LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design
SCAD Libraries User Experience: Assessment Tool Planning Grant
Savannah College of Art and Design seeks an IMLS Learning Spaces grant to plan for and create
a model for the academic library of tomorrow using UX design expertise. [UX Design is defined
as the process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and
pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and the product.] Specifically, an IMLS
grant would offset planning for an operational model that links library resources (physical,
technological, digital) in a user-experience, participatory-centered design model across all SCAD
libraries, including a reimagining of our space to accommodate new technologies, offer new
services and increase the value of the user experience. This project will produce a UX Design
assessment tool that may be used across the library industry.
The SCAD Libraries User Experience Design Assessment project will utilize UX design-thinking
for the advancement of SCAD library systems’ capacity to support all types of learning and
inquiry, including participatory hands-on learning that appeals to a broad range of learning
modalities (visual, kinesthetic, auditory, etc.) The resultant UX Design Assessment Tool will
advance a new paradigm of user awareness and integrated service delivery thus providing a
model for the field.
We will engage a focus group of UX Design students and staff, a collaborative UX Design
Consultant (Influx Library User Experience) and Library management to identify our user
culture, link our physical and digital resources, and design a participatory-friendly operational
model that marries tradition with leading-edge information science practice. The learning
outcomes will be evaluated through a variety of methods but will include pre-planning and
post-implementation surveys of students and staff. (Additional performance goals and
outcomes will be identified by the focus group as part of the planning process.)
The results from the project will be disseminated for wide use, adaptation, scale, and
replication at libraries across the U.S. It will guide libraries in design-thinking and user
experience methods to enhance their ability to make decisions that consider their unique
missions, resources and investments. Allowing for input, consensus building and buy-in across
the library system, university, and UX and service design fields, it will have a lasting impact on
the library field. According to the American Library Association, there are 3,793 academic
libraries in the United States. SCAD can serve as a relevant and qualified planning case-study to
all of them. The resultant UX Design Assessment Tool will be broad-based to appeal to a wide-
range of institutions.
LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design
SCAD Libraries User Experience: Assessment Tool Planning Grant
Savannah College of Art and Design, 1
Statement of Need
With the inception of the internet and the technological boom of the 1990’s came exponential
economic growth that created new industries and placed America at the forefront of
advancement and innovation and spurred our nation’s libraries to endeavor in exploratory
thinking and practice as they redefined their role within our nation’s many diverse
communities. Academic libraries, in particular, face many unforeseen challenges today. The Jen
Library at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), primarily serves the Millennial and Z
generations both are fluent in technology, share a staunch advocacy for the accuracy and
use of Google, and most are unfamiliar with user opportunities within a traditional library
construct or the organization’s ability to serve as a learning resource, and academic tool.
Students today remain technologically adept, yet lack informational literacy within the
constructs of a traditional library. A survey conducted in 2010 by Ithaka S+R found that most
students entering college in the fall of 2011 acknowledged that they lacked the research skills
needed to complete assignments and be successful in an information-intensive economy. A
survey of incoming first-year students found that 60% do not evaluate the quality or reliability
of information; 75% do not know how to locate research articles and resources; and 44% do not
know how to integrate knowledge from different sources (ALA State of America’s Library’s Report,
Of course, as library professionals, we know the library’s best days remain yet to be seen.
Library learning spaces across the nation are struggling in the transition from the traditional
book and shelf-dominated library, to a broader cultural and holistic library, where focus is on
the user’s experience and on the user’s access to both physical and digital resources. It is
evident that there is a need for broad-based tested and proven operational design models that
may be repurposed on a national level.
SCAD is internationally known for its curriculum which is industry-responsive and advances
innovation and design-thinking within all programs of study, whether digital arts, fashion
design, communication arts, or liberal arts. SCAD is also renowned for its utilization of design-
thinking within every aspect of university operations. This approach catapulted SCAD from a
young art and design college serving 71 students in 1979, to a university serving 12,000
students on three continents through 40 art and design majors of study and 60 specializations.
