Introduction to Writing Modules for
CMS Made Simple
For CMSMS 2.0.1+
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team
Author: Robert Campbell
Table of Contents
To Begin.....................................................................................................................................................1
A Module is More than a Plugin................................................................................................................1
The Simplest, Silliest Module....................................................................................................................3
Tell CMSMS About Your Module.............................................................................................................3
The Lang File.............................................................................................................................................6
The Installation Routine.............................................................................................................................7
Status Report..............................................................................................................................................9
The HolidayItem Class.............................................................................................................................10
Your First Admin Action..........................................................................................................................12
Add Holidays to the Database..................................................................................................................16
Creating a List View.................................................................................................................................20
Status Report............................................................................................................................................24
Editing an Existing Record......................................................................................................................24
Deleting a Record.....................................................................................................................................25
Our First Front End Action......................................................................................................................27
A Detail View...........................................................................................................................................30
Status Report............................................................................................................................................32
Adding A Detail Page Parameter and a Page limit...................................................................................33
SEO Friendly URLS and Routes.............................................................................................................36
Registering the Module Name.................................................................................................................38
Search module Integration.......................................................................................................................39
Lazy Loading...........................................................................................................................................42
Asynchronous Content.............................................................................................................................44
Final Status Report...................................................................................................................................46
Taking this Module Further......................................................................................................................47
Working with Other Modules...................................................................................................................48
What's Changing......................................................................................................................................52
Scratched the Surface...............................................................................................................................52
To Begin
This document describes the process of creating a simple module for the latest stable released version
of CMSMS—2.0.1 at the time of this writing. The document will outline how to create most of the
basic functionality for a database-based content module.
At the end of this tutorial you should have a firm understanding of the basic structure of a CMSMS
module, how to create actions and templates for both the admin console and the frontend, how to
enable translations, as well as creating and handling forms.
We will be creating a simple module to allow managing holidays. There will be the ability to add, edit,
and delete holidays from within the CMSMS admin console, and to view a summary and detail view of
holidays from within a CMSMS content page.
We will also describe how to work with pretty URLs, how to cooperate with other modules, and the
general structure of a CMSMS module.
To get the most out of this document you will need a firm understanding of working with PHP and
object oriented programming, including Exceptions and PHP's magic methods. You will also need a
firm understanding of relational databases—particularly MySQL. A basic understanding of javascript
and jQuery will be useful, although jQuery is only mentioned in a minor way in this document.
Additionally, you will need a firm understanding of how to work with CMSMS, including creating and
managing pages and templates.
Ensure that you are using a recent, supported version of PHP. PHP 5.5+ is assumed. This tutorial was
tested on an Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine with PHP 5.5.9.
A Module is More than a Plugin
CMS Made Simple has three different ways of adding PHP code to the system: Plugins, User Defined
Tags, and Modules.
Plugins are a single file located in the 'plugins' directory of CMSMS and usually perform a
single task—either displaying data, or reformatting it. Plugins typically never write data
anywhere, and, in a good design, should not.
These are true Smarty plugins, and can either be function plugins, block plugins, modifiers, or
compiler plugins.
Examples of plugins are the {title} and {description} plugins that are shipped with CMSMS
that output the title and description fields, respectively, of the current content page.
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 1
User Defined Tags (UDT's) are Smarty plugins that are stored in the database. Again, they are
normally small and perform a single task. CMSMS provides an interface in the admin console
to create and manage UDTs.
UDTs are implemented as Smarty function plugins so that they can be called within a template.
Within CMSMS, UDTs can also be used as event handlers.
Other than auditing, etcetera, UDTs typically should not store any data anywhere, and should be
used for the exact same purpose as plugins. They also should not output complex HTML code,
as that is the task of the template.
Modules are larger sets of code that solve a single problem. They may create and manage one
or more database tables, create numerous views including forms, process forms, and have a
great deal of functionality.
Modules can also have functionality not available to plugins or UDTs. e.g: creating a new
content page type, a new page block type, or interacting as a WYSIWYG or Syntax
Highlighting module. This extended functionality will be discussed in subsequent documents.
Below is a brief chart that illustrates the primary differences modules, UDTs, and plugins. This chart
should help you to understand why modules are usually the best answer when writing new code.
Plugin UDT Module
A Single PHP function YES YES
Can Have an admin
Can Handle Events YES YES
Has Install and Uninstall YES
Handles Routing YES
Can be shared on the
Can Create Events YES
Can create page types YES
Can Create PseudoCron
Can be Modifier /
Compiler /' Block
Provide Numerous
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 2
Plugin UDT Module
Provide functions and
classes for other
* Modules can register multiple different plugins of different types, however, usually it is just a
function plugin.
The Simplest, Silliest Module
1. Create a directory within the CMSMS modules directory. The name of this new directory must
be the name of our module. In this case: 'Holidays'.
cd /home/website/public_html/modules
mkdir Holidays
2. Create a file within the new 'Holidays' directory entitled Holidays.module.php
cd Holidays
emacs Holidays.module.php
3. Create a class within the Holidays.module.php file that extends CMSModule.
class Holidays extends CMSModule
The directory name, the module file name, and the class name must be named consistently.
CMSMS does not currently support namespaced module classes
CMSMS is case sensitive, so always match the case when creating your module directory, module
class file, and the class itself.
At this point we have our basic module skeleton with an empty class. The module is installable at this
point from the ModuleManager module, but does not have any functionality of any sort.
Tell CMSMS About Your Module
Now we have the basic structure of the module as CMSMS requires it, but CMSMS knows nothing
about our module, its planned functionality, who the author is, or about this module's planned
1 The author's environment of choice is linux, and editor of choice is emacs. Your's may differ.
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 3
functionality. To do this we need to tell CMSMS about our module. We do that by overriding a few
virtual methods in our new module class.
The CMSMS Module API provides numerous virtual methods for interacting with the system, other
modules, and performing different tasks. We will describe only a few of them here, and a few more as
the document progresses.
This virtual method defines the name of your module. It must return the exact name of the
directory of the module. Normally this method does not need to be overriden.
This virtual method returns the version number of your module. The version number is used to
see if the upgrade routine must be executed.
This method returns the string that will be used when placing this module in the admin
navigation (if the module has an admin interface).
This virtual method returns a string that describes your module. It is used from within the
admin interface.
This method returns a boolean indicating whether or not your module will interact with the
frontend of CMSMS.
This method returns a boolean indicating whether or not your module will have a panel in the
CMSMS admin console.
This method returns a boolean indicating whether your module is visible within the admin
console to the currently logged in admin user. The module must also return true for
This method must return an associative array of module names, and minimum version numbers
of modules that your module requires in order to properly operate. If your module does not
require any other modules to operate completely then you can ignore this method.
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 4
This method returns a string representing the body portion of an HTML document containing
help for your module.
There are two ways in which this help data can be displayed:
By clicking on the “Module Help” link at the top of the CMSMS admin console when one
of your module actions is displayed.
By clicking on the 'Help' link next to your module while within the ModuleManager
module. Note: your module's help can be displayed even if your module is not yet
downloaded onto the website, so you cannot rely on relative links to images.
Like the GetHelp() method, the output of this function can be displayed from within the
ModuleManager without even having downloaded the module into your website.
This method returns a string that is the absolute minimum version of CMS Made Simple that
your module requires to operate properly.
This method returns a string containing the module author's full name.
This method returns a string containing the module author's email address.
Modify your module class file now to look like this:
This method returns a string representing the body portion of an HTML document that contains
the history of changes for your module.
class Holidays extends CMSModule
public function GetVersion() { return '0.1'; }
public function GetFriendlyName() { return $this->Lang('friendlyname'); }
public function GetAdminDescription() { return $this->Lang('admindescription'); }
public function IsPluginModule() { return TRUE; }
public function HasAdmin() { return TRUE; }
public function VisibleToAdminUser() { return TRUE; }
public function GetAuthor() { return 'Your Name'; }
public function GetAuthorEmail() { return '[email protected]'; }
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 5
Some details on our decisions here.
CMSMS stores the currently 'installed' version number of a module in its database. When the
version number changes, CMSMS compares that version number with the one in the file to tell
if the module upgrade routine needs to be executed.
The version number string must be compatible with PHP's version_compare() function.
We intend that this module will have a front end interface, therefore we have returned TRUE for
the IsPluginModule() method.
We also intend that this module will have a panel in the CMSMS admin console, so we have
returned TRUE for the HasAdmin() method.
At this time anybody with a valid login to the CMSMS admin console can interact with our
module. Though we will change this later, for now we return TRUE for the
VisibleToAdminUser() method.
The Lang File
You will notice above that we introduced a new method: $this->Lang('friendlyname'); This
method is used to translate a string key into a human readable string in the current users selected
language, or English as a default.
Language strings are stored in a PHP file within the lang folder of your CMSMS module directory. e.g:
\- Holidays/
\- Holidays.module.php
\- lang/
\- en_US.php
Go ahead and create the lang directory now, and create a new file entitled en_US.php within that
mkdir lang
emacs lang/en_US.php
The format of ths file should look like this:
$lang['friendlyname'] = 'Holidays';
$lang['admindescription'] = 'A module for managing and displaying holidays';
We will be adding many more strings into this file as we develop our module. It is handy to keep this
file open in your editor.
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As described later in this document, the lang file is also the base document used to translate your
module's strings into different languages.
The Installation Routine
Most modules need an installation routine in order to create preferences and permissions, default
settings, and any database tables and default data that is required for the module to operate properly.
The method.install.php file handles this for CMSMS modules. This file must be placed in the module's
Our module needs to create a permission so that only certain admin users will have access to manage
holidays, and it needs a table for the holidays itself.
