How much water is needed
in emergencies
Water is essential for life, health and human dignity. In extreme
emergency situations, there may not be sufficient water
available to meet basic needs and in these cases, supplying
a minimum level of safe drinking-water for survival is of
critical importance. Insufficient water and the consumption
of contaminated water are usually the first and main causes
of ill health to affect displaced populations during and after a
disaster. This technical note considers the minimum quantities
of water that are required for survival in emergencies.
Factors affecting water
The amount of water required
to support life and health in an
emergency varies with climate, the
general state of health of the people
affected and their level of physical
fitness. Of equal importance in
deciding how much water is needed
are the expectations people have.
A poor rural community may have
far lower expectations concerning
the quantity of water that is essential
for life than people used to living in
a wealthy urban environment. As
a result, the poorer community is
likely to consume less.
The Sphere Standards
Attempts have been made in the
past to define minimum water
quantities required in emergencies.
In 2004, a cluster of relief agencies
developed the document entitled
Sphere Humanitarian Charter and
Minimum Standards in Disaster
Response which set standards
for the minimum level of services
people affected by an emergency
should receive. For water supply,
it states that all people should
“have safe and equitable access
to sufficient quantity of water for
drinking, cooking and personal and
domestic hygiene” and that public
water points should be “sufficiently
close to households to enable use
of the minimum water requirement”.
Most major relief agencies and
their donors have accepted the
Sphere Standards as the foundation
for acceptable relief services.
Sphere also describes indicators
which relate to the delivery of the
standards, including water quantity
standards. Indicators are not
binding like the standards; rather,
they are suggestions of what might
be a reasonable interpretation of the
This technical note uses the Sphere
indicators for guidance.
Carefully consider your local situation
to be sure that they are appropriate for
the conditions you are dealing with.
How much water does an
individual use?
People use water for a wide variety
of activities. Some of these are more
important than others. Having a few
litres of water to drink each day, for
example, is more important than
having water for personal hygiene
or laundry, but people will still want
and need to wash for the prevention
of skin diseases and meeting other
physiological needs. Other uses of
water have health and other benefits
but decrease in urgency as Figure 9.1
Figure 9.1. Hierarchy of water requirements (after Maslow’s hierarchy of needs)
Personal washing
Washing clothes
Cleaning home
Growing food
Sanitation and waste disposal
Business (crops, livestock)
Gardens, recreation
(lasting solution)
How much water is needed in emergencies
Figure 9.2. Water does not have to be of the same quality for all uses
Priorities for water
People do not always have
predictable needs. In some cultures,
the need to wash sanitary towels
or to wash hands and feet before
prayer may be perceived to be more
important than other water uses.
Talk to people to understand their
priorities. People may also have
quite specific needs concerning the
use of water for anal cleansing.
Women and men may have
different priorities. Women may be
concerned about basic household
water requirements and water to
wash during menstruation, whilst
men may have concerns about
livestock. In the assessment, waste
spillage and leaks also need to be
taken into consideration.
The Sphere Standards suggest
a basic survival-level water
requirement to use as a starting
point for calculating demand
(see Table 9.1). However, research
indicates that 20 liters per capita per
day is the minimum quantity of safe
water required to realise minimum
essential levels for health and
hygiene. Therefore, efforts should
be made to incrementally secure
this amount for each individual.
Water sources and quality
People do not have to get all their
water from a single source. They
may be provided with bottled
drinking-water, but use water from a
stream to wash their clothes.
As demand for water increases,
generally the quality required for
each use can be reduced. Water for
cleaning a floor does not have to be
of the same quality as drinking-water
and water for growing subsistence
crops can be of a lower quality still.
Sanitation and water
The type of sanitation provided has
a big impact on water requirement.
Water-borne types of sanitation,
such as flush toilets, require a
large volume of water (up to 7L per
person per use).
Pit latrines, or simple pour-flush
toilets (Figure 9.3) have a much
lower water requirement.
Even if plenty of water is provided,
there may be other limits to its use,
such as the time taken for people
to travel and queue to collect it. If
it takes more than 30 minutes to
collect water, the amount they will
collect will reduce (see Figure 9.4).
Providing washing and laundry
facilities near the water points
reduces the need to transport water.
Box 9.1. Minimum provision
of domestic water containers
Two vessels 10-20L for
collecting water plus one 20L
vessel for water storage, (narrow
necks and covers) per 5 person
Type of need Quantity Comments
Survival (drinking and food)
Basic hygiene practices
Basic cooking needs
2.5 to 3 lpd
2 to 6 lpd
3 to 6 lpd
Depends on climate and individual physiology
Depends on social and cultural norms
Depends on food type, social and cultural norms
Total 7.5 to 15 lpd lpd: Litres per day
Table 9.1. Simplified table of water requirements for survival (per person)
Source: Adapted from Sphere. Also see WHO, 2011. Guidelines for drinking-water quality,
4th edition. World Health Organization, Geneva.
Figure 9.3. Pour-flush pit latrines
How much water is needed in emergencies
Sphere (2004) suggests that
in emergencies the maximum
distance from any household
to a water point be 500 metres
and the maximum waiting time
to collect water be 15 minutes.
Water for
non-domestic use
Water is essential for many other
services provided in emergencies,
especially health care. Affected
communities may also want to use
water for religious activities and
agriculture. Users, not providers,
decide how they will use a scarce
supply of water. If people consider
their livestock to be more important
than doing the laundry, then they
will distribute the available water
accordingly. Ensure that there is
enough water to meet people’s
priority needs with enough left over
to meet the priorities related to
effectively managing the emergency!
