(Signloc Closing, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the “Company” or “Signloc”)
As of 9/17/2020
This Escrow Rate Manual and Schedule of Escrow Fees is filed with the Arizona
Department of Financial Institutions, in accordance with Article 4, Chapter 7, Title 6,
Arizona Revised Statutes.
Table of Contents
General Rules
0.1 Definition of Escrow -4
0.2 Computation from Basic Rate -4
0.3 Fair Value -4
0.4 Minimum Charges, Special Risks and Work Charges -4
0.5 Rates and Charges -4
0.6 Separate Sales or Exchanges (Different Owners) -5
0.7 Transfer of Undivided Interest (When Sold Separately from Remaining Interest) -5
0.8 Unique Escrow Requirements/Additional Charges -5
0.9 Payment of Escrow Charges 5
0.10 Miscellaneous Charges and Fees -5
0.11 Reference to County -5
Chapter 1 Escrow
1.1 Sale Basic Charge Residential -5
1.2 Sale‐Basic Charge‐Commercial -5
1.3 Loan Basics Charge (1‐4SFR) -6
1.4 Loan Basic Charge (Commercial/Other than 1‐4SFR) -6
1.5 Loan Concurrent with a Sale Escrow Basic Charge -6
1.6 Loans/Construction Loans Basic Charge -6
1.7 Leasehold Basic Charge -6
1.8 Abbreviated Escrow Basic Charge‐Residential -6
1.9 Abbreviated Escrow Basic Charge‐Commercial -6
1.10 Exchange Accommodation Fee -7
1.11 Short Sale Service Fee -7
1.12 Seller's Short Sale Escrow Transaction Fee (Assisted Short Sale Fee) -7
1.13 REO Rates -8
1.14 Accelerated Escrow Rate -8
1.15 Bundled Residential Resale Service Fee. -8
1.16 Bundled Residential Refinance Service Fee. -8
1.17 FIRPTA Filing Service Fee. -8
Chapter 2 Special Rates
2.1 Investor’s Rate -9
2.2 Subdivision Rate Residential/Commercial -9
2.3 All‐Inclusive, Volume Lender Bulk Refinance Rate -9
2.4 Electronic Volume Lender Refinance Rate -10
2.5 Relocation Rate -10
2.6 Negotiated Rate -11
2.7 Document Preparation Fee -11
2.8 Competitor Rate -12
Chapter 3 Miscellaneous Charges and Fees
3.1 Banking Service Fees - 12
3.2 Copy Charge - 12
3.3 Courtesy Signing Fee - 12
3.4 Direct Transaction Fee‐Sale or Loan Escrow -13
3.5 Mobile Homes - 13
3.6 Escrow Only - 13
3.7 Electronic Document Fee -13
3.8 Express Mail Fee / Courier Fee-13
3.9 Dormant Funds/File Maintenance Fee -13
3.10 Holdback Fee - 13
3.11 Hourly Work Charge - 14
3.12 Interest Bearing Account Fee -14
3.13 Professional Signing Fee - 14
3.14 Property Inspection Fee -15
3.15 Reconveyance Tracking Fee -15
3.16 Recording and Service Fees Residential -15
3.17 Recording Fees Commercial, Builder, Developer -15
3.18 Trustee Reconveyance Fee -15
Chapter 4 Subdivision Trust Fees
4.1 Acceptance Fee -16
4.2 Annual Fee -16
4.3 Accounting and Administrative Services -16
4.4 Collection Services -18
1. General Rules
1.1 Definition of Escrow
Escrow means any transaction wherein any property, money, written instrument or evidence of title to
or possession of real personal property or other thing of value is delivered with or without transfer of
legal or equitable title, or both, and irrespective of whether a debtor/creditor relationship is created, to
a person not otherwise having any right, title or interest therein in connection with the sale, transfer,
encumbrance or lease of the real or personal property , to be delivered or redelivered by a person upon
the contingent happening or non‐happening of a specified event or performance or nonperformance
prescribed act, when it is then to be delivered by such person, grantee, grantor, promisee, promisor,
oblige, obligor, bailee, bailor, or a designated agent or employee or any of them. Escrow includes
subdivision trusts and account servicing. (A.R.S. §6‐801, as Amended).
