The Anti-Social Network
I try to use my space in the bulletin to
keep you all informed on the goings
on at the Temple, or to share a story
from my life that I think relates to our
community experience. However,
when you sit on the bima week in and
week out, listening to Rabbi Marc’s
weekly d’var Torah, you eventually, get the urge to prepare
a sermon every now and then. This month I wanted to talk
about how I’m trying to kick the Facebook habit.
I’m my family’s Corresponding Secretary. I used to be the
One of the many things that I’ve
learned from my children is that
they thrive through routine. The
more they can accurately predict
what is going to happen, the hap-
pier they are. Nava and Ilan are at a stage where they are
fascinated by clocks and calendars. They have gured out
that the sun going down does not necessarily mean that it is
bedtime. And a warm day doesn’t mean it’s spring. The bet-
ter clues are where the big hand of the clock is located and
what holiday we’ve just had. They want to know what is
coming, and how to predict what is coming. When we be-
come adults, our anity for routines does not disappear.
Our bodies and minds benet from regular sleep cycles, eat-
ing habits and exercise routines. A steady job or predictable
returns on our investments are best for our nancial health.
A surprise now and then might jump start us out of a slump
but overall, routine is the foundation of a balanced life.
Routine is the foundation of our spiritual health as well.
There are many routine cycles and timetables in Jewish life.
From the time we are eight days old, we are inaugurated
into the routines of Jewish life and simultaneously wel-
comed into the Jewish community. Routines and community
go hand in hand. There are very few things in Jewish life that
we do alone. We come together to learn and study. We
pray, celebrate, mourn together. Within the calendrical cycle
we observe the festivals together. These are times for re-
membering both our people’s history and preparing for our
own future. The week begins with Havdallah, concludes
with rejoicing in Shabbat and then begins again. With each
cycle we see that an end is an opportunity for a beginning.
There is no beginning without an end to something else.
At the same time we thrive through routines and cycles, life
throws a lot of uncertainty at us. The uncertainty can some-
times be good, bringing spice to life, expanding our
knowledge. But all too often uncertainty is an unwelcome
disruption and can cause irreparable damage. We need ways
to cope with uncertainty. Routines are the key to coping.
Regular exercise and eating well builds strength. With that
Rabbi’s Message -
Marc Ekstrand
strength, more easily we can recover from various health
problems or ght disease. If we’ve saved a few dollars each
week, the better we can endure when unexpected expens-
es hit us out of the blue.
Our spiritual life is no dierent. We are unavoidably con-
fronted by spiritual pitfalls: the loss of family members or
friends, quality of life changes, the challenges of children or
aging parents, struggling with illness and addictions, and
much more. When things get spiritually rough we should
turn to our faith and faith community for support. After a
trauma or loss, routine can help get us back on track. When
the spiritual challenges occur, they cause us to ask big ques-
tions and seek answers. We might ask, where is God; or
even, is there a God? Why did this happen to me or my loved
one? Does God answer prayers? There are so many ques-
tions that can come to mind when we are vulnerable or in
despair. Our faith community is the right place to turn in
such circumstances. But routine is important before trauma
or loss. When things are going along well is the time to do
your spiritual exercise. Come and study; come to services;
come to community events; make connections with people,
and with God. The more spiritual strength you build, the
more you will get out of your daily life and the better pre-
pared you will be for life’s surprises.
Rabbi Marc
SH’VAT-ADAR 1 5779
B u l l e t i n
President’s Message—Sean Bendick
Music is a means to express oneself. It
can be romantic, scary, motivating or
meditative, and can evoke a myriad of
emotions. Like many of us, music has
always been a part of my life and I
can’t imagine a day without it. My fa-
ther was always singing when I was
growing up. He played classical, country, Mitch Miller, Elvis,
Sinatra, and dance music, just to name a few. I learned to
waltz while standing on his feet. Music is tied to memory.
The Mayo Clinic states that playing music for Alzheimer and
dementia patients can provide emotional or behavioral ben-
ets, because musical memories are often preserved in key
brain areas linked to musical memory which are relatively
undamaged by these diseases. Music can make you feel
comfortable. Sort of like being with an old friend.