1. Create a new file entitled method.install.php inside your modules/Holidays directory, with
contents like this:
if( !defined('CMS_VERSION') ) exit;
$this->CreatePermission(Holidays::MANAGE_PERM,'Manage Holidays');
$db = $this->GetDb();
$dict = NewDataDictionary($db);
$taboptarray = array('mysql' => 'TYPE=MyISAM');
$flds = "
name C(255) KEY NOTNULL,
description X,
published I1,
the_date I NOTNULL
$sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL(CMS_DB_PREFIX.'mod_holidays',$flds,$taboptarray);
2. Add the following to your Holidays.module.php file
class Holidays extends CMSModule
const MANAGE_PERM = 'manage_holidays';
3. Modify the VisibleToAdminUsers() method of your Holidays class as follows:
public function VisibleToAdminUser() { return $this->CheckPermission(self::MANAGE_PERM); }
The method.install.php file:
The first thing we do is check if CMS_VERSION is defined. If it is not, we simply exit. This
is a security precaution and prevents your method.install.php file from being requested by a
browser directly. Instead, the file can only be read and executed from within the scope of
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 7
Next we create a new permission into CMSMS using the module API's CreatePermission()
convenience method. We provide the permission name (as a class constant for easy typing) and
a human readable string for the permission that will appear in the CMSMS admin console.
Note: CMSMS does not have a mechanism for localizing permission names, so your
permission's human-readable string should usually be in English
Next we get a reference to the global database object provided by CMSMS by calling the
module's GetDb() convenience method.
The following lines create the database table called mod_hoidays that is prefixed with the same
table prefix that is specified during the CMSMS installation process.
CMSMS uses a modified, trimmed down version of adodb-lite (a PHP database abstraction
library), although we only support MySQL at this time.
A single connection to the CMSMS database is created on each request. The GetDb() method
returns a reference to that single connection.
The “Data Dictionary” class provides a database-agnostic method of interacting with databases
and tables. Though we will not detail the language and class itself in this document, you can
find a reference to the DataDictionary language specification, and its methods NEED LINK
The Holidays.module.php file
The new class constant minimizes the risk of an accidental typo preventing access to your module.
Wherever a string is going to be reused throughout your module it may be a good idea to use a class
The change to the VisibleToAdminUsers() method will ensure that only the admin users that have the
permission we created in the method.install.php will have the ability to interact with this module's
admin panel.
Note: Admin users who are members of the 'admin group' automatically have all permissions without
the need to explicitly assign them.
General Notes:
The method.install.php file is executed within the scope of the CMSModule Therefore you
have access to all of your module's public and protected methods and members.
$this refers to an instance of your module class.
Modules must, when uninstalled permanently, remove all data specific to the module and restore
everything to a state similar to before the module was installed. This allows a module to be installed,
tested, and uninstalled multiple times on a website without polluting the database with unnecessary
tables, templates, stylesheets, or other data that the website administrator would then need to clean.
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 8
1. Create a new file in your modules/Holidays directory entitled method.uninstall.php and copy in
this code:
if( !defined('CMS_VERSION') ) exit;
$db = $this->GetDb();
$dict = NewDataDictionary( $db );
$sqlarray = $dict->DropTableSQL( CMS_DB_PREFIX.'mod_holidays');
2. Add the following method to your Holidays.module.php module class file:
public function UninstallPreMessage() { return $this->Lang('ask_uninstall'); }
3. Add the following line to your lang/en_US.php file:
$lang['ask_uninstall'] = 'Are you sure you want to uninstall the Holidays module? All holiday
data will be permanently deleted.';
The method.uninstall.php file
Just like in the installation routine, we first check that CMS_VERSION is defined as a security
Next, we remove the permission that was created in the method.install.php
Thirdly, we create a new Data Dictionary object using the global database connection instance, and
execute the commands to drop the table from the database.
If necessary, we would also delete events, event handlers, and preferences that our module created in
the install, or during its execution.
The Holidays.module.php file
The UninstallPreMessage() virtual method of the CMSModule class returns a string that is
displayed to the admin user to confirm that the user wants to uninstall the module. The lang/en_US.php
file contains the full text for the key 'ask_uninstall'.
This will ensure that the admin user receives a presentable message to confirm the un-installation of the
module. This string can also be translated to other languages.
Status Report
We now have a working module named 'Holidays'. The module can be installed and uninstalled by
using the ModuleManager module within the CMSMS admin console.
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 9
The module will create a permission and a database table upon installation, and remove them when the
module is uninstalled.
We can use the CMSMS admin console to specify which admin users will have access to this module.
If you install this module you will see the 'Holidays' item appear in the admin panel's navigation, and
you can click on the item.
Our directory structure currently looks like this:
\- Holidays.module.php
\- method.install.php
\- method.uninstall.php
\- lang
\- en_US.php
Our module still has no functionality of its own at this point, but that is coming soon.
The HolidayItem Class
For the purpose of clean, extendable, re-usable, and readable code, we will create a basic PHP class that
allows us to manage a single Holiday record. We will be using this class in almost all of our actions.
1. Create a lib directory below your modules/Holidays directory.
2. Create a file called class.HolidayItem.php file within the newly created lib directory and paste
in this code:
class HolidayItem
private $_data = array('id'=>null,'name'=>null,'description'=>null,
public function __get($key)
switch( $key ) {
case 'id':
case 'name':
case 'description':
case 'published':
case 'the_date':
return $this->_data[$key];
public function __set($key,$val)
switch( $key ) {
case 'name':
case 'description':
$this->_data[$key] = trim($val);
case 'published':
$this->_data[$key] = (bool) $val;
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 10
case 'the_date':
$this->_data[$key] = (int) $val;
public function save()
if( !$this->is_valid() ) return FALSE;
if( $this->id > 0 ) {
} else {
public function is_valid()
if( !$this->name ) return false;
if( !$this->the_date ) return false;
return TRUE;
protected function insert()
$db = \cms_utils::get_db();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.CMS_DB_PREFIX.'mod_holidays
VALUES (?,?,?,?)';
$dbr = $db->Execute($sql,array($this->name,$this->description,$this->published,
if( !$dbr ) return FALSE;
$this->_data['id'] = $db->Insert_ID();
return TRUE;
protected function update()
$db = \cms_utils::get_db();
$sql = 'UPDATE '.CMS_DB_PREFIX.'mod_holidays SET name = ?, description = ?,
published = ?, the_date = ? WHERE id = ?';
$dbr = $db->Execute($sql,array($this->name,$this->description,$this->published,
if( !$dbr ) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
public function delete()
if( !$this->id ) return FALSE;
$db = \cms_utils::get_db();
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '.CMS_DB_PREFIX.'mod_holidays WHERE id = ?';
$dbr = $db->Execute($sql,array($this->id));
if( !$dbr ) return FALSE;
$this->_data['id'] = null;
return TRUE;
/** internal */
public function fill_from_array($row)
foreach( $row as $key => $val ) {
if( array_key_exists($key,$this->_data) ) {
$this->_data[$key] = $val;
public static function &load_by_id($id)
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 11
$id = (int) $id;
$db = \cms_utils::get_db();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.CMS_DB_PREFIX.'mod_holidays WHERE id = ?';
$row = $db->GetRow($sql,array($id));
if( is_array($row) ) {
$obj = new self();
return $obj;
CMS Made Simple does not provide or enforce a generic base model class for use in the
Model/View/Controller paradigm, it is left to the module author to define these using their own
Though it is not strictly necessary to create model classes such as this to work with your data items, it
is considered good practice, allows for re-use of code, and makes the coding easier to read and
understand. We will be using this class throughout the tutorial.
You can see a few things in this class file:
We start to use the larger CMSMS API by calling methods like cms_utils::get_db(), $db-
>GetRow(), and $db->Execute() to get a reference to the global database connection object
from within our data item class, and to work with the database. CMSMS has an extensive and
documented API to allow for easily building different types of modules and interacting with the
data in the application.
We are using 'Parameterized Queries' which means that we are using the ? as a placeholder in
our SQL statements, and then passing in an array of parameters. The database abstraction class
can quote the parameters properly based on the input data type. This is a security mechanism to
help minimize the chance of SQL injection attacks.
Your First Admin Action
Okay, we are finally ready to make our new module do something! Our first action will be the
beginning of our admin dashboard for holidays. Initially, it will display a link to a second action to
allow us to add new holidays to the database. Later, this action will be expanded to allow us to list,
edit, and delete holidays.
1. Create a new file in your modules/Holidays directory entitled action.defaultadmin.php and copy
in the following code:
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 12
if( !defined('CMS_VERSION') ) exit;
if( !$this->CheckPermission(Holidays::MANAGE_PERM) ) return;
$tpl = $smarty->CreateTemplate(
2. Create a new directory named 'templates' in your modules/Holidays directory, and within that
directory create a new file called 'defaultadmin.tpl' and copy the following code into it:
<div class="pageoptions">
<a href="{cms_action_url action=edit_holiday}">{admin_icon icon='newobject.gif'} {$mod-
3. Add the following line into your modules/Holidays/lang/en_US.php file
$lang['add_holiday'] = 'Create a New Holiday';
Woah—there's a lot going on there in just a few lines of code! And what's this action file stuff? Don't
worry, we'll go through it.
About Actions:
CMS Made Simple module controllers are called 'actions'. When an action for a module is
requested the system will look in the module directory for a file entitled action.actionname.php.
There are a few 'special' actions:
This action is called when there is no action name specified, and the request is for an admin
interface form. Typically, this is done from the admin navigation to display your modules
primary admin panel.
This action is similar to the defaultadmin action but is only for frontend requests when an
action name is not explicitly specified. i.e: {cms_module module=Holidays}
defaulturl (deprecated)
This special action will be discussed will be discussed in further detail below, however it is
used when a route is found for the module via an HTTP request but no action can be
determined for the route.
Module action requests can be made via HTTP requests, or via calling the module from within a
Smarty template.
Some variables are passed into the action file for general use:
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 13
$smarty (object)
This variable is a Smarty template object representing the current Smarty scope. It is not
necessarily the global $smarty object returned by \Smarty_CMS::get_instance()
$action (string)
This is the name of the action that is being called, for convenience.
$id (string)
This is the unique module-action id. Because on the CMSMS frontend the same module
action may be called multiple times on the same request, this id is generated to allow the
system to handle matching the proper data to the proper module call.
For admin requests this is always 'm1_'.
$returnid (int|empty)
This is the numeric page id that is currently being rendered, and that the module action is
for. It is used when creating links or form elements.
There is no concept of a 'page' for admin requests, so when a module action is called for an
admin request the returnid is always empty.
$params (array)
This is the input parameters to the module. Parameters passed to the module either on the
HTTP request, or in the module call will be in this array, with some limitations.
For front end requests, the $params array only contains the registered, and cleaned params.
This is a security mechanism. See the section below on registering parameters.
