Steward Resource Toolkit
NOTE: Eective 2019, casual employees bidding into and accepting temporary appointments are considered regular
status for the duration of the temporary appointment as per Article 17.02 of the Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA)
provincial collective agreement.
Full-Time Part-Time
37.5 hours a week for a
total of 1950 hours a year.
This includes paid time
o for paid (statutory)
holidays, vacation, and
other paid leaves.
A minimum of 15 hours per
A part-timer’s full-time
equivalent (FTE) is
calculated as a percentage
of shifts in comparison to a
full-time employee.
Casual employees may be employed
to work full shifts or part shifts on a
continuous or intermittent basis in a
relief capacity to cover vacancies due
to sick calls, vacation, paid (statutory)
holidays, leaves of absence, workload,
maternity leave, and employees that
are o using their banked overtime.
Seniority for a regular employee is defined as the length
of the employee’s continuous employment (whether
full-time or part-time) from the date of commencement
of regular employment, plus any seniority accrued, while
working as a casual employee of the employer.
Seniority for a casual employee is
defined as the total number of hours
worked by the employee at the
worksite up to a maximum of the
annual full-time equivalent (1950)
hours per year.
Probationary Period
All regular employees shall be probationary during
their first three (3) months of employment. Upon the
completion of this probationary period, the employee
shall be granted seniority dating from the first day of
employment with the employer.
A newly hired casual employee will be
probationary during their first three
(3) months of employment or 487.5
hours worked, whichever is greater.
Progression (wages)
A regular employee shall be entitled to increments based
on a year’s length of service. Unpaid leaves of absence
(LOAs) longer than 20 days (150 hours) will impact this
Casual employees shall move to the
next increment step upon completion
of a total annual full-time equivalent
(FTE) hours (1950) worked for the
employer at the increment step.
Wage matching is available for hours
worked within the same bargaining
unit (NBA) at another employer.
Employees will receive credit eective
from the date they provide written
verification of hours to their employer.
Extended Health
& Dental
Coverage is eective on the first of the calendar month
following thirty (30) days from the date of hire.
See Article 46
Employees who have completed
180 hours with the employer can
self-pay the premiums and enroll in
the extended health and dental and
extended health plans. Premiums can
be reimbursed by the employer once
a year if:
> They work 975 hours between
October 1 & September 30th.
> Work 500 hours in the peak
periods of March, December or
between June 15 & September 15.
See Article 11.04(G)(4)
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BENEFITS (con’t)
Long Term Disability
Upon completion of the three (3) month probationary
Not Applicable
Life Insurance
Upon completion of the three (3) month probationary
Not Applicable
All regular full-time (FT)
employees must be enrolled
in the municipal pension
plan (MPP) after completing
their probation.
Eective April 1, 1989, all
regular part-time (PT)
employees must be oered
enrollment when hired and
will begin contributions
after completing their
probation. Those who opt
out at time of hire can still
request to be enrolled in
the future.
Eective January 1, 1993, casual
employees must be given the option
to join the Plan after two consecutive
years of employment with earnings
of not less than 35% of the yearly
maximum pensionable earnings in
each year.
Full-time (FT) employees
who do not take any
unpaid leaves of absence
(LOAs) greater than 20
days (150 hours) should be
credited for 12 months of
pensionable service.
Part-time (PT) employees
receive credit for all straight
time hours including
additional hours worked
beyond their full-time
equivalent (FTE) up to a
maximum of 12 months.
Casual employees receive credit for all
straight-time hours up to a maximum
of 12 months (1950 hours per year).
Straight Time Not Applicable
Additional straight-time
shifts are oered to
part-time (PT) employees
on a seniority basis after
the casual list has been
Note: Straight-time shifts
that have been oered
and accepted cannot be
cancelled by either the
part-time employee or
the employer without
a bona fide reason (i.e.
circumstances beyond the
employer or employee’s
Straight time shifts that are
pre-booked with greater than 48
hours’ notice are filled by seniority.
Straight time shifts that are called out
with less than 48 hours’ notice are
filled by whichever way the employer
deems most ecient.
Note: Straight-time shifts that have
been oered and accepted cannot
be cancelled by either the casual
employee or the employer without a
bona fide reason (i.e. circumstances
beyond the employer or employee’s
> Overtime that is pre-booked greater than 48 hours in advance of the shift will be oered by
seniority for employers that have automated call-in systems. Overtime shifts that are called
out with less than 48 hours’ notice are filled by whichever way the employer deems most
> An employer may only cancel a shift that is both oered and accepted within 24 hours of the
start of the shift.
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Overtime Pay
Overtime is paid at 1.5x the rate of pay of the first 2 hours and then 2x thereafter for hours worked
beyond the normal daily full shift hours as defined by Article 26.01 or the length of the extended
shift oered and accepted.
Overtime is paid at 2x the
rate of pay for all hours
worked on a regular
full-time employee’s
scheduled day o.
Overtime is paid at 2x the rate of pay for:
> Any shifts worked more than four (4) consecutive extended
shifts where the shift length is greater than eight (8) hours.
> Any shifts worked more than six (6) consecutive shifts where
the shift length is between 7.5 and 8 hours.
> Any shifts worked more than five (5) consecutive shifts where 3
or more of the 5 are greater than 8 hours in length.
