Table of contents
Glossary ................................................................................................. 1
Chapter 1 First Home Super Saver Scheme ................................ 3
Chapter 2 Contributing the proceeds of downsizing to
superannuation .......................................................... 37
The following abbreviations and acronyms are used throughout this
explanatory memorandum.
Abbreviation Definition
APRA Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
Capital gains tax CGT
Commissioner Commissioner of Taxation
FHSSS First Home Super Saver Scheme
ITAA 1997 Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
NANE Non-assessable non-exempt
RSAR 1997 Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations
SISR 1994 Superannuation Industry (Supervision)
Regulations 1994
TAA 1953 Taxation Administration Act 1953
Chapter 1
First Home Super Saver Scheme
Outline of chapter
1.1 Schedule 1 amends the superannuation and tax laws to establish
the ‘First Home Super Saver Scheme’ (the FHSSS).
1.2 The FHSSS allows individuals who are saving for their first
home to take advantage of the concessional taxation arrangements that
apply to the superannuation system.
1.3 Under the scheme, first home savers who make voluntary
contributions into the superannuation system can withdraw those
contributions (up to certain limits) and an amount of associated earnings
for the purposes of purchasing their first home. Concessional tax
treatment applies to amounts that are withdrawn under the FHSSS.
1.4 All legislative references in this Chapter are to Schedule 1 to the
Taxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA 1953) unless otherwise stated.
Context of amendments
1.5 The FHSSS is one of several measures announced in the
2017-18 Budget as part of the Government’s package of reforms to reduce
pressure on housing affordability.
1.6 Australians are entering the housing market later in life than
previous generations. With house prices high, difficulty saving a deposit is
a key barrier to getting into the market. The FHSSS will help Australians
boost their savings for their first home by allowing them to build a deposit
inside superannuation.
1.7 As the FHSSS involves the early release of amounts from
superannuation, many of its features are based on the standard
determination and release rules that apply in respect of excess
concessional contributions and non-concessional contributions. The
relevant features of these rules are outlined below.
Making contributions into superannuation
1.8 There are broadly two categories of contributions that are made
into superannuation in respect of most individuals concessional
contributions and non-concessional contributions.
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1.9 Division 291 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
(ITAA 1997) provides for concessional contributions and excess
concessional contributions. Concessional contributions include personal
deductible contributions and contributions (including salary sacrificed
amounts) for which an employer claims a deduction.
1.10 Concessional contributions are included in the assessable
income of the superannuation fund that receives them and are subject to
tax at the fund rate of 15 per cent.
1.11 The concessional contributions cap establishes the upper limit
on how many concessional contributions an individual can have without
being subject to additional tax consequences. For the 2017-2018 financial
year, the concessional contributions cap is $25,000.
1.12 An individual has excess concessional contributionsfor a
financial year if their concessional contributions for a financial year
exceed their concessional contributions cap. Excess concessional
contributions are included in an individual’s assessable income.
1.13 Division 292 of the ITAA 1997 relates to non-concessional
contributions. Non-concessional contributions are generally contributions
that are not included in the assessable income of the fund that receives
them. Non-concessional contributions include any excess concessional
contributions that were not released from superannuation and
contributions for which a deduction was not claimed by the entity that
made it. For the 2017-2018 financial year, the non-concessional
contributions cap is generally $100,000.
1.14 However, individuals have a non-concessional contributions cap
of nil for a financial year if their total superannuation balance at the end of
the previous year was equal to or greater than the general transfer balance
cap (currently $1.6 million). Individuals under the age of 65 can also
access the three year ‘bring forward’ rules. These rules allow an
individual to bring forward up to three years of non-concessional caps to
the current year.
Superannuation determinations
1.15 Division 97 provides for excess concessional contributions
determinations and excess non-concessional contributions determinations.
The Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner) must issue these
determinations to an individual whose contributions for a financial year
exceed the related contributions cap.
First home super saver scheme
1.16 In making an excess concessional contributions determination,
the Commissioner must specify the amount of the excess and any ‘excess
concessional contributions charge’ that the individual is liable to pay.
1.17 For excess non-concessional contributions determinations, the
Commissioner must specify the amount of the excess, the amount of
associated earningsfor the excess, and a ‘total release amount’ (being
the sum of the excess and 85 per cent of the associated earnings).
1.18 Individuals are permitted to object against both types of
determinations in the manner set out in Part IVC.
Superannuation release authorities
1.19 Division 131 was inserted by Schedule 10 to the Treasury Laws
Amendment (Fair and Sustainable Superannuation) Act 2016 and
introduced a standardised set of rules for releasing money from
1.20 These rules replace the separate rules that apply to excess
concessional contributions determinations, excess non-concessional
contributions determinations and notifications of assessment of amounts
of Division 293 tax. The new rules apply to determinations and
notifications issued on or after 1 July 2018.
1.21 An individual who is given one of these determinations or
notices can request that the Commissioner issue a release authority in
respect of their superannuation interests. To make a valid request, the
individual must notify the Commissioner of the total amount to be
released and identify the superannuation interest or interests from which
the amount is to be released.
1.22 Individuals who receive excess concessional contributions
determinations can request that up to 85 per cent of the excess
contributions stated in the determination be released. Discounting the
excess in this way reflects the 15 per cent tax that the fund paid on
receiving the original contribution.
1.23 For excess non-concessional contributions determinations,
individuals can request that the total release amount stated in the
determination be released, or that no amount be released. Where an
individual makes a valid request to release an amount, the Commissioner
must issue a release authority to each superannuation provider that holds a
superannuation interest identified in the request.
1.24 Superannuation providers that receive a release authority must
generally comply with the authority. However, a superannuation provider
is not required to comply with an authority that is issued in respect of a
defined benefit interest (although in these cases, compliance by the
provider is voluntary). In addition, providers are only required to comply
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First Home Super Saver Tax Bill 2017
with a release authority to the extent they are able to do so. That is, they
are only required to release the lesser of the amount stated in the release
authority and the ‘maximum available release amount’ (being the total
amount that can be paid out of the superannuation interest identified in the
release authority).
1.25 Superannuation providers must also notify the Commissioner of
a payment made in accordance with the release authority, or that they
have chosen not to comply (where permitted).
1.26 In addition to the amendments that introduced Division 131,
separate amendments to Schedule 1 to the Superannuation Industry
(Supervision) Regulations 1994 (SISR 1994) were made by the Treasury
Laws Amendment (Fair and Sustainable Superannuation) Regulations
2017. These amendments apply from 1 July 2018 and will replace the
existing condition of release at item 111A of Schedule 1 to the SISR 1994
with a more general reference to release authorities issued under
Division 131. These changes authorise a superannuation provider to pay
the amount stated in the release authority out of the superannuation
Tax treatment of amounts released under a release authority
1.27 The general tax treatment of superannuation benefits (which
include lump sums paid out of superannuation) is provided by
Division 301 of the ITAA 1997. Ordinarily, the tax treatment of a
superannuation benefit is determined by the status of the recipient and the
‘components’ of the benefit.
1.28 Despite this general approach, superannuation benefits are
non-assessable non-exempt (NANE) if they are paid in response to a
release authority issued in relation to an excess concessional contribution
determination, excess non-concessional contribution determination, or a
release entitlement in respect of Division 293 tax (see sections 303-15 to
303-20 of the ITAA 1997). From 1 July 2018, the rules that provide this
NANE treatment will simply refer to release authorities issued under
Division 131. The proportioning rule in section 307-125 of the
ITAA 1997 does not apply to a payment that is required or permitted
under Division 131.
1.29 For releases in relation to excess concessional contributions
determinations, the benefit of the deduction that was initially claimed by
the entity that made the contribution is already unwound by including the
amount of the excess in the individual’s assessable income. As this occurs
irrespective of whether the excess contributions are released, no additional
tax applies to release amounts.
First home super saver scheme
1.30 For releases in relation to non-concessional contributions
determinations, an amount equal to the associated earnings identified in a
determination for a financial year is specifically included in an
individual’s assessable income for the corresponding income year (see
section 292-25 of the ITAA 1997). This assessment rule applies
independently of the rules that provide for the taxation of superannuation
benefits. Individuals are also entitled to a 15 per cent tax offset which
reflects the tax that a fund pays on its earnings.
Summary of new law
1.31 The key features of the FHSSS are as follows:
Individuals who have had eligible voluntary contributions
into superannuation under the existing contribution rules and
caps can withdraw certain amounts for the purpose of
purchasing their first home.
To initiate the release process, individuals must request a
first home super saver determination(FHSS determination)
from the Commissioner.
In making a FHSS determination, the Commissioner must
identify a ‘maximum release amount’ based on the
individual’s past contributions and associated earnings.
Individuals who receive a FHSS determination can request
that the Commissioner issue a release authority in respect of
their superannuation interests.
The process for requesting and issuing release authorities
utilises the general release rules in Division 131.
Amounts released under the FHSSS are subject to
concessional tax treatment and are paid by funds to the
Commissioner, who withholds an amount for any tax payable
before paying it to the individual.
Individuals who do not purchase their first home within a
specified period can either recontribute an amount into
superannuation, or pay an amount of tax (the first home super
saver tax) to unwind the concessional tax treatment that
applied on release.
1.32 These features are explained in further detail below.
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Detailed explanation of new law
1.33 The FHSSS applies to voluntary contributions that individuals
make into superannuation. The eligibility criteria for contributions that
can be released under the FHSSS are explained in further detail below as
there are a number of rules that apply in calculating which contributions
for a particular financial year are eligible to be released under the scheme.
1.34 However, in general terms the FHSSS applies to the
concessional and non-concessional contributions that an individual
voluntarily makes through either personal contributions or through salary
sacrificing arrangements entered into with their employer, provided that
those contributions are made within the existing contribution caps.
1.35 Individuals can already make such contributions using existing
methods and no special exemptions from the contribution caps are
proposed as part of the FHSSS. Specific changes are therefore not
required to enable individuals to make the contributions that are eligible to
be released under the FHSSS.
1.36 Individuals who have made voluntary contributions into
superannuation can use the FHSSS to request the release of those
contributions and an amount of associated earnings from superannuation.
Releasing amounts under the FHSSS
1.37 The FHSSS uses the standard release authority rules in
Division 131 to facilitate the release of amounts from superannuation.
1.38 As noted above, Division 131 applies from 1 July 2018 and
relies on determinations being issued in respect of excess concessional
contributions, non-concessional contributions and assessments of
Division 293 tax.
1.39 These amendments introduce a new type of determination (a
first home super saver determination) that an individual can request from
the Commissioner. A first home super saver determination
(FHSS determination) specifies the maximum amount that can be released
from superannuation under the FHSSS in respect of an individual.
1.40 Individuals who receive a determination can use Division 131 to
request that the Commissioner issue a release authority in relation to their
superannuation interests.
[Schedule 1, item 3, paragraph 131-5(1)(d)]
1.41 As per the standard rules in Division 131, the Commissioner
must issue a release authority where a valid request is made by an
First home super saver scheme
individual (the requirements for making a valid request are set out in
section 131-5).
