C235 Color Multifunction
Printer Quick Reference Guide
MMaakkiinngg CCooppiieess
1. Load an original document into the ADF tray or on the scanner
Note: To avoid a cropped image, make sure that the original
document and output have the same paper size.
2. From the home screen, touch Copy, and then specify the number
of copies.
If necessary, adjust the copy settings.
3. Copy the document.
Note: To make a quick copy, from the control panel, press
the Start button.
CCooppyyiinngg oonn BBootthh SSiiddeess ooff tthhee PPaappeerr
1. Load an original document into the ADF tray or on the scanner
2. From the home screen, touch Copy > Sides.
3. Adjust the settings.
4. Copy the document.
CCooppyyiinngg MMuullttiippllee PPaaggeess oonnttoo aa SSiinnggllee SShheeeett
1. Load an original document into the ADF tray or on the scanner
2. From the home screen, touch Copy > Pages per Side.
3. Adjust the settings.
4. Copy the document.
CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee EEmmaaiill SSMMTTPP SSeettttiinnggss
Configure the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) settings to send a
scanned document through e-mail. The settings vary with each email
service provider.
Before you begin, make sure that the printer is connected to a
network and that the network is connected to the Internet.
UUssiinngg tthhee EEmmaaiill SSeettuupp WWiizzaarrdd iinn tthhee PPrriinntteerr
Before using the wizard, make sure that the printer firmware is
updated. For more information, refer to Updating Firmware.
1. From the home screen, touch Email.
2. Touch and type your e-mail address.
3. Type the password.
Depending on your e-mail service provider, type your account
password, app password, or authentication password. For
more information on the password, refer to the list of Email
Service Providers, and then look for Device Password.
If your provider is not listed, contact your provider and ask for
the Primary SMTP Gateway, Primary SMTP Gateway Port, Use
SSL/TLS, and SMTP Server Authentication settings.
4. Touch OK.
UUssiinngg tthhee SSeettttiinnggss MMeennuu iinn tthhee PPrriinntteerr
1. From the home screen, touch Settings > E-mail > E-mail Setup.
2. Configure the settings.
For more information on the password, refer to the list of
Email Service Providers.
For email service providers that are not on the list, contact
your provider and ask for the settings.
UUssiinngg tthhee EEmmbbeeddddeedd WWeebb SSeerrvveerr
1. Open a web browser, and then type the printer IP address in the
address field.
View the printer IP address on the printer home screen. The IP
address appears as four sets of numbers separated by periods,
such as
If you are using a proxy server, then temporarily disable it to
load the web page correctly.
2. Click Settings > Email.
3. From the Email Setup section, configure the settings.
For more information on the password, refer to the list of
Email Service Providers.
For email service providers that are not on the list, contact
your provider and ask for the settings.
4. Click Save.
EEmmaaiill SSeerrvviiccee PPrroovviiddeerrss
To determine the SMTP settings of your email service provider, use the
following tables.
Note: Make sure that two-step verification is enabled on your
Google account.
To enable two-step verification, go to the Google Account Security
page, log in to your account, then from the Signing in to Google
section, click 2-Step Verification.
Primary SMTP Gateway
Primary SMTP Gateway
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated E-mail Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password App password
Note: To create an app
password, go to the Google
Account Security page, log in to
your account, and from the
Signing in to Google section,
click App passwords.
Primary SMTP Gateway
Primary SMTP Gateway
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated E-mail Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password App password
Note: To create an app
password, go to the Yahoo
Account Security page, log in
to your account, and then click
Generate app password
Outlook Live
These settings apply to and email domains.
Primary SMTP Gateway
Primary SMTP Gateway
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated E-mail Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password Account password or app password
For accounts with two-step
verification disabled, use your
account password.
For accounts with two-step
verification enabled, use an app
password. To create an app
password, go to the Outlook Live
Account Managment page, then
log in to your account.
AOL Mail
Primary SMTP Gateway
Primary SMTP Gateway
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated E-mail Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password App password
Note: To create an app
password, go to the AOL
Account Security page, log in
to your account, then click
Generate app password.
iCloud Mail
Note: Make sure that the two-step verification is enabled on
your account.
