A Proposal for Stress Management Using Serious Games Associated to Virtual and
Augmented Reality
Renato de Aquino Lopes
Faculty of Computing, Federal University of Uberlandia
Uberlandia, Minas Gerais 38408-100, Brasil
Alexandre Cardoso
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Uberlandia
Uberlandia, Minas Gerais 38408-100, Brasil
Edgard A. Lamounier Júnior
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Uberlandia
Uberlandia, Minas Gerais 38408-100, Brasil
Ederaldo José Lopes
Institute of Psychology, Federal University of Uberlandia
Uberlandia, Minas Gerais 38408-100, Brasil
Occupational stress is a serious problem that affects a large
number of workers. Regardless financial or social status, age
and profession, a person exposed to stress may develop health
problems that can interfere with work and his quality of life.
Thus, due to absenteeism and reduced productivity, companies
lose money when its employees are stressed. In this scenario, it
is important that employees use strategies to deal with such
drawback. Coping with occupational stress can be basically
achieved, in two ways: problem-focused or emotion-focused.
Literature shows that strategies which take the needs of
individual workers into account have a greater chance of
success. On the other hand, computer games, mainly those
based upon Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR)
techniques, offer players some experiences like: relaxation,
sense of control, challenges, learning opportunities and
immersion. These characteristics can contribute to the control
process of occupational stress. The objective of this paper is to
propose a new methodology for occupational stress, focused on
emotion. In so doing, we use Serious Games and VR/AR
techniques, considering particular needs of the employee.
Keywords: Emotional stress, Human rehabilitation, Serious
games, Virtual and augmented reality.
Stress has become a serious problem that affects many people.
When we consider stress in work environment, different
people, regardless financial status, age and profession can be
affected causing financial damage to companies and health
problems to the worker himself.
It was identified in 2000, that the occupational stress in United
States was the second most common cause of workers health
problems [1]. In the European Union (EU) in 2005, it was
found that occupational stress was the second health problem
notified affecting 22% of workers [2]. In a survey in Brazil
made by UnB (University of Brasilia) in 2011, revealed that
more than 1 million workers were out of work and receiving
sickness pay for problems caused by stress, depression,
alcoholism and others [3].
Companies and governments spend too much money on the
consequences related to stress at work. In 2002, the economic
cost of work-related stress in the EU was estimated in 20
billions [2]. In Brazil, it is estimated that the damage will be
3.5% of GNP (Gross National Product) considering faults and
medical license [3].
On the other hand, when one worker is continuously exposed to
stress, he can develop psychological and physical problems that
affect his performance at work and also his personal life. In
recent years, the relationship between occupational stress and
mental health workers has been researched due to alarming
levels of temporary disability, absenteeism, early retirement
and health risks associated with professional activity [4].
There are several initiatives that promote events, discussions
and suggest practices to cope with stress. The STRESSLESS
project, started in 2010, has as main objective to develop and
validate an international useful tool to combat stress in
educators and educational institutions. One of the results of this
project is the practical guide intervention in work-related stress
[5]. Another initiative is the European Agency for Safety and
Health at Work (EU-OSHA) which aims to make safer,
healthier and more productive workplaces in Europe by
promoting a culture of risk prevention to improve working
conditions [2]. Brazil, along with other countries, participates
of the International Stress Management Association (ISMA),
which proposes to contribute to the orientation of technological
applications for the diagnosis and treatment of stress [6].
In this context, this paper aims to describe a new proposal to
cope with occupational stress using Serious Games through
Virtual/Augmented Reality techniques. The work is divided as
follows: Section 2 describes Occupational Stress related to the
workplace. Section 3 shows the concepts of recovery stress.
Section 4 presents the concepts of coping with stress and height
the difference between recovery and coping. Section 5
describes the definition of Virtual Reality and Augmented
Reality. Section 6 shows the concepts of Serious Game.
Section 7 presents definition of Flow theory. Section 8 shows
related works and finally section 9 presents the proposal of
coping with stress using Serious Game associated to Virtual
and Augmented Reality. Section 10 describes de conclusions of
this work.
