Executive Summary 5
Introduction 14
Chapter 1: Fostering Diverse, Livable
30 Pursue Affordable Housing and
Community Development Opportunities
in All Five Boroughs
34 Make Strategic Investments to Support
New Housing and Neighborhood
36 Promote Mixed-Used, Mixed-Income,
Communities Anchored by Affordable
40 Create Quality Jobs and Workforce
Development Opportunities for New
Chapter 2: Preserving the
Aordability and Quality of the
Existing Housing Stock
46 Ensure the Safety and Habitability of the
Housing Stock
49 Adopt a More Strategic Approach to
50 Preserve Government-Assisted
Affordable Housing
52 Preserve Rent-Regulated and
Unregulated Affordable Housing
53 Create New and Improved Preservation
55 Promote Sustainability, Resiliency, and
Long Term Affordability While Helping
Building Owners Reduce Operating Costs
Chapter 3: Building New Aordable
Housing for All New Yorkers
62 Enable a Wider Range of New Yorkers to
Benefit from the City’s Affordable
Housing Efforts
64 Capitalize on Public Assets and
Partnerships to Maximize Affordable
Housing Opportunities
69 Change Zoning and Land Use
Regulations to Promote Housing Creation
72 Remove Unnecessary Barriers and Delays
to Developing Housing
74 Ensure That Housing Production Is
Sustainable and Aligned with the City’s
Changing Demographics
Chapter 4: Promoting Homeless,
Senior, Supportive and Accessible
78 Assist Homeless Individuals and Families
80 Expand Supportive Housing
82 Improve Housing Options for Seniors
84 Ensure Accessible Housing for
Individuals with Disabilities
Chapter 5: Rening City Financing
Tools and Expanding Funding
Sources for Aordable Housing
88 Target and Strengthen City Tax
92 Identify New Funding Streams to Fund
Affordable Housing
92 Increase Private Leverage and Expand
Existing Financing Tools
94 Strengthen Public/Private and
Philanthropic Partnerships
Re-Evaluate HPD and HDC Programs to
Stretch City Housing Subsidy Dollars Further
Chapter 6: Implementing the Plan
104 Notes
106 Glossary
116 Acknowledgements
Table of Contents
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Letter from
the Mayor
To My Fellow New Yorkers:
We have a crisis of affordability on our hands.
It’s a crisis in many ways built on New York City’s success. We are a safer, more
welcoming city than we were decades ago. People from all over the world come to
study, to work or to start a business here. And that success story has put pressure
on our housing stock. Coupled with ever-rising economic inequality, it has created
a painful reality where more and more New Yorkers are spending more and more
to cover their housing costs, and entire neighborhoods have lost their affordability.
Affordable housing is part of the bedrock of what makes New York City work. It’s
what underpins the economically diverse neighborhoods New Yorkers want to live
in. It’s critical to providing financial stability for working families, helping them
get ahead and build a better life.
And that is why today, we are laying out a comprehensive plan to build and
preserve 200,000 affordable units over the coming decade, to support New
Yorkers with a range of incomes, from the very lowest to those in the middle class.
This is a plan to get ahead of the curve, to protect neighborhoods, and build our
citys next generation of affordable housing. Its about knitting communities
Our affordable housing policies must reach every New Yorker in need, which is
why this plan thinks big about the changes we need to make—in government and in
the private sector—to make this a city where everyone rises together, and everyone
has a safe and decent home.
If you’re in a community where affordability is disappearing, we want to protect it.
If your family lives in a rent-regulated apartment, this plan is focused on helping
you keep it.
If you’re a senior trying to remain in the neighborhood you helped to build, we are
fighting to help you stay.
If you are a building owner or developer intent on building or preserving afford-
able apartments, we will support you.
This is a five-borough, ten-year plan. It will marshal people and resources from
every corner of this city behind a singular purpose: to make this city again a place
where our most vulnerable, our working people, and our middle class can all
thrive. Together, lets make that vision a reality.
Mayor Bill de Blasio
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Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Executive Summary
Aordable Housing for Every New Yorker
Every New Yorker deserves a safe and affordable place to live, in a neighborhood
that provides opportunities to get ahead. The market alone is not always able to
meet that need, and, accordingly, governments at all levels must work together to
help. Mayor Bill de Blasio has made affordable housing a top priority of his admin-
istration and has committed the City to “build or preserve nearly 200,000 afford-
able units, and help both tenants and small landlords preserve the quality and
affordability of their homes.”
New York City’s shortage of affordable housing has reached a crisis point. The
crisis has many causes, starting with the erosion of New Yorkers’ purchasing
power in the housing marketplace. Wages for the Citys renters have stagnated
over the last 20 years, increasing by less than 15 percent, after adjusting for infla-
tion. During the same period, the average monthly rent for an apartment in New
York City increased by almost 40 percent. As a result, most New Yorkers now have
limited options for housing and have to spend an unacceptably high share of their
income just to put a roof over their heads, which means having too little left over
for other basic needs. High rent-burden affects nearly every income group in every
neighborhood across the five boroughs.
Another cause of the affordable housing crisis is the mismatch between demand
for, and the supply of, housing. This stems, in part, from the increasing desirability
of calling New York home. For the first time in decades, more people are moving to
or staying in the City than leaving: our older residents are aging in place rather
than moving after retirement; our young families are remaining in the City rather
than moving to the suburbs when their children reach school age; empty-nesters
are returning to the City after their children are grown, and people are moving to
the City from all over the United States, as well as all over the world. The attrac-
tiveness of the City is a hard-fought victory, and we must continue to retain and
attract residents in order to prosper.
The private marketplace, however, has not produced enough housing for existing
residents, let alone enough to accommodate the growth that the City has experi-
enced. And, despite considerable public investment to stimulate the production of
housing that is affordable to low- and moderate-income New Yorkers, the supply
of publicly subsidized housing meets the needs of only a fraction of the people in
those income groups.
The continued mismatch between the demand for affordable housing and its
supply also exacerbates the rising income inequality that threatens the Citys
progress. When more than 50,000 New Yorkers sleep in homeless shelters and
hundreds of thousands more struggle to pay high rents with meager earnings, the
City fails to live up to its promise of opportunity.
Facts about the
Aordability Crisis
• Between2005and2012,
• In2012,almost55percent
• Morethan30percentof
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Things must change. A bold approach to increasing and protecting the supply of
affordable housing is needed for New York City to retain the diversity and vitality
of its neighborhoods and its edge as the world’s leading destination for opportuni-
ty. And it is needed to house the incredible and multidimensional talent pool that
attracts employers and drives the Citys economic growth.
Housing New York is a five-borough, ten-year strategy to address the Citys afford-
able housing crisis. The plan, which was created through coordination with 13
agencies and with input from over 200 individual stakeholders, outlines more than
50 initiatives to support our goal of building or preserving 200,000 units of
high-quality affordable housing to meet the needs or more than 500,000 people.
We will do this by:
Fostering diverse, livable neighborhoods
Preserving the aordability and quality of the existing housing stock
Building new aordable housing for all New Yorkers
Promoting homeless, senior, supportive and accessible housing
Rening City nancing tools and expanding funding sources for
aordable housing
Supply Is Not Meeting
Income Band Percentage of AMI
Monthly Rent Required to
Prevent Rent-Burden
Annual Income (for a
four-person household)
ExtremelyLowIncome 0-30% Upto$629 <$25,150
VeryLowIncome 31-50% $630-$1,049 $25,151-$41,950
LowIncome 51-80% $1,050-$1,678 $41,951-$67,120
ModerateIncome 81-120% $1,679-$2,517 $67,121-$100,680
MiddleIncome 121-165% $2,518-$3,461 $100,681-$138,435
What is Aordable Housing?
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
1. Our housing policies must address the
City’s changing demographics and
expand the range of those we serve.
2. The City’s planning processes and
land-use policies need to be
revamped. Tobecomeamoreaordable
ourneighborhoodsmorelivable. Sucha
3. Economic diversity must be a
cornerstone of housing development.
4. Our municipal tools and public assets
should be deployed more eectively.
5. We must strategically protect past
investments and lock in aordability in
changing neighborhoods. Wemust
6. The City needs to protect tenants in
rent-regulated units more aggressively.
7. We must leverage today’s favorable
markets and adapt quickly to future
8. We must increase capital funding to
our housing programs. TheCitywill
Guiding Principles
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Achieving these goals will require strategic planning and intensive collaboration
among City agencies and with the State and Federal governments, in partnership
with community based organizations, service providers, for-profit and not-for-profit
developers and property owners, and financial institutions. It will require neighbor-
hoods in all five boroughs to embrace housing development when it is tailored to
enhance a communitys livability and character. It will require making more
efficient use of City capital and incentives as we work with developers to build the
very best affordable housing. And it will require overcoming numerous obstacles,
from high construction costs, inefficient and outdated regulations and cumbersome
permitting processes, to uncertainty about future market conditions and funding
availability. It will be a challenge, but New Yorkers never shrink from a challenge.
Key Policies and Programs
Fostering diverse, livable neighborhoods
Identify opportunities for aordable housing in all ve boroughs
The City will work with communities to identify areas that can support new
development or provide opportunities for preservation. These developments will
leverage investments to meet the neighborhood’s infrastructure and service needs.
Implement a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing Program
In rezonings that substantially increase potential housing capacity in strong
markets, the City will require a portion of the new housing developed to be
permanently affordable to low- or moderate-income households in order to
ensure diverse and inclusive communities. To ensure the effectiveness of
mandatory inclusionary zoning in transitioning neighborhoods, the City will
provide flexible options for meeting the requirements.
Harness aordable housing investments to generate quality jobs
The construction and preservation of 200,000 units of housing is projected to
create 194,000 construction jobs and nearly 7,100 permanent jobs. The City will
work with communities and local stakeholders to ensure that these are quality
jobs, targeted toward local hiring and integrated with the Citys broader work-
force development initiatives.
Preserving the aordability and quality of the existing housing
Protect tenants and stem the tide of rent deregulation
The City will coordinate across all agencies and use every tool at its disposal to
protect tenants in rent-regulated housing from landlord harassment. In addi-
tion, we will work with the State as rent regulation comes up for renewal in
2015 to prevent abuses of the vacancy and luxury decontrol provisions and
capital improvement rules.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Adopt a more strategic approach to preservation
Working with community groups, the City will identify neighborhoods and
portfolios that are at risk of becoming unaffordable and proactively work
with owners, lenders and investors to assure that City resources are appro
priately targeted.
Introduce simple and exible incentives to preserve long-term
The City will standardize and simplify its preservation programs to make the
pathway to preservation more certain for building owners and Community
Development Corporations. In addition, we will work with the State to develop
easy to use tax incentives for buildings that do not have extensive capital needs
but are at risk of leaving rent regulation or being converted to condominiums.
Preserve the aordability of unregulated housing where rents may
rise because of changing neighborhood conditions
The City will develop new incentive programs to encourage landlords in
transitioning areas to restrict incomes and rents, in order to lock in the afford-
ability of housing before the neighborhoods in which that housing is located
become more expensive.
Pilot a new program to incentivize energy eciency retrots for
aordable housing in need of preservation including small and mid-
size buildings, creating energy savings and long-term aordability
To help mitigate rising utility costs and preserve affordability, the City will
launch a new program, in concert with local utilities and existing subsidy
programs to target buildings that are at risk of losing their affordability includ-
ing small and mid-size building to incentivitize energy retrofits in exchange for
affordability commitments from building owners.
Building new aordable housing for all New Yorkers
Signicantly increase the number of units serving the lowest income
New Yorkers
The City will allocate additional resources to its housing programs to ensure
that a higher percentage of units in affordable housing reach the neediest
people. As a result of this commitment, the City will serve more than four times
as many of the lowest income New Yorkers (those earning below 30 percent of
AMI) over the 10 years of this plan as were served over the previous 12 years.
Develop aordable housing on underused public and private sites
We will perform a comprehensive survey of all vacant sites in the City. We will
use this tool to encourage affordable housing and mixed-use development on
underused sites within our own portfolio, as well as in partnership with the
State, public authorities, not-for-profit institutions, faith-based organizations,
and private owners who have land that could be deployed for affordable housing.
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Create two new programs to develop small, vacant sites
The City will launch two new programs, the Neighborhood Construction
Program (NCP) and the New Infill Homeownership Opportunities Program
(NIHOP). These programs will aggregate sites to develop affordable
housing, including one- to four-family homeownership opportunities and
up to 20 unit rental buildings. These programs will focus on developing
capacity among smaller developers with a particular focus on local not-for-
profits and CDCs.
Introduce new mixed-income programs
The affordable units in traditional “80/20” are targeted to a narrow band of
households. To promote long-term community revitalization and economic
diversity, we will pilot a new mixed income program that targets 20 percent of a
project’s units to low-income households, 30 percent for moderate income
households, and 50 percent for middle-income households. Middle-income
housing is essential to support our economy and workforce, which increasingly
cannot afford to live in our city.
