Introduction to the CDM
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) ........... 3
Overview of the CDM ............................................ 9
National Value and Benefits.................................. 16
Developing a National CDM Strategy ................... 19
Conclusion ........................................................... 24
CDM Projects Examples........................................ 25
The Clean Development MechanismThe Clean Development Mechanism
The Clean Development MechanismThe Clean Development Mechanism
The Clean Development Mechanism
UNEP Collaborating Centre
on Energy and Environment
Risø National Laboratory
Roskilde, Denmark
ISBN: 87-550-386-6
Graphic design:
Finn Hagen Madsen, Graphic Design, Denmark
The findings, interpretrations and conclusions expressed in
this report are entirely those of the author(s) and should not
be attributed in any manner to the Government of the
The Clean
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), a cooperative mechanism
established under the Kyoto Protocol, has the potential to assist
developing countries in achieving sustainable development by
promoting environmentally friendly investment from industrialized
country governments and businesses*. This document provides an
overview of the CDM’s background, structure, and project cycle, and
examines the potential value and benefits for participating developing
countries. The document also suggests steps for developing a national
CDM strategy and provides examples of CDM projects. While the basic
rules have been established, the CDM is a work in progress by
participating governments. This document presents the latest available
information and will be updated in the future to reflect important
The 1997 Kyoto Protocol, a milestone in global efforts to protect the
environment and achieve sustainable development, marked the first
time that governments accepted legally-binding constraints on their
greenhouse gas emissions. The Protocol also broke new ground with
* The Kyoto Protocol does not exclude the possibility of unilateral CDM projects, where investors are
developing country entities.
its innovative “cooperative mechanisms” aimed at cutting the cost of
curbing these emissions. As it does not matter to the climate where
emission reductions are achieved, sound economics argues for achieving
them where they are least costly. The Protocol therefore includes three
market-based mechanisms aimed at achieving cost-effective reductions
— International Emissions Trading (IET), Joint Implementation (JI), and
the CDM.
The CDM, contained in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol, allows
governments or private entities in industrialized countries to imple-
ment emission reduction projects in developing countries and receive
credit in the form of “certified emission reductions,” or CERs, which
they may count against their national reduction targets. The CDM strives
to promote sustainable development in developing countries, while
allowing developed countries to contribute to the goal of reducing
atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.
Kyoto Protocol Article 12.2 “The purpose of the clean devel-
opment mechanism shall be to assist Parties not included in
Annex I in achieving sustainable development and in contrib-
uting to the ultimate objective of the Convention, and to assist
Parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their
quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments un-
der Article 3.
The UNFCCC & the Kyoto Protocol
Increasing scientific evidence of human interference with the global
climate system, along with growing public concern about the
environment, pushed climate change onto the political agenda in the
mid-1980s. In 1988, the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) established
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to provide
policymakers with authoritative scientific information. The IPCC, con-
sisting of hundreds of leading scientists and experts on global warming,
was tasked with assessing the state of scientific knowledge concerning
climate change, evaluating its potential environmental and
socioeconomic impacts, and formulating realistic policy advice.
Two years later in 1990, the IPCC published a report concluding that
the growing accumulation of human-made greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere would “enhance the greenhouse effect, resulting on average
in an additional warming of the Earth’s surface” by the next century,
unless measures were adopted to limit emissions. The report confirmed
that climate change was a threat and called for an international treaty
to address the problem. Later that same year, the Second World Climate
Conference echoed the same call. The United Nations General Assembly
responded by formally launching negotiations on a framework con-
vention on climate change and establishing an “Intergovernmental Ne-
gotiating Committee” to develop the treaty. Negotiations to formulate
an international treaty on global climate protection began in 1991 and
resulted in the completion, by May 1992, of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The UNFCCC was opened for signature at the UN Conference on
Environment and Development (the Earth Summit) in Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, in June 1992, and entered into force in March 1994. The
Convention sets an “ultimate objective” of stabilizing atmospheric
concentrations of greenhouse gases at safe levels. Such levels, which
the Convention does not quantify, should be achieved within a time
frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change,
to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic
development to proceed in a sustainable manner. To achieve this
objective, all countries have a general commitment to address climate
change, adapt to its effects, and report their actions to implement the
Convention. As of December 2001, the Convention currently has
received 186 instruments of ratification.