1.2 Computation from Basic Rate
Whenever percentages of the basic escrow rates are used herein, the fee arrived at form use of the
percentage shall be rounded up to the next dollar. The subject rates shall always be applied on fair value
as defined in Section 0.3 below in multiples of $20,000.00 including any fraction thereof. The minimum
rate applies to policies up to $100,000.00. Whenever percentages of the Basic Escrow Rate are used
herein, the charge arrived at from use of the percentage shall be rounded up to the nearest dollar.
1.3 Fair Value
The fair value shall be construed as the full value of the property including the encumbrances. Where a
sale is not involved, the fair value shall be determined from all available information (i.e. amount of
encumbrances, assessed value, etc.) In no event shall it be less than the sum of the unpaid principal
balances of the mortgages and/or contracts to which the property is subject, unless such mortgages
and/or contracts provide for financing of a lender’s loan and closing costs, the mortgage provides for
advances, or the capitalization of interest, in which case the mortgages and/or contracts exceed the sales
price. The Company may be entitled to rely on the value provided by the parties to an arm’s length
1.4 Minimum Charges, Special Risks and Work Charges
The charges set forth herein are minimum charges. Additional charges will be made when special risks
are assumed, special services are provided, and an escrow requires extra time and attention. The
Company may impose a work charge at the rate of $150.00 per employee hour and charged at a two (2)
hour minimum, or portion thereof based on actual time, as stated in Section 3.11 of the Rate Manual.
Whenever the Company is requested by a proposed insured to assume less than its self‐imposed limit of
liability and purchase reinsurance to cover a part of the total policy liability, an additional amount may be
added to the schedule premium to recover the expense of reinsurance up to the self imposed limit. Any
such request shall be submitted to Management. The minimum fees set forth in this manual shall not be
decreased by any otherwise applicable rates.
1.5 Rates and Charges
All rates contained herein become effective when approved by the Department of Financial Institutions or
by operation of law.
1.6 Separate Sales or Exchanges (Different Owners)
Basic charge applicable per the Basic Escrow Rate on each separate sale in which any seller/exchanger is
involved. The applicable charge applies on the amount of each individual; sale or exchange even though
there may be on common purchaser, and the sales or exchanges are handled concurrently, and one or
more separate escrows are involved.
1.7 Transfer of Undivided Interest (When Sold Separately from Remaining Interest)
Basic Charge applicable (Basic Escrow Rate) shall be based upon the interest conveyed, the purchase price,
or the fair value thereof, whichever is the higher.
1.8 Unique Escrow Requirements/Additional Charges
In some cases, due to unusual requirements regarding the financing or development of a major project,
the Company may find it necessary to enter into contracts or agreements for various services to be
rendered and the charges to be made thereof. All such requests must be submitted to Management and
retained in the escrow file. This will allow the Company to maintain control while offering pricing which is
consistent with established escrow rates on projects of a similar nature.
1.9 Payment of Escrow Charges
Unless otherwise instructed in writing by the parties or unless specified in the Rate Manual, the Escrow
Charges and Recording/filing fees shall be paid one‐half by the buyer and one‐half by the seller Unless
otherwise instructed in writing by the parties, any charges incurred for miscellaneous or additional
service(s) provided or requested by the parties shall be charged to the person who requested the service(s)
or who will benefit from the service(s).
1.10 Miscellaneous Charges and Fees
Miscellaneous Charges and Fees shall be added to the applicable Basic Escrow Charge.
