Alan Davidson
Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
March 12, 2024
Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Implementation Plan Reading Guide .................................................................................................................... 1
Strategic Objective Outcomes .............................................................................................................................. 4
Pillar One | A Spectrum Pipeline to Ensure U.S. Leadership in Advanced and Emerging Technologies .......... 4
Pillar Two | Collaborative Long-Term Planning to Support the Nation’s Evolving Spectrum Needs ............. 10
Pillar Three | Unprecedented Spectrum Access and Management through Technology Development ....... 15
Pillar Four | Expanded Spectrum Expertise and Elevated National Awareness ............................................. 22
Implementation Plan Summary Table ................................................................................................................ 25
Pillar Outcomes Timeline .................................................................................................................................... 29
Execution ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
Actions/Milestones ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Oversight/Reporting ....................................................................................................................................... 30
Updates........................................................................................................................................................... 30
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
Appendix: Approach and Schedule for Band Studies....................................................................................... A-1
Schedules of Band Studies ............................................................................................................................ A-6
Timeline for Band Studies ............................................................................................................................... A-13
The National Spectrum Strategy (“the Strategy),
released November 13, 2023, charts a course for
sustained U.S. leadership in advanced wireless technologies and services. The radio spectrum provides
numerous forms of connectivity to the American public, from the voice and data communications that
fuel smartphones to critical government services that depend on spectrum access, and it therefore
serves as a key foundation for the digital infrastructure on which the modern American economy runs.
We must provide the spectrum access needed for Federal agency missions while addressing the private
sectors need for greater spectrum access, which is required to maintain and improve our global
competitiveness and sustain economic growth. The Strategy will be implemented consistent with
existing statutory authorities and Presidential directives, including the recent Presidential Memorandum
on Modernizing United States Spectrum Policy and Establishing a National Spectrum Strategy.
This Strategy Implementation Plan (Plan) provides a public roadmap for this effort. For each strategic
objective, the Plan identifies specific outcomes, with responsible Federal agencies, contributing
stakeholders, and a timeline for both the beginning and the expected completion of the effort. A table
summarizing the timelines (estimated by month and year) is provided at the end of the description of
the outcomes. While it cannot identify publicly all actions being taken to implement the Strategy, the
Plan describes steps needed to implement it.
This Plan is intended to be a living document. In order to release Plan updates on a three-year cycle, the
process of drafting updates will begin approximately two years after the start of implementation. The
White House designated the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) as the
steward for execution of this Plan, and as such, it will establish an oversight function. Federal agencies
will work with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to ensure that funding proposals in the
President’s budget are aligned with the activities outlined in this Implementation Plan.
Implementation Plan Reading Guide
This Plan is organized around the four pillars and 12 strategic objectives of the Strategy. It focuses on
outcomes, not activities. For each strategic objective, the Plan identifies desired outcomes that must be
pursued so that their achievement will contribute to fulfillment of the strategic objectives. Each
outcome is accompanied by a summary description of the necessary actions to achieve it, along with an
estimated timeline. Responsible agencies for each outcome will include a task breakdown with a more
detailed schedule of actions.
The White House, National Spectrum Strategy (November 13, 2023) available at (National
Spectrum Strategy).
The White House, Memorandum on Modernizing United States Spectrum Policy and Establishing a National
Spectrum Strategy (November 13, 2023) available at
spectrum-strategy/ (Presidential Memorandum).
Below are the fields presented in this Plan:
Pillar The top-level of outcomes aligned to the top-level goals of the four Pillars of the
Strategic Objective The second-level outcomes aligned to the Strategy. The Administration
will achieve the strategic objectives through the pursuit and attainment of the outcomes
identified under them.
Outcome Includes the number, title, and description of the activities that will be taken to
reach that outcome.
Responsible Agency The Federal agency or agencies primarily responsible for leading the
effort to achieve the outcome. This Plan employs the term “Federal agencies” to mean
executive branch agencies with spectrum equities. It refers to the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC), an independent agency, separately. Typically, the responsible agency or
agencies will need to collaborate and coordinate with the other contributing stakeholders. A
single entity may be the responsible agency; however, NTIA and the FCC are co-listed on some
items due to their complementary roles: (1) the FCC, with its statutory role as an independent
agency and the exclusive regulator of non-Federal spectrum use; and (2) NTIA, with its statutory
role as the sole agency responsible for authorizing Federal spectrum use and the principal
advisor to the President on information and communications policy matters, including the use of
spectrum. The following explains how to interpret the use of different designations that include
Federal agencies:
A specific agency is named when there is only one or two specific organizations.
“Federal agencies” is used when an agency representative will participate in the effort
to provide input for the agency.
The Interagency Spectrum Advisory Council
or “ISACis used when the action involves
a consensus Federal position. It represents the Council collaboratively, producing a
single output on behalf of all the agencies as a group.
The Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee or “IRAC” is used for any activity that
falls within its purview.
The Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC)
Framework)represents the improved national framework for collaboration on
spectrum policy envisioned in the Strategy that will be established under Outcome
2.1(a). It is used for efforts involving collaboration between non-Federal stakeholders
The Interagency Spectrum Advisory Council (ISAC), established by the Presidential Memorandum, serves as the
principal interagency forum for senior agency officials to advise NTIA on spectrum policy matters and to ensure
that all decisions made by NTIA take into consideration the diverse missions of the Federal Government.
The Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC), created in 2004, advises the Assistant
Secretary for Communications and Information at NTIA on a broad range of spectrum policy issues. The
members are spectrum policy experts, appointed as "Special Government Employees," from outside the Federal
government in order offer expertise and perspective on topics of interest. See generally
and Federal agencies, beginning after its creation, which is projected for September
Contributing Stakeholder(s) Stakeholders that have a specific and significant role in the
development and execution of actions to achieve the outcome, including by contributing
expertise or resources, engaging in complementary efforts, or coordinating on elements of the
effort. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all entities with equities in achieving an
Estimated Start This is the estimated start time for work towards a particular outcome and is
indicated by month and year (e.g., June 2025). Not all actions can begin simultaneously and
immediately, so this reflects the planned phasing of efforts.
Estimated Completion This is the estimated amount of time in months it will take to execute
actions to accomplish the outcome. It is also reflected in the Summary Table as the projected
month and year for completion of the effort, calculated from the Estimated Start plus the
number of months estimated to achieve the outcome.
Strategic Objective Outcomes
Pillar One | A Spectrum Pipeline to Ensure U.S. Leadership in Advanced and Emerging
U.S. leadership in next-generation technologies and services requires greater spectrum access for both
the private and public sectors in the near- and medium-term. The Strategy calls for a “spectrum
pipeline” encompassing spectrum bands that are in various stages of consideration for repurposing to
satisfy non-Federal and Federal needs. In coordination with the Federal agencies, NTIA will review and
fine-tune its Federal spectrum management processes for assessing spectrum bands for possible
repurposing. This will secure sufficient spectrum access to support Federal agency missions now and for
projected future needs. In order to ensure that we are using spectrum to benefit a broad range of
sectors and Federal missions, the spectrum bands identified in the Strategy will be studied for a variety
of uses, including, but not limited to, terrestrial wireless broadband, innovative space services,
unmanned aviation, and other autonomous vehicle operations. Pillar Two calls for the development of a
long-term planning process; however, given that the planning process may not be implemented fully for
several years, Pillar One identifies and seeks to implement improvements to certain planning
components in the near term, including developing metrics for evaluating spectrum usage, applying best
practices for conducting studies, and creating a dedicated program management function for managing
spectrum reallocation activities.
Strategic Objective 1.1 | Ensure sufficient spectrum access to support Federal agency
missions now and into the future
Outcome 1.1(a): Documented agency requirements to secure sufficient spectrum access to
support Federal agency missions
As reinforced in the Strategy, essential government missions rely on wireless systems on the ground,
in the air, at sea, and in space to protect our national security and to deliver important public
services. Critical U.S. Government services and missions increasingly depend on spectrum access,
just as ongoing innovations in wireless technologies demand additional spectrum access for private-
sector purposes. To ensure agencies have the access they require, NTIA needs a documented record
of agency spectrum requirements in order to assess and promote that Federal users are making the
best possible and most efficient use of Federal spectrum allocations.
In coordination with the Federal agencies, NTIA will fine-tune Federal processes related to agency
requirements when studying spectrum for the pipeline. This will ensure that any reallocation of
Federal spectrum maintains sufficient spectrum access to support agencies’ missions. As outlined in
the Strategy, this will include consideration of “the agency’s operational requirements and the
nature of its mission(s)” and “the potential for improved efficiency and mission effectiveness
through new technological developments (such as compression and modulation technology) and
coexistence techniques.”
Federal agencies will fully support efforts to study the pipeline bands
identified in the Strategy to ensure their needs are considered, and essential spectrum access is
See 47 U.S.C. § 902(b)(2)(U).
