Special Duty Assignment Category
(SPECAT) Guide
The purpose of the SPECAT Guide is to provide additional mandatory
eligibility qualifications and requirements for special duty assignments
(Special Duty Identifiers {SDI} and Reporting Identifiers {RI}) above
qualifications and requirements listed in the Air Force Enlisted
Classification Directory (AFECD). It does not provide a unit or
organization special hiring authority. AFPC is the assignment authority
for all assignments. The SPECAT Guide is applicable to RegAF only. It is
not applicable to Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve Airmen.
24 Aug 22
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Part I, Section A:
Revision Description
24 Aug 2022
Includes Talent Marketplace (TM) as an approved platform for EQUAL-Plus
Removed entries not meeting SPECAT guidelines
Removed qualifications repeated in the AF Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD)
Identified entries requiring revalidation by 31 Dec 2022 (Red Font/Yellow Highlight)
4 Feb 2022
Updated approved requests received since 28 Jun 2021 (date of last PSDG SPECAT)
Removed entries not meeting SPECAT guidelines and not being validated
Removed qualifications repeated in the AF Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD)
Identified entries requiring revalidation by 30 Jun 2022 (Red Font/Yellow Highlight)
Included disqualification process
28 Jun 2021
Updated approved requests received since 9 Apr 2021 (date of last PSDG SPECAT)
Removed entries not meeting SPECAT guidelines
1. INTRODUCTION: AF policy for enlisted special duty assignments is contained in DAFI 36-2110,
Total Force Assignments, Attachment 10, and paragraph A10.8. This PSDG supplements the processes
and procedures IAW DAFI policy. This guide provides duties, responsibilities, and qualifications for the
special duty not listed in the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD) and directs the
assignment processes and procedures for the approved Special Duty Category (SPECAT) entries.
AFPC/DP3AM, Military Assignments Programs Branch, Email: AFPC/DP3AM SPECAT STG
Regular Air Force (RegAF) Airmen
4. REFERENCES (click on the hyperlink below for referenced documents):
DAFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments
AFPC myPers Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD)
a. This is not a stand-alone document. It does not advertise vacant special duty assignments.
Assignment advertisements are through EQUAL-Plus or the DSD Assignment process.
b. The SPECAT does not list any associated Assignment Availability Codes (AACs) related to the duty.
The Stabilized Tour Guide (STG) PSDG provides this information.
c. If viewed in Google Chrome, save to your desktop to view attachments.
d. To view all SPECAT entries and attachments, click the small arrow to the left side of the page to open
the navigation pane and select the paperclip icon to access all the attachments and click the bookmark
icon to access the SPECAT index.
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Section B:
General Information
5. General Information. There are certain requirements in the AF which cannot be satisfied by the
Enlisted Quarterly Assignment Listing (EQUAL) cycles because the position is a Special Duty Identifier
(SDI) or Reporting Identifier (RI). These requirements and qualifications, especially when combined with
other non-standard requirements, may warrant implementation of available special manning procedures
different from those used to satisfy the majority of AF requirements (change of Manning Point, utilization of
EQUAL-Plus). It may also demand more stringent requirements from Airmen and require the Airman to
perform duties outside their AFSC.
5.1. The SPECAT entries are used in conjunction with EQUAL-Plus, so Airmen will know up-front the
requirements and duty requirements before they apply. Not all units approved for EQUAL-Plus hiring
require or warrant a SPECAT entry. Most qualifications and requirements can be listed directly on the
EQUAL-Plus ad and do not require additional AFSC qualifications. Also units should utilize Personnel
Processing Codes for which an Airman must complete actions after selection of assignment. SPECAT, DSD
and EQUAL-Plus positions does not provide the unit with assignment authority or direct it to be manned at
100%. AFPC is the only authorized assignment authority for SMSgt and below IAW DAFI 36-2110.
5.2. The SPECAT entries are those special duties and positions that meet the criteria in DAFI 36-2110 and
this PSD Guide and approved by AFPC/DP3AM. The SPECAT Guide is the official AF directive providing
an approved list of SPECAT duties/positions based on the special duty performed and the special positions.
5.2.1. A special duty is when an Airman serves outside their Primary AFSC in a Special Duty Identifier
(SDI) or Reporting Identifier (RI) for a specified period and then returning to their Primary AFSC.
5.3. The SPECAT entry will provide the Duty Position/Title, the SDI, RI, or AFSC (to match the funded
UMD position with prefix, skill level and suffix), the Unit/Organization, the installation/location, the
MAJCOM, PAS Code, qualifications, application requirements, and distribution of where the application
documents must be sent.
5.4. Submissions of revalidation, changes to current entry, or request for new entry to the SPECAT Guide
must complete the SPECAT Guide Request Form (click the paperclip icon to the left of this guide), and
provide the desired SPECAT entry on word document using the entry form (see para 5.3 above), and attach
the current AFSC related AFECD entry as a word document (only provide the AFSC data from the AFECD,
do not attach the entire AFECD) in the myPers request. Entries are required to be validated every 3 years.
The owning unit/OPR is required to monitor and validate their entry. If a revalidation request has not been
submitted and approved within the established 3 year period, the entry will be removed until a new request is
submitted and approved. Some requests may take up to 3 months depending on the validation and routing
requirements. The SPECAT Guide is updated every 6 months, unless major updates warrant earlier publishing
as determined by AFPC/DP3AM.
5.5. The request must be signed by the owning Commander or Director of the unit and coordinated through
the owning MAJCOM Functional Manager to the MAJCOM/A1K for final review. The MAJCOM/A1K
staff will submit the request in myPers.
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5.6. When SPECAT approved positions are posted on EQUAL-Plus, the ad should make reference to the
corresponding Part and Duty Item Number in this SPECAT Guide, which contains the additional
requirements. For example, “Volunteers must also comply with SPECAT Guide, Part I, Item #1.1”.
5.7. Military Personnel Flights (MPF) and Commanders Support Staff (CSS) ensure this document is
available and utilized with the EQUAL-Plus PSD Guide and the EQUAL-Plus listing on Talent Marketplace
5.8. Airmen volunteering for a specific special duty assignment are considered only for the type of special
duty and locations requested.
5.9. SPECAT Guide Request Form Example:
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Section C:
Assignment Eligibility Criteria
6. PCS Eligibility. Below are the minimum PCS eligibility requirements for ALL SPECAT entries.
6.1. Time on Station (TOS). Airmen must meet TOS requirements in DAFI 36-2110, Chapter 6, paragraph
6.5 and Table 6.1. Airmen who have not met TOS requirements may still be apply and if there are no other
eligible volunteers or non-volunteers, then the Airman may be selected and AFPC will process the
appropriate waiver.