Engage New York City Housing Authority residents and the
surrounding communities to identify local needs and opportunities
Over the coming months, the City will engage the residents and neighbors of
NYCHA developments in a respectful conversation about local needs and opportu-
nities. This collaborative process will focus on the preservation of NYCHA units
and assess the potential for underused NYCHA land and development rights to
benefit existing residents, increase affordable housing, produce local retail, and
community facilities, and serve other shared goals. The City will produce a series of
recommendations that will create the framework for future planning.
Reform zoning, building and housing codes, and other regulations to
lower costs and unlock development opportunities
Some regulations have become outdated or have created impediments to new
housing. We will re-examine parking requirements, zoning envelope constraints,
and restrictions on the transferability of development rights, among other regula-
tions. Similarly, regulations governing affordable housing programs will be re-exam-
ined to identify inefficiencies and to streamline the development review process.
Stretch the City’s housing subsidy dollars further
We will revise the terms of our existing subsidy programs, and better align tax
exemptions and other incentive programs to ensure that City resources are
leverage the maximum amount possible from other sources, are no greater than
absolutely necessary to incentivize the production of housing, and promote
production of units for New York’s neediest families.
Ensure sustainable aordable housing tailored to the City’s demographics
The City will commit to being a leader in developing new technologies and
building standards that ensure the Citys affordable housing stock is both sustain-
able and appropriate for the needs of the City’s changing demographics.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Promoting homeless, senior, supportive, and accessible
Shift funding from high-cost homeless shelters to lower-cost
permanent housing
The City will pilot programs to reallocate a portion of shelter funding to finance
lower-cost permanent housing for homeless individuals and families.
Develop more supportive housing to improve health outcomes and
save public dollars
Investment in housing that is accompanied by supportive services can improve
outcomes for people with mental health and substance abuse issues, while
yielding significant taxpayer savings by reducing demand for high-cost shelters,
hospitals, and other emergency resources. The City will seek to renew its
partnership with the State to expand the supply of supportive housing and to
broaden the target populations it serves.
By the Numbers
This plan lays out targets for new construction / preservation and the incomes of
households we will serve. The Plan will focus on households falling into four
income categories: Very Low Income (below 50 percent of AMI) (including
Extremely Low Income, or below 30 percent of AMI); Low Income (50 to 80
percent of AMI); Moderate Income (81 to 120 percent of AMI); and Middle Income
(121 to 165 percent of AMI).
New Construction vs Preservation
Households Served
11% Middle Income
11% Moderate Income
58% Low Income
12% Very Low Income
8% Extremely Low Income
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Implementing the Plan
Creating and preserving 200,000 units of affordable housing over 10 years is a
significant undertaking. We estimate the total cost, including all possible public
and private sources, will be $41.4 billion. This plan lays out a series of steps we are
taking to ensure this effort is a success:
The Mayors 2015 budget will propose to more than double the Department of
Housing Preservation and Developments annual capital budget in the 5-year
plan, a substantial down payment on this commitment
The Mayors budget will also propose additional funding for infrastructure
investments needed to make land available for significant new housing
Through a series of new loan securitizations—immediately and over the course
of the Plan, the City will maximize the resources available at Housing
Development Corporation (HDC) to contribute to the Plan
The Mayors 2015 operating budget will increase staffing at the Department of
City Planning and HPD to ensure that the Housing New York plan can be
efficiently and quickly implemented
We will make more efficient use of the City’s resources to maximize their impact
Working with financial institutions, pension funds, financial intermediaries
and philanthropy, we will also seek to leverage private capital on a greater
than 3 to 1 basis
We will work in partnership with the State and the Federal government to
identify new resources to fund affordable housing in the City and help us meet
these critical objectives
The need for State and Federal action
The City will act now, but it cannot accomplish these goals on its own. The State
and Federal governments have been stalwart partners throughout many years
and across multiple administrations, and their renewed commitment to afford
able housing is absolutely crucial to address the Citys affordability crisis.
Accordingly, the Plan relies upon the State and Federal governments to continue
to fund affordable housing programs. And because we are dramatically increasing
the rate at which the City will build or preserve affordable housing, we will ask
our State and Federal partners to step up their efforts to fund new programs and
indentify additional resources like the proposed National Housing Trust Fund
that can help the City achieve our goals. The Plan also lays out a comprehensive
State and Federal legislative agenda for needed reforms and authority.
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Renewing Our Collective Commitment
New York City has long been an innovator in the affordable housing field. The
City enacted the nation’s first tenement laws and is home to its first public
housing development; and for the past few decades, the City’s spending on
affordable housing has dwarfed that of all other large American cities combined.
To be sure, the City has not acted on its own. New York is home to a large
community of capable and experienced nonprofit and for-profit developers and
service providers, as well as leading neighborhood organizations that have served
as critical partners, and the City has also benefitted from substantial State,
Federal and philanthropic support.
Still, collectively, we need to do more. As Mayor de Blasio has made clear:
“We have to remember that the best and the brightest are born in every neighbor-
hood, in every zip code. And what marks a just society is that it allows them all to
reach their potential.”
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Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Aordable housing is critical to the City’s future
New York Citys pre-eminence as the world’s leading city stems in large part
from its unparalleled diversity. That diversity allows people from every imagin
able background to live and work side by side, share aspects of their cultures,
exchange ideas, then mix, match, and innovate to generate the art, literature,
fashion, technology, and conceptual breakthroughs that are the envy of the
world. And that diversity drives economic growth, as employers decide to locate
in the City to take advantage of its incredible and multidimensional talent pool.
However, the City’s diversity is imperiled by the fact that more and more people
struggle to afford to live here. New York attracts newcomers from around the nation
and from every corner of the globe in part because of the opportunities it provides
for people to make better lives for themselves and their families. But our role as a
beacon of opportunity is threatened because people cannot afford to give the City a
try. Too many existing residents also are shut out of opportunities because they are
living in a neighborhood that lacks good schools and good jobs, are homeless, or are
going without medical care and other essentials in order to pay the rent.
Wages for the Citys renters have stagnated over the last 20 years, increasing by less
than 15 percent, after adjusting for inflation. During the same period, the average
monthly rent for an apartment in New York City increased by almost 40 percent. As
a result, most New Yorkers now have to spend an unacceptably high share of their
income just to put a roof over their heads, which means having too little left over for
other basic needs like health care, transportation, and even food. Housing costs,
quite simply, are an increasingly serious threat to the future of our City.
New York City’s investments in aordable housing
Because affordable housing is so central to the City’s ability to thrive, the City has
always led the nation’s municipal housing programs. We enacted the nation’s
first tenement laws and established its first public housing development. In the
late 1970s, the City launched efforts to combat the arson, neglect, and abandon
ment that had led to wholesale neighborhood decline. In that same decade, in the
face of a fierce debate over “planned shrinkage”—depopulating and fencing off
blighted areas and leaving them to die—the City took a more daring approach,
seizing more than 100,000 distressed housing units from tax delinquent owners
and investing its own resources to save them. Mayor Edward Koch committed
the City to manage and rehabilitate these “in rem” properties as part of the
visionary ten-year, $5.1 billion housing plan he launched in 1986.
The administrations of Mayors David Dinkins and Rudolph Giuliani continued to
move the City’s in rem properties into private, responsible ownership and preserve
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
the units as affordable housing. By the early 2000s, the in rem stock was largely
back in productive use, but a booming economy made housing unaffordable to
growing numbers of New Yorkers. Mayor Michael Bloomberg launched the New
Housing Marketplace Plan (NHMP) in 2003, and expanded it in 2006, committing
to build or preserve 165,000 units of affordable housing between 2003 and 2014.
Following the economic collapse of 2008-9, the NHMP pivoted from addressing
boom time challenges to dealing with the threat of large scale disinvestment,
foreclosure, and neighborhood destabilization.
Our current aordable housing crisis
Housing costs are rising much faster than incomes
Between 2005 and 2012 (the most recent year for which consistent data is avail-
able), the median monthly rent across the City increased by about 11 percent, after
adjusting for inflation. Over the same time, the real income of the City’s renters has
stagnated, rising from $40,000 in 2005 to just $41,000 in 2012 (both figures are
adjusted to 2013 dollars. When rents go up, but incomes remain stagnant or
decrease, housing becomes less affordable.
Even those numbers fail to capture the extent of the problem, however, because
households looking to move to a new apartment generally face higher rents than
existing residents. Renters who had lived in their units for five years or less (recent
movers) typically paid about $230 more per month than all renters typically paid in
2012. Thus, newcomers to the City or households who need to move because of
rising rents or a change in household status may face an especially daunting housing
market. And of course, median rents vary from neighborhood to neighborhood.
Data Source: 2005- 2012 American Community
Survey (1-Year Estimates); Bureau of Labor
Statistics CPI- NYC
Median rents have risen since 2005, but
median incomes have remained essentially
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Median Gross Rent
Median Renter Income
Index of New York City Median Gross Rent and
Renter Household Income, 2005 - 2012
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Further, renters face increasing utility costs: monthly utility costs increased by 20
percent from 2002 – 2011.
More New York City renters are seriously rent-burdened
The increase in rents and utility costs, combined with stagnant income, has resulted
in a larger share of renters suffering from rent burdens. A general rule of thumb for
affordability is that a rental unit is considered affordable if a household pays less
than 30 percent of its gross annual income on rent and utilities. A household paying
more than 30 percent of its income on rent is considered “rent-burdened.”
Households that pay more than 50 percent of their income on rent are considered
to be “severely rent-burdened.” In 2012, almost 55 percent of all rental households
were rent-burdened, which is an increase of more than 11 percent since 2000.
Data Source: Housing and Vacancy Survey
(U.S. Census), 2002 and 2011.
In addition to rising rents, renters also face
higher utility costs.
2002 2011
Median Monthly Utility Costs, 2002 and 2011
Number of Rent Burdened Households, 2000 and 2012
Data Source: Census (2000) PUMS data;
American Community Survey (2012) PUMS Data.
The share of moderately and severely rent
burdened households has increased since 2000.
2000 2012
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Data Source: Housing and Vacancy Survey
(U.S. Census), 1991 and 2011.
The income needed to pay for median rents has
risen steadily over the last two decades, but
actual incomes have increasingly fallen short.
Annual Median Household Income of Renter Households Compared to
Annual Income Needed to Aord Typical New York City Apartment
1991 2011
Another way of thinking about housing affordability is to compare the income
needed to pay no more than 30 percent of one’s income towards the median rent
and utilities of apartments in the city with the actual incomes of New Yorkers. The
gap is substantial and growing.
The lowest-income New Yorkers can aord very few of the
available units
While the need for affordable housing is deep and growing across most income
groups, some feel the pressure more than others.
In 2011, there were about one
million Extremely Low Income and Very Low Income households but there were
only 425,000 rental units affordable to those households.
The number of units affordable to Very Low Income households includes the
public housing maintained by the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA).
NYCHAs 180,000 units house more than 400,000 New Yorkers. Sixty-two
percent of these households are Extremely Low Income, and 37 percent of
heads of households are seniors. NYCHA housing is extraordinarily important
in providing affordable housing to our neediest households.
Though the affordability gap exists across the income spectrum, it is particular-
ly acute for these Extremely Low Income and Very Low Income households
who often struggle to find affordable housing on the private market. Indeed, a
higher share of the households earning up to 50 percent of AMI are severely
rent burdened than in any other income range—more than 35 percent, or
360,000 households. When we also consider households that are moderately
rent burdened, a total of 500,000 households in that income range are paying
more for housing right now than they can really afford.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Income Limits and “AMI”
Extremely Low Income, or 30percentofAMI,forafamily
Very Low Income, or50percentofAMI,forafamilyoffour
Low Income,or80percentofAMIforafamilyoffouris
Income and Rent Requirements by Income Band
Income Band Percentage of AMI
Monthly Rent Required to
Prevent Rent-Burden
Annual Income (for a
four-person household)
ExtremelyLowIncome 0-30% Upto$629 <$25,150
VeryLowIncome 31-50% $630-$1,049 $25,151-$41,950
LowIncome 51-80% $1,050-$1,678 $41,951-$67,120
ModerateIncome 81-120% $1,679-$2,517 $67,121-$100,680
MiddleIncome 121-165% $2,518-$3,461 $100,681-$138,435
Data Source: Housing and Vacancy Survey
(U.S. Census), 2011.
There are more than two Extremely Low
Income and Very Low Income households
for every one housing unit that is affordable
to them.