National Spectrum Strategy, Strategic Objective 1.1, at 4.
secured, in a manner that supports their missions but also allows for identifying spectrum access
opportunities for non-Federal uses if possible. With an improved understanding of current Federal
spectrum needs, NTIA can assess resources available and work on behalf of the Executive Branch to
protect spectrum access for agency missions as additional spectrum bands are considered for non-
Federal reallocation.
Responsible Agency: NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
September 2024
24 Months
Outcome 1.1(b): Establishment of an updated process for assessing Federal agency
requirements for additional spectrum resources
When studying pipeline bands, the process for considering future spectrum access needed to
support agency missions should be better defined. NTIA, in coordination with the Federal agencies,
will standardize a method for documenting future spectrum access needs beyond fully documented
systems (i.e., those undergoing certification) so they can be factored into band studies described in
Outcome 1.2(c). As required by the Presidential Memorandum, NTIA, in coordination with Federal
agencies, will improve its criteria and processes for certification regarding spectrum availability to
facilitate spectrum access. As part of this effort, improvements will be considered towards building
a more comprehensive record of any additional spectrum access needed to support agency missions
in the future. NTIA, working through the IRAC, will update both the relevant guidance and the
procedures for NTIA review of agency spectrum requirements to help ensure that spectrum access
will meet new requirements. This includes checking whether agencies have determined if their
identified requirements could be met through other technologies or techniques. Additionally, use of
commercial services can reduce competition for spectrum allocated for exclusive Federal use by
shifting appropriate Federal operations
to commercially licensed spectrum. Federal agencies
should review their internal processes to ensure they consider and comply with the following
41 U.S.C. § 3307 provides that “[t]he head of each executive agency shall ensure that
procurement officials in that executive agency, to the maximum extent practicable . . .
acquire commercial services or commercial products or non-developmental items other
than commercial products to meet the needs of the executive agency.”
OMB Circular A-76 reiterates that “it has been and continues to be the general policy of the
Government to rely on commercial sources to supply the products and services the
Government needs” while also recognizing there are some inherently governmental
activities that are so valuable to the public interest as to mandate performance by
Government personnel.
Section 2.3.3 of the NTIA Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio
Frequency Management states that, except in limited circumstances, “all functions normally
This includes those that are not inherently governmental and for which mission requirements can be met in a
manner that is not materially detrimental to national interests.
associated with providing [telecommunication services] shall be performed by the private
Responsible Agency: NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
September 2024
24 Months
Strategic Objective 1.2 | Ensure spectrum resources are available to support private sector
innovation now and into the future
Outcome 1.2(a): Adoption of study plans and schedules for completing in-depth studies
The Strategy identified the following spectrum bands for near-term, in-depth study to determine
whether they may be repurposed for non-Federal or shared Federal and non-Federal use:
(1) 3.1-3.45 GHz; (2) 5030-5091 MHz; (3) 7.125-8.4 GHz; (4) 18.1-18.6 GHz; and (5) 37.0-37.6 GHz.
The study plans will be developed jointly by NTIA and the affected Federal agencies. The studies
will consider various typically employed spectrum management mechanisms to assess fully the
possibilities for expanded or more efficient uses of the spectrum. The study plans will be mutually
agreed to between NTIA and affected Federal agencies. The Appendix provides the approach to
band studies and details on adoption of study plans. It also lists the top-line schedule for
completing studies of these spectrum bands.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/Affected Federal Agencies
Contributing Stakeholders: Non-Federal Stakeholders, FCC
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
See Appendix
See Appendix
Outcome 1.2(b): Establishment of a project plan for study of each band and an integrated
master schedule for tracking and oversight
NTIA will implement leading program management practices to plan the band studies and monitor
progress on an ongoing basis. This will involve tracking actions, identifying risks, and addressing
issues early to minimize any disruption in executing the studies.
Responsible Agency: NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2024
2 Months
Outcome 1.2(c): Completion of band studies
A crucial element in the success of the Strategy is furnishing a robust spectrum pipeline for both
Federal and non-Federal uses that is developed through a transparent process. The Strategy
outlines five specific bands to be studied to determine suitability for repurposing for expanded use
while ensuring sufficient access for Federal users to meet their mission requirements. Central to
delivering a pipeline of spectrum is conducting band studieswithout preconceived limitationsin
a timely, coordinated, data-driven, and science-based manner centered on reasonable and realistic
methodologies and assumptions. NTIA, in collaboration with the Federal agencies, will seek private-
sector input throughout the process. For studies that require funding from the Spectrum Relocation
Fund (SRF) (i.e., the lower 3 GHz and 7/8 GHz studies), the start date will depend on when a plan
(referred to as a “pipeline plan”), is approved and transmitted to Congress and when funding has
been transferred to the applicable Federal agencies. This process is governed by 47 U.S.C. §928(g),
generally referred to as the Spectrum Pipeline Act. The start date for the other studies will be
conducted as outlined in the Appendix.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/Affected Federal Agencies
Contributing Stakeholders: Non-Federal Stakeholders, FCC
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
ASAP upon funding, if applicable
See Appendix
Outcome 1.2(d): Identification of spectrum for repurposing based upon in-depth studies
The results of the in-depth studies performed pursuant to Outcome 1.2(c) will inform the quantity of
spectrum potentially repurposed, if any, and the eventual FCC rules for the repurposed spectrum.
Any identification of potential spectrum that could be reallocated or otherwise repurposed is
expected to occur through a final recommendation prepared at the end of the in-depth study of
each band. Any such identification will be based on rigorous analysis and an aggregation of
evidenced-based results documented in the various technical reports and other deliverables
prepared as part of other planning activities (e.g., economic analysis, system acquisition
information), coordinated with the affected Federal agencies via the ISAC. The Secretary of
Commerce, working through NTIA, will identify any spectrum to the FCC that feasibly can be
repurposed for non-Federal, or shared Federal and non-Federal use, along with any related special
requirements to facilitate follow-on, coordinated action.
For bands identified for reallocation and
auction, Federal agencies may continue to work with SRF funds until the FCC announces the planned
commencement of an auction, consistent with existing law. Agencies may conduct other planning
activities in support of FCC rulemaking activities, and refining and finalizing estimated transition
costs and timelines, to inform auction planning.
Responsible Agency: NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, FCC, ISAC
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
To be determined based on Studies
2 Months
Following the identification of spectrum for repurposing, if the DoD is required to surrender use of frequencies
of which it is a primary user in order to make such frequencies available for other use, NTIA and the Secretary of
Commerce shall comply with the requirements of Pub. L. 106–65, div. A, title X, § 1062(b), Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat.
Strategic Objective 1.3 | Maintain the spectrum pipeline by applying guiding principles and
leading program management practices to identify additional bands for study
Outcome 1.3(a): Determination of pertinent metrics and data elements for assessing
spectrum utilization and creation of data specifications for collecting the data
The Strategy underscores the importance of getting relevant and timely information from all
stakeholders to sustain decision-making processes in support of the spectrum pipeline. Critically,
U.S. spectrum-regulating agencies need to be able to quantify Federal and non-Federal spectrum
usage to ensure that spectrum is being put to its best possible use and to determine whether
additional or different types of services may be accommodated in a given band. In the near- and
medium-term, prior to the implementation of the collaboration framework outlined in Pillar Two,
NTIA will work collaboratively with Federal agencies on a similar effort to determine metrics
(including interference protection criteria and data elements) for quantifying Federal spectrum
usage and providing qualitative assessments of how mission needs are being met. NTIA will also
look at how to mitigate the potential risks to agencies’ mission effectiveness in the pipeline bands,
along with a specification for collecting these relevant data (subject to national security and
competition constraints). For data that require protection (e.g., national security information or
controlled unclassified information), control requirements for metrics and data will be identified by
the responsible agency and coordinated across affected stakeholders.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, CSMAC
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2025
12 Months
Outcome 1.3(b): Publication of spectrum management principles and best practice methods
to guide the Federal Government in spectrum studies
The Administration can facilitate consensus around Federal spectrum management decisions by
developing principles and standard engineering methodologies for conducting spectrum studies.
Working with the Federal agencies, NTIA will identify the coordination guidelines for spectrum
studies and the processes for determining types of studies, interference criteria, assumptions, and
timelines. These will be starting points for coordination with non-Federal stakeholders to establish
national best practices and Tribal consultation procedures under Pillar Two.
Responsible Agency: NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, FCC
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2024
14 Months
Outcome 1.3(c): Creation of a program management function for managing spectrum
reallocation activities
The Government Accountability Office has previously recommended that NTIA “align its spectrum
reallocation-planning efforts with leading practices for program management by developing a plan,
analyzing risks, and creating and updating a schedule for NTIAs ongoing and future reallocation
NTIA will establish a function for managing the end-to-end activities associated with
reallocation of spectrum bands in which Federal agencies have equities. NTIA will coordinate and
track actions across stakeholders involved with studying bands, and if applicable, monitor activities
involved with developing rules, preparing for auction, and tracking transition to the new uses.
