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DOI 10.1093/ajhp/zxaa431
SteveRough, BSPharm, MS, FASHP,
Visante, Madison, WI
RitaShane, PharmD, FASHP, FCSHP, Cedars-
Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, and
UCSF School of Pharmacy, San Francisco, CA
JohnA.Armitstead, BSPharm, MS, FASHP,
Lee Health, Fort Myers, FL
SylviaM.Belford, PharmD, MS, CPHIMS,
FASHP, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
PhilipW.Brummond, PharmD, MS, FASHP,
Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI
DavidChen, BSPharm, MBA, American
Society of Health-System Pharmacists,
Bethesda, MD
ChristineM.Collins, BSPharm, MBA,
Lifespan, Providence, RI
HeatherDalton, PharmD, Wake Forest
Baptist Health, Winston-Salem, NC
AnnaLegreidDopp, PharmD, American
Society of Health-System Pharmacists,
Bethesda, MD
MichelleM.Estevez, PharmD, DPLA,
BCPS, Lee Health, Fort Myers, FL
DavidR.Hager, PharmD, BCPS, UW Health,
Madison, WI
BrookeHalbach, PharmD, BCPS, UW
Health, Madison, WI
RyanHays, PharmD, BCPS, Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
ScottKnoer, PharmD, MS, FASHP, American
Pharmacists Association, Washington, DC
DesiKotis, PharmD, FASHP, University of
California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA,
and UCSF Health, San Francisco, CA
DerekMontgomery, PharmD, MS, Winston-
Salem, NC
BrooksPlummer, PharmD, Ochsner Health,
New Orleans, LA
MelissaR.Riester, PharmD, Brown University
School of Public Health, Providence, RI
DianaJ.Schreier, PharmD, MBA, BCPS,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
DeborahSimonson, PharmD, Ochsner
Health, New Orleans, LA
MarkH.Siska, BSPharm, MBA, FASHP,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
KelseyWaier, PharmD, University of
California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA,
and UCSF Health, San Francisco, CA
LeeC.Vermeulen, BSPharm, MS, FCCP,
FFIP, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY,
and UK HealthCare, Lexington, KY
Purpose. The high-value pharmacy enterprise (HVPE) framework and
constituent best practice consensus statements are presented, and the
methods used to develop the framework’s 8 domains are described.
Summary. A panel of pharmacy leaders used an evidence- and expert
opinion–based approach to dene core and aspirational elements of
practice that should be established within contemporary health-system
pharmacy enterprises by calendar year 2025. Eight domains of an HVPE
were identied: Patient Care Services; Business Services; Ambulatory and
Specialty Pharmacy Services; Inpatient Operations; Safety and Quality;
Pharmacy Workforce; Information Technology, Data, and Information Man-
agement; and Leadership. Phase 1 of the project consisted of the develop-
ment of draft practice statements, performance elements, and supporting
evidence for each domain by panelists, followed by a phase 2 in-person
meeting for review and development of consensus for statements and per-
formance elements in each domain. During phase 3, the project cochairs
and panelists nalized the domain drafts and incorporated them into a full
technical report and this summary report.
Conclusion. The HVPE framework is a strategic roadmap to advance
pharmacy practice by ensuring safe, effective, and patient-centered medi-
cation management and business practices throughout the health-system
pharmacy enterprise. Grounded in evidence and expert recommenda-
tions, the statements and associated performance elements can be used
to identify strategic priorities to improve patient outcomes and add value
within health systems.
Keywords: best practices, consensus, high-value pharmacy enterprise,
leadership, pharmacists, pharmacy practice advancement
Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2021; XX:0-0
ver the past 2 decades, important
initiatives galvanized advances in
the practice of pharmacy in the United
States as well as internationally. Within
ASHP, these initiatives were the 2010
Pharmacy Practice Model Summit
and 2014 Ambulatory Care Summit,
consolidated in 2015 as the Practice
Advancement Initiative and updated
recently as the Practice Advancement
Initiative (PAI) 2030 with recommenda
tions to reach by the year 2030.
practice advancement initiatives during
this period included the 2007 High-
Performance Pharmacy initiative and
Global Conference on the Future of
Hospital Pharmacy.
Considering the
rapidly evolving healthcare landscape
and focus on value-based care, leaders
in health-system pharmacy identied
the need to supplement these initiatives
with a strategic and tactical framework
for advancing practice throughout the
pharmacy enterprise.
us was born
the High-Value Pharmacy Enterprise
(HVPE) project. e goal of the project
was to develop a strategic, evidence-
based tactical roadmap, grounded in re
commendations supported by literature
and expert consensus, for preserving
The high-value pharmacy enterprise framework:
Advancing pharmacy practice in health systems through
a consensus-based, strategic approach
applyparastyle “g//caption/p[1]” parastyle “FigCapt”
Supplementary material is
available with the full text of this
article at AJHP online.
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core elements of pharmacy practice
and advancing the pharmacy profession
to provide safe, eective, and patient-
centered medication management
dening the nature of an HVPE. e
resultant HVPE framework is presented
in this article.
Intended for use in synergy with the
broad aspirational goals and recom-
mendations for pharmacy practice
detailed in PAI 2030 recommenda-
tions, the HVPE framework provides
a detailed roadmap for advancing the
profession by identifying 8 domains
of both fundamental and aspirational
elements of practice that should be
established within the contemporary
health-system pharmacy enterprise
by calendar year 2025—a time horizon
intended to motivate deliberate and
intentional action while recognizing
the impact of ongoing changes to the
healthcare environment. e HVPE
framework is intended to be achiev-
able and to inspire development of
the highest level of professional phar-
macy practice to meet the evolving
needs of patients and healthcare
is report describes the HVPE
framework, an overview of the 8 do-
mains, and the methods used in their
Developing the framework
An evidence- and expert opinion–
based approach was used to de-
velop the HVPE framework. This
well-established method is used by
the National Academies of Sciences,
Engineering, and Medicine (the
latter formerly known as the Institute
of Medicine) to address critical na-
tional health topics, such as pre-
venting medication errors, the
future of nursing, and the opioid
epidemic and pain management.