Supply and Demand among Extremely Low Income and
Very Low Income Renter Households
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
The growing problem of homelessness
The homeless population in New York City is increasing and has more than doubled
since 2000. The growing gap between the cost of living and rents, on the one hand,
and wages on the other, has led more people to resort to the City’s shelter system
for help. There are over 50,000 individuals, including more than 10,000 families
and more than 22,000 children currently residing in City shelters. Living in shelters
leads to instability for families and singles and can disrupt educational outcomes for
children. Additionally, the City shelter system has to expand to accommodate new
entrants, and bringing on new capacity is both costly and challenging.
0-50%($41,950) 51-80%($67,120) 81-120%($100,680) 121-165%($149,655)
Number of Rent Burdened Households by Income Band
Data Source: Housing and
Vacancy Survey (U.S.
Census), 2011
Rent burden is a problem
for New Yorkers across
various income levels, but is
particularly prevalent
among Very Low Income
Households (those earning
below 50% of HUD Income
New York City Shelter Population
1990 2000 2010
Data Source: Coalition for the Homeless
Report on New York City Homeless Municipal
Shelter Population, 1983-present (available
online at www.coalitionforthehomeless.org)
The number of people—children and
adults—residing in municipal shelters has risen
over the past 30 years.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Data Source: New York City
Department of City Planning,
Population Division
The Department of City
Planning projects that New
York City’s population will
grow from 8.2 million in
2010 and is expected to
exceed nine million in 2040,
which amounts to a 9.5
percent increase over 30
New York City Population: Past, Present, and Future
What’s going wrong?
The current affordable housing crisis is rooted in many factors. Housing is consid-
ered unaffordable when housing costs consume too much of a person’s income. As
the discussion above shows, both sides of that equation have worked against the
Citys households in recent years. Wages have inched up slowly, while rents and
utility costs have risen dramatically over the past two decades. One of the major
drivers of those rent increases is a mismatch between the demand for, and the
supply of, housing in general, and a gap between the demand for, and the supply of,
affordable housing in particular.
Demand is increasing
Our seniors are finding New York City a more hospitable home in which to age in
place. Young families and empty-nesters are finding the Citys vibrant culture and
transit-oriented lifestyle more attractive than the suburbs. People from every
corner of the nation and globe continue to pour into the City, seeking opportunities
for themselves and their families. As a result, the City has grown to 8.4 million
people and the population is expected to continue to rise, surpassing 9 million
residents by 2040. This population growth is a reflection of the Citys success in
attracting and retaining people from all over the world, but it also brings with it a
growing need for housing.
New construction is insucient to meet the demand
Although the Citys current housing stock of approximately 3.4 million units is the
largest it has ever been, recent additions to the stock have not been sufficient to
accommodate the growth in demand. The foreclosure crisis and Great Recession
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
led to declines in housing construction, limiting the supply of new housing.
Hurricane Sandy destroyed or damaged many homes. Constrained credit markets
in the aftermath of the foreclosure crisis have slowed the lending necessary to
generate additional construction.
In addition, the supply of new housing in New York City is constrained by the high
cost of building here. In many neighborhoods, land values are at record highs, so
that developers face high upfront costs to acquire land for new buildings. New
York City is also one of the most expensive construction markets in the country. As
the cost of building increases, housing developers respond by building fewer
housing units, charging more to rent or buy a home, or both.
Consequently, there has been less new building activity since 2008 than in the
years before the Great Recession. New building permits authorized nearly 35,000
units in 2008, but that number fell dramatically in 2009, and only began to recover
in 2011. The number of units authorized by new building permits rose substantially
in 2013, to nearly 18,000 units, but this is still far below the number of units
necessary to meet demand.
The number of units subject to the protections of rent
regulation is plummeting
The size and quality of the housing stock evolves not only through new additions,
but from the deterioration and demolition of units. Further, the affordability of the
stock changes as properties convert from rentals to cooperatives or condominiums,
or exit from rent regulation or from subsidy programs.
Data from the Rent Guidelines Board reveals that since 1994, almost 250,000 units
of rental housing have lost the protections of rent regulation. While some units
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Data Source: New York City Department of
Buildings; New York City Department of City
Planning, HEIP Division
Building activity rose steadily from the
mid-1990s through its peak in 2008 and
declined after the Great Recession.
New Housing Units Permitted and New Housing Units Completed
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
have been added as a condition for tax incentives and other subsidies the building
owners received, there has been a huge net loss of rent regulated units. Between
1994 and 2012, the city suffered a net loss of about 150,000 rent-stabilized units, or
16 percent of the total rent regulated stock.
Many units have opted out of subsidy programs and are no
longer aordable or income restricted
As the City and its State and Federal partners developed affordable housing over
the last 50 years, affordability requirements expired after a specified number of
years. When the buildings reach the end of that period, the property owners can
choose to either renew the subsidy (or another form of subsidy) and accept a new
period of affordability, or “opt out” of the program and either take the units up to
market rents (or in some cases to rent regulated rents) or convert them to home
ownership. According to the Subsidized Housing Information Project maintained
by the Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, which tracks the four
largest subsidy programs, 68,000 units of subsidized affordable rental housing
have opted out of those programs over the last few decades. While some of those
units remain affordable because they entered programs not tracked, or because
they became subject to rent regulation, many are now market rate rentals or
cooperatives and condominiums. The loss of those affordable units has been a
serious blow to the supply of affordable housing.
The units being supplied don’t match those in demand
The current supply of rental units is not well suited for the Citys changing house-
holds. Our residents are aging: the Department of City Planning projects that the
population aged 65 or older will increase by 175,000 from 2010 to 2020. Housing
needs change over a household’s life cycle. Some older adults need housing that
provides special support services, while others prefer to ‘age in place’ in age-inte-
grated settings. Many struggle to make ends meet because incomes frequently
Data Source: Rent Guidelines Board Reports,
Changes to the Rent Stabilized Housing Stock
in NYC in 2012.
The city has lost more rent regulated units than
it has gained.
Net Loss of Rent Stabilized Units, 1994 – 2012
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
decline after retirement. To address these changes, we must develop housing
options that are affordable to older New Yorkers and that meet their special needs.
Our households also are changing in size, and there is a disconnect between the type
and size of available apartments and the housing demands of modern households.
There are 1.9 million one- and two-person households in the City (more than 60
percent of all the City’s households), but only 1.25 million studios and one-bed-
room apartments. Of course, some of the households will prefer to stay in, or move
to, larger apartments. But the demand for smaller units also comes from individu-
als who would prefer to form their own household, but who are forced by high
rents to live with roommates or family. When individuals can’t afford studios and
join up to rent multi-bedroom apartments, they also drive prices for those apart-
ments out of the reach of families with children. To address these challenges, we
need not only more housing, but also a mix of new housing types that reflects the
diversity of New Yorkers’ needs.
Household Size and Unit Type
Household Size
Unit Type
1 Person
2 Person
3 Person
4 Person
5+ Person
1 Bedrooms
2 Bedrooms
3+ Bedrooms
New York City’s Households
Data Source: American Community
Survey 1-Year Estimates (U.S.
Census), 2012
New York City households are
diverse. One third are singles and 27
percent are families with children.
Below graphs:
Data Source: Housing and Vacancy
Survey (U.S. Census), 2011.
There is substantial mismatch
between the units available and
household size, so that there are not
enough studio and 1-bedroom units to
house smaller households.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Dwindling federal resources for the construction or
preservation of aordable housing and for housing vouchers
Federal funding plays a critical role in the creation and preservation of affordable
housing; more than 85 percent of HPD’s operating budget comes from Federal
funds. Between Federal Fiscal Years 2011 and 2012, acts by Congress resulted in a
52 percent reduction in the New York City HOME grant and a 23 percent reduc
tion in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). HOME funds are a
key resource that HPD uses to develop supportive housing, and to support the
construction of new low-income units. CDBG funds provide critical support for
our enforcement services programs. In 2013, Congress passed the Budget Control
Act, which implemented a “sequester”—an across-the-board cut to discretionary
programs. The result of the sequester was significant reductions in 2013 to key
housing programs, including HOME. Although a short-term Congressional
budget deal increased funding in 2014, the agency still faces challenges in the
2015 budget and beyond. Without Congressional action, the draconian sequestra
tion cuts will return in 2016.
Further, the Federal government provides the funding for “Section 8” or Housing
Choice Voucher program. Under the program, housing assistance is provided to
Very Low or Extremely Low Income tenants to enable them to rent housing on
the private market. Tenants pay approximately 30 percent of their income
towards rent, and the voucher pays the difference between that amount and the
amount the government determines to be reasonable rent for the unit. Vouchers
are critical, not only to make housing more affordable to the families receiving
them, but also to ensure that subsidized affordable housing and supportive
housing projects can reach the lowest income families. Generally, even with
subsidies for the construction or preservation of housing, rents the owners of
affordable housing must charge are out of reach for Very Low Income and
Extremely Low Income households unless they have vouchers.
Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) HOME Grant
Funding, FY2009 - FY2014
Data Source: U.S.
Department of Housing
and Urban Development.
The reductions in
Federal spending
resulted in a 52 percent
cut to the HOME grant
awarded to New York
City between Fiscal
Year 2011 and Fiscal
Year 2012.
FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Under the sequester, HPD’s allocation from HUD for Housing Choice Vouchers
was cut by $37 million, or almost 10 percent in 2013, and NYCHAs allocation fell
short by $81 million. While the 2014 budget deal restored some of that funding
for 2014 and 2015, if the sequester returns in 2016, there will be very serious
consequences for our ability to provide vouchers, and to reach the lowest income
households through our supportive housing and new construction or preserva
tion programs. NYCHA provides about 91,000 households, and HPD provides
about 32,000 households, with Housing Choice Vouchers every year, so main
taining (and indeed, increasing) HUD’s budget for vouchers is critical to the
Citys ability to provide affordable housing to the neediest families.
Things must change
Normally, when demand for a product exceeds supply, the market reacts by
producing more of the desired goods. That is not happening in the housing market
for many reasons, but the government certainly bears part of the blame. Local
regulations sometimes stand in the way of innovation. The uncertainty of approval
and permitting processes sometimes cause developers to miss market cycles. Our
property tax system discourages the production of rental units and encourages
conversion of units to cooperatives or condominiums at a time when homeowner-
ship is out of reach of most families due to high costs and limited access to credit.
In part, the problem is caused by market failures. When investors and developers
decide to build housing aimed at the highest end of the market, and when employ-
ers decide to pay wages too low to allow their workers to live in the City, they do
not sufficiently take into account the effect that those decisions will have on the
Citys vitality, diversity, and economic strength.
Further, the affordable housing crisis is exacerbated by (and compounds) inequali-
ty. In some of the Citys neighborhoods, median household incomes are as high as
$122,222, while in others, the median household income is only $21,562. Often,
both the highest income and the lowest income neighborhoods have little income
diversity. Similarly, some neighborhoods have tremendous racial and ethnic
diversity, while others are racially homogenous. Indeed, nearly half of the citys
neighborhoods remain dominated by a single racial or ethnic group. The inequality
and lack of diversity in many neighborhoods means that some families do not have
access to the education, jobs, and other opportunities others enjoy. It also means
that low income households often are unable to find homes in the neighborhoods
in which they would like to live.
The cost of these failures—both the harm to the families struggling to make ends
meet and to get ahead, and the threat to the City’s character and future—are simply
too high to continue business as usual.
We must do more to ensure that all New Yorkers have a safe and affordable place
to live, in neighborhoods that provide opportunities to succeed.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Housing New York: A Five-Borough,
Ten-Year Plan
To address these challenges, Mayor Bill de Blasio has devised a bold, five-borough
housing plan that will create and preserve 200,000 units of affordable housing for
approximately 500,000 New Yorkers over the next ten years. The plan builds upon
ideas for new programs or improvements of existing programs, proposed by
industry leaders, advocates, and experts and it represents our renewed commit-
ment to tackling the Citys affordable housing challenges head on. Because the City
does not act alone, but has benefitted from substantial State and Federal support
and innovations over decades, the plan also relies upon collaboration with our
Federal and State partners.
The chapters that follow outline, in broad strokes, the strategies we will use to
address the affordable housing crisis that threatens our families and our city. The
challenge before us is a daunting one, but New York City has never shied away
from a challenge. We have inherited the world’s greatest city from the generations
that came before us, and we must take decisive action to build a just, equitable,
inclusive and prosperous city, today and for the generations to come.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Chapter 1
Diverse, Livable
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
New York is a city of neighborhoods that are as diverse as its residents—from leafy
communities containing low-rise detached homes, to blocks of stately row houses
and fire escape clad walk-ups, to higher-density, mixed-use districts comprised of
tall apartment buildings and commercial towers. Each neighborhood has its own
distinct culture and rich history. Yet like our city as a whole, neighborhoods are
constantly undergoing change.
Over the past decade, as the City has become home to hundreds of thousands of
new residents, neighborhoods have felt the impacts of population growth, even if
their physical surroundings have not changed. The supply of new housing—particu-
larly affordable housing—has failed to keep up with demand, and as a result, greater
competition for limited supply has driven up housing prices and made many of the
Citys neighborhoods less affordable. These pressures are making it increasingly
difficult for moderate- and middle-income workers to remain in the City, and they
are placing particular strains on the lives of lower-income New Yorkers.