Table 9.2 suggests minimum water
quantities for non-domestic uses.
Step-by-step improvements
In the first phase of an emergency, it
may not be possible to meet all the
water needs of the community.
A staged-approach should be
adopted with initial efforts focused
on meeting survival needs (Figure
9.5). The service can be gradually be
improved with time as resources allow
(see Table 9.3).
Figure 9.4. Relationship between water collection journey time and domestic consumption
Use Guideline quantity
Health centres and hospitals 5 litres/out-patient; 40-60 litres/in-patient/day. Additional quantities
may be needed for laundry equipment, flushing toilets, etc.
Cholera centres 60 litres/patient/day; 15 litres/carer/day
Therapeutic feeding centres 30 litres/in-patient/day; 15 litres/carer/day
Operating theatre/maternity 100 litres / intervention
SARS isolation 100 litres / isolation
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever
300-400 litres / isolation
Schools 3 litres/pupil/day for drinking and hand washing (use for toilets not
included: see below)
Mosques 2-5 litres/person/day for washing and drinking
Public toilets 1-2 litres/user/day for hand washing; 2-8 litres/cubicle/day for toilet
All flushing toilets 20-40 litres/user/day for conventional flushing toilets connected to a
sewer; 3-5 litres/user/day for pour-flush toilets
Livestock/day Cattle, horses, mules: 20-30 litres per head; goats, sheep, pigs: 10-
20 litres per head, Chickens: 10-20 litres per 100
Vegetable gardens 3-6 litres per square metre per day
Table 9.2. Guidelines for minimum emergency water quantities for non-domestic use
Source: Adapted from Sphere
Time – from initial
Quantity of water
Maximum distance from
shelters to water points (km)
2 weeks to 1 month 5 1
1 to 3 months 10 1
3 to 6 months 15 (+) 0.5
Table 9.3. Suggested quantities of water, and distances of water points from shelters at
different stages of an emergency response
Source: Adapted from Sphere. Also see WHO, 2008. Essential environmental health standards
in health care. World Health Organization, Geneva.
Figure 9.5. Meeting survival needs
Return trip travel time
10 20 30 40 50 60
Further information
House, Sarah and Reed, Bob (2000) Emergency Water
Sources: Guidelines for selection and treatment,
WEDC, Loughborough University, UK.
The Sphere Project (2004) Humanitarian Charter and
Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. The
Sphere Project: Geneva, Switzerland.
U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for
Humanitarian Response, Office of Foreign Disaster
Assistance (OFDA) (1998) Field Operations Guide for
Disaster Assessment and Response
How much water is needed in emergencies
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Authors: Brian Reed and Bob Reed. Series Editor: Bob Reed.
Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw
Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton.
Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK
T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: [email protected] W:
Water, Sanitation,
Hygiene and Health Unit
Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva 27
Telephone: + 41 22 791 2111
Telephone (direct): + 41 22 791 3555/3590
Fax (direct): + 41 22 791 4159
© World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in
this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and
use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
Box 9.2. A sample calculation
How much water is needed for a camp of 5,000 displaced people (including 1,000 primary
school age children), 25 relief agency staff, and 75 cows?
The camp has a mosque and a small health centre without patient facilities. Each family has
been provided with a pit latrine and most people use water for anal cleansing. A feeding
centre is currently provided but is expected to close once the health of the population has
stabilized. A primary school will be constructed at a later stage.
Water for crops will not be provided.
Staff will be resident during the initial stages of the emergency but will be able to travel into
the camp at a later date and are not normally included in this calculation.
Assume 10% wastage from spills, leaks and waste.
Phase 1: Survival supply (litres)
Domestic use: 5,000 x 7.5 = 37,500
Feeding centre (small children estimated number): 500 x 30 = 15,000
Carers: 500 x 15 = 7,500
Relief staff: 25 x 30 = 750
Health centre : (assume 250 visits per day): 250 x 5 = 1,250
Mosque (assume all adults visit daily): 3,000 x 2 = 6,000
Cattle: 75 x 20 = 1,500
Total : = 69,500
Add 10% leakage: = 6,950
Approximate litres per day: = 76,450
Phase 2: Long-term solution (litres)
Domestic use (assume population remains static): 5,000 x 15 = 75,000
Staff office (daily office use only): 25 x 5 = 125
School: 1,000 x 3 = 3,000
Health centre: 250 x 5 = 1,250
Mosque: 3,000 x 5 = 15,000
Cattle (allow for some growth in numbers): 100 x 30 = 3,000
Total = 97,375
Add 10% leakage = 9,737
Approximate litres per day: = 107,112
Calculating water demand
A large number of assumptions have
to be made to calculate the total water
requirements in an emergency. Often,
basic information is not available and
the situation changes very quickly. Box
9.2 shows how total water demand
can be estimated and the types of
assumption that have to be made.
Remember, it is only an estimate!
Demand can be much higher or lower
than estimated, so allow as much
flexibility as possible in the amount of
water you can actually provide.
Ensuring supply has an
Providing water does not always mean
it will have the desired impact on, for
example, the protection of health.
Look at the entire water supply system
and identify weak points. Providing
more water to a tap stand will not
necessarily increase consumption
if it is too far away, or if people do
not have enough water containers.
Providing more water may cause
drainage problems if there are no
facilities for disposing of sullage.
Regularly check how much water
people are actually using; when and
where are they using it; and how they
are using it.