grabbing a PB&J if they do not like what is
being served at lunch or are not full after eating hot lunch.
15. Salad bar:
salad bar- she misses the mixed greens and fresh fruit and vegatable [sic]
toppings. She does not like the premade salads.
16. Real French fries instead of sweet potato fries
17. Meat:
More “real” meat, more meat portions served
18. Fewer whole grains
Children miss white bread and regular pasta.
19. Crispitos
20. Soups
especially chicken noodle and chili
21. Peanut butter
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22. Cheese:
Shredded, cottage, availability on salad bar
23. Macaroni and cheese
24. Children want more/need more portions
25. Breadsticks:
Bosco sticks
Pizza dippers
26. Hamburgers
more “real” meat used instead of turkey or vegetable llers
27. Gravy
28. Potatoes
especially mashed and baked
29. Better taste in general
30. Grilled cheese sandwiches
31. More salt
32. Nachos
33. Little Smokies
34. Butter
35. Breakfast items for lunch, like eggs and French toast strips
36. Milk options
besides fat-free, mostly chocolate and 2% milk
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Are there any specic foods that are no longer available at
school meals that your oldest child has missed?
(“Other” responses)
REAL meat (not pre-processed), Cheese,
real” meat, noodles and pasta that arent gray, sandwiches that actually have
something in them besides bread, deserts, more than one breadstick or chicken strip
2% Milk
2% milk and butter
A daily cooked vegetable would be nice. Raw vegies get boring if you have them
A dessert.
A second Fruit, adequate amount of protein
after the cost went up my children do not ever double punch but my other children
will heat up a processed meal thing which disappoints me
all foods made from scratch-get rid of processed foods!
All fruit is canned. Nothing is fresh. e only fresh vegetable is salad.
all of the food that they use to have on the hot line
All soups and dessert. She doesnt like the main course so she eats a la cart. She loves
the fruits and vegitables and get them at home.
any of the deserts, small cookie / bar
any salt or condements
ANY Unprocessed meats--NO MORE heavily processed CHICKEN products!
anything other than whole grain
Anything that had taste
Anything with taste. Tired of the whole wheat dont want whole
tastes awful
bacon cheeseburgers
baked chicken, mashed potatoes, homemade hotdishes
baked french fries
Baked French Fries - he really hates the sweet potato fries & tator tots he said.
Baked Goods, Baked Fries, limits on protein and bread
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Baked Potatoe Bar, Nachos, Noodles over potatoes and Hot Rolls, Tacos
Baked potatoes
beef and noodles, meat nachos
beef bites
Beef Stew, Sphagetti, Pizza, Hamburger (loose meat), soup and sandwhich, Chef
Salad with big chunks of meat
Better pizza, cinnamon rolls, larger portion of chili, frozen yogurt, peach cups.
Birthday day was a great time, pizza, lettuce salad, small piece of birthday cake and
fat free ice cream and milk no cake or ice cream. It was only once a
month it is hard to understand when you are 8.
Bosco sticks
bosco sticks, more desserts
bowl taco, mayo, spaghetti, chili, cinnamon rolls
bread and butter sandwiches; desserts
bread and peanut butter sandwiches on the condiement table
bread items, cakes and cookies
Bread, a sweet treat, cheese, condiments, etc...
breaded chicken, white bread, for the al cart to have other foods beside healthy foods
breaded meals
Breakfast for lunch foods, desserts
Breakfast pizza
Brunch for lunch items
Buns for their sandwiches, some sort of dessert
butter or jelly sandwiches and maybe some dip for their veggies or fruits (ranch).
Sandwiches were a nice ller when they didnt particularily like what they were
butter sandwiches, cheese, desserts
Butter, Pickles, Mac and cheese with real cheese, frosting on cinnamon rolls.
Butter, sour cream, regular fries,
cake cookies
cake, cookies, brownies (all of which can be made low fat and even with vegetables
and whole grains)
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Certain main dishes, rolls, homemade items
Cheese and more meat
Cheese Burger Chowder in a Bread Bowl
cheese lled bread sticks w/marinara. cant they oer a whole wheat, cheese lled w/
Cheese Quesidillas
Cheese sticks, Cinnamon rolls and chili, Maxs Totally Tacos
cheese, dressings, ketchup, etc., potatoes. Also misses the variety....
Cheese, white bread, and crackers.
cheesy breadsticks, not enough catsup, ranch, fries
chicken chili crispitos
Chicken Fried Steak
Chicken Noodle Soup
Chicken Noodle Soup, grilled cheese
Chicken noodles and mashed potatoes, baked potato bar
chicken nuggets
Chicken strips/nuggets, real hamburgers, jello, cereal, alternate juice option, 2%
chicken/rice bowl, chicken strips
Chili crisp into
chili crispito
chili crispito, regular fries
Chili Crispitos
chili crispitos should be served more often
chili, cinnamon rolls
Chili, peanut butter (due to peer allergies), strawberry shortcake, tomato soup with
grilled cheese sandwiches, country fried steak, regular pasta (not whole grain)
Chocolate bottom pie, dessert seconds
Chocolate cake
chocolate cake, crispitos, peanut butter balls, biscuits and turkey gravy,
Chocolate Cake!
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chocolate milk!
cinnamon rolls
Cinnamon rolls
Cinnamon rolls and cookies
cinnamon rolls ice cream
Cinnamon Rolls with Chili
Cinnamon rolls, desserts
cinnamon rolls, home made bread and rolls, tacos in a hard shell,
cinnamon rolls, pancakes, Ice Cream
cinnomen rolls with chile
Clubhouse cracker, and desserts
condiments are extremely limited
Condiments to help choke down the overcooked and dry proteins
Condiments. ey are minimally oered.
cookie, larger portions, a la carte items
cookies white bread pizza
cookies, brownies, big cinnamon rolls, pizza with REAL crust, REAL french fries
NOT sweet potato fries
corndogs, hamburgers, pizza, cheddarwerst, hot dogs, casseroles, cookies, cupcakes,
ketchup, barb. sauce, chicken,mashed potatoes, gravy
cottage cheese
Cottage cheese
cottage cheese and regular cheese
cottage cheese and shredded cheese, peanut butter
cream chicken on mashed potatoes, rolls, soups
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Creamed chicken over baking powder biscuits, carrots and celery on table if she was
still hungry
crispito - not oered enough
Crispito and more home style cooked foods like spaghetti, pb and j sandwiches.
crispitos and chees bread
crispitos, yingsauccer
Crispitos, Tator Tots, Ketchup, Ranch
Crispitos! ey loved them.
deli day
deserts and cake and chocolate chip cookies
Deserts with holiday meals
dessert once in awhile
Dessert, peanut butter sandwiches for students who are still hungry, milkshakes, fries
and wedges that arent sweet potatoes
desserts - everything has to be SO healthy, theyre missing the kids’ favorite part! Yes,
there is value in fruits and veggies, but pureed squash, a brown banana and a piece of
meat are NOT enjoyable for most children to eat. If you dont give them a porioned
controlled size of dessert at school, how is that teaching them to control what they
eat of SWEETS at home?
desserts have been limited
desserts in moderation
desserts, additional servings
Desserts, amouns of food, pizza
desserts, and lling foods
desserts, condiments
Desserts, like apple crisp, rice krispie treats etc.
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Desserts!! I think they should not give the kids a choice they should have to have one
of everything on there plate. Seems like some kids only have 2 things on there plate!!
Dip for vegetables.
Does not like the sweet potato change or the wheat our changes.
Dont remember if they said that they brought them back or not, but it would be
gravy and butter and such
Doubles on Chili Crispitos
doughnuts pizza dippers
Edible foods. No Chinese plz
egg omletes, corn dogs,
Everything that taste good nothing is homemade anymore it is all pre packaged
extras like rice or peanut butter sandwiches.
fettuccini alfredo, lasagna, salad bar with their own dressing applied and chopped
ham, etc.
Fiesta Sticks
esta stix,
Food with salt
Foods heavy in protein, carbs and calories are important to multiple sport athletes
and the amount of food available.
foot long hotdogs, fresh baked bread
french fries
french fries, biscuit and gravy, scalloped potatoes and ham, mac and cheese
french fries, regular hamburgers
french toast sticks, grilled cheese with chicken noodle soup, sherbet, chinese food
fresh bread
Fresh fruit and vegitable/salad options daily
Fresh made breads, plain griled and not breaded meats, maybe a healthy dessert
anytime during the month
Fresh vegetables and fruits or at least not canned. Meat instead of processed and
fries substitue sweet potato fries. If baked I can not see these are bad. Meal
portions too small. Not enough protein, kids get hungary to small of portions.
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garlic bread
Godfathers Pizza
Godfathers Pizza - the pizza served now has more grease on it
good homemade food
good tasting food
gravy and icing.
gravy on mashed potatoes,
gravy on the potatoes, esta sticks, white bread, buns, pancakes, etc., broccoli and
cheese, cookies, cake, sunshine bars,
Gravy, butter, the vegetables they used to serve.
gravy, esta stix with melted cheese
Gravy...its ridiculous they cant serve it..tator tots, chips,
grilled cheese
grilled cheese sandwiches, cinnamon rolls
Grilled cheese sandwiches, cinnamon rolls, cranberry sauce
grilled cheese, cinnamon rolls, peanut butter sandwiches, white bread, homemade
cookies, mozzerella dippers, good pizza
Ham balls; turkey, gravy, and potatoes; peanut butter/bread and butter sandwiches,
cookies or brownies
ham on a home baked bun, crispitos, breakfast pizza, cream of chicken over biscuit
Ham, beef, pork, chicken, good mac and cheese, pudding, mashed potatoes, baked
potatoes, hot rolls.
Ham, cheese,
Hamburger Bar, Sub sandwich Bar, Big scoops of mashed potatoes, Pasta Bar (Bar
means all you can eat) No second servings are allowed due to nutritional values.
Hamburger gravy, mashed potatoes, sandwiches on bun..ex. Chicken, sh, maid
rites, regular meat chili, hot dishes, French fries, pizza
hamburgers (not turkey burgers), the makeup or ingredients in BBQ and spaghetti is
Happy with a salad bar - but not happy about peanut butter sandwiches that are
now gone.
Hard boiled eggs, shredded cheeses, lean proteins like turkey and ham on salad bar,
cottage cheese
Hard shell tacos
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hard shell tacos, nacho supreme
He has mentioned anything about losing meals. He just adapts.
He has not said
He hasnt mentioned anything besides not getting enough at times.
he hasnt said
He loved the pizza choices and said they dont have pizza as much
He misses the ketchup and condiments more than anything.
High Calorie foods
holiday meal - turkey and gravy
home baked bread, meat in adequate quantity and variety of meat
Home baked cakes or desserts, peanut butter sandwiches and a well supplied and
tasty salad bar with salad dressing that has taste and is not from packets with lumpy
Home made buns/cinnamon rolls, home made food in general, potatoes, ketchup.
home made cinnamon rolls
Home made pizza with meat, crispitos
home made rolls with chilli
Home-made bread
Home-made foods. Not pre-packaged or processed foods. Homemade rolls, they
could use whole wheat our and honey and still make them homemade.
homeade food not the boxed junk they serve
homeaide items, such as rolls. less condiments oered....
homemade buns, cinnamon rolls, regular taco shells.
Homemade buns, tator tot casserole, more ground beef, white bread and STOP the
wheat stu. More potatoes.
homemade cinnamon rolls, a great salad bar,
Homemade cinnamon rolls, pasta bar, make your own sub.
Homemade dinner rolls and cinnamon rolls, the old recipe.
homemade items instead of frozen or packaged
homemade items most everything prepackaged and very little fresh produce that is
appealing and served ready to eat
homemade meals. ere are still too many processed foods served.
homemade pizza, spoon burgers,
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Homemade rolls and breads. there used to be homemade cnnamon rols served with
chili and they were the BEST around
Homemade rolls and cinnamon rolls
Homemade rolls, soups, grilled cheese sandwiches
Homemade things, like pizza.
hot dogs,
Hot dogs; a dessert
hot ham and cheese on a regular bun
I am not sure
I am sure there are, however I didnt know I was going to be lling out a survey so
didnt ask her.
i can not mention all of them that my children miss
i can think of specic 1s but i know changein it to whole wheat prosucts have made
it where my child hates what used to be her fav lunches and breakfastes
I dont know
I dont like the prepackaged sauces. In my mind I see that as a total waste. ere is
so much more garbage from it. Also, i have to admit the Ranch is disgusting. e
younger grades such as K-2nd cant open their own packages so you have teachers
and ids running around trying to help. It is a totally waste of time and landll space.
I dont think a cookie every once in a while would hurt them
I dont know
I feel our child should have more choices He often complans his food is served
cold when it should be hot or that food that is served cold is frozen{ like hogie
sandwitches} bananas are not ripe ect
i have not ask that yet, but I will.
I know he told me a few things, but it was ahwile ago and I do not remember.
I would have to talk to them about this. I dont know.
I would like to see meals that are not heat and serve (we eat alot of patties on a bun
or chicken nuggets)
I would like to see some casseroles oered to the students. e problem with a
menu with tacos is that all the xings are listed like lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, etc.
When you put those on one taco, there is nothing else but a mun for the students
t eat. Is that enough, no. Some days there is an entire tray full of food other days
hardly anything. Repetition is too much. Menus change very little, but the problem
is that our school does not serve what it has listed. I know that sometimes product
dont come in, but it is often that what is served is not what students have seen on a
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I’m sure he could provide a list but I havent asked him for it - I know he simply
wont eat anything that is served now
I’ve heard the “new” pizza is bad, the salad dressing is in a really little cup, little
things like that.
ice cream
Ice cream sandwiches (made with cookies), salt
ice cream, cakes, cookies, desserts,
ice cream, homemade cookies, sh - not sh sticks
It sounds to me that there are pretty unhealthy meals being served depite the high
price for meals.
Italian Chicken and Rice; Build your own subs
Italian Dunkers (cheese garlic bread) and cookies at breakfast
jello, pudding, desserts made from fruit such as apple or cherry crisp, ranch dressing,
ice cream
jelly, anything wity any sugarbat all, not sure about nna peanut butter
just miss the way some things used to taste
Just the cookies.
Just the desserts - and thank you for that!
just the desserts-but im by far okay with that
just the occasional treat.
ketchup, ranch dressing, salt, basic condiments
Ketchup, ranch dressing... and the low portions of even the fruits a veggies- not
nearly enough food to keep them focused the rest of the day.
Ketchup, ranch, cheese sauce
Kid’s like Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and Pizza
Large Fruit Muns and bacon bits.
lasagna roll ups and normal sized rolls
lasagna roll ups, macaroni and cheese
Lasagna, big cinnamon rolls with the chili soup, good french fries.
lasagna, good tasting ice cream, the previous version of popcorn chicken, pizza and
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Lettuce (salad bar), chees
Lettuce from the Garden Bar
lettuce on the salad bar, salad dressings
lettuce, ranch dressing
little smokies, breaded cheese sticks, french fries, ketchup
little smokies..stued crust pizza..peanut butter sandwiches...
mac and cheese
Mac and cheese, noodle dishes, desserts
macaroni and cheese
macaroni and cheese,
macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese and tomato soup,
Mashed potatoes with gravy a dessert of some sort,cookie,brownie,cake who doesnt
want a snck
mashed potatoes, hamburger gravy, chicken nuggets, chili, chicken noodle soup/
grilled cheese
mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes and ham, less meat, strawberry shortcake,
cinnamon rolls
meat and chese super nachos
meat, desserts, full meals, peanut butter, ranch dressing
meatloaf pizzaburgers
mecxican straw hats, fajatias, Pizza rolls, bread sticks, salad bar with fresh fruits and
vegtables ranch dressing
meet at each meal
misses portion size and fact of less protein/cheese options
monster cookie day, regular french fries, soup on the salad bar, desserts
More basic foods instead of foods that are more spicy or oriental - would like option
not to have to chose those
more fruits & vegtables each meal
More mandarin chicken, please
more meat
More meat ,Vegetables .
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More portions are needed were not in africa.
More salad options! Kids who are last in line arent getting salad as it is all gone!
more sub sandwiches and various salads
Most meals are processed food. no longer making homemade meals. Protein is
lacking...which is the foundation for building is also the most expensive.
ey ll their plates with complex carbohydrates which are bad for weight gain,
however, thy are CHEAP. He misses homemade food. He hates instant potatoes.
He misses the meat portion.... he does not like processed food...which is about all
they get.
Most of what was served last school year.
mostly it is just the portion sizes.
Mozzarella sticks
much less potatoes
my child has had braces for 2 years, foods you must BITE into do not work for
those kids (apples) have to watch biting foods that are hard.
My child is very lean and is missing the dessert as she has not needed to severly
monitor sweets intake
My child often complains about the food at school being cold and not heated
My child really misses a cookie or a dessert every once in awhile.
My child would be happier if there were a salad bar, with several options, where she
could chose what she wants in that salad...lettuce, cucumbers, carrots...
My children miss foods made from scratch. ey often talk of how they are eating
foods pre-prepared and dumped out of cans or box mixes. ey would like to see
recipes and real cooking happen. It’s like the lunch sta isnt hired to cook...just heat
tings up that have been made in a factory.
My Children say its been very bad lately!!! Wheat macaroni! GROSS!!! NO
PEACHES they have everyday!!!
My children will not eat sweet potato anything or beans. ose days they dont eat
much, we try to make cold lunch those days
My kids like the peanut butter and jelly option. ey select that often. e cookies
arent as good this year as last year and the brownies are gone. My kids loved the
My sons are big beef eaters! e school has limited the beef from the meals. And
NO, my sons are not fat and lazy! ey play three sports and need all the protein
and energy food supplies need to preform to their ability. I have to bring snacks
dail due to the schools lack of food supplied during lunch!
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Nachos and beef. Chocolate chip muns. Lemonade. gravy with mashed potatoes
ice cream bars . Biscuits and gravy. Cheese and crackers with chili . Would like salt
Needs bigger portions of food
Needs more meats or he complains that he is hungry the rest of the day. He loves
fuits and some vegitables .
no comment
No the menu has not changed the only change has been portion size and restricted
use of condiments
None specic
None that I am aware of.
Not really
not really they are just dierent
Not really just plain doesnt care for school lunch
Not specically just in general I think what we pay for now is ridiclious because we
are paying and neither of my kids hardly eat it and are starving when get home how
can they learn that way
not sure
not sure, my child is picky and tends to like poplular fruit, ie: apples, bananas, and
is hesitant to try things.
not that he has mentioned.
Not that I aware, he comments on the quality.
Not that I know of
Not that they have mentioned.
nothing home-made----no salad bar
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oat meal
Occasional cookie for dessert, taco bar, submarine sandwiches, baked potato bar,
pasta bar, chocolate chip cookie bar,
opportunity for salads
orange chicken
Orange chicken and rice
oreo u! :)
Our child misses having fries occasionally, not even baked fries. It is very rare to get
a desert or cookie. Our child is getting much fewer carbs than before which explains
his decreased energy levels and ability to focus academically late in the schol day.
Our children miss some of the protiens and carbs that used to be oered. ings
like hamburgers, hot beef sandwiches, and peanut butter. Other carbs and protiens
have been cut down drastically, such as breads, potatoes, fries (even baked), buiscuts,
et. ere are extremely few desserts that are served, such as cake, cobblers, cookies,
peanut butter balls, puddings, etc. ese are all things that can be part of a healthy
diet in moderation, and children need to know how to eat these types of foods.
Our school used to make things from scratch. is is not the case anymore. I
would like to see an occasional sweet treat oered to the students also.
Overall quality of all foods and declined
Pasta and tortillas that are NOT WHOLE WHEAT
pasta bar, french toast sticks, chicken strips
Pasta Bar, Potato Bar, Crispitos
Paul Reveres Pizza that were oered every other Friday
PB&J/bread everyday on salad bar, ham and cheese on salad bar, extras on salad bar
like cottage cheese etc.
peanut butter
Peanut butter
Peanut Butter
peanut butter & jelly sandwiches as an alternative to the main choice served instead
of now having it oered as a desert once per week
peanut butter and jelly
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches if they didnt eat anything else
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Cheese from the salad bar.
Peanut butter and white bread daily, crackers
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peanut butter balls
peanut butter bars!
peanut butter cheerio bars
peanut butter for sandwiches as he has a high metabolism and gets hungry quickly
peanut butter sandwich as an alternative if he doesnt like what’s being served.
peanut butter sandwiches
peanut butter sandwiches and jelly sandwiches
peanut butter sandwiches for those who are still hungry
Peanut Butter Sandwiches, ketchup, mustard, bar b que sauce, regular salad
dressings, cheese, croutons, deserts, fresh fruit (not can)
Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Little smokies, Cinnamon Rolls
peanut butter sandwiches; extra ketchup; 2% milk;
peanut butter sandwiches; miss more of the quantity of food rather than the food
peanut butter sandwiches; more choices of vegetables; not just lima beans
Peanut butter sandwiches.
Peanut Butter Sandwiches. 1% Milk instead of Skim.
peanut butter, cheese sticks,
Peanut butter, hard taco shells, bread, hot dogs, the occasional dessert. Birthday
cake used to be oered once monthly to celebrate students birthdays, even that has
been taken away! Come on, that’s taking it a little far.
Peanut butter, bread, meat
Peanut butter, whole grain bread - gluten free would be nice, real butter.
Peanut butter! this is the main deterant from sending bag lunch because of the
peanut restriction
peanut putter dessert bar
Peanutbutter sandwhiches
perosci, School made pizza, Chili, Homemade whole wheat rolls.
pizza (Godfathers) ; “real” hamburgers - less “ller-type meat”
pizza and nachos
pizza and regular french fries
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Pizza dippers
Pizza more often, beef and gravy
Pizza with cheese lled crust Mac & cheese is runny
Pizza with meat on it. He says the box says Cheese/cheese substitute pizza
pizza, hamburger
pizza, salad bar
pizzattas, regular french fries, desserts, ranch dressing everyday, salt & pepper, ham
on baked potatoes, more items on the salad bar so they could make a chef salad
Potato soup
potatoes, and non wheat products
potatoes, ravioli, breaded cheese stick, chicken strips, “normal pizza”, desserts
ranch dressing
Ranch dressing on the vegetable cart
Ranch dressing with chicken nuggets.
ranch dressing, ketchup, more home cooked meals before
ranch, ketchup, condiments
real home-styled food, everything made from scratch.
REAL MEAT , seasoning, and avor. Nothing tastes good
real meat, real cheese, decent desserts with taste (cookies, sunshine bars, etc.)
real meats, ie; hamburger, pork, chicken
real peanut butter!
Real pizza
regualr french fries, ice cream, regular tater tots,
Regular bread, less hamburger options
regular french fries instead of sweet potato fries
regular french fries-butter-more dressing for salads- white bread
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regular pizza and little smokies
Regular salad dressing on the salad bar. He does not like the fat free dressing at all.
regular white potatos, “real” breakfast, ketchup should not be considered a veg/fruit
serving, mustard and bbq sauce are no longer oered, he comments often about
having to “open the packages” instead of “homemade” food
Rib sandwiches
rice krispie bars, a la carte bar service, second helpings,
Rolls, deli day, bigger salad bar
salad bar
Salad bar
Salad Bar
Salad bar used to be good, now is junk!
salad bar-she misses the mixed greens and fresh fruit and vegatable toppings. She
does not like the premade salads. ey include meat that she does not care to
eat especially when there were other more healthy althernatives in the past like
sunower seds, beans, and nuts.
salad bar, ham chunks
salad bar, not premaid salads
salad on the sald bar daily
salad with dressing on the side, now the dressing is mixed in with the lettuce prior to
salt salt salt salt no reason to have removed
salt and pepper
salt is a missing staple to help the food taste better. Home made foods, not the
preprocessed meals that are served today.
sausage and pepperoni pizza
sausage in a pancake on a stick
sausage pizza, fritos, chips
says no when asked
School food is processed so my children do not eat it.
school pizza
Seasonings, breads, home made items such as soups. He would eat the entire meal if
it had taste. He throws a lot of his meal away.
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She really enjoys mexican food and walking tacos specically
she took the salad bar all the time and now she says it isnt a salad bar it is a fruit and
vegtable bar and she really wishes that the regular salad bar was back where she could
make a nice salad with something other then spinch and that she could put mor
things on it as weel
She used to eat the tacos and taco salad and now says the meat is not good, also used
to eat the pizza and hot dogs and wont eat those anymore either.
Shredded cheese on the salad/fruit/vegetable bar. BBQ sauce for meats.
Shredded Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Peanut Butter/Jelly sandwiches
small dessert with meal and “seconds
smokies mac and cheese- real hamburgers not maidrites
smokies, estada, pizza, cheese, mozzarella sticks, peanut butter, butter sandwiches,
Some of the desserts and deli day and at breakfast French toast
some of the home cooked foods that were made by recipes like
spaghetti,lasagna,dinner rolls, foods that stick with you.For some kids this is the only
meal they get til they get home late at night after practices and games
Something meat with macaroni and cheese
soup bowls
soups and olives on salad bar
Soups besides chili;always have chili, pizza
Soups, chicken noodle, chili (maybe once a winter or twice), bananas
soups, mozz sticks, scallop potatoes & ham, crispitos
soups, sandwiches, baked potato on salad bar, the sweet potato products mostly go
in the trash, mashed potatoes are very watery,
sour cream
Southwest pizza
spagetti and mac n cheese
spaghetti and meatballs
Spaghetti, tator tot casserole, desserts!
Sub sandwiches with veggies
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tasty breads/pizza crust/rolls
tator tots/french fries/pudding
the amount of good tasteing food given
e amount served seems to be an issue if they do not like other items on the menu.
e biggest complaint has been many sandwiches no longer on a bun-instead are all
now wraps.
e Chili tastes terrible, most foods seem like processed foods
the choices at salad bar or alternate is not oered, not being oered peanut butter or
nread and butter sandwhices and not being oered a desert everyday
e desserts, obviously; however, I think it is okay to miss them.
e key is salt and seasoning. He wont eat at school because they food doesnt
taste good withouth seasoning. Secondly, it is wasteful to force them to take all the
food when they wont eat it. at’s extremely wasteful. is drives my kids crazy!
esetwo reasons are why my kids went from eating at school 95% in previous years
to eating at school maybe once per month -- less than 1% of the time. ey make
their own lunches.
the main course he eats, but the rest he doesnt, therefore leaving him hungry which
is less healthy in the longrun
e main thing is there isnt enough of the food. Nothing specic missed other than
not enough.
the old pizza stix
e optional treats such as ice cream. she understands why its gone but feels
punished for other kids poor choices.
e salad bar was taken away at our school to accommodate the calorie restriction!
My daughter was outraged because the pose calories have replaced with greasy main
dishes or carb overloaded sides. Students cant better there bodies when they arent
even llowed to have a choice of salad.
e school could provide healthy alternatives for the foods that kids liked. For
instance, serve turkey hotdogs instead. e kids see hotdogs and most would never
be able to tell they are not full of fat.
ey are the same type of foods, however, the product is not the same.
ey do miss a desert from time to time.
they dont get chicken nuggets or hotdogs as often. or spaghetti. seems to have alot
of mexican type foods now.
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ey dont have peanut butter sandwiches anymore if they are still hungry.
ey miss hot dogs, burgers , chicken noodle soup, chicken patties.
ey miss the home cooked meals, they do not like the prepackaged meals
they serve some of the same foods just not enough. and it is all whole grain and still
very processed. regular pizza they miss. regular crispitos and regular cookies.
ey still are available, but they mix things together, so he wont eat them. Cheese
and ketchup
ings that look, smell and taste good.
TONS. Chili, hot turkey sandwiches, tuna tetrazzina, ham patty, marinara sauce,
KETCHUP (she keeps a bottle in a sta fridge to use when ketchup isnt available
with a meal), pirouskis, stromboli, SALAD BAR, pasta that isnt the gummy whole
wheat, BREAD DESSERTS -- desserts are never served,
Tubrosa pizza
Tuna Sandwiches
Types of lettuce on the garden bar.
Walking taco, second main meal options, school-made rolls
walking tacos, bigger portions of the main coarse, occasional cookies or brownies,
Peanut butter, rice stir fry bowls,
We havent talked about what he misses, only what is currently served
weiner wink
what’s wrong with tator tots or fries with a chicken patty sandwich or sh sandwich?
e option of a half peanut butter or butter sandwich.
When they have crispitos, they no longer receive the cheese topping and they are
very unhappy about that. Who wants to eat chips and a taco without cheese? It’s
very dry!
When we have tacos we do have lettuce and cheese etc. at is all that is on a plate.
Really one taco with the xings is going to feed a student.
white bread
white bread and buns ...... wheat biscuits ruin biscuits and gravy for him
White breads, desserts (cake)
yes - several favorite items are no longer served. School lunch should be a balance.
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Yes but I cant remember right now
Yes- I cannot think of specics , but we have discussed this.
Yes, baked potatoes, bagels, and soups..
Yes, but I cant remember what it was.
You just need to feed them better so there not so hungry still after lunc
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Are there any specic healthy foods you would like to see
oered at your oldest child’s school meals?
(Please specify):
1. e overwhelming majority of parents reported wanting more fresh fruits and
veggies, and more variety of fresh fruits and veggies. ese parents want:
fresh fruit, not canned or frozen fruit—ESPECIALLY not canned
use of vegetables that are fresh and seasoned to be appealing and tasty
better quality of the fresh fruits and vegetables; do not want them to be
brown or soggy
whole fruits like apples and bananas instead of fruit salads or chopped fruit
2. Parents want their kids to have meals that are made from natural, unprocessed
ingredients, and are prepared from scratch by kitchen sta, not pre-made.
