Metal C Programming Guide and
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page
This edition applies to Version 2 Release 4 of z/OS (5650-ZOS) and to all subsequent releases and modications until
otherwise indicated in new editions.
Last updated: 2021-06-21
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1998, 2019.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
IBM Corp.
Figures................................................................................................................ vii
Tables.................................................................................................................. xi
About this document...........................................................................................xiii
Who should read this document............................................................................................................... xiii
Where to nd more information................................................................................................................ xiii
z/OS Basic Skills in IBM Documentation............................................................................................. xiii
How to read syntax diagrams.................................................................................................................... xiii
How to send your comments to IBM.........................................................................................................xvi
If you have a technical problem.......................................................................................................... xvi
Summary of changes for z/OS Version 2 Release 4.............................................. xvii
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C........................................................................ 1
Metal C environment....................................................................................................................................1
Programming with Metal C...........................................................................................................................1
Metal C and MVS linkage conventions................................................................................................... 2
Compiler-generated HLASM source code..............................................................................................3
Prolog and epilog code.........................................................................................................................12
Supplying your own HLASM statements..............................................................................................19
Inserting HLASM instructions into the generated source code.......................................................... 20
AMODE-switching support...................................................................................................................28
RENT mode support............................................................................................................................. 29
argc argv parsing support.....................................................................................................................31
AR-mode programming support.......................................................................................................... 32
Metal C function descriptor support.................................................................................................... 39
Dening an alternative name for function "main"............................................................................. 40
Building Metal C programs...................................................................................................................40
Summary of useful references for the Metal C programmer.................................................................... 48
Chapter 2. Header les........................................................................................ 51
builtins.h — Declare built-in functions...................................................................................................... 51
ctype.h — Declare character classication functions .............................................................................. 51
float.h — Dene ANSI constants for floating-point data types.................................................................51
inttypes.h — Dene macros for sprintf and sscanf family.........................................................................53
iso646.h — Dene macros for operators...................................................................................................54
limits.h — Declare symbolic names for resource limits............................................................................ 55
math.h — Dene macros for floating-point support .................................................................................56
metal.h — Dene Metal C related function prototypes and data..............................................................56
stdarg.h — Dene macros for accessing variable-length argument lists in functions............................. 57
stdbool.h — Dene macros for bool type.................................................................................................. 57
stddef.h — Dene ptrdiff_t, size_t, and ssize_t data types....................................................................... 57
stdio.h — Dene I/O related functions...................................................................................................... 57
stdint.h — Dene integer types and related limits and macros................................................................58
stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions............................................................................................. 59
string.h — Declare string manipulation functions..................................................................................... 60
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs............................................61
Characteristics of Metal C runtime library functions................................................................................ 61
System and static object libraries............................................................................................................. 61
User-replaceable heap services................................................................................................................62
abs() — Calculate integer absolute value.................................................................................................. 64
atoi() — Convert character string to integer.............................................................................................. 65
atol() — Convert character string to long...................................................................................................65
atoll() — Convert character string to signed long long ............................................................................. 66
calloc() — Reserve and initialize storage...................................................................................................67
__cinit() - Initialize a Metal C environment............................................................................................... 67
__cterm() - Terminate a Metal C environment..........................................................................................70
div() — Calculate quotient and remainder.................................................................................................70
free() — Free a block of storage................................................................................................................. 71
isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value............................................................................................... 71
isalpha() — Test for alphabetic character classication........................................................................... 72
isblank() — Test for blank character classication....................................................................................72
iscntrl() — Test for control classication................................................................................................... 72
isdigit() — Test for decimal-digit classication......................................................................................... 73
isgraph() — Test for graphic classication.................................................................................................73
islower() — Test for lowercase...................................................................................................................73
isprint() — Test for printable character classication............................................................................... 73
ispunct() — Test for punctuation classication......................................................................................... 73
isspace() — Test for space character classication.................................................................................. 73
isupper() — Test for uppercase letter classication..................................................................................73
isxdigit() — Test for hexadecimal digit Classication................................................................................73
labs() — Calculate long absolute value......................................................................................................73
ldiv() — Compute quotient and remainder of integral division................................................................. 74
llabs() — Calculate absolute value of long long integer............................................................................ 74
lldiv() — Compute quotient and remainder of integral division for long long type...................................75
malloc() — Reserve storage block............................................................................................................. 75
__malloc31() — Allocate 31–bit storage...................................................................................................76
memccpy() — Copy bytes in memory........................................................................................................ 76
memchr() — Search buffer.........................................................................................................................77
memcmp() — Compare bytes.................................................................................................................... 77
memcpy() — Copy buffer........................................................................................................................... 78
memmove() — Move buffer........................................................................................................................79
memset() — Set buffer to value................................................................................................................. 79
qsort() — Sort array.................................................................................................................................... 80
rand() — Generate random number...........................................................................................................80
rand_r() — Pseudo-random number generator.........................................................................................81
realloc() — Change reserved storage block size........................................................................................81
snprintf() — Format and write data............................................................................................................82
sprintf() — Format and Write Data............................................................................................................. 83
srand() — Set Seed for rand() Function..................................................................................................... 89
sscanf() — Read and Format Data............................................................................................................. 89
strcat() — Concatenate Strings..................................................................................................................94
strchr() — Search for Character................................................................................................................. 95
strcmp() — Compare Strings......................................................................................................................96
strcpy() — Copy String................................................................................................................................96
strcspn() — Compare Strings..................................................................................................................... 97
strdup() — Duplicate a String.....................................................................................................................98
strlen() — Determine String Length........................................................................................................... 98
strncat() — Concatenate Strings................................................................................................................99
strncmp() — Compare Strings....................................................................................................................99
strncpy() — Copy String........................................................................................................................... 100
strpbrk() — Find Characters in String...................................................................................................... 101
strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String......................................................................... 102
strspn() — Search String.......................................................................................................................... 102
strstr() — Locate Substring...................................................................................................................... 103
strtod — Convert Character String to Double..........................................................................................103
strtof — Convert Character String to Float.............................................................................................. 105
strtok() — Tokenize String........................................................................................................................106
strtok_r() — Split String into Tokens........................................................................................................107
strtol() — Convert Character String to Long............................................................................................ 107
strtold — Convert Character String to Long Double................................................................................ 108
strtoll() — Convert String to Signed Long Long........................................................................................110
strtoul() — Convert String to Unsigned Integer.......................................................................................111
strtoull() — Convert String to Unsigned Long Long................................................................................. 112
tolower(), toupper() — Convert Character Case......................................................................................113
va_arg(), va_copy(), va_end(), va_start() — Access Function Arguments.............................................. 114
vsnprintf() — Format and print data to xed length buffer.....................................................................115
vsprintf() — Format and Print Data to Buffer...........................................................................................116
vsscanf() — Format Input of a STDARG Argument List...........................................................................116
Appendix A. Function stack requirements.......................................................... 119
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples........................................... 123
Runtime environment adapter................................................................................................................ 123
CICS application programming interface example.................................................................................123
Data structures...................................................................................................................................124
Example description.......................................................................................................................... 124
Example code.....................................................................................................................................125
CICS exit programming interface example.............................................................................................138
Example code.....................................................................................................................................139
CICS denitions....................................................................................................................................... 148
JCL example.............................................................................................................................................149
Appendix C. Accessibility...................................................................................153
Accessibility features.............................................................................................................................. 153
Consult assistive technologies................................................................................................................ 153
Keyboard navigation of the user interface.............................................................................................. 153
Dotted decimal syntax diagrams.............................................................................................................153
Terms and conditions for product documentation................................................................................. 158
IBM Online Privacy Statement................................................................................................................ 159
Policy for unsupported hardware............................................................................................................159
Minimum supported hardware................................................................................................................159
Programming interface information........................................................................................................160
Trademarks.............................................................................................................................................. 160
Index................................................................................................................ 161
1. Prex data xed area elds...........................................................................................................................6
2. A sample program to generate prex data................................................................................................... 7
3. Prex data generated.................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Function entry point marker in generated assembler code......................................................................... 8
5. Function property block xed area elds..................................................................................................... 9
6. Function property block in generated assembler code..............................................................................11
7. Debug data block generated.......................................................................................................................12
8. Specication of your own prolog and epilog code for a function...............................................................13
9. SCCNSAM(CCNZGBL).................................................................................................................................. 16
10. SCCNSAM(MYPROLOG).............................................................................................................................17
11. SCCNSAM(MYEPILOG).............................................................................................................................. 19
12. Simple code format string.........................................................................................................................20
13. Code format string with two instructions................................................................................................. 20
14. Code format string with two instructions, formatted for readability....................................................... 21
15. Substitution of a C variable into an output __asm operand.....................................................................21
16. HLASM source code embedded by the compiler..................................................................................... 22
17. Substitution of a C pointer into an __asm operand..................................................................................22
18. __asm operand lists..................................................................................................................................23
19. Compiler-generated HLASM code from the __asm statement................................................................23
20. Unsuccessful attempt to specify registers............................................................................................... 23
21. Register specication with clobbers........................................................................................................ 24
22. Incorrect __asm operand denition for both input and output...............................................................24
23. Incorrect compiler-generated HLASM source code from the incorrect __asm operand denition
for both input and output...........................................................................................................................24
24. Successful denition of an __asm operand for both input and output................................................... 25
25. Correct compiler-generated HLASM source code from the correct __asm operand denition for
both input and output................................................................................................................................ 25
26. The + constraint to dene an __asm operand for both input and output............................................... 25
27. Error: Redundant denition of an __asm operand...................................................................................26
28. Specifying and using the WTO macro (no reentrancy).............................................................................26
29. Support for reentrancy in a code format string........................................................................................ 27
30. Code that supplies specic DSECT mapping macros...............................................................................27
31. Register specication................................................................................................................................28
32. AMODE31 program that calls an AMODE64 program..............................................................................29
33. Far pointer sizes under different addressing modes............................................................................... 33
34. Built-in functions for setting far-pointer components............................................................................. 34
35. Built-in functions for getting far-pointer components.............................................................................35
36. Library functions for use only in AR-mode functions...............................................................................35
37. Allocation and deallocation routines........................................................................................................37
38. Copying a C string pointer to a far pointer................................................................................................39
39. Example of a simple dereference of a far pointer.................................................................................... 39
40. Metal C application build process ............................................................................................................41
41. C source le (mycode.c) that builds a Metal C program.......................................................................... 41
42. C compiler invocation to generate mycode.s........................................................................................... 42
43. Command that invokes HLASM to assemble mycode.s...........................................................................42
44. Command that compiles an HLASM source le containing symbols longer than eight characters....... 42
45. Command that binds mycode.o and produces a Metal C program in an MVS data set.......................... 43
46. Commands that compile and link programs with different addressing modes...................................... 43
47. Job step that compiles HLQ.SOURCE.C(MYCODE)...................................................................................43
48. Assembly step of HLQ.SOURCE.ASM(MYCODE).......................................................................................44
49. Job step that binds the generated HLASM object into a program...........................................................44
50. The process of building Metal C programs with IPA................................................................................ 45
51. JCL that invokes the ASMLANGX utility....................................................................................................48
52. CICS API example flow...........................................................................................................................124
53. CICS Bootstrap for metal C code example: MTLBOOT.......................................................................... 126
54. CICS API used under Metal C example code: MTLHALO....................................................................... 133
55. Metal C for CICS main prolog: MTLENT..................................................................................................134
56. Metal C for CICS main epilog: MTLXIT................................................................................................... 135
57. Metal C for CICS subroutine prolog: MTLSENT...................................................................................... 136
58. Metal C for CICS subroutine epilog: MTLSXIT........................................................................................138
59. CICS XPI example flow...........................................................................................................................139
60. CICS bootstrap for Metal C example program: MTLBTXPI....................................................................140
61. CICS exit programming API example program: MTL2XPI..................................................................... 146
62. CICS CEDA denition for the API example program..............................................................................149
63. CICS transaction denition.....................................................................................................................149
64. Dening the CICS XPI example in the CEDA..........................................................................................149
65. CICS LNKXPI JCL example..................................................................................................................... 150
66. CICS ASMXPI JCL example.................................................................................................................... 150
67. CICS CCXPI JCL example....................................................................................................................... 151
68. CICS OPTXPI JCL example..................................................................................................................... 151
1. Syntax examples......................................................................................................................................... xiv
2. Compiler-generated global SET symbols................................................................................................... 14
3. User modiable global SET symbols.......................................................................................................... 16
4. Language constructs that may have special impact on far pointers......................................................... 33
5. Implicit ALET associations for AR-mode-function variables..................................................................... 34
6. Summary of useful references for the Metal C programmer..................................................................... 48
7. Denitions in float.h ................................................................................................................................... 52
8. Macros and associated operators...............................................................................................................55
9. Macros that are dened in stdbool.h..........................................................................................................57
10. csysenv argument in __cinit()................................................................................................................... 68
11. csysenvtkn argument in __cterm()........................................................................................................... 70
12. Flag Characters for sprintf() Family.......................................................................................................... 84
13. Precision Argument in sprintf().................................................................................................................86
14. Type Characters and their Meanings........................................................................................................ 87
15. Conversion Speciers in sscanf()..............................................................................................................92
16. Stack frame requirements for Metal C runtime functions..................................................................... 119
About this document
This document contains reference information that is intended to help you understand the IBM
Metal C runtime library and use the header les and functions provided by the runtime to write
applications that can be compiled using the METAL option of the z/OS XL C compiler.
For more information about the z/OS XL C compiler and the METAL compiler option, see z/OS XL C/C++
User's Guide.
Who should read this document
This document is intended for application programmers interested in writing Metal C applications using
the z/OS Metal C runtime library.
Where to nd more information
For an overview of the information associated with z/OS, see z/OS Information Roadmap.
z/OS Basic Skills in IBM Documentation
z/OS Basic Skills in IBM Documentation is a Web-based information resource intended to help users learn
the basic concepts of z/OS, the operating system that runs most of the IBM mainframe computers in use
today. IBM Documentation is designed to introduce a new generation of Information Technology
professionals to basic concepts and help them prepare for a career as a z/OS professional, such as a z/OS
system programmer.
Specically, z/OS Basic Skills is intended to achieve the following objectives:
Provide basic education and information about z/OS without charge
Shorten the time it takes for people to become productive on the mainframe
Make it easier for new people to learn z/OS.
z/OS Basic Skills in IBM Documentation (www.ibm.com/docs/en/zos-basic-skills?topic=zosbasics/
com.ibm.zos.zbasics/homepage.html) is available to all users (no login required).
How to read syntax diagrams
This section describes how to read syntax diagrams. It denes syntax diagram symbols, items that may
be contained within the diagrams (keywords, variables, delimiters, operators, fragment references,
operands) and provides syntax examples that contain these items.
Syntax diagrams pictorially display the order and parts (options and arguments) that comprise a
command statement. They are read from left to right and from top to bottom, following the main path of
the horizontal line.
For users accessing the Information Center using a screen reader, syntax diagrams are provided in dotted
decimal format.
The following symbols may be displayed in syntax diagrams:
Indicates the beginning of the syntax diagram.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2019 xiii
Indicates that the syntax diagram is continued to the next line.
Indicates that the syntax is continued from the previous line.
Indicates the end of the syntax diagram.
Syntax items
Syntax diagrams contain many different items. Syntax items include:
Keywords - a command name or any other literal information.
Variables - variables are italicized, appear in lowercase, and represent the name of values you can
Delimiters - delimiters indicate the start or end of keywords, variables, or operators. For example, a left
parenthesis is a delimiter.
Operators - operators include add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), divide (/), equal (=), and other
mathematical operations that may need to be performed.
Fragment references - a part of a syntax diagram, separated from the diagram to show greater detail.
Separators - a separator separates keywords, variables or operators. For example, a comma (,) is a
Note: If a syntax diagram shows a character that is not alphanumeric (for example, parentheses, periods,
commas, equal signs, a blank space), enter the character as part of the syntax.
Keywords, variables, and operators may be displayed as required, optional, or default. Fragments,
separators, and delimiters may be displayed as required or optional.
Item type
Required items are displayed on the main path of the horizontal line.
Optional items are displayed below the main path of the horizontal line.
Default items are displayed above the main path of the horizontal line.
Syntax examples
The following table provides syntax examples.
Table 1. Syntax examples
Item Syntax example
Required item.
Required items appear on the main
path of the horizontal line. You must
specify these items.
KEYWORD required_item
Required choice.
A required choice (two or more items)
appears in a vertical stack on the main
path of the horizontal line. You must
choose one of the items in the stack.
KEYWORD required_choice1
xiv About this document
Table 1. Syntax examples (continued)
Item Syntax example
Optional item.
Optional items appear below the main
path of the horizontal line.
Optional choice.
An optional choice (two or more items)
appears in a vertical stack below the
main path of the horizontal line. You
may choose one of the items in the
Default items appear above the main
path of the horizontal line. The
remaining items (required or optional)
appear on (required) or below
(optional) the main path of the
horizontal line. The following example
displays a default with optional items.
Variables appear in lowercase italics.
They represent names or values.
KEYWORD variable
Repeatable item.
An arrow returning to the left above the
main path of the horizontal line
indicates an item that can be repeated.
A character within the arrow means
you must separate repeated items with
that character.
An arrow returning to the left above a
group of repeatable items indicates
that one of the items can be
selected,or a single item can be
The fragment symbol indicates that a
labelled group is described below the
main syntax diagram. Syntax is
occasionally broken into fragments if
the inclusion of the fragment would
overly complicate the main syntax
KEYWORD fragment
About this document xv
How to send your comments to IBM
We invite you to submit comments about the z/OS product documentation. Your valuable feedback helps
to ensure accurate and high-quality information.
Important: If your comment regards a technical question or problem, see instead “If you have a technical
problem” on page xvi.
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comments on the clarity, accuracy, or completeness of the information.
To help us better process your submission, include the following information:
Your name, company/university/institution name, and email address
The following deliverable title and order number: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference,
The section title of the specic information to which your comment relates
The text of your comment.
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z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Summary of changes for z/OS Version 2 Release 4
IBM z/OS Metal C delivers the following performance and usability enhancements for z/OS Version 2
Release 4:
New header les
“iso646.h — Dene macros for operators” on page 54
“stdbool.h — Dene macros for bool type” on page 57
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2019 xvii
xviii z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
The XL C METAL compiler option generates code that does not require access to the Language
support at run time. The METAL option provides C-language extensions that allow you to
specify assembly statements that call system services directly. Using these language extensions, you can
provide almost any assembly macro, and your own function prologs and epilogs, to be embedded in the
generated HLASM source le. When you understand how the METAL-generated code uses MVS
conventions to interact with HLASM code, you can use this capability to write freestanding programs.
Because a freestanding program does not depend on any supplied runtime environment, it must obtain
the system services that it needs by calling assembler services directly. For information about how
METAL-generated code uses MVS linkage conventions, see “Metal C and MVS linkage conventions” on
page 2. For information about embedding assembly statements in the METAL-generated HLASM source
code, see “Inserting HLASM instructions into the generated source code” on page 20.
You do not always have to provide your own libraries. IBM supplies a subset of the XL C runtime library
functions. This subset includes commonly used basic functions such as malloc(). For more information,
see Chapter 3, “C functions available to Metal C programs,” on page 61.
Note: You can use these supplied functions or the ones that you provide yourself.
Metal C environment
Some of the functions require that an environment be created before they are called. You can create the
environment by using a new function, __cinit(). This function will set up the appropriate control blocks and
return an environment token to the caller. The caller must then ensure that GPR 12 contains this token
when calling Metal C functions that require an environment. When the environment is no longer needed, a
new function, __cterm(), can be used to perform cleanup, freeing all resources that had been obtained by
using the token.
An environment created by __cinit() can be used in both AMODE 31 and AMODE 64. In conjunction with
this, the Metal C run time maintains both a below-the-bar heap and an above-the-bar heap for each
environment. Calls to __malloc31() always affect the below-the-bar heap. Calls made in AMODE 31 to all
other functions that obtain storage will affect the below-the-bar heap; calls made in AMODE 64 affect the
above-the-bar heap.
The storage key for all storage obtained on behalf of the environment is the psw key of the caller. The
caller needs to ensure that the environment is always used with the same or compatible key.
Metal C environments are intended to be used serially by a single dispatchable unit of work. If you need to
share environments between multiple dispatchable units, you must make sure that the use of each
environment is serialized.
Programming with Metal C
When you want to build an XL C program that can run in any z/OS environment, you can use the Metal C
programming features provided by the XL C compiler as a high level language (HLL) alternative to writing
the program in assembly language.
Metal C programming features facilitate direct use of operating system services. For example, you can use
the C programming language to write installation exits.
When the METAL option is in effect, the XL C compiler:
Generates code that is independent of Language Environment.
Note: Although the compiler generates default prolog and epilog code that allows the Metal C code to
run, you might be required to supply your own prolog and epilog code to satisfy runtime environment
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2019 1
Generates code that follows MVS linkage conventions. This facilitates interoperations between the
Metal C code and the existing code base. See “Metal C and MVS linkage conventions” on page 2.
Note: Metal C also provides a feature that improves the program's runtime performance. See “NAB
linkage extension” on page 3.
Provides support for accessing the data stored in data spaces. See “AR-mode programming support” on
page 32.
Provides support for embedding your assembly statements into the compiler-generated code. See
“Inserting HLASM instructions into the generated source code” on page 20.
If you use the METAL compiler option together with XL C optimization capabilities, you can use C to write
highly optimized system-level code.
The METAL compiler option implies certain other XL C compiler options and disables others. For detailed
information, see the METAL | NOMETAL (C only) option in z/OS XL C/C++ User's Guide.
Metal C and MVS linkage conventions
Because Metal C can follow MVS linkage conventions, it can enable the compiler-generated code to
interoperate directly with the existing code base depending on the linkage that is used. For detailed
information about MVS linkage conventions, see the topic about linkage conventions in z/OS MVS
Programming: Assembler Services Guide.
For information about the default linkage, refer to the following sections:
“Parameter passing” on page 2
“Return values” on page 2
“Function save areas” on page 3
Parameter passing
The pointer to the parameter list is in GPR 1.
The parameter list is divided into slots.
The size of each slot depends on the addressing mode:
For 31-bit mode (AMODE 31), each slot is four bytes in length.
For 64-bit mode (AMODE 64), each slot is eight bytes in length.
Metal C derives the content of each slot from the function prototype, which follows C by-value
semantics (that is, the value of the parameter is passed into the slot).
1. If a parameter needs to be passed by reference, the function prototype must specify a pointer of the
type to be passed.
2. Under AMODE 31 only: The high-order bit is set on the last parameter if both of the following are
The called function is a variable arguments function.
The last parameter passed is a pointer.
Return values
For any addressing mode, integral type values are returned in GPR 15. Under AMODE 31 only, a 64-bit
integer value is returned in GPR 15 + GPR 0 (that is, the high-half of the 64-bit value is returned in GPR 15
and the low-half is returned in GPR 0). All other types are returned in a buffer whose address is passed as
the rst parameter.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Function save areas
GPR 13 contains the pointer to the dynamic storage area (DSA).
The DSA includes:
72-byte save area size for an AMODE 31 function.
Parameter area for calling other functions. The default pointer size for a parameter or return value is
based on the amode attribute of the function prototype.
Temporary storage that is preallocated for the compiler-generated code and the user-dened automatic
The save area is set up at the beginning of the DSA.
If the function calls only primary-mode functions, the save area format depends on the AMODE:
Under AMODE 31, the save area takes the standard 18-word format.
Under AMODE 64, the save area takes the 36-word F4SA format and the compiler will generate code to
set up the F4SA signature in the second word of the save area.
If the function needs to call an AR-mode function, the save area will take the 54-word F7SA format,
regardless of the addressing mode.
The F4SA signature generation can be suppressed by setting the &CCN_SASIG global SET symbol to 0 in
your prolog code. For information about the &CCN_SASIG global SET symbol, see Table 3 on page 16
User modiable global SET symbols.
NAB linkage extension
Metal C code needs to use dynamic storage area (DSA) as stack space. Each time a function is called, its
prolog code acquires this space and, when control is returned to the calling function, its epilog code
releases the stack space.
Metal C avoids excessive acquisition and release operations by providing a mechanism that allows a
called function to rely on pre-allocated stack space. This mechanism is the next available byte (NAB). All
Metal C runtime library functions, as well as functions with a default prolog code, use it and expect the
NAB address to be set by the calling function. The code that is generated to call a function includes the
setup instructions to place the NAB address in the "Address of next save area" eld in the save area. The
called function simply goes to the calling function's save area to pick up the NAB address that points to its
own stack space. As a result, the called function does not need to explicitly obtain and free its own stack
Note: If usage of the NAB linkage extension requires more stack space than has been allocated, there will
be unexpected results. The program must establish a DSA that is large enough to ensure the availability of
stack space to all downstream programs. Downstream programs include all functions that are dened in
the program as well as the library functions listed in Appendix A, “Function stack requirements,” on page
The location of the "Address of next save area" eld depends on the save area format:
In the standard 72-byte save area, it is the third word.
In the F4SA or F7SA save area, it is the 18th doubleword.
Compiler-generated HLASM source code
When the METAL option is in effect, the XL C compiler generates code in the HLASM source code format.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
Characteristics of compiler-generated HLASM source code
Any assembly instructions that you provide need to work with the instructions that are generated by the
compiler. Before you provide those instructions, you need to be aware of the characteristics of compiler-
generated HLASM source code.
You need to be aware that:
Because the compiler uses relative-branching instructions, it is not necessary to establish code base
registers. When the compiler detects user-embedded assembly statements, you can use the IEABRCX
DEFINE instruction to assist any branching instructions that might rely on establishment of a code base
register. For other instructions (such as LA or EX) that rely on the establishment of a code base register,
you might need to add code to establish your own code base register. To disable the effect of IEABRCX,
you can add the instruction IEABRCX DISABLE. For more information about the IEABRCX macro, see
z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG.
If the compiler needs to produce literals, GPR 3 will be set up as the base register to address the
literals. This addressability is established after the prolog code. The literals are organized by the LTORG
instruction placed at the end of the epilog code. With the presence of user-embedded assembly
statements, the compiler assumes there will be literals and establishes GPR 3 to address those literals.
If you want code to be naturally reentrant, you must not use writable static or external variables; such
variables are part of the code.
There is only one CSECT for each compilation unit. The CSECT name is controlled by the CSECT option.
Due to the flat name space and the case insensitivity required by HLASM, the compiler prepends extra
qualiers to user names to maintain the uniqueness of each name seen by HLASM. This is referred to as
name encoding. External symbols are not subject to the name-encoding scheme as they need to be
referenced by the exact symbol names.
The external symbols are determined by the compiler LONGNAME option.
If the NOLONGNAME option is in effect:
- All external symbols are truncated to eight characters.
- All external symbols are converted to upper case.
- All "_" characters are replaced with the "@" character.
If the LONGNAME option is in effect the compiler emits an ALIAS instruction to make the real C name
externally visible. Because the length limit supported by the ALIAS instruction depends on the
HLASM release, the C compiler does not enforce any length limit here.
Note: The HLASM GOFF option is necessary to allow the ALIAS instructions to be recognized. See
Figure 44 on page 42.
GPR 13 is established as the base of the stack space.
GPR 10 and GPR 11 may be used exclusively to address static and constant data. They should not be
used in the user-embedded assembly statements.
The compiler will generate code to preserve FPR 8 through FPR 15 if they are altered by the function.
For AMODE 31 functions: The compiler will generate code to preserve the high halves of the 64-bit
GPRs if they are altered or if there are user-embedded assembly statements.
The addressing mode is determined by the compiler option. When the compiler option LP64 is in effect,
the addressing mode is AMODE 64; otherwise it is AMODE 31.
Structure of a compiler-generated HLASM source program
Each compiler-generated HLASM source program has the following elements:
File-scope header
For each function:
A function header
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
A function entry point marker
A function property block (FPB)
A function body
A function trailer
File-scope trailer
File-scope header
Statements in the le-scope header apply to the entire compilation unit and might have the following
TITLE statement to specify the product information of the compiler and the source le being compiled.
ALIAS/EXTRN statement to declare the external symbols that are referenced in the program, if the
LONGNAME compiler option is in effect.
CSECT statement to identify the relocatable control section in the program.
AMODE statement to specify the addressing mode.
RMODE statement to specify the residency mode for running the module.
Assembly statements to declare the HLASM global SET symbols used by the compiler-generated code
for communicating information to the user-embedded prolog and epilog code, if the compiler detects
user-embedded prolog and epilog code.
SYSSTATE ARCHLVL statement, which identies the minimum hardware requirement. SYSSTATE
ARCHLVL=3, if and only if ARCH(7) or up and OSREL(ZOSV2R1) or higher are in effect; otherwise,
IEABRCX DEFINE statement ensures that all branch instructions are changed to relative-branching
instructions, in the event that the XL C compiler encounters user-embedded assembly statements.
Prex data to embed a compiler signature and to record attributes about the compilation.
Prex data
Prex data is generated to supply a signature, the timestamp of the compilation date, the compiler
version, and some control flags. It is placed at the beginning of the code that follows an instruction for
branching around the prex data.
Note: Program code should reference ENTRY rather than CSECT to avoid unnecessary branching.
The prex data consists of a xed part (36 bytes in size) followed by a contiguous optional part, with the
presence of optional elds indicated by flag bits in flag set 4. Optional elds, if present, are stored
immediately following the xed part of the prex data aligned on halfword boundaries in the order
specied by the left to right bits in flag set 4.
Figure 1 on page 6
shows the prex data xed area elds and denitions.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
Figure 1. Prex data xed area elds
An 8-byte eld that is set to 0x00C300C300D50000. The last byte in the signature is the version
number which can change in future releases.
Compile date
An 8-byte eld that contains the date of the compile in YYYYMMDD format.
Compile time
A 6-byte eld that contains the time of the compile in HHMMSS format.
Compiler version
A 4-byte eld that contains the binary value of the compiler version and release.
Flag Set 1
Flag denition
Compiled with RENT option.
Compiled with NORENT option.
Flag Set 2
Flag denition
Flag Set 3
Flag denition
Flag Set 4
Flag denition
Indicates the presence of a user comment string.
Indicates no optional user comment string.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Indicates the presence of a service string.
Indicates no service string.
Indicates the presence of the offset of the end of the current CSECT.
Indicates no offset of the end of the current CSECT.
Indicates the presence of the offset of the debug information block.
Indicates no offset of the debug information block.
There are four optional prex data elds, whose presence is indicated by a flag bit in flag set 4.
User Comment String: The user comment string comes from the string specied in both or one of
#pragma comment(copyright, "...") and #pragma comment(user, "..."). If you have either
or both #pragma, the flag bit is set to one, and the user comment string contains the concatenated strings
from multiple #pragma.
Service String: The service string comes from the string specied in the SERVICE compiler option.
Signed offset of the end of current CSECT: A 32-bit eld that contains the signed offset from PFD (Prex
Data) to the end of the current CSECT.
Signed offset of the debug data block : A 32-bit eld that contains the signed offset from PFD to the
debug data block.
Figure 2 on page 7 and Figure 3 on page 8 show how prex data is generated from a sample program
that is compiled with the RENT, SERVICE ("Service String"), and DEBUG (or -g) options.
#pragma comment(copyright,"copyright comment")
#pragma comment(user,"user comment")
int main(){
return 0;
Figure 2. A sample program to generate prex data
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
@@PFD@@ DC XL8'00C300C300D50000' Prefix Data Marker 000008
DC CL8'20160513' Compiled Date YYYYMMDD 000008
DC CL6'152705' Compiled Time HHMMSS 000008
DC XL4'42030000' Compiler Version 000008
DC XL2'0000' Reserved 000008
DC BL1'00000000' Flag Set 1 000008
DC BL1'00000000' Flag Set 2 000008
DC BL1'00000000' Flag Set 3 000008
DC BL1'11110000' Flag Set 4 000008
DC XL4'00000000' 000008
DS 0H 000008
DC AL2(30) 000008
DC C'copyright comment user comment' 000008
DS 0H 000008
DC AL2(14) 000008
DC C'Service String' 000008
DC A(@@END@@-@@PFD@@) 000008
DC A(@@DDB@@-@@PFD@@) 000008
Figure 3. Prex data generated
Function elements
Function header
The function header might have the following statements or code:
ALIAS/ENTRY statement to dene the entry point by associating its C symbol with the generated HLASM
name, if the LONGNAME compiler option is in effect.
Assembly statements to set the values for the declared HLASM global SET symbols, if the compiler
detects user-embedded prolog and epilog code.
Prolog code, which might be either the default prolog code generated by the compiler or user-
embedded prolog code.
Function entry point marker
A function entry point marker is generated immediately before the entry point of each function. The
function entry point marker is an 8-byte eld containing the signature 0x00C300C300D501nn.
Immediately following the marker is a 4-byte signed offset from the start of the entry point marker to the
function property block belonging to the current function. Figure 4 on page 8
shows what a function
entry point marker looks like in generated assembler code.
