Dust of Snow
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
About the Poet
Robert Frost was a famous American poet. He was born in San
Francisco on March 26, 1874. His father belonged to New England, and his
mother was a Scottish emigrant from Edinburgh. By 1920s, Frost was the
most celebrated poet in America. His poetical works’ A Boy’s Will’ (1913),
‘North of Boston’ (1914), New Hampshire’ (1923), ‘A Further Range’
(1936) ‘Steeple Bush’ (1947) and ‘In the Clearing’ (1962) increased his
fame and honour. The poem ‘Dust of Snow’ was published in ‘New
Hampshire’ in 1923. This collection gave him the Pulitzer Prize.
Dust of snow: fine particles of snow.
Watching the fall of dust of snow is very
enjoying in the high altitudes.
Hemlock Tree: a poisonous tree with small
white flowers.
Hemlock is a poisonous tree found in mountain
Introduction of the lesson- Dust of Snow
Robert Frost, a well known American poet of nature, in this poem, he
presents a moment that seems simple but has a larger significance. It is a
highly symbolic poem. One day the poet was in a depressed mood. A
pleasant thing happened under a tree. It changed the poet’s mood. It saved
the rest of the day for the poet.
key points
The poem describes a very simple happening in very simple words.
It tells us that sometimes even a small incident may prove to be of a
larger significance.
The poet is upset in the beginning of the poem but a small incident of
falling of snow changes his mood totally.
In the end of the poem the poet feels relaxed and thankful to the
nature for saving his day from being wasted.
Stanza 1
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
dust of snow particles of snow
hemlock tree a poisonous plant (tree) with small white flowers
Exp The poet, Robert Frost, recounts a small incident that changes his
mood. It seems very ‘ simple but it has great significance. The poet was
once very depressed and hopeless. He was in a state of sorrow and was
lost in his thoughts. He was standing under the hemlock tree. Suddenly a
crow, that was sitting on the tree, shook the tree and the fine particles of
snow from the tree fell on the poet.
Stanza 2
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
mood a state of mind
rued held in regret
Exp When the soft and cold snow fell on the poet it changed his mood
from sad to happy. He started feeling soothed and refreshed. This simple
incident helped him enjoy the remaining part of the day. He, thus, became
happy as it saved his rest of the day from being wasted and held in regret.
Poetic Devices Used in the Poem
Rhyme scheme abab
Symbolism Hemlock tree, Crow
Poetic Devices
1. Literary devices used in Dust of Snow by Robert Frost
Alliteration is the repetition of same consonant sound in the nearby words
Alliteration spoted in the "Dust of Snow"
Has given my heart
And saved some part
Alliterative words: Has, Heart; Saved Some
Central Idea of the Poem
‘Dust of Snow’ is a small poem written by the famous American poet,
Robert Frost. The poem is set on a wintry day. In the first stanza, the poet
describes a simple natural happening. The snow is falling heavily. The
snowy flakes have covered the top of the trees. The poet is standing under
a hemlock tree. The movement and alighting of a crow on that tree, make
the dust of snowfall on the poet.
The crow, a symbol of ill omen and the hemlock tree, associated with a
person, is not auspicious things. However, in the second stanza, the falling
of snowflakes and the scene leave a tremendous effect on the mental state
and mood of the poet. So far, the day has been quite gloomy and wastage
for him. But this ordinary natural happening suddenly brings the desired
change in his mood. It gladdens his heart. He realises that the falling of
snowflakes on him has saved the day. Now he has no regret as the whole
of the day has not gone waste. The moments of the snowfall and their
effect have saved the day. They have brought a change in his mood and
delighted and uplifted his spirits.
Dust of Snow’ is an awful poem of nature by Robert Frosty In this poem a
symbolic incident is present The poet is standing under a hemlock tree. He
is in a sad mood. He thinks that his day has been lost then a crow shakes
the hemlock tree-and the dust of snow falls on him. This little incident
brings about a sudden change in the state of the poet’s mind. His mood
has ‘changed. He thinks that it has saved the rest of his day and gets busy
with his work like the crow.
1.Flakes of Snow:
It was a day of winter. It was snowing all around. A fine dust of snow had
covered the tops of the trees. A hemlock tree was standing there. The top
of the hemlock tree was all covered with the fine dust of snow. The poet
was standing under that hemlock tree.
2. Sudden Arrival of a Crow, Falling of Snow Dust on Poet:
A crow from nowhere came and perched on the top of the tree. The
sudden movement of the crow made the dust of snow fall down. The flakes
of snow fell on the poet who was standing under that tree.
3. Simple Natural Happening:
The arrival of a crow and its sitting on the hemlock tree is just an ordinary
happening. There is nothing great about the incident. On the other hand,
the crow stands for an ill omen and the hemlock the tree is associated with
poison. But these seemingly simple things of nature leave a deep impact
on the mind and mood of the poet.