No foods from a bag or box
Cook take “short cuts” and food is avorless and unappealing to children
3. Parents want their kids to have access to a salad bar, and in schools where a salad
bar is already part of school lunch, parents want it to feature a wider variety of
fresh ingredients.
Dark, leafy greens instead of cheap iceberg lettuce
More lean protein (like chicken or beans) available
More fresh fruit
4. Respondents want fresher, unprocessed meats, and a greater variety of meats
(chicken, beef, turkey, sh) available to their child.
No pre-packaged or processed meats
More variety in seasonings for meats
5. Many parents want their child to have access to bigger portions of the healthier
components of the meal.
Children should be able to take second helping of fruits or vegetables
Some parents of student-athletes or active children reported that their child
is underfed at school lunch and needs more helping of proteins
6. Parents want more overall variety available at school lunch
Especially more variety in fruits and vegetables oered
Oer least one alternative for the meal in case the child doesnt like it
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Are there any specic healthy foods you would like to see
oered at your oldest child’s school meals?
(“Other” responses)
chicken, not preprocessed but fresh
growth spurt years” take a large amount of calories for sports kids. kids need to be
able to access MORE seconds or larger rst portions (apples, carrots, granola bar,
etc.) my son comes home HUNGRY every day and we try to have healthy snacks
for aftenoon until parents get home from work for supper
} would like them to be able to get extras and turn down food they wont eat
a better assortment of fresh fruit/veggies
a better salad bar with protein and extras to put on the salad. more like a restaurant.
a choice of fruits and vegetables every day-I have one child that loves apples but
doesnt like applesauce
A colorfull variety of dirent fruits and vegetables. Nothing specic, just varied.
a dessert once in a while doesnt hurt anyone, if they are getting 3-5 desserts in
a month that is all e potaotes and meats are always a hit. e chinese lunch
options are always a cold lunch day at our house. e burritos lled with beans and
rice re not enjoyed either.
a dierent vegetable everyday that does not come out of a can/ more wheat pasta
dishes or home made foods
a la carte items: fruit, salad, PB sandwiches
a nice salad bar
A second fruit for free, if the child chooses not to eat the vegetable. Keep vegetables
raw - more acceptable to kids.
Ability to make a sandwich with turkey, chicken, lettuce, mustard, fat-free mayo, etc.
add ur fruit n veggies n make whole wheat an option
Additional fruits and veggies. Soups. Cant they have iceberg lettuce once in awhile?
If we want balance, cant we have a small amount of iceberg lettuce with our tacos?
We have to use some common sense.
All food made from scratch
Allow chef salads to all ages instead of just high school and faculty. Younger kids like
them too.
almonds, yogurts, sweet potatoe fries. brown rice, quinoa
Alternatives to meat. Alternatives to dairy. No hot dogs or processed packaged meats
should ever be served. No soda pop including DIET! Watch Forks over Knives!!!
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anything that is not prepackaged. Schools need to go back to preparing them on
Apples with Peanut butter
Apples, bannanas, more bread/butter
apples, oranges, bananas, fresh vegetables besides broccoli, meats that are not pre-
Apples, oranges, pears, bananas, LESS canned fruit.
as long as she gets meat veggies and friut il be happy
Baked sh, baked chicken, lean beef; unprocessed foods that do not come pre-
Baked Potatoes
Better apples, salad bar, fresh pineapple
Better choice of proteins ie: chicken, turkey, beef. Instead of all this processed meat.
Better Meat...I think the ham is the “goverment ham” and it is very fatty and the
hamburger seemed not normal either the day of Sloppy Joes!
better protein and more homemade food instead of packaged junk
Better salad bar choices.
better salad more with more choices and better fresh fruit choices
Better salad options
Bigger portions of fresh fruit, yogurt
bigger portions, seconds oered; always run out of strawberries; two hot meals
oered, in case run out of one.
black bean & corn salsa, burrito, fajita, peanut butter sandwich option, daily lettuce/
carrot/simple salad bar, nuts, granola, yogurt option
Black beans may be healthy but no one eats them more fresh veges not clocked
mushy cap
broccoli cheese soup
Brown Rice
Brown rice or some other whole grains instead of white rice.
Brown rice, black beans tastefully prepared, more cheese
can not think of them all
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carrots, apples, bananas, butter or peanut butter sandwiches, salad bar with meats/
yogurt/cheese/soup - oered every day for picky or growing kids who arent getting
enough to eat with the meals
Celery, Fresh strawberries, Chocolate Milk
Cheese sticks
cheese sticks, peanut butter sandwiches for kids who are still hungry, baby carrots w/
dip, sugar-free jello & pudding
chef salad, taco salad or other salad entrees, unbreaded chicken, vegetable soups,
squash, black bean brownies, grapes, bananas
cherries, applesauce,
chicken breast bananas lunch mat sandwich
Chicken nuggets and juice
chicken strips that are only white breats meet.
Chicken wrap, Cooked vegetables that have taste, salt and pepper, Ketchup at the
Chinese foods
continue with a variety of fruits and veggies
continue with as much fresh fruits and veggies as possible, as well as prepared meals,
not pre-processed
Continue with Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and salads
cooked cauliower
Cooked veggies like broccoli and cauliower, mashed potatoes, homemade soups,
breads, healthy desserts.
cottage cheese
Cottage Cheese
Dark leafy greens - no ICEBERG lettuce as it has not nutritional value at all!!
Explore and try new things with the kids, youd be surprised what they will eat!!
Dark leafy greens, try to season the vegetables more
desserts in moderation
dierent fruit
Dierent salad options, dierent variety of fruit everyday, and make the healthy ala-
carte stu cheaper so more students have the opportunity to get additional food.
either cooked or raw veggies. No in betweens
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either more portions or larger portions, not enough food is served for a child to
extend their day into afterschool activities.
Everyday salad bar, with choices they can make themselves!
expansive salad bar, pudding, seasonings
sh patty or sh sticks
sh, yogurt
avored water, yogurt Gatorade/powerade products for Athletes to buy and take
with them. Choc milk available for athletes following practices
foods that are not preprocessed
free range meat, less chemicals in/on food
fresh bananas and grapes
fresh berries
fresh bread
Fresh cut vegetables at every meal
Fresh foods
fresh fruit
Fresh fruit
FRESH fruit - not from a can. FRESH vegetables. More food that is palatable and
not MUSH.
Fresh fruit and veggies
fresh fruit not canned, fresh vegetables not canned
Fresh fruit that they are used to eating. apples, oranges, grapes
fresh fruit, granola bars
Fresh fruit, vegitables, cheese, yogurt
Fresh fruit: apples, oranges, bananas, etc. Many kids would eat salad bar items.
Cottage cheese. Chili.
Fresh fruit. Vegetables and Ranch Dressing. Peanut Butter for when they dont care
for the main entree.
Fresh fruit...not canned
fresh fruits
Fresh fruits and vegetables
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Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
fresh fruits and vegetables (not frozen or processed); local foods for vegetables,meat,
and dairy
FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES at this school we only have frozen and canned
90% of the time
fresh fruits and vegetables--one serving each/per meal.
Fresh fruits and vegetables. Everything they eat is from a can or frozen. Nothing is
made from scratch. ey dont introduce new foods into the lunch menu.
Fresh fruits and vegetables. Not processed or packaged!
Fresh fruits and veggies
fresh fruits and vegtables, lettuce and the extras for a healthy salad
fresh fruits daily
Fresh fruits NOT CANNED
Fresh fruits, non-processed meats, lettuce and spinach for salads
Fresh fruits, salad bar, pastas, a bun rather than a tortilla shell at times for
fresh lettuce, fresh vegetables (not canned), fresh fruit (not canned)
fresh or frozen fruit - not canned - fresh vegetables or option of salads more often
fresh pineapple, strawberries, grapes
fresh produce
fresh spinach in the salad bar
fresh strawberries/kiwi/peaches, fresh zucchini/yellow squash
fresh vegetables other than Romaine salads
fresh vegetables that are locally grown, health vegetarian options
Fresh whole fruits and vegtables. Larger milk containers and 2% or whole milk.
fresh whole individual fruits, lettuce salads
Fresh, healthy yet appetizing foods with adequate allotments from food groups and
consideration of increased proportions (especially protein) for student athletes.
FRESH, not canned fruits and vegetables
Fresher Food, not as processed
Fresher fruit and vegetable options. Hard carrots, soggy brocoli , brown apples, not
a good option.
Freshly steamed or baked vegetables not from a can, meats that dont swim in grease
and a salad bar that contains real lettuce, not all spinach leaves and salad dressing
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that isnt lumpy.
Frozen vegetables rather than canned gray peas. Canned peas are no good. ey
make an exception for Mandarin chicken.
frozen vegetables taste better than canned,she wont eat canned vegetables at all
Frozen yogurt, healthier sweets, cookies, etc
fruit juices for those children who do not eat the fresh fruits, possibly even yogurt
Fruit that is not sweetned with sryup from a can
fruit/veggie bar
fruits & veggies
Get rid of all the fat free stu. Not all kids are overweight. Mine are if anything
under weight.
give options for fruits and vegetables, and quit liniting protein due to (sic) evil salts
and fats. My child is an athlete and requires dierent foods than someone less active
or with clueless parents
gluten free sugar free
gluten free & dairy free options...child should have option to have water instead of
milk whether dislikes milk or has dairy intolerance
gluten free foods and whole grain pasta, brown rice
go back to the basics of school food, chicken, potatoes, hotdishes
Go back to the way it was. Coaches inform all students meals are now no longer
adequate to provide enough energy to get through after school practices. It is not a
“health” meal when all or most of it ends up in the garbage can !!!
good lettuce, not all low-fat salad dressing,
Greater use of beans and lentils
greater variety of non-cheesy veggies and unsweetened fruits
Greek Yogurt
green vegtables
greens, fresh fruit
grilled chicken breast...not always a chicken patty...less processed
grilled chicken salads are a favorite in our house, simply a salad with grilled chicken
diced on top.
grilled chicken, grilled pork, oranges, bananas, apples, cucumber, carrots, grapes,
pineapple, fresh green beans, spinach salads
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grilled meats, less processed foods
grilled unbreaded chicken. lower sodium content in meals (less processed foods) real
butter (no veggie oils or trans fat) soy or almond milk alternatives
grillled chicken
happy with options oered
Have you looked at the breakfasts as well? Are doughnuts and such considered
He loves fruit, so lots of fruit options.
He would love to have a salad bar open every day of the week, Fresh fruits not
overprocessed canned fruits in heavy syrup just the whole apple or orange ! fresh
Veggies with a dip (ranch) instead of overcooked soggy veggies where all the
nutriton has een eliminated.
Healthier main dishes vs. bread sticks, cheese bread, pizza
Healthy needs to taste good....lets do some real cooking.
higher quality fruits and fresh appropriately cooked vegetables.
home made
home made meals instead of all the processed food with all the preservatives
Homemade and not processed foods,
honey for dipping fruit into
I do not think mozzarella sticks are a meal and never will. MORE CHOICES!!!!
I dont know
I dont know
I just wish things were more often homemade. Seeing macaroni and cheese come
frozen out of a bag does not seem very healthy. I do like the variety of ethnic foods
being served.
i just wished thye would let them eat more of the healthy foods so they would get
more full and wouldnt be so hungry after school and towards the end of school
I like a chicken breast sandwich and burger bar with veggies would be a good choice.
At least the kids would get a decent meal and they dont always like the meals the
cooks make. Keeping it simple is best.
I love that there is more fruits and veggies. Would love to do away with anything
that was fried
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I see so much more fruits/vegetables. It is truly very nice.
I think an apple should be oered daily. What ever happened to the basics? And
stop mixing the fruits and veggies...
I think apples and oranges should be provided daily - not canned oranges - reall
whole cuties perhaps
I think cheese/yogurt/pudding should be allowed
I think cooks need to be trained on how to propoerly cook food. My kids like
veggies at home, but the cooks take short cuts and make ok food nasty. Ex. Broccoli
sitting in a steamer for hours and being served mushy and avorless.
I think the school should grow a garden and eat fresh veggies from there.
I think they do an adequate job of providing healthy foods - if she doesnt eat much
of anything else, I know she eats the fruit
I want home made foods instead of prepackaged. Would like to eliminate things
like chicken nuggets, hot dogs, breaded patties and such, and stick with good old
fashioned meals.
I would like for BOTH of my children to have access to the salad bar with more
fresh produce (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers).
i would like more fruit and vegetables be oered throughout the day, not just at
lunch time. I would even be willing to pay for this extra service- it is a good way for
our children to make a smart choice instead of the vending machines.
I would like the produce and meat to always be fresh, not canned produce and
frozen breaded meats.
I would like them to oer a salad bar. My child would choose a salad bar option
everyday if it was oered.
I would like to make sure the meat we are serving our children does not have added
chemicals (or coloring).
I would like to see a side salad oered each day prior to/in addidtion to the main
meal. anks.
I would like to see choices for fruit and vegetables. If they could have a fruit and
vegetable bar and be able to take as much as they will eat.
I would like to see locally grown fruits and vegetables used in our schools. Produce
shipped from miles away and/or in a bag, can, etc. is not the answer to providing a
more healthful meal.
I would like to see more fresh fruit and veggies, we get a lot out of a can.
I would like to see more fresh options oered instead of canned/frozen/processed
I would like to see more fullling proteins.
I would like to see more locally grown food oered and a salad bar would be great
too! In place of the high carb breakfast options, I would like to see more nutrient
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infused (especially protein) breakfast options and even healthy ala carte options such
s hard boiled eggs, oatmeal, healthy breakfast smoothies, yogurt parfes, almonds,
fresh fruit, etc. Maybe more of a daily breakfast bar would be an appropriate
replacement to our breakfast meal dilemma.
I would like to see more options--salad bar with healthy choices.
I would like to see more whole foods and not as much over processed foods lled
with soy products.
I would like to see more” real meat”, less processed food. More homemade meals. I
also think everything is great in moderation. It is okay for them to have cheese and
sweets occasionally. ey need the energy!
I would like to see more/varied soups in the winter. ey have only served chicken
noodle once and no others.
I would like to see much less processed foods. More variety.
I would like to see the doughnuts or long johns oered once a week for breakfast
switched to a more healthy food.
I would like to see variety. Taco bars, soups, fresh vegetables, less meat on a
bun. When hot meals are provided, cook them thoroughly and serve them to
temperature. Our district runs out of food, and uses our meal system as a source of
revenue. A totl disappointment.
I would like to see who fruit for instance an apple, grapes bananas, not canned
mixed fruit. I would also like to see the removal of dessert. Kids dont need
brownies and cookies. ey might eat more of the good stu instead of just the
dessert. I wold like to also see meals that are made from scratch instead of processed.
i would need to give this more thought than time allows - variety and creative
preparation would go a long way
I would not mind seeing some sort of desert for them.. they are kids
I would prefer the meals to be prepared from scratch rather than prepackaged. is
would eliminate processed foods with added preservatives. at alone is healthier.
I would rather have spinach or lettuce without dressing on it--its usually already
mixed in and my daughter would rather eat it plain
I would really like to see a variety of fruit and veg. instead of the same ones being
used every single day
ice cream, fruit and vegetable juices
If they are healthy then give them more to eat.
If you have a salad bar or lettuce for any purpose do not serve just iceberg lettuce as
it has no nutritional value.
in general, more protein and ber
increased portion sizes for fruit and veggies- we have a very active school and they
arent getting enough food to even be able to focus for learning.
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Instead of serving crazy salads like a broccoli salad or oering just a few fruits that
come from a can but may be unsweetened, oer several choices so they are more
apt to choice a fruit. For example: whole fruits- oranges, bananas, apples, grapes,
stawberries. e canned or frozen fruits look like mush.
It needs to be taken into account that growing boys need more food. My son is
frequently wanting to eat more than one lunch and is not fat at all. He just doesnt
get lled up enough with one school lunch.
It would be nice if it was more convenient (quicker) to get nonfat milk and fresh
fruits and not have to go through the meal line.
Just dont claim to serve fresh fruit & vegetables if they are indeed not fresh but
just enough fruits and veggies for ALL students EVERYDAY!!
Just give them everything!! When I was a kid I hated green beans but when I was
done eatting and still hungry I would eat them if they were on my plate.
Just more food for those that are active at no extra cost
Just more food. More protiens need to be oered. Fruits and vegitables are great
if they eat them, but the protiens and carbs. are what get them through their after
school activities.
Just more fresh, raw fruits/vegetables, if they are cold and cut/peeled kids r more
likely to eat them. And more of them.
just more variety
Keep serving fresh fruits and vegetables
kiwi, corn on the cobb, salad bar
larger amounts of fruit and meat.
Larger portions of protein. More salad to the elementary.
larger portions. my son is taller than most kids and has a high metabolism. he has
been having headaches by the end of the day from being hungry.
Larger variety every day.
Lean meats
less canned vegetables, need variety of greens instead of iceberg lettuce, need a
variety of dierent apples, oranges and fruit. Apples are too small and bitter tasting
less french fries
Less processed food, more made from scratch
less processed foods
Less processed foods
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Less processed, high fructose foods, more whole foods.
Lettuce (salad bar)
Lettuce from the Garden Bar
lettuce, lima beans, more cauliower, healthy dips / dressings for salads or veggies,
more whole grains, more turkey and ham options
Lots of fruits! Dairy products are healthy, we should be oered some cheese.
macaroni and cheese, bags of baby carrots, cauliower thats not frozen
Made fresh food the same day. Hot food, not food that should be hot.
main entrees need to be less processed heat and serve food ex: less chicken patties,
burritos, and corn dogs
Meals cooked from whole foods. Oh thats right it would take people to actually be
able to cook that food.
meat and vegies
meat that isnt processed
Meat, cheese, burritos
Mixed vegetables, salads, grapes,
More “lling” foods
more “fresh” fruits and veggies, not canned.
More “home” made like baked chicken, roast beef/pot roast - more real meat and
not the processed stu in rib sandwiches, crispito, etc.
more actual meat like roasted chicken, i have seen the lunch menus for ankeny and
cedar falls and their lunch menu sounds more appealing, Hudson lunches are not
up to par
More apple, oranges and grapes. He loves the fresh fruits.
More apples that are raw
more baked potatos, prepared foods and less processed foods, baked chicken, turkey,
More bananas
More basic recipe meals, less cooking, battering, frying etc....
More beans and legumes
More beef, less chicken meals.
More breakfast items during lunch. Ham and Beans with cornbread.
More cooked brocolli
more culural healty food, like home made chiken soop.
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More Dairy Products, and just a larger variety for them to chose from. He likes a
variety of food, but when he only has 2 options that he doesnt like he just doesnt eat
it. We are then forced to pack him something that he will eat on those days
more sh and beans, less processed foods (chicken patties, chicken nuggets), cereals
with sugar less then 6g, no juice at breakfast
More fresh food vs prepackaged or processed
more fresh fruit
more FRESH fruit and SALAD BAR
More fresh fruit and vegetables...NOT canned!
more fresh fruit not so much canned fruit
more fresh fruit options
more fresh fruits
More fresh fruits & vegetables and less pre-packaged foods.
more fresh fruits and vegetables homemade entrees instead of packaged
more fresh fruits and vegetables instead of canned, lower sodium and less
convenience” foods
More fresh fruits and vegetables.
More fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, and more legumes and beans.
More fresh fruits and veggies.
More fresh fruits and veggies. ere are lots of canned fruits and veggies served.
Using spices in foods, since they are not allowed to use salt a lot of the food is bland.
More food needs to be made at the school, instead of prepackaged/processed food.
Ral eggs instead of the prepackaged patties. More variety. Right now our school is
on a 6 week cycle, so they get the same exact menu every 6 weeks. ere needs to be
way to be more creative and healthy at school.
More fresh fruits instead of canned fruit. Less processed meats
more fresh fruits, raw carrots, yogurt
More fresh fruits! On a 20 day lunch menu, fresh fruit is only oered twice!!
more fresh greens
more fresh produce, more organic, more locally grown -- my family would be willing
to pay more for this!
more fresh vegetables, raw food
More fresh veggies and fruit.
more fresh veggies and fruits we eat more fresh at home and my children are not
happy with the canned ones
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more fruit
More fruit
more fruits and fresh vegetables
More fruits and vegetables - new ones; more chicken and tacos
More fruits and vegetables - Non GMO and not processed, preferably organic, but I
do realize that cost is an issue.
More fruits, chicken and pasta
more grapes and apples slices w/caramel
More healthy protiens and carbohydrates. More desserts served in healthy
proportions and in moderation. For example, an oatmeal or peanut butter cookie,
cake with fruit on top, etc.
more home made foods,less things on a bun(processed meat sandwiches), more fresh
fruits and veggies
more homeade meals not prepackaged in a can or box
more homemade food and less pre-packaged, pre-processed
More homemade foods....pizzas, breads
more lettuce salads, fruits, and individual options if they dont like a portion of the
meal (healthy options)
more meat
More meat and carbs. Understand that growing children need calories and fat in
their diet to grow, develop, and learn. Studies have shown that children who do not
have these in their diet can suer from malnutrition and proper brain development.
More meat. Potatoes. More juice. more fresh fruits at lunch.
more milk, peanut butter and bread for ller, home made food instead of processed,
potato bar, sandwich bar, taco bar
more non-meat protein, more vegetarian entres
more non-processed foods!
more non-processed vegetables whenever possible
more of a variety of fresh fruits and vegetable vs the basics; get kiwi, mangos, papaya,
pineapple, blueberries, rasberries, spinach, kale, cabbage, etc
More of a variety of fruits, instead of mandarin oranges every other day
more organic
more organic and local produce. PLEASE NO MORE CHOCOLATE MILK
more organics!
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More pasta--peanut butter sandwiches--
More plain meats- less sauces or casseroles etc.
More protein go back to our time of when meals were prepared in schools. ey
come home starved and eat everything in sight. Not accomplishing anything. Kids
have to have 3 meals to get full. Not very cost eective.
More protein and carbs so theyre not starving an hour after lunch!
more protein options. an active 15 year old boy needs a food to fuel his body. larger
portions if possible.
more real homecooked food, I feel alot is still processed. real friuts not canned.
More real meat, cheese, sea salt, fresher foods that are not from a can.
more salad bar options
more salad bar options. more choices of fresh fruits and vegetables. baby carrots.
sliced, easy to eat fruits
More salad options - lettuce and protein
more salads bar choices
more salads, celery, carrots, cucumbers, fresh fruit, not canned
more servings of what the child will eat (without being charged double)
More soft foods that she can eat with braces. Cant eat food that is crunchy, gooy,
thick, or sticky
more soups {broccoli cheese, chicken noodle, vegetable beef, rice etc.....
more than just lettuce oered for a salad. meat, eggs, cheese to go with the salad and
dierent drsg tpyes.
more variety of foods
more variety of fresh fruit- watermelon, cantaloupe and larger portions
more variety of fresh fruits
More variety of fruits
More variety of fruits and veggies everyday
more variety of fruits, NO canned fruits or veggies only fresh or frozen
more variety of meals, seems like the same this is oered, look for more options
More Vegetarian and Local Foods. Less Carbs more Proteins, Fruits and Veggies.
more vegetarian options
More vegetarian options
more vegetarian options (beans esp) and NO HOT DOGS
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more watermelon and kwiwii
more whole grain bread
more whole grain starch options like quiona, couscous, brown rice, whole grain
pasta, sweet potatoes, etc.
More whole grains...tortillas, for example. Baked chicken, baked sh, more dark
leafy green salads...minestrone soups, healthy soups such as lentils and beans.
more yogurt with fruits n nuts- more items on salad bar and just (plain old home
cooked meals)
My children are sleeping, but I wish I could ask them
My children say that the portions are way less, and the food tastes worse. ey come
home hungry every day!!
My daughters biggest complaint is that the fresh fruit is not fresh. It is discolored,
bruised, etc. She then will not ever eat this.
My kids are great bean burrito eaters, and change the taco meals and pizza back to
something she’ll eat.
No high fructose corn syrup, no heavy salad dressings, no battered/breaded meats,
fruit in its own juice,whole wheat pasta. beans and brown rice
no they serve them ALL
No- Most of the food is wasted because the kids wont eat it. Ask any lunch lady.
e food is what we call bird food.
No; my child will more than likely not eat school lunches next year unless they
increase signicantly in quality
No. e school lunches have gotten so bad that I would not recommend hot
lunches to any student/parents who moved the the district
non processed meat products.
Non-GMO sourced foods, especially meat products. Local sourced foods.
Non-processed foods & way more variety
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None that I can think of
Noodles with butter, sh sticks, strawberry applesauce, blueberries, raspberries,
bottled water, granola bars,
Normal Mac and Cheese, KIWI, Cook things normal. Just have simple easy good
meals!! If an adult isnt going to eat it, a kid is not going to eat it!! You can have
healthy with out it being nasty. When you serve brown rice with nothing on it,
Who woul want to eat it!!!
Not foods that are processed, make them from scratch
Not prepared, not processed food, no corn syrup, no hydrogenated or partially
hydrogenated fat. In other words, no commercial food
not processed foods
not really
Nothing specic, just more food. She is usually very hungry in the afternoon.
oat meal
Oer more calories for the kids who are in sports. e school meals are way too
small for the active kids.
organic produce, beans and locally grown produce - vegan/vegetarian options
Organic, no articial dyes/preservatives/avors
Our school does very well with providing healthy meal options.
Our school oers the foods, but gives the children the choice to take them. My son
is not old enough to make that decision & I wish they were required to take one
fruit and vegetable with their meal.
Our school seems to have a need to eat a lot of processed chicken products every
month. I am very irritated about this. I feel like that is not a lot healthier. I feel they
should have more of a variety of meats. i think our schools problems with the foodis
largely in part to the fact that our head of the food program has no idea what she is
doing clearly!!! She basically rotates the same meals over and over again!
PB&J for an extra side when my child is hungry or wants to substitute. is is only
available when my child is low on funds.
peanut butter
Peanut butter
Peanut butter and bread. More meat.
peanut butter and/or jelly sandwiches; cheese sandwiches; more string cheese and
snack food like celery and snack mix with raisins
peanut butter sandwiches
Peanut butter sandwiches
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Peanut butter sandwiches - they are healthy and if my child doesnt like whats for
lunch, they can at least have something to ll them up.
Peanut butter sandwichs
perhaps a lowfat frozen yogurt?
pineapple, grapes, strawberries, options of breads-at or tortilla-bagels
plain applesauce
Plain fruit--Just peaches-just pears etc. stop mixing everything
Plain lean meats without breading. Brown rice, whole grain pasta, steamed fresh
vegetables, whole wheat bread
Pork loin (could be seasoned and shredded for sandwiches) lean protein sandwiches
or deli bars, Hard boiled eggs, cheeses of all kinds, cottage cheese,
potatoes, red meat
Prepare veggies in a more appetizing way
prime rib
Protein enriched foods
quinoa or other, new healthy choices
Raw carrots, apple slices fresh orange segments, fresh bananas, lettuce salads without
all the cheese and meats in them
Raw fruits and veggies without dressing or sauce over the top, but rather on the side
and optional.
raw vegetables
raw vegetables and fresh fruit. not cooked/canned
raw vegetables more tahn brocolli, carrots (i.e snap peas; sliced cucumbers)
Real meat and sh
real meat and potatoes, not processed foods thrown in a oven.
REAL MEAT, avor. School prepared meals, not something from a bucket, can, or
box and put in the microwave. Real food that is cooked by a real person like it is at
Real meat,m no canned fruits and vegtables, more homeaid foods
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rice, salads, fruits, no substitutes of hot dogs
Romaine lettace and not iceberg.
romaine lettuce salad
salad bar
Salad Bar
salad bar , fresh fruit not cut in half by cafeteria sta
Salad bar & more fruits
salad bar and xings
Salad Bar and Salad Dressing and Desserts!
salad bar for every age
salad bar items
salad bar oered daily
Salad bar option where the sta can choose their lettuce/salad options in stead of
having it put on fory ou and minimally
salad bar or deli type sandwich bar
salad bar with fresh toppings including lean protien choices that are not necessarily
Salad Bar with more options
SALAD BAR, fresh fruit, good fresh veggies (cauliower, etc)
salad in addition to school lunch & and with darker green lettuce
salads, fresh fruits and vegetables
salads, pears, peaches
salads, wraps, meatless options, fresh fruit and vegetables
School cooks should strive to serve food that tastes good to kids. What good is
healthy food if they dont even touch it?
scrambled eggs and ham for lunch, whole wheat breads
see above list
seems like school is oering a nice variety
serve foods that are kid friendly
Small bottled water or Calcium Forteed juices as a state approved substitution for
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children with the inability to drink dairy products due to a medically documented
health condition with the substitution not costing the family additional money.
some of the main dishes earlier changed to healthier home made meals
something other than subway that is edible
Something with raspberries instead of strawberries all the time
soup!! not just cheeseburger chowder in a bread bowl. but real soup in a bowl.
soups, 100%whole wheat breads and rolls, more variety of fresh fruit, green apples,
Spanish Rice---they have it on the menu for junior/senior high but not the
Special deserts for holidays
Spinach for salads on the garden bar.
spinach salad, backed potatoes, fresh meats,
strawberries, blueberries, bananas, carrots, green beans, chicken breasts, whole grain
pasta with alfredo
string cheese, salad bar (more fresh greens), raw carrots,
String cheese. Sliced apples. NO ORANGE HALVES no one eats them too
dicult to eat.
sub sandwiches on whole wheat w/minor condiments
sugar free fat free jello and coolwhip desserts, iron rich PEAS, baked beans...
Sweet potatoes, strawberries
Taste is the factor. Nothing tastes good. Need better food preparation as far as
making them taste good instead of bland. at is the key. e meals are expensive
(we have 3 children eating at school), yet they cannot seem to put any seasoning
(nonfat non-salt, etc.) to make the food taste better. Many school systems make it a
point to using seasoning to make the foods taste better, so know that it can be done.
