The content of this document is the property of Leonardo S.p.A. It is forbidden to reproduce, disclose or use it, even partially, without the
express written authorization of Leonardo S.p.A.
The document is available on the Defence Systems BU Intranet. Copies, both in electronic and paper format, shall be checked, before use,
against the current version available on the Intranet.
Company General Use
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Defence Systems Business Unit
Quality Requirements for supplies of
COTS products
This document describes the specific quality requirements for the supply of COTS products to the Defence
Systems Business Unit of Leonardo S.p.A.
The general quality requirements for supplies to Leonardo-SDI are defined in the procedure PQA004-L-IT-D
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Applicability ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 RQF code............................................................................................................................................... 4
2 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Documents ............................................................................................................................................. 6
3 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Definitions .............................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................... 7
4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 8
5 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Standard Mechanical Components and Electrical/Electronic Components (RQF = B1) ....................... 9
5.2 COTS identified as Configuration Items (RQF = B2) ........................................................................... 12
5.3 COTS Software (RQF = B3) ................................................................................................................ 15
5.4 COTS chemicals, substances and mixtures (RQF = B4) .................................................................... 17
5.5 COTS non Configuration Items (RQF = B5) ........................................................................................ 19
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to define the specific quality requirements for the supply of COTS
products to the Defence Systems Business Unit of Leonardo S.p.A. (hereinafter SDI).
The document completes the requirements reported in PQA004-L-IT-D
, developing in detail those
applicable to the supply of COTS products.
1.2 Applicability
This document applies to Type B supplies, as identified in document PQA004-L-IT-D, to be
incorporated into products intended for Leonardo-SDI customers.
1.3 RQF code
As required by document PQA004-L-IT-D, each supply is classified, in addition to its Type, also by
a numerical index (Classification Index), which identifies in more detail the characteristics of the
supply, and consequently the applicable quality requirements, and the activities and documents
required from the supplier.
Type and Classification Index of a supply are indicated in the Purchase Order through the RQF
Code associated with each position of the Order:
RQF Code = <Type> + <Classification Index>
RQF = B3 indicates the supply of a COTS software (Type B, IC = 3).
The PQA004-L-IT-D document and all the additional quality requirements specified in the referenced PQAxxx procedures, are
available in their latest version on the Suppliers portal of Leonardo SpA.
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
The following table shows the possible values of the RQF code for supplies of COTS products,
with their associated characteristics. The activities and documents requested from the supplier are
described in the following paragraphs.
Characteristics of the supply
Standard Mechanical components (“Normalery) and Standard Electrical/Electronic Components
("normalized"), available in the catalog, which are produced basing on requirements established by
a technical regulatory body and not according to a "proprietary" technical specification (e.g. SCREW
EN ISO 8765 - M14x1. 5x100; connector MIL-C-5015, ... etc.).
These products have no safety impact.
The supplier can be the manufacturer of the COTS product itself, or a distributor of products made
by others.
These products are not considered Configuration Items by Leonardo-SDI
Commercial products ready-for-use and available in the catalog for sale to the public, made
according to market needs and not under a specific contract for a specific customer (*).
The supplier can be the manufacturer of the COTS product itself, or a distributor of products made
by others.
These products are considered Configuration Items by Leonardo-SDI
(*) products of classes B1, B3 and B4 are excluded.
Software COTS products (Operating Systems, Graphic Libraries, Mathematical Libraries, … ecc.).
COTS chemical substances and mixtures
Products with the same characteristics as RQF = B2 but not considered Configuration Items by
Table 1 RQF codes for COTS supplies
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
2.1 Documents
Contractual (applicable when required by the Purchase Order or the Contract)
AQAP 2110 Ed D
NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Design, Development and Production
AQAP 2210 Ed A
NATO Supplementary Software Quality Assurance Requirements to AQAP-2110
or AQAP-2310
AQAP-2310 ed. B
NATO Quality management system requirements for aviation, space and defence suppliers
UNI EN 9100:2018
Quality Management Systems-Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System Requirements.
Requirements for Maintenance Organisations
International Reference Standards
ACMP 2100
Configuration Management Contractual Requirements.
AQAP 2070
NATO Mutual Government Quality Assurance (GQA) Process
ISO 10007:2003
Quality Management System - Guidelines for configuration management
Mutual Acceptance of Government Quality Assurance and usage of the Allied
Quality Assurance Publications (AQAP).