Today, SCAD is the most comprehensive, art and design university in the world and the first
and only U.S. university to offer both BFA and MFA degrees in service design. SCAD is an
international leader in user experience (UX) design thinking. [UX Design is the process of
enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in
the interaction between the user and the product.]
LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design
SCAD Libraries User Experience: Assessment Tool Planning Grant
Savannah College of Art and Design, 2
As a leading institution in art and design, of course we view the increased use of digital
platform, technology, and hands-on project based learning methods as a welcome opportunity
to rethink and reinvent “the library”, with five larger issues to consider:
1. New media habits and behaviors of the user;
2. Changes in the libraries collections and services;
3. An increased interest in the user participatory automated experience;
4. Efficient operation and workflow systems that bridge the gap between traditional
expectations and library services and programming; and
5. Limited financial resources
SCAD, like most others working in the field, earnestly believes that libraries should serve as
more than a helpful tool to supplement an individual’s formal education, but as an accessible
resource, rich in genuine expertise, unparalleled knowledge, and a central participatory
learning community that inspires discourse and promotes civic engagement.
Savannah College of Art and Design, respectfully requests an IMLS Learning Spaces grant in the
amount of $50,000 to plan for and test a model for the academic library of tomorrow. Funding
would support planning for a new participatory model of operation that links library resources
to user-experience across the SCAD library system, including a reimagining of our structural
space to accommodate new technologies, offer new services and increase the value of the user
Project Impact:
The SCAD library system serves the student body through four distinct units that include three
librarian-led facilities with structured collection, circulation and service practices, and one non-
staffed, self-service library with an unstructured orientation for collection, circulation and
services. SCAD’s first library opened in 1980 in a small one-room space with a gift of 10,000
books from the State University of New York at Fredonia. In 1999, SCAD made a significant
investment in what is now known as the Jen Library, expanding it to an 85,000 square foot, 3-
story facility over one city block. The university strategically built the physical collection while
incorporating the latest technological advances including ebooks, online resources and
virtualization of the library catalogue. In subsequent years, with the growth of the university
and openings of new locations in Lacoste (France), Atlanta and Hong Kong, SCAD opened
additional physical libraries and significantly grew its online presence and virtual services.
SCAD Libraries contain nearly 500,000 physical and electronic publications and resources
accessible by all students at all locations. Among the library’s distinguishing factors is the
Artist’s Book Collection of over 2,000 books comprising one of the most significant collections in
the United States. The Don Bluth Collection of Animation consists of animation drawings,
storyboards, and other materials from some of the artist’s most admired work in film, including
the Secret of NIMH, An American Tail, and The Land Before Time. In addition, the library has
LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design
SCAD Libraries User Experience: Assessment Tool Planning Grant
Savannah College of Art and Design, 3
maintained a Digital Image Database since 2001 of more than 150,000 images, developed in
response to the need to transition from 35mm slides to digital images. The transcontinental
SCAD library system’s expansive collection and geographic reach, coupled with our leading
education programs in Service and UX Design make us an ideal candidate to undertake such a
Like other libraries, as SCAD’s Library System has experienced exponential expansion of digital
resources over a short period of time, and rapid changes in user culture, the library has had
difficulty linking its physical resources with its digital platform and technology to create an
integrated, participatory, user-centered experience. Because of this dynamic, SCAD library staff
recognize the need to bring clarity to the user experience in order to effectively situate the role
of the library within a student’s greater academic experience, improving the staff’s personal
and professional connection to the user experience, and the greater functionality of library
operations in the context of contemporary academia. Given the forces outside of academia
that are shaping and re-contextualizing social and cultural norms as a result of wide scale
adoption of service design and user experience principles, SCAD and the greater library and
information science field is in need of an innovative tool to define and create a new library
experience that meet the needs of the user.
