Denition of a SAE
Denition of an SAE
2021-2022 Board
President's Report
Members' Hometowns
Career Program
Supporting Texas Delta
Undergrad Proles
Glimpses of the Past and
Present Photo Gallery
Alumni Updates
Board of Trustees
& Sponsors
Trustees & Donors
Texas Delta Football Players
Alumni Spotlight
Achievements, Milestones
& Traditions
The SAE Dynasty
Scholarship Dinner
Junior SAE Honors
Keep in Touch
with Texas Delta
2022 Events
Phi Gamma Delta
Southern Methodist University
Published by the Texas Delta Chapter Alumni Association of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Between the awkwardness of early adolescence and the dignity of full manhood, we nd an individual known
as the SMU SAE. He comes in assorted sizes, weights and ages, but all seem to have the same creed: to enjoy
every minute of every hour of every day; to honor the True Gentleman, to delay doing class assignments and
term papers, while still maintaining one of the highest GPAs in the Greek society, to anticipate upcoming
weekends, to talk of stories of old, to do the right thing at the wrong time and the wrong thing at the right time,
to spend money on social events extravagantly, to strive to better his friends wellbeing, and to work together
as brothers.
The SAE is found everywhere - on campus and off, on the couches, on the tables, up and down our own
basketball court, lounging in the Frattio, at Barley House and Home Bar, or at times even at Fondren Library,
4th oor of course!
SAE has three pillars. He is UNITY when a brother is nearing any form of trouble. SECRECY when sitting in
at end of year Eulogy. PSYCH when he stands up to his elders to make sure the right thing is done. He is also
TRUTH when an ofcer is at his door, HELPFUL when volunteering in on campus activities, REVERENT
when attending religious ceremonies and acting as an example to his brothers, and BEAUTY when he makes a
4.0 while still being able to enjoy an active social life.
He is composite - he has the energy of a bull, the irresponsibility of an overnight guest, the curiosity of a cat,
the charisma of a dictator, the enthusiasm of an evangelist, the determination of an eagle, the loyalty of a dog,
and the bravery of a Lion.
He likes the benets of being an SAE: national recognition, social budget, Chef Austin's cooking, Minerva’s
protection, SMU strength, legacy of membership, Vegas/Nola trip, camaraderie, Phi Alpha’s, rushing,
Fraterdays, the Grip, college football watching, cookouts, intramurals, at screens, a supportive national
headquarters, poker rooms, traditions, and the supreme Brotherhood.
He is not much for safe spaces, political turmoil, snowakes, ghting, passing out, writing on people, campus
food, parking tickets, Phi’s, vandalism and TCU.
In the SAE house you will nd a conglomeration of all sorts of characters: future politicians, future CEOs, late
nighters, doctors, lawmen, lawless men, religious guys, rebellious bros, but all of these men respect another for
their individual accomplishments and personal morals.
Page 1
An all-time record of 58 men
became new members of the
SAE Dynasty in Jan 2022,
making our chapter 186 strong.
(continued to page 2)
Chapter Founded March 9, 1923
Published Since 1977
Make a Donation to the
SMU SAE Dynasty
Contribute online at
Or, a check payable to:
SAE Housing Corp
mail to: Don Donnally/ SAE
3417 Saint Johns Drive
Dallas, TX 75205
Page 2
My name is Charlie Nicholson ‘22 and I am proud to
serve as the Eminent Archon for the Texas Delta Chapter
of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. I am originally
from Atlanta, GA and will graduate in
May with a B.S. in Sports Management.
Throughout my tenure, I have strived to
maintain and uphold the values of a True
Gentleman not just for myself, but for
the entire chapter.
