Articles of Amendment Nonprofit 24.03A Washington Secretary of State Revised 10.2023
Purpose: Articles of Amendment is used to record changes to the business entity’s previously recorded articles of incorporation or
its most recently recorded amendment. Amendment filings are most commonly used to change to the business entity’s name.
General Instructions: Use dark ink only. Complete the entire form and enter all requested information in the fields provided. A
fillable .pdf version of this form is available for download at
Mail: Send the completed form and payment to the address listed above.
Payment: Make checks or money orders payable to “Secretary of State.” Checks cannot be backdated more than 60 days from the
date the check is received.
Fees: The filing fee for the Articles of Amendment is $20.00
Expedited Service: If expedited service is requested, an a dditional $100 must be added to the filing fee. Check the box indicating
expedited service on page one.
(1) Unified Business Identifier (UBI): Provide the UBI Number assigned to the business registration as on file with the Office of the
Secretary of State of Washington. The UBI Number and name of the business must match our records in order to be accepted.
(2) Name of Nonprofit Corporation: Provide the name as recorded with the Office of the Secretary of State of Washington. The
Name and UBI Number of the business must match our records to be accepted.
(3) Business Type: Indicate by checking Yes or No if changing your business type to a Washington Nonprofit Professional Service
Corporation. If Yes, additional information will be required outlined below.
Attestation of Stated Profession: A statement that each Incorporator and/or Initial Director listed is licensed or legally
authorized to provide the professional services listed as the purpose of the business.
RCW Election: A statement that the Nonprofit Professional Service Corporation elects to have RCW 18.100 applied.
(4) Business Name Change: Provide the new name for review. If a name has been reserved and a Name Reservation Number has
been provided, enter the Number in the appropriate section. If a Name Reservation has not been provided select “No”.
In accordance with RCW 23.95.305, a Nonprofit Corporation must not include or end with any of the following designations or
abbreviations of: incorporated, company, cooperative, partnership, limited, limited partnership, or limited liability partnership, but
may use club, league, association, services, committee, fund, society, foundation, guild, a nonprofit corporation, a nonprofit mutual
corporation, or any name of like import . A Nonprofit Corporation name must be distinguishable upon the records of the Secretary
of State from any other business already registered with the Secretary of State’s office.
Corporations & Charities Division
Physical/Overnight address:
801 Capitol Way S
Olympia, WA 98501-1226
Mailing address:
PO Box 40234
Olympia, WA 98504-0234
Tel: 360.725.0377
Articles of Amendment Nonprofit 24.03A Washington Secretary of State Revised 10.2023
(5) Charitable Nonprofit Corporation: Review RCW 24.03A.010(5) to determine if the business is a Charitable Nonprofit Corporation.
Select “Yes” or “No” upon determination.
If within section 7 or in the most recent recorded Nonprofit’s Purpose language indicating a “charitable purpose”; the Nonprofit is
a Religious Corporation; or that the Nonprofit is eligible for tax-exempt status under section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Code, then Yes is required in this section.
(6) Members: Indicate by checking “Yes” or “No” if the Nonprofit Corporation has members. Member is defined as a person who has
a right set forth in the articles of bylaws to select or vote for the election of directors or delegates, or to vote on at least one type of
fundamental transaction. If “Yes” is selected member names may be provided.
(7) Purpose of Corporation: If changed, indicate by providing the new purpose. Any other provisions may be attached if needed. Do
not attach or refer to the bylaws.
(8) Registered Agent: If the Registered Agent has changed, indicate by selecting “Yes” and provide new Registered Agent
Registered Agent: All businesses must have a Registered Agent in Washington State per RCW 23.95.415. The Consent of the
Registered Agent must be signed, regardless of the type of Registered Agent. Print the name and title of the person signing and
provide the date of signature.
Commercial Registered Agent is a business or individual registered with the Office of the Secretary of State, whose nature
of business it is to receive legal documents, notices, or demands required or permitted by law to be served on behalf of the
business. The Commercial Registered Agent has a verified address on record with the Office of the Secretary of State.
o Select “Yes” or “No.”
If “Yes,” provide the name of the Commercial Registered Agent. An address is not required.
If “No,” continue to Noncommercial Registered Agent.
Noncommercial Registered Agent is a business or individual who agrees to receive legal documents, notice, or demand
required or permitted by law to be served on behalf of the business.
o Identify the Registered Agent.
Individual: Write the individual’s first and last name.
Business: Write the business’ full name.
