Mechanical changes in the rat right ventricle with decellularization
Colleen Witzenburg
, Ramesh Raghupathy
, Stefan M. Kren
, Doris A. Taylor
, Victor H. Barocas
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Center for Cardiovascular Repair, Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 7-105 Nils Hasselmo Hall, 312 Church St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
article info
Article history:
Accepted 30 September 2011
Heart ventricle
Biaxial testing
The stiffness, anisotropy, and hete rogeneity of freshly dissected (control) and perfusion-decellularized
rat right ventricles were compared using an anisotropic inverse mechanics method. Cruciform tissue
samples were speckled and then tested under a series of different biaxial loading configurations with
simultaneous force measurement on all four arms and displacement mapping via image correlation.
Based on the displacement and force data, the sample was segmented into piecewise homogeneous
partitions. Tissue stiffness and anisotropy were characterized for each partition using a large-
deformation extension of the general linear elastic model. The perfusion-decellularized tissue had
significantly higher stiffness than the control, suggesting that the cellular contribution to stiffness, at
least under the conditions used, was relatively small. Neither anisotropy nor heterogeneity (measured
by the partition standard deviation of the m odulus and anisotropy) varied significantly between control
and decellularized samples. We thus conclude that although decellularization produces quantitative
differences in modulus, decellularized tissue can provide a useful model of the native tissue
extracellular matrix. Further, the large-deformation inverse method presented herein can be used to
characterize complex soft tissue behaviors.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
A bioartificial heart is a possible alternative to transplantation
or a mechanical left ventricular assist device. Whole-organ
perfusion-decellularization has been established as a potential
tool to produce an intact three-dimensional scaffold for bioarti-
ficial hearts (Ott et al., 2008; Wainwright et al., 2010; Weymann
et al., 2011). Separating the cells from the extracellular matrix
also provides the opportunity to study cardiac wall mechanics in
a simplified system, and attribute myocardial tissue properties to
the respective cellular/extracellular constituents. For instance,
localized matrix injury or scarring that occurs in myocardial
infarction (Fomovsky and Holmes, 2010; Chen et al., 2003) could
be studied on the extracellular matrix with decellularized tissue.
Previous studies of healthy and/or infarcted myocardium have
focused on constitutive modeling of small samples cut from
different locations to assess heterogeneity while assuming homo-
geneity in each sample (e.g. Sacks and Chuong, 1993; Emery et al.,
1997). Assessing heterogeneity by means of multiple samples is
impossible, however, if the entire tissue is too small. For example,
the ventricle of the Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat, a popular choice
for myocardial decellularization experiments (Ott et al., 2008), is
only about 10 mm across and not amenable to assessment of
heterogeneity with samples cut from different locations. Although
indentation (e.g. Cox et al., 2010) could be applied regionally, it is
less relevant to in vivo function. An experiment in which hetero-
geneous properties could be extracted from a single sample
during biaxial loading would be far more valuable.
The gen eralized anisotropic inverse mechanics (GAIM) m ethod
(Raghupathy and Barocas, 2010; Raghupathy et al., 2011)enables
study of heterogeneous, anisotropic tissues, like the ventricle, by
dissecting small samples computationally rather than physically.
GAIM directly solves the finite element representation of the stress
balance in the tissue for the unknown components of the two-
dimensional general linear elasticity tensor. Heterogen eity within the
sample is managed by partitioning the sample into many subdo-
mains, each assumed to have uniform properties. In this study, we
utilized multiple biaxial tests and an extended version of GAIM to
determine the mechanical properties of freshly dissected (control)
and decellularized right ventricles from SD rats. We focused on the
right ventricle due to the prohibitively large thicknesses of control left
ventricle samples.
Two hypotheses were tested. First, since the extracellular
matrix, particularly collagen, plays a large role in tissue mechan-
ical behavior (Fomovsky et al., 2010), and since decellularization
reduces tissue volume considerably with negligible collagen loss
(Ott et al., 2008), we hypothesized that decellularized samples
would have larger stiffness values for the right ventricle as measured
by our methods. We expected this increase in stiffness to be
proportional to the thickness reduction, as observed previously
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Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 612 626 5572; fax: þ 1 612 626 6583.
E-mail address: [email protected] (V.H. Barocas).