The HVPE project is an initiative of
the Vizient University Health System
Consortium Pharmacy Network
along with ASHP as a collaborating
e process for developing the
HVPE statements and performance
elements consisted of 3phases:
Phase 1: development of draft state-
ments, performance elements, and
supporting evidence for each domain
by panelists
Phase 2: an in-person meeting for re-
view and development of consensus
for statements and performance elem-
ents in each domain
Phase 3: nalizing the domain drafts
and incorporating them into a technical
report titled “High-Value Pharmacy
Enterprise Project: Literature Review,
Consensus Statements, and Perfor-
mance Elements
Phase 1 began in March 2019. e pro-
ject cochairs (SR and RS) identied 8
domains as critical for an HVPE based
on their years of experience in health-
system pharmacy and extensive ex-
pertise in health-system pharmacy
leadership. ey recruited a diverse
panel of strategic contemporary phar-
macy leaders (all are included as au-
thors of this paper) to serve as domain
authors. Panelists were encouraged to
engage a pharmacy resident to sup-
port their work (all residents who were
involved in this work are also included
as authors of this paper). An experi-
enced and respected facilitator (LV)
was selected to support the process and
facilitate the in-person meeting.
Each panelist was responsible for
performing a thorough review of the
literature and supporting professional
guidance documents pertaining to the
assigned domain, focusing on litera-
ture within the past 10years. e pro-
ject facilitator provided standardized
guidance on the literature search and
review process, which was followed by
each panelist. Based on this review and
personal experience, each panelist was
then responsible for writing a paper
containing proposed evidence-based
best practice consensus statements
and performance elements, including a
synthesis of the evidence, for full group
review and debate. For each domain,
the cochairs developed topic areas
and questions to stimulate panelists
in developing their initial literature re-
views, consensus statements, and asso-
ciated performance elements. ey also
provided written feedback on domain
drafts that the panelists subsequently
revised before the in-person meeting.
During phase 1, three virtual meetings
with all panelists were held, and these
served as opportunities to share feed-
back, identify gaps, discuss potential
overlap, and maintain momentum.
e phase 2 in-person meeting for
panelists and residents was held in
Chicago, IL, in August 2019. All partici-
pants received domain drafts for review
in advance, and panelists were assigned
to be lead reviewers for 2 domains they
had not authored. During the 2-day
meeting, the panelists debated all draft
consensus statement recommenda-
tions and through discussion reached
agreement on amended statements
and performance elements within each
domain. Vizient provided travel sup-
port for panelists (except for pharmacy
residents). Two reactor panelists, well
respected for their extensive contribu-
tions to the profession, attended the
meeting and provided feedback in the
closing session.
During phase 3, each domain draft
was revised by the lead author and fur-
ther edited by the project cochairs to
achieve aspirational and consistently
structured content. While eorts were
made to avoid redundancy among
The high-value pharmacy en-
terprise framework provides a
strategic roadmap to advance
pharmacy practice in health
Core and aspirational elem
ents of health-system phar-
macy practice are articulated
in 94 consensus statements
across 8 domains.
Health systems can assess their
achievement of high perform
ance using over 300 perform-
ance elements developed for
the consensus statements.
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domains, some redundancy was kept if
a concept was described from dierent
perspectives or its importance war-
ranted reinforcement.
HVPE framework
e nal HVPE framework has a
total of 94 statements (Box 1) and 336
performance elements (provided, along
with the 94 statements, in eTable 1)
in 8 domains:
1. Patient Care Services
2. Business Services
3. Ambulatory and Specialty Pharmacy
4. Inpatient Operations
5. Safety and Quality
6. Pharmacy Workforce
7. Information Technology, Data, and
Information Management
8. Leadership
e following sections highlight some
of the most relevant and impactful
statements in each domain. e full
technical report containing all state-
ments, performance elements (PEs),
and the full text of each literature re-
view providing supporting evidence, is
available online.
Domain 1: Patient Care Services.
Domain 1 highlights essential aspects of
pharmacy patient care services that are
considered standard expectations of an
HVPE. One essential aspect is that phar-
macists serve as providers of compre-
hensive pharmacy patient care services
on the interprofessional care team in all
settings of care (statement 1.1a). For in-
stance, the pharmacy department is ac-
countable for drug therapy services and
outcomes independent of time, day,
holiday, or individual providing care
(PE 1.1a.b), and pharmacists prioritize
which patients receive their care, with
services not limited to a consult model
(PE 1.1a.d). In the HVPE, pharmacy is
accountable for comprehensive medica-
tion management across the continuum
of care to optimize drug therapy and pa-
tient safety (statement 1.2a), as well as
for clinical and nancial stewardship of
high-cost and high-risk medications to
ensure their appropriate use in all patient
care settings, thereby preventing the
consequences of overuse and underuse
(statement 1.3a). Aproposed list of com-
prehensive inpatient and transitional
care pharmacy services provided in a
contemporary pharmacy enterprise is
oered (eAppendix A).
e benets of including a pharma-
cist on a service can be applied to
a broad range of clinical specialties
requir ing complex medication manage-
ment. For example, including pharma-
cists on interprofessional rounding
teams in intensive care units is associ-
ated with avoidance of over 50 deaths
per hospital annually.
Similarly, a
pharmacy-managed vancomycin dos-
ing service was shown to more than
double the percentage of patients re-
ceiving optimal vancomycin therapy
(from 40% before implementation to
97% after implementation), with cor-
responding decreases in average length
of stay (8.4 days vs 10.0 days) and in-
cidence of nephrotoxicity (3.2% vs
ese and other evidence-based
pharmacist patient care services and
interventions associated with im-
proved patient care, safety, and/or -
nancial outcomes are highlighted in
the HVPE framework list of proposed
pharmacy-sensitive indicators (PSIs)
in eAppendix B.