Primary SMTP Gateway
Primary SMTP Gateway
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated E-mail Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password App password
Note: To create an app
password, go to the iCloud
Account Management page,
log in to your account, then
from the Security section, click
Generate Password.
Comcast Mail
Primary SMTP
Primary SMTP
Gateway Port
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated Email Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password Account password
Primary SMTP Gateway
Primary SMTP Gateway
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated E-mail Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password Account password
Zoho Mail
Primary SMTP Gateway
Primary SMTP Gateway
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated E-mail Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password Account password or app password
For accounts with two-step
verification disabled, use your
account password.
For accounts with two-step
verification enabled, use an app
password. To create an app
password, go to the Zoho Mail
Account Security page, log in to
your account, then from the
Application-Specific Passwords
section, click Generate New
QQ Mail
Note: Make sure that the SMTP service is enabled on your
To enable the service, from the QQ Mail home page, click Settings >
Account, then from the POP3/IMAP/SMTP/Exchange/CardDAV/
CalDAV Service section, enable either POP3/SMTP service or IMAP/
SMTP service.
Primary SMTP Gateway
Primary SMTP Gateway
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated E-mail Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password Authorization code
Note: To generate an
authorization code, from the
QQ Mail home page, click
Settings > Account, then from
Service section, click Generate
authorization code
NetEase Mail (
Note: Make sure that the SMTP service is enabled on your
To enable the service, from the NetEase Mail home page, click
Settings > POP3/SMTP/IMAP, and then enable either IMAP/SMTP
service or POP3/SMTP service.
Primary SMTP Gateway
Primary SMTP Gateway
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated Email Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password Authorization password
Note: The authorization
password is provided when
IMAP/SMTP service or POP3/
SMTP service is enabled.
NetEase Mail (
Note: Make sure that the SMTP service is enabled on your
To enable the service, from the NetEase Mail home page, click
Settings > POP3/SMTP/IMAP, then enable either IMAP/SMTP
service or POP3/SMTP service.
Primary SMTP Gateway
Primary SMTP Gateway
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated Email Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password Authorization password
Note: The authorization
password is provided when
IMAP/SMTP service or POP3/
SMTP service is enabled.
NetEase Mail (
Note: Make sure that the SMTP service is enabled on your
To enable the service, from the NetEase Mail home page, click
Settings > POP3/SMTP/IMAP, and then enable either IMAP/SMTP
service or POP3/SMTP service.
Primary SMTP Gateway
Primary SMTP Gateway
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Device-Initiated Email Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password Authorization password
Note: The authorization
password is provided when
IMAP/SMTP service or POP3/
SMTP service is enabled.
Sohu Mail
Note: Make sure that the SMTP service is enabled on your
To enable the service, from the Sohu Mail home page, click Options >
Settings > POP3/SMTP/IMAP, and then enable either IMAP/SMTP
service or POP3/SMTP service.
Primary SMTP
Primary SMTP
Gateway Port
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password Independent password
Note: The independent password
is provided when IMAP/SMTP
service or POP3/SMTP service is
Sina Mail
Note: Make sure that the POP3/SMTP service is enabled on
your account.
To enable the service, from the Sina Mail home page, click Settings >
More settings > User-end POP/IMAP/SMTP, and then enable POP3/
SMTP service.
Primary SMTP
Primary SMTP
Gateway Port
Use SSL/TLS Required
Require Trusted
Reply Address Your email address
SMTP Server
Use Device SMTP Credentials
Device UserID Your email address
Device Password Authorization code
Note: To create an authorization
code, from the email home page,
click Settings > More settings >
User-end POP/IMAP/SMTP, and
then enable Authorization code
If you encounter errors using the settings provided, then contact
your email service provider.
For email service providers that are not on the list, contact your
provider and ask for the settings.
SSeennddiinngg aann EEmmaaiill
Before you begin, make sure that the SMTP settings are configured.
For more information, refer to Configuring the Email SMTP Settings.