Office/Position: Write the office or position title held within the business such as President, Secretary,
Treasurer, or Member.
o Provide the required physical street address of the Noncommercial Registered Agent. You may also provide the
mailing address if needed. Addresses must be in Washington State.
o Provide a contact phone number and email address. This information will be used if there are any questions
regarding the submission.
(9) Public Benefit Designation: Indicate by checking “Yes” or “No” if the Nonprofit Corporation is currently designated as a Public
Benefit Corporation.
If “Yes”, indicate if the Nonprofit Corporation still meets the requirements to maintain its Public Benefit designation.
o If “Yes”, indicate if the Nonprofit Corporation still elects to have the Public Benefit Designation apply.
If “No” to either question the designation of Public Benefit will be removed from the Nonprofit Corporation. If the term
Public Benefit is part of the business’ name the Nonprofit Corporation will need to remove this as part of the amendment
(10) Host Home Registration: Indicate by checking “Yes” or “No” if the Nonprofit Corporation is currently designated as a Host
If “Yes”, indicate if the Nonprofit Corporation elects to maintain its Host Home registration.
o If “No”, the designation of Host Home will be removed from the Nonprofit Corporation.
Articles of Amendment Nonprofit 24.03A Washington Secretary of State Revised 10.2023
(11) Period of Duration: If changed, select a period of duration. Only one selection will be accepted. Perpetual duration means “on-
going” until the business is either administratively or voluntarily dissolved. A specified date or specified number of years, may be
selected. If a specified date or years is selected the business will be administratively dissolved as recorded in this section. If no
selection is provided, it will default to perpetual.
(12) Adoption of Articles of Amendment: Select how the Amendment was adopted by checking the appropriate box.
(13) Adoption Date: Provide the date that the Amendment was adopted.
(14) Distribution of Assets: If changed, indicate by providing the new plan for distribution of assets. Do not attach or refer to the
(15) Governors: If changed, list the individuals/businesses responsible for governing the business. Attach additional pages if
necessary. A business cannot serve as its own governor. A governor is commonly a business/individual who has the authority to
make decisions on behalf of the business.
(16) Effective Date: Select the date this filing is to be effective. If “Date of Filing” is selected, the effective date will be the date the
submission is completed by our office. A future effective date may be specified which may not be more than 90 days after the date
of filing.
(17) Return Address for this Filing: If provided, the confirmation regarding this specific filing will be sent to this address, in addition
to the Registered Agent’s address.
(18) Authorized Person: Sign, print, provide the signer’s title, and date the document.
For a rapid response to questions, requests for assistance, or to provide feedback, please visit the Corporations and Charities
website at to chat with a representative.
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Are you changing your business type? (Check one) Yes No If Yes, select the change being made:
Additional requirements must be submitted if changing the business type, including a change to the name, see instructions for details.
Filing Fee $20
To Expedite Filing, Add $100
(7) PURPOSE OF NONPROFIT CORPORATION: Required only if changed attach additional pages if necessary
(1) UBI No.:
(2) NAME OF NONPROFIT CORPORATION: (as currently recorded with the Office of the Secretary of State)
(8) Has your registered agent or their contact details changed? (Check one) Yes No If Yes, complete page 2
All fields REQUIRED unless otherwise specified
(4) BUSINESS NAME CHANGE: Are you changing your business name? (Check one) Yes No
New Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________
May include "club", "league", "association", "services", "committee", "fund", "society", "foundation", "guild", ". . . . . ., a nonprofit corporation", ". .
. . . ., a nonprofit mutual corporation" or any name of like import. Must not include or end with "Corporation", "Incorporated", "Company",
"Limited", "Limited Partnership" or the abbreviation "Corp.", "Inc.", "Co." or "Ltd." or any abbreviation thereof. May only include the term "public
benefit" or names of like import if the nonprofit corporation has been designated as a public benefit nonprofit corporation by the secretary of state in
accordance with chapter 24.03A RCW. For name requirements review the following RCW(s): RCW 23.95.305
Does the business have a name reserved? (Check one) Yes No If Yes, provide the Name Reservation Number
Reservation Number: _________________
Nonprofit Corporation
RCW 24.03A
(5) CHARITABLE NONPROFIT CORPORATION: If within section 7 or in the most recent recorded Nonprofits Purpose,
language indicating a charitable purpose”; the Nonprofit is a Religious Corporation; or that the Nonprofit is eligible for tax-exempt status under
section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, then Yes is required below,
Is the Nonprofit Corporation a Charitable Nonprofit as defined by RCW 24.03A.010(5)? (Check one) Yes No
Overnight address by commercial carrier: 801 Capitol Way S Olympia, WA 98501-1226
Mailing Address (ALL USPS): PO Box 40234 Olympia, WA 98504-0234
Tel: 360.725.0377 | Website:
(6) MEMBERS: RCW 24.03A.010(45)
Does the Nonprofit Corporation have members? (Check one) Yes No providing names are optional
Name: _________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________
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NEW REGISTERED AGENT: Required ONLY if question 8 was marked Yes
A Registered Agent is an agent of a business which is authorized to receive service of any process, notices, or demands
required or permitted by law to be served on the business including hand delivered service of process.