$db (object)
For convenience and compatibility reasons, a reference to the global database connection
object is in scope.
$gCms (object)
For convenience and compatibility reasons, a reference to the CmsApp object is in scope
and is called $gCms.
Note: Unlike in early versions of CMSMS $gCms is not a global variable.
About the PHP Code:
If you look at the action.defaultadmin.php file, at the top you will see the standard security check that
we had on the installation and uninstall routines to ensure that your action files are not requested
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 14
directly, but only from within the context of CMSMS.
Next, we use the CheckPermission() method of the module API (from which our module is derived)
to ensure that the currently logged in admin user has the proper permission to access this action. This
is useful in the event that a user somehow gets a URL to this admin action from another location other
than the standard admin navigation.
Thirdly, we call $this->GetTemplateResource('defaultadmin.tpl'). This module API function
transforms the 'defaultadmin.tpl' string into a Smarty resource specification string. We pass the results
of this call into $smarty->CreateTemplate(). This functional call is a Smarty method that creates a
new template variable scope.
Lastly, we call $tpl->display() to actually process and display the 'defaultadmin.tpl' template file.
We do not pass any data into the new template object as of yet, but that will be added soon.
Note: It is not strictly necessary to create a new Smarty scope, and you can assign variables to the
Smarty object passed in to your action. However, we recommend that in order to minimize memory
requirements and avoid accidentally overwriting variables created by another action using the same
scope that you create a new Smarty scope for all of your module actions.
About the Smarty Template:
Inside a <div class=”pageoptions”> we create a link. The URL to that link is created by the
{cms_action_url} Smarty plugin. The plugin automatically knows the module name, however we
specify the action to link to as 'edit_holiday'.
The visible portion of the link consists of an icon and some text. The icon is generated by the
{admin_icon} Smarty plugin, and the text is generated by the {$mod->Lang(...)} call.
There are some relevant variables automatically provided to the Smarty template available in your
module action calls
$actionid (string)
This is the same as the $id variable in the module action file and is provided to Smarty for
convenience in link building, etc.
$returnid (string)
This is the same as the $returnid variable in the module action file and is provided to Smarty for
$actionmodule (string)
This is the name of the module for which we are currently executing an action.
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$actionparams (array)
This is the same as the $params array in the module action file.
$mod (object)
A reference to the module object, for convenience in calling the Lang() and other module
methods from within your templates.
These variables will automatically be available to your templates, even if creating a new Smarty scope.
Add Holidays to the Database
Okay, now we have a simple admin panel with a single link on it (neat, it has an icon too). But our
module still does nothing. The next thing we need to do is to add holidays to the database. To do that,
we need to display a form, and handle the results of said form.
1. Create a new action file entitled action.edit_holiday.php in your modules/Holidays directory
and in it, paste this code:
if( !defined('CMS_VERSION') ) exit;
if( !$this->CheckPermission(Holidays::MANAGE_PERM) ) return;
$holiday = new HolidayItem();
if( isset($params['cancel']) ) {
else if( isset($params['submit']) ) {
$holiday->name = trim($params['name']);
$holiday->published = cms_to_bool($params['published']);
$holiday->the_date = strtotime($params['the_date']);
$holiday->description = $params['description'];
$tpl = $smarty->CreateTemplate($this->GetTemplateResource('edit_holiday.tpl'),null,null,
2. Create a new template file entitled edit_holiday.tpl in your modules/Holidays/templates
directory and in it, paste this code:
<div class="pageoverflow">
<p class="pageinput">
<input type="submit" name="{$actionid}submit" value="{$mod->Lang('submit')}"/>
<input type="submit" name="{$actionid}cancel" value="{$mod->Lang('cancel')}"/>
<div class="pageoverflow">
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 16
<p class="pagetext">{$mod->Lang('name')}:</p>
<p class="pageinput">
<input type="text" name="{$actionid}name" value="{$holiday->name}"/>
<div class="pageoverflow">
<p class="pagetext">{$mod->Lang('date')}:</p>
<p class="pageinput">
<input type="date" name="{$actionid}the_date" value="{$holiday->the_date|date_format:'%Y-
<div class="pageoverflow">
<p class="pagetext">{$mod->Lang('published')}:</p>
<p class="pageinput">
<select name="{$actionid}published">
{cms_yesno selected=$holiday->published}
<div class="pageoverflow">
<p class="pagetext">{$mod->Lang('description')}:</p>
<p class="pageinput">
{cms_textarea prefix=$actionid name=description value=$holiday->description
3. Add the following to your modules/Holidays/lang/en_US.php file:
$lang['holiday_saved'] = 'This holiday is now saved';
$lang['submit'] = 'Submit';
$lang['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$lang['name'] = 'Name';
$lang['date'] = 'Date';
$lang['published'] = 'Published';
$lang['description'] = 'Description';
If you now visit your module's admin panel by navigating to “Extensions >> Holidays” within the
CMSMS admin console, and then click on the “Add new Holiday” link, you will see a form like this:
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 17
The PHP Code
Here is a description of the code within the action.edit_holiday.php action file:
The action.edit_holiday.php script begins with the two security checks we have previously
The following line is interesting, it creates a new object of type HolidayItem using the class we
have previously defined and placed in our lib directory. This class is automatically loaded for
this request directly from the lib directory. There is no need to include it manually, thanks to
the CMSMS autoload mechanism.
Following that is a bit of logic that handles form processing when a form is submitted via the
submit or cancel buttons.
If the form is submitted via the cancel button, we use the CMSMS module API function
CMSModule::RedirectToAdminTab() to automatically redirect us back to the defaultadmin
action. If our defaultadmin action were using a tabbed interface, we could have specified a tab
name here.
If the form is submitted via the submit button, we fill the holiday object with the data from the
form and save the holiday. You will notice that we convert the value of the 'the_date' input
parameter to a unix timestamp using strtotime() and that we convert the value of the
'published' input parameter to a boolean using the cms_to_bool() method, a utility function
provided with CMSMS that is capable of interpreting a string in many formats and converting it
to a boolean.
Following that, we set a message using the CMSModule::SetMessage() method, and redirect
back to the primary admin interface (the defaultadmin action) for our module.
At the bottom of the file, we once again create a new Smarty template object for the
'edit_holiday.tpl' template. We then assign the holiday object we created above to it, and then
display the template.
The Form Template
The form template looks much like a normal HTML form intermixed with a bunch of Smarty tags.
Lets start from the top and work our way to the bottom:
At the very top of the template is a header, using a language string. As we mentioned before,
$mod is a reference to your module object that is automatically provided to your Smarty
template by CMSMS.
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 18
The “add_holiday” key is already in your lang file from a previous step, so here we show re-
using language strings.
On the second line of the form template is the {form_start} tag. This is a Smarty plugin
provided by CMSMS that creates a <form> tag with all of the data needed to specify the
destination php script, module action, and other required parameters so that when the form is
submitted our action file will be executed, with the proper data.
This Smarty plugin automatically determines the module name, and module action that it should
by default return to. But this, and many other things, are settable by adding arguments to this
tag. Please read the documentation for this plugin by navigating to “Extensions >> Tags” in
your CMSMS Installation.
Next, we create an area with submit and cancel buttons. Note that we do not use special tags
for this, instead we build them directly in HTML to allow the greatest flexibility in styling and
Each of the submit button names are prefixed with the {$actionid} Smarty variable. As
mentioned previouslym because CMSMS allows a module action to be called (on the front end)
multiple times, the actionid is used to identify and collect the parameters for each call
Note: Each and every parameter passed to a CMSMS module action must be prefixed with the
actionid so that the data can be transmitted to the $params array in your action.
We use the {$mod->Lang()} method throughout the template for providing human readable
strings that can also be translated to other languages.
Following this, we create the name and date input fields for our form. Again, we prefix the
name of the input field with the {$actionid} Smarty variable. We also use the $holiday
object variable that we provided to Smarty from within in our action.php file to provide the
values for our input fields.
The date input field requires data in YYYY-MM-DD format, so we use the date_format Smarty
modifier to convert the unix timestamp we store in the database to the proper format.
Next, we create the published select box, it is a standard select box whose name is again
prefixed with {$actionid}, and then we use the {cms_yesno} plugin to automatically provide
the options for the dropdown. We pass the $holiday->published flag to this plugin to indicate
which item should be selected.
After this, we create an area for the description field. Again, we use the {$mod->Lang()}
method to provide a human readable string. We use the {cms_textarea} plugin to create a
WYSIWYG enabled text area for editing the description.
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 19
The {cms_textarea} plugin accepts a separate prefix argument to which we pass the
$actionid variable. We specify a name, and we provide the description stored within the
holiday object (if any) for the default contents.
You will see throughout this document that we commonly use a few special classes when
formatting our admin template. These are <div class=”pageoverflow”> and within that a
<p class=”pagetext”> and <p class=”pageinput”>. Earlier in this document we also used
<div class=”pageoptions”>.
These are styles that the CMSMS admin theme understands and knows how to format. It is the
beginning of a 'style guide' within CMSMS.
The admin theme also has a basic grid system for laying out forms using a 12 column grid.
General Discussion
There is a lot to take away from this code. even though the code is relatively short:
The Model/View/Controller Paradigm & the Separation of Concerns
Although you must provide your own models, CMSMS does support the
Model/View/Controller paradigm. Using the action file as your controller, and the Smarty
template as your view.
In our code, the controller is clean, simple, and functional—and there is no polluting of the
controller code with view related issues.
Flexibility in Form Building
Because the entire form is built as a Smarty template, to which we have provided the model, we
are free to create our form in any style we want—using all of the HTML that we want—with
very few constraints.
There are numerous Smarty plugins provided both by Smarty itself, and by CMSMS to aid in
form building. As you see, there are plugins for creating the form itself, creating text areas,
populating select boxes, manipulating dates, etc.
Naming of input fields
We have learned that in order for the content of input field values to be routed back to your
controller when a form is submitted, each and every input field must be prefixed with the
Creating a List View
At this point we can add new holidays to the database, but we cannot yet do anything with them. The
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 20
next thing that we need to do is to modify our defaultadmin action to display our holidays in some kind
of list, so that we can edit them and delete them.
