NFT Wash Trading
Quantifying suspicious behaviour in NFT markets
Victor von Wachter
, Johannes Rude Jensen
, Ferdinand Regner
, and Omri
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
eToroX Labs, Denmark
University of Vienna, Austria
Abstract. The smart contract-based markets for non-fungible tokens
(NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain have seen tremendous growth in
2021, with trading volumes peaking at $3.5b in September 2021. This
dramatic surge has led to industry observers questioning the authentic-
ity of on-chain volumes, given the absence of identity requirements and
the ease with which agents can control multiple addresses. We exam-
ine potentially illicit trading patterns in the NFT markets from January
2018 to mid-November 2021, gathering data from the 52 largest collec-
tions by volume. Our findings indicate that within our sample 3.93% of
addresses, processing a total of 2.04% of sale transactions, trigger suspi-
cions of market abuse. Flagged transactions contaminate nearly all col-
lections and may have inflated the authentic trading volumes by as much
as $149,5m for the period. Most flagged transaction patterns alternate
between a few addresses, indicating a predisposition for manual trading.
We submit that the results presented here may serve as a viable lower
bound estimate for NFT wash trading on Ethereum. Even so, we argue
that wash trading may be less common than what industry observers
have previously estimated. We contribute to the emerging discourse on
the identification and deterrence of market abuse in the cryptocurrency
Keywords: DeFi · NFT · Blockchain · Wash trading · Graph analysis
1 Introduction
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique digital representation of a digital or
physical asset. While the NFT standard is used widely to designate ownership
of artefacts such as domain name registrations or concentrated liquidity positions
in constant function market makers (CFMM) [1], the arguably most recognized
use of the NFT standard is within the representation and trade of digital art
and collectibles. Here, the NFT is typically used to represent the ownership of
a digital image externally stored, either on a server or, more commonly, on cen-
sorship resistant distributed file systems such as the Interplanetary File System.
A basic NFT standard such as the ERC721 [2] typically denotes an interface im-
plementing the ability to own, transfer and trade the NFT. Standardization led
arXiv:2202.03866v1 [cs.CR] 7 Feb 2022
2 von Wachter et al.
to the emergence of NFT markets, facilitating primary and secondary trading,
the presently most dominant of which is OpenSea. Permissionless NFT markets,
themselves implemented as smart contracts, enable users to sell and purchase
NFTs in two ways: as a fixed-price sale or auction, in which competing bids are
locked by the smart contract together with the NFT until a winner is found and
the auction is cleared. With the admission of NFTs into popular culture, trade
volumes on these markets have seen dramatic growth from a mere $12m settled
in September 2020, to volumes exceeding $3.5b in September of the following
year, a surge of over 29,060%
Users typically connect to the permissionless markets through public-key
cryptography capable of generating an arbitrary number of addresses [3]. As
a consequence, user identities remain entirely pseudonymous in NFT markets,
making the obfuscation of illicit practices challenging to prevent. As the unique
properties of the Ethereum blockchain simplifies adversarial agents to hide in
plain sight, we hypothesize that wash trading and strategic bidding amongst
multiple addresses controlled by a single or colluding agent, may be a frequent
occurrence. As there are no theoretical limits to the number of pseudonymous
addresses a single agent can control, we conjecture that adversarial agents likely
employ a mixture of manual trading and bots to trade NFTs between clusters
of addresses in their control. This behaviour serves the strategic purpose of
artificially inflating the trade volume of a given NFT, creating an impression
of desirability to uninformed traders [4]. The uninformed traders, looking for a
great opportunity to buy a ‘hot’ NFT will interpret the transaction volume as
an authentic expression of interest from other collectors and immediately place
a bid or purchase the NFT at an artificially inflated price.
Furthermore, novel markets tend to be driven by a volatile search for suit-
able pricing models [5]. This is undoubtedly the case for the blossoming crypto
markets on which the current level of ‘irrational exuberance’ may result in inef-
ficient markets given the presence of uninformed traders looking to strike gold.
Adversarial market participants have been shown to exploit these conditions,
primarily by employing strategic wash trading on centralized and decentralized
central limit orderbook (CLOB) exchanges [6, 7, 8, 9].