0.12 Justification for Initial Fees
All rates addressed within are initial rates/fees , and such fees have been set based upon the review of
the numerous factors including but not limited to: (1) current financial rate structure used by Signloc in
other jurisdictions; (2) vendor price quotes; (3) outstanding contracts with escrow support vendors; (4)
analysis of comparable entity rates/fees ; and (5) general market rate in the state of Arizona.
Chapter 1 Escrow
1.1 Sale Basic Charge Residential
The minimum charge of 100% of the Basic Escrow Rate shall be based upon the fair value of the property
in the escrow. The minimum charge for the Basic Escrow Rate are set as follows:
Up to $100,000.00
Maricopa/Pinal/Apache/Cochise/Gila/La Paz/ Navajo County ...............................$700.00
For Yavapai/Coconino County .................................................................................$675.00
For Mohave County ..................................................................................................$600.00
For Graham/Greenlee/Yuma County ........................................................................$525.00
Over $100,000.00 add $6.00 per $5,000.00 increment
*Includes but is not limited to the following:
Wire Processing
Standard document completion
Print costs
Courier/Overnight delivery
Preparation of Settlement Statement
Receiving and Disbursing funds
Signloc does not service counties not listed in the above fee schedule.
1.2 Sale‐Basic Charge‐Commercial
Escrow services performed in conjunction with title services shall be charged based upon the fair value
amount of the transaction, at the following rates:
1.3 Loan Basics Charge (1‐4SFR) When there is no transfer of title involved the Basic Charge
shall be: $150.00 for the first loan, plus $100.00 for each additional loan
1.4 Loan Basic Charge (Commercial/Other than 1‐4SFR) This rate will be applicable to any
loan only transaction, regardless of whether or not there is/are any existing loans to be paid off
as part of the escrow, when there is not transfer of title and when all documents are provided by
the lender, the fee shall be:
Liability Up to: Charge:
$1,000,000 $500
$1,000,001 to $3,000,000 $700
Over, $3,000,001 $1,200.00
1.5 Loan Concurrent with a Sale Escrow Basic Charge
When a loan escrow is handled concurrently with a sale, the charge shall be 100% of the Basic Charge of
a Sale Escrow, plus a $150.00 Loan Tie-in Fee.
1.6 Loans/Construction Loans Basic Charge
This Basic Charge is applicable for loans/construction loans where the lender requests additional services
such as completing property inspections, obtaining lien waivers, disbursing funds to contractors and/or
subcontractors, etc. The Basic Charge for construction loans shall be 100% of Basic Escrow Rate, plus ½ of
1% of the original amount held in escrow for future disbursements. (Does not include funds disbursed on
initial date of disbursement). This transaction requires Management approval before the close of escrow.
1.7 Leasehold Basic Charge
The Leasehold Escrow Rate (other than Oil, Gas, or Mineral Leases) shall be 100% of the Basic Rate based
upon the fair market value of the property leased or the total amount of the lease payments, whichever
is less, plus $100.00 for each lease assignment and/or modification. Escrow Rates on oil, gas, or mineral
leaseholds shall be negotiated based on the services rendered.
1.8 Abbreviated Escrow Basic Charge‐Residential
Abbreviated Escrow services are available to primary escrow holders and/or institutional lenders when
less than full escrow services may be needed or required. The charge shall be $175.00. This rate does not
include recording and filing services fees, courier fees, or wire fees.
Services available under this section are restricted to:
The receipt of funds and written instructions from the escrow holder and from a lender whose
loan will be insured.
The disbursement of such funds for the elimination of matters affecting title, but only to the
extent authorized under such instructions.
Acceptance and recordation of documents.
Additional services may be offered at our additional work charge fee (See Section 3.11)
1.9 Abbreviated Escrow Basic Charge‐Commercial
Abbreviated Escrow services are available to primary escrow holders and/or institutional lenders
when less than full escrow services may be needed or required. The charge shall be $1000.00. This
rate does not include recording and filing services fees, courier fees, or wire fees.
Services available under this section are restricted to:
The receipt of funds and written instructions from the escrow holder and from a lender
whose loan will be insured.
