Vigo County
Public Library
Policy Manual
Table of Contents
(Click on a title or page number to advance to that page)
Notice Under The Americans With Disabilities Act ................................................................................................ 1
Grievance Procedure under the Americans with Disabilities Act ...................................................................... 2
Grievance Procedure under Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II Problem/Complaint Form ..................... 3
Board Guidelines Regarding Media Or Public Inquiries ......................................................................................... 4
CAPITAL ASSETS POLICY .................................................................................................................................. 5
Circulation Policy ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Addendum to Circulation Policy ........................................................................................................................ 8
Collection Development Policy ............................................................................................................................. 10
Community Access to Meeting Rooms and Collaborative Spaces ........................................................................ 12
Meeting Rooms ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Collaborative Spaces ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Meeting Room Amenities ................................................................................................................................. 14
Associated Fees ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Occupancy Limits ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Addendum to Community Access to Meeting Rooms and Collaborative Spaces policy ................................. 17
Availability ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Restrictions ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Making Reservations and Cancellations........................................................................................................... 17
Computer, Internet, and Wireless Access Use Policy ............................................................................................ 18
Confidentiality and Privacy of Library Users Policy ............................................................................................. 20
Credit Card Use Policy ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Displays, Exhibits, and Community Postings Policy ............................................................................................. 22
Expressive Activities on Library Premises ............................................................................................................ 23
Food and Beverage Policy...................................................................................................................................... 24
Gifts Policy............................................................................................................................................................. 25
Interlibrary Loan Policy ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Investment Policy ................................................................................................................................................... 28
Library Board Of Trustees Travel And Reimbursement Policy ............................................................................. 29
Open Door Law Policy ........................................................................................................................................... 30
Parking Policy ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Participating in Meetings Via Electronic communication policy........................................................................... 33
Performance Evaluation Of Library Director Policy ............................................................................................. 35
Performance and Evaluation Criteria for Library Director............................................................................... 36
Print, Copy, Scan, and Fax Services Policy ........................................................................................................... 37
Program Policy ....................................................................................................................................................... 38
Registration of Borrowers Policy ........................................................................................................................... 39
Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Free Library Cards ............................................................................ 40
Resolution to Establish Non-Resident Fees ...................................................................................................... 41
Rights and Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 42
Service Fee Policy .................................................................................................................................................. 43
Service Fee Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 44
Small Purchase Policy ............................................................................................................................................ 47
Staff Use Of Library Materials Policy ................................................................................................................... 48
Guidelines for Staff Use of Library Materials .................................................................................................. 49
Statement Reaffirming Public Library As A Public Good ..................................................................................... 50
Tobacco and e-Cigarette-Free Policy ..................................................................................................................... 51
Unattended Children Policy ................................................................................................................................... 52
Unscheduled Library Closings ............................................................................................................................... 53
Use Of Social Media Policy ................................................................................................................................... 54
Administrative Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 55
Vehicle Use Policy ................................................................................................................................................. 56
Volunteer And Intern Policy .................................................................................................................................. 57
Definition .......................................................................................................................................................... 57
Role of Volunteers and Interns ......................................................................................................................... 57
Teen Volunteer Program .................................................................................................................................. 57
English as a Second Language Program........................................................................................................... 57
Friends of the Vigo County Public Library ...................................................................................................... 58
Recruitment ...................................................................................................................................................... 58
Orientation and Training .................................................................................................................................. 58
Recognition ...................................................................................................................................................... 58
Evaluation ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Release Authorizing Check of Volunteer Credentials ...................................................................................... 59
In accordance with the requirements of title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the VIGO
COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of
disability in its services, programs, or activities.
Employment: the VIGO COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or
employment practices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission under title I of the ADA.
Effective Communication: VIGO COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids
and services leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally
in VIGO COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY’s programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language
interpreters, documents in Braille, and other ways of making information and communications accessible to people
who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments.
Modifications to Policies and Procedures: VIGO COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY will make all reasonable
modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of
its programs, services, and activities. For example, individuals with service animals are welcomed in VIGO COUNTY
PUBLIC LIBRARY offices and public service areas, even where pets are generally prohibited.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or
procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of VIGO COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY, should contact
one of the library division Directors at 812-232-1113, Vigo County Public Library, One Library Square, Terre Haute,
IN 47807 or
as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event. The ADA
does not require the VIGO COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature
of its programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.
Complaints that a program, service, or activity of VIGO COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY is not accessible to persons with
disabilities should be directed to the Executive Director who serves as the ADA Coordinator at Vigo County Public
Library, One Library Square, Terre Haute, IN 47807, Voice: 812-232-1113; e-mail:
VIGO COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group
of individuals with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modifications of
policy, such as retrieving items from locations that are open to the public but are not accessible to persons who use
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 21
day of August 2017.
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Grievance Procedure under the Americans with Disabilities Act
This Grievance Procedure is established to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
("ADA"). The procedure may be used by anyone who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of
disability in the provision of services, activities, programs, or benefits by the VIGO COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY.
The VIGO COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYs Staff Manual governs employment-related complaints of disability
The complaint should be in writing and contain information about the alleged discrimination such as name, address,
phone number of complainant and location, date, and description of the problem. Alternative means of filing
complaints, such as personal interviews or a tape recording of the complaint will be made available for persons with
disabilities upon request.
The complaint should be submitted by the grievant and/or his/her designee as soon as possible but no later than 60
calendar days after the alleged violation to:
Executive Director and ADA Coordinator
Vigo County Public Library, One Library Square, Terre Haute IN 47807
Voice: 812-232-1113; E-mail:
Within 15 calendar days after receipt of the complaint, the ADA Coordinator, or designee will meet with the
complainant to discuss the complaint and the possible resolutions. Within 15 calendar days of the meeting, the ADA
Coordinator, or designee will respond in writing, and where appropriate, in a format accessible to the complainant,
such as large print, Braille, or audio tape. The response will explain the position of the VIGO COUNTY PUBLIC
LIBRARY and offer options for substantive resolution of the complaint.
If the response by the ADA Coordinator
, or designee, does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the complainant and/or
his/her designee may appeal the decision within 15 calendar days after receipt of the response to the Vigo County
Public Library Board of Trustees or a designee.
Within 15 calendar days after receipt of the appeal, the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees or a designee
will meet with the complainant to discuss the complaint and possible resolutions. Within 15 calendar days after the
meeting, the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees or a designee will respond in writing, and, where
appropriate, in a format accessible to the complainant, with a final resolution of the complaint.
All written complaints received by the ADA Coordinator, or designee, appeals to the Vigo County Public Library
Board of Trustees or a designee, and responses from these two offices will be retained by the VIGO COUNTY
PUBLIC LIBRARY for at least three years.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 21
day of August 2017.
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Grievance Procedure under Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II Problem/Complaint Form
Name ____ Date _____
Address __________________
City ______ State Zip __________________
Phone ______________________________ Email__________________________________
Age, if minor Parent/Guardian name __________________
Library service, program, or activity involved __________________
Describe the problem encountered in gaining access to or benefitting from the service, program, or activity:
Library location where the problem was encountered _______________________________
Date the problem was encountered ______________________________
What suggestions do you have to remedy the problem?
Staff member who accepted form ________ ____________
Date received by Library Executive Director __________________
Committee review date
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No one on the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees can or should be denied his or her freedom of expression.
In other words, the individual board member is not censored or told how he or she must respond to any particular
inquiry. The same principle holds true for library staff. The VCPL’s Collection Development Policy and the
Accessing Library Materials Policy, or any policy for that matter, are not sets of strict black and white rules that will
provide the “right” answer to a question. These policies do, however, provide a framework for a response.
Censorship issues tend to be emotional and usually revolve around a particular title or format of material. Often, the
only answer that satisfies the complaint is for the Library to agree to remove the item. If this course is followed, the
item is then not available to those who may want to read, view, or hear that particular work. If every item or library
material that might offend someone were withdrawn from the library collection, the VCPL would have few, if any,
materials left on the shelves. The VCPL may withdraw an item temporarily while it is under review. Collection status
may also be changed, for example, from juvenile to adult, but library materials are not withdrawn solely on the basis of
a complaint.
The following guidelines are offered as suggestions for VCPL Board members to use if approached by the media or an
individual who has a concern.
When approached by the media for a comment or reaction to any type of incident, the Board Member
should make it clear that he or she is speaking only as an individual, not for the Library Board. This is
essential if the Board has not had an opportunity to meet and discuss the issue. If the Board has taken a
position on an issue, the media or individual can be referred to the Library Administration office for a
direct quotation or copy of the decision made at the board meeting. This prevents the Library Board
member from being placed on the spot as the “Board Spokesperson”. In general, it is always best to
respond as succinctly and briefly as possible and it is certainly appropriate to respond that the Board has
yet to meet and discuss the particular issue.
If there is a censorship issue, and the Board member is contacted directly by an individual, please inquire
if the concerned person has completed a “Statement of Concern about Library Resources” form and if he
or she has spoken with the Reference Coordinator or the Director concerning the issue. Please encourage
anyone to follow this procedure. Immediately notify the Director, or in her absence, the Administrative
Coordinator or the Reference Coordinator. A quick response to these inquiries can make all the difference
in how the situation develops.
Library staff will respond appropriately to each individual inquiry. Persons who have followed the
established procedure and are not content with the outcome are welcome to attend the next regular Library
Board Meeting. On the agenda there is a place for public input and anyone is welcome to present his or her
issue. The Library Board is not obligated to respond to the issue at that meeting but may take it under
advisement for reaction or response at a later date.
Reviewed by Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees Attorney November 1995.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on December 18, 1995.
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In accordance with the Indiana State Board of Accounts’ Accounting and Uniform Compliance Guidelines for
Libraries, the Vigo County Public Library shall record all capital assets in a Capital Assets Ledger. An inventory of
those capital assets will be conducted every two years as required by the Indiana State Board of Accounts. Capital
assets are defined as physical assets of a durable nature including land, buildings, and improvements other than
buildings, machinery, equipment, furniture, books, periodicals, non-print materials, and construction in progress.
Capitalization Thresholds and Depreciation Method
The Business Manager will assign an estimated useful life based on the table below to all assets for the purposes of
recording depreciation. Asset lives will be adjusted as necessary depending on the present condition and use of the
asset and based on how long the asset is expected to meet current service demands. The method for determining useful
life and depreciation is retroactive to January 1, 2021.
Capitalization Threshold
Depreciation Method
Estimated Useful Life
All land purchases will be
Straight line
10 -50 years
Improvements other
than buildings
Straight line
10 25 years
Machinery & Equipment
Straight line
5 20 years
Straight line
10 years
Construction in progress
Books and other
Capitalize all with useful life >
1 year
4 years
Contributed or Donated Assets
Contributed or donated assets will be capitalized at current appraised or fair market value as of date of donation.
Construction in Progress
Capital expenditures incurred while constructing or developing a tangible or intangible capital asset before it is
substantially ready to be placed into service are categorized as Construction in Progress. Once the asset is complete
and placed into service, the asset will be reclassified in the appropriate capital asset category. Until the asset is placed
into service, no depreciation expense will be incurred.
Capital Assets Ledger
The Capital Assets Ledger will be maintained in an electronic format according to the following guidelines:
1. The VCPL will record all land purchases in the Capital Assets Ledger, regardless of value.
2. The VCPL will record the cost of purchases in the building category if the cost is equal to or greater than
3. The VCPL will record the cost of improving or renovating an existing building or improvements other than
buildings in the Capital Assets Ledger only if the total cost exceeds $10,000.
4. The VCPL will inventory and record machinery, equipment, and furniture in the Capital Assets Ledger if the
unit cost is equal to or greater than $5,000.
5. The VCPL’s library material cataloging and acquisition system will be utilized for the purpose of assessing the
capital value of the library’s material collections including books, periodicals, archival records, and non-print
materials. The value totals will be recorded in the Capital Assets Ledger.