There are many pieces we sing on Shabbat evening that we
have been singing since I came in 1987. For example, Shalom
Rav is one of those pieces, as is the French Sephardic Adon
Olam, and the traditional V’shamru. Over the last 18 years, I
have noticed that there has been an explosion of new music
written for liturgy. Some of it written especially for the po-
etry on the left side of the page in our siddur. When Rabbi
Marc and I sit down to plan a service, liturgy and the music
we want to use to convey a certain feeling are always a part
of our discussion. The pieces we choose to add to a service
are chosen with care and thought. Pieces like Let There Be
Love, written by Noah Aronson, the new Hinei Mah Tov, and
Lecha Dodi, written by Elana Arian, are sung quite often.
Sometimes a new melody allows you to feel a piece of litur-
gy or text dierently. The rst time I had heard the Zohar’s
Psalm 23, The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want, I was
surprised that it was sung on Shabbat and that they chose
to compose music for the text that was upbeat. I had only
sung Psalm 23 at funerals or at a Yizkor service. Hearing the
piece through the upbeat piece of music, allowed me to
hear the words of this psalm in a way that I had not thought
of before. It allowed it to become a relevant prayer of grati-
tude, as opposed to something only sung or said to comfort
those who are mourning.
Music touches each of us dierently. I hope both the new
and old music that we sing continues to enrich our liturgy.
President’s Message—Cont from page 1
Notes from Sherry Barnes
one to put together the holiday greeting cards. When the
kids were little, I would put together the annual holiday bul-
letin bragging about all of our accomplishments. Then, I dis-
covered the world-wide-web, and I started a family web site
where friends could see our pictures more often.
Then… along came Facebook. What a wonderful idea. I
could post pictures without having to program a web site. It
was fun! I could reunite with old friends. I could see what
was going on with people I knew. I could share jokes. Like
many of you, I could lose myself on Facebook for hours at a
time. THEN… along came my smart phone and it’s Facebook
app! Now I could Facebook wherever I was. It’s been several
years now, and boy, do I check Facebook wherever I am.
I’m glad that I’m not addicted to nicotine, alcohol, or anoth-
er drug. But I think I’m addicted to Facebook, and it’s not
healthy either. I notice that I pick up my phone and reexive-
ly open Facebook even if it’s only been a few minutes since
my last check. So it’s a constant distraction. Another thing
that’s becoming clear to me is that the experience doesn’t
make me feel good anymore.
First o, I’ve long since stopped corresponding. Since I was
posting and friending more and more people, I gured I did-
n’t need to send holiday cards any more. A few years down
the line, we don’t receive that many cards either. It makes
for a depressingly bare mantle in December. Next, I’ve come
to feel petty when I read what friends are doing. Are they
bragging? Are they just making stu up? Why don’t I get to
go to Bora Bora? Lately, it’s the politics… an environment
where stories have become arguments, and humor has be-
come trolling. I never really feel good after a Facebook ses-
sion. Sometimes I feel downright angry.
So, I’m trying to cut down. The shame of it is that the system
is necessary in many ways. Hidden among the crap, our Tem-
ple events are easy to nd; local businesses that I like adver-
tise there. So, I feel stuck surng Facebook. Still… I try to
put my phone away, rather than always having it on me. I’m
not posting as much anymore. I’ll talk about sports, but I’m
trying not to brag or complain about everyday stu. I’m try-
ing not to poke fun at other people’s posts. If I start talking
politics, then I want you to call me out on it. Not for my opin-
ions, but for feeding the noise.
So, how are any of you going to hear from me? (You had to
know this was coming…) Come to services and see me at
It’s hard to believe we are already beyond religious school’s
rst semester. Our time with sta and students has own
by! Bon voyage to Alexis Fenton, whose family has moved
to New Zealand for a one-year adventure. We will miss
them and wish them all a safe journey and wonderful new
experiences. Special thanks to Andrea Fenton who helped
facilitate the 8
Grade eld trip to Touro Synagogue in New-
port, Rhode Island with teacher Liam Feldman and our
Young Israeli Emissaries, Roy and Liron.
We also wish Liron and Roy a restful break with their fami-
lies in Israel. Thank you to you both for having contributed
so much to our students’ Jewish education on Sunday
mornings and Wednesday mid-week Hebrew sessions
through your school “twinning” (our 7th and 8th grade stu-
dents are matched with Israeli students of the same age
through projects which explore their shared Jewish identity
and multicultural experiences) activities, Israel Pride les-
sons, modern Hebrew games and the Living Bridge project.