ENTRY @@CCN@2 000005
@@CCN@2 AMODE 31 000005
DC XL8'00C300C300D50100' Function entry point marker 000005
DC A(@@FPB@1-*+8) Signed offset to FPB 000005
DC XL4'00000000' Reserved 000005
@@CCN@2 DS 0F
Figure 4. Function entry point marker in generated assembler code
Function property block
The function property block (FPB) is made up of a xed part (20 bytes in size) followed by a contiguous
optional part, with the presence of optional elds indicated by flag bits. Optional elds, if present, are
stored immediately following the xed part of the FPB aligned on fullword boundaries in the order
specied below.
Figure 5 on page 9 shows the FPB xed area elds and the denitions.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Figure 5. Function property block xed area elds
A 16-bit eld that is set to 0xCCD5.
Saved GPR Mask
A 16-bit mask, indicating which registers are saved and restored by the associated routine. Bit 0
indicates register 0, followed by bits for registers 1 to 15 in order.
Signed offset to Prex Data from the start of FPB
The offset of the prex data belonging to the compilation unit containing the function described by
this FPB.
Flag Set 1
Flag denition
Function is AMODE 64.
Function is AMODE 31.
Function is AR mode.
Function is primary mode.
A vararg function.
Not a vararg function.
Flag Set 2
Flag denition
External function.
Internal function.
This function has the standard 72-byte save area.
This function has the F4SA 144-byte save area.
This function has the F7SA 216-byte save area.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
Flag Set 3
Flag denition
Indicates the floating-point registers (FPR) are saved in the DSA and the FPR mask and offset to
the FPR save area are present in the optional part of the FPB.
Indicates the floating-point registers (FPR) are not saved in the DSA.
Indicates the high-half of 64-bit general purpose registers (GPR) are saved in the DSA and the
HGPR mask and offset to the HGPR save area are present in the optional part of the FPB.
Indicates the high-half of 64-bit general purpose registers (GPR) are not saved in the DSA.
Flag Set 4
Flag denition
Indicates that the length of the function name and the function name eld are present in the
optional part of the FPB.
Indicates that the function name eld is not present in the FPB.
Note: When the COMPRESS compiler option is in effect, the function name eld is not present in
the FPB.
There are several optional FPB elds. The presence of each eld is indicated by a flag bit in FPB flag set 3
or FPB flag set 4. When an optional eld is less than 4 bytes in length, the entire word is present if any of
the elds in that word are present. Unused parts of the word are lled with zeroes. The optional elds are
fullword aligned and appear in the order listed below.
FPR Mask
A 16-bit mask indicating which of floating-point registers (FPR) are saved and restored by this
function. Bit 0 indicates FPR0, followed by bits for FPR1 to FPR 15.
A 16-bit mask indicating which of 64-bit general purposes registers (GPR) whose high-words are
saved and restored by this function. Bit 0 indicates GPR0, followed by bits for GPR1 to GPR 15.
Note: If either bit 0 or bit 1 of flag set 3 is on, the fullword variable representing FPR mask and HGPR
mask is present.
FPR Savearea Offset
A 32-bit eld containing the offset from the start of the DSA to the FPR save area. The contents of the
FPRs indicated by the FPR Mask are stored contiguously from the beginning of the FPR save area
regardless of the register number. For example, if the FPR Mask contains 0x00A0 and the FPR save
area offset contains 0x100, FPR8 is stored at R13+0x100 and FPR10 is stored at R13+0x108.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
HGPR Savearea Offset
A 32-bit eld containing the offset from the start of the DSA to the HGPR save area. The HGPR save
area is 64-byte in size which holds 16 32-bit high-words. The order of the high-words stored in the
save area is GPR14, GPR15, and GPR0 - GPR13. Only the slots which correspond to the bits in the
HGPR Mask contain the saved high-word contents.
Name of Function
The optional function name elds start with a 2-byte length eld which contains the actual length of
the function name that follows.
Figure 6 on page 11 shows what a function property block looks like in generated assembler code.
@@FPB@1 DS 0F Function Property Block 000000
DC XL2'CCD5' Eyecatcher 000000
DC BL2'1111100000000011' Saved GPR Mask 000000
DC A(@@PFD@@-@@FPB@1) Signed Offset to Prefix Data 000000
DC BL1'00000000' Flag Set 1 000000
DC BL1'10000000' Flag Set 2 000000
DC BL1'01000000' Flag Set 3 000000
DC BL1'00000001' Flag Set 4 000000
DC XL4'00000000' Reserved 000000
DC XL4'00000000' Reserved 000000
DC XL2'0000' Saved FPR Mask 000000
DC BL2'1111000000000011' Saved HGPR Mask 000000
DC XL4'00000058' HGPR Save Area Offset 000000
DC AL2(4) 000000
DC C'main'
Figure 6. Function property block in generated assembler code
In this example, the @@FPB@ LOCTR instruction tells the assembler to group all FPBs separate from the
code and data generated for the functions.
File-scope trailer
The le-scope trailer might have the following statements or areas:
DC statements to dene static variables with their initial values.
DSECT statement to provide a map for the static variables.
DC statements that dene constants.
ALIAS/ENTRY statement to dene all external variables with their initial values.
END statement to specify compiler product information and the compilation date.
A debug data block to check whether the debug side le matches the object le.
A label to mark the end of a CSECT.
Debug data block
When you specify the -g or DEBUG option, a new debug data block is added for each CSECT in the Metal C
generated assembly le. The debug data block can be used to check whether the debug side le matches
the object le. When a debug session starts, the debugger checks whether the debug data block for the
rst CSECT exists. If it exists, the debugger retrieves the information from the debug data block.
The debug data block contains the following information:
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
Debug data block signature
An 8-byte eld that is set to 0x'00C300C300D50200'. The last two bytes of the signature is
0x'0200', in which the rst byte 0x'02' is the block signature for the debug data block, while the
second byte 0x'00' represents the current version of the debug data block.
Size of the debug data block
A 4-byte eld that represents the size of the debug data block.
Reserved bytes
A 4-byte eld that is reserved for future usage.
MD5 signature
A 16-byte eld that is derived from the time stamp.
Source le name
A string with 2-byte prex length, containing the source le name.
Debug side le name
A string with 2-byte prex length, containing the debug side le name.
The following example shows a sample debug data block followed by a CSECT end label.
@@DDB@@ DC XL8'00C300C300D50200'
DC A(@@DBGE@@-@@DBGB@@)
DC XL4'00000000'
@@DSIG@@ DC X16'194ab396eb68ebd68d476285b476abda'
DC AL2(23)
DC C'/home/temp/a.c'
@@DSFN@@ DC AL2(25)
DC C'/home/temp/a.dbg'
@@DDBE@@ EQU *
@@END@@ EQU *
Figure 7. Debug data block generated
Labels for @@DDBE@@ and @@END@@ do not have to be the same.
Prolog and epilog code
The primary functions of prolog code are:
To save the calling function’s general-purpose registers in the calling function’s save area.
To obtain the dynamic storage area for this function.
To chain this function’s save area to the calling function’s save area, in accordance with the MVS linkage
The primary functions of epilog code are:
To relinquish this function’s dynamic storage area.
To restore the calling function’s general-purpose registers.
To return control to the calling function.
Note: AR-mode functions require additional prolog and epilog functions. See “AR-mode programming
support” on page 32 for details.
Supplying your own prolog and epilog code
If you need the prolog and epilog code to provide additional functionality, you can use #pragma directives
to instruct the compiler to use your own HLASM prolog and epilog code. Figure 8 on page 13 provides an
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
#pragma prolog(foo,"MYPROLOG")
#pragma epilog(foo,"MYEPILOG")
int foo() {
return 0;
Figure 8. Specication of your own prolog and epilog code for a function
To apply the same prolog and epilog code to all your functions in the C source le, use the PROLOG and
EPILOG compiler options. When you use the PROLOG and EPILOG compiler options, by default, your
prolog and epilog code is applied only to the functions that have external linkage. To apply your prolog and
epilog code to all functions dened in the compilation unit, use the new "all" suboption provided by z/OS
V1R11 XL C compiler. For detailed information, see PROLOG and EPILOG options in z/OS XL C/C++ User's
The string you supplied to the PROLOG/EPILOG options or the #pragma directives must contain valid
HLASM statements. The compiler does not validate the content of the string but it does take care of some
formatting for you:
If your string contains only a macro name, as shown in Figure 8 on page 13, you do not need to supply
leading blanks.
If the length of your HLASM statement exceeds 71 characters, you do not need to break it into multiple
lines. The compiler will handle that for you.
Your prolog code needs to ensure that:
The primary functions of the prolog code have been performed.
Extra DSA space is acquired, in the event that the NAB is needed for the referenced functions.
Upon exit of your prolog code:
GPR 13 points at the DSA for this function.
GPR 1 points at the parameter list supplied by the calling function.
Your epilog code needs to ensure that:
The primary functions of the epilog code have been performed.
The content of GPR 15, on entry to your epilog code, is preserved.
If a 64-bit integer value is returned from an AMODE 31 program, the low half of the return value
contained in GPR 0 is preserved.
Your prolog and epilog code does not need to perform the following functions:
Preserve the calling functions floating-point registers.
Preserve the calling function's vector registers.
Preserve the high-halves of 64-bit general purpose registers in AMODE 31 functions.
Preserve the registers used by the compiler generated code.
Set up the NAB for the called functions.
User reserved DSA space
User reserved DSA space can be enabled by using the compiler option DSAUSER(value). If DSAUSER is
specied without suboption, a user eld with the size of a pointer is reserved on the stack. The user eld
is a 4-byte eld for AMODE 31 and an 8-byte eld for AMODE 64. This user eld can be utilized by your
prolog or epilog code.
If a value suboption is specied with DSAUSER, a user eld with the size of value 32-bit words is
allocated. Specifying DSAUSER with a suboption requires ARCH(6). The value must be an integer in the
range of 0 to 50.
The user eld can be located by the HLASM global set symbol &CCN_DSAUSER, which provides the offset
to the user eld. The compiler allocates the eld on the stack only, without initializing it.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
The following example shows how &CCN_DSAUSER is set by the compiler:
The following example shows how &CCN_DSAUSER can be used in your prolog code:
For detailed information about the DSAUSER compiler option, see the topic about DSAUSER and
NODSAUSER in z/OS XL C/C++ User's Guide.
Compiler-generated global SET symbols
When you supply your prolog and epilog code, the compiler generates the assembly instructions that set
up global SET symbols for communicating compiler-collected information to your prolog and epilog code.
Your prolog and epilog code can use this information to determine the code sequence generated by your
Table 2 on page 14 describes global SET symbols dened by the compiler.
Table 2. Compiler-generated global SET symbols
Global SET symbol Type Description
&CCN_DSASZ Arithmeti
The size of the dynamic storage area for the function.
&CCN_ SASZ Arithmeti
The size of the function save area:
72 = standard format
144 = F4SA format
216 = F7SA format
&CCN_ARGS Arithmeti
The number of xed arguments expected by the function.
&CCN_RLOW Arithmeti
The starting register number to be used in the STORE MULTIPLE
instruction for saving the registers of callers if the compiler were to
generate that instruction itself.
&CCN_RHIGH Arithmeti
The ending register number to be used in the STORE MULTIPLE
instruction for saving the registers of callers.
&CCN_LP64 Logical Set to "1" if the LP64 compiler option is specied.
&CCN_NAB Logical Set to "1" when there are called programs that depend on the dynamic
storage to be pre-allocated. In this case, the prolog code needs to add a
generous amount to the size set in &CCN_DSASZ when the dynamic
storage is obtained.
&CCN_ALTGPR(16) Logical The array representing the general purpose registers. Subscript 1
represents GPR 0 and subscript 16 represents GPR 15. A subscript is
set to "1" whenever the corresponding register is altered by the
compiler-generated code.
&CCN_STATIC Logical Set to "1" if the function is static.
&CCN_MAIN Logical Set to "1" if this is function "main".
&CCN_RENT Logical Set to "1" if the RENT compiler option is specied.
&CCN_PRCN Character The symbol representing the function.
&CCN_CSECT Character The symbol representing the CSECT in effect.
14 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Table 2. Compiler-generated global SET symbols (continued)
Global SET symbol Type Description
&CCN_DSAUSER Character The assembly time computed offset to the user eld on the stack of the
&CCN_LITN Character The symbol representing the LTORG generated by the compiler.
&CCN_BEGIN Character The symbol representing the rst executable instruction of the function
generated by the compiler.
&CCN_ARCHLVL Character The symbol representing the architecture level specied in the ARCH
&CCN_ASCM Character The ASC mode of the function:
A=AR mode
P=Primary mode
For information about AR mode, see “AR-mode programming support”
on page 32.
The assembly time computed offset to the NAB pointer on the stack of
the function.
The following example shows how &CCN_NAB_OFFSET is set by the
The following example shows how &CCN_NAB_OFFSET can be used in
the prolog code:
The name of the in-stream macro that contains all the #pragma
insert_asm supplied statements. The setting of &CCN_IASM_MACRO
only happens in the presence of inserted assembler statements
provided by #pragma insert_asm directives. In the presence of such
directives, the compiler generates an in-stream HLASM MACRO like
*from #pragma insert_asm #1 000004
*from #pragma insert_asm #2 000006
*from #pragma insert_asm #3 000008
The following example shows how &CCN_IASM_MACRO is set by the
The MACRO name in &CCN_IASM_MACRO can be placed anywhere
within the prolog/epilog code.
&CCN_PRCN_LONG Character
The actual function name up to the 1024 character HLASM limit. The
setting of &CCN_PRCN_LONG is subject to the HLASM limit of 1024
characters on a SETC instruction. When the function name is longer
than 1024 characters, the character value set will be truncated to 1021
characters and appended with '...'.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C 15
Table 3 on page 16 describes the global SET symbols that can be set by your prolog and epilog code to
conditionally enable or disable code sequences generated by the compiler.
Table 3. User modiable global SET symbols
Global SET symbol Type Default Description
&CCN_SASIG Logical 1 Set to "1" to enable the save area signature generation. Set to
"0" to disable the save area signature generation.
Set to "1" to indicate that NAB pointer storing code was done
in the prolog code. The following example shows the code
that is generated by the compiler to cause the NAB
computing and storing code to be conditionally assembled
based on the setting of &CCN_NAB_STORED:
LGHI 0,160
ALGR 0,13
STG 0,#NAB_2-@@AUTO@2(,13)
Set to "1" to indicate that &CCN_IASM_MACRO was already
called. The following example shows the code that is
generated by the compiler to cause the &CCN_IASM_MACRO
to be conditionally assembled based on the setting of
for 31-bit
for 64-bit
Function name for WSA initialization routine.
for 31-bit
' for 64-bit
Function name for WSA termination routine.
&CCN_APARSE Logical 1
Set to "1" to trigger CCNZINIT call to parse argc and argv.
Set to "0" to disable argc and argv parsing.
Sample macros for prolog and epilog code are supplied in the SCCNSAM data set. The
SCCNSAM(CCNZGBL) macro contains assembler instructions to declare all the Global Set Symbols to be
referenced. You need to copy the CCNZGBL macro into your prolog and epilog code. Figure 9 on page 16
shows the sample CCNZGBL macro.
* *
* *
* *
GBLA &CCN_DSASZ DSA size of the function
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
GBLA &CCN_SASZ Save area size of this function
GBLA &CCN_ARGS Number of fixed parameters
GBLA &CCN_RLOW 1st GPR on STM/STMG in prolog
GBLA &CCN_RHIGH 2nd GPR on STM/STMG in prolog
GBLB &CCN_MAIN True if function is main
GBLB &CCN_LP64 True if compiled with LP64
GBLB &CCN_NAB True if NAB needed
.* &CCN_NAB is to indicate if there are called functions that depend on
.* stack space being pre-allocated. When &CCN_NAB is true you'll need
.* to add a generous amount to the size set in &CCN_DSASZ when you
.* otbain the stack space.
GBLB &CCN_ALTGPR(16) Altered GPRs by the function
GBLB &CCN_SASIG True to gen savearea signature
GBLC &CCN_PRCN Entry symbol of the function
GBLC &CCN_CSECT CSECT name of the file
GBLC &CCN_LITN Symbol name for LTORG
GBLC &CCN_BEGIN Symbol name for function body
GBLC &CCN_ARCHLVL n in ARCH(n) option
GBLC &CCN_ASCM A=AR mode P=Primary mode
GBLC &CCN_IASM_MACRO MACRO name for all insert_asm
GBLB &CCN_IASM_FRONT True if insert_asm at front
GBLC &CCN_NAB_OFFSET Offset to NAB pointer in DSA
GBLB &CCN_NAB_STORED True if NAB pointer stored
GBLC &CCN_PRCN_LONG Full func name up to 1024 chars
GBLB &CCN_STATIC True if function is static
GBLB &CCN_RENT True if compiled with RENT
GBLC &CCN_WSA_INIT WSA initialization function name
GBLC &CCN_WSA_TERM WSA termination function name
GBLC &CCN_DSAUSER Offset to user field in DSA
Sample macros for prolog code are supplied in the SCCNSAM data set. Figure 10 on page 17
shows the
sample prolog code.
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_1
STM 14,12,12(13)
.LP64_1 ANOP
STMG 14,12,8(13)
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_11
LR 2,0
.LP64_11 ANOP
LGR 2,0
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_2
.LP64_2 ANOP
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_3
.LP64_3 ANOP
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
LA 1,1
SLL 1,20
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_4
AR 0,1
.LP64_4 ANOP
AGR 0,1
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_5
LR 15,1
ST 15,8(,13)
L 1,24(,13)
ST 13,4(,15)
LR 13,15
.LP64_5 ANOP
LGR 15,1
STG 15,136(,13)
LG 1,32(,13)
STG 13,128(,15)
LGR 13,15
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_12
LR 0,2
.LP64_12 ANOP
LGR 0,2
Sample macros for epilog code are supplied in the SCCNSAM data set. Figure 11 on page 19 shows the
sample epilog code.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_1
LR 1,13
.LP64_1 ANOP
LGR 1,13
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_2
L 13,4(,13)
.LP64_2 ANOP
LG 13,128(,13)
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_3
ST 15,16(,13)
.LP64_3 ANOP
STG 15,16(,13)
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_4
L 15,16(,13)
.LP64_4 ANOP
LG 15,16(,13)
AIF (&CCN_LP64).LP64_5
L 14,12(,13)
LM 1,12,24(13)
.LP64_5 ANOP
LG 14,8(,13)
LMG 1,12,32(13)
BR 14
Compiler-generated default prolog and epilog code
The default prolog and epilog code generated for the "main" function is very much the same as the code
produced by the sample prolog and epilog macros in Figure 10 on page 17
and Figure 11 on page 19. That
is, a STORAGE macro is used to obtain and release a dynamic storage area of 1 MB. For functions other
than "main", the prolog code simply picks up its DSA pointer (the NAB pointer) from the "Address of next
save area" eld in the calling functions save area.
Supplying your own HLASM statements
Before you insert your own HLASM statements into your C source le, be aware of the following
The compiler does not recognize either the syntax or the semantics of the HLASM statements
embedded in the C __asm statement. You need to ensure that the embedded HLASM statements:
Meet the requirements of the assembly step that follows the compilation step.
Function correctly when embedded in the compiler-generated HLASM source le.
In the HLASM syntax, the rst eld is the label eld, followed by the op-code, and the rest of the HLASM
instruction. If there is no label eld, you must leave a blank space at the beginning of the string. Other
than this, you can code the rest of the HLASM instruction as you do in HLASM.
You do not have to consider HLASM line-width requirements. You can code an instruction in the code
format string continuously, in accordance with the limitation of the C source le. The C compiler breaks
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
up a code format string that exceeds 71 characters in the HLASM output, inserting continuation
characters as required.
Inserting HLASM instructions into the generated source code
You can use the __asm language extension to specify assembly instructions to be embedded within the
generated HLASM source code. For example, you can embed assembly statements that invoke assembler
macros to obtain system services.
Use the __asm statement only to embed a short sequence of assembler instructions into a C function, to
perform actions that cannot be done using C statements. If you need to use a long routine, put the
assembly statements into a source le, assemble it separately, and then call the routine from the C
Note: The compiler supports a collection of hardware built-in functions, such as __csg. These hardware
built-in functions allow the compiler more freedom in blending embedded assembly statements with the
rest of the code. For this reason, a hardware built-in function might be better than an __asm statement for
embedding the assembly instructions that you need.
In addition to the __asm language extension, there are language constructs for the following purposes:
Reserving a register for a global variable of the pointer type. See “Reserving a register for a global
variable” on page 27.
Invoking a macro in the list form. See “Specifying and using the list form of a macro” on page 26.
Supplying your own function prologs and epilogs. See “Prolog and epilog code” on page 12.
For information about hardware built-in functions, see Using hardware built-in functions in z/OS XL C/C++
Programming Guide.
Using the __asm statement
For the complete __asm statement syntax, see Inline assembly statements (IBM extension) in z/OS XL
C/C++ Language Reference.
Within the __asm statement, the code format string species the assembly statement to be embedded in
the compiler-generated HLASM source le. Figure 12 on page 20 provides an example of a simple code
format string, enclosed in double quotation marks, in an __asm statement.
void foo() {
__asm ( " AR 1,2" );
Figure 12. Simple code format string
Treatment of the code format string
The compiler treats the code format string in an __asm statement similarly to the way the printf
function treats a format string, with the following exception: Instead of printing out the string during
program execution, the compiler inserts it after the generated sequence of assembly statements, before
the END statement.
More than one assembler instruction can be put into the code format string. As shown in Figure 13 on
page 20, each assembler statement must be separated by the new line character '\n' (like the new line
character that is used in a printf format string).
void foo() {
__asm ( " AR 1,2\n AR 1,2" );
Figure 13. Code format string with two instructions
The example in Figure 13 on page 20 will embed two " AR 1,2" instructions in the HLASM source code.
You can make the statement more readable by breaking the string into two. In C, adjacent string literals
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
are automatically concatenated and treated as one. The sample code in Figure 13 on page 20 and Figure
14 on page 21 generate the same output.
void foo() {
__asm ( " AR 1,2\n"
" AR 1,2" ); 2
Figure 14. Code format string with two instructions, formatted for readability
1. The character "\n" is still required to delimit statements.
2. The second statement also begins with a blank space.
C expressions as __asm operands
You can use substitution speciers in a code format string just as you can in a printf format string. The
substitution specier tells the compiler to substitute the specied C expression into the corresponding
__asm operand when it embeds the assembly statement in the HLASM source code. You must ensure that
the substitution converts the code format string into a valid assembler instruction.
Note: In this document, operands used in a code format string are referred to as __asm operands.
An embedded assembly statement can use any C-language expression that is in scope as an __asm
operand. The constraint tells the compiler what to do with the C expression that follows it.
Substitution of a C variable into an __asm operand
Figure 15 on page 21 shows an __asm statement that substitutes a C variable into an output __asm
operand. Figure 16 on page 22 shows those assembly instructions.
void foo() {
int x;
1 2 3
__asm ( " ST 12,%0\n" : "=m"(x) :: "r12" );
4 5
Figure 15. Substitution of a C variable into an output __asm operand
1. A colon that marks the beginning of the list of output __asm operands, it follows the code format
2. The output __asm operand is "=m"(x). The constraint "m" communicates the syntactic requirement
to the compiler:
The symbol "=" means the (output) __asm operand will be modied.
The letter "m" means that the output __asm operand is a memory operand.
3. The C expression is the variable x.
4. The compiler does not know that the embedded assembly instruction is ST, nor does it know the
HLASM syntactic requirement of the second ST operand.
5. The variable x is the rst __asm operand in the example, and therefore corresponds to %0 in the code
format string.
From the __asm statement used in Figure 15 on page 21, the compiler embeds the instructions shown in
Figure 16 on page 22 in the generated HLASM source code.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
1 2
LA 1,@3x
ST 12,0(1)
Figure 16. HLASM source code embedded by the compiler
1. The LA instruction is inserted by the C compiler as a result of processing the “=m”(x) __asm
2. @3x is the HLASM symbol name that the compiler assigned to the local variable x. Local C symbol
names are mapped to HLASM symbol names so that each local variable has a unique name in the
HLASM source le.
3. 0(1) is substituted into "%0", which specied the rst __asm operand in the code format string in
Figure 15 on page 21 (ST 12,%0).
Substitution of a C pointer into an __asm operand
The code format string in Figure 17 on page 22
invokes the WTO macro by using the execute form of the
macro with a user-dened buffer.
In general, you do not control which registers are used during the operand substitution, as illustrated in
Figure 17 on page 22. For an example that allows you to specify registers, see Figure 21 on page 24.
int main() {
struct WTO_PARM {
unsigned short len;
unsigned short code;
char text[80];
} wto_buff = { 4+11, 0, "hello world" };
1 2 3
__asm( " WTO MF=(E,(%0)) " : : "r"(&wto_buff));
return 0;
Figure 17. Substitution of a C pointer into an __asm operand
1. The absence of a label necessitates that a blank space begin the code format string.
2. There are no output __asm operands. The end of the output __asm operands list is marked by a colon,
which is then followed by a comma-separated list of input __asm operands. The colon starting the list
of input __asm operands is not necessary if there are no input operands (which is the case in Figure 15
on page 21).
3. The input __asm operand consists of two components:
A constraint "r" that tells the compiler that the operand will be stored in a GPR.
An expression (&wto_buff) that states that the operand is the address of the message text in the C
structure wto_buff.
Denition of multiple __asm operands
In Figure 18 on page 23, the compiler is instructed to store the third dened C variable (z) in a register,
and then substitute that register into the third __asm operand %2.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
void foo() {
int x, y, z;
__asm ( " ST 12,%0\n"
" ST 12,%1\n"
" AR 12,%2" : "=m"(x), "=m"(y) : "r"(z) : "r12" );
1 2 3
Figure 18. __asm operand lists
1. The code format string instructs the compiler to embed an assembly statement that substitutes the
register (with contents of the C variable z) into the third __asm operand (%2).
2. The constraint "=m" instructs the compiler to use memory operands for the output variables x and y.
3. The constraint "r" instructs the compiler to use a register for the input variable z.
Figure 19 on page 23 shows the compiler-generated HLASM code from the __asm statement in Figure
18 on page 23. GPR 4 is assigned to the variable z.
L 4,@5z 1
LA 2,@4y 2
LA 1,@3x
ST 12,0(1) 3
ST 12,0(2)
AR 12,4
Figure 19. Compiler-generated HLASM code from the __asm statement
1. The rst assembly statement L 4,@5z is added by the compiler to get z into the form specied by the
input __asm operand constraint "r".
2. The next two instructions are added by the compiler to get the variables x and y into the form
specied by the output __asm operand constraints "=m".
3. The contents of the code format string are appended in the last three instructions.
Register specication
In general you do not have control over which registers are used during operand substitutions. The
register assignment might change when you use different options or optimization levels, or when the
surrounding C code is changed.
In cases where you specify explicit registers to be used in the embedded instructions, you should code a
clobber list, as shown in Figure 21 on page 24. Without the clobber list, the __asm statement embeds
incorrect assembly statements, as shown in Figure 20 on page 23.
__asm ( " LR 0,%0\n" /* load &pl */
" LR 1,%1\n" /* load &dcb */
" SVC 21"
: : "r"(&pl), "r"(&dcb)); 1
Figure 20. Unsuccessful attempt to specify registers
Note: The output and input __asm operand lists are positional. If there are no output __asm operands,
the colons separating the output and input operand list are still needed. Because the compiler has no
knowledge of assembly instructions and does not understand the LR instruction, it does not know that the
registers GPR 0 and GPR 1 are being used in the statement. Any connection between the __asm
statement and the rest of the C code must be specied via the __asm operand lists. The information
provided in the lists should prevent the compiler from incorrectly moving the other references
surrounding the __asm statement. In this example, because the compiler doesn't know that GPR 0 and
GPR 1 are being used, it will embed incorrect assembly statements.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
To prevent the compiler from incorrectly moving the other references surrounding the __asm statement,
add a clobber list after a colon that follows the input __asm operands, as shown in Figure 21 on page 24.
Note: Do not try to use the __asm statement to embed a long piece of assembly code with many operand
speciers and stringent register requirements. There is a limited number of registers available for the
compiler to use in the operand speciers, and in the surrounding code generation. If too many registers
are clobbered, there may not be enough registers left for the __asm statement. The same applies if there
are too many speciers.
__asm ( " LR 0,%0\n" /* load &pl */
" LR 1,%1\n" /* load &dcb */
" SVC 21"
: : "r"(&pl), "r"(&dcb) : “r0”,“r1”);
1 2
Figure 21. Register specication with clobbers
1. This colon is not needed if there is no clobber list.
2. The clobber list species the registers that can be modied by the assembly instructions.
C expressions as read-write __asm operands
If you use the same __asm operand for both input and output, you must take care that you tell the
compiler that the input __asm operand refers to the same variable as the corresponding output __asm
operand. For example, the code format string in Figure 22 on page 24 uses one register to store a single
__asm operand that is used for both input and output.
Denition of __asm operands for both input and output via an operand list
This topic describes how to use a code format string to dene __asm operands that can be used for both
input and output.
You can use either input and output operand strings both incorrectly (Figure 22 on page 24) and
correctly (Figure 24 on page 25). The code in Figure 22 on page 24 is incorrect because the AR
statement reads the rst operand and then modies it, but the =r constraint species the output aspect
__asm ( " AR %0,%1" : "=r"(x) : "r"(y) ); 1
Figure 22. Incorrect __asm operand denition for both input and output
Note: No input operand is specied for variable x. The compiler will not know that input and output are
stored in the same variable.
The compiler-generated HLASM source code in Figure 23 on page 24 is the result of the incorrect
denition in Figure 22 on page 24.
L 2,@4y 1
LA 1,@3x
AR 4,2
ST 4,0(,1)
Figure 23. Incorrect compiler-generated HLASM source code from the incorrect __asm operand denition
for both input and output
Note: GPR 4, which is meant for input as well as output, is not loaded from variable x before the code
format string is embedded because the code format string in Figure 22 on page 24 specied variable x as
an output operand only.
If a code format string uses a single __asm operand for both input and output, you must ensure that the
embedded assembly statements will perform both of the following tasks:
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Dene the variable as an input operand as well as an output operand.
Dene both an input operand and an output operand that refers to the same variable. The variable name
is not sufcient for this purpose. See Figure 24 on page 25.
Figure 24 on page 25 shows the code format string that will embed the correct assembler statements
(as shown in Figure 25 on page 25).
__asm ( " AR %0,%1" : "=r"(x) : "r"(y), "0"(x) );
1 2 3 4
Figure 24. Successful denition of an __asm operand for both input and output
1. %0 is the rst operand in the code format string.
2. This example has one output __asm operand, "=r"(x).
3. Within the input __asm operand list "r"(y), "0"(x), the __asm operands are separated by a
4. An input operand "0"(x) is added to the input eld. The constraint of this __asm operand is the
("0"), which tells the compiler that:
This input __asm operand is the same as the output __asm operand %0. (A numeral zero in the
constraint ("0") refers to %0; a numeral one in a constraint would refer to %1; and so on.)
The register needs to be loaded with variable x, as shown in Figure 25 on page 25
, before the code
format string is embedded in the HLASM output.
The compiler-generated HLASM source code in Figure 25 on page 25 is the result of the correct
denition in Figure 24 on page 25.
L 2,@4y
L 4,@3x 1
LA 1,@3x
AR 4,2
ST 4,0(,1)
Figure 25. Correct compiler-generated HLASM source code from the correct __asm operand denition for
both input and output
Note: The compiler inserted L 4,@3x at the beginning of the instruction sequence because the code
format string in Figure 24 on page 25 included both the output operand "=r"(x) and the input operand
"0"(x). Together, these statements tell the compiler that the register for the rst operand %0 will be
used for variable x, which has a value that can be either an input or an output operand.
Denition of an __asm operand for both input and output via the "+" constraint
You can also use the "+" constraint to specify that an __asm operand is used for both input and output.
In Figure 26 on page 25, the "+" constraint is used to dene that the variable x is used both as input and
__asm ( " AR %0,%1" : "+r"(x) : "r"(y));
Note: This example is parsed as though the operand list in Figure 24 on page 25 is given.
Figure 26. The + constraint to dene an __asm operand for both input and output
Note that an operand can be matched only once. When you use the "+" constraint to implicitly dene
matching input and output __asm operands, do not explicitly dene a corresponding __asm operand.
Figure 27 on page 26 shows an erroneous example of an __asm operand that is dened both implicitly
and explicitly. The notes identify the unnecessary code.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
__asm ( " AR %0,%1" : "+r"(x) : "r"(y), “0”(x));
1 2 3
1. %0 is the rst operand in the code format string.
2. This example has one output __asm operand, "+r"(x). The "+" constraint implicitly denes a
matching input __asm operand.