UUssiinngg tthhee CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneell
1. Load an original document into the ADF tray or on the scanner
2. From the home screen, touch Email, and then enter the needed
3. If necessary, configure the output file type settings.
4. Send the email.
UUssiinngg aa SShhoorrttccuutt NNuummbbeerr
1. Load an original document into the ADF tray or on the scanner
2. From the home screen, touch Shortcuts > Email.
3. Select the shortcut number.
4. Send the email.
SSccaannnniinngg ttoo aa CCoommppuutteerr
Before you begin, make sure that:
The printer firmware is updated. For more information, refer to
Updating Firmware.
The computer and the printer are connected to the same network.
FFoorr WWiinnddoowwss UUsseerrss
Note: Make sure that the printer is added to the computer.
For more information, refer to the User Guide.
1. Load an original document into the automatic document feeder
or on the scanner glass.
2. From the computer, open Windows Fax and Scan.
3. From the Source menu, select a scanner source.
4. If necessary, change the scan settings.
5. Scan the document.
FFoorr MMaacciinnttoosshh UUsseerrss
Note: Make sure that the printer is added to the computer.
For more information, refer to the User Guide.
1. Load an original document into the automatic document feeder
or on the scanner glass.
2. From the computer, do either of the following:
a. Open Image Capture.
b. Open Image Capture.
c. Open Printers & Scanners, and then select a printer. Click
Scan > Open Scanner.
3. From the Scanner window, do one or more of the following:
a. Select where you want to save the scanned document.
b. Select the size of the original document.
c. To scan from the ADF, select Document Feeder from the
Scan Menu or enable Use Document Feeder.
d. If necessary, configure the scan settings.
4. Click Scan.
SSeennddiinngg aa FFaaxx
UUssiinngg tthhee ccoonnttrrooll ppaanneell
1. Load an original document into the ADF tray or on the scanner
2. From the home screen, touch Fax, and then enter the needed
If necessary, adjust the settings.
3. Fax the document.
PPrriinnttiinngg ffrroomm aa ccoommppuutteerr
Note: For labels, card stock, and envelopes, set the paper size
and type in the printer before printing the document.
1. From the document that you are trying to print, open the Print
2. If necessary, adjust the settings.
3. Print the document.
PPrriinnttiinngg ffrroomm aa mmoobbiillee ddeevviiccee
PPrriinnttiinngg ffrroomm aa MMoobbiillee DDeevviiccee UUssiinngg MMoopprriiaa
Mopria Print Service is a mobile printing solution for mobile devices
running on Android
version 10.0 or later. It allows you to print
directly to any Mopria-certified printer.
Note: Make sure that you download the Mopria Print Service
application from
the Google Play store and enable it in the
mobile device.
1. From your Android mobile device, launch a compatible
application or select a document from your file manager.
2. Tap More OptionsPrint.
3. Select a printer, and then adjust the settings, if necessary.
4. Tap Print.
PPrriinnttiinngg ffrroomm aa MMoobbiillee DDeevviiccee UUssiinngg AAiirrPPrriinntt
The AirPrint software feature is a mobile printing solution that allows
you to print directly from Apple devices to an AirPrint-certified printer.
Make sure that the Apple device and the printer are connected to
the same network. If the network has multiple wireless hubs, then
make sure that both devices are connected to the same subnet.
This application is supported only in some Apple devices.
1. From your mobile device, select a document from your file
manager or launch a compatible application.
2. Tap Share/Upload > Print.
3. Select a printer, and then adjust the settings, if necessary.
4. Print the document.
PPrriinnttiinngg ffrroomm aa mmoobbiillee ddeevviiccee uussiinngg WWii--FFii DDiirreecctt
Wi-Fi Direct is a printing service that lets you print to any Wi-Fi Direct-
ready printer.
Note: Make sure that the mobile device is connected to the
printer wireless network. For more information, see
Connecting a mobile device to the printer.
1. From your mobile device, launch a compatible application or
select a document from your file manager.
2. Depending on your mobile device, do one of the following:
> Print.
> Print.
> Print.
3. Select a printer, and then adjust the settings, if necessary.
4. Print the document.
Maintain the Printer
AAttttaacchhiinngg ccaabblleess
CAUTION—SHOCK HAZARD: To avoid the risk of electrical
shock, do not set up this product or make any electrical or
cabling connections, such as the power cord, fax feature, or
telephone, during a lightning storm.