My kids hate to eat it, but I just dont have the time to make 3 meals to take as well
as gt them ready for school, and myself ready for work; so unfortunately, they suer
with the school lunches.
the current menu is good
the old salad bar back
the salad bar is a great option
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the salad oering in place of hot lunch needs to have more fruits with it, and maybe
a lowfat peanut butter sandwich would be a a good alternative when you have little
kids who are picky eaters
ere is a good variety, but I think most meals oer too large of portion of grains or
they can be nutritious and healthy but taste good if prepared right
ey need to oer fresh fruits and vegetables and not canned. Also they still have a
lot of processed food. We have a dairy farm in town however we buy boxed milk.
ey oer plenty of healthy food options... JUST NOT ENOUGH TO KEEP A 55
lb 1st grade girl full for 4 hours!!! ITS RIDICULOUS!
ey would like more food and the food to taste better.
Try to get away from all the processed foods.
turkey wraps, turkey burger maid rites, vegetable soup
Unlimited fruits and vegetables or another thing to supplement the meal.
Variety of Fruits and Veggies, Salami and assortment of cheeses to get protein
Vegetable beef soup with real beef and lentils. Broiled sh llets. Oatmeal raisin
cookies, pumpkin bars, banana bars, dessert every day.
vegetables that are not grey and limp! Whole grains!
water as a drink option
Watermelon, casseroles/hot dishes
We can provide all the fruits and vegetables we want, but our son only likes a few.
If he doesnt eat them, then all of the money spent trying to make hime eat healthy
seems to be wasted. I say make the things kids will eat as healthy as possible.
We would like the students to get the salad bar back with rights to add their own
dressing. More FRESH produce is extremely necessary. Right now only canned
fruits and vegetables are served. e main dishes still consist of deep fried or greasy
food that ake up most of the calories would like to see more fresh options that keep
students full.
wheat bread
wheat bread and whold grains
Whole foods-less processed and packaged items. Hotdogs and corn dogs as well as
other processed meats are especially toxic to his health!
whole foods, no processed foods!
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whole fruits instead of canned, a wider variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables
whole grain breads with no sugar or high fructose corn syrup; as many natural
products with NO chemicals/sweetners
whole grain pasta with vegt & meat
whole milk - chocolate milk
Whole muscle chicken breasts and more lean meats
whole oranges, apples, and bananas maybe so they can eat in a class
whole pieces of fresh fruit instead of a portion
wider variety of fresh fruits
Wider variety of fruits and vegetables
Yes salad bar for all levels.
Yogurt with strawberries & granola, string cheese, mixed nuts, granola bars,
smoothies, Grilled chicken wraps, broiled sh, shrimp, lean hamburgers,
Yogurt, cheese
yogurt, healthy desserts, more fresh fruit and veggie options, more baked meat
options---- Albia repeats same foods over and over during a month
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How important are the following items to you for keeping
your child healthy? Choose a number 1-5 for each of the
following items where 1 is “not important at all” and 5 is
extremely important.
at all
2 3 4
Staying current on
shots (n=1700)
Going to the doctor
for check-ups
Geng enough
sleep (n=1701)
Geng enough
exercise (n=1700)
Healthy eang
Drinking enough
water (n=1702)
Washing your hands
regularly (n=1698)
Brushing teeth
Reducing stress
Reducing the
amount of pop or
sugary drinks
Staying away from
alcohol, drugs,
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Do you have any further thoughts or ideas about improving
school meals at your oldest child’s school?
By far, the most complaints from parents were concerning the caloric restrictions
mandated by the school lunch changes. Many parents express anger and confusion
at these new limitations on portion sizes for their children. Some parents believe the
kids should be able to eat the amount of food they choose at school lunch and that
schools should not regulate portion sizes or amounts, especially for healthy foods or
foods that their children particularly enjoy:
Almost every day my kids come home like they are starved”
“I believe the state had the right idea but went about it all wrong. Kids are
getting less food and coming home starving”
“Portion control is important, but kids are growing and need to eat healthy
just not like a bird. How can they think if their stomach is growling?”
“I think it is great that the schools are trying to feed the children healthier
lunches but I think that they should have reduced portions gradually so
there wasnt such a drastic change
Some parents are concerned that the calorie restrictions are actually contributing to
or worsening their child’s unhealthy eating habits. ese parents report that their
child comes home from school hungry and lls up on junk food or sweets after
“My son doesnt eat much of his lunch, or if there is something good, there
isnt enough. So he goes hungry all afternoon, then once he’s home, lls up
on pop and junk
“Snacking right after school creates bad habits and makes the kids not as
hungry for supper”
“My biggest complaint is that a very active child is not getting enough to
eat so they are nding junk food on there [sic] own to eat in between meals
when they stay after school for sports. is junk food is not provided at
school, they are going to go to the grocery store or gas station or someone
brings it from home
Parents of student-athletes or otherwise active children were especially displeased
about the portion restrictions. ey expressed concern that their children were not
being adequately fed given the demands of practice (before or after school, or both
in some cases) on top of a full day in the classroom:
“I believe that the biggest concern is the amount or (sic) portions tend to be
perhaps too small for a teenage boy that is active in sports before and after
“Both of my children are extremely active and often times have practices
before and after school. e amount of food oered is not enough calories
to sustain for the day
Parents are concerned about the quality of the food served at school lunch, especially
with regard to the high levels of processed or pre-packaged foods served. Parents are
displeased that food served at school lunch is not made from scratch and seems to
come largely pre-made from distribution centers:
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“It seems like many of the meals are just open the can, heat up, and serve”
“I would like to see more ‘homemade’ type of food items instead of the pull
from a box frozen over processed premade items that are full of soy llers
“I would like to see more meals made from scratch. If school lunches are
supposed to model healthy eating, kids need to know they can eat healthy
by making their own meals
Parents expressed particular concerns regarding the quality of fruits and vegetables
served. Children report to parents that the fruit is sometimes runny and
unappetizing, vegetables are undercooked, and that these items seem to come from a
“Who would want to eat ‘runny’ fruit? Fruit should be whole, or chopped. Not
“Get away from the messy goo of pureed squash, spinach, half cooked carts
[sic], and disgusting looking refried beans, and give kids the basic fruits and
veggies they like…corn, green beans, potatoes, carrots
Many parents feel they are not getting their moneys worth for school lunch. ese
parents report that their children often come home from school hungry and are
upset that their money is going to waste. Second helpings are sometimes oered at
lunch, but only for certain items—and much of the food is going to waste:
“If the costs of school lunch are goig (sic) to be high, the quality should t
the cost”
“Why is the parent’s pocket book having to be involved in this? Shouldnt
the child be getting full o of their tray and maybe a small amount of
Parents complain that choices are limited at school lunch. eir children are tired of
eating the same foods each week, and end up throwing out foods they do not like
due to lack of options in the lunchroom:
“I think that…more choices is very important”
“More drink choices instead of always milk
“If anything needs to change its…the use of the same food everyday
“When my child doesnt like the main entrée, on certain days her only other
option is yogurt”
Government interference
Some parents feel it is not the government’s place to dictate what their child eats—
especially when they are paying for school lunch out of pocket:
“It is NOT the school’s responsibility to feed my children; it is MINE”
“Individual schools need to be in charge of the meals, not the government
“I am extremely oended that the government feels they need to even be
involved in school lunches!”
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Many parents submitted complaints about the lack of time their child is given to eat
at school lunch. ey believe this contributes to unhealthy eating habits and to the
level of hunger felt by their children throughout the day:
“Right now all my kids…report that they dont get much time to eat
Allowing more time to eat, they seem rushed”
“Both of my children bring cold lunch because they state that ‘hot lunch
takes to [sic] much time in line, and they are not given enough time to eat
Dierences between grade levels
Some parents who have multiple children at the same school believe that school
lunch should dierentiate between grade levels and determine an appropriate
amount of food that should be served to each:
A kindergarten student has a smaller appetite than a 5
grader. Would be
appreciated if the older elementary kids had more options available
“Dont feed the kindergartners the same amount of foid [sic] that the high
school 200 lb football players are getting. It’s just ridiculous
Parents express concern at how much extra food is being discarded by their children.
If their children will not eat what is served, it is simply thrown away:
“Our school throws away SO much food, it is shameful…some of this
food could go to the care facility, homeless shelter, or even the local animal
“I feel that with the new food program that there is a lot of waste. Children
are required to take items, even if they know they are not going to eat them,
and it gets thrown away
School lunch isnt the problem
Some parents believe that other factors are more important to consider in looking at
root causes for the childhood obesity epidemic, such as a dearth of physical activity,
increased screen time, and lack of healthy eating habits established at home:
“Kids are not getting obese because of school lunch, they are getting obese
because they dont play anymore except Xbox, play station, computer, iPad,
iPods, etc…”
“I dont believe kids ever got fat from what they eat in school lunches—it is
what they eat after school”
“I dont believe that we are goign [sic] to shape and/or change a childs
eating habits within the connements of school. Parents need to take the
responsibility of their own children and quite relying on others to dene
their nutritional goal”
Parents believe that their child will get more excited about eating school lunch if it is
presented in a way that is appealing and fun:
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“Curb appeal…improving the ‘look’ of the food and the presentation will
“If the fruit and vegetables look good my daughter will eat them
Child preference
Many parents think school lunch would be better if the children themselves were
allowed some input:
Ask the kids what their most favorite meal is; and least favorite; and what
theyd like to see”
“Children are picky…Giving them more options to choose from like a
buet may help with them making the right choices and actually eat what is
given to them as they chose it
“Choices! What ever happened about giving our kids a choice…I know it
would save me a lot more time and money
“Having the older children do a survey similar to this to determine the more
popular healthy items and have them on the menu more often
Food service sta
Parents blame the problem in part on a lack of enthusiasm or skill level of food
service workers. ese parents want to see an eort made to encourage cooks to
prepare meals that are creative and appetizing to children instead of bland or pre-
“…more education for the sta. Most of the food service workers are not
educated in how to prepare a healthy meal that actually tastes good”
“Food service education and enthusiasm for the changes
“I do believe…that the cooks need further education on how to prepare the
new items as they are not always prepared for best avor and texture and
this has turned some of the kids o from the start”
Local and organic options
Some parents pushed in their comments for a focus on eating locally at school lunch
and providing seasonally appropriate food from local farms and dairies. Others want
to see more organic foods-- especially fruits and veggies—served at school lunch:
“Expand our garden program at school for raising their own food
“1. Organic 2. Non-GMO 3. Local”
“Purchase local and support the farmers and dairy close to our town
A la carte options
Some parents think that providing a la carte options or a buet-style serving line
would allow children more personal agency in their meal choices and encourage the
children to eat more of whats on their plate at lunchtime:
“Would be nice to have a salad bar type option…where there were multiple
fruits and veggies to choose from
A la carte would help rather than a meal. We are very wasteful”
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Desserts or treats
Some parents wish a treat or dessert was provided every once in a while. ey believe
that if a child is completely denied desserts or sweets at school, this can lead to
overindulgence later at home:
“It seems like they need a healthy dessert to liven up the mel [sic]”
All meals should be healthy but have that dessert too I think kids are gonna
eat it when they get home if they dont eat it at school”
“Focus on moderation of junk food is the key, dont take it away completely
could casue kids to ovreat [sic] when they get home from school due to lack
of food/avor in school lunch
A few parents pointed out the hypocrisy they perceive in schools implementing
healthier options while continuing to serve avored milk:
“I went to my sons school for lunch once this year and I noticed only two
children in the lunch room were drinking white milk. e rest all had
chocolate milk, it seems that given a choice most kindergarteners choose the
sugary drink.
“I wish they would get rid of the strawberry milk. So much emphasis on
healthy eating…yet the strawberry milk remains
Changes are positive
ough in the minority, some parents feel that the new federal school lunch
guidelines are a step in the right direction, and look favorably on the changes they
see in their child’s lunchroom:
“Change is never easy, but it is imperative that federally/state funded
food sets a positive example for families at home to get away from simple
carbs and processed, corn-laden foods. PLEASE HELP AND STAY THE
“Dont give up, despite all the negative responses—people are set in their
ways and dont want to be forced to make changes, even if its for their
“I am a dietitian so I am really glad to see the healthy changes
“I believe that our school district has done an amazing job with the new
guidelines. ey have stepped up to the plate and have done a phenomenal
“I know my daughter has tried some things at school that she wouldnt eat at
home, and found she liked them because of friends eating them
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Do you have any further thoughts or ideas about improving
school meals at your oldest child’s school? (“Other
No fried foods.
I think they need to get more food on their plates especially for the older children.
Plus they need more time to each. 5-10 once they sit down is not enough time to
each properly!!
my child always take their lumch when a cheese stick is for lunch. doesnt seem like
a very good lunch. i would say at least 2 of 5 days a week my child comes home
from school hungry. if kids are hungry they are not learning.
also at another school mychild went to this year and went for the past 3 years until
this January. they would make the students take the hot lunch tray but no makes
sure they eat something. i eat lunch with my child at least once a month and kids are
not eating and its mostly thesame kids. this goes on alot at Saydel /K-4 . i have even
said something to the teachers and nothing is done.
He doesnt get enough food when he eats a school meal.
When my child doesnt like the main entree, on certain days her only other option is
yogurt. She eats before 11:00 in the morning at school. A yogurt will not be enough
to keep her satised until after school. en she wants to snack right after school,
hich throws o our family meal. Yogurt should NOT be a main entree option!
I just think that it is crazy that both my children typically get 2 lunches (especially
my 12 year old son) almost daily for seconds of the main dish primarily and throw
away the rest ie: chicken nugget lunch he gets like 5 nuggets- this is not going t ll
them up. Lunch costs me on average around $5.00 per day for each the
time they get 2 lunches and 2 milks... and when they get home from school they eat
again as they are “starving” from lunch choices or lack of. Neither of my children
re over weight and are both very active in sports... school lunch frustrates me!! But it
isnt “cool” to take your lunch so I will continue to pay approximately $50/week.
e current system seems very complicated. We end up spending way too much on
breakfast and I dont consider their options “healthy”.
Talk to the kids and see what they like and dont like. Most of the foods kids dont
like end up in the trash.
have the kids help select the options of what is served. give them a list of approved
foods that they could choose from to help create the menus. More buy in from the
I know a lot of kids still throw away a lot of their food...I wish parents could know
what their child ate...I have eaten lunch at school with my children, and I’m amazed
at the lunches that some kids bring..cheetos, Little Debbie snacks, juice pouches,
smetimes the kids dont even get to the sandwiches because the other portions take
too long to eat! Some kids will eat only a little on their school lunch tray, but of
course others do better. I know my daughters feel rushed to eat. It might be a good
ide to reward those who bring or eat the healthy foods? I know my daughter has
tried some things at school that she wouldnt eat at home, and found she liked them
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because of friends eating them :)
high school kids need more portions than middle school and elementary for the
price they charge. More breads for the kids they arent all having weight problems.
one meal a day is not going to make or break a childs weight problem. my opinion
only. itstems from home but for those who never get a good meal it is good for
them. just dont think all kids should be punished on what the options are and
the proportions when they arent over weight and need a lot of food since they are
athletes and in good hape.
Having guidelines, but more education for the sta. Most of the food-service
workers are not educated in how to prepare a healthy meal that actually tastes good.
Use more herbs, and garlic and onion to enhance foods tastes. My kids want healthy
food thatTASTES good!
“is needs to be re-addressed. I like the idea of having more healthy meals, but I
dont think they were EXTREMELY unhealthy before. Also, there are many athletes
and children with high energy that are not getting enough food to maintain their
performance I hate that my kids are starving when they come home.
Also, the price of lunch is RIDICULOUS $150 a month for my kids to eat lunch at
just keep focused on spending more to make school meals more healthy. We would
pay more if they were healthier.
no, they do very well
I understand wanting the children to eat healthier but it seems as though the
portions have been reduced and the cost has gone up. Also from reading the items
on the menu and hearing the kids talk about some of them I dont think I would
even eat a lot o the food. I also dont agree that condiments should be listed as an
item on the menu. ose are not food and therefore cant possibly ll them up.
How can you expect the kids to concentrate after lunch with so little to eat especially
when they eat s early in the day. I am not happy with the changes.
e lack of a salad bar is my main concern.
Students do NOT need energy drinks as an option - - seriously, most kids have
enough energy already.
Just get meals that have some taste. ese kids need something like they get at home.
No whole wheat anything and enough food to go around.
give the kids a salad bar option
My son is a 17 year old 160 lbs and 6’2” and he needs much more than what is
provided in a single lunch meal. He was buying two and three lunches just so he
could feel satised so now we make lunch at home and he brings it to school. I
think that the seving sizes should be adjusted for growing active boys, most nights
my son has football, basketball or soccer practice and his measly lunch meal at
noon cannot sustain him til his evening practices are over around 6pm! at has
only encourages unhealthy sacking of candy bars, gas station pizza or hotdogs
immediately after a grueling sports practice.
Again, making the lunches taste better for the kids. ere is a lot of seasoning
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that can be done that is not harmful and will make the food taste less bland and
blah. e portions are not great for the older children or you have to spend more
to get moe, which is not good. School gardens to be used in the cafeteria would be
benecial also. Again, just better tasting food would make these kids want to eat
lunch at school and make us parents feel like we are getting our moneys worth (most
of the time y kids come home hungry because the lunch was just inedible or not
I think that the children should get some treats more often. Some great treats could
be cinnamon rolls, cookies, . . . Just a little something. I dont see a problem with
that. I also know that whole grains have been implemented more often but I dont
hink that everything that could be a whole grain should be. e way a food tastes is
also very important. e key is moderation. I think that the meals can also be “too
healthy” which for a child can be unappealing and so they wont eat at all. Let’s ot
be too extreme in lunches. Make them yummy and healthy!!!
i like that they are giving more fresh produce but would like to see the main meal
not a processed or fried foods. At least not all the time.
“I think it is great that the schools are trying to feed the children healthier lunches
but I think that they should have reduced portions gradually so there wasnt such a
drastic change.
My kids do like many of the meals just not the portions.
e smiles on the cooks faces are also one very important ingredient. Childern will
often try something if it is served with a smile. I love the fruit and vegetable table
avialable for the kdgn. students. However, many times my child does not choose
aything because he is wanting to nish eating quickly. ey should be seated for a
little longer time before they are allowed to get up to go back to their classrooms.
Many times he will open his milk carton, but not drink it if he sees others are
dumpin their trays.
remove vending machines
I like and understand the concept but child obesity comes from home, not school.
Students that eat healthy at home will eath the same way elsewhere. I do not believe
changing schools menus is the solution. If a child is overweight, it is the parent/
guadians responsibility. I would like to see a mixture of both the good fun food and
healthy choices.
No, but there were 2 questions I wanted to go into further detail on. I was asked
if my child ate more fruits and vegetables since the beginning of the year. I had
to answer no because there was no other option. I would have said that they have
always atethe serving size of fruits and vegetables if that was available.
e biggest problem for my kids is there is not enough to eat. ey are both athletes
and at a healthy weight so they are very hungry everyday. In turn they get doubles
of the main dish every day which is more expensive for us to pay. ey are not big
eggie eaters and just by putting more of them on the plate, they will not eat them
if they do not like them. My son will eat does eat salads, but now they dont oer
ranch everyday he is unable to even supplement with that either.
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I feel like the students are rushed through the lunch shifts. My kids wait in line and
then are forced to be nished eating in 10 minutes. ey typically throw food away
because there wasnt enough time to eat it. My oldest has started eating like a wlf -
even at home. ey are being trained to eat FAST at school and it is unhealthy.
I agree with healthy eating, but sometimes I wonder if portions should be a little
bigger to keep them fuller because the foods are healthier with less fat. A little
fat does help keep them fuller longer. I am not saying to give them a greasy
cheeseburgr, but a chicken wrap shouldnt be small.
More preventative programs regarding the above items...
Allowing more time to eat they seemed rushed. Oering bread and butter
sandwiches daily. Frozen yogurt for a dessert, string cheese or more cheeses. More
drink choices instead of always milk. It seems like they need a healthy dessert to
liven up the mel. ere are too many canned fruit days on the menu and the kids
get tired of it.
I woul like to see that school will alow parent to sereve at lunch or breack fast at
school. so parent get more involuve in thier children nutritiaon. I tink it should be
mandatory for ech parent to participant in thir child’s nutrition at leat ones a moth.
as a parent I woul love to be part of makign a lunch menu.
Take all the junk out of the vending machines. Make more things from scratch, stop
buying prepackaged or canned things. ey are full to preservatives, salt, carbs and
I just dont like hearing that the food tastes terrible and that they are always hungry
after lunch.
Serve a meal that students will actually eat. My student often eats more than one
of the main course just to get enough to eat. High school students who are actively
participating in sports are not getting enough to eat from the school lunch program.
I hae spoken with several parents in our district and the school lunches are often
talked about as being unappetizing, poor in taste and very lacking in the amount
of food the student is served or allowed to have. Often times my student will take a
snack withhim to school and grab something before sports practice. I feel the cost of
the meal is extremely high for the amount and value of the meal. I think the school
needs to concentrate more on the physical education program and getting kids
enough exercise raher than cutting back on food portions.
Please make sure all foods are chemical free and we know the source of where the
products are coming from.
Oer salad bar
e foods and choices that are oered seem to be pretty diverse, healthy, and for
the most part appetizing. e problem is ensuring that a 6-yr old actually eats the
good things that are oered when she eats school lunch. So, I guess my point is that
think what’s oered is generally good and appears very healthy, but for that reason
my picky eater often chooses not to eat it, which is more of an issue with parenting
and things we need to work on at home versus anything the school did or can do.
Give the kids more food, and better tasting food. at way there will be less waste.
Also serve a little cheese with broccoli.
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My daughter said the meals dont have as much avor as they used too, but they are
I would denitely cut out the processed foods. My family does not eat any processed
foods at home, nor do we eat fast food or drink soda. I would like for my child to
receive the same nutrition at school as he does at home. I feel leary that my child
wil receive good nutrition at school when the governor of Iowa supports serving
our children “pink slime” meat but I will remain hopeful that someone will make
changes to the lunch program.
“Determining what days they serve a smaller number of school lunches due to kids
bringing home lunch and possibly eliminating that main dish.
Having the older children do a survey similar to this to determine the more popular
healthy items and have them o the menu more often.
Having the food service contact food ingredient suppliers that can oer great taste,
but keep it healthy. Ajinomoto North America, Inc. oers ingredients such as this
that will keep the avor, but still be healthy and all-natura.
ey oer too many chicken patties.
Give the kids enough food otherwise they will bring “junk” food to supplement
for the lack of food they are receiving at lunch. is is especially true at the middle
and high school levels. Kids just eat more candy and stu before and after lunch
becausethey are hungry.
e amount of time given to these kids for lunch needs to be increased. We preach
over and over the importance of eating slowly, chewing and digesting food, and
savoring the eating process so our “20 minutes til were full” signal kicks in. ese
kids ae herded into and out of the cafeteria before they even get a chance to try
all the “new” stu on their trays! If they would be given ample time, plus normal
portion sizes instead of these sample sizes they are given now, the afternoon would
be more prouctive because their stomachs would be full and they could function
on 100% power instead of starving to death all day. I think we have cut back WAY
too much in this area and there has to be a limit on what we can take away from
these kids. ey burn moe calories than we do. ey are not slovenly adults - they
are active kids who have 1-3 recesses a day, P.E., after school activities, etc, and
they need to eat during the day!! I’m all for making the kids try new fruits and
vegetables, but when its seved as the only thing on the tray and there is no decent
source of carbs or protein provided, one little apple half isnt going to cut it. e
high school kids are starving and we are talking about 18 year old boys who play
football and cant even get a ecent lunch at school to keep them full til after practice.
I would like to see the school districts reimbursing us parents for all the extra snacks
we have to feed our kids after school just to make up for what they havent eaten all
day. We may as wel be giving them all two suppers instead.
My oldest child is a very active physically in sports. If I do not send extra protein
bars with him to eat after school, he does not preform very well in his activites due
to lack of enery. e school lunch does not provide my child with enough fats
andprotiens to keep his enery up and focused.
Having enough available for kids in last lunch
I dont think it makes sense to require kids to take an item when a huge percentage
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of them will not eat it and it has to be thown away. If there is a chance to bring
some common sense back to the school lunch program it would be great. However,
since itis a government program I realize that may not be possible. Sorry it this is
not want you wanted to hear (especially with a Univ of Iowa study) but I think this
is the truth. It sounds like this survey might be trying to “educate parents” and not
try tox the problem.
Our meals improved greatly after a new food service director was brought in. She
communicates well with sta and external publics to explain decisions she makes
and food oerings. More than any federal mandate, an person eective at their job
is impotant.
fruits/veggies should be an option for kids to take - making them take them and
then the kids throwing apples, etc away at the end of the line is just causing the price
to go up! I agree - kids should have option to take healthy foods but if they choose
ot too then that is ne too. It is also the family responsibility to encourage good
eating habits. It is amazing to me how much food is now thrown away and I think
it is ridiculous.
Less processed, packaged foods, promote the healthy changes and why they were
made, the benets of the changes
Better protein base. Fruits, vegies, ber. Something to keep them fuller longer.
Always over hungery by 4:00 p.m.
My child states that she often throws most of her lunch away because she does not
have enough time to eat.
I would most denatley like to see a change in the school lunch program... We are
charged the same amount each day for the minimal amout of food that my children
receive. If my children are still hungry by the time they are done with their lunch
at schol I do not believe the school lunch program is doing its job. Both of my
children are within normal limits as far as their weight. ey do not eat a lot of food
or ask what I would consider out of the norm for a snack here or there. But when
they com home from school and feel like they need to eat an entire meal by 4:00 bc
they are hungry is very unsatisfying to me and my family!!!
Requiring students to take fruits and vegetables that they know they do not like is
a total waste of food and costs the schools more money to run the food program. I
read in the paper that I school is overspending on food costs and may need to raise
the ost of meals for families. Families in my town that pay for full meals cannot
aord this. By high school kids know what they will and will not eat. Quit making
it mandatory for them to take foods that they will in no way eat but will just throw
“More food that the children will eat!
We understand how dierent foods need to be introduced....but at the same time
how much is thrown away???? I have been a lunch aid in dierent schools and I
have always been concerned with the waste and always woried that the child did not
eat enough. People who produce the menus NEED to be in dierent cafeterias at
lunch and watch what the children actually eat and what is thrown away. What is
more important serving food that children will not touch or the childhaving a full
stomach. Are the children really getting “”Healthy Meals”” if they are not eating the
food that is oered. I can not aord to have my children eat lunch at school very
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often, because they end up coming home starving and saying that most of i went
into the trash like everyone elses did. Healthy meal means that the child is eating
Food Service education and enthusiasm for the changes and more time for lunch
would help a lot.
We used to have options for picky eaters or boys that dont get lled up by school
lunch alone, I think this needs to be revisited somehow. ere has to be a happy
Be sure to oer better quality foods. For example, my child often complains that
the fruit that is served at school is “runny”. Who would want to eat “runny” fruit?
Fruit should be whole, or chopped. Not runny. My child loves fruits, meats, and
vegeables,etc., and always has been raised to do so. But when my child is served
something that tastes somewhate like chicken, and is called sh, I highly question
the quality of the food that is being served. Additionally, if the costs of lunches are
goig to be high, the quality should t the cost.
At our sons school in the last few years oered a fresh fruit bowl every day with no
limits taken. is really increased the amount of fruits that my son and his friends
ate. So, our school was trying already to oer healthy choices. ey made tacos ith
ground turkey, and served turkey hot dogs and they limited the amount of desserts
oered monthly just to show a few examples ese are changes that the kids didnt
even realize were happening. It’s not that we dont want him to eat healthy. It is
ostly how it was changed so fast as well as the limits on protein and grains. When
students are in High School and they have sports after school, it can make for a long
day. Two ounces of protein just isnt enough.
Less grain-based meals
At our school, we need to hire someone who has knowledge of quantity cooking.
We sacrice avor and nutrients by using improper cooking techniques, cooking
too long, and not knowing how to increase recipe amounts. We need someone who
can do math!!!Ourschool throws away SO much food, it is shameful. e Iowa law
needs to change so some of this food could go to the care facility, homeless shelter,
or even the local animal shelter. WE WAIST SO MUCH MONEY IN OUR
I think children should be fed twice a day, at 10 & 2. One meal is not enough. Kids
and adults need smaller meals more often. Reducing the caloric intake was a good
start, but the kids need to eat twice if they are going to get less food at one setting.
If the child is low on money in their lunch account, the school is now only required
to serve a carton of milk, not even a sandwich anymore. As a parent on reduced
lunch, I may not have money available right away to put into that account, and my
child isin sports, goes to school at 8 am and is there somedays until 5:45 til practice
is over, and there were a few days she only had a can this be considered
healthy and better for her under the current guidelines?
For some reason the quality of hamburgers are poor. is needs to be looked at.
Some of the bulk commodities are used creatively, yet seldom in desserts. We would
like to have Friday dessert. Having breakfast items at lunch would be positive,
especiall if they are protein, like eggs or sausage.
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Does chocolate milk have to be oered everyday? As a kid we had Friday only.
It has been very frustrating this year since I am a rm believer in eating school lunch.
