Stifel Wealth Strategist Report
About Stifel
Stifel is a full-service investment rm with a distinguished history of providing securities brokerage,
investment banking, trading, investment advisory, and related nancial services to individual investors,
institutions, corporations, and municipalities. Established in 1890 and headquartered in St. Louis,
Missouri, Stifel is one of the nation’s leading rms.
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated is a wholly owned subsidiary of Stifel Financial Corp. Stifel
Financial Corp.’s publicly traded stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “SF.”
Why would you embark on your nancial journey without planning and
forethought? Just as with travel, there is more than one route to take toward
achieving your nancial goals.
To help determine your route, there are many important questions to ask
yourself, including:
• What is your current nancial situation?
• Will you be able to retire comfortably?
• Will your money last as long as you do?
Are your investments allocated properly?
• What are your estate planning needs?
Do you have adequate assets and insurance in the event of a disability?
Are there enough assets, income, and insurance for your survivors?
Are you familiar with the available social security claiming strategies?
Have you considered the impact of a long-term care need?
What will education costs be for your children/grandchildren?
With so much riding on the decisions you make, don’t be afraid to ask for
directions. With the help of your Stifel Financial Advisor and Stifel’s Wealth
Planning Department, let the Stifel Wealth Strategist Report
be your
personalized road map to help you get from point A to point B.
How do you like to travel?
Do you take the scenic route
by car, ensuring that you
see all the sights along the
way? Or do you stick to the
interstates? Do you prefer
a leisurely train ride or the
speed of air travel?
You can get from point A
to point B in a number of
dierent ways. There is no
correct answer. However,
you wouldn’t embark on a trip
without rst determining your
route and method of travel.
The Stifel Wealth Strategist Report
is a comprehensive nancial
plan providing in-depth analysis on critical issues such as
retirement planning, asset allocation, estate preservation and
funding, insurance needs, and education funding.
Each report may consist of the following:
Net Worth Statement
Before you set out on the road to your nancial goals, you must
rst gain an understanding of where you currently stand. The rst
section of your Stifel Wealth Strategist Report
, your personal net
worth statement, serves as the starting point for your journey.
eBy examining your liquid, investment, and personal assets,
as well as your current liabilities, we’ll be able to determine an
appropriate strategy for pursuing your nancial objectives.
Your Portfolio
Now that you know where your journey begins, it’s time to take a
look at the dierent routes you can follow toward your destination.
In this section, your investment objectives will be discussed and
asset allocation alternatives will be presented. Your personal
asset allocation – the percentage of investable assets distributed
in stocks, bonds, and cash – will be based on your nancial goals,
age, current and future income, and tolerance for risk.
Retirement Funding
With your retirement goals and objectives in place, its time to see
whats waiting for you down the road. This section of the Stifel
Wealth Strategist Report
examines all of your retirement income,
including pension or other sources of income, personal savings,
retirement plans, and anticipated Social Security benets.
Based upon this information and your retirement spending
goal(s), an individualized nancial picture will be created to assist
you in preparing for and working toward enjoying your retirement
years. By showing how inflation can aect your goals, you’ll
have an idea of how much your accounts may be worth in your
retirement years and how your assets will be used.
With so much riding on the decisions
you make, don’t be afraid to ask
for directions.”
Risk Management
There is always the possibility that unforeseen roadblocks can
appear on the road to your nancial goals. Thats where risk
management strategies come into play. Your Stifel Wealth
Strategist Report
will help you put a plan in place to help
ensure that your family’s needs are met in the event of the loss
of a wage earners income due to injury, illness, long-term care
need, or death. It will examine whether or not your existing
disability, life, and long-term care insurance coverage will be
adequate in the event of a need and oer suggestions as to how
much coverage you may need to preserve your income
and assets.
Education Planning
This section of the Stifel Wealth Strategist Report
will help you
dene your education goals, analyze your current situation, and
identify a savings program designed to help you accumulate the
funds needed to achieve your goals. For example, the report will
detail projected tuition and related expenses and oer a look at
various savings vehicles that may help you reach your education
savings goal.
