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Electromyography activity of the teres minor muscle with varying Electromyography activity of the teres minor muscle with varying
positions of horizontal abduction in the quadruped position positions of horizontal abduction in the quadruped position
Masaaki Tsuruike
San Jose State University
Todd S. Ellenbecker
Rehab Plus Physical Therapy Scottsdale and ATP Tour
Connor Lauffenburger
University of Northern Colorado
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Masaaki Tsuruike, Todd S. Ellenbecker, and Connor Lauffenburger. "Electromyography activity of the teres
minor muscle with varying positions of horizontal abduction in the quadruped position"
JSES International
(2021): 480-485.
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Electromyography activity of the teres minor muscle with varying
positions of horizontal abduction in the quadruped position
Masaaki Tsuruike, PhD, ATC
, Todd S. Ellenbecker, DPT, MS, SCS, OCS, CSCS
Connor Lauffenburger, MA, LAT, ATC, CSCS
Department of Kinesiology, College of Health and Human Sciences, San Jos
e State University, San Jos
e, CA, USA
Rehab Plus Physical Therapy Scottsdale and ATP Tour, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Sports Medicine Department, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO, USA
article info
Horizontal abduction exercise
Quadruped position
Teres minor
Level of evidence: Basic Science Study;
Background: The teres minor (TMi) muscle exposed relatively high activity during the acceleration and
deceleration phases of the throwing motion, compared with the infraspinatus muscle. However, few
studies have identied TMi muscle activity in intervention exercises. The purpose of this study was to
investigate TMi muscle activities in different horizontal adduction positions in the quadruped horizontal
abduction exercise. This study hypothesized that TMi muscle activity would differ in response to resis-
tance application across different horizontal adduction positions.
Materials and methods: Nineteen collegiate baseball players volunteered their participation. Raw
electromyography activity of the TMi muscle along with 7 different muscles attached to the scapula on
the dominant-side were collected, and normalized by each of the corresponding maximum voluntary
isometric contractions. All subjects performed manual isometric resistance horizontal abduction exer-
cises at 90
and 135
of abduction with 3 horizo ntal adduction angles in the quadruped position: 1)
coronal, 2) scapular, and 3) sagittal plane. Electromyography data were also collected from rhythmical
concentric contraction of horizontal abduction at 90
of abduction in the quadruped position.
Results: TMi muscle activity was signicantly greater with the arm positioned in the coronal plane than
that of the scapular and sagittal planes (41, 26, and 17% maximum voluntary isometric contraction,
respectively) (P < .05).
Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that TMi muscle activity varied depending on horizontal
adduction positions.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Am erican Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
The teres minor (TMi) muscle is the smallest of the rotator cuff
muscles and characterized as a thick fusiform without a pennate,
while the infraspinatus (IS) muscle is composed of a pennate.
External rotation (ER) force synergistically generated by the TMi
and IS muscles is cocontracted with the posterior deltoid (PD)
The activation of the PD muscle increases in ER force as the
abduction (ABD) of the glenohumeral joint (GHJ) increases.
contrast, the tensile force of IS muscle, which was measured in a
cadaveric study, decreased as GHJ ABD increased owing to a
decrease in the rotational moment arm of the IS muscle, whereas
the TMi was not affected by GHJ ABD.
Although the TMi muscle
reportedly provides ER force up to 45%,
the TMi muscle may
play an important role in ER force in the 90
ABD position.
The amount of IS muscle activity has been demonstrated to be
signicantly decreased with elbow extension during standing
resistive band exercises with the arm positioned at 120
of ABD,
compared with the elbow exed at 90
with the arm positioned at
of ABD and ER of the GHJ.
This nding was in line with IS
muscle activity that was relatively less than TMi muscle activity
during the acceleration and deceleration phases of baseball pitch-
in which the elbow joint was extended to 25
at ball release
from 110
of exion which occurred during the late cocking phase
of pitching motion along with the maximum external rotation of
the GHJ.
Furthermore, a previous study revealed that the mean
value of TMi muscle was most highly activated in prone shoulder
horizontal abduction (HABD) exercise and as much as side-lying ER
exercise among different exercises associated with a baseball
rehabilitation program.