1. Create a new file called class.HolidayQuery.php in your modules/Holidays/lib directory and
paste in the following code that will act as the model for the data in our defaultadmin action:
class HolidayQuery extends CmsDbQueryBase
public function execute()
if( !is_null($this->_rs) ) return;
FROM '.CMS_DB_PREFIX.'mod_holidays H ORDER BY the_date DESC';
$db = \cms_utils::get_db();
$this->_rs = $db->SelectLimit($sql,$this->_limit,$this->_offset);
IF( $db->ErrorMsg() ) throw new \CmsSQLErrorException($db->sql.' -- '.$db->ErrorMsg());
$this->_totalmatchingrows = $db->GetOne('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
public function &GetObject()
$obj = new HolidayItem;
return $obj;
2. Modify your modules/Holidays/action.defaultadmin.php file to look like this:
if( !defined('CMS_VERSION') ) exit;
if( !$this->CheckPermission(Holidays::MANAGE_PERM) ) return;
$query = new HolidayQuery;
$holidays = $query->GetMatches();
$tpl = $smarty->CreateTemplate($this->GetTemplateResource('defaultadmin.tpl'),null,null,
3. Modify your modules/Holidays/templates/defaultadmin.tpl file to look like this:
<div class="pageoptions">
<a href="{cms_action_url action=edit_holiday}">{admin_icon icon='newobject.gif'}
{if !empty($holidays)}
<table class="pagetable">
<th class="pageicon">{* edit icon *}</th>
<th class="pageicon">{* delete icon *}</th>
{foreach $holidays as $holiday}
{cms_action_url action=edit_holiday hid=$holiday->id assign='edit_url'}
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 21
<td><a href="{$edit_url}" title="{$mod->Lang('edit')}">{$holiday->name}</a></td>
<td><a href="{$edit_url}" title="{$mod->Lang('edit')}">
{admin_icon icon='edit.gif'}</a>
<td>{* delete link will go here *}</td>
4. Add the following line to your modules/Holidays/lang/en_US.php file:
$lang['edit'] = 'Edit this';
The Query Class
This class makes use of the CmsDbQueryBase class to provide a convenient way of querying the
database and iterating through, or returning, results. It handles pagination, and can quite easily handle
filtering etc., by modifying the code in the execute() method. We will use this class to return a set of
HolidayItem objects for display.
By looking at this class definition you can see that we do a simple test to ensure that we do not execute
the query more often than necessary. Then we get a reference to the global CMSMS database
connection object, and query the database. We assign the results to $this->_rs. After this, we again
query the database to find the total number of items that would have matched our query, not including
any page limit.
The GetObject() method is a pure virtual method of this class, and is used to convert the data returned
from the database into a usable object instance. In this case, HolidayItem classes. The
GetMatches() method from the CmsDbQueryBase class is a simple wrapper method that iterates
through the result set, and convert the results from database rows into an array of HolidayItem objects.
The defaultadmin Action File
This file is still relatively simple, and very similar to what we had before. It would get more complex if
we added pagination and filtering capabilities into the admin panel.
After the normal security checks that we have discussed previously, we create an object of type
HolidayQuery. Again, the autoloader included with CMS Made Simple helps with this so that we do
not have to include the HolidayQuery class manually. Then we call the $query->GetMatches()
method to get our list of HolidayItem objects representing holidays we have created in the database.
Below that, after we have created our Smarty template object, we give our matching HolidayItem
objects to Smarty for use in the template.
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 22
Our controller is clean and functional. Also, there is no view functionality polluting this code.
We are demonstrating code-reuse by reusing the HolidayItem class. Later we will reuse both classes
in our front end summary view.
The defaultadmin template
This is where the real magic of our list view happens, and there is a fair bit of stuff happening:
At the top of the file is still the same link to the action for adding a new holiday entry.
Next, there is a Smarty {if} expression to test if we have any holiday entries. If we do have
holiday entries, then we define a table in which to display them.
Inside the <tbody> definition for the table, we use the Smarty {foreach} plugin to iterate
through all of the HolidayItem objects returned in our query. Each HolidayItem will be
rendered as a single table row.
Inside the {foreach} loop we use the {cms_action_url} plugin to create a URL to the
edit_holiday action, and we pass in an additional parameter called 'hid' with the numeric, unique
id if the holiday item. We assign the output of that plugin to a Smarty variable entitled
$edit_url so that we can re-use that variable in a few places.
Next, we build our row. The name column builds a link to the edit action, using the event name
as the contents of the link. The date column uses the Smarty date_format modifer to format the
date of the event in a locale acceptable manner. We then create another link to the edit action
for this holiday, using an icon generated by the {admin_icon} plugin.
If you also notice, we have made room on our table for another icon for the delete action, which
we will fill in later.
After you have created a few holiday items, your Holidays module admin panel should look something
like this:
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 23
Status Report
So, where are we at? Our module now can create holiday entries, and display them in a list in our
admin panel. We have created links that will (after the next step) allow us to edit those holiday items.
Our module directory is now filling out, and now looks like this:
\- Holidays.module.php
\- action.defaultadmin.php
\- action.edit_holiday.php
\- method.install.php
\- method.uninstall.php
\- lib
\- class.HolidayItem.php
\- class.HolidayQuery.php
\- templates
\- defaultadmin.tpl
\- edit_holiday.tpl
\- lang
\- en_US.php
Next we will edit the code so that we can make alterations to a HolidayItem record.
Editing an Existing Record
1. Modify your action.edit_holiday.php file so that the top looks like this:
(new code is hilighted)
$holiday = new HolidayItem();
if( isset($params['hid']) && $params['hid'] > 1) {
$holiday = HolidayItem::load_by_id((int)$params['hid']);
2. Change the {form_start} tag in your templates/edit_holiday.tpl file to look like this:
{form_start hid=$holiday->id}
That was quick and simple. Using our existing HolidayItem class we literally changed four lines of
code. We can now edit an existing holiday and save it back to the database.
The action.edit_holiday.php file
If you'll remember, our previous step was to create the links in the admin panel list view to edit the
holiday item. We specified the id of the item in the 'hid' parameter.
With the three lines of code we just added, we check to see if that parameter was passed to the action,
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 24
and if it is a valid value. If it is, we load the holiday item from the database using the static
HolidayItem::load_by_id() method that we previously created.
That is all we need to do in this file to enable editing.
The edit_holiday.tpl file
The one line we changed in the edit_holiday.tpl file was to ensure that the 'hid' parameter was passed
back to our action when the form is submitted, so that we can save edits to the proper holiday item.
This plugin automatically handles adding the {$actionid} prefix to form variables.
Deleting a Record
There is one last step to provide a complete CRUD interface in the admin panel of our module: we
need to be able to delete records. Fortunately, that is simple too. But we'll get a little fancy and add in
some javascript to make sure that administrators do not accidentally delete a record.
1. Create a new file in your modules/Holidays directory entitled action.delete_holiday.php and
place this code within it:
if( !defined('CMS_VERSION') ) exit;
if( !$this->CheckPermission(Holidays::MANAGE_PERM) ) return;
if( isset($params['hid']) && $params['hid'] > 1) {
$holiday = HolidayItem::load_by_id((int)$params['hid']);
2. Add this jQuery code to the top of your templates/defaultadmin.tpl file
<script type="text/javascript">
return confirm('{$mod->Lang('confirm_delete')}');
3. Find the Smarty comment {* delete link will go here *} in the defaultadmin.tpl file and
replace it with:
<a class="del_holiday" href="{cms_action_url action=delete_holiday hid=$holiday->id}"
title="{$mod->Lang('delete')}">{admin_icon icon='delete.gif'}</a>
4. Add the following to your lang/en_US.php file:
$lang['delete'] = 'Delete this';
$lang['confirm_delete'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this holiday record?';
$lang['holiday_deleted'] = 'This holiday is now deleted';
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 25
After you have added a few holidays to the database, your module's admin panel should look
something like this:
The defaultadmin Template
The first thing you should notice is that we have replaced the empty column on the right side of the
admin panel with a trashcan icon link. We created this link using the {cms_action_url} plugin, and
specifying the delete_holiday action, and passing in the unique holiday id parameter. We then once
again used the {admin_icon} plugin to generate the icon tag itself. We gave the link a class of
'del_holiday' and also gave it a title attribute.
Next is our javascript. We created a simple event handler that is triggered when somebody clicks on a
delete link. In that handler we confirm that they really want to delete it.
Note: The CMSMS admin console automatically includes the jQuery and jQuery-ui libraries, so jQuery
can be used at any time. We also demonstrate in a trivial way how jQuery and Smarty code can be
The action.delete_holiday.php File
When you look at this file you will see the two standard security checks at the top of this file.
Followed by a check for the 'hid' parameter. If the hid parameter is set, and appears valid then the
holiday is loaded from the database using the HolidayItem::load_by_id() method. Next it is
deleted using the HolidayItem::delete() method that we created previously.
Lastly we set a message using $this->SetMessage() similar to what we did in the
action.edit_holiday.php file, and we redirect back to the primary admin panel using $this-
This action works, but it is by no means production level code. There is absolutely no error checking
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 26
or handling in this code. In a production level module you would of course have to check to see if the
holiday loaded properly, and if it deleted properly. If an error occurred you should display something
to the user. You should also display a message to the user if for some reason the hid parameter was not
passed to the action, or was an invalid value. This is left as an exercise to the programmer (Hint:
throwing exceptions in the HolidayItem class is where I would start)
Our First Front End Action
Woot! Our module is now functional. From within the CMSMS admin panel we can install and
uninstall our module. We can also add, list, edit and delete holiday records, and we have a few classes
to make interacting with holiday records simple and easy.
However, most CMSMS modules (though not all) are intended to display data on the website's front-
end. A standard CMSMS module has a list view (typically called a summary view) on the frontend,
and each item then creates a link to a view for a single record (typically called a detail view). This
module also needs to display its data on the website's frontend.
We'll start by creating a simple summary view.