6. The VCPL will record construction in progress projects in excess of $10,000 on an uncompleted building or
other capital construction project in the Capital Assets Ledger. The Capital Assets Ledger inventory data
records will record an item’s description, location, date of purchase, acquisition cost, estimated life, tag or
serial number, date of disposal, amount received on disposal, and type of asset.
7. Machinery, equipment, and furniture recorded in the Capital Assets Ledger will be numbered and tagged with
property identification tags.
The CAPITAL ASSETS POLICY and the maintenance of the Capital Assets Ledger are designed and implemented to
provide reasonable assurances that:
Accountability for library owned assets is maintained.
The recording of assets is compared with the existing assets at least every two years and appropriate action be
taken with respect to any differences.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 22
day of January 2022.
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The Vigo County Public Library loans designated library materials for use outside the library to eligible registered
borrowers as defined by and in compliance with Indiana Code 36-12-2-25 and outlined in the Registration of Borrowers
The Library fulfills its responsibility to the community by maintaining records on all items currently loaned and for which
a transaction of responsibility has taken place between the VCPL and the borrower with guaranty that the items will be
returned to the Library’s custody on time and in good condition. The Library reserves the right to limit the type and
number of materials loaned and the time periods for which a loan is valid.
Borrowers who do not return items on time receive a FIRST OVERDUE NOTICE followed by a FINAL OVERDUE
NOTICE which includes billing and collection agency information. Borrowers who return items with damage or report
item loss receive a BILL NOTICE. After issuance of a FINAL OVERDUE NOTICE or BILL NOTICE the replacement
costs of overdue items are billed to the borrower’s account and borrowing privileges are suspended. Borrowing privileges
are restored when all items are returned or reimbursement for lost or damaged items is received. Billed items are charged at
the publisher or producer's list price or the default price for similar items. Billed borrower accounts may be turned over to a
collection agency and all resulting collection fees are the responsibility of the borrower. Collection fees must be paid by the
borrower even if library materials are returned or reimbursement is made.
Library materials not specifically designated for loan, such as Reference or Special Collections, may be loaned under
certain circumstances with authorized permission and under such terms as are deemed reasonable.
The lending of library materials is further subject to such rules, regulations, and conditions as may be in effect from time to
time (which shall be deemed supplemental to the foregoing policy), including but not limited to rules pertaining to the
applicable time periods for which library materials are loaned as set forth in the attached Addendum. The above policy and
supplemental conditions referred to in this paragraph may be amended at any time without notice. The Library reserves the
right to alter the application of the above policy should extraordinary or emergency circumstances warrant.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 19th day of June 2017.
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Addendum to Circulation Policy
For most library materials a FIRST OVERDUE NOTICE is issued no later than seven (7) days after items are due and
is delivered via United States Postal Service, email, or telephone. A FINAL OVERDUE NOTICE is issued no later than
fourteen (14) days after items are due. A BILL NOTICE is issued when an item is returned damaged or the library
receives notification that an item is lost. A FINAL OVERDUE or BILL NOTICE is delivered via United States Postal
Service only. A HOLD PICKUP NOTICE is issued when a requested item is available for pick-up and is delivered via
United States Postal Service, email, or telephone. A COURTESY NOTICE is issued prior to the item due date and is
delivered via email only.
Standard borrowers are allowed to have on loan up to a maximum of 100 items comprised of any combination of all
materials with specific limits on designated types of materials as indicated in the table below. Reciprocal and PLAC
borrowers must use their home library for Interlibrary Loan. Items on hold for other borrowers cannot be renewed.
Borrowers are responsible for paying all associated fees for lost or damaged materials.
Maximum Items
Loan Period
Number of
Up to 100
Books, Magazines, Books on CD, Music
CDs, Playaways
28 Days
New Arrivals
(Books, Large Print, Books on CD)
14 Days
Up to 20
28 Days
Up to 10 of any
Best Seller Express Items (Express Books,
Books on CD, Playaway Audiobooks)
14 Days
DVD/Blu-ray New Releases
7 Days
Up to 5 of any
Games, Kits, Video Games, Leap Pad
14 Days
1 of each
14 Days
Tablet /Tablet Express
14 Days
Leap Pads
14 Days
Based on availability
7 Days
Vendor Limits Vary
Up to 10
Up to 10
Up to 10
Up to 10
Vendor Loans Vary
3/14/21 Days
7/14 Days
3/7 Days
3/5/7 Days
Up to 10
Interlibrary Loan Books
Outreach services are available to homebound borrowers who are temporarily or permanently unable to travel to the
library for health reasons and who have no other means of receiving library service for at least 3 months. Extenuating
health conditions may qualify for service prior to the 3 month limit. Outreach service is provided during the period
borrower qualifies for the service and ends when the borrower indicates it is no longer needed or the borrowers
circulation activity demonstrates the ability to utilize the library onsite. The service is provided free of charge,
however homebound borrowers are responsible for paying all associated fees for lost or damaged items.
Due to constraints of the service some materials may not be eligible for loan to homebound borrowers and the
maximum number of deliverable items is limited. Materials available for homebound loan are indicated in the table
below. Items on hold for other borrowers cannot be renewed.
Maximum Items
Library Material Type
Loan Period
Number of
Varies by
delivery schedule
Books, Books on CD, Music CDs,
Varies by
delivery schedule
Vendor Limits Vary
Up to 10
Up to 10
Up to 10
Up to 10
Vendor Loans Vary
3/14/21 Days
7/14 Days
3/7 Days
3/5/7 Days
Outreach services are available to adult care and child care agencies in the library district (Vigo County) with a
valid agency borrower account. The service is provided free of charge, however the agency as borrower is
responsible for paying all associated fees for lost or damaged items.
Due to constraints of the service some materials may not be eligible for loan to agency borrowers and the maximum
number of deliverable items is limited. Eligible materials for agency loan are indicated in the table below. Items on
hold for other borrowers cannot be renewed.
Maximum Items
Library Material Type
Loan Period
Number of
Varies by delivery
schedule and agency size
Books, Books on CD, Music CDs, Kits,
Varies by
delivery schedule
Vendor Limits Vary
Up to 10
Up to 10
Up to 10
Up to 10
Vendor Loans Vary
3/14/21 Days
7/14 Days
3/7 Days
3/5/7 Days
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Collection Mission
The Vigo County Public Library (VCPL) provides a diverse collection of library resources reflecting a variety of
community viewpoints and interests and strives to acquire and maintain library resources of current interest and
enduring value. The VCPL Board of Trustees affirms the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights,
Freedom to View, and Freedom to Read policy statements in support of acquiring and managing collections.
Responsibility for Collection Management
The VCPL Board of Trustees delegates to the Executive Director the authority and responsibility for selection and
management of all print, non-print and electronic materials, within the framework of this policy. Actual selection and
management activities are shared among trained library staff who shall discharge this obligation consistent with this
policy and established procedures.
Selection Criteria
As good stewards of taxpayer funding, staff must be selective in what they choose for VCPL’s collection and consider
factors such as customer interest, price, and available physical space. They also take into account anticipated or
existing demand; local interest; reputation and skill of the author, performer, or artist; existing library resources in the
subject area; published reviews; availability of titles from other sources; and the physical durability of the item.
VCPL serves the educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the community and strives to maintain an ever
evolving collection of general interest materials with added depth in areas of local relevance. Materials and formats are
not maintained past their relevance, to ensure a collection that serves current interests. Textbooks and materials of a
highly technical or specialized nature are not acquired by VCPL but are made available in accordance with the
Interlibrary Loan Policy or by visiting one of the local university libraries’ collections.
VCPL also maintains a limited collection of recreational and informational materials in languages other than English.
Materials published in languages other than English are purchased for the collection in response to local demographics,
demonstrated need, and according to popular demand. Materials of local interest or of historical significance are
evaluated by our Special Collection and Archival staff.
VCPL is a member of the Indiana Digital Library consortium organized by the Indiana State Library. This consortium
provides our community with access to over 200 Indiana libraries’ digital collections through Overdrive and its mobile
app Libby. Due to the nature of a digital consortium, library users have access to materials selected by librarians across
the state for a wide range of people from a variety of communities and is governed by its own Collection Development
VCPL is often asked to include items that are written and/or published independently, such as items published through
a vanity press company. VCPL looks for material that will appeal to a wide audience and meets the selection criteria
laid out in this policy. Special consideration may be given to items of local or regional interest.
VCPL maintains access to web-based resources such as research databases and other digital collections as
recommended and selected by staff. Additional criteria for selection of web-based resources include but are not limited
to: ease of use, including enhanced searching capabilities; authority; accuracy; frequency of updating; anticipated
demand by library users; quality of support; remote access capability; and licensing fees and usage restriction. The
selection criteria remain the same for materials in new technologies and emerging formats that are selected by VCPL.
VCPL reserves the right to determine if the items will be added to the collection, using the same selection criteria as
for purchased materials. Items not added to the collection are transferred to the Friends of the Vigo County Public
Library for disposal. VCPL maintains the right to refuse donations at any time.
For additional information about donations, please see VCPL’s Gifts Policy.
Requests for Purchase
Any resident has the opportunity to suggest the purchase of a title for VCPL’s collection. Those items will be
considered using the same selection criteria as other materials and are not automatically added to the collection.
Requests for Reconsideration
Residents of Vigo County may request the reconsideration of an item in VCPL’s collection using the Request for
Reconsideration form. After receiving the completed form, the Executive Director will appoint an ad hoc committee
consisting of the appropriate library staff with relevant subject knowledge. The committee will evaluate all requests
within the context of the Collection Development Policy. During this process, the item in question will remain in the
collection. At the conclusion of the review, the customer will receive a written response to their Request for
Frankness of language and/or graphic content is not considered sufficient justification in itself to remove or restrict
library items or formats. Titles with viewpoints or content deemed objectionable by a resident are judged as entire
works, not on isolated passages or sections. Parents or guardians are responsible for their minor’s, and only their
minor’s, use of library materials.
Collection Maintenance
VCPL does not serve as an archive of historical materials nor as an institute for advanced scholarly or professional
research. To maintain a vital, current collection that meets the needs of the community, continuous review is
necessary. Low-circulating and/or out-of-date items are reviewed on a regular basis and withdrawn as appropriate.
Withdrawn items are frequently transferred to the Friends of VCPL, a 501(c)3 organization, to sell or dispose of as
they deem appropriate. Items may also be recycled or otherwise repurposed.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 23
day of February 2023.
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Community Access to Meeting Rooms and Collaborative Spaces
Vigo County Public Library (VCPL) provides access to meeting rooms and collaborative spaces that can be reserved by
individuals, groups, and organizations. People who use the meeting rooms or collaborative spaces must adhere to
VCPL’s Rights and Responsibilities and the guidelines in this policy.
Granting use of meeting rooms and or collaborative spaces does not constitute or imply VCPL endorsement or advocacy
of the purpose(s), activities, expression, or policies of any individual, group, or organization.
In order to sustain its status as a limited public forum, VCPL in its sole discretion may impose reasonable time, place, and
manner restrictions on the use of meeting rooms and collaborative spaces. Meeting rooms and collaborative spaces are
available only during library open hours unless prior approval has been granted by a member of VCPL Management.
Reservation requests will be processed on a first-come first-serve basis, however, to ensure equitable access, VCPL may
restrict continuous ongoing reservations for any single group or individual if such reservations regularly deny other
groups or individuals use of meeting rooms or collaborative spaces.
Library sponsored or co-sponsored activities will receive priority scheduling at all times and VCPL reserves the right to
reschedule or cancel reservations when needed to accommodate Library needs. The Conference Room, Lifelong Learning
Center, Haute Create, Youth Services Program Room and Youth Services Multipurpose Room are not available for
reservations for the public without permission from Library Management.
Meeting Rooms
Making Reservations and Cancellations
1. Reservations can be made with a Vigo County Public Library card by an adult (18+), who serves as the
responsible party for adherence to terms of use and restrictions, liability for damages, and or payment of any fees
incurred as a result of room use.