We have had a great year. We are very
excited to get the Spring Semester
underway. The fraternity leadership
regularly meets to discuss events to
strengthen our brotherhood and continue
to promote our chapter. The chapter sponsored and
hosted a philanthropy event for Bikes for Kids Dallas,
an organization that donates bikes to underprivileged
children. A member of the basketball equipment team,
Albert Veytia, proposed this idea to one of our members,
Alex Tabor ‘23. We raised money to donate bikes and
President's Report
Charlie Nicholson ‘22
Emminet Archon/President
BS in Sports Management, Atlanta, GA
Preston Lynch ‘22
Vice President
Economics with Finance
Applications, Austin, TX
Chase Cross ‘22
Vice President
Finance in Alternative Investment
Management, Franklin, TN
Tyler Chang ‘23
Finance, Greenwich, CT
Andrew Teichner ‘22
Finance, Atlanta, GA
Luke Logan ‘23
Social Chair/Alumni Chair
Economics with Finance Applications,
Dallas, TX
Cmac Stimmel ‘23
Social Chair
Finance, Atlanta, GA
Ben Graass ‘24
Social Chair
Pre-Business, Dallas, TX
William Rudolf ‘23
Scholarship Chair
Finance, Pittsburg, PA
Cooper Arnold ‘22
Imminent Herald
Accounting, New Orleans, LA
Alex Tabor ‘23
Alternative Assets Management
Finance in Alternative Investment
Management, Charlotte NC
Will Nahley ‘23
Rush Captain
Finance, Nashville, TN
Brogan Smith ‘23
Rush Captain
Finance, Atlanta, GA
Josh Hawn ‘23
Emminet Chronicler
Finance in Alternative Investment
Management, Atlanta, GA
Doak Walker ‘24
Alumni Chair
Pre-Business, Dallas, TX
Don Donnally ‘67
Kyle Goss ‘05
Roman Kupchynsky ‘12
Tom Short ‘08
Chet Donnally '09
Haynes Strader ‘11
other useful equipment. This was a milestone event as we
were able to gather the entire chapter to support this cause.
This semester the Texas Delta chapter
welcomes one of the largest new member
classes in recent history, with 58 new
members. We are very excited to welcome
this new group and assist in growing them
into True Gentlemen. We have much to
look forward to this semester, with events
such as our formal in New Orleans and
our philanthropy event for Southeastern
Guide Dogs, which is our annual Chili
Cook-off. We look forward to keeping all
alumni, family, and friends updated about
our chapter’s successes and acts of service, as well as our
individual members.
Phi Alpha,
Charlie Nicholson ‘22
SAE's motto is “ First Class or not at all.”
Denition of SAE (continued from page 1)
Page 2
Mothers love them, fathers nance them, others glorify
them, ladies want to hang out with them, teachers
reward them, companies hire them, bars beg for them,
Gods protect them, and all might envy them.
Nobody else is so blessed or so fortunate to have
received a bid. Nobody else gets so much fun out of
thier four SAE years at SMU or just watching Jeopardy
while playing poker. Nobody else can manage their
time as efciently to ensure that their social life does
not infringe upon their academic life. Nobody else can
sleep as much, date a much, eat as much, live as much, and
enjoy life as much as an SAE.
The SAE is a disciplined creature. He can make your life
difcult or make it wonderful. He can be concerned or
indifferent. He can study with you or socialize with you.
He can make you cry or make you laugh until you cry. He
can be irresponsible, or he can be righteous.
Regardless of which SAE, he will always be your loyal
friend, a True Gentleman and Phi Alpha.
-Circa 1953
Hometowns of the Members
Birmingham - 3
Fairhope - 1
Montgomery - 1
Point Clear - 1
Fayetteville - 1
Little Rock - 1
Phoenix - 1
Nassau - 1
Granite Bay - 1
Los Angeles - 1
Menlo Park - 1
Napa - 1
Pacic Palisades -1
Santa Barbara - 2
San Francisco - 1
Aspen - 1
Boulder - 1
Denver - 3
Faireld - 1
Greenwich - 4
New Caanan - 1
Redding - 1
Riverside - 3
Boca - 1
Del Ray Beach - 1
Jacksonville - 1
Miami - 1
Naples - 1
Tampa - 1
West Palm - 1
Atlanta - 19
Austa - 1
Flowery Branch - 1
Greensboro - 1
Johns Creek - 1
Sandy Springs - 1
Savannah - 1
Thomasville - 1
Chicago - 3
Glenview - 1
Lexington - 1
Louisville -2
Mandeville - 1
Metairie - 1
New Orleans - 1
Lexington - 1
Louisville -2
Bloomeld - 1
Hills - 1
Flora - 1
Jackson - 1
Vicksburg -1
Ballwin - 1
Kansas City - 1
St. Louis - 9
Helena - 1
Chatham - 1
Mantoloking - 1
Ridgewood - 1
East Hampton - 1
Locus Valley - 2
New York City - 8
Pound Ridge - 2
Charlotte - 8
Willmington - 1
Oklahoma City - 1
Portland - 1
Barrington - 1
Franklin - 1
Knoxville - 1
Nashville - 13
Austin - 9
Dallas - 28
Devers - 1
Fort Worth - 1
Houston - 8
Laredo - 1
Odessa -- 1
San Antonio - 3
Southlake - 1
Tomball - 2
Wichita Falls - 1
Charlottesville - 1
McLean - 5
Washington DC - 1
Wilson - 1
President Nicoholson
Fall 2021 | Spring 2022
Regional Summary
Southeast- 57
West -15
Midwest -15
East Coast - 15
Atlantic FL/NC -15
SAE Officers & Directors Meeting
Old Warsaw, January, 2022
Texas Delta
Kicks Off
Career Program
In partnership with our fraternity consultant, Fraternity
Management Group (FMG), Texas Delta has launched
a new career program to support alumni, parents, and
undergraduates. The program will include:
Career resources on the website, Check out
In-person and virtual career panels; small group
virtual & in-person meetings; and 1 on 1 virtual &
in-person discussions. Please email
if you are willing
to help.
