Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 33, Number 1 (2015),
The implied trust and belief in collaboration works
well when all parties involved have a shared goal. In the
case of the Internet protocol suite, that shared goal has
been the development of a scalable and functional global
network. However, the parameters of that network have
changed as it has transitioned from research project to
commercial venture to indispensable infrastructure.
Not all actors share the same goal. Not all goals have
positive outcomes for all involved. However, many of the
key underlying Internet protocols have not evolved to
address the emergence of these competing goals. Many
protocols have either limited or no protections against a
variety of attacks. Many operators are wary of enabling
security on some protocols because of a fear of interoper-
The allegations of widespread, pervasive monitoring of Internet traffic have ignited new thrusts to
strengthen the core protocols that underpin the Internet. Many of these protocols were developed
in a time when the community of interest was small and trust between the members was rock
solid. Such trust led to protocols that did not protect against actions such as denial-of-service
attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, or pervasive monitoring, leading to the widespread use of
relatively insecure protocols. The Internet is no longer a homogenous, all-trusting community, and
the underlying protocols are being examined to determine whether they should undergo poten-
tially drastic changes to address the threats. This article highlights some of the key changes being
considered and describes their possible benefits and drawbacks. The impact of these changes
could be beneficial to Internet users concerned about indiscriminate eavesdropping but could
also prove costly to innocent network operators/users who have developed operational and use
models based on the older, less secure designs of the protocols.
The (R)evolution of the Internet
Brian K. Haberman
The origins of the Internet arose from a classically
academic research project. Despite the ever-growing size
of the Internet research community, the protocols devel-
oped all retained a core aspect from the beginning—
implicit trust. The Internet was able to grow because
independent teams of researchers and developers trusted
the information being shared across their common
medium. Collaboration, and the trust it grew, sped inno-
vation at rates faster than could have been imagined.
A classic example of this collaborative environment is
the Robustness Principle attributed to Jon Postel:
liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you
send. The Robustness Principle epitomizes the belief
that all involved are working toward a common goal.
The (R)evolution of the Internet Protocol Suite
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 33, Number 1 (2015),
These trade-offs highlight the tricky nature of retrofit-
ting security into existing, deployed, and widely used
network protocols. It should be noted that these three
cases are representative of a broader effort within the
IETF to strengthen new and existing network proto-
cols. Other protocols such as Internet Protocol version 6
(IPv6), e-mail, Network Time Protocol (NTP), Border
Gateway Protocol (BGP), and Transport Layer Security
(TLS) are all being studied or revised to strengthen their
security posture.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol 2.0
In 2015, a large majority of Internet web traffic is car-
ried via version 1.1 of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
which was standardized in 1999. The IETF is
currently working on a replacement for HTTP 1.1, des-
ignated HTTP 2.0. As a part of the discussion of the
structure and semantics of HTTP 2.0, consideration is
being given to encrypting all web traffic. In today’s Inter-
net, only sensitive web traffic (e.g., online banking) is
encrypted. Users recognize this by the use of Uniform
Resource Locators (URLs) that start with HTTPS://, as
opposed to the unprotected websites that are accessed
via HTTP://. The proponents of such a change argue that
encryption is one way to mitigate pervasive monitoring
of Internet web traffic. Several key arguments can be
made that justify having all web traffic transit encrypted
connections between web servers and clients (Fig. 1).
The primary argument for encrypting all HTTP 2.0
traffic is that users now expect their data to be protected
in the face of pervasive monitoring. The mounting alle-
gations of widespread data collection by a variety of gov-
ability issues or an unwillingness to increase costs with-
out some return on investment. There are a myriad of
reasons for the general lack of security in key protocols
that underpin the Internet.
With the emergence of allegations of widespread, per-
vasive monitoring, segments of the Internet population
have reacted swiftly to address the shortcomings in the
protocol suite. Bruce Schneier, a noted security researcher,
challenged the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
the body charged with maintaining the Internet protocol
specifications, to strengthen the core protocols against
“wholesale spying.
In response, the IETF developed a
“statement of principles” in 2014 designed to guide proto-
col development going forward.
Two items within that
document are worth noting specifically:
The IETF defines pervasive monitoring as a wide-
spread attack on privacy.
The IETF will work to mitigate pervasive monitoring.
The IETF began work to mitigate pervasive monitor-
ing almost immediately after Edward Snowdens initial
allegations of pervasive monitoring,
before members
completely agreed on the statement of principles docu-
ment. Subsets of the community immediately began con-
sidering potential changes in key protocols in response
to the allegations.