However, few studies have investigated
TMi muscle electromyography (EMG) activity in intervention ex-
ercises compared with the IS muscle across the different horizontal
adduction (HADD) positions. Therefore, the purpose of this study
was to investigate TMi muscle activity in different arm positions of
This study was approved by the Ofce of Research, San Jos
e State University (IRB
Protocol F18117).
* Corresponding author: Masaaki Tsuruike, PhD, ATC, One Washington Square,
San Jos
e, CA 95192-0054, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Tsuruike).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
JSES International
journal homepage:
2666-6383/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
JSES International 5 (2021) 480e485
HADD to determine which arm position produced the highest
levels of TMi muscle activity using manual resistance with subjects
in a quadruped position. This study hypothesized that TMi muscle
activity would vary with the amount of HADD position during
quadruped exercise. Because this study used a surface EMG elec-
trode to measure TMi muscle activity, adjacent muscle activities
were measured to distinguish any potential contamination of
crosstalk signals.
During the baseball off-season, 19 male collegiate baseball
players belonging to the NCAA D-I conference (height: 181.4 ± 8.1
cm, weight: 86.7 ± 10.0 kg, age: 18.9 ± 1.1 years) volunteered to be
examined. All participants gave informed consent to the proced-
ures as approved by the institutional review board of the university
before testing. All subjects were asymptomatic, competitive base-
ball players without neurologic or physiological injuries in the
upper body based on the completion of a preliminary screening
questionnaire. All tests were performed in the Kinesiology
Electrode Placement
Raw EMG amplitudes of the TMi, IS, teres major (TMa), PD,
middle deltoid (MD), upper trapezius (UT), lower trapezius (LT),
and serratus anterior (SA) muscles on the throwing shoulder side
were collected. Bipolar surface silver (Ag) EMG electrodes with a
bar length of 10 mm, width of 1 mm, and a distance of 10 mm
between active recording sites (Delsys Bagnoli-8, Delsys Inc.,
Natick, MA, USA) were used. The EMG electrodes were preamplied
(X 10) and routed through the EMG mainframe, which further
amplied (X 100) and band-pass ltered (20-450 Hz) the signals.
Electrodes were placed on the center of the muscle belly in line
with the muscle bers for the speci c manual muscle test.
The electrode for the TMi muscle was placed on one-third of the
distance from the posterior portion of the acromion process to the
inferior angle of the scapula and the lateral aspect of the lateral
border of scapula, which was just below the denition of the PD
(Fig. 1). Because surface EMG recordings were used in this
study, we presumed that for the theoretical basis of the study, this
electrode location was representative of TMi function in our
subjects. For the IS muscle, the electrode was placed on inferior and
parallel to the scapular spine over the infrascapular fossa,
the electrode was placed on the lateral aspect of the inferior angle
of scapula for the TMa muscle. For the PD muscle, the electrode was
placed at an oblique direction parallel to the muscle bers of the
deltoid muscles at the lateral border of the scapular spine;
the electrode was place at halfway between the tip of acromion and
the deltoid tubercle for the MD muscle.
For the UT muscle, the
electrode was placed at halfway between the C7 spinous process
and the acromion process, while the electrode was placed at an
oblique angle from the scapular spine and just outside of the
scapular medial border for the LT muscle.
For the SA muscle, the
electrode was placed below the axilla between the latissimus dorsi
and pectoralis major at the level of the scapular inferior
26,27 ,29,30
The reference electrode was placed over the spine of
the scapula or between the electrodes of the UT and IS muscle.
Once the electrodes were secured, participants performed a 4-
second maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) after
ramp-up contraction for each muscle using the manual muscle
strength test (MMT) procedure for normalization of EMG data. The
manual pressure was applied by the same examiner for all testing
positions to determine each of the MVICs. For the MVICs of the UT
and SA, subjects abducted their arms to 90
in the scapular plane
with the elbows extended and the thumb pointed toward the
ceiling and resisted downward pressure applied on the arm,
whereas for the MD, the MVIC was examined in 90
of ABD of
the GHJ with the elbow exed.