Journal of Biomechanics 45 (2012) 842–849
(Ott et al., 2008). Second, based on minimal changes in the
collagen structure following decellularization, we hypothesized
that decellularized samples would not exhibit a change in degree of
mechanical anisotropy or heterogeneity.
2. Methods
2.1. Sample Preparation
Whole cadaveric rat hearts were removed from ten adult female SD rats (9–13
weeks) for testing. All experiments were performed in accordance with US Animal
Welfare Act and were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee at the University of Minnesota. Five hearts underwent decellulariza-
tion prior to ventricle dissection and five immediately underwent ventricle
dissection (control). One sample from each group was discarded due to damage
during experimentation; therefore, four samples from each group were analyzed.
Measurements of live rat body weight prior to dissection showed no significant
difference (p¼0.28) between groups. Unless otherwise stated, all p-values
reported refer to unpaired two-tailed t-tests.
For decellularization, hearts were placed in a modified Langendorff apparatus
and perfused through the coronary arteries with 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)
in water for 20 h, as described previously (Ott et al., 2008). Each heart was then
perfused with 60 ml deionized water, 60 ml 1% Triton-X100 in water, and 60 ml
additional deionized water to flush the detergent. The hearts were then perfused
with 500 ml phosphate buffered saline (PBS) in 5 aliquots, leaving only decel-
lularized matrix behind. Fig. 1 shows a rat heart during decellularization and
depicts where samples were cut from the right ventricle. Sample geometry is
shown in Fig. 1b.
The right ventricle was dissected from each heart and laid flat. A punch was
used to cut each sample into a cruciform shape for biaxial testing. Anatomical
orientation was marked on the endocardial surface as shown in Fig. 2a. Samples
were stored in 1% PBS at 4 1C when not undergoing biaxial testing or thickness
measurement. Sample thickness was measured by laser micrometer 5 min after
removal from PBS.
2.2. Biaxial testing
Samples were tested within 48 h of dissection. Verhoeff’s stain was used to
texture the epicardial surface for optical strain tracking (Fig. 2b). The textured
sample was attached to an Instron biaxial tester with four 5 N load cells via a
custom rig that allowed easy sample mounting and immersion in 1% PBS at room
temperature for the duration of testing (Fig. 2c).
A series of biaxial protocols was applied to each sample. First, a slight preload,
0.01 N, was applied to each cruciform arm. The grip forces were zeroed with
respect to the preload. The sample was preconditioned with nine equibiaxial
extensions; each of the four arms was extended 0.75 mm. Each loading and
unloading cycle lasted 10 s. After preconditioning, fifteen separate displacement-
controlled biaxial experimental extensions were performed (Fig. 3). Unlike
traditional mechanical tests, which are designed to maximize homogeneity of
the strain field, our protocol was designed to produce many heterogeneous strain
fields and to vary that heterogeneity over different tests. Heterogeneous, variable
strain fields are necessary to provide detailed deformation data for GAIM, and
using numerous fields improves the accuracy of parameters. An additional
Fig. 1. Sample geometry. (a) Rat heart during decellularization. Labels indicate
aorta (Ao), right atrium (RA), left atrium (LA), right ventricle (RV), and left
ventricle (LV). (b) Sketch of sample geometry overlaid on fully decellularized rat
heart, showing the circumferential and longitudinal directions.
Fig. 2. Sample dissection and clamping. (a) Schematic showing the anatomical position of the tissue during punching. (b) Epicardial surface of a representative
decellularized right rat ventricle after clamping and speckling. (c) Clamping configuration during biaxial testing. The sample is submerged in 1% phosphate buffered saline
at room temperature.
C. Witzenburg et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 45 (2012) 842–849 843
equibiaxial extension was performed at the end of testing to confirm that minimal
damage had occurred during the experiment. During testing, images of the
epicardial surface of the tissue and the forces at each grip were recorded.