1.42 In making a valid request, individuals can request that any
amount up to the maximum release amount identified in a FHSS
determination be released from one or more of their superannuation
[Schedule 1, items 4 and 5, paragraph 131-10(1)(a) and item 4 in the table in
subsection 131-10(1)]
1.43 Specifying any amount up to the maximum release amount
allows individuals to leave amounts in superannuation if they choose to do
so. This approach is consistent with that taken in respect of excess
concessional contributions determinations and assessments of
Division 293 tax.
1.44 As the release process for the FHSSS utilises the rules in
Division 131, the standard requirements for superannuation providers
about complying with release authorities and notifying the Commissioner
1.45 In accordance with these rules, superannuation providers must
pay released amounts to the Commissioner, who will then pay an amount
to the individual that made the request. Although the Commissioner must
withhold an amount from the payment to an individual, superannuation
providers do not need to withhold an amount in respect of a payment of a
an amount that is released to the Commissioner.
1.46 Once an individual specifies the amount to be released, it is not
possible for them to request the release of any additional amounts.
However, if a superannuation provider does not release the requested
amount, a further request can be made to a different superannuation fund
for an unreleased amount. This could occur where a release authority was
issued in respect of a defined benefit interest, or the amount specified in
the release authority was more than the individual has in the fund.
First home super saver determinations
1.47 These amendments insert the rules about FHSS determinations
into a new Division 138-A of Schedule 1 to the TAA 1953.
1.48 A FHSS determination is a written determination that states the
maximum amount that an individual can request to have released under
the FHSSS (the ‘FHSS maximum release amount’), as well as the various
components that are calculated in working out that amount.
[Schedule 1,
item 1, subsection 138-5(1)]
1.49 These components of a FHSS determination are concessional
contributions, non-concessional contributions and notional earnings that
are associated with each contribution.
[Schedule 1, item 1,
paragraph 138-5(1)(b)]
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First Home Super Saver Tax Bill 2017
1.50 In particular, the amount of the concessional contributions and
associated earnings that are covered by a FHSS determination are relevant
in determining the tax treatment that applies to the individual after
amounts are released (this is treatment explained in further detail below).
Because the character of particular contributions are relevant to a FHSS,
an individual should have completed any notice of intent to deduct
processes in respect of contributions that they intend to claim a deduction
for prior to seeking a FHSS determination.
1.51 If an individual is dissatisfied with a FHSS determination made
in relation to them, they can object against the determination in the
manner set out in Part IVC.
[Schedule 1, item 1, section 138-10]
1.52 These review rights are consistent with the rights that are
available for excess concessional contributions determinations, excess
non-concessional contributions determinations, and excess transfer
balance determinations (see for example, section 97-10, section 97-35 and
section 136-15).
1.53 An example of where an individual is dissatisfied with a FHSS
determination is where they disagree with the FHSS maximum release
amount identified by the Commissioner. In such cases, the individual
would have the opportunity to object to the determination, and provide the
Commissioner with any additional information evidencing why the
determined amount was incorrect.
Requesting a FHSS determination
1.54 The FHSSS is designed to provide financial assistance to
individuals who are genuinely saving for their first home.
1.55 To achieve this outcome, the only individuals who can request a
FHSS determination are those who:
have never held an interest in a CGT asset that is taxable
Australian real property;
are aged 18 years or older; and
have not previously requested that a release authority be
issued under Division 131 in relation to a
FHSS determination.
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsection 138-5(2)]
1.56 To be a valid request, the request for the determination must be
made in the approved form.
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsection 138-5(2)]
First home super saver scheme
1.57 Using the approved form process enables the Commissioner to
require that the individual provide information that is relevant to
determining whether they are eligible to request a determination, as well
as any information that is relevant to the determination. As with any
information that is required to be provided in the approved form, standard
administrative penalties (and possibly criminal charges) can apply to an
individual who makes false and misleading statements (for false and
misleading statements, see Division 284).
1.58 Provided that the above conditions are satisfied, the
Commissioner must make a FHSS determination in relation to the
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsection 138-5(3)]
Taxable Australian real property
1.59 The requirement about never having owned a CGT asset that is
taxable Australian real property primarily ensures that individuals who
have previously owned a home are unable to use the FHSSS.
1.60 The term ‘taxable Australian real property’ is defined in
section 855-20 of the ITAA 1997. The definition covers any real property
situated in Australia and includes a lease of land in Australia and certain
mining rights.
1.61 Because of this scope, the restriction on owning taxable
Australian real property is broader than simply having owned a home as it
also covers an investment property or commercial property. However, the
term is appropriate for determining eligibility to access the FHSSS
because another interest in taxable Australian real property (or proceeds
from an earlier sale of such property) can be used as security for a home
deposit, and is an indicator that the individual does not require additional
assistance for entry into the residential housing market.
18 years or older
1.62 The requirement that the individual be 18 years of age or older
ensures that the parents of children do not use the FHSSS for themselves
through their children.
1.63 Although children are permitted to open superannuation
accounts and to own property, they are unlikely to be saving for a deposit
or purchasing a home in their own right before they turn 18. The
restriction on accessing the FHSSS only applies in respect of people who
can request a determination – it does not prevent voluntarily contributions
that an individual makes before they turn 18 from being eligible to be
released after they turn 18.
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First Home Super Saver Tax Bill 2017
Previous requests for release authorities
1.64 The requirement that the individual had not previously
requested a release authority in respect of a FHSS determination ensures
that individuals can only access the scheme once.
1.65 While the requirement that the individual had never owned
taxable Australian real property prevents some individuals who have
accessed the scheme from using it again, it would not prevent an
individual seeking multiple determinations prior to purchasing their first
1.66 Basing the requirement on the fact of a previous request for
release means that an individual can have had earlier FHSS
determinations made in respect of them. This may occur over a period of
time because an individual wishes to make further contributions after the
Commissioner advises them of their FHSS maximum release amount.
1.67 However, after a request for a release authority has been made in
relation to a determination, the individual will not be able to seek any
further FHSS determinations. It is expected that once an individual
requests a release authority (which is an irrevocable request), that they
will have made all of the voluntary contributions they wish to have under
the FHSSS and resolved any issues about their determined release amount
through the standard review processes available for determinations.
Determining the FHSS maximum release amount
1.68 As noted above, the maximum amount that an individual can
request to be released under the FHSSS must be identified by the
Commissioner in making a FHSS determination.
1.69 This release amount is referred to as the ‘FHSS maximum
release amount’ and comprises the amount representing the voluntary
contributions that are eligible to be released (the ‘FHSS releasable
contributions amount’) and the associated earnings related to those
[Schedule 1, item 1, section 138-20]
1.70 The rules for identifying FHSS releasable contributions amounts
and associated earnings are explained below.
1.71 Because the FHSS maximum release amount is identified in the
determination that is made by the Commissioner, the Commissioner has a
central role in identifying and calculating the relevant amounts.
1.72 It is envisaged that in the first instance, contribution data that is
reported to the Commissioner by superannuation providers and through
employer payment summaries will form the basis for identifying the
First home super saver scheme
voluntary contributions that are eligible to be released under the FHSSS.
Although any such information will provide evidence of voluntary
contributions made in respect of the individual, the information that the
Commissioner holds at a particular time can always be supplemented by
any other information that the individual provides in respect of their
contributions. The Commissioner may also request additional information
when contribution data has not yet been received.
1.73 It is important to distinguish between the contributions and
earnings that are relevant in determining the FHSS maximum release
amount, and the superannuation interests from which amounts are actually
released under the FHSSS.
1.74 In this respect, the contributions and earnings are only relevant
insofar as they determine the amount that can be released from an
individual’s superannuation interests. There is no requirement that the
contributions and earnings that are identified in a FHSS determination be
traced and released from the same superannuation interests that the
contributions were made to. This approach also reflects the fact that
released amounts are initially treated as NANE income, with the relevant
tax consequences dealt with through separate provisions (this process is
explained in further detail below). This approach is consistent with that
taken in releases for excess concessional contributions and excess non-
concessional contributions determinations.
FHSS releasable contributions amount
1.75 An individual’s FHSS releasable contributions amount
comprises their FHSS eligible non-concessional contributions and
85 per cent of their FHSS eligible concessional contributions for
2017-2018 financial year, and any later financial years.
[Schedule 1, item 1,
subsection 138-25(1)]
1.76 The 2017-2018 financial year is the first financial year that
commenced after the Government announcement of the FHSSS in the
2017-18 Budget. Although amounts can only be released from
superannuation from 1 July 2018, permitting contributions to be eligible
under the FHSSS from the previous financial year allows individuals to
make voluntary contributions for the purposes of the scheme from an
earlier time.
1.77 FHSS eligible concessional contributions are discounted by
15 per cent to account for the tax that is paid by a superannuation provider
as a result of receiving the contribution. The discounting applies to the
amount of eligible contributions that are identified – for example, if an
individual had a concessional contribution of $5,000, the amount of that
contribution that would be included in their FHSS releasable contributions
amount would be $4,250.
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First Home Super Saver Tax Bill 2017
1.78 There is no need to discount FHSS eligible non-concessional
contributions in this way as they are not included in the assessable income
of the superannuation provider that receives them.
1.79 To be an ‘eligible’ contribution for an individual, the
contribution must have been made:
as ‘voluntary’ employer contributions (such as a salary
sacrificed contribution) in respect of the individual or
member contributions made by the individual;
as a concessional or non-concessional contribution; and
within the concessional contributions and non-concessional
contributions caps.
[Schedule 1, item 1, paragraphs 138-30(2)(a) and (b) and subsections 138-30(3) and (4)]
1.80 In addition to these requirements:
a $15,000 limit applies to the contributions that can be
eligible from any one financial year and a $30,000 limit
applies to the total contributions that can be eligible across all
additional rules are included to specify when certain
contributions are eligible to be released where these limits
are exceeded and to determine when certain contributions
are made;
excess concessional contributions are disregarded in working
out an individual’s non-concessional contributions to avoid
double-counting; and
contributions in respect of defined benefit interests or to
constitutionally protected funds cannot be eligible for release.
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsection 138-30(1) and paragraphs 138-30(2)(c) and (d)]
1.81 These conditions are explained below.
Limit on the maximum amount of eligible contributions
1.82 The maximum amount of contributions that can be counted
towards release under the FHSSS are $15,000 per financial year and
$30,000 in total. Contributions that exceed those limits are not eligible to
be released.
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsection 138-30(1)]
Contributions must be voluntary
1.83 The requirement that a contribution be made as ‘voluntary’
employer contributions or personal contributions ensures that any
First home super saver scheme
mandatory employer contributions (such as superannuation guarantee
amounts) and Government contributed amounts are not eligible to count
towards an individual’s FHSSS releasable contributions amount.
1.84 In this respect, any contributions that an individual’s employer
makes in relation to them that are not mandated employer contributions
can be eligible to be released.
[Schedule 1, item 1, subparagraphs 138-30(2)(b)(i)]
1.85 The definition of ‘mandated employer contributions’ is
contained in regulation 5.01 of SISR 1994 and relates to contributions in
respect of an employee that reduce an employer’s potential liability for
superannuation guarantee shortfall charge or that are required under an
industrial agreement (such as an Enterprise Agreement) or award. Where
an individual enters into a salary sacrifice arrangement with their
employer, the contributions that the employer makes from the salary or
wages that the individual has foregone are not mandated employer
1.86 In addition to employer contributions that are not mandated
employer contributions, any member contributions that an individual
makes for themselves can be eligible contributions for the purposes of the
[Schedule 1, item 1, subparagraphs 138-30(2)(b)(ii)]
1.87 A member contribution is defined in regulation 5.01 of the
SISR 1994 as a contribution made in respect of a member by that member.