In addition to our current challenges just to keep pace with population growth
over the next decade, New York City will need to add about 100,000 new market
rate units in addition to the 80,000 new affordable units the City will build under
this plan. To meet this challenge, we must ensure that housing development is
guided by meaningful community engagement and coordinated with public
investments in infrastructure and services.
Although communities often raise concerns about new housing, thoughtfully
planned development has the potential to build on the strengths of neighborhoods
and help fill their unmet needs. New housing and mixed-use development can
bring life to stark and inhospitable streets. It can help reinvigorate struggling retail
corridors and reconnect neighborhoods that were historically linked but later
severed by highways or other obstacles. And it can promote economic diversity
and protect existing residents if accompanied by targeted preservation efforts, as
well as the right mix of targeted incentives.
Key strategies:
Pursue Aordable Housing and Community Development
Opportunities in All Five Boroughs
Make Strategic Investments to Support New Housing and
Neighborhood Revitalization
Promote Mixed-Use, Mixed-Income Communities Anchored
by Aordable Housing
Create Quality Jobs and Workforce Development
Opportunities for New Yorkers
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Pursue Aordable Housing and
Community Development
Opportunities in All Five Boroughs
Work with communities to identify
opportunity areas and plan for growth
Over the course of the next ten years, the City will identify
areas across the five boroughs where coordinated planning
with communities—including changes to land use and
zoning, and improvements to infrastructure and services—
can promote substantial opportunities for new housing that
complements and enhances neighborhood character. The
Department of City Planning’s borough offices will work in close coordination with
the Department of Housing Preservation and Development as well as the
Departments of Parks and Recreation, Environmental Protection, Transportation,
and Small Business Services, and the Economic Development Corporation to launch
community development initiatives around new and existing housing, and to plan
for other improvements needed to support growth.
The City will reach out to engage communities at the early stages of this process.
We will collect, analyze, and share data on land use, housing, infrastructure, and
services with communities as part of the planning process. We will solicit guid
ance from local residents and businesses, community organizations and elected
officials about their concerns and first-hand experiences to identify existing
community needs, set priorities, and shape the plans. This “ground up” planning
process will be coordinated with the Office of Management and Budget, and the
process of assembling statements of citywide and Community District needs, to
mesh necessary neighborhood investments with community growth. The
Department of City Planning will play an active role in the formulation of the
Citys Capital Budget to assure that community growth is accompanied by appro
priate public investments. And, of course, all land use actions initiated as a result
of these community planning processes will be subject to a full public review
process, which will provide additional opportunities for input from Community
Boards and elected officials.
Establish a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing Program to
promote economic diversity and aordable housing
The City will establish a new mandatory Inclusionary Housing Program to ensure
that the housing marketplace serves New Yorkers at a broader range of income
levels. The program will be applicable in all medium and high density districts
where rezonings provide an opportunity for significantly more housing. The City
will require a portion of the housing developed to be affordable.
1. East New York and
Cypress Hills
2. Hunters Point
3. East Harlem
4. St. George
5. Harlem River Waterfront
6. East Concourse
7. Arverne View
8. Spring Creek
9. Melrose Commons
10. Hamilton Heights
11. Markham Gardens in
Richmond Terrace
Case Studies
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
The mandatory program will incorporate one of the successful features of the
existing voluntary program, by requiring that affordable units remain perma-
nently affordable in order to provide for long-term stability and economic
diversity in neighborhoods. It will offer flexible options for fulfilling the
mandatory affordable housing requirement, including on-site and off-site
options to promote a range of housing choices, and will target a range of
affordability levels to ensure the program’s effectiveness and applicability in
both stronger and weaker housing markets throughout the City.
The Inclusionary Housing Program can become even more powerful by
aligning it with tax policy. Currently, in many central areas of the City,
valuable 421-a tax exemptions are provided only when the developer makes
a share of the units affordable. In these areas, the exemption provides a
significant incentive for affordable housing. In neighborhoods with strong
housing markets, tax incentives should be limited to situations where they
would: a) result in the production of more affordable housing than would
otherwise be required under Inclusionary Housing; or b) target otherwise
hard-to-reach income levels or household sizes. Rezonings that add substan
tial capacity for new housing in transitioning neighborhoods may require
incentives to encourage developers to reach lower income levels, or may
be able to promote permanently affordable moderate-income, housing
without incentives.
Producing diverse neighborhoods with affordable housing requires a balance
between zoning requirements and incentives. A carefully crafted approach
will support continued housing production by the private marketplace while
significantly expanding the pool of affordable units across the City–particular-
ly in redeveloping areas. Immediately following the release of this plan, the
City will conduct the analyses required for development of a mandatory
inclusionary zoning program that satisfies sound land-use planning and legal
principles, then will engage a broad group of housing stakeholders to solicit
their input into the modifications and expansions of the Inclusionary Housing
Program, and will work with stakeholders moving forward to ensure that the
program functions smoothly to support development while also meeting the
needs of communities.
Improve the eectiveness of voluntary inclusionary zoning
The City currently has a voluntary inclusionary zoning program in which
developers who agree to build affordable housing can build additional floor
area on site. The effectiveness of this program has varied among neighbor-
hoods and depended in part on the availability of financial incentives.
Developers have identified challenges they face in using the current
Inclusionary Housing Program, including inconsistencies between the re-
quirements of the Inclusionary Housing Program and tax incentives,
Opportunities for new housing are likely
to come in a variety of forms:
Area-wide zoning changes–TheCitywill
Site redevelopment–Newhousingcanbe
Underutilized land redevelopment–In
Adaptive reuse–Obsoletebuildingscan
Planning for As-of-right Development
nyc.gov/housing Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plan
East New York and Cypress Hills
In collaboration with community partners, the City is planning for new
mixed-use, mixed-income development to support the vitality and livabil-
ity of East New York and Cypress Hills.
Case Study:
Planning with Communities
East New York
Housing: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Project Objectives
• Promote new, mixed-income housing
and mixed-use development along key
transit corridors. AtlanticAvenue,abroad
• Build on neighborhood strengths to
preserve longstanding residential
neighborhoods and promote contextual
inll development. Contextualzoning
• Encourage economic development
opportunities to support job growth New
• Pursue street safety enhancements in
tandem with streetscape improvements
AFTER: A vision of Pitkin Avenue depicting long-term land use changes which
could create a vibrant mixed-use corridor at the heart of East New York.
BEFORE: Pitkin Avenue
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
bottlenecks and cumbersome processes for securing approvals. The City will work
with industry groups and other stakeholders to review the process from start to
finish and then make the necessary improvements and provide the resources
needed to ensure an efficient approval process.
Make Strategic Investments to Support New
Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization
Invest strategically in infrastructure and services to unlock
potential for new housing creation and to support the livability
of neighborhoods
Across the City, there are neighborhoods where the hard work of planning and
consensus-building for new housing development has already been completed. In
recent years, a number of area-wide rezonings and large-scale development plans
intended to foster new mixed-income housing and supporting activities have
received land use approvals. This creates an avenue for millions of dollars in
private investment to support new development. However, in some of these areas,
the potential for new housing can only be fully realized if improvements to infra-
structure such as upgrades to storm water and sanitary sewers, or the construction
of new streets and public open spaces, are made. In neighborhoods such as
Hunter’s Point South in Queens, Stapleton in Staten Island, and Coney Island in
Brooklyn, the City will work with local elected officials, residents, businesses, and
community organizations, to make a series of targeted infrastructure investments
to unlock the potential for thousands of new affordable housing units and accom-
panying retail, services, and community facilities.
Address neighborhood needs in new development projects
When City-sponsored housing developments are initiated, the City will identify
opportunities to incorporate facilities and services into the projects that directly
address local needs. This process will begin with agencies reaching out to commu-
nity stakeholders during the planning stage, and will continue through construc-
tion and occupancy. For example, to meet the need for better retail opportunities,
HPD can work with EDC to help affordable housing developers improve the
design of commercial spaces, understand local market conditions, and develop
better leasing strategies. At the same time, SBS can reach out to local businesses to
help them secure retail space in new housing developments. The housing agencies
will also work with other agencies and institutions to co-locate employment
centers, libraries, day care centers, pre-K programs, schools, and other vital
services in the new developments. This would result in a dual benefit: the integra-
tion of important services into housing developments and help for developers in
ensuring the best use of their non-residential spaces.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Hunters Point South Mixed-Use Development
Case Study:
Strategic Investment
Hunters Point South
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Enhance mobility and connectivity
Economic opportunity depends not only on affordable housing, but also access to
schools, employment, shopping and other services, both within the neighbor
hood and beyond. Consequently, our planning will be based upon a transit-ori
ented development approach. The City will promote a range of options to
improve mobility, connectivity, and safety. First and foremost, the City will
make streets safer and more hospitable to pedestrians as part of its inter-agency
Vision Zero campaign to eliminate pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries. The
City will also continue to expand its bike lane network to new neighborhoods
and, in collaboration with MTA New York City Transit, add 13 new Select Bus
Service routes to enhance transit access, improve the speed of slow transit trips,
and accommodate future growth. Although still relatively in its infancy, the
Citys growing ferry service has the potential to improve access to housing and
employment destinations along the waterfront. The City will also continue to
support MTA efforts to extend and expand the capacity of the subway and
commuter rail systems, including signal improvements that would increase
subway service frequency as well as major capital projects like the construction
of the Second Avenue Subway and the Penn Station Access project, which will
provide new Metro-North access to neighborhoods in the Bronx.
Coordinate planning and public investments to build resiliency
for coastal ood risks
In areas affected by Hurricane Sandy and coastal flood risks, as detailed in One
City, Rebuilding Together, the City will make investments necessary to improve
the resiliency of critical infrastructure systems and operations so that all New
Yorkers live safely in stronger communities. The Mayors newly formed Office
of Recovery and Resiliency has initiated projects within the first phase of a $3.7
billion program of investments in coastal protection measures for critical areas,
and will expedite efforts to secure additional Federal funding and expand
resiliency upgrades. Housing recovery and capital investments in coastal
protections and other infrastructure will be coordinated together with neigh-
borhood planning efforts to support the physical, economic, and social resilien-
cy of communities.
Promote Mixed-Use, Mixed-Income
Communities Anchored by Aordable Housing
With new housing comes increased demand for a wide range of services—in-
cluding transit capacity, retail and business services, as well as community
facilities such as day care, outpatient health care, houses of worship and other
institutions. These businesses and facilities are part of the lifeblood of neigh-
borhoods, and when properly located along well-designed streets that welcome
Housing: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Case Study:
Adaptive Reuse for Aordable Housing
Artspace El Barrio @ P.S. 109
East Harlem
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
pedestrian activity, can create community focal points and meeting places.
Using a range of strategies, the City will promote vibrant, mixed-use
Pursue zoning changes to support mixed-use communities,
in which housing, quality jobs, and retail support the vitality
of neighborhood
Neighborhood planning and zoning changes can open up a wide range of oppor-
tunities for mixed-use neighborhoods. Inducing a mix of uses alongside or within
housing in locations that are highly accessible to public transportation can create
centers of employment, commerce, and services that expand economic opportu-
nity for residents within and beyond the neighborhood. In some industrial or
commercial areas, opportunities exist to expand centers of employment and
business activity.
Zoning can encourage vibrant, mixed-use neighborhoods in additional ways. In
some areas, stringent parking requirements for commercial uses discourage new
buildings from also including housing. Reducing these requirements would
encourage vibrant local retail streets with housing on the upper floors of build
ings. In addition, the height of ground-floor retail spaces in mixed-use buildings
is often constrained by current zoning limits for building height and setback,
especially for buildings receiving bonus floor area through the Inclusionary
Housing Program. These requirements will be updated to allow for modern,
high-quality retail space while preserving the full potential for housing above the
ground floor.
Expand and refocus tools that incentivize commercial and
community facility components of mixed-use projects
To support essential commercial uses, community facilities and other uses that
create employment opportunities, City agencies will work to maximize the
use of available financing tools that provide assistance to the commercial
components of mixed-use projects. The City will also explore reviving HPD’s
Alliance for Neighborhood Commerce, Homeownership, and Revitalization
(ANCHOR) Program and will look to expand the use of public financing tools
such as Federal New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC). In addition, by helping
developers plan strategically in the early stages of a project, we will ensure that
mixed-use projects advance specific neighborhood goals, realize full value of
their commercial space, and leverage opportunities to cross-subsidize afford-
able housing.
Housing: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
St. George Mixed-Use Development
Case Study:
Adaptive Reuse & Mixed-Use Development
Staten Island
St. George
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Engage NYCHA residents and the
surrounding communities to identify local
needs and opportunities
Over the coming months, the City will engage the residents
and neighbors of NYCHA developments in respectful and
balanced conversation about local needs and opportunities.