See you in a couple of weeks!
Mazal tov to Kitah Hay (5
grade class), and their families,
for participating during Shabbat Service on Friday, January
4. We enjoyed hearing their voices as they helped lead pray-
ers from the bima, march with the Torah during Hakafah
and sing the closing song so beautifully. Thanks to their
families for also contributing to the Shabbat oneg. Please
join us again on February 1st at Shabbat, when it is Kitah
Dalet’s (4
grade) turn to participate.
Religious School 860-439-0406 | rel[email protected]
Thank you to Dr. Andy Parad, a religious school parent,
who volunteered to serve as school atrium monitor for us
on Sunday, January 13. Our hope is that more parents can
also help serve as monitors for our school atrium door,
even if only for 30 minutes from 9:30-10:00 and for 15
minutes from 11:45-12:00 on one Sunday per month, it
would make a huge dierence. Otherwise, latecomers and
visitors may continue to ring the doorbell on the upper
right part of the atrium door. One of us will be alerted in
the school oce or hallway, so we can let you into the
We hope once you have received your child’s religious
school progress report that you will nd the information
we have provided meaningful. Please feel free to call us if
you need any additional details about what your children
have been learning in class.
Save the date for our next Havdalah Pajama Movie Night
on Saturday, February 23. Wear cozy pajamas and bring
warm sleeping bags or blankets. We’ll provide the movie
munchies and drinks. More details to follow about the
movie title.
Warmest regards,
Armi Rowe and Jennifer Zettler
TERS Co-Administrators
Grade eld trip to Touro Syna-
gogue in Newport, Rhode Island
Mazal tov to Kitah Hay (5
grade class), and their
families, for participating during Shabbat Service on
Friday, January 4.
Adult Education 2018-19 / 5779
Introduction to Judaism Course
Want to know more about Judaism because…
You’re considering conversion? Someone you love is Jewish?
Your kids ask lots of questions? You didn’t pay attention in reli-
gious school?
Whatever your reason, come join Rabbi Marc for a 13-Week
Intro to Judaism Course
1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, October through
March 8 P.M.
RSVP or inquiries to Rabbi Marc at [email protected].
Introductory Hebrew
Join Rabbi Marc for an introduction to Hebrew class
Kitah Aleph 6:30 P.M. (Tues. Feb. 5, 19, and 26 )
Kitah Bet 7:30 P.M. (Tues. Feb. 5, 19, and 26 )
The class is taught primarily from the perspective of Biblical
Hebrew and builds on whatever prior knowledge you have.
Contact Rabbi Marc at [email protected] to determine
which session is right for you.
Torah and Haftarah Cantillation
Our Sacred texts come alive through musical codes. Come learn
this sacred tradition with Cantorial Soloist Sherry Barnes, ex-
ploring Shabbat, High Holy Days, Magillot, and Haftarah cantil-
Tuesday evenings, 6:30 to 7:30 P.M. December through
June. RSVP to Sherry Barnes
Food for Thought
Join in on this once-a-month open discussion of where our
Jewish heritage, identity, and values intersect with our modern
world. Conversation facilitated by Rabbi Marc.
Second Thursday of the month, 12 noon feB. 14. Bring
your own brown bag lunch. We’ll have a plate and some drinks
available for you. No RSVP necessary.
Bible Study Group
The Temple Emanu-El Adult Education Group has been meet-
ing on Sunday mornings at the Temple for 24 years. Although
we do study the Torah, we have also delved into the Talmud,
Josephus, Apocrypha, Quran, and New Testament. No prior
knowledge required, and we don't take ourselves too seriously.
If you want to learn more, come and join us from 11 to 12:30 in
the sanctuary during the school year.
Preschool takes place on Sunday, Feb.
3 and 24 at 10:30 A.M. Monica Gold-
stein is the teacher.
The program includes music with Can-
torial Soloist Sherry Barnes, and special
programing for holidays with k-2. Additional dates for 2018-
2019: March 3 and 17, April 7 and 28, May 5 and 19. If you are
interested in signing your child up for class, please contact the
office at 860-443-3005.
Please consider donating Stop and
Shop, Shop Rite, Big Y, Walmart or oth-
er gift cards for people in need.
