Laboratory Test Verification
and Validation Toolkit
Clinical laboratory testing should be accurate and reliable to ensure correct diagnosis and treatment. Laboratories
that perform testing on human specimens for the purpose of diagnosis, treatment or mitigation of a disease or
disease state must demonstrate that new instruments and tests have acceptable performance prior to implemen-
tation. Studies that demonstrate the performance characteristics of the instrument or assay must be documented
and accessible for external inspections and assessments. This process is known as verification or validation.
The purpose of this toolkit is to assist laboratories in determining the difference between a validation and a verication,
when each should be performed, and to provide guidance on how to perform a verication or validation. This toolkit will
help laboratories plan, implement, and analyze data associated with new testing methods (FDA-approved tests and
FDA-modied or laboratory developed tests) and technology implementation. In addition, the toolkit serves as a guide to
help determine if the quality requirements for establishment of a new test system have been met. These recommenda-
tions should be followed to ensure a new or modied method, analyte or instrumentation (hereto referred to as test
method) has acceptable performance.
This toolkit is the result of collective knowledge of subject matter
experts and contains guidance for performing verications and valida-
tions that will be compliant with requirements dened by the Clinical
Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). Many of the described
processes may be useful for other regulatory requirements. In addition
to the templates and examples for CLIA verications and validations, a
list of additional resources for CAP, ISO, FSIS and FDA regulations and
references to TNI documents is included.
This document combines all eight
sections of the toolkit.
Download individual sections from:
March 2024
Inside the Toolkit
Verification and Validation 101 ................. 3
Verification/Validation Process Checklist ..6
Obtaining Appropriate Test Samples ........9
Qualitative Assays ................................... 11
Quantitative Assays ................................ 16
Related Processes ................................... 20
Safety Considerations and
Risk Assessments ................................... 26
Cost Analysis and Budget ....................... 29
Reference Documents ............................. 31
Glossary & Acronyms .............................. 33
References .............................................. 36
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 2
Table of Contents
Verification and Validation 101 ................. 3
Verification or Validation Process Determination ..........3
Required Performance Characteristics Determination ..3
General Steps of a Verification or Validation Plan .........5
Verification/Validation Process Checklist ..6
Process Checklist ............................................................6
Additional Process Resources ........................................8
Obtaining Appropriate Test Samples ........9
Sample Types ................................................................... 9
Sample Numbers ...........................................................10
Sample Volume ..............................................................10
Qualitative Assays ................................... 11
Controls ..........................................................................12
Accuracy ........................................................................12
Precision ........................................................................13
Analytical Sensitivity .....................................................14
Analytical Specificity .....................................................14
Reportable Range ..........................................................15
Reference Range ...........................................................15
Additional Qualitative Assay Resources .......................15
Quantitative Assays ................................ 16
Calibration and Statistical Calculations .......................16
Quantitative Controls .....................................................17
Accuracy ........................................................................17
Precision ........................................................................18
Analytical Sensitivity .....................................................18
Analytical Specificity .....................................................18
Reportable Range ..........................................................18
Reference Range ...........................................................19
Ongoing Verification of Quantitative Assays ................19
Related Processes ................................... 20
Sample or Analyte Stability and Integrity .....................20
Bridging Studies and Addendums ................................20
Instrumentation Verification or Validation ...................21
Reagent Lot-to-lot Comparison ....................................22
Software Upgrades ........................................................24
Additional Related Processes Resources .....................25
Safety Considerations and Risk
Assessments ........................................... 26
Risk Assessment Considerations .................................26
Risk Assessment Tables ................................................27
Frequency for Reviewing a Risk Assessment ..............28
Hazardous Waste Management ....................................28
Additional Risk Assessment Resources .......................28
Cost Analysis and Budget ....................... 29
Labor Costs ....................................................................29
Materials Costs ..............................................................29
Site Preparation Costs ...................................................30
Maintenance Costs ........................................................30
Reference Documents ............................. 31
Templates .......................................................................31
Examples ........................................................................31
Additional Resources ....................................................32
Glossary & Acronyms .............................. 33
CLSI Harmonized Terminology Database ...................... 33
Glossary .........................................................................33
Acronyms .......................................................................35
References .............................................. 36
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Verification & Validation 101 | Return to Table of Contents
Verification and Validation 101
Laboratory testing compliance requirements are dened by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)
regulations in Title 42 of Code of Federal Regulations Section 493, 42 CFR 493.
The (CLIA) regulatory requirements
related to establishment and verication of performance specications of clinical test systems prior to reporting patient
test results are found in Section 493.1253.
CLIA denes a ‘test system’ as instructions and all the instrumentation, equipment, reagents, and supplies needed
to perform an assay or examination and generate test results. As explained by CLIA in their Survey Procedures and
Interpretive Guidelines,
a clinical test system verication or validation may be required for:
Any test system rst used in a laboratory to measure a new analyte
A test currently performed by a laboratory but on a new test system
An analyte added to a system currently used by the laboratory to perform other testing,
A modication to a test system already being used in the laboratory (e.g., different specimen type or specimen
volume) or
Multiple instruments used to perform the same tests.
The implementation of a new or modied test method to the laboratory test menu involves a step-by-step process to
demonstrate the performance of the test and is required for a CLIA Certicate of Compliance (CoC) or Certicate of
Accreditation (CoA). There are two different processes:
Verication: The one-time process by which a laboratory determines that an unmodied US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) cleared or approved test performs according to the manufacturer’s specications when used
as directed.
Validation: The process used to conrm with objective evidence that a laboratory-developed test (LDT) or modied
FDA-cleared or approved test method or instrument system delivers reliable results for the intended application.
Laboratories that operate under a CoA are subject to the accrediting body regulatory requirements such as College of
American Pathologists (CAP) which, in some cases, may be more stringent than CLIA. In these instances, the laboratory
should ensure compliance by conrming these requirements with the accrediting organization.
Verification or Validation Process Determination
The choice of which process is followed depends on the new or modied method that will be implemented, which
will dictate the type of performance characteristics to evaluate. Table 1 shows whether a verication or validation is
recommended based on the category of test. The FDA maintains searchable databases to determine if a medical device
is approved, cleared or authorized.
Required Performance Characteristics Determination
A range of performance characteristics may be required to be veried or validated (see the Glossary (page 33) for
Precision (reproducibility)
Analytical sensitivity
Analytical specicity
Reportable range/intervals (normal values)
Reference range
Any other performance characteristic required for test performance
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Verification & Validation 101 | Return to Table of Contents
Requirements may depend on intended use, type of assay, applicable manufacturer’s studies and EUA instructions.
Table 2 outlines the performance characteristics generally required for test systems; more information about
requirements is provided in the Qualitative Assays (page 11) and Quantitative Assays (page 16) sections.
There are other variables in a verication or validation process such as the sample type(s), sample number(s) (see
Obtaining Appropriate Test Samples (page 9)) and whether the test method is a qualitative or quantitative assay,
which are discussed in other sections of this toolkit.
Table 1. Recommended Process Based on Categories of Laboratory Tests
Method Type Definition
FDA Approved
The device has been approved through the Premarket Approval (PMA) Process,
which evaluates the safety and effectiveness of Class III medical devices.
FDA Cleared
The device has been cleared as a substantially equivalent to a legally marketed
device through Section 510(k) of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
FDA Authorized
During a declared public health emergency, a device that is neither authorized
nor cleared, has been evaluated by FDA through the Emergency Use
Authorization (EUA) process and found acceptable for use to prevent serious or
life-threatening diseases when no alternatives exist.
FDA Modied
Any modication to an FDA Approved or Cleared test. Modications can include
the intended use, sample types, patient age, collection device, etc.
These modications require that the method is evaluated as a High Complexity
laboratory developed test.
Developed Test
A test used for analyzing samples that is:
1. Performed by the clinical laboratory that developed the test and
2. Is neither FDA approved nor FDA cleared, or
3. Is an FDA approved or FDA cleared test that has been modied.
This may include analyte specic reagents (ASR) or adoption of another
laboratory’s LDT or non-cleared or approved test. These tests are considered
high complexity.
Table 2. General Summary of Performance Characteristics Required for Test Systems
Test Type Accuracy Precision
FDA Approved Required Required Required Required
FDA Cleared Required Required Required Required
FDA Modied or LDT Required Required Required Required Required Required
FDA Authorized
Required Required Required Required
* FDA authorized methods require minimal evaluation of performance, typically accuracy and precision. If an EUA expires, a complete validation is required if the method
is not approved or cleared.
** Requirements may vary depending on EUA. Performance characteristics will be defined by the EUA Instructions for Use and the laboratory director. Learn more about
implementing a test under emergency use conditions at
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Verification & Validation 101 | Return to Table of Contents
General Steps of a Verification or Validation Plan
After determining whether a verication or validation is needed and which performance characteristics must be veried,
the following are the general steps of a verication or validation plan:
1. Develop a plan or proposal
Reason for study
Safety Considerations
Acceptance criteria
Data analysis and acceptance plan
2. Plan approval by laboratory director
3. Initiate plan
4. Analyze
5. Re-evaluate and modify, if necessary
6. Complete testing and create a summary report
7. Complete additional supporting documents
LIMS updates
8. Summary report review and approval by laboratory director
9. Test implementation
Details on these steps are available in other sections of this toolkit.
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Process Checklist | Return to Table of Contents
Verification/Validation Process
This section of the Verication and Validation Toolkit provides a checklist that walks users through test verication or
validation plan development, plan initiation, creation of the testing and summary report and test implementation. The
steps below will assist in determining if a verication or validation needs to be performed, and the events or steps that
should occur for implementation of a new test method.
This section also includes Additional Process Resources (page 8) with editable templates and examples related to
the verication/validation process, including an editable version of this checklist.