The SCAD Libraries User Experience Design Assessment project will utilize UX design-thinking
for the advancement of SCAD library systems’ capacity to support all types of learning and
inquiry, including participatory hands-on learning that appeals to a broad range of learning
modalities (visual, kinesthetic, auditory, etc.) The resultant UX Design Assessment Tool will
advance a new paradigm of user awareness and integrated service delivery thus providing a
model for the library and information science field.
With an IMLS planning grant we seek to address the following learning outcomes:
Identify the SCAD library audience, their needs and expectations, and user culture,
Identify the library’s resources, offerings, needs and expectations,
Reevaluate and link the use of both the library’s physical space and technology to
promote ease of access to all platforms of information for all users,
Document our process and develop a broad-based UX Design Assessment tool that will
improve methodologies for measuring the impact of library service models, and
Create a useful operation model for other academic libraries.
We will engage a focus group of UX Design students and staff, a collaborative UX Design
consultant, Influx Library User Experience, and library management to address the
aforementioned objectives. The prospective learning outcomes will be evaluated through a
variety of methods but will include pre-planning and post-implementation surveys of students
and staff. (Additional performance goals, experience maps, and outcomes will be identified by
the focus group as part of the planning process.)
LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design
SCAD Libraries User Experience: Assessment Tool Planning Grant
Savannah College of Art and Design, 4
The project will have a lasting institutional impact, significantly building the capacity of the
SCAD Library system by engaging the community, increasing connectivity, and encouraging
librarian-faculty-student partnerships to support all types of learning and inquiry. In addition,
the project will draw input from experts in both UX Design and the greater library industry,
enabling SCAD to strengthen our professional ties with the field, while also advancing the
adoption of UX in the library and information science field.
The results from the project will be available for wide use, adaptation, scale, and replication at
libraries across the U.S. The outcome will guide libraries in design-thinking and user experience
methods to enhance their ability to make decisions that consider their unique missions,
resources and investments. Allowing for input, consensus building and buy-in across the library
system, university, and UX and service design fields, it will have a lasting impact on the library
field. According to the American Library Association, there are 3,793 academic libraries in the
United States. SCAD can serve as a relevant and qualified planning case-study to all of them.
The resultant UX Design Assessment Tool will be broad-based to appeal to a wider-range of
Project Design
Goals and Objectives:
Goal 1: Create a UX Design Assessment tool that that will improve methodologies for measuring
the impact of service design models.
Objective 1: Identify the SCAD Library audience and user culture.
Objective 2: Identify the SCAD Library’s resources, offerings, and the library’s current
role in the university.
Objective 3: Determine current user experience, and user needs.
Objective 4: Document procedure and findings.
Goal 2: Evaluate the user experience and determine methods to link the library’s physical
resources, technology, and digital resources to promote ease of access and hands-on
participatory learning.
Objective 1: Use findings to make recommendations to respond to user needs.
Objective 2: Implement recommendations at the Jen Library in Savannah (and other
locations as appropriate).
Goal 3: Document planning process and outcomes and disseminate findings.
Objective 1: Evaluate effectiveness of model to enhance UX using end-user surveys.
Objective 2: Disseminate information through conferences and publications.
Objective 3: Complete final grant reports.
1. SCAD will develop a collaborative partnership among library staff, UX Design staff and
students and UX Design consultant, Influx Library User Experience. The project will be
LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design
SCAD Libraries User Experience: Assessment Tool Planning Grant
Savannah College of Art and Design, 5
managed by SCAD’s Senior Director of Library Services, Darrell Naylor-Johnson and
William (Bill) Lee, Director of Design Management and Industrial Design.