The Temple
office re-
ceives calls
for help purchasing food throughout
the year. Please help replenish the
Gift Cards
Sisterhood — Janine Sitko & Merrill Mazzella, Co-Presidents
Movie Night ~ Thursday, February 7 ~ Movie, location and
time TBD
Dinner Club ~ Wednesday, February 20, 6:00 P.M. ~ Restau-
rant TBD
Sisterhood-Sponsored Shabbat Onegs
Sisterhood will be sponsoring the 2
Friday night of each
month beginning on March 8 (then on April 12, May 10, and
June 14). An email will be sent out in advance for sign-ups.
Thank you all in advance for helping to make our onegs
warm, welcoming and delicious!
Joint Book Club with Hadassah
Sisterhood/Hadassah Book Club evening will be taking place
at Temple Emanu-El on Tuesday, April 2, 7:00-8:30 P.M. We
will be reading Dara Horn’s “Eternal Life: A Novel” as the
selection for the annual joint book club event with Hadassah.
Please plan to join us and begin reading...
Gripping, hilarious, and profoundly moving, Eternal Life
celebrates the bonds between generations, the power of faith,
the purpose of death, and the reasons for being alive.”
Here is a link to the book and it’s summary on Amazon...
(It is available in hardcover, paperback, kindle and audio-
Gift Shop
Come visit the Temple
Emanu-El Gift Shop during
our usual hours on Sunday
mornings during Religious
School. Browsers wel-
With the New Year, we
have a need for fresh ide-
as. There has been a demand for some apparel, but unfortu-
nately a decent supplier has not been found. Please contact
me if you are interested in helping with designs. Anyone
with some artistic talent would be appreciated.
I also would like to alter the way the Hanukkah Fair is run.
Please contact me if you have some retail experience and
can advise.
The gift shop is becoming more environmentally friendly.
We are switching to paper bags for purchases. If anyone has
paper bags to donate, all sizes will be gladly accepted.
You can always reach me at [email protected] or
Susan Hausmann
Jonathan Rowe, President / bioconsultants@yahoo.com
Caretaking Series Oered—beginning Sun., Feb. 3
The Brotherhood of Temple Emanu-El is sponsoring a Care-
taking speaker series in three sessions starting with
PLANNING FOR PROBATE on Sunday, February 3, from
10:00 - 11:30 A.M. in the Social Hall at Temple Emanu-El Wa-
terford. Probate Judge Jerey McNamara of the Niantic Re-
gional Probate District will be explaining the documents and
procedures of probate and will take questions from the audi-
ence. Probate Court User Guides will be available as well.
Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be provided by
the Brotherhood.
The second session, NAVIGATING TITLE 19, will feature
Michelle Dempsey of Mystic on Sunday, February 24, again
from 10-11:30 A.M. at the Temple. Her business, Title 19HELP,
specializes in the area of Medicaid, specically Title 19, and
Michelle has worked in the eld for 15 years. She will also
address long-term care and nursing home issues. Hand-outs
will be provided to lessen the need for note taking.
The third session, SENIOR RESOURCES, will present Joan
Marshall of the Area Agency on Aging in Norwich on Sun-
day, March 3, from 10-11:30AM at the Temple. She will ex-
plore information and resources in this geographical area
for the various needs of the senior population. Questions
from the audience are encouraged.
Remember, FREE bagels during
Sunday school. What could possi-
bly be better than joining us for
Jonathan Rowe
January Service & Oneg Thank Yous!
The Goldstein Family
The Kaplan Family
The Kaye Family
The O'Brien Family
The Prokopets Family
The Shiekowitz and
Stillman Family
The Stein Family
Adult Bible Study Group
Polly Berg
Sue Fornara
Condolences to. . .
Carol, Bill, and Charles Seeman and family
on the death of Fred Seeman.
Please join the Rosenberg family on Friday night
February 8.