> Any shifts worked more than six (6) consecutive shifts where
four (4) or more of the six (6) are between 7.5 and 8 hours in
Overtime is also paid at
2x the rate of pay for
additional shifts that result
in more than 225 straight
time hours over the course
of three (3) consecutive
bi-weekly pay periods.
Not Applicable
Overtime Pay
Calculation on Stats
Members receive overtime at 1.5x the appropriate holiday rate for all hours worked on a statutory
holiday. For clarity:
> 3x for regular stats (1.5x times 2x)
> 3.75x for super stats (1.5x times 2.5x)
Vacation Entitlement
Employees are entitled to 20 days (150 hours) of vacation
entitlement per year for their first 4 years of service in
a regular position. Vacation entitlement increases an
additional day (7.5 hours) every year after 5 years of
continuous service in a regular position up to a maximum
of 45 days (337.5 hours) after 29 years of continuous
service. See article 45
Casual employees shall receive a
percentage of their straight time
pay, exclusive of all premiums, in lieu
of vacations and paid holidays. See
article 11.04(G)(2)
Vacation Accrual
Vacation is accrued from July 1 of the preceding year to
June 30 of the year the vacation will be taken.
Vacation accrual is pro-rated for part-timers (PT) based
upon their base full-time equivalency (FTE). Additional
accrual related to straight-time hours worked beyond a
PT’s FTE are paid out.
Paid (Statutory)
Holiday Entitlement
Each regular employee shall
receive 7.5 paid hours o on
or on another designated
day for all paid holidays
proclaimed by the federal
or provincial government.
Part-timers receive a
percentage of pay on all
straight-time hours worked
which is paid out on every
pay cheque.
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Working on a
Paid Holiday
A regular employee required to work on one of the paid
holidays shall be paid at the rate of:
1. 2x their rate of pay for all stats and all hours of work
within 0001 and 2400 hours on the holiday.
2. 2.5x their rate of pay for all super stats and all hours
of work within 0001 and 2400 hours on the holiday.
Super stats are defined as Christmas Day, Labour Day
and Good Friday.
A casual employee who works on a
paid holiday shall be paid:
1. Double their rate of pay for all
stats for all hours of worked
between 0001 and 2400 hours on
the holiday.
2. Double and one-half their rate of
pay for all super stats for all hours
of worked between 0001 and
2400 hours on the holiday.
Sick Leave
Regular full-time (FT)
employees receive 11.25
working hours’ sick leave
credits for each month of
service up to a maximum
bank of 1170 working hours.
Regular part-time (PT)
employees receive sick
leave credit on a pro-rated
basis up to a maximum
bank of 1170 working hours.
Casual employees are entitled to five
days of paid illness or injury leave
pursuant to the BC Employment
Standards Act
Types of
Special Leave
1. Marriage leave up to 5 days (37.5 hours).
2. Parental leave up to 5 days (37.5 hours).
3. To provide care to an immediate family member who
has a serious illness up to 2 days (15 hours) at one
4. To assist an immediate family member who has a
serious or potentially life-threatening illness with
obtaining health education related to the serious
or potentially life-threatening illness up to 1 day
(7.5 hours) per calendar year.
5. Leave of 1 day (7.5 hours) may be added to the
5 days of compassionate leave.
6. Leave of 1 day (7.5 hours) may be taken for travel
associated with compassionate leave.
7. Leave of up to 3 days (22.5 hours) for absences
resulting from the employee or employee’s
dependent child having experienced domestic
or sexual violence.
Not Applicable
Special Leave
Regular full-time (FT)
employees earn special
leave credits up to a
maximum of 150 hours at
the rate of 3.75 hours every
4 weeks.
Part-time employees accrue
special leave credits on a
pro-rated basis equal to
their full-time equivalency
Personal Leave
Regular employees receive 2 days (15 hours) of personal
leave per calendar year.
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Regular employees receive up to 5 days (37.5 hours) of
compassionate leave of absence with pay. Employees
using this leave can apply for an additional 2 days (15
hours) of leave under Special Leave (see above).
Compassionate leave for part-timers is pro-rated based
upon their full-time equivalency (FTE).
Not Applicable
Maternity Leave
Seventeen (17) weeks of maternity leave top up to 87% of
the employee’s normal weekly earnings.
Unpaid leave as per employment
Domestic and Sexual
Violence Leave
Eligible employees as defined in the BC Employment Standards Act are eligible for this leave
as follows:
1) Up to 5 days of paid leave
2) Up to 5 days of unpaid leave
3) Up to 15 weeks of additional Unpaid leave
Ceremonial, Cultural,
Spiritual, and
leave for Indigenous
An Indigenous employee may request up to 5 days of paid leave per calendar
year to participate in ceremonial, cultural, or spiritual event(s). Leave under this provision is in
addition to an Indigenous employee’s entitlement to Compassionate Leave.
Where an Indigenous employee requires more leave for a ceremonial, cultural, or spiritual event,
the leave shall be unpaid and not be unreasonably denied. However, an employee may draw from
their available vacation and overtime banks, as applicable.
Employees requesting this leave, particularly for annual or recurring ceremonial, cultural, or
spiritual events,
the employee will provide as much advanced notice to the Employer as possible. However, for
unexpected ceremonies or events, the employees will make every eort to provide at least 7
calendar days notice
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