Construction Execution
February 7, 2024
Project Review Meeting Agenda and Checklist
Key Points
Effective project review meetings are essential to oversight and control of projects.
A consistent, enterprise-wide approach improves the overall quality of project reviews and
facilitates the identification of enterprise risks and performance issues.
Each project carries its own special challenges and requirements, which will dictate more
attention and more in-depth reviews of particular aspects.
A previous Executive Insight addresses the importance of project review meetings and how they benefit
from a well-developed agenda and checklist to ensure consistent, complete, and comprehensive
coverage. This Executive Insight presents a suggested project review meeting agenda and checklist for
both engineering and construction projects.
The nature of the review will be influenced by the role of the particular company as well as the form of
the contract. The various nuances associated with each of these have not been laid out and as such the
suggested agenda and checklist that follow should be regarded as starting points.
Additionally, each project carries its own special challenges and requirements, which will dictate more
attention and more in-depth reviews of particular aspects. Similarly, as the project progresses, emphasis
will shift from initial design activities to those more construction focused. In all cases, effective regular
and meaningful project reviews are essential to project success.
The use of a common project review agenda complemented by a standard project report template
fosters organizational consistency and expectations.
Project Review Meeting Agenda and Checklist
1. Confirmation of project review meeting scope Many projects, in particular large complex ones,
may involve performance of work under multiple distinct contracts, projects, or tasks. It is important
to understand the limits of the particular review, which may include only one project or a grouping
of related contracts. Whatever the scope of the review meeting, it must be supported as a minimum
by a project report that covers the elements of the project outlined later in the agenda.
2. Reaffirming the baseline Any effective project review begins by assessing performance against
the established baseline. It is essential to ensure that the project review is being conducted against
the then-current project baseline. This reaffirmation should be reflected in the project report,
typically on a title page listing client and project details; project description and relevant scope of
work; contract type and approved value; and schedule, including key milestones. It is important that
the entire review team is aligned and that no assumptions about what is being discussed are
unclear. As trivial as this may seem, the author has witnessed project review meetings where
various participants had different perceptions of what was being reviewed (for example, partial
project vs. complete project).
3. Safety moment and performance The importance of safety must be emphasized continuously
and at all levels. Selection of safety topics should reflect upcoming safety challenges the project is
likely to face. Relevance is key. At this point, safety performance from the prior period, planned
upcoming safety actions, or areas of concern should be laid out.
4. Action items Any action items identified from the prior meeting should be brought up and their
current status reviewed. Completed actions should be formally closed out and completion
subsequently communicated as appropriate. Actions that are overdue should be examined for cause
of delay, effectiveness of management and project team efforts, and requirements and resources to
complete. Impacts of delayed completion should be assessed and any systemic issues noted for
additional follow-up and resolution. There should also be a discussion of the Decision Log,
identifying what decisions have been made since the last update, who made them and why, what
alternatives were considered, and who was informed.
5. Issues and concerns A summary of the key issues the project team is facing should be discussed
as well as any significant concerns of the project manager. This acts to frame the rest of the project
review meeting. It allows the reviewers to agree with or challenge the project manager’s
assessment. It also helps identify other areas of concern. The status of relationships and
communication with the client and other key stakeholders should be highlighted as well as any
potential impacts on the project.
6. Value creation or value improvement Often this discussion follows the safety moment. The
author, however, finds it to be more effective when presented in the context of the challenges and
concerns the project is facing. If a formal value improvement program is involved, including value
engineering, then that program should be discussed here and should highlight the improvements
and value (cost savings) created to date.
7. Project manager’s narrative on upcoming activities Understanding where the project needs to
go in the short term, as presented by the project manager, should proceed the more detailed
performance review of the various project elements to date. This helps highlight the relative
importance of any deviations from planned accomplishments.
8. Changes to the baseline It is essential to understand how the baseline has changed since the last
review meeting and from inception to date. The review team should confirm that changes were
formally approved by the client and the required contract changes received. Approved changes not
yet reflected by a formal contract change should be examined, communicated, and confirmed with
the client. Unapproved changes should not be reflected in the project baseline. Anticipated future
changes to the baseline should be discussed and those requiring timely notice confirmed. The
review team should seek to identify common drivers of change and elevate discussions as
appropriate, including subsequent management team conversations with the client. Scope control is
essential to project control.