The remainder of this article describes three rep-
resentative efforts to minimize the impact of perva-
sive monitoring on Internet users. These efforts were
selected because of their direct impact on everyday users.
As a part of the discussion, this article discusses the key
benefits and key drawbacks of the proposed approaches.
Figure 1. Potential change to web encryption during the transition from HTTP1.1 to HTTP2.0.
B. K. Haberman
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 33, Number 1 (2015),
business reasons, which require a man-in-the-middle
capability, would require a new operational paradigm.
A subset of the community believes it is inappropriate
to encrypt all data given that most data are not sensitive
(e.g., sports scores). It could be considered excessive to
establish the necessary security association between the
web server and the client to exchange data that are clearly
meant to be public. Additionally, the existing TLS proto-
col is not designed to handle newer forms of web content
such as video and other multimedia, which could make
encrypting all web traffic impossible in the near term.
A third counter to encrypting all web traffic is the
issue of cost. Encryption technology is complex and
requires additional resources (bandwidth, processing,
etc.). Current web encryption relies on a certificate-
based infrastructure that some see as brittle and already
corrupted by entities performing pervasive monitoring.
On the evolving side, many view the use of TLS as infea-
sible for the Internet of Things. Expecting a light switch
to have the processing capability to instantiate and
maintain security associations seems excessive to some.
At the time of this writing, the direction of the
HTTP 2.0 specification has not been decided. The
above-described (and other) trade-offs have elicited
thoughtful discussion of technical, ethical, legal, and
political issues that will impact the standardization
effort. Clearly, the people involved in HTTP 2.0 are
carefully considering all of the issues related to pervasive
monitoring and recognize the impact their decisions will
have on the Internet.
The Domain Name System (DNS)
may be one of
the most important pieces of Internet infrastructure
that most people take for granted, ignore, or do not fully
understand. Almost all Internet activities begin with
a DNS query to map a target destinations name (e.g., to its Internet Protocol (IP) address, allow-
ing the client’s network stack to correctly address the
connection request. The DNS is a hierarchical distrib-
uted database that maps domain names with a variety of
information (including IP addresses). The maintenance
of the mapping records is delegated to the authorita-
tive name servers designated for each domain name.
Although there are several modes of operation, the fol-
lowing is a representative model of DNS exchanges:
1. A client (stub resolver) issues a query for to its local recursive resolver.
2. The recursive resolver performs a series of DNS que-
ries, starting at the root of the DNS hierarchy, until it
receives an answer from the authoritative name server.
3. The recursive resolver caches the answer for future
use and sends the answer back to the client.
ernments have sensitized users to the potential loss of
privacy. From an interoperability perspective, it is more
feasible to standardize the encrypted data exchanges
within the protocol than it is to expect ad hoc mecha-
nisms to be developed and widely used. By incorporating
encryption into all web exchanges, the HTTP 2.0 stan-
dard would simplify the operation of the protocol and
protect the privacy of all data.
The next argument is one of economics. Currently,
pervasive monitoring is cheap and easy. Bruce Schneier’s
challenge to the IETF included a goal to “make surveil-
lance expensive again.
If HTTP 2.0 encrypts all traf-
fic, as the percentage of web traffic carried by HTTP 2.0
increases, the less practical widespread surveillance
becomes. There is an economic reality on the users’
side as well. It is generally agreed that the user inter-
face for web security is hard for most users. The use of
HTTPS:// URLs does not necessarily mean that all traf-
fic is encrypted. By moving to a privacy-always model,
users do not risk their financial future to a clunky user
interface. A single model of operation is much simpler to
develop, maintain, and operate.
A third argument in favor of encrypting all web
traffic is the nebulous definition of privacy.
has become an important concept, but experts cannot
agree on a definition of privacy or on which information
needs to be kept private. This debate makes choosing
what should be private and what should not be private
context dependent. However, the transport of informa-
tion should not be tied to context. The application
delivering the information should always err on the side
of protecting information. Accepting these two tenets
removes the need for any hard choices on the part of the
user or the content provider when sending data over a
web connection.
As with most technology decisions, there are trade-offs
and differing opinions. Although the above-described
advantages appear straightforward, an encrypted-always
web comes with incurred costs, potential drawbacks,
and dissenting opinions.
The biggest drawback raised with an always-encrypted
web is the impact it would have on existing infrastruc-
ture. Most notably, many Internet service providers
rely on the use of web caches to reduce the amount
of bandwidth needed to serve popular web content.