As individuals are never compelled to make contributions in respect of
themselves, any such contributions can be treated as having been
voluntarily made for the purposes of the FHSSS.
1.88 Focussing on member contributions made by a member means
that contributions made by other entities in respect of a member will not
be eligible to count towards release amounts. This scope is specifically
intended to prevent Government contributed amounts from being eligible
to be released under the FHSSS. While it also means that contributions
made by an individual’s spouse or parents on their behalf will not be
eligible, any such amounts can be provided to the individual and
contributed as a member contribution.
Identifying concessional and non-concessional contributions
1.89 The requirement that the contribution be a concessional or
non-concessional contribution prevents any contributions that were not
counted towards an individual’s contribution caps from being eligible for
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsection 138-30(2)]
1.90 Contributions that do not count towards an individual’s cap
include structured settlement contributions and small business CGT
contributions (although individuals who contributed using the small
business CGT exemption may be already precluded from using the
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FHSSS if they personally owned the asset that was sold and that asset was
real property).
1.91 The distinction also assists in identifying the correct amount of a
contribution that is able to count towards an individual’s FHSS releasable
contributions amount, given the requirement to discount eligible
concessional contributions. The process of discounting contributions will
be undertaken by the Commissioner in making a determination. In
practice, it is expected that the majority of voluntary contributions that are
made by individuals under the FHSSS will be concessional contributions.
1.92 In identifying whether a particular contribution is a concessional
contribution or a non-concessional contribution, whether or not the
contribution was an employer contribution or a member contribution is
1.93 Employer contributions are generally concessional contributions
as they are included in the assessable income of a superannuation fund.
For member contributions, whether or not an individual lodges a valid
notice of intent to claim a deduction for a contribution determines whether
it is a concessional contribution or a non-concessional contribution.
1.94 For any contributions that have recently been made (for
example, within the financial year in which the request for release occurs),
it is expected that individuals will need to advise the Commissioner of any
notices they have lodged and any acknowledgements of such notices they
have received. Individuals will also be required to confirm that they will
not claim further deductions in respect of their contributions, including
any contributions that were assessed as being a non-concessional
contribution in a determination. Information of this kind can be provided
through the approved form processes that apply in requesting
determinations and release authorities.
1.95 Requiring a statement of this kind reflects that individuals can
make after-tax contributions at one time, but lodge a notice of intention to
deduct for the contribution at a later time. Because the notice requirement
is not applied strictly at the time the contribution is made, it would be
possible for the contribution to be treated as a non-concessional
contribution for the purposes of calculating an individual’s FHSS
maximum release amount, but then for the individual to later claim a
deduction for it. This outcome is inappropriate because the contribution
should be taxed on acceptance at 15 per cent and discounted for release
under the FHSSS. If an individual were to claim a deduction in these
circumstances, they may be subject to penalties for making false and
misleading statement under Division 284.
First home super saver scheme
Contribution must be made under the contribution caps
1.96 Requiring the contributions to have been made within the
relevant contribution caps reflects that the FHSSS does not allow
individuals to contribute more into superannuation than they would
otherwise be able to. That is, there is not a special, additional cap for
contributions that are made in respect of the FHSSS.
1.97 Where an individual has exceeded one of the contribution caps
in a financial year, the amount of the excess is not eligible to count
towards their FHSS releasable contributions amount.
1.98 However, as individuals may have a combination of
contributions that are eligible to be released and that are not eligible to be
released, any excess amounts are first treated as coming first from
contributions that would not be eligible for release (for example,
mandatory employer contributions).
1.99 This is achieved by first identifying the relevant amount of the
excess (that is, either the individual’s excess concessional contributions or
the amount by which their non-concessional contributions exceeded their
non-concessional contributions cap). The excess is then compared to the
related contributions that are not eligible to be released (such as
concessional contributions that are mandated employer contributions). If
the ineligible contributions are less than the excess, the individual’s other
contributions are not eligible to be released to the extent of the
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsections 138-30(3) and (4)]
1.100 This approach avoids applying the tax consequences of having
amounts released under the FHSSS in respect of contributions that were
already subject to tax consequences for having exceeded one of the
contribution caps. The issue arises as contribution caps are applied in an
aggregate manner for a financial year, specific contributions are not
identified as having exceeded the cap. This is because contributions for a
year are simply compared against the relevant cap, rather than the ‘last’
contributions being treated specifically as excess.
1.101 The approach also lets individuals contribute within the FHSSS
limits during the year when their total concessional contributions for the
year are not known.
Example 1.1 - excess concessional contributions
Alex has a concessional contributions cap of $25,000 for a financial
year, mandated employer contributions of $15,000 (ineligible
contributions), and member contributions of $15,000 for which a
deduction was claimed (eligible FHSS concessional contributions).
Although Alex has excess concessional contributions of $5,000, her
eligible FHSS concessional contribution are not reduced because the
amount of her excess is less than her ineligible contributions.
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However, if Alex’s mandated employer contributions were instead
$3,000 and her member contributions were $27,000, then $2,000 of her
member contributions would not be eligible to be released.
The $2,000 represents the amount by which Alex’s excess
concessional contributions were greater than her ineligible
Note - of the remaining $25,000, only $15,000 are eligible to be
released because of the annual $15,000 limit.
Non-concessional contributions do not include excess concessional
1.102 The above example also highlights that in some cases there will
be an overlap between concessional contributions and non-concessional
1.103 Generally, if an individual had excess concessional contributions
and did not elect to release the amount of the excess, the contribution is
also treated as a non-concessional contribution because of paragraph
292-90(1)(b) of the ITAA 1997.
1.104 To avoid double counting such contributions for the purposes of
identifying eligible contributions to be released under the FHSSS, excess
concessional contributions are disregarded in working out an individual’s
FHSS eligible non-concessional contributions.
[Schedule 1, item 1,
subsection 138-30(5)]
1.105 This approach enables the contribution to continue to be treated
as a concessional contribution for the purposes of identifying release
Order in which contributions are counted
1.106 As the above limits will cause some contributions to be
ineligible, the FHSSS includes ordering rules to determine which
contributions remain eligible. As associated earnings are also applied to
eligible contributions, these ordering rules have implications for the way
in which earnings are calculated.
1.107 These ordering rules are designed to broadly maximise the
amount available to an individual to be released, without requiring them to
make specific elections about which contributions should be eligible, or
about how particular contributions must be characterised.
1.108 In working out which contributions are to be counted towards an
individual’s FHSS releasable contributions amount, contributions are
counted in the order in which they were made (that is, from earliest to
[Schedule 1, item 1, paragraph 138-25(2)(a)]
First home super saver scheme
1.109 This ordering rule means that contributions in an earlier
financial year are counted before contributions in a later financial year,
and that contributions that are made within a financial year are counted in
the order that they are made.
1.110 For example, if an individual makes $10,000 of member
contributions a year over five years, the combination of the $30,000 total
cap and the ordering rule will mean that the contributions from the first
three years will count towards their FHSS releasable contributions and the
contributions from the last two years will not.
1.111 Prioritising earlier contributions will generally maximise the
amount of associated earnings that are calculated in respect of an
individual’s contributions.
1.112 However, in the case of member contributions made by an
individual within a financial year, FHSS eligible non-concessional
contributions are treated as having been made before any FHSS eligible
concessional contributions.
[Schedule 1, item 1, paragraph 138-25(2)(b)]
1.113 This additional ordering means that if an individual has a
combination of concessional contributions and non-concessional
contributions within a financial year, the non-concessional contributions
are always counted first (as they are treated as having been made first).
Example 1.2 – non-concessional contributions are counted first
Megan makes monthly member contributions of $3,000 within a
financial year (a total of $36,000 of contributions for the year). These
are the only contributions that are made in respect of Megan for the
At the end of the financial year, Megan claims a $25,000 deduction for
some of the contributions that she made during the financial year. As a
result, her concessional contributions for the financial year are $25,000
and her non-concessional contributions are $11,000. All of these
contributions are within her contributions caps.
In addition, the ordering rule for non-concessional contributions means
that for the purposes of determining Megan’s FHSS releasable
contributions amount, the first three contributions that Megan made are
non-concessional contributions, and $2,000 of the fourth contribution
is a non-concessional contribution. These contributions are all eligible
to be counted towards Megan’s FHSS releasable contributions amount
for the year as FHSS eligible non-concessional contributions because
they are less than $15,000 in total.
Under the $15,000 annual cap, $4,000 of Megan’s concessional
contributions can still be counted.
Of Megan’s $25,000 of concessional contributions, the remaining
$1,000 from her fourth contribution and the entire amount of her fifth
contribution are therefore FHSS eligible concessional contributions. In
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adding these contributions to Megan’s FHSS releasable contributions
amount, the concessional contributions are both reduced by
15 per cent.
Megan is entitled to release $14,400 (plus associated earnings), which
is comprised of $11,000 of non-concessional contributions and $3,400
of concessional contributions (being 85 per cent of $4,000)
1.114 This approach maximises an individual’s FHSS maximum
release amount because their non-concessional contributions are not
discounted. It also addresses the fact there can be issues with identifying
whether a particular contribution made by an individual in a financial year
is a concessional contribution or a non-concessional contribution.
1.115 This issue arises because concessional contributions and
non-concessional contributions are generally determined in aggregate
terms for a financial year, and the fact that deductions for contributions
(which determine concessional contributions for the year) are claimed for
the year.
1.116 For example, if an individual makes monthly member
contributions throughout a financial year, but claims deductions for only
part of those contributions, it is not clear which of the contributions are
concessional contributions and which are non-concessional.
Defined benefit interests and constitutionally protected funds
1.117 Contributions that are made in respect of defined benefit interest
are not eligible to be released.
[Schedule 1, item 1, paragraph 138-30(2)(c)]
1.118 Releases from defined benefit interests are voluntary at the
discretion of the provider in order to protect the way those interests are
funded. Excluding voluntary contributions in respect of defined benefit
interests is intended to ensure that individuals do not inadvertently make
contributions under the FHSSS that are unlikely to be released.
1.119 The term ‘defined benefit interest’ is defined by section
291-175 of the ITAA 1997, and relates to an interest in respect of which
an individual’s entitlement to superannuation benefits is determined by
reference to their salary over a period of time or some specified amount.
The definition is interest specific, meaning that an individual could have a
superannuation interest with a provider that is a defined benefit interest,
and a separate interest that is not. In such cases, the limitation for eligible
contributions only applies to those contributions that are made in respect
of the defined benefit interest.
1.120 Any contributions that are made in respect of a constitutionally
protected fund are excluded from being eligible.
[Schedule 1, item 1,
paragraph 138-30(2)(d)]
First home super saver scheme
1.121 This exclusion is appropriate because of the general differences
between the treatment of constitutionally protected funds and other
superannuation providers. Contributions to a constitutionally protected
fund and the associated earnings are not taxed, meaning that the general
parameters about discounting concessional contributions and including
certain released amounts in assessable income are not appropriate for
releases from constitutionally protected funds.
1.122 Constitutionally protected funds are funds that are listed by
regulations (see subsection 995-1(1)).