Inherent in this function will be a periodic assessment of the spectrum pipeline by U.S. spectrum-
regulating agencies until the long-term spectrum planning process outlined in Pillar Two is
established and implemented.
Responsible Agency: NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, FCC
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2024
3 Months
Government Accountability Office, Spectrum Management: NTIA Should Improve Spectrum Reallocation
Planning and Assess Its Workforce (GAO-22-104537) (January 27, 2022) available at at 30.
Pillar Two | Collaborative Long-Term Planning to Support the Nation’s Evolving Spectrum
As the demands for spectrum access continue to increase, the Nation must implement a long-term
planning process in which stakeholders work together openly, consistently, and transparently (subject to
national security and competition constraints) to address users’ current and future spectrum
requirements. To make spectrum resources available for a growing number of spectrum-dependent
technologies, services, and applications, NTIA and the FCC will establish a new, improved collaboration
framework and develop a methodology for representing current spectrum use, as well as future
requirements. NTIA and the FCC will also institute a policy for submitting inputs for long-term planning,
pursue a value-based model to support decision-makers, and document requirements for any new
capabilities, information technologies, and modeling tools needed to support this national-level process.
The focus is on establishing robust collaboration that includes all stakeholders (Federal and non-Federal,
including state, local, and Tribal governments, as well as unserved and historically under-served
Strategic Objective 2.1 | Establish a persistent strategic spectrum planning process guided by
the best available science and data
Outcome 2.1(a): Establishment of an improved collaboration framework
To implement a persistent long-term planning process, the Nation needs an improved way to bring
stakeholders together to generate recommendations based on the combined knowledge and
perspectives of both the Federal Government and the private sector. To support this, NTIA will
establish a new, improved framework for collaboration on national spectrum policy and policy-
related matters. The objective is to institutionalize collaboration through existing groups and formal
Tribal consultation procedures, as applicable. The framework will enable creation of ad hoc groups,
as needed, to facilitate regular dialogue and data sharing (subject to national security constraints),
building trust and transparency among Federal, commercial, and other stakeholders.
NTIA will outline a collaboration framework that identifies existing advisory and working groups and
includes a mechanism for establishing new, integrated working groups, allowing open dialog
between Federal and non-Federal stakeholders. The framework will identify specific entities and
the expected interaction between them, documenting roles and responsibilities for each. It will
allow the creation of band- or issue-specific, multi-stakeholder groups composed of Federal, non-
Federal, and prospective new spectrum users (if applicable). These groups could engage in activities
such as targeted early engagements to consider repurposing possibilities. Stakeholder engagements
may include sharing information such as electromagnetic compatibility modeling tools and results
and other technical interchanges.
NTIA, in coordination with the FCC, will formally document this collaboration framework. NTIA will
explore implementing integrated Federal and non-Federal working groups under the auspices of the
CSMAC, consistent with the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
Tribal consultations
will be held, as
applicable, and Federal trust responsibilities will be considered pursuant to the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) signed between the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), the FCC, and
for this purpose.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, ISAC, Tribes, Public
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2024
18 Months
Outcome 2.1(b): Implementation of a national long-term spectrum planning process
In collaboration with the Executive Office of the President (EOP) and the FCC, NTIA will initiate
actions to develop and implement a national spectrum planning process that incorporates spectrum
needs into the process of identifying potential allocation changes to support both Federal and non-
Federal stakeholders. To harmonize potential allocation changes with procurement decisions,
agencies should update their acquisition policies to ensure that those processes properly consider
spectrum coexistence and access prior to milestone investment decisions. Meanwhile, they also
must consider the value of spectrum as outlined in OMB Circular A-11.
Working through the new
collaboration framework, stakeholders will agree on the key inputs needed to inform national
spectrum policy decisions, including information about current and future use and technology
developments. They also will agree on additional processes, as needed, for identifying requirements
and assessing additional spectrum access across stakeholders. Once there is agreement around a
strategic, long-term planning process, NTIA and the FCC will collaborate to establish a policy for
representation of new and future Federal and non-Federal spectrum requirements that provides
better understanding and can be used as the basis for consideration.
See Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-463)(FACA).
Exec. Order No. 13,175, 65 Fed. Reg. 67,249 (November 6, 2000) available at (Tribal Governments Executive Order);
The White House, Memorandum on Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships
(January 26, 2001) available at
(Tribal Governments PM).
Memorandum of Understanding among the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the Federal Communications
Commission, and the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (November 23, 2022) available at
23_final_fcc_ntia_doi_signed_508.pdf (MOU).
Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, Circular No. A11: Preparation,
Submission, and Execution of the Budget, Section 31.11 (August 2023) available at
To support an evidence-based decision-making methodology, stakeholders will define a standard
submission requirement and supporting data, including a preference for studies based on agreed-to
best-practices and the greatest possible transparency (subject to national security and competition
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: EOP, Federal Agencies, ISAC, CSMAC, Public
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
September 2024
24 Months
Strategic Objective 2.2 | Develop and document an evidence-based national spectrum
decision-making methodology
Outcome 2.2(a): A value-based model to inform spectrum policy decisions
NTIA will sponsor development of a value-based model to inform spectrum policy decisions,
potentially including contributions from academic researchers through cooperation with the
National Science Foundation (NSF). A model built on a value-based framework will benefit decision-
makers by allowing for comprehensive evaluation of the potential impacts such as societal,
economic, and national security considerations associated with various spectrum allocation options.
This value-based model will encompass a methodology to identify essential inputs and data for
quantifying the overall spectrum value, specifically tailored to allocation decisions. Importantly, the
framework also will enable estimates of the overall costs and benefits relative to national priorities.
This understanding will then equip decision-makers with a more comprehensive toolset for
evaluating future spectrum allocation scenarios.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: EOP, Federal Agencies, NSF, ISAC, CSMAC (Collaboration Framework)
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2026
12 Months
Outcome 2.2(b): Historical assessment of reallocated/auctioned bands
By examining past reallocations of Federal spectrum to non-Federal use we can gain valuable
insights to inform future spectrum decisions. Analyzing past successes and challenges helps to
understand the root causes of past issues, which can help with identifying solutions to current and
future challenges. Policymakers facing critical questions about spectrum allocation can benefit from
an objective assessment of past reallocations of Federal spectrum to non-Federal use. To provide
context for future decisions, Federal spectrum regulators will pursue a comprehensive assessment
of the bands already repurposed from Federal to non-Federal use. This review will evaluate both
the benefits and the mission implications to Federal users of these previous allocation changes,
including increased risks to meeting future mission requirements.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, Public
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2025
12 Months
Strategic Objective 2.3 | Define requirements and implement capabilities to capture
essential data and information on spectrum use
Outcome 2.3(a): A defined, agreed-to methodology for representing current spectrum use
and future requirements
Standardized, granular data (subject to national security and competition constraints) is needed to
inform evidence-based spectrum decisions. Leaders need to have the whole picture in order to
make the best possible reallocation or other repurposing decisions. To this end, the FCC recently
adopted a Notice of Inquiry to explore how it might leverage new data sources, technologies, and
methods to advance its understanding of non-Federal spectrum usage.
NTIA and the FCC will seek
to develop a standard method to validate current use and represent future access needs. This will
be done in a manner that allows for comparison across stakeholders and uses. The goal is to best
ensure that requests for expanded spectrum access are reasonable, based on current or likely future
needs, and are being satisfied in the most effective and efficient way. Additionally, procedures and
controls will be developed to ensure spectrum data are kept current.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, CSMAC, Public
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2025
12 Months
Outcome 2.3(b): Documented requirements for new capabilities needed to process
improved data, including information technology and modeling tools
Modernizing the country’s spectrum management capabilities is a prerequisite to support the
improved spectrum planning processes envisioned by the Strategy, especially for spectrum use and
requirements as will be defined by Outcome 2.3(a). Besides the need for NTIA and FCC systems to
communicate with one another, new tools will be needed to collect and use more granular data
(subject to national security and competition constraints), including the type of use (active or
passive), the time and frequency of use, the waveforms and power used, and the geography
involved. Additionally, requirements for real-time spectrum monitoring and radio-frequency
sensors may also be needed to support new spectrum management technologies.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
November 2026
12 Months
Federal Communications Commission, In the Matter of Advancing Understanding of Non-Federal Spectrum
Usage, Notice of Inquiry, WT Docket No. 23-232 (August 4, 2023).