6.2. Retainability. Airmen must have or be able to obtain retainability IAW DAFI 36-2110, paragraph
6.28 and Table 6.4. Once selected and placed on assignment the Airman must obtain the required
retainability within 30 days from notification to include additional retainability as directed in the SPECAT
duty Section of this PSD Guide, or IAW the Stabilized Tour guide (STG). Although longer retainability
for the assignment may be directed, Airmen selected (as a volunteer or non-volunteer) who refuses to
obtain retainability beyond the AFI requirements, will not be penalized and an AF Form 964, PCS, TDY,
or Training Declination Statement will not be completed. The agency may elect to either accept or not to
accept the Airman if they do not obtain the additional retainability for the special duty. Retainability is not
waived as it is the amount required to ensure recoupment of PCS or training funds expended.
6.3. Date Eligible for Return from Overseas (DEROS). Airmen assigned overseas must have a DEROS
that coincides with the Report No Later Than Date (RNLTD) to ensure completion of the Department of
Defense (DoD) prescribed overseas tour IAW DAFI 36-2110, paragraph 7.5 and Table 7.4. Airmen who are
on a voluntary extension of their original tour may apply if they will complete the original tour as of the
departure date from overseas. Curtailment of a DEROS to make an Airman eligible is not authorized.
Airmen are required to complete their DoD mandated overseas tour.
6.4. Stabilized Tour. Airmen currently serving a stabilized tour are required to complete their stabilized
tour requirement IAW DAFI 36-2110, Chapter 6, paragraph 6.11, and apply for positions where their current
Assignment Availability Code (AAC) expiration coincides with the RNLTD to ensure completion of the
stabilized tour. Curtailment of or removal of an AAC to make an Airman eligible for another assignment
is not authorized. Airmen who have not completed their stabilized tour may still apply; however will only
be selected if there are no other volunteers, there are no qualified non-volunteers, and it is in the best interest
of the Air Force (for example; backfill is not required as it would create two PCS moves, selection will not
place Airmen in an earlier FY than current stabilized tour completion date, etc). The AAC will not be
deleted from the Airman’s record. It will remain on file and if selected, the AFPC assignment team will
process the appropriate waiver.
6.5. Assignment Availability Code (AAC) and Assignment Limitation Code (ALC): Airmen who have
an AAC or ALC may apply depending on the AAC or ALC restrictions in DAFI 36-2110, paragraphs 6.11
and 6.12 and Tables 3.1 and 3.2. Airmen currently serving a maximum or minimum stabilized tour may
apply if the expiration of the AAC is equal to the RNLTD or within two months. Curtailment of the AAC is
not authorized IAW DAFI 36-2110, paragraph 6.11.
7. SPECAT Eligibility. Airmen must meet the specific eligibility and qualifications listed on the
applicable SPECAT duty in this PSD Guide, the AFECD, and other requirements on the EQUAL-Plus ad.
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8. SPECAT Disqualification. Commanders follow the enlisted AFSC Disqualification process as directed
in AFMAN 36-2100, Military Utilization and Classification, Chapter 2, Classifying Military Personnel,
paragraph 2.4, Downgrading and Withdrawing AFSC, and PSD Guide: Classification Enlisted Air Force
Specialty Code (AFSC) Disqualification located on myPers (click here for the PSDG you will need to log
into myPers for the hyperlink to take you to the PSDG.
8.1. AFPC Military Classification (AFPC/DP2SSM) will review and take appropriate disqualification
actions. If the request doesn’t meet the criteria for disqualification they will direct the case to AFPC Military
Assignment Programs and Policy Business Process Owner (AFPC/DP3AM). AFPC/DP3AM BPO will
review to determine eligibility under DAFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments, paragraph 6.45 Surplus, and
sub-paragraph, for relief of duty and coordinate with the applicable AFPC/DP2 assignment team for
assignment action.
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Section D
(Click the Item Number to hyperlink to SPECAT duty)
Career Assistance Advisor (CAA)
SDI 8A100
Military Training Instructor (MTI)
SDI 8B000
Lackland AFB, TX
Maxwell AFB, AL
Keesler AFB, MS
Military Training Leader (MTL)
SDI 8B100
Academy Military Trainer (AMT)
SDI 8B200
United States Air
Force Academy
AFROTC Training Instructors (RTI)
SDI 8B300
Airman & Family Readiness Center
NCOIC/NCO; Master Resilience
Trainer Course Instructor
SDI 8C000
SDI T8C000
First Sergeant
SDI 8F000
Basic Military Training First Sergeant
SDI 8F000
Lackland AFB, TX
USAF Honor Guard
SDI 8G000
Bolling AFB, DC
Airman Dorm Leader (ADL)
SDI 8H000
Enlisted Accession Recruiter, Second
Tier Recruiter, Third Tier Recruiter
SDI 8R000, 8R200,
NCO PME Instructor, NCO PME
Academic Development
SDI 8T000, 8T100
(Non-DSD and Non-Joint)
Base Honor Guard Program Manager
SDI 8G100
Inspector General (IG)
SDI 8I000, 8I100,
Missile Facility Manager
SDI 8S000
Academic Faculty Instructor
RI 9H000
SAF Enlisted Legislative Fellow
RI 9N000
Pentagon, Arlington, VA
(Enlisted Joint, Departmental, or Agency)
DoD Courier
SDI 8P000
Defense Attaché Specialist
SDI 8P100
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(Advertising unit and CFM will review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this DSD)
(AFPC/DP2OSS is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority
for SDI qualifications rests with the 8A100 Career Field Manager.
1. Complete the Generic Special Duty Assignment Application with Commander’s recommendation
(click the paperclip icon to the left of this guide).
2. Memo/Letter: Include this statement in the additional comments: “To my knowledge, (S)MSgt (last
name) is emotionally stable, morally responsible, financially sound, and has not had a history of disciplinary
action. He/She possesses mature judgment, is highly reliable, and is diplomatic and courteous in
deportment. I have reviewed his/her records, and they do not reflect any information, which in my judgment
would preclude selection for this position.”
3. AF IMT 422A reflecting current physical profile. If Airman does not meet minimum profile requirement
the servicing medical authority must determine if condition can be waived.
4. Complete an AF 2096 and attached required documents per AFECD and IAW SDI/Local Hire
Assignment Process Personnel Services Delivery Guide (PSDG).
C. DISTRIBUTION: Submit application requirements IAW SDI/Local Hire Assignment PSDG.
Jun 2021
(AFPC/DP2OSS, AETC/A1K and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this
DSD) (AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG.
3. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver
authority for SDI qualifications rests with the 8C000 Career Field Manager.
4. Past MTIs may apply after spending a minimum of 3 years in his/her respective AFSC prior to re-
applying. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis by AFPC/DP2OSS with coordination with AFPC
Functional Assignment Manager.
