[Company Logo]
(if applicable)
[Company Name]
[Current Month], [Year]
[Company Name]
[Address 1]
[Address 2]
[City, State Zip]
Tel: [ ]
Fax: [ ]
Email: [ ]
Website: [ ]
No offering is made or intended by this document. Any offering of interests in [Company Name] will be
made only in compliance with Federal and State securities laws.
This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding [Company Name]. This
document is provided for informational purposes only. You may not use this document except for
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[Company Name] Business Plan
NOTE: this is the Free version of Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping
Business Plan Template. Much of the information from the paid version,
including the integrated financial graphs and charts have been removed
from this version.
The real version of Growthinks Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template is
much more than a fill-in-the-blanks template.
That template professionally guides you step-by-step so you can quickly, easily
and expertly complete your business plan.
Perhaps most importantly, it includes complete financial projections. You simply
enter some numbers (for example the # of products/services you expect to sell
and the price), and Growthinks Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template
automatically builds your 5-year Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash
Flow Statement. This service alone would cost thousands of dollars if you hired
an accountant to complete it for you.
To upgrade to the full, paid version of Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping
Business Plan Template, please go to
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 1
I. Executive Summary
Key Questions to Answer:
What does your business do?
What market need does your business solve?
What are 4-7 reasons why your business will be successful?
How much capital, if any, are you seeking for your business?
Sample from Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template:
[Company Name], located at [insert location here] is a landscaping business. We offer
landscaping care and maintenance services for both residential and commercial customers.
Products and Services
[Company Name] will provide landscaping care and maintenance services. The main services we
will offer are:
Lawn care, including mowing, fertilizing, and weed control
Insect control
Small-scale landscape design
Tree cultivation and management
Irrigation services
[Company name] will also offer snow and ice removal during winter months.
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 2
II. Company Overview
Company Profile
Where are you located?
When were you formed?
What is your legal entity form?
Company Vision/Mission Statement
What goals is your company trying to achieve?
Past Accomplishments
What successes has your company already achieved?
Sample from Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template:
[Company Name], located at [insert location here] is a landscaping services business. We offer a
comprehensive selection of lawn care and maintenance services for both residential and
commercial customers.
[Company Name] was founded by [Founder’s Name]. While [Founder’s Name] has been in
landscaping for some time, it was in [month, year] that he decided to launch [Company Name].
Specifically, in the summer preceding this decision, [Founder] was approached by several of his
regular clients who were unhappy with [Founder]’s then-current employer’s recent policy
changes. These clients revealed that this policy change resulted in their having no say over which
crew serviced their lawns. As these clients had been long-time, loyal customers of [Founder], they
each approached him to suggest he start his own landscaping company. As more and more loyal
clients approached him, [Founder’s Name] clearly understood that his own landscaping business
would enjoy significant success in this market.
Specifically, the number of loyal residential and commercial customers was significant enough
that he knew it would work. Furthermore, after surveying other homeowners and local business
owners, he confirmed the need for another reliable, experienced landscaping company in the
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 3
III. Industry Analysis
Market/Industry Overview
In what market(s) do you compete?
Market/Industry Trends
What are the key market trend(s) and how does that effect you?
Relevant Market Size
How large is your relevant market (the # of customers who can realistically
buy from you)?
Sample from Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template:
The following industry statistics bode well for [Company Name].
According to the recent report entitled, “Landscaping Services in the U.S.” by National
Association of Landscape Professionals, the industry’s annual revenue is approximately $105
billion, with an estimated gross profit of 5.5%. What’s more, the following trends are driving the
landscaping industry:
Market-level trends:
Construction. Nonresidential construction (resorts, schools, retail centers, office
buildings, etc.) that incorporate green areas drive demand for Landscaping Services.
Similarly, residential construction and home improvement spending increases demand for
Government spending. Government spending on the maintenance of parks, schools,
hospitals, and other public areas drives demand for landscaping services.
Customer-level trends:
Disposable income. Changes in per capita disposable income affect demand. Because
gardening and landscaping services are discretionary expenditures, they can be readily
canceled or deferred when households want to decrease spending. As a result, demand
for industry services typically correlates with levels of per capita disposable income.
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 4
IV. Customer Analysis
Customer Needs
What are the key needs of your target customers?
Target Customer Profile
Who are your target customers? Give a detailed demographic profile.
Sample from Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template:
[Company Name] will serve homeowners and businesses within a 10-mile radius of our location.
These potential customers are as follows:
27,827 housing units
Average income of $74,700
58.9% married
49.6% in Mgt./Professional occupations
Median age of homeowner: 38 years
1,383 businesses, of which:
o 14.5% Retailers
o 8.2% Finance & Insurance
o 5.4% Professional Services
o 0.9% Education
o 8.5% Healthcare
o 8.7% Accommodation & Food Services
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 5
V. Competitive Analysis
Direct Competitors
Who are your direct competitors? What are their strengths and
Indirect Competitors
Who are your indirect competitors? What are their strengths and
Competitive Advantage
What are your competitive advantages? Are these sustainable (can
competitors emulate them)?