Outcome 2.3(c): Establishment of national best practices for performing unbiased technical,
scientific, mission, and economic analyses
Spectrum management decisions often rely on a combination of technical, scientific, mission, and
economic analyses. In each of these fields, adherence to agreed methodologies and transparency in
analyses and underlying datasets (subject to national security and competition constraints) can
increase acceptance of findings and reduce disputes. Leveraging work done by both Federal
agencies and the private sector, NTIA and the FCC will coordinate to publish best practices for
common proceduressuch as accepted Federal and non-Federal approachesin conducting studies
of spectrum bands when considering changes in their current use. These procedures will include
conducting formal Tribal consultations, when applicable. Once developed, stakeholders should
utilize validated models and real-world measurements as outlined in the national best practices for
spectrum studies.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, CSMAC (Collaboration Framework)
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2026
24 Months
Pillar Three | Unprecedented Spectrum Access and Management through Technology
To accelerate innovation and realize the full potential of the electromagnetic spectrum, the nation must
deepen its understanding of electromagnetic compatibility. The spectrum research community must
enhance the coordination of its research and development (R&D) endeavors and identify and address
critical areas of spectrum R&D. By doing so, we can amplify the impact of collective efforts and foster
important advancements. Our spectrum policies also must be designed to optimize flexible use and
support emerging technologies.
Strategic Objective 3.1 | Improve spectrum efficiency and bolster coexistence by facilitating
investments in new and emerging technologies
Outcome 3.1(a): A process to identify enabling technologies for spectrum-dependent
systems to enhance spectrum efficiency and foster coexistence
Through the collaboration framework created under Pillar Two, stakeholders will establish a process
for exploring and identifying technologies and capabilities that could enable improved spectrum
usage through coexistence among spectrum-dependent systems. As part of exploring technologies,
Federal agencies and non-Federal stakeholders will leverage the collaboration framework to
consider engaging with academic institutions in sponsored research, which will provide technical
input and other expertise. The process proposed by stakeholders will include potential pathways to
inject identified technologies into new acquisitions and legacy systems. It also will estimate
spectrum-efficiency performance that could be achieved if the identified technologies are included
in the acquisition processes for spectrum-based systems.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, CSMAC (Collaboration Framework)
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
October 2025
6 Months
Outcome 3.1(b): Published, recommended, key motivating factors for driving Federal and
non-Federal investment in spectrum innovation
To accelerate innovation and improve spectrum access, stakeholders must invest in capabilities and
technologies that enhance efficiency, flexibility, and adaptability while maintaining or enhancing
mission effectiveness. Incentivizing investments in spectrum sharing and coexistence capabilities
will be a key element in improving spectrum access. An R&D working group established under Pillar
Two: Outcome 2.1(a) will survey key Federal and non-Federal spectrum users to identify motivating
factors for investing in spectrum innovation, as well as those that disincentivize investment or that
pose challenges to research efforts. Subsequently, the working group will publish a report providing
recommendations to encourage investments in innovation for spectrum-utilizing systems.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, CSMAC (Collaboration Framework)
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2026
6 Months
Outcome 3.1(c): A roadmap for improving receiver resistance to harmful interference
Spectrum efficiency and the capacity for both disparate and like systems to coexist may depend
greatly on receiver characteristics. Stakeholders will build upon the FCC’s efforts to conduct a
review of receiver requirements and performance parameters. They will then develop a roadmap
for improving receiver resistance to harmful interference. Federal agencies will consider engaging
with academic institutions through sponsored research to provide technical input and other
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, CSMAC (Collaboration Framework)
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
October 2025
9 Months
Outcome 3.1(d): Recommendations for potential investment based on assessment of smart
spectrum management technologies
U.S. spectrum-regulating agencies will encourage dynamic spectrum sharing and coexistence that
employs enabling spectrum management technologies (e.g., software, tools, and devices) while
mitigating the risks of degrading capabilities to meet mission requirements. Through the
collaboration framework, members will provide recommendations and an outline for deploying and
implementing spectrum management technologies. Recommendations could include identification
of factors that are optimal for dynamic spectrum sharing, as well as those that discourage or make it
challenging to implement. Federal agencies will consider engaging with academic institutions
through sponsored research to provide technical input and other expertise. Such technologies could
include cloud-based spectrum management, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML),
advanced antenna systems, and other technologies for improving the efficient use of Federal
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, CSMAC (Collaboration Framework)
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2026
6 Months
Outcome 3.1(e): Designation of a global standards for advanced spectrum sharing and
technologies team
Consistent with the National Standards Strategy, the U.S. Government will collaborate with industry
to promote and advance spectrum-sharing approaches and technologies that support U.S. interests
in global standards bodies. The collaboration framework will be leveraged to identify or form a
team to support such U.S. interests.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: CSMAC (Collaboration Framework), National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST)
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
September 2025
3 Months
Outcome 3.1 (f): Recommendations for a common platform for shared spectrum access
The Federal Government will develop recommendations for deploying a spectrum-sharing
application to manage Federal spectrum use. This capability should be deployed across shared
Federal and non-Federal spectrum and among Federal users to facilitate efficient spectrum sharing
(subject to national security and competition constraints). The application will attempt to both
provide Federal agencies with a better ability to understand and manage their operations in
complex spectrum environments and to accelerate implementation of rules established for
repurposing spectrum. NTIA will lead the implementation of this innovative application by
modernizing its spectrum management infrastructure to develop a common platform, which will
provide a standardized capability across Government systems, to be applied across frequency bands
where spectrum sharing is expected to occur. This common platform could include the incumbent
informing capability (IIC),
and Federal agencies will cooperate with and support NTIA in applying
the IIC to Federal-to-Federal and Federal-to-non-Federal sharing to the maximum extent possible.
NTIA and Federal agencies will implement a policy to consider using the common platform any time
sharing is being assessed. This policy will improve and accelerate the spectrum repurposing process
by providing regulatory and operational certainty leading up to a repurposing activity.
Responsible Agency: NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, CSMAC, FCC
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
September 2024
6 Months
Strategic Objective 3.2 | Commit to improving collective understanding of the
electromagnetic spectrum through coordinated, focused, and sophisticated research and
development (R&D)
Outcome 3.2(a): Development and publication of a National Spectrum R&D Plan
The R&D Plan will be released by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. It will be
an organized, national document guiding government support for spectrum-related research,
helping shape private-sector efforts and providing a shared reference for stakeholder interactions.
The scope of the R&D Plan, and the process to update it on an ongoing basis, will be coordinated
with the ISAC. Development of the R&D Plan will consider input from Federal and non-Federal
Responsible Agency: OSTP
Contributing Stakeholders: NTIA, NSF, FCC, ISAC, Federal Agencies, Public
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2024
6 Months
See generally, DiFrancisco, Michael, et al., National Telecommunications and Information Administration,
Incumbent Informing for Time-Based Spectrum Sharing (February 22, 2021) available at
Outcome 3.2(b): Revision of the National Spectrum R&D Plan
The National Spectrum R&D Plan released under 3.2(a) will be revised. This effort will validate the
process to refine and enhance the key innovation areas for spectrum R&D on an ongoing basis.
Responsible Agency: OSTP
Contributing Stakeholders: NTIA, NSF, FCC, ISAC, Federal Agencies, Public
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2025
12 Months
Outcome 3.2(c): Process for a national (including government, industry, and academia)
assessment and certification of spectrum R&D infrastructure and tools
This outcome will establish a process to assess, validate, and certify spectrum research components
such as datasets, electromagnetic (EM) compatibility, spectrum sharing, coexistence models, and
models for EM propagation. This will give Federal agencies a resource to help ensure they are using
validated technical and economic modeling and analysis tools in their studies. NTIA will include
Federal agency experts and will engage with industry and academic experts.
Responsible Agency: NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: CSMAC (Collaboration Framework), NIST, Federal Agencies, FCC
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2026
6 Months
Outcome 3.2(d): Data collection and spectrum utilization program
To increase available data for fine-tuning or validating EM models, and to gather better data
regarding spectrum utilization, the Government will establish a data collection and spectrum
utilization program. Data collection will include real-world measurement campaigns, field testing
(whenever possible), and increased awareness and availability of outdoor wireless testbeds. NTIA
and the FCC will explore conducting such measurement campaigns on Tribal lands, in accordance
with the Tribal Governments Executive Order, to gather more accurate information about spectrum
access and utilization on Tribal lands.
The spectrum utilization program will provide a capability to
characterize spectrum utilization for Federal and non-Federal users and share data with Federal and
non-Federal data users, including academic researchers, whenever possible (subject to national
security and competition constraints).
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, CSMAC (Collaboration Framework)
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
October 2025
12 Months
Tribal Governments Executive Order.
Outcome 3.2(e): Spectrum Sandbox Program
To encourage private sector-led innovation and advancement, stakeholders working through the
collaboration framework will explore establishing a Spectrum Sandbox Program (which may include
both existing and new geographic areas) that enables experimental research while protecting
incumbents. Stakeholders will submit proposals and suggestions for the Program to NTIA and the
FCC for their consideration. Spectrum sandboxes may provide expedited or pre-approved frequency
authorizations to non-Federal users for spectrum experimentation and R&D (operational
frequencies could include millimeter or sub-terahertz frequencies). Such sandboxes can provide
real-world data, further the development of dynamic spectrum sharing techniques, and help
formulate additional technical rules to enable sharing. NTIA and the FCC will work in conjunction
with DOI to review the development and utilization of spectrum sandboxes for non-Federal use on
Tribal lands.