1. The formal MTI Application will be e-mailed upon notification by the MTI DSD Screening Team.
2. Complete/submit the MTI application within 30 days of notification. Note: If the Airman is deployed the
timeline will be adjusted but the Airman’s leadership should work with the MTI DSD Screening Team and
Airman to try to get as much accomplished prior to the suspense date.
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3. Copies of last 3 performance reports.
4. AF Fitness assessment results from AFFMS II, to include PT history.
5. Signed memo stating, “I certify that I have no record of court-martial, non-judicial punishment, or
administrative action throughout my entire career based on sexual assault, sexual harassment, physical abuse,
or unprofessional relationships. Furthermore, I do not have a record of court-martial, non-judicial
punishment, or administrative action reflecting a lack of character or behavioral/emotional control verbal or
physical maltreatment, or financial irresponsibility.”
6. AF IMT 422A, Physical Profile, completed by a medical authority verifying: the Airman has no physical
defects and possesses physical ability to supervise and guide young Airman on a 24-hour-a-day basis;
possesses physical stamina sufficient to endure training activities and ceremonies under adverse climatic
conditions; has the ability to speak clearly/distinctly. Evaluation for mental fitness/suitability is accomplished
separately from AF IMT 422A, via MTI Psychological Evaluation Protocol, with final review/approval
recommendation by the 737 TRG Military Training Consult Service, USAF BMT.
7. Interview and feedback by the installation Command Chief. The recommendation must include an
assessment of the Airman’s maturity and an assessment the Airman’s personality does not indicate a
propensity to enter into unprofessional relationships with trainees; the Airman has demonstrated leadership
ability during previous assignments and demonstrates a capability to perform in positions of increased
responsibility as junior/senior non-commissioned officers in the Air Force.
8. Complete an evaluation at the base Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) by a psychologist, social worker, or
psychiatrist using the MTI Psychological Screening Protocol. If a psychologist, social worker, or psychiatrist
is not assigned at the Airman’s duty station, they may utilize qualified resources from other AF MTFs. The
mental health provider may obtain the current protocol by contacting 737 TRS/Military Training Consult
Service (MTCS), DSN 473-4683/8306. The evaluating clinic completes the required actions and forwards
the documentation to MTCS.
9. The MTI application process includes a multi-dimensional assessment of the Airman's work performance
behavior by 2 supervisor, plus a minimum of 3 peers (3 raters requested) of approximately the same rank and
a minimum of 3 subordinates (3 raters requested) that he/she has directly or indirectly supervised within the
past year. Additional raters may also be suggested. Raters should be assigned by the unit commander--the
Airman should not be involved in determining raters. Criteria for rater selection: coworkers that have had
sufficient direct contact with the Airman within the past year who can accurately and impartially rate the
Airman on specific work performance behaviors. The coworkers identified will need a CAC enabled
government email account-they will be sent an email invitation to complete ratings through an online tool.
The unit commander provides rater names and government email addresses to MTI DSD Screening Team
and the Military Training Consult Service. The unit commander should notify raters that they will receive an
email requesting that they provide ratings, and inform them that their responses will remain anonymous--that
they will not be seen by Airman, commander, or any unit Airman. Time suspense for completion of rater
assignment and completion of ratings is 10 duty days. Should insufficient numbers respond the unit will be
tasked to provide additional potential raters. Responses will be reviewed by the MTCS, and will not be
released to the Airman, unit, or other raters.
10. Unit commander must verify the following:
a. No record of emotional instability, personality disorder, or other unresolved mental health problems.
b. No record of substance abuse, domestic violence, or child abuse.
c. Never been convicted by a general, special, or summary courts-martial.
d. No record of court-martial, non-judicial punishment, or administrative action (Letter of Reprimand,
Letter of Admonishment, Letter of Counseling, or Record of Airman Counseling) reflecting a lack of
character or behavioral/emotional control.
e. No record of court-martial, non-judicial punishment, or administrative action (Letter of Reprimand,
Letter of Admonishment, Letter of Counseling, or Record of Airman Counseling) based on sexual assault,
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sexual harassment, physical abuse, or unprofessional relationships as defined in AFI 36-2909, Professional
and Unprofessional Relationships and/or AETCI 36-2909, Professional and Unprofessional Relationships.
f. No record of court-martial, non-judicial punishment, or Letter of Reprimand for verbal or physical
maltreatment, as defined in AETCI 36-2909, Professional and Unprofessional Relationships and 737
TRGI 36-3, Vol 6, Basic Military Training Rules of Conduct, or financial irresponsibility.
g. Never been convicted by a civilian court of Category 1, 2, or 3 offenses, nor exceeded the accepted
number of Category 4 offenses. Category 3 and 4 traffic offenses alone are not disqualifying. NOTE:
Categories of offenses are described and listed in AFI 36-2002, Regular Air Force and Special Category
Accession, Uniform Guide List of Typical Offenses.
1. Airmen will send all part A/part B application items as a PDF as they complete them to the MTI DSD
Screening Team. [email protected]
2. Airman are encouraged to contact the MTI DSD Screening Team (BMT Lackland) via email at
[email protected] or DSN 473-2402, for additional information.
MTI - SDI 8B000 (DSD) - Officer Training School (OTS) - Maxwell AFB, AL as of Jun 2021
(AFPC/DP2OSS, AETC/A1K and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this
DSD) (AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
Airmen will attend MTI School at Lackland AFB and proceed to Maxwell OTS
1. Same as MTI (Entry #A.2.)
1. Same as MTI (Entry #A.2.)
1. Same as MTI (Entry #A.2.)
MTI FUNCTIONAL MANAGER SDI 8B000 (DSD) - 2 AF - Keesler AFB, MS as of Jun 2021
(AFPC/DP2OSS, AETC/A1K and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this
DSD) (AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Same as MTI (Entry #A.2.)
2. Must be an MTI at Basic Military Training (BMT).
3. Must have at least 3 years TOS at time of PCS.
4. Must have at least 12 months of Tier 1/2 and 12 months of Tier 3 MTI experience.
5. Significant supervisory experience.
1. Letter outlining desire to fill position.
2. Letter(s) of recommendation.
3. Official Biography (without photo) (Refer to AFH 33-337), Tongue and Quill, dated 27 May 2015), (click
the paperclip icon to the left of this guide for example Biography).
4. Last 3 EPRs.
5. AF Fitness Assessment results from AFFMS II.
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6. vMPF Data Verification Brief.