The MVIC of the IS was examined
while the subjects resisted the manual pressure applied toward
internal rotation of the shoulder with the elbow exed to 90
shoulder abducted to 0
and externally rotated to 0
of the LT and PD were examined in the quadruped position while
the subjects elevated their arm to 135
ABD and resisted downward
pressure applied on the arm.
The MVICs of the TMi and TMa were
examined in the quadruped position at 90
ABD and at 0
of hori-
zontal ABD with the elbow exed to 90
while the subjects resisted
downward pressure applied on the arm.
The amount of force (N) of MMT was determined in both 90 and
ABD without ER in quadruped horizontal abduction per-
formed in the coronal plane by the same examiner with a handheld
dynamometer (MicroFET, Hoggan Scientic, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT,
USA) for each subject. The MMT force was subsequently used to
determine the percentage of external load in horizontal adduction.
All subjects performed manual isometric resistance exercises
against external loads in 3 HADD angles in a quadruped position for
EMG data collection: 1) 0
of HADD or the arm positioned in the
sagittal plane, 2) 50
of HADD or the arm positioned in the scapular
plane, and 3) 90
of HADD or the arm positioned in the coronal
plane. The subjects were required to lift the exercise arm off the
table during the quadruped position (Fig. 2). Isometric resistance
exercises were implemented at 2 different shoulder abduction
angles: 90
and 135
of ABD for 10 seconds each. The external load
of 40% MMT were given just above the posterior portion of the
elbow that was exed in each of the 3 arm positions during the
quadruped HABD resistance exercise, which was determined
before the exercises for each subject. The amount of exercise in-
tensity was selected as described by Bitter et al
who demon-
strated that the amount of infraspinatus EMG activity was
signicantly greater at 40% MMT with less contribution of MD and
PD muscle activity than at 10% or 70% MMT in external rotation. The
subjects were asked to match the manual resistance pressure given
for each of the 3 HADD angles. Each subject performed all the
manual isometric resistance exercises at 0
(or in the sagittal
Figure 1 Denition of the teres minor (TMi), infraspinatus (IS), posterior deltoid (PD),
teres major (TMa), and latissimus dorsi during horizontal abduction exercise with the
elbow extended and shoulder externally rotated while pulling a cable machine.The
photo depicts a female subject who did not participate in this study. Typically, the
muscular denition of the TMi muscle is unclear in many male subjects who are
trained owing to the hypertrophy of the deltoid muscles.
M. Tsuruike, T.S. Ellenbecker and C. Lauffenburger JSES International 5 (2021) 480e485
plane), 50
(or in the scapular plane), and 90
(or in the coronal
plane) of HADD in each of the arm positions of ABD (90
and 135
in a randomized order to minimize the systematic effect of motor
learning and fatigue.
To clarify the exercise intensity of 40% MMT in the quadruped
HABD isometric manual resistance exercise, this study included
quadruped isotonic contractions with the same tested arm moving
backward and forward about for 90
of HADD ranging from the
sagittal to coronal plane and vice versa with the elbow joint exed
to 90
. The exercise was implemented with 2 different wrist cuff
weights: 1.4 kg (3 lb) and 3.2 kg (7 lb), which was commonly used
in shoulder rehabilitation exercises.
Based on our pilot study, the
cadence of the exercises was controlled by a metronome set at 75
beats per minute. The subjects performed rhythmical isotonic ex-
ercises with the weight load of 1.4 kg followed by the weight load of
3.2 kg for 10 times each. It was believed that this exercise protocol
would help understand TMi EMG activity compared with IS and PD
EMG activities.
Data analysis
The EMG activities were collected using a data collection pro-
gram (MP 150 Data Acquisition System; Biopac System, Inc., Goleta,
CA, USA) with a sample rate of 1000 Hertz. All data were recorded
and stored in a computer for off-line analysis. The mean EMG ac-
tivity of the middle 2 seconds of each 4-second isometric
contraction was calculated to determine the individuals MVIC. For
the isometric exercise condition, the mean EMG activity of the
middle 5 seconds was calculated. All data were calculated in root
mean square (RMS) values, normalized to MVIC of the corre-
sponding muscles, and presented as a percentage of MVIC (% MVIC).