The Convention divides countries into two groups: Annex I Parties, the
industrialized countries who have historically contributed the most to
climate change, and non-Annex I Parties, which includes primarily the
developing countries. The principles of equity and “common but
differentiated responsibilities” contained in the Convention require
Annex I Parties to take the lead in returning their greenhouse gas emis-
sions to 1990 levels by the year 2000. They must also submit regular
reports, known as national communications, detailing their climate
change policies and programs, as well as annual inventories of their
GHG emissions.
The Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in December 1997. The Protocol creates
legally binding obligations for 38 industrialized countries, including 11
countries in Central and Eastern Europe, to return their emissions of
GHGs to an average of approximately 5.2 percent below their 1990
levels as an average over the period 2008-2012.
The targets cover the six main greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide,
methane, nitrous oxide; hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); perfluorocarbons
(PFCs); and sulphur hexafluoride. The Protocol also allows these
countries the option of deciding which of the six gases will form a part
of their national emissions reduction strategy. Some activities in the
land-use change and forestry sector, such as deforestation and refor-
estation, that emit or absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, are
also covered.
Negotiations continued after Kyoto to develop the Protocol’s opera-
tional details. While the Protocol identified a number of modalities to
help Parties reach their targets, it does not elaborate on the specifics.
After more than four years of debate, governments finally in 2001 agreed
to a comprehensive rulebook—the Marrakech Accords—on how to
implement the Kyoto Protocol. The Accords also intend to provide gov-
ernments with sufficient clarity to consider ratification.
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
and the Cooperative Mechanisms
The Protocol establishes three cooperative mechanisms designed to
help industrialized countries (Annex I Parties) reduce the costs of
meeting their emissions targets by achieving emission reductions at
lower costs in other countries than they could domestically.
International Emission Trading
permits countries to transfer parts
of their ‘allowed emissions’ (“assigned amount units”).
Joint Implementation
(JI) allows countries to claim credit for
emission reductions that arise from investment in other
industrialized countries, which result in a transfer of equivalent
“emission reduction units” between the countries.
The Clean Development Mechanism
(CDM) allows emission-
reduction projects that assist in creating sustainable
development in developing countries to generate “certified
emission reductions” for use by the investor.
The mechanisms give countries and private sector companies the
opportunity to reduce emissions anywhere in the world—wherever
the cost is lowest—and they can then count these reductions towards
their own targets.
Through emission reduction projects, the mechanisms could stimulate
international investment and provide the essential resources for cleaner
economic growth in all parts of the world. The CDM, in particular, aims
to assist developing countries in achieving sustainable development by
promoting environmentally friendly investment from industrialized
country governments and businesses.
The funding channelled through the CDM should assist developing
countries in reaching some of their economic, social, environmental,
and sustainable development objectives, such as cleaner air and water,
improved land use, accompanied by social benefits such as rural
development, employment, and poverty alleviation and in many cases,
reduced dependence on imported fossil fuels. In addition to catalyzing
green investment priorities in developing countries, the CDM offers an
opportunity to make progress simultaneously on climate, development,
and local environmental issues. For developing countries that might
otherwise be preoccupied with immediate economic and social needs,
the prospect of such benefits should provide a strong incentive to
participate in the CDM.
Overview of the CDM
The CDM allows an Annex I Party to implement a project that reduces
greenhouse gas emissions or, subject to constraints, removes greenhouse
gases by carbon sequestration, or “sinks,” in the territory of a non-
Annex I Party. The resulting certified emission reductions, known as
CERs, can then be used by the Annex I Party to help meet its emission
reduction target. CDM projects must be approved by all Parties involved,
lead to sustainable development in the host countries, and result in
real, measurable and long-term benefits in terms of climate change
mitigation. The reductions must also be additional to any that would
have occurred without the project.