CAUTION—POTENTIAL INJURY: To avoid the risk of fire or
electrical shock, connect the power cord to an appropriately
rated and properly grounded electrical outlet that is near the
product and easily accessible.
CAUTION—POTENTIAL INJURY: To avoid the risk of fire or
electrical shock, use only the power cord provided with this
product or the manufacturer-authorized replacement.
CAUTION—POTENTIAL INJURY: To reduce the risk of fire,
use only a 26 AWG or larger telecommunications (RJ-11)
cord when connecting this product to the public switched
telephone network. For users in Australia, the cord must be
approved by the Australian Communications and Media
Warning—Potential Damage: To avoid loss of data or
printer malfunction, do not touch the USB cable, any wireless
network adapter, or the printer in the areas shown while
actively printing.
Printer port
1 LINE port Connect the printer
to an active
telephone line
through a standard
wall jack (RJ-11),
DSL filter, or VoIP
adapter, or any
other adapter that
allows you to access
the telephone line
to send and receive
To enable manual
fax, use a corded
fax splitter.
2 Ethernet port Connect the printer
to a network.
3 USB printer port Connect the printer
to a computer.
4 Power cord socket Connect the printer
to a properly
grounded electrical
RReeppllaacciinngg aa pprriinntt ccaarrttrriiddggee
Note: If the tray is extended, then remove it before replacing
a cartridge.
1. Open the front door, and then firmly push it down.
2. Pull out the print cartridge tray.
3. Remove the used print cartridge.
4. Unpack the new print cartridge.
Warning: Do not expose the underside of the print cartridge
to direct light. Extended exposure to light may cause print
quality problems.
Warning: Do not touch the underside of the print cartridge.
Doing so may affect the quality of future print jobs.
5. Insert the new print cartridge.
6. Insert the print cartridge tray, and then close the door.
RReeppllaacciinngg tthhee wwaassttee ttoonneerr bboottttllee
1. Remove the used waste toner bottle.
Note: To avoid spilling the toner, place the bottle in an
upright position.
2. Unpack the new waste toner bottle.
3. Insert the new waste toner bottle.
CClleeaanniinngg tthhee SSccaannnneerr
1. Open the scanner cover.
2. Using a damp, soft, lint-free cloth, wipe the following areas:
a. ADF glass pad
Note: In some printer models, this location has an ADF glass
instead of a pad.
b. Scanner glass pad
c. ADF glass
d. Scanner glass
3. Close the scanner cover.
LLooaaddiinngg tthhee ttrraayy
CAUTION—TIPPING HAZARD: To reduce the risk of
equipment instability, keep the tray closed until needed.
1. Remove the tray.
Note: To avoid paper jams, do not remove the tray while the
printer is busy.
2. Flex, fan, and align the paper edges before loading.
3. Load the paper stack with the printable side face-up.
Load letterhead face-up with the header toward the back of
the tray for one-sided printing.
Load letterhead face-down with the header toward the front
of the tray for two-sided printing.
Do not slide paper into the tray.
4. To avoid paper jams, make sure that the stack height is below the
maximum paper fill indicator.
5. Adjust the guides to match the size of the paper that you are
6. Insert the tray.
7. If necessary, set the paper size and paper type from the control
panel to match the paper loaded.
LLooaaddiinngg tthhee mmaannuuaall ffeeeeddeerr
1. Adjust the guide to match the size of the paper that you are
2. Load a sheet of paper with the printable side face-up.
Load letterhead with the printable side face-up and the top
edge entering the printer first for one-sided printing.
Load letterhead with the printable side face-down and the top
edge entering the printer last for two-sided printing.
Load envelope with the flap side down and against the right
side of the paper guide.
3. Feed the paper until its leading edge gets pulled in.
To avoid paper jams, do not force paper into the manual
Before loading another sheet, wait for a message to appear
on the display.
SSeettttiinngg tthhee PPaappeerr SSiizzee aanndd TTyyppee
1. From the control panel, navigate to:
Settings > OK > Paper > OK > Tray Configuration > OK > Paper
Size/Type > OK, then select a paper source
2. Set the paper size and type.
UUppddaattiinngg FFiirrmmwwaarree
Some applications require a minimum device firmware level to
operate correctly.