All businesses must have a Registered Agent in Washington State per RCW 23.95.415
Provide the name of the Commercial Registered Agent OR Non-Commercial Registered Agent. The appointed agent
must sign the Consent to Serve statement below.
A Commercial Registered Agent is a business or individual that is registered specifically as a Commercial Agent with the
Office of the Secretary of State to receive legal documents on behalf of a corporation. A Commercial Registered Agent
address has been registered with this office in advance and does not need to provide it with this submission.
If applicable, provide the name of the Commercial Registered Agent: ________________________________________
A Non-Commercial Registered Agent is a person, business, or office or position title appointed to serve as the registered
agent for a business. A street address located in Washington State and an email address are required; a phone number
and separate Washington State mailing address are optional.
If multiple types are listed the first type will be entered by this office
Phone: (optional) __________________________________ Email: __________________________________________
I hereby consent to serve as Registered Agent in the State of Washington for the named business. I understand it will be
my responsibility to accept service of process, notices, and demands on behalf of the business; to forward mail to the
business; and to immediately notify the Office of the Secretary of State if I resign or change the Registered Office
___________________________________ ___________________________________ _____________________
Signature of Registered Agent Printed Name/Title Date
Country: United States State: Washington
Address : _______________________________________
Zip: __________ City: ___________________________
Country: United States State: Washington
Address : _______________________________________
Zip: __________ City: ____________________________
Mailing Address (optional)
Check if mailing address is the same as street address
Street Address: (required)
Must be a physical address; No PO Box or PMB
Registered Agent: ________________________________________________________________________________
Type 1: If an individual is serving as the Registered Agent, only provide the individuals first and last name below.
Type 2: If a business is serving as the Registered Agent, only provide the name of the business below.
Type 3: If an office or position within the business is serving as the Registered Agent, only provide the position
title such as President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Member below.
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(9) PUBLIC BENEFIT DESIGNATION: RCW 24.03A.245/250 Required only if changed
Is the Nonprofit Corporation currently registered as a Host Home with the Office of the Secretary of State?
(Check one) Yes No
If yes”, does the Nonprofit Corporation elect to maintain its Host Home registration per RCW 74.15.020(2)(o)?
(Check one) Yes No If nois selected the Nonprofit will not maintain the designation of a Host Home
(10) HOST HOME REGISTRATION: RCW 74.15.315 Required only if changed
This Company shall have a perpetual duration (default) This Company shall have a duration of _________ years.
This Company shall expire on ______________________
(11) PERIOD OF DURATION: Required only if changed Check ONE of the following
This Amendment was duly adopted by the following method (Check one)
The Articles of Amendment were duly adopted by the board of directors; member approval was not required.
The Articles of Amendment were duly adopted and approved by the members in the manner required by the
Nonprofit Corporations articles and bylaws, and by RCW 24.03A.665.
The date that the Articles of Amendment were adopted was: ____________________
1. Is the Nonprofit Corporation currently designated as a Public Benefit Corporation with the Office of the Secretary of
State? (Check one) Yes No
2. If yes”, does the Nonprofit Corporation still meet the requirements to maintain its Public Benefit designation?
(Check one) Yes No If nois selected the Nonprofit will not maintain the designation of a Public Benefit Corporation
2a. If yes”, does the Nonprofit Corporation still elect to have the Public Benefit Designation?
(Check one) Yes No
List at least one. Attach additional pages if necessary. A business cannot serve as its own Governor.
Name: _________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________
Name: _________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________
Name: _________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________
(15) GOVERNOR(S): Required only if changed
(14) DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS: Required only if changed
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If provided, the confirmation regarding this specific filing will be sent to the address below, in addition to the Registered
Agents address.
Attention to: ____________________________________ Email: ________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: ___________________________ Zip: ______________
Date of filing (default) this is the date that the submission is completed by our office
Specify a Date __________________ (cannot be more than 90 days following received date)
(16) EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS FILING: Check ONE of the following
I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is accurate and complies with the filing
requirements of state law.
_______________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________
Signature of Authorized Person Printed Name/Title Date