It’s there so its convenient and it’s inexpensive. But this year almost every day there
is something so ridiculous that we talk about it at dinner. My daughter isa good
eater and not picky. e reason there is childhood obesity is not because of school
lunch. It’s because kids come home, sit in front of the TV or computer and eat junk
food. e parents need to take responsibility and not blame their childs probems
on the school. e kids are so hungry from not getting enough to eat at school or
it really does not taste good so they dont eat it. I have eaten many of the meals and
sometimes it’s just hard to stomach them. e day they had “glazed carrots”....i was
like they had sprinkled cinnamon on them. ey were awful. Bring back common
sense. e elementary does not allow Ranch dressing, and this generation has been
brought up to eat their raw vegetables with dressing, so they dont eat them. ey
are hrown away. My daughter has a friend who is vegetarian and some days there are
not options for her except an apple. ey tell her they are required to give her the
meat, so then she throws it away. We have quite a few families on free and reduced
so brnging their lunch from home is not an option. e lunches need to taste
better and again, use common sense instead of charts to determine what should be
served. I think the government ocials should come and eat sometime and see for
themselves what haoc they have caused.
e BIG problem is that if the portions are so darn small in these school lunches is
that our kids come home and are STARVED after school! at makes them turn to
literally anything to munch on because they are so hungry! e school meals do not
sustainkids that go right o to a sport after school either. Some kids are built bigger
and could stand to be allowed to eat more whether it is healthy school lunches or
not so healthy school lunches. My biggest gripe is portion size and lack of “home
cooking in the school lunch program. Too many pop in the oven nger foods
I feel that with the new food program that there is a lot of waste. Children are
required to take items, even if they know they are not going to eat that item, and
it gets thrown away. I feel that that this is a cost to the school district, which they
canot aord, and in turn a cost to parents, as school lunch prices continue to go up.
ere is so much food going to waste.
Getting enough protein options, having the opportunity daily to have an additional
simple salad bar along with a main meal option, and oering healthy/aordable ala
carte items are more important at lunch. is is because too many kids are resorting
t bringing in/consuming unhealthy food because their hunger isnt satised at lunch.
Even if lunch prices needed to rise to account for these options, it would be worth it.
Not that I havent already spoke of
they put apples in salt water nobdy eats them do to this.. they should use lemon
water. e turkey hotdogs are gross a dierent brand might be better. Chilli has
changed and its no longer good. potato soap is good. the corn is still hard sometime
like it not all the way cooked. Flavor up the green beans..
It is ne to be healthier, but I have a child who doesnt eat veggies so he really is
hungry or buys extra ala carte items. I dont think students will be any healthier by
reducing the portion size - it just makes them snack more when they get home.
Let the child have some say on what they like to eat. Why do we have to take all the
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fun stu away.
A kindergarten student has a smaller appetite than a 5th grader. Would be
appreciated if the older elementary kids had more options available. Our school
used to have salad bar for 3, 4, 5th grades. at was replaced by garden bar, but
there is no longr lettuce available as an option. My oldest child loves lettuce and
would ll up on lettuce if it were available to her, especially on days when the hot
lunch was enough.
Getting more sta to help prepare fresh foods
Getting better but need to reduce the processed cheese. high sodium content, rened
sugars and trans fat. Meals should be mostly fruit and veggies with a small amount
of QUALITY protein and dairy. Meals need to make them full and FEEL GOOD
Let the schools have their own meal plans. Parents input is best!
Seconds need to NOT be oered at school. ey need to see who is eating hot or
home lunch each day. Over a period of time, this could reduce the cost of lunch or
even reduce the amount waste. If seconds are oered, they SHOULD NOT be free,
and ALL paents should be made aware. I cant help my child lose weight when she
is over weight when what I do at home is wrecked at school. I can not be with my
child 24/7, and it is VERY frustrating.
It would be nice if we could do away with the pre processed foods. I feel those items
are what are making our lunches unhealthy. Our students arent oered dierent
choices for entrees. If they could be oered a selection to pick from hopefully thee
would be something appealing to everyone.
teaching kids about portion control rather than taking all the foods that they enjoy
and telling them no. e way that the food program is set up now, encourages
preteen children to not eat the foods that they are supposed to eat, this makes them
stop at as stations on their way home to eat the sugary snacks that they are not
supposed to eat because they are starving!
I graduated from Alden myself and knowing that all of my kids get a healthy meal
at school is important. But I also know that at Alden it is one of the best ‘home-
cooked’ meals they will get while in school. While some things have changed
over the years i terms of portions and content the avor hasnt been replaced or
substituted in the process.
Just cook simple things kids like to eat!! Food should not be transported to
dierent facilites either, that makes it taste even worse. e meals this year and last
year have been some of the worst I seen in a long time at our school!! My child is
strving by the time they get home due to most days its terrible!! Something needs
done, I think alot of it is that employees just slop it together and dont care what
it taste like or what it looks like!!! More training on preparing meals and how to
“Provide alternative options for children - individual fruit options possibly. Include
parents more on what is served at lunches - what the new options are and why.
I heard a little on the new lunch options, but not much lately. What are the new
foods Survey the students too - see what they would like. Try new things as a group
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in classrooms, or involve classes in preparing foods. Kids try things when they are
introduced in a fun way or if they are part of the process. e garden is an awesome
idea I think that should continue. Include a 4-H club to help with this project.
I am concerned that the students are not getting full so they end up buying
something else that the school has to oer that is not healthy. is is defeating the
purpose of the healthy eating. ey need to be serving foods that will satisfy them
especally if they stay after for an activity.
Allow more time to eat and digest food properly. Children and rushed through
cafeteria lines and unable to nish their food most of the time because they need to
rush to the next class.
Go back to the way they were.
provided more prepared foods instead processed foods, example meat loaf, more
soups, baked potato bars,
they need more. what they get now is not enough. it doesnt matter how healthy it is
if they are so hungry that by the time they get home they eat whatever they can nd
I would like to know why its okay or schools to sell a la carate meals and let students
buy 4 donuts in one time or why donuts would even be available to be sold. Or
how about why a student has to take a fruit and veggie with their normal meal but
can mke the choice to buy a gatorade (which is a sport drink and should not be sold
at lunch) and a bag of chips and that is all they eat for lunch?? Doesnt make any
sense AT ALL!!!!
Meals need to take in to consideration the needs of the thin, athletic students and
provide them with more calories, proteins. Our pediatrician recommends that my
sons drink 2% milk. It is not available now. Maybe provide a high protein drink or
food ption for the athletes or students that need more calories or are supposed to try
and gain some weight. ese new meals have actually been detrimental to my sons
health because they are not providing the calorie needs of my kids. Hard for them
to maintin their weight when they are out for football, basketball, track etc. ey
are burning more than they are taking in most days.
none I fear the day she moves on to another school and no longer has the wonderful
caring cooks she has now...she loves their food and its always healthy and good for
her...but she dose say sometimes its not enough!
I’ve noticed that the school has absolutely no seasoning on any of the food. e
greeen beans are directly out of a can and the broccoli is overcooked. I agree
that schools need to provide healthy food. But it seems unreasonable to me that
they can serve yrup with french toast but they dont put any cinnamon or sugar
in the oatmeal. It is so nasty, very few people will actually eat it. ey provide
presweetened cereal and apple juice and orange juice and chocolate milk in one
breakfast!!! I think it woul make much more sense to put just enough seasoning/
sweetener in the healthy food to make it palatable so the kids will actually eat it.
And cut back the chocolate milk to once a week. Get rid of the presweetened cereal
altogether. Amazingly enough, my kid agree with me.
give them something they want to fucking eat jesus christ its not that fucking hard
the kids need healthy food but also plenty to ll them up
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I am willing to pay more for school lunches if it means continued improvements
(less processed and more fresh foods). Can we purchase from local vendors? Also,
please stop teachers from using candy as rewards for good behavior.
ey need to take in to consideration that older students need larger portions than
the younger ones. My oldest childs complaint is that he got more to eat in 2nd/3rd
grade than he does now in 8th grade. Instead of cutting the meals so much add
more phyical activity to all of the students school day. Cutting the school lunches
down so much just makes many kids go home starving & then they get home &
binge on unhealthy junk food. I know a lot of high schoolers now hit McDonalds
afterwards & buy unhealhy stu when they didnt used to do that. e plan is
completely backring & is having a very negative eect on the kids. Also some of
the kids who come from poorer families really need a good lunch at school because
this may be the ONLY meal they ge
taste....larger servings...syrup for pancakes....
Reduce the options for students to buy extra food Ie, chips, etc
No chocolate milk option, no processed meats, use homemade sauces with less sugar,
1/2 the plate of fruits/veggies
Please consider their activities. It is important to have healthy lunches but it is not
the schools responsibilities to change the public.
DMPS has central kitchen -- would love individual kitchens where food is prepared
at individual school kitchen. Would like children have a role in growing the
ingredients and preparing zero transfat, non processed meals, which studies show
children are moe likely to sample. anks for your survey!
ey have lowered the calories, which in turn has lowered the amount of food given.
My daughter is in sports and has practice right after school. She eats lunch at 11:30
and does not get home until after 5:30, by this time she is very hungry. I dont tink
it is fair that she gets the same portions as my 7 year old. My kids have always eaten
healthy, they love fruits and vegetables, but a lot of the kids will not eat what is given
to them and end up throwing it away and I feel that it is very wasteful. Some of the
meals are even lacking in protein, 1 tablespoon of shredded cheese on a veggie wrap
is not enough. is meal consisted of the wrap, half an apple and a carton of milk.
Not enough to carry you through the day and a two hour practice.
Alls I have to say is that if they quit having meat veggieas an fruit ill be sending food
from home.
school meals are extremely repetitive. If you dont like the school hamburger this
week, you are not going to like it next week. My kids come home extremely hungry
if they have school lunch. We have three kids in the same grade school and our
oldest neer takes school lunch becuase they generally dont give them enough food
nor enough time to eat their food. I personally feel each student should get at a
minum of 20 minutes dedicated to eating lunch only (our school combines eating
time and recess time and literally rushes children in and out of the lunchroom.
Larger portions; bring back menu items eliminated this year; dont treat items with
higher fat content like the plague; Changing school lunches is to not going to do
much to change unhealthy lifestyles. Instead, lets teach the need to have parents
gettig their kids o the couch playing video games into a more active lifestyle. Leave
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school lunches alone. Students are not getting enough calories, especially if they
eat late evening meals due to involvement in extra-curricular activities. is actuall
leads to a more unhealthy lifestyle, as students supplement their undersized lunch
with junk food to make it through the day.
“I also work in the schools that my children attend. I have heard the controversy but
I have been very impressed with the good food on the salad bars. Kids will complain
but the choices are excellent.
Some athletes are complaining that there is not enoug food. Some of the active high
school students are feeling that there isnt enough. Excellent for average kids and
better for the overweight kids.
Be realistic for types of vegetables served in elementary schools. Peppers are not
realistic, not a lot of adults eat raw peppers! Proteins, as in meats, are important to
me. As well as having enough food to ll a child’s stomach for a full day of learnig.
In my opinion, it doesnt matter how healthy a lunch is if my child refuses to eat
it and instead throws it away; I think it is equally harmful for a growing child to be
hungry at school, as schoolwork/decision-making/overall heath & eating patterns
can b negatively aected. It would be nice if a microwave were available for my
child to use to heat up a meal from home on days where he doesnt like whats being
served; currently it is only available for sta use. Also, would like to see an option
for a hole grain bun/crust, as my child doesnt care for whole grain buns & crusts, as
(per my child) it changes the avor of the dish/burger/patty being served.
Serve foods the kids will actually eat and not toss in the garbage
Reduce the amount of processed food
u shoving healthy food at my child and her friends only makes the garbage bin
I understand the need for healthier choices, but having serving sizes that are more
than an adult would even care to eat is not acceptable.
ere needs to be taste to the food. Also the waste is awful. Children will throw
away more food than they eat. Just becuase you place in their plate they will not eat
it. All my children come home starved. ere should be some sort of supplement.
I think it’s criminal the food that we feed our kids. We dont give our child
commercial food. We pack her lunch with non-processed, non-commercial food
every day. Yet, in spite of our best eorts, every day she is oered cake or candy at
school. Schoo is a primary oender in sabotaging or eorts to feed our child healthy
food. It is one of the primary reasons we consider home schooling our daughter
I think the schools need to get rid of the soda machines and the ala carte menu items
as well. I’m thrilled that they are trying to serve healthier meals.
“ e kids are tired of getting ground meat in a red sauce on a tortilla shell every
other day for lunch. ere is so much waste to food.
What happened to baked potatoes, a slab of red meat or chicken on their trays?
Whats wrong with a cookie now and agin?”
Our school does a terrible job of oering healthy choices to kids. e cafeteria is
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stocked with chips, gatorade, donuts, pop-tarts. It is disgusting to me that they
choose to oer these items at school as a way of cushioning their budget.
I am extremely discouraged with the emphasis on “fresh” fruits and vegetables.
Frozen or canned, compared to “fresh” from California, Washington or Mexico,
can be more nutritious. Plus they are much more economical for both schools and
families. Our schol is participating in a project to increase local foods in school
Have the government meats (chicken,pork beef) follow same protocol as
lunchrooms, (less breading, frying, pre-packaging). I nd it ironic that the state of
Iowa has bought into the “healthy” aspect of lunches, which I applaude, and it may
be free from Tyon, but make them follow the same protocol to prepare healthy meats
also before they distribute it to schools.
Get the government out of our school lunch program and put it back the way it
used to be.
I would like to see more organic food oered. I realize this is an expensive move,
but this is why we dont participate in the school lunch program. I feel the lunch
program has gotten better, but there is still room for improvement.
I dont like that they allow the children to choose what veggies they want. My
children will eat any veggie you put on their plate but there is no guarantee that they
are going to choose veggies. We have no thank you helpings in our house. If it is
somthing you dont like (veggies) you still have to have a tablespoon of that veggie.
ere is no exception. My children eat every veggie that is given to them.
Children are picky... Giving them more options to choose from like a buet may
help with them making the right choices and actually eat what is given to them as
they chose it.
Needs MORE to eat. Meals are not enough so sustain a 17 year old boy for the
entire day. He goes right to practice after school and is hungry before he even gets
to practice. Hes actually LOST weight this school year, and he did NOT need
to lose weigh. His weight is too low for his height. Eating fruits and vegetables is
important but why eliminate everything else???? Glad my student is a senior and
will not be eating school lunches much longer! I do not feel that that our school
lunch director isthe problem = her hands are tied by government restrictions.
please consider oering fruit/veggie snack carts in the halls mid morning and mid
afternoon to encourage eating them and NOT throwing them away. When oered
at lunch my oldest student says the kids throw them away. Make them the focus
between meals, beteen classes.
let them have healthy lling foods like protiens
I do not think it is Michelle Obamas place to dictate what food is served at school.
Totally disagree with her opinions.
Get rid of pre-made pre-packaged foods!
e price is way too high for the amount of food they get. You want me to pay for
my kids to starve all day. I dont think so. I’m all for healthy food, but they are not
getting enough to nourish their minds and their bodies.
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I like the fresh fruits and vegetables that are now oered like cut romaine lettuce
instead of bagged shredded lettuce. I think the meat choices are still sketchy. Today
we have corn dogs. Why are they considered healthy?
Yes, please tell Mrs. Obama to keep her nose out of local school business. Our
schools had perfectly ne, perfectly priced, perfectly healthy options until her stupid
campaign to make it all “better”. Now, my child complains of lack of food, being
hungy and drowsy all day due to hunger, and wants to snack all afternoon until
supper just to have enough calories to survive. Mrs. Obamas plan is ridiculous,
corrupt and just plain stupid. If it isnt broken, dont x it. I know high school kids
who go o McDonalds EVERY DAY now after school because they are so hungry
and cant aord school lunch extras due to expensive costs. So instead, they go to
McDonalds and eat that crap just to ll their stomachs with something. Is that
healthier? I dont thik so, but that’s their only option due to Mrs. Obama and her
stupid campaign. If we have to tolerate this lunch program for another 4 years of
Obamas in oce, mark my words, there will be more malnourished children in the
US than when she made this her”platform.” I’d be curious to see if her kids have to
pay outrageous prices for crap food or if they get seconds, thirds, and extras of food
with substance in it. e whole program is a JOKE.. and Mrs. Obama is the person
to blame.
I think making the kids have to take food they wont eat, only to have them throw it
away is a waste of time of money. Oering healthy foods is acceptable, you cannot
make the kids eat it. Commodities are processed foods, and often that is all that is
vailable for the schools to serve.
Government to back o, and not have as much control. Better educate parents.
Why is it that children can get 3 X as much food at a restaurant than at school?
Portion control needs to be better educated. Why is it that schools have to be so
controlled i what they serve for lunch, which is only one meal, obesity is not going
to happen at school. My children all have after school activities and by the time they
are home from them they could empty out an entire kitchen. If they ate a meal the
tasted goodand lled them up at school they wouldnt over eat at home after school.
Allow students to have the calories they need. Student athletes need more calories
that those studnets not involved in activities. Childhood obesity is not going to be
solved because we oer less calories at lunch. Students leave school and gorge at
hme and fast food restaurants if they do not get enough to eat at a school lunch.
Just would like the appropriate amount of food for a football player who is trying to
get more lean muscle or in any other sport. Boys need more food especially when
active than a sedentary student. My son is 6’ 4” tall and very lean but active.
My oldest child is 5’ 6” tall and weighs 130 pounds, he is active in sports year
round. He really needs more food oered to someone his age and size and also foods
that are appealing.
“Signicant’y reducing the amount of processed foods.
Increade amounts of vegetable and fruits they are allowed to take. ey do not serve
them adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables.
Stop serving so much sugar.
Increase serving sizes.
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Would love to see our children have eggs, toast for breakfast instead of things that we
heat up in the microwave. No pop tarts or donuts. Our lunches should not consist
of potato products 4 days a week.
Larger servings; less pre-processed food; more time to eat; make it less like an
assembly line.
I have three children. My youngest has taken his lunch since the second day of
school. He would prefer to eat peanut butter sandwich everyday than to eat school
lunch. Taste is important, my kids comehome starved, not enjoying there lunch.
Would love o see delicious healthy lunches in school not just healthy lunches in
school. Government regulations make lunches unsatisfying in taste .
Ideally- having smaller meals through out the day is the best way to keep our
glycemic indexes steady. However, I know that is not realistice. But it would be an
awesome goal to shoot for in a trial school
A few years ago brain based research was stressing that childrens brains are still
developing and that fatty foods aide in that development. I am not trying to say
that school lunches should be fatty, junk. I do feel that the calorie limitation is
unnecesary. For some children this is their main meal of the day. I dont believe that
childhood obesity is caused by school lunches. I believe it is caused by foods that are
eaten outside of school. I think that limiting the calories in school lunches is acing
counterproductively. Home with healthy foods in them will always have healthy
food choices in them.
Need to give the kids more time to eat, then maybe they could eat the HEALTHY
meals being served!!!!!!!
I agree with the reduction of salt and fat in school meals, I DO NOT agree with
limiting of calories.
e regulated calorie counts are too low! Every child has dierent calorie needs and
cannot be “lumped” together. Most adolescents need more calories since they are
growing and very active.
My child is still hungry after a school meal due to the calorie counting that’s
enforced. Kids burn o calories in their sports and activities. ey need to feel full
when they leave the lunchroom/
Earlier you asked the question about if eating healthy meals would make my child
better at sports? WHO CARES???? Just another example of “sports” being wayyyy
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more important than they really are! Why not ask if
eathing healthywould make my child better at music, speech or math - the things
that actually do matter!!! WHY SPORTS??? Again, WHO THE HELL CARES????
It is ne to introduce new and healthier options to school meals, but to completely
overhaul the entire menu in one year was ridiculous! Kids are not getting enough
to eat and most of the students who can aord to, bring their lunch from home.
Our eleentary school used to have one to two lunch tables for lunches brought from
home (separate because of food allergy issues) this year it is three to four.
More fresh produce instead of the canned sides. Let the students have the salad bar
back with the dressing too. Student athletes need dierent calorie amounts than
non-athletes and the new restriction on meals and no salad bar has left the athletes
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hungr. New regulations should be set base on the students age, possibly gender, and
activity levels. My son often complains of being hungry throughout the day and
by the time of practice his body has no fuel. We and other parents have had to buy
snacks for th boys to keep in lockers for throughout the day.
ere needs to be more variety in the menu. It repeats itself every month without a
change of anything or anything new, but healthy to try.
organic foods, less processed foods, no canned food, coconut milk versus dairy milk
lower cost...improve taste and increase either portions or the amount of items
oered...Right now they do not get enough good tasting food r the money
why they take home meals.
“I am concerned that more food is getting thown away that is expensive.
Instead of serving squash and other vegetables that kids dont care for, why not serve
corn, green beans or more common veggies that the kids would eat?”
e sta needs to wear HAIR NETS!!!!!!
e portion sizes are not large enough for a high school boy so they go back for
seconds if they have time. On some days there is not enough food for the last
lunch scheduled, especially pizza. I think the improvement are great and the food is
healthy. re could be more variety
I wish they would get rid of the strawberry milk. So much good emphasis on
heatlhy eating...yet the strawberry milk remains.
Common sense should prevail. If food doesnt look or taste good, are kids going to
eat it?? ey dont care if a food is healthy enough like us parents do-they care about
the taste and if theres enough to ll them up. ey need a variety. To introduc
vegetables, they could blend them in with meatloaf so they taste better; make hearty
stew with meat and veggies-that’s just some things we do at home. I dont know any
teen who enjoys squash, either!!!
I like the idea of more fruits and vegetables, but they have to be appealing to the
students. Oering 2 dierent kinds of beans just plain -no one takes them-but
gualies for a choice, doesnt solve our problem of eating healthier. I know healthier
foos are more expensive and that is part of the problem. Healthy meals can also
taste good and be appealing, but we see so much processed foods every day. e
carb. count is very high in our meals. Goverment commodities need to really be
improved. Homemade fods would help a great deal.
I dont believe that we are goign to shape and/or change a childs eating habits within
the connements of school. Parents need to take the responsibility of their own
children and quit relying on others to dene their nutritional goals. When mom/
dad sto regularly at McDonald’s, on the way to school for breakfast, how is a child
going to learn the value of nutrition? When my son eats school lunches, he comes
home after school and ravages the cupboards for as much as he can eat because he is
starving, dueto the smaller portions and lower quality of the food. (overcooked and
dry chicken nuggets or patty, cold hot dogs with stale buns, no condiments, canned
fake tasting” fruit, to name a few). My child is a phenomenal eater, too. He eats
Uni (sushi) and may other sushi’s, duck, goose, pheasant, venison and many other
types of game foods. He loves fruits and vegetables. So, needless to say, it isnt only
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the types of food that is being served, it is obviously the quality in which it is being
prepared that hs signicantly decreased as well.
I dont really think it matters if I think the school lunches are healthier. e lunches
must be healthy, tasty and appealing to the consumer(kids) not me. in order to make
the kids like school lunch the lunches should be lling and taste good.
cut the cost very expensive for a family who does not qualify for free and reduced,
but still strugglr.
e government needs to make purchasing fresh foods a priority. Perhaps each
school set up farm to school programs instead of processed high salt foods.
I think keeping the government out of the meals would be best. We hire people to
plan the menus and make the meals so we need to trust in them to create healthy
and lling meals for our kids. e government has enough to worry about without
getting ther nose in school lunches!! I am guessing that if Mrs. Obama had to eat
what the kids get served daily, she would be thinking a bit dierent on her BIG
It would be nice if they could oer options for those who are on a gluten free diet.
It is hard trying to pack a healthy lunch everyday for my child.
e major problem I have is the lack of food provided, combined with the lack
of appeal. If a child is oered a 500 calorie meal, but they only eat 1 item on the
plate, they are severely undernourished. My child is at a very healthy weight, but
at the iddle school level, we want to make sure that she is feeding her body. Eating
disorders are an issue at that age level, and it seems that the schools are encouraging
starvation and subsequent binging when the kids get home from school. We keep
healthy sacks at home for our kids, but I fear that in many households, the kids are
starving after school, so they’ll eat whatever they can get their hands on. In some
cases, I’m sure that could easily be a entire bag of chips, candy bars, etc. A hungry
child i not able to focus as well on schoolwork. I have helped with mission events,
and the rule of thumb is always that you have to meet the physical needs rst. If a
child is hungry, that will be at the forefront of their mind, and they will not be able
to bsorb and process the educational lessons that are being taught.
it would be nice to have a full service salad better with a variety of lettuces and fresh
vegetables and fruits
I know that it is hard for our health meal providers to do this because of cost..but all
the food I see getting thrown aways is terible and a WASTE! Maybe the government
and parents can compremise with pricing. Would be willing to pay $3.00 or more
for ahealthy, good tasting and lling lunch!
Why did we have to change anything. School meals should be as homemade as
possible, I graduated in 1990. Start making school lunch that way again. You say
all this healthy food is better but some kids havent tried it so they wont eat so then
they dont at and go home starving.
Ala carte would help rather than a meal. We are very wasteful.
More homemade foods for the main course instead of the prepackaged warm up in
the oven meals they are serving. More food for the older students as they require
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more to get them thru the day. LOVE the fresh fruit and vegetable oerings at the
school... eep that up. My children come home “starving” after school and always
require “snacks” before supper. I do not feel they are getting enough to eat at school.
Maybe they need to be allowed a “snack time” in the afternoon. I know the younger
students do..maybe they need to encourage the upper grades to allow children to
participate in a snack time.
e children need more time to eat their meals. Often, they bring home part
of their lunch because they do not have enough time to eat it all. School cooks
should be required to wear hair nets. My kids and their friends have had hair in
their lunches everal times this year. ere should be less processed meat (ie chicken
nuggets, chicken patties).
Cafeteria manners
Mostly it is the presentation of the fruits & veggies. Overcooked veggies are not
appealing to anyone. Change is dicult & their taste buds got used to the fats &
salt in their meals at school. I still do not think Nacho Chips with Processed Cheese
mees the new standards for reduced fat & salt in the meal. ere must be a better
way to train food service sta to get out of their comfort zone and prepare & present
healthy attractive meals. Children will get used to eating veggies but it will take
tim to adjust their food vision and eat the items instead of throwing away valuable
nutrition and calories needed for the day.
School districts should have some freedom in meal oerings, schools and students
could work together on meal planning
is is what is happening---students are not eating school lunches and instead are
bringing their own lunches from home. Not healthy for the most part. Students with
open campus will not eat at school now and go eat fast food.
When I was in school, we had delicious meals cooked at the school, not pre-
processed foods such as Pizza Ranch Pizza, “taquitos”, chicken nuggets, etc. We
had tuna and noodles, school baked pizza, roast beef with mashed potatoes, and we
werent overweigh. I think the main thing needed to ght childhook obesity isnt
the food theyre getting in school, it’s the exercise they are not getting at school or at
Dont over do the “healthy aspect” to the point that tons of food gets thrown away.
Use low fat dips for veggies rather than no dip. And low fat carmel for apples. Stop
using canned vegetables. Lets get back to cooking lunches! Or have a Subway day
nce a week or something. e current food tastes and looks awful. ere is also not
enough time alotted for lunches. 15 minutes is not enough time for k-5 kids to eat.
I think the kids need to be educated at home. Unfortunately healthy foods are the
most expensive. If we are oering kids fresh fruit, lets make it appetizing and good.
I am disappointed in how our government is trying to control everything. ALL
THING IN MODERATION! e local CASEYS loves the new food program
because that is where yoy will nd most of our kids after school...packing in the
calories that they didnt get at lunch! I would like to see an analysis about how many
kids have lost or gaine weight on this new lunch program. I am sure it would be
shocking!!!! ey have probably all gained!!!!
Better tasting and appetizing. Go eat some~~
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Using the low fat cheese and the whole grains has made the food taste so bad that
the kids are not eating it. ere are too many options each meal to focus on making
the meals taste good and be good for you. Replacing chicken nuggets with whole
grain chcken nuggets (which I cant even chew) is not making the food healthful.
e meals arent large enough with portions.
Look at the breakfast oerings...
I understand the concept but these new guidelines have stripped our schools of any
ability to feed our kids properly. e same rules that apply to city kids that dont
have chores or afterschool activities should not apply to all. Obesity is a problem
tht starts in a child’s home. ey are receiving such few calories in their lunches
that is detrimental to the athletes. ey need far more. Kids are running on empty
because the lunches are too small, not enough food is being consumed to keep them
for te whole day. If the intention was to give some kids one good meal a day, the
exact opposite is happening..if kids depended on this to be their main meal, they are
in trouble. As a result most are bringing far less nutricious crap to eat and probably
eatig far more calories a day than they were before these new guidlines were put in
place. It’s a lose/lose for all.
“Here are my ideas:
1. Consider increasing the amount of protein oered per meal to help curb appetites
longer (which will help keep students more focused and o-set the symptoms of
ADHD and other behavioral conditions.)
2. Remove chocolate milk ad processed juice from the school. (I believe 1 carton of
milk = half the daily sugar consumption.)
3. Gradually begin simplifying meals to meat, veggies, fruits, grains and some dairy
without focusing so much on variety as this tends to equate to usng a lot more
processed food, cooked food (which greatly reduces nutrition), sugar, saturated fats
and empty calories. Maybe focus on presentation of the food and ambiance of the
lunch room in place of variety.
4. Look for new opportunities or capitaize on more existing opportunities to
incorporate locally grown produce into our school lunch program. is will help
ensure that we are receiving quality products that are properly ripened. I believe
their is an existing farm to school program in our aea in which Luther College has
done amazing things with....
5.Modify the breakfast menu drastically to *truly help students start their day o
right. Humans, especially those with ADHD and behavioral conditions (who tend
to frequent the breakfast lin) function best when they start their day o with a
high protein, low carb breakfast. Cereal, pancakes, waes, french toast, cinnamon
rolls, donuts and cinnamon sugar toast....topped with chocolate milk seem to be
counter-productive to the school breafast program however replacing those items
with hard boiled eggs (or eggs of just about any sort for that matter), yogurt, fresh
fruits, healthy breakfast smoothies, almonds, oatmeal, granola, breakfast trail mix,
etc all seem to be great options that arefairly easy to prepare. Maybe we could oer a
breakfast bar in place of the traditional “”breakfast meal””??”