These devices inspect HTTP exchanges and cache the
returned content for use by other local users. Caching
can dramatically reduce the amount of network traffic
generated and speed up response time for popular con-
tent. If all web exchanges were encrypted, these cach-
ing devices would be unable to operate, increasing the
amount of network traffic and increasing the response
time. Services such as load balancers, malware scanners,
and content filters would also be adversely impacted by a
move to an encrypted web. Additionally, policy enforce-
ment devices used to limit web accessibility for legal or
The (R)evolution of the Internet Protocol Suite
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 33, Number 1 (2015),
resolver and authoritative name servers. The DNS Secu-
rity Extensions (DNSSEC)
only provide for informa-
tion integrity and authentication, not confidentiality for
information exchanges (see Fig. 2).
At the time of this writing, the IETF is actively dis-
cussing addressing the lack of privacy controls within
the DNS protocol. These discussions are focused on the
privacy risks for the user initiating the DNS requests in
the face of pervasive monitoring. As noted above, DNS
questions may be sensitive based on who is asking for a
particular DNS mapping. A passive observer can extract
from a DNS request going from the stub resolver to the
local recursive resolver:
1. The IP address of the requesting machine (which
may map to a specific user)
2. The exact DNS name being queried
3. The type of record being requested (e.g., a mail
server record)
The current DNS model levies differing requirements
for privacy based on the point where pervasive moni-
toring may be incurred. Traffic from the stub resolver
to a local recursive resolver will contain the exact DNS
name being queried as well as the IP address of the
specific machine making the request. However, if that
query is sent from the local resolver to the authoritative
name server, the requesting IP address is that of the local
resolver rather than of the original requester. That type
of separation may lend itself to different types of privacy
controls depending on what type of DNS resolver is
originating the DNS request. But that separation does
not always hold because it is quite easy for users to oper-
ate their own local recursive resolvers, rather than a stub
resolver, on their own machines.
The integral nature of DNS on the functioning of the
Internet makes the problem of confidentiality a difficult
one. DNSSEC eventually
gained traction because the
additional certificate infor-
mation was incorporated
as yet another DNS record
type, and resolvers that did
not support DNSSEC could
skip the validation. In other
words, the functionality
of DNSSEC did not affect
legacy devices. It is unclear
how confidentiality can
be incorporated without
impacting the operational
model of DNS. Many of
the pros and cons listed
for HTTP 2.0 also apply to
DNS confidentiality.
As with other Internet protocols, DNS was developed
with little security in mind. In fact, the information con-
tained within the DNS should be considered public. If
it were not, the Internet would not function as well as
it does because the name-to-address mapping function
underpins the entire Internet. How many users would
want to memorize the IP addresses of their favorite web-
sites? Treating all questions as equal has allowed DNS
to remain a relatively simple query/response protocol.
But, as mentioned, the rules have changed because of
the differing goals of the various Internet participants,
and protection of DNS data is being examined intently.
The public nature of DNS data allows network users
to efficiently reach the content of interest without
knowing anything about the topology of the Internet.
However, there are still privacy aspects to be considered.
The DNS does not provide users with a search capa-
bility. That means that the stub resolver has to know
what to ask for to receive a useful answer. So, although
the mapping of to 2001:500:8d::53
is public information, the fact that a particular user
requested that mapping may be sensitive and should
be kept private. Additionally, the DNS is being used to
map more than just IP addresses to names. For example,
DNS records identify: (i) the mail server for a particu-
lar domain, (ii) DNS name servers for a target domain,
and (iii) security certificates for a target domain name
or IP address. Accessing those additional mappings may
reveal sensitive metadata about the user formulating the
DNS question(s).
The DNS protocol does not currently provide users
with any type of privacy protection for the questions
asked or the answers received. All DNS exchanges are
sent unencrypted and are visible to any entity capable
of examining packets in transit. That limitation is true
regardless of whether the exchange is between a stub
resolver and a recursive resolver or between a recursive
Figure 2. Intermediaries snooping on DNS exchanges build substantial profiles of users.
B. K. Haberman
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 33, Number 1 (2015),
to protect critical applications that are susceptible to
pervasive monitoring. As a starting point, the e-mail
(SMTP, IMAP, and POP), instant messaging (XMPP),
and web (HTTP 1.1) protocols will be used as the rep-
resentative application protocols mentioned in point
no. 1 above.