Process Checklist
Choose a Verification or Validation Process
Refer to Verication and Validation 101 (page 3) to determine which approach is appropriate.
Develop a Plan/Proposal
The following is a general outline for a test verication or validation plan or proposal:
I. Introduction and Reason for the Study
May include the purpose and scope, denitions, literature review, staff roles and responsibilities, and
location of laboratory (for laboratories operating under multi-site certicates)
Verication of FDA-cleared test, modication of FDA-cleared test, or validation of new LDT, etc.
Statement regarding internal review board (IRB) approval requirement or request needed
Whether there is an established SOP or associated job aids, or if they need to be created
How test results will be used (screening, diagnostic, conrmatory or monitoring)
II. Safety Considerations
Consider the inclusion of the laboratory’s safety ofcer during the planning stages
Biorisk assessment
Chemical risk assessment
Hazardous waste management
III. Methodology for Each Performance Characteristic Evaluated
Which performance characteristics will be evaluated is dependent on qualitative or quantitative testing (see
Qualitative Assays (page 11) and Quantitative Assays (page 16) sections)
Number and type of samples (See Obtaining Appropriate Test Samples (page 9))
Testing procedure
Whether the test will be run on multiple instruments
Controls (including calibrators for quantitative testing)
Whether an Individualized Quality Control Plan (IQCP) is appropriate
Gold standard comparator
Environmental and storage conditions
Limiting factors indicated in FDA EUA or approval, or as dened per manufacturer
IV. Acceptance Criteria
V. Data Analysis and Evaluation Plan
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Process Checklist | Return to Table of Contents
Get Plan Approval from Laboratory Director
Addional individuals may need to pre-approve the plan prior to the laboratory director, such as quality assurance
ocers or unit supervisors or managers.
Initiate Verification/Validation Plan
Ensure there are sufcient quantities of reagents, consumables and personnel time prior to executing the
verication or validation plan.
Ongoing evaluation of data obtained during the verication or validation should occur to determine if the
planned testing method needs modication. If modications are identied, it is critical that any changes to the
proposed plan be documented, technically justied, reviewed and approved.
Are the acceptance criteria being met?
Are the samples appropriate?
Are there any limitations to collecting the appropriate sample amounts?
Are there matrix issues?
Are there cross reactivity or interference issues?
Will there need to be additional testing performed beyond what was proposed in the plan?
Complete Testing
Create Testing and Summary Report
The following is a general outline for a test verication or validation summary report:
I. Overall Data Summary
May include overall summary of data and acceptance criteria results
Statement of any modications made to the validation plan with rationale
II. Performance Data Results
Results with supporting traceability to repeat the testing under conditions as close to the original as
Deviations to sample size and acceptance criteria from the plan that were made along with a justication. If
deviations were made, a statement of impact or variance should be included.
Calculations of the performance characteristics
Explanation of discrepancies
Instrument-to-instrument comparison (if applicable)
III. Conclusion
Statement regarding the acceptability of the method, its tness for use, and any clinical claims that will be
made (if applicable).
Recommendations of changes that need to be made to the test process based on the evaluation.
If the study showed that the test method was not acceptable or could not be properly performed,
documentation of the corrective action steps taken and its approval by the responsible laboratory
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Process Checklist | Return to Table of Contents
Complete Associated Documents
Pertinent SOP or SOP edits
Individualized Quality Control Plan (IQCP), if applicable
Training documentation and competency assessments
Related equipment functionality and maintenance documentation
Any job aids or other documentation necessary to routinely perform testing
LIMS updates and verication
Get Summary Report Approval from Laboratory Director
Approval of the verication or validation summary report by quality assurance ofcers, unit supervisors, or
managers may be necessary prior to laboratory director approval.
Test Implementation
Once the verication or validation summary report is approved at the appropriate level, the laboratory can move on
to implementation activities.
The following considerations should be made, and if applicable be included in the verication or validation plan:
Adding the procedure to the document control system and to the test menu
Adding new equipment to the laboratory’s maintenance and calibration plan (if not already completed)
Training staff members
Updating scope of service documents, as applicable
Delegation statement if responsibilities are delegated by laboratory director
Scheduling prociency testing or comparison studies
Updating the laboratory quality assurance plan and quality control processes to include continuous monitoring
Communicating implementation plan to submitters
Conrming electronic patient test result output with submitters
Additional Process Resources
Editable Verification/Validation Process Checklist
Method Verification/Validation Plan Approval
Verification Plan Template
Validation Plan Template
Verification Summary Report Template
Validation Summary Report Template
Employee Training Verification Checklist Example
Guidelines for Verification and Validation of
Laboratory Methods (Minnesota)
Method Validation-Verification Summary Report
Example (Fairfax County, VA)
Method Verification Template Example (Indiana)
Validation and Verification SOP Example (Texas)
Validation Plan Example (Washington)
Validation Summary Report Example (Washington)
Verification Plan Example (Washington)
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 9
Obtaining Appropriate Test Samples | Return to Table of Contents
Obtaining Appropriate Test
This section of the toolkit provides information on sample types, sample numbers and sample volume.
Sample Types
Selection, sourcing or creation of the experimental samples plays a critical role in the verication or validation study of
new, modied or laboratory-developed test systems and instrumentation. These samples will serve as the gold-standard
comparator for validations or verications. Sources of samples can be commercially available calibrators/calibration
or quality control materials with known values, prociency testing materials that have established values, or previously
tested patient specimens with established values.
Potential clinical samples must be sufciently characterized, or contrived samples thoughtfully designed, to allow for
predictions or expectations of their performance. Poorly chosen samples could increase the rate of false positives or
negatives leading to a failure in assay validation, verication, or result in misleading performance specications. Poorly
characterized samples could also introduce unknown variables or unexpected complications that compromise any
derived claims based on the experimental data.
General considerations for choosing sample types:
Examine manufacturer’s statements of intended use, claims, approved specimen types and collection devices,
recommended specimen preparation/handling, instructions on operating the assay, storing essential materials and
any restrictions or limitations. Manufacturers’ claims often exclude certain patient populations; attempts to include
indicated manufacturer exclusions or clear omissions require validation and samples must be sourced from the
Qualitative assay sample selection is dependent on the presence or absence of the target analyte. Knowledge
of the target analyte concentration is not essential, but efforts should be made to acquire samples that span
the detection range (e.g., low, medium, or high positives). Alternatively, limiting the range to clinically relevant
concentrations is a viable option.
Quantitative assay sample selection requires knowledge of the target analyte concentration. Reportable data
is quantied, and an acceptance criterium can be imposed at the distinct stages of assessment (i.e., accuracy,
precision, etc.).
Clinical samples are the preferred sample type to simulate the conditions during routine testing. These samples
should be well characterized including patient demographics and sample or analyte integrity. Refer to Related
Processes (page 20) to assess sample or analyte stability and integrity.
Contrived samples may be utilized when clinical samples are unavailable or not suitable for the type of testing
being performed. Creation of contrived samples includes spiking, or introducing, the target analyte into a matrix
that is initially known not to contain the target analyte. This matrix may be an individual or homogenized (pooled)
clinical sample, buffer, medium or other inert substances.
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Obtaining Appropriate Test Samples | Return to Table of Contents
Sample Numbers
The total number of samples tested for a given study is dependent upon the evaluator’s intended use of the method,
the recommended statistical analysis, and the sample population. The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
(CLSI) has published method evaluation standards that provide explanations and instructions for evaluation of test
method performance characteristics such as accuracy and precision. CLSI EP09c
recommends analyzing a minimum
of 40 samples by both test and reference method. Ultimately, sample number is at the discretion of the CLIA Laboratory
Director, and 40 samples may not be appropriate depending on the evaluator’s intended use. For studies utilizing
smaller sample sizes, greater statistical implications will be seen when outliers or non-correlating results are present,
requiring a smaller margin of error to achieve an anticipated condence interval. The larger the sample size, the more
condent one can be that the results are reective of the population.
Sample numbers may vary based on a number of scenarios, including:
Category of laboratory test performed
FDA-approved or cleared or authorized verications may state suggested sample numbers, but often require
fewer samples than a validation.
FDA modied and laboratory-developed tests require validations and often larger sample sizes than a
EUA tests often provide guidance for verication testing regarding sample size in the instructions for use (IFU)
Qualitative Assays (page 11) vs. Quantitative Assays (page 16)
Difcult to acquire specimens (e.g., rare positives, rare organisms, etc.)
Costly test reagents (e.g., whole genome sequencing)
Instrument verication or validation (see Related Processes (page 20)
Reagent comparisons (e.g., discontinued products) (see Related Processes (page 20)
Sample Volume
Sufcient sample volume is a major consideration when selecting samples for a verication or validation. The
laboratorian should consider the volume needed to evaluate the assay including replicate testing, use of multiple
instruments and the potential need for repeat testing. Insufcient sample volume for repeat testing and/or the repeat
of discrepant results could lead to insufcient investigation into any method error and, in turn, result in insufcient data
to validate or verify a testing method. If comparison studies are being included as part of the validation process, the
laboratory should take into consideration sample volume requirements for any additional test systems involved.
If the test method design calls for multiple replicates and instrumentation, it may be difcult to acquire sufcient
volumes from clinical samples. Therefore, contrived or alternative samples may be ideal in these situations as volume
issues can typically be avoided if sufcient large batches are prepared or purchased.
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Qualitative Assays | Return to Table of Contents
Qualitative Assays
This section of the toolkit provides information on the selection and frequency of quality controls and determining
performance characteristics (accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specicity, and reportable and reference ranges) for
qualitative assays. Find checklist examples in Additional Qualitative Assay Resources (page 15).