2. Reservations are not guaranteed until confirmed by library staff via email or phone.
3. A minimum of five (5) attendees is required to reserve a meeting room.
4. For reservations that include the attendance of minors (under 18), the party responsible for the reservation must
provide for direct adult supervision at all times during room use.
5. Reservations may be made in advance for up to a twelve (12) month period. Recurring reservations do not
automatically renew for any period and it is the responsibility of the individual and or group representative to
make additional reservations.
6. Reservations may not be transferred for use to another individual, group, or organization.
7. Failure to appear within thirty (30) minutes after the start time of a scheduled reservation will result in a
forfeiture of the reservation.
8. Cancellations should be submitted to the library no later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the scheduled
9. Failure to provide adequate cancellation notices and or failure to appear for scheduled reservations may result in
suspension of future reservations.
Terms of Use
1. Meetings, programs, and events must abide to posted occupancy limits and exits or paths to exits must be free of
tables, chairs, and other furniture and equipment.
2. Meeting room use and attendees must adhere to all federal, state, and local laws; comply with all VCPL rules,
regulations, and policies; and may not interfere with or disrupt normal library operations and or use of the library
by others.
3. All meetings, programs, or events must conclude and rooms emptied fifteen (15) minutes before the library
closes unless prior arrangements have been made with VCPL Management.
4. Meeting rooms must be left in a clean and orderly condition with trash deposited in trash receptacles and any
additional debris removed.
5. VCPL reserves the right to have a staff member present at any meeting, program, or event to ensure adherence to
library policies and or vacating of room or facility in a timely manner.
6. Non-Profit agencies may charge a small entrance fee to recover the cost of hosting or presenting an event or
1. Meeting rooms may not be used by profit-making entities to sell products or to recruit potential partners or
2. Private functions including, but not limited to, engagement or marriage celebrations, baby showers, birthday
parties, or other similar events are not permitted.
3. The Library’s logo cannot be used on advertisements or announcements. Groups and individuals may not imply
VCPL’s sponsorship or endorsement of the activity being held on Library property. The Library’s name may
only be used in reference to the activity’s location.
Food and Drink
1. Light refreshment may be served in meeting rooms. See Meeting Room Amenities addendum to this policy and
Food and Beverage Policy for additional information.
Collaborative Spaces
Collaborative spaces are intended for use for private study, tutoring, project work, personal appointments, or other
individual or small group activities.
Reservations and Cancellations
1. Collaborative Spaces 1, 2, 3, and 5
a. Available for same day reservations or walk-in use.
b. Maximum reservation period of two (2) hours.
c. Does not require valid VCPL borrower’s card for reservation.
d. Must be in grade six (6) or above to reserve and use space unattended by an adult (18+).
2. Collaborative Spaces 4 and 6
a. Available for advance reservation for up to a twelve (12) month period.
b. Reservations must be made by an adult (18+) having a valid VCPL borrower’s card and who serves as
the responsible party for adherence to terms of use and restrictions, liability for damages, and or payment
of any fees incurred as a result of room use.
c. Room 6 can be reserved for longer than two hours, if the reservation is made in advance. Room 4 can
only be reserved in advance for the maximum period of two hours per day.
3. Failure to appear within fifteen (15) minutes after the start time for a scheduled reservation will result in a
forfeiture of the reservation.
4. Cancellations for non-same day advance reservations should be submitted no later than seventy-two (72) hours
prior to the scheduled reservation.
5. Failure to provide adequate cancellation notices and or failure to appear for scheduled reservations may result in
suspension of future reservations.
Terms of Use
1. Users of collaborative spaces must adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and comply with all VCPL Rights
and Responsibilities.
2. Collaborative spaces must be vacated as scheduled. All space use must be concluded and spaces vacated fifteen
(15) minutes before library’s closing.
3. Children in grades five (5) or below must have an adult (18+) present and may not be left unattended.
4. Collaborative spaces must be left in a clean and orderly condition with trash deposited in trash receptacles and
any additional debris removed.
5. VCPL reserves the right to have a staff member enter a collaborative space to ensure adherence to library policies
and or vacating of space or facility in a timely manner.
1. Furniture may not be moved into or out of collaborative spaces.
2. Collaborative space use may not interfere with or disrupt normal library operations and or use of the library by
Meeting Room Amenities
Tables and chairs are available in all meeting rooms and are arranged in standard boardroom or theater
configuration. Limited custom configurations may be requested during the reservation request process and are
subject to approval. Configuration changes must be requested at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the
scheduled reservation.
o Room capacity may not be exceeded
o Room configuration and or use of tables may not obstruct exits or paths to exits
Equipment such as a Smart TV, laptop computer, conference telephone, and projector are available for meetings
rooms. Equipment additions and or changes must be requested at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled
Kitchen Amenities:
o The Main Library has a kitchenette available to use during reservations. Requests to use the kitchenette should
be made while reserving the meeting room. The kitchenette includes the following amenities:
Coffee urns
Serving carts
Soft drink vending machine
o The West Branch has a full kitchen that may be available to use during reservations. The kitchen is a multi-
function branch resource and access during meetings is dependent upon its availability and at the discretion of
the branch manager. Requests for access to the kitchen should be made at the time the room reservation is made.
The kitchen includes the following amenities:
Coffee urns
o Kitchen and kitchenette amenities are not intended for the preparation and serving of full meals during meeting
room use. Such meals should be pre-prepared and served by a caterer unless special permission has been granted
by VCPL for onsite preparation.
o Food, drink, condiments, dishes, utensils, flatware, napkins, cookware, or other preparation and serving amenities
are not provided.
o Users are responsible for disposing of trash and debris, removing leftovers, cleaning spills, and leaving kitchen
and kitchenette in clean and orderly condition.
o VCPL shall not be liable for any direct or consequential illness, injury, damage or losses suffered or incurred as a
result of the use of kitchen or kitchenette facilities or consumption of food items.
Associated Fees
Meeting room and collaborative space use is generally free of charge except under the following conditions and as
outlined in the VCPL Service Fee Policy and Fee Schedule:
Meeting Room and Collaborative Space use outside regular library operating hours
When permission has been granted to use library meeting rooms or collaborative spaces outside of regular library
operating hours the user may be assessed a fee for the cost of scheduling library personnel to setup and or
manage room or space use.
Main Library lobby rental
o The Main Library lobby may be rented for a private or public event for a minimum of four (4) hours and up to
six (6) hours only when the library is closed. Only events sponsored or co-sponsored by VCPL may be
scheduled during regular library operating hours.
o Standard and non-profit rental rates as outlined in the Service Fee Policy and Fee Schedule include two (2)
onsite library personnel to monitor library premises and provide guidance for use of lobby and related amenities.
o Events for which the VCPL Board of Trustees has granted permission for the serving of alcoholic beverages will
be charged an additional fee for security personnel.
o Fee payment must be received no later than two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled event.
Damage and cleaning fees
Damage caused to a meeting room, collaborative space, or any part of the facility or premises during use, and
or as a result of use, will be billed to the individual or group responsible for the reservation.
Damage or vandalism to meeting room or collaborative space furniture or equipment is subject to replacement or
restitution fees and will be charged to the room reservation responsible party.
Meetings, events, or space use for which trash, debris, and or leftovers have not been properly disposed of and
or spills have not been properly cleaned will be assessed a cleaning fee as outlined in the Service Fee Policy
and Fee Schedule at the discretion of the Executive Director and or Board of Trustees.
Occupancy Limits
Meeting room and collaborative space occupancy limits are determined in accordance with building and fire code
safety standards and may not be exceeded. Obstruction of or creating impediments to exits or paths to exits in meeting
rooms or collaborative spaces is prohibited.
Meeting Rooms / Occupancy Limits
Occupancy limits vary depending on use and configuration of tables, chairs, and other furnishings. Custom
configuration occupancy limits to be determined (TBD) by configuration.
Main Library
West Branch
Collaborative Spaces / Occupancy Limits
Collaborative Spaces have fixed furnishings/configuration and occupancy limits.
Main Library
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 16
day of March 2020.
Addendum to Community Access to Meeting Rooms and Collaborative Spaces policy
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Vigo County Public Library has made temporary changes to provide for safe meeting
space use by the public. These temporary changes will be in effect until Library Administration, acting with the
guidance of public health professionals, determines the restrictions can be lifted.
Other existing aspects of policy, like the types of activities permitted in meeting spaces, who is eligible to reserve
meeting spaces, and the terms of use, have not been altered. Library staff can be reached at 812.232.1113 or via email
at for questions about Meeting Room Use and the temporary policy changes.
VCPL reserves the right to modify this temporary policy to support community conditions at the time. If conditions
warrant, VCPL may cancel reservations with little to no warning.
Meeting Rooms A, B, and C may be reserved as one room. To ensure there is space for adequate social distancing,
VCPL will not be using the room dividers.
Collaborative spaces, Meeting Room D, Conference Room, Lifelong Learning Center, Haute Create, Youth Services
Program Room, Youth Services Multi-purpose Room, and West Branch Meeting Rooms are not available for
reservations at this time.
Library sponsored or co-sponsored activities will receive priority scheduling at all times and VCPL reserves the right
to reschedule or cancel reservations when needed to accommodate Library needs.
1. Groups should be larger than two (2) people and no more than forty (40) people.
2. Access to the kitchenette at the Main Library or full kitchen at West Branch is not available at this time. Kitchenette
amenities like the coffee urn and refrigerator are not available. Groups are discouraged from sharing refreshments.
Making Reservations and Cancellations
1. Reservations may be made for a maximum of two (2) hours, which must include the group’s preparation and set-up
time for the meeting. Meetings must conclude after two hours, and the room must be vacated to allow for adequate
staff time for disinfecting and room arrangement for the next meeting.
2. Groups are allowed up to one (1) reservation per week.
3. Reservations may only be made one month in advance. Reservations for the following month will open on the 20th
day of the current month. If the 20th day is on Saturday or Sunday, reservations will be accepted the Monday
following the 20th day of the month.
4. Reservations must be made in person or by phone. No reservations will be accepted by voicemail message, email,
text, or chat.
5. Due to limited availability of meeting room spaces, VCPL will be strictly enforcing the existing policy on
cancellation notice and failure to appear
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 20
day of July 2020.
The Vigo County Public Library provides access to computers and the internet as part of its mission to create an
environment of opportunity with availability of resources in a variety of formats. While the ability to utilize digital
technology and access the internet provides a wealth of resources that are personally, professionally, and culturally
enriching to individuals, the internet is an unregulated medium that enables access to content that may be inaccurate,
offensive, disturbing, and possibly illegal.
As required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and in order to remain eligible for certain federal
funding, the VCPL implements a technology protection measure (TPM) that filters internet content accessed via all
VCPL computers and networks. The TPM serves as a safeguard against access to visual depictions that are (1)
obscene, (2) contain child pornography, or (3) are harmful to minors (defined as any person younger than 17 years of
age), however, it should not be perceived to guarantee that all such depictions will be blocked.
While the TPM inhibits access to content that violates CIPA and is not generally acceptable in a public library, it is
technically impossible to guarantee that the TPM will be error free. The Vigo County Public Library is not
responsible for the unintentional inclusion of prohibited content or the exclusion of legitimate content that may be the
result of TPM software limitations. An authorized staff member may disable the TPM, upon request by a user 17
years of age or older, to allow unrestricted access for research or any other lawful purpose. The TPM cannot be
disabled on the Library’s wireless network. The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) does not allow disabling
internet filtering software for minors under any circumstances.
Responsibility of Users
With the freedom and privilege to access computer networks and internet resources comes the responsibility to use
them in a responsible and ethical manner that includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Using resources for educational, informational, and recreational purposes and not for unauthorized, illegal, or
unethical purposes.
Respecting the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another user, by not attempting to modify or
gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; by not seeking unauthorized access to any computer
system or damaging or altering software components of any network or database.
Making only authorized copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data.