Sample from Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template:
The following vending machine operators are located within reasonable driving distance of
[Company Name], thus providing either direct or indirect competition for customers:
Papa’s Landscaping
Established in 2013, Papa’s Landscaping offers residential and commercial landscaping and
maintenance, as well as environmental management services. Its services include the full range
of lawn maintenance, landscape design, debris and waste removal, tree care, and environmental
management (weed and pest control, trail maintenance, irrigation systems, etc.).
[Company Name] has an advantage over Papa’s Landscaping, in that it provides similar services
at more competitive prices. [Company Name] is certain to attract consumers who appreciate
affordable, yet high-quality services.
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 6
VI. Marketing Plan
What is your desired brand positioning?
Promotions Plan
How do you plan to promote your company’s products and/or services?
Sample from Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template:
The Marketing Plan describes the type of brand [Organization Name] seeks to create and the
Organization’s planned promotions and pricing strategies.
The [Organization Name] Brand
The [Company Name] brand will focus on the Company’s unique value proposition:
Conveniently located to provide rapid landscaping service
Employing experienced and efficient crews
Competitive pricing
Promotions Strategy
[Company Name] expects its target market to be homeowners and businesses within a 10-mile
radius of the dispatch center. The Company’s promotions strategy to reach these companies
Local Publications: [Company name] will announce its launch several weeks in advance
through publicity pieces in multiple local and regional newspapers and publications. Regular
advertisements will run to maintain exposure to relevant markets.
Direct Mail: [Company Name] will blanket the surrounding area with direct mail pieces. These
pieces will provide general information on [Company Name], offer discounts and/or provide other
inducements for homeowners and business owners to schedule services.
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 7
VII. Operations Plan
Key Operational Processes
What are the key operational processes that your organization needs to
accomplish on a daily basis to achieve success?
Business Milestones
What milestones will you need to accomplish over the next 1-3 years in
order to achieve success?
Sample from Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template:
[Company name] will carry out its day-to-day operations primarily on an appointment basis.
In order to execute on [Company Name]’s business model, the Company needs to perform many
functions including the following:
Sales Functions
Commercial contract prospecting and negotiation
Answering phone call and email inquiries
Setting consultation appointments
Administrative Functions
General & administrative functions including legal, marketing, bookkeeping, etc.
Sourcing and storing supplies
Hiring and training staff
Customer service
Equipment maintenance
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 8
VIII. Management Team
The Management Team section of the business plan must prove why the key company personnel
are “eminently qualified” to execute on the business model.
Management Team Members
Who are the key members of your management team?
Management Team Gaps
Who do you still need to hire?
Sample from Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template:
[Company Name] is led by [Founder’s Name] who has been in lawn care for 20 years. While
[Founder] has never run a landscaping company himself, he has been a crew leader for a
landscaper for 20 years. As such [Founder] has an in-depth knowledge of the operation side of
the business (e.g., running day-to-day operations) and the business management side (e.g.,
staffing, marketing, etc.).
[Founder] attended xyz College and studied Horticulture.
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 9
IX. Financial Plan
Revenue Model
In what ways do you generate revenues?
Financial Highlights
What are your topline 5-year financial projections?
Go to for
the paid template that automatically generates your 5-year financial
Funding Requirements/Use of Funds
How much money do you need to start and/or run your business? What
are the primary uses of these funds?
Sample from Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template:
Revenue and Cost Drivers
[Company Name]’s revenues will come primarily from lawn maintenance sales and service.
Labor and equipment maintenance expenses are the key cost drivers in landscape service
Specifically, the major cost drivers for the company’s operation will consist of:
Employee salaries
Landscaping supplies (weed control fabric, mulch, pest control devices and chemicals,
Fuel and maintenance for trucks and equipment
Capital Requirements and Use of Funds
[Company Name] is currently seeking $58,000 to launch. Specifically, these funds will be used as
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 10
Truck & Equipment purchases: $40,000
Other startup expenses: $6,000
Initial marketing expenditures: $2,000
Working capital: $10,000 to pay for marketing, salaries, and other costs until [Company
Name] reaches break-even
Key Assumptions & Forecasts
Below please find the key assumptions that went into the financial forecast and a summary of the
financial projections over the next five years. Please see the Appendix for more detailed financial
forecasting information.
FY 1
FY 2
FY 3
FY 4
Individual Sales/Donations
Corporate Sales/Donations
Total Revenues
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold
Initial expenditure
Total Expenses & Costs
Net Operating Loss
Use of Net Operating Loss
Taxable Income
Income Tax Expense
Net Profit Margin (%)
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 11
X. Appendix
Sample from Growthink’s Ultimate Landscaping Business Plan Template:
The following pages present detailed financial projections for [Company Name] over the next five
years. The specific tables to follow include:
Startup Costs
5 Year Annual Income Statement
5 Year Annual Balance Sheet
5 Year Annual Cash Flow Statement
Quarterly Income Statement for First 3 Years
Quarterly Balance Sheet for First 3 Years
Quarterly Cash Flow Statement for First 3 Years
[Company Name] Business Plan Page 12
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