This is an open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license (
Signa Vitae 2023 vol.19(1), 157-159 ©2023 The Author(s). Published by MRE Press.
Submitted: 08 July, 2021 Accepted: 10 August, 2021 Published: 08 January, 2023 DOI:10.22514/sv.2021.213
Liver abscess presenting with dyspnea and right-side
neck pain that can be overlooked in the emergency
department: a case report
Sangun Nah
, Young Soon Cho
, Sangsoo Han
Department of Emergency Medicine,
Soonchunhyang University Bucheon
Hospital, 14584 Bucheon, Republic of
(Young Soon Cho);
(Sangsoo Han)
These authors contributed equally.
Liver abscess is a potentially fatal mass associated with liver injury and disease with
a mortality rate of 12% if treatment is delayed. Patients usually complain of fever
or upper abdominal pain; however, atypical symptoms, such as right shoulder pain,
may also appear. We report a case of liver abscess presenting as dyspnea and right-
side neck pain without any other symptoms. A 78-year-old man visited the hospital
complaining of right-side neck pain, which had persisted for 10 days, and dyspnea that
developed over time. The neck pain and dyspnea were aggravated with changes in
posture. Arterial blood gas results (pH 7.47, PO
76 mmHg, PCO
33 mmHg, SpO
98%) and chest and neck X-rays were normal, but white blood cell and C-reactive protein
levels were higher than normal. A contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan of the
chest was performed to differentiate the unexplained dyspnea and neck pain, and the liver
abscess, which was diagnosed accidentally. Clinicians should consider liver abscess as
a differential diagnosis in patients with dyspnea or neck pain when there is an increase
in inflammatory marker, but it is difficult to explain the cause.
Liver abscess; Phrenic nerve; Dyspnea; Neck pain; Referred pain
1. Introduction
A liver abscess is a lump of pus formed inside the liver caused
by liver injury, direct contact with a biliary tract infection,
or leakage from another intraperitoneal abscess via the portal
vein [1]. The most common risk factor is diabetes mellitus
(DM), and other risk factors include malignancy, liver cirrho-
sis, and biliary or pancreatic disease. The current mortality
rate from a liver abscess is 0.5–4% (owing to the development
of effective drainage methods and antibiotics against specific
microorganisms), but if treatment is delayed it rises to 12%
[1]. The representative symptoms of liver abscess are fever or
upper abdominal pain, which occur in about 90% of patients
[2]. Other symptoms include chills, nausea or vomiting, and
atypical symptoms such as hiccups or right shoulder pain [1, 3].
We report a case of liver abscess presenting with dyspnea
and neck pain, which are different from the previously known
atypical symptoms.
2. Case presentation
A 78-year-old man visited the hospital complaining of right-
side neck pain and dyspnea, and he stated that he had no
fever before the presentation. The patient had developed
persistent right-side neck pain for 10 days, and was taking a
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). However, no
improvement in the neck pain was observed and the newly
developed dyspnea persisted for 2 days. The patient was a
non-smoker and did not drink alcohol regularly. And he had
no specific traumatic history had DM and hypertension.
The initial vital signs were blood pressure 160/100 mmHg,
body temperature 36.8
C, heart rate 68 bpm, respiratory rate
21 bpm, and SpO
98%. He complained of tingling pain
from the right side of the neck to the right shoulder and his
numerical rating scale for pain was 5. Dyspnea improved in
the sitting position but worsened in the supine or right lateral
recumbent position, and the pain had the same pattern. No
tenderness was detected at the site of the self-reported pain.
Laboratory findings were white blood cells 17,680/mm
, C-
reactive protein 18.06 mg/dL, brain natriuretic peptide 170
pg/mL, troponin T 0.006 ng/mL, aspartate transaminase 37
U/L, alanine transaminase 17 U/L, alkaline phosphatase 217
U/L, and total bilirubin 1.83 mg/dL; arterial blood gas pH
7.47, PO
76 mmHg and PCO
33 mmHg. No abnormali-
ties were detected in chest, shoulder, and neck X-rays, and
electrocardiography indicated a normal sinus rhythm. A neck-
chest contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan was
performed; an about 8.3 cm peripheral enhancing septated
mass was found in liver segments 2, 3, and 4 in the chest CT,
so the patient was admitted to the gastroenterology department
under the diagnosis of a liver abscess (Fig. 1A,B). Ultrasound-
F I G U R E 1. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan of the 8.3 cm liver abscess in segments 2, 3, and 4. (A)
Horizontal view; (B) coronal view.