The disbursement of such funds for the elimination of matters affecting title, but only to
the extent authorized under such instructions.
Acceptance and recordation of documents.
Additional services may be offered at our additional work charge fee (See Section 3.11)
1.10 Exchange Accommodation Fee
When an escrow transaction involves a 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange or a simultaneous exchange of
property, the rate shall be $100.00 plus 100% of the Basic Escrow Rate for a sale escrow. This is in addition
to the Basic Rate and all other applicable fees.
1.11 Short Sale Service Fee
In addition to the Basic Escrow Fee, when (i) The Company escrows a Short Sale transaction and (ii) the
lender(s) accept less than full payment for the balance due (Short Sale) an additional facilitation charge
of $750.00shall be paid by the Seller to The Company. Said Fee shall be added to the Seller’s portion of
the Escrow Fee. However, should the lender(s) decline to allow all or a portion of said Fee, the disallowed
portion shall not apply.
1.12 Seller’s Short Sale Escrow Transaction Fee (Assisted Service Fee)
When a transaction results in one or more existing lenders accepting less than their actual amount owed
under its encumbrance (“Short Payoff” or “Short Sale”) there shall be a bundled service fee in lieu of other
miscellaneous charges that would normally be incurred by the Buyer and Seller to close the transaction.
Said Fee shall be charged to the Seller in addition to the Seller’s portion of the Basic Escrow Rate and shall
include all miscellaneous Escrow Fees inclusive of Reconveyance/Recon Tracking, Short Sale Processing
Fees, Recording Fees, Wire Fees and Courier Fees. However, should the lender(s) decline to allow all or a
portion of said Fee, the disallowed portion shall not apply. Please see below the subject Fee structure:
Transaction Amount Fee
Up to $150,000 $1,200
$150,001 to $300,000 $1,5000
$300,001 to $500,000 $1,600
$500,001 to $750,000 $1,900
$750,001 to $1,000,000 $2,100
*Per Negotiated Rate
1.13 REO Rates
This charge will be used on single family transactions wherein the Seller is an institutional lender who
acquires the property through a foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure. The rate will be $1,100.00 and
split between buyer and seller unless specified in writing by the Seller and documented in the file. This is
in addition to all other applicable fees.
1.14 Accelerated Escrow Rate
When the parties to the transaction request The Company to close escrow within 3 business days of the
receipt of the contract, the parties will be charged a $200.00 accelerated escrow fee. The party requesting
said acceleration will pay for this service. This fee is charged regardless of whether or not the transaction
actually closes within 3 business days. This fee is in addition to the Basic Escrow Rate and all other
applicable fees.
1.15 RESALE BUNDLED SERVICE FEE $300.00 The Resale Bundled Service Fee is a stand-alone fee.
This amount includes all courier/overnight mail delivery fees, wire fees and e-doc fee. If the Resale
Bundle Service Fee is not used then the standard rate for each courier/overnight mail delivery fee, each
wire fee and e-doc fee will apply. There will not be a Processing Fee (Section Q) charged when using
this rate.
Separate charges for the above services will not be assessed when the Bundled Residential Resale Service
Fee is charged, save applicable Recording Service Fees.
In transactions where the Bundled Residential Resale Service Fee is not charged, the individual associated
fee(s) will apply per type presented and approved herein.
1.16 Bundled Residential Refinance Service Fee
This fee will be charged if any of the following services are provided in conjunction with a corresponding
transaction type below:
Refinance, replacing an existing loan, adding a new loan, or adding a construction loan:
$200.00 escrow rate for the first loan, inclusive of:
o In‐branch signing services;
o Courier Fees (Up to 3);
o Electronic Document Fee;
o Express Mail Fee (Up to 2);
o Reconveyance Tracking Fee (up to 2);
o Wire‐In (up to 2);
o Wire‐Out (1)
o Up to 3 checks for installment/creditor payments
In transaction where the Bundled Residential Refinance Service Fee is not charged, the individual
associated fee(s) will apply per type presented and approved herein.