Around 1994, the IETF started requiring all pro-
posed standards to contain a Security Considerations
section. The premise of such a section was to facilitate
the discussion of security issues related to the proto-
col being specified. This discussion routinely mentions
means to mitigate the identified security issues related
to the protocol. Unfortunately, many documents
simply stated that IP security (IPsec) should be used to
mitigate these vulnerabilities. The problem with such
generic advice is that it was not useful. In some cases, a
description of how to use IPsec to mitigate a vulnerabil-
ity was missing. In other cases, specifications assumed
IPsec could protect against anything, when in reality, it
could not. In time, the phrase “just use IPsecbecame
a punch line rather than a solution. To avoid a similar
situation with TLS, the UTA working group is formu-
lating a set of recommendations for the proper use of
TLS and the datagram version of TLS (called DTLS).
These recommendations currently discuss issues related
to versions of the protocols, cipher suites to use with
the protocols, capability negotiation, and public key
lengths. It is envisioned that such guidance will lead to
more robust implementations of TLS-protected appli-
cations and a wider use of TLS to protect against per-
vasive monitoring.
Unlike the previously described examples, the out-
come of the UTA effort appears much clearer. Many
application developers already have some semblance of
TLS support within their code bases. This clarity and
familiarity makes the outcome of the UTA working
group more useful in the short term and more likely to
be adopted quickly by both the development community
as well as the user community.
Whether one calls these protocol changes evolu-
tionary or revolutionary, one thing is clear. There is a
potential sea change over the horizon. While some have
argued that pervasive monitoring has been occurring
for a long time, these recent allegations have become
a catalyst for change within the Internet community.
The currently proposed changes are only representative
of the potential changes being considered for the Inter-
net protocol suite. The IETF’s statement of principles
on the topic of pervasive monitoring sums up the new
model of network protocol standardization: “The IETF
will work to mitigate the technical aspects of PM [perva-
sive monitoring], just as we do for protocol vulnerabili-
ties in general.
Not all requester’s IP address to queried domain
name mappings are sensitive.
Fundamental changes to the protocol will impact
legacy devices.
Additional infrastructure for confidentiality
approaches (e.g., encryption) incurs costs.
These issues and the potential privacy gains from
augmenting DNS will drive the discussion within the
IETF. The threat to privacy from pervasive monitoring
of the DNS is still not completely understood. In some
instances, pervasive monitoring provides protection
from threats such as malware.
However, the decisions
made at the DNS protocol level need to consider all
aspects and threats to privacy.
Many application protocols have defined methods for
using TLS to encrypt traffic and authenticate one or both
endpoints in a communications session. However, there is
significant diversity in the definitions of those methods as
well as variations in the requirements for the use of TLS.
This diversity has led to confusion within the implemen-
tation community, resulting in a lack of interoperability
and deployment of TLS-protected applications.
The Using TLS in Applications (UTA) working
group within the IETF was chartered to address this
confusion and simplify the lives of developers wanting to
use TLS in application protocols. If standardized meth-
ods of use are available, it will be easier for application
programmers to develop interoperable implementations
of TLS-enabled services. As a starting point, the UTA
working group has four preliminary work items to facili-
tate the use of TLS within applications protocols:
1. Update the definitions for using TLS over a set of
representative application protocols. These defini-
tions include communication with proxies, between
servers, and between peers, where appropriate, in
addition to client/server communication.
2. Specify a set of best practices for TLS clients and
servers, including but not limited to recommended
versions of TLS, using forward secrecy, and one or
more cipher suites and extensions that are manda-
tory to implement.
3. Consider, and possibly define, a standard way for an
application client and server to use unauthenticated
encryption through TLS when server and/or client
authentication cannot be achieved.
4. Create a document that helps application protocol
developers use TLS in future application definitions.
The above-described work items should provide
application developers strategic guidance for using TLS
The (R)evolution of the Internet Protocol Suite
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 33, Number 1 (2015),
Although these dramatic changes are unfolding,
they are not without cost. As mentioned earlier, some
of these changes are being resisted primarily because
of the impact they will have on current industries, net-
work operators, and users. Several industries have blos-
somed in the current network environment where most
network traffic is free for the analysis. Marketing com-
panies analyze network traffic so that they can provide
targeted ads. Malware and spam detection devices per-
form deep packet inspection of transit traffic within net-
works. Some Internet service providers redirect users to
advertisement-oriented web servers when they mistype
domain names. These business practices are predicated
on being able to inspect network traffic. Changes to net-
work protocols to enhance privacy, generally through
some type of encryption, have the potential to dramati-
cally impact such business models.