Yet, the extent to which these or equivalent practices are being used on NFT
markets, remains unclear. To fill the gap, in this paper we study activities be-
tween addresses participating in the NFT markets on Ethereum. We pursue the
research question: ‘To what extent does wash trading occur in smart contract-
based NFT markets on Ethereum, and to which extent does this practice dis-
tort prices?’. Conceptualizing trading patterns as a graph and proposing two
detection algorithms, we identify 2.04% as the lower bound of suspicious sale
transactions that closely follow the general definition of wash trading.
NFT Wash Trading 3
2 Literature Review
Wash trading is a well-known phenomenon in traditional financial markets and
refers to the activity of repeatedly trading assets for the purpose of feeding mis-
leading information to the market [10]. Typically, one or more colluding agents
conduct a set of trades, without taking market risks, that lead to no change
of the initial position of the adversarial agents. Most of the early academic
publications on wash trading in financial markets focused on colluding investor
behaviour (e.g. [11]). Cao et al. [10] were among the first to analyse wash trading
by specifying trading patterns. Later, they extended their study using directed
graphs on order book data [12]. The literature on the identification of wash trad-
ing patterns in the cryptocurrency markets primarily emphasizes CLOB models
on decentralized exchanges [9] and centralized exchanges, where wash trading
practices have been shown to be especially prevalent[6, 7, 8]. Perhaps because
the introduction of CFMMs has nearly eliminated the efficacy of wash trading
in smart contract-based markets for fungible assets, research on NFTs tends to
emphasize either market dynamics and pricing [13, 14] or the technical design
considerations [15, 16]. Thus far, little academic research has examined market
abuse in smart contract-based NFT markets [17].
3 Methodology
The Ethereum blockchain is a type of permissionless ledger, in which all trans-
actions and state changes introduced by smart contracts are replicated across all
participating nodes in the network [18]. This introduces a high level of integrity
to the database, but simultaneously requires the pseudonymization, as anyone
with access to the database would otherwise be able to view the balances of
users on the network. In Ethereum, this problem is solved with public-key cryp-
tography [18]. Any user on the network can generate a public/private key pair,
which can subsequently be used to generate an arbitrary number of addresses.
This design presents a fascinating paradox from the perspective of identifying
market abuse: Pseudonymous identities are essential in protecting the privacy of
benevolent users but, at the same time, they allow adversarial agents to hide in
plain sight. Yet, due to the strict ordering of transactions and unique properties
of NFT markets, blockchain transaction data presents a powerful and unique
opportunity for pattern detection utilizing graph-based algorithms [9, 19, 20]
and address clustering [21, 22].
Data Aggregation and Cleaning: We collect transaction data on the
52 leading ERC721 NFT collections on the Ethereum blockchain by trading
volume, covering a period between the 1st of January 2018 until 21st November
2021. The dataset contains 21,310,982 transactions of 3,572,483 NFTs conducted
by 459,954 addresses. Collectively, the dataset represents $6.9b of the $12.3b
4 von Wachter et al.
total trading volume (49.5%)
on all NFT markets since the first block of the
Ethereum blockchain
We capture all blockchain transactions related to the selected NFT collections
via the OpenSea API. We parse the dataset by ‘sale’ events emitted by an
NFT contract when it is transacted on a smart contract-based marketplace,
indicating that a change of ownership has been recorded on the blockchain,
and ‘transfer’ events indicating that the NFT has been transferred from one
address to another. The dataset was subsequently enriched with (I) historic USD
prices for settlements in crypto and stablecoins via the Coingecko API and (II)
blockchain-specific data via the Etherscan services. (III) To maintain an accurate
overview of the NFT markets in the dataset, we collected the deployment date of
the four largest NFT on-chain markets manually (Foundation, OpenSea, Rarible,
Superrare) and matched the deployment dates with the event emissions.
It should be noted that the dataset collected for this analysis pertains only
to operations conducted within the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), meaning
that we knowingly omit any ‘off-chain’ transactions or bidding patterns from
the analysis. Finally, we pre-processed the dataset with standardized scripts,
eliminating a very small fraction of transactions due to obvious technical errors
or trades against exotic assets for which the price data tends to be inaccurate.
Building Transaction Graphs: In order to identify suspicious behaviour
conforming with wash trading activity, we model the transaction history of each
NFT as a directed multigraph G
= (N, E), where N is the set of addresses
and E is the set of transactions between addresses. The direction of the edges
is given by the transaction flow from sender to receiver, identified by the trans-
action hash. The weight of the edges represents the USD price at the time of
the transaction. This denotation is amenable to the identification of clusters in
which a sequence of transactions leads to no apparent position change for any of
the addresses involved. Topologically, these patterns form closed cycles. Utilizing
Deep-First-Search-Algorithm [23] we identify closed cycles within the data set.