While multicenter
studies are needed to validate these
and other proposed PSIs, they serve
as a starting point for the pharmacy to
establish a consistent, ongoing process
and key performance indicators for
comprehensive assessment and docu-
mentation of the impact of pharmacy
patient care services on quality, safety,
nancial outcomes, and other organiza-
tional goals (statement 1.4a, PE 1.4a.a,
PE 1.4a.c).
Domain 1 includes other statements
related to pharmacy services, continuity
of healthcare, and stewardship of re-
sources and programs, primarily as they
relate to inpatient services. Ambulatory
pharmacy patient care services are ad-
dressed in domain3.
Domain 2: Business Services.
Domain 2 highlights the pharmacy
enterprise’s critical role in develop ing
innovative business solutions for
delivering patient care and creating
value for the health system, including
essential business services to im-
prove medication revenue cycle per-
formance, capture pharmacy-related
business, and establish expertise in
payer-contracting processes. Asystem-
wide formulary management system
(statement 2.1a) forms the base of
medication cost management, with
management of medication contract-
ing, procurement, and distribution
by the pharmacy for all sites of care
In an HVPE, pharmacy is account-
able for ensuring eective and e-
cient patient access to medications,
including benets review, prior author-
ization, and prescription rell services,
to support patients and providers and
to optimize revenue (statement 2.2a).
e number and complexity of medica-
tion prior authorizations that providers
and patients must manage have steadily
increased over time and will likely con-
tinue to increase. Multiple studies have
demonstrated the value of centralizing
prescription management services. For
example, a centralized, pharmacy-led
prior authorization process was found
to result in a higher prior authorization
approval rate, faster times to prescrip-
tion lling, shorter order processing
times, and reduced sta time relative
to a clinic-led process.
the medication rell process through
collaborative practice agreements can
save provider time, which can then be
reallocated to seeing more clinic pa-
e medication revenue cycle
is unique and highly complex. In an
HVPE, pharmacy is accountable for
ensuring optimal medication revenue
integrity, limiting medication-related
nancial liability, and ensuring appro-
priate site-of-care selection for high-
cost medications (statement 2.3a).
Steps that the health-system pharmacy
enterprise can take to improve billing
processes include implementing a col-
laborative pharmacy revenue integrity
team (PE 2.3a.a), using revenue cycle
monitoring tools (PE 2.3a.b), and re-
viewing trends in denials and billing
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Box 1.
Consensus Statements in Domains of the High-Value Pharmacy Enterprise
Domain 1—Patient Care Services
Topic 1: Pharmacy services
1.1a. Pharmacists provide comprehensive pharmacy patient care services as providers on the interprofessional
care team in all settings of care.
1.1b. Pharmacists are accountable for all patient medication-use needs to support safe and effective drug therapy
1.1c. Pharmacists ensure appropriate use of pharmacogenomic information and biomarkers to optimize drug therapy
selection, prevent adverse events, and reduce the total cost of care.
Topic 2: Continuity of healthcare
1.2a. Pharmacy is accountable for comprehensive medication management across the continuum of care to opti-
mize drug therapy and patient safety.
1.2b. Pharmacists are responsible for ensuring that patients understand and are procient in using their high-risk
1.2c. Pharmacy staff coordinates transitional and post-discharge drug therapy management for patients at high risk of
Topic 3: Stewardship of resources and programs
1.3a. Pharmacy is accountable for clinical and nancial stewardship of high-cost and high-risk medications to en-
sure their appropriate use in all patient care settings, including inpatient, outpatient, and procedure settings,
preventing the consequences of overuse and underuse.
1.3b. Pharmacists serve on organization-wide patient care committees to promote patient-centered, value-based care.
Topic 4: Clinical data analytics
1.4a. Pharmacy establishes a consistent, ongoing process and key performance indicators for comprehensive assess-
ment and documentation of the impact of pharmacy patient care services on quality, safety, nancial outcomes
and other organizational goals.
Domain 2—Business Services
Topic 1: Medication cost management
2.1a. A system-wide formulary management system is implemented.
2.1b. Strategies for cost-effective, coordinated medication management are implemented that take into consider
ation patient care, patient satisfaction, and evolving payer requirements.
2.1c. Systems are established to reduce medication waste in all phases of the medication-use process.
2.1d. Medication inventory management systems are documented and implemented across the health system.
2.1e. Medication contracting, procurement, and distribution is managed by the pharmacy for all sites of care.
2.1f. For qualifying 340B-covered entities, the 340B program is effectively managed to assure compliance, with sav
ings optimized across the health system.
Topic 2: Medicationaccess
2.2a. Pharmacy is accountable for ensuring effective and efcient patient access to medications, including bene-
ts review, prior authorization, and prescription rell services, to support patients and providers and to opti-
mize revenue.
2.2b. Pharmacy is accountable for ensuring effective and efcient patient access to medications, including provision of
comprehensive medication assistance program services to assist uninsured and underinsured patients in access
ing free medications.
Topic 3: Revenue integrity
2.3a. Pharmacy is accountable for ensuring optimal medication revenue integrity, limiting medication-related nancial
liability, and ensuring appropriate site of care selection for high-cost medications.
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Topic 4: Businessgrowth
2.4a. Pharmacy identies, evaluates, and implements new business ventures.
Domain 3—Ambulatory and Specialty Pharmacy Services
Topic 1: Pharmacy services that benefit population health and improve access tocare
3.1a. Pharmacists collaborate with care providers across the health-system continuum to optimize patient health
and well-being.
3.1b. Pharmacists have an active role in managing pharmacotherapy in all care settings and share responsibility
and accountability for medication-related outcomes.
3.1c. Pharmacists provide comprehensive medication management services for patients with complex medical
regimens and patients on high-risk therapies across the continuum.
3.1d. Pharmacists are actively involved in de-prescribing efforts for patients with polypharmacy or taking inappropriate
high-risk medications.