The changing in the work processes brought greater flexibility,
agility and even comfort for some employees. However, for
others have brought job insecurity, reduced demands of work
and precarious forms of employment. Moreover, rapid
technological changes and strong demands for efficiency,
competitiveness and improvement in customer services form a
backdrop of continuous change. In this context the pressures at
work are gaining ground with the production of high levels of
occupational stress.
There are several stress definitions. Some addresses the
biochemical aspect of the human body, others addresses
behavioral aspects and still others the internal and external
conditions that can cause stress. In [7], stress is defined as an
imbalance ratio between environmental demands and personal
resources, in which individuals perceive demands that deplete
or exceed the resources they judge available to face the
situation that is assessing for them as threatening for its
balance. A common point in the definitions of stress is that they
characterize the stress as the body's response to certain
Aspects involving the response to stressors are cognitive,
behavioral and physiological. The effectiveness of these three
levels ensures the person processing stressful information more
quickly. This enables them to get proper conduct on this
demand and facilitates a more positive body action [8].
When stress happens in the workplace it is called occupational
stress. In [9], occupational stress is defined as a product of the
relationship between the individual and the work environment,
in which the demands of that environment exceeds the coping
skills of the worker, causing excessive wear on the body and
interfering with his productivity.
Examples of factors that can cause stress (stressors) are:
unfavorable physical conditions, noise levels, excess heat, wear
in interpersonal relationships, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle etc.
In [10], the symptoms of occupational stress are divided into
three categories: physiological, behavioral and psychological.
The physiological is related to changes in metabolism. The
behavioral is observed in the changes related to productivity,
absenteeism, increased smoking and alcohol consumption, etc.
The psychological symptoms are observed in dissatisfaction at
work, stress, anxiety, instability, boredom and procrastination
In daily life, people are confronted with numerous
requirements which make it necessary to allocate physical and
mental resources for performing a task. To recover from job
stress or other forms of strain, we need phases of rest that allow
us to renew the physical and psychological resources that were
utilized in the preceding situation [11].
Recovery refers to the processes opposite to stress and strain. It
can be understood as the process of replenishing depleted
resources or rebalancing suboptimal systems [12].
Probably, it is not a specific activity itself that helps to recover
from stress, but its underlying attributes such as relaxation or
psychological distance from stressors. Persons may differ with
respect to the specific activities they experience as recovering,
while the underlying psychological experiences crucial for
recovery may be relatively uniform across persons. For
example, one person might recover from job stress by going for
a walk while the other recovers by reading a book. Although
the activities are different, the underlying processes (e.g.,
relaxation) are rather similar [12].
In this sense, it's presented in [12] four basic feature to
recovery process, namely: Psychological Detachment,
Relaxation, Mastery Experiences and Control During Leisure
Psychological Detachment: implies not to be
occupied by work-related duties such as receiving
job-related phone calls at home or actively engaging
in job-related activities. Psychological detachment
can also mean to disengage oneself mentally from
work. It implies to stop thinking about one’s work
and job-related problems or opportunities.
Relaxation: is a process often associated with leisure
activities. The potential for relaxation experiences to
reduce activation and to increase positive affect are
important for recovery in two respects. First,
prolonged activation resulting particularly from
stressful work is an important mediating mechanism
by which job stressors translate into illness.
Therefore, processes that reduce this prolonged
activation are crucial in order to restore an
organism’s pre-stressor state. Second, positive
emotions can undo the effects of negative emotions.
Positive affect resulting from relaxation experiences
will be helpful in reducing negative affect resulting
from job stress.
Mastery Experiences: refer to off-job activities that
distract from the job by providing challenging
experiences and learning opportunities in other
domains. These activities offer opportunities for
experiencing competence and proficiency. Mastery
experiences challenge the individual without
overtaxing his or her capabilities. Attaining mastery
experiences is not necessarily effortless but requires a
certain degree of self-regulation.