We adjust and iterate the algorithm, using the temporal distance between trans-
actions to detect sub-cycles. The proposed algorithm (Appendix) has a linear
time complexity of O((n + e)(c + 1)) for n nodes (addresses), e edges (transac-
tions) and c cycles [24]. Figure 1 illustrates a few examples of suspicious cyclic
activities. Transactions E belonging to a suspicious cycle are marked in red, and
potentially colluding trading addresses N, are highlighted in grey.
Example 1 is a self-directed transaction. Examples 2-4 illustrate variations
of a cycle with two transactions, where solid lines represent ‘sales’ and dotted
lines represent ‘transfers’. Example six depicts a complex graph where edges {B,
C} and {B, C, D} form two sub-cycles distinct by time.
Further, we analyze path-like transaction patterns, as agents could actively
avoid closed cycles. Informed by the definition of wash trading, we consider rapid
trade sequences without exposure to market risk as potentially suspicious. Erring
on the side of caution, we apply relatively strict thresholds. First, we define the
The authors will open-source scripts and data upon publication.
NFT Wash Trading 5
Fig. 1. Detection of suspicious activity
through closed cycles. We exclude cycles
involving only ‘transfer’ events.
Fig. 2. Detection of suspicious activity
through a rapid sequence of transactions
without taking market risk.
transaction velocity for a sequence as the time elapsed from the initiation to
the end. We delimit a rapid trade sequence below 12 hours. Second, we delimit
the deviation in USD values, a proxy for market risk, in a sequence to a maxi-
mum of 5% of the initial price. Combining both threshold flags 0.3% of the sale
transactions as mildly suspicious. Figure 2 showcases these path-like trade sets.
The proposed algorithms are highly applicable, in that NFT marketplaces
deviate from conventional markets in several ways: First, as NFTs are uniquely
identifiable by smart contract address and id, detection does not require volume
matching required for fungible tokens (e.g. [12, 9]). Second, in contrast to other
market designs such as CLOBs the seller can retain certain control over the
opposing counterparty, making it potentially easier to conduct cyclical trades.
Lastly, due to the transparency of the Ethereum blockchain, we can inspect
trading behaviour at the account level without relying on statistical indicators
4 Results
The analysis flags a total of 3.93% of the addresses as suspicious, indicating that
these addresses might be controlled by single agents and used to conduct cyclical
or sequential wash trading with NFTs. The flagged addresses processed 2.04%
of the total sale transactions, inflating the trading volume by $149.5m or 2.17%
for the period. Of the 36,385 flagged sale transactions, 30,467 were conducted in
clusters of cyclical patterns whereas 5,918 were conducted as a rapid sequence.
The suspicious activity was executed with just 0.45% of the NFTs in the dataset,
indicating a high concentration of illicit activities around a few NFTs (Table 1).
Dataset Identified Percentage
Addresses 459,954 18,117 3.93%
Transactions 1,779,380 36,385 (cyclic: 30,467 sequential: 5,918) 2.04%
Volume in $ 6.9 b 149.5 m 2.17%
NFTs 3,572,483 16,289 0.45%
Table 1: Overview of the results.
6 von Wachter et al.
While we identify suspicious activities in all NFT collections (Table 2, Ap-
pendix), the extent to which a collection is contaminated by flagged transactions
ranges from 0.19% to 60.93%, indicating that adversarial agents tend to target
specific collections for illicit practices. In general, we observe a predisposition
for simple trading patterns. 60.6% of the identified clusters are simple variations
with two transactions (equivalent to examples 2-4 in Figure 1). Complex varia-
tions of three (8.7%) or more than three transactions are less common (30.7%).
However, we find no signs of self-directed trades. Cyclical patterns are conducted
at relatively rapid intervals. Figure 3 illustrates the elapsed time from the first to
last transactions, with respect to the number of transactions involved. Overall,
48.1% of the identified cycles happen within a single day. 13.2% happen within
one to seven days and 13.0% are just below 30 days. Consequently, 74.3% are
conducted within 30 days, an important threshold under US regulation
Fig. 3. Elapsed time to close a cycle with respect to the number of transactions in-
volved. 48.1% of the identified cycles happen within a single day.