1.17 FIRPTA Filing Service Fee
A FIRPTA Filing Service Fee of $125.00 will be charged to the seller of real property for preparation of
the FIRPTA package to be files with the IRS, post‐close.
Chapter 2 Special
Rates 2.1 Investor’s Rate
This rate is available to an investor, builder, contractor, developer, sub‐divider, licensed real estate
salesperson or broker, licensed mortgage broker, or other individuals, groups of individuals or entities in
the real estate industry. Minimum Escrow Rate applies.
The charge is 70% of the Basic Escrow Rate applicable for the transaction
This rate applies only to the portion of the escrow fee that the qualifying party would be
obligated to pay in the transaction
2.2 Subdivision Rate Residential/Commercial
This rate is available to a builder, contractor, developer, or sub‐divider customarily engaged in such
business of the development and/or sale of lots located within a residential/commercial subdivision plat.
Number of Units Basic Charge
Up to 20 Units 70% of Basic Escrow Rate
21 to 31 65% of Basic Escrow Rate
Units 31 to 70 55% of Basic Escrow Rate
Units 71 to 100 50% of Basic Escrow Rate
Units 101 to 200 Units 45% of Basic Escrow
201 to 1200 Units 40% of Basic Escrow Rate
More than 1201 Units 30% of Basic Escrow Rate
Subdivision Rate Residential may not be combined with any other discount.
This rate applies only to the portion of the escrow fee that the qualifying party would be obligated
to pay in the transaction.
Note: An additional $75.00 will be deducted from each escrow fee when there are more than 500 units
and the builder, contractor, developer or sub‐divider has a dedicated transaction coordinator.
Minimum Rate: $50.00
2.3 All‐Inclusive, Volume Lender Bulk Refinance Rate
This rate is available to any Lender, Mortgage Broker, Credit Union, or any other lending entity that
processes in excess of 20 refinance transactions on an average monthly basis.
The fee for these bundled services shall be $200.00 This fee shall include all escrow service,
courier/delivery fees, wire fees, electronic document fees.
This fee shall NOT include additional services as may be required, including but not limited to
Reconveyance Tracking, Recording Fees and Professional Signing Fee.
2.4 Electronic Volume Lender Refinance Rate
This rate is available to any Lender, Mortgage Broker, Credit Union, or other lending entity that (i)
processes in excess of 20 refinance transactions on an average monthly basis and (ii) opens those
refinance orders via the Internet utilizing the Company’s online platform.
Orders are placed electronically by the originating entity, with process and delivery through
a centralized transaction management electronic platform.
Documentation is delivered and communication stored electronically via a centralized
transaction management electronic platform.
The fee for these online orders shall be $125.00. This fee shall include all escrow service,
courier/delivery fees, Reconveyance Tracking, wire fees, electronic document fees.
This fee shall NOT include additional services as may be required, including but not limited
to Recording Fees, Professional Signing Fee, or any additional document preparation
needed to support the transaction (Power of Attorney, Subordination Agreement,
additional Releases, additional Deeds, etc.)
2.5 Relocation Rate
This rate is available to persons (employee) participating a company sponsored relocation plan in
connection with the sale or purchase of an employee’s bona fide primary residence. The minimum charge
for the Basic Escrow Rate applies.
The charge is 70% of the Basic Escrow Rate applicable for the transaction. This rate applies only to the
portion of the escrow fee that the qualifying party would be obligated to pay in the transaction.
Escrow Fee shall be charged through escrow to employee, employer, or Relocation Company acting on
behalf of the parties.
2.6 Negotiated Rate
Under certain circumstances the Company reserves the right to negotiate fees. Any such negotiated rate
agreement must be approved in writing by the Management of the appropriate County and signed by all
pertinent parties. A copy of said agreement is to be placed in each escrow file for which the rate applies.