2.3. Image analysis and strain tracking
Digital video of ventricle deformation was obtained at 24 fps, 1080p HD
resolution, and spatial resolution of 96 pixels/mm. The video was synchronized
and downsampled to construct grayscale image sequences corresponding to the
loading curves of each test. The image at the end of preconditioning was used as
the reference configuration. The tissue boundary was sketched on top of the
reference image in Abaqus
, and meshed with quadrilateral elements. Successive
pairs of images were correlated to track the movement of the mesh nodes
throughout the loading sequence. This image correlation method was used
successfully in Raghupathy et al. (2011). Displacement fields were constructed
from movement of locations corresponding to the mesh nodes and smoothed to
reduce noise. Green strains were computed from cumulative displacement fields
by standard finite element theory for bilinear quadrilateral elements. We esti-
mated the accuracy of our displacement calculations by digitally deforming the
image of Fig. 2b and comparing the displacements obtained from image correla-
tion with analytical values. Displacements were accurate to 7 0.06 pixels and the
strains to 7 0.0026 (95% CI).
2.4. Generalized anisotropic inverse mechanics (GAIM)
Regional mechanical properties were determined by an extension of our GAIM
method (Raghupathy and Barocas, 2010; Raghupathy et al., 2011). The method,
presented in more detail in our previous work, involves solving the direct inverse
problem for a general linear elastic solid. That is, given the displacement data and
forces on the sample grips, the method uses finite elements to solve the linear
elastic stress balance (C
¼0 for the components of C. The domain is
partitioned into regions, over each of which C is taken to be a constant. The
partitions are optimized so as to minimize error in the force balance while
maintaining tight confidence intervals on the components of C ( Raghupathy and
Barocas, 2010). All experiments within the protocol are evaluated concurrently to
produce a large, overdetermined system of linear equations for C.
For highly deformable tissues such as myocardium, a formulation that
accounted for large-deformation kinematics but maintained the generality,
anisotropy, and linearity of the regression problem from our previous work was
desired. We modified our original form to
¼ K
where S is the 2nd Piola–Kirchhoff stress, E the Green strain, and K an elasticity
tensor analogous to C in linear elasticity and has the same major and minor
symmetries. The stress balance is
¼ 0 ð2Þ
where F is the deformation tensor, and differentiation is with respect to the
undeformed coordinates. Eq. (2), although nonlinear in the displacements, is linear
with respect to the components of K, so the problem can be treated with linear
regression theory (Raghupathy and Barocas, 2010). Thus, the nonlinear kinematics
are incorporated into the analysis, but the fitting problem remains linear.
In our earlier work, the tensor C was used to identify the major features of the
tissue. Specifically, the eigentensors of C represent principal states of stress and
strain (Cowin and Mehrabadi, 1995; Thomson, 1856), and the corresponding
eigenvalues (Kelvin moduli) provide measures of material stiffness. We have
found (Raghupathy et al., 2011) that the largest Kelvin modulus is a useful
measure and was comparable to Young’s modulus for polydimethylsiloxane. A
second important measure comes from the eigenvectors of the eigentensor
corresponding to the largest Kelvin modulus. These eigenvectors describe the
anisotropy of the material, with the direction corresponding to the larger
eigenvalue aligning with the tissue fiber direction in theoretical studies
(Raghupathy and Barocas, 2010), on a simple fiber model (Raghupathy and
Barocas, 2009), and in experiments on cell-compacted collagen gels
(Raghupathy et al., 2011).
In the current work, we computed large-deformation analogs of the Kelvin
moduli (henceforth simply ‘‘Kelvin moduli’’ for brevity) and corresponding
principal directions which give the preferred stiffness direction (
y). In addition,
the eigenvalues of the principal eigentensor of K,
, and l
were converted into an
anisotropy index (r), indicating strength of the alignment. It varies from 0 for an
isotropic sample to 1 for a perfectly aligned sample:
r ¼
In addition to stiffness and alignment, we quantified tissue heterogeneity by
calculating the standard deviation of each variable over all partitions within the
center of the sample. That is, each partition was treated as an independent
measurement, and the standard deviation was calculated. We refer to this value as
the ‘‘partition standard deviation’’ to avoid confusion with measures of sample-to-
sample variability.
3. Results
Right ventricle wall thickness was 21387 527
m (mean7
95% CI) for controls and 3817 157
m for the decellularization
group (po 10
). This was expected since cellular material
comprises much of the tissue volume. When the first and final
equibiaxial protocol strain maps were compared they showed
extremely similar patterns and values. There was no significant
difference between the protocols in peak force for any arm of any
sample (p4 0.1 for all samples, paired two-tailed t-test).