7. Must be recommended by the 37 TRW Commander and Command Chief prior to applying.
8. Formal interviews will be conducted.
9. Click EQUAL-Plus button in EQUAL-Plus ad.
10. Update assignment preference to Keesler AFB in vMPF.
1. Same as MTI (Entry #A.2.)
2. Scan all application documents into a single PDF file.
3. Email formal application to [email protected].
A.3. MILITARY TRAINING LEADER (MTL) - SDI 8B100 (DSD) as of Jan 2022
(AFPC/DP2OSS, AETC/A1K and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this
(AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Unless specified,
waiver authority for SDI qualifications rests with the 8B100 Career Field Manager.
1. SSgt thru MSgts (DSD):
1.1. Upon notification and receipt of packet from AETC, Airmen have 15 days to submit the completed MTL
application package to [email protected] .
1.2. For extension beyond the 15 day suspense, contact 2 AF/A3M MTL Office, DSN: 591- 8693/8696.
Failure to request an extension will result in notification to the Airman’s Chain of Command.
1.3. Missed suspense’s are reportable to the Airman’s MAJCOM. If the Airman is deployed, the Airman’s
leadership should contact 2 AF/A3M and have the Airman submit what they can prior to the suspense.
2. SMSgts (EQUAL-Plus):
2.1. Contact [email protected] for application packet.
2.2. Volunteer through EQUAL-Plus.
3. Application Requirements:
3.1. Submit the following documents in a single PDF format (NOT a portfolio).
a. Page 1 and 2 of the application packet. Packet must be filled in with “Psychologist, Social Worker, or
Psychiatrist Evaluation” block completed on page 1 and Commander’s and Command Chief’s
recommendation/signature annotated on page 2.
b. Complete an evaluation at the base Medical Treatment Facility by a psychologist, social worker, or
psychiatrist using the Military Training Instructor Psychological Screening Protocol. If a psychologist,
social worker, or psychiatrist is not assigned at the Airman’s duty station, the Airman may utilize qualified
resources from other AF MTF. The evaluating clinic completes the required actions then documents the
Airman’s qualification status on the MTL application. DO NOT submit results from the Psychological
Screening. Do not alter the verbiage of the statements on page 2.
c. AF IMT 422, Notification of Air Force Member’s Qualification Status, completed by a medical authority
verifying the Airman has no physical defects or mental disorders and possesses the mental and physical
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ability to supervise and guide young Airman on a 24-hour-a-day basis; possesses physical stamina
sufficient to endure training activities and ceremonies under adverse climatic conditions; has the ability to
speak clearly/distinctly; and includes no record of emotional instability, personality disorder, or other
unresolved mental health problems that interfere with the ability to perform MTL duties. AF IMT 422 must
include the following statements/information in the remarks: "The Airman has no physical defects or
mental disorders that would hinder performance. Airman possesses the mental and physical ability to
supervise and guide new Airmen on a 24-hour-a-day basis and possesses physical stamina sufficient to
endure training activities and ceremonies under adverse climate conditions. Airman has the ability to speak
distinctly." If Airman does not meet minimum profile requirements, the medical authority must determine
if the condition can be waived and must annotate their recommendation of MTL duty on the form.
d. Copy of the last 3 Enlisted Performance Reports. In order of most recent to oldest.
e. Provide current AF Physical Fitness assessment results printed from AFFMS II.
f. A signed memo stating, “I certify that I have no record of court-martial, non-judicial punishment, or
administrative action throughout my entire career based on sexual assault, sexual harassment, physical
abuse or unprofessional relationships. Furthermore, there is no record of court-martial, non-judicial
punishment, or administrative action reflecting a lack of character, behavioral/emotional control, verbal or
physical maltreatment, or financial irresponsibility within the past three years.”
g. SMSgt applicants only: Current Official Biography (without photo) (Refer to AFH 33-337), Tongue and
Quill, dated 27 May 2015), (click the paperclip icon to the left of this guide for example Biography).
h. SMSgt applicants only: A memorandum stating a desire to fill the position.
3.2. Unit commander must verify the following:
a. No record of emotional instability, personality disorder, or unresolved mental health problems.
b. No record of substance abuse, domestic violence, or child abuse.
c. Never been convicted by a general, special, or summary courts-martial.
d. No record of court-martial, non-judicial punishment, or administrative action (Letter of Reprimand,
Letter of Admonishment, Letter of Counseling, or Record of Individual Counseling) reflecting a lack of
character or behavioral/emotional control or dereliction of duty.
e. No record of court-martial, non-judicial punishment, or administrative action (Letter of Reprimand,
Letter of Admonishment, Letter of Counseling, or Record of Individual Counseling) based on sexual
assault, sexual harassment, physical abuse, or unprofessional relationships as defined in AFI 36-2909,
Professional and Unprofessional Relationships and/or AETCI 36-2909, Professional and Unprofessional
f. No record of court-martial, non-judicial punishment, or Letter of Reprimand for verbal maltreatment, as
defined in AETCI 36-2909, Professional and Unprofessional Relationships.
g. Never been convicted by a civilian court of Category 1, 2, or 3 offenses, nor exceeded the accepted
number of Category 4 offenses. Category 3 and 4 traffic offenses alone are not disqualifying. NOTE:
Categories of offenses are described and listed in AFI 36-2002, Regular Air Force and Special Category
Accession, Uniform Guide List of Typical Offenses.
1. Email single PDF file to [email protected] NLT the ad close-out date. Contact 2AF/A3M staff if
an extension to this deadline is needed
2. Contact the 2 AF/A3M team for additional information at DSN: 591-8693/8694/8696.
MTL STAFF & INSTRUCTOR - SDI 8B100 (DSD) 2 AF, Keesler AFB, MS as of Jun 2021
(AFPC/DP2OSS, AETC/A1K and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this
DSD) (AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
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1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority for
SDI qualifications rests with the 8B100 Career Field Manager.
4. Must be currently serving as an MTL (8B100).
5. Airman must be recommended by their Squadron Commander and Command Chief.
1. Airmen must select the volunteer button in EQUAL-Plus to be considered a volunteer for the assignment.
2. Current Official Biography (without photo) (Refer to AFH 33-337), Tongue and Quill, dated 27 May
2015), (click the paperclip icon to the left of this guide for example Biography).
3. Letter outlining desire to fill position.
4. Letter(s) of recommendation.
5. Last 3 EPRs.
6. AF Fitness Assessment results from AFFMS II.
7. vMPF Data Verification Brief.
8. Scan all items above into a single PDF file.
1. Email single PDF file to [email protected] NLT the ad close-out date. Contact 2AF/A3M Staff if
an extension to this deadline is needed
2. Contact the 2 AF/CMTO team for additional information at DSN: 591-8693/8694/8696.
Springs, CO as of Feb 2022
(AFPC/DP2OSS and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this DSD)
(AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority for
SDI qualifications rests with the 8B200 Career Field Manager.
4. Supervisory experience.
5. Must have demonstrated leadership ability during previous assignments and a capability to perform in
position of increased responsibility as a NCO/SNCO.