3. You do not have to dene __asm operand "0"(x) explicitly.
Figure 27. Error: Redundant denition of an __asm operand
Specifying and using the list form of a macro
When you specify and use the list form of a macro, you can code for reentrancy by embedding assembly
statements that:
1. Allocate space on the stack (that is, use a local variable). See Figure 29 on page 27.
2. Copy the parameter eld values from the list form to this allocated space.
3. Invoke the execute form of the macro that will use the allocated space.
Note: The code format string in Figure 17 on page 22 invokes the WTO macro by using the execute form of
the macro with a user-dened buffer. That example does allow for reentrancy.
You should not have direct reference to symbols within your code format string as the addressability is not
guaranteed. The proper way to use the macro is shown in Figure 29 on page 27
, in which all __asm
statements are connected through the C variable operands listmsg1 and buff.
Figure 28 on page 26 provides an example that uses the list form of a macro without considering
1 2 3
__asm(" WTO 'hello world',MF=L" : "DS"(listmsg1));
int main() {
4 5
__asm( " WTO MF=(E,(%0)) " : : "r"(&listmsg1));
return 0;
1. The rst __asm statement invokes the macro WTO in the list form (MF=L). In order for the list form of
the macro to be invoked with the values of the parameter elds dened, the __asm statement must be
specied in the global scope.
2. The message text "hello world" is provided as a macro parameter.
3. The “DS” constraint indicates that this is a data denition, with the name of the C variable dened as
the variable listmsg1. Because listmsg1 is implicitly dened as a structure, it can be referenced in
subsequent __asm statements, therefore the “DS” constraint must be specied in the output operand
list. By default, the compiler allocates 256 bytes of memory for the variable listmsg1, which should
satisfy most requirements. You can change the memory allocation size (for example,
"DS:100"(listmsg1) to allocate 100 bytes). You can allocate more than 256 bytes of space.
4. The second __asm statement invokes the macro WTO in the execute form (MF=(E,(%0)). It takes the
address of the storage dened in the list form.
5. The address of the variable listmsg1 is dened as an input operand that is stored in a register.
Figure 28. Specifying and using the WTO macro (no reentrancy)
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Support of reentrancy requirements
If the execute form of the macro needs to change the elds provided in the list form, the assembly
statements embedded by the __asm statement in Figure 28 on page 26 will be incorrect when support for
reentrancy is required. The proper way to use the macro is shown in Figure 29 on page 27.
__asm(" WTO 'hello world',MF=L" : "DS"(listmsg1)); 1
int main() {
__asm(" WTO 'hello world',MF=L" : "DS”(buff));
buff = listmsg1; 3
__asm( " WTO MF=(E,(%0)) " : : "r"(&buff));
return 0;
1. The rst __asm statement uses the list form of the macro WTO to dene the variable listmsg1.
2. The second __asm statement, specied within function scope with a “DS” constraint, will allocate
stack space for the variable buff but will not actually initialize the parameter values.
3. The size of this variable should match that of the corresponding __asm statement in global scope. An
assignment copies the actual parameter values from the list form to this buffer.
Figure 29. Support for reentrancy in a code format string
Inserting non-executable HLASM statements into the generated source code
You can use the #pragma insert_asm directive to supply your own non-executable HLASM statements
to the generated source code. The primary purpose of this directive is that you can use it to include the
DSECT mapping macros that are required by your embedded assembly statements. The syntax is
#pragma insert_asm("string").
The #pragma insert_asm directive causes the compiler to insert string at an appropriate place in the
generated HLASM code. When you use multiple #pragma insert_asm directives, they are placed in the
same order as they appear in your C source code.
Note: The #pragma insert_asm directive can be used with a _Pragma operator. If you use the
_Pragma operator, you must put a slash ("/") character before the double quotation marks that surround
the string literal. For example: _Pragma ("insert_asm(\"MYSTRING\")").
Example: Using the #pragma insert_asm directive to map specic DSECT
Figure 30 on page 27
uses the #pragma insert_asm directive to get the system CVTUSER eld to
address your specied CVT extension data. Because the CVTPTR and CVTUSER elds are dened in the
CVT mapping macro, you can use the #pragma insert_asm directive to map specic DSECT
void foo() {
void * user_cvt;
__asm(" L 2,CVTPTR\n"
" L 2,CVTUSER-CVT(2)\n"
" ST 2,%0"
#pragma insert_asm(" CVT DSECT=YES,LIST=NO")
Figure 30. Code that supplies specic DSECT mapping macros
Reserving a register for a global variable
The register storage class specier is the C-language extension that allows you to specify, for the entire
compilation unit, a general purpose register (GPR) for a global variable, as shown in Figure 31 on page
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
When you use a code format string to specify a GPR for a global variable, be aware that:
Only GPR 0 through GPR 15 can be specied for storage of a global variable.
The variable must be declared as a pointer type.
A declaration with register specier cannot have an initializer.
For more information, see The register storage class specier in z/OS XL C/C++ Language Reference.
1 2
register int * p __asm("r5");
1. The variable declaration int * p denes the variable as a pointer type.
2. The register "r5" is not initialized.
Figure 31. Register specication
AMODE-switching support
Within a Metal C application, AMODE 31 and AMODE 64 programs can call each other.
To take advantage of the Metal C AMODE-switching support, be aware of the following information:
The called and calling programs must be in separate source les. Mixing addressing modes within a
single C source le is not supported.
The save area format for the called program is determined by the AMODE and ASC mode of the called
program, that is, 72-byte for AMODE 31 programs, F4SA for AMODE 64 programs, F7SA for AR mode
programs. The ability for tracing the save areas chain will be interrupted across AMODE switches.
The parameter list is prepared according to the AMODE of the called program, that is, 4-byte slots for
AMODE 31 programs and 8-byte slots for AMODE64 programs.
It is the user's responsibility to ensure that all storage addresses passed to the AMODE 31 functions are
addressable by the AMODE 31 functions. Because the save area and parameter lists are part of the
caller's DSA, the caller must have its DSA allocated in the below-the-bar storage.
The AMODE of the called program can be specied by the new amode31 and amode64 type attributes.
For detailed information, see amode31 | amode64 type attribute in z/OS XL C/C++ Language
The calling program switches the addressing mode before the call and switches back to its own
addressing mode on return from the call.
The implicit sizes of types long and pointer in the function prototype are determined by the
addressing mode of the called program.
The __ptr64 qualier can be used to specify a 64-bit pointer on an AMODE 31 program; the pointer
cannot be dereferenced at the AMODE 31 program.
Example of an AMODE31 program that calls an AMODE64 program
In Figure 32 on page 29, AMODE 31 program "main" in a31.c makes calls to AMODE 64 programs
a64a1 and a64a2 in a64a.c. For the commands that compile and link a31.c and a64a.c, see “Commands
that compile and link applications that switch addressing modes” on page 43.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
long a64a1 (long j, int k, short s) __attribute__((amode64));
int a64a2 (long j, int k, short s) __attribute__((amode64));
int main () {
int a = 40;
return a64a1(99LL, a, 4) + a64a2(-120LL, -60, -18);
long a64a1 (long a, int b, short c) {
return -(a+b+c);
int a64a2 (long a, int b, short c) {
return -(a+b+c);
Figure 32. AMODE31 program that calls an AMODE64 program
RENT mode support
The RENT option supports constructed reentrancy for C programs with writable static and external
variables. This makes Metal C programs with writable static and external variables to be reentrant so a
program can be concurrently used by multiple users. The writable static area (WSA) can be managed by
user provided routines. Using the RENT support, you can use Metal C as an alternative to assembler, to
write programs to run in CICS
environment. For information about how the CICS API and the CICS XPI
can be used in Metal C and for programming examples, see Appendix B, “CICS programming interface
examples,” on page 123. The default of the RENT option is NORENT.
Note: The Metal C RENT support is independent of and different from the NOMETAL RENT support. They
should not be mixed.
xlc -qMETAL -qRENT -S a.c 1
as -mgoff a.s 2
export _LD_SYSLIB="//'CBC.SCCNOBJ'" 3
ld a.o
1. Request Metal C RENT support.
2. The HLASM GOFF option is required to assemble the compiler generated code for RENT.
3. It is necessary to add CBC.SCCNOBJ dataset to the binder SYSLIB for the resolution of CCNZINIT and
Linkage convention
General Purpose Register 0 (GPR0) is used to pass the WSA address. The prolog code you supplied needs
to preserve the content of GPR0 on exit of the prolog code. Programs compiled with RENT and NORENT
can be mixed as long as the NORENT programs do not call RENT programs.
Note: Global variables compiled with RENT and NORENT cannot have the same name.
Assembler code interface
The runtime RENT support is accomplished by additional calls generated for the function "main"
between the prolog/epilog code and the function code. The RENT environment initialization and
termination routines are called to establish and terminate the dynamically allocated WSA storage with the
static initialization data applied. For the AMODE 31 "main" function, CCNZINIT and CCNZTERM are the
names of these routines. While for the AMODE 64 "main" function, CCNZQINI and CCNZQTRM are the
function names. For the simplicity of further references, only the names of the 31-bit version are used.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
The actual WSA storage management is done by user supplied plug-in routines called from CCNZINIT and
CCNZTERM. Two user modiable Global Set Symbols, &CCN_WSA_INIT and &CCN_WSA_TERM, can be
used in the user supplied prolog code to set the user supplied WSA initialization and termination function
names. The AMODE of the user supplied routines has to be the same as the AMODE of function "main".
Note: CCNZINIT, CCNZTERM, CCNZWSAI and CCNZWSAT require the stack space to be supplied by
function "main" prolog code. Both CCNZINIT and CCNZTERM require NAB to be established by function
"main". Also, CCNZINIT and CCNZTERM assume stack space to be available for the WSA initialization
and termination functions. This arrangement is to ensure that the stack space used by CCNZINIT and
CCNZTERM as well as the WSA initialization and termination routines is consistent with the stack space
used by function "main". Allocating 1K of extra stack space (in addition to the DSA size suggested by
&CCN_DSASZ for "main") by function "main" should be sufcient for AMODE 31. For AMODE 64, the
extra stack space is roughly doubled.
The following new Global Set Symbols are introduced for the RENT option.
For detailed information about these new Global Set Symbols, see “Compiler-generated global SET
symbols” on page 14.
You can provide your own WSA initialization and termination routines by setting these Global Set Symbols
with the module names of your own routines. For example:
Your own WSA initialization and termination routines can be object modules, load modules, or program
modules, and they need to be supplied to the binder's input.
The compiler generated code for "main" has the following kind of assembly statements in it:
For AMODE 31:
For AMODE 64:
WSA initialization routine
Given the size of the WSA for the whole application and the image of the WSA with initialization data
applied, the WSA initialization routine you provided dynamically allocate the WSA storage for the
application and copy the WSA image into it. The address of the allocated storage is returned which
CCNZINIT saves it on the function main's stack to be propagated to the rest of the application. You are
responsible for ensuring that the allocated storage is addressable to all parts of the application. This
particularly means if there are AMODE 31 parts in the application, the WSA storage should not be
allocated above the 2G bar if the AMODE 31 parts need to access it. Also, the WSA storage has to be
allocated in the primary address space. WSA storage in data spaces is not supported.
The routine you provide is given an address of an area to store whatever extra information you want to
keep and pass to the WSA termination routine you provided. The storage area size is the size of a pointer,
that is, 4 bytes for AMODE 31, and 8 bytes for AMODE 64.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Function prototype:
typedef void * (init_func_t) (void * wsa_image_addr,
unsigned long wsa_size, void * *user_info_addr, unsigned int alignment);
Input parameters:
wsa_image_addr - the address of the WSA image in the loaded program object
wsa_size - the total size of the application's WSA
user_info_addr - the address of the CCNZINIT provided save area for saving user information
alignment - the minimum required alignment of the allocated WSA storage. For example,
"alignment=8" means double-word alignment.
Return value:
The address of the allocated and initialized WSA storage. The default is the IBM supplied routine
CCNZWSAI or CCNZQWSI, which allocates storage for both AMODE 31 and AMODE 64 with the
following macro:
WSA termination routine
This routine is called from CCNZTERM for the WSA termination and cleanup process. It is passed in the
address of the WSA storage allocated by the WSA initialization routine. It is also given the same WSA size
that was originally passed to the WSA initialization routine.
Function prototype:
typedef void (term_func_t) (void * allocated_wsa_addr,
unsigned long wsa_size, void * user_info_addr);
Input parameters:
allocated_wsa_addr - the address of the allocated WSA storage
wsa_size - the total size of the application's WSA
user_info_addr - the saved user information
Return value:
The default is the IBM supplied routine CCNZWSAT or CCNZQWST, which frees the storage with the
following macro:
argc argv parsing support
If your main() function uses the standard argc and argv arguments, the Metal C initialization routine is
called to parse the raw parameter data received from the hosting environment and to convert the
parameter to the standard argc and argv format. If your program is not invoked in or otherwise
connected (not dubbed) to the z/OS UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX) environment, you can use the
ARGPARSE or NOARGPARSE options to determine if the EXEC PARM needs to be further parsed into
individual arguments; the EXEC PARM must be in this format: a halfword length eld followed by a
maximum of 100 characters where the length eld contains a binary count of the number of bytes in the
PARM eld. For more information about the ARGPARSE option, see z/OS XL C/C++ User's Guide
If your main() function uses argc and argv arguments and you do not want the parsing to be
performed, you can set the new Global Set Symbol &CCN_APARSE to 0 in your prolog code to
conditionally bypass the argument parsing. For detailed information, see Table 3 on page 16.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
AR-mode programming support
With the METAL option, an AR-mode function can access data stored in data spaces by using the
hardware access registers. For more information about AR-mode, see z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler
Services Guide. A non-AR-mode function is said to be in primary mode.
The following sections describe the compiler options, language constructs, and built-in functions that
support AR-mode programming.
AR-mode function declaration
You can declare a function to be an AR-mode function with the armode attribute. The syntax is:
void armode_func() __attribute__((armode));
You can also use the ARMODE compiler option to declare that all functions in the source program to be
AR-mode functions. If you use the ARMODE compiler option and you want to single out the functions in
the source program to be primary mode functions you can declare the function with the noarmode
attribute. The syntax is:
void nonarmode_func() __attribute__((noarmode));
Far pointer declaration, reference, and dereference
The ability to reference data stored in different data spaces is achieved through a C language extension to
pointer types called far pointer types. A far pointer type is declared by adding the __far qualier. The
syntax is
int * __far my_far_pointer;
A far pointer can be declared in a function of any mode (AR mode or primary mode). But only an AR-mode
function can directly or indirectly dereference a far pointer. In other words, only an AR-mode program can
access data stored in data spaces with far pointers.
Note: For an example of a simple dereference of a far pointer, see Figure 39 on page 39.
Regardless of the mode of the function, a far pointer can be manipulated in the following ways:
It can be passed as a parameter.
It can be received as a function return value.
It can be compared with another pointer.
It can be cast as another pointer type.
It can be used in pointer arithmetic expressions.
A far pointer consists of ALET and an offset. Although an ALET is always 32 bits in length, the size of a far
pointer is twice the size of a regular pointer. The layout of a far pointer in memory depends on the AMODE
of the function:
Under AMODE 31, a far pointer occupies eight bytes.
The ALET occupies the rst four bytes.
The offset occupies the last four bytes.
Under AMODE 64, a far pointer occupies 16 bytes.
The rst four bytes are unused.
The ALET occupies the second four bytes.
The offset occupies the last eight bytes.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
This difference in pointer size is illustrated in Figure 33 on page 33.
Figure 33. Far pointer sizes under different addressing modes
C language constructs and far pointers
Table 4 on page 33 describes the effects of language constructs that might have special impact on far
Table 4. Language constructs that may have special impact on far pointers
Language Construct Effect
Implicit or explicit cast from normal to far pointer Because the normal pointer is assumed to point to
primary address space, the ALET of the far pointer
is set to 0.
Explicit cast from far pointer to normal pointer The offset of the far pointer is extracted and used
to form the normal pointer. Unless the ALET of the
far pointer was 0, the normal pointer is likely to be
Operators !=, == If either operand is a far pointer, the other operand
is implicitly cast to a far pointer before the
operands are compared. The comparison is
performed on both the ALET and offset
components of a far pointer.
Operators <, <=, >, >= Only the offset of the far pointer is used in the
comparison. Unless the ALETs of the far pointers
were the same, the result might be meaningless.
Compare to NULL Because of the implicit cast of NULL to a far
pointer, the != and == operators compare both the
ALET and the offset to zero. A test of !(p>NULL) is
not sufcient to ensure that the ALET is also 0.
Pointer arithmetic The effects of pointer arithmetic are applied to the
offset component of a far pointer only. The ALET
component remains unchanged.
Address of Operator, operand of & The result is a normal pointer, except in the
following cases:
If the operand of & is the result of an indirection
operator (*), the type of & is the same as the
operand of the indirection operator.
If the operand of & is the result of the arrow
operator (->, structure member access), the type
of & is the same as the left operand of the arrow
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C 33
Implicit ALET association
In addition to explicitly specifying ALETs that use far pointers to access data in data spaces, the compiler
must associate those ALETs with all the memory references contained in the AR-mode function.
In a non-AR-mode function, all variable references are to primary data space (ALET 0). In an AR-mode
function, the compiler manages access registers (ARs) so that every memory reference uses an ALET
associated with the variable type to reach the appropriate data space. Table 5 on page 34 lists the ALET
associations for different types of variables.
Table 5. Implicit ALET associations for AR-mode-function variables
Variable type Implied ALET
File-scope variable ALET 0 (primary data space)
Stack variables (function local variable) The ALET that is in AR 13 at the time of function
entry. This points to the stack frame.
Parameters (function formal parameters) The ALET that is in AR 1 at the time of function
entry. This points to the parameter list.
Data pointed to by regular pointers ALET 0 (primary data space).
Data pointed by far pointer ALET contained in far pointer.
Far pointer construction
The Metal C Runtime Library does not provide functions for allocating or deallocating alternative data
spaces. You can use the DSPSERV and ALESERV HLASM macros to allocate space and obtain a valid ALET
and offset. For an example, see Figure 37 on page 37
. For more information, see z/OS MVS Programming:
Assembler Services Guide.
Built-in functions that manage far-pointer components
The compiler provides built-in functions for setting and getting the individual components of far pointers.
Whenever you use these built-in functions, you must:
Dene the macro _MI.BUILTN to "1".
Include the header le builtins.h.
Figure 34 on page 34 lists the constructors.
void * __far __set_far_ALET_offset(unsigned int alet, void * offset);
void * __far __set_far_ALET(unsigned int alet, void * __far offset); 1
void * __far __set_far_offset(void * __far alet, void * offset); 2
1. The __set_far_ALET function does not modify the far-pointer parameter offset. It simply uses it to
provide the offset component of the far pointer being constructed. Its return value is the constructed
far pointer.
2. Similarly, the __set_far_offset function that uses the far-pointer parameter ALET is not modied;
it simply provides the ALET for the far pointer being constructed.
Figure 34. Built-in functions for setting far-pointer components
Figure 35 on page 35 lists the extractors.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
unsigned int __get_far_ALET(void * __far p);
void * __get_far_offset(void * __far p);
Figure 35. Built-in functions for getting far-pointer components
For information about ARMODE built-in functions, see Using hardware built-in functions in z/OS XL C/C++
Programming Guide.
Library functions that manipulate data stored in data spaces
The XL C compiler provides far versions of some of the standard C string and memory library functions.
The far versions can be called by either AR-mode or primary-mode functions. If these functions are called
by an AR mode function, the compiler will generate inline code for them.
Whenever you use these functions, you must:
Dene the macro _MI.BUILTN to "1".
Include the header le builtins.h.
The semantics of these functions, listed in Figure 36 on page 35
, are identical to the standard version.
void * __far __far_memcpy(void * __far s1, const void * __far s2, size_t n);
int __far_memcmp(const void * __far s1, const void * __far s2, size_t n);
void * __far __far_memset(void * __far s, int c, size_t n);
void * __far __far_memchr(const void * __far s, int c, size_t n);
char * __far __far_strcpy(char * __far s1, const char * __far s2); See Note
char * __far __far_strncpy(char * __far s1, const char * __far s2, size_t n);
int __far_strcmp(const char * __far s1, const char * __far s2);
int __far_strncmp(const char *__far s1, const char * __far s2, size_t n);
char * __far __far_strcat(char * __far s1, const char * __far s2);
char * __far __far_strncat(char * __far s1, const char * __far s2, size_t n);
char * __far __far_strchr(const char * __far s, int c);
char * __far __far_strrchr(const char * __far s, int c);
size_t __far_strlen(const char * __far s);
Note: For an example that illustrates the use of this function, see Figure 38 on page 39.
Figure 36. Library functions for use only in AR-mode functions
AR-mode function linkage conventions
AR mode functions follow the same linkage conventions as do primary-mode functions, with the following
additional requirements:
Any function that calls an AR-mode function must supply the 54-word F7SA save area for saving the
access registers.
The AR-mode function must preserve the calling function’s access registers.
The AR-mode function is responsible for switching into AR mode on entry and switching back to calling
function’s ASC mode on exit.
Note: A primary-mode function does not switch the ASC mode when calling an AR-mode function.
An AR-mode function must switch to primary mode before calling a primary mode function.
A far pointer is passed and returned as a struct that is based on the layout for the calling function’s
Default prolog and epilog code for AR-mode functions
If the calling function is in non-AR mode, the DSA and parameter areas are assumed to be located in the
primary address space.
For AR-mode functions, the default prolog code generates additional instructions that:
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
Save the calling function’s access registers in the F7SA save area.
Save the ASC mode of the calling function in the F7SA save area.
Switch to AR mode.
Prime AR 1 and AR 13 with LAE instructions.
For AR-mode functions, the default epilog code generates additional instructions that:
Restore the calling function’s access registers.
Restore the ASC mode of the calling function.
Data space allocation and deallocation
Figure 37 on page 37
provides examples of routines for allocating and deallocating data space.
36 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
#define _MI_BUILTN 1
#include builtins.h
#include string.h
/* Allocation/Deallocation example routines */
int alloc_data_space(void * __far *ret, char dstok[8],
long size_blocks, char name[8])
int res,res2;
struct _myparms /* To reduce number of operands to __asm */
unsigned origin; /* +0 */
unsigned blocks; /* +4 */
unsigned alet; /* +8 */
char name[8]; /* +12 */
char dstok[8]; /* +20 */
} myparms;
myparms.blocks = size_blocks;
" ST 15,%0\n"
: "=m"(res)
: "a"(&myparms), "a"(&DSPARMS)
: "r0" , "r1", "r14", "r15");
" ALESERV ADD,STOKEN=20(%1),ALET=8(%1),MF=(E,(%2))\n"
" ST 15,%0\n"
: "=m"(res2) : "a"(&myparms), "a"(&ALPARMS) : "r0" , "r1", "r14", "r15");
" DSPSERV DELETE,STOKEN=20(%1),MF=(E,(%2))\n"
" ST 15,%0\n"
: "=m"(res2) : "a"(&myparms), "a"(&DSPARMS) : "r0" , "r1", "r14", "r15");
return -res2;
return res;
*ret = __set_far_ALET_offset(myparms.alet,(void *)myparms.origin);
return 0;
Allocation and deallocation routines (Part 1 of 3)
Figure 37. Allocation and deallocation routines
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
void * __far allocate_far(long size)
void * __far ret;
ret = NULL;
if(size > 0)
int blocks = (size+4095)/4096;
char name[8];
char dstok[8];
strncpy(name,"Z ",8); /* provide a prefix */
alloc_data_space(&ret, dstok, blocks, name);
return ret;
void delete_data_space(void * __far p, char dstok[8])
int alet;
alet = __get_far_ALET(p);
" ALESERV DELETE,ALET=0(%0),MF=(E,(%1))\n"
: : "a"(&alet), "a"(&ALPARMS) : "r0" , "r1", "r14", "r15");
" DSPSERV DELETE,STOKEN=0(%0),MF=(E,(%1))\n"
: : "a"(dstok), "a"(&DSPARMS) : "r0" , "r1", "r14", "r15");
int get_data_space_token(void * __far p, char *dstok)
unsigned alet;
int res;
alet = __get_far_ALET(p);
" ALESERV EXTRACT,ALET=0(%1),STOKEN=0(%2),MF=(E,(%3))\n"
" ST 15,%0\n"
: "=m"(res) : "a"(&alet), "a"(dstok), "a"(&ALPARMS)
: "r0" , "r1", "r14", "r15");
return res;
return -1;
Allocation and deallocation routines (Part 2 of 3)
void * __far free_far(void * __far p)
int x;
void * __far ret;
if(p != NULL)
char dstok[8];
x = get_data_space_token(p,dstok);
delete_data_space(p, dstok);
return NULL;
Allocation and deallocation routines (Part 3 of 3)
38 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Copying a string pointer to a far pointer
Figure 38 on page 39 provides an example of using a built-in function to copy a C string pointer to a far
/* __far_strcpy example */
char *__far far_strcpy_example() __attribute__((armode));
char *__far far_strcpy_example()
char *__far far_string;
char * near_string;
near_string = "Hello World!\n";
far_string = allocate_far(1024);
return far_string; /* Assume caller will free allocated data space */
Figure 38. Copying a C string pointer to a far pointer
Far pointer dereference
The Metal C Runtime Library does not provide functions for allocating or deallocating alternative data
spaces. Figure 39 on page 39
provides an example of code that dereferences a far pointer.
/* Simple dereference example */
char get_ith_character(char *__far s, int i) __attribute__((armode));
char get_ith_character(char *__far s, int i)
return s[i];
int main()
char c;
char *__far far_string;
far_string = far_strcpy_example();
c = get_ith_character(far_string,1);
return c;
Figure 39. Example of a simple dereference of a far pointer
Metal C function descriptor support
When a library or a set of functions are used by multiple applications, these functions have the same code
in all the applications while their associated data is application-specic. In this case, you can use Metal C
function descriptors to call these library functions instead of using normal function pointers.
A Metal C function descriptor encapsulates all the information that a function call needs to access both
the function and the application-specic data. You can use Metal C function descriptors to point to and
call functions with their own set of associated data for the particular program or invocation.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
A function pointer that is declared with the __fdptr keyword points to a Metal C function descriptor,
which is an internal control block that contains two elds:
The address of the actual function to be called when the function pointer is dereferenced
The address of the data location or function environment
The length of each eld is the same as that of a pointer in the current compilation's unit AMODE.
Related information
The __fdptr type qualier (C only)
in z/OS XL C/C++ Language Reference
Dening an alternative name for function "main"
When building a Metal C program, you might need to dene an alternative entry point name for function
"main" while maintaining all the characteristics of function"main".
For example, if you want to call your Metal C "main" function as "ANEWMAIN", you can add the following
directive in your source le where "main" is dened:
#pragma map(main, "ANEWMAIN")
void dosomething(char *);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
return 0;
The entry point name in the generated prolog/epilog code will be ANEWMAIN. When you link your program,
you need to tell the binder that the entry point name is ANEWMAIN. For example:
/bin/ld -o a.out a.o -e ANEWMAIN
1. In your C program, you can have only one "main" function, whether it is called "main" or otherwise.
If you use IPA, IPA will terminate with an error message issued when more than one "main" function
is detected.
2. The mapped entry point name for function "main" is subject to the effect of the LONGNAME option. If
the NOLONGNAME option is in effect, the mapped name will be truncated to maximum of 8 characters,
and the name will be in upper case, with "_" in the name converted to "@". For example,
"a_newmain" will become "A@NEWMAI".
Building Metal C programs
Because the Metal option produces the nal code in HLASM source code format, the build process needs
to include an assembly step to produce the object les. The build process is demonstrated in Figure 40 on
page 41. Note that the build process with IPA is more elaborated. For more information, see “Building
Metal C programs with IPA” on page 44.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Figure 40. Metal C application build process
In summary, the C source le is sent to the C compiler, which generates the assembler source le. The
assembler source le is sent to the HLASM assembler, which generates an object le and a listing.
Examples of building Metal C programs
A set of examples illustrates how to build a Metal C program by using either z/OS UNIX System Services
commands or MVS JCL procedures. In these examples:
MYADD is the name of the entry point in the C program.
The name of the C source le used to generate the HLASM source le is mycode.c.
The name of the HLASM source le is mycode.s if it is generated under z/OS UNIX System Services.
Under MVS, if the C source le is a data set, the compiler uses the C source le name to form the name
of the HLASM source le. The high-level qualier is replaced with the userid under which the compiler is
running, and .ASM is appended as the low-level qualier.
C source le
Figure 41 on page 41
shows a C source le mycode.c that can be used to generate an HLASM source
le. The name of the generated HLASM source le is mycode.s under z/OS UNIX System Services.
int myadd(void) {
int a , b;
a = 1;
b = 2;
__asm(" AR %0,%1 "
: "=r"(a)
: "r"(b), "0"(a)
return a;
Figure 41. C source le (mycode.c) that builds a Metal C program
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
Building Metal C programs using z/OS UNIX System Services
There are three steps for building a Metal C program under z/OS UNIX System Services:
1. Use the xlc command to generate an HLASM source le.
2. Use the as command to generate the object le.
3. Use the ld command to generate the program.
Generating an HLASM source le using the xlc command
To generate an HLASM source le from a C source le, the xlc command must be invoked with the -
qmetal option and the -S flag.
Without the -S flag, the xlc utility invokes the compiler with the OBJECT option, which is in conflict with
the METAL option. This causes the compiler to emit a severe error message and stop processing.
You must use the header les for the Metal C Runtime Library instead of the header les for the
Language Environment
C/C++ Runtime Library, which might have the same le names as the Metal C
header les. For detailed information, see Chapter 2, “Header les, on page 51.
The generated HLASM source le has the same name as the C source le with the sufx derived from the
ssuffix attribute in the xlc conguration le. The default sufx is s, so in the examples in this section,
the HLASM source le name is mycode.s.
xlc -S -qmetal mycode.c
Figure 42. C compiler invocation to generate mycode.s
Generating an object le from the HLASM source using the z/OS UNIX System
Services as command
The generated object le does not have to be a z/OS UNIX le. The as command can write the object le
directly to an MVS data set, as shown in Figure 43 on page 42
. The -o flag can be used to name the
output le, where it can be a UNIX le or an MVS data set.
as mycode.s
Figure 43. Command that invokes HLASM to assemble mycode.s
A successful assemble will produce mycode.o.
If the C source le was compiled with the LONGNAME compiler option, the generated HLASM source le
will contain symbols that are more than eight characters in length. In that case, the HLASM GOFF option
must be specied. Use the as utility -m flag to specify HLASM options, as shown in Figure 44 on page 42.
as -mgoff mycodelong.s
Figure 44. Command that compiles an HLASM source le containing symbols longer than eight characters
A successful assemble will produce mycodelong.o.
Creating a program with the z/OS UNIX System Services ld command
Use the ld command to link the object le produced by the as command into a program. The program
does not have to be a z/OS UNIX le. The ld utility can write the program directly to a specied MVS data
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Common ld command options that control the bind step are:
-e to specify the entry point.
-o to specify the name of the program created by the ld utility.
-V to direct the binder listing to stdout.
-b to specify other binder-specic options.
Note: If you compile your C source le with the LONGNAME option, you should use -b case=mixed and
the -e option must specify the entry point in its original case, as shown in Figure 45 on page 43.
ld -b case=mixed -e MYADD -o "//LOAD(mycode)" mycode.o
Figure 45. Command that binds mycode.o and produces a Metal C program in an MVS data set
A successful bind produces HLQ.LOAD(MYCODE) with entry point MYADD.
Commands that compile and link applications that switch addressing modes
Figure 46 on page 43 shows the commands that compile and link the programs in Figure 32 on page 29.
xlc -S -qmetal a31.c 1
xlc -S -qmetal -q64 a64a.c
as -a=a31.lst -mgoff a31.s
as -a=a64a.lst -mgoff a64a.s 3
ld -o a.out a31.o a64a.o -e MAIN 4
Figure 46. Commands that compile and link programs with different addressing modes
1. To generate an HLASM source le from a C source le, the xlc command must be invoked with the -
qmetal option and the -S flag.
2. The called program a64a.c is an external function in a separate source le.
3. The -mgoff command is used to compile an HLASM source le containing symbols longer than eight
4. The ld command links the object le produced by the as command into a program. The -e command
species the entry point.
Building Metal C programs using JCL
When you build Metal C programs using JCL, you cannot use standard JCL procedures that combine the
compilation step with the link step (or link and run steps) because compiling Metal C programs produces
HLASM source les that must be assembled by HLASM before they can be linked.
After successful completion of the assembly step, you can use an appropriate binder invocation JCL
procedure to produce an program.
Note: Binder invocation JCL procedures are available in the CEE.SCEEPROC data set.