This collaborative process will assess the potential for
underutilized NYCHA land and development rights to
benefit existing residents, increase affordable housing and
local retail services, and reintegrate developments into the
fabric of their surrounding neighborhoods.
Create quality construction jobs
and workforce development
opportunities for New Yorkers
The objective of Housing New York is to make it possible
for working people to find a decent, affordable home in a
thriving and inclusive neighborhood in the City. Producing
this housing will necessitate a substantial investment of
City resources, and we are committed to ensuring that this
investment leads not only to quality affordable housing, but
also good jobs—both direct and indirect—for New Yorkers
across all five boroughs.
As we undertake this substantial public investment, we are
committed to ensuring:
Quality construction jobs with fair wages, safe
working conditions and advancement
opportunities for Low-Income residents
The City’s investment in housing is aligned with
our workforce development strategies
The City capitalizes on the opportunity not just to
build aordable housing but to do so in a way
that helps traditionally disadvantaged
businesses, including Minority- and Women-
owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs).
Create quality construction jobs
We estimate that the construction and preservation of
200,000 units over the next 10 years will generate a
Some examples of programs we will work to scale:
Edward J Malloy Initiative for Construction Skills
NYCHA Resident Training Academy (NRTA)
Construction Works
Building Skills NY
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Harlem River Waterfront Redevelopment
Case Study:
Leveraging City Property to Seed
Neighborhood Development
Harlem River
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
substantial number of new jobs. Our analysis shows that the investment in
housing will create approximately 194,000 construction jobs and 7,100 permanent
jobs. This includes over 132,100 direct jobs and an additional 69,000 indirect jobs.
Link investment in aordable housing to the City’s broader
workforce development programs
The City will develop new programs coordinated through the Office of Workforce
Development to ensure that our housing investments are incorporated into the
Citys broader workforce development efforts. Specifically, the Office of Workforce
Development will:
Create a designated workforce development Senior Contractor Manager who
will ensure that developers implement hiring practices and work in partnership
with City agencies to connect individuals with job opportunities.
Partner with local intermediaries who conduct outreach to and screening of
local jobseekers
Develop a City-wide hiring database through the launch of a centralized on-line
job application system that improves screening at local access points and
enables follow up for other construction jobs outside of local areas.
Expand promising construction workforce programs and integrate them into
the affordable housing construction investments.
Build aordable housing while promoting the growth of
Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises
The Citys investment in affordable housing will be tied to greater M/WBE partici-
pation in housing development. Expanding opportunities for these organizations
not only reflects our values, it also expands the pool of developers that can build
affordable housing in New York City and strengthens the housing industry. HPD
will implement a program to expand M/WBEs’ access to capital, build their
capacity, and provide opportunities to compete for a targeted pipeline of develop-
ment projects. Portions of this program require state legislation, which has been
introduced in the legislature. The City will continue to lobby for its passage. The
City has also allocated funding to HPD and SBS to expand SBS’s Compete to Win
Program to provide capacity building to M/WBE affordable housing developers. In
addition, EDC’s Blueprint to Success and SBS’s Compete to Win have provided M/
WBE contractors with technical assistance, business curriculum education and
networking opportunities. EDC and SBS will endeavor to scale these successful
programs in support of the Plan. EDC will also seek to have greater participation
by M/WBEs on its real estate projects by requiring developers to include M/WBE
participation through appropriate M/WBE construction goals. EDC, SBS and HPD
will coordinate all M/WBE efforts.
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Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Chapter 2
the Aordability
and Quality of
the Existing
Housing Stock
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Maintaining the quality and affordability of housing that is currently affordable to
low- and moderate-income New Yorkers is critical to meeting the Citys long-term
housing needs. That stock includes publicly subsidized units, privately owned
units, public housing operated by NYCHA, rent-regulated units, and housing that
is market rate, but in a neighborhood where market rents are currently affordable
to many families.
A variety of factors put this housing at risk: New York Citys subsidized affordable
housing stock faces significant threats from expiring rent restrictions. Many NYCHA
units are falling into physical disrepair and Federal funding for NYCHA has nearly
been cut in half over the last decade. The rent-regulated stock has shrunk dramati-
cally over the last decade as vacancy and luxury decontrol have resulted in rent
increases to market levels. Unusually high turnover in many rent-regulated buildings
suggests that some landlords are disregarding tenants’ rights in the pursuit of market
rents. Many categories of the affordable stock face increasing operating costs, and
many buildings have serious maintenance and rehabilitation needs.
While the construction of new housing is a key component of the Plan, efforts to
ensure the quality of existing housing and preserve the affordability of the cur
rently affordable stock also are critical. Preservation is often a more cost-effective
way of securing affordability and protecting tenants from the risks associated with
poor maintenance and disinvestment. On average, the preservation of existing
affordable housing requires fewer government and private resources, and can
leverage past investments. And most critically, both the enforcement of quality
standards and the preservation of affordability provide the families who live in the
units with stable and affordable housing. The Citys efforts to build new housing
must go hand-in-hand with efforts to protect and promote housing quality and to
preserve the affordability of existing units so that all New Yorkers can live in safe
and healthy environments.
Key strategies:.
Ensure the Safety and Habitability of the Housing Stock
Adopt a More Strategic Approach to Preservation
Preserve Government-Assisted Aordable Housing
Preserve Rent-Regulated and Unregulated Aordable Housing
Create New and Improved Preservation Tools
Promote Sustainability, Resiliency, and Long-Term
Aordability While Helping Building Owners Reduce
Operating Costs
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Ensure the Safety and Habitability of the
Housing Stock
Perform a comprehensive review of the Housing Maintenance
The Housing Maintenance Code (HMC) ensures minimum standards of health,
safety, fire protection, light, ventilation, cleanliness, repair, maintenance, and
occupancy in residential buildings. While specific updates to the HMC have been
implemented over time, the City has not undertaken a comprehensive review in
recent years. Many stakeholders believe that requirements of HMC should be
better coordinated with other relevant codes and rules so as to streamline the
design and review process, benefitting both building owners and tenants.
Additionally, the HMC does not incorporate some industry best practices, such
as issuing electronic notices to owners and promoting green building
We will conduct a comprehensive review, working with tenant advocates, organiz-
ers, building owners, and property managers to identify problems with the existing
code. Based upon that review, we will propose an update of the HMC to ensure
that it reflects current technologies and best practices and is consistent with other
codes relating to housing quality and safety
Increase tenant awareness of how to report housing violations
Well-informed tenants can help to ensure that violations, unsafe conditions, and other
HMC compliance issues in their buildings are reported so that they can be addressed
in a timely fashion. Using posted notices and an extensive outreach campaign, we will
inform tenants about how to identify and report unsafe conditions.
Strengthen enforcement of the Housing Maintenance Code by
leveraging the City’s procurement and compliance reviews
Before entering into contracts with or providing financing to property owners, or
awarding developers site control of City owned property, the City will examine
the violation status of their New York City real estate portfolios and conduct
additional reviews of those violations where appropriate. We will insist that
property owners and developers must cure violations if they want to do business
with the City.
Facilitate rehabilitation by adopting a new building code for
existing buildings
Since 2008 there have been significant revisions to the New York City construction
codes, but the current scheme remains complex and time consuming.
Rehabilitation of existing buildings are subject to a complex regulatory structure
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
that includes state law, the applicable provisions of the Bulding Code and interpe-
tive regulations and guidelines. In addition, although several statutory amend-
ments related to building resiliency have been made Post-Sandy, the provisions
governing alterations to maintain or increase resiliency, such as those related to
flood- and wind-resistance, need to be studied further.
We will establish an Existing Buildings Code Revision Committee, consisting of
relevant experts and stakeholders, to propose a comprehensive Existing
Building Code based on the International Existing Building Code (IEBC), as has
been done in the rest of New York State. Adopting a separate code for existing
buildings will streamline permitting and simplify regulations governing building
upgrades and resiliency improvements for the existing housing stock. Once the
code is adopted, we will also establish and maintain industry-wide training
programs on the new code.
Oer training for building owners
Some property owners, particularly small landlords, may benefit from training on
best practices for maintaining their residential buildings in safe and habitable
conditions and from information about resources that are available to improve
building performance and reduce operating costs. We will work with nonprofit
partners to provide comprehensive training programs for owners of residential
buildings and explore the feasibility and potential benefits of providing financial
incentives (such as grants, loans, and in-kind assistance) to owners who successfully
complete an education program and implement best practices.
Leverage private capital to rehabilitate distressed, formerly
abandoned properties
Under the Article 7A program, the City offers limited financial assistance for
rehabilitation to administrators of distressed, formerly abandoned residential
buildings that have conditions that endanger the health and safety of their
tenants. We will explore ways to incorporate private capital into this program in
order to expand its capacity and increase the number of homes that can be
Explore cost eective approaches to address conditions in
informal dwelling units
There are thousands of unsanctioned housing units across the city, primarily in
basements and above garages. The conditions of these units may represent a threat
to health and safety of their occupants and to the first responders who may be
called to respond to emergencies in those units. The engineering and fire safety
challenges created by these units are extremely complex. The City will work with
the relevant stakeholders to examine how best to bring these units into the regulat-
ed housing system, including a review of other cities’ best practices to bring fresh
ideas to the discussion.
nyc.gov/housing Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plan
College Avenue Multifamily Rehabilitation
Case Study:
Rehabilitation of Financially and Physically
Distressed Buildings
East Concourse
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Adopt a More Strategic Approach to Preservation
Target preservation and outreach strategies to neighborhood
The most effective preservation strategies will depend upon neighborhood charac-
teristics and needs. For example, in a community facing rising rents due to market
pressures, the City may be most effective in helping owners keep properties
affordable by using tax incentives or financing tools to incentivize energy retrofits
that would reduce utility costs. In a community that is experiencing high rates of
physical distress, on the other hand, the City may need to focus efforts on expand-
ing its Proactive Preservation Initiative, which targets deteriorating properties for
increased code enforcement and works with lenders and regulators to encourage
owners to make necessary repairs in a timely fashion.
We will pursue a more targeted, neighborhood-based approach to preservation.
This will require analyzing data on housing and market conditions to identify
community needs, developing localized preservation strategies, and engaging
communities to implement these strategies.
Expand our preservation eorts to properties our current
programs do not serve
To expand our preservation pipeline beyond government-assisted housing, we will
proactively reach out to building owners, financing partners, governmental agencies
and community groups to identify preservation opportunities in the broader housing
stock. We will then design and target preservation tools to address the needs of
properties that existing programs currently do not serve. Because the owners of the
buildings targeted will, by definition, not be familiar with preservation programs, we
will partner with third parties to provide technical assistance for owners navigating
the preservation process.
Coordinate preservation strategies with our regulatory and
infrastructure investments
Proactive preservation strategies can be particularly helpful if undertaken early
and in coordination with rezonings of infrastructure improvements. Those activi-
ties can often lead to increases in property values and rents, so working with
building owners early in the process to help preserve the affordability of their
properties will help stabilize the neighborhood and allow existing tenants to
remain in their communities.
Support foreclosure prevention strategies
Many low- and moderate-income homeowners serve as the bedrock of their
neighborhoods and play a crucial role in stabilizing their communities. Keeping
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
these families in their homes not only protects those households, it also protects
our neighborhoods. The City will continue to support aggressive neighbor-
hood-based efforts to prevent foreclosure and combat predatory practices targeted
at homeowners and homebuyers.
Preserve Government-Assisted Aordable
Housing assisted by City or other government programs—including NYCHA units,
Mitchell-Lama developments, Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects,
and HUD-Multifamily properties, represents hundreds of billions of local, State,
Federal, and private investment. Unless the City works with owners to extend the
affordability of these units as subsidies expire, the value of these investments may
be lost and the people living in those housing units may face the risk of soaring
rents or displacement.
Ensure the long-term sustainability of NYCHA units
With over 2,500 buildings and almost 180,000 units across all five boroughs,
NYCHA currently serves more than 400,000 people. These units are critically
important to the Citys housing infrastructure. NYCHA serves many working
families and some of New York City’s lowest income families: More than 50
percent of NYCHAs residents have incomes below the poverty line, and approxi-
mately 80 percent are Very Low Income.
The City is committed to securing the long-term sustainability of these
NYHCA properties, and will fully engage with NYCHA residents to create a
tailored preservation and development plan that will provide a full-scale evalua
tion of tenant needs and lay out a path forward to accomplish these critically
important objectives.