Responsible Agency: NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: CSMAC (Collaboration Framework), FCC, Federal Agencies, National
Advanced Spectrum and Communications Test Network (NASCTN)
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
December 2025
6 Months
Outcome 3.2(f): Advanced dynamic spectrum sharing demonstration and report
Traditional spectrum management, which is still used in all but a few spectrum bands, involves static
separation of systems in frequency, space, or time. In contrast, dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS)
involves the operation of independent systems close enough together (in frequency, space, or time)
that dynamic access methods are required to prevent harmful interference. As defined in the NSF
Spectrum Innovation Initiative-National Radio Dynamic Zone (SII-NRDZ)
program, dynamic access
methods refer to a rule or control system for spectrum access that depends on external conditions
(for example, an “if-then” statement to be executed at runtime). The Department of Defense (DoD)
and NTIA will conduct a 12-to-18-month initiative, in coordination with the FCC and Federal agencies
(specifically DOI where Tribal lands or interests are implicated), and in consultation with industry
and academia. The effort will focus on the 3.1-3.45 GHz band and will achieve measurable
outcomes that substantially improve the efficiency of spectrum use as compared with current
approaches to dynamic spectrum sharing (such as the Citizens Broadband Radio Service) by
leveraging new technologies and capabilities.
The National Advanced Spectrum and Communications Test Network (NASCTN) was established by NIST, NTIA
and DoD in March of 2015 to improve opportunities for successful spectrum sharing through accurate, reliable,
rigorously scientific, and unbiased measurements and analyses via a voluntary, cooperative federated network
of spectrum sharing expertise and capabilities. See generally
See generally National Science Foundation (NSF) Spectrum Innovation Initiative: National Radio Dynamic Zone
(SII-NRDZ), available at
The initiative will explore investment incentives that improve the efficiency and performance of the
overall ecosystem of the band and improve the ability of Federal agencies, including DoD, to
effectively use spectrum in the increasingly congested and contested environment in which they
operate. NTIA’s Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS) will conduct an independent
assessment of the initiative following the demonstration.
Responsible Agency: DoD/NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: FCC, NIST, Federal Agencies
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2024
18 Months
Outcome 3.2(g) National DSS Testbed
A National DSS Testbed will be created for dynamic sharing technology, consisting of a federated
network of sites providing complementary capabilities. This will enable Federal, industry, and
academic experimentation in Federal and non-Federal bands and will serve as a technical
demonstration platform. Stakeholder agencies, in consultation with industry and academia, will
define key gaps in currently available testbeds and options to enhance testbed capability through
investment in current and new testbeds, except on Tribal lands. To conduct the DSS demonstration
within the 12-to-18-month timeline set forth in the Strategy, NTIA will establish a national testbed
function capable of coordinating experiments across a network of sites. It also will conduct a
demonstration using a spectrum-sharing experiment carried out by NSF or another third party.
NTIA will play a key role in establishing and coordinating the National DSS Testbed. However, it is
important to clarify the specific responsibilities and limitations of NTIA’s ownership. NTIA will define
standards for data and metadata formats and application programming interfaces to ensure
compatibility and facilitate data sharing across the testbed. NTIA will act as a central hub for the
testbed, reporting on activities and status, and will facilitate communication between stakeholders.
Finally, NTIA will establish criteria for sites to be considered part of the National DSS Testbed. It will
encompass a range of environments and use cases to provide maximum utility for advancing
dynamic spectrum sharing technologies. NTIA ownership does not include responsibility for
programmatic, physical, or operational management of individual testbed sites or for staffing,
equipment, and day-to-day operations. That responsibility will remain with the respective individual
site owners.
Responsible Agency: NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: NSF, DoD, FCC, Federal Agencies
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2024
18 Months
Strategic Objective 3.3 | Pursue spectrum policies that maximize flexible use of spectrum,
accommodate new and innovative technologies, and identify opportunities to expand
spectrum access
Outcome 3.3(a): Policy initiatives to maximize regulatory flexibility to promote U.S.
technological innovation and opportunistic sharing
National spectrum policies that maximize flexible use of spectrum will foster U.S. technological
innovation and opportunistic sharing, reduce barriers to expanding spectrum access, stimulate
industry and government research, provide access to state-of-the-art technologies and services, and
allow Federal agencies to pivot when new mission requirements are considered. Leveraging the
collaboration framework, U.S. spectrum-regulating agencies will promote the opportunistic and
spectrally efficient use of spectrum bands. Stakeholders working through the collaboration
framework will recommend policy initiatives to expand spectrum access for users in
underrepresented communities, including small and non-traditional internet service providers,
enterprises, schools, libraries and other community anchor institutions in underserved areas. NTIA
and the FCC will work directly with DOI to promote the opportunistic use of spectrum on Tribal lands
and to advance new Tribal self-determination and economic development initiatives, in keeping
with the Joint Tribal Spectrum MOU among DOI, the FCC and NTIA (November 23, 2022).
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: CSMAC (Collaboration Framework), Federal Agencies
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
October 2025
6 Months
Outcome 3.3(b): Spectrum Relocation Fund recommendations for improved coexistence and
OMB and NTIA will collaborate on ways to maximize the ability of the SRF to drive flexible use of
spectrum and innovation. This could include proposing legislative changes to foster general
spectrum coexistence and compatibility research and development by Federal entities, applicable
across all spectrum access models. Recommendations should also consider payments for costs
incurred by agencies associated with advanced spectrum sharing.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/OMB
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, FCC
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
September 2024
6 Months
Pillar Four | Expanded Spectrum Expertise and Elevated National Awareness
All stakeholders, including the Federal Government, industry, academia, state, local and Tribal
governments, must have a spectrum workforce with the necessary skills to innovate across current and
emerging technologies. The U.S. Government will take actions to attract and prepare a well-trained U.S.
workforce to meet today’s needs and prepare for a rapidly evolving wireless environment. Innovation is
a key to successful national economic growth and spectrum access in support of critical Federal
missions. The Government will publish a national-level workforce plan and work to ensure the Federal
careers series offers the right skills and compensation needed for a high-performing spectrum
workforce. Further, the Government will educate decision-makers about spectrum and spectrum-
related issues and will increase overall public awareness of the important role that spectrum plays in
their lives.
Strategic Objective 4.1 | Attract, train, and grow the current and next-generation spectrum
Outcome 4.1(a): A National Spectrum Workforce Plan
The U.S. Government will develop a National Spectrum Workforce Plan to prioritize and enhance the
development of the spectrum ecosystem workforce. This Plan should identify strategic goals and
establish initiatives that contribute to a holistic approach to education and workforce development
to meet the current needs. It will consider the knowledge, skills and abilities required for cross-
functional positions, including the full range of operational, technical and policy positions involved in
spectrum-related activities. The Plan also will document gaps (e.g., shrinking interest in spectrum
fields) and actions to fill them, including potential career-field enhancements and incentives for
recruiting, mentoring, and retaining a skilled Federal spectrum workforce. The focus will be on
ensuring the U.S. Government, in particular, but also the nations workforce more generally, is able
and ready to excel in all the jobs needed to support the evolving spectrum ecosystem.
Responsible Agency: NSF/NTIA
Contributing Stakeholders: EOP, FCC, CSMAC, Federal Agencies
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
June 2024
18 Months
Outcome 4.1(b): Agency spectrum workforce programs
Agencies with a spectrum workforce that is critical to their missions should maintain a
developmental program to ensure ongoing support to their mission. Programs may include
establishing an engineering honors program, a cross-agency detail program, or collocating their
spectrum personnel with another agency’s spectrum office. Federal agencies should also
proactively recruit at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and
Tribal Colleges and Universities to ensure a diverse workforce. Federal agencies will report to the
ISAC semi-annually on their workforce developmental efforts.
Responsible Agency: Federal Agencies
Contributing Stakeholders: NTIA, NSF, FCC, academic institutions, professional societies
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2024
12 Months
Strategic Objective 4.2 | Improve policymakers’ understanding of spectrum considerations
Outcome 4.2(a): Senior-level spectrum training and awareness materials repository
Making spectrum-related decisions for our Nation requires a complex, cross-cutting understanding
of the technical aspects of spectrum use, the economic and legal implications of spectrum
allocations, stakeholder incentives, and the potential impacts to critical Federal missions, including
the Federal trust responsibility.
NTIA, in collaboration with the FCC, will develop resources to
support decision-makers (regulators, legislators, policymakers and community leaders). This may
include leveraging the efforts of other agencies with science education programs, as well as other
higher education institutions, to develop materials to help understand the technical aspects of
spectrum and the policy, regulatory, economic, and legal ones, which are complex and interrelated.