4. Change in the Mood:
This ordinary incident leaves a deep impact on the poet. So far it has been
a very dull and disappointing day for the poet. The day has not gone well
for him. But the falling of the flakes and dust of snow on him are welcome
signs for the poet. His mood changes for the better and his spirits are
uplifted. Now he realises that the whole day has not gone waste. Those
moments while he is enjoying the fall of snow dust on him are his happy
moments. They lift up his mood and gladden his heart. Now he realises that
at least some part of the day has been spent happily. In the end,
satisfaction replaces regret.
Value Points of the Poem
It is a winter’s day.
The treetops were covered with masses of snowflakes.
The poet was walking under one such snow covered tree.
This tree was a hemlock tree, a conifer associated with poisonous
A crow alighted on the hemlock tree suddenly.
The sudden movement of the crow, the mass of snowflakes started
falling down the tree.
The snowflakes fell down upon the poet who was standing under the
The mass of snowflakes was so light and find that it looked like the
dust of white snow.
The sudden movement and arrival of the crow and the falling of the
flakes of snow look like just ordinary happenings.
But the falling of fine snowflakes on the poet leaves a tremendous
effect on him.
Before this, the poet was in a gloomy or despairing mood.
However, this simple beautiful act of nature has a very comforting
effect on him.
The fall of snow over him changes his mood and mental state.It
gladdens his heart.
Before this incident, that particular day was not going too well for him.
He had decided in his mind that day would go waste.
However, the fall of snowflakes on him makes him realise that the
whole day has not been wasted.
At least, this part of the day when he is enjoying the snowflakes has
been saved.
At least, some part of the day has been pleasant.
If he had not experienced such a pleasant experience, he would have
regretted at the wastage of the whole day.
Following is the complete question bank for Dust of Snow-
Read the following stanzas and answer the questions that follow :
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Questions :
(a) What did the crow do to the hemlock tree?
(b) What was there in the tree at that time?
(c) Where do you think was the poet then?
(d) What is the name of the poem?
(e) What is the name of the poet?
(f) Write the rhyming words.
Answers :
(a) The crow shook the hemlock tree.
(b) There was snow in the tree at that time.
(c) Then the poet was under a hemlock tree then.
(d) The name of the poem is ‘Dust of Snow’.
(e) The name of the poet is Robert Frost.
(f) crow snow me tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
Questions :
(a) What had given the poet ‘a change of mood’?
(b) What had the poet thought of that day?
(c) How was some part of the day saved for the poet?
(d) Name the poem.
(e) Name the poet.
(f) What is the rhyme scheme of this stanza?
(a) The falling of dust of snow on the poet had changed his mood
(b) He had felt sad about that day. But the fall of snow dust changed
his mood.
(c) He stopped ruing the day and his mood changed.
(d) Dust of Snow.
(e) Robert Frost.
(f) The rhyme scheme of this stanza is ‘abab’.
Thinking about the Poem
Question 1.
What is a “dust of snow”? What does the poet say has changed his mood?
How has the poet’s mood changed?
The ‘dust of snow’ means the fine particles or flakes of snow. The sudden
shower in the form of the dust of snow changed the poet’s mood. The
poet’s mood changed from sad to happy. He felt refreshed and wanted to
enjoy the rest of the day.
Question 2.
How does Frost present nature in this poem? The following questions may
help you to think of an answer.
1. What are the birds that are usually named in poems? Do you think
crow is often mentioned in poems? What images come to your mind
when you think of a crow?
2. Again, what is ‘a hemlock tree’? Why doesn’t the poet write about
more ‘beautiful’ tree such as a maple, or an oak, or a pine?
3. What do the ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock’ represent-joy or sorrow? What does
the dust of snow that the crow shakes off a hemlock tree stand for?
Frost presents nature in a very different manner in the poem,
1. Generally, poets take the birds and trees which are known for their
beauty and good qualities like peacock, parrot, cuckoo, mynah and
trees full of beautiful flowers and fruits, etc. But here Frost has taken a
totally different approach. He chose a crow, which is not often used in
poems. Crow is black in colour with very harsh voice and is believed to
be a symbol of bad omen. Thinking of a crow brings very depressing
and sorrowful pictures to our mind.
2. A hemlock tree is poisonous plant with small white flowers. The poet,
Robert Frost, didn’t choose to use an oak, maple or pine tree. Instead,
he chose the hemlock tree and left all the beautiful trees present in the
world. Actually he did so to present his mood and feelings.
3. The crow and hemlock tree represent sorrow and depression felt by
the poet in this materialistic world. The dust of snow is the symbol of
natural joy and energy. The dust of snow that the crow shakes off a
hemlock tree means passing through the sad and depressing
moments the pdet is entering into the time full of joy and optimism.
Important Questions
and Answer
Test SST
Class 10 Social
Science Important
Questions and
Q1- Who is the poet of the poem “Dust of Snow”?
A) Leslie Norris
B) Robert Frost
C) Carolyn Wells
D) Robin Klein
Q2- Why does the poet call it “dust of snow”?