Following Shabbat services, Ari, Elon and David,
and their families will be sponsoring the oneg in
honor of their parents, Rabbi Aaron and Karen, on
their 50
Tammy Kaye
Elyse Kirschblum
Jody Morris
Roberta Reisner-Winograd
Laura Ringer
Karen Rosenberg
Armi Rowe
Edee Smith
Janine Sitko
Lois Steinman
Gail Weber
February 8—Special Oneg
Nicole Arruda
Spencer Bentley
Judith Deglin
Reuben Deglin
Jacob Feinstein
Barry Feldman
Abraham Fisher
Elsa Freedman
Allison Sue Glickman
Andrew Goldman
Helen Goldstein
Jack Haynes
Autumn Hicks
Viviane Holwi
Peter Kallan
Jillian Kallan
Jerry Kil
Barbara Kil
Philip Krasney
Keith Kriet
Rachel Kriet
Ben Lazarus
Harriet Lesko
Camden Levine
Jared Miah Linder
Regina Magnus-Aryitey
Lisa Marcus
Merrill Mazzella
Gregory Morea
Ethel Perl
Mahew Perl
Jacob Reinhard
Amanda Rowe
Mark Rubin
Daniel and Shelley Arenson
Dr. Burton and Janet
Rachel and Michael O'Brien
Leonard Prokopets and
Yona Gregory
Aaron and Karen Rosenberg
Milton and Alisa Sheri
Donald and Lois Steinman
February Birthdays
Gregg Selke
Philip Shapiro
Milton Sheri
Alisa Sheri
Oliver Shiling
Tracy Shoor
Ira Sitko
Jessica Sitko
Leslie Spees
Elisha Stavropoulos
Pamela Stein
Joel Suisman
Barry Thorp
Robert Trostler
Nancy Trostler
Kenneth Webman
Henry Weinberg
Sherry Zelvin
Amanda Zeler
February 1
Jennie Atkind
Helen Arbetter
Miriam Shoor Ballot
Joan Cherry
Frank Church
Ruth Fearer
Ruth Freeman
Younne Frydel
Richard Grills
Gerhard Hausmann
Gladys Ilson
Allen Kaufman
Joseph Lewiss
Sophie Pagnes
Benjamin Sherman
Harriette Siegel
Sheba Lazev Stark
Henrietta Weber
February 8
Larry Axmaker
Frances Bloomeld
Harold Goldman
David Hillsberg
Flora Nassau
Philip O. Ross
Sheldon Schlissel
Norman Schnur
Louis Shoor
Bessie Snitman
February 15
Dorothy Benmaor
Helene Bloom
Eleanor Katz
Pauline Mann
Lillian Miller
William Perry
Albert Punty
Victor David Rosen
Nathan Rubin
Leo Scharfman
Larry Schneider
Norma Selwyn
Joseph Shepard
Helen Stein
William SurnamerL
Phyllis Thall
February 22
Samuel Cohen
Philip Crystal
Rhoda Feinstein
Iona Fridman
Eva Isaacson
Carl Isaacson
Fannie Schlissel
Benjamin Stricker
Elizabeth Weber
John Zarcheck
Jack Zavatsky
Phyllis Zettler
February Yahrzeits
--- thinking of Alicia Bauer, sending hugs and well wishes
--- thinking of Claudia Shapiro, sending hugs and well
Lothar Knobel Library Fund
Stan Bloustine
Patricia Sher
Mitzvah Fund
David Goldsmith and Molly Steele
--- in honor of my father, Marc Goldsmith's 75th birthday
Harvey and Michele Snitkin
--- in loving memory of Louis Snitkin on his yahrzeit
Judith Levin
--- in memory of Dorothy Eby
Martin Zeldis
--- in appreciation of our First Responders
Susan Lamson
--- in appreciation of First Responders
Prayer Book Fund
Joan Levine
--- in loving memory of Jules E. Levine on his yahrzeit
--- in loving memory of Grace Wertheim on her yahrzeit
Rabbi Aaron Rosenberg Tikkun Olam award
Chic and Jane Weinberg
--- in honor of Rabbi Aaron and Karen Rosenberg’s 50
Edith Zielger
--- in loving memory of Sigmund Sol Rosenholtz on his
Norma and Alan Hollandersky
--- wishing a speedy recovery to Alicia Bauer
--- wishing a speedy recovery to Ethel Chatkin
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Norman and Betty Cooper
--- in loving memory of Hannah R. Cooper on her yahrzeit
Norma and Alan Hollandersky
--- in memory of Charlotte Winograd, mother of Sam
--- in memory of Claudia and Lester's Shapiro's sister,
Sylvia Moynihan
Ruth Joan Brody Religious School Fund
Susan Goldstein
--- in loving memory of Marvin Goldstein on his yahrzeit
Leslie Spees
--- in loving memory of Dorothy Segool, mother of
Leslie Spees & family on her yahrzeit
Cantor's Fund
Barbara Luftglass-Morea
Greg Morea
--- in memory of Eleanor Grossman
Norma and Alan Hollandersky
--- for the speedy recovery of Terri Goldsmith
--- for the speedy recovery of Claudia Shapiro
Capital Improvements Fund
Adam Kaufman and Rebecca Woodward
Craig Blumsack Fund
Matthew and Florence Lewiss
--- in loving memory of Sylvia Lewiss on her yahrzeit