UNI ISO 2859
Sampling Procedures for inspection by attributes
Mandatory Requirements
Finmeccanica Leonardo Organizational, Management and Control Model
pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231, 8 June 2001
Finmeccanica- Leonardo Group - Code of Ethics and Anti-Corruption
Consolidated Law on Health and Safety in the Workplace, Legislative Decree 81
of 9 April 2008 as amended
Royal Decree-Law 262 of 16 March 1942, as amended, the 'CIVIL CODE', in
particular Book IV - Section III.
Law 192 of 18 June 1998 and Legislative Decree 231 of 9 October 2002, Rules
on Subcontracting
European Directives applicable to specific products
REACh Regulation EU 1907/2006
RoHS Directive 2011/65/UE
CLP Regulation EU 1272/2008
Internal Reference Documentation
Quality requirements for supplies to the Defence Systems Business Unit of
Leonardo SpA
Template for ROHS Certificate
Standard, documents and publications referenced without issue date or revision index, are intended in the latest version available
Additional mandatory requirements may be indicated in the PO.
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
3.1 Definitions
See document PQA004-L-IT-D.
3.2 Acronyms
Allied Quality Assurance Publication
Classification Labelling and Packaging (EU regulations 1272/2008)
Certificate of Conformity
Government Quality Assurance Representative
International Standardization Organization
Purchase Order
Registration Evaluation Authorization of Chemicals (EU regulations 1907/2006)
Restriction of Hazardous Substances EU Directive (directive 2011/65/UE )
Defence Systems
Safety Data Sheet
Serial Number
Substance of Very High Concern
Standardization Agreement
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
The following requirements, as set out in PQA004-L, shall apply to all supplies covered by this
General requirements for the Supplier's Quality System;
Determining and reviewing requirements;
Management of supplies from sub-tiers;
Identification and traceability
Control of nonconforming products;
Product preservation;
Right of access and support for the customer and GQAR (if requested in the order)
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
5.1 Standard Mechanical Components and Electrical/Electronic Components (RQF = B1)
This paragraph applies to supplies of COTS Standard Mechanical small Components
(“Normalery”) and Standard Electrical/Electronic Components ("Normalized"), produced under
requirements established by a technical regulatory body (e.g. Screw EN ISO 8765 - M14x1.5x100;
Connector MIL-C-5015, ... etc.) and not according to some "proprietary" technical specification.
The supplier can be the manufacturer himself or a distributor of products made by others.
These products are not considered Configuration Items by Leonardo-SDI.
5.1.1 Manufacturer's documentation
This paragraph applies only if the supplier is also the manufacturer of the product supplied. If the
supplier is a distributor, see paragraph 5.2.8.
Certificate of Conformity
The supplier shall provide for each supply a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) certifying that the
product complies with the contractual requirements. The CoC shall include the following
information as a minimum:
Reference to the Leonardo-SDI PO number;
Manufacturer’s Part Number;
Leonardo-SDI Part Number (if available and different from the manufacturer’s one);
Applicable data for product traceability (quantity, S/N, batch nr, manufacturing date, etc.);
Explicit declaration of compliance with contractual requirements;
Date and signature of the supplier.
REACh Declaration
Pursuant to the REACh regulation (EU standard 1907/2006), a REACh declaration under Art. 33
shall be produced for each supply item in which the presence or absence of SVHC substances
(Substances of Very High Concern) in quantities exceeding 0.1% weight/weight. The supplier shall
notify Leonardo-SDI using the appropriate form that can be downloaded from the Leonardo Spa
supplier portal link:
The form shall be sent to Leonardo-SDI together with each supply and via email to:
The PO number of the supply shall be indicated in the subject of the e-mail.
5.1.2 Prevention of counterfeit parts
In order to prevent the supply of counterfeit parts, the supplier shall ensure Leonardo-SDI the full
traceability of the sources used for the procurement of materials and components, and the
availability of the related documentation chain.
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
5.1.3 Reporting of faulty products
The supplier shall notify Leonardo-SDI of any defects found on products already delivered
previously. The requirement applies to all possible defects detected by the manufacturer, the
distributor (if different from the manufacturer), or other users of the same product.