For more information on updating the device firmware, contact your
customer service representative.
1. Open a web browser, and then type the printer IP address in the
address field.
View the printer IP address on the printer home screen. The IP
address appears as four sets of numbers separated by periods,
such as
If you are using a proxy server, then temporarily disable it to
load the web page correctly.
2. Click Settings > Device > Update Firmware.
3. Choose one of the following:
Click Check for updates > I agree, start update.
Upload the flash file. To upload the flash file, perform the
following steps.
To get the latest firmware, go to, and search for
your printer model.
1. Browse to the flash file.
Note: Make sure that you have extracted the firmware
zip file.
2. Click Upload > Start.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee PPrriinntteerr ttoo aa WWii--FFii NNeettwwoorrkk
Before you begin, make sure that:
Active Adapter is set to Auto. From the home screen, touch
Settings > Network/Ports > Network Overview > Active Adapter.
The Ethernet cable is not connected to the printer.
UUssiinngg tthhee wwiirreelleessss sseettuupp wwiizzaarrdd iinn tthhee pprriinntteerr
Before using the wizard, make sure that the printer firmware is
updated. For more information, see Updating Firmware.
1. From the home screen, touch > Set up now.
2. Select a Wi-Fi network, and then type the network password.
3. Touch Done.
UUssiinngg tthhee SSeettttiinnggss MMeennuu iinn tthhee PPrriinntteerr
1. From the home screen, touch Settings > Network/Ports >
Wireless > Setup On Printer Panel > Choose Network.
2. Select a Wi-Fi network, then type the network password.
Note: For Wi-Fi-network-ready printer models, a prompt to
set up the Wi-Fi network appears during initial setup.
CCoonnffiigguurriinngg WWii--FFii DDiirreecctt
Wi-Fi Direct is a Wi-Fi-based peer-to-peer technology that allows
wireless devices to connect directly to a Wi-Fi Direct-enabled printer
without using an access point (wireless router).
1. From the home screen, touch Settings > Network/Ports > Wi-Fi
2. Configure the settings.
Enable Wi-Fi Direct—Enables the printer to broadcast its own
Wi-Fi Direct network.
Wi-Fi Direct Name—Assigns a name for the Wi-Fi Direct
Wi-Fi Direct Password—Assigns the password for negotiating
the wireless security when using the peer-to-peer connection.
Show Password on Setup Page—Shows the password on the
Network Setup Page.
Auto-Accept Push Button Requests—Lets the printer accept
connection requests automatically.
Note: Accepting push-button requests automatically is not
By default, the Wi-Fi Direct network password is not visible on
the printer display. To show the password, enable the
password peek icon. From the home screen, touch Settings >
Security > Miscellaneous > Enable Password/PIN Reveal.
To know the password of the Wi-Fi Direct network without
showing it on the printer display, from the home screen touch
Settings > Reports > Network > Network Setup.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg aa ccoommppuutteerr ttoo tthhee pprriinntteerr
Before connecting your computer, make sure that Wi-Fi Direct has
been configured. For more information, see Configuring Wi-Fi Direct.
FFoorr WWiinnddoowwss UUsseerrss
1. Open the printers folder.
2. Select the printer you want to update, and then do either of the
For Windows 7 or later, select Printer properties.
For earlier versions, select Properties.
3. Navigate to the Configuration tab, and then select Update Now -
Ask Printer.
4. Apply the changes.
FFoorr MMaacciinnttoosshh UUsseerrss
1. From System Preferences in the Apple menu, navigate to your
printer, and then select Options & Supplies.
2. Navigate to the list of hardware options, and then add any
installed options.
3. Apply the changes.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg aa mmoobbiillee ddeevviiccee ttoo tthhee pprriinntteerr
Before connecting your mobile device, make sure that Wi-Fi Direct has
been configured. For more information, see Configuring Wi-Fi Direct.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg UUssiinngg WWii--FFii DDiirreecctt
Note: These instructions apply only to Android mobile
1. From the mobile device, go to the settings menu.
2. Enable Wi-Fi, and then tap Wi-Fi Direct.
3. Select the printer Wi-Fi Direct name.
4. Confirm the connection on the printer control panel.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg UUssiinngg WWii--FFii
1. From the mobile device, go to the settings menu.
2. Tap Wi-Fi, and then select the printer Wi-Fi Direct name.
Note: The string DIRECT-xy (where x and y are two random
characters) is added before the Wi-Fi Direct name.