A 2 x 3 (ABD x HADD) repeated measures analysis of variance
design within subjects crossed with arm positions was used to
determine if there was any signicant difference in mean values of
normalized EMG muscle activity. A 1-way analysis of variance
design was also used to determine any difference in the mean
values of normalized EMG muscle activity across the rhythmical
isotonic contractions with 2 different weight loads and isometric
contraction at the coronal plane. Where appropriate, the simple
main effect and a post hoc test with Tukey honestly signi cant
difference were used to determine any signicant difference. The
level of signicance was set at the 0.05 level.
The mean force values produced in the quadruped HABD at 90
and 135
ABD arm positions were determined as follows: 167.0 N
and 157.8 N, respectively. Analysis of the results indicated no dif-
ference in the amount of the force the 90
and 135
ABD arm
No signicant interactions were observed for TMi, IS, TMa, and
UT activities. However, signicant main effects of HADD positions
were observed for the marginal mean values of the 4 muscle ac-
tivities (Table I). In addition, signicant main effects of the ABD arm
positions were observed for TMa activities (22.8 ± 15.4 and
16.9 ± 15.0% MVIC, 90
and 135
ABD, respectively) and for UT
activities (15.0 ± 12.3 and 22.2 ± 12.1% MVIC, 90
and 135
respectively), while no signicant main effects were observed
between the 2 ABD arm positions for both TMi and IS activities.
Analysis of the results indicated a signicant interaction
between ABD and HADD angles for PD, MD, and LT activities
(Table II). For SA muscle activity, no signicant interaction or main
factor of HADD positions was observed, while a signicant differ-
ence was observed between 90
and 135
ABD (7.3 ± 5.1 and
10.9 ± 9.2% MVIC, 90
and 135
ABD, respectively).
The intensity of HADD manual resistance exercise with 40%
MMT was identied as greater than that of rhythmical isotonic
contraction exercise with the wrist cuff weight of 3.2 kg from the
perspective of PD and MD muscle activities. As a result, the
amounts of both TMi and IS muscle activities in the isotonic exer-
cise were signicantly less than those of manual resistance exercise
(P < .05). Table III shows each of the mean values for muscle
activities across isotonic exercises with the weight load of 1.4 kg
and 3.2 kg and isometric contraction with the load of 40% MMT.
The ndings of results were in line with the previous study in
which TMi muscle activity was signicantly increased during the
standing 90/90 ER resistive band exercise when another resistive
Figure 2 Manual isometric resistance exercise was implemented in the quadruped position. The 3 different arm position angles were shown during the exercise at 0 of abduction of
the glenohumeral joint: (left) 90 of horizontal adduction (HADD) or the arm positioned in the sagittal plane, (middle) 50 of HADD or the arm positioned in the sagittal plane, and
(right) 90 of HADD or the arm positioned in the frontal plane.
M. Tsuruike, T.S. Ellenbecker and C. Lauffenburger JSES International 5 (2021) 480e485
band was added to the distal portion of arm which augmented
horizontal abduction resistance in the coronal plane, whereas it
was not increased in the scapular plane.
IS muscle activity is
decreased in ER force as the arm is abducted whereas TMi muscle
activity is not.
Using positron emission tomography, Kurokawa
et al
identied that the TMi muscle generated higher muscle
activity in ABD of the GHJ after ER exercise for 5 minutes in the
supine position, while the IS muscle generated higher muscle ac-
tivity in adduction of the GHJ. Moreover, Hamada et al
the amount of TMi muscle activity between exion and ABD of the
GHJ without ER, and found that the maximum level of TMi muscle
activity was progressively increased when the arm was exed up to
or abducted up to 150
. They also conrmed greater activity of
the TMi muscle in ER at 90
of GHJ ABD than in ER at 0
of ABD.
The ndings of this study suggest that the IS muscle is not
involved with HABD force as much as the TMi muscle at 90
of ABD.
This might be attributed to different anatomical positions between
the 2 muscles although the 2 muscles function as synergistic
muscles of GHJ ER torque. The TMi muscle is innervated by the
posterior axillary nerve, whose branch innervates the PD muscle,
whereas the IS muscle is innervated by the suprascapular
The TMi muscle inserts into the posteroinferior portion
of the greater tuberosity aligned with the surgical neck of the hu-
merus and from 3 to 5 oclock, compared to the IS muscle, which
inserts from 1 to 3 oclock and is wrapped around the posterior
aspect of the supraspinatus muscle insertion area.