1. Create a new file in your modules/Holidays directory entitled action.default.php and inside it
place this code:
if( !defined('CMS_VERSION') ) exit;
$query = new HolidayQuery(array('published'=>1));
$holidays = $query->GetMatches();
$tpl = $smarty->CreateTemplate($this->GetTemplateResource('default.tpl'),null,null,$smarty);
2. Modify the HolidayQuery::execute() method in your
modules/Holidays/lib/class.HolidayQuery.php file like this:
public function execute()
if( !is_null($this->_rs) ) return;
if( isset($this->_args['published']) ) {
// store only draft or published items
$tmp = $this->_args['published'];
if( $tmp === 0 ) {
$sql .= ' WHERE published = 0';
} else if( $tmp === 1 ) {
$sql .= ' WHERE published = 1';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY the_date DESC';
$db = \cms_utils::get_db();
$this->_rs = $db->SelectLimit($sql,$this->_limit,$this->_offset);
IF( $db->ErrorMsg() ) throw new \CmsSQLErrorException($db->sql.' -- '.$db->ErrorMsg());
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 27
$this->_totalmatchingrows = $db->GetOne('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
3. Create a new file in your templates directory called default.tpl and inside it copy this
Smarty/html code:
<div class="holidayWrapper">
{foreach $holidays as $holiday}
<div class="holiday">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<a href="{cms_action_url action='detail' hid=$holiday->id}">{$holiday->name}</a>
<div class="col-sm-6 text-right">{$holiday->the_date|date_format:'%x'}</div>
<div class=”alert alert-danger”>{$mod->Lang('sorry_noholidays')}</div>
4. Copy this code into your lang/en_US.php file
$lang['sorry_noholidays'] = 'Sorry, we could not find any holidays that match the specified
5. Create a new content page
1. Turn off the WYSIWYG editor
On the 'options' tab click on the checkbox at the bottom with the label:
Disable WYSIWYG editor on this page (regardless of template or user
2. Paste this code into the content area
{cms_module module=Holidays}
The Default Action
As mentioned previously in this action, the default action is a 'special' action that is called for front-end
requests when no explicit action name is specified. It is required to be in the action.default.php file in
your module's primary directory.
If you compare our action.default.php with the action.defaultadmin.php you will notice they are very
similar. There are only three primary differences:
1. Because this is a front end action, we do not need to check if the currently logged in
administrator has access to this action.
2. We only want to display published holidays in this view, so we pass in an array of parameters to
the HolidayQuery class constructor to indicate this. The next step is to modify the
HolidayQuery class to handle that parameter.
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3. We are using a different view on our data. In this case we are using default.tpl instead of
The HolidayQuery::execute() method
As you can see by the highlighted code, we have rewritten the query building code in this method to
check if there is a 'published' parameter and to alter the SQL query accordingly.
The default.tpl Template
This template uses some Smarty logic, and some sample styles to create a pseudo table of holidays.
For convenience purposes we have used bootstrap3 styles.
We again use the {cms_action_url} plugin to create a link to a detail view, and pass the holiday item
id as an hid parameter. Though the link will display in the summary view, clicking on the link will not
work properly yet as we must register the hid parameter.
This is an important concept in all CMS Made Simple modules. There is no style-guide for front end
displays. Website developers are free to use whatever toolkits they choose, or to build their own.
Therefore, front-end module templates—particularly for modules that are intended for sharing—can
only provide sample templates.
Though it is technically possible for a module to install CSS style sheets, images, and icons that are
used with your module's front end templates, it is genrerally a bad idea to do this with a module you
intend to release to the public. This is because you are then imposing your styling preferences on the
website developer. A developer that wishes to not use these now has a lot of cleanup to do. It is best
to provide basic and simple sample templates even though their default appearance may be sparse and
Calling the Module
The final thing we do is create a new content page, disable the WYSIWYG editor on that page, and
then call our module.
We disable the WYSIWYG editor on that page because we are now using that page not for normal
editor controlled content, but for module controlled content. Displaying holiday data on that page is
part of our design.
The WYSIWYG editor will typically (and correctly) enforce a document structure, with <p> tags and
other elements. Inserting module calls that generate <div> elements inside of those would result in
invalid code.
When the page is used for displaying data, or other module generated content, it is best to disable the
WYSIWYG editor and to ensure that normal admin users (those responsible for managing the site
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 29
content) cannot easily edit the page.
A Detail View
The next thing we need to do is to add the ability to display a single record in its entirety on the front
end of our website, and make the link in our summary template work.
1. Add the following code to your Holidays.module.php file
public function InitializeFrontend() {
public function InitializeAdmin() {
2. Create a new file in your modules/Holidays directory entitled action.detail.php and paste in the
following code:
if( !defined('CMS_VERSION') ) exit;
if( !isset($params['hid']) ) return;
$holiday = HolidayItem::load_by_id( (int) $params['hid'] );
$tpl = $smarty->CreateTemplate($this->GetTemplateResource('detail.tpl'),null,null,$smarty);
3. Create a new file in your modules/Holidays/templates directory entitled detail.tpl and paste in
the following code
{if $holiday}
<div class="row">
<p class="col-sm-2 text-right">{$mod->Lang('name')}:</p>
<p class="col-sm-10">{$holiday->name}</p>
<div class="row">
<p class="col-sm-2 text-right">{$mod->Lang('date')}:</p>
<p class="col-sm-10">{$holiday->the_date|date_format:'%x'}</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="alert alert-danger">{$mod->Lang('error_notfound')}</div>
4. Add the following to your lang/en_US.php file:
$lang['holiday_detail'] = 'Holiday Detail';
$lang['error_notfound'] = 'The Holiday specified could not be displayed';
$lang['param_hid'] = 'Applicable only to the detail action, this parameter accepts the integer
id of a holiday to display';
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 30
The appearance of the new default action depends on your styling as these frontend templates are only
samples. However, if your website's page template is using bootstrap3, then the summary view might
look something like this:
The first thing we do is add an InitializeFrontend() method to our module's class file.
This is a callback method that is called when your module is loaded for front-end requests.
Within that method we call $this->SetParameterType('hid',CLEAN_INT);
If you recall the discussion earlier in this document we stated that for security purposes, all
parameters that were to be passed to an action file for front-end requests must be registered.
And this is how it is done. In this example we are saying of course that the 'hid' parameter must
be cleaned and that only integer values are accepted.
Note: A parameter needs only be registered once, for all front-end actions.
Following this we add an InitializeAdmin() method to our module's class file.
This is a callback method that is called when your module is loaded for requests in the admin
Here we create a parameter for use when displaying the module's help by calling $this-
>CreateParameter('hid',null,$this->Lang('param_hid'));. Here we specify the
parameter name, its default value, and a string to display in the module's help.
The next thing we do is add the code for our detail view to display a single article.
If you review the action.edit_holiday.php action, you will see that the two actions are very
similar, with the exception that our action.detail.php has no need to process form parameters.
Again, this code is not production ready. There should be significant error checking in the code,
and we should be double checking to ensure that the holiday is published before giving it to
Lastly, we create a detail template to display all of the information for the HolidayItem we
loaded in the action.detail.php
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 31
This code should be very familiar to you by now as it is just a rehash of the other views that we
have created. The only minor exception is that we are using a fieldset and a legend for
formatting, though this is completely optional.
Status Report
So, Where are we at? Our module is now fully functional:
It has installation and uninstall routines
Our module uses admin permissions
It has a lang file to allow us to use human readable strings without embedding them directly
into our PHP or HTML/Smarty code, which allows them to be translated to different languages
It has a basic model class (HolidayItem)
It has a basic query class (HolidayQuery)
It has an admin panel. The admin panel will display a list of holidays, and provides a link to
create new holidays. From within this list an authorized admin user can edit and delete holiday
Holiday records have a name, a date, a published flag, and a description
It has a front-end summary view for displaying published holidays
It has a front-end detail view for displaying all of the information about a single holiday
Our modules/Holidays module directory now looks like:
\- Holidays.module.php
\- action.default.php
\- action.defaultadmin.php
\- action.delete_holiday.php
\- action.detail.php
\- action.edit_holiday.php
\- lang/
\- en_US.php
\- lib/
\- class.HolidayItem.php
\- class.HolidayQuery.php
\- templates/
\- default.tpl
\- defaultadmin.tpl
\- detail.tpl
\- edit_holiday.tpl
This tutorial could stop here. Our module is completely functional. Creating more controllers, views,
and models largely involves repeating the processes we have done up until this point. However, there
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 32
are concerns about this module:
There is no way to generate a detail view on a different content page. This may be useful, for
example, if you are displaying a summary view in a sidebar and want to display the detail views
using a different page template.
As the number of holidays grows in the database this module will slow down and require more
resources to display the entire list of holidays (this would probably require a few thousand
holiday records though). And we don't necessarily want to display thousands of records.
Our next step will be to modify our summary view so that we can create detail views on different
content pages, and also limit the output to a specified number of holidays.
Adding A Detail Page Parameter and a Page limit
1. Add the following two lines to your InitializeFrontend() method in your Holidays.module.php
2. Add the following two lines to your InitializeAdmin() method in your Holidays.module.php
3. Change your action.default.php file to look like this:
(changed code is highlighted)
if( !defined('CMS_VERSION') ) exit;
$limit = (isset($params['limit'])) ? (int) $params['limit'] : 1000;
$limit = max(1,$limit);
$detailpage = $returnid;
if( isset($params['detailpage']) ) {
$hm = CmsApp::get_instance()->GetHierarchyManager();
$node = $hm->sureGetNodeByAlias($params['detailpage']);
if( is_object($node) ) $detailpage = $node->get_tag('id');
$query = new HolidayQuery(array('published'=>1,'limit'=>$limit));
$holidays = $query->GetMatches();
$tpl = $smarty->CreateTemplate($this->GetTemplateResource('default.tpl'),null,null,$smarty);
4. Add this code to your lib/class.HolidayQuery.php:
public function __construct($args = '')
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 33
if( isset($this->_args['limit']) ) $this->_limit = (int) $this->_args['limit'];
5. Change the {cms_action_url} tag in your templates/default.tpl file to this:
{cms_action_url action=detail hid=$holiday->id returnid=$detailpage}
6. Add these lines to your lang/en_US.php file:
$lang['param_limit'] = 'Applicable only to the default action, this parameter limits the number
of holidays displayed to the specified number.';
$lang['param_detailpage'] = 'Applicable only to the default action, this parameter allows
specifying an alternate page id or alias on which to display the detail results.';
7. Edit the new content page you created above and change the call to the module to:
{cms_module module=Holidays limit=10 detailpage=news}
Note: The above instruction assumes that you are working with a default installation of
CMSMS 2.0.1 that had the default content installed. For testing purposes, you may need to
select an alias of a different existing content page that is not the default page.
