General Guidance
All required forms for state immunizaon requirements have extensive foreign language
opons. Addionally, supporng handouts and leers have some addional language opons.
Use the materials and language opons that best t your community.
Use grade-specic communicaon and materials for requirements that apply to your school
seng. Examples include immunizaon requirements around:
Tdap boosters for newly enrolled students in 7th to 12th grades.
Tdap boosters for all 7th graders.
Preschool or kindergarten students 4 years or older on September 1st.
Required meningococcal and HPV informaon for 6th through 12th graders each school
Find all referenced materials listed in the resources secon at the end of this checklist.
Prepare For Next Years Student Enrollment
Include immunizaon requirements in student enrollment communicaons.
Include immunizaon requirements informaon in enrollment mailings or packets.
Add student enrollment informaon, including immunizaon requirements, to
your school web page.
To request this document in a dierent format, call 1-800-525-0127. Deaf or hard of
hearing customers, please call 711 (Washington Relay) or email
doh.informa DOH 348-1030 March 2024
Suggested language: Student enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year starts
on XX-XX-XXXX. Students need to meet immunizaon requirements to aend
the rst day of school.
To make sure your child meets requirements, visit the Department of Health’s
family page for immunizaons at hps:// Families can
view and print out ocial immunizaon records at hps://
Updated records can be turned in to sta on or before the rst day of school.
If you have quesons, reach out to our nurse/school sta at [].
Suggested language: Student enrollment is just around the corner. As part of en-
rollment, make sure your child meets immunizaon requirements. You can nd
parent charts and required forms at hps://
We encourage you to talk to your doctor or health provider if you are unsure of
your child’s immunizaons.
Spring/Summer Communicaons
Include reminders about scheduling doctor visits for immunizaon requirements.
Highlight that scheduling appointments early reduces family stress during start of
school, and lowers the need to nd last-minute appointments.
Include informaon about any planned school vaccinaon clinics.
Remind families of school immunizaon requirements for the new school year.
If applicable, remind families of the preschool and kindergarten immunizaon
requirements for students 4 years of age and older.
If applicable, remind families of 6th graders they have a year to meet the Tdap
booster requirement before students become 7th graders.
Remind families about approved records for immunizaon requirements.
Highlight, CIS and COE forms, and approved medical records.
Prepare For The Start of School
Print the Registraon Flowchart for Immunizaon Records and review the process.
Determine how immunizaon records review ts within school registraon process.
Use the school and child care module or another records keeping process to idenfy
students who need to provide addional records for immunizaon requirements.
Print addional copies of materials for families as needed.
Cercate of Immunizaon Status (CIS) and Cercate of Exempon (COE) forms
School Charts for Parents
During/Aer Student Registraon
Update immunizaon records of students.
Direct families to appropriate resources if their student doesn’t meet immunizaon
requirements. Refer to the registraon owchart for specics.
If available, provide communicaon about current school vaccinaon clinics.
Idenfy students who sll need to show paperwork in order to start school.
Send out follow-up nocaons with families who need to provide paperwork for
immunizaon requirements. Remind them their student cannot start school unl
required paperwork is turned in.
Prepare For School Immunizaon Reporng (Select 1)
Via School and Child Care Module:
If using the school and child care module of the Immunizaon Informaon System
(IIS), make sure the student roster is up to date by December 1st.
Fill in missing immunizaon dates and exempons.
Send quesons to
Via Direct Reporng:
Use the K-12 Annual Report Worksheet to idenfy informaon you need for the
immunizaon report.
Use the emailed link from DOH to access the online survey and complete the
Complete by December 1, 2024.
Send quesons to
Parent Nocaons At The Start of The School Year
At the beginning of the school year, provide informaon to parents of children in 6th
through 12th grade about meningococcal and HPV diseases and vaccines. See resources
secon for more details.
Highlighted Resources
Family Friendly Immunizaon Requirements Page: hps://
School Immunizaon Requirement Charts for families (mulple languages)
Cercates of Immunizaon Status (mulple languages)
Cercates of Exempon (COE) (mulple languages)
Quick Reference Guide for COE (mulple languages)
Family accessible immunizaon records: hps://
Printable Cercate of Immunizaon Status forms
Medically veried from the Washington State Immunizaon Informaon System
Clinical/Sta Immunizaon Page: hps://
Registraon Flowchart for Immunizaon Records
Students 4 Years of Age Immunizaon Reminder Leer
7th Grade Student Tdap Reminder Leer
Incomplete Immunizaon at Enrollment Noce
Condional Status Leer
Highlighted Resources (connued)
Parent Nocaons Resources
Schools can choose how they inform parents. Public and private schools have dierent
requirements for this yearly nocaon. The Department of Health has sample leers
available for schools if they do not post or share the informaon in a dierent format.
Requirement listed in RCW 28A.210.080
Sample HPV and Meningococcal Vaccines Leer for Public Schools
Spanish Sample HPV and Meningococcal Vaccines Leer for Public Schools
Sample HPV Leer for Private Schools