Calculating associated earnings
1.123 Once the contributions that are counted towards an individual’s
FHSS releasable contributions amount have been identified, earnings
associated with those contributions are calculated for each of the
contributions on a daily basis. The calculation of earnings will be done by
the Commissioner as part of the determination process.
[Schedule 1, item 1,
subsection 138-35)]
1.124 The earnings are calculated using a notional earnings rate. This
approach is specifically designed to avoid identifying actual earnings in
respect of particular contributions, and reflects that there are practical
difficulties with tracking and reporting actual contributions that are
eligible for release after they have been contributed into superannuation.
1.125 If separate contributions are made over a period of time, separate
earnings calculations will be required for each contribution to reflect the
different earnings periods. Furthermore, because earnings are calculated in
respect of the contributions counted towards an individual’s FHSS
releasable contributions amount, any concessional contributions have
already been discounted to account for the tax paid by the superannuation
provider that received the contribution before earnings are applied. The
time at which a contribution is made and the character of the contribution
are therefore both relevant to the earnings calculation.
1.126 Because the ordering rules described above apply in determining
the contributions that are counted towards an individual’s FHSS
releasable contributions amount, they are also relevant in working out
when a contribution is made and the character of that contribution in
calculating earnings.
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsection 138-25(2)]
1.127 Associated earnings are calculated for every day in the period
leading up to the time that the Commissioner makes a FHSS
determination. Ending the period on the day that the Commissioner makes
the determination is necessary to crystallise the FHSS maximum release
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsections 138-25(2) and (3)]
1.128 For contributions made in the 2017-2018 financial year, earnings
are calculated form the first day of the year. However, for contributions
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made in later financial years, contributions are calculated from the first
day of the month in which the contribution is made (or is taken to be made
because of the ordering rule).
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsection 138-35(3)]
1.129 These different earnings periods reflect a change to the
frequency of reporting that the Commissioner is expected to make from
the 2018-2019 financial year. This change will make it possible to identify
the month in which particular contributions are made. However, for the
2017-2018 financial year, earnings are calculated on an annual basis,
reflecting the annual reporting of contributions for that year.
1.130 To calculate notional earnings for a contribution on a particular
day, the shortfall interest charge rate is applied to the sum of the amount
of the contribution and any earnings amounts calculated for earlier
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsection 138-35(2)]
1.131 This approach ensures that earnings are calculated on a
compounding basis. The shortfall interest rate is identified in
subsection 280-105(2) and is essentially the 90 day Bank Accepted Bill
rate with an uplift factor of 3 per cent. For the final quarter of the
2016-2017 financial year, the annual rate was 4.78 per cent, and the daily
rate was 0.01309589 per cent.
Other matters
1.132 The Commissioner is permitted to amend or revoke a
FHSS determination at any time before a release authority is issued in
relation to it.
[Schedule 1, item 1, subsection 138-5(4)]
1.133 These administrative rules are consistent with those in the
provisions for other determinations and enable the Commissioner to take
the administrative actions necessary where a determination that was
issued needs to be modified or withdrawn. An example of where this
might occur is where the Commissioner becomes aware of information
that an individual has had more eligible voluntary contributions than were
specified in the original determination. In such cases it would be open to
the Commissioner to amend the determination without the individual
seeking a review.
1.134 Notice of a FHSS determination given by the Commissioner is
also prima facie evidence of the matters stated in the notice.
[Schedule 1,
item 1, subsection 138-5(5)]
1.135 This ensures that the Commissioner does not need to provide a
full copy of the determination whenever it is necessary for an entity to be
aware that the determination was made.
First home super saver scheme
Treatment of amounts released under the FHSSS
1.136 Schedule 1 to the Bill also provides for the specific tax treatment
that applies to an individual when amounts are released from their
superannuation interests in respect to a release authority issued in relation
to a FHSS determination.
[Schedule 1, item 12, section 313-10 of the ITAA 1997]
1.137 In general terms, any release amounts that were calculated by
reference to an individual’s FHSS eligible non-concessional contributions
are treated as NANE. Any amounts related to the individual’s
FHSS eligible concessional contributions and the total associated earnings
calculated in respect of any contributions are taxed at the individual’s
marginal rates, but with a tax offset of 30 per cent.
1.138 Because amounts can only be released under the FHSSS in
response to a release authority issued by the Commissioner under
Division 131, the amount of any superannuation lump sum paid by a
superannuation provider to the Commissioner in complying with the
release authority is already NANE because of section 303-15 of the
ITAA 1997 (which applies to Division 131 from 1 July 2018). Because of
this, additional rules to ensure that release amounts based on FHSS
eligible non-concessional contributions are NANE are not required.
1.139 However, as section 303-15 of the ITAA 1997 applies to the
entire amount of the lump sum paid in response to a release authority
issued under Division 131, a specific rule is required to tax the amount
that an individual receives based on their concessional contributions and
their total associated earnings.
1.140 To achieve this, an amount equal to the concessional
contributions and associated earnings that are identified in the
FHSS determination is included in an individual’s assessable income in
the income year that corresponds with the financial year in which the
request to release was made.
[Schedule 1, item 12, subsection 313-15(1) of the
ITAA 1997]
1.141 This amount is included in assessable income is referred to as an
individual’s ‘assessable FHSS released amount’.
[Schedule 1, item 21,
subsection 995-1(1) of the ITAA 1997]
1.142 Assessable FHSS released amounts are calculated independent
of the general tax treatment that applies to superannuation benefit. As
noted above, section 131-75 means that the proportioning rule does not
apply to amounts paid in response to release authorities issued under
Division 131.
1.143 Including the amount in an individual’s assessable income for
the income year in which the request for the release occurred ensures that
the inclusion of an amount in assessable income is based on a single and
clear event that is initiated by the individual.
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1.144 Using the amount specified in a FHSS determination works
appropriately where the total amounts that are released from
superannuation are equal to the FHSS maximum release amount specified
in the determination. However, it is also possible for an individual to elect
to have a lesser amount released or for the total amounts that are
ultimately available to be released to be less than the amount they request.
1.145 To address this issue, the amount that is included in an
individual’s assessable income is reduced by any difference between the
total amount that was actually released, and the FHSS maximum release
amount specified in the relevant determination.
[Schedule 1, item 12,
subsection 313-15(2)]
1.146 This approach means that where an individual’s FHSS
maximum release amount included amounts related to non-concessional
contributions, the difference between the FHSS maximum release amount
and the actual release amount is first taken from the amounts that are
included in assessable income.
Example 1.3 - actual release less than FHSS maximum release
Eric receives an FHSS determination from the Commissioner during
the 2020-2021 financial year.
The FHSS maximum release amount identified in the determination is
$35,000 comprised of $20,000 of non-concessional contributions,
$8,500 of concessional contributions, and $6,500 of associated
Assuming Eric requested that the entire $35,000 be released and the
request occurred in the 2020-2021 financial year, Eric’s assessable
FHSS released amount would be $15,000 for the 2020-2021 financial
However, if only $30,000 was released, then Eric’s assessable
FHSS released amount would be reduced to $10,000 - being the
$15,000 less the $5,000 difference between Eric’s FHSS maximum
release amount and the total amount that was actually released.
Tax offset for amounts included in assessable income
1.147 The tax offset that an individual receives is equal to 30 per cent
of an individual’s assessable FHSS released amount.
[Schedule 1, item 12,
section 313-20 of the ITAA 1997]
1.148 In conjunction with including the amounts in an individual’s
assessable income, the 30 per cent tax offset ensures that an individual is
taxed on assessable amounts released under the FHSSS at their marginal
tax rate less 30 per cent.
First home super saver scheme
1.149 This treatment means that most individuals will receive an
advantage from having utilised the FHSSS relative to the position they
would have been in had they not contributed the amounts into
1.150 The tax offset is neither refundable nor able to be carried
Withholding on FHSSS amounts
1.151 The Commissioner of taxation is required to withhold an amount
from FHSS released amounts that are paid in respect of an
[Schedule 1, item 15, section 12-460]
1.152 Withholding amounts from payments to an individual is
designed to assist them in meeting any increased tax burden that they face
as a result of having a potentially larger amount included in their
assessable income for an income year as the result of the amount being
released under the FHSSS.
1.153 Because the tax treatment of assessable FHSS release amounts is
ultimately determined by an individual’s marginal tax rates, the amount
that is to be withheld is based on an estimate of the amount of tax that will
be payable in relation to an individual’s assessable FHSS released
amount. This amount is provided for by regulations made in respect of
FHSS released amounts.
[Schedule 1, item 15, subsection 15-10(2)]
1.154 The obligation to withhold is restricted to the Commissioner
because it is the Commissioner that pays released amounts to individuals
after they have been released by superannuation providers. As the
estimate of tax is based on information about the individual’s expected
marginal tax rate that is more readily available to the Commissioner, it is
appropriate that the Commissioner be the one to make the estimate of the
amount that should be withheld. In making such estimates, it is expected
that the Commissioner would have regard to any recent notices of
assessment that had given to the individual, pay-as-you-go withholding
amounts that the Commissioner had received from the individual’s
employer, and any additional information provided by the individual
about their expected income for the year (for example, which shows that
they will have a higher than average income for the year).
1.155 Having the Commissioner make this estimate facilitates accurate
withholding estimates to maximise the amounts available for a first home
deposit while minimising of tax liabilities that exceed the withheld
amount. It also resolves issues with individual funds being required to
The draft regulation is included in the exposure draft regulation and released in conjunction
with the exposure draft for the principle legislation for the FHSSS.
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estimate the amount to be withheld where they have only received a
request to release a part of the total amount that is requested.
Obligations on individuals after amounts are released
1.156 The FHSSS is designed to assist individuals in saving for a
deposit for their first home.
1.157 The FHSSS applies a post-release compliance approach to
ensure that individuals have access to the amounts that they have saved
under the FHSSS before they are required to pay their deposit. This means
that instead of requiring individuals to provide evidence that they have
entered into a contract prior to amounts being released (which would
likely to give rise to substantial timing and liquidity issues), individuals
are simply required to purchase their first home within a specified period
after amounts are released.
1.158 If an individual fails to purchase their home within this period of
time, they have the option of recontributing an amount back into their
superannuation or paying an amount of tax that will broadly neutralise the
tax concessions they received from accessing the FHSSS.
1.159 To facilitate this post-compliance model, individuals are
required to notify the Commissioner that they have purchased their home.
Individuals may also notify the Commissioner that they have
recontributed the required amount into superannuation.
Purchase or construction of a home
1.160 Individuals can notify the Commissioner that they have satisfied
the requirements of the scheme if the following conditions are met:
The individual enters into a contract to purchase or construct
a CGT asset that is a residential premises within 12 months
of the time that their first amount is released under the
The price for the purchase or construction of the premises is
at least equal to the sum of the amounts that were released;
The individual has occupied the premises, or intends to
occupy it as soon as practicable; and
The individual intends to occupy the premises for at least 6
of the first 12 months that it is practicable to occupy the
[Schedule 1, item 12, subsection 313-25(1) of the ITAA 1997]
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1.161 These requirements ensure that the property that the individual
has entered into a contract to purchase or construct will genuinely be the
individual’s home.