The identified 2-transactions variations have a median execution time of 4.2h
(3-transactions: 54h), suggesting a preference for simple and fast patterns. We
assume this to indicate that adversarial agents are not trading in an automated
fashion, which would result in more complex patterns and execution times within
a few minutes. Rapid sequential trades, in which a NFT is moved fast between
accounts without any market risk, contributed to only 5918 suspicious transac-
tions, equivalent to 0.3% of the transactions across all collections.
We investigate, at what point in the collections’ lifetime, suspicious activities
occur. For each collection, we determine the mean suspicious activity starting
with the creation date of the respective collection. Figure 4 (Appendix) shows
a peak of suspicious activity in the first third of a collections’ lifetime, possibly
in order to raise initial awareness to attract naive buyers. In absolute terms,
wash trading is the highest at the beginning of a collections’ lifetime, however
NFT Wash Trading 7
this is also matched by a high amount of organic traffic. Increasing the price
of an asset by faking activity is a central motivation for agents in conducting
illicit trading [4]. Analysing if the average price is inflated through wash trading
practices, we find that the subsequent sale after a detected wash trade has, on
average, an increased price of 30.53%. However, a regression on panel data to
measure the impact on the price, led to insignificant results for a majority of
collections. Looking into external factors, we found that age has a strong positive
relationship with the price. While we expected an inverse relationship of the gas
price, which impacts the costs per transaction, with the NFT price, we found the
effect to be mixed in a majority of cases. We suspect these findings are influenced
by the strong bull market, given the current overall positive public sentiment.
Finally, we explore the relationship between executed trades per address and
unique trade partners per address. On NFT markets sellers can retain certain
control over the opposing counterparty, thus a large number of trades with only
few other addresses raises suspicion. Figure 5 (Appendix) visualizes this rela-
tionship, whereas addresses which conducted many trades with only a few other
addresses would be tilted to the left. Each dot represents an address trading on
NFT markets, positioned by the amount of trades and unique trade partners.
The size of the dot depicts the number of empirically identified suspicious trades.
We find a cluster of suspicious addresses, conducting 25-37 trades with only 12-
17 unique trade partners. Furthermore, in contrast to other markets, addresses
have relatively few trades, again suggesting a low level of automated trading in
this nascent market.
5 Discussion
Given the challenges in interpreting pseudonymous blockchain based data, this
study has multiple limitations. First and foremost, it should be made clear that
none of the findings presented in this paper present any conclusive evidence of
criminal activities or malicious intent. While we delimit a set of behaviours which
we find unlikely to be conducted with benevolent intent, we leave it to the reader
to assess the likelihood that flagged transactions constitute attempts at wash
trading. Any, or all, of the flagged sequences may be erroneous but authentic
transactions. Second, the decision of limiting our analysis to a specific subset
of cyclical and sequential patterns may result in false negatives as sophisticated
attempts at wash trading involving advanced address clusters over longer periods
are not flagged by the analysis, at this point. Wash traders may me more careful
and evade the analyzed heuristics. Similarly, the analysis pertains exclusively to
on-chain transaction events emitted by the NFT contract and does not account
for strategic bidding practices, which we suspect may be a popular methodology
amongst adversarial agents. Because of these limitations, we hypothesize that
the results presented here detect a lower bound for actual extent of adversarial
behavior on NFT markets.
Should wash trading conducted according to the patterns explored in this
paper increase over time, smart contract-based NFT platforms may consider
8 von Wachter et al.
the implementation of obligatory or voluntary identification initiatives. Alterna-
tively, trading limitations on trading velocity, price deltas or counterparties can
be implemented. In our sample self-directed trades have been non-existent, with
indicates successful countmeasures at smart contract or frontend level. Never-
theless, any such attempt at introducing restrictions or limitations may stifle
organic market activity and will inevitably create a cat and mouse game, as de-
velopers and wash traders race to identify and create increasingly sophisticated
More subtle countermeasures fostering the supervision of NFT markets are
the expansion of NFT standards beyond ERC721 and ERC1155, as well as
increased data ubiquity. Decentralized NFT markets are transparent, however
NFT data is very diverse and difficult to retrieve. Fees potentially play a big role
in preventing wash trading, as long as the rewards or incentives are less than the
cost-of-attack. Fees on NFT markets are substantial. Fraudulent agents are less
likely to perform a wash trade if they are losing several percentages with every
transaction. Admittedly, this does neither stop marketplaces itself to perform
wash trades nor prevents private offset agreements between the trader and a
Even so, with $149.5m and a median of 2.04% suspicious sale transactions
we argue that wash trading may be less common than what industry observers
have previously estimated [25, 26].