The focus will be on educating leaders on spectrum challenges and supporting working groups such
as the Wireless Spectrum Research and Development (WSRD) Interagency Working Group. NTIA
and the FCC will develop tutorials and materials and make them available through a central
repository as a resource for decision-makers. They also will pursue a collaboration with the
Congressional Spectrum Caucus to connect lawmakers with spectrum experts, including at Federal
agencies, non-Federal users, and academia.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
September 2024
12 Months
Exec. Order No. 14,112, 88 Fed. Reg. 86,021 (December 6, 2023) available at
Outcome 4.2(b): “Spectrum 101” training program for leaders at all levels of government
In coordination with the FCC, NTIA will develop and maintain materials to explain spectrum and key
current issues to White House and Congressional staffs. NTIA will extend an invitation to newly
hired staff members for an initial orientation and will implement a schedule to make recurring
sessions easily and regularly available. NTIA will also make this available to state, local and Tribal
governments. Federal agencies are encouraged to initiate a “newcomers” orientation for newly
onboarded senior leaders and their staffs using the training materials.
Responsible Agency: NTIA/FCC
Contributing Stakeholders: Federal Agencies
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2025
12 Months
Strategic Objective 4.3 | Improve the public’s understanding of electromagnetic spectrum
and raise awareness of its role in everyday life
Spectrum plays a vital role in Americans’ daily activities, from education and emergency services to
mapping and navigation systems. Everything from critical national infrastructure to banking and e-
commerce, telemedicine, entertainment, and social media relies on spectrum access. The U.S
Government will prioritize educating the public about spectrum and the role it plays in everyday
lives, including how citizens rely on, and benefit from, spectrum usage. Americans should know
about the crucial role of spectrum in critical government missions, especially involving public safety,
infrastructure, scientific endeavors (including weather and climate), and national security.
Outcome 4.3(a): A public spectrum literacy program
Efforts will be made to increase public literacy around the importance of spectrum and the
competing interests for spectrum access. Agencies will include public messaging in their outward
communications about their use of spectrum and how it contributes to society. Public service
messages will raise public awareness of the value of Federal spectrum use to provide a better
understanding of the balance needed in spectrum policies to support national priorities.
Responsible Agency: Federal Agencies
Contributing Stakeholders: NTIA, FCC, NSF
Esmated Start
Esmated Compleon
March 2026
12 Months
Implementation Plan Summary Table
Pillar One
A Spectrum Pipeline to Ensure U.S. Leadership in Advanced and Emerging Technologies
Outcome #
Estimated Start
Strategic Objective 1.1 | Ensure sufficient spectrum access to support Federal agency missions now and into the future
Sep 2024
Sep 2026
Federal Agencies
Sep 2024
Sep 2026
Federal Agencies
Strategic Objective 1.2 | Ensure spectrum resources are available to support private sector innovation now and into the future
See Appendix
See Appendix
Non-Federal Stakeholders,
Mar 2024
May 2024
Federal Agencies
ASAP upon
funding, if
See Appendix
Non-Federal Stakeholders,
TBD based on
2 Months Later
Federal Agencies, FCC, ISAC
Strategic Objective 1.3 | Maintain the spectrum pipeline by applying guiding principles and leading program management
practices to identify additional bands for study
Mar 2025
Mar 2026
Federal Agencies, CSMAC
Mar 2024
May 2025
Federal Agencies, FCC
Mar 2024
Jun 2024
Federal Agencies, FCC
Pillar Two
Collaborative Long-Term Planning to Support the Nation’s Evolving Spectrum Needs
Outcome #
Estimated Start
Strategic Objective 2.1 | Establish a persistent strategic spectrum planning process guided by the best available science and
Mar 2024
Sep 2025
Federal Agencies, ISAC,
Tribes, Public
Sep 2024
Sep 2026
EOP, Federal Agencies,
Strategic Objective 2.2 | Develop and document an evidence-based national spectrum decision-making methodology
Mar 2026
Mar 2027
EOP, Federal Agencies,
(Collaboration Framework)
Mar 2025
Mar 2026
Federal Agencies, Public
Strategic Objective 2.3 | Define requirements and implement capabilities to capture essential data and information on
spectrum use
Mar 2025
Mar 2026
Federal Agencies, CSMAC,
Nov 2026
Nov 2027
Federal Agencies
Mar 2026
Mar 2028
Federal Agencies, CSMAC
(Collaboration Framework)
Pillar Three
Unprecedented Spectrum Access and Management through Technology Development
Outcome #
Estimated Start
Strategic Objective 3.1 | Improve spectrum efficiency and bolster coexistence by facilitating investments in new and emerging
Oct 2025
Apr 2026
Federal Agencies, CSMAC
(Collaboration Framework)
Mar 2026
Sep 2026
Federal Agencies, CSMAC
(Collaboration Framework)
Oct 2025
Jul 2026
Federal Agencies, CSMAC
(Collaboration Framework)
Mar 2026
Sep 2026
Federal Agencies, CSMAC
(Collaboration Framework)
Sep 2025
Dec 2025
CSMAC (Collaboration
Framework), NIST
Sep 2024
Mar 2025
Federal Agencies, CSMAC,
Strategic Objective 3.2 | Commit to improving collective understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum through coordinated,
focused, and sophisticated research and development (R&D)
Mar 2024
Sep 2024
Federal Agencies, Public
Mar 2025
Mar 2026
Federal Agencies, Public
Mar 2026
Sep 2026
CSMAC (Collaboration
Framework), NIST, Federal
Agencies, FCC
Oct 2025
Oct 2026
Federal Agencies, CSMAC
(Collaboration Framework)
Dec 2025
June 2026
CSMAC (Collaboration
Framework), FCC, NASCTN,
Federal Agencies
Mar 2024
Sep 2025
FCC, NIST, Federal Agencies
Mar 2024
Sep 2025
NSF, DoD, FCC, Federal
Outcome #
Estimated Start
Strategic Objective 3.3 | Pursue spectrum policies that maximize flexible use of spectrum, accommodate new and innovative
technologies, and identify opportunities to expand spectrum access
Oct 2025
Apr 2026
CSMAC (Collaboration
Framework), Federal
Sep 2024
Mar 2025
Federal Agencies, FCC
Pillar Four
Expanded Spectrum Expertise and Elevated National Awareness
Outcome #
Estimated Start
Strategic Objective 4.1 | Attract, train, and grow the current and next-generation spectrum workforce
Jun 2024
Dec 2025
EOP, FCC, CSMAC, Federal
Mar 2024
Mar 2025
NTIA, NSF, FCC, academic
institutions, professional
Strategic Objective 4.2 | Improve policymakers’ understanding of spectrum considerations
Sep 2024
Sep 2025
Federal Agencies
Mar 2025
Mar 2026
Federal Agencies
Strategic Objective 4.3 | Improve the public’s understanding of electromagnetic spectrum and raise awareness of its role in
everyday life
Mar 2026
Mar 2027
Pillar Outcomes Timeline
Responsible Agencies are tasked with leading activities to execute the necessary actions for achieving
the outcomes specified in this Implementation Plan, thereby supporting the implementation of the
National Spectrum Strategy. With the exception of those outcomes estimated to start before June 15,
2024, each designated responsible agency must provide actions/milestones to NTIA 90 days prior to the
start of the outcome for which they are the responsible agency. NTIA will incorporate tasks and
schedules into a National Spectrum Strategy Implementation Master Schedule. During a periodic review
cycle, actions will be added, schedules will be adjusted, and outcomes will be removed upon
NTIA will schedule recurring status updates to the ISAC on the progress of implementation. Responsible
agencies should be prepared to brief the status of their efforts as part of status briefings to the ISAC.
NTIA will update this Implementation Plan periodically based on status of efforts. The target for release
of an updated Plan is three years after initial publication.
The National Spectrum Strategy reflects an ethic of continuous reassessment and adjustment of
implementation efforts. This process is dynamic, as government and the private sector engage, work
together, and respond to new challenges with innovative initiatives and solutions. The approach to
implementing and executing on the unprecedented strategic objectives set forth in the Strategy must be
as agile and dynamic as the U.S. wireless ecosystem, with all its complexities and opportunities. The
Strategy’s four pillars are inherently collaborative; therefore, only through collaboration can the United
States ensure that it will reap the massive benefits of advanced wireless technologies and maximize
efficient use of the Nation’s spectrum resources.
Appendix: Approach and Schedule for Band Studies
Outcome 1.2(a): Adoption of study plans and schedules for completing in-depth studies
Pillar One outlines strategic objectives for ensuring U.S. leadership in advanced and emerging spectrum-
based technologies. Strategic Objective 1.2 identifies five spectrum bands for near-term, in-depth study
to determine whether the bands may be repurposed for expanded or more efficient uses.
Approach to Band Studies
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has overall responsibility for
the band studies called for in the Strategy. This is consistent with its authority as the executive branch
agency principally responsible for advising the President on telecommunications and information
policies subject to and consistent with the needs and missions of Federal agencies and the Presidential
Memorandum on Modernizing United States Spectrum Policy and Establishing a National Spectrum
NTIA will establish deliverables and due dates and will track the status of the studies using
leading project management practices. The schedules for the band studies below are based on best-
case estimates, especially with regard to the time needed for agencies to receive Spectrum Relocation
Fund (SRF) funds prior to beginning the studies.