2. The collaborative team will meet weekly for 10 weeks, (as the project will be integrated
into the UX Design class curriculum) and will develop a plan to apply UX principles to an
evaluation of SCAD library user culture and behavior, through methods such as: surveys,
web and online resource evaluation, usability analysis and access, and support service
delivery review. Specific classroom procedure is listed below:
a. Project kickoff: project begins with an in-class engagement between students,
faculty and external partners to present the creative brief and communicate the
goals for the project.
b. Research and exploration: Student teams delve into researching markets, trends
and competitors as they explore and develop a wide variety of methods,
concepts and strategies.
c. Design critique: A midpoint engagement is held for each team to present
concepts and for partners to offer targeted feedback and solidify each team's
direction moving forward.
d. Synthesis and prototyping: Teams synthesize their concepts and strategies,
further refine their designs and begin production on prototypes or proofs of
e. Final presentation: The creative process culminates with a third in-class
engagement, where students present final design solutions, implementation
strategies, and proofs of concept to the partners.
3. Library management will then implement recommendations of the UX design
assessment plan at the Jen Library, and collaborators will help test the efficacy to deliver
needed results, make recommendations that leverage UX design practices and
principles to build more connectivity and improve, enhance and expand the
experiences, engagement and use of the SCAD Jen Library.
4. SCAD library leadership will document the process and outcomes, and disseminate the
results of the planning grant to library and information science field professionals
through presentations at conferences, (such as ARLIS/NA, and Georgia International
Conference on Information Literacy) and articles in industry publications (such as ALA,
and UX Lib).
5. Implementation of the UX design assessment recommendations at SCAD Lacoste,
Atlanta, and Hong Kong libraries will be determined by the effectiveness of design
model carried out at the Jen Library, and the recommendation of the collaborative
LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design
SCAD Libraries User Experience: Assessment Tool Planning Grant
Savannah College of Art and Design, 6
Diversity Plan
SCAD libraries primarily serve the University’s student (approx. 12,000), faculty and staff
(approx. 2350) population. SCAD is proud of the diversity of its student body, which
represents 49 states and over 100 countries, and includes:
64% female students;
46% students of color;
20% international students;
31% students from low-income households;
And 11% first-generation college students.
Project Resources
The estimated total project budget is $125,000 to include a percentage of staff salaries, support
for project interns, basecamp project and information software, instructional design support,
and consultant fees. The requested IMLS funds in the amount of $50,000 will be matched
through University operating funds. From research, to implementation and evaluation, we
anticipate the project to begin December 1, 2015 and completed by December 2, 2016.
In 2013, a marketing and brand needs assessment was conducted for SCAD’s Jen Library (see
supplemental document included). This document provides groundwork for this project,
however, this new UX-Design based needs-assessment will be much larger in scope, include a
more holistic approach and will focus on the user experience and creating processes that
encourage learning through participatory experiences.
The Project will be managed by:
Darrell Naylor-Johnson
Since June 2014, Darrell has served as the operations, instructional and technical resources
administrative lead for SCAD Libraries, which are comprised of four geographic locations and
ubiquitous access to extensive digital holdings and virtual resources. Each of the library
collections has unique strengths to meet the needs of that particular SCAD location. As a whole,
SCAD Libraries provide access to more than 200,000 books, 900 current print serials, a wide
variety of special collections items, 12,000 full-text e-journals, 30,000 e-books and more than
one million digital images. The senior director of library services provides vision and direction
for growth of the SCAD multi-campus library system.
Darrell will lead the library’s role and provide his professional input for the project (25% of his
working hours), implementing recommendations as needed. He will coordinate staff and take
part in collaborative team discussions. He will also oversee the project’s finances.
William (Bill) Lee
Since September 2013, Bill has served as Director of Design Management program and
Industrial Design department and is currently engaged in leading the SCAD DMGT program and
teaching both graduate and undergraduate course assignments within the Design Management
LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design
SCAD Libraries User Experience: Assessment Tool Planning Grant
Savannah College of Art and Design, 7
& Industrial Design areas. Bill has over 20 years of experience working within the Design
Management and Industrial Design fields.
Bill will lead the student team that will design the UX Design Assessment tool, and undergo the
planning process. He will also serve as the primary liaison to UX Design consultant, Influx Library
User Experience (25% of working hours).