Qualitative assays are methods that provide only two categorical results (i.e., positive or negative; present or absent;
reactive or nonreactive; yes or no). Some qualitative assays have no numerical value associated with the result whereas
other assays are labeled as qualitative because one of only two results is reported (i.e., positive or negative) even
though a numerical value is derived. The overall objective of qualitative assays is to recognize the presence or absence
of an analyte. In qualitative assays, the cutoff value is dened as the threshold above which the result is reported as
positive and below which the result is reported as negative.
Clinical laboratory uses for qualitative assays are described as screening, diagnostic, conrmatory or monitoring.
utility of a given assay is determined based on the sensitivity and specicity, predictive values, and the prevalence of
disease or condition in the population tested.
* Requirements may vary depending on EUA. Performance characteristics will be defined by the EUA IFU and the laboratory director. Instructions should include
requirements for verification or validation.
Screening Methods: Use to test a population subset for the presence or absence of an analyte or agent.
Diagnostic Methods: Use clinical suspicion of a particular disease or condition to guide testing. Both screening and
diagnostic assays should have high sensitivity; lower specicity is tolerated if a conrmatory test is available, and
the results are low consequence.
Conrmatory Methods: Follow screening or diagnostic test results and enable clinicians to establish a diagnosis
with testing that is designed to be specic, sometimes at the expense of sensitivity, and have a high Positive
Predictive Value (PPV).
The type of verication or validation for qualitative assays is dependent on clearance or approval from a regulatory
entity (i.e., FDA Cleared or FDA Approved). In general, refer to the assay IFU documentation to determine the number
and type of samples to use for the verication or validation. Additional guidance recommendations are provided in this
Table 3. Summary of Performance Characteristics Required Depending on Qualitative Test Type
Test Type Accuracy Precision
FDA Approved Required Required Required Required
FDA Cleared Required Required Required Required
FDA Modied or LDT Required Required Required Required Required Required
FDA Authorized
Required Required Required Required
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Qualitative Assays | Return to Table of Contents
Positive and negative controls should be chosen such that they provide expected results when the test is functioning
properly. Control design near the cutoff value can detect more errors; however, can lead to rejection of a test run
that does not have signicant errors. To determine an optimal set of controls, use the provided guidance by the
manufacturer, stable commercial or clinical controls, or perform a precision experiment to understand the imprecision
of the assay (refer to CLSI EP12
for performing an imprecision experiment). Per CLIA §493.1256,
a laboratory
must not use control materials outside the patient reportable range. Control samples not containing the analytes or
substances to be controlled are not acceptable as control material.
For most qualitative assays, it is acceptable to perform a negative and positive quality control daily, while other testing
methods may require more frequent testing of controls on a per run basis (check the IFU per method). Verication or
validation of an assay can help determine the performance of controls and ascertain the frequency required for addition
of controls to a given assay. Depending on the assay, the laboratory could customize its QC plan using an IQCP.
controls fail to produce the expected results, the run must be rejected, and the failure should be investigated to identify
the cause.
For qualitative assays, accuracy studies should validate if the test method detects the presence or absence of the
analyte. Sources vary on recommended number of samples to test for accuracy. If there is no guidance from the IFU,
suggests 40 total samples (20 each of positive and negative value) should be tested. This number is a
minimum suggestion, and an assessment should be conducted to determine if more samples are necessary to increase
the statistical relevance. In addition, the clinical impact and repercussions or consequences to the patient of a false
negative or false positive result is critical in determining the number of samples for testing. If fewer than 40 samples
are all that can be obtained, prior approval by the laboratory director or quality assurance ofcer should be obtained.
Accuracy testing should be performed over a minimum course of ve days to simulate a range of conditions over which
samples would normally be run.
2 x 2 Contingency Table
The table in Figure 1 can be used to calculate the estimated sensitivity, specicity, total accuracy, PPV and negative
predictive value (NPV). Results should correlate with an expected total accuracy of ≥95% agreement with the reference
method. Westgard QC has a 2 x 2 contingency calculator.
Kappa Coefficient
If an imperfect standard is being used for the verication or validation, the overall agreement of the assay can be
calculated using the Kappa coefcient. The Kappa coefcient is a measurement of the degree of agreement between
the methods above what is expected by chance alone.
Use the formulas described below in Figure 2 in association with the values from Figure 1. An online calculator is
available at
Understanding Kappa:
A Kappa of, or approaching, one indicates that there is very good agreement
A Kappa approaching zero indicates that the agreement is no better than chance.
A negative Kappa means that the agreement is worse than chance.
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Qualitative Assays | Return to Table of Contents
Figure 1. 2 x 2 Contingency Table
Figure 2. Calculating the Kappa coefficient
Samples for precision should be near the high and low cutoff values to provide the best estimation of error at medically
relevant decision levels. A minimum of one positive and one negative sample is recommended with a total of 10-30
measurements. Precision testing should be performed over a course of multiple days using more than one laboratorian
to demonstrate reproducibility. The experimental design consists of the following precision measurements:
Intra-assay (within run): Same samples run multiple times on the same run and day
Inter-assay (between run): Same samples run in different runs on the same day or different days, and preferably by
a different laboratorian.
If any of the aforementioned precision measurements are not applicable to a given assay, discuss with the quality
assurance ofcer (QAO) or laboratory directory to determine feasibility or requirements of testing. The manufacturers’
statements of precision should be used as a minimum performance requirement. Alternatively, if numerical data
are available and standard deviation can be calculated, the coefcient of variation (CV) can be used to express the
precision and repeatability of an assay.
CV Calculation:
The coefcient of variation is the ratio of the
standard deviation to the mean. CV is expressed as a percentage.
The ideal CV is <15%, and generally should not exceed 20%.
Diagnostic Accuracy Criteria
Positive Negative Total
Method X
# true positive (TP) # false positive (FP) TP + FP
# false negative (FN) # true negative (TN) FN + TN
Estimated Sensitivity
= 100 x
Positive Predictive Value (PPV)
= 100 x
Negative Predictive Value (NPV)
= 100 x
Total Accuracy
TP + FP + FN + TN
= 100 x
Estimated Specificity
= 100 x
= TP +
Kappa (K)
1 – Pr(e)
Pr(a) – Pr(e)
= TP +
(overall percent agreement)
= 100 x
= (A x B) + [(1–A) x (1–B)]
CV %
Standard Deviation
= 100 x
Figure 3. Calculating the Coefficient of Variation
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Qualitative Assays | Return to Table of Contents
Imprecision of the method can be analyzed using concentrations near the cutoff. However, it is not appropriate to
measure the imprecision of qualitative assays with low-negative or high-positive samples since these values are usually
too far away in analyte concentration from the medical decision point. Details regarding how to perform a qualitative
method precision experiment to understand imprecision of an assay can be found in CLSI EP12 section 8.3.
Analytical Sensitivity
Analytical sensitivity is referred to as ‘limit of detection studies.’ Limit of detection (LoD) seeks to dene the lowest
concentration of an analyte in a matrix that can be consistently detected. For LDT’s, this measurement must be
established during the method validation. For other assays, the manufacturer has completed LoD studies.
Analytical sensitivity for qualitative assays can be challenging to complete and will not always provide a denitive
quantity as the LoD. Some qualitative methods will have a measurable value (i.e., cycle threshold, optical density,
titer, colony forming unit, etc.), or measurand, that is subsequently used to determine the qualitative test result. In
these cases, CLSI EP17:A2
recommends making serial dilutions of a sample with a known measurand content in
replicate. The samples should be run in duplicate or triplicate over three days with a recommended minimum of 20
measurements for each sample concentration to verify a manufacturer claim, and 60 measurements to establish
the LoD. However, the exact number of samples to use should be determined on a case-by-case basis with input from
the QAO, supervisors, or the laboratory director. If the laboratory wants to establish a precise LoD, the laboratorian
calculates and plots the hit rate for each dilution, which is dened as the total number of positive results divided by
the total number of replicates, using regression modeling with hit rate on the y-axis and measurand dose on the x-axis.
The laboratorian then selects the hit rate that corresponds to detection of the analyte in the majority of samples (i.e.,
95%) as the LoD. A probit t analysis using computer software can be used to easily perform this calculation. A detailed
description of probit analysis is found on the Westgard QC website.
Westgard offers an alternative and simpler approach to address LoD in qualitative assays that have a measurand that
is assumed to be continuous along a range of concentrations. If the assay cutoff is known, the laboratory can test
samples that are expected to fall below and above the cutoff in replicates of 20. Next, the number of positive results
are evaluated. No more than 5% of replicate results below the cutoff value should be positive. Conversely, at least 95%
of replicate results above the cutoff value should be positive. These calculations correspond to the 95% condence
Analytical Specificity
Analytical specicity is the evaluation of cross-reactivity by testing a panel of similar, potentially interfering organisms,
substances, or analytes to assess constant systematic error. For LDT’s, this measurement must be established during
the method validation. For other assays, the manufacturer has completed analytical specicity studies.
When determining analytical specicity, the test agents or substances should include as many organisms or analytes as
possible that may be found in the relevant test sample or that cause the same symptoms as the target agent. Consider
potential sources of variability that could affect the assay (i.e., matrix composition, lot-to-lot variability, temperature,
etc.) and include them in the design of the verication or validation. The recommended number of samples to use
is between three to ve, containing each of the potentially interfering or cross-reactive test organisms, analytes or
substances to test. Results should correlate with an expected value ≥95%. If cross-reactivity is observed, assay
conditions may need to be adjusted or reevaluated. In instances where cross-reactivity cannot be eliminated, it must be
noted as a limitation of the assay. An inhibition control may need to be included in assay runs where inhibition is prone
and needs to be monitored (i.e., molecular assays direct from specimens).