Loading behavior for a representative sample of decellula-
rized tissue (Fig. 2b) is shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4b and c highlight a
displacement-controlled equibiaxial test and single-arm extension
test. For equibiaxial loading, the circumferential arms, right and left,
had higher loads than the longitudinal arms, top and bottom. Shear
forces were responsible for the discrepancy in force between
Fig. 3. Protocol used for the biaxial testing of each sample. Dashed lines indicate fixed arms. Equibiaxial: each arm moved 0.75 mm. Adjacent two-arm stretch: extended
arms moved 1.0 mm. Single–arm stretch: extended arm moved 1.0 mm. Strip biaxial: extended arms moved 0.75 mm. Three-arm stretch: middle extended arm moved
1.0 mm, other extended arms moved 0.75 mm.
C. Witzenburg et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 45 (2012) 842–849844
opposite arms. The single-arm extension involved displacement of
the right arm, as indicated by large forces on that arm and the
reduced response of the left arm. Forces on the top and bottom arms
were small in compari son.
For the same sample, the Green strains E
, E
and E
peak displacement for both equibiaxial and single-arm extension
tests are shown in Fig. 5. For the equibiaxial test, strain was larger
in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction in the
central region of the sample. This effect was reversed for the
single-arm extension test. Also, E
showed a strong horizontal
gradient across the central region of the sample for the single-arm
extension ( Fig. 5e). Thus, as desired, strain fields were hetero-
geneous and the strain differed within the same region of the
sample from one protocol to another. For both tests, however,
there was relatively little shear strain.
Alignment and stiffness maps were calculated for each sample
using the extended GAIM method. Fig. 6 shows maps for the
sample pictured in Fig. 2b. The arms of the sample present as
artificially aligned in the pull direction as a result of our inability
to measure transverse forces on the grips and minimal transverse
displacement in the arms. However, the central region of the
sample is well-specified, so our analysis focuses only on the
central region (Fig. 6b, d).
Fig. 6a shows strong circumferential (i.e., left–right) alignment
in the central region. The average value of the anisotropy index
within the central region (Fig. 6b) was 0.71, indicating strong
anisotropy (roughly five times stiffer in the preferred, i.e. circum-
ferential, direction). The partition standard deviation for the
anisotropy index was low, 0.084. The average value for the
preferred stiffness direction within the central region was 7.661
from the horizontal, and its partition standard deviation was
7.551. Fig. 6c shows the maximum Kelvin modulus within each
region. The average value of the maximum Kelvin modulus within
the central region (Fig. 6d) was 400 kPa, and its partition standard
deviation was 107 kPa.
Fig. 7 summarizes the GAIM results for this study. Fig. 7a–c
show the average values of maximum Kelvin modulus, /E
anisotropy index, /rS, and preferred stiffness direction, /
over the central region. There was significant difference between
S for the control and decellularized groups (p¼0.0003),
indicating that the central region of the decellularized tissue
was stiffer than that of the control. However, there was no
significant difference between /rS or /
S for the control and
decellularized groups (p¼0.06, 0.31), indicating no change in
strength or direction of anisotropy. All samples were stiffer in
the circumferential than the longitudinal direction.
Fig. 7d–f show the normalized partition standard deviations
of the maximum Kelvin modulus,
S, anisotropy index,
//rS, and preferred stiffness direction,
S, over the central
region. These values were used to quantify the degree of
Fig. 4. Representative load data for the decellularized sample shown in Fig. 2b. (a) Three of nine preconditioning cycles are shown followed by the equibiaxial
protocol, four adjacent two-arm extension protocols, four single-arm extension protocols, two strip biaxial protocols and one three-arm extension protocol.
Other protocols not shown. (b) During equibiaxial loading, significant forces were generated in all four arms, with higher forces in the circumferential (left–right)
direction because of tissue anisotropy. (c) When only the right arm was displaced, all forces were much smaller, and circumferential forces were much larger than
longitudinal forces.
C. Witzenburg et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 45 (2012) 842–849 845
heterogeneity of the parameters. For all three measures of
heterogeneity (associated with stiffness, degree of anisotropy,
and preferred direction) the control and decellularized samples
gave statistically indistinguishable results (p¼0.22, 0.76, 0.11),
indicating no significant change in heterogeneity between the
decellularized and control groups.