Expand Mitchell-Lama preservation strategies
There are currently over 48,000 units in the Citys Mitchell-Lama portfolio, which
is comprised of affordable rental units and cooperative housing for moderate and
middle income families. Some Mitchell-Lama developments have significant debt
restructuring and capital needs, coupled with cash flow limitations and limited
access to private financing. In the past, the City has preserved the affordability of
thousands of Mitchell-Lama units, and we will continue to seize opportunities to
extend affordability for the Citys current Mitchell-Lama units, in exchange for
low-cost financing and tax incentives. In addition, we will:
Work with New York State to identify opportunities to assist in the preservation
of the State’s Mitchell-Lama portfolio
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Reach out to Mitchell-Lama buildings that opted out in the last decade and are
currently experiencing challenges paying property taxes or water and sewer
charges, to explore the possibility of the building returning to an affordable
housing program
Explore opportunities for Mitchell-Lama developments to take advantage of
their underused development rights to fund significant repairs in exchange for
extended affordability restrictions
Expand and improve HPD’s Year 15 and HUD MultiFamily
Preservation Programs
HPD’s Year 15 Program works with Low Income Housing Tax Credit-financed
projects that must comply with a 30-year regulatory agreement that imposes
affordability restrictions. At “Year 15” (the mid-point) of the compliance period,
the tax credit investors usually exit the ownership structure. The Year 15
Program then offers low-cost financing for capital needs and tax benefits in
exchange for a new regulatory agreement that extends beyond the initial 30-year
period. The Year 15 pipeline currently focuses on developments in which HPD
already has had some involvement. In order to expand the preservation pipeline,
we will target properties that received tax credits from New York State or HDC
bond financing, but had no prior dealings with HPD. In addition, we will review
our process to ensure that they are providing optimal incentives to owners to
keep the properties in good repair.
As we expand the Year 15 Program, the City’s not-for-profit building owners must
remain critical partners in our preservation efforts. The City will support the asset
management capabilities of these important partners, helping them stabilize their
projects and access capital to ensure their long-term viability where practical.
HPD’s HUD MultiFamily Program works to identify properties that have expir
ing HUD mortgages, including Section 236 properties, that have not had prior
HPD assistance, or Housing Assistance Payment contracts. The program then
extends affordability in exchange for low-cost financing and tax incentives. We
will expand this pipeline by improving our outreach to owners and by coordinat
ing with HUD and other agencies, and develop tools to better encourage owners
to preserve affordability.
Improve and modernize oversight and asset management of
City-subsidized aordable housing
Without adequate and ongoing oversight, an owner’s mismanagement or neglect of
a building can jeopardize the quality and long-term stability of City-subsidized
affordable housing. HPD created the Division of Asset and Property Management
(APM) in 2009 to help ensure the physical and financial health of City-subsidized
properties and monitor compliance with regulatory agreements (including afford-
ability restrictions), in coordination with HDC’s Division of Asset Management.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Since that time, HPD has steadily increased its oversight of City-subsidized
properties, but more remains to be done.
We will increase HPD’s APM capacity in order to allow for ongoing monitoring of
financial performance, physical health, and regulatory compliance of an increasing
number of City-subsidized projects. We will better use technology to increase the
efficiency of our oversight functions and identify opportunities to leverage external
resources to complement our efforts.
Preserve Rent-Regulated and Unregulated
Aordable Housing
Rent-stabilized apartments are a critical component of the City’s affordable
housing stock. Approximately half of all rental units are currently subject to rent
stabilization, which provides tenants with important rights and regulates rent
increases for more than 2.3 million New Yorkers. However, decontrol provisions
implemented in 1993, along with market pressures, have resulted in the loss or
deregulation of 250,000 units from the rent-stabilized stock.
Some unregulated housing offers affordable rents without the assistance of public
subsidies because neighborhood market conditions keep rents low. However,
because these units are not bound by regulatory agreements or rent regulations,
they may become unaffordable or unavailable if the market heats up, or if operat-
ing costs increase dramatically.
Stem the tide of units exiting rent stabilization
The majority of the units that have left the rent-stabilized housing stock were lost
through high rent vacancy decontrol, which allows units to exit rent regulation
when a unit is vacant and the legal rent for the incoming tenant exceeds $2,500 per
month. A small proportion were lost through high income/high rent deregulation
(so called “luxury decontrol” which allows units to exit rent regulation when the
occupants annual income exceeds $200,000 for two consecutive years and the
legal rent exceeds $2,500 per month). Legal rents can escalate quickly to that
$2,500 trigger through annual rent increases, permissible increases upon vacancy,
and/or rent increases due to Major Capital Improvements (MCIs) and Individual
Apartment Improvements (IAIs).
The state law governing rent stabilization will come before the State legislature for
renewal in 2015. The City will advocate strenuously for renewal, and for strength-
ening rent stabilization protections. Further, the City will work with our State
partners to seek to amend the New York State Local Emergency Housing Rent
Control Act (LEHRCA) in order to effectively repeal the Urstadt Law and 2003
amendments, which limit the City’s role in the State rent regulation scheme.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Strengthen protections for tenants of rent-stabilized housing
In 2013, over 30,000 New York City families were displaced from their homes as a
result of eviction proceedings filed in Housing Court. The lack of legal representa-
tion for low- and moderate-income tenants facing eviction limits their awareness
of their rights as tenants and makes it more difficult for them to defend themselves
against actions initiated by landlords. Legal services are a critical preservation tool
as they can prevent landlords from pursuing evictions simply to move their
apartments out of rent stabilization. Unfortunately, the current demand for tenant
legal services far exceeds supply.
We will streamline City programs that provide eviction prevention services to help
ensure that tenants in rent-stabilized units stay in their homes. In addition, we will
seek external funding to support eviction prevention programs and will ask private
law firms to provide pro bono legal services to defend tenants facing eviction or
other housing court actions. Finally, we will work with community based organiza-
tions and tenant organizations to increase tenant education in order to preserve
the affordability of the rent-stabilized housing stock.
Tenants of rent-stabilized apartments may apply to the New York State Office of
Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) for rent reductions due to substandard
conditions or services. In order to help protect tenants’ rights and encourage
landlords to provide required repairs and services, HPD will work with HCR to
determine how HPD’s code compliance efforts could assist HCR with their
enforcement of the rent reduction provisions.
Preserve the aordability of unregulated housing where rents
may rise because of changing neighborhood conditions
The pipeline to preserve housing that is currently affordable because of market
conditions in the neighborhood has been largely generated through individual
property owners coming forward to seek a tax exemption and/or subsidies for
rehabilitation. Using new outreach strategies and preservation tools, we will
proactively identify and invest in these properties in order to preserve their
affordability before rents in the neighborhood increase dramatically. Such invest-
ments will allow current tenants to benefit from improved units, and permit future
tenants to be assured that the unit remains affordable, even as the neighborhood’s
housing values and rents increase.
Create New and Improved Preservation Tools
While the City will work to expand on preservation efforts using existing tools, it is
clear that more flexible tools are needed to reach a broader range of properties and
meet the needs of different neighborhoods and building owners. We will stream-
line and coordinate the existing tools to provide more standardized and efficient
preservation programs.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Create new incentives for properties that are not served by
existing programs but are in danger of converting to condos or
exiting rent regulation
Many buildings that do not have capital needs or require rehabilitation and are in
strong markets are likely to convert to condominiums or leave rent regulation.
These buildings represent a risk to the City’s affordable housing stock, but also
create opportunities for preservation. Existing tax exemptions and abatements are
too limited in scope to apply to such buildings (for example, J-51 requires rehabili
tation, 420-c is only available for LIHTC-financed projects controlled by charita
ble organizations, and Article XI requires the involvement of a Housing
Development Fund Corporation (HDFC). The City will seek to create a new tax
incentive program to provide rental building owners a partial or full tax exemp
tion, subject to HPD approval, in exchange for entering into a regulatory agree
ment that ensures affordability for the life of the exemption.
Re-examine and recalibrate the Inclusionary Housing
Preservation Program
The City will re-examine the Inclusionary Housing Preservation Program which
gives developers bonus zoning development rights in exchange for their agree
ment to renovate and preserve affordable housing. We will recalibrate its terms
to better match the amount of the bonus to the amount of affordability preserved.
In addition, we will review the minimum thresholds of preservation required to
qualify for the bonus, and assess whether the owners of subsidized housing
receiving funds from the sale of bonus development rights should be required to
use those funds to build or preserve additional affordable housing.
Leverage liens for City repairs/services to press for
aordability and responsible new ownership
When property owners fail to perform necessary repairs or provide required
services, the City can help to ensure that tenants are not subjected to dangerous
conditions. Where the City acts to remedy these owner failures, it files a lien
against the property to recoup the cost of those activities. Those liens, which are
the direct result of an owner’s breach of its legal obligations, currently bear interest
at a lower rate (7 percent) than an ordinary tax lien (generally 18 percent). The
City will seek local legislation to ensure that liens for such work bear interest at the
same rate as any other defaulted tax lien.
Enforcement of such liens can be an effective tool to get properties into responsi-
ble new ownership. The City will explore ways to press for, and facilitate, such
transfers and to encourage new owners to repair the buildings and devote part or
all of the property to affordable housing.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Preserve tax-delinquent properties as aordable housing
through Third Party Transfer in rem actions
Third Party Transfer (TPT) is a mechanism that allows the City to transfer physi-
cally distressed and tax-delinquent properties taken through an in rem action to
responsible owners who will address the properties’ physical needs. Initiating TPT
in rem actions requires coordination among multiple City agencies. The last TPT
in rem actions were commenced in 2008. The City will work with the relevant
agencies (HPD, Department of Finance, the Law Department, Office of
Management and Budget, Department of Environmental Protection) to enhance
the efficiency of the TPT in rem process, and expedite a new round of TPT actions
that will prioritize not-for-profit ownership of TPT properties.
Expand opportunities to preserve aordable homeownership
The City will work with tenants, community members, and the lending commu
nity to finance affordable homeownership opportunities through our Tenant
Interim Lease Program, (which helps organized tenant associations in City-
owned buildings to set up low-income cooperatives), Affordable Neighborhood
Cooperative Program (which uses HDC financing to promote the development
of affordable cooperatives) and Real Estate Owned Program (in which a third
party acquires and rehabilitates bank-foreclosed homes for moderate income
households). In addition, the City will look at ways to expand programs to help
homeowners maintain the quality of their homes through programs such as
Senior Citizens Home Assistance Program, Neighborhood Housing Services
Repair Program, and HPD’s Home Improvement Program.
Promote Sustainability, Resiliency, and Long-
Term Aordability While Helping Building
Owners Reduce Operating Costs
Create an energy and water utility cost-reduction program
Utility costs in New York City increased more than 6 percent between 2012 and
2013, while fuel oil costs rose 20 percent in the same period and more than doubled
since 2002. This has increased the rent-burden for tenants and eroded bottom lines
for property owners, which can lead to deferral of maintenance and capital needs.
Undertaking retrofits to save energy and water can help building owners control
operating expenses and maintain affordability, while also achieving broader
sustainability and health goals. However, many buildings have not undergone even
low-cost, low-effort conservation measures because owners lack technical under-
standing or have limited capital reserves or ability to borrow against small net
operating incomes.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
In order to mitigate rising utility costs and preserve affordability, the City will
create a pilot outreach and financial assistance program and provide grants or loans,
as appropriate, to accelerate investments in energy and water efficiency projects.
The program will target housing that serves low- to moderate-income residents,
and in particular, some of the oldest and most vulnerable housing stock, including
smaller and mid-size tenement buildings. Some of these buildings may be able to
reduce their energy and water consumption by up to 30 percent through moderate
rehabilitation. This program will also seek to leverage our workforce development
to create job opportunities for community residents.
The pilot program will seek to work with existing efforts undertaken by HUD,
Enterprise Community Partners, Green Light New York, HDC and The New York
City Energy Efficiency Corporation (NYCEEC) and will be designed to comple-
ment the resources and expertise offered by the New York State Energy Research
and Development Authority (NYSERDA) as well as local utilities, Con Edison and
National Grid. Working together will enable the City and its partners to better
understand and address the efficiency challenges unique to affordable housing
developments of all sizes. By proactively identifying a pipeline of non-assisted
affordable housing that may be in danger of becoming unaffordable, the program
will expand the City’s strategic preservation efforts while helping owners under-
take improvements that will increase lower costs and improve housing quality.
Help owners implement resiliency upgrades and reduce ood
insurance premiums
In 2013, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) updated their maps
of high-risk flood zones (flood maps) in New York City, which are used to deter-
mine whether properties are required to purchase flood insurance and conform to
resilient building standards. The updated maps increased the size of the City’s
high-risk zones by more than 50 percent, adding 29,000 new residential properties
and approximately 180,000 residents. As a result, many of these properties will
face substantially increased premiums for flood insurance.
Property owners are able to reduce their flood insurance premiums by undertaking
specific improvements to their buildings, such as elevating the ground floor and all
building systems. The standards that govern these improvements, however, were
largely conceived with free-standing single family homes in mind and they are
often physically impractical or financially infeasible in New York Citys multifamily
buildings. Federal standards also penalize affordable housing in particular because
the expenditure threshold that dictates when an owner is required to undertake
improvements—known as a “substantial improvement” is linked to the assessed
value of the property, which is typically lower than for market rate housing. This
can have the unintended consequence of deterring investments in the building.