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Reportable Range
Reportable range refers to the range of diagnostic results that will be reported. Depending on the assay method used,
the reportable range could be a binary result (positive or negative), non-binary result (positive, negative, indeterminate
or invalid), the LoD, cutoff value or the 95% condence internal. The result outcomes are stated in the verication or
validation plan and may be adjusted for the nal report based on data from the verication or validation. The reportable
range should be included in the nal SOP.
Reference Range
Reference range is the typical result expected in a healthy population that does not have the condition for which the test
is performed. No samples are tested to determine the reference range. Instead, the expected result for a healthy
population is stated within the verication or validation plan, report and nal SOP. The laboratory may use the
manufacturer’s reference range provided it is appropriate for the laboratory’s patient population. If the manufacturer
has not provided reference ranges appropriate for the laboratory’s patient population, the laboratory may use published
reference range(s).
Additional Qualitative Assay Resources
Example of Microbiology MALDI-TOF Validation Supplemental Checklist
Example of Microbiology NAAT Checklist
NGS Method Validation Plan Template
NGS Method Validation Summary Report Template
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Quantitative Assays
Quantitative assays are methods that provide a numerical value to the submitter and therefore have additional
requirements. Those additional requirements include additional verication or validation data, calibration (may use a
standard curve), and the use of quantitative controls.
For quantitative tests, the manufacturer’s limits of detection, linearity, reportable range and precision must all be
validated or veried by the lab. Table 4 shows the updated requirements for quantitative tests.
Table 4. Summary of Performance Characteristics Required Depending on Qualitative Test Type
Test Type Accuracy Precision
FDA Approved Required Required Required Required
FDA Cleared Required Required Required Required
FDA Modied or LDT Required Required Required Required Required Required
FDA Authorized
Required Required Required Required
Calibration and Statistical Calculations
Calibration is establishing, under specied conditions, the relationship between reagent system or instrument response
and the corresponding concentration of an analyte. If the quantitative test is FDA-approved or cleared, calibration must
be carried out according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If calibrating an FDA-modied or LDT test, ensure that high
quality, matrix appropriate materials are used that will provide ideal target values. Materials may need to be purchased
from qualied vendors.
Through the verication process, the laboratory denes the frequency for calibration performance as well as the type,
number, and concentration of calibration materials used to monitor, detect error, and evaluate method performance.
The frequency for calibration performance must not be less than the frequency specied in the manufacturer’s
Calibration requirements vary by assay and depend on the level of FDA approval, but a minimum is typically duplicate
calibration runs. FDA approved or cleared tests may allow for a single run. Lower concentrations of calibrators may
require more replicates due to the potential for greater variability. Use calibration data to perform regression analysis.
Examples are listed below, but the requirements for each method may vary.
* Requirements may vary depending on EUA. Performance characteristics will be defined by the EUA IFU and the laboratory director. Instructions should include
requirements for verification or validation.
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Graphical Data Assessment
Westgard QC describes a graphical data assessment, seen in Figure 4.
Plot the measurement results on the y-axis vs
the assigned values on the x-axis. Draw a 45° line of identify, then draw a “point-to-point” line for the measurement
results. Compare the two lines.
The coefcient of determination (R
) is a
measure of how well the regression model
ts the observed data. R
should be close
to 1 (i.e., 0.991 is a very close t).
The coefcient of variation (CV) can
be used to express the precision and
repeatability of an assay. The ideal CV
is <10-15% and generally should not
exceed 20%.
Calculating the slope is another measure
of comparability. The slope should be
close to 1.
Coefficient of Variation
CV Calculation:
The CV is the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. CV is expressed as a percentage. The ideal
CV is <15%, and generally should not exceed 20%. Use the formula in Figure 3 (page 13) to calculate the CV.
Method Validation Data Analysis Tool Kit
Westgard QC offers a Method Validation Data Analysis Tool Kit and an online Paired-Data Calculator.
This calculator can
be used with data from a comparison of methods experiment to calculate linear regression statistics (slope, y-intercept,
and standard deviation about the regression line, s
), and the correlation coefcient (r, Pearson product moment
correlation coefcient); t-test statistics (average difference between two methods or bias
; SD
, standard deviation of
the differences between the two methods). It can also be used to provide a “comparison plot” that shows the test method
results on the y-axis versus the comparative method results on the x-axis, as well as a “difference plot” that displays the
difference between the test minus comparative results on the y-axis versus the comparative method result on the x-axis.
Quantitative Controls
Quantitative controls are required for verication or validation and for testing runs following approval of the method.
The minimum recommendation is a low positive, high positive, and a negative control. Depending on the assay, the
laboratory could customize its QC plan using an IQCP.
If controls fail to produce the expected results, the run must be
rejected, and the failure should be investigated to identify the cause.
This guidance follows the accuracy requirements for qualitative assays; however, the accuracy study must consider
the quantitative results and span the analytical measurement range (AMR). Appropriate samples include commercially
available calibrators/calibration or quality control materials with known values, prociency testing materials that have
established values, or previously tested patient specimens with established values. Contrived samples may be used if
the appropriate sample type or quantity is not available. Sample mixtures may also be used to achieve the appropriate
quantitative value for testing.
Figure 4. Calibration Verification
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Precision for quantitative assays includes the same structure (inter- and intra- assay measurements) and calculations
(%CV) as qualitative tests. Runs should include samples with at least two levels of analyte concentrations. Prior to
starting, criteria for identifying and handling outliers should be established to ensure any operational problems do not
distort the data. If the test does not routinely include runs, four samples should be run as two sets of pairs at different
times on the same day. Those results should be treated as if they were two results resulting from the same run. If the
test includes a run that can be completed multiple times in a single day, two runs (separated by at least two hours)
with two samples (run in duplicate) should be analyzed with at least one quality control sample and 10 patient samples
(if possible) each day. These should be repeated for 20 days with the order of the test materials and quality control
samples changed each run or day.
Analytical Sensitivity
Analytical sensitivity establishes the limit of detection for a quantitative assay. Dilutions of a known concentration
should be tested until the method or instrument no longer detects the presence of the analyte within a matrix. If the
laboratory is evaluating a modied test system, it is acceptable to use the manufacturer’s stated lower limit if it can be
shown that the modication had no effect on the lower limit threshold. Once the LoD for an LDT is established or when
verifying a manufacturer’s limit of detection claim, it is recommended to test replicates of a number of samples with
concentrations both below and above the limit of detection. CLSI EP17-A2
recommends testing four low positives and
four blank samples. The samples should be run in duplicate or triplicate over three days with a recommended minimum
of 20 measurements for each sample concentration to verify a manufacturer claim, and 60 measurements to establish
the LoD. However, the exact number of samples to use should be determined on a case-by-case basis with input from
the QAO, supervisors, or the laboratory director. The LoD should be dened as the concentration in which the assay can
distinguish positive from negative samples 95% of the time.
Analytical Specificity
Analytical specicity is the evaluation of cross-reactivity by testing a panel of similar, potentially interfering organisms,
substances, or analytes to assess constant systematic error. The test agents or substances should include as many
organisms or analytes as possible that may be found in the relevant test sample or that cause the same symptoms as
the target agent. Consider potential sources of variability that could affect the assay (i.e., matrix composition, lot-to-lot
variability, temperature, etc.) and include them in the design of the verication or validation. The recommended number
of samples to use are three to ve containing each of the potentially interfering or cross-reactive test organisms,
analytes or substances to test. Results should correlate with an expected value ≥ 95%. If cross-reactivity is observed,
assay conditions may need to be adjusted or reevaluated. In instances where cross-reactivity cannot be eliminated, it
must be noted as a limitation of the assay. An inhibition control may need to be included in assay runs where inhibition
is prone and needs to be monitored (i.e., molecular assays direct from specimens).
Reportable Range
Reportable range refers to the range of values that can be accurately measured by the test. Calibrators may be used to
establish reportable range. For quantitative tests, the manufacturer’s reportable range must be veried by the testing
laboratory. No quantitative value can be reported that falls outside of the validated range. Other considerations for
quantitative assays are to consider how to report numerical results in order to provide the most clinically meaningful
information (i.e., log scale vs. integers; 5.30–5 vs 200,000–100,000). Also, some assays may include a cutoff or
threshold value that correlates to disease while many do not.
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Reference Range
The reference range includes the span of possible quantitative test results that include an upper and lower limit for a
group of healthy individuals who are disease or analyte free. Reference values for an infectious disease test may not be
applicable; however, for values included in quantitative assays, such as blood chemistry assays, a set of known healthy
samples may need to be tested to establish a reference range. It is acceptable to put the method into use and establish
the reference range over time. If this is done, the verication summary should clearly explain how it will be completed.
Once completed, the information should be added to the summary report.
Ongoing Verification of Quantitative Assays
Calibration Verification
Calibration verication must be performed every six months (or more frequently if specied in the manufacturer’s
When changes are made to the assay, instrument or overall test system
When there are major shifts in QC results
When prociency testing is inconsistent
When quality assurance activities indicate discrepant results
There are exceptions to calibration verication requirements:
Instruments that are factory or manufacturer calibrated do not require calibration verication.
If the test system’s calibration procedure includes three or more levels of calibration material, and includes a
low, mid, and high value, and is performed at least once every six months, then the requirement for calibration
verication is also met.
The laboratory denes acceptance or rejection criteria.
Analytical Measurement Range Verification
Analytical measurement range (AMR) verication must be performed every six months and when changes are made
to the assay.
If calibration includes low, midpoint and high values spanning the AMR, additional testing may not be required.
Control materials may be used.
Additional Quantitative Assay Resources
APHL CLIA-compliant Analytical Method Validation Plan and Template for LRN-C Laboratories
APHL CRO Breakpoint Implementation Toolkit
CLSI 2023 Breakpoint Implementation Toolkit
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Related Processes
Sample or Analyte Stability and Integrity
Integrity of the sample analyte should be scrutinized, especially regarding potential causes of instability. The stability
of a sample can be assessed at the pre-analytical and analytical phases of testing with the acceptable parameters for
sample stability determined during a validation and conrmed for a verication.