Fig. 5. Representative strain results for the decellularized sample shown in Fig. 2b. Strains are overlaid on the deformed sample shape at maximum deformation. During
equibiaxial loading (a, b), the vertical strain (E
) was larger than the horizontal strain (E
) in the central region of the sample. During single-arm loading (d, e), E
larger in the central region of the sample. Also, there was a gradient in the central region of the sample in the map for E
. In both cases, there was relatively little shear
strain (c, f).
Fig. 6. Representative alignment and stiffness results from GAIM for the decellularized sample shown in Fig. 2b. Results are overlaid on the undeformed shape. For the
alignment maps (a, b), the color shows the anisotropy index, and the vectors indicate the preferred stiffness direction, with vector lengths corresponding to the anisotropy
index. For the stiffness maps (c, d) the contour shows the maximum Kelvin modulus. (a) Alignment map shows roughly uniform alignment in the center of the sample.
(b) There was strong circumferential alignment in the central region of the tissue, /rS¼0.71, with low partition standard deviation
¼0.084, and /yS¼7.661, with a low
partition standard deviation of
¼7.551. Black blocks indicate partition domain. (c) Stiffness map shows roughly uniform E
in the center of the sample. (d) The average
value of the maximum Kelvin modulus within the central region of the sample, /E
S¼400 kPa, and the partition standard deviation,
¼ 107 kPa. Black blocks indicate
partition domain.
C. Witzenburg et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 45 (2012) 842–849846
4. Discussion
The major technical advance of this work was introduction of a
nonlinear kinematic framework to the GAIM technique. The new
formulation, which relates the second Piola–Kirchhoff stress to
the Green strain linearly, maintains the efficiency of a linear
regression model (i.e., the model is linear in the coefficients) but
is suitable to large deformations often experienced by soft tissues.
By doing so, we extended the potential applicability of the
method to a wider range of soft-tissue applications. The general-
ized model is not sufficient to capture many soft-tissue behaviors,
including the large toe region followed by a sharp rise in stiffness,
but it provides a qualitative estimate of the material properties
and, most importantly, an assessment of material anisotropy in
different regions of an intact sample.
The major conclusions of this work as to the tissues tested
were as follows: (1) The stiffness of right ventricular tissue, as
measured by the average of the largest Kelvin modulus over the
sample’s center, increased by a factor of 6.7 with decellulariza-
tion. This change was consistent with densification of the tissue
(average 5.6-fold reduction in thickness) and was similar to that
reported by others for decellularized cardiac tissue (Ott et al.,
2008; Wang et al., 2010). Although other factors (e.g., chemical
interactions between decellularizing agents and the extracellular
matrix) could be important, we attribute the slightly larger
increase in stiffness than decrease in thickness to structural
changes, specifically rotation of collagen fibers into the plane of
testing. (2) The mechanical anisotropy of the tissue, which we
have shown previously (Raghupathy et al., 2011) to correlate to
structural anisotropy, was largely unchanged by the decellular-
ization process. (3) Finally, a key goal of this work was to assess
tissue heterogeneity. We found that the spatial variation in tissue
properties (stiffness, degree of anisotropy, and preferred stiffness
direction) over the central region of the sample was largely
unchanged by the decellularization process. Based on these three
observations, we conclude that decellularized tissue can be used
as a model for studying mechanical changes to the extracellular
matrix in the heart. The decellularized model is particularly
attractive for studies of rat left ventricle, which is sufficiently
thick (4 mm) relative to the other tissue dimensions (10 mm)
that planar biaxial tests would be of questionable validity. In the
decellularized sample, the thickness is 5–10% of the in-plane
dimensions, making the assumptions underlying planar biaxial
tests much more acceptable. Of course, the decellularized model
Fig. 7. Stiffness, alignment and direction results for full study. (a) There was a significant difference between the control and decellularized groups in /E
S, which
indicates overall stiffening of the tissue with decellularization. Units of /E
S are kPa. (b, c) No significant difference in /rS or /yS was found between the control and
decellularized samples, indicating minimal change in anisotropy. Units of /
yS are degrees and /rS is unitless. (d, e, f) No significant difference was found between the
normalized partition standard deviation of the maximum Kelvin modulus, anisotropy index or preferred stiffness direction. This indicates that the effect of
decellularization is roughly uniform. All plots show mean7 95% CI, n¼4.