6 Conclusion
We identify what we believe may serve as a lower bound estimation for suspicious
trading behaviour on NFT markets, following the definition of wash trading: sets
of trades between collusive addresses, without taking market risk, that lead to
no change in the individual position of the participating addresses. Our findings
indicate that (I) adversarial agents exhibit a clear preference towards fast and
simple cyclical patterns, (II) the level of suspicious activity varies significantly
across NFT collections, (III) illicit activity could still be done in a manual fash-
ion, and (IV) the activities do not necessarily produce the intended price impact,
as other exogenous factors such as age and sentiment are more relevant to price
As a theoretical contribution, we add descriptive knowledge to an emerging
field of research where scientific studies are scarce. We contribute to the grow-
ing literature on the identification of illicit market behavior in centralized and
decentralized crypto markets, by conducting the first in-depth examination of
NFT wash trading on the Ethereum blockchain. We contribute empirical statis-
tics of fraudulent behaviour and a set of suspicious transaction graphs to foster
the understanding of wash trading in increasingly financialized NFT markets.
The valuable insights we generate for practitioners are twofold: First, we provide
valuable insights to prevent collectors from buying NFTs that are potentially in-
flated by wash trading. Second, we discuss practical countermeasures increasing
the standards for the wider NFT ecosystem. Further research opportunities are
NFT Wash Trading 9
manifold and include studying NFT markets on other blockchains as well as
researching the correlation between suspicious behaviour and sentiment data.
10 von Wachter et al.
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12 von Wachter et al.
7 Appendix
Algorithm 1 The detection algorithm
1: Input: T timestamped blockchain transactions
2: L empty list of cycles
3: for nft T do
4: G
nf t
(N, E)
5: G
nf t
identifier, weight
6: label n N as discovered
7: for all directed E of n do
8: test for adjacent edges m
9: if m is not labeled as discovered then
10: continue
11: else
12: L cycle
13: G
nf t
nf t
14: break and recurse
15: end if
16: end for
17: end for
18: return L
NFT Wash Trading 13
Collection Smart contract Created Size (A) (B) (C1) (C2) (D)
1 0n1-force 0x3bf2...5e9d 08/2021 7776 4.2 1.6 1732469 1.2 1.7
2 acclimatedmooncats 0xc3f7...5e69 04/2021 18412 2.8 1.3 357341 0.8 0.5
3 adam-bomb-squad 0x7ab2...78c5 08/2021 25000 1.3 0.5 206478 0.5 0.2
4 autoglyphs 0xd4e4...7782 04/2019 512 2 0.7 206032 0.5 0.4
5 axie 0xf5b0...cb8d 04/2018 243000 1.6 0.3 285055 1.4 0.1
6 bored-ape-kennel-club 0xba30...5623 06/2021 10000 3.2 1.3 1423011 1.3 0.9
7 boredapeyachtclub 0xbc4c...f13d 04/2021 10000 4 1.4 11308109 1.4 1.6
8 collectvox 0xad9f...d34c 08/2021 8888 1.7 0.6 138121 0.4 0.5
9 cool-cats 0x1a92...050c 06/2021 9933 4 1.3 2299930 1.2 1.4
10 creature-world-collection 0xc92c...aafc 08/2021 10000 2.6 1 862273 0.9 0.9
11 cryptoadz-by-gremplin 0x1cb1...49c6 09/2021 7025 5.4 2.1 2964440 1.7 2.2
12 cryptokitties 0x0601...266d 01/2018 2009725 0.5 2.3 421288 1.6 0
13 cryptopunks 0xb47e...3bbb 01/2018 10000 10.2 4.3 53892061 2.4 3.7