2.7 Document Preparation Fee
A fee of $125.00 shall be charged in preparation of documents that are beyond the scope of a typical
escrow transaction.
2.8 Competitor Rate
The Company shall have the ability to match another licensed escrow agent’s fee provided that (i) the
licensed escrow agent’s fee is approved by the Arizona Department of Financial Institutions, (ii) the like‐
kind fee quote from the said escrow agent is housed within The Company file and (iii) this Competitor
Rate match is approved by The Company administration.
Employees of any title insurer or title insurance agency (including employees who have retired under
normal retirement procedures, including retirement on account of illness and early retirement based on
the employer’s policies as to retirement), shall be charged an escrow rate equal to seventy-five percent
(75%) of the applicable basic escrow rate for escrow services performed in connection with the financing,
refinancing, and sale or purchase of their primary single or two family, owner-occupied residence, and
confined to those escrow fees and charges which the employee would be expected to pay by established
custom or contractual obligation as one of the parties to the transaction. Employees of The Company
shall receive complimentary escrow service in connection with the purchase, sale and loan escrow
transactions for their primary owner-occupied residence.
FORMULA: 75% of Basic Escrow Rate = Charge
Chapter 3 Miscellaneous Charges and Fees
There are a variety of services and/or products that may be necessary or required to meet the needs of
the customers of the Company. The rates included in this section shall be charged if these services and/or
products are provided, in addition to any other applicable rates charged by the Company.
3.1 Banking Service Fees
A processing fee will be charged when additional banking services are requested or required. The
following fees have been established for those services.
Wire‐Out Fees: $30.00
Banking Items: $25.00
Fee Per Check Stop Pay: $35.00
Special Banking Fee (cashiering/reissue) $25.00
Affidavit of Affixture filing $100.00
3.2 Copy Charge
Pending Litigation The following fees shall be charged when the company or the parties to any
transaction is involved in litigation:
$0.10 for each page copied plus $10.00 per hour per person for locating and making the
copies of the documents (per A.R.S. §12‐351 F1).
Post-Closing Escrow Copies The following fee shall be charged when copies of any document(s) are
requested from a closed escrow file:
$0.10 for each page copied plus $10.00 per hour per person for locating and making the
copies of the documents.
3.3 Courtesy Signing Fee
A fee for witnessing and/or notarizing signatures on loan documents or other closing packages and
documents not involving a The Company escrow account shall be charged.
Courtesy Signing Fee: $150.00
Each Additional Loan Package: $100.00
This services does not include any Miscellaneous Fees, including but not limited to Copy Charges,
Electronic Document Fees, Express Mail Fees, etc.
3.4 Direct Transaction Fee‐Sale or Loan Escrow
This charge is for the preparation of escrow instructions in the absence of a written Purchase Contract
or Loan Escrow Agreements. The rate of $150.00 shall be charged in additional to all other applicable
3.5 Mobile Homes
This charge is for transactions which require either transfer of a mobile home title or surrender as part of
an Affidavit of Affixture. This fee is in addition to any third party vendors that may be used to facilitate this
3.6 Escrow Only
An escrow specifying no title policy to be issued shall have a basic charge of 200% of the Basic Escrow Rate.
There will be no Builder or Developer/Investor discounts in conjunction with Escrow Only transactions.
These transactions must be approved by Management.
3.7 Electronic Document Fee
This fee shall be charged when lender loan document packages are received by electronic delivery
methods (i.e. e‐mail or internet) and will be charged to the customer requesting or benefiting from the
service, or as provided for in the escrow instructions.
Per Loan Package: $35.00
3.8 Express Mail Fee / Courier Fee
This fee shall be charged for each Express Mail, Overnight Mail, Federal Express, UPS, DHL, or other
delivery service, including but not limited to “Special Messenger”, and will be charged to the customer
requesting or benefiting from the service, or as provided for in the escrow instructions.