6. Ability to lead and have empathetic understanding of the challenges of young cadets away from home in a
new environment.
1. Upon notification and receipt of packet from 8B200 CFM, Airmen have 30 days to submit the completed
AMT application package to [email protected]. For extension beyond the 30 day suspense, contact 8B200
CFM, DSN: 333-6450.
2. Copies of last five performance reports.
3. Official Biography (without photo) (Refer to AFH 33-337), Tongue and Quill, dated 27 May 2015), (click
the paperclip icon to the left of this guide for example Biography).
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4. Evaluation for mental fitness/suitability is accomplished at the base MTF by a psychologist, social worker,
or psychiatrist using the Academy Military Trainer Psychological Screening Protocol and Shipley screener.
The mental health provider may obtain the current protocol by contacting 737 TRG/Military Training
Consult Service (MTCS), DSN 473-8306/4683. The evaluating provider must complete the required actions
and keep the records in the clinic.
5. Provide AF IMT 422A, Physical Profile, completed by a medical authority verifying the Airman has no
physical defects and possesses physical ability to supervise and guide cadets on a 24-hour-a-day basis,
possesses the physical stamina sufficient to endure training activities and ceremonies under adverse climate
conditions, has the ability to speak distinctly, and recommendation statement (Recommend for AMT Duty /
not recommended for AMT Duty).
a. Statement on 422A should read: "I have reviewed the Psychological Screening results, Shipley
IQ results, and the Airman’s medical records and are recommended for AMT Duty. They reveal no
history of psychiatric problems, current alcoholism/problem drinking, drug use after entry on
active duty, or other chronic medical problems. The Airman has no physical defects/mental
disorders and possesses the mental/ physical ability to supervise and guide new cadets on a 24-
hour-a-day basis. He/she possesses the physical stamina sufficient to endure training activities and
ceremonies under adverse climate conditions. Airman has the ability to speak distinctly.”
6. Submit recent (w/in 90 days) fitness assessment results from AF Portal. Must include entire fitness history.
7. Current SURF from AMS.
1. Email single PDF file to [email protected]. For additional information call DSN 333-6450.
DETACHMENTS as of Jan 2022
(AFPC/DP2OSS, AETC/A1K and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this
DSD) (AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority for
SDI qualifications rests with the 8B300 Career Field Manager
1. Complete the Generic Special Duty Assignment memo (click the paperclip icon left of this guide).
2. Copies of last 3 performance reports.
3. Air Force Fitness Assessment results from AFFMS II, to include PT history.
4. Current SURF from AMS
5. Signed memo stating, “I certify that I have no record of court-martial, non-judicial punishment, or
administrative action throughout my entire career based on sexual assault, sexual harassment, physical abuse,
or unprofessional relationships. Furthermore, I do not have a record of court-martial, non-judicial
punishment, or administrative action reflecting a lack of character or behavioral/emotional control verbal or
physical maltreatment, or financial irresponsibility.”
1. E-mail completed part A/part B application items as a PDF as they complete them to the RTI DSD
Screening Team at [email protected]
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2. Airman are encouraged to contact the RTI DSD Screening Team via e-mail at
[email protected] or DSN 493-2278 for additional information.
(AFPC/DP2OSS and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this DSD)
(AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority for
SDI qualifications rests with the 8C000 Career Field Manager.
1. Obtain commanders recommendation prior to applying.
2. Interview with A&FR Flight Chief or designee may be requested.
1. Overseas at Short Tour locations and T-prefix only: Provide application to the A&FRC advertising the
requirement. Contact the POC on the advertisement for mailing address.
A.7. FIRST SERGEANT SDI 8F000 (DSD) as of Feb 2020
(AFPC/DP2OSS and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this DSD)
(AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG and AFI 36-2113, The First Sergeant.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority for
SDI qualifications rests with the 8F000 Career Field Manager.
1. Complete the First Sergeant Special Duty Application (located on myPers). Unit Commander must
interview the Airman and make a recommendation using the Electronic First Sergeant Special Duty
Application. Using the Electronic (myPers) First Sergeant Special Duty Application the Unit Commander
must verify: “To my knowledge, Airman is emotionally stable, morally responsible, financially sound, and
has not had a history of disciplinary action (i.e. UIF, LOR, Control Roster). I have reviewed the Airman’s
records, and they do not reflect any information, which in my judgment would preclude selection of the
Airman for this position.” I concur with the member’s volunteer status for First Sergeant.
2. Upon selection provide the following to Installation Command Chief:
a. Completed First Sergeant Special Duty Application.
b. Copies of last 3 performance reports.
c. AF IMT 422A, Physical Profile-Serial Report.
d. Records Review RIP and AMJAMS.
e. Fitness RIP (AFFMS II).
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1. Wing/CCM forwards application via electronic form to MAJCOM MFM/CCF for approval. MFM/CCF
forwards complete application to AFPC/DP2OSS 8F000 FAM.
Apr 2020
(AFPC/DP2OSS and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this DSD)
(AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG and AFI 36-2113, The First Sergeant.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority for
SDI qualifications rests with the 8F000 Career Field Manager.
4. Grade E7/MSgt with at least 1 year experience as an 8F000/First Sergeant.
1. Commander Recommendation Letter: This will include the following: "I have interviewed the Airman and
find him/her qualified for First Sergeant duties in a BMT unit. The Airman’s records do not reflect any
incidents of sexual harassment, discrimination, or any information that would preclude selection of the
Airman for this position."
2. Copies of last 5 performance reports.
3. Records Review RIP
4. Complete an evaluation at the base MTF by a psychologist, social worker, or psychiatrist using BMT First
Sergeant psychological screening. Administer Shipley 2. If a psychologist, social worker, or psychiatrist is
not assigned at the Airman’s duty station, the Airman may utilize qualified resources from other AF MTFs.
The mental health provider may obtain the current protocol by contacting 737 TRG/Military Training
Consult Service (MTCS), DSN 473-9386. The evaluating clinic completes the required actions and forwards
the documentation to MTCS at [email protected]il.
5. The BMT First Sergeant application process includes a multi-dimensional assessment of the Airman's
work performance by his/her supervisor, 2-3 coworkers of approximately the same rank, and 2-3
subordinates. Raters should be assigned by the unit commander and additional raters may be suggested. The
raters must have had sufficient direct contact with the Airman within the past year and can accurately and
impartially rate the Airman on specific work performance behaviors. The coworkers will be invited to
complete an on-line survey. The unit commander should notify raters they will receive an email requesting
that they provide ratings, and inform them that their responses will remain anonymous--they will not be seen
by the Airman, commander, or any unit Airman. Suspense for completion of rater assignment/ratings is 10
duty days. Responses will be reviewed by the Military Training Consult Service, and will not be released to
the Airman, unit, or other raters. E-mail [email protected] with questions about
multidimensional assessments.