Compilation of HLQ.SOURCE.C(MYCODE)
//* Invoke METAL C compiler
Figure 47. Job step that compiles HLQ.SOURCE.C(MYCODE)
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
Figure 48. Assembly step of HLQ.SOURCE.ASM(MYCODE)
Bind of HLQ.OBJ(MYCODE) into a Metal C program
Figure 49. Job step that binds the generated HLASM object into a program
1. The program is written to SYSLMOD.
2. The entry point can be specied using the ENTRY binder control statement.
Building Metal C programs with IPA
Starting with z/OS V1R13 XL C compiler, the IPA option can be used with the METAL option. IPA is an
optimization option that enables the compiler to nd more optimization opportunities to improve your
application performance. For more information about IPA, see the Using the IPA option section in z/OS XL
C/C++ Programming Guide and the IPA considerations section in z/OS XL C/C++ User's Guide.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Figure 50. The process of building Metal C programs with IPA
You need to be aware of the following adjustments when invoking IPA for METAL.
The LONGNAME option is in effect by default when IPA is specied.
The IPA compile step only produces IPA object in the output le. Only IPA(NOOBJECT) is allowed,
which instructs IPA to stop the compile process after the IPA object is produced. It does not produce
HLASM source code, so the GENASM option cannot be used.
The output le from IPA link step is one single HLASM source le for the whole program, and the
GENASM option is required. There could be multiple structures in the HLASM source program, one for
each partition. Under z/OS UNIX, the output HLASM source le resides in the directory where the IPA
link took place. The default output le name for z/OS UNIX is a.s. In BATCH mode, the output HLASM
source le goes in the dataset allocated to DD SYSLIN in the IPA link step.
At the IPA link phase, all external references must be resolved. For Metal C, IPA does not attempt to
convert external object modules or load modules into object code for the inclusion in the IPA produced
program. You need to provide the same set of library data sets to both IPA link and the binder for
symbol resolution.
If you specify the PROLOG and EPILOG compiler options to supply your own prolog and epilog macros at
compile time, the macros will only be applied to the functions dened in the source le.
If you have #pragma insert_asm in your source le, IPA will assume the strong connection between the
string provided by the pragma and the functions in the source le. IPA will not move functions dened in
that source le to anywhere else.
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
If you use global register variable or the RESERVE_REGS option during your compile, IPA link will merge
the registers specied in the compile steps and apply the merged set of the originated compilation units
to a partition.
If you use the DSAUSER option in any of your compile steps, IPA link applies the option to the entire
The following compiler options are not supported by METAL with IPA:
The following IPA suboptions are not supported with the METAL option:
PDF suboptions
The following IPA control le directives are not supported with the METAL option:
The following example shows how to compile a Metal C program with IPA.
IPA compile phase:
xlc -qmetal -qipa -c x.c
xlc -qmetal -qipa -c y.c
The above commands produce x.o and y.o.
1. The -c option indicates compile.
2. No HLASM output is generated.
3. The objects are IPA objects, which can only be used for IPA link.
4. LONGNAME is implicitly turned on.
IPA link phase:
xlc -qmetal -qipa -S x.o y.o
This command produces a.s.
Note: The structure of the compiler-generated HLASM source program is similar to that described in
“Structure of a compiler-generated HLASM source program” on page 4
, except that at IPA link there
could be multiple structures in the HLASM source program, one for each partition.
The rest of the build process is similar to building Metal C programs without IPA. You need to add the
assembly step to produce the object le from the IPA link generated HLASM source le. You also need to
supply the object le produced by the assembler along with all other library data sets to the binder for
producing the nal executable program.
Assembly phase:
as -mgoff a.s
This command produces a.o.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Note: The HLASM GOFF option must be specied because of the LONGNAME compiler option
requirement with IPA.
Bind/Link phase:
ld -b case=mixed -e main a.o
This command produces a.out.
Note: Because of the LONGNAME compiler option requirement with IPA, you should use the -b
case=mixed ld utility option and the -e option with the entry point in its original case.
Generation of debugging information
When the NOMETAL (the default) and DEBUG compiler options are in effect, the compiler either generates
debugging information as a separate binary le in DWARF format, or embeds debugging information
within the object le in ISD format. When the METAL and DEBUG compiler options are specied,
debugging information in both ADATA and DWARF format can be generated. The ADATA debug format
allows debugging of the generated HLASM source. The DWARF debug format allows debugging of the
original C source.
CDAASMC JCL procedure to generate debugging information
The as command is a z/OS UNIX System Services utility that invokes the HLASM assembler and can
produce debugging information in DWARF format. CDAASMC is the JCL procedure provided with the XL C
compiler to do the same thing in a batch environment.
Note: If you wish to use the HLASM ASMLANGX debugging utility, you must rst assemble your source
with the ADATA assembler option. The CDAASMC JCL procedure allows you to generate both ADATA and
DWARF debugging information.
The cataloged CDAASMC JCL procedure invokes CDAHLASM.
Debugging information for the IDF debugger
The Interactive Debug Facility (IDF) is a symbolic debugging tool for assembly language programs. It uses
information from the load module le to determine the locations of a program's control sections and
external symbols.
Optionally, IDF can make use of additional information to help disassemble the program. The additional
information can be generated by specifying the assembler TEST option and the linkage editor TEST
Note: The Linkage Editor TEST option can make the nal load module le quite large. If you prefer to
suppress them, either omit the linkage editor TEST option or specify the NOTEST option.
The Linkage Editor TEST option increases the size of the load module le, so do not use it for production
ADATA debugging information
The ASMLANGX utility extracts source level information from the ADATA debugging information. The
output is an extract le. Although you can create extract les as sequential les, they are typically stored
in a PDS.
The recommended format for the extract le is:
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C
// PARM='member (ASM LOUD ERROR' 1
1. The PDS member name of the input and output le is passed as a parameter. For sequential les, this
name is ignored.
2. The SYSADATA DD statement species the input data set name.
3. The ASMLANGX DD statement species the output data set name.
Figure 51. JCL that invokes the ASMLANGX utility
IDF debugger invocation
If you want to use an interactive utility to debug your program, invoke the IDF debugger by performing the
following steps:
1. Specify the problem load module and the extract le that contains the debugging information by
entering the following commands.
2. Invoke IDF by entering the following command:
3. Press F9 to get the Program Source and Disassembly view.
Summary of useful references for the Metal C programmer
Table 6 on page 48 lists topics of interest to the Metal C programmer and, for each topic, lists
information found in this document, as well as external references.
Table 6. Summary of useful references for the Metal C programmer
Information Internal reference External references
The base linkage conventions
that are used by the generated
“Metal C and MVS linkage
conventions” on page 2
For detailed information about
MVS linkage conventions, see
Linkage conventions in z/OS MVS
Programming: Assembler Services
The Metal C Runtime Library. Chapter 2, “Header les, on
page 51
For additional information about
the Metal runtime library, see
METAL compiler option and Metal
C Runtime Library
48 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Table 6. Summary of useful references for the Metal C programmer (continued)
Information Internal reference External references
Using assembler statements
within a C program.
“Inserting HLASM instructions
into the generated source
code” on page 20
“Inserting non-executable
HLASM statements into the
generated source code” on
page 27
For detailed information about
HLASM programming, see HLASM
MVS & VM Programmer's Guide.
For detailed information about
inline assembly statements, see
Inline assembly statements (IBM
extension) in z/OS XL C/C++
Language Reference.
For more information about
callable system services, see
z/OS MVS Programming: Callable
Services for High-Level
Using the METAL option. “Programming with Metal C” on
page 1
Note: For detailed information
about the METAL option and how
it interacts with other XL C
compiler options, see METAL |
NOMETAL (C only) option in z/OS
XL C/C++ User's Guide.
Making access registers available
to the Metal C application.
AR-mode programming
support” on page 32
For detailed information about
using access registers, see z/OS
MVS Programming: Extended
Addressability Guide.
Providing prolog and epilog code
to customize the environment.
“Compiler-generated global
SET symbols” on page 14
“Supplying your own prolog
and epilog code” on page 12
Not applicable.
Building the application by using
JCL procedures.
“Building Metal C programs using
JCL” on page 43
Not applicable.
Building the application by using
z/OS UNIX System Services.
“Building Metal C programs using
z/OS UNIX System Services” on
page 42
Not applicable.
Generating the appropriate
debugging information.
“Generation of debugging
information” on page 47
Not applicable.
Invoking the IDF debugger. “IDF debugger invocation” on
page 48
For specic information about
IDF, see IBM z/OS Debugger
Chapter 1. About IBM z/OS Metal C 49
50 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Chapter 2. Header les
Header les for the Metal C Runtime Library are located in the z/OS UNIX le system directory: /usr/
include/metal/. To use these headers with a Metal C compiler, you must instruct the compiler to
search this directory. There are a number of ways to do this.
Note: Some Metal C header les such as stdio.h have the same names as header les for the Language
Environment C/C++ Runtime Library. To avoid including these, or inadvertently including any other
headers supported by the LE library and not by Metal C, remove the non-Metal libraries from the search
order. Depending on how you specify the system library search path, you need to remove other libraries
from the SYSLIB concatenation of the compiler, or specify the NOSEARCH compiler option before pointing
to /usr/include/metal/.
If you are compiling in batch, you can use the SEARCH compiler option:
If you are compiling using the NOSEARCH compiler option, you have the following options:
Use the - I option of the xlc utility.
-I /usr/include/metal/
Use the cinc attribute in the xlc conguration le.
cinc = -I /usr/include/metal/
builtins.h — Declare built-in functions
The builtins.h header contains a list of built-in functions supported by the compiler. A built-in function
is inline code that is generated in place of an actual function call. For more information about the built-in
functions, see Using hardware built-in functions in z/OS XL C/C++ Programming Guide and “AR-mode
programming support” on page 32.
ctype.h — Declare character classication functions
The ctype.h header le declares functions used in character classication. The ctype.h header le
declares the following functions.
isalpha() isblank() iscntrl() isdigit()
isgraph() islower() isprint() ispunct() isspace()
isupper() isxdigit() tolower() toupper()
Note: All the functions in the previous table use code page IBM-1047.
float.h — Dene ANSI constants for floating-point data types
The float.h header le contains denitions of constants listed in ANSI The constants
describe the characteristics of the internal representations of the three floating-point data types: float,
double, and long double. Table 7 on page 52 lists the denitions contained by float.h.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2019 51
Table 7. Denitions in float.h
Constant Description
FLT_RADIX The radix for a z/OS XL C Metal C application. For
FLOAT(IEEE), the value is 2.
The number of hexadecimal digits stored to
represent the signicand of a fraction.
The number of decimal digits, q, such that any
floating-point number with q decimal digits can be
rounded into a floating-point number with p radix
FLT_RADIX digits, and back again, without any
change to the q decimal digits.
The minimum negative integer such that 10 raised
to that power is in the range of normalized floating-
point numbers.
The maximum integer such that FLT_RADIX raised
to that power minus 1 is a representable nite
floating-point number.
The maximum integer such that 10 raised to that
power is in the range of representable nite
floating-point numbers.
The maximum representable nite floating-point
The difference between 1.0 and the least value
greater than 1.0 that is representable in the given
floating-point type.
The minimum normalized positive floating-point
DECIMAL_DIG The minimum number of decimal digits needed to
represent all the signicant digits for type long
FLT_EVAL_METHOD Describes the evaluation mode for floating point
operations. This value is 1, which evaluates
All operations and constants of types float and
double to type double.
All operations and constants of long double to
type long double.
52 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
inttypes.h — Dene macros for sprintf and sscanf family
The following macros are dened in inttypes.h. Each expands to a character string literal containing a
conversion specier which can be modied by a length modier that can be used in the format argument
of a formatted input/output function when converting the corresponding integer type. These macros have
the general form of PRI or SCN, followed by the conversion specier, followed by a name corresponding to
a similar type name in inttypes.h. In these names, the sufx number represents the width of the type.
For example, PRIdFAST32 can be used in a format string to print the value of an integer of type
Compile requirement: In the following list all macros with the sufx MAX or 64 require long long to be
Macros for sprintf family for signed integers.
PRId8 PRId16 PRId32 PRId64
PRIi8 PRIi16 PRIi32 PRIi64
Compile requirement: In the following list all macros with the sufx MAX or 64 require long long to be
Macros for sprintf family for unsigned integers.
PRIo16 PRIo32 PRIo64
PRIu8 PRIu16 PRIu32 PRIu64
PRIx8 PRIx16 PRIx32 PRIx64
Chapter 2. Header les 53
Compile requirement: In the following list all macros with the sufx MAX or 64 require long long to be
Macros for sscanf family for signed integers.
SCNd8 SCNd16 SCNd32 SCNd64
SCNi8 SCNi16 SCNi32 SCNi64
Compile requirement: In the following list all macros with the sufx MAX or 64 require long long to be
Macros for sscanf family for unsigned integers.
SCNo16 SCNo32 SCNo64
SCNu8 SCNu16 SCNu32 SCNu64
SCNx8 SCNx16 SCNx32 SCNx64
iso646.h — Dene macros for operators
The header le iso646.h allows you to use the following macros in place of the associated operator.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Table 8. Macros and associated operators
Macros Operators
and &&
and_eq &=
bitand &
bitor |
compl ~
not !
not_eq !=
or ||
or_eq |=
xor ^
xor_eq ^=
limits.h — Declare symbolic names for resource limits
The limits.h header le contains symbolic names that represent standard values for limits on
resources, such as the maximum value for an object of type char.
Symbolic name
Resource limit
(-128) (_CHAR_SIGNED)
(-2147483647 - 1)
(-2147483647L - 1)
Chapter 2. Header
les 55
math.h — Dene macros for floating-point support
The math.h header le contains macro declarations for use with floating-point support:
No feature test macro is required.
Object-like Macros: The denitions are as follows.
A very large positive number that expands to a double expression.
A very large positive number that expands to a float expression.
A very large positive number that expands to a long double expression.
A constant expression of type float representing positive innity.
A constant expression of type float representing a quiet NaN.
metal.h — Dene Metal C related function prototypes and data
The metal.h header le contains function prototypes and data denitions related to the Metal C runtime
library, including the __cinit() and __cterm() functions.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
The metal.h header le also includes __csysenv_s, which is the structure used to describe the
characteristics of a Metal C environment. For more information about the __csysenv_s structure, see
“__cinit() - Initialize a Metal C environment” on page 67.
Note: The metal.h header le is automatically included by any Metal C runtime library header le, so it is
not necessary to explicitly include it if a header le is being used.
stdarg.h — Dene macros for accessing variable-length argument
lists in functions
The stdarg.h header le denes macros used to access arguments in functions with variable-length
argument lists.
va_arg() va_copy() va_start() va_end()
The stdarg.h header le also denes the structure va_list.
The stdarg.h header le denes va_list as char *va_list.
stdbool.h — Dene macros for bool type
The stdbool.h header denes the following macros:
Table 9. Macros that are dened in stdbool.h
Macro Description
bool Expands to _Bool
__bool_true_false_are_dened Expands to 1
false Expands to 0
true Expands to 1
stddef.h — Dene ptrdiff_t, size_t, and ssize_t data types
The stddef.h header le denes the following types:
The signed long type of the result of subtracting two pointers.
typedef for the type of the value returned by sizeof.
similar to size_t, but must be a signed type.
The stddef.h header denes the macros NULL and offsetof. NULL is a pointer that never points to a
data object. The offsetof macro expands to the number of bytes between a structure member and the
start of the structure. The offsetof macro has the form offsetof(structure_type, member).
stdio.h — Dene I/O related functions
The stdio.h header le declares the following functions:
sprintf() sscanf() vsnprintf() vsprintf() vsscanf()
The stdlio.h header le also contains denition for the following macro, whose value should not be
Chapter 2. Header
les 57
A pointer which never points to a data object.
stdint.h — Dene integer types and related limits and macros
The stdint.h header denes integer types, limits of specied width integer types, limits of other integer
types, and macros for integer constant expressions.
Note: For the exact width integer types, minimum-width integer types, limits of specied width integer
types, and exact width integer constants, bit sizes N with the values 8, 16, 32, and 64 are supported.
Requirement: Use of the bit size 64 and greatest-width integer types or macros require LP64 or the long
long data type to be available.
Integer types
The following exact width integer types are dened.
The following minimum-width integer types are dened.
The following fastest minimum-width integer types are dened. These types are the fastest to operate
with among all integer types that have at least the specied width.
The following greatest-width integer types are dened. These types hold the value of any signed/unsigned
integer type.
Note: Requires long long to be available.
The following integer types capable of holding object pointers are dened.
Object-like macros for limits of integer types:
Macros for limits of exact width integer types.
Macros for limits of minimum width integer types.
Macros for limits of fastest minimum width integer types.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Macros for limits of greatest width integer types.
Macros for limits of pointer integer types.
Macros for limits of ptrdiff_t.
Macro for limit of size_t.
Function-like macros for integer constants:
Macros for minimum width integer constants.
Macros for greatest-width integer constants:
stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions
The stdlib.h header le contains declarations for the following functions.
atoi() atol() atoll() calloc()
div() free() labs() ldiv() llabs()
lldiv() malloc() __malloc31() qsort() rand()
rand_r() realloc() srand() strtod() strtof()
strtol() strtold() strtoll() strtoul() strtoull()
Built-in function.
Two type denitions are added to stdlib.h for the Compare and Swap functions cs() and cds(). The
structures dened are cs_t and cds_t.
The type size_t is declared in the header le. It is used for the type of the value returned by sizeof. For
more information on the types size_t, see “stddef.h — Dene ptrdiff_t, size_t, and ssize_t data types” on
page 57.
The stdlib.h declares div_t, ldiv_t, and lldiv_t, which dene the structure types that are
returned by div(), ldiv(), and lldiv().
The stdlib.h le also contains denitions for the following macros:
The NULL pointer constant (also dened in stddef.h).
Chapter 2. Header
les 59
Expands to an integer representing the largest number that the rand() or rand_r() function can
string.h — Declare string manipulation functions
The string.h header le declares the string manipulation functions and their built-in versions.
memccpy() memchr()
strcspn() strdup() strlen()
strpbrk() strrchr()
strspn() strstr()
strtok() strtok_r()
Built-in function.
The string.h header le also denes the macro NULL and the type size_t. For more information see
“stddef.h — Dene ptrdiff_t, size_t, and ssize_t data types” on page 57.
60 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs
This topic describes the Metal C runtime library functions.
The linkage conventions used by the XL C METAL compiler option govern use of the C functions that are
available to XL C-compiled freestanding programs. For more information, see “Metal C and MVS linkage
conventions” on page 2.
When you use any of these supplied C functions, be aware of the information provided in “Characteristics
of compiler-generated HLASM source code” on page 4.
Characteristics of Metal C runtime library functions
Linkage to each function is through the default linkage provided by the METAL option of the C compiler.
This assumes that GPR 13 points to a stack frame in a contiguous stack, and that the forward pointer in
the stack frame contains the address of the next available byte in the stack. The stack frame requirements
for each function are documented in Appendix A, “Function stack requirements,” on page 119 so that the
caller knows how much space to reserve.
The library functions support AMODE 31 and AMODE 64.
The library functions (with the exception of a few AR mode supporting functions) expect the ASC mode to
be Primary on entry. The AR mode support part of Metal C ensures that this is enforced; however, if calling
these library functions from within HLASM embedded statements or their own HLASM programs, you
need to manage ASC mode to meet this requirement.
The library functions support IEEE floating point numbers.
The library uses code page IBM-1047 and the En_US locale denitions to perform its functions.
System and static object libraries
The Metal C runtime library supports two versions of its library functions: a system library and a static
object library. The behavior of the functions within the two versions is the same. What differs is where the
functions are located and how the Metal C application interacts with them.
System library
The system library is a version of the Metal C runtime library that exists within the system's link pack area,
and is made available during the system IPL process. It is suggested that you use the system library if the
Metal C application is run on a level of z/OS that supports the runtime library, and the application runs
after the library has been made available. This library has the added advantage of not requiring
application module relinks when service is applied to the library.
To use the system library version, you can include the wanted Metal C runtime library headers in the Metal
C application source code. The default behavior of the headers is to generate code within the application
that calls this system library. No additional binding is needed in order for these function calls to work.
Note: The compiler does not generate inline code for the following built-in functions when COMPACT is
specied: memcmp, strcat, strchr, strncat, strncmp, strncpy. In this case, you need to dene the
__METAL_SYSVEC feature test macro.
Static object library
The Static object library is a version of the Metal C runtime library that gets directly bound with a Metal C
application load module. The resulting application is self-contained with respect to the library; all library
function calls from the application result in the functions that are bound within the load module to be
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2019 61
It is suggested that you use the static object library if the Metal C application meets either of the following
The application is run on a supported level of z/OS that does not support the system library (before z/OS
The application is run during system IPL before the system library has been made available.
The static object library functions are provided in two system data sets: SYS1.SCCR3BND and
SYS1.SCCR6BND. SYS1.SCCR3BND is used with Metal C applications that have been compiled using
ILP32 and run AMODE 31. SYS1.SCCR6BND is used with Metal C applications that have been compiled
using LP64 and run AMODE 64.
To use the static object library, you must take the following steps:
1. Dene the __METAL_STATIC feature test macro before including the headers in your Metal C program,
and then compile the program. For example:
#define __METAL_STATIC
#include <stdio.h>
This will cause library function calls in the program to generate external references to the functions
contained within the SCCRnBND data sets.
2. Bind the compiled object with the corresponding SCCRnBND data set. How this is done depends on
the environment in which the binding takes place:
Batch: When using the binder from a batch job, use the CALL option, and use the SYSLIB DD to
identify the static object library data set that you want to bind with.
UNIX System Services shell: From the shell, it is suggested that the ld shell command be used to
bind the application with the library functions. This avoids conflicts with the Language Environment
stubs that the c89 family of commands might introduce. Use the -S option to identify the static
object library data set that you want to bind with. For example:
-S //"'SYS1.SCCR3BND'"
Note: When service is applied to the static object library, the Metal C application must be relinked to
pick up the changes.
General library usage notes
A Metal C application can use either the system library or the static object library, but not both. The
mixing of system library calls and static object library calls within the same application is not supported.
All static objects that are bound to the application load module must be at compatible service levels.
Metal C runtime library functions are not supported under Language Environment and must not be used
within a Language Environment program, because equivalent functions are already available.
User-replaceable heap services
The Metal C Runtime Library provides the ability to completely replace the underlying heap services at run
time. You can use this function if you want the heap services to use a different storage management
mechanism, for instance, one that is already in use elsewhere within an application.
A Metal C application replaces the underlying heap services by providing sets of function entry points in
the __csysenv_s structure that is passed to the __cinit() function. To have the function entry point elds
available and recognized by the __cinit() function, take the following steps:
Dene __METAL_CSYSENV_VERSION 2 so that the __csysenv_s structure contains the heap service
function entry point elds.
In the __csysenv_s structure, set eld __cseversion to __CSE_VERSION_2.
In the __csysenv_s structure, provide addresses for heap functions that are to be replaced.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Call the __cinit() function, providing the __csysenv_s structure that was initialized.
The Metal C application can provide at environment initialization time 8 bytes of data that can be
accessed by the replacement heap services. To reserve the 8 bytes of data, take the following steps:
Before calling the __cinit() function, set the user data of the application in eld __cseheapuserdata in
the __csysenv_s structure.
Use the R12 environment token value as a pointer to the __csysenvtoken_s structure. In this structure,
eld __csetheapuserdata contains 8 bytes of data of the application.
During the __cinit() call, eld __csetheapuserdata can only be set from __cseheapuserdata if heap
services have been replaced; otherwise, eld __csetheapuserdata will be set to binary zeroes.
Two sets of heap service function entry points are provided, one set for replacing heap services in the
AMODE 31 version of the library, and the other set for replacing heap services in the AMODE 64 version of
the library.
AMODE 31 heap services
To replace heap services in the AMODE 31 version of the library, consider the following __csysenv_s elds:
void * (*__cseamode31malloc) (size_t)
When specied, MCRTL AMODE 31 malloc() calls this routine to obtain a piece of below-the-bar heap
storage and returns its result to the caller of malloc(). __cseamode31malloc is treated as having the
same function prototype as malloc(): void * malloc (size_t);
void (* __cseamode31free) (void *)
When specied, MCRTL AMODE 31 free() calls this routine to free a piece of heap storage.
__cseamode31free is treated as having the same function prototype as free(): void free(void *);
void * (*__cseamode31realloc) (void *, size_t)
When specied, MCRTL AMODE 31 realloc() calls this routine to perform a realloc for a piece of heap
storage and returns its result to the caller of realloc(). __cseamode31realloc is treated as having the
same function prototype as realloc(): void * realloc (void *, size_t);
Providing this routine is optional. If realloc() is called when a __cseamode31malloc routine has been
provided but __cseamode31realloc has not, realloc() will return a zero.
Note: __cseamode31malloc and __cseamode31free must be provided together. __cseamode31realloc is
optional, but when it is provided, the application must also include the other AMODE 31 heap services in
this set.
AMODE 64 heap services
To replace heap services in the AMODE 64 version of the library, consider the following __csysenv_s elds:
void * (* __cseamode64malloc) (size_t)
When specied, MCRTL AMODE 64 malloc() calls this routine to obtain a piece of above-the-bar heap
storage and returns to the caller of malloc(). __cseamode64malloc is treated as having the same
function prototype as malloc(): void * malloc (size_t);
void * (*__cseamode64malloc31) (size_t)
When specied, MCRTL AMODE 64 __malloc31() calls this routine to obtain a piece of below-the-bar
heap storage and returns its result to the caller of __malloc31(). __cseamode64malloc31 is treated as
having the same function prototype as __malloc31(): void * __malloc31(size_t);
void (* __cseamode64free) (void *)
When specied, MCRTL AMODE 64 free() calls this routine to free a piece of heap storage.
__cseamode64free is treated as having the same function prototype as free(): void free(void *);
Note that MCRTL AMODE 64 free() accepts as input and processes heap storage that is allocated
above or below the bar. The user-specied __cseamode64free routine must provide the same
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs
void * (*__cseamode64realloc) (void *, size_t)
When specied, MCRTL AMODE 64 realloc() calls this routine to perform a realloc for a piece of heap
storage and returns its result to the caller of realloc(). __cseamode64realloc is treated as having the
same function prototype as realloc(): void * realloc (void *, size_t);
Providing this routine is optional. If realloc() is called when a __cseamode64malloc routine has been
provided but __cseamode64realloc has not, realloc() will return a zero.
Note that MCRTL AMODE 64 realloc() accepts as input and processes heap storage that is allocated
above or below the bar. The user-specied __cseamode64realloc routine must provide the same
Note: __cseamode64malloc, __cseamode64malloc31, and __cseamode64free must all be provided
together. __cseamode64realloc is optional, but when it is provided, the application must also include the
other AMODE 64 heap services in this set.
Usage notes
Each heap service gets control in the AMODE of the calling service. The heap service must return to the
calling service in that same AMODE.
Each heap service is called using standard Metal C linkage conventions, including:
GPR 1 containing the address of the function parameter list (using C style parameter passing)
GPR 13 containing the address of a stack frame allocated on a contiguous Metal C stack
GPR 12 contains the environment token representing the Metal C environment that is currently in use.
It is not necessary to provide a replacement for the calloc() function. The calloc() function calls malloc()
as part of its processing, so replacing malloc() indirectly alters the behavior of calloc() as well.
When user-provided heap services are in use, the Metal C Runtime Library makes no attempt to keep
track of any heap storage that has been allocated by the application. The application is entirely
responsible for tracking its heap storage, and for freeing it after it calls __cterm() to terminate the Metal
C environment.
The heap allocation functions should return NULL when they are unable to obtain storage. The
application is responsible for capturing its own diagnostic data when necessary.
The Metal C Runtime Library expects the following alignment for the storage that is returned by the
replacement heap services:
Storage returned from the below-the-bar heap (AMODE 64 __malloc31(), and AMODE 31 malloc()) is
doubleword aligned.
Storage returned from the above-the-bar heap (AMODE 64 malloc()) is quadword aligned.
abs() — Calculate integer absolute value
#include <stdlib.h>
int abs(int n);
General description
The abs() function returns the absolute value of an argument n.
For the integer version of abs(), the minimum allowable integer is INT_MIN+1. (INT_MIN is a macro that
is dened in the limits.h header le.) For example, with the Metal C compiler, INT_MIN+1 is
64 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Returned value
The returned value is the absolute value, if the absolute value is possible to represent.
Otherwise the input value is returned.
Related Information
“limits.h — Declare symbolic names for resource limits” on page 55
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
“labs() — Calculate long absolute value” on page 73
atoi() — Convert character string to integer
#include <stdlib.h>
int atoi(const char *nptr);
General description
The atoi() function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by nptr to a 'int'. This is equivalent to
(int)strtol(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10)
Returned value
If successful, atoi() returns the converted int value represented in the string.
If unsuccessful, atoi() returns an undened value.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
atol() — Convert character string to long” on page 65
“ atoll() — Convert character string to signed long long ” on page 66
“strtol() — Convert Character String to Long” on page 107
“strtoll() — Convert String to Signed Long Long” on page 110
“strtoul() — Convert String to Unsigned Integer” on page 111
“strtoull() — Convert String to Unsigned Long Long” on page 112
atol() — Convert character string to long
#include <stdlib.h>
long int atol(const char *nptr);
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 65
General description
The atol() function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by nptr to a 'long int'. This is
equivalent to
strtol(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10)
Returned value
If successful, atol() returns the converted long int value represented in the string.
If unsuccessful, atol() returns an undened value.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
atoi() — Convert character string to integer” on page 65
“ atoll() — Convert character string to signed long long ” on page 66
“strtol() — Convert Character String to Long” on page 107
“strtoll() — Convert String to Signed Long Long” on page 110
“strtoul() — Convert String to Unsigned Integer” on page 111
“strtoull() — Convert String to Unsigned Long Long” on page 112
atoll() — Convert character string to signed long long
#define _ISOC99_SOURCE
#include <stdlib.h>
long long atoll(const char *nptr);
Compile Requirement: Use of this function requires the long long data type. See z/OS XL C/C++ Language
Reference for information about how to make long long available.
General description
The atoll() function converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by nptr to a 'long long int'. This is
equivalent to strtoll(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10).
Returned value
If successful, atoll() returns the converted signed long long value, represented in the string. If
unsuccessful, it returns an undened value.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
atoi() — Convert character string to integer” on page 65
atol() — Convert character string to long” on page 65
“strtol() — Convert Character String to Long” on page 107
“strtoll() — Convert String to Signed Long Long” on page 110
“strtoul() — Convert String to Unsigned Integer” on page 111
“strtoull() — Convert String to Unsigned Long Long” on page 112
66 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
calloc() — Reserve and initialize storage
#include <stdlib.h>
void *calloc(size_t num, size_t size);
General description
The calloc() function reserves storage space for an array of num elements, each of length size bytes. The
calloc() function then gives all the bits of each element an initial value of 0.
The calloc() function returns a pointer to the reserved space. The storage space to which the returned
value points is aligned for storage of any type of object.
Note: Use of this function requires that an environment has been set up through the __cinit() function.
When the function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
Returned value
If successful, calloc() returns the pointer to the area of memory reserved.
If there is not enough space to satisfy the request or if num or size is 0, calloc() returns NULL.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
“free() — Free a block of storage” on page 71
“malloc() — Reserve storage block” on page 75
“__malloc31() — Allocate 31–bit storage” on page 76
“realloc() — Change reserved storage block size” on page 81
__cinit() - Initialize a Metal C environment
#include <metal.h>
__csysenv_t __cinit(struct __csysenv_s * csysenv);
General description
The __cinit() function establishes a Metal C environment based on the characteristics in the input csysenv
structure. This environment is used when calling Metal C functions that require an environment, such as
those related to storage management (malloc(), free(), and so on). Storage for the environment structures
is obtained by using the attributes specied in the input csysenv structure.
Use of this function requires the long long data type. See z/OS XL C/C++ Language Reference
information about how to make long long data type available
The environment token created by __cinit() can be used from both AMODE 31 and AMODE 64 programs.
Calls to __malloc31() always affect the below-the-bar heap. Calls made while in AMODE 31 to all other
functions that obtain storage affect the below-the-bar heap; calls made while in AMODE 64 affect the
above-the-bar heap.
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 67
Table 10. csysenv argument in __cinit()
Argument Description
csysenv A structure describing the characteristics of the environment to
be created.
The details on the csysenv (__csysenv_s) structure is shown as follows:
struct __csysenv_s {
int __cseversion; /* Control block version number */
/* Must be set to __CSE_VERSION_1 */
int __csesubpool; /* for 31 bit storage */
__ptr31(void, __csetcbowner) /* owning TCB for resources */
/* default: TCB mode - caller tcb, */
int __csereserved; /* Reserved field */
char __csettknowner[16]; /* TCB token of owning TCB for */
/* above the bar storage */
/* default: caller tcbtoken */
/* SRB mode: tcbtoken must be */
/* specified */
unsigned int
__cseheap31initsize; /* Minimum size, in bytes, to obtain
for the initial AMODE 31 heap storage.
If 0, defaults to 32768 bytes */
unsigned int
__cseheap31incrsize; /* Minimum size, in bytes, to obtain
when expanding the AMODE 31 heap.