A) snow particles were too tiny
B) they came over him like dust
C) they felt like dust
D) they looked like dust
Q3- The poet says, “Of a day I had rued”. What is the meaning of
A) ruined
B) held in regret
C) ruled
D) conquered
Q4- What uplifted his mood?
A) falling of snow on his shoulder
B) the crow
C) hemlock tree
D) all of the above
Q5- What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
A) baba cdcd
B) abab cdcd
C) abab cddc
D) abba cdcd
Q6- Name the poetic device used in the line “Has given my heart”
A) alliteration
B) metaphor
C) oxymoron
D) similie
Q7- Name the poetic device used in the line “And saved some
A) alliteration
B) metaphor
C) oxymoron
D) similie
Q8- What does “Dust of Snow” represent?
A) healing power of nature
B) particles of snow
C) cool weather
D) none of the above
Q9- What are the two negative creatures that Frost used as
carriers of positivity?
A) snow, dust
B) hemlock tree, snow
C) snow, crow
D) hemlock tree, crow
Q10- The crow and Hemlock tree symbolize ____
A) sorrow
B) happiness
C) celebration
D) death
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Robert Frost was an American poet. He was the author of numerous poetry collections. He is known for
his realistic depictions of life.
‘Fire and Ice’ is a poem that tells about the end of world. The poem is revolving around the theme that
human emotions are destructive. Fire stands for passion and desire and ice stands for hatred. Both the
emotions are dangerous and may bring the world to an end.
“Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire”
Desire A strong feeling to have something.
Favour Approval, support
In these lines the poet discusses about the possibilities by which the world will come to an end. One
such possibility is the world ending in flames of fire. The poet compares the fire with human passion and
desire. He also says that he is quite familiar with this concept of desire.
He also knows about the capability of desire which can be produced in human being. The poet frankly
confesses that he agrees with those who believe that the world will be burnt to ash. He brings about the
idea that human being let their emotions rule them and the consequence of unmonitored longing is
“But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice
Perish die
Suffice be sufficient
In these lines the poet waves off the first option of fire and says that if the world has to expire twice, ice
would be equally competent in ending it. He brings about a contrast between ‘ice’ and ‘hatred’. He says
that hatred is also an emotion he is familiar with and that he knows what kind of danger can arise from
hatred. Though slow and steady , it has the same effect that desire has on us.
So if given an option between fire and ice, ice would be just as destructive as fire to destroy the world.
1. Alliteration Repetition of a consonant sound at the start of two or more closely placed words.
The Sound of ‘f’ in favour fire’,’w’ in world will
2. Personification Personification is to give human qualities to inanimate objects. In this poem,
‘fire’ and ‘ice’ are capable of destructions. Thus the poet personifies fire and ice by giving them
mind and Power to destroy anything.
3. Enjambment It is defined as the thought or clause that does not come to an end at a line
break, rather it moves over to the next line.
Example ‘From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire’
In this poem the poet tells us about the two possibilities by which the world will come to an end. Some
says that the world will end in fire. The poet says that he is in favour of those people who say that the
world will end in fire. This is because he has seen the effect and result of uncontrolled and unending
desires over the life of human beings. He finds that human evil desires are similar to the fire in its
nature. So this fire of desire may become someday a big reason for the destruction of the world. On the
other hand, the second belief in this regard says that ice is also equally efficient in the destruction of the
world. Here the poet compares the nature of ice with hatred and ignorance. As ice can make the body
numb with its prolonged contact, similarly the hatred can also give the numbness to our mind and
thoughts. Therefore it can make us insensitive and cruel. Such cruelty towards humanity can also bring
the world to its end. The poet says that if the world will be given another chance for destruction than it
will surely due to ice like hatred. The poem is revolving around the theme that human emotions has the
power of destruction and it has two forms; fire of desire and ice of hatred.
and Answer
Test SST
Class 10 Social
Science Important
Questions and
Q1- Who is the poet of the poem “Fire and Ice”?
A) Leslie Norris
B) Robert Frost
C) Carolyn Wells
D) Robin Klein
Q2- What does the poet compare re with?
A) hatred
B) desire
C) hot
D) both 1 and 3
Q3- What is the meaning of “perish”?
A) bloom
B) rise
C) die
D) glow
Q4- What would suce if the world were to perish twice?
A) ice
B) re
C) hatred
D) both 1 and 2
Q5- What would be a better option to end the earth?
A) re
B) ice
C) both are equally competent
D) none
Q6- What is the rhyming scheme of the poem?
A) abaa bcbcb
B) aaba bcbcb
C) aaab bcbcb
D) abab bcbcb
Q7- Name the poetic device used in the line “I hold with those who
favour re”.
A) Assonance
B) Alliteration
C) None
D) Both
Q8- Name the poetic device used in the line “Some say the world
will end in re”.
A) Metaphor
B) Imagery
C) Alliteration
D) Oxymoron
Q9- Name the poetic device used in the line “To say that for
destruction ice is also great”.
A) Metaphor
B) Imagery
C) Alliteration
D) Oxymoron
Q10- Where has he used personication?
A) re
B) ice
C) earth
D) both 1 and 2
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