Control During Leisure Time: it can be described as a
person’s ability to choose an action from two or more
options. Here, we will focus on the degree to which a
person can decide which activity to pursue during
leisure time as well as when and how to pursue this
activity. The experience of control during leisure
time may satisfy one’s desire for control by
increasing self efficacy and feelings of competence,
which in turn promote well-being. In this sense,
control may act as an external resource that enhances
recovery from work during off-job time. In addition,
control during leisure time gives the individual the
opportunity to choose those specific leisure activities
that he or she prefers and that may be especially
supportive for the recovery process.
In [12], it is suggested that stressors at work are associated with
the experience of recovery. Moreover, the experience of
recovery helps control stress and consequently contributes to
the psychological wellbeing of the person.
Another research about recovery reports the growing evidence
that recovery experiences (psychological detachment,
relaxation, master experience and control) are associated with
well-being [13]. Furthermore, it discusses the importance of
knowing whether these experiences can be deliberately
enhanced through interventions.
Literature on stress indicates that each individual is affected
differently by stress situations. Some of them are more
susceptible to the consequences and others more resistant. This
way of dealing with an episode of stress may include attitudes,
for example, address the problem, seek social support, deny the
problem or distract yourself with other things and other various
strategies [14].
Thus, each person can use one or more strategies for coping
with stress. This choice can be based on several factors such as:
the level of stress, the type of stressors, past experience and the
tools available to deal with the problem. So, coping is defined
as a process by which the individual manages the demands of
the relationship between person and environment that are
evaluated as stressful and the emotions generated by them.
Facing a stressful situation, individuals undertake an
assessment of it, so the body can respond adequately to the
stressor, solving or mitigating the stressful situation [15].
In [15], coping has five functions:
To adapt the individual to situations or negative
To maintain positive self-image.
To maintain emotional balance.
To maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships.
To reduce threatening environmental conditions.
In the theory proposed by [15], coping can be divided into two
categories: emotion-focused coping and problem-focused
coping. In the first category, coping strategies propose
mechanisms capable of influencing the emotional part of the
individual lowering the level of stress, such as meditation. In
the second category, strategies seek to eliminate the sources of
stress present in the environment, such as noise. Sometimes, it
is not possible to eliminate the source of stress. So, in this
cases, it is useful the emotion-focused strategies able to
lowering the level of stress.
Thus, based on the theory of Lazarus and Folkman, stress can
be seen as shown in Figure 1. The person is target of stress’
sources (stressors). Thus, they may have a preventative
approach through a regular healthy diet, physical activity or
recreation. These activities help to deal with the health
consequences of stress. When the person is under stress he/she
can manifest individual symptoms such as insomnia and
difficulty feeding or situational symptoms, such as: low
productivity at work and difficult on their relationships. To
manager this situation person copes with stress. If it’s possible
to eliminate the source of stress, problem focused coping is
used. However, most of the times it’s not possible to eliminate
this source of stress and sometimes it’s not interesting to do so.
Thus, employees use some technique or tool to act on their
emotions (emotion focused coping). Therefore, it is important
to offer employees many tools as possible to decrease levels of
stress with emotion focused coping.
Prolonged exposure to stressors can exacerbate individual and
situational symptoms prompting the person to illness. In this
context, coping strategies focused on the problem are adopted
to eliminate the sources of stress. On the other hand, coping
strategies focused on emotion are used to decrease stress levels
through cognitive activities that work with the emotional side
of the person.
Coping refers to actions and strategies applied by an individual
to react to stress and problem situations. Although the coping
and recovery concepts certainly show some interrelations, these
concepts are not identical. Accordingly, recovery refers to
activities that allow individuals to regain consumed energy
after work, stress, and strain, while coping primarily describes
the individuals direct reaction to a given stressor [11]. So,
recovery activities are done out of work place, while coping
activities are done in work place.
Fig. 1. Coping Stress
Virtual Reality (VR) can be defined as an advanced interface to
computer applications, which allows the user movement
(navigation) and real-time interaction in a three dimensional
environment. It can make use of multisensory devices [16].
Sources of
Stress Symptoms
Individual Situational
Elimination / Reduction of Stress Level
According to [16], in the virtual environment people's sense
capabilities can be expanded in intensity, time and space. This
is achieved by three-dimensional modeling techniques used to
build virtual objects and scenery, where the user can navigate.