Topic 2: Retail pharmacy services
3.2a. Retail pharmacy services are established to ensure patient access to medications and improve medication regi-
men adherence and affordability.
Topic 3: Specialty pharmacy and infusion care services
3.3a. Health system offers a comprehensive dual-accredited specialty pharmacy program to support optimal pa-
tient care and strong organizational nancial performance.
3.3b. Pharmacy participates in comprehensive medication management services for patients receiving infusions and
other high-cost, clinic-administered medications throughout the health system and afliate locations.
Topic 4: Employer-funded healthplans
3.4a. Pharmacy helps lead and oversee employer-funded health plan medication management practices to ensure
formulary alignment, coordination with pharmacy benet managers (PBMs), plan design, and use of health-
system-owned specialty and retail pharmacies.
3.4b. The health plan uses pharmacists to provide preventive services through employer-sponsored wellness and
disease state management programs.
3.4c. The health plan supports employees with complex diseases and conditions through comprehensive medication
management services.
Domain 4—Inpatient Operations
Topic 1: Medication-use systems and operations pharmacists
4.1a. Inpatient operations employ pharmacists who are specially trained and credentialed in medication-use systems
and operations.
Topic 2: Drug shortage management
4.2a. A system to prevent, manage, and mitigate medication shortages is implemented to reduce patient harm.
Topic 3: Drug diversion prevention
4.3a. Maintain an effective drug diversion prevention plan for controlled substances and high-cost medications.
Topic 4: Safety of medication storage, preparation, distribution, administration and disposal
4.4a. Pharmacy ensures drugs are procured, stored, prepared, dispensed, distributed and disposed in the safest
possible manner.
4.4b. Systems are in place to monitor and evaluate the storage and distribution of medications across the organ
ization to minimize waste, and to ensure they are delivered as close to due time as possible.
4.4c. Barcode scanning is used throughout the medication stocking, preparation, distribution, dispensing, delivery,
and administration processes.
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4.4d. Technologies such as IV workflow management systems, picture taking, gravimetric technology, and
robotics, in conjunction with barcode scanning, are used to support safe, efficient medication sterile
4.4e. Contemporary quality improvement principles are leveraged to ensure the ongoing safe, timely, efcient, and
effective provision of pharmacy services.
4.4f. When self-administered medication processes are implemented, robust systems are in place to ensure patient
Topic 5: Efficiency within a multihospital system
4.5a. Multihospital systems evaluate and implement strategies to improve the operational performance, efciency, and
integration of its internal pharmacy programs and services.
Domain 5—Safety andQuality
Topic 1: Cultural and organizational characteristics that define safety andquality
5.1a. A dedicated pharmacist medication safety ofcer is responsible for maintaining the organization’s medication
safety strategic plan and continuously evaluating its effectiveness.
5.1b. Routine monitoring of national and local evidence-based best practices and gathering inter-organizational
shared experiences related to medication safety and quality are routinely performed to maximize organiza
tional engagement and improve safety.
5.1c. Organization demonstrates a commitment to routine collection and analysis of medication-related adverse
events and “near-misses” using provider reporting, data analytics, and reporting from other organizations to
continuously and proactively improve patient safety and outcomes.
5.1d. Organization cultivates a learning healthcare system as a framework to provide safe and effective care.
Topic 2: Role of pharmacy and therapeutics committees in ensuring evidence-basedcare
5.2a. Leverage the pharmacy and therapeutics (P&T) committee to promote evidence-based formulary manage-
ment, drug use policy, and stewardship.
5.2b. The pharmacy department leads stewardship efforts to optimize safety and quality of medications.
5.2c. Pharmacy departments engage with the P&T committee for accountability over the routine evaluation of the
safety and quality of the organization’s medication-use process.
Topic 3: Accountability and monitoring for patientsafety
5.3a. Align medication safety strategy and priorities with patient safety goals and objectives of the organization.
5.3b. Leverage real-time reporting and alerting tools to monitor and support medication safety.
Topic 4: Accountability for monitoring for quality and value
5.4a. Pharmacy practice leaders engage with hospital and health-system safety and quality executives to identify
continuous quality improvement priorities and opportunities.
5.4b. A robust medication safety and quality dashboard is maintained and routinely shared with key stakeholders and
staff to improve patient care.
Topic 5: Special considerations for patient and healthcare workersafety
5.5a. Implement strategies to support workforce resilience and well-being.
Domain 6—Pharmacy Workforce
Topic 1: Pharmacy education
6.1a. The health system engages in a collaborative relationship with associated schools of pharmacy.
6.1b. Learners at each level of training (e.g., IPPE, intern, APPE, PGY1 Resident and PGY2 Resident) engage in
activities at the highest level of their competence.
6.1c. Interprofessional education occurs at all levels of learner education and training within the health system.
6.1d. Pharmacy residency training programs advance the organization’s patient care model.
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Topic 2: Pharmacist scope of practice, staffing, and practicemodel
6.2a. The pharmacists’ scope of practice is as a provider and is continuously expanding.
6.2b. Performance metrics and productivity measures are developed and maintained to ensure appropriate
stafng models.
6.2c. The health system only hires and retains pharmacists competent for top of license practice.
6.2d. Innovative pharmacy positions are created to meet contemporary healthcare opportunities.
Topic 3: Pharmacy technicians
6.3a. Pharmacy technicians participate in advanced roles in all practice settings to expand the scope of pharma-
cist practice, promote efciency and improve patients’ access to care.
6.3b. Health systems attract new entrants into pharmacy technician careers and only employ competent technicians
that are certied.
Topic 4: Scholarship
6.4a. Pharmacy-led scholarship is a highly valued output of the department.
6.4b. Pharmacists engage in the design, implementation, and evaluation of quality improvement initiatives.
Topic 5: Professional development
6.5a. Career ladders and other professional advancement programs are used to maximize growth and engagement of
pharmacy personnel.