If anything needs to change its the use of food from a box, and the use of the same
food every day.
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I would like to see more “homemade” type of food items instead of the pull from a
box frozen over processed premade items that are full of soy llers
Appreciate the deli sandwiches the school oers as a substitute in case my child does
not like what is being served.
Take the athletes into consideration for portion sizes. Having to go back to the ala-
cart line after eating everything on your plate cost more and misses the whole point.
When they have to eat something before practice to keep their energy up tells m
they are not getting enough to sustain them.
I think healthy meals are great, but it is the quantity that I have a problem with.
You only asked about my oldest, but she is not where my problem is. I have a 13
year old son in 7th grade, who is famished after eating the school lunch. ere
are not enugh calories for active children. He has taken lunch ever since the rst
week of school. ese kids that are in sports are not getting enough. I sent granola
bars and other snacks for him to keep in his locker so he can eat before he goes to
practice. Tere were kids passing out and getting sick because they didnt get enough
food. 800 calories is not enough. ey burn more than that during a hard practice
in the heat. I am all for healthy choices, but fruits and vegitable do not stay with
them. ey ned the protiens and the carbs. And there is nothing wrong with a child
at a healthy weight getting dessert. Just because there are children who are obese,
this should not be the only factor in what ALL school children are oered. Most of
these kids involed in athletics are running to the convenience store, McDonalds or
Dairy Queen after school. is program is backring. I for one am very upset with
the whole thing. e way you phrase these questions implies that I do not belive
in healthy eating for m child if I disagree with the school lunch being healthy. Yes it
is healthy but there is not ENOUGH of it. My oldest child is ne. She is an active
sophmore girl who eats one thing at lunch because I limit what she can spend on a la
cart. How healthy is hat? She wont eat the school lunch because she doeasnt like it
and I dont like to pay the price for the school lunch so that she can eat the broccoli
which she loves and then throw the rest of it away. My kids are healthy, but they
are being punished ecause a certain percent of children are obese. is study will be
skewed because you have limited it to the oldest child and because of the way the
questions are phrased.
Choices! What ever happened about giving our kids a choice...I know it would save
me a lot more time and money.
No matter how “healthy” an item is, if the kids dont like it, they wont eat it,
therefore, they just go hungry or throw it away and there is waste. Making food
taste good and eye appealing is very important to gettting kids to eat. What is
wrong with erving ranch dressing with carrots, etc.. if it gets the kids to eat the
carrots which are healthy? If the kids dont get enough to eat at school because they
dont like what they are serving, or for whatever reason, then they just go home
and “pig out”” n unhealthy foods, thus defeating the purpose of the whole healthy
foods act. One meal a day at school is not going to have a huge impact on a whole
generation of unhealthy obese kids. Something has got to change at home. Sorry
Mrs. Obama, but get thes lazy parents o the couch, o entitlement programs and
at a job and then maybe we would see our kids being more productive as well.
FRESH, not processed foods
e healthy kid act seems to be a one size ts all. I think it was supposed to be
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about having healthier choices. My children are very hungry when they get back
from school. My children are far from obese and very active. Not all children are
obese. I think the serving sizes are crazy. ey can only have so much ketchup? I
also teach kindergarten and I know my kids would eat more of what they are oered
if they had ketchup to go with. Just common sense sometimes. I dont understand
why the servin size is the same for a 5 year old and a 16 year old. Athletic kids have
to go a long time from lunch to dinner.
I have all sorts of issues with what our government considers a “healthy” balanced
meal. Educating parents has to be part of the process. Allowing them to use the
salad bar. Both my boys would use it. Cut back on the grains on the menu. More
protein ofered. I dont think they need deserts like cookies and cinnamon rolls and
brownies. ey are not allowed to put food like that in their bodies at home. Why
are we loading these kids up with sugar and processed carbs and then expecting
them to sit and fcus on school work?!
I personally think the direction we have gone is ne. ey arent going to like
everything served, but if it’s healthy, at least its on their plate and they’ll eventually
realize its this or nothing. I think the school dieticians are doing the best tey can
with the budgets and guidelines they are given.
e thought I do have is that some of the healthy foods introduced at school have
been taken too far. Ihave no doubt the foods that are being served are foods that are
good for the kids, but they are foods kids in gerneral do not care for. erfore, yes
we have healthier meals being served, but the kids arent eating those foods.
ere are many students who have been bringing cold lunch this year because the
food choices in our school are unappealing. I think that if we were a little creative,
students might eat school lunch more often and be inuenced by the healthier
alternativs oered at school. For example: My son will eat black beans in many
dishes at home, but thinks they are gross at school when oered by themselves in the
“It would be nice if extra fruit/healthy snacks were provided to students participating
in after school activities, especially ones that
require physical activity. I feel sorry for athletes who are served small quantities of
food at lunch (especially ifthey dont like what’s on the menu) and then have to go
right to practice for two hours. Some of those athletes are from homes where the
parents dont have money to provide snacks or have parents who dont care.
I am in complete agreement with the healthy meals, but my children are involved in
sports. ey need more protein and food to substain them through sports practice.
Go back to the way that they were served. Kids ate the food better. Now they get
lunch but tend not to eat it so they eat more at home because when they get home
they are starved!
Foods that are healthy that kids will eat. ere are many children in this community
who go home hungry because they will not eat the food that the school oers.
Snaking right after school creates bad habits and make the kids not as hungry for
Our school seems to feel that serving the same food as before but serving less of it
to mees the new mandates. e food is no better than it was just less of it. Also,
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there is no variety, it is the same 14 meals repeated over and over and over and a geat
majority of it is preprocessed junk like crispitos, sh sticks, and Rib sandwiches. It
is cooked at one school and transported to the others so it is often cold and rubbery
which doesnt help to get the kids to eat it. When they serve healthy thing like black
beans, they dont season them at all...what adult would eat them that way? Also,
what is wrong with an occasional treat? Not every day but once a week, why cant
they have a cookie or a piece of cake. Also, how can portions and caloric necesities
be across the board the same for every kid? Some kids need more calories based on
size and physical activity. Here is my thought, feed the kids at school as much as
they want but make it for the most part healthy...then let parents PARENT their
on children, yeah some parents are horrible when it comes to feeding their kids but
they are the parents...not the government or the schools. For the record, I serve very
healthy meals at home and the reason my kids arent eating more fruits or veggies
athome now as compared to before is because they have always eaten them...some of
your questions, might need to be rephrased.
Most kids do not like lots of mixed vegetables and fruits. So if you are going to
increase the amount of these just give them their favorite veggies and fresh or canned
fruit. Quit making weird salad and mixed vegetable combinations like carrots and
raisis OR let them mix them theirselve.
is pertains to my younger two children, however overlaps with the older one as
well. We print the lunch menu calendar o each month and go over the meals with
them to see which days they want to eat school lunch. One day for example has
nacho chips ad nothing else, most days only had one item mentioned. Most days we
send lunch with them because we cannot clearly tell what is for lunch and whether
or not they will eat it. When I have been to lunch at the school, I see more food
wasted because they apear to be getting a high school students serving size. I do not
see much dierence in the size of the 1st grade serving and the teacher’s. Overall I
think that the school system does an ok job of providing a healthy meal under the
restrictions that thy have, however, I think everything can be improved, and needs to
have a realistic approach.
ere needs to be more protein. I understand they want to add fruit, veggies, and
whole grains but protein is what will keep them full until they get home. I think the
amount of protein they receive now is way too little and I see school meals a lot!
Why dont u ask. the kids. My kids r regular teenagers. But when it come to food,
they r learning new tastes but the biggest thing I have found they like: variety, fresh
fruits/vegetables, my kids love salads, fruits cut up.
A little ways back in this survey, it mentioned not having processed or pre-packaged
foods. We have tons of those at the school, it seems like many of the meals are
just open the can, heat up, and serve. Or open the box, get out the little packages
oood and throw them on the lunch tray.
As someone who spends many hours at the school, I know that the cooks are not
pleased with the kind of food that they are forced to serve. It seeems like a joke
to spend money on food that kids dont want and wonteat. Just another example
of government interference. When teachers bring a school lunch to the lounge,
we still talk negatively about the choices of food. Give me the cooks from my
Catholic elementary school who knew how to make everything from scrach and who
produced some of the nest school food ever. I have decided to not put any more
money in my kids’ lunch account this year. When they are out of $, they will have
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to take their lunches. At least then I know they wont leave the lunch table ungry.
Children are not becoming obese because of the meals they get at lunchtime at
school. at is only one meal per day/ 5 meals per week. Although I dont have a
problem with school lunches being healthy....I do have a problem that my 4th grader
comes homeeveryday and the rst thing she wants to do is get something to eat
when she just ate lunch 3.5 hours ago. e limitations on quantity are absurd.
Cant stress enough I think all kids should get one of everything. All meals should be
healthy but have that dessert too I think kids are gonna eat it when they get home if
they dont eat it at school
Fewer beans
My children are both in sports and they do not get enough food to carry them
through an after school practice. ey both lose weight during any sport season,
even though they have an endless supply of healthy food at home.
as stated previously - oldest child’s meals should oer dairy free - she has to take milk
even if she tells them she doesnt want this (she is dairy intolerant so therefore wastes
a carton of milk regularly!!), as a parent I need have option of gluten fre which I am
sure other students do as well...should provide another dish or 2 for options each day
As the parent of 2 active middle schoolers, the portion size oered is very small for
growing adolescents.
I think that if the foods being served at school do not taste very good then the kids
come home hungry and eat whatever they can get their hands on. Having these
“healthy” meals at school doesnt help when the kids go home and are able to eat
whatever the want. “Healthy” should start at home with the parents being good role
models. at is what needs to change rst--not the schood meals. My healthy kids
go school, get a not so good lunch, go to practice, and come home starving.
Use less pre-packaged meals and cood more from scratch.
Schools should be allowed to do their own thing and they know how to provide
good nutritious meals without the government breahting down on them.
“I think the the hot breakfasts that were oered were more nutritious than the cold
sack breakfast they get now. I especially dont like all the processed foods oered for
I also dont think we should worry so much about calorie counts for hildren in
elementary and middle school. Instead lets ll them up with nutritious, fresh foods.
For many of the children this lunch is the only meal of their day. I understand there
is an obesity problem with the youth but we need to teach them and theirparents
about healthy options and start good eating habits.
Kids are spending more than ever on “ala carte” items and extra servings of the main
dish because the foods they are now oered arent as satisfying as before. On grilled
cheese sandwich & chilli day they get a tiny 1/3 cup serving of chilli and 1/2 of
toasted cheese. On Mac & Cheese day, they used to get their Mac & Cheese plus
little smokies, a cinnamon roll, veggies, and fruit. Now it’s just the Mac & Cheese,
veggies, and fruit. So they just end up spending more money buying extra Mac &
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Make the menu appealing to start with, according to the kids, so much food is being
wasted. Such as black beans. Who eats plain black beans for a side dish? Have a
variety in the menu, its like we have a 2 week rotation. If the kids dont eat it, dont
fx it again, nd something dierent thats healthy. Why cant kids under 9th grade
have a piece of cheese on their sandwhich or lettuce or sour cream on their taco?
Only HS can have the sweets? WHY? they dont have recesses. I have two younger
children wo have 3 recesses and PE and burn all they consume. Make unlimited
salad bar, or have 1 fresh fruit/veggie that day that they can have more of. I think the
new guidelines are so hard to comply with that it has turned parents and kids o of
school lunch, hich in the end will break the hot lunch program. People are not going
to pay the prices we do for such little food. Teachers shouldnt have to pay more
when they dont get adult portions either. My 3 children NEVER packed a lunch
before this year unless hey were going on a eld trip. Now we back at least 3 times a
week per child, and we pay for our own meals.
my youngest child eats the meals and my oldest does not.
When they participate in sports this denately is not enough food to eat to keep
them going all day
Provide choices for students. Allowing them access to fresh fruits and vegetables
everyday at lunch. I would like the school to provide meals that are prepared and
not just thawed out and cooked. ey didnt make the food any healthier, they just
cut downon what is oered to them, I dont feel the school is following the national
guidelines for school lunches.
Encourage the federal government to decrease its reliance on processed foods as a
part of the school food subsidy (Nutrition program). I can all but guarantee that
school lunches would be healthier without chicken patties, chicken nuggets, pork
fritters,and such.
How can the school continue to serve sugary foods at breakfast time? e students
get frosted long johns, funnel cake, fruit loop cereal, cinna bunn, etc... Why arent
the schools required to serve a hot breakfast every morning?
Regulating meals with blanket requirements for all children in this way will not
curb obesity and will not encourage change at home. In fact, the students who leave
school hungry are more likely to go home and eat unhealthy snacks, as opposed to
eating mre during school lunch. My child has low blood pressure, so regulating her
salt intake should not be the school’s responsibility. She needs the additional sodium
that the school has cut from the lunches. In addition, the caloric requirements for
an actve 8th grader should not be the same or similar to those of an elementary
student. ere are a very small number of students who would be considered
obese” in our school district, and yet all students are aected by these changes and
not in a positive ay at all. We are still paying the same price for a lunch that does
not deliver enough nutrition (calories, sodium, etc) to adequately benet our child.
I am all for healthy food but they need to provide enough food at the same time. We
serve healthy good food in our home and it can be done on a budget. Moderation is
very important to teach children also. Giving them the correct portion of a dessert
or a igher fat food is going to go further then taking it away as you are then teaching
children to binge. When you are deprived something generally the next time you
have it one over eats. Serving food that children dont like nor will they eat is a waste
of oney such as black beans. You could add more to them and have children possibly
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it them such as tomatoes or corn.
Continue to eliminate prepackaged foods. Continue to provide fresh fruit and
vegetables. Continue to taste tests. Continue to introduce dierent foods that I
might not provide at home because they are dierent than our families traditional
(customary foods, ie., jicama salsa
At my sons school, kids who have decided to bring cold lunch on a consistent basis
have been chastised by the dietary personnel. ey are not allowed to ask for a
napkin, a condiment packet, and have even been denied at times if they want to buy
a snack.So many kids were bringing lunch they wanted to heat in the microwave,
sta nally said they couldnt use the microwave at all. As a result, student senate
was able to get funding to purchase 5 microwaves for the lunch room on their own.
Students were aso no longer allowed to store their cold lunch in a refrigerator that
was designated for cold lunches in the past. is has been a source of much anger
from students and parents.
Obviously the kids are not eating the food. If parents cant make healthy food at
home too bad. It is not up to the school to serve what the call “health food” if the
kids arent eating it not only is it wasteful but the kids are hungry at school. ey
cnt learn under those conditions.
i understand heathly food is good and they serve less portins to the kids,,however
you cannot expect a kids whom is very active to eat the little amount of food given
to make it thru the day and then practice after school after eating such a small
amountfo lunc,,from what i hear the kids just g home and eat more jnk food so its
defeating the purpose of smaller heathier lunched it does help some butnot all
“ere may need to be a change in portion size. Are elementary, middle school, and
high school students being served the same portion size? Are the adults eating at the
buildings getting a larger portion size?
My child comes home starving. Some of thse kids (HS) are so active; their days
begin early and with extra-curricular activities, they often return home AFTER their
parents’ workday ends. If lunch is 11:30, they arent eating again until 5,6, or 7
My child complains the fruit is limted to 1 piece. Why cant a student take 2 apples
or 2 bananas, which should be included in the meal price? I personally would prefer
my child getting extra fruit rather than having him/her grab a candy bar or chips
after school because the lunch four hurs earlier didnt ll him/her up. For the money
I pay (NO, we are NOT free or reduced!) my child shouldnt be walking away from
lunch still hungry. I could buy a Subway sandwich daily and it wouldnt cost much
more than the school lunch....and my chil would be full.
How to improve? ASK THE STUDENTS!! Are they going to be allowed to do
this survey? I also think the school should encourage parents and/or community
members to come and eat the school lunch....hold a community day....and then ask
forsuggestions. Many parents are clueless as to what the lunches look like today.
Fewer breaded items; I think things will improve as the students get used to the new
meals, especially the younger students who are getting school meals for a rst time...
e school lunches are just awful. I think just because schools have to serve
healthy food, doesnt mean they cant food that also tastes good. e lunches look
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unapealing and taste just the same.
Kids arent “fat” because of school lunches. Kids are overweight because they are
underactive. Making sure kids have enough food is more important that the new
initiatives. ere are kids who only get food at school, and they should be able to ll
up. An...the fact that if they dont take the vegetable or fruit that is oered, the items
are then priced a la carte is teaching them to throw food away, which is a ridiculous
thing to teach our children. It is cheaper for them to take the unwanted item and
py the meal price than to omit something that they hate and pay for each item
individually. And, growing kids with activities before and after school arent getting
enough to eat. I am appalled at the changes that have taken place.
they need to go back to the way it was. Treating every child like they are all
overweight and need to be on a diet is wrong.Not all children are the same.Mine
have been in the 10% from the day they were born,and now the school has them in
same feeding stye as overweight kids.Some kids have higher metabolism then others.
ey burn o everything the school gives them. I have been told by most kids that
they throw away more of their lunch then what they eat cause it is
about tax dollars wasted,t least the other meals were eaten not thrown away..
Please stop forcing children to take extra food the rst time through the line just in
case they might be hungry. Fruits and vegetables should be unlimited and students
should be able to request more AFTER they have determined if one serving lls
them u. ey should not be charged for requesting extra carrots or celery.
My children get healthy meals at home. School lunches are not going to change
peoples habits at children all come home Starving. e fruits that are
oered at our school is either spoiled or underripe.
My child is young enough that she is full. Older students are still hungry and having
to get seconds
It just seems like there isnt enough food oered. My child is STARVING when she
comes home from school. She is VERY active and is in sports. I am worried about
her not getting enough food at school when she is older and has sports practices/
games. I wil probably have to send a snack so she has a little something extra.
e cost per portion for our school lunches is ridiculous. Our high school students
are being served the same portion size as our elementary students. High schoolers
are generally bigger, more active, and spend less time at home. I hope something
will e done to feed our students better.
Cheese bread w/ marinara and cheese dippers are NOT entrees - they are appetizers!
My family, along w/ several others have been boycotting those lunch days. Our
children come home HUNGRY on those days due to lack of balanced nutrition.
Dont feed the kindergartners the same amount of foid that the high school 200lb
football players are getting. It’s just ridiculous.
e regulations seem to tie the hands of the sta toomuch to try to get children to
try them and the training/education of the sta is minimal. e regulation should
be changed to include an RD overseeing the menu and food products used and that
they met 1/3 of RDA/RDI of the age group and all the rest of the regulations related
to what is served could go away. e bidding process is a big government burocracy
that is a waste of time and money. e focus is on obesity when 1/3 of the
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population is obse but also 1/3 of the population (in some areas more) the school
meal is the only meal they get. ere needs to also be a way to meet the needs of the
ere are so many healthy alternatives out there. I do not understand why schools
are not using some of these alternatives. One example is ketchup. How is ketchup
that contains high fructose corn syrup healthy? I am able to buy ketchup that only
has tomates and spices (and it is not much more expensive). Kids will eat more
foods if allowed to “dip.” I dont think schools should serve anything with high
fructose corn syrup. Also chocolate and strawberry milk should NOT be oered
daily. I would be willing o compromise and have it served once a week. ere is so
much sugar in these. I do not allow my child to have avored milk at home, but he
drinks it daily at school because his friends do. e meals at our school are odd and
strange at times. Today, for nstance they had baked beans, mac and cheese, mandrin
oranges, and graham cracker. I wouldnt ever think to serve those foods to my family.
Separately I would serve them, but not as a meal. Many students complain about
serving sizes. I think the serving sze was based on the low side and may need to be
re-evaluated, especially for students in sports. ose students need more calories. I
think the schools are trying to serve healthier foods which I agree with. I think they
have a ways to go to make it even etter. I support healthy eating, but there are still
too many prepackaged, over processed foods. Most of this has to do with money I
am sure, since schools must stay within a budget and healthy food generally is more
when children are in sports they need more than 600 caleries a meal. they are active
and require more caleries to get thru a day. without discriminating there needs to be
a way for healthy average wt active children to get more than the allowed calories pr
sevrving more food
Less prepackaged foods more of the homemade meals I make at home and what I
remember from school lunches
ere is so much food that is wasted. Give them a choice of dierent items
(example: if it is a day for chili, give them a choice of chili or chicken noodle soup)
many kids do not like chili. My children take their lunch because they say that
the food iscold and doesnt taste very good at school. ey also get tired of having
chicken all the time.
Her complaint isnt so much about the type of food that is being served but the
quality of the food.
Making the food taste better, my kids come home hungry most days because they
said lunch was nasty and they didnt eat it. How can this be healthier for the kids
if they are just not eating at all, my child is too thin already and if he isnt eating
lunchthis does not help him become any healthier!
Less prepacked/processed food.
e cooked veggies are usually not avorful at all. e kids also seemed to be served
broccoli or green beans more times than not. A variety of veggies would be a good
idea, and to actually cook them on occasion.
More seasoning, less chicken, less processed meals, more home made meals.
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I am a dietitian so I am really glad to see the healthy changes. I do believe however
that the cooks need further education on how to prepare the new items as they are
not always prepared for best avor and texture and this has turned some of the kids
of from the start. Portion sizes are appropriate for the younger children however
the older children especially the boys and those who participate in sports it is not
nearly enough. I nd that many kids pay for seconds frequently. Most of the parent
complints that I have heard are in response to the portion sizes. I do believe that
the healthy changes need to continue as it will take more than a year for the kids to
adjust to the added fruits, vegetables and whole grains, especially if they have not
had tem oered at home.
e current program doesnt look at athletes and their needs. e food does not
appeal to students and they are not eating as much. ere is a lot of food thrown
away. My daughter frequently skips meals now or eats from ala cart: cheese stick and
milk orsome fruit and that is it.
My son is in sports and he is not getting enough calories. he normally purchases
extra food and still does not get enough. He is healthy and eats well at home.
I feel like we pay alot for a school meal and some older kids leave hungry. I feel like
we have leftovers that could be oered to students rather than wasting them. I like
that school lunches are healthier. It makes my child aware of what they are eatng.
BUT they also need to be satised and not hungry so that they have a positive
learning environment for their afternoon.
more food options. Kids are very picky at this age, but nd my child is only eating
some food or crackers for lunch since he doesnt like food being served. I think
we are starving more kids and wasting more food. I work at an elementary school.
We tlk about the foods and make them try one bite of everything. I still see lots
of food being wasted. Some kids may not be getting food at home, so nutrition is
important, but does not look appetizing or taste good. What happened to meals
being homemade nd served like we use to have vs. processed. Make a pan of lasagna,
or casseroles.
“e students need food they will actually eat. Small amounts of salt, fat and sugar
ARE acceptable.
Have cooks actually MAKE the food from scratch and not open up a box and throw
in the warming oven. at can not be healthy food!”
e changes in meals at school will not result in an overall improvement in
health for our children. e choices made at home are more important. It is the
responsibility of parents to teach their children healthy habits.
For the most part the meals are healthy and for food away from home is very good.
My biggest complaint is that a very active child is not getting enough to eat so they
are nding junk food on there own to eat in between meals when they stay after
school for sports. is junk food is not provided at school, they are going to the
grocery store or gas station or someone brings it from home.
Allow the cooks to cook. Allow the cooks time to prepare good food. Exercising
their arms by opening cans could be done at home instead of school.
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I understand oering more healthy lunch menu items, but in the process of
changing to more healthy ingredients my child eats almost nothing because it tastes
bad. I also understand portion control is an issue, but many times if she does like
something, heres very little of it.
I feel like the kids dont know what they are eating and then they wont try it
therefore they are not eating enough. I understand healthier meals but if they wont
eat it at all then it’s not making them healthier. I also dont believe the high school
ets are getting enough food.
“if children had options of food they liked to eat they would not be hungry during
they would focus and learn more
and they wouldnt binge eat as soon as they get home
i think the concept is a great idea and it is good if you can get the kids to eat the
stu that are put in front of them but when my kids come home so hungry i know
they arent getting what they need in school and i know that has to aect their
It would be nice to have a choice of the entree. In the lower grades and in the higher
grades there is one choice. I get that they cant have two full menus, but it would
be nice if they had some choice. It seems that we have so many processed foods stll
with the healthy food act.
What puzzles me is that we really cut down on the food served at the schools to
promote health. I think the kids that go home and eat junk food are still going to
do that now, if not more than before, since they are probably hungrier when they
get home fom school now. Also, both of my kids are small for their age. I think
that more calories for them would be better. Some kids’ problems are not obesity.
Some kids dont get enough food at home, and serving small lunches isnt doing
them any favors. Mykids know what healthy foods are and what is junk food. ey
knew this before the school changed its lunch program. ey dont like the food
much anymore. e survey asked about my oldest child. My youngest child takes
a cold lunch from home every sinle day because he does not like school food at all
anymore. I also feel if a child is obese it is because of bad habits at home, like eating
junk and drinking soda, and sitting on the couch after school. I dont think eating
a serving of spinach insteadof a serving of lettuce for lunch is going to change these
childrens’ lives. Meanwhile, my eleven year-old daughter who wears a childs size 8
jeans is picking at her food becasue it doesnt taste as good as last year.
sugary drinks are limited in our household and oldest child does not drink pop.
Household is fairly stress-free.
need more variety.. and more of it... when our kids come home o the bus.. the rst
thing they do is go to the frig/cupboards for food..they act as if they have not eaten
all day. Kids are growing... they need to get enough to eat, especially whe they
hit maturity level..
if the schools are giving up cookies, cakes and homemade sweets this may mean that
some kids will never get a home bake desserts. the meals they get at school some
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times are the only hot meal they get. if schools have to give up making the extras
then hy can you still buy pop with food stamp. pop is not in one of the food groups.
Oering more food for the kids that need it and giving them more time to eat so
they arent rushed.
e foods that are being served arent lling enough for the kids, especially the
athletes. Kids leave school hungry and go home and eat whatever they can nd
at home that is quick- usually “junk food.” My son goes to practice hungry and
therefore doest get as good a practice as he had in the past because he is hungry and
not focused. My son is in very good physical shape, so healthy eating isnt a concern
because of meals I x at home and his tness level. I understand the reasons for the
changes,but the obesity problems stem back to the parents, not the school, so that is
where the changes need to start.
“More food. If the amount of food is not going to increase then there should be
time provided and options made to allow students to eat a snack between classes (ie
they can keep granola bars in locker) and food available and time to eat proior to
extracuricular activities.
As Michelle Obama to eat in a regular public school for a week and see if she feels it
is still a great idea.
food temperature at serving time...things are cold if they are suppose to be hot, not
thoroughly cooked
fruit should be ripe, kiwi is not good unripe”
New standards need to be set because the standards in place now dont work. Kids
arent eating the food they are being served and they dont get enough of a portion
size. Appearance of food is extremely important to get kids to want to at least try
the ood and serving foods that arent totally served for the purpose of being low-fat
as most kids in school are still growing and/or are active in sports and other extra
curricular activities and need the calories that they burn during the day. ey need
tohave a balanced yet eye appealing and tasty meal that they will enjoy eating and
not throwing away in the garage can because it either looks disgusting or has a bad
taste to it.
As long as multiple punches are acceptable, I am satised. My son is 6’4” and 230
lbs, so he needs many more calories than the average child.
have a few options of which fruit/veggie to eat at lunch and a bigger portion of each.
Having choices of main entrees would be nice, also I think older students/adults
need larger servings than smaller/younger students. When they do not eat enough
at noon, they tend to grab and eat things between and after school that are not the
Quality is so important. My kids call school fresh apples “crapapples.” Despite all
the positive changes, I still see so many processed items on the menu. We dont eat
these foods at home, so my kids wont eat them at school.
Just that they be required to take a fruit and vegetable with thier main meal. I
know that our school is trying to reduce waste, but if I pay for it I want to make sure
my son is getting it, he is in kindergarten and doesnt make sure that he has food frm
each food group on his tray at lunch---even though we discuss it with him.
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Need real meat, not processed chicken, and enough food to ll them up for sports
practices etc.
e cost of meals is not bad, unless your child is only eating one or two things on
their tray. It is great to serve healthy choices, but serve foods more kids like and will
eat, healthy along with things that are lling and nourishing. Oer salad barwith
more choices for those who dont like the meal being served. Increase meal portions
so they are not hungry an hour after lunch, especially if they are in sports or other
activities after school and cant get anything to eat until night time. Oer Rnch for
raw veggies so they will eat them. Give them back dessert (a cookie, piece of cake,
bar, etc.). A little treat doesnt hurt and is better than them over indulging with
store bought items to satisfy the craving. Stop serving so many sweet potatofries and
other things they dont like - it’s a waste of money when it’s all getting thrown away,
plus they are getting too hungry, and they need that nourishment and energy to get
thru the day. Give them more physical activity back to help burn caloriesand stay
healthy. Most important - listen to the kids. ey know what they like and will eat,
and will not eat no matter how healthy or good for them.
I also have a daughter that is in 6th grade at this school that packs her lunch 2-3
times per week. I keep a good selection of healthy foods for her and she is able to
pack a very nutritous lunch for the same calories or slightly more that I kjnow she
wil eat. TO MANY TIMES my children come home very hungry because they
have not had enough to eat for lunch and are very active. is is where I have to
have supper ready for them when they get home to curb the snacking from having
no food all day. e lwest point is where the school now charges my kids 50 cents
a package for katsup if they want any on their food. My children are extrememly
active at home with farming and outdoor activities and cannot live on what the
school gives them to eat. I try t send extra healthy snacks with them and they have
to sneak them but the school system leaves me no choice. I can see some famlies
want to school to raise there kids for them but if you want kids to eat healthy and
get more exercise it has to start at HME.