Influx Library User Experience
Influx Library User Experience is a full service design firm that works with public and academic
libraries of all sizes. Specialized in user-centered research methods, Influx helps libraries engage
their communities on a deeper level. Services include website design, user research, strategic
planning, service design, way finding design and more. Influx's book "Useful, Usable and
Desirable" was published by ALA editions in 2014. Influx founder Schmidt authors "The User
Experience," a monthly Library Journal column.
Current and past clients include:
International Monetary Fund Library
Global Libraries Program of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Library of Congress
Public Library Association
Seattle Public Library
Influx will provide an independent assessment of the library website and share their findings
with the focus group.
A generous planning grant from IMLS in the amount of $50,000 will enable SCAD to design a
functional, participatory, user-centered library experience. As an international leader in art and
design education and the most comprehensive art and design university in the world SCAD
is uniquely poised to lead the exploration of UX Design application in libraries. Thank you for
your thoughtful consideration.
LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design
Dec-15 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16
Curriculum for UX Design library project outlined (Bill Lee)
Class participants conduct preliminary evaluations (meet weekly Jan-thru March)
Influx User Experience (consultant) conducts library website analysis
Class participants formulate UX Design plan
UX Design Consultant shares analysis with Class
Class participants finalize and present final recommendations to library staff
Library Management Implements Focus Group recommendations
Library Management Implements end user survey
Library Management Disseminates UX Design Assessment Tool and Findings
LG-82-15-0166, SCAD Library UX Design Assessment Tool Project Timeline
LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design
Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Library System
Preliminary Proposal to IMLS National Leadership Grant for Libraries
SCAD Libraries User Experience Design: Assessment Tool Planning Grant
Libraries have a long history of engaging the users while considering the need to balance user goals and
institutional goals. Library resource management, information literacy instruction, resource acquisition, and
material circulation were established through conventional library science norms. The most recent paradigm
shift in the field of library and information science focused on advances in digital technologies, including
ebooks, online cataloging and discovery tools, and databases. As such, libraries evolved the technical services
of librarianship to address web aspects, systems administration, cataloging and digital discovery. Services such
as information literacy instruction and access services management evolved in parallel to the technical
developments. SCAD proposes that to advance practice in the library field these areas must be integrated and
understood within the context of proactive, anticipatory user experience.
The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) is internationally known for its curriculum which is industry
responsive and advances innovation and design-thinking within all programs of study, whether digital arts,
fashion design, communication arts, or liberal arts. SCAD is also renowned for its utilization of design-thinking
within every aspect of university operations. This approach catapulted SCAD from a young art college serving
71 students in 1979, to a university serving 12,000 students on three continents through 40 art and design
majors of study and 60 specializations. Today, SCAD is the most comprehensive art and design university in
the world – and the first and only U.S. university to offer both B.F.A. and M.F.A. degrees in service design.
SCAD is an international leader in UX design thinking.
The SCAD Library System serves the student body through four distinct units that include three librarian-led
facilities with structured collection, circulation and service practices, and one non-staffed, self-service library
with an unstructured orientation for collection, circulation and services. SCAD’s first library, Jen Library,
opened in 1980 in a small one room space with a gift of 10,000 books from the State University of New York at
Fredonia. In 1999, SCAD made a significant investment in the library, expanding it to an expansive 85,000
square foot, 3-story facility over one city block. The university strategically built the physical collection while
incorporating the latest technological advances including ebooks, online resources and virtualization of the
library catalog. In subsequent years, with the growth of the university and openings of new locations in Lacoste
(France), Atlanta and Hong Kong, SCAD opened additional physical libraries and significantly grew its online
presence and virtual services.
SCAD libraries contain over 500,000 physical and electronic publications and resources accessible by all
students at all locations. Among the distinguishing factors is the Artist's Book Collection of over 2,000 artists'
books comprising one of the most significant collections in the United States. The Don Bluth Collection of
Animation consists of animation drawings, storyboards, and other materials from some of the artist's most
admired work in film, including The Secret of NIMH, An American Tail, and The Land Before Time. In
addition, the library maintains a Digital Image Database since 2001 of more than 146,000 images, developed in
response to the need to transition from 35mm slides to digital. Today, the transcontinental SCAD Library
System is unique among art libraries and rivals academic libraries of universities with much greater enrollment.