If 0, defaults to 32768 bytes */
#ifdef __LL
unsigned long long
__cseheap64initsize; /* Minimum size, in MB, to obtain
for the initial AMODE 64 heap storage.
If 0, defaults to 1 MB */
unsigned long long
__cseheap64incrsize; /* Minimum size, in MB, to obtain
When expanding the AMODE 64 heap.
If 0, defaults to 1MB */
unsigned long long
__cseheap64usertoken; /* usertoken for use with ?iarv64
to obtain above the bar storage */
unsigned int
unsigned int
__cseheap64initsize; /* Minimum size, in MB, to obtain
for the initial AMODE 64 heap storage.
If 0, defaults to 1 MB */
unsigned int
unsigned int
__cseheap64incrsize; /* Minimum size, in MB, to obtain
When expanding the AMODE 64 heap.
If 0, defaults to 1MB */
unsigned int
unsigned int
__cseheap64usertoken;/* usertoken for use with ?iarv64
to obtain above the bar storage */
unsigned int /* AMODE 64 Storage Attributes */
__cseheap64fprot:1, /* On, AMODE 64 heap storage is to be
fetch protected
Off, storage is not fetch
protected */
__cseheap64cntlauth:1; /* On, AMODE 64 heap storage has
CONTROL=AUTH attribute
Off, storage is CONTROL=UNAUTH */
int __csereserved1[7]; /* Reserved for future use */
68 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Note: The entire __csysenv_s structure must be cleared to binary zeros before initializing specic elds
within it.
Returned value
If successful, __cinit() returns an environment token that is used on subsequent calls to Metal C functions
that require an environment. If unable to create an environment, __cinit() returns 0.
#include <metal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _LP64
register void * myenvtkn __asm("r12");
register void * myetkr12 __asm("r12");
__csysenv_t myenvtkn;
void mymtlfcn(void) {
struct __csysenv_s mysysenv;
void * mystg;
void * my31stg;
/* Initialize the csysenv structure. */
memset(&mysysenv, 0x00, sizeof(mysysenv));
mysysenv.__cseversion = __CSE_VERSION_1;
mysysenv.__csesubpool = 129;
/* Set heap initial and increment sizes. */
mysysenv.__cseheap31initsize = 131072;
mysysenv.__cseheap31incrsize = 8192;
mysysenv.__cseheap64initsize = 20;
mysysenv.__cseheap64incrsize = 1;
#ifdef _LP64
/* Create a Metal C environment. */
myenvtkn = (void * ) __cinit(&mysysenv);
/* Create a Metal C environment. */
myenvtkn = __cinit(&mysysenv);
/* Save the high half of R12 and then set R12 to */
/* the 8 byte environment token. */
__asm(" LG 12,%0\n"
: "m"(myenvtkn)
: "r12" );
/* Call functions that require an environment. */
mystg = malloc(1048576);
my31stg = __malloc31(100);
/* Clean up the environment. */
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 69
__cterm((__csysenv_t) myenvtkn);
In order to share the environment token to other source les there are 2 options:
Compile all Metal C les that make up the program by using the RESERVED_REG("r12") compiler option.
This reserves register 12 so that the environment token will remain untouched by the compiled code.
Pass myenvtkn by using other methods, and for any source that needs to use the environment token
declare the global register variable as in this example and assign the environment token to it.
Output: None.
__cterm() - Terminate a Metal C environment
#include <metal.h>
void __cterm(__csysenv_t csysenvtkn);
General description
The __cterm() function terminates a Metal C environment, freeing all resources obtained on behalf of the
Table 11. csysenvtkn argument in __cterm()
Argument Description
csysenvtkn The environment token representing the environment to be
Returned value
See the example provided for the __cinit() function.
Output: None.
div() — Calculate quotient and remainder
#include <stdlib.h>
div_t div(int numerator, int denominator);
General description
The div() function calculates the quotient and remainder of the division of numerator by denominator.
Returned value
The div() function returns a structure of type div_t, containing both the quotient int quot and the
remainder int rem. This structure is dened in stdlib.h. If the returned value cannot be represented, the
behavior of div() is undened. If denominator is 0, a divide by 0 exception is raised.
70 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
“ldiv() — Compute quotient and remainder of integral division” on page 74
“lldiv() — Compute quotient and remainder of integral division for long long type” on page 75
free() — Free a block of storage
#include <stdlib.h>
void free(void *ptr);
General description
The free() function frees a block of storage pointed to by ptr. The ptr variable points to a block previously
reserved with a call to calloc(), malloc(), or realloc(). The number of bytes freed is the number of bytes
specied when you reserved (or reallocated, in the case of realloc()), the block of storage. If ptr is NULL,
free() simply returns without freeing anything. Since ptr is passed by value free() will not set ptr to NULL
after freeing the memory to which it points.
1. Use of this function requires that an environment has been set up by using the __cinit() function. When
the function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
2. Attempting to free a block of storage not allocated with calloc(), malloc(), or realloc(), or previously
freed storage, can affect the subsequent reserving of storage and lead to an abend.
Returned value
free() returns no value.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
calloc() — Reserve and initialize storage” on page 67
“malloc() — Reserve storage block” on page 75
“__malloc31() — Allocate 31–bit storage” on page 76
“realloc() — Change reserved storage block size” on page 81
isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value
#include <ctype.h>
int isalnum(int c);
int isalpha(int c);
int isblank(int c);
int iscntrl(int c);
int isdigit(int c);
int isgraph(int c);
int islower(int c);
int isprint(int c);
int ispunct(int c);
int isspace(int c);
int isupper(int c);
int isxdigit(int c);
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 71
General description
The functions listed in the previous section, which are all declared in ctype.h, test a given integer value.
The valid integer values for c are those representable as an unsigned char or EOF.
Here are descriptions of each function in this group.
Test for an upper- or lowercase letter, or a decimal digit, as dened by code page IBM-1047.
Test for an alphabetic character, as dened by code page IBM-1047.
Test for a blank character, as dened by code page IBM-1047.
Test for any control character, as dened by code page IBM-1047.
Test for a decimal digit, as dened by code page IBM-1047.
Test for a printable character excluding space, as dened by code page IBM-1047.
Test for a lowercase character, as dened by code page IBM-1047.
Test for a printable character including space, as dened by code page IBM-1047.
Test for any non-alphanumeric printable character, excluding space, as dened by code page
Test for a white space character, as dened by code page IBM-1047.
Test for an uppercase character, as dened by code page IBM-1047.
Test for a hexadecimal digit, as dened by code page IBM-1047.
Returned value
If the integer satises the test condition, these functions return nonzero.
If the integer does not satisfy the test condition, these functions return 0.
Related Information
ctype.h — Declare character classication functions ” on page 51
“tolower(), toupper() — Convert Character Case” on page 113
isalpha() — Test for alphabetic character classication
The information for this function is included in “isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71.
isblank() — Test for blank character classication
The information for this function is included in “isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71.
iscntrl() — Test for control classication
The information for this function is included in “isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71.
72 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
isdigit() — Test for decimal-digit classication
The information for this function is included in “isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71.
isgraph() — Test for graphic classication
The information for this function is included in “isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71.
islower() — Test for lowercase
The information for this function is included in “isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71.
isprint() — Test for printable character classication
The information for this function is included in “isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71.
ispunct() — Test for punctuation classication
The information for this function is included in “isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71.
isspace() — Test for space character classication
The information for this function is included in “isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71.
isupper() — Test for uppercase letter classication
The information for this function is included in “isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71.
isxdigit() — Test for hexadecimal digit Classication
The information for this function is included in “isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71.
labs() — Calculate long absolute value
#include <stdlib.h>
long int labs(long int n);
General description
The labs() function calculates the absolute value of its long integer argument n. The result is undened
when the argument is equal to LONG_MIN, the smallest available long integer (-2 147 483 648). The value
LONG_MIN is dened in the limits.h header le.
Returned value
The labs() function returns the absolute value of the long integer argument n.
Related Information
“limits.h — Declare symbolic names for resource limits” on page 55
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 73
abs() — Calculate integer absolute value” on page 64
“llabs() — Calculate absolute value of long long integer” on page 74
ldiv() — Compute quotient and remainder of integral division
#include <stdlib.h>
ldiv_t ldiv(long int numerator, long int denominator);
General description
The ldiv() function calculates the quotient and remainder of the division of numerator by denominator.
Returned value
The ldiv() function returns a structure of type ldiv_t, containing both the quotient long int quot and
the remainder long int rem.
If the value cannot be represented, the returned value is undened. If denominator is 0, a divide by 0
exception is raised.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
div() — Calculate quotient and remainder” on page 70
“lldiv() — Compute quotient and remainder of integral division for long long type” on page 75
llabs() — Calculate absolute value of long long integer
#include <stdlib.h>
long long llabs(long long int n);
Compile Requirement: Use of this function requires the long long data type. See z/OS XL C/C++ Language
Reference for information about how to make long long available.
General description
The llabs() function calculates the absolute value of its long long integer argument n. The result is
undened when the argument is equal to LONGLONG_MIN, the smallest available long long integer (-9 223
372 036 854 775 808). The value LONGLONG_MIN is dened in the limits.h header le.
Returned value
The llabs() function returns the absolute value of the long long integer argument n.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
“limits.h — Declare symbolic names for resource limits” on page 55
74 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
abs() — Calculate integer absolute value” on page 64
“labs() — Calculate long absolute value” on page 73
lldiv() — Compute quotient and remainder of integral division for
long long type
#include <stdlib.h>
lldiv_t lldiv (long long number, long long denom);
Compile Requirement: Use of this function requires the long long data type. See z/OS XL C/C++ Language
Reference for information about how to make long long available.
General description
The lldiv() function calculates the quotient and remainder of the division of numerator by denominator.
Returned value
The lldiv() function returns a structure of type lldiv_t, containing both the quotient long long quot
and the remainder long long rem.
If the value cannot be represented, the returned value is undened. If denominator is 0, a divide by 0
exception is raised.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
div() — Calculate quotient and remainder” on page 70
“ldiv() — Compute quotient and remainder of integral division” on page 74
malloc() — Reserve storage block
#include <stdlib.h>
void *malloc(size_t size);
General description
The malloc() function reserves a block of storage of size bytes. Unlike the calloc() function, the content of
the storage allocated is indeterminate. The storage to which the returned value points is always aligned
for storage of any type of object.
Note: Use of this function requires that an environment has been set up through the __cinit() function.
When the function is called, GPR12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
Returned value
If successful, malloc() returns a pointer to the reserved space.
If not enough storage is available, or if size was specied as 0, malloc() returns NULL.
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 75
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
calloc() — Reserve and initialize storage” on page 67
“free() — Free a block of storage” on page 71
“__malloc31() — Allocate 31–bit storage” on page 76
“realloc() — Change reserved storage block size” on page 81
__malloc31() — Allocate 31–bit storage
#include <stdlib.h>
void *__malloc31(size_t size);
General description
The __malloc31() function reserves a block of storage of size bytes from 31-bit addressable storage. The
content of the storage allocated is indeterminate. The storage space to which the returned value points is
always suitably aligned for storage of any type of object.
Note: Use of this function requires that an environment has been set up by using the __cinit() function.
When the function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
Returned value
If successful, __malloc31() returns a pointer to the reserved space.
If not enough storage is available, or if size was specied as 0, __malloc31() returns NULL.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
calloc() — Reserve and initialize storage” on page 67
“free() — Free a block of storage” on page 71
“malloc() — Reserve storage block” on page 75
“realloc() — Change reserved storage block size” on page 81
memccpy() — Copy bytes in memory
#include <string.h>
void *memccpy(void *__restrict__s1, const void *__restrict__s2, int c, size_t n);
General description
The memccpy() function copies bytes from memory area s2 into memory area s1, stopping after the rst
occurrence of byte c (converted to an unsigned char) is copied, or after n bytes are copied, whichever
comes rst.
76 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Returned value
If successful, memccpy() returns a pointer to the byte after the copy of c in s1.
If c was not found in the rst n bytes of s2, memccpy() returns a NULL pointer.
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memchr() — Search buffer” on page 77
“memcmp() — Compare bytes” on page 77
“memcpy() — Copy buffer” on page 78
“memmove() — Move buffer” on page 79
“memset() — Set buffer to value” on page 79
“strcpy() — Copy String” on page 96
memchr() — Search buffer
#include <string.h>
void *memchr(const void *buf, int c, size_t count);
General description
The memchr() built-in function searches the rst count bytes pointed to by buf for the rst occurrence of c
converted to an unsigned character. The search continues until it nds c or examines count bytes.
Returned value
If successful, memchr() returns a pointer to the location of c in buf.
If c is not within the rst count bytes of buf, memchr() returns NULL.
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memccpy() — Copy bytes in memory” on page 76
“memcmp() — Compare bytes” on page 77
“memcpy() — Copy buffer” on page 78
“memmove() — Move buffer” on page 79
“memset() — Set buffer to value” on page 79
“strchr() — Search for Character” on page 95
memcmp() — Compare bytes
#include <string.h>
int memcmp(const void *buf1, const void *buf2, size_t count);
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 77
General description
The memcmp() built-in function compares the rst count bytes of buf1 and buf2.
The relation is determined by the sign of the difference between the values of the leftmost rst pair of
bytes that differ. The values depend on EBCDIC encoding. This function is not locale sensitive.
Note: When COMPACT is specied, the compiler does not generate inline code for this function. In this
case, you need to take either of the following actions:
Dene the __METAL_SYSVEC feature test macro to use the system library.
Dene the __METAL_STATIC feature test macro to use the static object library and bind in
corresponding data set.
Returned value
Indicates the relationship between buf1 and buf2 as follows:
< 0
The contents of the buffer pointed to by buf1 less than the contents of the buffer pointed to by buf2
= 0
The contents of the buffer pointed to by buf1 identical to the contents of the buffer pointed to by buf2
> 0
The contents of the buffer pointed to by buf1 greater than the contents of the buffer pointed to by
Related Information
“System and static object libraries” on page 61
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memccpy() — Copy bytes in memory” on page 76
“memchr() — Search buffer” on page 77
“memcpy() — Copy buffer” on page 78
“memmove() — Move buffer” on page 79
“memset() — Set buffer to value” on page 79
“strcmp() — Compare Strings” on page 96
memcpy() — Copy buffer
#include <string.h>
void *memcpy(void * __restrict__dest, const void * __restrict__src, size_t count);
General description
The memcpy() built-in function copies count bytes from the object pointed to by src to the object pointed
to by dest. For memcpy(), the source characters may be overlaid if copying takes place between objects
that overlap. Use the memmove() function to allow copying between objects that overlap.
Returned value
The memcpy() function returns the value of dest.
78 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memccpy() — Copy bytes in memory” on page 76
“memchr() — Search buffer” on page 77
“memmove() — Move buffer” on page 79
“memset() — Set buffer to value” on page 79
“strcpy() — Copy String” on page 96
memmove() — Move buffer
#include <string.h>
void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t count);
General description
The memmove() function copies count bytes from the object pointed to by src to the object pointed to by
dest. The function allows copying between possibly overlapping objects as if the count bytes of the object
pointed to by src must rst copied into a temporary array before being copied to the object pointed to by
Returned value
The memmove() function returns the value of dest.
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memccpy() — Copy bytes in memory” on page 76
“memchr() — Search buffer” on page 77
“memcpy() — Copy buffer” on page 78
“memset() — Set buffer to value” on page 79
memset() — Set buffer to value
#include <string.h>
void *memset(void *dest, int c, size_t count);
General description
The memset() built-in function sets the rst count bytes of dest to the value c converted to an unsigned
Returned value
memset() returns the value of dest.
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 79
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memccpy() — Copy bytes in memory” on page 76
“memchr() — Search buffer” on page 77
“memcpy() — Copy buffer” on page 78
“memmove() — Move buffer” on page 79
qsort() — Sort array
#include <stdlib.h>
void qsort(void *base, size_t num, size_t width,
int(*compare)(const void *element1, const void *element2));
General description
The qsort() function sorts an array of num elements, each of width bytes in size, where the rst element of
the array is pointed to by base.
The compare pointer points to a function, which you supply, that compares two array elements and
returns an integer value specifying their relationship. The qsort() function calls the comparison function
one or more times during the sort, passing pointers to two array elements on each call. The comparison
function must compare the elements and return one of the following values:
< 0
element1 less than element2
element1 equal to element2
> 0
element1 greater than element2
The sorted array elements are stored in increasing order, as returned by the comparison function. You can
sort in reverse order by reversing the "greater than" and "less than" logic in the comparison function. If
two elements are equal, their order in the sorted array is unspecied. The qsort() function overwrites the
contents of the array with the sorted elements.
Returned value
The qsort() function returns no values.
Related information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
rand() — Generate random number
#include <stdlib.h>
int rand(void);
80 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
General Description
The rand() function generates a pseudo-random integer in the range 0 to RAND_MAX. Use the srand()
function before calling rand() to set a seed for the random number generator. If you do not make a call to
srand(), the default seed is 1.
Note: Use of this function requires that an environment has been set up by using the __cinit() function.
When the function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
Returned Value
The rand() function returns the calculated value.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
“rand_r() — Pseudo-random number generator” on page 81
“srand() — Set Seed for rand() Function” on page 89
rand_r() — Pseudo-random number generator
#include <stdlib.h>
int rand_r(unsigned int *seed);
General Description
The rand_r() function generates a sequence of pseudo-random integers in the range 0 to RAND_MAX.
(The value of the RAND_MAX macro will be at least 32767.)
If rand_r() is called with the same initial value for the object pointed to by seed and that object is not
modied between successive returns and calls to rand_r(), the same sequence shall be generated.
Returned Value
The rand_r() function returns a pseudo-random integer.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
“rand() — Generate random number” on page 80
“srand() — Set Seed for rand() Function” on page 89
realloc() — Change reserved storage block size
#include <stdlib.h>
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 81
General Description
The realloc() function changes the size of a previously reserved storage block. The ptr argument points to
the beginning of the block. The size argument gives the new size of the block in bytes. The contents of the
block are unchanged up to the shorter of the new and old sizes.
If the ptr is NULL, realloc() reserves a block of storage of size bytes. It does not give all bits of each
element an initial value of 0.
If size is 0 and ptr is not NULL, the storage pointed to by ptr is freed and NULL is returned.
If you use realloc() with a pointer that does not point to a ptr created previously by malloc(), calloc(), or
realloc(), or if you pass ptr to storage already freed, you get undened behavior—typically an exception.
If you ask for more storage, the contents of the extension are undened and are not guaranteed to be 0.
The storage to which the returned value points is aligned for storage of any type of object.
Note: Use of realloc() requires that an environment has been set up by using the __cinit() function. When
the function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
Returned Value
If successful, realloc() returns a pointer to the reallocated storage block. The storage location of the block
might be moved. Thus, the returned value is not necessarily the same as the ptr argument to realloc().
The returned value is NULL if size is 0. If there is not enough storage to expand the block to the given size,
the original block is unchanged and a NULL pointer is returned.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
calloc() — Reserve and initialize storage” on page 67
“free() — Free a block of storage” on page 71
“malloc() — Reserve storage block” on page 75
“__malloc31() — Allocate 31–bit storage” on page 76
snprintf() — Format and write data
#include <stdio.h>
int snprintf(char *__restrict__ s, size_t n, const char *__restrict__ format, ...);
General Description
The snprintf() function formats and writes output to an array (specied by argument s). If n is zero,
nothing is written, and s may be a null pointer. Otherwise, output characters beyond the n-1st are
discarded rather than being written to the array, and a null character is written at the end of the
characters actually written into the array. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the
behavior is undened.
Note: Use of snprintf() requires that an environment has been set up by using the __cinit() function. When
the function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
Returned Value
The snprintf() function returns the number of characters that would have been written had n been
sufciently large, not counting the terminating null character, or a negative value if an encoding error
82 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
occurred. Thus, the null-terminated output has been completely written if and only if the returned value is
nonnegative and less than n.
Related Information
“stdio.h — Dene I/O related functions” on page 57
“sprintf() — Format and Write Data” on page 83
“sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
sprintf() — Format and Write Data
#include <stdio.h>
int sprintf(char *__restrict__buffer, const char *__restrict__format-string, …);
General Description
The sprintf() function formats and stores a series of characters and values in the array pointed to by
buffer. Any argument-list is converted and put out according to the corresponding format specication in
the format-string. If the strings pointed to by buffer and format-string overlap, behavior is undened.
The format-string consists of ordinary characters, escape sequences, and conversion specications. The
ordinary characters are copied in order of their appearance. Conversion specications, beginning with a
percent sign (%) or the sequence (%n$) where n is a decimal integer in the range [1,NL_ARGMAX],
determine the output format for any argument-list following the format-string. The format-string can
contain multibyte characters beginning and ending in the initial shift state. When the format-string
includes the use of the optional prex ll to indicate the size expected is a long long datatype then the
corresponding value in the argument list should be a long long datatype if correct output is expected.
If the %n$ conversion specication is found, the value of the nth argument after the format-string is
converted and output according to the conversion specication. Numbered arguments in the argument
list can be referenced from format-string as many times as required.
The format-string can contain either form of the conversion specication, that is, % or %n$ but the two
forms cannot be mixed within a single format-string except that %% can be mixed with the %n$ form.
When numbered conversion specications are used, specifying the 'nth' argument requires that the rst
to (n-1)th arguments are specied in the format-string.
The format-string is read from left to right. When the rst format specication is found, the value of the
rst argument after the format-string is converted and output according to the format specication. The
second format specication causes the second argument after the format-string to be converted and
output, and so on through the end of the format-string. If there are more arguments than there are format
specications, the extra arguments are evaluated and ignored. The results are undened if there are not
enough arguments for all the format specications. The format specication is illustrated below.
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 83
Format Specication for sprintf()
flags width . precision h
Each eld of the format specication is a single character or number signifying a particular format option.
The type character, which appears after the last optional format eld, determines whether the associated
argument is interpreted as a character, a string, a number, or pointer. The simplest format specication
contains only the percent sign and a type character (for example, %s).
The percent sign: If a percent sign (%) is followed by a character that has no meaning as a format eld,
the character is simply copied to the buffer. For example, to print a percent sign character, use %%.
The flag characters: The flag characters in Table 12 on page 84
are used for the justication of output
and printing of thousands of grouping characters, signs, blanks, decimal-points, octal prexes, and
hexadecimal prexes. Note that more than one flag can appear in a format specication. This is an
optional eld.
Table 12. Flag Characters for sprintf() Family
Flag Meaning Default
' The integer portion of the result of a decimal
conversion (%i,%d,%u, %f,%g or %G) will be
formatted with the thousands' grouping characters.
No grouping.
- Left-justify the result within the eld width. Right-justify.
+ Prex the output value with a sign (+ or -) if the
output value is of a signed type.
Sign appears only for negative
signed values (-).
blank(' ') Prex the output value with a blank if the output
value is signed and positive. The + flag overrides
the blank flag if both appear, and a positive signed
value will be output with a sign.
No blank.
84 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Table 12. Flag Characters for sprintf() Family (continued)
Flag Meaning Default
# When used with the o, x, or X formats, the # flag
prexes any nonzero output value with 0, 0x, or 0X,
For o conversion, it increases the precision, if
necessary, to force the rst digit of the result to be
a zero. If the value and precision are both 0, a
single 0 is printed.
For e, E, f, F, g , and G conversion speciers, the
result always contains a decimal-point, even if no
digits follow the decimal-point. Without this flag, a
decimal-point appears in the result of these
conversions only if a digit follows it.
For g and G conversion speciers, do not remove
trailing zeros from the result as they normally are.
For other conversion speciers, the behavior is
No prex.
0 When used with the d, i, o, u, x, X, e, E, f, F, g , or
G conversion speciers, leading zeros are used to
pad to the eld width. If the 0 and - flags both
appear, the 0 flag is ignored.
For d, i, o, u, x, and X conversion speciers, if a
precision is specied, the 0 flag is ignored.
If the 0 and ' flags both appear, the grouping
characters are inserted before zero padding. For
other conversions, the behavior is undened.
Space padding.
The code point for the # character varies between the EBCDIC encoded character sets. The Metal C
runtime library expects the # character to use the code point for encoded character set IBM-1047.
The # flag should not be used with c, d, i, u, s, or p types.
The Width of the Output: Denition of the width specication is as follows.
Width is a nonnegative decimal integer controlling the minimum number of characters printed. If the
number of characters in the output value is less than the specied width, blanks are added on the left or
the right (depending on whether the flag is specied) until the minimum width is reached.
Width never causes a value to be truncated; if the number of characters in the output value is greater than
the specied width, or width is not given, all characters of the value are output (subject to the precision
The width specication can be an asterisk (*); if it is, an argument from the argument list supplies the
value. The width argument must precede the value being formatted in the argument list. This is an
optional eld.
If format-string contains the %n$ form of conversion specication, width can be indicated by the
sequence *m$, where m is a decimal integer in the range [1,NL_ARGMAX] giving the position of an integer
argument in the argument list containing the eld width.
The Precision of the Output: Denition of the precision specication is as follows.
The precision specication is a nonnegative decimal integer preceded by a period. It species the number
of characters to be output, or the number of decimal places. Unlike the width specication, the precision
can cause truncation of the output value.
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 85
The precision specication can be an asterisk (*); if it is, an argument from the argument list supplies the
value. The precision argument must precede the value being formatted in the argument list. The precision
eld is optional.
If format-string contains the %n$ form of conversion specication, precision can be indicated by the
sequence *m$, where m is a decimal integer in the range [1,NL_ARGMAX] giving the position of an integer
argument in the argument list containing the eld precision.
The interpretation of the precision value and the default when the precision is omitted depend upon the
type, as shown in Table 13 on page 86.
Table 13. Precision Argument in sprintf()
Type Meaning Default
Precision species the minimum number of digits
to be output. If the number of digits in the
argument is less than precision, the output value is
padded on the left with zeros. The value is not
truncated when the number of digits exceeds
Default precision is 1. If precision is 0,
or if the period (.) appears without a
number following it, the precision is
set to 0. When precision is 0,
conversion of the value zero results in
no characters.
No effect. The character is output.
Precision species the maximum number of
characters to be output. Characters in excess of
precision are not output.
Characters are output until a NULL
character is encountered.
Precision species the number of digits to be
output after the decimal-point. The last digit output
is rounded.
Default precision is 6. If precision is 0
or the period appears without a
number following it, no decimal-point
is output.
Precision species the maximum number of
signicant digits output.
All signicant digits are output.
Optional prex: Used to indicate the size of the argument expected.
A prex with the integer types d, i, o, u, x, X means the integer is 16 bits long.
Species that a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion specier applies to a signed char or unsigned
char argument (the argument will have been promoted according to the integer promotions, but its
value shall be converted to signed char or unsigned char before printing); or that a following n
conversion specier applies to a pointer to a signed char argument.
Species that a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion specier applies to an intmax_t or uintmax_t
argument; or that a following n conversion specier applies to a pointer to an intmax_t argument.
A prex with d, i, o, u, x, X, and n types that species that the argument is a long int or unsigned
long int.
A prex with the integer types d, i, o, u, x, X means the integer is 64 bits long.
A prex with e, E, f, g, or G types that species that the argument is long double.
86 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Species that a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion specier applies to a ptrdiff_t or the
corresponding unsigned type argument; or that a following n conversion specier applies to a pointer
to a ptrdiff_t argument.
Species that a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion specier applies to a size_t or the
corresponding signed integer type argument; or that a following n conversion specier applies to a
pointer to a signed integer type corresponding to a size_t argument.
Table 14 on page 87 below shows the meaning of the type characters used in the precision argument.
Table 14. Type Characters and their Meanings
Type Argument Output Format
d, i
Integer Signed decimal integer.
Integer Unsigned decimal integer.
Integer Unsigned octal integer.
Integer Unsigned hexadecimal integer, using abcdef.
Integer Unsigned hexadecimal integer, using ABCDEF.
c Character
Single character.
s String
Characters output up to the rst NULL character (\0) or until
precision is reached.
Pointer to integer Number of characters successfully output so far to the stream or
buffer; this value is stored in the integer whose address is given as
the argument.
Pointer Pointer to void converted to a sequence of printable characters. See
the individual system reference guides for the specic format.
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 87
Table 14. Type Characters and their Meanings (continued)
Type Argument Output Format
f, F
Double Signed value having the form [-]dddd.dddd, where dddd is one or
more decimal digits. The number of digits before the decimal-point
depends on the magnitude of the number. The number of digits after
the decimal-point is equal to the requested precision. If the precision
is explicitly zero and no # is present, no decimal-point appears. If a
decimal-point appears, at least one digit appears before it.
Convert a double argument representing an innity in [+/-]inf: a plus
or minus sign with the character sequence inf, followed by a white
space character (space, tab, or newline), a NULL character (\0), or
Convert a double argument representing a NaN in one of the styles:
[+/-]nan(n) for a signaling nan.
[+/-nanq(n)] for a quiet nan, where n is an integer and 1<= n<=
The value of n is determined by the fraction bits of the NaN argument
value. For a signaling NaN value, NaN fraction bits are reversed (left
to right) to produce bits (right to left) of an even integer value, 2*n.
For a quiet NaN value, NaN fraction bits are reversed (left to right) to
produce bits (right to left) of an odd integer value, 2*n-1.
The F conversion specier produces INFe, NANS, or NANQ instead of
infQ, nans or, nanq respectively.
e, E
Double Signed value having the form [-]d.dddde[ sign]ddd:
d is a single-decimal digit.
dddd is one or more decimal digits.
ddd is 2 or more decimal digits.
sign is + or -.
If the precision is zero and no # flag is present, no decimal-point
appears. The conversion specier produces a number with E instead
of e to introduce the exponent.
A double argument representing an innity or NaN is converted in the
style of an f or F conversion specier.
g, G
Double Signed value output in f or e format (or in the F or E format in the
case of a G conversion specier). The e or E format is used only when
the exponent of the value is less than -4 or greater than or equal to
the precision. Trailing zeros are truncated, and the decimal-point
appears only if one or more digits follow it or a # flag is present.
A double argument representing an innity or NaN is converted in the
style of an f or F conversion specier.
Returned Value
If successful, sprintf() returns the number of characters output. The ending NULL character is not
If unsuccessful, sprintf() returns a negative value.
88 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Related Information
“stdio.h — Dene I/O related functions” on page 57
“snprintf() — Format and write data” on page 82
“sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
srand() — Set Seed for rand() Function
#include <stdlib.h>
void srand(unsigned int seed);
General Description
The srand() function uses its argument seed as a seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers to
be returned by subsequent calls to rand(). If srand() is not called, the rand() seed is set as if srand(1)
was called at program start. Any other value for seed sets the generator to a different starting point. The
rand() function generates pseudo-random numbers.
Some people nd it convenient to use the return value of the time() function as the argument to srand(),
as a way to ensure random sequences of random numbers.
Note: Use of srand() requires that an environment has been set up by using the __cinit() function. When
the function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
Returned Value
srand() returns no values.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
“rand() — Generate random number” on page 80
“rand_r() — Pseudo-random number generator” on page 81
sscanf() — Read and Format Data
#include <stdio.h>
int sscanf(const char *__restrict__buffer, const char *__restrict__format-string, …);
General Description
The sscanf() function reads data from buffer into the locations given by argument-list. If the strings
pointed to by buffer and format-string overlap, behavior is undened.
Each entry in the argument list must be a pointer to a variable of a type that matches the corresponding
conversion specication in format-string. If the types do not match, the results are undened.
The format-string controls the interpretation of the argument list. The format-string can contain multibyte
characters beginning and ending in the initial shift state.
The format string pointed to by format-string can contain one or more of the following:
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 89
White space characters, as specied by isspace(), such as blanks and newline characters. A white space
character causes sscanf() to read, but not to store, all consecutive white space characters in the input
up to the next character that is not white space. One white space character in format-string matches any
combination of white space characters in the input.
Characters that are not white space, except for the percent sign character (%). A non-white space
character causes sscanf() to read, but not to store, a matching non-white space character. If the next
character in the input stream does not match, the function ends.
Conversion specications which are introduced by the percent sign (%) or the sequence (%n$) where n
is a decimal integer in the range [1,NL_ARGMAX]. A conversion specication causes sscanf() to read and
convert characters in the input into values of a conversion specier. The value is assigned to an
argument in the argument list.
sscanf() reads format-string from left to right. Characters outside of conversion specications are
expected to match the sequence of characters in the input stream; the matched characters in the input
stream are scanned but not stored. If a character in the input stream conflicts with format-string, the
function ends, terminating with a “matching” failure. The conflicting character is left in the input stream
as if it had not been read.
When the rst conversion specication is found, the value of the rst input eld is converted according to
the conversion specication and stored in the location specied by the rst entry in the argument list. The
second conversion specication converts the second input eld and stores it in the second entry in the
argument list, and so on through the end of format-string.
When the %n$ conversion specication is found, the value of the input eld is converted according to the
conversion specication and stored in the location specied by the nth argument in the argument list.
Numbered arguments in the argument list can only be referenced once from format-string.