1.162 The requirement that the price for the purchase or construction
must be at least equal to the amount released ensures that the amounts
released under the FHSSS are fully used to acquire the home. Given the
caps that apply on contributions counting towards eligible release
amounts, it is extremely unlikely that any arms-length transactions will be
less than the amounts that an individual requests to have released under
the FHSSS.
1.163 Starting the 12 month period from the time that the first amount
is released recognises that there may be some delays between the time that
an individual requests a release authority and the time at which the funds
are actually available to the individual.
1.164 The time at which the relevant type of contract is entered into is
an appropriate event for satisfying the requirement, as it is from this time
that legally binding obligations about the purchase or construction are
created. It also resolves the timing issues that would be associated with
‘off the plan’ property purchases which may take years to complete.
1.165 Extending the types of contracts that can be entered into so that
they include contracts to construct a residential premises ensures that the
FHSSS can apply to a variety of arrangements that an individual can enter
into to acquire their first home. In some cases, individuals may purchase a
vacant block of land and separately enter into a contract to construct their
home on that land. In such cases, it is the contract to construct their home
that must be entered into within the specified period.
1.166 The definition of ‘residential premises’ is provided by
section 195-1 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax)
Act 1999 and relates to land or a building that is occupied as a residence,
or that is intended to be occupied. It does not include motorhomes or
houseboats. As this definition also applies to properties that an individual
rents out to others, the additional requirements about the individual
occupying the premises ensure that the individual has acquired the
property for the purposes of using it as their own home, rather than as an
investment property.
1.167 Because some properties will not have been constructed or not
be otherwise available for the individual to move into immediately
following settlement, the rules enable an individual to notify the
Commissioner that they intend to occupy the premises as soon as it is
practicable to do so. What is ‘practicable’ will depend on the facts and
circumstances of a particular case, but in all cases the individual’s
intention to occupy the premises for the requisite period of time must be
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Extension of the period to enter into contracts
1.168 The Commissioner may extend the period for entering into a
contract by up to 12 months.
[Schedule 1, item 12, subsection 313-25(2) of the
ITAA 1997]
1.169 Providing the Commissioner with the ability to extend the period
in which an individual must enter into a contract ensures that the FHSSS
has the flexibility to accommodate individuals who are genuinely trying to
purchase their first home, but are unable to do so for one reason or
1.170 However, to ensure that the obligations under the FHSSS are
clear, the period for entering into a contract cannot be longer than 24
months in total.
1.171 While individuals are free to proactively seek an extension from
the Commissioner, extensions can also be granted by the Commissioner
without any request. This approach provides the Commissioner with
administrative flexibility in ensuring compliance with the period to enter
into a contract.
1.172 Review rights in respect of decisions about extensions to the
period are also available to individuals. These review rights explained
separately below as they also apply in respect of extensions of the period
to notify the Commissioner.
Notifying the Commissioner
1.173 Individuals who have satisfied the conditions about purchasing
or constructing their first home must notify the Commissioner in the
approved form that they have satisfied those conditions within 28 days
after they enter into the contract.
[Schedule 1, item 12, subsection 313-30(2) of the
ITAA 1997]
1.174 As with the other notification requirements, the approved form
process allows the Commissioner to specify the information that must be
provided in the notice. Although the notification requirement requires the
individual to notify the Commissioner of particular matters, these
requirements do not limit the information that the Commissioner may
[Schedule 1, item 12, section 313-30 of the ITAA 1997]
1.175 The period for making the notification can also be extended at
the request of the individual, or where the Commissioner considers that it
is appropriate to do so.
[Schedule 1, item 12, subsection 313-30(3) of the
ITAA 1997]
First home super saver scheme
Recontributing amounts if no purchase
1.176 If an individual does not satisfy the above requirements about
entering into a contract to purchase or construct their residential premises,
they may instead notify the Commissioner that they have recontributed an
amount into superannuation.
[Schedule 1, item 12, subsections 313-35(1) and (2) of
the ITAA 1997]
1.177 This notification can only be made if the individual makes one
or more non-concessional contributions during the period that they had to
enter into a contract. In addition, the total amount of their
non-concessional contributions must be at least equal to their assessable
FHSS released amount less any amounts that were withheld by the
[Schedule 1, item 12, paragraph 313-35(1)(b) of the ITAA 1997]
1.178 Requiring that amounts be recontributed into superannuation
ensures that an individual did not receive a benefit from the concessions
provided by the FHSSS where they did not ultimately acquire their first
home. Basing the amount that needs to be recontributed on the
individual’s assessable FHSS released amount is appropriate because it is
this amount that the determined the original tax offset.
1.179 In contrast, amounts related to non-concessional contributions
did not provide the individual with a deduction when they were
contributed, and did not increase any tax offset that the individual
received on amounts being released.
1.180 Reducing the amount that needs to be recontributed by any
amounts that were withheld by the Commissioner recognises that for
individuals who were required to pay tax on their assessable FHSS
released amount, a recontribution of the full assessable FHSS released
amount would have to be partially funded from other sources. The
individuals who will be affected in this way are those whose marginal tax
rate was more than 30 per cent (being the amount of the tax offset).
1.181 Although the withholding amount will not always match the
exact amount of tax that is payable in respect of an individual’s assessable
FHSS released amount, it will generally be closely aligned to the actual
amount of tax. Furthermore, the amount that is withheld can be readily
identified by individuals without having to perform a more complicated
calculation about what their actual tax would have been had the relevant
release amounts not been included in their assessable income.
1.182 Requiring that the recontribution be done as a non-concessional
contribution also ensures that individuals do not receive a further benefit
from claiming another deduction in contributing the necessary amount
back into superannuation. In addition, any such recontribution as a
non-concessional contribution must be done within an individual’s
non-concessional contribution cap.
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Notifying the Commissioner
1.183 Any notification to the Commissioner about a recontribution
must be made in the approved form, and done within the period that the
individual had to enter into a contract to purchase or construct their
residential premises, including any extension to the period allowed by the
[Schedule 1, item 12, subsections 313-35(2) and (3) of the
ITAA 1997]
1.184 As with the other notification requirements, the approved form
process allows the Commissioner to specify the information that must be
provided in the notice. Although the notification requirement requires the
individual to notify the Commissioner of particular matters, these
requirements do not limit the information that the Commissioner may
[Schedule 1, item 12, subsection 313-35(3) of the ITAA 1997]
1.185 The period for making the notification can also be extended at
the request of the individual, or where the Commissioner considers that it
is appropriate to do so.
[Schedule 1, item 12, subsection 313-35(2) of the
ITAA 1997]
FHSS recontribution must not be a concessional contribution
1.186 Where an individual notifies the Commissioner that they have
made non-concessional contributions instead of entering into a contract to
purchase or construct their first home, the individual is not able to claim a
deduction in respect of the non-concessional contributions to which the
notification related.
[Schedule 1, item 10, section 290-168 of the ITAA 1997]
1.187 Denying the deduction ensures that individuals cannot report a
contribution as a non-concessional contribution, and later claim a
deduction for it. This rule does not require the tracing of specific
contributions and deductions. Instead, it can simply apply where an
individual’s non-concessional contributions for a financial year are less
than the contributions that the Commissioner was notified of. In such
circumstances, any deductions that the individual claimed for other
contributions would be reduced to the extent of the difference.
Review rights for requests for extensions
1.188 As noted above, the Commissioner is able to extend the period
in which a contract must be entered into, and the period in which an
individual must notify the Commissioner about the contract or a
1.189 Standard review rights are available to individuals who are
dissatisfied with a decision that the Commissioner makes about allowing a
longer period, or with a decision that the Commissioner makes not to
First home super saver scheme
allow a longer period. In such cases, an individual is able to object against
the decision in the manner set out in Part IVC of the TAA
[Schedule 1, item 12, section 313-60 of the ITAA 1997]
First home super saver tax
1.190 Individuals who do not notify the Commissioner that they have
entered into a contract to purchase or construct their first home or that
they have recontributed the required amount into superannuation are liable
to pay ‘first home super saver tax’.
[Schedule 1, item 12, section 313-40 of the
ITAA 1997]
1.191 First home super saver tax is imposed by the First Home Super
Saver Tax [Act] 2017,
and is equal to 20 per cent of an individual’s
assessable FSSS released amounts.
[Clauses 3 and 4 of the First Home Super
Saver [Act] 2017]
1.192 As a flat rate of tax, the FHSSS tax is unrelated to the personal
income tax system or an individual’s marginal tax rate.
1.193 Because an individual’s liability to first home super saver tax
arises at the time that they fail to notify the Commissioner that they have
entered into a contract or recontributed an amount, their liability to the tax
can only crystallise after the period that they had to undertake the relevant
actions and notify the Commissioner has passed. Because of this, any
extensions to the relevant periods that the Commissioner allows will defer
a potential liability to the tax.
1.194 Applying first home super saver tax to an individual who has not
acquired their first home or recontributed an amount into superannuation
ensures that such individuals do not obtain a benefit from accessing the
1.195 While the rate of the tax provides an incentive for individuals to
take one of the actions necessary to avoid liability to the tax, it is not set at
a rate that unfairly impacts individuals who are subject to the tax. This is
because such individuals will have also received a tax offset equal to
30 per cent of their assessable FHSS released amounts and benefited from
the concessions that apply in making concessional contributions, and to
earnings within the superannuation system.
Assessments of first home super saver tax
1.196 The general assessment provisions in Division 155 are used to
facilitate assessments of first home super saver tax. Division 155 contains
standardised provisions for making, amending and reviewing assessments
The draft bill for the First Home Super Saver Tax Act 2017 is included was released in
conjunction with the exposure draft for the principle legislation for the FHSSS.
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and are already used in respect of Division 293 tax and excess transfer
balance tax.
1.197 To utilise the general assessment rules, these amendments
include first home super saver tax to the list of ‘assessable amounts’ in
Division 155.
[Schedule 1, item 17, paragraph 155-5(2)(k)]
1.198 Listing an amount as an assessable amount obliges the
Commissioner to provide a notice of assessment as soon as practicable
after the assessment is made, and permits the Commissioner to provide the
notice electronically (see section 155-10). The amendment and objection
rules in Subdivisions 155-B and 155-C also rely on an amount being an
assessable amount, and apply in the standard way to assessments of first
home super saver tax.
1.199 As first home super saver tax is not able to be self-assessed, no
changes are made to the rules about the self-assessment of certain taxes
(see section 155-15). Subdivision 155-A also contains rules for part-year
assessments and delays in making assessments (see sections 155-25 and
155-30). The part-period rules are unlikely to be relevant for FHSSS tax,
as the period of assessment is less relevant than the event that leads to the
assessment being required. The delay rules relate to actions that must be
undertaken after a return has been provided.
1.200 As the FHSSS will not involve returns, these amendments also
ensure that the delay rules do not apply to first home super saver
[Schedule 1, item 19, paragraph 155-30(3)(c)]
When first home super saver tax is payable and general interest charge
1.201 An individual’s assessed first home super saver tax is due and
payable at the end of 21 days after the Commissioner gives the individual
a notice of the assessment of the tax.
[Schedule 1, item 12, section 313-45 of the
ITAA 1997]
1.202 If the Commissioner amends an individual’s assessment, any
extra assessed first home super saver tax is due and payable at the end of
21 days after the Commissioner gives the individual a notice of the
amended assessment.
