God Hears Her Podcast
Episode 19 - Does God Have Someone For Me
Eryn Eddy, Elisa Morgan
Eryn: I thought that my ex-husband was going to be my “one and only” forever – the
right person. Now when I went through the divorce, I asked that question: Does God
have somebody for me?
But before I asked that question, I actually asked: Does God
love me? Why did this happen to me?
before I even got to that question, Does God
have somebody for me?
Woman: You’re listening to God Hears Her
—a podcast for women where we explore
the stunning truth that God hears you, He sees you, and He loves you because you are
His. Find out how these realities free you today on God Hears Her
Elisa: Welcome to God Hears Her.
I’m Elisa Morgan.
Eryn: And I’m Eryn Eddy. Does God have someone for me? As someone who’s single,
this is a question I’ve asked myself many times. There are so many shows, podcasts,
radio programs that seem to assume God has someone for everyone. Marriage, having
babies, family life are all presented as the norm and the ideal. And women like me are
left wondering: Does God really have somebody for me?
If so, why won’t He tell me
who he is?
And when seasons of singleness lead to years of singleness, we begin to
wonder if something is wrong with us. And then if you end up with a chance – like I did
– and then that marriage falls apart, you begin to wonder if you missed out on your
opportunity at a happy life. Well, today on God Hears Her,
we are going to tackle the
question: Does God have somebody for me?
Elisa: Mm. I’m so thankful for your vulnerability, Eryn. I mean, really, in listening back to
our conversation, I think tons of women can and will be encouraged by your
willingness to share so much of your journey of searching for the right “someone.” And
it’s a journey that’s led you to some surprising conclusions about God, the nature of
relationships. And let it just be said: You’re still single! So this is going to be so helpful.
In fact, that’s where you begin our conversation, by pulling back the blinds on your
own life and letting us see one of the most difficult breakups you’ve experienced. This
is God Hears Her
Eryn: So I was dating this guy for five months …
Elisa: Mm-hmm.
Eryn: …And I met his family …
Elisa: That’s a big step…
Eryn: …at Thanksgiving…
Elisa: …That’s a big step!
Eryn: …And I, like, loved his family! I mean they felt like “at home,” you know? And he
came out of nowhere, and me meeting him and then dating him…
Elisa: Wow!
Eryn: …and then meeting his family and meeting his…his friends and that he was
meeting my family. He’s meeting my friends. And then he breaks up with me. And he
says, “I just can’t get there.”
Elisa: Can’t get where?
Eryn: That’s what I wanted to know!
Elisa: Yeah.
Elisa: Yeah.
Eryn: Where are we going? [Giggling]
Elisa: Yeah. [Laughing]
Eryn: …other than meeting your family…
Elisa: Right.
Elisa: [quietly] I just can’t get there…
Eryn: “I ... I just can’t…I can’t get there, Eryn. I can’t.” And I said, “What do you mean
you can’t get there?” He goes like “I just … I can’t. I can’t get to where I think this
relationship needs to go. I can’t get there.”
Elisa: Oh, okay.
Eryn: It made me feel like “I don’t love you.”
Elisa: That’s what you heard?
Eryn: That’s what I heard.
Elisa: “I just can’t get there” equals “I …
Eryn: …I do…
Elisa: …don’t love you.”
Eryn: I don’t love you…
Elisa: Mm.
Eryn:There’s no future for us. We need to …
[makes a snapping sound] … cut it.
Elisa: Ouch!
Eryn: It made me feel so unlovable. And I remember after that phone call … First off, it
was a phone call. So he was in another state …
Elisa: Mm.
Eryn: … and it was before Christmas …
Elisa: Oh. Getting better and better. [Laughter] … Oh my gosh!
Eryn: So it’s five days before Christmas. We were supposed to spend it with my
grandma. And he was out of state, and so I think he was feeling the pressure. Right?
And then … and had to end it before we spent time at Christmas. So anyways … so I
remember getting off the phone, and like I…I think I was shocked. Like What just ha…
what was the last few months of like our relationship? And where did …
Elisa: Right.
Eryn: What did I miss?
Elisa: Right. Right.
Eryn: Was I…was I present in the relationship
Elisa: Yeah. Hello?
Eryn: …[Laughing] Right. Was he present?
And so I … I remember I just get in the
shower, and I’m crying. I’m crying so hard that you couldn’t tell the showerhead water
with my tears. I mean I was just so sad. And I was just sitting. I remember sitting on the
shower, just crying, thinking like Am I really that unlovable that someone can’t get there
to love me?
