Remote Work Policy
Policy Contact
Human Resources Department
(916) 808-5731
Table of Contents
1. Policy Statement ................................................................................................................ 2
2. Overall Obligation .............................................................................................................. 2
3. Eligibility ............................................................................................................................. 2
4. Requests to Participate ...................................................................................................... 3
5. Termination of Participation .............................................................................................. 4
6. Working Hours ................................................................................................................... 5
7. Worksite .............................................................................................................................. 6
8. Liability ............................................................................................................................... 6
9. Equipment and Supplies .................................................................................................... 7
10. Compensation .................................................................................................................... 8
11. Security of Confidential Information ................................................................................. 8
12. Policy Not Subject to Grievance or Appeal ...................................................................... 9
Charter Officer Review and Acknowledgement ..................................................................... 10
Telework Policy (1999)
December 2022
Remote Work Policy
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1. Policy Statement
Remote work is a voluntary arrangement that allows eligible City of Sacramento
(City) employees to request to work remotely. Where approved, remote work is a
cooperative arrangement between employees, supervisors, and the City.
Remote work benefits employees, departments, and the community. Benefits
a. Reduced employee fuel consumption, and environmental impact, and
improved air quality.
b. Reduced employee commute time and associated commute costs.
c. Improved employee morale and job satisfaction.
d. Potential for increased productivity.
e. Efficient use of city resources, including office space.
f. Recruitment and retention of highly qualified employees.
g. Greater flexibility for employees and departments.
h. Ability to function during an emergency when the physical city worksite is
Remote work is a workplace strategy and an employee privilege. It is neither an
entitlement nor a vested right. Not all city employees perform work that will qualify
for remote work. An employee’s participation in remote work does not change their
duties, obligations, responsibilities, or other terms and conditions of city
2. Overall Obligation
While performing remote work, participating employees are obligated to comply
with all local, state, and federal laws, city policies, rules, regulations, applicable
labor agreements, the Civil Service Board Rules, the Employee Handbook, and
the City Charter, as amended. City documents are available for review and
reference on the City’s website. The violation of any of these may subject an
employee to discipline and may result in an employee’s removal from participation
in the remote working program.
3. Eligibility
Employee eligibility in the remote work program is at the sole discretion of the City.
The decision of the appointing authority or designee to deny an application for
remote work is final.
Options and eligibility for remote work will vary among specific job classifications
and department needs and requirements. A classification in one department may
be eligible for remote work where the same or similar classification in another
department is not. This may also apply to employees in the same classification
within the same department or division. Employee eligibility is dependent on
several factors, including but not limited to, training, skill, ability, knowledge,
performance, operational need, and project or job assignment.
Departments providing direct, public-facing customer services shall ensure that a
minimum complement of employees are on-site during normal business hours to
provide efficient operations and satisfactory customer service.
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Remote work is not an alternative to dependent care or an employee’s other
personal obligations and, when applicable, the remote worker must make
appropriate arrangements for dependent care.
Nothing in this policy shall limit a temporary arrangement between an employee
and their supervisor for occasional/non-recurring circumstances. For example, if
an employee becomes ill, the City may, at its sole discretion, permit the employee
to stay home and work remotely to mitigate the spread of illness to other
employees provided that the employee is still able to perform their job functions
and their position is suitable for remote work. Such limited arrangement shall not
necessitate a Remote Work Agreement or amendment to an existing Remote Work
Agreement provided the arrangement is not permanent in nature and does not
exceed a thirty (30) day period.
4. Requests to Participate
Employees may request to participate in the City’s remote work program by
submitting the “Remote Work Application” attached to this policy as “Appendix A”
through their chain of command.