Allow athletic kids receive a higher calorie count of food during their sports season
We need to eliminate calorie control and focus on quality calories. Active children
are not getting the nutrition that I feel they need. Younger children need more
natural fats for brain development, like whole or 2% milk. they need dairy products
and eat proteins. Sports children in the middle school age need more calories in
order to be healthy. It is not fair to lump every child in to one group. I have found
that my children are coming home more hungry than before, which they then eat
more when tey get home than they eat before. I beleive that this leads to binge
eating habits, created by our schools. As adults, we are encouraged to eat several
small meals throughout the day. Wouldnt it be more benecial to teach this when
our children are n their formidable years, rather than try to retrain as adults? It
also seems as though we as parents are all grouped as uneducated souls who know
nothing about nutrition, and the government feels the need to “teach” us. If any
parent received WIC, theygot educated. If any parent got prenatal help, they got
educated. If your child was in licensed daycare, you got educated. Every child
has to take a food and nutrition class in school. If your child is in scouts or 4-h,
or any other organized club, yo got educated. We are educated on the subject of
nutritional, healthy foods for our children. What may need to be considered is
portion control, emotional eating, and any other factors that lead to over eating
because a person can still be overweight an eat healthy. Healthy eating is not always
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what goes into your mouth, and mental health plays a role in eating. Sorry, I veered
away from the question. Meals at North Winneshiek were never so very unhealthy,
except for the breakfasts. Longjohns and th such are on the menu. What ever
happended to serving oven baked eggs (yes, eggs. ey are a healthy protein) with
whole wheat toast, and a side of fruit? Prepackaged breakfast pizza does not count as
Too many ideas to begin in this small space.
“I think the changes should have been phased in gradually, not done all at once. I
do not feel that my children are getting enough food at lunch and arent give any
time during the day to eat a snack.
Mrs. Obama is not a well liked person at my house forthis reason.
Kids need to eat. If they dont get enough to eat at lunch, they cant focus on
Something more lling for them, but still nutritious
Oskaloosa has done a great job improving the type of food and the healthy foods
that have been added to the menu. I’m very satised with what they are feeding the
children. ere is such a vast selection that can be taken advantage of, compared to
whenI was in school
Yes give them more food.
I marked that my child doesnt eat more fruits or vegetables at home since the
beginning of the school year because at our house there are plenty of fresh fruits &
vegetables~and he ate them there hasnt been a change. He is accustomed to
eating whoe foods...very little processed. Our school meals have improved greatly in
the past 3 years! Fresh garden produce that the students grow themselves has been a
real plus!!
I think taking away the chocolate milk is rediculous...its not the 1 carton of
chocolate milk making kids obese it is the junk and video games they go home and
have/do afterschool. We ate at school for VIP day with our child and I was kind of
grossed ou...the meat seemed cheap and fatty. e pre packaged stu is not helpful
when full of preservatives. I have been out of school almost 15 years and I think the
way it was when I was there was way better!
I think that moving towards a healthier trend is a good idea with fruits and
vegetables but the whole grain is a little extreme. Also, my son is very active in sports
and the meals are not enough to sustain him. He gets the same amount served to
him as ou youngest son. is is important to me because they are at an age that their
bodies are growing and they are not getting enough calories/sustenance to keep them
going until supper. ey will then stop by the convenience store when they get done
with theirsports practice to get snack foods to carry them over until suppertime.
Our cafeteria does not oer any fruits/veggies/snack items that they can buy in the
I heard that this new lunch program was because the obesity rate is so high, but that
is not true at all school. I heard the number is like 7% nationally?? ats not very
high. I can probably count on my two hands the number of obese kids we have in
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ou school. We have a very active, sports orientated school, where they are very t
kids. e new lunches are not enough for these growing kids who go straight to two
hour long practices for basketball, football, wrestling, track, etc. I have had to packa
box of granola bars twice a week for my kids to hurry up and eat after school before
practice because they are starving!! Our school is now oering healthy snacks for
them starting at 2:30 p.m. till 4:00, so they can run to the high school and grab a
ealthy snack before practices.
cooking meals with real potatoes, not instant, and decreasing the amount of foods
that are processed such as chicken patties, etc. serving portions that are appropriate
for my children to feel satised instead of extremely hungry when they get home, my
hildren dont like many of the meals served and say they dont taste very good.
I think that schools have a dicult job of providing healthy food, that actually
tastes good. It is possible, but I dont think that schools have hit the mark. Funding
is a huge issue. School districts are not making money o school lunches and
unfotunately are expected to meet nurtitional requirements with less assistance
from the government. Until Gov. Branstad gets o his butt and provides necessary
funding for schools, EVERY aspect of education in the state of Iowa will continue to
suer. Helthy food is the least of our worries.
We have three children and our oldest is very picky but we have been dealing with
texture issues since birth. Our middle child likes everything and loves fuir and
vegetables. Our youngest child will deal with some texture issues also. She loves
yogurt ut it has to be plain. She loves watermelon, cantaloupe, etc. I wish two of
our three children eat more fruits and vegetables and I know the rules for lunch
because I work at a school and I know the changes in the lunches are positive. I
wish I could hve my oldest eat the main entree because he likes them everyday but
he does not like all fruits and vegetables. Our oldest said to me mom if I could eat
the main entree and bring a apple or banana or rice or noodles to school I would eat.
Something to tink about.
Oer more options
If my child isnt eating lunch anymore because he cant stand the taste then how is
that making him any healthier? e meals needs to be appealing not “just healthy.
And there needs to be sucient quantity. Sometimes he will come home and say
that he i starving because they dont get enough to eat at lunch......that is, when he
does eat it.
Please do something about these meals. My kids are counting on you!
I believe when I was a student, our cooks actually cooked the food, they did not
open a package and heat it up. What happended to making hotdishes, meatloaf,
etc. en making sure the students have enough physical activity. Even in the high
school. Pr-packaged food is not healthy for you. Isnt it time to go back to the old
days. Physical activity, moving around.
Less process chicken products. Less pre-packaged food. Larger serving portions for
older students/ athletes/ boys.
e school is doing the best they can, but utlimately it is up to the parent when that
child gets home from school as to what there is to eat. Some of our kids at Turkey
Valley are at school from 6:30 AM to 6:00 pm, I would like to see some kind of
healty snack oered before they practice after school.
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I would pay more $ for my sone to get more food. He is in sports and is starving
when he gets home. ey could have a snackbar through out the day where they
could buy something through out the day.
Give the high school kids more food. Sometimes they dont get enough especially if
they have a ballgame that night and they dont have a chance to eat before the game.
High school boys need more food.
Oer things that kids will actually eat. She will not touch baked chicken. Per her
and my younger son it is gross. Sorry, their words.
Continue to push more schools to take the healthier US Schools Challenge
i think they give younger grade school kids way too much food. i have had lunch
with my rst grader several times and the amount of food that gets thrown away is
unreal. the older kids need that amount of foodnot the young ones.
Dial back the “healthy” factor. I agree that school lunches need to be healthy, but
we are at an extreme currently and my children are not getting enough to eat and
many times take a cold lunch and eat both school lunch and a lunch from home. I
do not tink that junk food needs to be included in school lunches, but french fries,
tator tots etc.. have been replaced with sweet potato everything... as long as the
french fries, tator tots etc.. are baked, in my opinion that is healthy enough for my
children. It does not matter how healthy or unhealthy a meal is.. if it is not “kid
friendly” then they will not eat and are not getting any nutrients. For some kids in
our school district, the school lunch may be the best or only meal they get to eat that
day an if they dont like it or are not getting sucient portions, then they are not
getting much to eat at all and that is very saddening to me.
Over the lunch hour, maybe someone should ask those that bring their lunches,
why they bring their lunch. Make salt and pepper or other seasoning available.
Dont force kids to take foods that they wont eat and will end up throwing in the
garbage can. at’s just wasteful.
We had an excellent school lunch program before the new rules took aect this last
fall. Keep the government out of the lunch room!!!!! ey have ruined a good thing.
Now, there are poor children from our school going home hungry. My own children
are ery hungry coming home from school, I have to have healthy snacks ready when
they hit the door because they are ravenous.
I dont believe kids ever got fat from what they eat in school lunches - it is what
they eat after school. e changes to lunches that were made now make them very
unhealthy - because the kids are throwing away so much of it. Doesnt anyone in the
federalgovernment understand that looking at what you put on the menu does not
tell you how healthy school lunches are for the kids? It is what they in fact eat that
determines that, and ever since these changes my son and lots of other kids now are
getting a vey unhealthy lunch because they absolutely will not eat most of the stu
served, so they arent even getting enough to eat and all the “healthy” substitutes are
just lling landlls.
It is not the public schools responsibility to feed my child. It is not their
responsibility to deem what is healthy and what is not.
I just know that school lunches are the best meals some kids will get in a day....and
its sad to see not much oered to llthe stomachs. I see the little kids only taking 2
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items along with milk because they have a choice, if all the food is put on ther tray
they would eat it. I just dont feel like they are getting enough to eat.
I often worry about children from low income families getting a decent amount of
food at school. e portion sizes are too small. For some kids this may be their only
meal for the day. I feel we all have a moral obligation to feed these kids. I would be
hppy to pay more money for my kids’ school lunches so others can have more to eat.
I think schools should help set an example of healthy eating but should NOT
be the sole source of healthy food for children/families. Children are not obese/
unhealthy because of school lunches - they come to school that way!
I just think that the schools have went overboard with all this health food stu. I
would rather see my child eat a nice hamburger on a white buns with real fries and
be lled up and ready to do school work then to have them pick at a soy burger
on whea with sweet pot. fries and be hungrey all day. Leaving they weary and not
focused on school work! Our kids will have a healthy meal at home for supper!
Fruit and vegetables, with just a small amount of protein doesnt get him through
the day...he comes home starving, and ready to eat whatever is closest. Our child
sometimes orders extra items, and it can amount to up to $5 a day. e menus are
better tan at the start of the school year. at was ridiculous.
My child has no complaints as to how the food tastes, just the amount that is given.
I think that there should be a better way to educate parents about better healthy
choices for our children. e obesity problem will not go away with improving
school lunches alone; education to the parents and making healthy food more
aordable for thoe who are low income.
Oering more lean protien to help ll him up and last through the day.
for the cost of the lunch, there should be a bigger portion of food.
I dont believe there is enough “”good fat”” foods oered.
Not all kids are obese, and giving the kids no other alternatives isnt fair to the kids
that need to gain weight or have a ard time gaining. Unfortuantely there is no easy
choice, but to only ensure that low fat choice is the only choice they have is not fair
to the ones that need to gain weight
I work in the health industry and understand and see the childhood obesity rate
incresing and I understand the concept of creating/oering healthier meals at school
my issue though is that kids are not getting enough to eat at lunch. is could easily
b the only descent meal that some kids are getting each day and there isnt enough
food to keep the athletes full from lunch until 6:00 when practices are nished. I
also feel that some kids b/c they arent getting enough at lunch are going home to
emptyhouses and eating junk afterschool. Totally defeating the idea of healthier
lunches. Healthy foods/meals is a great concept I just think there needs to be more
of it so the kids are coming away full.
My child is an active, growing child with a healthy appetite. He generally makes
good choices about food, balanced healthy choices with occasional treats, he never
drinks soda. I understand that childhood obesity and quality of foods served at
home may e factors that initiated the changes to school lunches. We live in a
community that is mostly upper middle class, which likely aects the types and
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quality of food that are being oered at home. Additionally, I do not notice a
signicant number of obse children - so that being said, having the opportunity to
get an additonal helping of the main dish or healthy side would be helpful in our
e truly need to not worry about the ammount of calories, saturated fats, and
whole grains these children intake. One meal isnt making our children obese. We
need to make sure we are providing healthy appealing meals for all children.
I believe schools should NOT oer chocolate milk. It is high in calories despite
being oered as skim milk. It’s just oo much sugar and something that is a treat.
Kids dont always make the best decision on their own, and will often select
chocolate mil regularly because parents dont oer it due to it not being as healthy.
I think the portions are sometimes too large for a young child. I think there should
also be a caloric limit to a meal oered by a school. I think the caloric limit for
lunches is oo high at the schools currently.
Bigger portions
Both of my children are extremely active and often times have practices before and
after school. e amount of food oered is not enough calories to sustain for the
day. We consistently have to pack additional healthy food for them to eat during the
da or after school. I would like to see options for kids to be able to have 2 lunches if
possible. I understand to national push to reduce childhood obesity, but for active
sport involved kids, more nutrition is needed.
If the fruit and vegetables look good my daughter will eat them. If the salad bar is
adequately full and looks fresh she will eat it. If it does not look good she will not
try it and always complains that there is not time to wait for sta to ll the alad bar
if not full when going through the line.
“1. Organic
2. Non-GMO
3. Local”
Farm Fresh products oered in Lunchs. At old school in another state they started
the program, not only did it provide better produce option, it cut the cost of meals.
Also pool money together throughout the district for free or reduced lunch versus
jut at one school location.
“My child is in sixth grade of an athletic build, can out squat and out lift many kids
3-4 years older than her. She is also not an exception. We have many children in her
class that are the same way. Athletes and kids from knowledgeable families should no
have to deal with the problems of less active and poorly parented kids in the lunch
lines. If your kid is 12 and 200lbs, then they need to intervene at home, not change
the whole school populations choices. We have cut our school lunches back by 60%
thisyear. e main factors are, protein unavailability, nasty tasting selections, and not
enough choices, the fact that the school runs out of food on a regular basis, due to
staggered lunch times and piss poor budget managment (prices for lunch should be
higer, with a higher quality of lunch).
Intentions were good, but backred horribly. I could send my child to school with
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nothing but donuts, and no one would intervene. Yet should I choose to let her eat
school lunch, then she is forced to eat things, tat while “”healthy””, do not meet her
needs in either portion or nutrient balance. One size does not t all.
I just have a comment, I am much happier about the school meals now than when
I went to school. Fresh vegetable and fruit are soooo much better than the pre-
packaged/canned food that we used to get. I’m sure the sodium content has dropped
dramatically. Mychildren take home lunch because I see what they have eaten and
I get to choose the healthy items that they eat. Also all the leftover food that kids
dont eat dont end up in the landl. I am sickened by the waste of food and wish
more kids would eat hat they are given for school lunch.
One size portions are not appropriate for all children. My 8th grade son is 6’3
and weighs 180 pounds, if we relied solely on school lunch, he will not be able to
maintain a healthy body weight.
We need to have more food available not just half a banana or one scoop of
other fruits or vegetables- these are growing active kids that I think it is extremely
unhealthy for them to have to leave campus to get lunch because they know school
lunch isnt oing to ll them up for the afternoon and for practices. e limited
quantities makes them leave or encourages them to buy unhealthier ala carte food.
What does it hurt them to have multiple fruits or multiple vegetables.
making food changes to comply with the federal regulations would have been better
received if it had been phased in. Instead, it was thrown at the students without
their input. ey are the ones eating the food--ask them.
Less processed foods and eliminating chocolate milk from the daily oerings. It
would be great if all milk oered were RGBH free and as much produce as possible
could be purchased locally.
Teach our kids that no food is o limits just that they need to limit the lees
nutrient dense foods. For example I believe that drinking chocolate milk is better
than no milk at all. Life is all about moderation!
I’m not sure what happened to school lunches. But when the students take pictures
of their lunches and post on facebook “is is the crap we have to eat for lunch
something is extremely wrong. What good is the healthy lunch if the students dont
eat it most everything they get is now prepackaged - frozen - and tasteless - this I
know because I also teach high school and cant believe what is on my plate as well.
My child is not obesse but complains to us that he is not getting enough food for
lunch and is hungary after school. I dont think it is a good idea to limit the calories
to all kids as there is some kids (mine included) that needs calories and I feel dosnt
receive enough of them with the school lunches.
I feel the healthy changes that have been made are very important and good. My
only frustration is the caloric restrictions. It seems the caloric count is the same for
the child no matter what grade they are in. If this in fact true, a 1st grader calorie
eeds is totally dierent than a 7th graders. So my biggest concern is that the older
children are not getting enough calories to make it through their extracurricular
activities and enough calories to o set what they are burning.
It seems they is not alot of food and some of the food is not good. It would be nice
to oer more fruit, veggies, salad if they are still hungry.
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need more of it
“Student athletes already should be eating 6-7 times a day and are unable to do to
school schedules. e lunch hour is no longer an hour and ofen athletes are using
that time to make up class work due to events. is does not allow them to have
multiple ervings and often the schools are not allowed to serve multiple servings to
students. Unfortunately in the bid to reduce obesity we have forgotten the students
that get enough exercise. Often the program seems to be making up for mistakes
that are made t home and can not be fully corrected by continued changes to
student meals.
Additionally, students that are not getting enough food outside of school are also
now impacted by the reduction in the food oered as part of the school meal.
Students musttake certain items but can not take additional items. is again
seems to punish those that have no control over the circumstances. is should
be a consideration in the amount of food oered in a standard meal not just the
reduction of obesity.
Alacarte options should be oered (outside the standard meal) that would increase
calories and vitamins for student athletes. ese options could then be limited/not
allowed by parents that are trying to limit an individual child’s calorie intake. ese
wuld not have to be available as part of the standard meal.
Parents need to take a more active responsibility in their child’s meals/execise and
not restrict or reduce the options to students are not overweight. Often it is the lack
of exercise or herdity issues that cause the weight issue as actual school meals have
not changed that dramatically over the years. School meals can not make up for all
the other times a child is not eating healthy or not exercising. School meals are not
the silver bulletto childhood obesity.
Standardized school meal systems do not work for all children equally. Meal size
needs vary from child to child. A ‘one size ts all’ system does not work. e 150
lb. athletic kid needs more calories than the 90 lb non athletic kid (yet they are
ored the same meals in school).!!!!!! e system means well (and is on the right
tract by oering healthier choices) but still needs some work in terms of meal sizes.
Too many kids are complaining of not getting enough to eat (especially the kids
involvd in athletics).
Yes, school pizza should NOT be messed with. Changing to wheat crust has made
many kids STOP eating it!!
I do question student that come before or start after school not having enough
calories. (Especially high schools who are not allowed food in there lockers). Kids
in sports after school need a good source of energy in the afternoon! School should
at leat allow granola bars in high school lockers. I come from a family with a high
metabolism. We eat health and are genetically underweight. We NEED to eat every
3 hours for good performance. My rst grader eats at 1120 and he is starving by
the time hegets home at 330pm.
Based on the sport’s requirements, the meals are not enough to fulll the calorie
intake needed for the noon meal.
Unfortunately you cannot control childhood obesity by the rigid control of just
one of the student’s meals per day. Students are not getting enough to eat at school
and line up at vending machines after lunch to get more food. Students, especially
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athlees, cannot function on such a small meal. You need to give students unlimited
access to healthy foods -- salad bar in addition to a set meal -- and let them eat until
they are full. In order to teach them good eating habits, they cannot always feel
lie they have to hide additonal food or stockpile additional food just to get a decent
sized meal. ey shouldnt have to bring their own ketchup. ey shouldnt be
eating crap out of vending machines just to get more food. Put a’la cart foods out as
opions for school meal -- the string cheese, apples, yogurts, bananas, grapes, chefs
salad. In our school, you have to sign up your child in order for her to get a’la cart
-- which I dont -- because I would go broke if she were allowed to buy all the “god
food’ piecemeal.
Individual schools need to be in charge of the meals not the government. Most
kids at our school are healthy and in sports. ey need more calories and more
protein to get them through their sports practices after school. Kids should be
allowed to mak choices on the food they eat. Food needs to be edible not just
Oering a lot of dierent, unique, choices that the children may not be exposed to
at home.
e biggest complaints that my children have they do not get enough to ll them
up. So then they come home and eat quick easy food to get lled up before supper.
and my son is in a lot of sports and he really gets hungry cause sometimes he doesnt
get t eat till 6-8 in the evening if there is a sport activity going on. so what he is
served at lunch just doesnt cut it.
My children are farm working children, they do not get enough to eat to get them
through the day. ey are up doing chores before school at 5:00 in the morning and
chores after school.
Less Sugar
I dont like the choices the school has had to serve due to nutritional values. Also,
I know that a healthy football athlete needs to eat more in caloric intake at lunch
that a 100 lb little girl who doesnt do any physical activity. Caloric intake has o be
taken into consideration. We can still oer good lunches, but more of it. With
choices the child can make, not the sta, or government. Sometimes you just want
a hamburger with everything on it and a big scoop of mashed potatoes. at is our
coice as a citizen of the US. e government shoud not tell us what we can and can
not eat each day. ey are way out of there
“I would rather have my children eating a full lunch at school because they enjoy it,
then to have them only eat half their lunch due to it tasting bad.
Children need energy and will not function as well on an empty stomach. My
elementray child comes hme hungry every day.
Now I am paying for lunches that my kids are not nishing. It isnt very healthy for
them if they are not eating enough.
Please change it back!!”
Give kids more time to eat. It is sad that they have about 14 minutes to woof down
there food.
I feel the amount of food the students get is too little. If the students do not eat the
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meal, the rst time it is served, try something new. We throw away a lot of food.
Too much food is wasted by students who need to eat something.
“Growing children need a little larger portions to help prevent the after school trip
to the
convenience store for a bag of chips.
Each child needs a dierent calorie count. Not all children are the same. My
children are skinny and active and need more calories. Children involved in sports
need more calories to preform and practice. Kids that are hungry tend to get tired
and cant cncentrate throughout the day. I love that kids are being taught healthy
choices, but going from lots to eat to not a whole lot to eat is not good for the body.
When I was in school we didnt pay for seconds of anything. My child has to and
quite often we dont have the funds for this, so my son doesnt get satisied.
I believe the state had the right idea but went about it all wrong. Kids are getting
less food and coming home from school starving. ey need proteins/meats for their
brains to function and they are not getting these. ey are taking alot of autonomy
anddecision making away from parents and students, and kids who do not get food
at home are going hungry and without.
Bring back old school lunch program! Kids are not getting obese because of school
lunch, they are getting obese because they dont play anymore except Xbox, play
station, computer, iPad, iPods, etc.... ey get no physical activity anymore and
parents dont make them!! eyre lazy! You can serve them healthy food at school
but if they dont like it and dont eat it then they’ll just binge on junk food when
they get home! Obesity was not an issue when I was a kid and we had a lot more
food at lunch that weactually liked to eat! Only dierence is, we didnt have all this
technology if we wanted to play we went outside and played with our friends, no
Xbox, no iPod, no iPad! Tag, hide and seek, football, basketball,,,, physical activities!
changing back to the way school lunches use to be! my kids come home hungry
the portions are too small to give him much nutrition at all.
“I would like to see the children getting a meat that they would eat. All the kids that
I’ve talked to dont like the lunch.
I hope this helps change the menu. ank you for the consideration.
Mainly give larger portions so theyre not hungry and dont have to buy additional
I nd is very disappointing that my oldest pays the same amount as highschool
students and the highschool students trays are by no means over owing with food.
Shouldnt the older students be getting a larger portion. Weve had families with
older stuents in sports and they are struggling to get full o a school lunch. In turn,
they are buying excessive amounts of extras. Why is the parent’s pocket book having
to be involved in this? Shouldnt the child be getting full o of their tray and maybe
small amount of extras? at no longer is a reasonable priced meal for that family.
I do appreciate the fresh fruits and the vegetables.
I do not feel the amount of food served is enough! My son is a sophomore in high
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school, 6 feet & 145 pounds. He does not get enough to eat without getting extras
and even sometimes double extras. I think the school lunch program was ne the
way it was. ll the obesity is coming from the way families eat at home and their
activity levels, not how the children are eating at school. I served good well balanced
meals at home and we have active healthy children. I dont mind that the schools are
trying to sere healthier food, but I do wish that the serving sizes were larger portions.
I think the calorie amount shouldnt be a factor, I believe they should have a well
balanced meal, but if the children want a little more whether it be fruit, vegtable or
the main dish, they should be allowed.
Incorporate more of the local organic growers in the process. I really hate to see all
the frozen, heavily processed foods that get trucked in for them to eat.
e lunch line at my child’s school is incredibly long. e food service sta is
extremely slow and they insist upon the ve and six year olds serving themselves
fruits and vegetables. Kids wait in line for as long at 20 minutes and often miss 10
minues of recess time. is is unacceptable!
Always complains that the cooked vegetables are always under cooked. If the kids
think they are nasty, what good is it to all go into the garbage.
My child is a type one diabetic and it is extremely important to have healthy food
available. Too much junk food is oered such as cookies, chips, etc
when a child is out for sports, it is important for them to have more calories, cause
they burn them quicker, than those who do not go out for sports.
Not as much peanut butter due to allergies
Dessert would be nice
I am extremely oended that the government feels they need to even be involved
in school lunches! Now they are telling us how to raise our children in our own
homes?? I would love to have Michelle Obama go to school at 6:30 in the morning
for drivers e, attend morning classes, eat a lunch that is comparable to what rabbits
eat, attend afternoon classes, then go to a football practice for 2 1/2 hours. Our
kids are coming home from school STARVED!!!! Maybe people in the medical eld
should be consulte about this. I am in the medical eld, and I can tell you that
when our children are getting served these minimal portions at school, the brain
receptors are telling them they are still hungry. So what happens?? ey come
home from school or practice nd overeat at home because they are still hungry. If
the government is saying kids are too fat because they arent getting healthy meals at
home, it’s because they are getting starved at school. is isnt rocket science!!!! Feed
my kid!
AS I said before we need to go back to whole foods, unsprayed fruits and vegetables
, but as we all know our government needs people to be sick to keep drs. and drug
companies going.
“NO HOT DOGS, less processed/ more fresh foods
More truly vegetarian options- not just oering mac and cheese occasionally. (My
children dont eat school lunch because they dont eat meat) Use more soy.
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not enough food- esp. boys in sports- they need more... if kids dont like the
food- they arent going to eat it and that doesnt help those kids who cant aord it.
also- seems like a waste of all the food the kids throw away.
“I know for a fact that for some children school lunches are the only meal they get in
a day. ey need to be fed more.
Also, there are the kids that dont get enough to eat during school, so then when they
get home in the afternoon they are going to jus ll up on junk food because they are
so hungry. at is defeating the purpose of the school lunches. I feel school lunches
need to be more satisying. Here we are spending more for lunches, but the kids are
getting less food and they are taking snack to school. We are actually paying more
for food now, because we have to have handy snacks that they can take to school.
Kids at this age need more calories. Yes, there are a few overweight kids, but does the
majority need to suer for the minority? Te government needs to stay out of school
lunches. Each school has dierent needs. Maybe there are some schools that do
have more overweight kids. Let them gure out how to manage the meals for there
Cut out the lower calorie meals, these kids are coming home & going to sports after
school hungry!!!
Staying away from as many pre-packaged foods as possible and avoid overloading
on the grains. Fresh is always best but I know sometimes that price point can make
it out of reach for feeding that many kids.
Kids that are involved in sports should be able to get a snack during the day, they
burn alot of calories. Boys especailly seem to always be hungry.
My kids are teenagers that require more to eat. I agree with serving healthy foods
but lets feed them larger portions or give them a healthy snack after school and
before practice.
e school lunch need to be monitored regularly. Schools need to survey the kids
eating the meals everyday. Furthermore, the monitors need to eat the meals when
they visit for a week at a time.
My kids both (I also have a 7th grader) are “STARVING” every day they come
home from school. My children walk most days to and from school and are
active children with sports. Why isnt the food programs concentrating on the
combination of more carbs ad proteins when these 2 combined in diets can be very
healthy and provide children with the needed calories to get through their busy lives.
Adding fruits and vegetables alone without the carbs and proteins is not enough for
growing children who need souces of energy for both brain and body power!
I believe the school can serve meals the children like and are healthy. I think the
major part of the childs healthy food source should be from home.
I think we need to have just a few more calories....maybe allow a couple “special
days” calories a month. Not a lot but enough to make it kind of fun.
Not really.I choose school lunch to begin with so he learns to eat variety of foods.
Don”t want him to carrying lunch box to school.He has too much stu and I want
to lighten his things carrying back and forth from home to school or vice versa.
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“GI should be taken into consideration at meals
All “”starch”” options should be of the whole grain/wheat variety
Salads should be made up of spinach and green leaf lettuce vs. ice berg
Make sure that they get enough to eat so that they are not going to their lockers
right after lunch to eat snacks because they did not get enough to eat from school’s
lunch (extremely important). e school may oer all you can eat on lettuce, but
after ating so much lettuce every day soon will make them not like lettuce and not
eat any at all.
e amount of food on my childs plate needs to increase. She plays sports and is
typically hungry before practice starts, so she then tends to eat ‘junk food’ because
she is starving. is is happening with many student athletes.
“e cost is more expensive. I can have the local restuarant deliver meal that 2 of my
children split and it cost me the same amount. e restuarant food is home made.
Occassional on sport nights its the only hot full meal they might eat and it needs
tobe bigger portions and more meat and breads to sustain especially my junior high
kid who is still growing.
Larger portions or unlimited fruits and vegetables.
Expand our garden program at school for raising their own food.