Thus, it is
plausible to propose that the TMi muscle can be involved with the
PD muscle to produce horizontal ABD, whereas the IS muscle is less
likely involved with horizontal ABD at 90
of ABD.
During surgical repair of the rotator cuff, only 1% of cases
involved a repair of the TMi tendon, compared with the supra-
spinatus tendon which was involved in up to 75% of the total
number of 581 rotator cuff surgeries in professional baseball
Thirty-eight percent of the throwing athletes were only
able to return to the same level of play or higher after rotator cuff
repairs although 79% of the athletes were able to return to play.
The occupational ratio of the TMi muscle can be increased as
compensational hypertrophy in shoulders with tears in the supra-
spinatus and IS muscles.
In addition, relatively high activity of the
TMi muscle was observed during acceleration, deceleration, and
follow-through phases of throwing, compared with the activity of
IS muscle.
Indeed, more than a half of female professional tennis
players were able to play tennis with IS muscle atrophy whose
mechanism was unknown on their dominant side.
4% of professional pitchers were identied to have IS muscle atro-
Therefore, in addition to ER exercise in the shoulder adduc-
tion position commonly recommended for individuals with rotator
cuff injuries,
we recommend that individuals with symptom-
atic shoulders owing to habitual overhead performance include
resistive exercise in 90
horizontal ABD at the coronal plane level.
Table I
The marginal mean values and standard deviations (in parentheses) of normalized EMG activity (% MVIC) of the teres minor, infraspinatus, teres major, and upper trapezius
across in the 3 different arm position.
Muscle activity Horizontal adduction F ratio P value Critical
Teres minor 15.5 (8.0) 26.2 (10.7) 41.4 (14.2) 146.4 <.001 3.71
Infraspinatus 8.6 (4.4) 13.0 (6.2) 19.2 (8.7) 68.1 <.001 2.62
Teres major 11.5 (7.9) 19.6 (13.0) 29.0 (18.2) 32.4 <.001 6.83
Upper trapezius 10.1 (9.1) 16.8 (9.1) 28.9 (11.8) 67.1 <.001 5.05
% MVIC, percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction; EMG, electromyography.
F ratios (2, 36) for each of the main factors and Tukey HSD critical values were shown for each of the differences in the mean values (P < .05).
Table II
The mean values and standard deviations (in parentheses) of normalized EMG activity (% MVIC) of the posterior deltoid, middle deltoid, and lower trapezius between 90
of abduction across at 0
of horizontal adduction (HADD) or the arm positioned in the sagittal plane, 50
of HADD or the arm positioned in the scapular plane, and 90
HADD or the arm positioned in the coronal plane in the quadruped position.
Muscle activity 90
abduction 135
abduction F ratio Critical
Posterior deltoid 19.0 (5.0)yy 30.1 (6.6)*yy 53.4 (12.5)yy 24.3 (12.1)yy 42.0 (17.2)*yy 55.4 (17.0)yy 5.50 5.95
Middle deltoid 13.4 (3.9)*yy 25.4 (7.3)*yy 49.5 (14.5)yy 22.7 (10.4)yy 37.5 (14.3)*yy 52.6 (14.8)*yy 5.21 6.11
Lower trapezius 23.0 (7.7)*y 28.9 (8.6)y 34.4 (14.3)*yy 14.1 (8.7)*yy 28.5 (10.7)yy 44.2 (15.8)*yy 17.1 6.47
% MVIC, percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction; EMG, electromyography.
F ratios (2, 36) for each of the interventions for each of the muscle activities and Tukey HSD critical values were shown for each of the differences in the mean values for each of
the muscles (P < .05). The asterisk (*) indicates a signicant simple main effect between 90
and 135
of ABD for each of the HADD angles (P < .05). The dagger (y) indicates a
signicant difference across the HADD angles for each of the arm position at 90
and 135
of ABD for each of the muscle activities with the critical value (P < .05).