In order to participate in the CDM, there are certain eligibility criteria
that countries must meet. All Parties must meet three basic require-
ments: voluntary participation in the CDM, the establishment of a
National CDM Authority, and ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. In
addition, industrialized countries must meet several further stipulations:
establishment of the assigned amount under Article 3 of the Protocol,
a national system for the estimation of greenhouse gases, a national
registry, an annual inventory, and an accounting system for the sale
and purchase of emission reductions.
Eligible Projects
The CDM will include projects in the following sectors:
End-use energy efficiency improvements
Supply-side energy efficiency improvement
Renewable energy
•Fuel switching
•Agriculture (reduction of CH
and N2
Industrial processes (CO
from Cement etc., HFCs, PFCs, SF
Sinks projects (only afforestation and reforestation)
Annex I Parties must refrain from using CERs generated through nuclear
energy to meet their targets. In addition, for the first commitment period
(2008-2012), the only sink projects allowed are those involving
afforestation or reforestation, and Annex I Parties can only add CERs
generated from sink projects to their assigned amounts up to 1% of
their baseline emissions for each year of the commitment period. Further
guidelines for carbon sink projects will be developed to ensure they
are environmentally sound.
In order to make small projects competitive with larger ones, the
Marrakech Accords establish a fast track for small-scale projects with
simpler eligibility rules—renewables up to 15 MW, energy efficiency
with a reduction of consumption either on the supply or the demand
side of up to 15 gigawatthours/yr, and other projects that both reduce
emissions and emit less than 15 kilotons of CO
equivalent annually.
The Executive Board has been tasked with defining modalities and
procedures for the fast track, and will submit them to the Eighth
Conference of the Parties (COP 8), to be held in New Delhi in October
Public funding for CDM projects must not result in the diversion of
funds for official development assistance. In addition, the CERs
generated by CDM projects will be subject to a levy–known as the
“share of the proceeds”– of 2%, which will be paid into a newly-created
adaptation fund to help particularly vulnerable developing countries
adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.
Another levy on CERs will contribute to the CDM’s administrative costs.
To promote the equitable distribution of projects among developing
countries, CDM projects in least developed countries are exempt from
the levy for adaptation and administrative costs.
The Executive Board
The CDM is supervised by an Executive Board, which itself operates
under the authority of the Parties. The Executive Board is composed of
10 members, including one representative from each of the five official
UN regions (Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Central and
Eastern Europe, and OECD), one from the small island developing states,
and two each from Annex I and non-Annex I Parties. The Executive
Board held its opening meeting at the Marrakech talks in November
2001, marking the launch of the CDM.
The Executive Board will accredit independent organizations–known
as operational entities –that will validate proposed CDM projects, verify
the resulting emission reductions, and certify those emission reductions
as CERs. Another key task is the maintenance of a CDM registry, which
will issue new CERs, manage an account for CERs levied for adaptation
and administrative expenses, and maintain a CER account for each non-
Annex I Party hosting a CDM project.
Project Identification and Formulation
The first step in the CDM project cycle is the identification and
formulation of potential CDM projects. A CDM project must be real,
measurable and additional. To establish additionality, the project
emissions must be compared to the emissions of a reasonable refer-
ence case, identified as the baseline. The baseline is established by the
project participants according to approved methodologies on a project-
specific basis. These baseline methodologies are being developed based
on the three approaches in the Marrakech Accord:
7. Issuance
of CERs
Entity A
Project design
6. Verification/
3. Validation/
5. Monitoring
4. Project
Entity B
Project cycle for the CDM
Verification report/
Certification report/
Request for CERs
Activity Report Institution
Project description; Baseline
methodology; Monitoring
methods/plan; GHG emissions;
Statement of env. impact;
Stakeholder comments
National CDM Authority:
Government consent;
Government confirmation
that the project assist in
sustainable development
2. National
1.Project design
& formulation
The CDM project cycle as shown on the figure has seven basic stages: project
design and formulation, national approval, validation and registration, project
finance, monitoring, verification/certification and issuance of CERs. The first
four are performed prior to the implementation of the project, while the
latter three are performed during the lifetime of the project.
existing actual or historical emissions;
emissions from a technology that represents an economically
attractive investment; or,
the average emissions of similar project activities under
taken in the previous five years under similar circumstances
and whose performance is among the top 20% of their category.