Elisa: Was your major focus: I’m unlovable
? Or I loved him, and I’ve lost him?
Eryn: That’s a great question. I feel like it was both.
Elisa: Okay.
Eryn: Cause I feel like I had tried to love somebody, and no matter how hard I tried to
love them, I kept getting rejected, at the same time not being chosen by them.
Elisa: Okay.
Eryn: So it was like both.
Elisa: Mm-hmm.
Eryn: It was like yes/and. [Laughter]
Elisa: Yeah. Thank you very much.
Eryn: Yes. And so after that happened, you know, five days before Christmas, my
whole family was going out of state, except for my grandma … going out of state to
celebrate Christmas. And I didn’t buy my ticket cause I was going to be spending it
with him. So my sister buys me a plane ticket to Santa Fe, New Mexico, three days
before Christmas. So can you imagine that plane ticket …
Elisa: Yeah.
Eryn: …And she says, “You’re not spending …
Elisa: Aw…
Eryn: …Christmas alone.”
Elisa: …what a sweetheart!
Eryn: I know. It was so sweet.
Elisa: Yeah.
Eryn: Get out there, spend time with my family. They are just lovin’ on me, and I’m just,
you know, sad and just like…
Elisa: Mm.
Eryn: …I miss that I’m not spending it with him. Still feel dismantled. Where…where is
‘there’ that we’re supposed to get to? Feeling unlovable. But I’m around the most
loving people right now in my life. So it’s…it was this weird of like grieving, but then
feeling loved. And I was so rocked by it that it made me realize that I don’t see myself
the way God sees me. I was seeing myself through the lens of how this person I was
dating sees me. And I was placing so much value on that. But then I asked the
question: Does God have somebody for me?
Elisa: I think everybody asks that question, don’t you, at some point in their life – until
suddenly they’re with somebody, and they assume that must’ve been it, kind of a
Eryn: Yeah. Why do you think we ask that question?
Elisa: Well, I…I think we’re made for relationship and connection. I think asking Does
God have somebody for me
…eh…is probably the core question of young adulthood.
But it lingers into your whole life, especially if you never get an answer to that.
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: You know, I want to back up for a second here, because you’ve been married…
Eryn: Mm.
Elisa: …before.
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: So when you met and married your husband, did you think God had somebody
for you in him? And how does being divorced now…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: … shape that understanding? Is that someplace you can go?
Eryn: Yeah. Yeah, I’m glad you asked that. When I got married, I did have this belief
that this is my “one and only” forever. This was the right person, the only person,
cause I think that’s what we’re taught maybe. Or like maybe that’s what someone told
us that you have to find the right person. And when you find the right person, then your
life is made of butterflies and, you know, rainbows and fairy tales. [Laughter] And so I
was seventeen …
Elisa: Mm-hmm. Wow!
Eryn: …when I met my ex-husband.
Elisa: Young.
Eryn: I got married at 21. I was a month into being 21, and then we were married for a
little over nine years. So we were together for almost fourteen years. I think that’s
probably why that breakup brought out some things from my marriage…
Elisa: Probably. Yeah.
Eryn: …that I …
Elisa: Yeah.
Eryn: … were …uh… false beliefs, or false statements that I was living in.
Elisa: Okay.
Eryn: I thought that my ex-husband was going to be my “one and only” forever, the
right person. So then when I went through the divorce, I asked that question: Does
God have somebody for me? But before I asked that question, I actually asked: Does
God love me? Why did this happen to me?
before I even got to that question, Does
God have somebody for me?
Elisa: Cause it gets really gnarly. I mean I don’t think you’re saying, Eryn, that God has
multiple people, and we can …
Eryn: No.
Elisa: …from relationship to relationship...
Eryn: [laughing] No!
Elisa: …and marriage to marriage and, you know, He wasn’t the right one, so now I’m
gonna go to the next one.
And that wasn’t the right one. Oh, he wasn’t the right one, so
now I’m…
Eryn: No.
Elisa: …I don’t think you’re saying that.
Eryn: No. I think what I am learning in this whole journey of being single after being
married is that I just desire to become the right person for me, and seeing myself the
way God sees me, and learning to love myself the way God loves me. I’m on that
journey right now, and I’m not dating. I haven’t dated for …
Elisa: Well…
Eryn: …a year…
Elisa: …what’s that about?
Eryn: Well, I think that, for me, I was seeking relationships to fill voids that only God
can fill.
Elisa: Okay.
Eryn: …And until I made the commitment to be single, I got to see what those voids
Elisa: Okay. So…
Eryn: …That make sense?