A job board that alumni can promote their
internships and full-time jobs. Please email
if you would like
to learn more on how to post a job.
Luke Logan '23
Luke Logan ‘23 is a rising senior at
the Southern Methodist University in
Dallas, TX. In May of 2023, he will be
graduating with a degree in Economics
with Finance Applications.
On-campus and within SAE, Luke has
served as the social chair for the past
two years alongside two of his pledge-
brothers. Since Luke’s freshman year, he has been a member of the SMU Folsom
Institute’s Real Estate Club, and an active member within SAE.
Outside of Luke’s academic studies, he has shown an avid interest in commercial
real estate. He got his real estate salespersons license at age 18 and for the last
two and half years has worked as an acquisitions intern for commercial real estate
developer, Quadrant Investment Properties while attending SMU. Logan also
works on the business development team for, a Dallas-based
prop-tech startup that is an optimization platform for multi-tenant building
operations to produce operational efciencies, enhanced customer experiences,
and monetization opportunities. At Honeycomb, Luke focuses on targeting
portfolio owners and is part of the fundraising team for Honeycombs' upcoming
seed funding round.
Luke compares his experience at Sigma Alpha Epsilon to that of a team. He
recognizes the incredible opportunity at SAE to be surrounded by such highly
motivated pledge brothers who hold him to a higher standard. Luke is proud to
call himself an SAE and is grateful for the opportunity to grow alongside such a
great group of men.
Page 3
Undergrad Proles
Alex Tabor '23
Alex Tabor ‘23 is a rising senior at the
Southern Methodist University in Dallas,
TX. In May of 2023, he will be graduating
with a Finance Degree in Alternative Assets
Alex is a former member of the SMU Men’s
basketball team (2019-2021) and actively
involved as an ofcer within SAE. Last spring,
Alex was admitted to the highly esteemed Encap
and LCM Alternative Investment Management
Program. There he will work on numerous case studies to
better understand both the investment banking and private equity industries.
Outside of Alex’s on campus obligations, he has interned for two private equity
companies, Woods Capital Management, and Crow Holdings. He is looking
forward to furthering his career development this summer as an investment
banking summer analyst at Stephens Inc. in Dallas.
Alex wouldn’t trade his time at SAE for anything. He explained how the bond
he has created with his brothers has helped both him and his brothers alike
push each other to become the best version of themselves possible. “The level
of accountability and camaraderie I feel with my brothers has motivated me to
make sure that I am continuously striving to become the best I can be, for both
my pledge class and the many more to come.”
How You Can
Support Texas
Help support our undergraduates and Dynasty.
Please contact Don Donally at
or 214-394-6160.
Make a contribution. You can learn more here:
or by check payable to: SAE Housing Corp
mail to : Don Donnally/ SAE
3417 Saint Johns Drive
Dallas, TX 75205
Consider leaving Texas Delta a legacy gift:
Fullll our Wish List (from Don Donally)
SMU SAE is the Best place
to send your son, grandson,
or family members.
Recommend SMU
to your relatives.