5.1.4 Limited life materials
Residual life
Unless otherwise requested in the PO, limited life materials shall have, upon receipt in Leonardo-
SDI, a residual life of not less than 80% of the useful life indicated by the manufacturer.
Manufacturing an Expiry Date
In the case of limited life materials, the manufacturing date and the expiry date shall be indicated
on the product or on the packaging of each individual item.
5.1.5 Specific requirements for electrical and electronic components
Date of shipment
Unless otherwise indicated in the PO, less than five years shall have elapsed between the
manufacturing date and the shipping date.
For electrical / electronic components that have entered the obsolescence phase, it is required that
this status be declared together with the production end date.
ROHS Certificate
For supplies of Electrical and Electronic components, in compliance with the RoHS 2011/65/EU
regulation, the supplier is required to draw up a certification as indicated in the specific form PRG651-
T-IT-D (the latest fillable version is available in the Leonardo S.p.a. Supplier Portal link: The form shall accompany each supply
and shall also be sent by e-mail to
The PO number relating to the supply shall be indicated in the subject of the e-mail.
5.1.6 Acceptance of the Supply
If not specified in the order, Leonardo-SDI will not participate in the final tests conducted by the
supplier to certify the conformity of the supply.
Following the delivery of the products, the supply will be subjected by Leonardo-SDI to acceptance
test according to criteria which, on request, can be notified to the supplier.
The delivery is considered complete and compliant only if, in addition to the material, the required
documentation has also been delivered and accepted by Leonardo-SDI.
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
5.1.7 Requirements for the distributor
This paragraph applies only if the supplier is a distributor and does not coincide with the
manufacturer of the product supplied.
Original products
The products supplied shall be original and shall not be subject to alteration or modification respect
to those made by the manufacturer.
Certificate of Conformity
The supplier shall associate each supply with a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) attesting that the
supply complies with the contractual requirements and with the technical documentation referred to
in the manufacturer's catalogues. The CoC shall include at least the following information:
Reference to the Leonardo-SDI PO number;
Manufacturer identification;
Manufacturer’s Part Number;
Distributor’s Part Number (if different from the Manufacturer’s Part Number);
Leonardo-SDI Part Number (if applicable and different from the Manufacturer’s and the
Distributor’s Part Number);
Applicable data for product traceability (quantity, S/N, batch nr, manufacturing date, etc.);
Explicit declaration of conformity with the contractual requirements and with the technical
documentation referred to in the manufacturer's catalogues;
Date and signature of the distributor;
Manufacturer's CoC (to be referenced and attached);
Declaration that the supply is part of a supply from an authorized distributor/manufacturer
whose CoC shall be attached.
Technical documents and other certificates from the manufacturer
The distributor shall associate the following documents, produced by the manufacturer, with each
REACH Declaration (if applicable, according to para. 5.1.1
ROHS Certificate (according to para. 5.1.5)
Any other certificates relating to applicable requirements such as, for example:
o characteristics of the materials used,
o CE declaration of conformity (as applicable)
o applicable mandatory rules,
o applicable industry standards, etc.
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
5.2 COTS identified as Configuration Items (RQF = B2)
This paragraph applies to COTS products that are identified by Leonardo-SDI as Configuration
Items. (see Table 1 RQF = B2)
5.2.1 Manufacturer's documentation
This paragraph applies only if the supplier coincides with the manufacturer of the supplied product.
If the supplier is a distributor, see para. 5.2.8.
Certificate of Conformity
The supplier shall associate each supply with a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) attesting that the
product complies with the contractual requirements. The CoC shall include at least the following
Reference to the Leonardo-SDI PO number;
Supplier’s Part Number;
Leonardo-SDI Part Number (if applicable and different from the supplier’s Part Number);
Applicable data for product traceability (quantity, S/N, batch nr, manufacturing date, …etc.);
Explicit declaration of conformity with the contractual requirements;
Date and signature of the supplier;
Technical Data Sheets and other certificates
The supplier shall associate each supply with:
The Technical Data Sheets containing the characteristics of the products supplied;
Any other certificates relating to applicable requirements such as, for example:
o characteristics of the materials used,
o CE declaration of conformity (as applicable)
o applicable mandatory rules,
o applicable industry standards, etc.