Estate Analysis
Once you have reached your destination, you will likely want
to preserve your wealth for future generations. Proper estate
planning can minimize taxes and administrative expenses and
ensure that your assets will pass to loved ones and charities
according to your wishes. Proactive planning can also ease the
burden on your loved ones during a stressful period. Your Stifel
Wealth Strategist Report
will calculate the size of your estate and
examine the impact of taxes and other estate settlement costs.
You Can Get There From Here
A solid plan is one of the most important factors in determining
whether families and individuals can achieve their nancial
goals. Unfortunately, planning is time-consuming and complex.
For that reason, many people never develop a plan and never
reach their goals.
The power to plan your nancial future begins with your trusted
Stifel Financial Advisors understanding of your goals and your
nancial resources. The Stifel Wealth Strategist Report
gives you
the power to control your nances and reduce anxiety about your
future, as well as the opportunity to enjoy the pursuits of your life.
Stifel does not provide legal or tax advice. You should consult with your legal and
tax advisors regarding your particular situation.
With your retirement goals and
objectives in place, it’s time to
see what’s waiting for you down
the road”
Preliminary Meeting
Gather Information
Establish Goals
Analyze Information
Develop Plan
Present Plan
Implement Plan
Monitor Plan
Pursue Goals
Revise if
Financial Planning Overview
Annuities | Variable, Immediate, Fixed Indexed, and Fixed
Asset Allocation
Cash Management | Check Writing | Debit Card
Electronic Money Transfer
Bill Payment Services | Stifel Mobile
Stifel Access (Online account access)
College and Higher Education Planning
529 Plans | Education Savings Accounts
Common Stocks
Consulting Services
Corporate Executive Services
Cashless Stock Option Exercise
Control and Restricted Stock Transactions
Rule 10b5-1 Plans
Equity Line of Credit
Estate Planning
Exchange Traded Funds and Notes
Financial Planning
Fixed Income Investments | Certicates of Deposit
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs)
Corporate Bonds | Government and Agency Securities
Municipal Bonds
Insurance | Business Owner Needs
Disability Insurance (Individual and Group)
Life Insurance (Individual and Business Policies)
Long-Term Care Insurance
Investment Advisory Programs
Investment Banking
IRAs | Traditional, Roth, and Rollovers
Lending Services | Mortgage Lending | Specialized Lending
Mutual Funds
Preferred Stocks
Public Finance
Retirement Planning
Retirement Plans | 401(k) Plans | 403(b) Plans
Prot Sharing Plans | Money Purchase Plans | SEP IRAs
SIMPLE IRAs | Dened Benet Plans
Syndicate Oerings
Tax Planning
Trust Services | Trust Management and Administration
Successor Trustee Appointments | Delaware Trust Services
Unit Investment Trusts
Stifel Services
Stifel’s banking and lending services are provided by Stifel Bank and Stifel Bank & Trust. Trust and duciary services are provided by Stifel Trust Company,
N.A. and Stifel Trust Company Delaware, N.A. Residential mortgage lending services for clients of Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated are performed
exclusively by Stifel Bank and Stifel Bank & Trust (Stifel Banks). The nancial advisors of Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated do not oer mortgage
loans, provide mortgage loan information, or accept residential mortgage loan applications.
Stifel Bank, Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender, NMLS# 451163, is aliated with Stifel Bank & Trust, Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender, NMLS# 375103, and Stifel,
Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated, Member SIPC & NYSE, each a wholly owned subsidiary of Stifel Financial Corp. Unless otherwise specied, references to Stifel may
mean Stifel Financial Corp. and/or any of its subsidiaries. Unless otherwise specied, products purchased from or held by Stifel are not insured by the FDIC, are not
deposits or other obligations of Stifel Banks, are not guaranteed by Stifel Banks, and are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of the principal.
Stifel Trust Company, N.A. and Stifel Trust Company Delaware, N.A. (Stifel Trust Companies) are wholly owned subsidiaries of Stifel Financial Corp. and aliates of Stifel,
Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated, Member SIPC & NYSE. Unless otherwise specied, products purchased from or held by Stifel Trust Companies are not insured by the
FDIC or any other government agency, are not deposits or other obligations of Stifel Trust Companies, are not guaranteed by Stifel Trust Companies, and are subject to
investment risks, including possible loss of the principal invested. Stifel Trust Companies do not provide legal or tax advice.
One Financial Plaza | 501 North Broadway | St. Louis, Missouri 63102
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC & NYSE |