Outdoor Couches
& Furniture
Kitchen Storage
Chapter Room
Paint the Basketball
Speaking Podium
Page 3
Senior Father-Son Dinner, Dallas Country Club Lawn, May 2021
Henry Grieve '21 and Father David
Moxie's outside Crescent Hotel
Father-Son Weekend, March 2017
Dr Jim Caswell ,VP University Affairs, Dr Gerald Turner , Pres. SMU,
Don Donnally “67 giving Dedication Speech , November 2005
Gathering as Aspen Mountain Club
Jan 2022, SMUSAE -Kappa Moms
Girls' Moms:Girls' Moms: Mary Virginia Reid, Leslie Kellog. Jacqui Cowles,
Katie Charlebois, Dabney Pierce, Yvonne Wade
Boys' Moms: Boys' Moms: Mollye Bell, Kristy Thompson, Paige Burgess, Carrie
Polk, Eleanor Nahley, Lisa Jessup, Erin Chang, Stephanie Jarvis
Original Animal House Real Characters from the Script
Reunion, SAE House, Spring 2019
Front RowFront Row: Jack Maxon, Paul Pace, Don Snell, JW Brown, Vic Bloede, Gary Moates, Boots Nowlin, Don Earnheart,
Dennis Murphree . Back Row: Back Row: unknown , Tom Nicholas, Michael O’Conner, Gary Appelt,Greg Irwin,
Bill Oberthier, Bob Grable, Lewis McMahon, Richard Ware, Eddie Bradley, David Boldrick, Don Donnally,
Baron Cass, Unknown, Hugh Hackney, John Yancey, Brooks Cullum, Craig Innes, Gary Crum.
Typical dessert served at SAE house for
members, vanilla ice cream, dipped in hot
chocolate, served on a brownie
Page 4
Initiation, Parent and Alumni Attending
New Class Celebration - SAE House - January 25, 2017
Signing Line forSAE Mystic Scroll
January 2022
Rush Party Dinner, October 2022
SAE House
Initiation, January 2022
SAE House
Annual Candlelight Dinner, October 2018
on tented basketball court for freshman
and their dates
Page 5
Jungle Build, 2017
Homecoming Victory Party, circa 1966-68
Market Hall
Celebrating beating Texas again
Note: BYOB Era on tables
Father - Son's Reception, 2017
Sawyer Counts '21 , Don Donnally '67 , and Foster Counts '21 & Jack Counts',70 (Oklahoma Kappa)
SAE Reunion, 2013
Beach Club, Los Angeles
Blake Fol '08 (LA), Cody Richards '08 (LA),
Chris Nash '08 (Houston), Royce Wilson '09 (LA),
Don Donnally, 67 (Dallas)
New Orlean's Weekend - SAE Seniors
White Home in Metairie
Michael White, '15 , mom Virginia and Dad, Michael Sr.
Page 6
New Tradition - Senior Mom & Son
Ugly Sweater Party
Weekend of Lighting Candles
at Dallas Hall - December 2021
Andrew Washburne '24 and brother Hill Washburne '22
in New Orleans March 2021
Commanders Palace, SAE AWAY Weekend
Red Carpet Candle Light Rush Dinner
SAE House every Year Since 1974
SAE End Zone - Ford Stadium, November 2018
SAE Mother-Son Weekend 2021
Giley's - Dallas
SAE House
Holiday Decoration, December 2021
Page 7
John Kendrick ‘66 is an attorney working as Special Counsel. He
lives in Miami, Florida with his wife. As an undergraduate he served as
Rush Chairman.
David Beach ‘67, is married with two children. After MBA from the
University of Virginia, David began a career at Arthur Andersen, then
started company to manufacture precision optical machinery, selling
it in 2005. Now he is doing mostly charity work and he still lives in
Charlottesville, VA.
J.W. Brown ‘68 is a General Partner at Premier Capital LTD. He
lives with his wife Ann in Dallas, Texas. As an undergraduate he served
as President of the IFC, a member of Blue Key Honors Society, and the
exclusively prestigious Cyrene Fjodr Honorary Society.
Richard Ware ’68 is from Amarillo, Texas. He serves on the Board
of Trustees and has a dorm on campus named after his family.
Bill Armistead ‘73 lives in Nashville, Tennessee. He practiced
law for 17 years and then was part of management and ownership of
a company that manufactures pepper spray and later a company that
sold adhesives tape products. He keeps up with Mark Edwards ‘70,
Chris Dodson ‘70 (who is also here in Nashville), Fred Farmer ‘71,
and Tyrrell Hearn ‘70.