As directed by the Strategy, NTIA and the affected Federal agencies will collaboratively and jointly co-
lead the band studies of the lower 3 GHz (3.1-3.45 GHz) and 7/8 GHz (7.125-8.4 GHz) bands. This will be
accomplished via Spectrum Study Groups (SSGs) under the Interagency Spectrum Advisory Council
(ISAC). The technical studies will be conducted within Technical Interchange Groups (TIGs). NTIA will
also establish a multi-stakeholder forum for non-Federal stakeholders to engage with the Federal
agencies conducting the studies. Collaboration by the TIGs with the multi-stakeholder forum will be on-
going throughout the studies, with an emphasis on certain milestone events. For example, following
initial development of use cases, the TIGs will seek input on how to model non-Federal systems and
plans for studying compatibility. Additionally, after Federal efforts have developed a draft final report,
the TIGs will engage with the multi-stakeholder forum to share results and inform it on next steps.
Meanwhile, NTIA and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will co-lead the studies of the
5030-5091 MHz, 18.1-18.6 GHz, and 37.0-37.6 GHz bands with the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Department of Defense
(DoD), respectively, also under the Interagency Spectrum Advisory Council (ISAC).
In all cases, each agency shall respond promptly (within one week) to requests for information from
NTIA and will provide timely updates on their activities to NTIA to ensure that the status of the studies is
properly documented and briefed to the ISAC. Upon conclusion of the technical studies, NTIA will
coordinate findings and finalize band reports drafted in the TIGs, with recommendations on repurposing
(if determined possible) and rules for any reallocation, as appropriate. NTIA will aggregate technical
The White House, Memorandum on Modernizing United States Spectrum Policy and Establishing a National
Spectrum Strategy (November 13, 2023) available at
spectrum-strategy/ (Presidential Memorandum).
reports, as applicable, into a final draft band report and coordinate it with all participating agencies. The
figure below reflects the high-level organizational structure for executing the band studies, with roles
and responsibilities outlined below.
Detailed study plans and study reports will include a classified annex when system details or potential
mission impacts are classified. If agreement cannot be reached about any key aspect of planning for, or
executing, the studies, the dispute will be resolved as set forth in the interagency process described in
National Security Memorandum2 of February 4, 2021 (Renewing the National Security Council
Organizational Structure
Roles and Responsibilities
Technical Interchange Group (TIG): The TIG is the working-level group for conducting system-specific
technical studies, similar to TIGs created under the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee’s
Technical Subcommittee (IRAC TSC). There will be a single TIG for the 3.1-3.45 GHz band study, while
the 7/8 GHz band will have three TIGs: one specifically for point-to-point microwave systems, one for
other terrestrial systems, and one for satellite systems.
NTIA and DoD will collaboratively and jointly co-lead the 3.1-3.45 GHz TIG, while the 7/8 GHz band TIGs
will be convened by NTIA’s Office of Spectrum Management (OSM), Spectrum Engineering and Analysis
Division (SEAD), and managed as collaborative bodies. Within the TIGs, the studies will be conducted
jointly by OSM/SEAD and the affected Federal agencies, with collaboration with industry and academia.
The White House, Memorandum on Renewing the National Security Council System, National Security
Memorandum/nSM-2 (February 4, 2021) available at
For the 3.1-3.45 GHz TIG, DoD will run the mission impact studies and will provide interim results for
assessment by the TIG on a frequent basis. Federal agencies participating in the 7/8 GHz TIGs will do the
As a general matter for conducting the studies, NTIA will run the spectrum sharing analysis in an
iterative and agile manner and will provide interim results for assessment by the TIGs on a frequent
basis. To promote transparency and technical rigor, NTIA will provide the source code used in the
analysis to permit scientific peer review and independent verification and validation by the participants
of the TIGs. The Federal agencies will provide system information/data, as well as mission
requirements, to support the spectrum sharing studies. Industry and academia will provide the
necessary information/data to characterize the commercial systems, deployment, and usage.
OSM/SEAD will propose the initial study approach and seek to obtain agreement of all participants on all
aspects of the studies, including (but not limited to) establishment of the technical parameters,
assumptions, deployments, interference protection criteria, and EMC analysis models to be used. The
spectrum sharing analysis will consider use-cases for the various spectrum management mechanisms
typically employed in order to fully assess the possibilities for expanded and/or more efficient uses of
the spectrum to enable non-Federal, or shared Federal and non-Federal access. These mechanisms
include (but are not limited to) spectrum sharing, repacking, relocation, and compression
of Federal
systems, as well as co-existence via variations in frequency usage, operating locations, time of use, and
power levelsfor both the Federal and commercial systems.
The final NTIA report will be co-written by the 3.1-3.45 GHz TIG, while NTIA will aggregate the three 7/8
GHz TIG reports into a single final report for the band. In practice, the draft technical report and the
underlying data is shared iteratively with the TIGs, which are encouraged to raise questions and provide
feedback. This allows the Federal stakeholders to provide feedback early and continuously during the
formation of a technical spectrum study. With an emphasis on early and continuous delivery of a
working draft report (of the technical spectrum study), this process can be a valuable tool to collaborate
with stakeholders to adapt the study. Iterative drafts can also assist in measuring the progress of the
study, which can help mitigate schedule slippage.
When Federal agencies evaluate the mission impacts, the evaluation will consider specific band
environments, including the aggregate risk of interference to Federal systems and identification and
availability of landing bands to which Federal systems would be relocated, where applicable.
Specific functions of the TIGs include:
Develop and follow study plans;
Engage with the multi-stakeholder forum (including coordinating study plan and findings);
Collect information/data;
Develop EMC models;
Conduct study efforts;
Review findings/draft report;
Repacking is a technique to assign new frequencies to systems within a band in such a manner that frequencies
are made available for new systems in a band. Relocation is a technique where systems are moved from one
frequency band to another frequency band to make spectrum available for new systems. Compression is a
technique where frequencies in a band are re-assigned to the upper or lower portion of a band to vacate
spectrum for new systems in a band.
Co-write NTIA report; and
Coordinate on final report.
Spectrum Study Group (SSG): There will be one SSG for the lower 3 GHz band and one for the 7/8 GHz
band. The SSGs will function as executive steering groups.
The SSG for the 3.1-3.45 GH study will be co-led by NTIA/OSM and DoD/EMSEPP. For the 7/8 GHz study,
the SSG will be co-led by the OSM’s Associate Administrator (AA) and representatives of agencies that
have equities in the band.
Generally, NTIA/OSM and co-leads will administer the group and call meetings as needed. Each SSG will
agree on the study objectives and provide guidance and direction for the technical studies that will be
executed within the TIGs. The SSG will also monitor the status of the studies and consider items raised
from the TIGs for guidance and direction. This guidance will include defining the assumptions for
commercial systems technical characteristics and deployments, and the specific scenario(s) to be
Besides oversight of the TIGs, the SSGs will also oversee any additional planning activities conducted
with pipeline funds to support the reallocation and auction of spectrum following the technical studies.
Specific functions of the SSGs include:
Set objectives for study;
Establish TIG(s) for the bands;
Track status and oversee technical studies;
Direct, oversee, and track other planning activities conducted by agencies with SRF (pipeline)
Address schedule and resource Issues
o Agencies will provide spending and status reports semi-annually, or upon request;
Provide conflict resolution for issues raised by the TIGs;
Forward unresolved issues to the ISAC;
7/8 GHz SSG Only: Review and concur with the reports of the three TIGs prior to NTIA
integrating findings into the final report; and
Review/forward final reports to ISAC as recommendation for approval and subsequent
submission to the DOC Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information (AS).
Band Working Group (WG): WGs for the remaining three bands will be stood up by FAA, NASA, and
DoD, working collaboratively with NTIA and the FCC as co-leads, including other agencies with equities
as members. The WGs will develop recommendations to expand non-Federal and Federal access in the
5030-5091 MHz, 18.1-18.6 GHz, and 37.0-37.6 GHz bands, respectively. Specific functions of the WGs
will include:
Meet periodically to monitor the work progress;
Develop proposals for expanded operations in the bands; and
Forward recommendations to the ISAC for subsequent submission to the AS for submission to
the FCC.
Private Sector Engagement/Contributions: The primary forum for private sector engagement and
contributions will be through a multi-stakeholder forum established by NTIA. Collaboration will be co-
led by affected agenciesand specifically DoD for the 3 GHz band studyand will be ongoing
throughout the 3 GHz and 7/8 GHz band studies via the TIGs. Additionally, NTIA, in coordination with
the affected agencies and the FCC, may provide additional opportunities for private sector input, as
Interagency Spectrum Advisory Council (ISAC): The ISAC will function in accordance with its charter as
the principal interagency forum for heads of agencies to advise NTIA on spectrum policy matters and to
ensure that all decisions made by NTIA take into consideration the diverse missions of the Federal
Government. Specifically, for purposes of executing the band studies called for in the Strategy, the ISAC
Provide executive steering/oversight, as needed;
Address any issues identified as unresolved by the SSG;
Review/approve the final band report; and
Forward a recommendation to the Assistant Secretary on repurposing of bands.