The format-string can contain either form of the conversion specication, that is, % or %n$ but the two
forms cannot be mixed within a single format-string except that %% or %* can be mixed with the %n$
An input eld is dened as:
All characters until a white space character (space, tab, or newline) is encountered
All characters until a character is encountered that cannot be converted according to the conversion
All characters until the eld width is reached.
If there are too many arguments for the conversion specications, the extra arguments are evaluated but
otherwise ignored. The results are undened if there are not enough arguments for the conversion
Syntax of Conversion Specication for sscanf()
width h
conversion specifier
Each eld of the conversion specication is a single character or a number signifying a particular format
option. The conversion specier, which appears after the last optional format eld, determines whether
90 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
the input eld is interpreted as a character, a string, or a number. The simplest conversion specication
contains only the percent sign and a conversion specier (for example, %s).
Each eld of the format specication is discussed in detail below.
Other than conversion speciers, avoid using the percent sign (%), except to specify the percent sign: %%.
Currently, the percent sign is treated as the start of a conversion specier. Any unrecognized specier is
treated as an ordinary sequence of characters. If, in the future, z/OS XL C/C++ permits a new conversion
specier, it could match a section of your format string, be interpreted incorrectly, and result in undened
behavior. See Table 15 on page 92 for a list of conversion speciers.
An asterisk (*) following the percent sign suppresses assignment of the next input eld, which is
interpreted as a eld of the specied conversion specier. The eld is scanned but not stored.
width is a positive decimal integer controlling the maximum number of characters to be read. No more
than width characters are converted and stored at the corresponding argument.
Fewer than width characters are read if a white space character (space, tab, or newline), or a character
that cannot be converted according to the given format occurs before width is reached.
The optional prex l shows that you use the long version of the following conversion specier, while the
prex h indicates that the short version is to be used. The corresponding argument should point to a
long or double object (for the l character), a long double object (for the L character), or a short
object (with the h character). The l and h modiers can be used with the d, i, o, x, and u conversion
speciers. The l and h modiers are ignored if specied for any other conversion specier.
Optional prex: Used to indicate the size of the argument expected.
Species that a following d, i, o, u, x, X, or n conversion specier applies to an argument with type
pointer to short or unsigned short.
Species that a following d, i, o, u, x, X or n conversion specier applies to an argument with type
pointer to signed char or unsigned char.
Species that a following d, i, o, u, x, X or n conversion specier applies to an argument with type
pointer to intmax_t or uintmax_t.
Species that a following e, E, f, F, g, or G conversion specier applies to an argument with type
pointer to double.
Species that a following d, i, o, u, x, X or n conversion specier applies to an argument with type
pointer to long long or unsigned long long.
Species that a following e, E, f, g, or G conversion specier applies to an argument with type pointer
to long double.
Species that a following d, i, o, u, x, X or n conversion specier applies to an argument with type
pointer to ptrdiff_t or the corresponding unsigned type.
Species that a following d, i, o, u, x, X or n conversion specier applies to an argument with type
pointer to size_t or the corresponding signed integer type.
The type characters and their meanings are in Table 15 on page 92
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 91
Table 15. Conversion Speciers in sscanf()
Type of Input Expected Type of Argument
d Decimal integer Pointer to int
o Octal integer Pointer to unsigned
Hexadecimal integer Pointer to unsigned
i Decimal, hexadecimal, or octal integer Pointer to int
u Unsigned decimal integer Pointer to unsigned
Sequence of one or more characters as specied by eld
width; white space characters that are ordinarily skipped are
read when %c is specied. No terminating null is added.
Pointer to char large
enough for input eld.
Like c, a sequence of bytes of type char (signed or
unsigned), except that white space characters are not
allowed, and a terminating null is always added.
Pointer to character
array large enough for
input eld, plus a
terminating NULL
character (\0) that is
automatically appended.
n No input read from stream or buffer. Pointer to int, into
which is stored the
number of characters
successfully read from
the stream or buffer up
to that point in the call to
either fscanf() or to
p Pointer to void converted to series of characters. For the
specic format of the input, see the individual system
reference guides.
Pointer to void.
92 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Table 15. Conversion Speciers in sscanf() (continued)
Type of Input Expected Type of Argument
A non-empty sequence of bytes to be matched against a set
of expected bytes (the scanset), which form the conversion
specication. White space characters that are ordinarily
skipped are read when %[ is specied.
Consider the following situations:
[^bytes]. In this case, the scanset contains all bytes that do
not appear between the circumflex and the right square
[]abc] or [^]abc.] In both these cases the right square
bracket is included in the scanset (in the rst case: ]abc and
in the second case, not ]abc)
[a–z] In EBCDIC The – is in the scanset, the characters b
through y are not in the scanset; in ASCII The – is not in the
scanset, the characters b through y are.
The code point for the square brackets ([ and ]) and the caret
(^) vary among the EBCDIC encoded character sets. The
default C locale expects these characters to use the code
points for encoded character set Latin-1 / Open Systems
1047. Conversion proceeds one byte at a time: there is no
conversion to wide characters.
Pointer to the initial byte
of an array of char,
signed char, or unsigned
char large enough to
accept the sequence and
a terminating byte,
which will be added
Floating-point value consisting of an optional sign (+ or -), a
series of one or more decimal digits possibly containing a
decimal-point, and an optional exponent (e or E) followed by
a possibly signed integer value.
Pointer to float
The format string passed to sscanf() must be encoded as IBM-1047.
To read strings not delimited by space characters, substitute a set of characters in square brackets ([ ]) for
the s (string) conversion specier. The corresponding input eld is read up to the rst character that does
not appear in the bracketed character set. If the rst character in the set is a logical not (¬), the effect is
reversed: the input eld is read up to the rst character that does appear in the rest of the character set.
To store a string without storing an ending NULL character (\0), use the specication %ac, where a is a
decimal integer. In this instance, the c conversion specier means that the argument is a pointer to a
character array. The next a characters are read from the input stream into the specied location, and no
NULL character is added.
The input for a %x conversion specier is interpreted as a hexadecimal number.
The sscanf() function scans each input eld character by character. It might stop reading a particular input
eld either before it reaches a space character, when the specied width is reached, or when the next
character cannot be converted as specied. When a conflict occurs between the specication and the
input character, the next input eld begins at the rst unread character. The conflicting character, if there
is one, is considered unread and is the rst character of the next input eld or the rst character in
subsequent read operations on the input stream.
The sscanf family functions match e, E, f, F, g or, G conversion speciers to floating-point number
substrings in the input stream. The sscanf family functions convert each input substring matched by an e,
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 93
E, f, F, g, or G conversion specier to a float, double or long double value depending on the size modier
before the e, E, f, F, g, or G conversion specier.
Many z/OS Metal C formatted input functions, including the sscanf family of functions, use the IEEE binary
floating-point format and recognize special innity and NaN floating-point number input sequences.
The special sequence for innity input is [+/-]inf or [+/-]INF, where + or - is optional.
The special sequence of NaN input is either [+/-]nan(n) for a signaling nan or [+/-nanq(n)] for a quiet
nan, where n is an integer and 1<= n <= INT_MAX-1. If (n) is omitted, n is assumed to be 1. The value of
n determines what IEEE binary floating-point NaN fraction bits are produced by the formatted input
functions. For a signaling NaN, these functions produce NaN fraction bits (left to right) by reversing the
bits (right to left) of the even integer value 2*n. For a quiet NaN, they produce NaN fraction bits (left to
right) by reversing the bits (right to left) of the odd integer value 2*n-1.
Returned Value
The sscanf() function returns the number of input items that were successfully matched and assigned.
The returned value does not include conversions that were performed but not assigned (for example,
suppressed assignments). The functions return EOF if there is an input failure before any conversion, or if
EOF is reached before any conversion. Thus a returned value of 0 means that no elds were assigned:
there was a matching failure before any conversion.
Related Information
“stdio.h — Dene I/O related functions” on page 57
“snprintf() — Format and write data” on page 82
“sprintf() — Format and Write Data” on page 83
“vsnprintf() — Format and print data to xed length buffer” on page 115
“vsscanf() — Format Input of a STDARG Argument List” on page 116
strcat() — Concatenate Strings
#include <string.h>
char *strcat(char * __restrict__string1, const char * __restrict__string2);
General Description
The strcat() built-in function concatenates string2 with string1 and ends the resulting string with the NULL
character. In other words, strcat() appends a copy of the string pointed to by string2—including the
terminating NULL byte— to the end of a string pointed to by string1, with its last byte (that is, the
terminating NULL byte of string1) overwritten by the rst byte of the appended string.
Do not use a literal string for a string1 value, although string2 might be a literal string.
If the storage of string1 overlaps the storage of string2, the behavior is undened.
Note: When COMPACT is specied, the compiler does not generate inline code for this function. In this
case, you need to take either of the following actions:
Dene the __METAL_SYSVEC feature test macro to use the system library.
Dene the __METAL_STATIC feature test macro to use the static object library and bind in
corresponding data set.
94 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Returned Value
The strcat() built-in function returns the value of string1, the concatenated string.
Related Information
“System and static object libraries” on page 61
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“strchr() — Search for Character” on page 95
“strcmp() — Compare Strings” on page 96
“strcpy() — Copy String” on page 96
“strcspn() — Compare Strings” on page 97
“strncat() — Concatenate Strings” on page 99
strchr() — Search for Character
#include <string.h>
char *strchr(const char *string, int c);
General Description
The strchr() built-in function nds the rst occurrence of c converted to char, in the string *string. The
character c can be the NULL character (\0); the ending NULL character of string is included in the search.
The strchr() function operates on NULL-terminated strings. The string argument to the function must
contain a NULL character (\0) marking the end of the string.
Note: When COMPACT is specied, the compiler does not generate inline code for this function. In this
case, you need to take either of the following actions:
Dene the __METAL_SYSVEC feature test macro to use the system library.
Dene the __METAL_STATIC feature test macro to use the static object library and bind in
corresponding data set.
Returned Value
If successful, strchr() returns a pointer to the rst occurrence of c (converted to a character) in string.
If the character is not found, strchr() returns a NULL pointer.
Related Information
“System and static object libraries” on page 61
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memchr() — Search buffer” on page 77
“strcat() — Concatenate Strings” on page 94
“strcmp() — Compare Strings” on page 96
“strcpy() — Copy String” on page 96
“strcspn() — Compare Strings” on page 97
“strncmp() — Compare Strings” on page 99
“strpbrk() — Find Characters in String” on page 101
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 95
“strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String” on page 102
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
strcmp() — Compare Strings
#include <string.h>
int strcmp(const char *string1, const char *string2);
General Description
The strcmp() built-in function compares the string pointed to by string1 to the string pointed to by string2
The string arguments to the function must contain a NULL character (\0) marking the end of the string.
The relation between the strings is determined by subtracting: string1[i] - string2[i], as i increases from 0
to strlen of the smaller string. The sign of a nonzero return value is determined by the sign of the
difference between the values of the rst pair of bytes (both interpreted as type unsigned char) that differ
in the strings being compared. This function is not locale-sensitive.
Returned Value
strcmp() returns a value indicating the relationship between the strings, as listed below.
< 0
String pointed to by string1 less than string pointed to by string2
= 0
String pointed to by string1 equivalent to string pointed to by string2
> 0
String pointed to by string1 greater than string pointed to by string2
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memcmp() — Compare bytes” on page 77
“strcspn() — Compare Strings” on page 97
“strncmp() — Compare Strings” on page 99
“strpbrk() — Find Characters in String” on page 101
“strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String” on page 102
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
strcpy() — Copy String
#include <string.h>
char *strcpy(char * __restrict__string1, const char * __restrict__string2);
96 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
General Description
The strcpy() built-in function copies string2, including the ending NULL character, to the location specied
by string1. The string2 argument to strcpy() must contain a NULL character (\0) marking the end of the
string. You cannot use a literal string for a string1 value, although string2 may be a literal string. If the two
objects overlap, the behavior is undened.
Returned Value
The strcpy() function returns the value of string1.
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memcpy() — Copy buffer” on page 78
“strcat() — Concatenate Strings” on page 94
“strchr() — Search for Character” on page 95
“strcmp() — Compare Strings” on page 96
“strcspn() — Compare Strings” on page 97
“strncpy() — Copy String” on page 100
“strpbrk() — Find Characters in String” on page 101
“strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String” on page 102
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
strcspn() — Compare Strings
#include <string.h>
size_t strcspn(const char *string1, const char *string2);
General Description
The strcspn() function computes the length of the initial portion of the string pointed to by string1 that
contains no characters from the string pointed to by string2.
Returned Value
The strcspn() function returns the calculated length of the initial portion found.
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“strcat() — Concatenate Strings” on page 94
“strchr() — Search for Character” on page 95
“strcmp() — Compare Strings” on page 96
“strcpy() — Copy String” on page 96
“strncmp() — Compare Strings” on page 99
“strpbrk() — Find Characters in String” on page 101
“strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String” on page 102
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 97
strdup() — Duplicate a String
#include <string.h>
char *strdup(const char *string);
General Description
The strdup() function creates a duplicate of the string pointed to by string.
Note: Use of this function requires that an environment has been set up by using the __cinit() function.
When the function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
Returned Value
If successful, strdup() returns a pointer to a new string which is a duplicate of string.
Otherwise, strdup() returns a NULL pointer.
Note: The caller of strdup() should free the storage obtained for the string.
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“free() — Free a block of storage” on page 71
“malloc() — Reserve storage block” on page 75
strlen() — Determine String Length
#include <string.h>
size_t strlen(const char *string);
General Description
The strlen() built-in function determines the length of string pointed to by string, excluding the terminating
NULL character.
Returned Value
The strlen() function returns the length of string.
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“strncat() — Concatenate Strings” on page 99
“strncmp() — Compare Strings” on page 99
“strncpy() — Copy String” on page 100
98 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
strncat() — Concatenate Strings
#include <string.h>
char *strncat(char * __restrict__string1,
const char * __restrict__string2, size_t count);
General Description
The strncat() built-in function appends the rst count characters of string2 to string1 and ends the
resulting string with a NULL character (\0). If count is greater than the length of string2, strncat()
appends only the maximum length of string2 to string1. The rst character of the appended string
overwrites the terminating NULL character of the string pointed to by string1.
If copying takes place between overlapping objects, the behavior is undened.
Note: When COMPACT is specied, the compiler does not generate inline code for this function. In this
case, you need to take either of the following actions:
Dene the __METAL_SYSVEC feature test macro to use the system library.
Dene the __METAL_STATIC feature test macro to use the static object library and bind in
corresponding data set.
Returned Value
The strncat() function returns the value string1, the concatenated string.
Related Information
“System and static object libraries” on page 61
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“strcat() — Concatenate Strings” on page 94
“strncmp() — Compare Strings” on page 99
“strncpy() — Copy String” on page 100
“strpbrk() — Find Characters in String” on page 101
“strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String” on page 102
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
strncmp() — Compare Strings
#include <string.h>
int strncmp(const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t count);
General Description
The strncmp() built-in function compares at most the rst count characters of the string pointed to by
string1 to the string pointed to by string2.
The string arguments to the function should contain a NULL character (\0) marking the end of the string.
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 99
The relation between the strings is determined by the sign of the difference between the values of the
leftmost rst pair of characters that differ. The values depend on character encoding. This function is not
locale sensitive.
Note: When COMPACT is specied, the compiler does not generate inline code for this function. In this
case, you need to take either of the following actions:
Dene the __METAL_SYSVEC feature test macro to use the system library.
Dene the __METAL_STATIC feature test macro to use the static object library and bind in
corresponding data set.
Returned Value
The strncmp() function returns a value indicating the relationship between the sub-strings, as follows:
< 0
String pointed to by substring1 less than string pointed to by substring2
= 0
String pointed to by substring1 equivalent to string pointed to by substring2
> 0
String pointed to by substring1 greater than string pointed to by substring2
Related Information
“System and static object libraries” on page 61
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memcmp() — Compare bytes” on page 77
“strcmp() — Compare Strings” on page 96
“strcspn() — Compare Strings” on page 97
“strncat() — Concatenate Strings” on page 99
“strncpy() — Copy String” on page 100
“strpbrk() — Find Characters in String” on page 101
“strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String” on page 102
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
strncpy() — Copy String
#include <string.h>
char *strncpy(char * __restrict__string1,
const char * __restrict__string2, size_t count);
General Description
The strncpy() built-in function copies at most count characters of string2 to string1. If count is less than
or equal to the length of string2, a NULL character (\0) is not appended to the copied string. If count is
greater than the length of string2, the string1 result is padded with NULL characters (\0) up to length
If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undened.
100 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Note: When COMPACT is specied, the compiler does not generate inline code for this function. In this
case, you need to take either of the following actions:
Dene the __METAL_SYSVEC feature test macro to use the system library.
Dene the __METAL_STATIC feature test macro to use the static object library and bind in
corresponding data set.
Returned Value
The strncpy() function returns string1.
Related Information
“System and static object libraries” on page 61
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memcpy() — Copy buffer” on page 78
“strcpy() — Copy String” on page 96
“strncat() — Concatenate Strings” on page 99
“strncmp() — Compare Strings” on page 99
“strpbrk() — Find Characters in String” on page 101
“strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String” on page 102
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
strpbrk() — Find Characters in String
#include <string.h>
char *strpbrk(const char *string1, const char *string2);
General Description
The strpbrk() function locates the rst occurrence in the string pointed to by string1 of any character from
the string pointed to by string2.
Returned Value
If successful, strpbrk() returns a pointer to the character.
If string1 and string2 have no characters in common, strpbrk() returns a NULL pointer.
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“strchr() — Search for Character” on page 95
“strcspn() — Compare Strings” on page 97
“strncmp() — Compare Strings” on page 99
“strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String” on page 102
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 101
strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String
#include <string.h>
char *strrchr(const char *string, int c);
General Description
The strrchr() function nds the last occurrence of c (converted to a char) in string. The ending NULL
character is considered part of the string.
Note: When COMPACT is specied, the compiler does not generate inline code for this function. In this
case, you need to take either of the following actions:
Dene the __METAL_SYSVEC feature test macro to use the system library.
Dene the __METAL_STATIC feature test macro to use the static object library and bind in
corresponding data set.
Returned Value
If successful, strrchr() returns a pointer to the last occurrence of c in string.
If the given character is not found, strrchr() returns a NULL pointer.
Related Information
“System and static object libraries” on page 61
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“memchr() — Search buffer” on page 77
“strchr() — Search for Character” on page 95
“strcspn() — Compare Strings” on page 97
“strncmp() — Compare Strings” on page 99
“strpbrk() — Find Characters in String” on page 101
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
strspn() — Search String
#include <string.h>
size_t strspn(const char *string1, const char *string2);
General Description
The strspn() function calculates the length of the maximum initial portion of the string pointed to by
string1 that consists entirely of the characters contained in the string pointed to by string2.
Returned Value
The strspn() function returns the length of the substring found.
102 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“strcat() — Concatenate Strings” on page 94
“strchr() — Search for Character” on page 95
“strcmp() — Compare Strings” on page 96
“strcpy() — Copy String” on page 96
“strcspn() — Compare Strings” on page 97
“strpbrk() — Find Characters in String” on page 101
“strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String” on page 102
strstr() — Locate Substring
#include <string.h>
char *strstr(const char *string1, const char *string2);
General Description
The strstr() function nds the rst occurrence of the string pointed to by string2 (excluding the NULL
character) in the string pointed to by string1.
Returned Value
If successful, strstr() returns a pointer to the beginning of the rst occurrence of string2 in string1.
If string2 does not appear in string1, strstr() returns NULL.
If string2 points to a string with zero length, strstr() returns string1.
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“strchr() — Search for Character” on page 95
“strcmp() — Compare Strings” on page 96
“strcspn() — Compare Strings” on page 97
“strncmp() — Compare Strings” on page 99
“strpbrk() — Find Characters in String” on page 101
“strrchr() — Find Last Occurrence of Character in String” on page 102
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
strtod — Convert Character String to Double
#include <stdlib.h>
double strtod(const char * __restrict__nptr, char ** __restrict__endptr);
General Description
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 103
The strtod() function converts part of a character string, pointed to by nptr, to a double. The parameter
nptr points to a sequence of characters that can be interpreted as a numerical value of the type double.
The strtod() function breaks the string into three parts:
1. An initial, possibly empty, sequence of white-space characters, as specied by isspace().
2. A subject sequence interpreted as a floating-point constant or representing innity or a NAN.
3. A nal string of one or more unrecognized characters, including the terminating null byte of the input
The subject string is the longest string that matches the expected form.
The expected form of the subject sequence is an optional plus or minus sign with one of the following
A non-empty sequence of decimal digits optionally containing a radix character followed by an optional
exponent part. A radix character is the character that separates the integer part of a number from the
fractional part.
A 0x or 0X, a non-empty sequence of hexadecimal digits optionally containing a radix character, a base
2 decimal exponent part with a p or P as prex, a plus or minus sign, and then a sequence of at least one
decimal digit, for example, [-]0xh.hhhhp+/-d.
An INF, ignoring case.
One of NANQ or NANQ(n), ignoring case.
One of NANS or NANS(n), ignoring case.
One of NAN or NAN(n), ignoring case.
See “sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
for a description of special innity and NAN
sequences recognized by z/OS Metal C.
The pointer to the last string that was successfully converted is stored in the object pointed to by endptr, if
endptr is not a NULL pointer. If the subject string is empty or it does not have the expected form, no
conversion is performed. The value of nptr is stored in the object pointed to by endptr.
Returned Value
If successful, strtod() returns the value of the floating-point number in IEEE Binary Floating-Point format.
In an overflow, strtod() returns +/-HUGE_VAL. In an underflow, it returns 0. If no conversion is performed,
strtod() returns 0.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
atoi() — Convert character string to integer” on page 65
atol() — Convert character string to long” on page 65
“sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
“strtol() — Convert Character String to Long” on page 107
“strtof — Convert Character String to Float” on page 105
“strtold — Convert Character String to Long Double” on page 108
“strtoul() — Convert String to Unsigned Integer” on page 111
“vsscanf() — Format Input of a STDARG Argument List” on page 116
104 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
strtof — Convert Character String to Float
#include <stdlib.h>
float strtof(const char * __restrict__nptr, char ** __restrict__endptr);
General Description
The strtof() function converts part of a character string, pointed to by nptr, to a float. The parameter nptr
points to a sequence of characters that can be interpreted as a numerical value of the type float.
The strtof() function breaks the string into three parts:
1. An initial, possibly empty, sequence of white-space characters, as specied by isspace().
2. A subject sequence interpreted as a floating-point constant or representing innity or a NAN.
3. A nal string of one or more unrecognized characters, including the terminating null byte of the input
The subject string is the longest string that matches the expected form.
The expected form of the subject sequence is an optional plus or minus sign with one of the following
A non-empty sequence of decimal digits optionally containing a radix character followed by an optional
exponent part. A radix character is the character that separates the integer part of a number from the
fractional part.
A 0x or 0X, a non-empty sequence of hexadecimal digits optionally containing a radix character, a base
2 decimal exponent part with a p or P as prex, a plus or minus sign, and then a sequence of at least one
decimal digit, for example, [-]0xh.hhhhp+/-d.
An INF, ignoring case.
One of NANQ or NANQ(n), ignoring case.
One of NANS or NANS(n), ignoring case.
One of NAN or NAN(n), ignoring case.
In z/OS Metal C, represent the radix character as a period (.).
See “sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
for a description of special innity and NAN
sequences recognized by z/OS Metal C.
The pointer to the last string that was successfully converted is stored in the object pointed to by endptr, if
endptr is not a NULL pointer. If the subject string is empty or it does not have the expected form, no
conversion is performed. The value of nptr is stored in the object pointed to by endptr.
Returned Value
If successful, strtof() returns the value of the floating-point number in IEEE Binary Floating-Point format.
In an overflow, strtof() returns +/-HUGE_VALF. In an underflow, it returns 0. If no conversion is performed,
strtof() returns 0.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
atoi() — Convert character string to integer” on page 65
atol() — Convert character string to long” on page 65
“sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 105
“strtod — Convert Character String to Double” on page 103
“strtol() — Convert Character String to Long” on page 107
“strtold — Convert Character String to Long Double” on page 108
“strtoul() — Convert String to Unsigned Integer” on page 111
“vsscanf() — Format Input of a STDARG Argument List” on page 116
strtok() — Tokenize String
#include <string.h>
char *strtok(char * __restrict__string1, const char * __restrict__string2);
General Description
The strtok() function breaks a character string, pointed to by string, into a sequence of tokens. The tokens
are separated from one another by the characters in the string pointed to by string2.
The token starts with the rst character not in the string pointed to by string2. If such a character is not
found, there are no tokens in the string. strtok() returns a NULL pointer. The token ends with the rst
character contained in the string pointed to by string2. If such a character is not found, the token ends at
the terminating NULL character. Subsequent calls to strtok() will return the NULL pointer. If such a
character is found, then it is overwritten by a NULL character, which terminates the token.
If the next call to strtok() species a NULL pointer for string1, the tokenization resumes at the rst
character following the found and overwritten character from the previous call. For example:
/* Here are two calls */
strtok(string," ")
strtok(NULL," ")
/* Here is the string they are processing */
abc defg hij
first call finds ↑
↑ second call starts
Note: To use the strtok() function, set up an environment by using the __cinit() function. When the
function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
Returned Value
The rst time strtok() is called, it returns a pointer to the rst token in string1. In later calls with the same
token string, strtok() returns a pointer to the next token in the string. A NULL pointer is returned when
there are no more tokens. All tokens are NULL-terminated.
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“strcat() — Concatenate Strings” on page 94
“strchr() — Search for Character” on page 95
“strcmp() — Compare Strings” on page 96
“strcpy() — Copy String” on page 96
“strcspn() — Compare Strings” on page 97
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
106 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
strtok_r() — Split String into Tokens
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#include <string.h>
char *strtok_r(char *s, const char *sep, char **lasts);
General Description
The function strtok_r() considers the NULL-terminated string s as a sequence of zero or more text tokens
separated by spans of one or more characters from the separator string sep. The argument lasts points to
a user-provided pointer which points to stored information necessary for strtok_r() to continue scanning
the same string.
In the rst call to strtok_r(), s points to a NULL-terminated string, sep to a NULL-terminated string of
separator characters and the value pointed to by lasts is ignored. The function strtok_r() returns a pointer
to the rst character of the rst token, writes a NULL character into s immediately following the returned
token, and updates the pointer to which lasts points.
In subsequent calls, s is a NULL pointer and lasts will be unchanged from the previous call so that
subsequent calls will move through the string s, returning successive tokens until no tokens remain. The
separator string sep may be different from call to call. When no token remains in s, a NULL pointer is
Note: To use the strtok_r() function, set up an environment by using the __cinit() function. When the
function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
Returned Value
If successful, strtok_r() returns a pointer to the token found.
When no token is found, strtok_r() returns a NULL pointer.
Related Information
“string.h — Declare string manipulation functions” on page 60
“strcat() — Concatenate Strings” on page 94
“strchr() — Search for Character” on page 95
“strcmp() — Compare Strings” on page 96
“strcpy() — Copy String” on page 96
“strcspn() — Compare Strings” on page 97
“strspn() — Search String” on page 102
strtol() — Convert Character String to Long
#include <stdlib.h>
long int strtol(const char * __restrict__nptr,
char ** __restrict__endptr, int base);
General Description
The strtol() function converts nptr, a character string, to a long int value.
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 107
The function decomposes the entire string into three parts:
1. A sequence of white space characters as dened by the IBM-1047 codepage.
2. A sequence of characters interpreted as integer in some base notation. This is the subject sequence.
3. A sequence of unrecognized characters.
The base notation is determined by base, if base is greater than zero. If base is zero, the base notation is
determined by the format of the sequence of characters that follow an optional plus—or optional minus—
Sequence starts with nonzero decimal digit.
Sequence starts with 0, followed by a sequence of digits with values from 0 to 7.
Sequence starts with either 0x or 0X, followed by digits, and letters A through F or a through f.
If the base is greater than zero, the subject sequence contains decimal digits and letters, possibly
preceded by either a plus or a minus sign. The letters a (or A) through z (or Z) represent values from 10
through 36, but only those letters whose value is less than the value of the base are allowed.
When you use the strtol() function, nptr should point to a string with the following form:
white space
The pointer to the converted characters, even if conversion was unsuccessful, is stored in the object
pointed to by endptr, if endptr is not a NULL pointer.
Returned Value
If successful, strtol() returns the converted long int value.
If unsuccessful, strtol() returns 0 if no conversion could be performed. If the correct value is outside the
range of representable values, strtol() returns LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN, according to the sign of the value.
If the value of base is not supported, strtol() returns 0.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
atoi() — Convert character string to integer” on page 65
atol() — Convert character string to long” on page 65
“ atoll() — Convert character string to signed long long ” on page 66
“sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
“strtoul() — Convert String to Unsigned Integer” on page 111
strtold — Convert Character String to Long Double
#include <stdlib.h>
long double strtold(const char *__restrict__ nptr, char **__restrict__ endptr);
108 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
General Description
The strtold() function converts part of a character string, pointed to by nptr, to long double. The parameter
nptr points to a sequence of characters that can be interpreted as a numerical value of the type long
The strtold() function breaks the string into three parts:
1. An initial, possibly empty, sequence of white-space characters, as specied by isspace().
2. A subject sequence interpreted as a floating-point constant or representing innity or a NAN.
3. A nal string of one or more unrecognized characters, including the terminating null byte of the input
The function then attempts to convert the subject string into the floating-point number, and returns the
The expected form of the subject sequence is an optional plus or minus sign with one of the following
A non-empty sequence of decimal digits optionally containing a radix character followed by an optional
exponent part. A radix character is the character that separates the integer part of a number from the
fractional part.
A 0x or 0X, a non-empty sequence of hexadecimal digits optionally containing a radix character, a base
2 decimal exponent part with a p or P as prex, a plus or minus sign, and then a sequence of at least one
decimal digit, for example, [-]0xh.hhhhp+/-d.
An INF, ignoring case.
One of NANQ or NANQ(n), ignoring case.
One of NANS or NANS(n), ignoring case.
One of NAN or NAN(n), ignoring case.
See “sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89 for a description of special innity and NAN
sequences recognized by z/OS Metal C.
The pointer to the last string that was successfully converted is stored in the object pointed to by endptr, if
endptr is not a NULL pointer. If the subject string is empty or it does not have the expected form, no
conversion is performed. The value of nptr is stored in the object pointed to by endptr.
Returned Value
If successful, strtold() returns the value of the floating-point number in IEEE Binary Floating-Point format.
In an overflow, strtold() returns +/-HUGE_VAL. In an underflow, it returns 0. If no conversion is
performed, strtold() returns 0.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
atoi() — Convert character string to integer” on page 65
atol() — Convert character string to long” on page 65
“sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
“strtod — Convert Character String to Double” on page 103
“strtof — Convert Character String to Float” on page 105
“strtol() — Convert Character String to Long” on page 107
“strtoul() — Convert String to Unsigned Integer” on page 111
“vsscanf() — Format Input of a STDARG Argument List” on page 116
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 109
strtoll() — Convert String to Signed Long Long
#include <stdlib.h>
long long strtoll(const char * __restrict__ nptr,
char ** __restrict__ endptr, int base);
Compile Requirement: Use of this function requires the long long data type. See z/OS XL C/C++ Language
Reference for information about how to make long long available.
General Description
The strtoll() function converts nptr, a character string, to a signed long long value.
The function decomposes the entire string into three parts:
1. A sequence of white space characters as dened by the IBM-1047 codepage.
2. A sequence of characters interpreted as an unsigned integer in some base notation. This is the subject
3. A sequence of unrecognized characters.
The base notation is determined by base, if base is greater than zero. If base is zero, the base notation is
determined by the format of the sequence of characters that follow an optional plus or optional minus
Sequence starts with nonzero decimal digit.
Sequence starts with 0, followed by a sequence of digits with values from 0 to 7.
Sequence starts with either 0x or 0X, followed by digits, and letters A through F or a through f.
If the base is greater than zero, the subject sequence contains decimal digits and letters, possibly
preceded by either a plus or a minus sign. The letters a (or A) through z (or Z) represent values from 10
through 36, but only those letters whose value is less than the value of the base are allowed.
When you are using strtoll(), nptr should point to a string with the following form:
white space
The pointer to the converted characters, even if conversion was unsuccessful, is stored in the object
pointed to by endptr, if endptr is not a NULL pointer.
Returned Value
If successful, strtoll() returns the converted signed long long value, represented in the string.
If unsuccessful, strtoll() returns 0 if no conversion could be performed. If the correct value is outside the
range of representable values, strtoll() returns LLONG_MAX (LONGLONG_MAX) or LLONG_MIN
(LONGLONG_MIN), according to the sign of the value. If the value of base is not supported, strtoll() returns
110 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
atoi() — Convert character string to integer” on page 65
atol() — Convert character string to long” on page 65
“ atoll() — Convert character string to signed long long ” on page 66
“sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
“strtoul() — Convert String to Unsigned Integer” on page 111
strtoul() — Convert String to Unsigned Integer
#include <stdlib.h>
unsigned long int strtoul(const char * __restrict__ string1,
char ** __restrict__ string2, int base);
General Description
The strtoul() function converts string1, a character string, to an unsigned long int value.