Test Report
The supplier shall document the outcome of the final checks (functional, dimensional, visual)
conducted on the supply batches and/or the individual products supplied, and if requested in the
order shall associate the relevant Test Reports with the supply.
REACh Declaration
Pursuant to the REACh regulation (EU standard 1907/2006), a REACh declaration under Art. 33
shall be produced for each supply item in which the presence or absence of SVHC substances
(Substances of Very High Concern) in quantities exceeding 0.1% weight/weight. The supplier shall
notify Leonardo-SDI using the appropriate form that can be downloaded from the Leonardo Spa
supplier portal link:
The form shall be sent to Leonardo-SDI together with each supply and via email to:
The PO number of the supply shall be indicated in the subject of the e-mail.
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
5.2.2 Prevention of counterfeit parts
In order to prevent the supply of counterfeit parts, the supplier shall ensure Leonardo-SDI the full
traceability of the authorized sources used for the procurement of materials and components, and
the availability of the related documentation chain.
5.2.3 Reporting of faulty products
The supplier shall notify Leonardo-SDI of any defects found on COTS products already delivered
previously. The requirement applies to all possible defects detected by the distributor (if different
from the manufacturer), the manufacturer or other users of the same product.
5.2.4 Limited life materials
Residual life
Unless otherwise requested in the PO, limited life materials shall have, upon receipt in Leonardo-
SDI, a residual life of not less than 80% of the useful life indicated by the manufacturer.
Manufacturing and Expiry Date
In the case of limited life materials, the manufacturing date and the expiry date shall be indicated
on the product or on the packaging of each individual item.
5.2.5 Specific requirements for electrical and electronic products
Date of shipment
Unless otherwise indicated in the PO, less than 5 years shall have elapsed between the
manufacturing date and the shipping date and, if the supplier is the manufacturer, evidence of a
test report not older than one year is required.
For electrical / electronic products that have entered the obsolescence phase, it is required that
this status be declared together with the production end date.
ROHS Certificate
For supplies of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, in compliance with the RoHS 2011/65/EU
regulation, the supplier is required to draw up a certification as indicated in the specific form
PRG651-T-IT-D (the latest fillable version is available in the Leonardo S.p.a. Supplier Portal link: The form shall accompany each
supply and also be sent by e-mail to:
The PO number of the supply shall be indicated in the subject of the e-mail
5.2.6 Filler material, welding shielding gas
These are materials used to carry out welding processes: wire-gas, coated electrodes and rods.
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
For this type of materials the supplier, in addition to the Certificate of Conformity, shall also send
the following documents:
Chemical Analysis Certificate of the casting,
Certificate of mechanical characteristics,
Identification of the characteristics on the welding wire/electrode container
The welding shielding gas shall comply with UNI ISO 14175, to be recalled on the relevant
Certificate of Conformity together with the characteristics of the gas.
5.2.7 Acceptance of the Supply
If not specified in the PO, Leonardo-SDI will not participate in the final tests carried out by the
supplier to certify the conformity of the supply.
Following the delivery of the products, the supply will undergo Leonardo-SDI’s acceptance testing
according to criteria which, on request, can be notified to the supplier.
For supplies divided into batches, the acceptance test shall be conducted according to the criteria
of UNI ISO 2859 (otherwise, if required in the PO, the criteria of MIL-STD-105E shall be applied).
The supply is considered complete and compliant only if, in addition to the material, the required
documentation has also been delivered and accepted by Leonardo-SDI.
5.2.8 Requirements for the distributor
This paragraph applies only if the supplier is a distributor and does not coincide with the
manufacturer of the product supplied.
Original products
The products supplied shall be original and shall not be subject to alteration or modification respect
to those made by the manufacturer.
Certificate of Conformity
The supplier shall associate with each supply a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) attesting that the
supply complies with the contractual requirements and with the technical documentation referred to
in the manufacturer's catalogues. The CoC shall include at least the following information:
Reference to the Leonardo-SDI PO number;
Identification of the Manufacturer;
Manufacturer’s Part Number (P/N);
Distributor’s P/N (if different from the Manufacturer’s P/N);
Leonardo-SDI P/N (if applicable and different from Manufacturer’s and Distributor’s P/N);
Applicable data for product traceability (quantity, S/N, batch nr, manufacturing date, …etc.);
Explicit declaration of conformity with the contractual requirements and with the technical
documentation referred to in the manufacturer's catalogues;
Date and signature of the distributor;
Manufacturer's CoC (to be referenced and attached);
Declaration that the supply is part of a supply from the authorized distributor/manufacturer.