Elisa: …So you’re talking about voids that you …
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …began to experience? And you began to recognize them because the guy you
had been dating wasn’t there anymore.
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: What kinds of voids did you identify?
Eryn: um… Self-esteem.
Elisa: Mm-hmm.
Eryn: There’s somebody there to encourage you. Right? Instead of you believing that
about yourself.
Elisa: Right.
Eryn: Like I think we can use people to do that in …
Elisa: Absolutely! Yeah.
Eryn: …instead of knowing it for ourselves and how God sees us. I mean it was how I
saw myself. It was like …um… whether I was pretty enough.
Elisa: Mm-hmm.
Eryn: …whether I was smart enough…
Elisa: Mm-hmm.
Eryn: …successful enough, all of these different metrics that we place values in and
then have another person validate or invalidate. Does that make sense?
Elisa: I’ve got a friend who just lost her husband in a different way…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: He died…
Eryn: Mm.
Elisa: …after twenty-five years of marriage. And she’s in her late 40s, and he was in his
late 40s. And it was a long illness, a couple of years, very painful. They have a passel of
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …all ages, needing a lot. And it’s only been, you know, a half to three-quarters of
a year. And in watching her – she’s not looking for another husband…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …You know she isn’t. She is wrestling with the …um… amputation…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …of partnership.
Eryn: Yes.
Elisa: …and of soulmate…
Eryn: Yes.
Elisa: And she will, I’m sure, move to the place where she asks the question: Is there
somebody else for me? And I’m not there, and I want to own that, you know. I have
been married forty years. And it’s a good marriage. It’s a strong marriage. And I’m sure
one of us will be left on the planet alone at some point.
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: But when you are single, whether always single or newly single or – whatever –
stunningly single . . .
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: … There is so much work to be done because our identities have been formed…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …in relationship to others.
Eryn: Yes.
Elisa: When we’re born, we’re…we live in relationship to our parents and our siblings.
We separate. We live in relationship to our friends. We might
marry. We live in
relationship to a spouse. Or we work, and we live in relationship with coworkers. If we
have children, inside or outside of marriage, we live in relationship with our children,
maybe our grandchildren. Relationships define so much around us.
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: And so to come to a place where it’s just you…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …whether by choice or by accident or by always – okay – it does bubble up
these issues of void, of identity…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …of Who am I now?
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: And…and I think what maybe I’m hearing you say, Eryn, is that it’s our nature to
then go immediately to: Does God have somebody for me?
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …And will that fix this void? Or how will that change this void?
Eryn: Right.
Elisa: …Or how will that shape this void?
Eryn: Yeah. I mean what do you think?
Elisa: Does God have somebody for us?
Eryn: Do you think God has somebody for us?
Eryn: And when we come back, we will hear Elisa’s answer to the question: Does God
have somebody for me? That’s coming up on God Hears Her
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Elisa: Hey friends! If you’re enjoying today’s episode, go ahead and hit that
“Subscribe” button so you never miss a new episode of the God Hears Her
When you subscribe, new episodes are delivered straight to your device or computer.
So hit “Subscribe” right now, and remember that God sees you, He hears you, and He
loves you because you’re His.
Elisa: Welcome back to God Hears Her
I’m Elisa Morgan.
Eryn: And I’m Eryn Eddy. And in just a moment, we will hear Elisa’s answer to the
question: Does God have somebody for me? But before we go there, just a quick
reminder that if you miss anything in today’s show, the show notes are available in the
podcast description or on our website at Godhearsher.org.
Elisa: There you’ll also find links to verses mentioned, as well as a link to a free
resource titled What Does the Bible Teach About Divorce and Remarriage.
eBooklet helps bring clarity to what the Bible says about divorce, and it offers a way
forward for anyone dealing with a broken marriage. That eBooklet is yours for free. Just
click on the link in the podcast description, or on our website at Godhearsher.org.
That’s Godhearsher.dot.O.R.G.
Eryn: Now back to the show. Here is Elisa as she answers the question: Do you think
God has somebody for us? This is God Hears Her
Elisa: I think God has a lot of people for us. [Laughing]
Eryn: Yes, I love that!
Elisa: I think …um…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …And I’m not talking about multiple marriages and polygamy. I’m talking about
… I think…
Eryn: [giggling]
Elisa: …You know marriage is one thing, and it’s an important thing. And I…I do think
we can be very, very, very happy in marriage. But I also think the reality is that we are
humans, and our relationships that can be fully satisfying can function a little bit like an
island of intimacy.
Eryn: Mm.