Refraining from the display of images or materials that may be offensive to other customers or library staff,
whether using filtered or unfiltered internet access, or accessing files from a portable device. Users must be
aware of and respect the rights of others in the library. The Vigo County Public Library recognizes and supports
federal laws pertaining to information access and is obligated to comply with laws pertaining to exposure to
certain explicit images and materials.
Access by Minors and Internet Safety
The Vigo County Public Library upholds and affirms the right and responsibility of parents to determine and
monitor their children’s use of library materials and resources, including those available through the internet. The
Vigo County Public Library encourages parents and guardians to work closely with their children in accessing
online resources and services and selecting resources that are consistent with personal and family values.
In compliance with the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act (N-CIPA) and in order to provide
reasonable protective measures for minors (defined as under the age of 17), the VCPL:
Utilizes a TPM to filter internet content accessed via VCPL computers and networks and inhibits access by
minors to content that is obscene, illegal, or harmful to minors.
Develops and maintains appropriate websites and online resources for children and teens.
Prohibits minors from use of library computer equipment or internet access to engage in unauthorized access,
including hacking and other unlawful activities online.
Provides information for parents and minors regarding safe internet use practices including:
Following safety and security guidelines when using electronic mail, chat rooms, social media sites, and
other forms of direct electronic communications.
Preventing the unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding
Providing access to online safety resources such as Netsmartz Safety Tips
Wireless Access
As an extension of the VCPL network, wireless access is available at all library locations for customers to use with
their own wireless devices or with library wireless devices. All rules, regulations, and principles contained within this
policy are applicable to the use of the wireless network. The VCPL makes no guarantees as to compatibility of
customer owned devices with the library’s wireless network, nor as to reliability or security of connections to the
network or to the internet. Information transmitted via public wireless networks can be intercepted and should not be
considered secure. Customers should utilize up-to-date virus protection, personal firewalls, and other security
measures to protect devices from viruses and hackers. The VCPL assumes no responsibility for the safety of customer
devices, device configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the Library’s wireless network, nor
liability for damages to hardware, software or data.
Policy Enforcement and Limits of Liability
The Vigo County Public Library retains the right to determine appropriate use of Library computer and network
resources for the purpose of enforcing this policy. Users who violate the policy or refuse to abide by instructions of
Library staff may be suspended from the use of computer and network resources or have Library privileges revoked.
The VCPL assumes no liability for any loss or damage to users' data or devices, nor for any personal damage or
injury incurred as a result of using VCPL computer or network resources. This includes damage or injury sustained
from invasions of the user's privacy.
Complaints regarding the application of these policies should be brought to the attention of Library
Administration for investigation.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 19
day of December 2022.
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In accordance with the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3-4(b)(16) the Vigo County Public Library (VCPL) Board of
Trustees does hereby exercise their discretion and declares to be confidential all Library or archival records which:
(A) can be used to identify any library patron; or
(B) have been deposited with, or acquired by, the Library upon the conditions that the records be disclosed
only under the following conditions:
(i) to qualified researchers;
(ii) after the passing of a period of years that is specified in the documents under which the deposit or
acquisition is made; or
(iii) after the death of persons specified at the time of the acquisition or deposit.
Library and Archival Records
Library records which can be used to identify any library patron, referred to in above subparagraph (A), include but are
not limited to registration and circulation records, records of database use, records of computer or network use, product
of video or other security systems, and all other library records pertaining to or indicating personally identifiable uses
of VCPL materials, facilities, or services.
Archival records, referred to in above subparagraph (B), include artifacts or records in any format including text on
paper or in electronic format, photographs, videos, sound recordings, or objects.
The VCPL uses records referred to in subparagraphs (A) and (B):
to the extent necessary for managing library records and operations,
with an authorized collections agency for the purpose of recovering lost materials or unpaid fees.
Disclosure of Records
Such records may not be disclosed to the public or any person except as outlined by subparagraph (B) above or as may
be required by law and or pursuant to a subpoena, warrant, or court order and subsequent to review by VCPL legal
counsel to determine proper jurisdiction, scope, and response.
The VCPL may use records, such as products of video or other security systems, referred to in subparagraph (A):
when reporting a crime committed against or on the premises of VCPL,
or when exigent circumstances such as the prevention of imminent danger to life or serious damage to property
exist as a result of a crime committed on library premises.
Nothing in this policy shall be deemed to require the disclosure by the VCPL of any other written or tangible materials
or records or archives other than as expressly required by law.
While VCPL safeguards the confidentiality and privacy of all library records, library users should be aware that public
library spaces, both physical and digital, are public and as such, there is no reasonable expectation of privacy for
information and or activity that is plainly in public view or that is otherwise publicly available.
Third party partners
VCPL enters into agreements with third party vendors and partners to provide online services, digital collections,
streaming media content, electronic newsletters and to improve the library’s website. When using some of these
services, library customers may also connect with social networks and other users of these services.
Third party services may gather and disclose information. For more information on the specific types of data that may
be gathered and disclosed by each third party service, please refer to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policies for the
online services used.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 17
day of January 2023.
The Vigo County Public Library utilizes credit cards to make on-line purchases for merchandise and services and to
allow staff to make efficient local store purchases essential for library purposes. The following list describes the type
of cards and the staff authorized to obligate library funds utilizing these cards.
1. Commercial Bank cards (Visa) issued to and kept in personal possession of:
a. Executive Director
b. Division Directors
c. Business Manager
d. Acquisitions
Receipts generated by these purchases will be forwarded to the Business Office as soon as practical, normally
the next business day.
2. Store cards (Walmart, Baesler’s, Lowe’s, etc.) are maintained in the Business Office and will be issued to any
staff member once an encumbrance has been entered into the accounting software, approved, and a purchase
order generated. The staff member will pick up the card and the purchase order from the Business Office and
return the card with the receipt upon return from the store. The receipts will be reconciled with the monthly
statement for appropriate support of the claim for payment.
3. Sam’s Club is a direct-bill card and requires a paid membership for each card issued. The Administrative
Assistant to the Executive Director and the Business Manager retain memberships. Additional memberships
are at the discretion of the Executive Director when program activity needs are expected to be frequent and on-
going. Purchases with these cards will not be made until an encumbrance has been entered into the accounting
software, approved, and a purchase order generated. Receipts will be turned into the Business Office as soon
as practical, normally the next business day, for reconciliation with the monthly statement and appropriate
support of the claim for payment.
4. Fuel cards are maintained by the Facilities Manager and may be issued to any staff member who is on the
Library’s approved driver list if a trip the staff member is taking warrants the need to purchase fuel. Receipts
generated by these purchases will be forwarded to the Business Office as soon as practical, normally the next
business day, for reconciliation with the monthly statement and appropriate support of the claim for payment.
The above named credit cards are applied for and issued by the Vigo County Public Library Business Office. Any
fraudulent use by library employees will require restitution and be grounds for immediate termination.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Vigo County Public Library on the 21
day of August 2017.
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To support the discovery of library and community resources, Vigo County Public Library (VCPL) utilizes and
provides access to spaces for displays, exhibits, and postings designed to meet the educational, cultural, and
recreational needs and interests of the community. Use of designated display, exhibit, and posting spaces must align
with the above stated purposes, VCPL’s mission, core values, and the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights,
Freedom to Read, and Freedom to View statements.
Permitting the use of library display, exhibit, and posting areas does not constitute an endorsement by the VCPL.
In general, materials or services may not be offered for sale, however, information concerning local businesses and
service providers may be provided by a display, exhibit, or community posting. (i.e. a logo acknowledging sponsorship
of a display, or a for-profit business advertising a free service in the general public interest.)
Display and Exhibit Spaces
VCPL designates spaces for library displays and exhibits. VCPL may choose to collaborate with community
organizations and businesses for displays and exhibits. Procedures for display and exhibit spaces are provided to
partner organizations and are available upon request.
Community Posting Spaces
Community Postings are defined as notices, posters, and announcements regarding meetings and events. VCPL
provides a designated area for such postings and reserves the right to limit the content, size, number of items,
schedules of any postings, and the frequency with which the individual, group, or organization may utilize the
community posting spaces.
Procedures regarding postings are available upon request.
VCPL welcomes community opinions regarding displays, exhibits, and community postings. Customers who wish to
address a concern about a display, exhibit, or community posting should fill out a Request for Reconsideration form.
After receiving the completed Request for Reconsideration, the Executive Director will appoint an ad hoc committee
consisting of the appropriate library staff with relevant subject knowledge. The committee will evaluate all requests
within the context of the Displays, Exhibits, and Community Postings Policy. During this process, the display, exhibit,
and community posting in question will remain available. At the conclusion of the review, the customer will receive a
written response to their Request for Reconsideration.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 20
day of March 2023.
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Vigo County Public Library (VCPL) recognizes and supports the public’s rights to free speech that include expressive
activities such as distributing information, canvassing, presenting speeches, and advocating views or positions. VCPL
also recognizes that it has an obligation to provide library services to the public in an environment where safe and
unobstructed ingress and egress to library premises is provided, personal privacy and access are maintained, and use of
library services is free from obtrusion. Therefore, VCPL has established this policy with reasonable time, place, and
manner regulations to allow free speech while ensuring that the rights of others to use library services are not unduly
impeded or disrupted.
1. Persons wishing to engage in expressive activities on library premises must obtain permission in advance from
one of the following members of Library Administration: Executive Director, Division Director, or
Department Manager.
2. The Library Administration member granting permission will designate an area for such activity that is safe
and ensures that library users will have unobstructed ingress and egress to VCPL premises.
3. The approved activity may take place only during VCPL regular operating hours and only in the area or
location designated by a Library Administration member for such use.
4. The approved activity may not hinder access to library services or intrude on the privacy of library users.
5. The conduct of persons granted permission for such activity must be in compliance with VCPL policies and all
federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and statutes.
6. Activities may not include commercial or fund raising purposes and may not be used directly or indirectly for
soliciting money, donations, or raising funds through the selling of goods or services.
7. The use of signs, banners, tables, chairs, or other furniture or equipment used for the activity must be
approved. VCPL reserves the right to remove and dispose of any such unattended materials.
1. Expressive activities Includes, but is not limited to, non-commercial activities such as: distributing leaflets,
flyers, pamphlets, and or other formats used for distributing information; canvassing; presenting speeches or
performances; and or assembly.
2. Library premises - Includes the buildings, grounds, walkways, and parking areas of the Main and West Branch
Library. Use of library meeting rooms and collaborative spaces is subject to the VCPL Meeting Room Policy.
3. Canvass/Canvassing Includes opinion sampling, poll-taking, campaigning, petition passing, or other similar
The activities of those granted permission to engage in expressive activities on library premises are not a reflection of
the policies, opinions, or views of VCPL and should not be interpreted as an endorsement or support of such activity.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 17
day of February 2020.
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Vigo County Public Library (VCPL) is committed to providing an environment that is welcoming, comfortable, and
responsive to customer needs. Consistent with this commitment and preserving access to damage free library resources
and clean facilities for all customers, VCPL allows food and drink under the following guidelines:
Eating food and drinking non-alcoholic beverages are permitted in public areas of the library except in restricted
or posted no food or drink areas.
All beverages and liquids such as soup must be in spill-proof containers with secure lids.
Food items should not have strong odors or leave stains on library furniture or flooring.
Customers are expected to take responsibility for cleaning up after themselves by properly disposing of trash or
unwanted leftovers, removing crumbs, and cleaning up spills.
Food or beverage spills that cannot be adequately cleaned up by the customer should be reported to library staff
immediately to minimize damage.
Food and or beverage left unattended will be discarded by library staff.
If a customer complains about the odor of your foods or beverages, the library reserves the right to ask you to
remove the items or relocate to a more appropriate area for consumption.
Group meals and food delivery are not allowed in public areas. Meeting rooms reserved in compliance with the
Community Access to Meeting Rooms and Collaborative Spaces Policy are exempted for group meals and
catered delivery.
Food and beverage preparation and or the use of small appliances are prohibited in public spaces including
meeting rooms and collaborative spaces. VCPL sponsored or co-sponsored programs are exempted.