General Eligibility
Subject to the appointing authority or designee’s authorization, to be eligible to
work remotely the employee must first meet the general eligibility requirements
a. Be employed in a classification covered by a labor agreement which permits
remote work.
b. Be employed in a classification covered by the Unrepresented Resolution
(Unrep Reso) except that:
i. Employees in Unrep Unit 09 are ineligible for remote work
c. A Remote Work Agreement is not required for employees in the following
categories. It is understood that these employees will be required to perform
City business when and where necessary.
i. Department Heads
ii. Elected Officials
iii. Appointed board members and commissioners
Position Eligibility
An employee’s position may be suitable for remote work when the job duties:
a. Are independent in nature and remote work will not negatively impact the
workload of others.
b. Do not require frequent in-person interaction at the employee’s physical city
worksite with supervisors, coworkers, customers, or the public.
c. Do not require the employee’s immediate presence at the physical city
worksite to address unscheduled events.
d. Are not essential to the management of on-site workflow.
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Employee Eligibility
Employees may be suitable for remote work when they have demonstrated, as
determined by the employee’s manager, or designee, to be:
a. Dependable and responsible.
b. Effective communicators with supervisors, coworkers, customers, and
members of the public.
c. Self-motivated, able to prioritize their workload, and capable of performing
work independently.
d. In possession of good organizational and time management skills.
e. Knowledgeable and possess a high level of skill of the job.
f. Have a satisfactory or better performance level with no current record of
negative performance or conduct issues.
Other considerations include, but are not limited to, the employee’s ability to create
a functional, reliable, safe, and secure remote workplace; the risk factors
associated with performing the employee’s job duties from a location separate from
the physical city worksite; the ability to measure the employee’s work performance
from a location separate from the physical city worksite; the employee’s
supervisory responsibilities; the ability to maintain effective working relationships;
and other considerations deemed necessary by the employee’s immediate
supervisor, manager, department head, and the Charter Officer/designee.
5. Termination of Participation
Remote work participation may be terminated by either the City or the employee
at any time.
Employee Requests to Terminate Participation
An employee may request to terminate their participation in the remote work
program by providing written notice to their manager or designee. Upon receipt of
the written notice, the remote work arrangement shall be terminated on a date
mutually acceptable to the City and the employee or, should there be no mutual
agreement, thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the written notice.
City Requests to Terminate Participation for Reasons other than for Performance
or Discipline
The City may request to terminate an employee’s participation in the remote work
program by providing written notice to the employee. Upon receipt of the written
notice, the remote work arrangement shall be terminated on a date mutually
acceptable to the City and the employee or, should there be no mutual agreement,
thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the written notice. The thirty (30) calendar
day notice applies only to an employee’s termination from participation in the
program and does not apply to the City’s ability to require an employee to report
to a physical city worksite(s) due to operational need(s).
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6. Performance or Disciplinary Recall
Performance or Discipline Related Termination of Participation
Employees failing to comply with all local, state, and federal laws, City policies,
rules, regulations, applicable labor agreements, the Civil Service Board Rules, the
Employee Handbook, and the City Charter, as amended, may be recalled from
participation in the remote work program.
Employees who are not upholding City obligations such as meeting acceptable
performance or conduct expectations and standards, as determined by the
supervisor/manager, may be recalled from the remote work program.
Employees on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) may be recalled from the
remote work program.
Participating employees recalled from the program for reasons related to
performance and/or discipline shall be required to report to their physical city
The City shall endeavor, to provide forty-eight (48) hours’ advance notice to the
employee prior to a recall to the physical work location for the reasons related to
performance and/or discipline.
Prior to recalling a participating employee, the department shall notify Labor
Relations who will review and approve the facts and circumstances justifying the
7. Working Hours
Remote work schedules shall comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
The remote work schedule will be arranged between the supervisor and the
employee. Participation in the remote work program does not constitute a schedule
change. Employees must request and receive approval prior to flexing or splitting
their remote work schedule. Such requests are voluntary in nature, must be in
writing, and if approved, shall not be subject to any schedule change penalties
contained in the labor agreement covering the employee’s classification.
Involuntary schedule changes are subject to the provisions of the employee’s labor
agreement. Management shall not change an employee’s schedule to avoid the
payment of overtime.
Nothing in this policy shall limit the ability of departments to require employees to
be present at physical worksites on a limited basis or hybrid model due to an
operational or business need.