The function decomposes the entire string into three parts:
1. A sequence of white space characters as dened by the IBM-1047 codepage.
2. A sequence of characters interpreted as an unsigned integer in some base notation. This is the subject
3. A sequence of unrecognized characters.
The base notation is determined by base, if base is greater than zero. If base is zero, the base notation is
determined by the format of the sequence of characters that follow an optional plus or optional minus
Sequence starts with nonzero decimal digit.
Sequence starts with 0, followed by a sequence of digits with values from 0 to 7.
Sequence starts with either 0x or 0X, followed by digits, and letters A through F or a through f.
If the base is greater than zero, the subject sequence contains decimal digits and letters, possibly
preceded by either a plus or a minus sign. The letters a (or A) through z (or Z) represent values from 10
through 36, but only those letters whose value is less than the value of the base are allowed. The function
stops reading the string at the rst character that it cannot recognize as part of a number. This character
can be the rst numeric character greater than or equal to the base. The strtoul() function sets string2
to point to the end of the resulting output string if a conversion is performed and provided that string2 is
not a NULL pointer.
When you are using the strtoul() function, string1 should point to a string with the following form:
white space
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 111
If base is in the range of 2-36, it becomes the base of the number. If base is 0, the prex determines the
base (8, 16, or 10): the prex 0 means base 8; the prex 0x or 0X means base 16; using any other digit
without a prex means decimal.
The pointer to the converted characters, even if conversion was unsuccessful, is stored in the object
pointed to by string2, if string2 is not a NULL pointer.
Returned Value
If successful, strtoul() returns the converted unsigned long int value, represented in the string.
If unsuccessful, strtoul() returns 0 if no conversion could be performed. If the correct value is outside
the range of representable values, strtoul() returns ULONG_MAX. If the value of base is not supported,
strtoul() returns 0.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
atoi() — Convert character string to integer” on page 65
atol() — Convert character string to long” on page 65
“ atoll() — Convert character string to signed long long ” on page 66
“sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
“strtol() — Convert Character String to Long” on page 107
strtoull() — Convert String to Unsigned Long Long
#include <stdlib.h>
unsigned long long strtoull(register const char * __restrict__ nptr,
char ** __restrict__ endptr, int base);
Compile Requirement: Use of this function requires the long long data type. See z/OS XL C/C++ Language
Reference for information about how to make long long available.
General Description
The strtoull() function converts nptr, a character string, to an unsigned long long value.
The function decomposes the entire string into three parts:
1. A sequence of white space characters as dened by the IBM-1047 codepage.
2. A sequence of characters interpreted as an unsigned integer in some base notation. This is the subject
3. A sequence of unrecognized characters.
The base notation is determined by base, if base is greater than zero. If base is zero, the base notation is
determined by the format of the sequence of characters that follow an optional plus or optional minus
Sequence starts with nonzero decimal digit.
Sequence starts with 0, followed by a sequence of digits with values from 0 to 7.
Sequence starts with either 0x or 0X, followed by digits, and letters A through F or a through f.
112 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
If the base is greater than zero, the subject sequence contains decimal digits and letters, possibly
preceded by either a plus or a minus sign. The letters a (or A) through z (or Z) represent values from 10
through 36, but only those letters whose value is less than the value of the base are allowed. The function
stops reading the string at the rst character that it cannot recognize as part of a number. This character
can be the rst numeric character greater than or equal to the base. The strtoull() function sets endptr to
point to the end of the resulting output string if a conversion is performed and provided that endptr is not
a NULL pointer.
When you are using the strtoull() function, nptr should point to a string with the following form:
white space
If base is in the range of 2-36, it becomes the base of the number. If base is 0, the prex determines the
base (8, 16 or 10): the prex 0 means base 8; the prex 0x or 0X means base 16; using any other digit
without a prex means decimal.
The pointer to the converted characters, even if conversion was unsuccessful, is stored in the object
pointed to by endptr, if endptr is not a NULL pointer.
Returned Value
If successful, strtoull() returns the converted unsigned long long value, represented in the string.
If unsuccessful, strtoull() returns 0 if no conversion could be performed. If the correct value is outside the
range of representable values, strtoull() returns ULLONG_MAX (ULONGLONG_MAX). If the value of base is
not supported, strtoull() returns 0.
Related Information
“stdlib.h — Dene standard library functions” on page 59
atoi() — Convert character string to integer” on page 65
atol() — Convert character string to long” on page 65
“ atoll() — Convert character string to signed long long ” on page 66
“sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
“strtoul() — Convert String to Unsigned Integer” on page 111
tolower(), toupper() — Convert Character Case
#include <ctype.h>
int tolower(int c); /* Convert c to lowercase if appropriate */
int toupper(int c); /* Convert c to uppercase if appropriate */
General Description
The tolower() function converts c to a lowercase letter, if possible. Conversely, the toupper() function
converts c to an uppercase letter, if possible.
tolower, toupper
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 113
Returned Value
If successful, tolower() and toupper() return the corresponding character, as dened in the IBM-1047
code page, if such a character exists.
If unsuccessful, tolower() and toupper() return the unchanged value c.
Related Information
ctype.h — Declare character classication functions ” on page 51
“isalnum() to isxdigit() — Test integer value” on page 71
va_arg(), va_copy(), va_end(), va_start() — Access Function
#include <stdarg.h>
var_type va_arg(va_list arg_ptr, var_type);
void va_end(va_list arg_ptr);
void va_start(va_list arg_ptr, variable_name);
C99: See the sample code below.
#define _ISOC99_SOURCE
#include <stdarg.h>
var_type va_arg(va_list arg_ptr, var_type);
void va_end(va_list arg_ptr);
void va_start(va_list arg_ptr, variable_name);
void va_copy(va_list dest, va_list src);
General Description
The va_arg(), va_end(), and va_start() macros access the arguments to a function when it takes a xed
number of required arguments and a variable number of optional arguments. You declare required
arguments as ordinary parameters to the function and access the arguments through the parameter
The va_start() macro initializes the arg_ptr pointer for subsequent calls to va_arg() and va_end().
The argument variable_name is the identier of the rightmost named parameter in the parameter list
(preceding , …). Use the va_start() macro before the va_arg() macro. Corresponding va_start() and
va_end() macro calls must be in the same function. If variable_name is declared as a register, with a
function or an array type, or with a type that is not compatible with the type that results after application
of the default argument promotions, then the behavior is undened.
The va_arg() macro retrieves a value of the given var_type from the location given by arg_ptr and
increases arg_ptr to point to the next argument in the list. The va_arg() macro can retrieve arguments
from the list any number of times within the function.
The macros also provide xed-point decimal support under z/OS XL C. The sizeof(xx) operator is used
to determine the size and type casting that is used to generate the values. Therefore, a call, such as, x =
va_arg(ap, _Decimal(5,2)); is valid. The size of a xed-point decimal number, however, cannot be
made a variable. Therefore, a call, such as, z = va_arg(ap, _Decimal(x,y)) where x = 5 and y =
2 is not valid.
The va_end() macro is needed by some systems to indicate the end of parameter scanning.
va_start() and va_arg() do not work with parameter lists of functions whose linkages were changed with
the #pragma linkage directive.
va_arg, va_copy, va_end, va_start
114 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
stdarg.h and varargs.h are mutually exclusive. Whichever #include comes rst, determines the form of
macro that is visible.
The type denition for the va_list type in this implementation is "char *va_list".
The va_copy() function creates a copy (dest) of a variable of type va_list (src). The copy appear as if it has
gone through a va_start() and the exact set of sequences of va_arg() as that of src.
After va_copy() initializes dest, the va_copy() macro shall not be invoked to reinitialize dest without an
intervening invocation of the va_end() macro for the same dest.
Returned Value
The va_arg() macro returns the current argument.
The va_end(), va_copy(), and va_start() macros return no values.
Related Information
“stdarg.h — Dene macros for accessing variable-length argument lists in functions” on page 57
“vsnprintf() — Format and print data to xed length buffer” on page 115
“vsprintf() — Format and Print Data to Buffer” on page 116
vsnprintf() — Format and print data to xed length buffer
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int vsnprintf(char *__restrict__ s, size_t n,
const char *__restrict__ format, va_list arg);
General Description
The vsnprintf() function is equivalent to snprintf(), except that instead of being called with a variable
number of arguments, it is called with an argument list as dened by stdarg.h. For a specication of the
format string, see “sprintf() — Format and Write Data” on page 83
Initialize the argument list by using the va_start macro before each call. These functions do not invoke
the va_end macro, but instead invoke the va_arg macro causing the value of arg after the return to be
1. Use of vsnprintf() requires that an environment has been set up by using the __cinit() function. When
the function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
2. In contrast to some UNIX-based implementations of the C language, the z/OS XL C/C++
implementation of the vprintf() family increments the pointer to the variable arguments list. To control
whether the pointer is incremented, call the va_end macro after each function call.
Returned Value
The vsnprintf() function returns the number of characters that would have been written had n been
sufciently large, not counting the terminating null character, or a negative value if an encoding error
occurred. Thus, the null-terminated output has been completely written if and only if the returned value is
nonnegative and less than n.
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 115
Related Information
“stdarg.h — Dene macros for accessing variable-length argument lists in functions” on page 57
“stdio.h — Dene I/O related functions” on page 57
“va_arg(), va_copy(), va_end(), va_start() — Access Function Arguments” on page 114
vsprintf() — Format and Print Data to Buffer
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int vsprintf(char * __restrict__target-string,
const char * __restrict__format, va_list arg_ptr);
General Description
The vsprintf() function is equivalent to the sprintf() function, except that instead of being called with a
variable number of arguments, it is called with an argument list as dened in stdarg.h. For a specication
of the format string, see “sprintf() — Format and Write Data” on page 83.
Initialize the argument list by using the va_start macro before each call. These functions do not invoke
the va_end macro, but instead invoke the va_arg macro causing the value of arg after the return to be
1. Use of vsprintf() requires that an environment has been set up by using the __cinit() function. When the
function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
2. In contrast to some UNIX-based implementations of the C language, the z/OS XL C/C++
implementation of the vprintf() family increments the pointer to the variable arguments list. To control
whether the pointer to the argument is incremented, call the va_end macro after each call to
Returned Value
If successful, vsprintf() returns the number of characters written target-string.
If unsuccessful, vsprintf() returns a negative value.
Related Information
“stdarg.h — Dene macros for accessing variable-length argument lists in functions” on page 57
“stdio.h — Dene I/O related functions” on page 57
“va_arg(), va_copy(), va_end(), va_start() — Access Function Arguments” on page 114
vsscanf() — Format Input of a STDARG Argument List
#define _ISOC99_SOURCE
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int vsscanf(const char *__restrict__ s,
const char *__restrict__ format, va_list arg);
116 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
General Description
The vsscanf() function is equivalent to the sscanf() function, except that instead of being called with a
variable number of arguments, it is called with an argument list as dened in stdarg.h.
Initialize the argument list by using the va_start macro before each call. These functions do not invoke
the va_end macro, but instead invoke the va_arg macro causing the value of arg after the return to be
1. Use of vsscanf() requires that an environment has been set up by using the __cinit() function. When the
function is called, GPR 12 must contain the environment token created by the __cinit() call.
2. In contrast to some UNIX-based implementations of the C language, the z/OS XL C/C++
implementation of the vscanf() family increments the pointer to the variable arguments list. To control
whether the pointer is incremented, call the va_end macro after each function call.
Returned Value
See “sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
Related Information
“stdarg.h — Dene macros for accessing variable-length argument lists in functions” on page 57
“stdio.h — Dene I/O related functions” on page 57
“sscanf() — Read and Format Data” on page 89
Chapter 3. C functions available to Metal C programs 117
118 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Appendix A. Function stack requirements
Table 16 on page 119 lists the stack frame requirements for each Metal C runtime function. All sizes are in
Table 16. Stack frame requirements for Metal C runtime functions
Function AMODE 31 stack size AMODE 64 stack size
abs 256 512
atoi 256 512
atol 256 512
atoll 1280 1536
calloc 1024 1536
__cinit 512 512
__cterm 1024 1024
div 256 512
free 512 1536
isalnum 256 512
isalpha 256 512
isblank 256 512
iscntrl 256 512
isdigit 256 512
isgraph 256 512
islower 256 512
isprint 256 512
ispunct 256 512
isspace 256 512
isupper 256 512
isxdigit 256 512
labs 256 512
ldiv 256 512
llabs 512 512
lldiv 512 512
malloc 768 1024
__malloc31 768 1024
memccpy 512 512
memchr 512 512
memcmp 512 512
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2019 119
Table 16. Stack frame requirements for Metal C runtime functions (continued)
Function AMODE 31 stack size AMODE 64 stack size
memcpy 512 512
memmove 512 512
memset 256 512
qsort 1280
rand 256 512
rand_r 256 512
realloc 1024 2048
snprintf 3072 3584
snprintf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers
32000 32768
snprintf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers with the L
conversion prex
48896 49920
sprintf 3072 3584
sprintf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers
32000 32768
sprintf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers with the L
conversion prex
48896 49920
srand 256 512
sscanf 2304 2560
sscanf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers
4864 5632
sscanf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers
5888 6656
sscanf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers with the L
conversion prex
23040 23552
strcat 512 512
strchr 512 512
strcmp 512 512
strcpy 512 512
strcspn 768 768
strdup 1024 1536
strlen 512 512
strncat 512 512
strncmp 512 512
strncpy 512 512
120 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Table 16. Stack frame requirements for Metal C runtime functions (continued)
Function AMODE 31 stack size AMODE 64 stack size
strpbrk 768 768
strrchr 512 512
strspn 768 768
strstr 512 512
strtod 4096 4352
strtof 3072 3328
strtok 768 1024
strtok_r 1024 1536
strtol 1024 1024
strtold 21248 21248
strtoll 1024 1024
strtoul 1024 1024
strtoull 768 1024
tolower 256 512
toupper 256 512
vsnprintf 3072 3584
vsnprintf when using e, E, f, F, g,
G conversion speciers
32000 32768
vsnprintf when using e, E, f, F, g,
G conversion speciers with the L
conversion prex
48896 49920
vsprintf 3072 3584
vsprintf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers
32000 32768
vsprintf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers with the L
conversion prex
48896 49920
vsscanf 2304 2560
vsscanf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers
4864 5632
vsscanf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers with the l
conversion prex
5888 6656
vsscanf when using e, E, f, F, g, G
conversion speciers with the L
conversion prex
23040 23552
Note: You must add the stack size of the comparison function you supply to the base value.
Appendix A. Function stack requirements 121
122 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
CICS Transaction Server for z/OS offers a number of programming interfaces. The application
programming interfsace is widely used by CICS transactions running in a CICS environment. The exit
programming interface can be used in a restricted environment that enables the customization of CICS to
specic requirements, such as in global user exit programs.
The CICS application programming interface (CICS API) can be used from programs written in any of the
high level programming languages supported by CICS, as well as in assembler programs. However, the
exit programming interface (XPI) is provided to allow access to some of the CICS services from user exit
programs, and these programs must be written in assembler. With the new support in this release, it is
now possible for a C language program using the Metal C option to also use the CICS exit programming
interface. This opens up the possibility of writing global user exit code using Metal C as a high level
language alternative to assembler.
This topic contains some programming examples that demonstrate how the CICS XPI and the CICS API
can be used in Metal C.
Runtime environment adapter
A Metal C "main" code in CICS requires the following capabilities.
prolog code for environment initialization
epilog code for environment termination
writable static area (WSA) initialization plug-in
writable static area (WSA) termination plug-in
In CICS, the prolog and epilog code are mandatory because the Metal C default prolog and epilog obtain
storage using the MVS STORAGE macro. In CICS, storage should be obtained using CICS storage
management API commands, and the execution environment should be set up by the DFHEIENT macro.
The prolog code is mandatory, and the corresponding epilog code should also be provided.
WSA initialization and termination plug-in code should be provided. A C "main" program can be coded
which does not use static data, but the CICS API injects static data into the code.
CICS programs should be reentrant, so a CICS "main" program must be compiled with the Metal C RENT
option specied to meet this CICS requirement.
A Metal C subroutine requires the following capabilities.
Optional prolog code for environment initialization
Optional epilog code for environment termination
Subroutines do not cause writable static areas to be generated. When you write subroutines, natural
reentrancy must be maintained. The CICS exit programming example provides an illustration of on how
this is done.
Under CICS, the default Metal subroutine prolog and epilog code can be used if the space allocated for
the execution stack does not run out.
CICS application programming interface example
The CICS application programming interface example consists of the following components.
Assembler bootstrap program
MTLHALO Metal C "Hello World" using the CICS API
MTLENT "main" prolog macro
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2019 123
MTLXIT "main" epilog macro
MTLSENT Subroutine prolog macro
MTLSXIT Subroutine epilog macro
Data structures
The MTLBOOT assembler program denes the following data structures.
PLISTINIT, which denes the WSA initialization parameters
PLISTTRM, which denes the WSA termination parameters
main_plist, which denes the "main" program entry parameters
the application execution stack with the stack header dened by stack_hdr
Figure 52 on page 124 illustrates how the API components and entry points used in the examples are
Figure 52. CICS API example flow
Example description
The MTLBOOT serves as the adapter program that sets up the proper CICS execution environment for
assembler code. It provides the following services.
sets up the CICS execution environment for assembler
obtains the program stack storage for the Metal C program execution
a callback service to obtain additional stack storage
a callback service to free additional stack storage
return to CICS after program execution
the WSA initialization plug-in
the WSA termination plug-in
The stack storage provided to the Metal C code has a header described by the stack_hdr dsect. The
elds that are not standard are bootstg and mtlrock_ep. The bootstg eld is a fullword containing a
pointer to the CICS allocated dynamic save area associated with the bootstrap program. This is
analogous to the "this" pointer in C++. The mtlrock_ep eld is the entry point to the callback routine.
An input parameter provided to the callback routine determines whether getmain or freemain is used
to allocate storage.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
MTLHALO represents the application code. This is a simple example which demonstrates how the
CICS API is used under Metal C. It also demonstrates the use of the prolog and epilog examples. This
is the code that you would replace with your own application requirements.
MTLENT is mandatory for the "main" program. In this example set, the complexity is encapsulated
within the bootstrap program so that the main prolog macro can be simple and reusable. This macro
assumes that it is invoked with an entry environment described by the "main_plist".
MTLXIT is the "main" program exit macro.
MTLSENT is an optional macro for subroutine entry. It provides an example of what can be done if
additional stack storage needs to be obtained. This macro provides an example of how to invoke the
callback routines in the bootstrap program.
MTLSXIT is an optional subroutine exit macro. If MTLSENT is used for entry, MTLSXIT should be used
for exit.
Example code
Figure 53 on page 126
contains the bootstrap for using Metal C with CICS API programs.
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples 125
* *
* Module Name = MTLBOOT *
* *
* Descriptive Name = CICS Bootstrap for metal C code example *
* *
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM *
* *
* "Restricted Materials of IBM" *
* *
* 5655-S97 *
* *
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 2009 *
* *
* Description *
* The bootstrap routine sets up stack storage and flows *
* control to the metal c program. It provides callbacks for *
* the WSA init/term plugin functionality. It also provides *
* the getmain/freemain entry points which are invoked by the *
* subroutine prolog/epilog routines. *
* *
* This code also provides an implementation proof-of-concept *
* if the user wants to create a CICS API layer in assembler *
* and the business layer in metal c. This code can be extended*
* with the code to implement the CICS API. *
* *
* The Metal C Bootstrap program. *
* Input parm list *
PLISTTRM DSECT WSA termination plugin parameters
trm_addr DS F
trm_size DS F
trm_user_ptr DS F
PLISTINIT DSECT WSA initialization plugin parameters
init_addr DS F
init_size DS F
init_user_ptr DS F
init_align DS F
* define the stack block control area *
stack_hdr dsect
bootstg ds f metal boot reg 12 contents
mtlrock_ep ds a callback for getmain/freemain
blk_beg_addr ds a begin address of block
blk_end_addr ds a end address of block
lstack_hdr equ *-stack_hdr
metlget equ x'0001'
metlfre equ x'0002'
copy dfhkebrc
CICS Bootstrap for metal C code example: MTLBOOT (Part 1 of 7)
Figure 53. CICS Bootstrap for metal C code example: MTLBOOT
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
* Program state *
* local working storage
booteye ds cl8
bootrsa DS 18F
mtlrsa ds 7F
main_plist ds 0a
hdr_ptr ds a
stack_ptr ds a
org_r1 ds a
dsapool ds 10f array of pointers to dsablocks
next_free ds H array index
* logic
* getmain 'main' working storage
* format R1 content
* dispatch
mvc booteye,=cl8'>MTLROCK' set eyecatcher in anchor
LA R13,bootrsa point R13 to local save
st r1,org_r1 save user plist register
clc retcd,dfhresp(normal) check getmain error
jne main_abend
using stack_hdr,r4
st r12,bootstg work area for metal rock callback
mvc mtlrock_ep,callback_ep
st r4,blk_beg_addr
lr r5,r4 compute end address
a r5,dsa_size *
st r5,blk_end_addr
CICS Bootstrap for metal C code example: MTLBOOT (Part 2 of 7)
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
xr r5,r5 store block address in pool ctrl
la r6,dsapool
st r4,0(r5,r6) *
la r5,1(,r5) increment index
sth r5,next_free *
drop r4
la r5,lstack_hdr(,r4) point to user area
st r4,hdr_ptr
st r5,stack_ptr
la r1,main_plist set plist register
* flow control to the metal c program
BASR R14,R15
* freemain whatever we've getmained
j main_return
main_abend ds 0h
main_return ds 0h
drop r3
* The MTLROCK callback service *
* The input environment is as follows; *
* R2 - the function code *
* R1 - the boot token, the mtlboot eistg pointer. This is *
* important for getmain especially, because at the time *
* getmain for stack storage is invoked, there's no more *
* storage space to use. *
* C++ developers can think of this as the 'this' pointer *
* On return from a getmain *
* R2 - block pointer *
* R1 - the user section *
* *
* The getmained block pointer is stored in an array of 10 *
* elements. No check is make for overflow. *
stm r10,r0,mtlrsa-DFHEISTG(r1) save used regs
lr r12,r1 set token in r12
larl r10,constants
chi r2,metlget do we getmain
je getmain
CICS Bootstrap for metal C code example: MTLBOOT (Part 3 of 7)
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
* else it's a freemain. Since we are maintaining a stack, *
* the last getmained block is the first to be freed *
* freemain logic
lh r5,next_free obtain block address to free
bctr r5,0 some validation needed here
sll r5,2 *
la r6,dsapool *
l r4,0(r5,r6) *
clc retcd,dfhresp(normal)
jne freemain_abend *
xr r4,r4 clear the array location
st r4,0(r5,r6) *
srl r5,2 decrement the array index
sth r5,next_free *
j retrock
freemain_abend ds 0h
j retrock
* getmain goes in here *
getmain ds 0h
clc retcd,dfhresp(normal) check getmain error
jne getmain_abend
using stack_hdr,r4
st r12,bootstg work area for metal rock callback
mvc mtlrock_ep,callback_ep
st r4,blk_beg_addr
lr r5,r4 compute end address
a r5,dsa_size *
st r5,blk_end_addr
lh r5,next_free store block address in pool ctrl
sll r5,2 *
la r6,dsapool
st r4,0(r5,r6) *
srl r5,2 increment array index
la r5,1(,r5) *
sth r5,next_free *
drop r4
lr r2,r4 r2 has blk hdr ptr
lr r1,r4 r1 contains the user section
la r1,lstack_hdr(,r1)
j retrock
CICS Bootstrap for metal C code example: MTLBOOT (Part 4 of 7)
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
getmain_abend ds 0h
retrock ds 0h
LM r10,r0,mtlrsa
BR r14
* METALC WSA Initialization plugin *
* The R13, dfheistg being used here is not the same as that *
* being used in the main entry and in mtlrock. This EISTG is *
* taken out of the initial DSA allocated for the metal c main *
* entry point *
STM 14,11,12(13)
LR 15,13
L 13,8(,13)
ST 15,4(,13)
* init common registers
lr 12,13 eistg for this callback
LR R9,R1 set plist register
* logic
ICM R4,B'1111',trm_addr
jz trm_retn
trm_retn ds 0h
L 13,4(,13)
L 14,12(,13)
LM 1,11,24(13)
BR 14
* METALC WSA Initialization plugin *
* The R13, dfheistg being used here is not the same as that *
* being used in the main entry and in mtlrock. This EISTG is *
* taken out of the initial DSA allocated for the metal c main *
* entry point *
CICS Bootstrap for metal C code example: MTLBOOT (Part 5 of 7)
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
STM 14,11,12(13)
LR 15,13
L 13,8(,13)
ST 15,4(,13)
* init common registers
lr 12,13 eistg for this callback
LR R9,R1 set plist register
XC AREA,AREA init output data
* logic
JZ RETURN nothing to do
icm r6,b'1111',init_addr is there something to copy
jz return nothing to copy
clc retcd,dfhresp(normal) check getmain error
je wsacopy proceed to copy
* controlled abend the transaction if getmain fails to allow*
* IPCS analysis *
* DC H'0'
j return
wsacopy ds 0h
lr r7,r5 propagate length
mvcl r4,r6 and copy the WSA area
L 13,4(,13)
L 14,12(,13)
LM 1,11,24(13)
BR 14
callback_ep dc a(mtlrock)
CICS Bootstrap for metal C code example: MTLBOOT (Part 6 of 7)
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
* define the allocation size of a stack block here *
dsa_size dc a(32000)
*dsa_size dc a(4096)
* prolog/epilog for a CICS API layer (proposed) *
STM RE,RC,12(RD) save registers
lr rc,rd pick up the 'this' pointer
ahi rc,-4 *
l rc,0(,rc) point to stack block header
l rc,0(,rc) and pick up bootstg ptr
st rd,bootrsa+4 store prev save pointer
la rd,bootrsa point to routine RSA
* mtl2cics logic
mtl2cics_rtn ds 0h
l rd,4(,rd) recover previous save pointer
lm re,rc,12(rd) restore regs
br re and return to caller
ltorg contants/literal pool
CICS Bootstrap for metal C code example: MTLBOOT (Part 7 of 7)
Figure 54 on page 133 contains example code that demonstrates the use of the prolog and epilog
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
#include <stodio>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* char w_text[81]; */
/* the generated code seems to locate globals in the */
/* code section. Global variables make the program non-reentrant */
DFHEIBLK *eiptr;
/* The prolog and epilog will cause a getmain and freemain for */
/* additional stack space to be driven if the stack block size */
/* setting in MTLBOOT is 4096 bytes. */
#pragma prolog(bigrtn,"MTLSENT")
#pragma epilog(bigrtn,"MTLSXIT")
void bigrtn()
char bigbuff[3800];
/*char bigbuff[16]; */
bigbuff[0] = '1';
#pragma prolog(sendmsg,"MTLSENT")
/* #pragma epilog(sendmsg,"MTLSXIT") */
void sendmsg(char *s)
int out_len = 81;
char w_text[81];
memset(w_text,' ',out_len);
#pragma prolog(main,"MTLENT")
#pragma epilog(main,"MTLXIT")
char msg[]= "METALC Hello";
int msg_len = 12;
/*int out_len = 81; */
/*char w_text[81]; */
/*char s[23] = "Hello CICS from METAL!\n";*/
sendmsg("Hello CICS from METAL!\n");
Figure 54. CICS API used under Metal C example code: MTLHALO
Figure 55 on page 134
contains the main prolog for using Metal C with CICS API programs.
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* 5655-S97 *
* *
* (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1989, 2009 *
* *
* *
STM 14,12,12(13)
Figure 55. Metal C for CICS main prolog: MTLENT
Figure 56 on page 135
contains the main epilog for using Metal C with CICS API programs.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* 5655-S97 *
* *
* (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1989, 2009 *
* *
Figure 56. Metal C for CICS main epilog: MTLXIT
Figure 57 on page 136
contains the subroutine prolog for using Metal C with CICS API programs.
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* 5655-S97 *
* *
* (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1989, 2009 *
* *
STM 14,12,12(13)
LR 15,13
L 2,8(,13) PICK UP THE NAB
Metal C for CICS subroutine prolog: MTLSENT (Part 1 of 2)
Figure 57. Metal C for CICS subroutine prolog: MTLSENT
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
* DC H'0'
Metal C for CICS subroutine prolog: MTLSENT (Part 2 of 2)
Figure 58 on page 138 contains the subroutine epilog for using Metal C with CICS API programs.
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples 137
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* 5655-S97 *
* *
* (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1989, 2009 *
* *
LR 15,13
L 15,4(,14) SET EP ADDRESS
LM 14,12,12(13)
BR 14
Figure 58. Metal C for CICS subroutine epilog: MTLSXIT
CICS exit programming interface example
The CICS exit programming interface is described in the CICS Customization Guide. It is used for
programs which run at global user exit points. The example in this section is for the XTSEREQ exit point.
The example exit is driven when a temporary storage queue request is to be serviced by CICS. The
example exit code however does not perform any business logic. All that is shown is a storage
management getmain and freemain request using the exit programming interface.
The CICS exit programming interface example consists of the following components:
Assembler Language bootstrap program.
Example using the CICS exit programming interface for Metal C.
Figure 59 on page 139 illustrates how the XPI components and entry points used in the examples are
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Figure 59. CICS XPI example flow
The prolog and epilog macros provided for the CICS API examples are also being used by MTL2XPI.
The MTLBTXPI program is similar to MTLBOOT. It performs the same function and sets up a similar
execution environment for MTL2XPI. MTLBTXPI, unlike MTLBOOT, does not provide WSA initialization and
termination. MTL2XPI is coded as a C subroutine but not a main program. This avoids the need of setting
up a writable static area.
The CICS exit programming interface does not internally generate statically writable variables because it
is an assembler only interface.
The data passed from MTLBTXPI to MTL2XPI is described by "main_plist" and the getmain allocated
storage for use as the Metal C execution stack. In XPI execution, R1 points to the user exit parameter
area. Sample code on how to properly pass this information for Metal C execution is shown. Like
MTLBTXPI, the main_plist elds, hdr_ptr, and stack_ptr all point to areas in the Metal C stack storage.
MTL2XPI is the C code that shows an example of how to invoke a CICS XPI service in C. The services
invoked are getmain and freemain, but this provides a demonstration that the CICS XPI which is
assembler-only can be used by C code.
It should be pointed out that register 13 needs to be set to the contents of "uepstack" upon entry into the
XPI. The contents must be copied into another register and not in the C execution stack storage, because
register 13 is also used by Metal C as the execution stack pointer.
MTL2XPI uses MTLENT and MTLXIT as its prolog and epilog macros. This demonstrates reuse of these
macros because the bootstrap programs, while different, provide the same interface data. MTLSENT and
MTLSXIT can also be used in XPI using Metal C code if stack expansion is required.
Example code
Figure 60 on page 140 contains example code for the Metal C CICS bootstrap.