Woah, there were a lot of steps there, but all of them were fairly minor changes. Don't worry, we'll
discuss all of the important details.
In steps one and two we just repeat the steps we did for registering the 'hid' parameter. This
ensures that CMSMS knows about our limit and detailpage parameters, and that they can show
up in the module's help (the lang keys are strings added in step 6).
Step 3 is where the bulk of the work is done. All of the changed code is highlighted in yellow
for easier reference.
You can see that we check for the 'limit' parameter, and if it is set we use its value to fill our
$limit variable. Otherwise we use 1000. Next we just ensure that a positive integer value was
specified for $limit. We then add the $limit stuff into the array of parameters passed to the
constructor when we create an instance of our HolidayQuery class.
Next is the interesting stuff: we test for the detailpage parameter, and, if it exists, we convert
the value of that parameter (which could be a numeric page id or a string page alias) into a page
id if possible.
We introduce a couple more CMSMS API Classes:
This is perhaps one of the most important classes in the CMSMS API. It is the primary
application skeleton. It contains numerous convenience and handy methods to access other
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 34
points in the API. This is a singleton object, and you receive a reference to the single
CmsApp instance by calling CmsApp::get_instance()
There are a few convenience wrappers to this function call, including cmsms() which is a
simple wrapper to the method above.
One of the methods of the CmsApp class is GetHierarchyManager().
The Hierarchy Manager
The name of this method is basically a misnomer. This method returns a reference to the
root node of a tree of content nodes representing the page hierarchy of the entire website.
The nodes are all instances of the cms_content_tree class. The cms_content_tree class is
in turn derived from the cms_tree class.
One of the methods of the cms_content_tree class is sureGetNodeByAlias() which will
search through all of the nodes below the current point (remember that
GetHierarchyManager() returns a reference to the root node) for a node with the alias you
Our code uses the hierarchy manager to try to find a node given the value of the detailpage
parameter that was passed in to our action. If a node can be found we call $node-
>get_tag('id') to retrieve the numeric page id for that alias, and assign the results to our
$detailpage variable.
Lastly, we provide the $detailpage variable to Smarty for use in our template.
In step 4 we modify our HolidayQuery class so that it can understand the 'limit' parameter
passed into it.
If the 'limit' parameter is detected in the parameters provided to the constructor we merely set
the $this->_limit protected member.
In step 5 we modify the {cms_action_url} call to pass through the detailpage parameter that
we created in step 3. This will ensure that the URL we are generating will request the proper
CMSMS content page.
Remember from the code in the action.default.php that if no detailpage parameter is passed to
the action that the current page id ($returnid) will be used as the detailpage. $returnid as
mentioned earlier in this document is the id of the current page that we are rendering.
General Discussion:
There is a lot to learn in this code. Though all in all the changes were relatively simple and straight
forward PHP code, please review the code thoroughly. We introduced numerous new API functions
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 35
and classes, including the CmsApp class, and the Hierarchy manager for working with your page tree.
We also illustrated how $returnid and different page id's work in CMSMS, which will be important
concepts that you will need to understand in the next section.
Note: If search engine optimization is valuable to your site you should ensure that your usage of the
detailpage parameter is consistent throughout the website. When developing a module it may be better
to use a preference instead of allowing the detailpage to be specified in the call to the module. More
about this when we talk about Search Engine Friendly URL's below.
SEO Friendly URLS and Routes
Search Engine Friendly URLs (CMSMS calls them “Pretty URLs”) are usually important to modules
that display data on the website front-end—particularly if they are modules that will be released for use
by the general public.
In a CMSMS module there are two parts to the “Pretty URL” problem:
1. Generating the pretty URL when rendering our HTML code.
2. Routing an incoming pretty URL to the proper module action.
1. Enable Pretty URLs on your website
If you have not done so already, follow the CMSMS configuration guide to enable pretty URLs
on your website. Internal pretty URLs will be enough for this tutorial.
Note: Remember to clear the CMSMS cache every time you adjust the config.php file.
2. Add the following new method to your Holidays.module.php file
public function get_pretty_url($id,$action,$returnid='',$params = array(),$inline = false)
if( $action != 'detail' || !isset($params['hid']) ) return;
$holiday = HolidayItem::load_by_id((int)$params['hid']);
if( !is_object($holiday) ) return;
return "Holidays/$returnid/{$params['hid']}/".munge_string_to_url($holiday->name);
3. Add the following to your InitializeFrontend() method in your Holidays.module.php file
4. Modify the templates/detail.tpl file like this:
(changed lines are highlighted)
{if $holiday}
{cms_action_url action=detail hid=$holiday->id assign='canonical'}
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 36
{$canonical=$canonical scope=global}
1. As mentioned above, there are two parts to handling pretty URLs in CMSMS modules. The
new method we have just added to the Holidays module class handles the generation of pretty
What we do here is check to see if we are creating a URL for the detail action, and we ensure
that we have the “hid” parameter. If everything is good, we load the holiday object from the
database. Lastly, we build a string containing the prefix “Holidays”, the page id that we want to
render this detail view on, the holiday id, and a string representing the name of the holiday.
The munge_string_to_url() method will take a holiday name and translate the characters
until they are all safe URL characters.
This method is automatically called any time Holidays::create_url() is called for a
frontend request. create_url() is another virtual method in the module base class.
The {cms_action_url} plugin will call Holidays::create_url() for each URL we try to create.
Therefore, every time we call {cms_action_url} to create a URL for the detail action, we will
return a pretty URL.
If you now browse to the summary view of our Holidays module on your website's front end,
and then hover over one of the links to a detail view you should see that the generated URL
looks something like:
<your root url>/index.php/Holidays/99/2/Christmas
Note: Your URL will look slightly different if you configured mod_rewrite pretty URLs, and
because your returnid, holiday id, and holiday name may be different.
2. The modifications we made to the InitializeFrontend() method tells CMSMS how to
handle incoming URL strings that match a certain pattern.
Firstly, we create a string parameter called “junk”. This is because the get_pretty_url()
method will append the holiday name to the generated URL, and it must be handled.
Additionally, we already have the ability (via the hid parameter) to uniquely identify which
article we want to display.
The RegisterRoute() method tells CMSMS that: For every incoming request where the URL
matches this regular expression call the detail action for the Holidays module, and to parse out
the returnid and hid parameters as well.
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 37
The regular expression defined in the route must be able to uniquely identify your module, and
all of the details to generate a view without conflicting with another module. To help with this
uniqueness, module routes are usually prefixed with the module name. i.e: if they were not a
route of 99/2/Christmas could refer to another module, or to a content page. The system would
find the first route that matches, which may not necessarily be to your module.
There must be some mechanism on every incoming route to determine a page id. This can
either be encoded in the URL itself, or stored in some type of preference, but it must exist. Your
decision on how to store the returnid depends on how your module will be used.
Although it is possible to get rid of the hid in our routes, so that the URLs look like
Holidays/<returnid>/<holiday name>, we would need to modify our code to ensure that the
holiday name was unique for all holidays so that we could uniquely identify the holiday to
If no action is specified as a parameter to the route, but a route is matched, then the magic
module action “defaulturl” will be called.
Routes are just additional ways to access the same data. The old 'un-pretty' url that was
generated before this step will still work to generate a detail view of a holiday. That is why we
modified our detail template so that we could generate a 'pretty' canonical URL.
If you look at our get_pretty_url() method we are loading the HolidayItem specified by the hid.
It is entirely probable that in a detail view that that Holiday item has already been loaded. This
would result in the same data being loaded twice from the database.
For a production-ready module, the developer should take steps to ensure that this does not
happen, and utilize caching to optimize performance.
Registering the Module Name
You may have noticed that in our content page created above, we called the module like this:
{cms_module module=Holidays limit=10 detailpage=something}
For simplicity and brevity we want to be able to call our module like most other modules in CMS Made
Simple. Like this:
{Holidays limit=10 detailpage=something}
1. Add the following to the InitializeFrontend() callback method in your
Holidays.module.php file:
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 38
2. Edit your content page and change the call to our module to:
{Holidays limit=10 detailpage=something}
* Remember to preserve the value of the detailpage parameter from the previous incarnation of
this call.
The RegisterModulePlugin() method of the CMSMS module base class will create a dynamic
shortcut so that the system recognizes {Holidays} in addition to {cms_module module=Holidays}
Search module Integration
Since this is a content module, which means that we are managing content that will be visible on the
website front end, we may want to add the ability for our module's data to be found via the CMSMS
Search module. This is a purely optional step and depends on how your module will be used and
1. Modify your action.edit_holiday.php file like this:
(added lines are Highlighted)
$search = \cms_utils::get_search_module();
if( is_object($module) ) {
if( !$holiday->published ) {
$search->DeleteWords($this->GetName(), $holiday->id, 'holiday');
} else {
$search->AddWords($this->GetName(), $holiday->id, 'holiday', $holiday->name.'
2. Modify your action.delete_holiday.php file like this:
(added lines are highlighted)
$search = \cms_utils::get_search_module();
if( is_object($search) ) $search->DeleteWords($this->GetName(), (int) $params['hid'],
3. Add the following methods to your Holidays.module.php file
public function SearchReindex(&$search_module)
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 39
$query = new HolidayQuery();
$matches = $query->GetMatches();
foreach( $matches as $holiday ) {
$search_module->AddWords($this->GetName(), $holiday->id,
'holiday', $holiday->name.' '.strip_tags($holiday->description));
public function SearchResultWithParams($returnid, $articleid, $attr = '', $params = '')
// this method returns an array with 3 elements. The module name, the article/item name,
and the URL to display it.
if( $attr != 'holiday' ) return;
$holiday = HolidayItem::load_by_id((int)$articleid);
if( !$holiday ) return; // could not find the item.
$result = array();
$result[0] = $this->GetFriendlyName();
$result[1] = $holiday->name;
$detailpage = $returnid;
if( isset($params['detailpage']) ) {
$hm = CmsApp::get_instance()->GetHierarchyManager();
$node = $hm->sureGetNodeByAlias($params['detailpage']);
if( is_object($node) ) $detailpage = $node->get_tag('id');
$result[2] = $this->create_url('cntnt01','detail',$detailpage,
return $result;
The action.edit_holiday.php file
The first thing of note in this code is the call to \cms_utils::get_search_module(). The cms_utils
class contains a large number of convenience and utility functions to aid in writing code for CMSMS.