Essential Services Fund
Deborah Hyland
Marlis Jacobowitz
Alan and Patricia Gruber & Sons
--- in memory of Herman Gruber on his yahrzeit
--- in memory of Jeanette Gruber on her yahrzeit
Caren and Bob Linden
--- in honor of Patricia and Jay Han's grandchild, Amelia
Taylor Hans
Elwin Schwartz
--- in loving memory of Ellen Schwartz on her yahrzeit
Gail and Steve Weber
--- in memory of Bill Bentley
Henry and Jane Weinberg
--- in loving memory of Al Weinberg on his yahrzeit
Iris and Gary Freeman
--- well wishes to Terri Goldsmith
Joyce and Myron Sturm
--- in memory of Jody Katz on her rst yahrzeit
--- in memory of Steve Salowitz, brother-in-law to Leslie and
Harvey Orenstein
Judy and Stephen Mann
--- sending healing wishes to Ethel Chatkin
--- sending healing wishes to Claudia Shapiro
--- sending healing wishes to Alicia Bauer
Paniko and Kaplan Families
--- in loving memory of Morris Kaplan on his yahrzeit
Susan, Tom and Abee Turner
--- in loving memory of Gertrude "Goldie" Camassar on her
Goldsmith-Kallan Fund
Norma and Alan Hollandersky
--- in memory of Jody Katz on her yahrzeit
Sam, Hannah and Roberta Winograd
--- thinking of Terri and Marc Goldsmith and sending gentle
--- wishing Ethel Chatkin a Happy Birthday and a happy and
healthier year to come
Please make checks payable to Temple Emanu-El and remit to PO Box 288, Waterford, CT 06385
We are eternally thankful for the support of those below. . .
The purpose:
1. To defray the cost of camp or conference that enhances
the ideals of Reform Judaism for the children of Temple
Emanu-El religious school.
2. This fund is also intended to create stipends for faculty
assistants who are Temple Emanu-El members and are cur-
rently volunteering in the religious school.
Goldsmith-Kallan Fund
3. To defray the cost of a conference, which would benet
our religious school, for an individual attending who is both
a member in good standing of Temple Emanu-El and a mem-
ber of the Temple Emanu-El religious school sta.
Social Action
The Mitzvah Corps
ABLE TO HELP. The goal of the Mitzvah Corps is to help
congregants who have emergency needs as well as those
who need home visits, assistance with rides, getting to ap-
pointments or providing help for day-to-day activities/
needs etc. If you are in need, or know someone who is in
need, please contact the Rabbi or Roberta at the Temple
Oce, 860-443-3005.
Once the Temple is contacted about a need, the need will
be addressed and assigned to a person who is a Mitzvah
Corps volunteer. It is understood, that the goal is to have
congregant needs (emergency or not) handled as quickly
and as eectively as possible. The Mitzvah Corp is not the be
-all, end-all for resolving all congregation personal needs,
but it is an organized way to handle the emergency or ongo-
ing problem. The need for a functional Mitzvah Corps was
noted at the last Social Action meeting, and reinforced over
the past several weeks as a number of Temple families have
been struck with serious personal or medical diculties.
Being aware of these situations and then helping in a posi-
tive way to address those problems will prove the worth of
the Mitzvah Corps. If the congregation knows that the Mitz-
vah Corps exists and is able to help when the need is great,
almost everyone will then recognize the value of the Corps.
Temple members, who want to join the Mitzvah Corps as a
volunteer, should contact the Temple oce.
The Holiday Meal for First Responders Mitzvah Day
In this space last month a prediction was made that the still
to come "Holiday Meal for First Responders" would be a
success. That prediction came to pass and then some. Start-
ing in the Temple kitchen on the morning of December 23
and ending in the evening of December 24, our volunteers
prepared and distributed 235 complete Turkey Dinners to 21
area police, re, and ambulance stations. The involvement
and hard work from many Temple members was astound-
ing, and the generosity of many area super markets and
agencies was greatly appreciated.