6. AF IMT 422A, Physical Profile, completed by medical authority verifying: the Airman has no physical
defects or mental disorders and possesses the mental and physical ability to supervise and guide young
Airmen on a 24-hour-a-day basis; possesses physical stamina sufficient to endure training activities and
ceremonies under adverse climatic conditions; and has the ability to speak distinctly.
7. Copy of most recent Air Force Physical Fitness Test results from the AF Portal.
1. Wing CCM forwards application via electronic form to e-mail address listed on EQUAL-Plus ad.
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A.9. USAF HONOR GUARD - SDI 8G000 (DSD), Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, DC as of Jun 2021
(AFPC/DP2OSS and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this DSD)
(AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority for
SDI qualifications rests with the 8G000 Career Field Manager.
1. Memorandum from current squadron commander, or equivalent, certifying that Airman fully meets the
requirements outlined in qualifications above and he/she has reviewed Airman’s PIF and it does not contain
any derogatory information.
2. One copy of a records review listing (SURF).
3. Copies of last 5 EPRs
4. SrA must provide two letters of recommendation (Chief Enlisted Manager and one additional letter, from
Airman’s choice).
5. SMSgt must provide two letters of recommendation from the Airman’s choice.
6. DD Form 2808, Report of Medical Examination
7. AF IMT 422A indicating profile, certify ability to lift 40 lbs and height verified by a doctor.
8. SrA & SMSgts: In Airman’s remarks section of application form, submit a paragraph, 50 words or less,
specifying why you would like to be selected for a position with the USAF Honor Guard.
9. Current Airman Fitness Report. Must be less than 6 months old and include BMI.
10. USAF Honor Guard Authorization for Release of Information. Available electronically at
1. Complete application package and forward to http://www.honorguard.af.mil/recruiting
A.10. AIRMAN DORM LEADER - SDI 8H000 (DSD) as of Jun 2021
(AFPC/DP2OSS and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility for this DSD)
(AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in AFI 32-6005, Unaccompanied Housing Management.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority for
SDI qualifications rests with the 8H000 Career Field Manager.
1. Complete the Generic Special Duty Assignment Application with Commander’s recommendation
(click the paperclip icon to the left of this guide).
2. Last 3 performance reports
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4. Fitness Assessment History
5. AF Form 422, Notification of Air Force Member’s Qualification Status
6. Automated Military Justice Analysis Management (AMJAM) report
7. CONUS and Overseas Long Tour nominees, host installation CCM conduct interviews IAW AFI 32-6005.
8. Overseas Short Tour nominees, will be vetted by the CE MFM Cell and the local hiring authority.
1. Airmen in CONUS or at OS-Long tours, submit scanned PDF application to the installation CCM or
delegated POC, for use in the mandatory interview IAW AFI 32-6005.
2. Airman at OS-Short tours will submit scanned PDF application to the AFIMSC Civil Engineer MAJCOM
Functional Manager Cell [email protected]
8R200, THIRD-TIER RECUITER 8R300 as of June 2021
(AFPC/DP2OSS, AETC/A1KA, AFRS and the advertising unit review and validate an Airman’s eligibility
for this DSD) (AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
APPLIES TO 8R000/8R200/8R300
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority for
SDI qualifications rests with the 8R000 Career Field Manager.
8R000 - Enlisted Accession Recruiter
1. Must be a 2nd term/Career Airmen SrA, SSgt, or TSgt.
2. When considering each Airman, all available documentation and records (Airman Records, AMJAMs,
Clearance, Local/National Law Violations checks) that relate to items including any adverse actions, criminal
investigation, NJPs, or military justice issues associated with the Airman’s name will be assessed by the
hiring authority.
3. Must possess a minimum dental classification of II, and have the ability to communicate well with
audiences. Exceptions to the physical profile will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the hiring
authority. Mental Health review will be evaluated (in person appointment not required).
4. Tattoo placement, size and nature will be evaluated and must meet/exceed AFI 36-2903 standards.
5. PT exemptions will be considered on a case by case basis by the hiring authority.
6. Married Airmen must demonstrate strong family bonds with mature emotional support.
7. Airmen selected from the DSD nominative list, will be contacted by the Recruiter Screening Team with
instructions for completing the application and explaining the hiring process. Additional information
concerning USAF Recruiting duty may be obtained through the Portal: Search on “Become a Recruiter” or
8. Airman with shaving waivers are acceptable candidates.
8R200/8R300 - Second Tier Recruiter and Third Tier Recruiter
1. Must be a SSgt select through CMSgt.
2. Must have a “Met all expectations”, “Exceeded some, but not all expectations” or “Exceeded most, if not
all expectations” on the last three EPRs.
3. Have a minimum dental class II. Waivers must be requested and fully documented.
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4. Must be outstanding in appearance, military bearing, conduct, and past performance.
5. Must not have consecutive fitness test failures.
6. No record of specific prohibitions and responsibilities and or irregularities IAW AFRSI 36-2001
1. For information about nomination and selection for USAF Recruiting duty visit myPers and review the
PSDG located at: https://mypers.af.mil/app/answers/detail/a_id/27577/kw/dsd/p/10 or contact the Recruiter
Screening team DSN: 487-0584 or Commercial: 210-565-0584.
2. Prior recruiters desiring to apply to return to this DSD should contact the Recruiter Screening Team at
DSN: 487-0584 or Commercial: 210-565-0584.
(DSD) as of Jun 2021
(AFPC/DP2OSS, AETC/A1KA, MAJCOM PME OPR and the advertising unit review and validate an
Airman’s eligibility for this DSD) (AFPC is the final assignment selection authority)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the DSD PSDG.
3. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority for
SDI qualifications rests with the 8T0/8T1 Career Field Manager.
1. Complete the Generic Special Duty Assignment Application with Commander’s recommendation
(click the paperclip icon to the left of this guide).
2. Official Biography (without photo) (Refer to AFH 33-337), Tongue and Quill, dated 27 May 2015), (click
the paperclip icon to the left of this guide for example Biography).
3. Copies of last 3 performance reports.
4. AF IMT 422A or medical statement reflecting current physical profile. If Airman does not meet minimum
profile requirement the servicing medical authority must determine if condition can be waived and annotate
that on the form.
5. Complete AF Physical Fitness Assessment history from the AF Portal.
6. Telephone or In-Person Interview: Gaining Commandant for Academy positions and
Dean/Superintendent of Academic Affairs for Barnes Center positions.
1. E-Mail application to the PME School advertising the requirement and AETC/A1KA Enlisted
Development Branch. Contact the POC on the advertisement for mailing address. For additional information
on PME duty, contact the nearest Airman Leadership School, NCO Academy, SNCO Academy leadership
team, or Barnes Center.