14 cryptovoxels 0x7998...cf0c 06/2018 6210 1.5 0.4 54925 0.2 0.4
15 cyberkongz 0x57a2...4f37 04/2021 4147 3.1 1.6 824246 0.7 1
16 cyberkongz-vx 0x7ea3...7c8b 08/2021 14334 2.1 0.7 326717 0.5 0.4
17 deadfellaz 0x2aca...a17b 08/2021 10000 1.4 0.6 175900 0.6 0.5
18 decentraland 0xf87e...5d4d 04/2018 92598 9.2 9.7 3312118 7.5 0
19 doodles 0x8a90...992e 10/2021 10000 2.4 1.1 757788 0.8 0.7
20 fluf-world 0xccc4...a68d 08/2021 10000 2.8 1 434361 0.8 0.7
21 foundation 0x3b3e...5405 01/2021 103251 9.6 7.8 383853 11.2 0
22 galacticapes 0x12d2...4d14 09/2021 10000 3 1 540459 1 0.8
23 galaxyeggs 0xa081...7c48 09/2021 9999 2.8 1.1 577130 1.3 0.9
24 hashmasks 0xc2c7...6928 01/2021 16384 4.6 2.3 1493358 1.8 1.5
25 jungle-freaks-by-trosley 0x7e6b...4de0 10/2021 10000 3 1.4 887701 1.3 1.2
26 koala-intelligence-agency 0x3f5f...6360 08/2021 10000 2.5 1 393869 1 0.8
27 lazy-lions 0x8943...37e0 08/2021 10080 1.4 0.5 358509 0.6 0.5
28 lootproject 0xff9c...13d7 08/2021 7779 6.6 2.5 9458899 3.6 1.6
29 lostpoets 0xa720...f466 09/2021 27515 0.4 0.2 37669 0.1 0
30 meebits 0x7bd2...6bc7 05/2021 20000 2.1 0.8 1322740 0.6 0.3
31 mekaverse 0x9a53...ca8f 10/2021 8888 2.5 1.5 2173946 1.4 0.9
32 mutant-ape-yacht-club 0x60e4...a7c6 08/2021 30003 3.4 2 7253896 1.7 0.6
33 mutantcats 0xaadb...e46a 10/2021 10000 1.3 0.4 256031 0.5 0.4
34 pudgypenguins 0xbd35...2cf8 07/2021 8888 3.2 1.1 1764016 1.3 1.5
35 punks-comic 0x5ab2...c948 05/2021 10000 67 56.4 13674620 38.7 19.1
36 rari721 0x60f8...5ee5 05/2020 155346 6.4 5.7 2905148 14 0.1
37 rumble-kong-league 0xef01...909a 07/2021 10000 1.1 0.4 151521 0.5 0.2
38 sadgirlsbar 0x335e...b2d8 08/2021 10000 1.3 0.6 17836 0.4 0.4
39 sandbox 0x50f5...6d4a 12/2019 166464 0.9 0.5 200218 0.2 0.1
40 sneaky-vampire-syndicate 0x219b...2539 09/2021 8888 3.8 1.8 928516 1.4 1.2
41 somnium-space 0x595f...a0fa 10/2019 5025 1.3 0.5 244005 1.8 0.4
42 sorare 0x629a...6205 07/2019 329383 13.4 2.3 489009 0.7 0.7
43 supducks 0x3fe1...cbc5 07/2021 10000 2.8 1.1 544447 1 0.9
44 superrare1 0x41a3...850d 04/2018 4436 3.9 1.2 92844 0.2 0.6
45 superrare2 0xb932...b9e0 09/2019 4436 3.2 0.9 419872 0.7 2
46 the-doge-pound 0xf4ee...d043 07/2021 10000 2 0.8 725137 0.9 0.7
47 the-sevens-official 0xf497...187a 09/2021 7000 3.4 1.9 878788 2.1 1.3
48 thehumanoids 0x3a50...0edd 09/2021 10000 1.7 0.7 261715 0.7 0.6
49 tom-sachs-rockets 0x1159...5d26 08/2021 2000 76.9 60.9 16907477 58.6 54.3
50 veefriends 0xa3ae...beeb 05/2021 10255 1.8 1.4 662073 0.7 0.3
51 world-of-women-nft 0xe785...5330 07/2021 10000 1.6 0.5 539001 0.7 0.5
52 wrapped-mooncats 0x7c40...3572 03/2021 8903 15 6.1 981392 6.5 3.8
Table 2: Results for each collection. Column (A) is the share of suspicious ad-
dresses, (B) the share of suspicious transactions, (C1) represents the total volume
flagged denominated in USD, (C2) the share of the flagged volume and (D) the
share of suspicious NFTs
14 von Wachter et al.
Fig. 4. Wash trading with respect to collections’ lifetime. In absolute terms, wash
trading is the highest at the beginning of a collections’ lifetime, however this is also
matched by a high amount of organic traffic.
Fig. 5. Trades and unique trade partners. Each dot represents an address trading on
NFT markets, positioned by the amount of trades and unique trade partners. The size
of the dot depicts the number of empirically identified suspicious trades.