The City will confront these challenges on multiple fronts. First and foremost, we
Housing: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Franklin Plaza
Case Study:
Energy Eciency and Moderate Rehabilitation
East Harlem
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Arverne View
Case Study:
Post-Hurricane Sandy Resiliency and
Far Rockaway
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
will continue to reinforce and expand the Citys coastal flood protection infra
structure—bulkheads, sand dunes, wetlands, and other physical structures—and
work to ensure that FEMA recognizes the associated risk-reduction benefits in
their flood maps. We will also advocate for the creation of flood protection
standards that reflect the unique characteristics of New York Citys dense built
environment. For example, we will advocate for Federal recognition of other
forms of risk reduction other than elevating structures. This recognition would
enable attached, semi-attached, and multifamily residential buildings to reduce
their flood insurance premiums cost-effectively. Larger affordable multifamily
buildings will also need to be granted flexibility to make resiliency improvements
without the risk of triggering costly additional requirements that could lead to
financial failure and residential displacement.
We will also work to assist property owners directly. We will explore the
creation of a loan program to assist low-, moderate-, and middle-income owners
in newly designated flood zones to perform resiliency upgrades. In some cases,
these loans could be combined with other forms of incentives in exchange for an
affordability agreement. We will also launch outreach initiatives to provide
information to property owners in the floodplain regarding their risks, their
requirements to purchase flood insurance, and their options for reducing risk
and flood insurance premiums. Together these efforts will support both the
Citys affordability and climate resiliency objectives.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Chapter 3
Building New
Housing for All
New Yorkers
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
New York Citys housing affordability crisis is in many ways the manifestation of
a deeper housing supply crisis. New York Citys housing market is especially
constrained. The citywide rental vacancy rate was 3.12 percent, in 2011 (the most
recent year for which that data is available), which is far lower than the nation
wide vacancy rate, which was around 9 percent during the same time. Even
worse, the vacancy rate for the lowest cost units is around one percent. This lack
of supply underpins the challenges renters face in trying to find a home they can
afford. As our population continues to grow, it is imperative for the City to
explore various ways to increase the supply of housing—both affordable and
market-rate housing—to meet current and future demands.
We recognize that developers and contractors face significant challenges when
building new housing units in New York City. The dwindling supply of private-
and government-owned developable land constrains new projects, and many of
the available vacant parcels cannot easily be developed because of environmental
issues that require costly cleanup. Construction costs also are high, and the
uncertainty and complexity of approval and permitting processes further con
strain new development.
Key strategies:
Enable a Wider Range of New Yorkers to Benet from the
City’s Aordable Housing Eorts
Capitalize on Public Assets and Partnerships to Maximize
Aordable Housing Opportunities
Change Zoning and Land Use Regulations to Promote
Housing Creation
Remove Unnecessary Barriers and Delays to Developing
Ensure That Housing Produced is Sustainable and Aligned
with the Needs of the City’s Changing Demographics
1. Source: 2011 New York City Housing and
Vacancy Survey, US Census Bureau.
2. Source:, 2011 Current Population Survey/
Housing Vacancy Survey, U.S. Census Bureau
and 2011 American Housing Survey, U.S.
Census Bureau.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Enable a Wider Range of New Yorkers to
Benet from the City’s Aordable Housing
Existing affordable housing programs require households to meet specific income
restrictions. These restrictions can at times be too narrow to reach the income ranges
of New Yorkers in need of affordable housing. The households best served by avail-
able financing programs have annual incomes between 50 and 60 percent of AMI or
$41,951 to $50,340 for a family of four in New York City . Moving forward, we will
create and modify our financing tools to allow developments to house New Yorkers
with a wider range of incomes. This means we will also support specific efforts to
house populations who are critical to maintaining the diversity and vibrancy of New
York City, like artists and musicians who struggle to find affordable housing and/or
live/work space.
The private market does not currently produce enough housing affordable for
moderate and middle income households. We will expand the City’s tools to
finance housing for the lowest income populations, as well as for middle-in-
come households. To do this, when appropriate, we will provide deeper subsi-
dies for projects housing the lowest income populations (i.e. 30 to 50 percent of
AMI) and/or cross subsidize those populations through mixed-income pro-
grams that target households earning up to 165 percent of AMI. This will allow
us to serve a wider range of households, not just those between 50 percent and
60 percent of AMI.
Provide additional subsidy to allow units at lower AMI levels
In the majority of programs, the City will require developers to provide a
significantly higher percentage of units at even lower AMI levels than
currently required. We will need to “payfor this deeper level of affordability
by increasing the amount of subsidy per project (from HPD and/or HDC). The
increased subsidies will offset the lower operating revenue that results from
providing more deeply affordable housing units, by effectively lowering the
carrying cost of all debt on the projects. Although it can be very expensive to
finance housing for the lowest AMI levels, we believe it is critical for govern-
ment to enable a wider range of our residents to benefit from our affordable
housing efforts.
Advocate for the Federal government to allow LIHTC Income
New York City and other State and City housing agencies have proposed legisla
tion to expand the flexibility of the Federal LIHTC. LIHTC income averaging
would allow low-income developments to serve a mix of low-income households
(as high as 80 percent of AMI and as low as 30 percent AMI) as long as the mix
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
averages to 60 percent AMI (whereas the current program limits all units to 60
percent AMI or less).
Under current Federal LIHTC rules, rents set above 60 percent AMI (such as 80
percent AMI) do not generate tax credits. Rents set at deeper affordability levels
generate tax credits, but are not economically feasible without additional HPD or
HDC subsidy. Income averaging will allow us to serve households in a wider
income range in any given LIHTC development, without increasing the amount of
public subsidy necessary.
Create a new middle / mixed-income housing strategy
Middle-income housing is an essential component of any strategy to promote
long-term community revitalization and economic diversity throughout New York
Citys neighborhoods. The City needs programs that can accommodate a range of
households at different income levels. Teachers, fire fighters, and police officers are
just some of the many people critical to our growing economy, and they help to
make up the backbone of our society. The City is only improved when these middle
income workers can afford to raise their families within our five boroughs. Further,
programs designed to reach middle-income families sometimes are necessary either
to keep those households in neighborhoods that are becoming more expensive, or
to encourage middle-income households to move into and help diversify developing
neighborhoods. We want to ensure that every neighborhood in the City is an
inclusive environment for households of all incomes to live, work, and play.
Producing middle-income housing can also be a finance tool to cross-subsidize
more deeply affordable units. A mixed-income model is more economically feasible
than 100 percent middle-income developments, which are costly to subsidize and
may not do enough to promote income diversity. Under mixed-income structures,
the tax credit equity and tax-exempt bond financing generated by the low-income
units benefits the financing of the entire project; in turn, the higher middle-income
rents create enough cross-subsidy to enable the low-income units to provide deeper
affordability to households at 50 percent and 40 percent of AMI (rather than 60
percent of AMI; which is the income level achieved by most tax credit projects).
Pilot M
, a new Mixed-Middle-Income housing program
The City will pilot M
, a refinement of HDC’s current mixed-income program, as a
tool to provide housing to middle-income New Yorkers while simultaneously
creating income-diverse neighborhoods. Twenty percent of a project’s units will
continue to be reserved for low-income households (at the more deeply affordable
40 and 50 percent AMI level rents) and 30 percent of units for moderate-income
households (80 percent and 100 percent AMI rents). However, the remaining 50
percent of units will be reserved for middle-income households (130 percent AMI
rents) as opposed to being rented at unrestricted market rate rents. In some areas
the middle income rents may already be at or close to market rate rent; however, by
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
restricting them through program regulatory agreements and enrolling them in rent
stabilization, we will ensure that they remain affordable to middle-income house-
holds even if neighborhood rents rise.
Using 501(c)(3) bonds to nance middle-income housing
In addition to M2, middle-income housing may be financed through the issuance
of tax-exempt 501(c)(3)governmental purpose bonds. This program would be
predicated on the use of a 501(c)(3) charitable organization created with the Citys
assistance to develop and provide quality affordable housing for moderate and
middle income New York residents. HDC would then issue 501(c)(3) bonds to
provide tax-exempt financing to the non profit owner. This model assumes that
middle income housing would be developed on City-owned land in areas that can
support these rents. Use of 501(c)(3) bonds in such projects would preserve
valuable volume cap for projects targeted to lower income residents while mini-
mizing City subsidy for middle income developments. The conservation of both
capital subsidy and private activity bonds would allow the City to finance addition-
al affordable units for low income families. This middle income model will require
long-term credit enhancement and liquidity on the HDC bonds so that HDC could
offer particularly low rates for these developments. Potential providers of this
credit enhancement could include pension funds and insurance companies.
Capitalize on Public Assets and Partnerships
to Maximize Aordable Housing Opportunities
Despite the unrelenting demand for housing in New York City, vacant and under-
developed parcels of land are scattered still throughout the City. The City can
encourage development on these sites by investing in critical infrastructure,
making use of land use controls, providing remediation incentives, and forming
strategic partnerships.
Aggregate small sites to develop homeownership
The New Infill Homeownership Opportunities Program (NIHOP) will stream
line and continue prior efforts to promote workforce homeownership opportuni
ties. Under the program, sponsors will purchase City-owned land and construct
one- to four-family homes, cooperatives or condominiums. The City will target
small developers and local CDCs to participate in the program and work with
financial institutions to develop homes in neighborhoods that lack affordable
homeownership opportunities. Generally, one third of the units in each project
will be required to be affordable to LMI households. Additional tiers of afford
ability will be encouraged for moderate- and middle-income households. The
homes will be made available by lottery under an approved marketing plan. The
City will monitor construction and work with developers to ensure delivery of
quality affordable housing.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Aggregate small sites for rental opportunities
The City will launch the Neighborhood Construction Program (NCP), an initia-
tive to aggregate sites to develop affordable housing in order to achieve economies
of scale in the remediation, development, financing and operation of scattered
infill lots for rental housing. NCP will seek to develop affordable housing on lots
that can accommodate up to 20 units. NCP will focus on developing capacity
among smaller developers with a particular focus on local not-for-profits and
Re-evaluate the approach to development on NYCHA property
The City is committed to securing the long-term sustainability of these NYHCA
properties and will fully engage with NYCHA residents to develop a separate
strategic plan that will provide a full-scale evaluation of tenant needs and lay out
a path forward to accomplish these critically important objectives. The compre
hensive plan will ensure maximum benefits for residents and will be issued
within a year.
Invest strategically in infrastructure to unlock development
Many sites slated for affordable housing have been delayed because the infrastruc-
ture (such as sewers, streets, and open space) needed to support the future popula-
tion was not in place. In areas such as Coney Island in Brooklyn, Long Island City
in Queens, and Stapleton in Staten Island, a series of targeted infrastructure
investments and other City actions have been identified that would aid in the
production of thousands of new affordable housing units and accompanying retail,
services and community facilities. There are many other sites across the city where
there are enormous opportunities to leverage infrastructure investment to drive
affordable housing production.
Identify underdeveloped City-owned or publicly controlled sites
In addition to scattered vacant City-owned sites already identified for housing, the
City controls a portfolio of properties (such as municipal parking lots) with
residential development potential. The State and Federal government and affiliat-
ed entities also have significant landholdings and development rights that could be
harnessed to deliver housing. We will identify vacant and underdeveloped publicly
controlled properties and maintain an up to date census of the properties. We also
will undertake public outreach to facilitate their development for affordable
housing. Where appropriate, the City will finance new mixed-use buildings that
also provide commercial amenities and community facilities like those sponsored
by the Educational Construction Fund.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Identify and encourage development on underused privately
owned sites through strategic partnerships and the pooling of
development rights
Many privately owned properties may have unused or underused land. With the
right set of incentives, these private owners could make better use of their land and
possibly unlock potential revenue from residential or commercial tenants.
Development in cooperation with mission-driven organizations such as trade and
membership associations, faith-based institutions, and community service organi-
zations may be particularly fruitful. These organizations might not only benefit
from a capital influx unlocked by fully developing their land, but might also have a
mission-driven interest that aligns with the City’s goal to increase the supply of
affordable housing. The City will conduct outreach to these owners to develop
partnerships and encourage the use of their vacant land and pooling of their
development rights with adjoining sites for affordable housing.