Special thanks must be given to Temple members Karen
Bloustine, Matt Shulman, Sybil Nassau and Ellen Gottfried
who worked tirelessly for six weeks to make the holiday
meal a resounding success.
Also, I would be remiss if Rob Lawrence, our Certied Kitch-
en Manager, who guided our eorts every step of the way,
was not given due credit. The hard work was enthusiastical-
ly received. Without exception, the reghters and ambu-
lance drivers and police personnel enjoyed their holiday
Other Social Action Projects.
Of special note, the Temple's annual Soup Kitchen Christ-
mas dinner went very well. More people than normal were
there for this Christmas eve dinner, and Hali Keeler and her
crew were up to the challenge, making the meal a warm
For about twenty years, the Temple has been working with
the local Habitat for Humanity on Sundays, helping to build
Habitat homes. This project has been in hiatus for the past
six months For Habitat for Humanity has not been schedul-
ing them. We are ready to join builds as soon as the new
schedule is announced. I hope by next month's Bulletin this
problem will be resolved. If not, it may be time to appeal to
a higher authority.
The next Social Action Meeting date in February will be de-
termined soon. Look for the date in your weekly Temple e-
Please join us if you can; everyone is welcome.
Marty Zeldis
February Services & Schedule of Events
Feb. 1 Fri. 5:30 P.M. Shir Shabbat
6:00 P.M. Shabbat Dinner
7:00 P.M. Erev Shabbat Service & Birthday Blessings
Feb. 2 Sat. 7:00 P.M. Cabaret
Feb. 3 Sun. 9:30 A.M. Religious School & Free Brotherhood Bagels
10:00 A.M. Brotherhood Sponsored Caretaking speaker series:
Planning for Probate, Waterford Probate Judge Jerey
10:30 A.M. Preschool
11:00 A.M. Bible Study
12:15 P.M. Religious School Committee
2.00 P.M. JFEC Community Adult Education nal class—make up for
snow day, Jan. 20
Feb. 4 Mon. 12:30 P.M. Federation Senior Lunch
6:00 P.M. Jewish Community High School
Feb. 5 Tues. 6:30 P.M. Adult Hebrew – Kitah Alef
7:30 P.M. Religious Practices Committee
Feb. 6 Wed. 12:30 P.M. Learn to Play Mah Jongg
4:30 P.M. Hebrew School
Feb. 7 Thur. 7:00 P.M. Nar Anon
TBA P.M. Sisterhood Movie Night
Feb. 8 Fri. 7:30 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat
Celebrate Rabbi Aaron and Karen Rosenberg’s 50
Feb. 10 Sun. 9:30 A.M. Religious School & Free Brotherhood Bagels
11:00 A.M. Bible Study
Feb. 11 Mon. 12:30 P.M. Federation Senior Lunch
6:00 P.M. Jewish Community High School
Feb. 12 Tues. 6:00 P.M. Conrmation Class
7:30 P.M. Adult Hebrew – Kitah Bet
Feb. 13 Wed. 12:30 P.M. Learn to Play Mah Jongg
4:30 P.M. Hebrew School
7:30 P.M. Board of Trustees Meeting
7:30 P.M. Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation Support Group
Feb. 14 Thur. 12:00 P.M. Food for Thought
7:00 P.M. Nar Anon
7:30 P.M. Hope After Loss
Feb. 15 Fri. 7:30 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat & Anniversary Blessings
Feb. 17 Sun. NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL—Presidents Day Weekend
Feb. 18 Mon. NO Federation Senior Lunch, NO Jewish Community High
School — Presidents Day Observed
Feb. 19 Tues. 6:30 P.M. Adult Hebrew – Kitah Alef
7:30 P.M. Adult Hebrew – Kitah Bet
Feb. 20 Wed. 12:30 P.M. Learn to Play Mah Jongg
4:30 P.M. Hebrew School
TBA P.M. Sisterhood Dinner Night Out
Feb. 21 Thur. 7:00 P.M. Nar Anon
Feb. 22 Fri. 7:30 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat
Feb. 23 Sat. 6:00 P.M. Religious School Family Havdalah and Movie Night
grade and younger)
7:00 P.M. Havdalah and Dessert at the home of
Karen and Stan Bloustine
Feb. 24 Sun. 9:30 A.M. Religious School & Free Brotherhood Bagels
10:00 A.M. Brotherhood Sponsored Caretaking speaker series:
Navigating Title 19, speaker Michelle Dempsey
10:30 A.M. Preschool
11:00 A.M. Bible Study
Feb. 25 Mon. 12:30 P.M. Federation Senior Lunch
6:00 P.M. Jewish Community High School
Feb. 26 Tues. 6:30 P.M. Adult Hebrew – Kitah Alef
7:30 P.M. Adult Hebrew – Kitah Bet
Feb. 27 Wed. 12:30 P.M. Learn to Play Mah Jongg
4:30 P.M. Hebrew School
Howard Ilson Memorial Distinguished Service Award
Nominations are now being accepted for the Ilson Award, which is given annually to a member who has con-
tributed to Temple Emanu-El in an important way. The award is in honor of Howard Ilson, a former president of
our Temple who died suddenly while in oce.
