REV 84 0015 (8-13-15)
Afdavit of Surviving Spouse or Domestic Partner
for Claiming an Exemption Based on
Inheritance of Real Estate
(month) (year) (city) (state)
State of Washington
County of ______________________________________
Name of deceased _________________________________________________________
I, (survivors name) ________________________________________________________ afrm
that I am the sole and rightful heir to the property described as:
Parcel number(s) _______________________________
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Signed this ______ day of ______________ , _________ at _________________ , _______
(Signature of surviving spouse or registered domestic partner)
(Printed name of surviving spouse or registered domestic partner)
(Address of surviving spouse or domestic partner)
Note: See RCW 82.45.197 on page 2 for statutory requirements.
REV 84 0015 (8-13-15)
RCW 82.45.197
Exemptions - Inheritance - Documents required.
In order to receive an exemption from the tax in this chapter on real property transferred as a
result under RCW 82.45.010(3)(a), the following documentation must be provided:
(1) If the property is being transferred under the terms of a community property agreement, a
copy of the recorded agreement and a certied copy of the death certicate;
(2) If the property is being transferred under the terms of a trust instrument, a certied copy
of the death certicate and a copy of the trust instrument showing the authority of the grantor;
(3) If the property is being transferred under the terms a probated will, a certied copy of the
letters testamentary or in the case of intestate administration, a certied copy of the letters
of administration showing that the grantor is the court-appointed executor, executrix, or
administrator, and a certied copy of the death certicate;
(4) In the case of joint tenants with right of survivorship and remainder interests, a certied
copy of the death certicate is recorded to perfect title;
(5)If the property is being transferred pursuant to a court order, a certied copy of the court
order requiring the transfer, and conrming that the grantor is required to do so under the
terms of the order;
(6) If the community property interest of the decedent is being transferred to a surviving
spouse or surviving domestic partner absent the documentation set forth in subsections (1)
through (5) of this section, a certied copy of the death certicate and a signed afdavit from
the surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner afrming that he or she is the sole and
rightful heir to the property; or
(7) If the property is being transferred pursuant to a transfer on death deed, a certied copy of
the death certicate is recorded to perfect title.
For tax assistance or to inquire about the availability of this document in an alternate format, please call
1-800-647-7706. Teletype (TTY) users may use the Washington Relay Service by calling 711.