Domain 7—Information Technology, Data, and Information Management
Topic 1: Fundamental medication management supporting technologies
7.1a. Proven medication management technologies are leveraged to maximize patient safety and clinical practice
7.1b. Proven medication-system technologies are leveraged to support safe and efcient pharmacy operations.
7.1c. Employ available technologies to engage patients beyond the walls of healthcare facilities to allow them to
be active owners in their care.
7.1d. Deploy real-time point-of-care technologies to assist clinicians in evaluating and managing patient care,
such as clinical decision support, articial intelligence, machine learning, and other algorithms.
7.1e. Prepare and participate in business continuity best practices for data integrity, security, and availability during
technology downtimes.
Topic 2: Pharmacy workforce competency
7.2a. Maintain a medication management informatics team with accountability to pharmacy to support safe and
effective use of medications.
7.2b. Engage in active workforce planning to ensure readiness for adoption of emerging medication-related technolo
gies and ongoing workforce development needs.
Topic 3: Data, information, and analytic platform management
7.3a. Integrate and capitalize on existing big data and predictive analytics tools to measure and improve out-
comes and efciency.
7.3b. Pharmacists should have access to real-time aggregated inpatient and outpatient data to assist with care
7.3c. Dashboards are used to support patient care services, operations, and organizational initiatives.
Domain 8—Leadership
Topic 1: Attributes of the pharmacy leadershipteam
8.1a. A pharmacy leadership team is accountable for all aspects of the pharmacy enterprise.
8.1b. Members of the leadership team exhibit executive presence as an essential characteristic necessary to
succeed in advancing pharmacy practice.
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errors and implementing action plans
for prevention or improvement (PE
Integral to domain 2 is business
growth. In the HVPE, pharmacy iden-
ties, evaluates, and implements new
business ventures (statement 2.4a). It
is necessary to have a leadership that
identies, implements, and monitors
entrepreneurial opportunities for the
pharmacy enterprise and develops
the necessary processes and support,
such as organizational business plan-
ning and strategic planning processes
(PE 2.4a.a-c). As US healthcare tran-
sitions from acute care management
to management of patients across the
continuum of care, pharmacy-related
8.1c. Pharmacy leaders demonstrate a high level of emotional intelligence.
8.1d. Pharmacy leaders actively pursue productive and vibrant individual continuing professional development (CPD)
Topic 2: Organizing for maximum effectiveness
8.2a. The most senior pharmacy leader reports to the highest level of organizational leadership (e.g., chief execu-
tive ofcer, chief operating ofcer).
8.2b. Pharmacy maintains an organizational structure that supports its leaders’ focus on strategy, priorities, tac
tics, and timely and effective decision making.
8.2c. All pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in pharmacy practice roles report to leaders that report into the
pharmacy leadership team.
8.2d. Members of the pharmacy leadership team maintain effective working and personal relationships with leaders
from other areas throughout the organization.
Topic 3: Strategy and innovation
8.3a. The pharmacy leadership team creates and maintains a contemporary strategic plan for pharmacy practice,
aligned with organizational goals and strategic priorities.
8.3b. Pharmacy leaders monitor the healthcare environment for new opportunities, take calculated risks, and encour
age innovation that advances practice.
Topic 4: Leading forresults
8.4a. Pharmacy leaders demonstrate business acumen to ensure the effective use of organizational and pharmacy
resources to optimize patient outcomes.
8.4b. Pharmacy leaders advocate for pharmacy services on an ongoing basis by inuencing and demonstrating
the positive impact of the pharmacy enterprise on achieving organizational goals and strategic priorities,
including patient care outcomes and nancial performance.
8.4c. Pharmacy leaders are actively engaged in contributing to the profession by sharing successful practices with
8.4d. Pharmacy leaders share pharmacy department and team member successes within the department to en-
gage and motivate pharmacy staff.
8.4e. Pharmacy leaders actively participate, serve in leadership roles, and support staff involvement in local, state, and/
or national pharmacy organizations.
Topic 5: Developing futureleaders
8.5a. Pharmacy leaders inspire the development and success of future pharmacy leaders by teaching, modeling,
coaching, facilitating, and mentoring in college of pharmacy curricula.
8.5b. Pharmacy leaders engage in developing the leadership skills of future pharmacy leaders.
8.5c. Pharmacy team members serve as leaders within the organization via effectively contributing to interdiscip
linary teams and committees.
8.5d. Leaders maintain a pipeline of future employees by connecting with local colleges of pharmacy to establish
contemporary education and rotational sites for pharmacy students.
8.5e. Pharmacy leaders have a dynamic succession plan that evolves to meet the needs of the organization and phar
macy enterprise.
Abbreviations: 340B, 340B Drug Pricing Program; APPE, advanced pharmacy practice experience; IPPE, introduc-
tory pharmacy practice experience; PGY1, postgraduate year 1; PGY2, postgraduate year 2.
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ambulatory business growth opportun-
ities should be routinely evaluated and
maximized (PE 2.4a.g). See domain 3
for growth opportunities in ambulatory
and specialty pharmacy services and
domain 8 for attributes of successful
Domain 3: ambulatory and
specialty pharmacy services. As
the pharmacy enterprise expands its
ambulatory and specialty pharmacy
practice as outlined in domain 3, it is
important to focus on improving ad-
herence, aordability of medications,
and enhancing access to clinical re-
sources to achieve optimal nancial,
quality, and satisfaction outcomes.
Examples of programs and services
documenting the positive impact of
pharmacist collaborative practice
on disease state management in the
ambulatory care setting are oered
(eAppendix C).
In an HVPE, the health system oers
a comprehensive dual-accredited spe-
cialty pharmacy program to support
optimal patient care and strong or-
ganizational nancial performance
(statement 3.3a). Specialty pharmacies
build on the foundation of a strong re-
tail pharmacy infrastructure. Although
sole ownership of a specialty pharmacy
is preferred (PE 3.3a.a), in some cases
it may be advantageous to partner with
other hospitals to ensure adequate pre-
scription volume.