[Schedule 1, item 12, section 313-50 of the ITAA 1997]
1.203 These timing rules are consistent with those that apply for other
taxes, such as Division 293 tax and excess transfer balance tax under
Division 294 of the ITAA 1997.
1.204 Individuals who fail to pay an amount of assessed first home
super saver tax by the time that it is due and payable are liable to the
general interest charge for each day in the period over which the amount
is due but unpaid.
[Schedule 1, item 12, section 313-55 of the ITAA 1997]
First home super saver scheme
1.205 The general interest charge is worked out under Part IIA of the
TAA 1953.
Consequential amendments
FHSSS amounts do not count for means testing purposes
1.206 There are a number of income tests across Australia’s laws that
are used to determine things like an individual’s eligibility for
Government payments, eligibility for certain tax offsets, liability to the
Medicare levy surcharge, and liability to repay Government debts.
1.207 Many of these income tests are based on an individual’s income,
taxable income, or assessable income. Some of these tests use those
concepts, or establish specific income definitions that add or subtract
other amounts (for example, there are several definitions of ‘adjusted
taxable income’).
1.208 In the absence of any further changes, the amount included in an
individual’s assessable income when amounts are released under the
FHSSS will be reflected in their assessable income and taxable income,
which has flow on consequences for those tests that use these concepts.
1.209 In addition, many of the tests that use these income concepts
specifically add certain concessional contributions back to an individual’s
income. Depending on whether an income test focusses on taxable income
or assessable income, ‘reportable superannuation contributions’ or
‘reportable employer superannuation contributions’ are generally added to
an individual’s income.
1.210 These amounts reflect different types of voluntary contributions
that an individual can have made into superannuation. Reportable
employer superannuation contributions are defined by section 16-182 and
relate to the voluntary salary sacrificed contributions that an employer
makes for an employee (that is, they do not include employer
contributions that discharge their superannuation guarantee obligations).
These contributions are generally added back to tests based on assessable
income because other contributions that an individual receives a deduction
for (like member contributions) do not reduce their overall amount of
assessable income (that is, they only reduce their taxable income).
1.211 Reportable superannuation contributions are defined by
subsection 995-1(1) of the ITAA 1997 as being the sum of an individual’s
reportable employer superannuation contributions and any deductions that
are claimed in respect of their contributions. Reportable superannuation
contributions therefore describe all voluntary concessional contributions
made in respect of an individual and are generally added back to income
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tests that are based on taxable income because the deduction that
individuals receive also reduce their taxable income.
1.212 Because an individual’s assessable FHSS released amounts
reflect amounts that were voluntarily contributed into superannuation in
respect of the individual, counting amounts when they are released from
superannuation will result in double counting under any income tests that
add back reportable employer superannuation contributions or reportable
employer contributions.
1.213 To prevent such double counting from occurring, these
amendments specifically disregard an individual’s assessable FHSS
released amount in determining their income under the following
First home super saver scheme
Test Reference/s Relevant for…
A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999
Adjusted taxable
Paragraph 2(1)(a) of
Schedule 3
- Family tax benefit A and B
- Child care benefit
- Seniors Health Care Card
- Low income
superannuation tax offset
- Youth Allowance
Child Support (Assessment Act) 1989
Adjusted taxable
Paragraphs 43(1)(a) and
Parental income for child
support purposes
Higher Education Support Act 2003
Paragraph 154-5(1)(a)
Repayment threshold for
HELP debts
Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
Rebate income
Subsection 6(1)
Tax rebate for low income
aged persons and pensioners
Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
Income threshold
Subsection 35-10(2E)
Non-commercial loss rules
Income threshold
Tax offset for Medicare
Levy Surcharge
Income threshold
Employee share schemes
Income threshold
Paragraph 290-230(2)(c)
Spouse tax offset
Income for
surcharge purposes
Subsection 995-1(1)
- Medicare levy surcharge
- Medicare levy surcharge on
reportable fringe benefits
- Division 293 tax
- Private Health Insurance
Act 2007 premium
reduction income tiers
Social Security Act 1991
Repayment threshold for
Financial Supplement Debt
Combined parental
Paragraph 1067G-F10(a)
Parental income test
Adjusted taxable
Paragraph 1071-3(a)
Seniors Health Care Card
Student Assistance Act 1973
Repayment threshold for
Financial Supplement Debt
Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low Income Earners)
Act 2003
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Total income
Paragraph 8(1)(a)
Government co-contribution
Veterans Entitlements Act 1986
Adjusted taxable
Paragraph 118ZZA-3(a)
Seniors Health Care Card
[Schedule 1, items 22 to 37]
Application and transitional provisions
1.214 The amendments commence immediately after the
commencement of Part 1 of Schedule 10 to the Treasury Laws
Amendment (Fair and Sustainable Superannuation) Act 2016.
1.215 Schedule 10 introduced Division 131 and is to commence on
1 July 2018. Commencing these amendments immediately after the
commencement of Schedule 10 reflects that Schedule 1 to this Bill
amends certain provisions of Division 131.
1.216 FHSS determinations can also be made from any time after
1 July 2018, meaning that release authorities can be issued from the time
that determinations are made.
1.217 The specific rules about which contributions are eligible to count
towards an individual’s FHSS releasable contributions amount ensures
that the Commissioner can have regard to contributions that were made in
respect of an individual on or after 1 July 2017.
[Schedule 1, item 1,
subsection 138-25(1)]
Chapter 2
Contributing the proceeds of downsizing
to superannuation
Outline of chapter
2.1 Schedule 2 to the Bill allows an individual to use the proceeds in
relation to one sale of their main residence to make contributions
(downsizer contributions) of up to $300,000 to their superannuation
provider if they are 65 years of age or over. Downsizer contributions can
be made regardless of the other contributions caps and restrictions that
might apply to making voluntary contributions.
2.2 This measure applies to proceeds from contracts for the sale of a
main residence entered into (exchanged) on or after 1 July 2018.
2.3 For the purposes of the exposure draft consultation, these
explanatory materials explain the changes to both the legislation and the
regulations needed to implement the policy.
2.4 All references in this Chapter are to the Income Tax Assessment
Act 1997 unless stated otherwise.
Context of amendments
2.5 The measure to allow the contributions of downsizing into
superannuation measure is one of several measures announced in the
2017-18 Budget as part of the Government’s package of reforms to reduce
pressure on housing affordability.
2.6 There are current contribution restrictions and caps that prevent
some older Australians from making downsizing contributions into
superannuation. Being unable to invest the proceeds of selling their home
into superannuation discourages some older people from downsizing
homes that no longer meet their needs. This means many larger family
homes sit occupied by only singles or couples.
2.7 This measure will provide greater flexibility to contribute those
proceeds into superannuation. Downsizing should enable more effective
use of the housing stock by freeing up larger homes for younger, growing
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Operation of existing law
Making contributions into superannuation
2.8 There are two categories of superannuation contributions for
taxation purposes: concessional and non-concessional. Concessional
contributions generally include all employer contributions (including
salary sacrificed amounts) and all personal contributions for which a
deduction is claimed.
2.9 Non-concessional contributions are essentially contributions that
are made from after-tax income and are subject to a maximum limit (cap)
each year.
2.10 The annual non-concessional contributions cap for the
2017-2018 financial year is $100,000. However, if an individual’s total
superannuation balance at the end of the previous year equals or exceeds
the general transfer balance cap, their non-concessional contributions cap
for the year is nil (paragraph 292-85(2)(b)). For the 2017-2018, the
general transfer balance cap is $1.6 million.
2.11 The Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner) must make a
determination if an individual’s non-concessional contributions exceed
their cap. The individual has the choice of releasing the excess amount
plus 85 per cent of associated earnings. If the individual chooses not to
release the amount, they are subject to excess non-concessional
contributions tax of 47 per cent on the amount of the excess. Where the
individual releases the money the associated earnings are included in their
assessable income and taxed at their marginal tax rate.
2.12 Some contributions are excluded from being a non-concessional
contribution, meaning that they do not count towards an individual’s non-
concessional contributions cap. Two of the main exclusions are
contributions arising from structured settlements or orders for personal
injuries (section 292-95) and contributions relating to some CGT small
business concessions (section 292-100). If a contribution is not covered by
an exclusion, the contribution is a non-concessional contribution and
counts towards the individual’s non-concessional contributions cap.
Rules about accepting contributions made into superannuation
2.13 The Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994
(SISR 1994) and Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations 1997
(RSAR 1997) set out certain rules about when a superannuation provider
is allowed to accept certain contributions. For these purposes a
contribution is either an employer contribution or a member contribution
Contributing the proceeds of downsizing to superannuation
(a contribution made by or on behalf of a member other than by an
2.14 Generally a member contribution will be a non-concessional
contribution unless the individual has claimed a deduction in respect of it
or it is excluded from being a non-concessional contribution
(292-80(2)(c)). Whether a superannuation provider can accept a
contribution depends on the type of contribution, the member’s age and
their working status. These acceptance rules are contained in
subregulation 7.04(1) of the SISR 1994 and subregulation 5.03(1) of the
RSAR 1997.
2.15 Superannuation providers can accept employer contributions and
member contributions in respect of a member who is 65 years or older, but
under 70 years of age. For a fund to accept a member contribution in
respect of such members, the member must satisfy a work test.
2.16 Superannuation providers can accept employer contributions in
respect of a member, and member contributions made by the member for
members who are 70 years or older but who are under 75 years of age. For
a fund to accept a member contribution made by such members, the
member must satisfy a work test. Requiring member contributions to have
been made by the member means that contributions made by an entity that
is not an employer (such as a spouse) cannot be accepted by a
superannuation provider for a person who has reached age 70.
2.17 Superannuation providers can only accept mandated employer
contributions for members aged 75 and over. This means that
contributions made by a member who is aged 75 or over cannot be
accepted by a superannuation provider.
2.18 If the superannuation provider receives a contribution that is
inconsistent with the acceptance requirements, it must return the
contribution within 30 days of becoming aware of the inconsistency. The
provider may also return an amount that reflects investment outcomes (for
example, gains or losses that provider made after the contribution was
accepted) and that is net of administrative costs (subregulation 7.04(4) of
the SISR 1994 and subregulation 5.03(4) of the RSAR 1997).
Dwelling that is your main residence
2.19 For capital gains tax (CGT) purposes, broadly, a capital gain or
loss made on a dwelling that is an individual’s main residence is
disregarded (subsection 118-110(1)). ‘Main residence’ is not defined and
takes its ordinary meaning. ‘Dwelling’ is defined and includes, broadly, a
unit or house, the land directly under it (if a house), and also a caravan,
houseboat or other mobile home (section 118-115). It also includes
adjacent land such as a garden, up to 2 hectares (section 118-120). The
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rules apply to individuals with an ownership interest, meaning a legal or
equitable interest or right or licence to occupy a dwelling
(section 118-130).
2.20 If a dwelling was only the main residence for part of an
individual’s ownership period, the capital gain or loss is only disregarded
for the period it was their main residence (section 118-185).
2.21 Individuals can continue to treat a dwelling as their main
residence if they are absent from their dwelling for periods of time (for
example, to travel, work or move into a retirement village). If the dwelling
is used for income producing periods, this absence is limited to six years.
If not, there is no time limit on the absence (section 118-145).