CDM projects must also have a monitoring plan to collect accurate
emissions data. The monitoring plan, which constitutes the basis of
future verification, should provide confidence that the emission
reductions and other project objectives are being achieved and should
be able to monitor the risks inherent to baseline and project emissions.
The monitoring plan can be established either by the project devel-
oper, or by a specialized agent. The baseline and monitoring plan must
be devised according to an approved methodology. If the project
participants prefer a new methodology, it must be authorized and
registered by the Executive Board. The project participants must choose
whether the crediting period shall be 10 years or 7 years with a
possibility to be renewed two times (a maximum of 21 years).
National Approval
All countries wishing to participate in the CDM must designate a National
CDM Authority to evaluate and approve the projects, and serve as a
point of contact. Although the international process has given general
guidelines on baselines and additionality, each developing country has
the responsibility to determine the national criteria for project approval.
Together with the investor, the host country must prepare a project
design document with the following structure:
General description of the project;
Description of the baseline methodology;
•Timeline and crediting period;
Monitoring methodology and plan;
•Calculation of GHG emissions by sources
•Statement of environmental impacts;
•Stakeholder comments.
The National CDM Authority issues the necessary statements: that the
government participates voluntary in the project and confirms that the
project activity assists the host country in achieving sustainable
Validation and Registration
A designated operational entity will then review the project design
document and, after public comment, decide whether or not it should
be validated. These operational entities will typically be private
companies such as auditing and accounting firms, consulting companies
and law firms capable of conducting credible, independent assessments
of emission reductions. If validated, the operational entity will forward
it to the Executive Board for formal registration.
Monitoring, Verification and Certification
The carbon component of a mitigation project cannot acquire value in
the international carbon market unless submitted to a verification
process designed specifically to measure and audit the carbon
component. Therefore, once the project is operational, participants
prepare a monitoring report, including an estimate of CERs generated,
and submit it for verification by an operational entity.
Verification is the independent ex-post determination by an opera-
tional entity of the monitored reductions in emissions. The operational
entity must make sure that the CERs have resulted according to the
guidelines and conditions agreed upon in the initial validation of the
project. Following a detailed review, an operational entity will produce
a verification report and then certify the amount of CERs generated by
the CDM project.
Certification is the written assurance that a project achieved the
reductions as verified. The certification report also constitutes a re-
quest for issuance of CERs. Unless a project participant or three Executive
Board members request a review within 15 days, the Executive Board
will instruct the CDM registry to issue the CERs.
National Value
and Benefits
The basic principle of the CDM is simple: developed countries can
invest in low-cost abatement opportunities in developing countries and
receive credit for the resulting emissions reductions, thus reducing the
cutbacks needed within their borders. While the CDM lowers the cost
of compliance with the Protocol for developed countries, developing
countries will benefit as well, not just from the increased investment
flows, but also from the requirement that these investments advance
sustainable development goals. The CDM encourages developing
countries to participate by promising that development priorities and
initiatives will be addressed as part of the package. This recognizes that
only through long-term development will all countries be able to play
a role in protecting the climate.
From the developing country perspective, the CDM can:
•Attract capital for projects that assist in the shift to a more
prosperous but less carbon-intensive economy;
Encourage and permit the active participation of both
private and public sectors;
Provide a tool of technology transfer, if investment is
channelled into projects that replace old and inefficient fossil
fuel technology, or create new industries in environmentally
sustainable technologies; and,
Help define investment priorities in projects that meet
sustainable development goals.
Specifically, the CDM can contribute to a developing country’s sustain-
able development objectives through:
•Transfer of technology and financial resources;
Sustainable ways of energy production;
Increasing energy efficiency & conservation;
•Poverty alleviation through income and employment
generation; and
•Local environmental side benefits
The drive for economic growth presents both threats and opportuni-
ties for sustainable development. While environmental quality is an
essential element of the development process, in practice, there is
considerable tension between economic and environmental objectives.