Specialty pharmacy
accreditation is increasingly required
to access certain payer networks or
medications, and dual accreditation
provides a competitive advantage.
Insourcing a specialty pharmacy can
reduce fragmentation of care, particu-
larly through use of pharmacists in
the health systems specialty clinics,
providing a 24/7 drug therapy man-
agement call center, and leveraging ad-
vanced pharmacy technician roles (PE
3.3a.b-d; roles listed in eAppendix D).
is integrated model may increase
specialty pharmacy prescription vol-
ume, decrease time to medication ap-
proval, and provide nancial aid for
patients who require assistance.
also supports prospective drug-use re-
view, concurrent benets investigation,
patient education, and follow-up for
tolerability and ecacy.
Another topic addressed in domain
3 is employer-funded health plans. In
an HVPE, the pharmacy helps lead
and oversee employer-funded health
plan medication management prac-
tices to ensure formulary alignment,
coordination with pharmacy benet
managers (PBMs), plan design, and
use of health system–owned specialty
and retail pharmacies (statement 3.4a).
To do this, PBM services for direct-to-
employer plans are separately carved
out from the health plan third-party
administrator contract, with pharmacy
leadership participation in PBM selec-
tion and PBM agreement oversight (PE
3.4a.a-b). e carve-out approach has
many advantages, including greater
ability to manage pharmacy benets
costs separately from the rest of the
medical plan. Including strategies to
maximize employee use of employer-
owned retail and specialty pharmacy
services in the health plan design (PE
3.4a.d) can generate dramatic savings
for the health system and help ensure
employee medication appropriateness
and adherence.
Domain 3 also addresses the topics
of retail pharmacy services, infusion
care services, and pharmacy services
that benet population health and im-
prove access to care.
Domain 4: Inpatient Operations.
Domain 4 addresses the scope of in-
patient pharmacy operations in the
HVPE. Inpatient pharmacy operations
are increasingly complex, regulated,
and automated, requiring a highly
specialized pharmacist and technical
workforce to ensure safe and ecient
delivery of medications for patients
within the health system.
operations should employ pharmacists
who are specialty trained and creden-
tialed in medication-use systems and
operations (statement 4.1a). Because
many schools of pharmacy do not
prepare pharmacy students for these
roles, nor do most postgraduate year
1 residency training programs, these
pharmacists should have advanced
training in medication-use systems and
operations (PE 4.1a.a). Certication
in sterile compounding and/or other
areas pertaining to pharmacy oper-
ations should be required as certi-
cations become available (PE 4.1a.b).
Maintaining a highly trained and com-
petent pharmacy technician workforce
is also vital to inpatient pharmacy oper-
ations, and the discussion of pharmacy
technicians has been centralized in do-
main 6 (Pharmacy Workforce).
In multihospital systems, central-
izing select aspects of inpatient phar-
macy operations can lead to decreased
operating costs, ecient use of re-
sources, and greater investment in phar-
macy technology to improve patient
care and safety.
Multihospital systems
should evaluate and implement strat-
egies to improve the operational per-
formance, eciency, and integration
of internal pharmacy programs and
services (statement 4.5a). One strategy
is to develop a centralized consolidated
pharmacy services center (CPSC) to
meet the needs of the health system
(PE 4.5a.a). Many factors go into the
decision to develop a CPSC, including
current inventory, medications fre-
quently acquired and compounded in
large quantities, ability to create a new
space, the need for a backup supply
plan to be implemented in the event
of facility outages and shortages, and
availability of personnel to comply
with compounding standards, good
manufacturing practices, and legal and
regulatory requirements.
Other topics addressed in domain
4 are drug shortage management, drug
diversion prevention for controlled
substances and high-cost drugs, and
safety of medication storage, prepar-
ation, distribution, and administration.
In particular, the use of technologies
to support safe, ecient medication
sterile compounding is addressed
(statement 4.4d), as are contemporary
quality improvement principles to en-
sure the ongoing safe, timely, ecient,
and eective provision of pharmacy
services (statement 4.4e). Technology
and quality/safety considerations are
also addressed in domains 7 and 5,
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Domain 5: Safety and Quality.
Domain 5 identies critical areas in an
HVPE to master in pursuit of safety and
quality, both of which are essential to
ensure optimal patient care outcomes.
ese areas are integrated in and de-
pendent on the other HVPE frame-
work domains. First and foremost is
creating a culture and organizational
characteristics that dene safety and
quality, including demonstrating a
commitment to routine collection and
analysis of medication-related adverse
events and “near-misses” to continu-
ously and proactively improve patient
safety and outcomes (statement 5.1c).
is can be done using provider re-
porting, data analytics, and reporting
tools from other organizations, such as
the Medication Safety Self-Assessment
for Hospitals developed by the Institute
for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) in
To meet this commitment, the
pharmacy enterprise must have a dedi-
cated pharmacist medication safety of-
cer who is responsible for maintaining
the organization’s medication safety
strategic plan and evaluating its eect-
iveness (statement5.1a).
Another critical area is account-
ability for monitoring of quality and
value. Pharmacy practice leaders in
an HVPE engage with hospital and
health-system safety and quality execu-
tives to identify continuous quality im-
provement priorities and opportunities
(statement 5.4a). As part of this, the
pharmacy aligns with the quality im-
provement and measurement priorities
of the organization and demonstrates
the value of medication management
services to inuence decisions re-
lated to the strategic direction of the
institution (PE 5.4a.a,c). Despite the
current lack of a formal method for at-
tributing patient and quality outcomes
to pharmacists’ practice activities,
the ASHP Pharmacy Accountability
Measures (PAM) Work Group identi-
ed and prioritized existing national
medication-related quality measures
that health-system pharmacists can
use to establish accountability for and
demonstrate value in clinical out-
Capturing performance data
enables pharmacy leaders to not only
stratify patient populations proactively
to prioritize pharmacist services and
ensure adequate stang to meet safety
and quality goals but also demonstrate
the value of medication management
services to inuence decisions related
to the strategic direction of their institu-
tions, including value-based contracts
Other critical areas addressed in
domain 5 are the role of pharmacy and
therapeutics committees in ensuring
evidence-based care; accountability
for and monitoring of patient safety;
special considerations for patient and
healthcare worker safety; and the need
for organizations to establish a “learning
healthcare systems” approach to safety
and quality improvement.