2.22 Section 118-195 deals with the CGT treatment of dwellings
acquired from a deceased estate. An individual who inherits a dwelling
and uses that dwelling as their main residence, or sells the dwelling within
two years, qualifies for the full main residence exemption if the deceased
acquired the dwelling:
before 20 September 1985; or
on or after 20 September 1985, and immediately before their
death it was their main residence and not used to produce
assessable income.
2.23 If an individual inherits a dwelling that does not become their
main residence and does not sell it within two years, a partial exemption is
available (section 118-200). There are also special rules for a surviving
joint tenant if their spouse dies (section 118-197).
2.24 Subdivision 118-B and other sections of Part 3-1 provide
modifications to the basic main residence exemption including, amongst
others, specific rules for relationship breakdown, when an individual can
elect to treat a dwelling as a main residence and partial exemptions if the
dwelling has been used to produce assessable income.
2.25 A CGT event for the disposal of an asset (including a main
residence) generally occurs when the contract for the disposal is entered
into (subsection 104-10(3)). However, the change of ownership generally
occurs upon settlement of a contract.
Contributing the proceeds of downsizing to superannuation
Summary of new law
2.26 The amendments in this Schedule allow ‘downsizer
contributions’ to be made in respect of a person who is aged 65 or over
from the proceeds of the sale of a dwelling that was their main residence.
2.27 The amendments apply to the proceeds of contracts entered into
on or after 1 July 2018. Downsizer contributions are not tax deductible
and can be made for an individual in relation to one sale of a main
residence. Further downsizer contributions cannot be made in the future in
relation the sale of another main residence.
2.28 The total amount of contributions that can be treated as
downsizer contributions in respect of an individual is the lesser of
$300,000 and the individual and their spouse’s share of the sale proceeds.
2.29 In line with the treatment for other kinds of contributions, if an
amount is contributed to superannuation that does not meet the
requirements of a downsizer contribution, the contributions will be
counted against the relevant contribution cap unless the superannuation
provider refunds the amount.
Comparison of key features of new law and current law
New law Current law
If you are aged 65 or over, you may
make downsizer contributions from
the proceeds of the sale of your main
Downsizer contributions are not
counted against your contributions
Your downsizer contributions must
relate to the sale of a dwelling that
was your main residence and which
was owned by you or your spouse
owned for at least 10 years up to the
Your total downsizer contributions
cannot exceed $300,000.
Downsizer contributions are not
deductible and you can only make
downsizer contributions in relation to
the sale of your main residence once.
If you are aged 65 or over, any
contributions that you can make in
relation to the proceeds of the sale of
your main residence are subject to
your contributions caps.
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Detailed explanation of new law
A superannuation provider may accept a downsizer contribution
2.30 Downsizer contributions can be made in respect of any member
who is 65 or over. Changes to the contribution acceptance rules in the
SISR 1994 and RSAR 1997 are needed to effect this change. For the
exposure draft consultation, the changes to the regulations are explained
within these explanatory materials, but separate explanatory material will
be required for those regulations.
2.31 Superannuation providers can accept downsizer contributions in
respect of individuals who are aged 65 or over.
[Schedule 2, items 1, 2, 4 and 5,
table items 2 to 4 in the table in subregulation 5.03(1) of the RSAR 1997 and table items
2 to 4 in the table in subregulation 7.04(1) of the SISR 1994]
2.32 For the purposes of the regulations, the term ‘downsizer
contribution’ takes its meaning from section 292-102 of the ITAA 1997
(which is introduced by these amendments).
[Schedule 2, items 3 and 6,
subregulation 5.03(7) of the RSAR 1997 and subregulation 7.04(7) of the SISR 1994]
2.33 The changes to the contribution acceptance rules allow
downsizer contributions to be made in respect of individuals where they
would otherwise not be able to be made because the individual does not
satisfy the existing age and work tests.
2.34 In determining whether a contribution can be accepted as a
downsizer contribution, superannuation provider must be satisfied that the
contribution meets the conditions that are required for acceptance.
However, in determining whether a contribution can be accepted as a
downsizer contribution, funds are not expected to undertake verification
processes that are any more onerous than those that currently apply in
determining whether a member satisfies a particular age or work test.
Further details are provided below about the processes that apply where
the Commissioner identifies that a contribution that was accepted as a
downsizer contribution did not satisfy the relevant criteria.
2.35 Although an individual under 65 is unable to make a downsizer
contribution, they can continue to have member contributions made in
respect of them under the general acceptance rules.
2.36 It is expected that the Commissioner will require superannuation
providers to report downsizer contributions that they receive through the
general reporting obligations for contributions under subsection 390-5(1)
of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.
Contributing the proceeds of downsizing to superannuation
Downsizer contributions do not count towards the contribution caps
2.37 A downsizer contribution is excluded from being a
non-concessional contribution.
[Schedule 2, item 3,
subparagraph 292-90(2)(c)(iiia)]
2.38 The criteria for a contribution being a downsizer contribution are
explained below.
2.39 Because a downsizer contribution is not a non-concessional
contribution, it does not count towards an individual’s non-concessional
contributions cap. Given this, an individual’s ability to make a downsizer
contribution is unaffected by the total superannuation balance test, which
is relevant in determining an individual’s non-concessional contributions
cap. However, if a downsizer contribution is made, it will increase an
individual’s total superannuation balance for the purposes of that test.
2.40 Individuals cannot claim a deduction for any contributions that
they choose to treat as a downsizer contribution.
[Schedule 2, item 2,
section 290-167]
2.41 This restriction on deductions ensures that downsizer
contributions are appropriately dealt with through the non-concessional
contribution framework. However, the restriction does not apply to any
other contributions that an individual can otherwise make in respect of the
proceeds of selling their main residence.
Example 2.1 - downsizer contributions made with other contributions
Amy is 67 years old and works part-time. She receives $500,000 from
the proceeds of the sale of her home and chooses to make a downsizer
contribution of $300,000.
Amy also decides to make an additional $100,000 of contributions
from the remaining proceeds, which she is able to do because of her
age and part-time work.
Amy decides to claim a deduction of $15,000 in relation to the
$100,000 of contributions. She is not entitled to claim a deduction for
her $300,000 downsizer contribution.
Amy also has mandated employer contribution of $5,000 for the year.
For the financial year in which the contributions are made, Amy has a
downsizer contribution of $300,000, $20,000 of concessional
contributions and $85,000 of non-concessional contributions.
Features of a downsizer contribution
2.42 For a contribution to be a downsizer contribution in respect of an
individual, the following conditions must be satisfied:
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The individual must be aged 65 years or older at the time the
contribution is made;
The contribution must be in respect of the proceeds of the
sale of a qualifying dwelling in Australia that either the
individual or their spouse owned for at least 10 years up to
the disposal;
The disposal of the dwelling must have qualified (or would
have qualified) for the main residence CGT exemption in
whole or part;
The contribution must be made within 90 days of the disposal
of the dwelling, or such longer time as allowed by the
The individual must choose to treat the contribution as a
downsizer contribution, and notify their superannuation
provider in the approved form of this choice at the time the
contribution is made; and
The individual cannot have had downsizer contributions in
relation to an earlier disposal of a main residence.
[Schedule 2, item 4, paragraphs 292-102(1)(a) to (f)]
2.43 Downsizer contributions in respect of an individual can only be
made from the sale of one dwelling, and the maximum amount of
contributions that an individual can have in respect of that sale is the
lesser of $300,000 and the proceeds of the disposal of the
Schedule 2, item 4, paragraph 292-102(1)(i) and subsection 292-102(2)]
2.44 To qualify as a downsizer contribution, the member contribution
must be made in respect of the individual who is otherwise eligible. There
are no specific requirements about who must actually make the
contribution for that individual, although the individual must be the one
who makes the choice to treat a contribution as a downsizer
[Schedule 2, item 4, paragraph 292-102(1)(a)]
Proceeds from qualifying dwellings
2.45 The proceeds from the sale of an ownership interest in a
dwelling that is located in Australia (section 960-505) can be used to
make a downsizer contribution, provided that the dwelling is not a
houseboat, caravan or other mobile home.
[Schedule 2, item 4,
paragraph 292-102(1)(b) and (f)]
Contributing the proceeds of downsizing to superannuation
2.46 For the purposes of the downsizer contribution rules, the
definitions of ‘ownership interest’ and ‘dwelling’ that are contained in
sections 118-115 and 118-130 apply.
2.47 However, as this definition includes houseboats, caravans and
other mobile homes, those types of dwellings are specifically excluded.
Restricting the downsizer contribution rules in this way is appropriate
because the policy intent is to free up larger houses or units for younger,
growing families.
2.48 Because the contributions must relate to the proceeds of the
disposal of an ownership interest, the amount of the contribution cannot
be more than the proceeds that were received from the disposal, up to a
limit of $300,000 (these limits are explained separately below).
2.49 In addition, downsizer contributions can be made in respect of
an individual if they or their spouse held an ownership interest in the
dwelling, whether that ownership interest was held solely, jointly or as
tenants in common.
[Schedule 2, item 4, paragraphs 292-102(1)(c) and (i)]
The 10 year ownership test
2.50 An individual or their spouse must have owned the dwelling for
10 or more years just prior to disposing of it.
[Schedule 2, item 4,
paragraphs 292-102(1)(c) and (e)]
2.51 The period of the 10 year ownership test is calculated from the
day ownership of the dwelling commenced to the day it ceased. This
ownership period would usually be from the settlement date of the
original contract to purchase the dwelling to the settlement date of the
later contract.
2.52 As a general rule, individuals must have disposed of their
ownership interest in a dwelling in order to make a downsizer
contribution. The only exception to this is where only one spouse holds an
ownership interest in the dwelling but the other spouse does not. In these
circumstances it is sufficient that one spouse held the ownership interest,
as long as the spouse who doesn’t hold an ownership interest continues to
meet the other requirements for the contribution to be a downsizer
2.53 In certain cases, there may have been a change in ownership
between two spouses over the 10 year period that preceded the sale of
dwelling. Provided that either of the spouses held an ownership interest in
the dwelling at all times during the period, downsizer contributions can be
made in respect of the person who held the ownership interest just before
disposal and in respect of another person who is their spouse at that time.
2.54 An example of where this may occur is where a spouse who held
the ownership dies. In such case, the surviving spouse can count the
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period of ownership of their deceased spouse (including the period the
dwelling is held by the trustee of the deceased estate) towards the 10 year
ownership test. The additional qualification about the period over which
the dwelling was held by a trustee will generally only be relevant where it
is the trustee that disposed of the ownership interest. Where ownership
transfers to the surviving spouse, subsections 128-12(1) and (2) provide
that if a CGT asset passes to beneficiary of a deceased estate, the
beneficiary is taken to have acquired the asset on the day the former
owner died.
- transfer ownership interest between spouses Example 2.2
In 2015, Andrew and Tara are both 70 years old.
They have been married for 50 years, and have lived in their family
home for the past 40 years. The title for their home is solely in
Andrew’s name.
Andrew passes away in mid-2015. He leaves the family home to Tara.
On 1 December 2016 the title for the home formally passes to Tara.
After a few years, Tara decides to sell the home so that she can move
into a retirement village. The contract for the sale of the home settles
on 1 December 2019.