Restricted areas
At or near public computer workstations or other electronic library equipment.
Special Collections and Haute Create
o No food, including snack foods, may be consumed or in open sight in these areas.
o Beverages are allowed in a spill-proof container with a secure lid but must be placed at or near feet and
may not be placed on or near computer or electronic equipment desk or table surfaces.
Any area posted as a restricted or no food or drink area.
Alcoholic beverages may not be brought into, dispensed, or consumed in the library. The VCPL Board of Trustees may
waive the alcohol restriction when advance permission has been requested for selected programs and events that include
refreshment with alcoholic beverages served by a licensed caterer. Written evidence of general and or alcohol serving
liability insurance for the provider of alcoholic beverages must be submitted to VCPL with the request. Alcohol providers
and event attendees must act in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws regulating the service and consumption of
alcoholic beverages.
VCPL reserves the right to ask anyone who disregards the guidelines in this policy to remove the food and drink and or to
leave the library.
VCPL shall not be liable for any direct or consequential allergic reaction, illness, injury, damage or loss suffered or
incurred as a result of the presence or consumption of foods or beverages.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 16
day of March 2020.
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Vigo County Public Library (VCPL) accepts gifts in the form of donations, endowments, bequests, trusts, and in-kind
contributions. Donors may request that a gift be designated for restricted or unrestricted use. Restricted gifts are those
to which the donor requests attachment of terms, conditions, and purposes. Unrestricted gifts are those to which the
donor has not attached terms, conditions, or purposes. VCPL approval of donor requested restrictions is required prior
to acceptance of a restricted gift. Acceptance or rejection of any gift is at the discretion of the VCPL Board of
Monetary gifts accepted and received by VCPL are set aside in a separate fund or funds and may be expended without
budgeting or appropriation in accordance with Indiana Code 36-12-3-11(a)(5) and rules established by the State Board
of Accounts. Restricted monetary gift funds are expended according to the donor's attached terms, conditions, and
purposes. Unrestricted monetary gift funds are expended as determined by the VCPL Board of Trustees within the
scope of its statutory authority.
Gift Opportunities:
Donation of General Library Materials: VCPL accepts donations of general print and non-print materials. Donors
may not attach restrictions to donations of general materials and ownership of materials passes to the library
including the right to transfer materials to the Friends of the Library for use in sales, to other libraries and or
agencies, or to be recycled. Donated materials are evaluated for addition to and withdrawal from the library
collection using the same standards applied to library purchased materials.
Donation of Local History Materials: VCPL considers for acceptance the donation of materials, documents, and
artifacts related to the history and culture of Terre Haute, Vigo County, and the surrounding area. Potential
donations are evaluated according to criteria established for VCPL Special and Archival collections. Ownership of
accepted donations passes to the library however donors may request attachment of certain restrictions regarding
disclosure, use, and disposition of donated materials. Potential donors should contact the Special Collections
department to obtain information regarding criteria and donor agreements.
Direct Monetary Donations: VCPL accepts direct monetary donations including planned giving through bequests
and trusts. Direct monetary donations are used to supplement and enhance funding for library resources and programs
or to support specific fundraising projects. Donations not designated for specific VCPL fund raising projects may
be eligible for attachment of restrictions compatible with the library’s mission and needs when an amount of $5,000
or more is donated.
Tribute Donations: VCPL accepts monetary donations made in memoriam, in honor, or in celebration of a person,
organization, or event. Donors may request attachment of certain restrictions for tribute donations of $50.00 or more
and, when used toward the purchase of library materials, placement of a commemorative gift plate in the material.
Requests for materials through tribute donations are evaluated for addition to and withdrawal from the library
collection using the same standards applied to library purchased materials.
In-Kind Contributions: Businesses and non-profit organizations may contribute in-kind support to VCPL by
providing giveaways, coupons, advertising, services, or sponsorship of programs and or speakers. Acceptance of
in-kind contributions does not imply VCPL endorsement of the business, organization, product, or service.
Vigo County Public Library Endowment Fund: VCPL is an endowment fund agency of the Wabash Valley
Community Foundation. Annual income from the VCPL Endowment Fund is used to supplement funding for
library resources, programs, and services. A gift to the VCPL Endowment fund is a gift in perpetuity to
support library services.
Friends of the Vigo County Public Library: Direct donations may be submitted to the Friends of the Vigo County
Public Library to support Friends’ activities, services, and programs. The Friends of the Vigo County Public
Library is a 501 (c) 3 organization.
Gifts to VCPL may be tax deductible. In accordance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Publication 526 a political
subdivision, such as VCPL, is qualified to receive deductible contributions as long as the contribution is to be used
solely for public purposes. Please consult with your tax advisor to determine the tax status of your gift.
Monetary donations are acknowledged in the form of a receipt for funds received and, upon request, a letter of
acknowledgement to the donor and or designee. The VCPL does not provide valuation of non-monetary donations
however the library will provide a receipt acknowledging non-monetary donations upon request.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 18
day of June 2018.
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Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service that allows a user at one library to borrow materials that are owned by another library.
Vigo County Public Library participates in ILL as both a borrowing and lending library. Any VCPL user with a valid
card can submit an ILL request for items that VCPL does not own. VCPL acts as an intermediary by finding the material
at a lending library, requesting the item, loaning it to the user, and then returning the item to the owning library. VCPL
also lends items it owns to other libraries to fulfill requests. ILL service is available at no cost for VCPL card holders.
VCPL utilizes Interlibrary Loan Services through Worldshare, a service provided by OCLC, Inc. (Online Computer
Library Center, Inc.) and an in-state system, SRCS (Statewide Remote Circulation Service) provided by the Indiana
State Library.
The guidelines below are also compliant with the American Library Association’s Interlibrary Loan Code for the United
States, available at
The BORROWING of materials from other libraries is determined by the following:
1. ILL service is available to Vigo County Public Library patrons who hold a valid borrowers card.
2. The Vigo County Public Library will only borrow from libraries that do not charge a fee for ILL service.
3. The loan period for ILL materials is determined by the lending library, and requests for renewal must be
approved by the lending library. The lending library may also place restrictions on how the material may be
4. Vigo County Public Library borrowers who have not returned ILL items on time are subject to the Vigo County
Public Library Circulation Policy. Fees for lost or damaged items are determined by the lending library. Even
if the ILL material is returned, the borrower may still be responsible for replacement costs for long overdue
items if VCPL has already paid the lending library for the item.
The LENDING of VCPL materials to other libraries is determined by the following:
1. ILL requests are accepted using OCLC, SRCS, ALA forms, fax or telephone.
2. Loan period is eight (8) weeks. VCPL has the right to place restrictions on how its library materials may be
used by the borrowing library.
3. Vigo County Public Library complies with all federal copyright laws and may limit or restrict the copying of
library materials pursuant to the compliance of federal statutes.
4. When materials are overdue, ILL staff notify the borrowing library. A BILL FOR REPLACEMENT is
submitted to the borrowing library when the borrowing library indicates that the material has been lost.
The above policies may be amended at any time without notice. The Vigo County Public Library reserves the authority
to alter the application of the above policies should extraordinary or emergency circumstances warrant.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 17
day of May 2021.
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Policy Statement: It is the policy of the Vigo County Public Library to invest its funds in a manner that will
provide the maximum security with the highest investment return, while meeting the daily cash flow needs of
the Vigo County Public Library and complying with Indiana Code 5-13-9.
Board of Finance: The duly appointed members of the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees are the
fiscal body of the Library and thus constitute the “Board of Finance” of the Vigo County Public Library. The
members serve without compensation (IC 5-13-7-5, IC 36-1-2-6).
Authorized Investment Instruments: The fiscal officer is authorized to invest Library funds only in
depositories designated by the Treasurer of State as depositories for state deposits, in securities or discount
notes backed by the full faith and credit of the United Sates Treasury or fully guaranteed by the United States
and issued by the United States treasury, a federal agency, a federal instrumentality or a federal government
sponsored enterprise, or deposit accounts issued or offered by a designated depository.
Investing Officer: The Library Treasurer and Executive Director are designated as the investing officers, in
order to receive bids and to negotiate the sale of investments for the purpose of depositing the proceeds into
the Library’s accounts.
Bidding Procedures: When investments are made in a certificate of deposit (CD), the investing officer must
obtain quotes of the specific rates of interest for the term of the CD. The term of the CD must be no more
than two years(IC 5-13-9-5-6). The deposit shall be placed with the designated depository quoting the
highest rate of interest. If two or more depositories tie for the highest quote, the investing officer shall select
one at their discretion (IC5-13-9-4).
Interest: All interest derived from a Library investment shall be receipted to the Library fund of which it is a
part (IC 5-13-9-6).
Deposits: Return on investments received by the Library will be deposited in one or more designated
depositories not later than the business day following receipt.
Annual Review: The Vigo County Public Library will annually, at its January Board of Finance meeting,
review the report of the Library’s investments during the previous calendar year and review the Library’s
investment policy.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 17
day of January 2023.
VCPL board of trustees may elect to travel to another library facility, a business or institution, or a meeting or
workshop in order to further the goals and purposes of VCPL. Library board of trustee members may utilize their own
personal vehicles in order to conduct an authorized library function or travel and will be reimbursed at a mileage rate
specified in the Resolution on Salaries, Salary ranges, Hourly wages and Benefits adopted by the VCPL board of
trustees in December of each year for the subsequent year.
Library board of trustee members may also utilize library owned vehicles to conduct authorized travel. In order to
utilize the library owned vehicle(s) VCPL board of trustee members must possess a valid Indiana driver’s license.
When the interests of the VCPL require travel, the library board of trustees may authorize any VCPL board of trustee
member to receive reimbursement for expenses for meals, conference or workshop registration fees, lodging, and
transportation. When traveling on library business VCPL board of trustee member(s) may be reimbursed for meals,
lodging, and other traveling expenses up to the following limits:
Meals: $75 per day: VCPL board of trustee members may be reimbursed for meals while attending meetings or
conferences when the board member incurs overnight travel or travel long enough to require substantial sleep or
Lodging: $200 per day per person: selected U.S. cities including Washington D.C., New York, San Francisco, San
Diego, Los Angeles, Dallas, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Boston, and Seattle may require higher per day lodging
reimbursements according to the local economy; reimbursement will be made on cost per room at selected U.S.
Air/Ground Transportation: Coach/Tourist class
Mileage: Mileage rate as specified in the Resolution on Salaries, Salary Ranges, Hourly Wages and Benefits
adopted by the VCPL board of trustees in December of each year for the subsequent year
Workshop or conference registration fees:
All claims for reimbursement should be itemized and supported by receipts. The method of travel for attendance at
meetings outside of Indiana is at the discretion of the Library board of trustees.
Reimbursement for mileage may not include travel to and from the VCPL board of trustee’s home and the VCPL. If
two or more persons ride in the same vehicle, only one mileage reimbursement is allowable.
VCPL board of trustee members should consult the “Claims for Reimbursement” procedure in the VCPL Procedures
Manual regarding the required SBA forms in order to submit claims for reimbursement.
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The Vigo County Public Library abides by the provisions of the Open Door Law (IC 5-14-1.5) that was enacted to
permit the citizens of Indiana access to meetings held by public agencies. The Library facilitates public access by
advance notification of all meetings to the news media including an agenda of the business to be conducted at that
meeting. In addition, the agenda is posted on the community bulletin board in the Library, and the date, place and time
of all meetings is posted on the Library web page. The Library is accessible to the handicapped and signers are
available for the deaf if requested in advance. If executive sessions are needed the Library attorney guides the Board
and staff in the process required.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 19
day of May 2014.
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The Vigo County Public Library provides free on premise parking for library customers and employees. Library
premise parking areas are reserved solely for the use of library customers and employees while utilizing library
services or performing work for the library. Use of library premise parking areas must conform to all applicable local,
state, and federal laws and regulations and the VCPL Standards of Behavior.