Table III
The mean values and standard deviations (in parentheses) of normalized EMG ac-
tivity (% MVIC) of the eight muscle activities measured in the quadruped rhythmical
concentric contraction with the wrist cuff weights of 1.4 and 3.2 kg and horizontal
abduction manual resistance in the coronal plane with 40% manual muscle strength
test (MMT).
Muscle activity Isotonic contraction 40% MMT F ratio Critical
1.4 kg 3.2 kg Coronal plane
Teres minor 25.1 (8.6)* 32.8 (13.3)* 41.2 (11.7)** 12.7 8.3
Infraspinatus 12.4 (4.2)* 14.1 (4.3)* 18.5 (8.4)** 12.8 3.2
Teres major 22.2 (12.7)* 27.3 (12.8) 33.0 (16.0)* 9.14 6.7
Posterior deltoid 31.5 (9.3)* 37.4 (14.0)* 53.4 (12.5)** 25.4 8.3
Middle deltoid 27.5 (7.6)* 33.2 (10.8)* 49.5 (14.5)** 20.3 9.2
Upper trapezius 27.2 (9.3) 33.0 (11.1) 26.3 (12.8) 3.28
Lower trapezius 40.3 (13.1) 44.7 (13.4)* 34.4 (14.3)* 3.59 8.6
Seeratus anterior 8.8 (9.4) 8.6 (7.9) 6.3 (5.1) 0.35
% MVIC, percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction; EMG , electro-
myography; HSD, honestly signicant difference.
F ratios were shown for each of the main factors and Tukey HSD critical values were
shown for each of the differences in the mean values (P < .05). The asterisk (*) in-
dicates a signicant difference in % MVIC across the quadruped rhythmical con-
tractions with different weights and isometric contraction with 40% MMT in the
coronal plane.
M. Tsuruike, T.S. Ellenbecker and C. Lauffenburger JSES International 5 (2021) 480e485
Rhythmical isotonic contraction moving backward and forward
between the sagittal and coronal plane with the wrist cuff weight of
3.2 kg did not activate the TMi muscle as much as manual isometric
resistance at the coronal plane with the external load of 40% MMT.
However, it signicantly decreased MD muscle activity up to the
moderate level,
which might minimize the superior translation of
humeral head.
From the perspective of clinical implication, it
would be benecial for individuals with subacromial pain syn-
drome to perform quadruped isotonic movement or isometric
resistance up to the scapular plane, which signicantly decreased
MD muscle activity as well.
With regard to limitations, this study included a sample
delimited to 1 cohort of collegiate baseball players, all of whom
were highly trained to prepare for their upcoming season and had
asymptomatic shoulders at the time of data collection. The subjects
of this study may have developed TMi muscle strength as a result of
their sports specicity and adaptation. Thus, the ndings may limit
the generalization regarding age and the level of performance to
other populations and conditions.
This study used an active surface EMG electrode with a distance
of interelectrode spacing of surface EMG of 10 mm which can
reduce the contamination of crosstalk signals as compared with
that of 22 mm.
In addition, De Luca et al
pointed out that the
amount of EMG amplitude was much less in the musculotendon
junction detected by the surface electrode than by the signal
detected in the midline of the muscle belly. Thus, potential cross-
talk between the TMi muscle and the long head of triceps brachii,
located underneath the TMi muscle, appears trivial. In this study,
both the TMi and TMa muscle were differently activated based on
the results of this study, whereas we cannot completely remove the
crosstalk signal from the PD muscle for the quality of TMi muscle
activity measured using the surface EMG electrode.
This study presented the careful selection of arm position that
generates TMi muscle activity during the quadruped horizontal
abduction exercise in the coronal plane more than that of the
scapular and sagittal planes. Further studies are warranted to
investigate TMi muscle activity to guide injury prevention and
rehabilitation especially for overhead athletes.
Funding: No funding was disclosed by the authors.
Conicts of interest: The authors, their immediate families, and any
research foundations with which they are afliated have not
received any nancial payments or other benets from any com-
mercial entity related to the subject of this article.
The authors thank Deanna Geraci, MA, ATC, for her assistance
with data collection during this study.
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