Edward Stevens ‘82 is the President of 1715 Capitana Salvors
Inc, a treasure salvage company operating off the Coast of Florida. He
currently lives in Grant, Florida. He played SMU varsity volleyball for
one year.
Al Sorrels ‘85 is Senior Vice President at Majestic Realty Co. He
lives in Dallas, TX with his wife, Leslie. He was on SMU’s Track and
Field team.
Kyle Goss ‘05 is a Managing Director at Elm Park Capital. He lives
in Dallas, Texas with his wife, Margot(SMU KKG-Class of '05) and
their three young daughters. Kyle served as Eminent Archon in 2004.
Tony Gulla ‘09 is the founder of ACRE One (2013), a commercial
real estate brokerage in Austin, TX.
William Henderson ‘09 is Vice President at Goldman Sachs in
Dallas, Texas.
Roman Kupchynsky III ‘09 is the Corporate Counsel for
Dickey's Capital Group, Inc. Roman is the lead transactional attorney
for the family capital group which most notably owns and operates the
Dickey's Barbecue Pit® franchise system. He lives in Dallas, Texas.
Jacob Stall ‘09 is a Compliance and CRA Ofcer for North Dallas
Bank and Trust. He is living in Wylie, TX with his wife, Lori.
Jacob Jurlina ‘10 is an analyst for TMG Partners. He currently
lives in San Francisco, California with his wife, Anna. He is expecting
a baby boy in June of 2022. As an undergraduate he served as Vice
President and Recorder.
What are they doing now?
Page 8
Rob Van Paasschen ‘10 is the owner and founder of Bayou Oak
Capital. Current investments include multiple gyms. He is currently
living in Houston, TX. During his undergrad years he served as the
Haynes Strader ‘11 is Chief Development Ofcer at Skybox
Datacenters and is serving his 4th consecutive term on the SMU
Dedman College Executive Board. He currently lives in Dallas, TX
with his wife and daughter. During his time at SMU he served as the
SAE Recruitment Chair, IFC President, and Student Trustee.
Billy Dugal M.D., M.S. ‘12 is the Chief Resident of Surgery at
Memorial Health University Medical Center, Savannah, GA. He and
his wife are expecting his rst child this spring.
Trey Woeste ‘12 returned to his hometown of Cincinnati, OH. He
is the Vice President of his family’s auto dealership group. He works
with his father, Brother Bill (U Cincinnati 1978). Trey is married
to his wife, Leslie. They have three children William, Warner, and
Will Musselman ‘13 is building a crypto mining facility in west
Texas, and is getting married in April to Meredith Hines.
Mitchell Kaufman ‘18 played football for SMU, has started his
own business and loves fajitas.
College Station, TX - 2015
FRAT RAT was a screenplay written in the 1970’s by Jim Hart, 69
(bottom row right). Jim sent the script to Paramount, and two years
later Animal House came out. He sued and the Judge said 80% of
the movie was his FRAT RAT script. This photo was an SAE reunion
of this group in College Station in 2015. Most of characters are
identied here, including Rocky Saxbe, who was half of the John
Belushi character, and Wade King, who was the other half of the
Blutarski character.
Carl Sewell ‘66, Dallas
Recent two-term chair, Ex Ofcio
Paul Loyd ‘68, Houston
Richard Ware ‘68, Amarillo
Gary Crum ‘69, Houston
Bruce Robson ‘74, Dallas
Reverend Paul L Ramussen ‘87, Dallas
Senior Pastor Highland Park Methodist Church
Ed Wilson (SAE and son SAE),
Los Angeles
Ex Ofcio
SAE Members on
SMU Board of Trustees
Page 9
Some Recent Texas Delta
Member SMU Football
Preston Ellison '22,
#31- Linebacker
Odessa, TX
Dylan Cordell ‘24,
#67 - Offensive Line
Houston, TX
Warren Scott '22
#99 - Punter
Jackson, MS
Brad Brookshire (son SAE), Tyler
Martin Flanagan (son SAE), Atlanta
Ray Hunt (two grandsons SAE) hosted
two father son events at his ranch, Dallas
Kristin Wagner Henderson (son SAE),
Fort Worth
Parent of SAE members who
are current Trustees
Jeanne Cox (two sons SAE), Dallas
Scott McLean (son SAE), Houston
Connie O Neal (son SAE), Dallas
Linda Custard, former trustee ,
(married to Brother Bill Custard. 57)
Top Ranked College
Tailgate # 1 &
Top-rated #1 Largest
College Fraternity Tent
Award by College
Tailgate Poll Data
and Magazine.