Thus, VR allows the user to interact with and portray
imaginary situations, like the fictional scenarios involving
static and moving virtual objects. Also allows to faithfully
reproduce real-life environments.
One of the advantage of this interface is the possibility to use
people’s knowledge of real world in the virtual world. Thus,
skills and intuitive knowledge can be used to deal with virtual
Augmented Reality (AR) can be defined as the enrichment of
the real environment with virtual objects, using some
technological device, running in real time [17].
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality can be compared as
follows [17]:
Augmented Reality enriches the scene of the real
world with virtual objects, while VR is totally
computer generated;
In Augmented Reality environment, the user retains
the sense of presence in the real world, while in
Virtual Reality, the visual sensation is controlled by
the system;
Augmented Reality needs a mechanism to combine
the real and the virtual, while Virtual Reality needs a
mechanism for integrating the user to the virtual
Beyond the capacity of involvement, motivation and interaction
also present in Virtual Reality, the use of Augmented Reality
provides the possibility of enriching real world scenes with
virtual objects. This feature allows systems to use Augmented
Reality using known scenarios for the patient, which may be
useful in certain therapies, such as physical rehabilitation.
In [18], it is described that serious game have a purpose beyond
entertainment, including (but not limited to) learning, health,
advertising and social changes. According to [19], the term
serious games has become used to identify games for a specific
purpose, i.e., to go beyond the idea of entertainment and offer
other types of experiences, such as those related to learning and
In this sense, serious game using the known approach in the
gaming industry can make simulations more attractive and even
entertaining. It offers activities that promote the absorption of
concepts and psychomotor [19].
These features are important in healthcare such as: to motivate
a patient to do repetitive exercises provide training tools for
health professionals, provide environments/tools for treatment
at a lower cost or in remote locations.
It is clear, therefore, that a serious game is a special purpose
application, which requires support from professionals in the
field to which the content is related.
According to [20], the concept of Flow was introduced by
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in the mid-70s in one attempt to
explain happiness. Furthermore, Flow is a feeling of complete
focus and stimulated in an activity with a high level of
enjoyment and satisfaction.
During the experience of Flow, we lose the notion of time and
worry. In fact, our level of focus maximizes our performance
and feelings of pleasure from the activity [20].
Descriptions of the experience of flow is identical to those that
players experience when immersed in games, losing track of
time and external pressure, along with other interests [20]. So,
industry of games uses Flow theory to develop good and
interesting games. When a player is in flow, it means that the
game got a good balance between challenge and skills. Thus,
feelings like anxiety and boring are avoided.
Technologies that enable user interaction have characteristics
that can be used to assist the coping strategies of stress, among
which stand out: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and
Serious Games (SG). The main characteristics of AR and VR
are: immersion, engagement and interaction. Moreover, the
solutions using AR combine a 3D visual interface and tracking
system for the alignment of real and virtual objects. Recent
research also shows the power of gaming technologies to
support virtual communities and distributed training groups to
explain concepts and to engage and motivate people.
These technologies have been used in the area of physical
rehabilitation and coping with post-traumatic stress. Some
papers present AR systems to assist in human rehabilitation.
These systems have AR as one of the main technologies used
to develop the solution. For example, in [21], it is proposed a
training environment incorporating AR in a set of devices,
developed to extension fingers rehabilitation.
Beyond Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality is used in [22] to
describe a solution developed to help patients during the
learning phase of the use of upper limb prosthesis, without
actually having to use the prosthesis.
Other works propose the use of gaming technology to assist in
physical rehabilitation. For example, in [23], it is proposed a
game system (NeuroGym) based on biofeedback. This system
can be used to improve muscle activation and gait pattern of a
patient with spinal cord injury. The training with NeuroGym
also improved the balance in a group of older adults.
In [24], it is shown the implementation of a system for
capturing full body movement (MoCap), which together with a
biosignal acquisition device was incorporated into a game
engine. The study authors have implemented a serious game
aimed at the rehabilitation of patients with chronic low back
pain and neck pain.
