Behavior Contract
A behavior contract is an agreement between the student, caregivers, and the teacher. The contract outlines
expectations for the student’s behavior. It also outlines the reinforcer for meeting or not meeting the
expectations. The contract is considered a Tier 2 behavioral intervention. It should be based on collected data
for the target behavior.
1. Preparation
Choose 1 or 2 problem behaviors which impedes the student’s access to the curriculum the
Decide upon who will implement the contract. Typically, it is a team effort between the
student, the teacher, and caregivers.
2. Negotiate with the student
Involve the student. Develop the contract with the student and caregivers to gain buy-in from
everyone to help build positive relationships, connections, and trust.
Define the expected behavior(s) or goal(s) that you want the student to perform based on
collected data. What are the criteria? For example, data shows that John can stay in his seat on
average for 15 minutes. Therefore, the initial goal is: John will remain at his workstation for 15
Decide upon reinforcers. What will the student earn for performing the expected behavior?
Ask the student, ask caregivers, give some choices, or conduct preference assessments. Make
sure the student wants to earn the reinforcer.
Plan for corrective consequences. Reteach, model and/or roleplay the expected behavior with
the student. Avoid punishment and taking things away. Consequences should teach the
expected behavior. When the student cannot earn the reinforcer, consider whether:
i. The criteria is too high
ii. The student does not have the skills
iii. The reinforcer is not motivating enough for the student
3. Follow up
Monitor the contract. Provide the reinforcer when it is earned and provide corrective
consequence when the expected behavior is not demonstrated. Use the progress monitoring
section to track whether the goal is achieved and whether the reinforcer is earned.
Revise if necessary. As the student makes progress, revise the contract by increasing the
criterion or addressing another problem behavior.
4. Things to consider:
Be fair. The student must be able to perform the expected behavior. The effort required must
match the reinforcer. The reinforcer should not be bigger than the effort.
Be positive. State the expected behavior that the student should do in specific, observable, and
measurable terms.
Be honest. Hold up your end of the contract and provide the reinforcer when it is earned.
Behavior Contract
This contract between ____________________________________________________ (student),
___________________________________________________________________ (teacher), and
______________________________________________________________ (caregiver) begins on
_________________________________(date). We developed this contract together and we will
review it ________________________ (date/time) to see if goal(s) is met
Strategies to help reach the goal(s):
If the goal(s) is met, the following reinforcer(s) will be given to ________________
Student Signature: ____________________________________________
Teacher Signature: ____________________________________________
Caregiver Signature: ___________________________________________
Progress Monitoring
Goal achieved?
Reinforcer earned?
Behavior Contract (Example)
This contract between ________________________John Smith___________________ (student),
_______________________________Ms. Mary Taylor_______________________ (teacher), and
____________________________Ms. Susan Smith_____________________ (caregiver) begins on
____________May 1, 2020___________ (date) . We developed this contract together and we will
review it ___at the end of each class everyday___ (date/time) to see if goal(s) is met.
Strategies to help reach the goal(s):
If the goals are met, the following reinforcer(s) will be given to ______John______
Student Signature: _________________ John Smith _________________
Teacher Signature: _________________ Ms. Mary Taylor _____________
Caregiver Signature: ________________ Ms. Susan Smith _____________
Progress Monitoring
Goal achieved?
Reinforcer earned?
Reinforcer(s): 10 minutes of video game time
1: John will have materials ready for his class, and he will take care of his personal
business (e.g., using bathroom, eating snacks) before class.
2: The caregiver will remind John of the expectations and to have all materials ready.
3: The teacher will provide a checklist of materials that John needs and remind him how
much time is remaining.
1: John will remain at his workstation for 15 minutes.