Domain 6: Pharmacy Workforce.
Domain 6 explores critical elements of
the pharmacy workforce that are present
in an HVPE, starting with pharmacy edu-
cation. Learners at each level of training
engage in activities at the highest level
of their competence (statement 6.1b).
e health system educates all levels of
student pharmacists, from introductory
pharmacy practice experience (IPPE)
rotations through postgraduate year 2
residencies, and has internship and lon-
gitudinal advanced pharmacy practice
experience (APPE) programs that transi-
tion student pharmacists to direct patient
care roles and residency training and/or
fellowships, respectively (PE 6.1b.a-c).
Most importantly, learners are positioned
intentionally to instruct other learners
below them at all levels (PE 6.1b.d).
is layered learning model improves
teaching, develops precepting skills, and
facilitates top-of-license practice for all
levels of pharmacy professionals and has
resulted in improved clinical outcomes
and measures, reduced medication
costs, improved patient satisfaction, and
increased pharmacist time for intensive
clinical activities.
Pharmacists’ scope of practice in
the enterprise is as a provider, and it
is continuously expanding (statement
6.2a). Collaborative practice agree-
ments are structured to allow phar-
macists to manage patient medication
therapy independently and with a de-
gree of judgment commensurate with
their education and training, and these
roles are dened alongside those of
other providers to minimize overlap
(PE 6.2a.a-b). In addition, pharma-
cists in patient care roles are privileged
similarly to other healthcare providers
(PE 6.2a.d), which enables them to
specialize and operate at the top of their
license to improve the quality of care
and patient outcomes.
metrics and productivity measures,
such as those dened by ASHP’s PAM
Work Group, are developed and main-
tained to ensure appropriate stang
models to optimize medication out-
comes, improve medication safety, and
maximize value (statement 6.2b).
Technicians are a critical part of
the pharmacy team, performing duties
under the supervision of a pharma-
cist that do not require a pharmacist’s
clinical judgment. Within the HVPE,
pharmacy technicians participate in
advanced roles in all practice settings
to expand the scope of pharmacist
practice, promote eciency, and im-
prove patients’ access to care (state-
ment 6.3a). Looking beyond traditional
dispensing and data-entry roles, ex-
amples of expanded roles include ad-
ministrative support for medication
management services, immunizations,
and telephone follow-up and home
visit services following hospital dis-
charge (eTable 1).
Other topics in domain 6 include
innovative roles for pharmacists, schol-
arship, and professional development.
Domain 7: Information Tech-
nology, Data, and Information
Management. Domain 7 focuses on
core technology expectations of the
HVPE, including data management
and technological requirements im-
portant for succeeding in thefuture.
In high-value pharmacies, proven
medication management technolo-
gies are leveraged to maximize patient
safety and clinical practice eective-
ness (statement 7.1a) and to support
safe and ecient pharmacy operations
(statement 7.1b). ese best prac-
tices have been previously described.
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Deployment of standard technology at
an enterprise level across multiple sites
within the same health system further
strengthens benets achieved at a local
level while also maximizing eciencies
and fostering standardization.
time point-of-care technologies, such
as clinical decision support, articial
intelligence, and machine learning,
are also used to assist clinicians in
evaluating and managing patient care
(statement 7.1d), with attention to
interdisciplinary processes for devel-
opment, oversight, and quality control
(PE 7.1d.a-c).
Central to the success of all
technology-driven performance elem-
ents in a high-value pharmacy is a
medication management informatics
team, with accountability to pharmacy
personnel, to support safe and eective
use of medications (statement 7.2a).
is pharmacist-led team must oversee
medication-use systems in all areas
of the organization, and it is expected
that both pharmacists and pharmacy
technicians are members of the team
and receive benets supporting con-
tinuing professional development (PE
7.2a.a,c). To lead technology-associated
healthcare redesign and support the
initiatives and integration activities
proactively, medication management
informatics leaders must be located at
the highest level of the department in
which they reside, with accountability
to the pharmacy executive (PE 7.2a.e).
Strong relationships within and outside
pharmacy are the key to success for the
Adoption of electronic health re-
cords has been instrumental in the gen-
eration and storage of large amounts
of healthcare data, which can be used
for clinical practice, quality improve-
ment, research initiatives, and business
oversight. In the high-value pharmacy,
pharmacists should have access to
real-time aggregated inpatient and out-
patient data to assist with care manage-
ment (statement 7.3b). For instance,
pharmacists should have access to pre-
dictive analytics models to identify and
manage hospitalized patients who are
at high risk for hospital readmissions,
specic diseases, or both (PE 7.3b.b).
Similarly, patient registries are useful
to identify outpatients eligible for inter-
ventions and target high-risk popula-
tions (PE 7.3b.b).
e need to develop a workforce
with the skill set to use emerging tech-
nologies and big data as outlined in do-
main 7 is further addressed in domains
6 and8.
Domain 8: Leadership.Domain
8 highlights essential attributes of the
leadership of the HVPE, building on
leadership skills previously outlined for
a high-performance pharmacy.
through eective pharmacy leadership
will the HVPE vision and consensus
statements in the other 7 domains be
In the HVPE, a pharmacy leader-
ship team is accountable for all aspects
of the pharmacy enterprise (statement
8.1a), including organization-wide re-
sponsibility for all aspects of medica-
tion management performance and
for motivating all pharmacy sta to
improve patient outcomes through
medication management (PE 8.1a.a-b).