We encourage you to review it. This method will return a reference to the instance of the Search
module class if the module is installed and enabled. If the module is not yet loaded, it will be loaded
into PHP memory.
Next, we check to ensure that we actually received a reference to the module, and, if so, proceed to do
our work. Our work involves two paths:
a: The holiday we have just edited is not—or is no longer—published. In this case we need to ensure
that this holiday is not indexed by the Search module.
To do this, we call the search module's DeleteWords() method. We pass in the module name, the
holiday's unique id, and a keyword 'holidays' so that the search module can uniquely identify the item
we are removing.
b: The holiday we have just edited is published. In this case we need to ensure that the words in this
holiday object are indexed by the Search module.
To add words to the search module we call the module's AddWords() method. We again pass in the
module name, the unique holiday id, and the 'holidays' keyword so that the search module can
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 40
uniquely identify this item. We also pass this method a single string of the words that should be
indexed (without html tags).
The action.delete_holiday.php file
The code in this action is very similar to the related code in the action.edit_holiday.php file, however
we only need to be concerned about deleting words from the Search module when a holiday is deleted.
The SearchReindex method
The search module has the ability to re-index all content. This happens when the module is upgraded,
or the website administrator explicitly chooses that option from the Search module's admin panel.
The search module calls the SearchReindex method for each and every module that has that method so
that each module can provide its contents to refresh the search index.
In our implementation of this method, we merely create a HolidayQuery object and iterate through its
matches. You should be able to see from the definition of this query object that we will only (by
default) be returning published holidays.
Once we have the results, we iterate through them and call the Search module's 'AddWords' method just
as we did in the action.edit_holiday.php file. The reference to the Search module is provided to us in
this callback.
Note: In production level code, if there were a great deal of items in our holidays database we may
have to extend this code to be a bit artistic and memory efficient. Additionally, our HolidayQuery
class by default limits us to 1000 items.
The SearchResultWithParams() method
The Search module, after a search has been performed, will call this method of your module when it
has determined that one of the items from your module has matched the search criteria.
The Search module is asking you for the relevant information it needs to display this item in its output.
It expects an array of 3 items to be returned. First, the module name, followed by the text to display
to the user, and lastly the URL to create a link to.
The Search module is capable of passing arguments to your module such as the article id, or detailpage,
templates or other parameters. Those parameters must already be registered by your module.
In our code we first do a few minor checks to ensure that we actually have to do work. We check that
the Search module wants to display a 'holiday' (see the keyword we provided in the calls to $search-
>AddWords() and $search->DeleteWords()). Next we ensure that we can actually read the
HolidayItem specified in the $articleid parameter. Then we get to work.
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 41
First, we create an empty array, and immediately add our module name to the first element. We use the
holiday name for our second element, though in production environments we may want to display a
portion of the description. And, lastly, we create a detail URL.
We test if a detailpage parameter was specified in the incoming parameters, and, if it was, we resolve
that into a page id. This is the same code we use in our action.default.php.
Next, we call $this->create_url() and pass it a number of parameters. This is the first time we
have used the create_url() module method directly. Until now we have used {cms_action_url}
which is a wrapper to this method.
To the create_url() method we pass 'cntnt01' as a module action id. This is a special value for CMSMS
front end requests, and it indicates that the output of the action should replace the contents of the
default {content} block. Secondly, we pass in the name of the action we are creating a link to—in
this case it is 'detail'—and the page that we wish to render the output on, in this case that page is
identified by the $detailpage variable. Lastly, we pass in an array of parameters for that action. In this
case, we only need the 'hid' parameter for our detail action.
General Discussion
The above procedure demonstrates one way of interacting with other modules. There are a few ways in
CMS Made Simple for module to interact with others.
Note that we have not created a tight dependency on the Search module. We are just adding data to it if
the module is installed and enabled.
A tight dependency would be when your module absolutely must use the APIs of another module in
order to function properly. In this case you would need to modify your GetDependencies() method to
ensure that the dependent modules were loaded before your module was loaded.
Note: Each time you adjust the dependencies in your GetDependencies() method you must adjust the
value of your module version in at least a minor way.
Note: The methods that we are using from the Search module are clearly documented and public (not
internal) methods.
Lazy Loading
Lazy loading is the concept of not loading your module into PHP memory until such time as it is
needed. This can be useful when there are many modules installed and when your module may not be
needed on each request.
Modules can be lazy loaded for front end or admin requests, however there are some caveats to using
lazy loading, particularly on the front end. The table below indicates when you cannot use Lazy
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 42
Can Lazy Load Front end
Can Lazy Load admin requests
Registers module name
* See RegisterModulePlugin()
Registers routes dynamically
* See cms_route_manager
Registers Additional Smarty
Shares API's
* Other modules may have to
explicitly request your module
instance, or list it as a
Registers Content Types NO NO
Registers module block types YES YES
Note: Our current sample module cannot be lazy loaded for front end requests because it calls
RegisterModulePlugin() from the InitializeFrontend() method. This callback is called after the module
has already been loaded.
1. Add this function to your Holidays.module.php file:
public function LazyLoadAdmin() { return TRUE; }
2. Modify your GetVersion() method as follows:
public function GetVersion() { return '0.1.1'; }
3. Visit “Site Admin >> Module Manager” in your CMSMS admin console, and click 'Upgrade' on
the Holidays row.
Now our module will not be automatically loaded for admin requests with certain exceptions:
When the admin navigation cache must be loaded for an admin user
In the Module Manager
When a dependent module requires it
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 43
When an action from our module is requested
Asynchronous Content
Many web sites, or web applications, these days implement some of their functionality by loading
content asynchronously, or via AJAX. This involves using javascript to asynchronously load some
data, or a small portion of content, from your website via a request that is sent AFTER the primary
page is requested.
CMSMS makes making asynchronous requests to your module actions fairly simple. All that is
needed is access to the proper URLs from within your javascript, and thankfully the
{cms_action_url} plugin works great for this.
Note: For the following steps we will be assuming that jQuery is enabled in your front end template.
You can do that by adding {cms_jquery} to the head portion of your page template, or by manually
including the appropriate <link> tags.
1. Add the following to your lang/en_US.php file:
$lang['preview'] = 'Preview';
2. Add the following to your InitializeFrontend() method in your Holidays.module.php file
3. Modify your get_pretty_url() method in your Holidays.module.php file like this
public function get_pretty_url($id,$action,$returnid='',$params = array(),$inline = false)
if( $action != 'detail' || !isset($params['hid']) ) return;
if( isset($params['detailtemplate']) ) return; // can't make a pretty URL
$holiday = HolidayItem::load_by_id((int)$params['hid']);
if( !is_object($holiday) ) return;
return "Holidays/$returnid/{$params['hid']}/".munge_string_to_url($holiday->name);
4. Modify your action.detail.php file to look like this:
if( !defined('CMS_VERSION') ) exit;
if( !isset($params['hid']) ) return;
$detailtemplate = (isset($params['detailtemplate'])) ? trim($params['detailtemplate']) :
$holiday = HolidayItem::load_by_id( (int) $params['hid'] );
$tpl = $smarty->CreateTemplate($this->GetTemplateResource($detailtemplate),null,null,$smarty);
5. Add a new file entitled 'ajax_detail.tpl' in your modules/Holidays/templates directory and copy
in this smarty code:
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 44
{if $holiday}
<div class="row">{$holiday->name} @ {$holiday->the_date|date_format:'%x'}</div>
<div class="row">
6. change your default.tpl file to look like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var url = $(this).attr('href')+'&showtemplate=false';
<div id="preview_area" class="well" style="display: none;"></div>
<div class="holidayWrapper">
{foreach $holidays as $holiday}
<div class="holiday">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<a href="{cms_action_url action=detail hid=$holiday->id
&dash; <a class="preview" href="{cms_action_url action=detail hid=$holiday->id
returnid=$detailpage forjs=1 detailtemplate='ajax_detail.tpl'}">{$mod->Lang('preview')}</a>
<div class="col-sm-6 text-right">{$holiday->the_date|date_format:'%x'}</div>
<div class="alert alert-danger">{$mod->Lang('sorry_noholidays')}</div>
The Holidays.module.php file
As should be evident by now, we register a new parameter called detailtemplate, which is of
type string. Please add the help for this parameter as an exercise.
Next, we modify our get_pretty_url() method so that if we are requesting a detail action, but
we have specified a detailtemplate, we do not attempt to create a pretty URL.
This is because there really isn't any sense in “uglifying” a search engine friendly URL with a
parameter that is not relevant to the URL.
Note: See the {cms_module_hint} plugin to allow specifying non-default parameters for
module actions from within a parent page template.
The action.detail.php file
Here we simply modify our action to accept the detailtemplate parameter if it is provided to our action.
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 45
If it is not, then we use the existing detail.tpl template.
The ajax_detail.tpl file
This template file is a detail template. It is intended to display the holiday information in a brief
manner. Specifically it removes all of the HTML tags from the description.
The default.tpl file
This is where the magic happens. First, you should notice the line beginning with &dash. Here we
create another link. We give that link a class of preview, and for its href we again call
{cms_action_url}, but this time passing it the detailtemplate parameter, and another parameter called
'forjs' that will trigger some URL processing for us.
At the top of the template is some jQuery code inside a <script> tag. We create a function to handle
click events on links with the class preview.
Inside that handler we retrieve the href attribute for the link that we clicked on, and we add
'&showtemplate=false' to it. showtemplate=false is a magic request variable for CMSMS. It
indicates that only the default content block of the requested page will be processed, and none of the
surrounding template. This means that we want only the results of our action to be returned, not the
surrounding HTML from our page template. This parameter has a similar function for admin requests.
Once we have the URL, we simply load the HTML into the new div we created with the id of
“preview_area”. Then we show the preview area as it is initially hidden, wait for 5 seconds and hide it
We now have a summary template that, if you click on a preview link will show some brief information
about the holiday for a short period of time. The difficulty in this example was in modifying the detail
view and the Holidays module class file to add yet another parameter. The javascript portion was
relatively simple and straight forward.