It is clear, therefore, that the technologies of AR, VR and SG
are being researched to support the recovery process of people
who have suffered some kind of trauma. The characteristics of
engagement, immersion and motivation mean that they can be
used in the development of tools that help people in the
recovery process.
On the other hand, surveys conducted so far show that
technologies as AR, VR and SG together has not been explored
yet, as a whole, as a unique tool to support coping strategies of
stress at work. In [25], it is proposed a framework that allows
the identification and prediction of stress-generating activities.
However, when identified the occurrence of a stress-generating
activity, the framework proposes as coping strategies three
options: The postponement of the task, a better preparation for
the completion of the task or the time to perform some activity
that the person considers relaxing. It didn’t address the use of
technology in coping strategy.
Virtual Reality is used in occupational context in the
INTERSTRESS project. It aimed at developing innovative
ICT-based solutions for addressing the problem of
psychological stress in professional and social life [26]. From a
technological standpoint, the project involves a combination of
Virtual Reality, non-invasive biosensors and mobile tools to
provide personalized healthcare devices for stress prevention
and management. The specific objectives of this approach are:
quantitative and objective assessment of symptoms
using biosensors and behavioral analysis;
decision support for treatment planning through data
fusion and detection algorithms;
provision of warnings and motivating feedback to
improve compliance and long-term outcome.
It is presented in [11] a study about the use of games to
recovery stress at work. This study proved by statistical data
that the use of computer and video games are effective in
combating stress. However, the research did not propose a
systematic way for the use of games in coping with stress.
Furthermore, the research was done with normal games, or
games that are not designed for the purpose of coping stress.
The effectiveness of using casual video games to improve
mood and lower the level of stress is also researched and
proven in [27]. Some research studying video games as sources
of stress and others explore the benefits of games in healthcare
in general.
We group the researches on occupational stress into a few
topics as presented in Figure 2, namely: Stress Measurement;
Observation of Activities Performed; Stress Pattern
Identification (stressors); Stress Prevision; Coping Strategies
and Evaluation.
The relationship between these topics is also shown in Figure
2. The stress measurement is made during the observation of
the activities performed by the employee in the workplace. This
measurement can be made, for example, using sensors or
questionnaires for identifying changes biological, physical or
behavioral indicating whether or not the person is stressed.
After identifying the activities that generate stress (stressors),
we can determine pattern activities, enabling the prediction of
stress situations. Information got in previous topics can help to
develop coping strategies. Further, these strategies can have its
efficiency evaluated.
Fig. 2. Occupational Stress Topics of Study
The Occupational Health Psychology researches usually
develop studies on the identification of coping strategies within
the scope of a profession. This choice is made by the stressors
and coping may vary between different professions.
Furthermore, the can do the evaluation of the strategies
identified or suggested programs of stress management. Some
others researches propose protocols to measure, to evaluate or
to rank the strategies that people adopt to cope with stress. The
inventory coping strategies from Folkman and Lazarus [28] is
one example of such protocols. It assesses the different ways
people respond to stress by means of a set of items classified
into eight distinct conceptual dimensions, namely:
confrontation, distancing, self-controlling, social support,
accepting responsibility, escape-avoidance, problem solving,
and positive reappraisal.
Research in the computer area regarding occupational stress are
concentrated on identifying/measuring stress using sensors that
capture biological signals, sound, image or behavioral patterns.
In addition, some studies, for example, in [11], discuss
theoretically the use of entertainment games as a coping
strategy. Other works, such as in [27], related games as a
change agent in mood making the stress level decrease.
Although these studies describe the use of games in coping
with stress, we didn’t find a strategy that uses some kind of
technology, including games, systematically in coping
Serious Games differ from entertainment games because they
have a purpose (specific and intentional learning) to be
achieved when a person uses it. Thus, in the development of
Serious Games, these goals must be observed to guide its
Furthermore, video games have great proximity to Virtual
Reality, because prioritize interaction. Initially, games used 2D
graphics. But, with the move to 3D space, they incorporated all
the features of Virtual Reality, and should be one of the biggest
sectors of application of this technology [16]. Additionally,
according to [29], the best way for the creation of an interactive
and immersive experience is to create games that use both the
content of the real and virtual world to stimulate the player so
that your imagination fill in the gaps and they become truly
immersed. This is possible using Augmented Reality.