Increased access to energy and provision of basic economic services, if
developed along conventional paths, could cause long-lasting environ-
mental degradation—-both locally and globally. But by charting a
different course and providing the technological and financial assistance
to follow it, many potential problems could be avoided.
In comparing potential CDM projects with what might otherwise take
place, it is clear that the majority will entail not only carbon reduction
benefits, but also produce a range of environmental and social benefits
within developing countries. Sustainable development benefits could
include reductions in air and water pollution through reduced fossil
fuel use, especially coal, but also extend to improved water availability,
reduced soil erosion and protected biodiversity. For social benefits,
many projects would create employment opportunities in target regions
or income groups and promote local energy self-sufficiency. Therefore
carbon abatement and sustainable development goals can be simulta-
neously pursued.
Many options under the CDM could create significant co-benefits in
developing countries, addressing local and regional environmental
problems and advancing social goals. For developing countries that
might otherwise give priority to immediate economic and environmental
needs, the prospect of significant ancillary benefits should provide a
strong inducement to participate in the CDM.
Developing a National
CDM Strategy
Evaluation of National
Interests and Priorities
The CDM presents an opportunity to channel resources towards the
projects that are most likely to further national sustainable develop-
ment. Criteria for CDM projects should therefore be based on a country’s
sustainable development objectives, which may be identified by the
goals and policies already established for social and economic devel-
opment in related areas, such as energy, land-use change and trans-
portation. At the national level, sustainable development programs or
environmental plans may already be in place in related areas, such as
policies on forests, renewable energy and clean technologies.
Building Support for CDM
— A Participatory Approach
One of the most challenging aspects of building a national CDM strategy
is enlisting the active support from all sectors of society (civil, NGOs,
private and public sector) and different sectors of the economy (industry,
energy, agriculture, forestry). A successful CDM strategy will require
official governmental support, both in terms of ratification of the
UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, but also in designating a National
Authority to approve CDM projects. However, governments will also
play a key role in cooperating with the private sector to market the
CDM proposals to prospective investors.
The private sector can help ensure an emphasis on efficiency and the
development of clear and simple rules. Including the participation of
the private sector in the institutional building process encourages a
less bureaucratic and more results-oriented approach in the procedure.
The private sector is essential for driving the CDM, as investors seek
cost-efficient means of mitigating their emissions.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) should also be incorporated
in the development and implementation of the strategy, since they
bring an environmental and social focus to the institutional agenda.
NGOs can be repositories of valuable scientific expertise and technical
know-how in developing and evaluating projects.
The integration of these sectors is seldom easy. Some governments
may enjoy a good working relationship with NGOs and the private
sector, allowing them to distribute responsibilities and work together.
Other governments, however, may have a more distant relationship
among the different sectors, making it more difficult to reach a com-
mon goal. In any case, the approach should match national
National Institutional Structure to
Implement CDM Projects
The National CDM Authority is the host country entity or body that
evaluates potential CDM projects and provides written approval
confirming that the project activity is voluntary, complies with national
and international criteria, and assists in achieving sustainable
development of the host country.
The National CDM Authority needs to have open communication with
the government agencies of the sectors relevant to the CDM. The
technical review of projects can often involve the ministries or bureaus
of the relevant sector (energy, natural resources, environment, etc.).
The approval of CDM projects could also involve foreign affairs minis-
tries, since they often serve as the UNFCCC focal point.
Evaluation and Approval
A sound evaluation process will increase the probability of having
projects successfully validated and certified as CDM projects, and reduce
the perceived and real risks of national and foreign investors in
developing and implementing carbon mitigation projects. It can also
create incentives for specific project types or for priority sectors. The
evaluation process also provides the main filter for ensuring that projects
pursue CDM objectives consistent with relevant national policies,
strategies and priorities.
International criteria: As a starting point in the evaluation process, a
CDM project must first satisfy the internationally agreed criteria. Article
12 of the Kyoto Protocol stipulates three principal eligibility criteria for
CDM projects:
Projects must assist Non-Annex I Parties “in achieving
sustainable development and contributing to the ultimate
objective of the Convention”.