I dont have much of a problem with the school lunches, but I do have a problem
with the breakfasts that are served. Why are we serving doughnuts and other things
that are FULL OF SUGAR? How does the school expect kids to behave, sit still,
not talk and ollow directions when some of these kids are pumped full of sugar rst
thing in the morning. It’s ridiculous. ere should be no doughnuts or anything
close to a doughnut served at school. at is one of the unhealthiest ways I can think
of to start a chld’s day with.
they need more to eat and a dessert would not hurt them
Both of my children bring cold lunch because they state that “hot lunch” takes to
much time in line, and they are not given enough time to eat. I receive reduced
lunch, so it is niancially easier for my kids to eat hot lunch. However, they bring
cold unch because they have more time to eat! 15 minutes is just not much time,
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especially when this is the only time they have to chat with friends.
give them more food. I have kids who play sports. ey get up go lift weights or
have morning practices before school starts then come home for a good breakfast go
back to start school have lunch around 11:30/12 and then after school go straight to
practie and is there till 6/6:30...they are starving by the time they get home and they
have smaller portions for lunch or do not have enough variety. A salad bar would be
a great addition to the lunch program as well. e Ale Carte that the school oeres
doe not have very good food on it and it is VERY expensive. e school is just trying
to make a buck on that. FEED MY KIDS!
I understand needing to serve healthier meals to reduce childhood obesity. My son,
on the other hand, is SKINNY and could stand to put on a few pounds. Not only
are the meals now served not enough calories for my son but they do not taste good,
therefore e does not eat much. is is actually worse for him than the ‘unhealthy’
meals that used to be served. Both of my kids tell me about the amount of canned
food that is used in the school lunches. Why would you ever used canned food
when trying to get to a ealthier place with regard to school lunches? Canned food is
neither healthier nor cheaper. It is only easier and faster. I believe the school cooks
are capable of actually cooking, not just using a can opener and warming up.
they just need more of a variety. they need to have choices. And the food needs to
not be so processed.
Making healthy meals appetizing to kids.
Homemade meals are so much better than processed foods, but the cost seems to be
an issue. It is pointless to increase the healthfulness od school foods if more kids just
throw them away; especially when those kids receive them free or reduced; then it i a
taxpayer issue, and not the parents cost to deal with.
If the food they are serving is not appealing it gets thrown away and it is just a waste
and not helping make any dierences.
I know families that this one meal is their main meal for the day and its important
to keep healthy but they need more especially if not coming home right after school
and for some kids is causing bad eating habits because they are starving when they
gethome and BINGE eating which I hear from many parents.
Our school meals have been terrible! Grapes have dark spots on them and kids are
not getting the right amount of food based on their age. All the kids talk about how
bad the school lunch is.
“My daughter takes her lunch to school when she doesnt like what is served on the
menu, which is approximately 50% of the time. e meal choices really isnt’ the
issue for me. What is the issue is that the portions are sooo small. Yesterday they
had thesewalking taco things and there was just a little over a tablespoon of meat.
Denitely not enough to satisfy hunger.
As I mentioned in my notes before, at my school growing up there was a supply of
either jelly OR peanut butter sandwiches at the end of he lunch line and you could
take one or two. ere was no added cost to your lunch for that. I
realize due to the peanut allergies we couldnt have peanut butter sandwiches, but
what about jelly? And go ahead and charge for them but have some small altenatives
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that will ll the kids up more. Wheat bread and jelly could go a long way to keeping
the kids fuller for the rest of the day and help with school work and irritability.
ere doesnt seem to be a very good rotation of the same type of foods. For
instance, cheesy bread one day, pizza the next.
Serving potatoes as a vegetable with pizza is not healthy. Little smokies are not
healthy. It seems that schools are still serving a lot of starchy and fatty foods
together. Whole wheat bread does not necessarly mean healthy. (Whole grains).
Our schol throws away more food now than it did before the regulations were
ey sometimes serve foods that most children in the age groups will not eat at this
point in their lives because they are strange to them. I believe our taste in foods
expands as we get older and we will try more things. Right now my kids end up not
eatig and just throwing away foods that they arent sure if they will like. I’m sure my
kids arent the only ones to do this. ey need to make lunches that are healthy, and
they know that most kids at least try and are not so strange that they just throw
I have three growing boys who all tell me that they are very hungry before the
school day is over. I have heard that the calories have been reduced in the meals, to
less than I consume in a meal. ey are growing and have high metabolisms. ey
need food hat can sustain thier body and not leave them hungry and groggy by the
end of the day.
My thoughts - that there is not enough time for the meal and there are too many
disstractions to keep my child from eating healthy. I feel more food is being wasted
now than before. My child is always very hungry when they get home. ey say the
child doe not learn as well when they are hungry, I know many kids are still hungry
after the meal so they must not be learning as well.
I wish the school would not allow more than one additional main meal. e school
currently allows my child to order 2 additional main meals which is too much food.
I also wish the school would not provide for so many extra options like cookies,
Along with many other kids, my son often doesnt eat much of his lunch, or if there
is something good, there isnt enough. So he goes hungry all afternoon, then once
hes home, lls up on pop and junk. He recently had a couple bananas for lunch
(even thogh they are not allowed to eat another persons banana), came home and
ate a whole pizza for supper. How can this be healthy?
e meals at our school does not ll up the kids. ey are having to pay for extra
portions of food, usually the main course just to get through the day. is adds to
extra cost to the parents and the kids are not managing their weight eating all of th
wrong foods. I nd this to be just the opposite of the regualtions emposed right
now. I can say that I am NOT HAPPY with the lunch program. It has been told
to us that the older children get more fruits and vegtables than the younger ones,
but an exta serving of fruit juice to pick from is not a serving of food. I could keep
going but this only makes me angerier.
MORE would be good. Every day my kids come home hungry!
We are doing an awesome job with providing fruits and vegetables. Keep up the
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healthy foods.
would love to see more meals made from “scratch
they dont get enough time to eat. theyre rushed through. especially in
elementary school, i see a lot of food thrown away.
Adding bottled water and sugar-free avorings. And herbal teas.
ey have taken it to the extreme - you cannot make a complete turn around and
sever kids things that absolutley will not eat.
Give kids bigger portions. portion control is important, but kids are growing and
need to eat healthy just not like a bird. How can they think if their stomach is
Flu shots cause more cases of the u than not taking anything. e government
needs to quit injecting stu into our kids bodies without letting the parents know
about the dangers associated with these shots.
I am very concerned and disappointed in the vast dierences in quality and quantity
of choices among Iowa schools. For example children in many districts have access
to more food and beverage choices than my child does. Our school district basically
ofers 1 meal choice for our students when other schools have daily salad bar, fresh
fruit and veg options, yogurt, cheese, diering milk options etc. is does not seem
fair or acceptable. Every Iowa child deserves similar meal choices. Quality meals
shuld not be based on district size or individual school district bank balances.
e breakfast menu is ridiculous. Sometimes they are oered only a cereal bar and
a milk. at is not nutritious at all. ey say breakfast is the most important meal of
the day.... then why are we not having a better plan there?
I have heard several parents saying when their chiildren are coming home after
school- they are hungry therefore eating more sugary items to make for not lling up
at lunch.
Like I’ve said, my oldest has braces and we do get the reduced meals. She will often
look at the menu and will point out the items she CAN eat and it’s ususally only 1
item a day. She can eat 1 or 2 items for breakfast, but usually only 1 item at lunch
o she will just wait to eat once she gets home. She used to be able to by items at
school, but now cant.
My child would like larger portions of fruit juice, right now they are extremely
small. ey still have items they used to like such as cinnamon rolls but now they
are too small and taste poorly. servings are too small and children have to get extras
s lunch becomes too costly!
Michelle Obama needs to nd more things to do with her time. I bet her kids dont
eat what ours do.
Larger amounts. Since the meals are healthier the portions have also decreased.
My child comes home extremely hungry after school. I know the caloric intake
has decreased with the healthier foods, but didnt see the need for the amount to
decrease as well
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I’m a teacher and a parent. e one frustrating thing is that each child has to take
so many certain items and it takes forever to get the kids though the lunch line on
some days! Also, I’ve heard many complaints about limiting the ketchup to one
packet I’ve heard so many parents say that kids in the junior high are keeping tons
of ketchup packets in their locker and using them anyway.
School lunches have went the wrong way. If the people that set these standards
would have to eat this everyday they would think dierent. is lunch program
feels to me as a parent that we are treating our youth like second class citizens. Truly
Disapointing. ey same amount of food is given to a 2nd grader as a high school
e number one complaint from him is the portion size is to small. He is a growing
healthy boy who is very physically active and in good shape. He says he gets hungry
long before the school day is over and after school he has practice for sports and is
strving by the time he gets home. e portion size to ll up a kindergartner is very
dierent then a 7th grade boy needs to sustain him throughout the day. e portion
size of food oered at lunch needs to increase.
More protein and 2% milk choice
a choice of where to eat so there is a quiet place as an alternative to students who
prefer quieter settings and MORE TIME to eat it
more food oered on the original lunch without having to spend more money
regular breakfast/snack time set up in schoolso all have BKF before the beginning of
the day and less pre prepared food”
For being a middle school growing boy who goes directly to sports practice after
school or play in a game he is NOT provided with enough food in his meal. On
some days they will have a potato, baked beans and bread along with some sort of
meat. at is a ot of starch in one meal and no fruit.
ey need larger servings. Most of the younger kids do not even touch the food
and most goes in the trash can.
Even though I listed that my oldest daughter does not eat lunch at school due to
her college courses, my youngest daughter in 9th grade does and strongly dislikes
the meals that are given to her. She doesnt eat lunch because of the types of foods
that ae oered and they taste terrible and when they do serve food she likes, it isnt
enough. She comes home every day hungry. My answers given today are based
o of my youngest daughter, not my oldest. Also, we do not understand why the
middle school lunhes are exactly the same as the high school lunches but the cost of
the high school lunch is more, the proportions do not change, just the cost. is
makes no sense.
Give them simple unprocessed, not full of articial avors,colors, other chemicals,
antibiotics, growth hormones, GMO, pesticides, herbicides, sugar, bad fats etc. I
realize there is a cost issue here. But many natural foods are reasonably priced.
In general the food has become bland. Children wont eat food that doesnt taste
good. You can have healthy food that children will eat by being able to put a little
extra avor in it, or healthy food they wont eat because of the new regulations. So,
ifthe children wont eat it, the program fails.
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ese kids are busy from the time they leave home til the time they get back home
at night.For some the noon meal is the only good meal the kids get in a day.I
think we should have more homemade foods and get away from processed and
prepackaged food.Seemsto be alot of waste of food in schools when the kids wont
eat it
Oer more time to eat.
ere might be a need for some kids to have less meat, my boy needs more to ll
him or he gets hungry and has a hard time focusing on his classes.
Schools need to take into account that each child has dierent needs. I think the
school need to oer more than just one basic meal. Oer 2-3 dierent types of all
food style. If Mrs Obama wants healthy kids then she needs
to povide more funding for the school districts to provide it. Maybe she needs
to cut some of her traveling expenses down and use that money for the school
districts!!!!!!!!!! She talks big on healthy kids but doesnt really help....both Mr. and
Mrs. Obamatalk they want to help but make sure they help themselves rst!
e kids are getting used to the meals a bit more. I know portion size is a big issue,
especially for the older student athletes. I work in the oce of a high school. I
know that during football season, for example, those boys needed more calories
thn a ‘normal’ lunch. e idea of healthier food at lunch is great, but most of the
complaints we here is about portion size, avor, and variety.
use local, fresh products when available
larger portions for athletes
I think this year school lunch was just too drastic of a change. Small changes should
have been incorporated and I think it would have met more acceptance from the
kids. Like I said, oer healthy alternatives of a kids favorite items - you can make a
heathy pizza with low fat cheese and turkey pepperoni, etc.
I like the idea of having healthy meals, but the meals need to be more appealing to
kids. It doesnt hurt to have a cheeseburger once in awhile.
Yes we spoend more time at school then with are famlies
I feel that reducing the number of calories in the school meals was not a good thing.
It’s great for inactive or obese kids but my son is a tall, thin, very active athlete. He
is not getting enough calories in a day to sustain him. Also, our school allws kids
to double or triple punch for lunch so they arent really monitering the number of
calories they are getting they are just charging the families more for their child to get
enough to eat.
I’m not sure there is one solution for every child. Healthy is good but very active
kids need extra calories they are no longer getting.
mexican type meals once or more a week is unacceptable,
menu needs to be more varied,
in-bone chicken is a wonderful idea...but a 20 minute lunch does not allow enough
time for young kids to tackle removing it from the bone, in fact the day I had lunc
with my daughter her friends were not eating it simply because they did not know
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how to remove it from the bone - I wonder how much goes to waste that day
-chicken and rice meals are not liked by many kids
I’ve never believed in sending lunch to school I was raised to eat whatever was served
at school, however, I wouldnt eat most of what is being served and my child wont
eat it so I now send lunch many days
I have children in sports. e oldest goes in early to lift weights and then has
practice after school. e amount and kinds of foods are not enough to keep him
ere are days when the school runs out of milk or it is not “good” (chunky). e
children should NOT get an option for sports drinks or extra portions!
ask the kids what their most favorite meal is; and least favorite; and what theyd like
to see
I’m happpy to see the reduction in processed foods and moving more towards more
whole, healthy foods. I’m in favor of portion control; however, many of the parents
dont understand this. Prehaps better communication on why. One concern of
mine is that ctivity levels vary greatly between children. So for active children they
may need more calories at lunch versus another student who has a more sedentary
Our children are not overweight and are active. ey simply are hungry, after eating
at school. ey keep healthy foods in their locker to eat in addition to the school
Make sure they can eat as much as they need
Yes if he wants more let him have more, if the HS kid is 200 lbs and one is 100
there needs to be a little commons sense that the one at 100 could use the food and
it not going to cause him to be obese.
Less processed foods. Put the portion sizes back as they were. School lunches do
not cause childhood obesity. Home eating habits contribute to childhood obesity.
Keep the fruit and veggie bar at school with the fresh produce options.
I wish the school would simplify the lunch. I think lunches would be more cost
eective and more healthy if they were made with more simple and fresh ingredients.
example: healthy sandwiches and a piece of fruit
If the child is still hungry that they may have more food; these kids are still
ggrowing and are out for sports need to keep up their strength. If they eat what you
only oer they are very hungry after school exspecially if they are out for sports.
ey et home and east eveything in sight and they dont care how healthy as long as
they can eat. Please keep this in mind on your health plan. ey do burn o calories
when out for sports.
“It is NOT the school’s responsibility to feed my children; it is MINE. I send my
children to school for education, not a grand daycare event.
eres a grand disconnect and double standard being pushed my politics in schools.
eyre told to make good chices, but not for lunch. ey’re taught to take care of
their bodies, but ZERO time for brushing their teeth after eating. Bullying is a hot
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topic, but they are not given adequate time during lunch to develop social skills.
Children are being treated as lttle more than monetary units in school budgets and
as political pawns. School lunch used to be fun. Now its turned out to be nothing
more than an 8 minute feeding frenzy.
Test scores drop. Violence increases. Obesity grows (pun intended- scarf that foo
down bad habit)
Whatever happened to letting children be children?”
Dont try to force the fruits and veggies on the kids. ey just end up throwing
most of it away anyway. Would almost be nice to have a salad bar type option...
where there were multiple fruits and veggies to choose from. ere are certain ones
my kis willhappily eat! Stinks when the main thing is something they like, but then
they dont like anything that comes with it. I dont want to pay $2 for a meal when
they only eat 1 thing, and toss the rest. I think eating healthy and being healthy
starts at home.Even if they get healthy meals at school, if they arent eating healthy at
home, it wont matter. Seems like having choices is a good idea!
Schools need to lay o on all the junk food allowed at parties and events, its
horrible to watch the kids eat from the concessions stands. During a holiday party
My daughter brought in juice instead of pop, and NOT one student drank the jucie,
they all wnt after the soda.
Seasoning should be added for avor. Less canned foods. Fresh foods needed. Less
hotdogs and other processed scrap meats.
overall i am happy however point blank they just do not get enough. i have two
boys that literally come home starved. the unhealthy eating is the snacks between
meals because the school simply just does not provide enough. Cost has nothing to
do with it Willing to pay more IF they get more.
Larger portions for high school kids--especially athletes.
I think it is good to oer a variety of healthy foods but also important that the
foods oered are enough to satisfy the kids so that they are not hungry all day. If
only healthy foods are oered and my child chooses to skip lunch, I think that is jus
as bad. I think it was too drastic of a change.
I think it is a good start at the school. I know a lot of people say they are hungry
after theyre lunch at school but that is because they didnt want to eat the fruits or
vegetables. It takes time to make the change. I for one think it is a great ide my kids
are eating healthier and are not asking for chips or pop.. I make sure we have bottles
of water in the fridge at all times & they usually go for that than the drinks. I also
try to limit the chips we buy instead we buy popcorn and granola bars r sunchips.
It’s taken time to get in the habit but it has been well worth it and I am glad the
school is going the same route.
Again, as stated earlier - I think the change was so shocking because parents and
children were uninformed. en when it was an issue a week or two into school it
was a blame game. Michelle Obama was blamed. I blame the school lunch sta for
not noting parents of the changes that were coming. Like i said - informed people
are happier people. If wed been informed it may not have been taken so negatively.
And negative talk from parents led to negative talk from kids which trickled down
to everyone lses parents/kids. I think what the school does in trying to provide
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healthy meals is a great idea - but knowing WHY it was changing (who mandated it
and what happens if the school doesnt follow through) would have been GREAT!
One negative I have is tat the calorie count has to be so strict - especially for active
athletic kids going directly from school to sports practice. Is that number of calories
good for a kid who is going to go out and burn about that many at a sports practice?
From what I unerstand the fresh fruits and vegetables - in our area of state anyway
- are being supplied by local farmers so that is a GREAT thing also. ank you for
doing this survey.
Allow older children who are in sports to eat more than 1 & 2 grade students.
Dont force them to take vegetables when they just throw them away. Very wasteful
to make them take vegetables. Allow them to choose their condiments without
charging them extr.
“e biggest complaint is not enough food...they are simply starving. Also that the
food does not taste good.
Kids need bigger amounts of food because they burn calories quicker...especially
with sports following school. It is not a good practice to stave them at lunch so when
they arrive home, they eat tons of junk food because they are hungry, then supper
later. is actually will add to their calorie intake; not the opposite!”
Provide the children with better quality meals, slightly larger portion of healthy food
items. What about using local farmers and local products?
More food needs to be oered for the older kids!
I know that they are still being provided canned fruits and vegetables, I would like
to see much more fresh produce being provided. Everything should be whole grain
and low fat, high protein, low sugar, just clean healthy food, I strive to teach my
childrn the importance of eating healthy and staying active. I feel that the schools
need to provide an appropriate amount of food in consideration to those students
involved in sports. I would be willing to pay for an additional meal for my children
between clsses and sports. My children bring lunch from home more because that
way they can pack extra food for before sports practice. Cutting their calories down
to 500 or 600 for their lunch isnt the only answer, children need to be more active
in a time when mst entertainment can be provided via technology anymore. I
believe that the physical education program should be given serious consideration in
looking at the health of students. Any student that is not involved in a sport should
be required to take a mor rigorous physical education class to encourage more
involvement in sports and a more active lifestyle.
more food given better tasteing and make sure food is fresh not leftovers and chicken
not given constantly add good sh sandwich
ey need to try REAL FOOD
School lunch did not create the children that are overweight. It is better to have 1
hot meal that the kids will eat than for them to skip because they dont like what is
being served.
Let them eat what they are hungry for--my son sometimes just wants the chicken-
not the extra stu let him get it--oer water instead of milk--I pay for Milk for my
daughter that she never drinks. Let them get a-la-cart with out purchasing a meal-
-if thy are not really hungry they can just get what looks good--my daughter eats a
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hamburger and throws the rest away, she does not like sauces or stu mixed together.
let her just eat noodles and fruit and no red sauce. I think the rules are stupid--you
ar not going to make the kids healthier by eating one meal a day. It is what they
eat at home and on the weekends. Feed them what they are hungry for and stop
trying to do what the parents are supposed to do. I would vote for eliminating the
school lunchprogram---parents need to be parents and schools need to teach reading,
writing, math and science. Not the governments job to raise my kids.
“Just as with meals outside of school I think it is important to nd a balance
between food that is avorful and food that is healthy. For instance with milk. If
you take all of the fat out of the milk which takes all of the avor out of the milk
thenfewer kids will drink the milk so you have defeated the purpose. Maybe a
compromise of having a little fat and avor where most of the kids like the milk and
drink it is much better.
Making things like ketchup and salt contrband is silly. I often oke with my kids that
they should sell ketchup packets and salt packets to pay for college. All things in
I am really concerned that the school lunch is teaching kids that healthy meals taste
bad and have no avor, making them less likelyto choose healthy choices when they
can choose their own foods now and in the future.
oer more fresh fruit ~ grab apple or banana if still hungry instead of bowl of mixed
fruit. pizza must be on the dry side, need more sauce. elementary school still allows
morning snacks, so kids arent hungry and there for dont eat their healthy lunch.if
kids are hungry they will eat. kids also pick up on negative feed back from parents/
teachers etc which sways their opinion before they even try the food. we used to be
forced to at least “try” every thing before deciding we didnt like it. apparently tis
(among other things) can not be enforced any more.
Not enough food at school makes high school students stop after school for junk
food...therefore reducing the eect of “healthy lunches”. Child obesity starts at
home & exercise, we need to allow more time at school for exercise. Kids dont like
friedzucchini etc...these types of foods kids will eat when they mature. Ask how
many adult would eat what is being served. Keep it simple.
Bigger portions for the older kids.
Would like more “alternate” options - organic, less-processed, etc.
Stop serving French fries and corn dogs. e processed “meats” (chicken nuggets,
BBQ rib sandwich, corn dogs) are packed with sodium. e kids need more time to
eat, also more supervision to suggest health. Choices. My kids oten ll their Treys
andthen they eat frozen fruit and leave the main meal untouched.
Make sure students have enough to choose from at each meal and enough food
serving. My child and others are often underfeed with the current serving size. Also,
with the schedule that most students keep in school classes & activities (i.e. 7 am - 7
pm orlonger ), students should be provided with healthy snack options in the AM &
PM at school.
It would be good to have tastier meals. My child says, very often, that the school
meals do not have much taste. “ey are just blah.
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Yes, schools should be allowed to determine what they can procure with funding
for the lunch programs and not be dictated by the goverment on what they need
to be serving. It is not the governemnts place to be controlling these decisions.
ey could setguidelines and let the schools decide how to fulll them. e school
cafeterias need to be allowed more real food to prepare and not be forced to be so
reliant on prepackaged or processed food. e current food being served to our
children is nothing ike the food that was served previously, it is not “real”. who ever
heard of “cubed” hamburger in spagetti? Obviously kids who are active need more
caloric intake while the children that are obese seam to be the ones not involve
in extracurricular actiites. I honesty think that if Michele Obama had to eat what
is being served now there would be changes made immediately. We need to use
more common sense and less government is these programs and we would be much
furhter ahead!
My opinion for our school is that our person in charge of the school lunch program
clearly has little to no idea what she is doing. She is not new to the program but
continually keeps making the same mistakes each day and year. She either does not
know wht she is doing or she just doesnt care! I feel like it all starts with her. she is
in charge of making sure our kids get the healthiest meals possible. I feel that she
would greatly benet from a lot more training. She needs to learn how to put each
mealitem together to make up the meals she needs to learn how to oer dierent
varieties instead of the same old same old each week and month. Our lunches are
very predictable and low quality. ere are days each month that my child doesnt eat
due to the fat that my child doesnt like what is being served that day and there may
or may not be a salad bar or even a salad oered that particular day. so then my child
comes home starving because she didnt eat any lunch. I also think that it should be
left up to he older kids if they only want part of the meal that is being served. in our
case if my child only takes one or two things they do not consider that a lunch so
they charge us personally for it instead of charging her school lunch account since
she does qalify for free or reduced. at is wrong. her lunch is her lunch and as long
as she goes through the lunch line it should be considered a lunch!!
larger portions. more variety
possibly give an extra serving of protein.
Have a tasting time for new items such as jicima and some of the new salads. e
students could taste a little bit so they knew what to expect when it was served as a
menu item.
Changing the menu to healthier options is a good idea, however if it doesnt look
appealing or taste good due to lack of seasoning, most kids will not eat it. Focus on
moderation of junk food is the key, dont take it away completely could cause kids to
ovreat when they get home from school due to lack of food/avor in school lunch.
I guess I feel there should be a balance. My child is active and I am aware of
healthy choices. I do not know that lunches needed a totally change because other
parents might allow their children to watch an unlimited amount of tv or play video
games lus eat whatever they want.
Make the portions larger or dont make additional portions for an additional price.
giving them more food
I think they tried to go too healthy too fast. It needs to be gradual and let the
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students get used to eatting healther.
again I believe that the biggest concern is the amount or portions tend to be perhaps
too small for a teenage boy that is active in sports before and after school.
“Quite simply, you will never reduce childhood obesity by limiting or excluding
foods that are considered unhealty. It has been our experience that children who
do not have access to treats and candy will tend to gorge and/or horde these types
of food whe given the opportunity. I do like the fact that the school oers healthy
meals. ere is simply just not enough. Our children need more than what is
oered to eat at school without having to go back for seconds at additional cost. I
also like the ida of oering treats at home so that our household knows exactly how
much they are getting and what it is.
If we continue to limit the amount of calories that are consumed during the lunch
period, we then need to oer a piece of fruit or granola bar to he children mid
afternoon to help pick up their energy levels-an apple, orange, banana would
more variety, cheese breadsticks or pretzels with cheese are not healthy lunches
they need more food
“Better training for cooks- vegetables specically need to be properly cooked.
Our cooks tend to “”alter”” food so it tastes better, they allow excess condiments
to be added, I dont think healthy habits start by pouring extra RANCH on top of
e kids that need the calories each day because they burn them are being
penialized for kids that are overweight that dont exercise. My child needs the good
calories because my child exercises and burns the calories and is starving by the time
my childarrives home after school. It is costing me a fortune to feed my child at
school because in order to get enough food he is required to take 2 or 3 extras with
each meal to get enough to satisfy him. Each of those extras cost almost as much as
the whole eal. Some days it costs me close to $10 a day which is way to much for
my budget.
Oer silverware in a plastic sleeve with a napkin. Silverware gets touched by too
many people and this grosses my son out.
Give the kids more food the portions are extremely small. My son have less than
6% body fat and he has lost weight due to poor school lunches. We now send extra
food to school with him at the request of his coaches.
young teeange boys, especially those in morning sports practice, need something
more than standard portions - the calories they burn with high metabolism and
exercise alone require more intake of nutrients. my son tells us that he “thinks about
food” durng class - which pre-occupies him from concentrating on course content.
believe it or not, his classes right before lunch and late in the day are bigger struggles
than those early in the morning or right after lunch - and the grades show it.
Fresh fruits and vegetables- not canned. Eliminate processed foods. Purchase local
and support the farmers and dairy close to our town.
Increase portion sizes. Put 2% milk back in schools - skim milk tastes bad and kids
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are less likely to drink it if they dont like it. Not all kids are overweight and in fact
both my boys have lost weight and
Our school’s meals are healthy and taste good. As a former student myself, and
eating lunch with my children occassionally, I know rst hand what our school
serves the kids. e issue is that the calories, protiens, and carbohydrates have
been reduced o a point that the children are now not getting enough to eat and
are hungry during the day. Growing and active children need a certain amount of
each healthy food group, as well as a certain number of calories and fat to maintain
proprer and healthy devlopment, growth, and activity. We come from a rural and
agricultural area, where our community on a whole is very active. Our children are
very active children, involved in many extra curricular activities, and are outside as
much as possible getting phsical activity. Eating a healthy and well balanced diet is
part of a healthy lifestyle, including getting enough to eat during the day at school
to fuel their minds and bodies. Not getting enough to eat negatively impacts their
school performance, focus and stamina throughout the school day, as well as their
overall health and development. is new school lunch program was not thought
through rationally. Limiting the quantities served at school lunch is not positively
eecting the children whom I fee need the inuence or limitation. As we are not
on free or reduced lunches, we cannot aord for our children to get extra servings
in order to feel satised and fuel them for their afternoon. ey have been limited,
but to a negative extent. ose cildren who are on free or reduced lunches, simply
get extra servings until they are satised, and thus over eat to a much greater extent.
is actually has more of a negative impact on those types of children, as they are
over-eating and have more of a buet” type lunch account. ere is no incentive for
those children to reduce the number of calories or what types of food are taken as
extras, as they get free amounts of whatever they want. So, once agai
I dont think requiring fruit or vegetable on their tray is the answer, there seems
to be a lot of waste - money being thrown away. ere should not be such strict
regulations on meats and grains. ere are a lot of kids in sports at the HS level that
ned more food - protein and grains. If you are going to be so controlling, why dont
you just write the menu for the school sta.
Many healthy options from the food groups, especially fresh vegetables.
School meals need to consider the caloric needs of growing teenagers as well as those
involved in after school activities, especially sports. My children do not get enough
to eat at school lunches.
“My son does not and never has consumed “”pop”” or sugary drinks. He has great
knowledge of the dangers or alcohol, drugs, and tobacco from proper role modeling
by parents/family/school.
For elite athletes, a school provided meal needs to provide more prtein,
carbohydrates, and calories. My son works out 3x a day. It is dicult for him to
gain muscle tissue and even maintain without adequate nutrition and hourly snacks
(he keeps in his locker!!).
Water should be available for kids, not just drinkig fountains.....
I think they could improve vegetable choices or integrate veggies into a dish. Kids
do not want to eat lima beans and’s a waste of money and food when better
choices could be oered.
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“I would prefer that ranch dressing or other condiments not be served (at all) with
raw vegetables. My daughter eats raw fruits and vegetables at home without any dips
or dressings. I believe most children will do the same given repeated opportunities.
do not nd entres such as breaded mozzarella sticks appropriate for school lunch. I
would not serve them at home even as a snack/treat.