Technical documents and other certificates from the manufacturer
The distributor shall associate the following documents produced by the manufacturer with each supply:
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
The Technical Data Sheets containing the characteristics of the products supplied;
REACH Declaration (if applicable, according to para. 5.2.1);5.1.1
ROHS Certificate (if applicable, according to para. 5.2.5);
Any other certificates relating to applicable requirements such as, for example:
o characteristics of the materials used,
o CE declaration of conformity (as applicable)
o applicable mandatory rules,
o applicable industry standards, etc.
Test Report
Where applicable, on request by Leonardo-SDI, the distributor shall make available the Test
Reports of the checks (functional, dimensional, visual) carried out by the distributor himself on the
batches or individual products supplied
5.2.9 Requirements for Configuration Management
The supplier shall ensure:
The availability over time of equivalent components in terms of Form, Fit & Function;
A last buy option in the event that the availability of functionally equivalent products should fail
due to obvious obsolescence problems;
Preventive information, throughout the life cycle, on all changes, both HW and SW, proposed
on the product and/or its production process;
Configuration control of the product according to the requirements specified in the document
PQA004-L-IT-D (paragraph: "Configuration Management System”).
5.3 COTS Software (RQF = B3)
This paragraph applies to supplies of COTS software (Operating Systems, Graphic Libraries,
Mathematical Libraries, etc.).
Quality Standard
The supplier shall implement a Software Quality Management System which complies with the
requirements specified by Leonardo-SDI in the PO.
The supplier shall indicate in the software documentation the quality standard applied for software
Configuration Management
The supplier
shall ensure that the supplied COTS software is under configuration management in
accordance with the requirements specified in PQA004-L-IT-D (paragraph: "Configuration
The supplier shall deliver the software accompanied by the documentation required in the PO
Regardless of whether the supplier is the producer or a distributor of the software, the requirement applies anyway.
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
In the absence of instructions from Leonardo-SDI, the software shall in any case be accompanied
by appropriate documentation describing its technical characteristics and use (functionalities,
interfaces, HW requirements, installation methods, user manual, etc.).
On request, the supplier shall provide objective evidence that the software is capable of performing
the functions described in the accompanying technical documentation.
Certificate of Conformity (CoC)
The supplier shall associate each supply with a Certificate of Conformity attesting that the software
complies with the contractual requirements and the information contained in the accompanying
technical documentation.
The CoC shall include at least the following information:
Reference to the Leonardo-SDI PO number;
Identification of the producer (if different from the supplier);
Software Part Number and revision index, according the standard of the producer;
Quantity and serial numbers of the user licences issued;
Explicit declaration of conformity with the contractual requirements and the technical
documentation associated with the software;
Date and signature of the supplier
User license
The software shall be accompanied by the relevant user licenses, such that:
They are in the quantity requested in the PO;
They define the legal rules governing circulation and restrictions on the use of the software;
They have unlimited duration over time (unless otherwise specified in the order);
They allow the software to be transferred to the Leonardo-SDI customer
The licenses shall be attached to the CoC or, alternatively, they may be delivered in electronic form
on the physical medium containing the software.
Software delivery
The software shall be transferred to Leonardo-SDI on a packaged medium in such a way as to
ensure its identification and integrity upon delivery.
The software shall be delivered with the CoC and associated technical documentation.
Acceptance of the supply
Following delivery, the software shall be subjected by Leonardo-SDI to acceptance testing
according to criteria which, on request, can be notified to the supplier.
The supply is considered complete and compliant only if, in addition to the Software, the relative
documentation has also been delivered and accepted by Leonardo-SDI.