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(Non-DSD and Non-Joint)
(AFPC is the final assignment selection authority for non-local hires.) (Requires Revalidation by 31
Dec 2022)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority
for SDI qualifications rests with the 8G100 Career Field Manager.
1. Airmen must select the volunteer button in EQUAL-Plus to be considered a volunteer for the assignment.
2. Memorandum from current squadron commander, or equivalent, certifying Airman fully meets the
qualifications requirements and he/she has reviewed Airman’s PIF and contains no derogatory information.
3. One copy of a records review listing (SURF).
4. Copies of last three performance reports must demonstrate consistently high standards of character,
discretion, loyalty and performance. Must have an overall performance assessment rating of "AC-Exceeded
some, but not all expectations" with overall rating of “PROMOTE” or higher.
5. Must provide two letters of recommendation; one from Squadron/CC and one additional letter from
person of applicant’s choice.
6. If used, personal letters must be 50 words or less specifying why you would like to be selected for the
Base Honor Guard Program Manager position.
1. Local Hire: Complete application package and forward to your local base 8G100 SDI POC. Must be
selected by installation SDI owning authority to fill the Base Honor Guard Program Manager position.
2. Non-local Hire: Complete application package and forward to POC on EQUAL-Plus ad. Upon closure
of the EQUAL-Plus date, the organization POC will review applications and forward the names of the
qualified Airmen to AFPC/DP2OSS. AFPC/DP2OSS will select the most PCS eligible and qualified
Airman. AFPC is the final assignment selection authority.
the AF at MAJCOM, NAF, and Wing - as of Feb 2021
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD) (only for 8IXXX).
Waiver authority for SDI qualifications rests with the 8I100 Career Field Manager.
1. Airmen must select the volunteer button in EQUAL-Plus to be considered a volunteer for the assignment.
2. Commander’s recommendation for assignment and reenlistment to include the following: "I have
personally interviewed the Airman, reviewed her/his records, and have determined that she/he is fully
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qualified for this assignment based upon established standards. Furthermore, I have no knowledge of, and
base law enforcement records do not reveal, any delinquencies or criminal tendencies on the part of the
Airman. Airman possesses high moral standards and excellent military bearing and meets Air Force
standards. Airman is financially responsible and solvent. There are no other factors existing, to my
knowledge that would preclude Airman from being assigned to The Inspector General Staff.
3. Must provide copies of last three performance evaluations.
4. Must provide SURF.
5. Must provide current fitness assessment report.
6. Must complete an interview either teleconference, VTC, or in person with the hiring organization.
1. Compile all information into a single PDF file and e-mail application to the POC listed advertising the
EQUAL-Plus position.
2. Upon closure of the EQUAL-Plus date, the organization POC will review applications and forward the
names of the qualified Airmen to the AFPC Assignment Team for consideration.
3. The AFPC Assignment Team will select the most PCS eligible and qualified Airman. AFPC is the final
assignment selection authority.
B.3. MISSILE FACILITY MANAGER - SDI 8S000 (Requires Revalidation by 31 Dec 2022)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD). Waiver authority for
SDI qualifications rests with the 8S000 Career Field Manager.
1. Airmen must select the volunteer button in EQUAL-Plus to be considered a volunteer for the assignment.
2. Copies of last five performance reports.
3. Complete the Generic Special Duty Assignment Application Template (click the paperclip icon to the left
of this guide).
4. AF IMT 422A, Medical/Dental Statement.
5. Written statement from Airman acknowledging normal duty requirement of 72 hour shifts at remote
6. Copy of SURF from AMS.
7. Copy of Fitness Test History from Air Force Fitness Management System.
1. Email application to POC on EQUAL-Plus ad.
2. Upon closure of the EQUAL-Plus date, the organization POC will review applications and forward the
names of the qualified Airmen to the AFPC Assignment Team for consideration.
3. The AFPC Assignment Team will select the most PCS eligible and qualified Airman. AFPC is the final
assignment selection authority.
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD).
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1. Airmen must select the volunteer button in EQUAL-Plus to be considered a volunteer for the assignment.
2. Complete the USAFA Instructor Duty Request Template memo (click paperclip icon left of this guide).
3. Copy of AF IMT 422A with current PULHES and statement: "Airman’s medical records have been
reviewed and there is no history of alcohol/drug abuse. Airman is able to endure long periods of standing on
a daily basis and has a good speaking voice with no speech impediment.” If Airman does not meet minimum
profile requirement, the servicing medical authority must determine if condition can be waived and must
annotate that on the form.
4. Copy of most recent Air Force Physical Fitness Test results from the AF Portal.
5. Copies of last three EPRs.
6. Records review RIP (CDB or SURF) from vMPF or AMS.
7. The required documents must be completed and provided to the hiring authority no later than the ad close
out date.
8. In addition to the above requirements, a brief volunteer statement includes the following:
a. Your reason for wanting to be an instructor at USAFA
b. The Academy department(s) or mission areas of interest. Applicants can find more information for each
department on the USAFA web page at https://www.usafa.edu/academics/departments/
c. Contact information (to include e-mail address, DSN and commercial number)
d. Transcript copies from undergraduate and graduate education (unofficial copies are acceptable)
e. Once volunteer statement is signed, the memorandum should be endorsed by the first Command Chief
and O-6 in the Airman’s chain of command.
1. For USAFA applicants, send completed application (scanned) to [email protected]. Airmen may
contact USAFA/A1K at DSN 333-2249 for additional information.
2. Upon closure of the EQUAL-Plus date, the organization POC will review applications and forward the
names of the qualified Airmen to the AFPC Assignment Team for consideration.
3. The AFPC Assignment Team will select the most PCS eligible and qualified Airman. AFPC is the final
assignment selection authority.
the Air Force, Legislative Liaison Office (SAF/LL), Pentagon, Arlington, VA as of 24 Aug 2021
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. Must meet qualifications directed in the AF Enlisted Classification Guide (AFECD).
3. Must have 3 years retainability and serve 3 year tour.
4. Ability to speak clearly and communicate well with others.
5. Must have high standards of military appearance, image, military bearing and conduct.
6. Candidate must not have history of derogatory information.
7. Current passing Fitness Test score.
8. Knowledge of current events in national security affairs, international relations, and working knowledge of the
current National Defense Strategy.
1. All applicants must click the button and submit a formal application to be considered prior to 30 November of
the current year. Failure to complete both, renders you ineligible. If you cannot click the button, email POC #1
listed below
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2. Official Biography (without photo) (Refer to AFH 33-337), Tongue and Quill, dated 27 May 2015), (click
the paperclip icon to the left of this guide for example Biography).