Creating an established written policy for sample stability is the end goal when selecting verication or validation
samples for pre-analytical and analytical testing.
Pre-analytical sample criteria to consider are:
Proper shipping and storage
Appropriate collection devices
Receipt within the acceptable testing timeframe.
Temperatures of acceptance for shipping, receipt and storage can be assessed during a validation by including samples
within a temperature range.
Analytical sample criteria include:
Assessing the expiration of samples (were the samples received after the acceptable timeframe for testing)
Minimum volume requirements
Effects of temperature uctuations on sample integrity
Specimen suitability requirements (pH, turbidity, specic gravity, etc.).
For example, molecular extracts or eluates often have limitations on freeze-thaw cycles; therefore, selecting samples
that are nearing the allowable freeze-thaw limit is not advisable. Failure to fully assess sample integrity during a
verication or validation may result in misguided result analysis and potential diagnostic testing errors.
Bridging Studies and Addendums
Modications to an approved assay (FDA cleared or approved, EUA authorized, approved LDT) must be validated or
veried to demonstrate equivalent performance to the unmodied authorized method. These assay modications may
be referred to as bridging studies or addendums and are meant to demonstrate that the modications do not negatively
affect the result or clinical interpretation of the assay result.
Bridging Studies
Introduced by the FDA in 1998 in the context of drug and biological compound registrations, the concept of bridging
studies was originally dened as a study to extrapolate the foreign efcacy data and/or safety data to a new region. The
term bridging study has since been adopted in clinical laboratory validation testing to bridge a new component (i.e.,
reagent, equivalent compound) into a modied assay by establishing equivalent performance between parallel testing
of samples with the new and original components. Bridging studies are generally more applicable with EUA assays
where it has been deemed acceptable by the regulatory authority (i.e., FDA approval for SARS-CoV-2 molecular assays).
The need for a verication or validation is dependent on the specic language in the EUA IFU and your laboratory
director. For example, the FDA recommended bridging studies for SARS-CoV-2 molecular assays could consist of testing
three-fold serial dilutions of viral material in a pooled respiratory sample matrix in triplicate until a positivity rate of
<100% was achieved. If the resulting LoD was the same as the unmodied authorized test LoD, then the two methods
are considered to have equivalent performance. Important note: some IFU documents will not accept any modications;
therefore, a bridging study would not be applicable and an LDT validation would be needed.
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CLSI denes an addendum as an “ancillary report with additional information that expands or claries the original nal
diagnosis but does not change it. Examples include adding information derived from additional diagnostic studies,
recuts from specimen blocks, or consultations with experts.” Suppose diagnostic real-time PCR testing demonstrated
that the positive PCR control being used resulted in unclear result interpretation due to clinical samples demonstrating
low relative uorescence (RF) for a specic target gene. Conrmatory testing showed that the low RF is due to a specic
point mutation where the probe anneals; parallel testing of a new PCR control containing that point mutation claries
result interpretation. This study would be included as an addendum to the SOP.
Instrumentation Verification or Validation
New Instrument
When bringing online a new instrument or test system, reference the Qualitative Assays (page 11) section for
performance characteristics that must be considered for verication or validation. This applies even when the new
instrument is the same as one already in use. The manufacturer’s recommendations must be reviewed and either
accepted or a justication for a deviation must be provided, noting this may lead to the FDA-modied path. Instrument
maintenance and troubleshooting must be included in the protocols for establishment of the new method.
Additional Instrument
For a test system or instrument in which there is already an approved method, and the aim is to add an additional test
system or instrument of the same make or model, an additional verication or validation must be performed. It is up
to the discretion of the laboratory director to determine the amount of testing to be involved in these studies, but the
same criteria must be met as if bringing on the assay for the rst time. Some criteria may be satised by the original
verication or validation and a smaller study could be carried out to satisfy the requirement. If the intention is to bring
on multiple new instruments, the studies may be divided across instruments as long as each instrument is involved in
all parts of the study (accuracy, precision, reportable range) and the serial numbers are identied with the correlating
Instrument Move or Repairs
Any movement or repair of an instrument requires additional verication to ensure the alteration did not affect the test
performance on that instrument. These studies are typically abbreviated when compared to a new method verication
or validation and are up to the discretion of the laboratory director.
Instrument to Instrument
If the laboratory uses more than one instrument or method to test for a given analyte, the instruments or methods must
be checked against each other at least twice a year for comparability of results. This is typically aimed to be performed
every six months. A subset of samples (QC and/or patient samples) may be compared on all test systems for a given
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Reagent Lot-to-lot Comparison
It is important that each new reagent is veried upon receipt prior to being put into routine use to report patient
Reagents are validated by the manufacturer and must meet quality standards before release. However, there
are several factors that could affect reagent performance once received by the laboratory that include:
Changes in reagent component materials
Instability of a component in the reagent
Reagents compromised in transportation and/or storage
Incorrect calibration of the new reagent lot.
Differences in performance between current and new or candidate reagent lots hold a potential risk for patient results,
which needs to be assessed for all reagent lot changes. Assessment can occur before, or concurrent with, initial use of
the candidate reagent lot for patient testing. It is important that verication of candidate reagent lots is not emergent;
therefore, ensuring sufcient stock of the previously veried or current reagent lot is essential.
There are no universal acceptance criteria for dening the degree of difference in laboratory results between clinical
samples that will inuence the clinical decision. The laboratory director must determine the limits of acceptable
differences with the primary objective that both the current and candidate reagent lots yield the same clinical
interpretation of results.
Note: CLSI document EP26
Appendix A-D provides calculations and statistical considerations to help determine the
number of samples needed for reagent lot comparisons and rejection limits.
Defining When to Perform Comparisons
Reagent Comparisons
Good laboratory practice would be to evaluate each new lot and shipment of reagents received. However, the following
circumstances do not require a full evaluation of a new shipment or candidate reagent lot:
A new shipment received in the laboratory that has already been evaluated and deemed acceptable for testing with
clinical samples. Since the reagent lot was previously determined to not have a signicant lot-to-lot difference with
clinical samples, any potential shipping damage will be reliably detected using the QC samples. Therefore, each
new shipment of the same reagent lot may be veried by testing QC samples only.
Afliated laboratories using the same reagent lots and vendor instruments do not need to repeat verication using
clinical samples since an initial verication of consistency between current and candidate reagent lots would have
been performed. However, all afliated laboratories need to check each new shipment of reagents for shipping
damage using QC samples for verication.
If there are several of the same instruments used in a single laboratory, verication of the candidate reagent lot
only needs to be performed with clinical samples using a single instrument, not all instruments used in the testing.
Methodology Comparisons
Careful attention should be given to laboratories who test the same analyte with different methodologies. In particular,
if a laboratory employs more than one methodology to test for an analyte, verication studies should be conducted on
both methods. This is true for quantitative and qualitative test procedures.
Examples of this would include the following scenarios.
A laboratory routinely utilizes a moderate test kit on an analyte that is reported qualitatively. The laboratory decides
to employ a back-up test kit due to shortages or other reasons. The laboratory validates and begins testing using
the replacement test kit. The laboratory wishes to utilize both test kits when the original test kit is back in stock. In
this case, a comparative validation would be warranted.
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The laboratory routinely conducts moderate qualitative kit testing using chromatographic immunoassay as well as
moderate instrument testing on the same analyte using automated chemiluminescence. In this case, a comparative
validation would be required. If the qualitative result is determined by a numerical value (i.e., concentration of the
analyte in the specimen), the method comparison should seek to correlate with these quantitative values. The
laboratory should also dene the relationship between the two methods during the evaluation process.
Sample Type, Number and Volume for Comparison
The optimal samples for reagent comparison testing are native clinical samples appropriately collected using validated
methods, properly stored, and transported under appropriate conditions. Reagent lot-to-lot comparisons should not be
performed using QC samples only since observed differences between current and candidate lots could be attributed
to a matrix effect (inuence of sample property independent of analyte presence) with no change in patient sample
measurements. Inversely, it is also possible to have no change in the QC result, but patient results are signicantly
impacted by reagent lot-to-lot differences. In addition, manufacturer supplied QC material may be optimized to
perform correctly with each new reagent lot underscoring any lot-to-lot reagent effect on clinical samples. Therefore,
performance of new reagent lots should be evaluated using both patient and QC samples with few exceptions.
Sample Type
Native clinical samples collected using validated methods and sources.
Concentrations of the clinical samples should span the measurement interval, or medical decision of interest.
If a range cannot be obtained, sample concentrations at two key medical decision points (true positive and true
negative) is sufcient. Typically, concentrations near the QC concentrations are clinically relevant.
Residual clinical samples can be used. It is important to re-measure the clinical samples using both the current and
candidate reagent lots, as close in time as possible, to determine any alterations in concentration or activity that
are affected by time or storage conditions.
QC samples are included with clinical samples in each reagent lot verication.
The use of sample material other than native or pooled clinical samples (described in Sample Volume below) should
only be considered when the aforementioned sample types are unavailable. This could include samples with stability
limitations. In these instances, the material used for external evaluation of performance (prociency testing [PT],
external quality assessment, QC material, internal challenge samples) may be considered.
Sample Number
A minimum of three clinical samples is recommended to reduce any potential bias of a single sample. The number
of replicate measurements per sample increases the power and reduces error. However, increasing replicate
measurements alone, rather than testing more samples, increases the risk that reagent lot or patient sample
interactions will not be evaluated.
Sample Volume
Estimate twice the combined measurement procedure plus dead volume. It is recommended to have sufcient
sample volume to allow for repeat testing.