In compliance with IC 5-16-9 all library premise parking areas have designated accessible parking spaces reserved for
vehicles that are driven by and or transporting persons with a physical disability and that display a valid, state issued,
placard or license plate authorizing lawful use of accessible parking spaces. Violations of parking spaces reserved for
vehicles driven by and or transporting persons with a physical disability per IC 5-16-9-5 are prohibited and violators
will be issued a parking violation notice and may be reported to local authorities.
The Main Library has additional designated parking spaces reserved for special purposes: 1) Combat wounded, 2)
short term spaces limited to fifteen (15) minute parking, and 3) bus and oversize vehicle parking located in the
westernmost south parking area adjacent to Poplar Street.
Motorcycles are considered the same as four wheeled vehicles with respect to this policy. Non-motorized and small
motorized vehicles such as bicycles, mopeds, and scooters should be parked and secured at the provided bicycle racks.
Bicycles, moped, and scooters may not be secured to handrails, exterior doors, or other structures on library premises
and are not allowed in library buildings without prior authorization.
No motorized or non-motorized vehicular parking is permitted in designated fire lanes, zones marked as no parking,
walkways, on grassy areas, or parking lot entryways. Main Library east and west wing lower level ramp areas are
reserved for library authorized vehicles only.
Overnight parking is prohibited. Vehicles determined to be abandoned on library premise parking areas will be towed
away at the owner’s expense. Bicycles, mopeds, and scooters abandoned on library premises will be turned over to
local authorities.
The Vigo County Public Library assumes no liability or responsibility for vehicles, bicycles, mopeds, or scooters and
or their contents while parked on library premises. In the event a theft or accident occurs on library premises customers
are encouraged to immediately file a police report and to report the incident to library personnel.
Requests for use of library parking areas and or grounds for purposes unrelated to library services will be considered
by the Executive Director on a case by case basis. Use of library premises for library services takes precedence over
any other use.
The Vigo County Public Library reserves the right to prohibit gatherings on library premises that are disruptive to
normal library operations.
Library employees are also subject to the LIBRARY EMPLOYEE PARKING AND BUILDING ENTRANCE policy
located in the VCPL Staff Manual.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 16
day of January, 2018.
This space is reserved for vehicles displaying a valid state
issued permit for the disabled and that are driven by and
or transporting persons with a disability.
Please reserve this space for use by the disabled. Thank
you for your cooperation!
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WHEREAS, Indiana Code § 5-14-1.5-3.5 allows members of the governing body of a public agency of a political
subdivision who are not physically present at a meeting, to participate in meetings by means of electronic
communications if certain requirements are met, and the board adopts a policy to govern participation in meetings by
electronic communication;
WHEREAS, the Vigo County Public Library desires to adopt this policy for future situations when a member of the
Board of Trustees is unable to be physically present at a meeting, but has capability to participate in a meeting
remotely; and
WHEREAS, this Policy on Participating in Meetings via Electronic Communication (“Policy”) is intended to comply
with the Indiana statutory requirement and govern the participation in meetings by members who are not physically
present at a regular, special or executive meeting of the Library Board of Trustees.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Vigo County Public Library that the
following policy is adopted effective immediately:
Policy on Participating in Meetings via Electronic Communication
a. Minimum Physical Participation: At least four (4) members of the Library Board of Trustees must be
physically present at the place where the meeting is conducted.
b. Permitted Electronic Means of Communication: A member of the Library Board of Trustees not physically
present at a meeting may participate in the meeting by any electronic means of communication so long as that
electronic means of communication permit (1) all participating members of the Board to simultaneously
communicate with each other; and (2) allows members of the public to simultaneously attend and observe the
c. Technology Failures: A technology failure that (1) disrupts or prevents simultaneous communications
between Board members physically present and those participating electronically; or (2) which disrupts or
prevents members of the public who are not present from attending and observing the meeting, does not
prevent the Library Board of Trustees from conducting the meeting or affect the validity of an action taken by
the Board if the sum of the Board members physically present and those participating without technology
issues satisfy the quorum requirements and the voting requirements of the Board.
d. Treatment of Members Participating by Electronic Means: A member of the Library Board of Trustees who
participates in a meeting by a permitted electronic communication shall be considered present at the meeting
and may vote at the meeting. However, the member must be able to be both seen and heard in order to
participate in any final action taken by the Board.
e. Roll Call Voting: All votes of the Library Board of Trustees during a meeting where any member participates
by means of electronic communication shall be taken by roll call vote.
f. Annual Minimum Physical Participation: Each member of the Library Board of Trustees must physically
attend at least half of the library board meetings each year unless the member’s electronic participation is due
to: military service, illness or other medical condition, death of a relative, or an emergency involving actual or
threatened injury to persons or property.
g. Consecutive Meetings: A Board member may attend consecutive meetings via electronic communication.
However, a member who attends two consecutive meetings via electronic communication must attend at least
one meeting in person before attending another meeting electronically unless electronic participation is
necessitated by: military service, illness or other medical condition, death of a relative, or an emergency
involving actual or threatened injury to persons or property.
h. Posting of Minutes: The minutes of each meeting of the Board of Trustees shall include the name of (1) each
member who was physically present at the place where the meeting was conducted; (2) each member who
participated in the meeting by using electronic communication; and, (3) each absent member. In addition, the
minutes must identify the electronic means of communication by which members of the Board participated in
the meeting and the public attended and observed the meeting.
i. Publication of Policy: This policy will be posted on the website of the Library.
j. Executive Sessions: Nothing in this policy affects the Library’s right to exclude the public from an executive
session of the Library in which a member is participating by permitted electronic communication.
k. Exceptions: A member may not participate in a meeting by electronic communication if the Board of Trustees
is taking final action to:
I. Adopt a budget;
II. Make a reduction in personnel;
III. Initiate a referendum;
IV. Establish or increase a fee;
V. Establish or increase a penalty;
VI. Use eminent domain authority;
VII. Establish, raise, or renew a tax.
The Library Director is accountable to the Board of Trustees for the performance of the entire Library. Monitoring
organizational and executive performance is therefore a continual process for the Board and can be done through
information that is gathered in a variety of formal and informal methods throughout the year. This continuity should
be punctuated with a formal annual evaluation that creates the opportunity to determine and measure how well the
director is accomplishing stated library goals. A committee of no more than three members of the Board should
conduct the performance evaluation and share the results of that evaluation with other members of the Board.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 19
day of May 2014.
Performance and Evaluation Criteria for Library Director
Develops skills and abilities of reporting associates
Motivates subordinates to give their best efforts
Sensitive to others’ needs, listens well and responds appropriately
Sets good example by high personal standards, fairness, integrity and hard work
Knows what’s going on – programs and people
Knows what patrons want
Can spot little problems before they become big problems
Sense of Urgency
Takes action without waiting for direction
Consistently high mental and physical energy level
Enthusiastic “can do” attitude
Implements decisions and programs in a timely manner
Implements board policy and decisions effectively
Develops imaginative, sound ways to solve problems and takes advantage of opportunities
Identifies causes of problems and objectively evaluates alternatives before taking action
Decisions are based on best available information and careful reasoning, not personal bias
or simply because of tradition
Fixes mistakes promptly, does not waste time in defensiveness and face saving
Planning and Organizing
Makes good use of time, works on top priorities first
Sets challenging but realistic goals for self
Makes the best of difficult situations, overcomes roadblocks
Meets deadlines, avoids crises, finishes work on time
Follows through to make sure work is done right
Participates in Local, State & National Activities, Library Forums, Programs & Concerns
Contributes good ideas that are accepted
Knows needs of other areas and markets
Maintains appropriate balance between regular duties and teamwork
Maintains good working relationship and communication with the board
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The Vigo County Public Library provides self-service standard printing, copying, scanning, and faxing for the public
at all library locations.
Standard printing can be performed from any library public access computer via the print management system. Mobile
standard printing is available via the print management system mobile print service. Large format color printing is
available at the Main Library in Haute Create and is separate from standard printing systems. (Trimming is not
provided.) Prints and copies are produced only on the library supplied media. Customers may not introduce their own
paper, labels, transparencies, or other media into the Library’s printers.
All printing and copying services are charged according to the Service Fee Policy Schedule. Scanning to USB is
provided free of charge.
Fax service is available for outgoing faxes only and is provided free of charge to local and domestic long distance
numbers. International fax and incoming fax services are not available. Photocopying documents to a faxable format
will be charged at copy service fees according to the Service Fee Policy Schedule. The VCPL makes no guarantees as
to the privacy, quality, or reliability of outgoing faxes.
In the use of print, copy, scan, and fax services the patron assumes all responsibility and liability associated with
copyright laws and regulations of the U.S. Copyright Act (Title 17, United States Code).
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 18
day of December 2017.
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The Vigo County Public Library (VCPL) develops, implements, and sponsors programs designed to meet the
educational, cultural, and recreational needs and interests of the community in alignment with the library’s mission,
core values and the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights. Programs may be presented in cooperation with
other agencies, institutions, or public or private vendors.
Programs and events are normally free of charge. However, at the discretion of the Executive Director, there may be a
fee associated with a library program.
Programs and events may be designed for a specific age range or grade level. Under certain circumstances,
registration may be required.
VCPL draws upon other community resources in developing programs and actively partners with other community
agencies, organizations, educational and cultural institutions, or individuals to develop and present public programs.
Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute or imply an endorsement of its policies, beliefs, or program.
Responsibility for the participation in library programs by children and youth rests with their parents or legal
Program participants should expect that photographs and/or video will be taken at events. VCPL may use images
and/or video in library marketing materials, such as a website, social media or publications. The library will not
identify community members on social media (typically called “tagging”) without verbal or written consent. The
library is not responsible for members of the public being identified by third parties.
Vigo County Public Library welcomes community opinions regarding programming. Customers who wish to address
a concern about a program should fill out a Request for Reconsideration form.
After receiving the completed Request for Reconsideration, the Executive Director will appoint an ad hoc committee
consisting of the appropriate library staff with relevant subject knowledge. The committee will evaluate all requests
within the context of the Program Policy. During this process, the program in question will remain on the library
calendar. At the conclusion of the review, the customer will receive a written response to their Request for
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 17
day of January 2023.
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The Vigo County Public Library registers borrowers in compliance with Indiana Code 36-12-2-
25. Registered borrowers have access to library services and are qualified for loan of library materials as
designated in the Circulation Policy.
The following categories of persons or groups are eligible to apply for a borrower’s card:
A. Individuals who own property and or reside in Vigo County (also known as the Library District)
B. Non-resident students enrolled in a public school corporation or a non-public school that is located in the
Library District and in which students in any grade from preschool through grade twelve (12) are educated
C. Non-resident employees of a public
school corporation or non-public school located in the Library District and
in which students in any grade from preschool through grade twelve (12) are educated
D. Non-resident students enrolled in a college or university located in the Library District
E. Library employees who are not residents of the Library District
F. Institutions, businesses, corporations, and not-for-profit agencies located in the Library District
G. Individuals who hold a valid resident library card from a library that participates in the Indiana Public
Library Resource sharing Program also known as the Indiana Reciprocal Borrowing Program may apply for
a reciprocal borrowers card
H. Public Library Access Card borrowers who purchase a PLAC card
I. Individuals who are not residents of the Library District and who do not qualify under any of the above may
pay an annual fee (Non-resident fee) equivalent to the Vigo County Public Librarys operating fund
expenditure per capita for borrowing privileges
In order to maintain records on all materials currently loaned from the library each registered borrower account is
assigned a unique identifying barcode number and a corresponding borrowers card is issued to the registrant. All
borrower accounts are valid for a three-year period from the date of registration with the exception of Non-resident
(B, C, D, E, and I), Reciprocal (G), and PLAC (H) which are valid for twelve months.
To obtain a borrower account a completed and signed borrower registration form must be submitted to VCPL.