3. Consolidated SURF from Assignment Management System.
4. Copies of last three Enlisted Performance Reports.
5. Completed Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment history from the AF Portal.
6. Memorandum for Record which includes: full name, SSN, grade, current position title, organization address,
work telephone number, email address, home address, home telephone number, and the following required
statement: "I agree to remain on active duty for at least three years after selection for this fellowship. I agree not
to request separation or retirement while participating in the program."
7. Memorandum for Record indicating the reason for applying to the program, the relevance of the fellowship to
career goals, and how the fellowship will be utilized.
8. Endorsement Letter from Senior Rater, with contact information, to include e-mail address and phone number
1. Compile all information into a single PDF file and e-mail application to POCs on EQUAL-Plus ad.
2. Upon closure of the EQUAL-Plus date, the organization POC will review applications and forward the names
of the qualified Airmen to the AFPC Assignment Team for consideration.
3. The AFPC Assignment Team will select the most PCS eligible and qualified Airman. AFPC is the final
assignment selection authority.
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(Enlisted Joint, Departmental, or Agency)
C.1. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE COURIER SDI 8P000 as of Sep 2018 (Requires Revalidation
by 31 Dec 2022)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. SSgt CMSgt; only grade specified in the EQUAL-Plus ad may apply.
3. Only AFSC(s) specified in the EQUAL-Plus ad may apply.
4. Must have an overall performance assessment rating of "LC-Exceeded most, if not all expectations" or
"AC-Exceeded some, but not all expectations" on last three performance reports.
5. Must have excellent military bearing, appearance, and high moral standards; no UIF, Article 15,
history of financial instability or other disciplinary actions within last 5 years.
6. Must be a US citizen.
7. Minimum 'General' ASVAB score of 44.
8. Airman will be required to operate a wide array of material handling equipment.
9. Must have current Air Force Physical Fitness assessment on all components IAW AFI 36-2905.
Airman must have scored 80 or above on last two fitness tests or 90 or above on most recent fitness
test; no failures on any portion within the last 12 months. Additionally, application must have no
current PT exemptions with the exception of those due to pregnancy and/or deployment.
10. Minimum physical profile of at least 111221 with ability to lift 50 lbs or more; must not have any
condition that prevents frequent travel in vehicles or aboard aircraft.
1. Airmen must select the volunteer button in EQUAL-Plus to be considered a volunteer for the assignment.
2. Copies of last 5 EPRs. If less than 5, submit all final EPRs as of the EQUAL-Plus ad close out date.
3. Signed Commander’s Recommendation Letter
4. Copy of valid/current state driver's license.
5. Current AF FM 422 showing PULHES
6. Current AFFMS Fitness report
1. Email or mail application package to address provided in the EQUAL-Plus ad. For additional information,
contact the POC listed in the EQUAL-Plus ad.
2. Upon closure of the EQUAL-Plus ad, the eJDA POC will review applications and identify all who meet the
qualifications. AFPC/DP2OSS and the eJDA POC will select the most PCS eligible and qualified Airman.
3. AFPC is the final assignment selection authority.
C.2. DEFENSE ATTACHE SPECIALIST 8P100 (Requires Revalidation by 31 Dec 2022)
1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW DAFI 36-2110.
2. SSgt thru SMSgt for OPSCO and OPSNCO positions.
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Last Modified: 24 Aug 2022
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3. Have a record of military service that shows overall outstanding performance, competence/proficiency
in the Airman’s primary career specialty, and the ability to work well with others.
4. Must be qualified for worldwide duty with no physical restrictions.
5. Possess or be able to obtain a valid state vehicle operator’s permit.
6. Ability to speak and write English clearly and distinctly.
7. Must have a current score of 75 or greater on the Air Force Fitness Assessment (must not be enrolled
in a mandatory fitness program).
8. Be a citizen of the United States and be free of any family, commercial, or other connections with the
applicable country that could potentially interfere with the ability to successfully carry out the DAS
assignment. Family members accompanying sponsors to station must qualify for U.S. Diplomatic passports.
9. Possess or obtain a DLAB (Defense Language Aptitude Battery) test score equal to or greater than the
position requirements. Proficiency in the language of the country for which the Airman is being considered,
validated by a current Defense Language Proficiency Test and/or Oral Proficiency Interview, highly desired.
10. Security Requirements. Selected Airman must be eligible for a Top Secret security clearance and
access to sensitive compartmented information. Airman must possess a security clearance based on a
current (within the last five years) Single Scope Background Investigation prior to reporting to DIA for
duty. Selected Airman will also be required to pass a counterintelligence polygraph examination per the
requirements of DoD Directive 5210.48, Credibility Assessment Program, dated April 24, 2015.
11. Medical Requirements. As part of the screening selection process, selected Airmen must undergo a
comprehensive physical examination and gain medical clearance. Selected AMT Airman must also pass
a Class 3 flight physical.
1. Airmen must select the volunteer button in EQUAL-Plus to be considered a volunteer for the assignment.
2. Submit a formal application to SAF/IAPA. Formal applications will be posted on the Attaché website
located on the Air Force Portal during the open cycles. There are two cycles per year during May and
October. Air Force Airman Center’s Knowledge Article release initiates each hiring cycle. Applications
are accepted for 30 days from cycle initiation.
3. The formal application and projected attaché openings are made available during hiring cycles on the
Air Force Portal, Attaché program page:
3. Ensure application is named prior to submitting using the following format: RANK, Last Name, First
Name ENLISTED APPLICATION. The formal application will include the application questionnaire,
copy of last five EPRs, most recent Air Force Fitness Assessment report, and consolidated AMS SURF.
4. Resumés, applications, letters of recommendation, etc., are not required until Airman has been
officially selected and contacted by SAF/IAPA.
5. Airmen selected for further screening will be notified directly. Notifications will not be sent to non-
selects. Applications for non-selects will be retained on file through the end of current cycle. Should any
Airmen dropout or short notice out-of-cycle requirements be identified, these positions will be filled from
applications on file. If not selected this cycle, Airmen are encouraged to resubmit an updated application
during the following cycle.
1. Encrypted applications can be emailed directly to the SAF/IAPA organizational inbox:
[email protected]. Unencrypted applications can be
submitted via secure DoD weblink: https://safe.amrdec.army.mil/safe; Airman must list the SAF/IAPA
organizational inbox as recipient when submitting via this site. Using the secure site also offers Airman
the option to receive a notification when file has been received.
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2. For additional information, please visit the Air Force Attaché page at: https://www.my.af.mil/gcss-
3. Upon closure of the EQUAL-Plus ad, the organization POC will review applications and identify all who
meet the qualifications. AFPC/DP2OSS and the eJDA unit will select the most PCS eligible and qualified
4. AFPC is the final assignment selection authority.