Projects must result in “real, measurable and long-term benefits
related to the mitigation of climate change”.
Projects must result in “reductions in emissions that are
additional to any that would occur in the absence of the
certified project activity”.
The Marrakech Accords stipulate more criteria that must be met by
potential CDM projects. These international criteria focus mainly on
technical aspects of the carbon mitigation activities of the project and
are meant to ensure that the expected benefits related to the mitigation
of climate change are real, measurable and additional.
National Criteria: The host country has the prerogative to decide whether
a project assists in achieving sustainable development, and therefore
should develop national criteria and requirements to ensure a coherent,
justifiable and transparent assessment. Key elements could include:
compliance with existing political and legal frameworks; compatibility
with local priorities; comments by local stakeholders directly and
indirectly involved with the project; local availability of qualified human
resources and adequate institutional resources; and the potential for
local institutional enhancement and national capacity building.
In deciding which of these criteria are to be adopted, the host country
should consider the direct relationship between requirements and
transaction costs. The more requirements imposed on project
developers, the higher the preparation costs. In a carbon market where
the CDM already has many prerequisites, host countries should balance
information requirements necessary for quality control with rising prepa-
ration costs.
Another key element for attracting CDM investments is the host
country’s application of quick and transparent procedures for screen-
ing, evaluating and approving projects. To achieve this goal, the National
CDM Authority should implement a standardized system to screen,
evaluate, and approve CDM projects. Host countries will need to
establish guidelines for presenting projects. For validation and verifica-
tion, CDM projects must be drafted in the format of a Project Design
Document (PDD). The guidelines for the presentation of projects need
to be consistent and transparent, so that project developers are not
subjected to changing formats.
Project Supply, Identification
and Formulation
To promote CDM investment, host countries can hold training sessions
for project developers, during which they are shown how to identify
potential projects, understand the context of the UNFCCC and the
carbon market, and familiarize themselves with the PDD. Training
sessions may also be necessary to understand the more complex aspects
of CDM projects, such as generating proper documentation for the
establishment of baselines (including assumptions and methodologies
used), as well as calculating project emissions, reductions and leakage;
that is, the indirect effect of emission reduction projects that lead to a
rise in emissions elsewhere. Participants in the training courses should
include project developers, private companies, government agencies,
bankers, NGOs and other stakeholders. Host countries can facilitate
international investment by developing a portfolio of diverse high quality
CDM projects that address the needs and interests of a wide spectrum
of investors.
The full extent of potential benefits available to developing countries
under the CDM is difficult to forecast, but its enormous potential to
promote sustainable development and increase foreign investment flows
is clear. With thoughtful planning and the development of a national
CDM strategy, it can also assist in addressing local and regional envi-
ronmental problems and in advancing social goals. The CDM allows
developing countries to participate in the global effort to combat cli-
mate change at a time when other development priorities may limit
the funding available for GHG emission reduction activities. The CDM’s
objective of advancing the development goals of developing countries
recognizes that only through long-term sustainable development will
all countries be able to play a role in climate protection.
CDM Projects Examples
For the following section, the acronym AIJ before the name of the host
country signifies that the example is taken from the Actions
Implemented Jointly (AIJ) pilot phase, a forerunner of the CDM
developed under the UNFCCC.
End-Use Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency Measures in Industrial Boilers
(Viet Nam)
This project, from the Asian Least-cost Greenhouse Gas Abatement
Strategy (ALGAS), will improve boiler efficiencies in the industrial sector.
The targeted improvements will have low investment costs and include
the following measures: measuring devices, control devices, and
insulating materials. The project will disseminate new technologies to
industry and propose relevant measures for upgrades.
The project’s primary goal is the reduction of energy consumption by
industrial boilers per unit of product and, therefore, to reduce CO
emissions in the industrial sector. In Viet Nam the industrial sector is
the highest CO
emitter, responsible for 40% of overall emissions.