Samples can be pooled if it is not feasible or practical to obtain sufcient volume per sample. Pools need to be
tested using both current and candidate reagent lots, and previous individual sample results cannot be used. A
minimum number of unique comparisons should be three (same as individual native samples).
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Reagent Comparison Failures
If there are any clinically signicant differences in patient results between the current and candidate reagent lots, the
candidate reagent lot should not be used until the discrepancy is resolved. Initially, the instrument should be calibrated
using controls to minimize any differences that may be attributed to calibration-to-calibration variability. More robust
evaluation of the current and candidate reagent lots can be performed using a minimum of 40 clinical samples
that span the measurement interval. However, this approach may not be feasible, and the manufacturer should be
contacted for follow-up investigation.
If the candidate reagent demonstrates a signicant shift in the QC values only, and acceptable performance with the
clinical samples, then the QC target values should be updated to reect the changed performance with the candidate
reagent lot. QC material performance may change with different reagent lots, which are typically artifacts of the
interaction of the reagent with an altered sample matrix of the QC material. Note: Some local regulatory requirements
may restrict any changes to QC target values, which would require a more extensive reagent comparison.
Software Upgrades
Software upgrades for clinical laboratory instruments, or process and reporting management at all levels, is a complex
Any software upgrades that will negatively affect the institution or patient results should be carefully and
thoroughly considered before proceeding. In particular, the level and extent of software upgrade testing necessary is
largely dependent on the total risk associated with failure: the greater the potential harm associated with failure, the
more extensive planning and testing required.
Prior to implementation of software upgrades (whether using new software programs or simply updating to a new
version of the current software), the following factors should be considered at minimum:
Features and functions
Service and upgrade terms and policies
Hardware requirements
Performance characteristics (database access and size)
Compatibility with other institutional systems (i.e., laboratory information system [LIS])
Data interchange formats supported (e.g., third party applications, Health Level 7 [HL7] standards)
Data security.
The process of software testing may include boundary testing, input testing and stress testing:
Boundary testing is the use of test cases generated using the extremes of the input value range (i.e., maximum,
minimum, within the limits, expected or typical values, and out-of-range [error] values).
Input testing assesses the entry of data input function values including valid, invalid, null and zero, and incorrect
data types.
Stress testing is a more general type of focused, thorough testing used to evaluate the stability of a given system,
including testing beyond normal operational expectations of a system in order to observe how failure conditions are
Software version upgrades that improve the overall functionality of the system (i.e., enable better visualization, more
detailed report summaries, improve the operator experience, etc.) may justify a verication whereas version upgrades
that add signicant features that could affect the quality or accuracy (e.g., MALDI-TOF database updates including new
reference library organisms) necessitate more comprehensive validation of the new system. The software vendor may
release technical bulletins or alerts that recommend or require a software version upgrade. Follow instructions from
the vendor to correctly upgrade the software package(s). It is important to validate or verify the software upgrade prior
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to implementation in the laboratory workow: ensure the previous software version is available for comparison testing
until the software upgrade or new software has been approved.
Verication of software updates uses previous data or known controls to run through the system verifying all the
potential result outcomes. The verication should ensure that boundary and input testing are performed to ensure
that there is a range of valid input and output values obtained. An example is a qualitative molecular test with Ct value
cutoffs of <35 (positive), 36-40 (indeterminate), >40 (negative), and control failure (invalid). The verication should
ensure that Ct values within each respective range yield the correct end result, which should match the previous
software version. If the end results do not match, contact the software vendor to troubleshoot and/or perform a more
extensive validation of the system.
Validation of the software upgrade should follow the key elements described in Qualitative Assays (page 11) using
the manufacturer or vendor data or documentation as the comparator. A validation will likely encompass an entire
workow focus, which would include both wet-lab and dry-lab testing. For example, a database upgrade for the MALDI-
TOF would require culturing standardized microorganisms to spot onto the MALDI target plate followed by system
comparison of the microorganism mass spectrum with the database library of reference mass spectra. If the end
results do not match the vendor specications, contact the software vendor to troubleshoot.
The implementation of a new LIS would be another example of a software upgrade requiring a validation. The clinical
implication of improper LIS functionality has high risk associated with failure. Therefore, extensive boundary, stress,
and input testing methods should be applied to test cases performed in an off-line static testing environment and
during parallel testing once the system is ‘live.’ The length of ‘live’ parallel testing should be determined based on risk
associated with failure and decided on by the QAO and laboratory director.
The system upgrade validations or verications are deemed acceptable once all relevant measures of performance can
be demonstrated. The major features and functions of the system should have been sufciently challenged and all test
cases or samples should have passed. Failed test cases should be repeated and reviewed to determine if the error is
obvious and can be rectied. Any failed cases or unexplained conditions need to be analyzed and determined to be
noncritical for the system upgrade to pass.
Additional Related Processes Resources
Bridging, Addendum and Extension Studies
Reagent Comparison QC Studies Template
Software Update SOP and Template
Analytical Instrument Verification Example
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 26
Safety Considerations & Risk Assessments | Return to Table of Contents
Safety Considerations and
Risk Assessments
Prior to working with a new biological or chemical agent or validation of a new test, safety should be considered in order
to protect the health of employees.
Safety risk assessments are a systematic procedure for identifying and managing
hazards in all stages of the testing process (pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical) and should be performed for
both biological and chemical and risks. Risk assessments allow the laboratorians to evaluate the work environment,
laboratory processes, equipment and available protective measures.
While this step is not required for a verication or validation, inclusion of the laboratory’s safety professional during the
planning stages of a verication or validation demonstrates commitment to the safety culture of a laboratory. It is the
best opportunity to protect employee health in a preventiverather than reactiveway. Making recommendations in
advance allows for effective mitigation procedures and training needs.
Risk Assessment Considerations
Biological Considerations
Pathogenicity of the agent of
Route of Transmission
Agent Stability
Infectious Dose
Immune status of worker
Agent Concentration
Agent Volume
Splash Potential
Aerosol Generation
Percutaneous Hazard
Biosafety Laboratory Level
Work Practices
PPE (Head, Body, Respiratory)
Viability Study
Exposure Control Plan
Vaccination Availability
Treatment Availability
Chemical Considerations
Sample Matrix
Known or Suspected Chemical
Hazards (Grade, Concentration,
Manufacturer, MSDS)
Splash Potential
Health Hazard
Oxidizing Potential
Corrosion Ability
Environmental Hazards
Chemical Incompatibilities
Chemical Storage
Reproductive Toxin
Route of Exposure
Action Levels and Permissible
Hazardous Operations
Physical or Equipment Hazards
Engineering Controls
Containment Resources
PPE (Head, Boby, Respiratory)
Waste Management and Disposal
Other Considerations
Some laboratories nd it useful to assess the probability and severity of identied risk. Probability refers to the
likelihood of an identied risk occurring, while severity refers to the magnitude of the potential consequences if a risk
is not appropriately mitigated. The probability and severity assessment helps the laboratory to prioritize the risks and
mitigation strategies in a strategic way.
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Safety Considerations & Risk Assessments | Return to Table of Contents
Risk Assessment Tables
Tables 5–7 can be used to assess the risk level associated with each hazard identied in the pre- analytical, analytical
and post-analytical stages.
Table 5 is used to rate the likelihood of the hazard occurring.
Table 6 is used to rate the consequence if the hazard were to occur.
Table 7 is used to identify the initial risk level of each hazard based on the likelihood and consequence determined
from Tables 5 and 6. For example, if your hazard likelihood is likely and the hazard consequence is moderate then
the initial risk level is high per the risk assessment matrix.
A Residual Risk Rating is determined after mitigating the initial risk with control and protection procedures. It requires
analysis of the initial risk rating and mitigating factors to determine if the residual risk rating is lower, higher or the same.
Table 5: Likelihood of Hazard Occurrence
Likelihood Hazard Likelihood Description
Rare Will only occur in exceptional circumstances.
Unlikely Not likely to occur within the foreseeable future.
Possible May occur within the foreseeable future, sporadic exposure is possible.
Likely Likely to occur within the foreseeable future, routine exposure is likely.
Highly Likely Almost certain to occur within the foreseeable future, consistent exposure is highly likely.
Table 6: Consequence of Hazard Occurrence
Consequence Hazard Consequence Description
Insignicant No treatment required
Minor Minor injury requiring First Aid treatment (e.g., minor cuts, bruises, bumps)
Moderate Injury requiring medical treatment or lost time
Major Serious injury (injuries) requiring specialist medical treatment or hospitali-zation
Critical Loss of life, permanent disability or multiple serious injuries
Table 7: Risk Assessment Matrix
Hazard Consequence
Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Critical
Low Low Low Medium Medium
Low Low Medium Medium High
Low Medium High High High
Low Medium High High Extreme
Highly Likely
Medium Medium High Extreme Extreme
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 28
Safety Considerations & Risk Assessments | Return to Table of Contents
Frequency for Reviewing a Risk Assessment
Risk assessments should be reviewed regularly to ensure they are up to date and comply with any changes in
regulations or work environment.
The laboratory must review the risk assessment effectiveness at least annually. Risk assessment evaluations may
be required more frequently if multiple instances of deviation from established quality thresholds appear in the test
The evaluation must include a review of all components listed in the risk assessment (specimen, testing person-
nel, environment, reagents, test system) and the QC Plan. It must indicate whether the risk assessment has been
effective, and if not, what adjustments are necessary to consistently assure quality.
Following any quality failures, or when there have been signicant changes in any aspect of the original risk as-
sessment, the laboratory must re-evaluate the plan and adjust, if necessary.
When a quality failure occurs, the laboratory must determine the cause of failure and its impact on patient care,
and make any necessary adjustments to the risk assessment.