Schedules of Band Studies
Lower 3 GHz (3.1-3.45 GHz): Schedule, Milestones, and Deliverables
For all Federal systems, the study will include: (1) consideration of coexistence (sharing) and moving
systems out of the band or to alternate locations; (2) compressing the frequency usage within the band;
(3) additional access below 3.1 GHz; and (4) any other mechanisms and possibilities with the potential to
allow for expanded or more efficient uses of the spectrum. Outstanding issues arising from the study
implementation, results, or recommendations (if any) will be subject to resolution as set forth in the
President's February 4, 2021, Memorandum on Renewing the National Security Council System.
Furthermore, the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff may, if it so chooses, provide a written National
Security Risk Assessment to the President through the Secretary of Defense before any decision is made
to repurpose this band.
Dynamic Spectrum Sharing
Development of a DSS Demonstration
NTIA and
Establish Spectrum Study
NTIA and DoD will set up the Lower 3
GHz Spectrum Study Group (SSG),
including identifying participants,
establishing work methods, and
planning meetings.
NTIA and
March 2024
Submit SRF Pipeline Plans for
R&D and Planning Activities
Federal agencies seeking SRF Pipeline
Act funding for research, engineering
studies, and other expenses allowed
pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 923(g)(3)(A)(iii)
will submit plans to the Technical Panel
for approval.
May 2024
Initiate engagement with
non-Federal stakeholders via
the multi-stakeholder forum
Initiate actions for first meeting via
multi-stakeholder forum to engage non-
Federal stakeholders on plans for
conducting the band study.
NTIA and
June 2024
Approval of SRF Pipeline
Plans for R&D and Planning
The Technical Panel will review Pipeline
Plans and approve/disapprove them.
June 2024 or
Target 30
Days from
Receipt of
Initiate Technical Interchange
Establish working groups by identifying
participants, establishing work methods,
and planning meetings and begin study.
NTIA and
October 2024
or Following
receipt of
SRF funding,
Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR): This is the entity primarily responsible for taking actions to achieve the
Office of Collateral Responsibility (OCR): These are additional entities identified to provide input or support to
the OPR.
whichever is
Finalize Study Plan
Draft and agree to a plan, including task
descriptions of scope of areas for
technical study, goals, objectives,
organization (including private sector
engagement), project risks, and budget
issues (if any).
NTIA and
Finalize Project Schedule
Draft and agree to a project schedule,
including start and completion dates for
key deliverables, sequencing of
activities, and interdependencies.
NTIA and
Input from Dynamic
Spectrum Sharing (DSS)
After receiving input based on
completion of DSS initiative by DoD,
consider how the DSS effort can
augment the sharing studies.
NTIA and
October 2025
Coordinate findings with
non-Federal stakeholders via
multi-stakeholder forum
Coordinate findings and iterate
appropriate section of report with non-
Federal stakeholders via multi-
stakeholder forum.
NTIA and
July 2026
Complete In-Depth Study
Execute the in-depth study consistent
with the agreed upon study plan and
project schedule, including completion
of deliverables (e.g., technical reports)
and drafting of overall study report.
NTIA and
August 2026
Final Report
Final co-written report with findings and
recommendations submitted to the
NTIA and
October 2026
5030-5091 MHz: Schedule, Milestones and Deliverables
Establish Study Working
Stand-up a working group to perform
compatibility studies, including agency
subject matter experts (SMEs) and
stakeholders willing to participate. This
will be a touch point for private sector
engagement and contributions.
March 2025
Finalize Study Plan
Draft and agree to a project plan,
including task descriptions of scope of
areas for technical study, goals,
objectives, organization, project risks,
and budget issues (if any).
April 2025
Finalize Project Schedule
Draft and agree to a project schedule,
including start and completion dates for
key deliverables, sequencing of
activities, and interdependencies.
April 2025
Complete In-Depth Study
Execute the in-depth study consistent
with the agreed upon study plan and
project schedule, including completion
of deliverables identified in the study
plan and drafting of overall study report.
Final Report
Final report with findings and
NTIA and
March 2026
7/8 GHz (7.125-8.4 GHz): Schedule, Milestones and Deliverables
For all Federal systems in the 7.125-8.4 GHz band, the study will include: (1) consideration of
coexistence (sharing) and moving systems out of the band or to alternate locations; (2) compressing the
frequency usage within the band; and (3) any other mechanisms and possibilities with the potential to
allow for expanded or more efficient uses of the spectrum. Due to the number of disparate Federal
operations in this band, NTIA, pursuant to its statutory role as the manager of Federal frequency
assignments, will lead the establishment of technical parameters and assumptions for potential
repurposing scenarios for studying this band. Agencies with equities in this band will co-lead the study
effort, including being funded and empowered to lead those portions of the study relevant to individual
agency mission requirements for the systems supported by the incumbent spectrum assignments in the
band. Outstanding issues arising from the study implementation, results, or recommendations (if any)
will be subject to resolution as set forth in the President's February 4, 2021, Memorandum on Renewing
the National Security Council System. Furthermore, the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff may, if it so
chooses, provide a written National Security Risk Assessment to the President through the Secretary of
Defense before any decision is made to repurpose this band.
Establish Spectrum Study
NTIA, in coordination with co-leads, will
stand up the group, including identifying
participants, establishing work methods,
and planning meetings. This group will
function as an executive steering group
and set objectives for the study to be
executed within the TIG.
NTIA and
March 2024
Submit SRF Pipeline Plans for
R&D and Planning Activities
Federal agencies seeking SRF Pipeline
Act funding for research, engineering
studies, and other expenses allowed
pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 923(g)(3)(A)(iii)
will submit plans to the Tech Panel for
May 2024
Initiate engagement with
non-Federal stakeholders via
the multi-stakeholder forum
Initiate actions for first meeting via
multi-stakeholder forum to engage non-
Federal stakeholders on plans for
conducting the band study.
June 2024
Approval of SRF Pipeline
Plans for R&D and Planning
The Tech Panel will review Pipeline Plans
and approve/disapprove them.
June 2024 or
Target 30
Days from
receipt of
Initiate Technical
Interchange Groups
Microwave point to point
Satellite (uplink and
downlink) systems
Stand-up a working group to perform
compatibility studies. It will function
similarly to IRAC TSC and include agency
SMEs and stakeholders willing to
participate. It also will be a touch point
for private sector engagement and
2024, or
receipt of
(uplink and downlink)
Finalize Study Plan
Draft and agree to a project plan,
including task descriptions of scope of
areas for technical study, goals,
objectives, organization (including
private sector engagement), project
risks, and budget issues (if any).
Finalize Project Schedule
Draft and agree to a project schedule,
including start and completion dates for
key deliverables, sequencing of
activities, and interdependencies.
Coordinate findings with
non-Federal stakeholders via
multi-stakeholder forum
Coordinate findings and iterate
appropriate section of report with non-
Federal stakeholders via multi-
stakeholder forum
July 2026
Complete In-Depth Study
Execute the in-depth study consistent
with the agreed upon study plan and
project schedule, including completion
of deliverables (e.g., technical reports)
and drafting of overall study report.
August 2026
Final Report
Final report with findings and
October 2026
18.1-18.6 GHz: Schedule, Milestones and Deliverables
Establish Study Working
Stand-up a working group to perform
compatibility studies, including agency
SMEs and stakeholders willing to
participate. This will be a touch point for
private sector engagement and
May 2024
Finalize Study Plan
Draft and agree to a project plan,
including task descriptions of scope of
areas for technical study, goals, objectives,
organization, project risks, and budget
issues (if any).
June 2024
Finalize Project Schedule
Draft and agree to a project schedule,
including start and completion dates for
key deliverables, sequencing of activities,
and interdependencies.
June 2024
Complete In-Depth Study
Execute the in-depth study consistent with
the agreed upon study plan and project
schedule, including completion of
deliverables identified in the study plan
and drafting of overall study report.
Final Report
Final report with findings and
May 2025
37.0-37.6 GHz: Schedule, Milestones and Deliverables
Establish Study Working
Stand-up a working group to perform
compatibility studies, including agency
SMEs and stakeholders willing to
participate. This will be a touch point for
private sector engagement and
March, 2024
Finalize Study Plan
Draft and agree to a plan, including task
descriptions of scope of areas for technical
study, goals, objectives, organization,
project risks, and budget issues (if any).
NTIA and
April 2024
Finalize Project Schedule
Draft and agree to a project schedule,
including start and completion dates for
key deliverables, sequencing of activities,
and interdependencies.
NTIA and
April 2024
Complete In-Depth Study
Execute the in-depth study consistent with
the agreed upon study plan and project
schedule, including completion of
deliverables identified in the study plan
and drafting of overall study report.
NTIA and
October 2024
Final Report
Final report with findings and
Timeline for Band Studies