UNIT Earth and Sky, Unit 6, Week 2
THEME Weather Watch
BOOK One Dark Night by Hazel Hutchins
OLLIES QUESTION What happens when the weather changes?
LITERACY GOALS To identify names and sounds of letters Cc, Bb
MATH GOALS To make sets of eight and nine and find missing parts of eight and nine
CONCEPT WORDS These words are basic words that relate to the theme and concept for
each week. These words help with discussing the question of the week.
A flash of light in the sky during a storm
Water that falls in drops from the sky
Bad weather that brings strong wind, rain, snow, thunder,
or lightning
The loud noise from the sky that comes after a flash of
The weather tells us what is happening outside. The
weather can be hot or cold, it can also mean it is sunny
cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy, or stormy outside.
The moving air outside. It can blow the trees, move
sailboats, and carry kites.
AMAZING WORDS These words increase and improve children’s vocabulary and
understanding of the text and world around them.
To run
The first daylight that appears in the morning
To make things or yourself ready
To keep safe
To lie in a comfortable way next to someone or
something; to cuddle
To wander away; an animal who has wandered away from
its home
Other Book Suggestions and YouTube Recommendations:
Down Comes the Rain by Franklyn M. Branley
Flash, Crash, Rumble, and Roll by Franklyn M. Branley
Oh Say Can You Say What’s the Weather Today?: All About Weather by Tish Rabe
It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw
Little Cloud by Eric Carle
Gusts and Gales: A Book About Wind by Josepha Sherman
The Rain Came Down by David Shannon
Ideas for At Home Activities:
Pretend &
Invite your child to go outside and watch the clouds with you. Ask your
child to pretend that the two of you are clouds and move around the yard
like you are being blown around by the wind.
Create a writing tray by pouring a thin layer of flour or salt onto a baking
sheet or tray. Encourage your child to use their finger to practice writing
the letters Cc and Bb. You can write these letters on a piece of paper as a
guide for your child.
Invite your child to look out the window or go outside with you to find out
what the weather is like. Have a discussion with your child about the
weather conditions outside (Is it sunny? Is it cloudy? Is it raining? Is it
cold? Is it warm?). Ask your child to draw a picture of the weather using
paper and crayons/markers. Ask your child to tell you about what they
have drawn. You can label the picture by writing the words your child says
on their paper.
Using the pattern below, draw 11 cloud shapes on white paper. Write the
numbers 0 through 10 (one number on each cloud). Ask your child to pick
a cloud and say the number, then help your child count out that many
marshmallows or pompoms and place them on the cloud (see example).
Gather items from around your house that are small and light weight such
as plastic bottle caps, straws, tissues, and leaves. Ask your child to make
the items move by blowing on them (tell your child that they are moving
things like the wind moves things). Have a discussion with your child
about what things can be moved by the wind and what cannot.
Ask your child to draw a picture of a stormy night, like you read about in
the book One Dark Night. Talk with your child about sounds you hear and
things you see during a storm. Listen to storm sounds at while drawing.
Take a listening walk outside with your child. As you are walking, ask your
child to listen for specific sounds such as a car horn, dogs barking, leaves
rustling, or wind chimes. Talk with your child about the sounds he/she
Cut out 10 rain drop shapes using the pattern below. Write the numbers 1
to 10, one number on each rain drop. Tape the rain drops to large blocks
or empty cardboard boxes, one to each block/box. Ask your child to stack
the blocks/boxes placing the numbers in order beginning with number
one on the bottom.
Have a discussion with your child about the clothes they wear to go
outside when it is raining, such as a raincoat and rubber boots. If your
child does not have these items, look for pictures of them on the internet
or in magazines. Ask your child what clothes they wear for different types
of weather.
*The links contained on this resource are websites that contain materials and tools that may be used to provide additional resources to
parents or students. This information is only intended to be a general summary of information provided to the public. The Mississippi
Department of Education does not endorse or promote any commercial products or services. The views and opinion of authors expressed
do not necessarily reflect those of the MDE, and they may not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Please make
sure that you choose the tool(s), resource(s) or material(s) that are developmentally appropriate and best fit the needs of your students,
school, or district.