Charge per Pick‐Up or Delivery: $35.00
*Additional charges may apply under unusual circumstances, such as international deliveries or same
day/out‐of‐town deliveries. Such additional charges shall not exceed actual cost charged by third‐party
vendor or contractor.
3.9 Dormant Funds/File Maintenance Fee
Dormant Funds as evidenced by stale‐dated checks (90) days, outstanding checks, inactive escrow account
will be maintained at the following charge, beginning six months from the date the initial check was
disbursed or the date the funds became available for the disbursement. Maintenance service will include
one or a combination of the following: one written letter, three local or long distance telephone calls not
to exceed a $10.00 expense and a general index name search. Any additional service shall be charged at
the rate of $50.00 per hour (1/2 hour minimum) plus pass through charges (i.e. skip‐trace, private
investigator) up to such time as any remaining funds are properly escheated by law to the State of Arizona.
Monthly File Maintenance Fee: $25.00
3.10 Holdback Fee
The following charges shall be made when the Escrow Agent is employed by separate Escrow Instructions
to hold funds after an Escrow transaction has closed.
Set‐Up Fee for prep of company‐provided Holdback Escrow Instructions: $150.00
Monthly Maintenance Fee (or fraction thereof): $25.00
Fees shall be charged at closing and are non‐refundable. Should the Holdback extend past the
predetermined holdback period, the escrow agent shall deduct the additional maintenance fees from
the transactional funds held back.
However, these fees shall not be charged to a builder, developer or sub‐divider customarily engaged in
such business of the development and/or sale of lots located within a residential subdivision plat.
3.11 Hourly Work Charge
An hourly rate of $150.00 per hour (or any fractional portion thereof) shall be charged when unusual
conditions are encountered in the escrow, when special risks are assumed, or when special services are
provided. The transaction dynamics that support the Hourly Work Charge, as well as an accounting for the
work hours expended, shall be appropriately documented in written form within the escrow file.
3.12 Interest Bearing Account Fee
This fee shall be charged when requested to establish a separate interest bearing account for either the
buyer/borrower or seller of a transaction and will be charged to the customer requesting or benefiting
from the service, or as provided for in the escrow instructions.
Charge per Account Established: $100.00
3.13 Professional Signing Fee
This fee shall be charged if a professional signing service is employed to witness and/or notarize signatures
on loan documents or other closing packages and documents, if required to fulfill specialized needs of
clients. These situations include, but are not limited to, the following situations: Signing occurs outside of
the normal business hours maintained by The Company; Bi‐lingual (ex‐Spanish)/Hearing Impaired services
are required. If the professional signing service is required to pickup and/or deliver document packages,
Courier or Express Mail fees, shall be charged in addition to the signing fee.
Buyer/Seller and/or First Loan Package:
Additional Loan Package:
$ 175.00
$ 75.00
3.14 Property Inspection Fee
This fee shall be charged when a property inspection is required or requested in connection with the
closing of any transaction or issuance of any title insurance. This fee does not include any outside vendor
fees that may be charged.
Per Property Inspection: $150.00
3.15 Reconveyance Tracking Fee
This charge covers the additional expense of monitoring the recordation of the release document by the
lender and the additional record keeping expense of a delayed reconveyance, as well as covering charges
which may be incurred by the employment of a third party vendor to provide this service to Metro Title
Agency of Arizona Inc. This non‐refundable fee shall be charged when a loan is paid off, and if the release
document has not been furnished at the close of escrow. Recording fees are included.
For each loan: $100.00
3.16 Recording Service Fee Residential Transactions
Charge per Sale and Refinance Transaction: $75.00
This fee includes e‐recording service fees charged by outside vendors, or manual delivery of recording
documents to the applicable County Recorder’s Office and processing and mailing fees incurred by The
Company. Any excess recording fees collected shall be considered fees earned by The Company and non‐
3.17 Recording Service Fee Commercial Transactions
Charge per Sale and Refinance Transaction: $75.00
This Commercial Recording Fee is a minimum charge for recording documents with the applicable County
Recorder’s Office. If the actual charge required by the Recorder’s Office exceeds the charge for the
Commercial Transaction full document recording charge, the charge collected by The Company shall be
in multiple of $25.00, rounded up from the actual charge collected by the Recorder’s Office. This fee shall
apply to escrows handled by The Company in any County.