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
* *
* Module Name = MTLBTXPI *
* *
* Descriptive Name = CICS Bootstrap for metal C code example *
* *
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM *
* *
* "Restricted Materials of IBM" *
* *
* 5655-S97 *
* *
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 2009 *
* *
* Description *
* The bootstrap routine sets up stack storage and flows *
* control to the metal c program. The metalc program will *
* implement the business logic as a C subrooutine ie not *
* 'main'. This means a WSA Init/Term callbacks don't need to *
* be provided. *
* *
* Like the metalc CICS application bootstrap, storage *
* management callbacks for the various subroutine *
* prolog/epilog code is still provided. *
* *
* This bootstrap code is used for coding CICS Exit Programming*
* Interface using programs. The XPI is used for assembler-only*
* user exit programs. *
* *
* The z/OS C/C++ metalc option allows C programmers to use *
* the C language to write CICS XPI code in user exit programs.*
* *
* The Metal C Bootstrap program for the CICS XPI *
* Define the stack block control area *
stack_hdr dsect
bootstg ds f bootstrap storage pointer
mtlrock_ep ds a callback for getmain/freemain
blk_beg_addr ds a begin address of block
blk_end_addr ds a end address of block
lstack_hdr equ *-stack_hdr
metlget equ x'0001'
metlfre equ x'0002'
copy dfhkebrc
CICS bootstrap for Metal C example program: MTLBTXPI (Part 1 of 7)
Figure 60. CICS bootstrap for Metal C example program: MTLBTXPI
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
* Program state *
* local working storage, pointed to by bootstg
workstg dsect
bootrsa DS 18F
booteye ds cl8
mtlrsa ds 7F
saverd DS F
main_plist ds 0a metalc main entry argument
hdr_ptr ds a ptr to dsa stack header
stack_ptr ds a ptr to dsa stack user area
org_r1_ptr ds a r1 contents on entry
org_r1 ds a r1 contents on entry
dsapool ds 10f array of pointers to dsablocks
next_free ds H array index
lworkstg equ *-workstg
* The XTSEREQ exit is driven before CICS processes a temporary *
* storage API request. To use this example for other global user*
* exit points, include the relevant definition of the user exit *
* parameter list. *
DFHUEXIT TYPE=EP,ID=XTSEREQ GLUE parameter list definition
COPY DFHSMMCY Setup XPI plist for SM
* logic
* getmain 'main' working storage
* format R1 content
* dispatch
stm R14,R12,12(R13) Save caller's registers
* Get access to GLUE parameter list
lr R9,R1 Save r1 contents
* get bootstrap work area storage
l r2,work_size
lr r3,r1 set dfhuepar ptr register
brasl r11,getstor
lr r4,r1
using workstg,r4 set addr'ability
mvc booteye,=cl8'>MTLBXPI' set eyecatcher in anchor
st r9,org_r1 save user plist register
la r9,org_r1 normalize to C parm convention
st r9,org_r1_ptr *
CICS bootstrap for Metal C example program: MTLBTXPI (Part 2 of 7)
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
* get initial dynamic storage area
l r2,dsa_size
l r3,org_r1 set dfhuepar ptr register
brasl r11,getstor
lr r5,r1
using stack_hdr,r5
st r4,bootstg work area for metal rock callback
mvc mtlrock_ep,callback_ep
st r5,blk_beg_addr
lr r6,r5 compute end address
a r6,dsa_size *
st r6,blk_end_addr
xr r6,r6 store block address in pool ctrl
la r7,dsapool
st r5,0(r6,r7) *
la r6,1(,r6) increment index
sth r6,next_free *
drop r5
la r6,lstack_hdr(,r5) point to user area
st r5,hdr_ptr
st r6,stack_ptr
la r1,main_plist set plist register
* flow control to the metal c program
la R13,bootrsa point R13 to bootstrap save
l R15,metal_ep
basr R14,R15
* free the allocated metalc stack storage
lh r6,next_free obtain block address to free
bctr r6,0 some validation needed here
sll r6,2 *
la r7,dsapool *
l r2,0(r6,r7) set free storage parameter
l r3,org_r1 pick up dfhuepar ptr
brasl r11,freestor
main_return ds 0h
l r3,org_r1 load dfhuepar ptr
lr r2,r4 address to free
brasl r11,freestor and free up our work area
l r13,UEPEPSA-DFHUEPAR(,r3) point to caller's save
lm r14,r12,12(r13) restore caller's register
br r14 return to caller
CICS bootstrap for Metal C example program: MTLBTXPI (Part 3 of 7)
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
* The MTLROCK callback service *
* The input environment is as follows; *
* R2 - the function code *
* R1 - the boot token, the mtlbtxpi workstorage ptr. This is *
* important for getmain especially, because at the time *
* getmain for stack storage is invoked, there's no more *
* storage space to use. *
* C++ developers can think of this as the 'this' pointer *
* On return from a getmain *
* R2 - block pointer *
* R1 - the user section *
* *
* The getmained block pointer is stored in an array of 10 *
* elements. No check is make for overflow. *
stm r10,r0,mtlrsa-workstg(r1) save used regs
lr r4,r1 set token in r4
larl r10,constants
chi r2,metlget do we getmain
je getmain
* else it's a freemain. Since we are maintaining a stack, *
* the last getmained block is the first to be freed *
* freemain logic
lh r5,next_free obtain block address to free
bctr r5,0 some validation needed here
sll r5,2 *
la r6,dsapool *
l r2,0(r5,r6) set free storage parameter
l r3,org_r1 pick up dfhuepar ptr
brasl r11,freestor
xr r3,r3 clear the array location
st r3,0(r5,r6) *
srl r5,2 decrement the array index
sth r5,next_free *
j retrock
CICS bootstrap for Metal C example program: MTLBTXPI (Part 4 of 7)
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
* getmain goes in here *
getmain ds 0h
l r2,dsa_size set size to get
l r3,org_r1 set dfhuepar ptr register
brasl r11,getstor
lr r5,r1
using stack_hdr,r5
st r4,bootstg work area for metal rock callback
mvc mtlrock_ep,callback_ep
st r5,blk_beg_addr
lr r6,r5 compute end address
a r6,dsa_size *
st r6,blk_end_addr
lh r6,next_free store block address in pool ctrl
sll r6,2 *
la r7,dsapool
st r5,0(r6,r7) *
srl r6,2 increment array index
la r6,1(,r6) *
sth r6,next_free *
drop r5
lr r2,r5 r2 has blk hdr ptr
lr r1,r5 r1 contains the user section
la r1,lstack_hdr(,r1)
j retrock
retrock ds 0h
lm r10,r0,mtlrsa
br r14
metal_ep dc V(mtl2xpi)
callback_ep dc a(mtlrock)
* define the allocation size of a stack block here. Change *
* these as needed. *
dsa_size dc a(32000)
work_size dc a(lworkstg)
*dsa_size dc a(4096)
CICS bootstrap for Metal C example program: MTLBTXPI (Part 5 of 7)
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
* Get dynamic storage area. *
* The CICS storage management XPI function, DHFSMMCX, is used *
* to get the storage. *
* R2 contains the storage length *
* R1 contains the storage address on exit or zero if an error *
* occurred. *
* Work regs; *
* R3,R6,R7 *
getstor ds 0h
using dfhuepar,r3 set by caller
l R6,UEPXSTOR set base to XPI plist
using DFHSMMC_ARG,R6 .. tell ASM
st r13,saverd save R13
l R13,UEPSTACK Set R13 to the Kernel stack
IN, @
OUT, @
ADDRESS((R7)), @
BE GETOK .. yes
xr r7,r7 clear output register
LA R15,UERCBYP Get return code
L R1,UEPEPSA Get address of caller's RSA
ST R15,16(R1) Store RC in caller's R15
GETOK DS 0H R2 is base register for program data
L R13,saverd restore r13 contents
lr r1,r7 set output reg
br r11 and return to caller
drop r3,r6
CICS bootstrap for Metal C example program: MTLBTXPI (Part 6 of 7)
* Free allocated storage *
* R2 contains the address of the storage to be freed *
* Work Regs; *
* R3,R6 *
freestor DS 0H
using dfhuepar,r3 r3 set by caller
L R6,UEPXSTOR set base to XPI plist
st r13,saverd
L R13,UEPSTACK Set R13 to the Kernel stack
IN, @
ADDRESS((R2)), @
OUT, @
* return code checking is left as an exercise for the reader
l r13,saverd
br r11
drop r3,r6
CICS bootstrap for Metal C example program: MTLBTXPI (Part 7 of 7)
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples 145
Figure 61 on page 146 contains example code to use the CICS exit programming API in C.
/* */
/* Program Name : MTL2XPI */
/* Description : Sample code to use the CICS Exit Programming API*/
/* in C */
/* Author : Noel C. Sales */
/* Date : 21 Jan 2010 */
/* */
/* a C mapping for the dfhuepar dsect */
typedef struct {
void *uepexn; /* Address of exit number */
void *uepgaa; /* Address of global work area */
void *uepgal; /* Address of work area length */
void *uepcrca; /* Address of current return code */
void *ueptca; /* reserved */
void *uepcsa; /* reserved */
void *uepepsa; /* Address of exit prog save area */
void *uephmsa; /* Address of host module"s RSA */
void *uepgind; /* Address of task data key and data */
/* location flags */
void *uepstack; /* Address of kernel stack entry */
void *uepxstor; /* Address of storage for XPI */
/* parameter list */
/* standard parameters above completed by User Exit Handler*/
void *ueptrace; /* Address of Trace flag */
void *uepparms; /* Start of variable parameters */
void *ueppcds; /* Address of program control exits */
/* DSECT */
void *ueptacb; /* Address of TACB */
} dfhuepar_t;
Metal C uses register 13 to point to the DSA by default. However,
we are entered with register 13 pointing to the LIFO stack. To
resolve this the bootstrap program should tuck register 13 in a
safe place in the DSA it allocates.
Before invoking the XPI API, we save the current register 13 in a
variable, replace it with the register 13 tucked away in the
'safe place' then restore R13 when we're through.
To ensure that we still have addressability to the variable,
We have the option to use WSA or a register.
We cannot use the local stack storage because
register 13 points to the local stack and we just overlayed the
CICS exit programming API example program: MTL2XPI (Part 1 of 3)
Figure 61. CICS exit programming API example program: MTL2XPI
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
typedef struct
void *stack_hdr_p;
void *stack_user_area_p;
dfhuepar_t *ueparm_p;
} mtl_parm_t;
static void get_storage(dfhuepar_t *plist,void **storage)
void *pstg;
short getlen;
void *sm_arg;
void *kern_stack;
register saverd;
register rx;
getlen = 128;
sm_arg = plist->uepxstor;
kern_stack = plist->uepstack;
* Call the XPI function. *
* The syntax for DFHSMMCX GETMAIN is *
* [CLEAR,] *
* [IN, *
* GET_LENGTH(name4 | (Rn) | expression), *
* [INITIAL_IMAGE(name1 | literalconst),] *
* [TCTTE_ADDRESS(name4 | (Ra)),]] *
* [OUT, *
* ADDRESS(name4 | (Rn) | *), *
* RESPONSE(name1 | *), *
* REASON(name1 | *)] *
* In this example, we use the GET_LENGTH, STORAGE_CLASS and *
* SUSPEND input parameters, and output the ADDRESS, and the *
* response and reason. *
__asm(" L %0,%4 \n"
" LR %2,13\n"
" L 13,%5\n"
" DROP %0\n"
" LR 13,%2"
: "=r"(rx),"=m"(pstg),"=r"(saverd)
: "m"(getlen),"m"(sm_arg),"m"(kern_stack)
*storage = pstg;
CICS exit programming API example program: MTL2XPI (Part 2 of 3)
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
static void business_logic(dfhuepar_t *plist, void * storage)
static void free_storage(dfhuepar_t *plist, void *storage)
register rx;
register saverd;
void *sm_arg;
void *kern_stack;
void *uepstack;
void *address;
sm_arg = plist->uepxstor;
kern_stack = plist->uepstack;
address = storage;
__asm(" L %0,%3\n"
" LR %1,13\n"
" L 13,%4\n"
" LR 13,%1\n"
" DROP %0"
: "=r"(rx),"=r"(saverd)
: "m"(address),"m"(sm_arg),"m"(kern_stack)
#pragma prolog(mtl2xpi,"MTLENT")
#pragma epilog(mtl2xpi,"MTLXIT")
void mtl2xpi(dfhuepar_t *plist)
void *storage;
CICS exit programming API example program: MTL2XPI (Part 3 of 3)
CICS denitions
The CICS API example program is, for all intents and purposes, an assembler program. It requires the
normal CICS denitions, using for example CEDA or the CICS Explorer, to dene it as a program and the
denition to map the program to a CICS transaction.
The exit is enabled using the ENABLE PROGRAM command, for example via the CECI transaction:
The exit is triggered each time a temporary storage request is to be serviced by CICS. The following
command issued using the CECI transaction is an example of a request to temporary storage.
Figure 62 on page 149 describes the CEDA denition for the API example program.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Language : Assembler CObol | Assembler | Le370 | C | Pli
RELoad : No No | Yes
RESident : No No | Yes
USAge : Normal Normal | Transient
USElpacopy : No No | Yes
Status : Enabled Enabled | Disabled
RSl : 00 0-24 | Public
CEdf : Yes Yes | No
DAtalocation : Any Below | Any
EXECKey : User User | Cics
COncurrency : Quasirent Quasirent | Threadsafe
Api : Cicsapi Cicsapi | Openapi
Figure 62. CICS CEDA denition for the API example program
Figure 63 on page 149
describes the CICS transaction denition.
Figure 63. CICS transaction denition
CEDA View TRANSaction (MET0)
TRANSaction : MET0
DEScription :
TWasize : 00000 0-32767
PArtitionset :
STAtus : Enabled Enabled | Disabled
PRIMedsize : 00000 0-65520
TASKDATALoc : Any Below | Any
TASKDATAKey : User User | Cics
STOrageclear : No No | Yes
RUnaway : System System | 0 | 500-2700000
SHutdown : Disabled Disabled | Enabled
ISolate : Yes Yes | No
Figure 64 on page 149 describes the CICS XPI example as dened in the CEDA.
DEScription :
Language : Assembler CObol | Assembler | Le370 | C | Pli
RELoad : No No | Yes
RESident : No No | Yes
USAge : Normal Normal | Transient
USElpacopy : No No | Yes
Status : Enabled Enabled | Disabled
RSl : 00 0-24 | Public
CEdf : Yes Yes | No
DAtalocation : Any Below | Any
EXECKey : Cics User | Cics
COncurrency : Quasirent Quasirent | Threadsafe
Api : Cicsapi Cicsapi | Openapi
Figure 64. Dening the CICS XPI example in the CEDA
JCL example
The following example JCL shows you how to build the example code. You need to provide appropriate
libraries in place of those shown in the example JCL, such as MTLUSR.XPLINK.LOAD and
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
Figure 65. CICS LNKXPI JCL example
//* run ASM
Figure 66. CICS ASMXPI JCL example
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
//* CICS Metal JCL
//* Compile the code
//SYSLIB DD PATH='/usr/include/metal',PATHOPTS=ORDONLY
//SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),
//SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),
//SYSUT5 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),
//SYSUT6 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),
//SYSUT7 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),
//SYSUT8 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),
//SYSUT9 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),
//SYSUT14 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),
//* Assemble the code
Figure 67. CICS CCXPI JCL example
nose se(/usr/include/metal, DD:SYSLIB)
Figure 68. CICS OPTXPI JCL example
Appendix B. CICS programming interface examples
152 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Appendix C. Accessibility
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If you experience difculty with the accessibility of any z/OS information, send a detailed message to the
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use software products successfully. The accessibility features in z/OS can help users do the following
Run assistive technology such as screen readers and screen magnier software.
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the default settings for the PF keys.
z/OS TSO/E Primer
z/OS TSO/E User's Guide
z/OS ISPF User's Guide Vol I
Dotted decimal syntax diagrams
Syntax diagrams are provided in dotted decimal format for users who access IBM Documentation with a
screen reader. In dotted decimal format, each syntax element is written on a separate line. If two or more
syntax elements are always present together (or always absent together), they can appear on the same
line because they are considered a single compound syntax element.
Each line starts with a dotted decimal number; for example, 3 or 3.1 or 3.1.1. To hear these numbers
correctly, make sure that the screen reader is set to read out punctuation. All the syntax elements that
have the same dotted decimal number (for example, all the syntax elements that have the number 3.1)
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2019 153
are mutually exclusive alternatives. If you hear the lines 3.1 USERID and 3.1 SYSTEMID, your syntax
can include either USERID or SYSTEMID, but not both.
The dotted decimal numbering level denotes the level of nesting. For example, if a syntax element with
dotted decimal number 3 is followed by a series of syntax elements with dotted decimal number 3.1, all
the syntax elements numbered 3.1 are subordinate to the syntax element numbered 3.
Certain words and symbols are used next to the dotted decimal numbers to add information about the
syntax elements. Occasionally, these words and symbols might occur at the beginning of the element
itself. For ease of identication, if the word or symbol is a part of the syntax element, it is preceded by the
backslash (\) character. The * symbol is placed next to a dotted decimal number to indicate that the
syntax element repeats. For example, syntax element *FILE with dotted decimal number 3 is given the
format 3 \* FILE. Format 3* FILE indicates that syntax element FILE repeats. Format 3* \* FILE
indicates that syntax element * FILE repeats.
Characters such as commas, which are used to separate a string of syntax elements, are shown in the
syntax just before the items they separate. These characters can appear on the same line as each item, or
on a separate line with the same dotted decimal number as the relevant items. The line can also show
another symbol to provide information about the syntax elements. For example, the lines 5.1*, 5.1
LASTRUN, and 5.1 DELETE mean that if you use more than one of the LASTRUN and DELETE syntax
elements, the elements must be separated by a comma. If no separator is given, assume that you use a
blank to separate each syntax element.
If a syntax element is preceded by the % symbol, it indicates a reference that is dened elsewhere. The
string that follows the % symbol is the name of a syntax fragment rather than a literal. For example, the
line 2.1 %OP1 means that you must refer to separate syntax fragment OP1.
The following symbols are used next to the dotted decimal numbers.
? indicates an optional syntax element
The question mark (?) symbol indicates an optional syntax element. A dotted decimal number
followed by the question mark symbol (?) indicates that all the syntax elements with a corresponding
dotted decimal number, and any subordinate syntax elements, are optional. If there is only one syntax
element with a dotted decimal number, the ? symbol is displayed on the same line as the syntax
element, (for example 5? NOTIFY). If there is more than one syntax element with a dotted decimal
number, the ? symbol is displayed on a line by itself, followed by the syntax elements that are
optional. For example, if you hear the lines 5 ?, 5 NOTIFY, and 5 UPDATE, you know that the
syntax elements NOTIFY and UPDATE are optional. That is, you can choose one or none of them.
The ? symbol is equivalent to a bypass line in a railroad diagram.
! indicates a default syntax element
The exclamation mark (!) symbol indicates a default syntax element. A dotted decimal number
followed by the ! symbol and a syntax element indicate that the syntax element is the default option
for all syntax elements that share the same dotted decimal number. Only one of the syntax elements
that share the dotted decimal number can specify the ! symbol. For example, if you hear the lines 2?
FILE, 2.1! (KEEP), and 2.1 (DELETE), you know that (KEEP) is the default option for the
FILE keyword. In the example, if you include the FILE keyword, but do not specify an option, the
default option KEEP is applied. A default option also applies to the next higher dotted decimal
number. In this example, if the FILE keyword is omitted, the default FILE(KEEP) is used. However, if
you hear the lines 2? FILE, 2.1, 2.1.1! (KEEP), and 2.1.1 (DELETE), the default option
KEEP applies only to the next higher dotted decimal number, 2.1 (which does not have an associated
keyword), and does not apply to 2? FILE. Nothing is used if the keyword FILE is omitted.
* indicates an optional syntax element that is repeatable
The asterisk or glyph (*) symbol indicates a syntax element that can be repeated zero or more times. A
dotted decimal number followed by the * symbol indicates that this syntax element can be used zero
or more times; that is, it is optional and can be repeated. For example, if you hear the line 5.1* data
area, you know that you can include one data area, more than one data area, or no data area. If you
hear the lines 3* , 3 HOST, 3 STATE, you know that you can include HOST, STATE, both
together, or nothing.
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
1. If a dotted decimal number has an asterisk (*) next to it and there is only one item with that dotted
decimal number, you can repeat that same item more than once.
2. If a dotted decimal number has an asterisk next to it and several items have that dotted decimal
number, you can use more than one item from the list, but you cannot use the items more than
once each. In the previous example, you can write HOST STATE, but you cannot write HOST HOST.
3. The * symbol is equivalent to a loopback line in a railroad syntax diagram.
+ indicates a syntax element that must be included
The plus (+) symbol indicates a syntax element that must be included at least once. A dotted decimal
number followed by the + symbol indicates that the syntax element must be included one or more
times. That is, it must be included at least once and can be repeated. For example, if you hear the line
6.1+ data area, you must include at least one data area. If you hear the lines 2+, 2 HOST, and
2 STATE, you know that you must include HOST, STATE, or both. Similar to the * symbol, the +
symbol can repeat a particular item if it is the only item with that dotted decimal number. The +
symbol, like the * symbol, is equivalent to a loopback line in a railroad syntax diagram.
Appendix C. Accessibility 155
156 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
This information was developed for products and services that are offered in the USA or elsewhere.
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries.
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z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Special Characters
__asm operand lists
dening read-write __asm operands 24
__asm operands
C expressions as __asm operands 21
read-write __asm operands 24
dening 22
read-write 24
__asm statement
inserting your own assembly instructions 20
code format string 20
__asm statements
C expressions as__asm operands 21
code format string 21
constraints 21
read-write __asm operands 24
speciers 21
__cinit() library function 67
__far qualier
far pointer 32
__malloc31() library function 76
_cterm() library function 70
_MI_BUILTN macro
data space allocation 36
_MI.BUILTN macro
AR-mode functions 35
far-pointer management 34
-mgoff HLASM option
and Metal C programs 42
# pragma insert_asm
inserting your own assembly statements 27
#pragma directive
+ constraint
dening read-write __asm operands 25
abs() library function 64
absolute value
integer argument 64
access registers
AR mode 34
management by compiler 34
restoring 35
saving 35
contact IBM 153
features 153
ADATA debugging information
additional source-level information
ADATA debugging information (continued)
additional source-level information (continued)
output le format 47
CDAASMC procedure 47
CDAHLASM invocation 47
addressing mode
and global SET symbols 14
and passing parameters 2
amode31 28
amode64 28
recognition of 28
commands 43
example 28
allocating alternative data spaces 34
far pointer 32
implicit association 34
ALIAS instructions
recognition of 4
realloc() 81
_MI_BUILTN macro 36
of data space 36
alphabetic character attribute 72
alternative data spaces
accessing 34
allocating 34
and global SET symbols 14
and passing parameters 2
function save areas 3
return values 2
commands 43
example 28
external function calls 28
internal function calls 28
AR mode
linkage conventions 35
programming support
far-pointer management 34
AR-mode functions
accessing alternative data spaces 34
ALET associations 34
built-in functions 35
C language constructs and far pointers 33
data space allocation 36, 39
default prolog and epilog code 35
far pointers
declaration 32
dereference 32
reference 32
memory references 34
Index 161
accessing 114
ARMODE compiler option 32
armode function attribute 32
as command
building Metal C programs 42
ASC mode
restoring 35
switching 35
ASMLANGX debugging utility
debugging information format 47
ASMLANGX utility
additional source-level information
ADATA debugging information 47
assembly job step 44
assembly language programs
debugging 47
load module size 47
source-level information 47
assembly statements
code format string 20
example, simple 20
le-scope header 5
function entry point markers 8
function headers 8
function property blocks 8
making a C expression available to HLASM 22
making a C variable available to HLASM 21
making a C variable expression an __asm operand
operands 22
executable 20
non-executable 27
user-supplied 19
assistive technologies 153
atoi() library function 65
atol() library function 65
atoll() library function 66
batch environment
binder invocation procedures 43
building Metal C programs
assembly step 44
bind step 44
compilation step 43
debugging assembly language programs 47
debugging information 47
extracting source-level information 47
f 29
IDF debugging information 47
bind job step 44
blank character attribute 72
format and print data 116
building Metal C programs
assembly step
symbols longer than eight characters 42
built-in functions
AR-mode functions 35
far-pointer management
built-in functions (continued)
far-pointer management (continued)
AR-mode programming support 34
builtins.h header le
data space allocation 36
far versions of library functions 35
far-pointer management 34
C expressions
used as __asm operands 21
C language constructs
far pointers 33
C memory functions
far versions 35
C string functions
far versions 35
C string pointer
copying to far pointer 39
C symbols
name-encoding 4
calloc() library function 67
CDAASMC JCL procedure
binder invocation 43
extracting source-level information 47
invoking 44
invocation 47
binder invocation batch procedures 43
lowercase 113
uppercase 113
nding in a string 101
CICS API example 123
CICS denitions 148
CICS XPI example 138
JCL example 149
programming interface examples 123
runtime environment adapter 123
CICS programming interface examples 123
classifying characters 71
clobber list
example 23
code base registers 4
code format string
description 20
in an __asm statement 21
substitution speciers 21
treatment of 20
code format strings
data space allocation 36
read-write __asm operands 24
conversion utilities
iso646.h header le 54
syntax diagrams xiii
strcmp() 96
162 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
comparing (continued)
strcspn() 97
strings 96, 97, 99
strncmp() 99
compilation job step 43
compiler options
characteristics of compiler-generated assembly
source code 4
versus #pragma epilog 12
entry point denitions 8
entry point marker 8
external symbols 5
function property blocks 8
characteristics of compiler-generated assembly
source code 4
programming with Metal C 1
versus #pragma prolog 12
strcat() 94
strings 94, 99
strncat() 99
dening 11
z/OS 153
to lowercase 113
to uppercase 113
argument in sscanf() 91
string to unsigned integer 111
strcpy() 96
strings 96, 100
strncpy() 100
ctype.h header le 51
data spaces
access 32
accessing 39
allocation 36
deallocation 36, 39
referencing 39
assembly language programs 47
data formats 47
extracting source-level information
IDF 48
in a batch environment 47
Interactive Debug Facility (IDF) 47
interactive utility 48
source-level information 47
div_t structure 70
div() library function 70
division 70
acquisition and release 3
address space 35
and global SET symbols 14
AR-mode functions 35
function save areas 3
location 35
obtaining 12
obtaining and releasing 19
pointer 19
preallocation 12
DSECT statement
and le-scope trailers 11
allocating alternative data spaces 34
DWARF debugging information
CDAASMC procedure 47
CDAHLASM invocation 47
dynamic storage area
acquisition and release 3
function save areas 3
location 35
obtaining and releasing 19, 35
preallocation 12
entry point markers
under LONGNAME compiler option 8
entry points
under LONGNAME compiler option 8
epilog code
AR-mode functions 12, 35
AR-mode functions 35
DSA pointer 19
NAB pointer 19
primary functions 12
sample 18
supplying your own 12
external symbols
and generated HLASM code 4
external variables
dening 11
initializing 11
F4SA save area format
and AMODE 3
and NAB 3
F7SA save area format
and AMODE 3
and NAB 3
far pointers
Index 163
far pointers (continued)
ALET associations 34
C language constructs 33
constructing 34
copied from C string pointers 39
declaration 32
dereference 32
dereferencing 39
passing and returning 35
reference 32
setting and getting
_MI.BUILTN macro 34
built-in functions 34
far_strcpy library function
data space allocation 39
feedback xvi
le-scope header
structure 5
le-scope trailers
structures 11
float.h header le 51
formatted I/O 83
free() library function 71
function entry point markers
structures 8
function headers
structures 8
function property blocks
under LONGNAME compiler option 8
structures 8
function prototypes
and AMODE 28
function save area
chaining 12
function save areas
formats 3
setup 3
prototypes 32
arguments 114
AR-mode 32
AR-mode 32
global SET symbols
and function entry point markers 8
and function headers 8
function property blocks 8
global variables
register specication 27
storage of 27
and ALIAS instructions 4
when to specify 42
and global SET symbols 14
header les
data space allocation 36
far-pointer management 34
iso646.h header le 54
stdbool.h header le 57
stdint.h header le 58
data space allocation 36
data space allocation 36
heap services
user-replaceable 62
hexadecimal 72
as utility
invoking 42
global SET symbols
values 8
ld utility
invoking 42
HLASM opotions
and ALIAS instructions 4
HLASM options
with LONGNAME compiler option 42
HLASM source program, compiler-generated
characteristics 4
HLASM source programs
le-scope headers 5
le-scope trailers
debug data block 11
function elements 8
structures 4
IDF debugger
invocation 48
insert_asm pragma
inserting your own assembly statements 27
pseudo-random 80, 81
Interactive Debug Facility (IDF)
generation of information 47
inttypes.h header le 53
IPA and HOT options
to build Metal C programs 44
isalnum() library function 71, 72
isalpha() library function 72
isblank() library function 72
iscntrl() library function 72
isdigit() library function 72
isgraph() library function 72
islower() library function 72
iso646.h header le 54
isprint() library function 72
ispunct() library function 72
isspace() library function 72
isupper() library function 72
isxdigit() library function 72
z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
assembly job step 44
bind job step 44
compilation job step 43
JCL procedures
CEE.SCEEPROC data set 43
to build Metal C programs 43
navigation 153
PF keys 153
shortcut keys 153
labs() library function 73
ld command
building Metal C programs
bind options 42
ldiv() library function 74
length function 98
library functions
far versions 35
limits.h header le 55
linkage conventions
AR-mode functions
ASC mode 35
MVS and Metal C 2
Linkage Editor
TEST option and load module size 47
list form of a macro
specifying and using 26
llabs() library function 74
lldiv() library function 75
iso646.h header le 54
locating storage 71
LONGNAME compiler option
and HLASM options 42
and Metal C programs 42
tolower() 113
education xiii
malloc() library function 75
matching failure 94
math.h header le 56
MB_CUR_MAX macro 59
memccpy() library function 76
memchr() library function 77
memcmp() library function 77
memcpy() library function 78
memmove() library function 79
allocation 81
memory references
memory references (continued)
AR mode 34
memset() library function 79
Metal C
feature and benets 1
Metal C function descriptors 39
Metal C programs
argc argv parsing 31
alternative name for "main" 40
assembly step 42
compilation step 42
xlc utility 42
z/OS UNIX System Services 42
IPA and HOT enablement
Example 46
JCL procedures to build 43
ld command 42
reentrant Metal C program 29
RENT option 29
metal.h header le 56
MVS linkage conventions
and Metal C 2
MYEPILOG #pragma directive
using 12
MYPROLOG #pragma directive
using 12
NAB linkage extension
description 3
name encoding
and C symbols 4
keyboard 153
next available byte (NAB)
pre-allocated stack space 3
noarmode function attribute 32
NOTEST assembler option
and load module size 47
NULL macro 57, 58
NULL pointer 57
NULL pointer constant 59
numbers 71
object code control
address space control 32
ASC mode 32
offsetof macro 57
parameter passing
and AMODE 2
and global SET symbols 14
storing 22
precision argument, fprintf() family 86
Index 165
printing (continued)
sprintf() 83
vsprintf() 116
global SET symbols 14
prolog code
AR-mode functions 12, 35
AR-mode functions 35
DSA pointer 19
NAB pointer 19
primary functions 12
sample 17
ptrdiff_t type in stddef header le 57
qsort() library function 80
RAND_MAX macro 59
rand_r() library function 81
rand() library function 80
number generator 80, 81
number initializer 89
rand_r() 81
rand() 80
srand() 89
read-write operands, dening
using the + constraint 25
formatted 89
scanning 89
realloc() library function 81
reallocation of block size 81
reentrancy 4
register storage class
register specication 27
access 34
clobbering 23
controlling use of 23
hardware access 32
specied as __asm operands 21
specifying 27
remainder 70
resource limits dened 55
return values
formats 2
setup 2
save area formats
and AMODE 3
and NAB 3
sscanf() 89
SCCNSAM data set
SCCNSAM data set (continued)
epilog code sample 18
prolog code sample 17
strchr() 95
strings 95, 101
strings for tokens 106, 107
strspn() 102
seed for random numbers 89
sending to IBM
reader comments xvi
SET symbols
and AMODE 14
and DSA 14
and GPRs 14
and number of xed parameters 14
and storage instructions 14
compiler-dened 14
for a user-supplied prolog 14
shortcut keys 153
size_t structure 57
snprintf() library function 82
source-level information
extracting 47
extracting in a batch environment
for dissasembly
suppressing 47
for IDF 47
space (white space)
testing 72
sprintf() library function 83
srand() library function 89
sscanf() library function 89
allocating space 26
pre-allocated stack space 3
standard save area format
and AMODE 3
and NAB 3
static variables
dening 11
mapping 11
stdarg.h header le 57
stdbool.h header le 57
stddef.h header le 57
stdint.h header le 58
stdio.h header le 57
stdlib.h header le 59
allocation 81
storage instructions
and global SET symbols 14
strcat() library function 94
strchr() library function 95
strcmp() library function 96
strcpy() library function 96
strcspn() library function 97
strdup() library function 98
formatted I/O 89
string.h header le 60
166 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
strings (continued)
comparing 97, 99
concatenating 94, 99
to unsigned integer 111
copying 96, 100
ignoring case 96, 97
initializing 100
length of 98
strspn() 102
searching for tokens 106, 107
locating 103
strings.h header le
data space allocation 36
strlen() library function 98
strncat() library function 99
strncmp() library function 99
strncpy library function
data space allocation 36
strncpy() library function 100
strpbrk() library function 101
strrchr() library function 102
strspn() library function 102
strstr() library function 103
strtod() library function 103
strtof() library function 105
strtok_r() library function 107
strtok() library function 106
strtol() library function 107
strtold() library function 108
strtoll() library function 110
strtoul() library function 111
strtoull() library function 112
summary of changes xvii
syntax diagrams
how to read xiii
syntax of format for sprintf() 83
TEST assembler option
and load module size 47
white space 72
hexadecimal 72
strtok_r() 107
strtok() 106
tolower() library function 113
toupper() library function 113
toupper() 113
user interface
ISPF 153
TSO/E 153
user-replaceable heap services 62
va_arg() macro 114
va_end() macro 114
va_start() macro 114
making a C variable available to HLASM 21
vsnprintf() library function 115
vsprintf() library function 116
vsscanf() library function 116
xlc utility
and HLASM source le 42
z/OS Basic Skills Documentation xiii
z/OS UNIX System Services
as utility
bind options 42
ld utility
bind options 42
Index 167
168 z/OS: z/OS Metal C Programming Guide and Reference
Product Number: 5650-ZOS