Unemancipated minors under the age of eighteen (18) must have the registration form signed by a parent or
The registrant’s identity and address of residence is verified prior to validation of the account or issuance of a
borrower’s card. Verification of parent or guardian identity and address of residence is required for unemancipated
minors. Reciprocal (G) registrants must also present a valid and current home library card. PLAC (H) registrants
must also present a valid and current home library and PLAC card.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 20
day of May 2019.
Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Free Library Cards
WHEREAS, I.C. 36-12-2-25 provides that libraries may issue free or reduced fee library cards to certain individuals
who are not residents of the library district; and
WHEREAS, providing free library cards to students, educators, and library employees is consistent with the library’s
efforts to meet the educational, informational, and recreational needs of the public.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-12-2-25, the Vigo County Public
Library will issue local library cards without charging a fee to an individual who is not a resident of the library district
and who is:
1) a student enrolled in or an employee of a public school corporation or nonpublic school:
a. that is located at least in part in the library district; and
b. in which students in any grade from preschool through grade twelve (12) are educated;
2) a Vigo County Public Library employee; or
3) a student enrolled in a college or university that is located at least in part of the of the library district.
Duly adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees at its regular meeting held on the 20
day of May
2019, at which meeting a quorum was present.
Resolution to Establish Non-Resident Fees
Whereas, IC 36-12-2-25(c) requires that an individual non-resident fee be established, the members of the Vigo
County Public Library Board of Trustees do hereby resolve to establish the non-resident fee at $75 (seventy five
dollars) for an individual non-resident card, effective February 23, 2023. Be it further resolved that this fee will
remain in effect until such time that the library board adopts a new non-resident fee resolution.
Duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Vigo County Public Library at its regular meeting held on the 23
day of February 2023, at which a quorum was present.
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Everyone is welcome and has the right to enjoy the resources and services available to them at the Vigo County Public
Library (VCPL). Along with the right to enjoy library services comes the responsibility to do so in a manner that
conveys respect and tolerance toward others and is free from language or behaviors that create a disruptive or hostile
environment for other library users or staff. The following rights and responsibilities are intended to provide
information and behavioral guidance for library users, but is not all inclusive.
You have a RIGHT: You have a RESPONSIBILITY:
Library users failing to meet these responsibilities and or infringing on the rights of other library users or staff will
receive a warning and an opportunity to correct behaviors that do not align with this policy. Suspension from library
premises and or services may also be implemented. Behaviors that pose an imminent risk to the health or safety of
others will result in immediate suspension from library premises without warning and with or without the assistance of
local law enforcement.
When possible, library users who have been suspended from library premises or services will be provided with written
notification stating the library policy violated and specifying the length and conditions of the suspension. Appeals of
suspension may be made in writing to the Executive Director of the Library or designees. Further appeals may be made
in writing to the Library Board of Trustees. As determined by federal, state, or local law, and library policy,
misconduct may lead to legal action or criminal prosecution.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 6
day of September 2022.
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To enjoy the library any day of the
week during business hours
To an environment that is free of
intolerance, discrimination, hostility,
and solicitation
To facilities that are clean, safe, and
To facilities, materials, and services
that function as intended
To utilize properly trained and
controlled service animals on library
To confidentiality of your library
transactions and personal information
To interact with others in a respectful
manner free from threatening, harassing, or
discriminatory language or behaviors
To conduct yourself in a manner that does
not disrupt or interfere with others use of the
library or the ability of library staff to
provide service
To understand that the safety and behavior of
dependents rests with the parent or guardian
To attend to your personal belongings
To monitor and control the behavior of your
service animal
To wear clothing that covers both tops and
bottoms i.e. shirts, pants, shoes
To properly dispose of your trash and debris
To leave at the designated closing time or
when asked to leave by library staff
To comply with library policies and staff
To obey all federal, state and local laws.
The Vigo County Public Library provides a wide variety of library services and library materials free of charge for the
taxpayers and citizens of Vigo County. A nominal fee for services is charged to customers in order to provide
specialized services or materials according to the following service fee schedule. Revenue from service fees become a
part of the annual operating revenue budget and are subject to all appropriation requirements. Fees may be assessed for
special services not mentioned that require additional costs to the library. Reimbursement for these services will be
determined by the Library Director based on the cost to provide the service.
It is important to the Vigo County Public Library to maintain customer relations that reduce barriers and encourage
lifelong use of library services. Therefore, in accordance with IC 36-12- 3-18, the library may, under certain
circumstances, reduce or waive assessed fees in order to facilitate a customers access to services. Library
Administration is authorized to utilize its discretion in establishing procedures that balance the enforcement of this
policy with consideration of circumstances warranting fee reassessment.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 21
day of November 2022.
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Service Fee Schedule
Library Material Replacement or Damage
Customer accounts are assessed a bill for damaged materials and long overdue materials which includes material
replacement costs and the addition of a collection agency fee for unresolved accounts. The Library may assess
reasonable attorney fees in the event an invoice is unpaid and suit becomes necessary.
Material replacement or damage fees may be paid at the Main Library Lending Services Department, the West
Branch Library, or via VCPL website customer account.
Collection Agency
Customer accounts with unresolved fees for damaged or long overdue materials may be submitted to a Collection
Agency with the addition of a $10 Collection Agency Fee charged to the customer account.
Printing and Photocopying
Printing to standard printers/photocopiers can be performed from any library public access computer via the print
management system.
Mobile printing to standard printers/photocopiers is available via the print management system mobile print
Standard printers/photocopiers are located in the West Branch Library and in the Main Library’s East Wing, West
Wing, Lifelong Learning Center, Special Collections, and Youth Services areas.
Large format color printing for signs, posters, banners, etc. is available at the Main Library in the Haute Create
Microfilm printing is available in the Main Library Special Collections Department.
Printing and photocopying is charged according to the following schedule:
Print/photocopy type
Print/copy size
Black & white
8.5” X 11” - 11” X 17”
Free *
8.5” X 11” - 11” X 17”
Free *
Large format - 44” width with
varying lengths
$ .50 per linear inch of length
* The Library reserves the right to restrict or limit the number of free copies made or pages printed by a customer
in the event of excessive use.
Obituary/Marriage Records and Research
Services are provided by the Main Library Special Collections Department only.
The obituary index is available on the VCPL website and provides reference to the published obituary located in
the newspaper microfilm collection. On-site self-service access to microfilm records with printing via VCPL print
systems available at no charge.
The marriage record index is available on the VCPL website with corresponding PDF of digitized marriage
record. On-site printing of pdf records via VCPL print systems is available at no charge.
Off-site requests for marriage or obituary record retrieval including delivery of digital and print copies is
available at no charge.
Limited research assistance for simple inquiries is provided at no charge. Inquiries are processed in order of
receipt. For in-depth or extensive genealogical or historical research the department can provide referrals to paid
Meeting Rooms and Library Spaces
The following fees will be assessed for use of meeting rooms and library spaces under certain conditions as outlined
in the Community Access to Meeting Rooms and Collaborative Spaces policy. Conditions subject to fees include use
of room or space outside standard operating hours, lobby rentals, security services, and damage or cleaning fees.
Limits / Standards
Library Personnel
2 personnel minimum
4 hour each minimum
$25 per hour/ per personnel
Lobby Rental Standard
4 hour minimum/6 hour maximum
$800 first 4 hours
$85 each additional hour
Lobby Rental Non-profit
4 hour minimum/6 hour maximum
$500 first 4 hours
$75 each additional hour
501(c)3 status required
Rooms/Spaces left in disarray
$75 (-/+ at the discretion of
the Executive Director)
Damage to furniture, equipment,
facility, or premises
Cost of repair or replacement
Set-up / Tear-down
Library furniture/equipment
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan service is provided free of charge to eligible registered borrowers. Charges may apply under certain
conditions where additional costs are incurred.
Photocopies/Printing needed
Copyright regulations
Lending library charges a fee
Established by lending library
Established by lending library
Damaged or long overdue
Established by lending library
Established by lending library
Unresolved accounts
Loss of borrowing privileges
$10 Collection Agency fee
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The Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees is a governmental body that is authorized to disburse payment for
purchases according to Indiana Code 36-12-3-16 and serves as the “Purchasing Agency.
Purchases costing less than $50,000 and not included in the Library law (IC 36-12) are governed by this policy as
required by IC 5-22-8-2.
In making purchases of less than $50,000 the following guidelines shall be followed:
The purchasing agent shall compare prices from as many responsible suppliers of the goods or services required as
is practical, and shall purchase from that supplier where total costs are lowest, when quality and timeliness of
delivery are comparable. Comparison pricing can be obtained via telephone, letter, email, fax, or website.
Preferences will be given to products manufactured in the United States.
Preferences will be given to purchasing from Vigo County businesses when total cost, quality and timeliness of
delivery are comparable.
Purchases will not be artificially divided so as to constitute a "small purchase."
If the purchasing agent expects the purchase to be more than $50,000 but not more than $150,000, the purchasing
agent shall solicit quotes from at least three vendors known to provide the goods or services required, as specified
in IC 5-22-8-3.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 19
day of December 2011.
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Vigo County Public Library staff members are granted the same access and privileges to library materials as patrons of
the Vigo County Public Library. VCPL staff are subject to the same borrowing policies and procedures as VCPL
patrons, including all borrowing limits, loan periods, holds, and booking policies. Staff members who borrow library
materials for both in-house and out of library use must request that those materials be charged out according to the
guidelines outlined in this policy. Staff members found abusing borrowing policies or removing library materials from
library property without having charged out these items will be subject to having their borrowing privileges revoked.
VCPL employees exhibiting excessive, unnecessary, or unauthorized use of library materials will be subject to
disciplinary action.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 17
day of March 2014.
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Guidelines for Staff Use of Library Materials
1. VCPL staff are subject to the same borrowing policies and procedures as VCPL patrons, including all borrowing
limits, loan periods, holds, and booking policies.
2. An employee borrowers card may be obtained from Lending Services at the Main Library or at one of the branch
library facilities. Employee borrowers cards may be issued by the Lending Services Manager, the Lending
Services Assistant, or by any Branch Manager and are issued for a 3-year period.
3. Overdue notices and bills for replacements will be issued to employees via e-mail if the employee has an active
VCPL e-mail account. Overdue notices and bills for replacements will be issued to employees on paper mailers if
the employee does not have an e-mail account.
4. Library materials may be charged out at the Main Library at Lending Services, the Young Peoples department, or
at Outreach Services. Main Library employees are requested to ask a qualified staff member from Lending
Services, the Young Peoples department, or Outreach Services to charge out materials. Staff should not check out
their own library materials.
5. Branch Library staff members are requested to ask another staff member from their branch to charge out materials.
Branch library staff should not check out their own library materials.
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It is the position of the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees that the Vigo County Public Library can best serve
the needs of all Vigo County residents and taxpayers by serving as a municipality, managed by a Board of Trustees, who
retain the right and responsibility of managing public assets for the public good under the laws of the State of Indiana.
The Vigo County Public Library’s purpose is to provide quality library service, to develop and organize a useful
collection of library materials, to furnish capable, unbiased reference assistance, and to encourage and promote the free
and equitable access to information for all Vigo County citizens. The Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees
declares that the public library exists because our democratic society values the free flow of ideas and opinion and that
the public library’s existence is not based on profit or earnings, but instead, is based on a responsibility and accountability
to the taxpayers of Vigo County to provide and promote library services.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 21
day of October 2013.
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In order to maintain a healthy, safe, and clean environment for both library customers and library employees, the use of
tobacco and e-cigarette products is prohibited at the Vigo County Public Library (including vaping, smoking, chewing,
and other tobacco use). Tobacco and e-cigarette use in library facilities or in unauthorized areas at Vigo County Public
Library is strictly prohibited. All interior spaces in Vigo County Public Library buildings, including all leased
facilities and library owned vehicles, are designated as tobacco and e-cigarette free.
Use of tobacco and e-cigarette products as defined above will not be permitted near exits and entrances of all library
owned buildings, (designated as the Main Library and the West Terre Haute branch), except at a reasonable distance
(50 feet or more) or unless otherwise designated.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 21
day of September 2015.