Network operators leverage a number of pervasive
monitoring techniques in the name of efficient network
management. A variety of protocols and tools are widely
used that assess bandwidth consumption, traffic profiles,
and trends. Any significant increase in the amount of
encrypted traffic could affect network operations in
ways such as:
1. Increasing bandwidth consumption from both secu-
rity association signaling and per-packet overhead
2. Increasing packet processing costs for encrypted
control and management traffic; and
3. Increasing operational costs to overhaul network
management models.
Outside of these costs, network operators will be on
the front lines of protocol interoperability issues. Tran-
sitioning protocols is recognized as a difficult task. Users
and network services are not all managed by one entity,
so legacy interoperability will be a critical component of
making enhanced protocols viable.
One of the most significant concerns mentioned in
relation to increased privacy protections within network
protocols is the impact on the everyday user. Most Inter-
net users do not have an understanding of the exist-
ing security models in use today. The appearance of a
lock icon on their browser makes many people feel they
are secure. It is unclear how people will react if their
HTTP 2.0-capable browser indicates that all sessions are
“lockedor the browser does not make any indications
at all. Will users recognize that they need to be involved
in determining when certain information should be
considered private? There will be a large human factors
aspect to any dramatic shift in the network protocols if
those changes expose new decisions to users.
Despite these costs, the network protocol environ-
ment appears poised for change. The lack of a common
goal among all stakeholders will preclude the standard-
ization of network protocols without security as an
The key word in the above statement is technical.
The Internet community recognizes that there are mul-
tiple facets to the pervasive monitoring issue (technical,
political, social, legal, etc.) but realizes the technical
issues can be worked strictly from an engineering per-
spective. Even within the purview of network protocol
standardization, there are numerous avenues of interest
for technical contributions.
As noted in the earlier examples, significant work
is ongoing to re-engineer protocols to strengthen them
against pervasive monitoring. Historically, far too little
effort has gone into the security aspects of network pro-
tocols. That mindset appears to be changing. With such
re-engineering, additional work will need to be under-
taken to address both the interoperability issue with
legacy systems and the potential impact on the opera-
tional paradigms that were developed while using older,
less secure versions of the protocols.
Part of the weakness in current network protocols has
been the lack of attention given to protecting private
information. That lack of attention is generally caused
by two things: first, protocol engineers focusing only on
the on-the-wire protocol operation and not considering
the value of the information being shared; and, second,
the complexity of what privacy entails. The former can
be rectified as a part of the standardization process by
including privacy-related issues in the review process. In
fact, that change has begun as more reviewers provide
feedback on privacy issues with protocol proposals being
put forth for publication. The latter issue is one of educa-
tion, and that has begun as well with the publication of a
privacy considerations document for Internet standards.
As more protocol engineers understand privacy issues
and consciously consider them in their design decisions,
newer network protocols will be less likely to leak private
information as a part of normal protocol operation.
Many people recognize that openness can create
an environment of trust. To that end, there has been
an increased interest in ensuring that as much of the
network infrastructure is open as possible. Although
most readers will recognize terms such as open source
and open standards, these terms do not cover the entire
spectrum. Open protocol standards allow implementers,
researchers, and users to review the protocol operation
as required to ensure correct protocol behavior. Open-
source software allows people to examine the code to
ensure correct operation and behavior. Openness applies
to security as well. Transparency in all aspects of the
security model or mechanism provides accountability.
That accountability allows users to exercise checks and
balances that can determine the effectiveness of the
security mechanism and expose any potential abuse of
the security mechanism. A paradigm of openness will
require changes in the behaviors of both people and
institutions. Currently, that paradigm shift appears to be
gaining momentum within the networking community.
B. K. Haberman
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 33, Number 1 (2015),
integrated component. That change will not come over-
night, but the consensus is that such a change is needed.
The impact of the change is still an unknown as the full
spectrum of the change is still evolving. Because perva-
sive monitoring is viewed as more than just a technical
problem, other changes from outside the technical com-
munity can affect the technical aspects being addressed
within the standards community. From all appearances,
the evolution of the Internet protocol suite has begun.
Its effect on the current Internet is to be determined.
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Brian K. Haberman is a member of the Principal Professional Staff and a research scientist in the Tactical Wireless
Systems Group. His research interests include IPv6, IP multicast, ad hoc and sensor networks, routing, routing protocol
security, and network architecture. He currently serves as an area director within the Internet Engineering Task Force
and is a member of the ACM. Prior to working at APL, he held network protocol development, platform design, system
architecture, and research positions for several networking companies. His e-mail address is
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Cooper, A., Tschofenig, H., Aboba, B., Peterson, J., Morris, J., et al.,
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