Frank Fitts IV ’10 lives in Birmingham, Alabama with wife
Jillian who he married in 2018. They recently has their rst child/baby
girl (M'Liss Anne Fitts) this past July (2021). After nearly four years
of planning, Frank opened Yellow Hammer Farms in June of 2021 (an
indoor hydroponic farm business). With nearly a decade in the wine and
beer distribution industry under his belt, Frank began to see a common
theme. Countless restaurants wanting to use local produce, but due to the
seasonal availability of most items, many simply could not. Typically, only
ne dining, white tablecloth restaurants have the ability to adjust their
menus monthly, weekly, or even daily. The vast majority of restaurants
may only change their menu once or twice a year. Enter Yellow Hammer
Farms. To address the market need, Frank designed a state of the art
indoor grow facility. Whether it is the LED lights, specialized HVAC
system, supplemental CO2, or nutrients, every aspect of the plant's
growth cycle is controlled. This allows Yellow Hammer Farms to grow
produce twice as fast as traditional farming, 365 days a year, all while
using 90% less water than traditional eld crops. By growing vertically
in a highly controlled indoor environment and maximizing every inch
of their 2,000 sqft grow room, Frank and the team at Yellow Hammer
Farms are able to grow the same amount of produce as 15-25 acres of
eld crops. With their plants growing twice as fast. A rst of its kind,
customers are able to see the farm for themselves through windows in a
gallery just outside the grow room. Customers can choose from over 20+
different varieties of fresh herbs and leafy greens that rotate regularly,
all harvested to order while the customer shops in the Yellow
Hammer Market.
To nd out more, follow them on social media @yhfarms or
visit them on the web at .
For media inquiries, questions or to schedule a tour,
please email
Chester (Chet) Donnally, III ’09 is a
board certied spine surgeon in Dallas Texas. After leaving
SMU, Chet attended medical school at Texas Tech on a full
scholarship which enabled him to get the residency he desired
at the University of Miami in Orthopaedics. After 5 years of
residency he then went to do his Fellowship at the renowned
Rothman Institute in Philadelphia specializing in cervical
spine/minimally invasive surgery. He was recognized in D
Magazine as the Best Spine Surgeon in 2022 by his peers. He
is director of Robotic Spine Surgery at Baylor Frisco Medical
Center. He married fellow SMU alum Kristen Mayo ('10) and
have two sons Jack (4) and James (6months). He performed the
rst robotic spine surgery in Dallas county and regularly posts
informational surgical videos on Instagram, Facebook and
TikTok and one site recently had over 1 million views.
Alumni Spotlight
Page 10
Scholarship Dinner - a 20-year tradition!
Reward all members with a 3.6 GPA or higher twice a year with a
Scholarship Dinner at Bob's Chop House on Lemmon, an SAE
prefeed venue when parents are paying! Trophies are presented for
GPA 4.0. Last semester we had 11. ( this dinner is paid for from the
social budget and is billed as the low GPA boys pay for the high GPA
boys. Not exactly true, but the number of qualiers has risen from 23
to 52 over the last 20 years.)
Senior Father-Son Award Dinner
Senior Father-Son Award Dinner on the lawn at Dallas Country Club
Thursday night before graduation, with traditional trophy crystal
awards voted on by their fellow seniors for Leadership, Citizenship,
Scholarship, and True Gentlemen Award. This was developed by
brother Jimmy Dunne '77 (KY), screenwriter and producer for
"Happy Days"and other major studio productions. He is also also a
songwriter, hitting the top of the charts across the globe.
Traditional New Orleans Weekend
New Orleans, Bourbon Street Venues, lunch in a home hosted by
a New Orleans parent or alum, Crawsh Peel, and lots of fun. Most
often attended by, Don & Carol Donnally and some SAE parents tag
along for a few hours at each event with local SAE parents chaperone
to foster good behavior. Brilliant Idea by Donnally!