A single governing structure respon-
sible for both clinical and business ob-
jectives is essential to ensure optimal
patient care and nancial viability and
to support the broader healthcare de-
livery system.
e most senior pharmacy leader
in the enterprise reports to the highest
level of the organizational leadership,
such as the chief executive ocer or
chief operation ocer (statement
8.2a). In this way, the senior pharmacy
leader is part of the highest governing,
decision-making, and policy-making
bodies of the organization (PE 8.2a.a)
and can promote the pharmacy vision
and strategic plan in alignment with the
health systems goals for improving out-
comes, quality, and patient satisfaction
and for meeting nancial objectives.
In tandem with creating and main-
taining a contemporary strategic plan
for pharmacy practice (statement
8.3a), pharmacy leaders monitor the
healthcare environment for new op-
portunities, take calculated risks, and
encourage innovation that advances
practice (statement 8.3b), exhibiting
unselsh commitment and refusal to
make excuses.
To ensure the eective use of or-
ganizational and pharmacy resources
to optimize patient outcomes, it is es-
sential that pharmacy leaders dem-
onstrate business acumen (statement
8.4a). Leaders must be prepared to
monitor, interpret, and act based upon
the pharmacy’s nancial performance
while also being transparent in sharing
the organization’s budget, scal goals,
and nancial forecasts with sta.
Using clinical quality outcome meas-
ures (as described in other domains}
in addition to nancial performance,
pharmacy leaders routinely advocate
for pharmacy services by inuencing
and demonstrating the positive im-
pact of the pharmacy enterprise on
achieving organizational goals and
strategic priorities (statement 8.4b).
Pharmacy leaders facilitate this advo-
cacy by serving on multidisciplinary
committees and sharing pharmacy’s
impact with senior health-system ex-
ecutives (PE 8.4b.a-b).
Domain 8 includes other aspects
of the pharmacy leadership team, or-
ganizing for maximum eectiveness,
leading for results, and developing fu-
ture leaders.
is article captures the essence
of the HVPE framework as detailed in
the list of almost 100 consensus state-
ments (Box 1), and the descriptions of
each domain provide a glimpse of how
the statements are integrated with per-
formance elements and evidence in
the full HVPE technical report.
In the
technical report, statements for each
domain are grouped by topic area,
and each statement has at least one
PE that can be used to operationalize
it (ie, identies specic elements that a
pharmacy enterprise needs to have or
do to satisfy that statement). Text fol-
lowing each topic puts the statements
and PEs into context, with support
from the literature or expert consensus
insights provided, as well as the avail-
able evidence showing their value to
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patient care and the health system
and a description of what a pharmacy
enterprise must do to meet each con-
sensus statement.
is format makes the content
easily digestible, oering the oppor-
tunity to tackle one domain and one
topic at a time, or several domains
and topics concurrently, within an or-
ganization. e literature review also
provides evidence and other justica-
tion that can serve as a starting point
for new program development and
implementation. e statements with
PEs for each domain topic (eTable 1)
constitute a useful checklist to record
PEs already met and identify prior-
ities for next steps in fullling the
expert-identied statements and PEs
of an HVPE. For example, domain
7 (Information Technology, Data,
and Information Management), has
3 topics with a total of 10 consensus
statements and 36 PEs supported by
concise literature reviews. Used in
synergy with the 11 consensus re-
commendations in the Technology
and Data Science domain of PAI 2030,
this tactical road map for HVPE do-
main 7 will be very useful in advancing
practice throughout the pharmacy
As elements of the HVPE framework
are implemented, not to be forgotten is
the need to collect and analyze quality,
safety, and nancial outcomes data that
demonstrate the value of HVPE services
and then disseminate the results within
the organization and through pub-
lication. is will contribute to the
development of pharmacy-sensitive in-
dicators associated with improved pa-
tient outcomes, such as those included
in eAppendix C, which could ultimately
be used to dene and measure excel-
lence for pharmacy services through
HVPE status, just as the nursing pro-
fession created nursing-sensitive in-
dicators and the Magnet Recognition
Having an ongoing pro-
cess for assessing and documenting the
pharmacy’s value can also serve as a
catalyst for justifying additional services
within the pharmacy enterprise,
improving recruitment and retention
of talented sta, and strengthening the
health systemsbrand.
While most HVPE framework
statements and performance elem-
ents are supported by literature,
some were derived primarily through
panelist consensus based on pro-
fessional experience. Achieving con-
sensus required respectful debate and
compromise, and the collective con-
tributions of all panelists resulted in a
signicant step in the journey toward
dening an HVPE. e involvement
of administrative residents not only
assisted panelists in developing their
domains but also enabled aspiring
pharmacy leaders to be witness to the
birth of the HVPE framework. As we
move through the 2020s, especially
with the uncertainties and challenges
posed by the coronavirus disease 2019
pandemic, pharma cists, pharmacy
leaders, and health systems can look
to the HVPE framework as a roadmap
for developing high-value pharmacy
services throughout the enterprise.
e HVPE framework is a strategic
roadmap to advance pharmacy prac-
tice by ensuring safe, eective, and
patient-centered medication manage-
ment throughout the health-system
pharmacy enterprise. Grounded in
evidence and expert recommenda-
tions, the statements and associated
performance elements can be used to
identify strategic priorities to improve
patient outcomes and add value for the
e authors acknowledge Carla J. Brink,
BSPharm, MS, CHCP, who served as tech
nical writer for this project, as well as Bill
Churchill, BSPharm, MS, and David Zilz,
BSPharm, MS, who served as reactor panelists
during the consensus meeting. e support of
Vizient, and in particular the contributions of
Karl Matuszewski, PharmD, MS, and Lynda
Stencel, is also acknowledged.
Vizient provided nancial support for this
project (travel and meeting costs, support
for technical writer), but none of the authors
received nancial compensation for their
contributions. e authors have declared no
potential conicts of interest.
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