Participating employees:
a. Must perform designated work during scheduled work hours.
b. Must take meal and rest breaks as if they were reporting to the physical city
c. Must be available to report to a physical city worksite if directed to do so on
their scheduled workday. The City shall endeavor, to provide forty-eight (48)
hours’ advance notice to the employee.
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d. Must be available to the City via telephone, email, or other electronic means
during all scheduled work hours, except during authorized breaks.
e. Must account for and report time spent working remotely the same way they
would at the physical city worksite, or according to the terms of their remote
work agreement.
f. May work overtime only when directed or approved to do so in advance by
their supervisor.
g. Must obtain approval to use vacation, sick, or other paid leave in the same
manner as employees who do not work remotely.
h. Shall ensure dependent care will not interfere with work responsibilities.
i. Must inform their supervisor if they become ill during their shift and report
the hours worked and the sick leave hours used.
j. Remote workers shall, during online meetings, have their cameras turned
on, to the extent feasible. When on camera, employees shall present
themselves in a professional manner.
8. Worksite
Participating employees must work in an environment free of distractions so they
can focus and perform their duties safely and efficiently. Employees are
responsible for ensuring they have an adequate work area that meets guidelines
for workplace ergonomics, lighting, power, temperature control, and reliable
internet service with adequate bandwidth to allow for a constant remote connection
to city services suitable for performing official city business. The City reserves the
right to enter the home work area or require a video visit for inspection of the
employee’s designated work area to determine compliance with health and safety
rules and applicable city policies. The City shall endeavor, to provide forty-eight
(48) hours’ advance notice to the employee prior to an in-home inspection by a
qualified inspector; a short-notice or unannounced inspection may be conducted
in exigent circumstances.
Employees are covered by workers’ compensation laws when performing work
duties at their designated alternate location during work hours. The designated
work location must meet Cal/OSHA safety rules for the workplace including, but
not limited to, a functioning smoke detector; working fire extinguisher; clear,
unobstructed exits; removal of hazards that could cause falls; adequate electrical
circuitry, and appropriate furniture. Employees who suffer a work-related injury or
illness while working remotely must notify their supervisor immediately.
9. Liability
The alternate work location is an extension of the department’s workplace only
when used for work. All existing workplace health and safety rules, as well as all
existing employment laws, rules, and policies apply the same as they would for
staff reporting to the office.
The City of Sacramento is not responsible for any injuries to family members,
visitors, or other guests at the employee’s alternate work location. Notwithstanding
incidental activities and the specific requirements within this policy, the employee
shall not have any coworkers or business guests visit the alternate work location
in the course of the employee’s work.
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The remotely working employee is solely responsible for any tax implications and
insurance requirements, and compliance with state and local laws and ordinances
when the alternate work location is a residence.
10. Equipment and Supplies
The remote work program is intended to be cost neutral and the City assumes no
responsibility for the set up or operating costs of working remotely, as the
employee has volunteered for the benefits of working remotely.
The City shall generally not be responsible for personal costs that are associated
with remote work, including but not limited to energy, data or maintenance costs,
network costs, homeowners’ insurance or coverage, home maintenance, home
workspace furniture, ergonomic equipment, liability for third party claims, or any
other incidental costs (e.g., utilities associated with the employee’s remote work).
Exceptions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis as needed.
Participating employees must have a suitable desk/work area and chair to work
ergonomically safe and without disruption and must have the necessary
equipment, software, supplies, and support required to successfully work remotely.
If the City does not provide the needed equipment, software, supplies, or support,
and the employee does not have them, the employee will not be eligible to
participate in the remote work program.
City Equipment
Equipment, software, or supplies provided by the City are for city business only.
Participating employees do not obtain any rights to city equipment, software, or
supplies provided in connection with remote working and must return city
equipment no later than seven (7) calendar days, at the conclusion of the remote
work arrangement or at the City’s request.
Participating employees must protect city equipment, software, and supplies from
possible theft, loss, and damage. Participating employees may be liable for
replacement of supplies or repair of the equipment, software, and supplies caused
by negligence or intentional conduct that results in theft, loss, or damage. Any
repairs or required maintenance on city-provided equipment will require the item
to be physically brought to the IT department or the employee’s primary physical
city workplace if the issue cannot be resolved remotely by IT staff.