This fee includes e‐recording service fees charged by outside vendors, or manual delivery of recording
documents to the applicable County Recorder’s Office and processing and mailing fees incurred by The
Company. Any excess recording fees collected shall be considered fees earned by The Company and non‐
3.18 Trustee Reconveyance Fee
This non‐refundable fee shall be charged when this company acts in the capacity of a trustee under
a Deed of Trust and must execute a Deed of Release and Reconveyance in said capacity. Recording
fees shall be an additional charge.
Charge per Release Instrument: $100.00
Chapter 4 Subdivision Trust Fees
The following fees are the rate applicable for accounting and other services rendered in connection
with subdivision trust escrow pursuant to the instruction of the parties thereto.
4.1 Acceptance Fee
“Beneficiary” is hereby defined as: One married couple, or one party as his/her sole and separate
property, one partnership (general, limited or joint venture), or one corporation.
Single Beneficiary Trust:
Double Beneficiary Trust:
Junior Beneficiary Trust:
Charge per each additional Beneficiary: $25.00
4.2 Annual Fee
“Beneficiary” is hereby defined as: One married couple, or one party as his/her sole and separate
property, one partnership (general, limited or joint venture), or one corporation.
Single Beneficiary Trust: Double
Beneficiary Trust:
Junior Beneficiary Trust:
Charge per each additional Beneficiary:
4.3 Accounting and Administrative Services
Trust Agreement
Acceptance of Amendment to Trust Agreement: $50.00
Additional Parcels of Property to Trust (Fee per Additional Parcel) $25.00
Assignment of Collateral, Assignment of Beneficial Interest $50.00
Assignment of Funds or Money Assignment
Acceptance Fee $75.00
Annual Fee $75.00
Change of Payee $50.00
Fee for each Additional Payee (in excess of one) $50.00
Broker’s Commission
Acceptance Fee $25.00
Annual Fee $25.00
Fee for each Additional Broker or Payee (in excess of one) $10.00
Closing or Distribution Fee
Single Beneficiary Trust (minimum)
Double Beneficiary Trust (minimum)
Junior Beneficiary Trust (minimum)
*If all of the property in the Trust is sold or conveyed by the Trustee in the normal course of
handling the subdivision, there will be no closing or distribution fee.*
Change of Payee under Trust Obligations $50.00
Example: Decree of Distribution, Sole/Separate property after the initial acceptance of the Trust by
written notice of the Beneficiary, etc.
Collateral Assignment of Beneficial Interest
Acceptance Fee
Annual Fee
Deed Fee
Through the Company
Outside the Company
*An additional $2.50 will be charged for each lot or parcel in Excess of one (1) with a maximum
additional fee charged of $20.00
Document Extension (any miscellaneous instrument) $20.00
Easement Fee $20.00
Fees for the Holding Other Financial Instruments Savings Accounts, Impound Accounts, Time
Certificates of Deposit, Letters of Credit to be held By the Trustee for Depositories.
Acceptance Fee $75.00
Annual Fee 1/10 of 1% of Maximum Funds Held $1,000.00
Leases and/or Certificates of Purchase (State or Federal)
Acceptance Fee
Annual Fee
Transfer Fee
Option to Purchase
Acceptance Fee (If not in the original Trust) $50.00
Exercising of the Option $50.00
Review and Analysis of Trust Accounts (per hour) $50.00
4.4 Collection Services
Fees for Collection Accounts established for Agreements of Sale, Mortgages or Deeds of Trust,
Trustee Sales and Forfeitures, if permitted under the trust Agreement, shall be charged as per the
then existing fee schedule maintained by the Account Servicing Agent.
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