The baseline for the project is the continued use of inefficient boilers in
Viet Nam with an average efficiency of 45 percent. The proposed
improvements will raise the average efficiency of industrial boilers to
60 percent. The project will lead to an estimated reduction of emissions
of 150 kt CO
per year. It will also reduce the emissions of local airborne
pollutants. This is important in Viet Nam since the industrial sector
emits the highest share of the SO
emissions and is the second highest
emitting sector.
Supply-Side Energy Efficiency
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Project in
Shangqiu Thermal Power Plant in Henan Province
For many developing countries, CHP could provide the basis for
potential CDM projects. The aim of this project is to replace 24 small
low-efficiency, coal-fired industrial boilers, which supply industrial
process heat, with new coal-fired circulating fluidised bed combustion
boilers (CFBC), coupled with co-generating units with 24 MW capacity.
The plant will supply power to the Shangqiu Aluminium (Al) Refinery
Plant and the project will enable it to meet its load demand for the
newly increased refinery capacity of 15000 tons Al/year without suffering
from reoccurring blackouts and shortages.
The project will save 965 TJ of coal per year, resulting in an emission
reduction of 88 kt CO
per year. Local and regional pollution will be
reduced, as SO
emissions will be reduced effectively by the
desulphurisation rate of 85% in the CFBC boiler. Particles and dust will
be reduced by 95%, and NOx emissions will also decrease.
Bio-Gen Biomass Power Generation Project, Phase
I (AIJ-Honduras)
Power and heat production can be generated from agricultural wastes,
such as peanut shells, rice husks, coconut husks, orange processing
waste, palm oil production waste, logging residues, wood waste from
sawmills etc. In many cases, a CDM project of this type will both reduce
GHG emissions and reduce a local pollution problem.
One example is the 15 MW biomass waste-to-energy project in
Guaimaca, Honduras. The plant will utilize wood wastes generated from
forest products processing in the region. The waste, including sawmill
and logging residues, are currently burned under uncontrolled
conditions or disposed of in rivers or low-lying areas. The project will
reduce the CO
emissions by 119 kt CO
emitted from the use of fuel
oil in the baseline. The power produced by the plant will be sold to the
national utility and will displace electricity and associated emissions
that would have been produced by fossil-fuel facilities.
The plant will be able to operate as a base load plant operating 7500
hours per year. Therefore, since electricity demand is expected to
increase at a high rate in Honduras, the capacity from this project will
reduce the amount of fossil-fueled capacity otherwise expected. The
new capacity from the project could also help reduce the present
number of selective power cuts, which prevent local sawmills from
operating efficiently. The project may also act as a catalyst for projects
at other mills or within other industries, allowing more local facilities to
become self-sufficient in their power supply.
Alizés Rural Electrification (AIJ-Mauritania)
This project seeks to install small 1 kW wind turbines in 150 rural villages
that lack access to electricity. The wind turbines will supply power to
battery-charging stations, which families will use as their source of
electricity. The electricity from the wind turbine will replace kerosene,
candles and batteries for most families. Those already using batteries
will save long transport times to bring their batteries to the central grid
and no CO
will be emitted when their batteries are charged. The total
annual emission reduction from the 7500 families in the 150 villages is
calculated to be 0.88 kt CO
In Mauritania, only the main urban centers are electrified. The number
of urban poor is rapidly increasing due to rural migration. This trend is
likely to continue in the absence of basic rural amenities. To improve
the quality of life in the rural area and stem the flood of migrants to
urban slums, high quality energy and electricity must be brought online
as the foundation for social and economic development.
Mauritania is one of the windiest countries in West Africa, and the
project builds on the successful experience of Programme Alizés, a
cooperative initiative of the French NGO GRET (Technological Research
and Exchange Group) and the Mauritanian Department of Energy.
Programme Alizés transferred wind mechanical water-pumping
technology to villages in Mauritania and Senegal. The new electricity-
generating wind CDM project will build private sector capacity, establish
credit lines and facilitate collaborative arrangements with foreign
suppliers of equipment and services. A first phase of installing about
40 small wind turbines was completed with GEF financing.