Hazardous Waste Management
In the performance of testing, hazardous biological, chemical or radiological waste may be generated. The laboratory
should have a plan in place which species the proper disposal of these wastes. When performing a validation or
verication, the laboratory should review the possible generation of hazardous wastes and ensure they are compliant
with the laboratory’s hazardous waste management plan.
Additional Risk Assessment Resources
Biological Risk Assessment Template for All New Assays
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 29
Cost Analysis & Budget | Return to Table of Contents
Cost Analysis and Budget
Testing must occur within an approved budget to ensure scal responsibility and sustainability. A cost analysis, or
summary of expenses, is a useful tool to determine and compare the cost per test prior to verication or validation of a
new or changing method.
There are a number of ways to perform a cost analysis and this section provides only basic cost accounting guidance.
Costs can be categorized as direct, indirect, xed and variable (see Glossary (page 33) for denitions). When
implementing new testing or modifying current testing, start-up costs must also be considered.
The basic cost per test can be determined using the cost of instrumentation, direct materials and direct labor. For
annual budgeting planning, it may be helpful to estimate the yearly spend on a new test system or method and
additional information may be needed, such as laboratory information management costs, maintenance costs, site-
preparation costs, and depreciation costs (purchased equipment). Within this document, only site preparation costs
and yearly maintenance costs will be considered.
Labor Costs
The cost to perform a test per unit of time is called labor cost. The time to perform a test includes all phases of testing
—pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical—and should include all employees involved in the direct production
of the actual test result. Other than the hands-on testing time, consider any sample or instrument preparation and
maintenance as well as result review and reporting. Estimate labor costs with the the equations in Figure 5.
Materials Costs
Any reagents and consumables including prociency testing materials used in the performance of the test are
considered direct materials. Laboratorians should consider at least the following: price per kit or total expense for all
reagents; number of tests per kit or total reagent volume; controls and calibrators per analysis; consumables; and it
may be necessary to try and predict retests. See Figure 6 for an estimation equation.
Figure 5. Estimation of labor costs
Number of Tests/Year
Salary with Fringe/Year
2080 Hours
1 YearSalary with Fringe
1 Year 60 Minutes
1 Hour
x x
1 Test
# Minutes
Labor Costs
Figure 6. Estimation of materials costs
Material Costs
(Cost of Reagents + Cost of Consumables)
Number of Tests
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 30
Cost Analysis & Budget | Return to Table of Contents
Site Preparation Costs
The purchase of new or updated instrumentation may require site preparation. Expenses related to site preparation
include work area renovation or any utilities required for proper operation, including electrical, plumbing, ventilation and
air-conditioning. This is often a one-time expense that should be considered part of the start-up costs.
Maintenance Costs
Instrumentation requires routine maintenance to ensure optimal operation for its expected lifetime. This maintenance
can be both expected and unexpected. While unexpected maintenance is hard to predict, the user may speak to
laboratories using the same equipment or the vendor to create a realistic estimate for unexpected events. Estimated
costs related to equipment maintenance can be incorporated into the per test costs or yearly expenses. Consideration
for maintenance costs should include not only the instrumentation and materials, but also supporting systems and their
associated maintenance costs as well (e.g., LIS service agreements, temperature monitoring systems).
The laboratory can more effectively plan and estimate routine preventive maintenance activities over a period of time
and this information should be included in the annual budget. Consider any consumables needed for daily, weekly,
monthly, or other routine maintenance. Maintenance contracts may be purchased from the vendor and can also be
included as an annual cost.
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 31
Templates and Examples | Return to Table of Contents
Reference Documents
Below are a collection of downloadable/ediable resources to help implement a test verication or validation:
Biological Risk Assessment for All New Assays Template
Breakpoint Implementation Toolkit, CRO 2021 (APHL)
Breakpoint Implementation Toolkit, MIC 2023 (CLSI)
Bridging, Addendum, and Extension Studies Template
CLIA-Compliant Analytical Method Validation Plan and Template FOR LRN-C Laboratories (APHL)
Method Verification Validation Plan Approval Checklist
NGS Method Validation Plan Template (NGS Quality Initiative)
NGS Method Validation Summary Report Template (NGS Quality Initiative)
Printable Checklist for the Verification or Validation Process
Reagent Comparison QC Studies Template
Software Update SOP and Template
Validation Plan Template
Validation Summary Report Template
Verification Plan Template
Verification Summary Report Template
See examples of these principles in action:
Analytical Instrument Verification Example
Employee Training Verification Checklist Example
Guidelines for Verification and Validation of Laboratory Methods (Minnesota)
Method Validation-Verification Summary Report Example (Fairfax County, VA)
Method Verification Template Example (Indiana)
Microbiology MALDI-TOF Validation Supplemental Checklist (New York CLEP)
Microbiology NAAT Checklist (New York CLEP)
NGS Method Validation SOP Example (NGS Quality Initiative)
Validation and Verification SOP Example (Texas)
Validation Plan Example (Washington)
Validation Summary Report Example (Washington)
Verification Plan Example (Washington)
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 32
Templates and Examples | Return to Table of Contents
Additional Resources
The following resources provide additional information for verication or validation of analytes or test systems, some of
which are not covered by CLIA, such as food or environmental testing.
Eurachem Guide: The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods – A Laboratory Guide to Method Validation and
Related Topics (B. Magnusson and U. Örnemark (eds.) 2nd ed. 2014)
Planning and Reporting Method Validation Studies – Supplement to Eurachem Guide on the Fitness for Purpose of
Analytical Methods (V. Barwick (ed.), 2019)
CAP All Common Checklist. Items: COM.40250, COM.40350, COM.40475 (2020)
Validation of Laboratory-Developed Molecular Assays for Infectious Diseases (EM Burd, 2010)
CLSI Preliminary Evaluation of Quantitative Clinical Laboratory Measurement Procedures; Approved Guideline -
Third Edition (2014)
CLSI User Verification of Performance for Precision and Trueness; Approved Guideline – Third Edition (2014)
FSIS Guidance for Test Kit Manufacturers, Laboratories: Evaluating the Performance of Pathogen Test Kit Methods
FDA Guidelines for the Validation of Analytical Methods for the Detection of Microbial Pathogens in Foods and
Feeds, 3rd Edition (2019)
FDA Guidelines for the Validation of Chemical Methods in Food, Feed, Cosmetics, and Veterinary Products, 3rd
Edition (2019)
FDA Guidelines for the Validation of Microbiological Methods for the FDA Foods Program, 3rd Edition (2019)
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories (2017)
TNI Standard Environmental Laboratory Sector, Volume 1. Management and Technical Re-quirements for
Laboratories Performing Environmental Analysis. Contains seven modules:
1. Prociency Testing
2. Quality Systems General Requirements
3. Quality Systems for Asbestos Testing
4. Quality Systems for Chemical Testing
5. Quality Systems for Microbiological Testing
6. Quality Systems for Radiological Testing
7. Quality Systems for Toxicity Testing
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 33
Glossary | Return to Table of Contents
Glossary & Acronyms
CLSI Harmonized Terminology Database
The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) has complied a Harmonized Terminology Database
internationally accepted terminology used in laboratory sciences and related health organizations. This tool is
publicly available to encourage broad acceptance and usage of internationally accepted terminology in the laboratory
An analytical performance measurement that
assesses the ability of a method to produce correct
results, as compared to a reference standard.
Diagnostic sensitivity (known absence for target
analyte) and diagnostic specicity (known presence
of target analyte) are used.
Analytical Measurement Range
The range of analyte values that a method can
directly measure on the specimen without any
dilution, concentration, or other pretreatment not
part of the usual assay process.
Analytical Sensitivity (Limit of Detection)
The lowest concentration, or amount of an analyte,
that can be measured and distinguished from a
blank (i.e., minimum detection limits).
Analytical Specicity (Interfering
The ability of an instrument or test system to
measure only the intended organism or substance.
Tests the ability to discriminate between the target
analyze and other related, but non-target analytes
(i.e., cross-reactivity, interfering substances).
Coefcient of Variation (CV)
A measure of relative precision. It is calculated as
100 times the standard deviation, divided by the
mean, and expressed as a percentage.
Control—High Positive
A sample, preferably matrix-matched, to evaluate
the ability of a laboratory to identify the target of
interest near the upper limit of the reportable range,
if applicable.
Control—Low Positive
A sample, preferably matrix-matched, to evaluate
the ability of a laboratory test to identify the target of
interest near the lower limit of the reportable range
or near the cutoff.
A sample, preferably matrix-matched, that lacks the
target of interest and used to evaluate the ability of a
test not to detect the target when it is not present.
Cutoff Value
In qualitative assays, the cutoff is dened as the
threshold above which the result is reported as
positive and below which the result is reported as
Direct Costs
Specic costs traceable to the test produced. These
can be xed or variable. Examples include supplies,
reagents, consumables, labor, instrument costs,
standards and controls.
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
An EUA is a mechanism that the enables the FDA
to facilitate the availability and use of medical
countermeasures during declared public health
False Negative
A negative result incorrectly ascribed to a positive
False Positive
A positive result incorrectly ascribed to a negative
FDA Approved
The device has been approved through the
Premarket Approval process.
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 34
Glossary | Return to Table of Contents
FDA Authorized
The device has been reviewed by FDA through the
EUA mechanism.
FDA Cleared
The device has been cleared as a substantially
equivalent device through Section 510(k) of the Food,
Drug and Cosmetic Act.
FDA Modied
Any modication to an FDA approved or cleared test.
The modication should be handled as a laboratory
developed test.
Fixed Costs
A cost that remains constant regardless of workload
and within a specic range of activity. Examples
include Labor, rent, equipment depreciation,
Gold Standard
Any standardized clinical assessment, method,
procedure, intervention or measurement of known
validity and reliability which is generally taken to be
the best available, against which new tests or results
and protocols are compared.
