Trinity Health Birth Wishes
We want to help prepare you for labor and the birth of your baby. This form can help you understand options for a
safe and healthy delivery. It is also important to have discussions about your birth wishes with your provider during
your prenatal visits. We will work together toward a healthy and satisfying birth experience.
Your Name: _____________________________________________________ Birthdate: _____________________________
Your Support Person Name(s): _____________________________________________________________________________
Baby’s Name: ____________________________________________ Baby’s Due Date: ______________________________
Your Pediatrician: ________________________________________________________________________________________
THMI W05050-2308 BF
What You Can Expect From Us
Early labor at home as long as it is safe to do so
An IV is inserted upon admission for any possible
emergencies. Fluids do not need to be infusing until
it is medically necessary.
Intermittent fetal monitoring for low-risk pregnancies
Wireless monitors to allow freedom of movement
when continuous fetal monitoring is needed.
Discuss eating and drinking during labor with your
provider. Solid foods are restricted for your safety
in the event of an emergency.
Options for pain management may include natural
support, shower, position changes, nitrous oxide,
IV medication and/or epidural.
Episiotomies are done only when medically
Immediate skin-to-skin with baby for vaginal and
cesarean section deliveries, unless your newborn
requires medical care.
Delayed cord clamping and newborn bath
We will explain care, procedures and medications
for you and your baby before they are started
Breastfeeding and lactation support from trained
nurses and board certified lactation specialists
What I Would Like
What is important to you during your labor and birth?
Do you have any cultural or religious practices
that are important to you during your childbirth?
What can we do to help you meet these?
Do you have any concerns, fears or other information to
share that will help us give you the birth that you want?
- continued
Please select any/all options that you would like for your birth:
Vaginal Birth
I would like to choose the position I push in
(kneeling, side lying, squatting, etc).
I would like a mirror for pushing and/or delivery.
I would like my support person to cut the
umbilical cord.
I have a cord blood collection kit to bank my
baby’s cord blood.
I would like to take the placenta home with me
and have brought a cooler to store it.
Cesarean Birth
I would like to watch my baby deliver, when possible.
I would like my support person to shorten the cord.
Newborn Care
I plan to breastfeed.
No supplementation, please. If my baby needs
formula/supplementation for a medical reason,
I want to be told beforehand.
I plan to formula feed my baby.
If I have a boy, I plan to have him circumcised.
I want to be present and/or participate in
the first bath.
I prefer to hold my baby during procedures
to provide comfort and decrease pain.
I want my baby to receive the hepatitis B vaccine.
I want my baby to receive erythromycin
eye ointment.
I want my baby to receive the vitamin K injection.
I want to discuss the risks and benefits of the
hepatitis B vaccine, erythromycin eye ointment and/
or the vitamin K injection with my health care team.
I have discussed my birth wishes with my provider during prenatal visits and we both understand the plan. I realize that
we may not be able to follow this as written, and changes may happen to have a safe, healthy delivery for myself
and my baby.
My signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________
Provider signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________
Trinity Health Birth Wishes
I would like the lights dimmed during labor.
I want to play music; I will bring my own music device.
I want to bring essential oils / aromatherapy from home.
I would like to have free movement (walking,
standing, birthing ball, kneeling, etc.) if safe to do so.
I prefer to let labor progress naturally or walk around
before trying Pitocin to speed up labor.
I prefer to wait for the amniotic sac (bag of water)
to break on its own, please discuss artificial rupture
with me first, if the need arises.
I prefer as few cervical exams as possible.
I wish to be surprised by the gender of my baby
until birth. I want ____________________________
(persons name) to announce the baby’s gender.
I plan to have a doula present to assist me.
My doula’s name is ___________________________.
I want to have natural childbirth without any pain
medication. Please do not offer me pain relief options
(IV medicine or epidural). I will tell my nurse if I change
my mind and want other options for my pain.
I plan to use nitrous oxide.
I plan to have IV pain medicine.
I plan to have an epidural.
I am unsure whether I want any pain medication,
but will decide when I am in labor. Please discuss
my options with me while I am in labor.