Residential Solar Water Heating
(South Africa)
South Africa is a dry country with one of the best solar regimes available,
with solar energy radiation at approximately 2190 kWh/m
/year. The
proposed solar water-heating (SWH) project is in a municipally-owned
Hostels to Homes Development Project in Lwandle, a low-income area
in Cape Town. The community chose SWHs with back up (either
electricity or gas) as their preferred technology for water heating up-
grades several years ago, but limited funds and no direct incentives
have meant that the project has not been implemented. The project
has been developed by the Energy & Development Research Center at
the University of Cape Town.
This example illustrates that the GHG emission reduction potential of
solar water heating projects is heavily dependent on the baseline. The
residents at Lwandle are currently using kerosene stoves for water
heating. However, given the push for electrification and the desire to
upgrade the hostels, residents will probably have access to standard
electric storage geyser heaters in the near future. If the 341 house-
holds in the project were supplied with SWHs with electricity backup,
the emission would be reduced with 4.7 ktCO
/year, when the baseline
is electric heaters. However, if the baseline is assumed to be kerosene
water heating, the emission will increase by 0.7 ktCO
/year. Since
electricity is generated from coal, the GHG emission from the electrical
backup is higher than the GHG emission from the kerosene heaters. In
the latter case, the project will only reduce local air pollution from
kerosene combustion.
The project is expected to create jobs and local economic growth
through small-scale entrepreneurs undertaking installation and
maintenance of the SWHs, the sale of hot water coupons and spin-
offs, such as hot water use in activities like hairdressing and laundry.
Chacabuquito 26 MW Run of River Hydropower
Project (Chile)
Approximately 100 km north of Santiago, Chile, a hydropower plant
will be built and connected to the central grid in Chile, where it will
replace coal thermal power generation. The project, which is being
developed under the World Bank’s Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF), seeks
Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) for three 7-year “renewal” periods,
depending on baseline development. The total emission reduction in
all the 21 years will be 2.8 million tons of CO
. The total estimated
costs are $37 Millions and will produce 175 GWh gross (160 GWh)
net power annually.
The project will contribute to the sustainable development in Chile
use of local renewable energy resources (small hydro to displace
coal thermal power);
increased commercial activity through clean and renewable
source of power; and,
generation of employment in the region where the project will
be located.
The Environmental Impact Statement for the project showed no
significant ecological or social impact on the watershed. The project
has been endorsed by the National Environment Commission, which
chairs the National Advisory Committee on Global Climate Change.
Sustainable Fuelwood and Charcoal Production for
the Pig Iron Industry in Minas Gerais, the Plantar
Project (Brazil)
In this Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) project, fossil fuel will be replaced
by sustainable biomass. The significant mineral wealth, fuel wood and
hydroelectric potential enabled the State of Minas Gerais to emerge as
the Brazilian iron and steel center in the 1960s and 1970s. These
industries were initially reliant on supply of charcoal from native forests.
The pig iron production sector is now comprised of two sets of players:
the large integrated pig iron mills using coke and the small independent
companies with 25% of the total production.
This project is concerned with these charcoal-using producers, which
have small blast furnaces with unit size of about 90,000 tons a year.
Many of them are closing down because they cannot use charcoal from
native forests (due to legal restrictions) and they do not have the
resources to switch to charcoal from managed plantations. Some are
moving to other regions with fewer restrictions on the use of native
forest for charcoal production. Of the 67 firms in Minas in 1992, only
37 remain today. Therefore, the project would have significant positive
impact on the rural economy of the State of Minas Gerais.
The project seeks to establish, between 2002 and 2009, 23100 ha of
high yielding eucalyptus plantations to supply the wood for the charcoal
production. The charcoal will be produced on the leading edge of
carbonization technology currently deployed in Brazil. This technology
will reduce the methane emissions by 70% from the charcoal production
process and will capture the potential commercial value of pyrolytic
oils and tars. This reduction in local pollution will improve the charcoal
workers health. In the period up to 2010, when the eucalyptus
plantation is mature, about 5 million tons CO
is sequestered. When
the production of charcoal forms, the plantation starts. After which,
the annual emission reduction due to lower coal consumption is about
0.4 million tons CO