Annual Fathers-Son Weekend
One night dinner in a members private home by class, so four separate
events; Saturday lunch or dinner has included a private dinner at
The Bush Library and Museum, exclusive dinner and viewing of the
Dallas Cowboy playing eld, locker room, cheerleaders visit, football
on the eld in ATT Cowboy stadium. Last year, we took buses to a
Casino in Oklahoma. This year, a Go-Kart indoor track racing
on three levels, bowling alley, Zip Line, at Mario Andretti s
center 30 minutes from Dallas at the Colony with a personal
appearance and photo session with Mario Andretti. This $22
million venue was arranged by SAE Father MJ Castello.
Annual Mothers-Son Weekend
Dinner in four private homes by class, and an over-the-top April
Fools spring party at Dallas Country club that will not be boring
and full of surprises. In the past, we have rented The Perot
Museum with Wolfgang Puck catering, The Nasher Museum,
plus the revolving Sky Ball venue atop the Hyatt Hotel, Dallas
Country Club & Rustic.
Graduation Saturday
Ceremony held at Moody or Ford Stadium: after which SAE hosts
a senior family lunch before they “walk the stage “ later in the day.
The senior moms have rented Brook Hollow Golf Club ballroom
and Lawn for a class dinner that night to celebrate the occasion
Saturday after graduation but before the late-night nale.
SAE and Kappa Parent
For the 18th straight year, Senior SAE parents rent out Mi
Cocina in the classic Highland Park Village, from 10 pm until 1
am for a good party. All furniture is removed as we have rented
an outside tent to hold the two classes with their family. This is a
non-smu sae party so few frozen drinks are available along with
sparkling Western lighted hats .
Family Weekend
Friday night Welcome party for SAE parents and guests as well as
the families of prospective new members at Dallas Country Club.
Attendance is over 500. After which the parents go to dinner
and the show up at a 10 pm Barley House private event where we
have tented the parking lot with a 120 x 175 commercial tent,
customized laser light show, portable quality bathroom with heat,
air, and soft music for both ladies and men, food and a handpicked
band by the SAE Mothers Club, appropriately named The Minerva
Club goddess of wisdom.
SMU SAE Dynasty lives on!
Milestones &Traditions
The term Dynasty was created in 2005 by Brother Ed Wilson (SAE University of Arkansas '79 ) when his son Royce became a new member.
Young Royce married wife Caroline in Nashville and recently had twin girls, was from star studded LA , had 18 men in his wedding party, (17 were
SMU SAES), and looked more like a Texas wedding than conservative Nashville.That class started the SMU SAE Dynasty.
The idea was created with a DYNASTY T-SHIRT and is dened as a succession of rulers who dominate their peers with a continued line of descent
( brotherhood ) that perpetuates itself year after year. It may also be referred to as the “house”, “lodge”, “family” and “clan”. The Qing Dynasty,
like the TANG Dynasty 618 BC to 905 AD, is considered the longest and strongest in the world, only to be surpassed in time by the Imperial
House of Japan. We are proud of our student’s achievements and expect the same set of greatest, fun and behavior in the future. A Dynasty ends
with Famine, Revolt, and Invasion and in modern times will fail because of hazing, alcohol abuse or drug misuse.
Such is not the case at SMU SAE TEXAS DELTA.
We will not let it happen. SAEs have a short yell to remind ourself "Do not mess with the dynasty."
We are usually the only fraternity in the realm and on the SMU campus that actively practices all of these
bonding social activities unparoled on the planet. We are supported by our Mothers Club (Minerva Club).
WE will let you decide if our business plan and career opportunities help you excel at Texas Delta. We
have tired to incorporate the best features of other chapters (our friendly competitors) to grow our business.
This is a real business, just happens to be in socializing, learning from mistakes, and acting right, looking
right at the times.
Why is SMU Chapter rated so highly?
ONLY AT SAE! No other organization we know of has these
bonding activities, binding of men, parents, and girlfriends.
If your home chapter is not
as successful as ours, then
you should copy our model.
We have copied every suc
cessful Greek model to create
a Dynasty.
The scholarship dinner is a night like
no other. A night that allows students,
who have worked so diligently over the
previous semester to be rewarded for
their hard work. The annual scholarship
dinner is awarded to SAE students in the
chapter, who holds the highest GPA (3.60 and above). With the SAE chapter at
SMU having over 185 members, this dinner is extremely competitive and highly
regarded. This night rewards students a nice meal for the countless hours spent
in the library studying throughout the semester. This gives students an incentive
for the semester to work a little bit harder to achieve their best potential. I am
proud to announce this year’s dinner honored 52 men. A Tiffany cut glass
trophy was awarded to nine members with a 4.0 GPA. As the scholarship dinner
chair, I am beyond proud of the hard work my pledge brothers put in.