Final Status Report
That is the end—our module is functional. In approximately 490 lines of code we're done. It is time
we consider all of the functionality we have already:
Our module creates its database table and a permission on installation, and removes them on
It has an admin interface with basic CRUD capabilities
It uses CMSMS permissions in the admin interface
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 46
It has front end summary and detail actions, and two templates for the detail view.
It supports a pagelimit parameter in the summary view.
It knows how to work with a detailpage parameter so detail views can be on different pages
It handles a detailtemplate parameter so that you can output different detail views of the same
It supports pretty URLs for requesting detail views
It integrates with the Search module
and it supports lazy loading on admin interface requests.
We have demonstrated the model/view/controller paradigm within CMSMS
We know how to create actions, and templates for actions
We know how to modify our module class so that CMSMS knows about our module, its
functionality, and its dependencies, among other things.
We have demonstrated code re-use throughout the module with our HolidayItem and
HolidayQuery classes.
Our file structure looks like this:
\- action.defaultadmin.php
\- action.default.php
\- action.delete_holiday.php
\- action.detail.php
\- action.edit_holiday.php
\- Holidays.module.php
\- lang/
\- en_US.php
\- lib/
\- class.HolidayItem.php
\- class.HolidayQuery.php
\- method.install.php
\- method.uninstall.php
\- templates/
\- ajax_detail.tpl
\- default.tpl
\- defaultadmin.tpl
\- detail.tpl
\- edit_holiday.tpl
Taking this Module Further
Though this module has a lot of functionality, there is always functionality that could be added. A
module never dies, it just grows. There is work to do—particularly if this module is going to be
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 47
redistributed or shared for production use. Some of the items worth adding are:
Error Handling
For the sake of expediency this tutorial has not included much error handing. However this is a
requirement in a production level module.
The author would recommend starting by modifying the HolidayItem and HolidayQuery classes
to throw exceptions instead of returning true or false from the various methods.
Then each of the action files, and any of the methods using those classes can be modified with
appropriate try/catch blocks, displaying of errors, and redirection. This would allow handling all
sorts of errors with one set of code while keeping your source code readable.
Filtering and Pagination
Particularly in the admin interface it would be useful to be able to paginate the results after
there are more than 20 or 30 items in the database. The ability via a form to apply a filter to the
results would aid in being able to find a specific item.
Similarly, filtering and pagination on the front end would be useful in a production-quality
In a production-quality module, users typically require some sort of mechanism to categorize
their items, and later filter them.
Integration with the Design Manager
In a module intended to be shared on the Forge, users typically enjoy the capability of
managing multiple templates for each view of a module from within the CMSMS Design
Integration with the Design Manager is the subject of another (though probably shorter) tutorial.
Working with Other Modules
At this point, after we had introduced working with the Search module, We thought it prudent to briefly
discuss how to interact with other modules, and the proper etiquette of doing so. Forgive us, as we
briefly get a little bit preachy.
Creating a Dependency
You can easily add another module to your module's dependency list by modifying the data returned
from your GetDependencies() method. This will ensure that CMSMS first loads these modules
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 48
before loading yours. Your module will then be able to use the API functions of your dependent
modules automatically.
You can also get a reference to a module instance by calling cms_utils::get_module() or a few
other methods, and then checking to ensure the validity of the result of that function call. i.e.:
$captcha = \cms_utils::get_module('Captcha');
if( $captcha ) {
You should never attempt to call a module instance, or use an API function provided by a module
without first ensuring that the module is loaded via one of the two above methods.
Finding Other module's API methods:
Sometimes you are fortunate and the module author has posted online somewhere a complete and well
documented API interface to their module. Often though this is not the case—you will need to
discover how to interact with another module by reading and understanding its source code.
When writing your own module (or UDT or plugin) and interacting with another
person's code there are a few things to remember:
Do not write directly to the other packages data, databases, tables or files
This is very important. A developer cannot be held responsible for bugs or issues caused by
another third party application writing to his data without using his approved, public,
documented APIs.
It happens all too often where package B is writing directly to package A's database, or deleting
cache files etc. that are used for and interfere with the proper operation of module A. When a
user encounters an issue they assume the problem is with module A. It all too often is not.
This causes the developer(s) of package A to waste time and get frustrated. It also causes bad
feelings about the other developer of package B.
Do not use the other packages undocumented, or 'internal' methods
It is also very important that you do not use API methods of another piece of source code that
were not meant for sharing as this puts both your module and the dependency at risk. Internal
or undocumented methods are sometimes intended for internal use, or may be temporary. Your
dependent module may break if down the road this 'internal' method goes away or its
© 2015 – The CMSMS Dev Team Page 49
functionality changes. Although this is not the fault of the other third party developer, end
users don't see it that way, and it leads to the same frustrations and bad feelings as described
If you need to interact with a module, and it has very limited documentation, or none at all, you have
just a few choices:
Ask the developer of the other module to nicely, and expediently write some documentation
(sometimes you can help to adjust their priorities with cash)
Ask to become involved with the other project
Many authors will jump at the offer of assistance. Some will not.
Fork the project
All CMSMS modules are licensed under some sort of GPL compatible license. Therefore, it is
possible to fork the module to a new name—and implement your changes. even if it is just
Change your plans
Do interact with the other package's developers
Most developers are eager to help you create quality code, and to improve their products. It
pays, if possible to interact with other developers.
As mentioned at the beginning of this document modules CMS Made Simple can be quite easily
translated to other languages. This, and the ability to re-use and easily fix typos in human readable
strings is the reason that we encourage people to use lang files for as much as possible.
CMSMS has the ability to set locales and languages for front end requests based on the users browser,
what languages are installed on the server and CMSMS and on site settings. Additionally, for admin
requests the language can be adjusted based on what languages are installed on the server and in the
CMSMS install, and user preferences. For both front end and admin requests there is a concept of the
'current language' (the language for the request).
CMSMS will automatically read your en_US.php file the first time that the Lang() method is called.
Also, depending upon the 'current language' and if it exists, it will read a lang file from
modules/<yourmodule>/lang/ext/xx_XX.php where xx_XX.php corresponds to an accepted language
For example: modules/Holidays/lang/ext/fr_FR.php is a valid language file, and would be read if the
users current language was set to fr_FR.
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The Translation Center:
Most developers do not know more than one or two spoken and written languages, so they need help
with translating their module into different languages. That is where the “Translation Center” comes in
to play.
The Translation Center is a simple online application that allows authorized people to translate the
human readable lang files from various modules into different languages. We encourage you to register
your module for the translation center.
Setting it Up:
In order to allow for your module to be translated into different languages via the translation center a
few things need to occur:
1. Your module must be registered on the CMS Made Simple Forge (
Though you do not need to keep your source code there, the forge provides a convenient
mechanism for sharing releases, and managing bugs and feature requests. It is also integrated
with the Translation Center.
2. You need to contact our translation team lead and let them know about your project
Our translation team lead currently needs to know a few things about the project:
The project name
The project's unix name on the forge
The complete, public, web accessible URL to your up-to-date lang/en_US.php file
3. You need to be able to pull translations from the translation center
Translations will change over time as people get to them, usually in their evenings. Before you
issue a release of your module you will usually want to grab the latest transactions.
If using Subversion (SVN) as your source code management mechanism this is done by editing
an external property. From the unix command line you would type something like this:
cd modules/Holidays/
svn propedit svn:externals lang
That would instantiate a text editor into which you would type:
Lastly you would commit your change.
This would ensure that every time you 'updated' your current working directory from the
repository that the latest translations would be pulled.
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Instructions for using GIT are slightly different.
What's Changing
CMSMS is constantly evolving and changing. Here is a brief list of some of the slated changes in the
near future, particularly those changes that would effect this tutorial:
Language Files:
It's ironic that just after we finished discussing language files and translations we are now stating that
they are slated to change... However, it's a good change.
Our plans are to overcome certain difficulties and issues with lang files by changing the lang file format
to .ini files. In the end, although the format of the en_US.php file will change, the functionality will
not dramatically change.
Config files:
It is our intention to change the CMSMS config.php file to be in .ini format for security purposes.
Though this does not directly affect the content of this tutorial.
Name spaces
As of the writing of this document, CMSMS has limited support for name spaces in modules, and does
not support in any way the actual module file being within a name space. This is slated for change to
minimize the possibility that two module authors would write classes that collide with each other.
Scratched the Surface
This tutorial has barely managed to introduce the CMSMS API. The APIs provided with a CMSMS
install are extensive. They are—for the most part—well documented, stable and mature. There are a
great deal of classes and functions for:
Creating, Retrieving and managing site wide preferences
Creating, Retrieving and managing admin user based preferences
Requesting data from a remote URL
Setting and retrieving cookies
Working with CMSMS Admin users and groups
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Working with designs, templates, and css style sheets,
Working with content pages and the content hierarchy
Below you will find links to some important documentation references that are useful to understand
how to use CMSMS and how to work with the various APIs when writing your modules.
The CMS Made Simple primary documentation site:
CMS Made Simple API Documentation site:
The ADODB-Lite Data Dictionary Documentation:
ADODB-Lite function Documentation:
CMSMS Skeleton module
Though we have learned a lot throughout this tutorial, the module that we have created is, in itself, only
in its infancy. We have a basic CRUD interface for the admin, and a basic summary and detail view.
Our module installs and uninstalls properly, handles pretty URLs and integrates with Search.
We have demonstrated some of the functions of the CMSMS module API, and introduced other API
We have demonstrated using the model/view/controller paradigm within CMSMS, and a sample
method of creating our models. We have also reused these model classes throughout our code.
At this point you should be able to add new models, views, and controllers (actions) to your module at
will, and to create links between actions. You should have a good understanding of how to
communicate and interact with other modules, and how pretty URLs work within CMSMS.
You should continue reading other sample modules for CMSMS, including the Skeleton module, and
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learn about how to style things for the CMSMS admin theme.
Once you are comfortable writing basic modules for CMSMS, there area few advanced topics worth
learning about. You will find sample modules that you can review to understand how these work:
Pretty URL Slugs and Static Routes
Interacting with Other modules and the Core
Responding to and Sending Events
Working with Capabilities
Working with the Design Manager
Creating WYSIWYG and Syntax Highlighter modules
Creating a brand new content type
Creating content page block types
and more...
Thank your for your time, and... Have fun with CMSMS!
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