High Complexity
The most complex testing category assigned to a
test by the FDA, based on seven scored criteria. CLIA
requirements for laboratories will vary based on the
assigned complexity of a test with more stringent
requirements for high complexity testing.
Indirect Costs
Any cost that is not assigned to the direct production
of a test but contributes to the adequate provision of
the work environment. Examples include supervisory
salaries, quality assurance, education, travel,
administrative costs, building maintenance, security
and training.
Individualized Quality Control Plan (IQCP)
The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
(CLIA) Quality Control (QC) procedure for an alternate
QC option allowed by 42CFR493.1250. The guidance
and concepts for IQCP are a formal representation
and compilation of many things laboratories already
do to ensure quality test results. IQCP permits the
laboratory to customize its QC plan according to
test method and use, environment, and personnel
competency while providing for equivalent quality
Laboratory Developed Test
Test developed wholly, or in part, by the performing
laboratory. This may include analyte specic reagents
(ASR) or adoption of another laboratory’s LDT or non-
cleared or approved test.
Limit of Detection (LoD)
In quantitative and qualitative measurement
procedures, the lowest concentration of analyte that
can be consistently detected (typically, in ≥ 95% of
samples tested under routine medical laboratory
conditions and in a dened type of sample).
Matrix Effect
The inuence of sample property independent of
analyte presence.
Negative Predictive Value (NPP)
The probability that a negative result accurately
indicates the absence of the analyte or specic
Positive Predictive Value (PPV)
The probability that a positive result accurately
indicates that the analyte or specic disease is
An analytical performance measurement that
assesses the closeness of agreement between
independent results of measurements obtained
under stipulated conditions. Assesses the inherent
random error of a test system to determine how close
two or more repeated measurements are to each
other, regardless of accuracy.
Premarket Approval (PMA) Process
This is the FDA process of scientic and regulatory
review to evaluation the safety and effectiveness of
Class III Medical Devices.
Premarket Notication 510(k)
Before marketing a device in the US intended for
human use that does not require a PMA must submit
a 510(k) to FDA (unless otherwise exempt).
Reference Range
The typical result (qualitative) or range of values
(quantitative) expected in a non-diseased population
that do not have the condition for which the test
is performed, including variation due to type of
specimen and demographic variables such as age
and sex, as applicable.
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 35
Glossary | Return to Table of Contents
Reportable Range
The span of test result values over which the
laboratory can establish or verify the accuracy of the
instrument or test system measurement response.
For a qualitative test, the reportable range could be
the limit of detection, the cutoff value, or the 95%
condence interval.
True Negative
A negative result that correctly reects the condition
of a sample.
True Positive
A positive result that correctly reects the condition
of a sample.
The process used to conrm with objective evidence
that a laboratory-developed test (LDT) or modied
FDA-cleared or approved test method or instrument
system delivers reliable results for the intended
Variable Costs
A cost that varies with changes in test volume.
Examples include reagents and consumables. Labor
costs can sometimes be variable when signicant
increases or decreases in test volume occur, but
typically labor will be a xed cost.
The one-time process by which a laboratory
determines that an unmodied FDA-cleared
or approved test performs according to the
manufacturer’s specications when used as directed.
AMR: Analytical Measurement Range
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
APHL: Association of Public Health Laboratories
ASR: Analyte Specic Reagents
CAP: College of American Pathologists
CFU: Colony Forming Units
CLIA: Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
CLSI: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
CoA: CLIA Certicate of Accreditation
CoC: CLIA Certicate of Compliance
CV: Coefcient of Variation
EUA: Emergency Use Authorization
FDA: US Food and Drug Administration
FSIS: USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service
HL7: Health Level 7 Standards for Electronic Transfer of
IFU: Instructions for Use
IQCP: Individualized Quality Control Plan
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
LIS: Laboratory Information System
LoD: Limit of Detection
MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheet
PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
PPV: Positive Predictive Value
PT: Prociency Testing
QAO: Quality Assurance Ofcer
QC: Quality Control
RF: Relative Fluorescence
TCID50: Median Tissue Culture Infectious Dose
TNI: The NELAC Institute
USDA: US Department of Agriculture
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 36
References | Return to Table of Contents
1 Code of Federal Regulations. 42 CFR 493 Laboratory Requirements. National Archives and Records Administration.
Accessed Oct 1, 2023:
2 Code of Federal Regulations. 42 CFR 493.1253 Standard: Establishment and verication of performance
specications. National Archives and Records Administration; 2003. Accessed Oct 1, 2023:
3 CMS CLIA. State Operations Manual Appendix C - Survey Procedures and Interpretive Guidelines
for Laboratories and Laboratory Services, Rev. 166, 02-03-17. Accessed Jan 15, 2024:
4 FDA. Are There “FDA Registered” or “FDA Certied” Medical Devices? How Do I Know What Is FDA Approved?
Accessed Oct 8, 2023:
5 Bankowski MJ, Cankovic M, Dunlap J, Furtado LV, Gong J, Huard T, et al. Molecular Diagnostic Assay Validation.
Update to the 2009 AMP Molecular Diagnostic Assay Validation White Paper. 2014. Accessed Oct 1, 2023:
6 CLSI. Measurement Procedure Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples, 3rd ed.,
CLSI guideline EP09c, Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2018. Available from:
7 CLSI. Evaluation of Qualitative, Binary Output Examination Performance, 3rd ed. CLSI
guideline EP12. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 2023. Available from:
8 CMS CLIA. State Operations Manual Appendix C - Survey Procedures and Interpretive Guidelines for
Laboratories and Laboratory Services, Rev. 166, 02-03-17. IQCP is on page 198. Accessed Jan 15, 2024 from:
9 CDC Laboratory Quality Tools and Resources. Individualized Quality Control Plan (IQCP). Accessed Oct 15, 2023
10 Bio-Rad UnityWeb. Coefcient of Variation. Accessed October 15, 2023 from:
11 CLSI. Evaluation of Detection Capability for Clinical Laboratory Measurement Procedures; Approved Guideline-
Second Edition. CLSI document EP17-A2. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2012. Available
12 Westgard QC. James O. Westgard, Sten A. Westgard. Probit Analysis 1: Practical Application to Determine Limit of
Detection. August 2020. Accessed October 1, 2023 from:
13 Westgard QC. James O. Westgard. Calibration Verication: Dening Criteria for Acceptable Performance. May 2016.
Accessed October 1, 2023 from:
14 Westgard QC. Method Validation Data Analysis Tool Kit. Accessed October 15, 2023 from:
15 CLSI. Evaluation of Precision Performance of Quantitative Measurement Methods; Approved Guideline—Third
Edition. CLSI document EP05-A3. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2014. Available from:
16 CMS CLIA. Calibration and Calibration Verication Brochure. Accessed Jan 14, 2024 from:
APHL Verification and Validation Toolkit | 37
References | Return to Table of Contents
17 Validation and Implementation of Quantitative Molecular Assays, Morgan A. Pence April 10, 2019,
Molecular Diagnostics 2019, Sponsored by DiaSorin Molecular LLC. Accessed October 1, 2023 from:
18 CMS CLIA. Calibration and Calibration Verication Brochure #3. Accessed October 1, 2023 from:
19 CLSI. User Evaluation of Acceptability of a Reagent Lot Change. 2nd ed. CLSI Guideline EP26. Clinical & Laboratory
Standards Institute. 2022. Available from:
20 CLSI. Laboratory Instruments and Data Management Systems: Design of Software User Interfaces
and End-User Software Systems Validation, Operation, and Monitoring, 2nd Edition. CLSI document
AUTO13-A2. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2003. Available from:
21 Safeopedia. Safety Risk Assessment. Accessed October 15, 2023 from:
22 CDC Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services. Reynolds L Salerno. Risk Assessment: The
Foundation of Every Good Biorisk Management System. March 2, 2020. Accessed January 15, 2024 from:
23 World Health Organization. Laboratory Biosafety Manual (pages 16 and 25). 3rd Edition. Geneva. 2004. Accessed
January 14, 2024 from:
24 Salerno, R, and Gaudioso, J. (2015) Laboratory Biorisk Management: Biosafety and Biosecurity, CRC Press.
Association of Public Health Laboratories
The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) works to strengthen laboratory systems
serving the public’s health in the US and globally. APHLs member laboratories protect the public’s
health by monitoring and detecting infectious and foodborne diseases, environmental contaminants,
terrorist agents, genetic disorders in newborns and other diverse health threats.
7700 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1000 Bethesda, MD 20814 | 240.485.2745 |
A special acknowledgment to the following individuals who contributed to the design and development of the toolkit:
Kathy Ross, Deb Severson, Laurie Gregg, Bonita Bryant, Leann Covington, Rajesh Rarmar, Kim Smith, Lydia Mikhail,
Mary Bonifas, Ana Gross, Jennifer Dale, Colleen Courtney, Kara Mitchell, Marilyn Bibbs-Freeman, David Silva, Latricia
Lewis, Berihun Taye, Jackie (John) Lyle, Cindy Wong, Tabatha East, Marie Earley (CDC), Susie Zanto (Laboratory
Solutionz), Adom Yusuf (APHL), Andrea Wright (APHL), Anne Gaynor (APHL), Ashley Gibbs (APHL), Afa Alkozai (APHL),
Tina Su (APHL), Sarah Buss (APHL), Abigail Raymer (APHL), Kelly Wroblewski (APHL), Madeline Rooney (APHL) and
Lorelei Kurimski (APHL).
© Copyright 2024, Association of Public Health Laboratories. All Rights Reserved.
This publication was supported by Cooperative Agreements #NU60OE000104, 100% funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the ofcial views of CDC or the US Department of
Health and Human Services.