Bring back the protein and carbs, and stop giving snacks during the day!
for the amount of food served, there is not enough time for the student to eat, on
most days. I have eaten at school numerous times and nd the food is ok, a little
boring, and not very avorful. Many children do not like vegetables or fruits, so at
hom I usually have a veggie drink (low sodium) for him and plenty of y0gurt and
fruit juices so he can get fruit at least once or twice a day.
I know this was a survey for my oldest child’s lunch but i am also worried about my
youngest childs lunch it is worse! ey do not cook the meals at her school so her
lunch sits in a warmer and is transported to her school and sits in that warmer till
luch and it is terrible. I went to lunch with her the other day and the pizza was like
days old card board and a scoop of green beans and a half of apple. It was awful. I
am not sure how healthy the pizza was after sitting in a warmer for hours!
Serve more food so my child isnt so hungry
Since the change in school lunchs my child comes home very hungry because the
food doesnt taste good, so i know he is not eating very much. At least last year he
didnt come home hungry. I think Healthy eating is important but if the kids are
not eatig the lunch that is not good either.
Change is never easy, but it is imperative that federally/state funded food sets a
positive example for families at home to get away from simple carbs and processed,
Invite the parents to the meals. Let them see what the kids are complaining about.
I would like my child not to be hungry in the afternoons at school. She started the
school year on school lunch but was coming home at 3:30 just starved. We were
havingto feed her a meal at 3:45 p.m.! So, we started to pack her lunch. She is slim
and energetic. She needs more food that the school provides. How healthy is it if
the child is hungry during the school day. We are very healthy-food conscious at
home anddo not eat meat. Let us determine what she should eat at noon. Let kids
have choices.....
Portion control is important, but the kids are not getting enough to ll them up
thru the day & allow them to focus on school when their stomachs are empty.
When they do get home from school they rain the cupboards for anything that can
be eaten quickly& usually the unhealthy route if they are alone. e kids arent
becoming overweight on school lunch, they are becoming over weight at home on
fast food and sedintary habits formed outside of school.
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Better prepared/real tasting food.
increase protein portion
Remove the daily chocolate milk. It could be oered once a week or once every
other week.
Keep food healthy, dont reduce caloric intake. Kids need to eat and those that are
obese need to eat right at home, not just at school. 5 out of 21 meals a week is not
making the dierence. Kids shouldnt come home so hungry they eat everything in
I dont think the school has much control over what they serve and how much
they serve. e government needs to regulate the fast food chains, and the other
restaurants in what they can and cannot serve. en, we as a nation will begin to
see healthierchildren
“Serve better, tastier foods,
Serve less pre-processed/packaged foods. Have cooks actually cook, bake, would
have less salt in foods that way. Teach portion control better. is would also be for
restaurants. Smaller portions/lower the price.
Dont ake students take so much fruit/vegetables each day when they absolutely do
not like something. It is being wasteful. Do a study to show how much food is
wasted in the schools.
Kids at last lunch dont always have enough food to eat.
e new regulations concerning calorie content is very misguided and a one size
ts all solution. For example, I have a 95 lbs. athlete who, during the swim season
spends about 3 1/2 - 4 hrs a day doing strenuous exercise. e meals that the school
provies comes no where near what she needs. Also many of the teachers have ‘no
eating in class” policies, so even if i do supplement her with food from home she has
to then nd time to eat it.
ey are growing children reducing calories is a foolish mistake. Please do not
deprive my child because some parents ll their child full of unhealthy portions and
foods at home. School lunches are not the problem, but rather lack of good choices
at hom!
I understand what they are trying to do it, I totally support it - my kids are just very
picky and would rather eat a lunch from home most days. at is okay - I’m glad
they are trying to make the meals healthy and teach people proper portion sizes.
Give a choice of fruit/vegetables. He ends up throwing half of it away because he
doesnt like it, which is a waste, and then he just comes home and pigs out on snacks
because hes hungry. Just because its on his plate does not mean he’ll eat it!
Allowing them to choose to have a little more, I would be happy to pay more for my
child not to complain about being hungry after lunch
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I am all for the healthier meals. I am just upset that my child eats like she hasnt
eaten all day when she gets home from school. She always says that she doesnt get
fed enough at school lunch.
Communicate seasonings and other things used in preparation and possibly where
those things are available locally, so they can be introduced at home.
Sometimes our school will have chicken 3 times in one week. My child is starting
to not like chicken at home.
My children tell me most kids are throwing most of the lunches in the garbage. I
have 2 in school and they both come home starving. ey make them take a fruit
that has bruises or not fresh and they never eat it. I think since this change started
that thelunches are alot worse. My oldest comes home for lunch when ever possible
to avoid eating at school. I agree some things could be healthier but if they are not
going to eat them I am paying for the luch to go directly to the garbage. ere are
several thigs that they have that MOST kids will not eat or even try. I think it’s
ridiculous that my kids go hungry at school. I was so glad to get this survey becasue
I have felt this way all school year. Glad my kids are abut through school.
Continue to feed fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains at every meal, but
increase the portion sizes.
Need to change to fresh products instead of processed-you can oer healthy options
that are homeade!
“It is not the school’s, lawmakers’ or researchers’ business what my child eats. It is
his and his parents’ business.
Do you know its ok to bring boxed apple juice to school as a treat, but not a
chocolate chip cookie? Do you know which has more grms of simple sugars
that jolt into the bloddstream? (JUICE) Do you know which has more complex
carbohydrates that gradually cleave o into sugars, producimg a lower-level addition
to the physiology? (COOKIE--as long as it’s average sized)”
I think that lling food and more choices is very important.
Warmer food. Too cool or cold
I think the menu has swung too far too fast. When I was in school, there was less
obesity and kids were healthier. I dont think school lunches has caused the decline
in the health of our children. I think it is what is happening at home. Schools cant
beexpected to solve every problem that arises in society.
“My daughter has gained weight since the implementation of the school lunch
“”improvements”” because there is not enough lean protein or healthy fats included
to hold her thru the day. When she comes home, she binge eats because she is
hungry! I feel terrile for the students who go home to empty cupboards.
I would like to see a lean protein snack added to afternoon school routines.
Oering salads at school. Using fresh fruits instead of canned.
“Kids need more time to each lunch when having school lunch. I had lunch with
my daughter one day and they were given 7 minutes to eat! e teachers on lunch
duty and the janitors were rushing them out to recess. And that brings up another
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point. Kids hould have recess BEFORE lunch so they come in hungry and go back
to class focused. When I have had lunch with my children, I have noticed there is
a lot of waste. Maybe having more supervision in the lunch room encouraging the
kids to at least try som of these foods they are not use to. ankfully I have good
eaters but it is such a shame how much is just played with and thrown away. I also
think kids need to have mote water in school. Be given a water bottle at registration
and be encouraged to drik water throughout the day. My children complain of their
teachers not letting them get drinks and some days all they have
had to drink is their milk carton. ey come home from school and use the
bathroom and the room literally stinks from their urin! ey are dehydrated!! !!!
Come on people! Lets practice what we preach!!!!”
Keep up the good work. I am very pleased to see the shift to good nutrition in
our schools. I dont feel that I’m the target audience for this survey as we put a
huge emphasis on eating well at home, fresh whole foods and avoiding processed,
packaged an articial, but I wanted to share my voice. ese changes in school
meals are a huge step in the right direction for the future of our children. I am more
condent that my children are receiving proper nutrition when they are not in my
ink more about the children and how they eat. What is easy for a kid to eat and
fun?! Our school doesnt oer forks and noone helps them cut up their food and
they get served a baked chicken breast....that isnt helping them with good eating
habits if hey have to gure out how to eat it with a spoon. Very frustrating to the
child and parents.
To have the option of no sauces on pasta, no meat in there taco, if they prefer that.
No walking tacos, hot dogs, mozzarella sticks, or other processed unnutritional food.
Roasted potatoes and vegetables, legumes, nuts and low-fat cheeses to keep them
“I pay for my childs lunch and sometimes will fall short of paying and then my
child is cut o. Yes I am told in advance and yes we do try hard to keep the payment
up todate but there are times when it may take a few days to get check and son with
check t the school. I can utilize the payment method at a cost, but I am trying to
teach child responsibility.
Somedays they also come home so hungry they are not willing to wait for dinner
and will eat a rather large snack and then dinner as well.
e food needs to be healthful, fresh, locally provided and prepared in a way that is
appealing and tasteful. All can be accomplished if a little eort is put forth. Meals
were more healthy when I was in school because the school cooks actually cooked
nd didnt just reheat or transfer from a can. We need to get away from schools
taking the easy road to compliance and going back to from scratch,
guring out ways to be healthful and appealing.
ey need to feed these kids because of the after school activities, they do not get
enough to eat to perform for after school events. they also need to feed the kids
foods that they are going to eat and that look appealing.
I have been very pleased, and somewhat surprised, with Southeast Polk Schools
meal program. I was prepared to make lunches everyday, but feel comfortable with
what my kids are eating at school. I do have concerns with the chocolate milk.
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ey need to gure out how to give them bigger portions and make it taste better.
I love the idea of school gardens or of even raising chickens and using the eggs.
ese programs can be used as science projects, health studies and for school
lunches. ere is so much to learn about how our food is grown and what it should
look likeand I think schools are missing out on many great teaching tools because
of federal goverment inuence and lack of funding and personel. Let the schools be
creative and promote the good ideas that are out there being used.
My children have not been all that fond of the new lunch at school. ey come
home starving every day and say they did not like much that they had for lunch.
ere needs to be more food; growing kids kids need carbs and a well balanced
meal. ey are hit and miss. I teach in a dierent school district and kids just throw
the packages of fruit and vegetables away without even trying them. It seems like
one eal will be very heavy with carbs (noodles, potatoes, and a roll/bun) and the next
day all veggies and fruit basically. Kids cant take lunches because refrigeration and
microwaves are not available to keep the food stored properly and to reheat it. Mor
and more kids are eating junk food, ordering out food, etc. because of the meals this
school year.
I would like to see more portions sizes with FRESH foods.
You can make the school lunch as health as you want. However, if the child does
not like/eat lunch it does no good.
e new menu lacks creativity. One week had carrots served 4 dierent ways. ere
are more choices out there. Secondly, we raise our kids on the farm to beef and pork.
I was raised the same way and I am just ne. We have done away with a lot of that.
Ye the kids are having mozzarella sticks and pretzels as a main dish with SAUCE.
How is that any better than a beefburger or pork sandwhich? My kids are coming
home starving and eating before supper. e menu price has went up as well as my
grocery bill at ome because of this. Parents cannot aord this change.
Bigger portions. Get rid of all the beans and lettuce feed them something they will
eat. Give them sandwiches, soups vegetables, fruits, cookies and bars. ey are
going to eat it anyway. And beef up the portions so they are not starving and can do
thre studies with their stomach not growling,.
Make sure there is enough food prepared for all students. ere are days there is no
fruit left, etc and my children only get 1-2 items on their tray. We are paying alot
for nothing when this happens. If there is alot of waste on some of the food item,
dont make again-no one likes them. For older students maybe get more of a decent
serving-are starving after school.
I feel as though school meals are no longer homemade like when |I was in school
and the avor of the school food is less appealing. Many times my children state that
the school lunch “Does not taste good.
In an ideal word, they would serve less processed and frozen foods.
“I went to my sons school for lunch once this year and I noticed only two children
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in the whole lunch room were drinking white milk. e rest all had chocolate milk,
it seems that given a choice most kindergartners choose the sugary drink. It would
be nce if chocolate milk was not oered every day.
My son is a very picky eater and I have a hard time getting him to eat vegetables, i
thought he was at least trying them on days when he got a school lunch or sitting
with kids who were eating vegetables. ut I found on the day I visited that most
of the children were only being served partial trays because they chose not to try
some of the items. If we are paying for a whole lunch the children should be served
a whole lunch even if it is a very small porton. I hate to see food wasted but the
I thought the whole idea of healthier school lunches was to expose children to
healthier foods.
having a stocked salad bar would be wonderful also make your own sanwiches
To reiterate , more fresh fruits, portions that will sustain an active middle schooler
through the school day, and to stop serving foods that the children wont eat. While
some of the “new” meals are indeed creative the nutritional value doesnt mean a hil
of beans if it ends up in the garbage.
“i am not a nutriionist but i feel like my kids get a better variety at home than at
school. We always have fresh fruit available at home, cheese, and veggies. i realize
this is not always cost eective, but they LOVE to eat cuties, green apples etc.. or
their snack at home yet the lunch lady at our school sprinkles brown sugar on our
apples to make them “”more appealing””, and my kids wont eat them at school
when they have sugar all over them. doesnt the sugar defeat the purpose?
I have gone rounds wth our schools lunch program- i choose to pack my kids lunch
unless it’s taco day or something they really love because i feel like that way i know
they are getting enough to eat and a good variety
I think the changes made were a good start, but I think theres still room for plenty
of improvement. I think there should be more of a push for schools to get fresh
foods into the meal plans. Possibly a feasible way to do this would be to have
schools mplement gardens and fruit trees to oset their costs. I know it would be a
lot of work, but if you could make it a community project and a teaching exercise I
think it could be very successful.
Tell the Presidents wife and all politicians to stay out of our business!!!!
Make sure the students are not hungry by middle of the afternoon because they
didnt get enough to eat! Prices go up and amount of food for these children go
would like tosee more soups and salads oered as a second choice
Go back to the way school lunches used to be. Bring Michelle Obama here and
have her stand at the trash and see how much is being thrown away each day......
these kids are going back to class still hungry!! I’m very disappointed in the quality
and whatis being served at school for lunches. My child will continue to take his
lunch everyday until I can see a BIG, BIG improvement in the school lunches. Give
the kids something they will’s about portion control!! Doesnt take a rocker
scientit to gure that out!!
As parents, my husband and Imain concern regarding the food chagnes is that the
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food caloric intake is not sucient for a growing child who is who active. We agree
that is it great to promote healthy living and we do oer plenty of fresh fruits and
enurage vegetables daily with our home meals. With that said, we pay full price for
our childrens meals as it is our responsibility to provide for them, therefore, if they
are not getting what they need from the school meals, we happily will send our own
ood choices and amounts. We disagree with regulating food amounts. Kids need
to develop discipline as someday they will be making their own decisions about
proportions. We feel the education being provided is fabulous. Since the change
with the food pograms, our children have not taken hot lunch this entire school
year. We send lunches everyday. We would gladly pay for the school lunch if it met
our needs. ank you for the opportunity to voice our opinion.
the repetition of menus is a concern to me with rarely a dessert option. It seems
like the typical menu doesnt ll up my son- he is hungry after lunch. Shouldnt the
size portions be adjusted according to age? e district where I work (Knoxville)
prvides much better meals and at a lower price. why arent schools sharing ideas/
menus? Need a variety of fresh produce items--- students can only eat so many
bananas and apples. It appears to me the food program needs a complete overview--
starting with pogram director education/collaboration, food providers options,
prices, and ability to provide satisfaction.
I would like to see more local produce and much less frozen food being served
better quality
My family is healthy. I feel that my child is being fed poorly because of the
amount of families that are not healthy. He is a 16 year old boy that is active and
responsible. He should be allowed to eat more protein and ‘stick to your ribs’ food
like mshed potatoes and pizza. You can put all the asparagus on his plate you want,
but that doesnt mean he’ll eat it. Allow them to choose their vegetables (carrots,
celery with peanut butter, ect.) Oer fruits that are fresh, not frozen and canned
an unppetizing. e school lunch change will not help the obesity problem. Home
and families are in control of that.
Our school lunch cost is outrageous compared to all the other schools around. they
use the maximum that they can charge and i question why. i feel that i can send
more food and equal to what he is served there for much less-i only do it mostly for
lack f time
My children all complain about hair in there food. Yuck! Fake potatos are cold,
lumps of uncooked potato akes are like plastic, they are terrible. ere is no reason
for the complaints that my children have, its simple food preparation. I’m all
forhealthy food at school, but dont try to tell me or my children that fake potatos
are healthy. Fresh food is healthy, prepackaged food is not. Children need more
calories to burn because they are active in school. ey have after school activities
and i they dont get enough food during school they are to run down to think
straight for after school activities.
I am a stay at home mom and almost everyday my kids come home like they are
starved. As i said before food at our school is served cold when it is ment to be hot.
e bananas are green, the food looks unapealing. I x and serve supper between
4:30 and 5 to keep them from snacking to much right when they get home because
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they are starved. My son is in 8th grade and if he eats at school he eats a double
lunch. He is 6 ft 2 and needs more calories to keep his energy up. He is very active
in sports and whenhe has practice after school I send a packed lunch so he dosnt get
dizzy at practice. I realize that fat people are every were but growing boys need more
calories. I asked my childern how they felt about the changes in lunches and they
said ey Suck
High school kids need more food. Some do not eat breakfast and get very little for
lunch and are out for sports etc . Also free program kids do not eat the foods served
at lunch and lunch is sometimes the only meal they get. Something needs to change!
Its not working! 80% of the food is dumped in the garbage! Very sad!
Need to re-evaluate protein portions at the High school level. It is an important
component of satiety, especially in those students who are very active with sports,
show choir, etc.
If the kids do not like the meals, they are not going to eat them. I am not saying
make greasy foods or unhealthy, but they need to be kid friendly. Give the kids
enough food so they are full. ere has to be a happy medium. It is not good for the
kids togo home and be starving and grab the bag of chips or something unhealthy to
get full.
Curb appeal...improving the “look” of the food and the presentation will help.
Stop wasting money by trying to feed children food that for the most part they do
not eat. Spend a few days watching children throw things away like sweet potato
french fries and you can see that items like this are a waste of our money. Dont buy
thins the children will not eat.
It would be wonderful if there was more time for all of the students to eat their
school or home lunches.
Older kids should have more options and more food. Since the changes to the
school lunch I am spending signicantly more on school lunches because he isnt
getting enough to eat so he has to supplement his lunch with additional mains or
ala carte items. ere is talk that the school may have to increase the cost of school
lunches because of the additional cost to them to adhere to the new school lunch
Give them enough to ll them up.
Larger portions for the main dish, ketchup as needed, lettuce and bread the kids will
eat not necessarily what is healthiest. If the main dishes were healthier the ketchup
would not be such a big deal. More fresh fruit variety. Lunches need to be warm
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andcooked appropriately. Children do not care for whole grain pasta and pizza, then
they just do not eat. ere needs to be. Balance between healthy and what kids will
eat. On the whole my student is trying and eating more fruit and vegetables. My
child is nt a huge kid and is complaining of only getting a tiny bit of meat for tacos
or beef nachos, etc. some kids barely eat if they only like one thing and it smaller
I think the choices have improved, but my children come home everyday and say
they did not get enough to eat and the food does not have much avor. ey have
always been healthy eaters, so their habits at home have not changed.
maybe allow a little bit of fun - two cookies at lunch isnt going to hurt a girl who is
very active!
I think school meals would cost less if they were actually made instead of being
dumped out of a box and heated. I can feed a family of 6 a complete healthy
meal (protein, veggie, starch & milk) for $5 or less from home. eres no reason
that made foodcant be healthy and budget friendly. I’d much rather see them eat
spaghetti twice a week for lunch than constantly eating processed prepackaged food.
e current calorie maximum does not allow for growth spurts, sport participation,
or child’s size. Larger serving size of fruit and veggies, and milk as well as water
bottles provided for class would be appreciated.
I know the object is healthy eating. Which we all home too! I just worry
about the amount the older kids have. My son plays sports so he goes from 12 unitl
6pm or later with out eating on a normal day.
Providing condiments so the kids want to eat the food they are givrn would ne
nice. ey may need more than a small squirt of ranch or ketchup. Kids also need
way more protein. My girls are starving by the end of the day and frequently eat the
fruits or vgies o anothet students tray if they are unwanted.
she might eat them better if she had more time. she says they are ok but she brings
her lunch
Increase the amount of food provided.
Dont give food to kids if they dont want it...what a waste. If the taxpayers
managed their own kitchen like the school does, wed need more landlls to hold all
of the wasted food.
I would like to see more meals made from scratch. If school lunches are supposed to
model healthy eating, kids need to know that they can eat healthy by making their
own meals. Not by opening a wrapper and warming something up, even if it does
t withinthe nutritional counts that are required.
More food, especially the type that “sticks to your ribs!”
No longer oering sugar sports drinks or pop at school and getting rid of vending
machines in the school.
ere are just a lot of variations in the taste/avor of foods from one day to the
next. Some kids need more calories than others and it isnt fair to withhold from
those that do.
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I dont think it makes much sense to regulate portion sizes if the students are allowed
to double up on main course and purchase multiple meals. it is unfoutunate that
every person in the world does not t into the caloric guidline that our leaders
havearbitrarily set. My kids come home from school “Starving” but they are not
looking for fruits or vegitables.
Dont divide the entries by grade, some kids get one thing, others get something else.
again just larger portions and less prepackaged foods.
Our son is very active and we have taught him to eat well. Give them options to
choose which foods are right for them.
my daughter comes home hungry because the food does not taste as good as it use
to. I went and tried the healthy food that they would be serving this year and some
of it I did not like the taste. I agree fruits and vegetables are important but if they
ae going to include a few sweets like cookies they can taste good at least
actually give them food they will eat - they come home from school starving - and
going into after school activities with eating nearly no food at lunch is ridiculous.
Just that my child needs more to eat at school lunches as he is very active in sports
and is at the age of growing and not enough on his plate so he gets extra which costs
me extra money. I usually pay a lunch in a half each day.
As mentioned earlier, the foods served are not always child friendly, or tasty. If a
child doesnt think the food looks good, they wont eat it, even if they are hungry.
We live in a rural area where our students eat food at school, and that’s something
it. Some will not eat at all when they get home. I would love to see free seconds
come back into play for these students, or at least a PBJ sandwich, which is not
aloud anymore. Get away from the messy goo of pureed squash, spinach, half
cooked carrts, and disgusting looking refried beans, and give kids the basic fruits
and veggies they like...corn, green beans, potatoes, carrots. No child is becoming
overweight because of school lunch - its because of the food they eat at home and
the lack of execise they get AT HOME.
A government meal program should be extremely healthy, regardless of the
complaints from people about their children not eating enough. I would rather my
children eat less than to ll up on crappy processed food. ‘Totinos’ type pizza rolls,
for exampl, should never be considered an entree.
ey need more time to eat...her having to wolf the food down in a short period
of time at lunch is carrying over to other meal times. is has been shown to cause
over eating behaviors
My biggest concern is quantity of food. My children have food available at home
but many do not. I’m not aware of the options students have for obtaining more
food during lunch.
having a greater variety of fresh fruit available...apples, pears, bananas, clemontines,
oranges, low fat cottage cheese, seds, nuts for purchase.
Keep the menu consistent. If you list an item for that day keep it. When a child
does not eat soups or stews of any kind and it is listed on the chart have it that day
instead changing it. Too hard on parents to be sure their kids are eating at school
hen the menu doesnt stay the same. As an adult I do not like chicken fajitas tell me
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how many 5 year olds do? WHen that is served with pinto beans and half an apple,
my child (and many others) are only eating half an apple. Which is causing more
disrutive behavior because they are hungry, they are tired & sluggish, and basically
not learning.
If we can somehow go to having kitchens in schools again that actually make healthy
food rather than just preparing predone foods, that would be AWESOME.
Give them larger portions.
my 4th grader often wishes he could get an extra entree like last year, but cannot
this year. sometimes he likes the school lunch but has to bring cold instead because
he knows he will be hungry because he will not get enough food. i think parents
should e able to approve and extra entree if they know their child will eat it.
More made “made from scratch” items, less pre-packaged.
I dont understand why peanut butter sandwiches cannot be served, but my school
can still serve a hot dog if it is on a whole grain bun.
Giving kids choices and giving kids foods for their age-saurkraut is not something
many young kids acquire a taste for-keeping milk cold!!!!! So it has a good taste for
the kids.
I have said over in this that my child is picky and he is very thin, so when the
school was doing less food and only healthy chioces, he did not eat, so that really
was “unhealthy” for us. Now that there seems to be more food he is eating more
volume - sill very thin and picky. I just dont think that one meal 5 days a week is
going to make or break a childs overall health, they need to denitly eat healthy, just
maybe less “exotic” and have some carbs/llers for kids who dont eat many fruits or
When you have a 6’ tall active teenager, you do not restrict them to a 600 cal meal.
Our school has recently implemented a policy at the high school that if the kids do
NOT take a fruit or a vegetable the school will CHARGE THEM MORE. is
is just STUPID. is is not the way to get kids to eat healthy. e only thing this
accomplishes s either wasting food (they take it but dont eat it) or wasting MY
MOney if they dont take the fruit/vegetable. I’m not sure which politician thought
this DUMB ASS rule but it’s NOT GOING TO WORK to get children to eat
health. Oering FRESH, palatabl fruit options WILL.
I am old school...nutrition should begin at home. It should not be the govts
responsibility to make sure my kids are eating healthy. ey need to ll up to
get thru the school day and sports after school. Even though we are on free and
reduceed, I useour grocery $ wisely, and we seldom eat out.
It is ridiculous to make an entire school peanut-free for one student. If the school
district would oer peanut butter as a daily choice, at least there would always be a
healthy choice of protein if they didnt like what was being served. I’m not surewhy
this survey is for the oldest child, because they are more likely to nd other sources
for food whereas many of the younger ones dont have a choice but to eat school
lunch. In my youngest childs school, she has a choice if she wants something or nt.
She only has to have 3 items and her carton of milk can be one of those. When I
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stopped by the other day, she had a sausage patty, a carton of milk and I think a half
a banana. It was pathetic. Young children should not have a choice. ey should
e given all of the available foods so that they might try something new. ere are
many foods on the menu that 5 year olds have never tried because it is not served in
their household. ey might learn to like a new healthy choice if it is on their plat.
Earlier this year the serving of vegetables was 2 thin slices of cucumber. First, I cant
imagine that many 5 year olds will eat cucumbers and if they do, I am surprised that
2 thin (maybe 1/4 inch) slices was considered a serving. e same thing goe with
pepper strips. ey get two. Most of the changes need to occur for the little ones,
so please make a survey for the youngest child next. I have both, so I have a pretty
good view. anks for asking.
More variety of meals to choose from
To me, having a meal a child will eat is more benecial then a meal that gets thrown
away and a child goes hungry. ere are too many kids that rely on school lunches as
their only source of nutrition.
I dont feel that the one school lunch is enough food to satisy Boys going through
puberty my oldest is alwaystarving when he comes home from school
Make more appealing and avorful for kids none of this fake meat kids will eat what
they want when they get home one meal is not going to make a dierence in the
obesity world . Not eating at all is not good for school performance . Not cool for
junior igh kids to take cold lunch so they just dont eat Way to go Obama thx for
letting me voice my opinions. God bless America!!!!!!!
Dont give up, despite all the negative responses- people are set in their ways
and dont want to be forced to make changes, even if its for their benet! Give
the parents and students time to adjust before “changing back!” Also, have an
environmentaly friendly way to deal with all the food waste (donate to local food
bank; oer to local farmers for chickens, pigs, etc; send home in backpacks with
children who want it, etc)
oer more food to younger grades if they are still hungry. not every kid has the same
appetite or metabolic rate.
Not enough food. My child is not obese is very active so he needs more and non
processed food.
In general, I dont think the school should have to provide a hot school lunch.
Parents/kids can pack a healthy lunch and eliminating the lunch program would
save a huge amount for the school/state budget. Alternatives could be provided for
low income fmilies.
Allowing enough time for the kids to eat the lunch. Right now all my kids (across
all three schools in Nevada) report that they dont get much time to eat and have
started taking sack lunches as a way to make sure they have enough time to eat.
It seems like a lot of deserts are being oered yet. All that sugar isnt nutritious but
empty calories.
In addition to what the kids are eating for lunch I also think they need a little more
time to eat their lunch. I’ve had lunch with my children in the elementary school
| 233Iowa Parent School Lunch Survey
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and have found that the time allotted is so short. I could hardly eat in that amount
o time. At the same time, the kids are in a hurry to go outside and play. Also its very
dicult to see kids throw away so much food. Knowing that some of them only get
one good meal a day it is painful to see them throw so much o of their tray in the
grabage. Wish I had a suggestion for how to x that but I dont.
Making sure the fruit and veggies that are served are fresh, and not brown or wilted
While school meals are important, common sense should be used. Children grow
therefore they should be provided with meals that are appropriate. Obviously junk
food is not good for anyone other than a treat. Yet to little food in meals hunger
wil bel an ssue and learning will be a problem. Parents still need to do their job in
providing their children with healthy meals the majority of the time. It is not the
job of schools to be ‘ parents’ or be ‘ parents’ to the parents. e job of schools is to
teach cademics.
If the concentration is on eating and providing healty foods, then serve enough of
them to ll the children. It doesnt do a bit of good when the kids come home from
school hungry and parents are at work and they raid the house and eat everything
in sigh. If we are going to have healthy kids we also need to have physical education
more than once a week also. Just providing healty food choices arent going to solve
the problem, we need to get the kids more active. If the government is going shove
this dow our necks, we need to whole package... good food, education, and physical
More fresh fruits and veg, make avored milk less accessible, school lunches can be
so unattractive
Make it better and give them more of it
I think the food service sta are doing an excellent job at Turkey Valley, working
within the gudielines they have to follow. ey have a big job and probably do not
receive the appreciation they deserve from students & parents.
Serving appropriate sized servings for growing kids, especially kids that work at
home on the farm or are in sports. ey need more calories. Starving in school
leads to snacking at home on whatever they can nd before parents can get home
from work.
I believe that our school district has done an amazing job with the new guidelines.
ey have stepped up to the plate and have done a phenomenal job.