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Vigo County Public Library (VCPL) welcomes children of all ages to use its facilities and services and to attend
library events. Library staff members are available and eager to assist children with library use but cannot assume
responsibility for a child’s care, supervision, or experience while using the library. Responsibility for the safety, well-
being, and behavior of a child, as well as what that child reads, views, or experiences while using the library, always
rests with the parent, guardian, or responsible caregiver.
Providing a safe and appropriate environment for all library users is a priority for VCPL. However, public libraries are
public buildings, open to all members of the public, and as such, it should not be assumed that they are inherently safe
places for unattended and or vulnerable children. To ensure their safety and well-being, children should remain in the
company of a parent, guardian, or responsible caregiver while on library premises, just as in any public venue. In
addition to concerns for safety and well-being, children left unattended for a period of time may become bored and
restless or upset by the absence of the parent, guardian, or caregiver.
As a general rule, the following should provide guidance to parents, guardians, and caregivers regarding unattended
1. Children of any age must have a means of contacting, or providing contact information, for their parent,
guardian, or responsible care giver in the event an emergency or other issues arise.
2. Children age 8 and younger: A parent, guardian, or responsible caregiver (age 14 or older) must remain within
visual contact and attentive to the supervision of the child at all times.
3. Children age 9 and older: A child in this age range may use the library unattended if the child is able to care
for themselves and can understand and comply with appropriate conduct guidelines and staff direction.
4. Children of any age who are unable to care for themselves or who are unable or unwilling to comply with
appropriate conduct guidelines and staff direction must be accompanied at all times by a parent, guardian, or
responsible caregiver.
5. A child of any age whose safety and well-being appears to be compromised by being left unattended may be
treated as an unattended child.
Library staff will use their judgment and discretion in determining appropriate action if a child is deemed to be
unattended. Generally, appropriate actions include an attempt to reunite the child with the parent, guardian, or
responsible caregiver on library premises; an attempt to contact the same if not on library premises and contact
information is available; or, if unable to make contact with the responsible parties, contact the appropriate authorities
to assume responsibility for the unattended child.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 23
day of February 2023.
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In keeping with the mission of the Library, unscheduled closings due to inclement weather, facility conditions, or other
public health and safety emergencies will be kept to the minimum number of days consistent with public and staff
safety. Decisions regarding the closing of the library facility or subsequent openings of the library facility are made by
the VCPL Director or the VCPL director’s designee. Consultation with library board of trustee members will also be
conducted when conditions warrant an extended closing period for a facility.
If and when county emergency management officials declare a county wide or regional emergency all library facilities
will be shut down and closed until conditions warrant or officials indicate opening the facilities is in the best interest of
the public.
The decision to close the library system and or individual library facilities before the start of the working day is made
based on a variety of factors including the state of parking lots in facilities. If ISU is open, the city buses are operating, the
retail malls are open, and traffic is moving on U.S. 41 and I-70, the VCPL library system will open. If severe weather
develops during the working day, weather forecasts will be consulted and the decision to close the library early will be
based on the same criteria. If the Main library building or a branch suffers damage due to severe weather conditions or
building facility malfunction the decision to close the building or branch will be made by the Director in consultation with
the branch manager and the maintenance supervisor.
Conditions that may necessitate closing the VCPL include catastrophic life threatening weather (snow, ice, tornado,
earthquake, flood or other natural disaster), fire, and equipment failure, disruption of power and/or water,
contamination by hazardous agents, terrorist acts, pandemic outbreaks, or forced evacuations from the neighborhood or
library facility.
The decision to close the library system will be made in conjunction with local municipality and/or state or federal guidelines
and the Library’s ability to provide adequate staff and resources.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 21
day of September 2009.
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The Vigo County Public Library utilizes web based and mobile social media applications to encourage community
involvement in the library, and to create a dialogue between the Library and its customers regarding library services,
resources, library-sponsored events and programs, and community information. Patron feedback may be used to
evaluate current and future programs and events and to guide collection development decisions.
Patrons are expected to follow the basic rules of civility. The Vigo County Public Library reserves the right to
remove any patron-contributed content that violates the VCPL Standards of Behavior.
The Vigo County Public Library does not endorse the advertisements promoted on any social media site. These
advertisements are displayed by vendors and do not express the Vigo County Public Librarys views or positions.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 15
day of July 2013.
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Administrative Procedure
Use of Social Media Policy Guidelines
1. The Vigo County Public Library will market a single VCPL account in each social media application deemed
appropriate for use by a public library except as noted in item #2 in these guidelines.
2. Department/age/subject specific accounts may be utilized upon receipt of VCPL director approval.
3. All social media accounts representing any VCPL department should reflect a professional tone and should
not reflect political, religious, or social bias or opinions.
4. Inquiries or comments concerning the library administration, the library board of trustees, and or
library board meetings should be submitted to and responses
provided by the VCPL director.
5. Social media accounts will be
maintained by approved staff, and participation will be frequent, relevant, and
6. Inappropriate comments (see Standards of Behavior) are not acceptable, and approved
staff should retain a record and notify a supervisor before removing the
Revised July 2013
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The VCPL operates two vehicles to conduct official library related business by library staff members. One library
vehicle is used primarily by Outreach Services during regular business hours in order to pick-up and deliver library
materials to agencies, institutions, and the homebound. The second vehicle is used primarily by the Maintenance
department to pick-up and deliver mail, supplies, and library materials, to transfer staff to official library related
meetings and conferences, to conduct parking lot surveillance and snow and debris removal, and to conduct delivery of
library materials to branch facilities, including the cleaning and maintenance of branch facilities during nighttime
hours. The Maintenance department and the Outreach Services department are the primary users and drivers of library
vehicles, however on occasion, other staff members such as systems technicians, library coordinators, including the
library director, may also require the use of library owned vehicles to conduct library related business.
The use of library vehicles by staff to conduct personal and private business is prohibited. Library vehicles may be
parked at local restaurants, parks, or other public facilities for periods not to exceed 30 minutes in order for library
staff to observe official work breaks and meal periods while performing assigned responsibilities with a library owned
vehicle. At no time should passengers other than library staff be allowed to ride in library owned vehicles.
Staff requests to utilize library owned vehicles should be directed to the Maintenance department and requests should
include the time of day the vehicle is needed, the purpose and duration of use, and who will be driving the vehicle. The
Library Director shall have the final authority regarding the use of library vehicles in order to conduct library business.
All vehicle drivers must possess a valid Indiana Drivers License. The VCPL will conduct official driving record
checks and may request drug screen tests for staff directed to drive library owned vehicles each year prior to
authorization of use.
Staff may request a driver subject to staff availability and the duration of use from either the Maintenance or the
Outreach Services department. The Maintenance department is responsible for purchasing fuel for both vehicles as
well as providing general upkeep and vehicle maintenance.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 16
day of April 2007.
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A Volunteer is an individual, of sufficient age to be entering grade 7 or older, providing assistance to VCPL staff
in projects or enhanced provision of services, without compensation.
1. A regular volunteer is an individual committed to providing regular on-going assistance and
for whom the library commits a substantial investment in placement and training.
2. A special event or one-time volunteer is an individual who volunteers on a one- time or
limited basis for a special event or program that takes a few hours or less to complete and
requires little or no training. Often, the need for this type of volunteer arises quickly with
rapid recruitment.
3. An Intern shall be considered as any high school, college, or graduate student, or a professional in
a library related field who performs volunteer work as part of an authorized program to earn
academic or professional development credit.
4. Individuals who are required to perform court appointed community service are not eligible to
participate in the VCPL Volunteer Program. This is for the protection of our employees,
volunteers, and Program participants.
Role of Volunteers and Interns
Volunteers and Interns can provide invaluable service to the library in certain capacities. However, recruitment
and sponsorship of Volunteers and Interns requires substantial staff resources for training and supervision and
many library tasks and responsibilities must be performed on a regular basis and do not lend themselves to the use
of Volunteers and Interns. Therefore, as a rule, Volunteers and Interns provide assistance in jobs requiring
minimal training and supervision and jobs or projects that have a beginning and an ending. Library employees are
responsible for the critical functions of the Library and Volunteers and Interns are not placed in positions that
affect critical functions, deal with employee or patron information, or exercise fiscal control over Library
Teen Volunteer Program
The Young Peoples department of the VCPL offers volunteer opportunities with the Teen Volunteer Program.
To be considered for placement in the Teen Volunteer Program, individuals must be of sufficient age to be
entering grade 7 up to and including grade 12. Teen volunteers assist Library staff with programs, special
events, annual Summer Reading program, and other projects and may serve on the Teen Advisory Board.
English as a Second Language Program
The Lifelong Learning Center of the VCPL offers volunteer opportunities with the English as a Second Language
Program, a Proliteracy America affiliate. To be considered for placement in the English as a Second Language
Program, individuals must be 18 years or older. English as a Second Language volunteers provide one-to-one
tutoring and assist with conversation groups and programming for adult, non-English speakers.
Friends of the Vigo County Public Library
The Friends of the Vigo County Public Library is a self-governed 501(C) (3) organization to whom members
pay annual dues and participate in volunteer activities sponsored by the Friends in support of the Vigo County
Public Library. Friends of the Library may also apply for assignment as a VCPL volunteer or participate in
special event or one-time volunteer opportunities. Friends of the Library who are also employees of the VCPL
may not be a volunteer for the Library.
The library accepts VCPL Volunteer and Intern applications and, in its discretion, may collaborate with volunteer
programs administered by local volunteer agencies, educational institutes, and service clubs. Potential Volunteers and
INTERN APPLICATION FORM FOR MINORS (samples attached) in order to evaluate and determine the
Volunteer’s or Interns skill level and availability. Volunteer and Intern applications will remain on file for one year
from the date of application. Screening of Volunteer and Intern applications is based on the requirements and stated
qualifications for available Volunteer and Intern positions. The Development Librarian and or a supervisor/manager
will conduct individual or group interviews with Volunteer and Intern applicants to determine qualification for
placement in available positions. Prior to placement, regular adult Volunteers and Interns may be asked to sign a
release authorizing check of volunteer credentials authorizing the VCPL to obtain appropriate information regarding
the applicant’s background and credentials and general aptitude for placement. Volunteers and Interns will not be
entitled to any employment rights or fringe benefits available to employees of the Library. Employees of the library
may not be a Volunteer or Intern for the library and relatives of employees as defined in the EMPLOYMENT OF
RELATIVES policy are not eligible for assignment to Volunteer or Intern positions in library departments.
Orientation and Training
VCPL staff will conduct an orientation. Training and scheduling will be the responsibility of the supervisor in
charge of the project or job.
Volunteers and Interns may be recognized in conjunction with staff or Friends of the Library recognition events.
Volunteer and Intern performance will be judged by similar standards applied to paid employees and will be
subject to ongoing evaluation.
Adopted by the Vigo County Public Library Board of Trustees on the 18
day of April 2011.
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Release Authorizing Check of Volunteer Credentials
In consideration of Vigo County Public Library's (VCPL) evaluation of my suitability for the volunteer program, I
hereby authorize the VCPL to perform all checks of my background and credentials as allowed by law including, but
not limited to, obtaining information from prior employers, supervisors, co-workers, or other individuals or entities
(including criminal records and credit information) that the VCPL, in its sole discretion, believes may have relevant
information regarding my suitability for the volunteer program. I agree to sign such consents as may be necessary for
the VCPL to obtain said information about me. I agree not to assert any claims or causes of action of any kind against
VCPL, its employees, and the individuals and the institutions, companies, or agencies contacted by VCPL as part of its
investigation, and release them from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of action, or suits of any
kind or nature whatsoever arising from the VCPL's investigation of my background and credentials. I acknowledge
that VCPL has made no representations of any kind as to whether placement in the volunteer program will be offered
at the conclusion of its investigation.
VCPL will restrict nonpublic personal information about you to those of our employees who need to know that
information to evaluate your suitability for the volunteer program by the VCPL and will not disclose said information
to others, except as permitted or required by law.
Volunteer Applicant
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