9. Project risks These should include current assessments of risks related to safety, cost, schedule,
quality, sustainability (environmental and social), and contract. Risks that have emerged to date and
their associated costs and impacts should be compared to the established risk reserves and
decisions made as to whether any portions of the risk reserve should be released. Risks likely to
emerge in the near term should be discussed to ensure adequate risk reserves are available and
sufficient management and mitigation measures have been taken. Opportunities should be
discussed similar to those described for project risks. Assumptions should be confirmed, and any
assumption migration assessed for impacts.
10. Master schedule review The influence of time (schedule performance) and cost on project
outcomes cannot be overstated. Review of the schedule before detailed performance and cost
reviews of various project elements helps provide context for particularly impactful areas and
identifies areas requiring alternative execution approaches. The master schedule review should
reflect both overall major milestones as well as those specific to the project being reviewed. All
phases of the project should be consideredengineering, procurement, construction, and startup
and commissioning. Engineering deliverables touch all phases of the project. The focus on phases
and areas of emphasis will change. Reviews should highlight schedule progress, ensuring the correct
schedule performance index is being used. Forecasts should be challenged where measurable
improvements in productivity or other performance rates are assumed.
11. Element performance reviews This series of detailed examinations of the various project
elements includes:
a. Engineering (discipline- or task-focused)
b. Procurement (long lead; high value; supply chain challenges)
c. Construction (site; early works; major trades; specialty trades)
d. Commissioning and startup
Reviews will consider staffing and labor-related performance as well as any specialty equipment and
its performance (e.g., tunnel boring machine). Various review elements are discussed subsequently.
12. Engineering Engineering reviews should include:
a. Planned vs. actual engineering staffing (by discipline as appropriate). This
should include any lead engineering office and any secondary engineering
locations, including any specialty engineering subcontractors. Support staff
should be similarly reviewed for appropriateness and level.
b. Forecast staffing needs and a review of any issues or concerns related to
c. Engineering performance and progress for each location and discipline. Any
performance issues should be examined with respect to cause and
strategies to address. Earned value or other performance factors for
engineering efforts should be compared with planned and forecast factors.
Persistent shortfalls in performance should not be allowed to distort
anticipated future performance (forecast must reflect likely realities).
d. The status of engineering reviews and quality approvals should be examined
and any quality assurance trends discussed.
e. Client review and approval status should be examined and impacts on
performance delay and approach to improvement reviewed.
f. Delayed inputs from clients, vendors, or others should be reviewed, tracked,
and resolution of outstanding items discussed.
g. The level and nature of engineering holds should be reviewed.
h. Issued for procurement or issued for construction (IFC) should be reported,
including an assessment of project impacts.
i. The nature and types of requests for information (RFIs) received should be
reviewed to identify any potential engineering quality issues.
j. Status of Building Information Models (BIMs) should be reviewed for
current and intended use, such as construction planning, progress
assessment, and completeness for client asset management usage.
13. Procurement procurement and fabrication reviews should be conducted for both the final project
site as well as any module or fabrication yards or facilities. Staffing profiles and performance should
be reviewed similar to that described for engineering labor. Specific focus and review should be
placed on:
a. Owner Furnished Equipment availability, timing, adequacy for intended
purpose; operating or warranty limitations.
b. Mechanical equipment vessels, tanks, pumps and other rotating
equipment, heat exchangers, and heaters. Progress should be reviewed
against plan and any holds resulting from client or other approvals;
engineering holds or unaddressed RFIs; or material or subcontractor issues.
Potential impacts should be discussed. Vendor shop loads should be
reviewed as appropriate and current progress against the plan assessed.
Status of equipment lists should be confirmed.
c. Electrical equipment and instrumentation progress should be reviewed
against tag status and any delayed items discussed with respect to potential
construction impacts. Any common vendor quality issues should be
d. Bulk materials aggregate, concrete, steel (excluding specialty steels or
custom shapes), piping (excluding specialty piping but including status
against line lists), and electrical bulks and instrumentation bulks.
e. Specialty materials specialty steels and custom shapes; specialty piping
and other specialty items that may impact overall project execution. Ensure
overall material and testing status and documentation.
f. Valving status of procurement against valve lists.
g. Logistics and expediting export/import permit status; shipping, special
transporters (e.g., self-propelled modular transport, SPMT), traffic and
logistics; and warehousing (other than site).