Departments must have a process to reliably track city-owned assets before
allowing employees to check out equipment.
In order to maintain the security of data, and in an effort reflect the City’s
commitment to environmental sustainability, employees should minimize printing
documents remotely. If there is a need to print confidential information, employees
should report to a physical city worksite to use a multi-function printer and dispose
of confidential documents in city-secured shred bins.
Any equipment, software, files, and databases provided by the City shall remain
the property of the City. Participating employees must adhere to all software
copyright laws and may not make unauthorized copies of any city-provided
software. Participating employees may not add hardware or software to city
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equipment without prior written approval. All remote access connections to the
City’s networks will be made through the approved remote access methods
employing data encryption and multi-factor authentication.
Participating employees have no reasonable expectation of privacy when using
city equipment while working for the City, excepting applicable laws. To manage
systems and enforce security, the City may log, review, and otherwise utilize any
information data stored on or passing through its systems. The City may capture
all participating employee activity including, but not limited to, telephone numbers
dialed, websites visited, and content downloaded.
Personal Equipment
Participating employees who use their personal equipment for remote work are
responsible for the installation, repair, and maintenance of the equipment.
Personal equipment connecting to city information resources should be up to date
with the latest security patches and have an anti-malware checking system
In the event of a Public Records Act (PRA) request, employees shall be required
to provide to the City any responsive records stored on a personal computer,
system, or device. For more information, refer to the City’s Public Records Request
11. Compensation
Unless specified in the employee’s labor agreement, there is no change to existing
compensation for participating employees.
12. Security of Confidential Information
All files, records, papers, or other materials created while working remotely are
property of the City of Sacramento. Participating employees and their supervisors
shall identify any confidential records to be accessed and follow city standards,
procedures, and policies for protecting such information.
The City may require employees to work in private locations when handling
confidential or sensitive material(s). Areas containing confidential information
should be physically restricted to those people with a need to know. Confidential
information should always be protected from unauthorized disclosure. When left
unattended, confidential information in paper form should be locked away. The City
may prohibit employees from printing confidential information in remote work
locations to avoid breaches of confidentiality.
Participating employees shall secure city equipment when not in use and ensure
they are logged off the city network. Participating employees shall not disclose
confidential or private files, records, materials, or information, and shall not allow
access to city networks or databases to anyone who is not authorized to have
Participating employees must complete their annual Information Security and
Privacy Awareness training.
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Participating employees shall follow all record retention/management and disposal
policies for all associated documents and work products.
Participating employees must notify their supervisor and the IT department
immediately in the event of a hacking incident or any compromise of city data and
city network systems.
13. Policy Not Subject to Grievance or Appeal
Employees do not have a property right to remote work assignments. An
employee’s participation in, or removal from, remote work is not subject to any
grievance or appeal process and this policy supersedes previous remote work
agreements and policies.
A denial of an employee’s participation in remote work shall not be grievable or
appealable, except that the employee may request a review of the reason(s) for
the denial and request reconsideration by submitting a request in writing within
seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the denial to their direct supervisor.
A meeting with the employee’s department head, or designee, will be scheduled
within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the written request to address the
employee’s concern(s). A response and final decision will be rendered by the
department head, or designee, within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting.
While participating in the review process, employees are obligated to abide by the
direction of their supervisor regarding participation in remote work.
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Charter Officer Review and Acknowledgement:
Remote Work Policy
(Signature by all Charter Officers is not a requirement for policy adoption)
Howard Chan (Feb 22, 2023 17:04 PST)
City Manager
Feb 22, 2023
Susana Alcala Wood (Feb 16, 2023 14:12 PST)
City Attorney
Feb 16, 2023
City Clerk
Feb 15, 2023
Jorge Oseguera (Feb 15, 2023 16:42 PST)
City Auditor
Feb 15, 2023
City Treasurer
Feb 13, 2023
John P Colville Jr (Feb 13, 2023 09:29 PST)