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Sample Statement of Interest
This sample statement of interest was prepared for an application to the Master of Science in
Natural Resources and Environmental Studies by Kristen Kieta and has been shared here with
credit to the student (with permission). Please do not copy (plagiarize) this statement. However,
you can use it as an example for consideration in the preparation of your own application.
Statement of Interest – Kristen Kieta
When answering the question “why do you want to go to graduate school?” I can say
with confidence and honesty that I am driven by the pursuit of knowledge of a specific
environment so that one day my research can be used by land managers to restore or improve
the environment in which we live. It is in this regard that I am applying to The University of
Northern British Columbia; not for letters after my name or to gain approval from my peers, but
because I have not yet given up on the belief that through education and research I can still
make a great impact throughout my lifetime. I believe that enrolling in the Natural Resources
and Environmental Studies master’s program will further focus my research interests and allow
me to outline current gaps in knowledge and research that managerial and regulatory
organizations need. I am resolute in my belief that the research I conduct and projects I
participate in are conducted with the goal that their results will be a tangible tool for
environmental managers or other cooperative agencies. In discussions with my potential
supervisor Dr. Phillip Owens, it is clear that he conducts his research in this regard.
While working for the US Geological Survey, the project that I have taken the greatest
interest in is an investigation assessing the effectiveness of perpetual easements on
phosphorus reduction in a tributary to the Minnesota River. This study is what initially interested
me in the science and design of buffers, and it is what I hope to continue to study and research
during my time at UNBC. Broadly I am interested in improving water quality through best
management practices, especially in agricultural areas where I have seen first-hand the
negative impact of industrial agriculture. The USGS project enabled me to work with a broad
coalition of scientists and land managers specializing in a range of fields including biology,
hydrology, agriculture and conservation. The reason I am so enthusiastic about graduate school
and more specifically about the NRES program at UNBC is because I foresee many
opportunities for interdisciplinary research like what I have found through this USGS study.
Beyond just focusing my research goals and expanding my knowledge of hydrologic systems, I
also want my graduate program to be a learning experience in experimental design, writing
proposals and technical papers, and new ways of approaching environmental problems. The
impressive research facilities and unique faculty from a diverse range of scientific and
management backgrounds lead me to believe I would get exactly this experience during my
time at UNBC.
As I reviewed the graduate calendar on the UNBC website I saw a number of courses I
would be interested in taking outside of the required core courses. One of the draws to the
NRES program is its interdisciplinary nature that allows students to take electives from a broad
spectrum of concentrations. In order to fulfill the 9 credits of elective courses, I would be
interested in taking ENSC 651: Groundwater hydrology, BIOL 632: Aquatic Plants, GEOG 605:
Fluvial Geomorphology. However, as all courses are not always offered, there are a number of
other courses I am interested in including ENSC 652: Reclamation and Remediation of
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Disturbed Environments, NREM 608: Watershed Management, and ENSC 660: Soil Chemical
Processes and the Environment. I choose each of these courses in particular because they
would both increase my knowledge of subjects directly involved with Dr. Owen’s research
project, but also because they are each directly related to the hydrologic career path I hope to
take after graduate school.
When I first began thinking about graduate school it was with the intention of eventually
becoming a professor, either at a four year college or community college. However, after
spending more than two years with the USGS, it is my hope that after graduation I will find a
position as a civil scientist. There is a value that cannot be monetized in much of the science
being done at agencies like Environment Canada, the US EPA, and the USGS. Whereas small
watershed projects and conservation groups do not have the ability to take on large scientific
studies, agencies like those listed above can do so while acting as a completely neutral party,
delivering solid science that can be used immediately.
I am also keenly aware that positions with federal and state governments are not easy to
come by, especially in the current political climate where funding is limited and government is
shrinking. It is for this reason that I am most excited about this master’s program as its
interdisciplinary nature and balance of research and coursework leads me to believe I will
graduate with the skills needed to be successful finding employment in a variety of careers in
the environmental field. In speaking with Dr. Owens and reviewing the Environment Canada
project proposal, it became clear that partnerships among numerous universities and agencies
are vital. Thus, it is my hope that during my time as a graduate student I would have the
opportunity to develop relationships with scientists in a number of different agencies. Ultimately I
intend to find a job where the work being done is of use to others in progressing towards a
healthier environment and sustainable future. Only time will tell whether this will be through
scientific research at a federal agency, remediation work at a consulting firm, or teaching at a
community college, but regardless of my eventual career, I am confident that a master’s degree
from UNBC will have prepared me for any task I am asked to complete.