C. Witzenburg et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 45 (2012) 842–849 847
does not allow for the study of the cells, but the combination of
the decellularized system and GAIM analysis could allow assess-
ment of mechanical consequences of ventricular remodeling (e.g.,
scar formation) without isolation of the remodeled tissue.
Another potential advantage of the decellularized model is that,
by virtue of being thinner, it would be less prone to artifacts from
the flattening prior to planar biaxial tests.
The significant anisotropy of the right ventricular tissue is
consistent with previous work (Ott et al., 2008) showing that both
control and decellularized left ventricle were stiffer in the
circumferential than longitudinal direction in equibiaxial tests
and with previous studies of right ventricular properties (e.g.
Ghaemi et al., 2009). Ott et al. (2008) performed biaxial tests on
samples cut from cadaveric vs. decellularized left ventricle.
Decellularized samples had significantly larger tangent moduli
than their intact cadaveric counterparts. When adjusted for
thickness, the significant difference in tangent moduli vanished,
similar to our observations. Ott did not attempt to assess
differences in anisotropy or heterogeneity. Figure 11 of Ghaemi
et al. (2009) appears to have a ratio of about 10:1 in stress
between the two directions at 20% equibiaxial strain of bovine
right ventricular wall. The Ghaemi study used hooks rather than
clamps, but a 10:1 stress ratio would correspond to a very large
value of r in our analysis, roughly 0.8 (the exact value would
depend on the results of non-equibiaxial tests). Our calculated
value of /rS¼0.52 for the cadaveric right ventricle samples is
much lower. This difference is most likely due to our use of full-
thickness samples in comparison with the use of samples
extracted from the mid-one-third section of the heart by Ghaemi.
Although the decellularized tissue model is a simpler than the
intact tissue, there remain questions to be considered. Variation
in fiber orientation through the thickness of the myocardium
(along with any contribution from the epicardium and endocar-
dium) is particularly important. The fiber angle changes continu-
ously transmurally through the myocardium, with the average
through-thickness fiber orientation of both ventricles in the
circumferential direction. In addition, both the endocardium and
the epicardium exhibit higher stiffness in the circumferential
direction (Kang et al., 1996; Humphrey et al., 1990). Due to the
whole-organ perfusion-decellularization technique used we could
not excise tissue from the midwall, as is standard for biaxial
testing of ventricular tissue, for the decellularized sample group.
Therefore, we tested full thickness samples from both groups, and
our results must be considered as mean through-thickness
descriptions. In our planar analysis, we assumed that the dis-
placement was uniform through the tissue thickness, a reasonable
but not necessarily correct assumption; further work is underway
to track motion through the thickness as well as on the epicardial
surface. Again, the properties calculated in this study must be
seen as a transmural average of the properties of the decellular-
ized tissue since there is no way to assess contribution from
different layers.
To summarize, the current work has demonstrated that, in the
right ventricle, decellularized tissue can provide a useful model of
the native tissue extracellular matrix. Decellularization causes an
increase in the metric describing stiffness, but when adjusted for
the thickness decrease this effect is greatly reduced. There was no
significant change in anisotropy or heterogeneity. A natural next
step would be to apply the methods to the left ventricle (which is
similar, (Humphrey, 2002; Costa et al., 2001)), where scarring and
remodeling are of great interest. The GAIM technique is able to
assess property variation within a tissue analog (Raghupathy
et al., 2011) and, with the improved kinematic framework devel-
oped herein, it can be applied to more complex problems
of ventricular tissue mechanical characterization, especially
in small-animal models, for which it may be difficult if not
impossible to isolate a homogeneous sample of sufficient size
for biaxial testing.
Conflict of interest statement
DAT holds a financial interest in Miromatrix, Inc. and is
entitled to sales royalty through the University of Minnesota for
products related to the research described in this paper. This
relationship has been reviewed and managed by the University in
accordance with its conflict of interest policies.
This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of
Health (R21-EB-009788), the Medtronic Foundation, the National
Heart Lung and Blood Institute’s Progenitor Cell Biology Consor-
tium (#1U01HL100407-1), and the American Heart Association’s
Jon Hold DeHaan Cardiac Myogenesis Research Center
(#AHA09070499N). The technical assistance of Erich Boldt in
preparing and testing samples is gratefully acknowledged. We
also thank the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute for the
computing resources.
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