14. Construction review of labor, materials, and equipment; review of construction progress,
considering both earned value and schedule performance index.
a. Labor reviews should include staffing levels by trade vs. plan; overtime and
shift work usage; productivity, trends, and factors impacting productivity;
safety performance; retention rates; indirect labor; and subcontract labor
and performance.
b. Material reviews receipts; quantities installed and installation rates;
inventories; wastage; forecast needs and any likely receipt shortfalls; and
quality testing results.
c. Construction equipment usage (hours); fuel and fills consumption;
maintenance status and schedule; specialty equipment requirements; and
equipment release dates.
d. Indirect Field Costs
e. Construction progress by account civil, concrete, structural steel,
buildings, mechanical equipment, piping, electrical, instrumentation,
painting, insulation, scaffolding, and others.
f. Status of key subcontracts staffing, performance, progress, change orders,
claims, and payments.
g. The appropriateness and effectiveness of construction technology used
should be reviewed.
h. Compliance reviews to address both Buy America(n) and any project labor
agreements as well as any social programs such as minority-owned or
disadvantaged individuals-owned business enterprises (MBE/DBE)
15. Startup and commissioning plan completion, staffing, system turnover, including associated
system testing and overall plant startup. Specific review items should include:
a. Startup staffing levels.
b. Startup document status, including operating and maintenance manuals.
c. Mechanical completion and turnover.
d. Overall startup progress.
16. Quality Management System review of project quality performance, including quality system
audits, discipline audits, construction audits, and project closeout audits.
17. Project administration performance of project systems, including human resources (HR), project
administration, document management, IT (project cybersecurity; appropriate use of artificial
intelligence), and site security.
18. Overall project financial status essentially consolidates costs from a client perspective and
forecasts cost to complete. This is reviewed against client budgets and contractual commitments
(e.g., not-to-exceed price).
19. Company project financial status a review of the commercial performance of the project.
Principal aspects of this review include:
a. Contract status
i. Approved and unapproved changes
ii. Open “notices”
iii. Claims and disputes
b. Revenue
i. Client furnished materials (CFM)
ii. Payments received
iii. Revenue reserves (advanced payments; payments in dispute)
iv. Unbilled amounts (earned but not yet billed)
c. Cost
i. CFM
ii. Labor
iii. Materials
iv. Equipment
v. Subcontracts
vi. Indirect field costs
vii. Commissioning and startup costs
viii. Cost reserves (contingency breakdown and analysis)
ix. Risk reserves
x. Event risk reserves
xi. Bonds and other financial costs
d. Cash
i. Cash balance and forecast (anticipated receipts and bills coming
ii. Invested cash
iii. Receivable status and aging
iv. Outstanding mobilization payments
e. Available incentives earned, unearned, forfeited; likely amount at
completion. These are often related to project Key Performance Indicators
f. Remaining risks
g. Profit & Loss (P&L) comparison to project plan (as-sold values/as
contracted values) and forecast at completion
i. Gross project margin
ii. General & Administrative (G&A) and overhead including unbillable
iii. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
20. Project audits review of findings and status of corrective actions; focus on any systemic issues
21. Completion and closeout status review
22. Action items document action items from meeting and assign responsibilities and due dates.
23. Prepare meeting minutes after meeting and distribute.
Effective project review meetings are essential to oversight and control of projects. A consistent,
enterprise-wide approach (project report; project agenda) improves the overall quality of project
reviews and facilitates the identification of enterprise risks and performance issues.
About the Author
Bob Prieto was elected to the National Academy of Construction in 2011. He is a senior executive who is
effective in shaping and executing business strategy and a recognized leader within the infrastructure,
engineering, and construction industries.
Although the author and NAC have made every effort to ensure accuracy
and completeness of the advice or information presented within, NAC
and the author assume no responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies,
omissions or inconsistencies it may contain, or for any results obtained
from the use of this information. The information is provided on an “as
is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or
timeliness, and without any warranties of any kind whatsoever, express
or implied. Reliance on any information provided by NAC or the author is
solely at your own risk.