So, a game interface created using VR/AR techniques can
improve the interaction, motivation and immersion game
Stress Measurement
Observation of the
Activities Performed
Identifying Patterns of Stress
Prediction of Stress
Coping Strategies
The purpose of this work is the use of Serious Games
associated to Virtual and Augmented Reality techniques in
coping with occupational stress. The proposal also suggests
that the Serious Games developed for this purpose should be
guided by the dimensions of inventory coping strategies and
the needs of the worker.
Workers' needs or characteristics must be observed to be
possible to identify the coping strategies of stress that they
practice. Furthermore, it allows the construction of a profile
that will help in defining what types of strategies can be
effective in coping with stress.
The dimensions of inventory coping strategies provide an
orientation of how the game should address the coping with
stress offered to the player. For example, we can develop a
game that takes the player to learn or work confrontation by a
way of demonstrating feelings of dissatisfaction with the
problem spilling emotions.
Figure 3 shows the proposal scheme. Two distinct periods are
presented: Building Moment and Application Moment. The
first is the stage where the workers’ profile are prepared.
Furthermore, stressors and coping strategies are identified.
These tasks should be observed in the context of a particular
profession to guide the development of Serious Games based
on the dimensions of inventory coping strategies and a worker
profile. The second is the stage where the employee is
suggested to use the game developed.
The Employee Monitoring, presented in Figure 3, is
responsible for providing employee information to identifying
stressors and coping strategies. Furthermore, it identifies when
the game developed should be suggested to the employee as a
tool to reduce stress levels. Thus, the proposed scheme can be
part of a control program stress within a company where
serious games can be used as a support tool.
Fig. 3. Using Serious Games as Coping Support
The purpose of this work is to investigate how serious game
must be constructed to face stress. First of all, the use of Virtual
or Augmented Reality techniques improves the game
characteristics of: immersion, interaction and engagement.
Second, establish a target context. Different people react on
different way from same stressor. The degree of stress can be
different either. However, coping strategies can be categorized.
According to the theory of Lazarus and Folkman, these
categories are: confrontation, distancing, self-controlling, social
support, accepting responsibility, escape-avoidance, planful
problem solving, and positive reappraisal. So, this information
can be used to guide what kind of serious game will be
developed. Third, to construct a people context profile, with
information about: people preferences/coping strategies,
context and stressors. This task can be made using psychology
techniques to identifier and understand these information.
Finally, we want to use the profile information, in construction
phase, to get a game that is able to make the player achieve the
flow Zone and stay there for the most time as possible. When
the player is in flow Zone he is able to decrease the stress level.
It is important to highlight that in this proposal the needs and
characteristics of people are take into account to constructs the
serious game. This is very important to success of any coping
stress strategy. The Fig 5 illustrates the issues to guide the
construction of a serious game too support coping processes.
Fig. 4. Issue to Guide the Construction of a Serious Games to
Cope with Stress.
The use of games as an agent capable of reducing stress levels
of a person is proven in several studies. However, concrete
proposals that utilize systematically Serious Games associated
Virtual and Augmented Reality techniques developed as the
purpose of coping with stress in the workplace demand further
investigation. The proposal described in this work, though still
embryonic, aims to contribute to research on coping strategies
to occupational stress using Serious Game.
The proposed schemes in Figure 3 and Figure 4 present, in high
level, the information necessary to develop the Serious Games
as a tool to coping occupational stress. An interface, Employee
Monitoring, is suggest to help the identification of the moment
when is necessary an intervention to decrease the employee
stress level.
This scheme needs to be validated and tested to verify their
effectiveness and efficiency. Nevertheless, it is expected that
the development of Serious Games oriented by inventory
coping strategies using Virtual/Augmented Reality techniques,
Coping Strategies
Employee Monitoring
Building Moment
Aplication Moment
with the purposed of coping can make them even more efficient
as support tools for coping with occupational stress.
The authors want to express special thanks to FAPEMIG,
CAPES and PROPP/UFU for financial support.
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