William Rudolf ‘23 , 2021 Scholarship Chair
Cooper Arnold ‘22
Charlie Berger ‘22
Lucas Briggs ‘22
Chase Cross ‘22
Carter Emack ‘22
JP Leddy ‘22
Preston Lynch ‘22
Sawnie McGee ‘22
Miles McGovern ‘22
Connor Murdock '22
Charlie Nicholson ‘22
Thomas Nolan ‘22
Andres Rodriguez ‘22
Jason Sugavanam ‘22
Kevin Sugavanam '22
Andrew Teichner ‘22
Jack Windham ‘22
Alexander Andrews ‘23
Jarratt Bell ‘23
Ben Burgess ‘23
Manuel Castells ‘23
Michael Derrig ‘23
Jack Hammond ‘23
Josh Hawn ‘23
Ward Jarvis '23
Luke Logan ‘23
William Marino ‘23
Matt Mills ‘23
Oliver Moss ‘23
Will Nahley ‘23
Jonathan Nixon ‘23
Will Rudolf ‘23
Malcolm Shaw ‘23
Brogan Smith ‘23
Cmac Stimmel ‘23
Solon Stratton ‘23
Alex Tabor ‘23
Spencer Vice '23
Cole Vicknair ‘23
Campbell Wilkerson ‘23
Tyler Chang '24
Taylor Cohen ‘24
Dylan Cordell ‘24
Tucker Harris ‘24
Cal Hershey '24
Gus Magnel ‘24
SWilliam Roberts ‘24
Dylan Wells ‘24
Alexander Birkel ‘25
Mark Brito ‘25
Alex Centola ‘25
Thomas Crowl ‘25
Cameron Curry ‘25
David Head ‘25
Alex Jessup ‘25
Brady Johnston ‘25
Nick Ludwig ‘25
Pace McClendon ‘25
Callum McNear ‘25
Luke Near ‘25
James Petrikas ‘25
Walter Ralph ‘25
Dylan Vincent ‘25
Academic Scholarship
Page 11
Scholarship Dinner
The Junior Class of SAE earned eight spots in the coveted Alternative Asset
Management Program (ALTS) for the Spring 2022 term. Admission is based on
academic performance, strength of courses, demonstrated work ethic, strong
recommendation letters, and several interviews with local business leaders
and faculty. The center seeks to identify smart, ethical, and highly motivated
students who are interested in pursuing a rigorous, application-oriented
program with motivated peers. Jarratt Bell, Manuel Castellas, Tyler Chang,
Josh Hawn, Ollie Moss, Solon Stratton, Alex Tabor and Campbell Wilkerson
proudly call themselves “The Dawgs”.
The Dawgs
Left to right: Solon Stratton, Josh Hawn, Manny Castells, Alex Tabor,
Tyler Chang, Ollie Moss, Jarratt Bell (not pictured Campbell Wilkerson)
Ending Final SAE Cheer
(Can you guess what it was?)
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Texas Delta Chapter
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity
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Recruitment Recommendations
Send In a Contribution
or by check: Payable to SAE Housing Corp
mail to: Don Donnally
3417 Saint Johns Drive
Dallas TX 75205
Stay In Contact
With Texas Delta
Februay 19, 2022
SAE x THETA Formal
February 23, 2022
Kappalina Mixer
February 24-27
Mardi Gras NOLA
March 4-6. 2022
Father-Sons Weekend
March 11-20. 2022
Spring Break
March 25-27. 2022
NOLA Away Weekend
April 1-3, 2022
Mom’s Weekend
April 9. 2022
Chili Cookoff/Battle of
the Bands
April 29 -30, 2022
Jungle Formal
May 5-11, 2022
May 12, 2022
Senior and Dads Award
Banquet at Dallas Country
Club lawn by the lake
May 14, 2022
After ceremony at Ford:
SAE Honors Graduating
Senior and Family
Lunch at SAE house
Class family dinner at
Brook Hollow Golf Club
Mi Cocina Kappa
SAE Parent party
10pm 'til 1am