Tara satisfies the 10 year ownership test for the purposes of the
downsizer rules because at all times over the period starting on
1 December 2009 and 1 December 2019, the ownership interest in the
home was held by Andrew (for the first 7 years) or Tara (for the last 3
2.55 Similarly, an individual person may gain title in respect of a
dwelling following the breakdown of a relationship. In such cases, the
person can count the period of ownership of their former spouse towards
the 10 year ownership test.
Main residence
2.56 Where the proceeds that are being contributed are from the
disposal of an ownership interest that the individual held in a dwelling,
any capital gain or loss resulting from the disposal must have been exempt
or partially exempt from CGT under the main residence exemption in
Subdivision 118-B.
[Schedule 2, item 4, subparagraph 292-102(1)(d)(i)]
2.57 Requiring the main residence CGT exemption to apply ensures
downsizer contributions can only be made in circumstances where
individuals are downsizing their home as opposed to the sale of solely
investment properties.
Contributing the proceeds of downsizing to superannuation
2.58 It is recognised that over the period that an individual owns a
dwelling, they may not always reside in that dwelling for certain reasons.
For example, the residence status at a particular time may be affected by
things like travel, moving house for unavoidable reasons (like a
compulsory acquisition, or relationship breakdown), or use of a dwelling
to also earn assessable income.
2.59 These kinds of individual circumstances should not prevent an
individual from making a downsizer contribution if the individual meets
all the other criteria. The meaning of ‘main residence’ for CGT purposes
provides an exemption or partial exemption from CGT for circumstances
of this kind (Subdivision 118-B).
2.60 The requirement that an individual received (or would have
received) some part of the main residence CGT exemption for the capital
gain or loss they made from selling their dwelling is an appropriate basis
for assessing whether a dwelling was the individual’s ‘main residence’ for
the purposes of making a downsizer contribution.
2.61 A downsizer contribution can also be made from the sale of
dwelling that is not a CGT asset because it was acquired prior to
20 September 1985. For a sale of a pre-CGT asset, the individual can only
have a downsizer contribution if they would have been entitled to a whole
or partial CGT exemption under Subdivision 118-B if the dwelling had
been a CGT asset.
[Schedule 2, item 4, subparagraph 292-102(1)(d)(i)].
- sale of pre-CGT asset Example 2.3
On 1 July 2020, Chris decides to sell his home. He has lived in this
home at all times since he purchased it in 1975.
Chris does not have to pay CGT on the gains he makes from the
disposal because he acquired his home before 20 September 1985.
However, had Chris’ home not been a pre-CGT asset, all of the gains
he made on the sale of the home would have been exempt because of
the main residence CGT exemption.
As such, Chris satisfies the main residence requirement for making a
downsizer contribution in relation to the proceeds of the sale of his
2.62 Similarly, if an individual’s spouse was the sole holder of the
ownership interest that was disposed of, downsizer contributions can only
be made in respect of the individual from the proceeds of the disposal if
they would have received a whole or partial CGT exemption under
Subdivision 118-B had they had owned the interest when it was disposed
[Schedule 2, item 4, subparagraph 292-102(1)(d)(ii)]
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contribution for spouse that did not hold an ownership interest Example 2.4
Elizabeth has owned the dwelling that is her main residence since
2005. In 2015, her new spouse Jimi moves in with her. Jimi lives in the
dwelling as his main residence from 2015, and he would therefore
qualify for a CGT exemption on the sale of the dwelling if he was on
the title.
Elizabeth turns 65 in 2019 and decides to sell the dwelling. Jimi is also
65 at that time.
The capital proceeds are $500,000. Elizabeth chooses to make a
downsizer contribution in respect of herself of $300,000 and also in
respect of Jimi of $200,000.
The downsizer contributions in respect of Elizabeth and Jimi are both
valid, assuming all the other criteria are also met.
2.63 In determining whether the CGT main residence exemption
applies it is the characteristics of the individual in respect of whom the
downsizer contribution has been made that are relevant. The requirements
will be satisfied where the individual satisfies all the requirements to have
qualified for a CGT main residence exemption but for the fact that it was
their spouse who held the ownership interest in the dwelling (rather than
the individual).
Cap on a downsizer contribution
2.64 The total amount of downsizer contributions that can be made in
respect of an individual is the lesser of $300,000 and the total proceeds
that the individual and their spouse receive from disposing of their
ownership interests in the dwelling.
[Schedule 2, item 4, subsection 292-102(2)]
2.65 Where the cap on contributions is based on the total proceeds
received by an individual or their spouse, the amount of the cap for a
particular contribution is reduced by any earlier contributions in respect of
those proceeds that have already been made by either spouse.
[Schedule 2,
item 4, paragraph 292-102(2)(b)]
2.66 Reductions for earlier contributions ensure that the total amount
that is contributed between both spouses does not exceed the total
proceeds that they received from the disposal of their ownership interests.
Making multiple contributions
2.67 Subject to the above caps, an individual can make as many
downsizer contributions as they wish. However, the contributions can
only ever be made from the proceeds of one sale of a dwelling.
[Schedule 2,
item 4, paragraphs 292-102(1)(h) and (i), subsection 292-102(2)]
Contributing the proceeds of downsizing to superannuation
2.68 However, the rules about downsizer contributions permit
multiple contributions to be made from the same sale of a dwelling. This
allows individuals to make contributions to different superannuation
providers if they choose to do so. However, it does not extend to
contributions from the proceeds of other properties, or of ownership
interests in the same dwelling that are disposed of at a later time (for
example, because of the sale of part of the ownership interests in a
dwelling, or where there has been a sale and re-acquisition of the same
2.69 While an individual can have contributions made from the
proceeds of both their own interest and their spouse’s ownership interest
in a dwelling, any such ownership interests must have been disposed
under the same contract.
[Schedule 2, item 4, paragraph 292-102(2)(b) and
subsection 292-102(3)]
Choosing to treat a contribution as a downsizer contribution
2.70 An individual must make a choice to treat a contribution as a
downsizer contribution. This choice must be made in the approved form
and given to the superannuation provider that accepts the contribution at
the time the contribution is made.
[Schedule 2, item 4, paragraph 292-102(1)(h)
and subsection 292-102(6)]
2.71 Requiring a specific choice ensures that a contribution is only a
downsizer contribution where the individual decides that it should be
treated as such. Given that individuals can only make downsizer
contributions in relation to the sale of a single dwelling, the choice
enables individuals to choose between dwellings when they have more
than one that would qualify under the downsizer rules.
2.72 The requirement to notify a superannuation provider of the
choice at or before the time of the contribution enables superannuation
providers to know that they are able to accept the contribution irrespective
of whether the individual satisfies one of the other conditions (such as age
or working status) for making member contributions into superannuation.
2.73 Having the notification made in the approved form also enables
the Commissioner to specify any information that must be provided to
determine that the contribution meets the requirements of a downsizer
2.74 The standard administrative penalties may apply to an individual
who makes a false or misleading statement (for administrative penalties
for false and misleading statements, see Division 284 of Schedule 1 to the
Taxation Administration Act 1953).
2.75 It is expected that the Commissioner will require a
superannuation provider to report a downsizer contribution it receives
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through its normal contributions reporting process under
subsection 390-5(1) of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration
Act 1953.
Contribution must be made within 90 days
2.76 A contribution must be made within 90 days, or such longer
time as the Commissioner allows, of the change in ownership that occurs
as a result of the disposal of the relevant ownership interest.
[Schedule 2,
item 4, paragraph 292-102(2)(g)]
2.77 This requirement is consistent with the timing rule that also
exists for making contributions from the proceeds of a structured
settlement. The Commissioner can extend the period for making a
contribution without a request from the individual, where it is appropriate
to do so.
2.78 Individuals are also able to request a longer period for making a
downsizer contribution, and can seek a review of any decision the
Commissioner makes in allowing a longer period (for example, if they are
dissatisfied with the length of the extension), or a decision the
Commissioner makes not to allow a longer period.
[Schedule 2, item 4,
subsection 292-102(4)]
2.79 For the avoidance of doubt, and also to maintain consistency
with similar review rights, amendments are also made to clarify:
the right to object under section 175A of the Income Tax
Assessment Act 1936 or section 97-35 in Schedule 1 to the
Taxation Administration Act 1953; and
the application of the Administrative Decisions (Judicial
Review) Act 1977.
[Schedule 2, item 4, subsection 292-102(5)]
Contribution found not to be a downsizer contribution
2.80 If the Commissioner becomes aware that a contribution that an
individual has elected to treat as a downsizer contribution does not satisfy
all the requirements to be a downsizer contribution, the Commissioner
must notify the superannuation provider that received the downsizer
contribution of this fact.
[Schedule 2, items 4 and 6, subsection 292-102(7)and item
11 in the table in subsection 355-65(3) in Schedule 1 of the Taxation Administration
Act 1953]
Contributing the proceeds of downsizing to superannuation
2.81 Once notified, the superannuation provider may assess whether
they could otherwise have accepted the contribution from the member
based on their age or their working status. Where a provider determines
that the contribution could have been accepted for some other reason the
contribution will continue to be allowed under the contribution acceptance
rules, but will also count towards the individual’s contributions caps,
generally as a non-concessional contribution.
2.82 It is expected that the superannuation provider would be
required to re-report or amend any previous report they had provided to
the Commissioner indicating that they had previously accepted the
contributions as a downsizer contribution. This information can be
provided to the Commissioner through the provider’s normal
contributions reporting processes.
2.83 The superannuation provider may also decide that the
contribution needs to be returned. Returning contributions is an existing
responsibility that applies to superannuation providers that become aware
of amounts that have been received that are inconsistent with the
contribution acceptance standards (see subregulation 7.04(4) of the
SISR 1994 or subregulation 5.03(4) of the RSAR 1997).
2.84 This could occur where the individual did not satisfy any other
criteria for having member contributions at the time the contribution was
made. If a contribution is returned to a member, it is also expected that the
superannuation provider would be required to re-report or amend any
previous report they had provided to the Commissioner indicating that
they had previously accepted the contribution as a downsizer contribution.
2.85 The Commissioner may also send a copy of the notice to the
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).
[Schedule 2, item 4,
subsection 292-102(7) of the ITAA 1997]
2.86 APRA is the regulator that is responsible for compliance with
contribution acceptance rules in respect of APRA regulated funds or
retirement savings providers. The Commissioner would generally send a
copy of the notice to APRA in respect of a provider that APRA regulates.
In such circumstances, the question of whether contributions have been
validly accepted is a matter for APRA and the superannuation provider.
2.87 It is also expected that if an APRA-regulated superannuation
provider is aware that a downsizer contribution that it received does not
meet the definition of a downsizer contribution in section 292-102, it must
report this as a serious breach on its breach register.
2.88 However, as the Commissioner regulates self-managed
superannuation funds, there is no need for a copy of a notification to be
provided to APRA where the Commissioner assesses that a contribution
made to an SMSF was not a downsizer contribution.
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Application and transitional provisions
2.89 The measure starts on 1 July 2018 and applies to dwellings
where the exchange of contracts for their sale occurs on or after that date.
[Schedule 2, item 7]
2.90 Proceeds from properties where the exchange of contracts occur
before 1 July 2018 will not be allowed to be made as a downsizer
contribution. This is despite the potential that the settlement of these sales
does not occur until 1 July 2018 or later. This applies whether or not the
settlement date occurs on or after 1 July 2018.