Areas of service to consider include:
~ Years of service as an ocer or Board member
~ Years as a committee chairperson
~ Years of service in auxiliaries such as the Religious School, Sisterhood,
~ Years of community service as a representative of Temple Emanu-El
~ Years of time and energy expended for the betterment of Temple Emanu-El
Nominations will be accepted until March 1. The award committee will then review the nominations, and the
winner will be announced in the Temple Bulletin. The award winner will be honored at a Shabbat service, and his
or her name will be engraved on a plaque on display in the Temple.
Please take the time to consider a worthy nominee. It is one way of thanking our members for volunteerism
that often goes unnoticed. If you wish to nominate someone, please ll out the form below and return it to the
Temple, by mail or by depositing it in the nomination box located in the entryway. All nominations will be strictly
Howard Ilson Award Nomination Form
Name of person being nominated:_________________________________________________________________________
Name of nominator:______________________________________________________________________________________
Summary of nominee’s attributes and service to Temple Emanu-El (Must be completed for nominee’s consideration);
Please use space below and/or a separate piece of paper to complete attributes and service and send to the Temple or put
in the nomination box in the main entrance of the Temple.
RE/MAX on the Bay
$18 /mo or $165 for 11 months
Call or email Roberta at
PO BOX 288
U.S. Postage
New London, CT
Permit #480
Please use PO BOX 288 WATERFORD, CT 06385
when mailing material to the temple
Deadline for March 2019 Bulletin is Friday, February 15.
Email your articles to Roberta at office@tewaterford.org
Our Leadership
Rabbi / Marc Ekstrand / [email protected]
Rabbi Emeritus / Aaron Rosenberg / [email protected]
Cantorial Soloist / Sherry Barnes /
President / Sean Bendick / [email protected]
1st Vice President / Scott Zettler
VP of Building and Grounds / Geoff Hausmann /
VP of Religious Practices / Jo Michaelson
Treasurer / Chris Rock / [email protected]
Financial Secretary / Thomas Smith
Recording Secretary / Elyse Hicks
Corresponding Secretary / Deborah Linder
Immediate Past President / Gail Weber /
3 Year Trustees: Paul Kanfer, Steve Panikoff, Andy Parad,
Russell Sheikowitz
2 Year Trustees: Stanley Bloustine, Abe Fisher,
Erica McCaffrey, Amy Perry
1 Year Trustees: Jo-el Fernandez, Susan Fornara
Barbara Luftglass-Morea, Marcia Reinhard
Membership Co-Chairs / Allison Glickman & Erica McCaffrey
Social Action Chair / Marty Zeldis
Sisterhood / Janine Sitko / [email protected]
Gift Shop / [email protected]
Brotherhood / Jonathan Rowe / [email protected]
Kitchen Committee Chair / Edee Smith
Religious School Administrators / Armi Rowe &
Jennifer Zettler / [email protected]
Office Administrator / Roberta Reisner-Winograd /
Webmaster / Hannah Winograd / [email protected]
Webmaster 2 / Aaron Kaplan / [email protected]
Custodian / Don Kasper
Bulletin Editor / Mimi Perl
Location: 29 Dayton Road, Waterford, CT 06385
Mailing Address: PO Box 288, Waterford, CT 06385
Office: 860-443-3005
Religious School: 860-439-0406
Website: www.tewaterford.org