Elisa: We drop … and you and I, Eryn, have this relationship when we come together
every so often, and we share great, deep, mutual discoveries of God and Jesus and
the Holy Spirit and Scripture and da-da-da-da. We go away to other relationships…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …And you with your friend Toni, and…and me with maybe Evan or whatever.
And we discover great…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …investments again. And then we may go to other papel… and maybe me with
my kids, you know. So I think marriage is one way in which God will meet our desire
and our built-in need for connection…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …But I think there are other ways He can do it too.
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: So …um… When you say “Does God have somebody for me?” I think of some
goofy soap operas that talk about “Are you my person?” You know and…
Eryn: Right. [Laughing]
Elisa: …And, yeah, I’ve been a lot of people’s “person.” And a lot …
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: … of people have been my “person.”
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …But I am married to one…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …who is a different kind of person.
Eryn: Do you think that … I mean I found myself seeking people to complete me,
instead of seeking the only One that can.
Elisa: Now you’re onto something! You know that there’s …um… a God-shaped hole –
vacuum – within us that is a yearning for connection, that He created us to need Him.
And it really is something that He alone can provide. And so that’s a really happy little
Bible-study answer, you know?
Eryn: Mm.
Elisa: How do we… How have you made that real in your life? I know I’ve been in
seasons like that. I remember when I was … had been in a six-year relationship, and
we broke up. And I was real young, like – I don’t know – maybe 20 or 21. And I moved
off to go to graduate school. And I just was like Who am I now?
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: I mean everything … The turf underneath me had…had just started to shift…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: And this goofy thing … I think I’ve told you this story before about … I was
making my bed one morning, getting ready to go to class. And I just had this thought in
my head: Separate thyself unto Me.
I thought it was really archaic language…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …And I had this image of a horse with blinders, like in Victorian years. And I
thought: I’m supposed to not be with anybody. I’m supposed to just kinda focus on
God right now…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …and let it go. And, sure enough, I prayed, and I spent some time journaling,
and a couple of months clarifying in Scripture. And that’s what, I think, God wanted,
was for me to satisfy myself with Him.
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: I did eventually meet and marry my husband, but that season was really
formative …
Eryn: Mm.
Elisa: …for me.
Eryn: Well, you shared in …um… I think it’s like Episode Two, you talked about the
blinders. I remember you talking about that story of making your bed and God
speaking that. And then you were like I’m gonna have blinders on for a while and just
take a break from dating men.
Elisa: Mm. Mm-hmm.
Eryn: That’s exactly the season of life that I’m in…
Elisa: And I think, Eryn, …eh… you know that didn’t fix me, if you…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …if you know what I mean. I want to…
Eryn: Right.
Elisa: …be clear about that. It was a period of time…
Eryn: It was necessary.
Elisa: …forty years ago. It didn’t fill…I’m not all the way filled up with God, and then I
go meet my husband…
Eryn: Right.
Elisa: …That’s not the way it works.
Eryn: No.
Elisa: Within my marriage, God has called me…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …to Himself…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …in a different way.
Eryn: Mm.
Elisa: Within it: Elisa, come be with Me, and let Me love you.
And I think the point, Eryn
– and I want to hear what you have to say about this – but I think the point is that, until
we let God love us…
Eryn: Mm-hmm.
Elisa: …we can’t really love ourselves. And until we really can love ourselves, we can’t
Eryn: Right.
Elisa: …love another.
Eryn: That’s right.
Elisa: So I’m getting things all out of order. You’re not married right now. You’re
learning this lesson. I’m beginning to understand these things, too, within a…a
marriage. So, you know, does God have somebody for me? He has Himself for us …
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …through all the somebodies …
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: … we might be trying to figure out if they’re a fit. And I think that’s what you’re
saying maybe. Is…
Eryn: It’s exactly…
Elisa: …is that it?
Eryn: Yeah. Absolutely. That’s exactly what I’m saying. There’s a song. It’s called
“Pieces.” And I just … To learn about how God loves me, this song, “Pieces,” says:
“Unreserved. Unrestrained. Your love is wild for me. It isn’t shy. It’s unashamed. Your
love is proud to be seen with me.”
Elisa: Mm.
Eryn: … “Cause You don’t give Your heart in pieces. And You don’t hide Yourself to
tease us. Uncontained. Your love is a fire. It’s burning bright for me. It’s not a spark. It’s
not a flame. Your love is a light.” The biggest thing in this song: “You don’t give Your
heart in pieces.”
Elisa: Mm-hmm. He’s pretty all-or-nothing. We can have as much as we want, or as
little as we run from.