TA B L E 1. Summary of clinical information of five cases reported as phrenic nerve irritation caused by a liver abscess.
Author Sex/age Clinical presentation and symptoms
Lee et al. [3] Male/56 Hiccups, fever, tachycardia, and right shoulder pain
Park et al. [5] Male/31 Right shoulder and posterior neck pain
Subramaniyam et al. [7] Male/mid-40s Fever and right-sided neck pain
Williams et al. [6] Male/18 Abdominal, shoulder pain, fever, night sweats, weight loss, and malaise
Present case Male/78 Dyspnea and right-side neck pain
guided percutaneous drainage was performed, and a percu-
taneous catheter was inserted. The abscess culture yielded
Klebsiella pneumonia. The patient discharged on day 11 of
hospitalization after removing the percutaneous catheter. The
dyspnea and neck pain gradually improved. There were no
unusual findings at follow-up 2 weeks later.
3. Discussion
We report a patient with liver abscess who complained of
dyspnea and right-side neck pain. These symptoms are thought
to have been caused by irritation of the phrenic nerve due to
the liver abscess, which was located in the sub-diaphragmatic
area. According to previous reports, atypical symptoms such
as right shoulder pain can occur when phrenic nerve is irritated
by a liver abscess [1, 4]. Five cases of phrenic nerve irritation
caused by a liver abscess, including our case, are presented in
Table 1 (Ref. [3, 57]). Common symptoms of liver abscess
are fever and/or abdominal pain. However, in our case, there
were only accompanying neck pain and dyspnea, revealing a
different pattern from previous reports.
The phrenic nerve, which is a sensory/motor nerve from
the C3–5 spinal nerve, innervates the central tendon of the
diaphragm, the pericardium (the membrane lining the heart),
and the outer lining in the medial region of the lungs (parietal
pleura), sending sensory information to the brain [8]. The
phrenic nerve is important because it plays a critical role
in breathing by controlling the diaphragm [4]. Therefore,
respiratory dysfunction can occur when this nerve is injured or
irritated. This respiratory dysfunction can occur by stimulating
the diaphragm with compression, infection, or trauma, and can
cause patients to complain of symptoms such as orthopnea,
dyspnea, and cough [9]. In our case also, the liver abscess
stimulated the diaphragm, which may have contributed to the
patient’s dyspnea. The irritation of phrenic nerve may cause
specific referred pain such as shoulder pain [1, 3, 5]. Well-
known examples of such pain include Kehrs sign caused by
injury or disease to the spleen [5]. Such pain is caused by
a projection to a somatic area innervated by the same spinal
segment where the nerve irritation occurs [10, 11]. In our
case, the liver abscess irritated the phrenic nerve located in the
diaphragm, so the right-side neck pain may have been caused
by the same spinal nerve supply (C3–5) shared by the phrenic
and somatic nerves. However, if the abscess was remote from
the liver capsule, the symptoms due to phrenic nerve irritation
would not be to occur.
Klebsiella pneumonia infection may occur in patients with
predisposing factors like DM or alcohol use disorder [12]. In
patient with liver abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumonia,
cervical epidural abscess might be considered if the patient
complains of neck pain [13]. In our case, although the patient
had DM, cervical epidural abscess did not develop.
In summary, it is uncommon for a patient with a liver abscess
to complain of dyspnea or right-side neck pain without any
other symptoms. In our case, it is thought that the symptoms
commonly associated with liver abscess, such as fever and ab-
dominal pain, were masked by the NSAID that the patient was
taking. Clinicians should consider a liver abscess in patients
with dyspnea and/or neck pain when there is an increase in
inflammatory marker, but it is difficult to explain the cause.
SN examined the patient and diagnosed the case. SN wrote the
first version of the manuscript. YSC and SH approved the final
version of the paper and edited it. All authors contributed to
the final version of the manuscript.
The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review
Board of Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital (IRB
file no. 2021-05-035). Informed consent was obtained from
the patient involved in the study.
Thanks to all the peer reviewers for their opinions and sugges-
This research was funded by the Soonchunhyang University
Research Fund, grant number 10210044.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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How to cite this article: Sangun Nah, Young Soon Cho,
Sangsoo Han. Liver abscess presenting with dyspnea and right-
side neck pain that can be overlooked in the emergency
department: a case report. Signa Vitae. 2023; 19(1): 157-159.
doi: 10.22514/sv.2021.213.