3. Enter the Wi-Fi Direct password.
Clearing Jams
AAvvooiiddiinngg jjaammss
LLooaadd ppaappeerr pprrooppeerrllyy
Make sure that the paper lies flat in the tray.
Correct loading of paper Incorrect loading of paper
Do not load or remove a tray while the printer is printing.
Do not load too much paper. Make sure that the stack height is
below the maximum paper fill indicator.
Do not slide paper into the tray. Load paper as shown in the
Make sure that the paper guides are positioned correctly and are
not pressing tightly against the paper or envelopes.
Push the tray firmly into the printer after loading paper.
UUssee RReeccoommmmeennddeedd PPaappeerr
Use only recommended paper or specialty media.
Do not load paper that is wrinkled, creased, damp, bent, or curled.
Flex, fan, and align the paper edges before loading.
Do not use paper that has been cut or trimmed by hand.
Do not mix paper sizes, weights, or types in the same tray.
Make sure that the paper size and type are set correctly on the
computer or printer control panel.
Store paper according to manufacturer recommendations.
IIddeennttiiffyyiinngg jjaamm llooccaattiioonnss
When Jam Assist is set to On, the printer might attempt to flush
blank pages or pages with partial prints after clearing the jam.
Check your printed output for blank pages.
When Jam Recovery is set to On or Auto, the printer reprints
jammed pages.
1. Automatic document feeder (ADF)
2. Standard Output Tray
3. Manual Feeder
4. Standard Tray
5. Door B
PPaappeerr jjaamm iinn tthhee ssttaannddaarrdd ttrraayy
1. Open door B.
CAUTION—HOT SURFACE: The inside of the printer might
be hot. To reduce the risk of injury from a hot component,
allow the surface to cool before touching it.
2. Remove the jammed paper.
Note: Make sure that all paper fragments are removed.
3. Close the door.
4. Remove the tray and the manual feeder.
5. Remove the jammed paper.
Note: Make sure that all paper fragments are removed.
6. Insert the manual feeder and the tray.
PPaappeerr jjaamm iinn tthhee ooppttiioonnaall ttrraayy
1. Open door B.
CAUTION—HOT SURFACE: The inside of the printer might
be hot. To reduce the risk of injury from a hot component,
allow the surface to cool before touching it.
2. Remove the jammed paper.
Note: Make sure that all paper fragments are removed.
3. Close the door.
4. Open door E.
5. Remove the jammed paper.
Note: Make sure that all paper fragments are removed.
6. Close the door.
7. Remove the optional tray.
8. Remove the jammed paper.
Note: Make sure that all paper fragments are removed.
9. Insert the tray.
PPaappeerr jjaamm iinn tthhee ssttaannddaarrdd oouuttppuutt ttrraayy
1. Raise the scanner, and then remove the jammed paper.
Note: Make sure that all paper fragments are removed.
2. Lower the scanner.
PPaappeerr jjaamm iinn tthhee mmaannuuaall ffeeeeddeerr
1. Remove the tray and the manual feeder.
2. Remove the jammed paper.
Note: Make sure that all paper fragments are removed.
3. Insert the manual feeder and the tray.
PPaappeerr jjaamm iinn ddoooorr BB
1. Open door B.
CAUTION—HOT SURFACE: The inside of the printer might
be hot. To reduce the risk of injury from a hot component,
allow the surface to cool before touching it.
2. Remove the jammed paper from any of the following areas:
Note: Make sure that all paper fragments are removed.
Fuser area
Below the fuser area
Duplex unit
3. Close the door.
PPaappeerr jjaamm iinn tthhee aauuttoommaattiicc ddooccuummeenntt
1. Remove all original documents from the ADF tray.
2. Open the ADF cover.
3. Remove the jammed paper.
Note: Make sure that all paper fragments are removed.
4. Close the ADF cover.
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