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
5.4 COTS chemicals, substances and mixtures (RQF = B4)
This paragraph applies to supplies of chemicals, substances and mixtures (see Table 1 - Products
with RQF = B4)
5.4.1 Documentation of the manufacturer / formulator
This paragraph applies only if the supplier coincides with the manufacturer / formulator of the
supplied product. If the supplier is a distributor, see par. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata
Certificate of Conformity
The supplier shall associate each supply with a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) attesting that the product
complies with the contractual requirements. The CoC shall include at least the following information:
Reference to the Leonardo-SDI PO number;
Manufacturer’s Part Number;
Leonardo-SDI Part Number (if applicable and different from the manufacturer’s Part Number);
Applicable data for product traceability (quantity, S/N, batch nr, manufacturing date, …etc.);
Explicit declaration of conformity with the contractual requirements;
Date and signature of the supplier.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
In compliance with REACH and CLP regulations, the Safety Data Sheet in Italian language shall be
provided for each chemical product, substance, and/or mixture supplied. The SDSs shall accompany
each supply, and shall also be sent by email to
The PO number relating to the supply shall be indicated in the subject of the email.
The contents of the Safety Data Sheets shall be compliant with the applicable legal requirements
5.4.2 Prevention of counterfeit products
In order to prevent the supply of counterfeit products, the supplier shall ensure Leonardo-SDI the
full traceability of the authorized sources used for the procurement of substances and components,
and the availability of the related documentation chain.
5.4.3 Reporting of faulty products
The supplier shall notify Leonardo-SDI of any defects found on products already delivered
previously. The requirement applies to all possible defects detected by the formulator, the
distributor (if different from the formulator), or other users of the same product.
5.4.4 Limited life substances
Residual life
Unless otherwise requested in the PO, limited life substances shall have, upon receipt in
Leonardo-SDI, a residual life of not less than 80% of the useful life indicated by the formulator.
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
Manufacturing and Expiry Date
For substances with a limited life, the date of manufacture and expiry shall be indicated on the
product or on the packaging of each individual item.
5.4.5 Label
Chemical products shall be properly labeled in accordance with the requirements of the CLP
5.4.6 Acceptance of the Supply
Following the delivery of the products, the supply shall undergo Leonardo-SDI’s acceptance testing
according to criteria which, on request, can be notified to the supplier.
For supplies divided into batches, the acceptance test shall be conducted according to the criteria
of UNI ISO 2859 (otherwise, if required in the PO, the criteria of MIL-STD-105E shall be applied).
The supply is considered complete and compliant only if, in addition to the material, the required
documentation has also been delivered and accepted by Leonardo-SDI.
5.4.7 Requirements for the distributor
This paragraph applies only if the supplier is a distributor and does not coincide with the
manufacturer/formulator of the product supplied.
Original products
The products supplied shall be original and shall not be subject to alteration or modification respect
to those made by the manufacturer/formulator.
Certificate of Conformity
The supplier shall associate with each supply a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) attesting that the
supply complies with the contractual requirements and with the technical documentation referred to
in the manufacturer's catalogues. The CoC shall include at least the following information:
Reference to the Leonardo-SDI PO number;
Identification of the manufacturer;
Manufacturer’s Part Number (P/N);
Distributor’s P/N (if different from the Manufacturer’s P/N);
Leonardo-SDI P/N (if applicable and different from Manufacturer’s and Distributor’s P/N);
Applicable data for product traceability (quantity, S/N, batch nr, manufacturing date, …etc.);
Explicit declaration of conformity with the contractual requirements and with the technical
documentation referred to in the manufacturer's catalogues;
Date and signature of the distributor;
Manufacturer's CoC (to be referenced and attached);
Declaration that the supply is part of a supply from the authorized distributor/manufacturer.
PQA005-L-IT-D en rev. 02
Quality Requirements for supplies of COTS products
Template: QUA049-T-IT-D rev.02
Company General Use
Documentation and other certificates from the manufacturer
The distributor shall associate the following manufacturer’s documents with each supply:
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) of the products supplied in accordance with the indications of par. 5.4.1;
Any other certificates relating to applicable requirements such as, for example:
o CE declaration of conformity (as applicable)
o applicable mandatory rules,
o applicable industry standards, etc.
5.5 COTS non Configuration Items (RQF = B5)
This paragraph applies to supplies of COTS products that are not identified by Leonardo-SDI as a
Configuration Item (see Table 1 - RQF = B5).
For these products the supplier shall ensure:
Compliance with the requirements expressed in par. 5.2 of this document and its sub-
paragraphs, with the exclusion of paragraph 5.2.9.