Project description
With all its advances, SCAD libraries reflect the distinct challenges and dynamics most libraries face, including
navigating dynamics of analog content and spatial management; addressing technological aspects; and serving
(highly technologically-adept) users that are not fluent with traditional library services, technologies, resources
or environments. Library leadership, under the direction of Darrell Naylor-Johnson, Senior Director of Library
Services, examined these challenges within the SCAD library system and proposes to utilize one of SCAD’s
greatest strengths, design-thinking, to re-imagine its library functioning through UX to increase the SCAD
library system’s capacity across its four locations. The connection between UX and librarianship is as an
LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design
SCAD Library System: Preliminary Proposal to IMLS-NLG for Libraries
opportunity to reposition the field of information science through the alignment of content management, user
experience, and service design. With a UX approach, libraries will move from strategic planning to strategic
user engagement service models.
During the planning grant, SCAD library staff will collaborate with the SCAD service design department and
UX organizations, such as Follow the UX Leader, Influx Library User Experience, and Neilson Norman, to (a)
design and implement a broad UX assessment of the SCAD Jen Library programs, resources and learning
spaces; (b) develop a replicable model to be tested across the four SCAD libraries in a future implementation
stage; and (c) disseminate our findings.
Work Plan
First, SCAD will develop a collaborative partnership among library, service design and UX experts. Second, the
collaborative team will develop the plan to apply UX principles to evaluate SCAD library user culture and
behavior, these may include ethnographic studies, web and online resource evaluation, usability analysis, and
access and support service delivery review, keeping in mind that this will be replicated across SCAD libraries.
Third, the collaborative team will implement the UX design assessment plan at the Jen Library, test the efficacy
to deliver needed results, and make recommendations that leverage UX practices and principles to build more
connectivity and improve, enhance and expand the experiences, engagement and use of the SCAD Jen Library.
Fourth, SCAD library leadership will document the process and outcomes, and disseminate the results of the
planning grant to library industry professionals through presentations at conferences and articles in industry
publications. The recommendations from the UX design assessment will be implemented and replicated at the
SCAD Lacoste, Atlanta and Hong Kong libraries during an implementation phase of this project.
Relevance to Learning Spaces in Libraries project category
The SCAD Libraries User Experience Design Assessment project will utilize UX design-thinking to grow the
SCAD library systems’ capacity to support all types of learning and inquiry, including participatory and hands-
on learning. It will advance a new paradigm of user awareness and integrated service delivery through the
SCAD Libraries UX Design Assessment Tool and provide a model for the field.
Potential impact
The potential impact of the project is that it will significantly build the institutional capacity of the SCAD
Library system by engaging the community, increasing connectivity, and encouraging librarian-faculty-student
partnerships to support all types of learning and inquiry. Results from the project will be disseminated for wide
use, adaptation, scale and replication at libraries across the U.S. It will guide libraries in design-thinking and
user experience methods to enhance their ability to make decisions that consider their unique missions and
investments. Allowing for input, consensus building and buy-in across the library system, university, and UX
and service design fields, it will have a lasting impact on the library field.
Projected performance goals and outcomes
Performance goals and outcomes will be defined by the collaborative team to include process benchmarks and
outcome objectives to inform the development of the UX assessment tool and the implementation of assessment
recommendations. As describe above, these will likely include ethnographic studies, usability analysis, access
and support service delivery review, and others. The developed assessment tool will improve library
methodologies for measuring the impact of library service models. The tangible products are the assessment
tool, final report on the Jen Library, and outcome presentations and publications.
Estimated budget
The estimated total budget for the planning project is $115,800 to include a percentage of library staff salaries,
support for project interns, basecamp project and information software, instructional design support, and
consultant fees.
LG-82-15-0166 Savannah College of Art and Design