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: But He is here to provide an all-ness.
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: He’s here to complete us. And, you know, that’s a lifelong journey of allowing
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …of discovering what the voids are in our hearts and inviting Him to complete
them in us.
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: You know, so does God have somebody for us? [loud sigh] He has Himself for
us. And, yes, He will invite us into relationships.
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …Is there one specific person? I…I don’t think so. I think there are…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …a lot of people that will work, you know. And once you find them, you’ve got
real-life mess with real-life humans that requires work, you know, to get through…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …But, you know, I think the woo is to be completed by God. The…the woo is to
be in relationship with Him, and then to be ready…
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …for whatever else He might provide as He continues to fill us and…and heal us
and remake us in His image. So you’re not looking for somebody right now?
Eryn: No.
Elisa: What are you looking for?
Eryn: You know I’m looking to just continue to grow in my relationship and my curiosity
about what it means to have a relationship with God, and to be a really good friend and
a really good daughter…
Elisa: Mm-hmm.
Eryn: …Like, well, for instance, my friend Toni. Her and I, we get dressed up, we get
dolled up, and we’ll go out to dinner and we’ll treat ourselves. Or we’ll celebrate
something or, you know, like those are fun times to just be able to be girly and to enjoy
treating yourself to a nice dinner and having a conversations. And …um… I’ve noticed
I’ve been able to like be present for friends more than I ever could right now, because
I…I can. I have the time.
Elisa: Mm-hmm.
Eryn: … This is the time that I get to be present for people.
Elisa: That’s good.
Eryn: …um… I get to show up and help them pack up their house. I get to show up for
a girlfriend that’s going through a heartbreak that’s fresh and new into it. I…I have that
time. And I think sometimes we skip this time by looking in the future…
Elisa: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Eryn: …instead of enjoying it. And can that be enough? I think it can, cause I’ve…
Right now I’m enjoying it. Now ask me in ten years, and I might be jaded…
Elisa: Yeah. [Laughing]
Eryn: …But right now I think that it can. And…and I’ll say, though, you know, I was in a
relationship with somebody for a long time. And I felt lonely.
Elisa: Mmmm. I think a lot of people are like that.
Eryn: And so I think it’s…it’s enjoying the present and seeing it as something sacred
right now.
Elisa: There’s a way in which – just to turn this a tiny bit – you know we keep asking
the question: Does God have somebody for me? And we’ve said, you know, He
to be that Somebody who really is our core. And from that relationship He completes
us, and we have something to give. But, you know, maybe another way to … to kinda
turn this for application is to think: Does God have somebody for me?
Well, wait, can I
be somebody for God?
Eryn: Mmm. Hm.
Elisa: You know, does He… could He use me
as “somebody” in somebody else’s life
who …
Eryn: Yes.
Elisa: …needs somebody? Can I be Jesus with skin on? Can I be invested in such a
way in other people that they understand …
Eryn: Yeah.
Elisa: …how He can also complete them?
Eryn: Listening back to that last line reminds me of our episode with Margaret
Feinberg, “Taste and See,” where she said: “Sometimes you have to be the community
you want to find.” I think you’re right, Elisa. We often get so focused on our own needs
we forget we can be the ones to provide for that same need in someone else.
Elisa: Mm. And we have to be careful about that, you know. …um… not to develop a
kind of a “savior complex” or neglect ourselves as we try to provide for others. But, at
the same time, we have so much capacity – more capacity than we realize – to be the
hands and feet of Jesus. And that can be especially important for those who are alone.
Eryn: If you’re listening today and forgot a point you wanted to remember, or if you
missed anything during the show, the show notes are available in the podcast
description. There you’ll find the talking points of today’s episode and also some
helpful links. We have a link to the new God Sees Her
devotional. We also have a link
to the free eBooklet titled What Does the Bible Say About Divorce and Remarriage.
of this and more is available in the show notes, which can be found in the podcast
description or on our website godhearsher.org. That’s godhearsher.org.
Elisa: And while you’re online, could you take a few minutes just to rate us and write a
review of this podcast on whatever podcast platform on which you listen? Ratings and
reviews – they just help us reach more women with the message that “God hears her.”
So if you like the show or enjoyed this episode, please take just a moment to give us
some stars and write a sentence or two about what this show means to you.
Eryn: Thank you so much for joining us today. And don’t forget: God sees you. He
hears you. He loves you because you are His.
Eryn: It takes a team to create a podcast, and today we want to thank Diana, Mary,
and Bill for all your help in creating and sharing the God Hears Her
podcast. You guys
are awesome!