Spring Creek
Case Study:
Underused City Site
Spring Creek
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Align tax policies regarding vacant and underused land with
our aordable housing goals
Because taxes on vacant lots, underused lots, and shuttered residential buildings
can serve as a deterrent or an impetus to develop on vacant land, tax policy must
be aligned with the goal of encouraging development. In addition, to further
encourage development on vacant land in zoning districts zoned for moderate-
or high-density residential use, the City will proactively reach out to the owners
and target incentives (brownfield remediation and others) based on the site
conditions. Finally, landlords in transitional neighborhoods often keep un
der-occupied buildings partially vacant in order to preserve the possibility for
development in the future. Tax policy for these buildings will be reexamined to
determine whether it is providing the appropriate incentives for redevelopment.
Explore the creation of new property through land banking,
reclamation, infrastructure decking, and resiliency eorts over
a longer time frame
Although not likely to produce new housing units in the next ten years, the City can
create long-term opportunities for development of affordable housing through targeted
efforts to create buildable sites by decking over infrastructure and creating new coastal
protection infrastructure that enables more resilient coastal neighborhoods. The City
will work with the MTA and other owners of rights-of-way to explore the feasibility of
decking over rail facilities, as has been done at Hudson and Atlantic Yards. Any over-
build strategy will require careful analysis by the City and partner agencies to deter-
mine whether the number and cost of housing units and other benefits justify the
considerable expense and other impacts associated with these projects.
There also exists a real time opportunity for the city to work with the Attorney
General to receive funding to create a land bank in the City.
Oer incentives to facilitate environmental remediation on
browneld sites
Both the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and
the New York City Office of Environmental Remediation (OER) can help transform
sites that are difficult to develop and require cleanup through innovative programs
that leverage City, State and Federal resources available for remediation activities.
The resources provided by OER substantially reduce the timeline to acquire
approval for remediation efforts, provide funding and other services to lower
cleanup costs and facilitate the cleanup process, and provide essential protection
against government environmental enforcement. OER’s services facilitate the
renewal of both market-rate and affordable properties. Cleanup of a once vacant or
derelict lot may allow nearby properties to reap benefits from increased property
value and improved environmental conditions.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
We will work with DEC to ensure that State program requirements and incentives
encourage development on sites in the city. For example, we will seek to increase
the reimbursement percentage for the existing brownfield cleanup tax credit and
convert the tax credit into a subsidy that can be invested in projects earlier in the
site preparation development phase, which will encourage more projects to use the
State cleanup program.
Case Study:
Getting Creative to Develop an Underutilized
Private Site
Melrose Commons Redevelopment
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Establish the aordable housing cleanup fund
OER has been effective in acquiring Federal and State grant funding for cleanup of
brownfields in NYC and recently established an Affordable Housing Cleanup Fund
which will prioritize affordable and supportive housing projects. OER will also
work with HPD to develop proposals for EPA Cleanup grants, EPA Site
Assessment grants, EPA Revolving Loan Cleanup grants, and New York State
Regional Economic Development Council grants.
Promote use of OER’s Clean Soil Bank to lower site
preparation cost
OER received a delegation from New York State to operate the New York City
Clean Soil Bank in 2013. This program enables clean soil from remediated brown-
field development projects to be transferred to other development sites with no
cost to either project. Clean soil is now available and under this program, an OER
will prioritize its availability for affordable and supportive housing projects. OER
will partner with other agencies to inform all affordable housing developers that
OER can provide clean soil free of charge for new construction use through the
newly established New York City Clean Soil Bank.
Change Zoning and Land Use Regulations to
Promote Housing Creation
Certain existing zoning restrictions, such as some requirements for parking and
the minimum size of units, unduly burden or restrict the development of afford-
able housing. Amending regulations to remove these impediments would encour-
age the construction of new housing.
Reduce parking requirements for aordable housing in highly
transit accessible areas
Studies of residential car ownership patterns have shown that, in “Inner Ring
neighborhoods that are located outside the Manhattan core but are accessible to
transit, employment centers, and services, per-unit parking requirements for
affordable housing exceed car ownership rates among low-income households.
Where parking is built for affordable housing, spaces often go unused. The
construction of unnecessary parking spaces increases construction costs and may
deter development or reduce the number of affordable units that can be pro
duced. The City will propose appropriate reductions in parking requirements for
affordable housing developments near public transit.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Sugar Hill Development
Case Study:
Browneld Remediation and Mixed-Use Site
Modernize height and setback regulations to accommodate
typical oor-to-oor heights for housing and ground-oor
Because of higher standards for housing, the rise of green technologies, and new
methods including modular construction, today’s residential buildings typically
have higher floor-to-floor heights than the buildings of 30 years ago, when many of
the height and setback regulations of zoning were established. Standards for retail
space have also increased to provide an improved shopping environment and to
allow space for modern ventilation and other mechanical systems. Especially when
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
combined with the floor area bonus allowed through the Inclusionary Housing
Program, these factors can make it difficult to accommodate the full amount of
housing allowed within the permitted height and setback limits. The City will
propose zoning changes that would provide some additional flexibility to these
regulations to facilitate housing creation, further encourage use of the existing
Inclusionary Housing zoning bonus, and improve the quality of both housing and
street-level commercial activity.
Easing restrictions on the conversion of older, obsolete non-
residential buildings to residential use
Over time, many older buildings have become obsolete for their original
intended purpose. To address the need to repurpose these buildings, zoning
regulations allow non-residential buildings constructed before 1961 to be
converted to housing, irrespective of current residential bulk regulations in
some parts of the city. However, in other areas, the regulations for the conver-
sion of obsolete non-residential buildings to residences have not been consis-
tently updated We will explore extending conversion opportunities to addition-
al residential and commercial areas of the city. Conversion of obsolete
commercial and community facility buildings would unlock potential housing
without the need to build anew. More thoughtful zoning policies then allow for
true mixed use opportunities.
Modify “tower-in-the-park” zoning regulations to better enable
appropriate development for underused land for housing and
mixed use
From the 1940s to the 1970s, many large sites were developed under Mitchell
Lama and other programs with high-rise housing in a “tower-in-the-park” configu-
ration. These sites are governed by special zoning rules that require large expanses
of open space, often occupied by open parking lots. These open areas potentially
provide opportunities to site new housing, including affordable units. However,
zoning restrictions would need to be eased. The City will initiate zoning changes to
facilitate development on these large sites while preserving light, air and usable
recreation space.
Amending the state multiple dwelling law to eliminate the cap
of 12 FAR (oor area ratio) on the residential component of
buildings, and allow this limit to be set instead by zoning
While the Citys highest-density zoning districts allow development at substantial-
ly higher densities for commercial uses, a cap in the State Multiple Dwelling Law
currently restricts the amount of housing that can be provided in any building to a
floor area ratio (FAR) of 12.0. Removing the statutory cap would allow more
housing, including affordable housing, to be developed in high density areas,
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
provided that the zoning is also amended, a process that will entail a full public
review. The City will propose state legislation to remove the FAR cap and permit
decisions about density to be made through the local land use process.
Identify opportunities for new uses of transferable
development rights
DCP will undertake a comprehensive study to identify opportunities for using
Transferable Development Rights to promote housing development and other
public goals. The study will include consultation with stakeholders, such as owners
of historic properties and other sites with potentially transferable development
rights, the real estate industry, communities and elected officials.
Remove Unnecessary Barriers and Delays to
Developing Housing
High construction-related costs in New York City are a result of numerous factors,
including but not limited to regulatory and policy requirements, limited competi-
tion, slow adoption of new technologies, and outdated laws. Addressing these
various factors as set forth below may help contain construction-related costs and
facilitate affordable housing production.
Streamline interagency coordination to simplify and expedite
development approvals and permits
The City will convene a task force to solicit input from the industry and other
stakeholders about how to consolidate and streamline the permitting and review
process across agencies in order to reduce costs and avoid delays for developers. The
task force will focus on modernizing and automating filing, reviewing, approval and
permitting processes by upgrading technology, and on identifying opportunities to
further expedite reviews by reforming and aligning permitting procedures.
The task force will also explore how to streamline interagency coordination for
City infrastructure investments to support community development. Reforms like
better tracking of payments and change orders, more flexible contracting methods,
and more efficient project management will be a primary goal.
Implement ULURP pre-certication timeline
DCP will implement new agency rules to provide greater predictability and
transparency to the pre-certification review of land use and environmental review
applications. The new rules formalize the pre-filing submission and meeting
participation requirements of the BluePRint review process, establish timeframes
for action, and provide a clear, predictable roadmap for applicants and DCP as a
project moves from conception to filing. These process improvements will be
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
assisted by a fully integrated project-based tracking and management system that
will enable electronic filing of land use applications. DCP expects that the im-
proved process will reduce review times from between 25 and 50 percent, signifi-
cantly reducing the costs associated with discretionary land use approvals. DCP is
committed to meet its charter responsibilities to certify projects into the formal
land-use review process as soon as the application is complete, recognizing that
projects may be approved with modifications by CPC or the City Council, if
appropriate to achieve housing policy objectives.
Speed the City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) process
and improve coordination among agencies
CEQR is the process by which the City conducts environmental quality reviews
of discretionary actions, including land use and other approvals, in compliance
with city and state law. Over the years, the CEQR process has become increasing
ly complex, and the delays and costs associated with environmental reviews have
become burdensome to both public and private applicants seeking approvals to
build affordable housing or take other actions.
The City will review the CEQR process to make it more efficient and make
Environmental Impact Statements more comprehensible to the general public
and affected communities. It will examine how environmental reviews are
undertaken in other jurisdictions in order to incorporate best practices into the
New York City process.
Intelligently reduce construction-related costs
The City will work collaboratively with real estate developers, construction and
building trades to help reduce the costs of construction without sacrificing the
quality of our buildings or the livelihoods of those who build our City. While
improvements were made to the Department of Buildings Permitting Approval
Process in recent years, more needs to be done to remove additional inefficien
cies and encourage the use of new construction technology. The City will also
study its building and fire codes to assess what changes could reduce costs
without jeopardizing safety.
Expand the pool of contractors in the City’s construction eld
to encourage more competitive pricing
Lowering construction costs is also about expanding the pool of subcontractors.
This includes small businesses, especially M/WBEs. The City will work to expand
our existing programs that help these businesses grow by providing technical
assistance, matching M/WBE owners with mentors, and securing loans and surety
bonds for M/WBEs. This will ensure that the business owners have the skills and
training they need to increase capacity, grow and thrive.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Ensure that Housing Production is Sustainable
and Aligned with the City’s Changing
Developing housing that meets our changing climate and the evolving needs of
how New Yorkers live is critical to ensuring the Citys equitable economic develop-
ment. As discussed, the Citys housing stock currently does not adequately reflect
the needs of the growing number of one- and two-person households. Moreover,
many larger families face significant rent burdens because of lack of affordable two
and three bedroom units.
Commit to building sustainable aordable housing
HPD has adopted the Enterprise Green Communities standards to reflect the
Citys commitment to green and sustainable affordable housing. In addition, HPD
recognizes that the rising cost of utilities is a threat to the long-term viability of
affordable housing. As a part of this effort, we will take lessons learned from
Hurricane Sandy to implement design elements that meet the goals of long-term
resiliency in the face of climate change. Finally, we will work with leading devel-
opers who are interested in promoting cost-effective design elements that make
the housing more energy efficient, healthy and sustainable.
Expand the availability of compact units beyond the pilot phase
The City has many regulations that restrict the development of smaller housing
units. Zoning regulations establish a minimum unit size of 400 square feet for
multifamily housing in many areas, limit the density of units based on lot area, and
prevent the construction of a building consisting solely of units built at the mini-
mum square footage. However, projects in other cities and pilots in New York City
are demonstrating that developers can build compact units that are livable, safe,
healthy and contribute a new set of housing options for small households. A
compact unit includes a kitchen and bathroom and is often smaller than allowed
under current regulations. This housing type is likely most appropriate in highly
transit-accessible neighborhoods that contain a large proportion of small house-
holds. The City will review the results of the pilot now underway once it is com-
pleted, and consider zoning changes to allow the construction of both compact
units and a greater number of small units per building.
Encourage the production of a larger variety of units to match
the current population
The City will amend its current housing policies to encourage the development
of more studios and three-bedroom units, thereby creating housing stock that
more closely meets the needs of the population. Current HPD policy requires
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
new construction projects to contain either 50 percent two-bedroom units, or 30
percent two-bedroom and 10 percent three-bedroom units. Oftentimes, develop
ers opt for the former. By promoting the latter option, 60 percent of the units can
be developed as studios and one-bedrooms, which are suitable for smaller
households, while providing increased opportunities for larger families to find
affordable housing.
Currently, there are other regulatory barriers that do not support sensible unit size
distribution. For example, the 421-a program requires that the unit size distribution
of market rate units mirror that of the affordable units or 50 percent two-bedroom
units. A developer who wants to build studio and one-bedroom market rate units is
forced to build larger units than the market may dictate in order to mirror the
requirements that subsidy programs impose for two- and three-bedroom afford-
able units. We will work to eliminate these inefficient regulations.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Chapter 4
Supportive and
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
A measure of any great city is how effectively it cares for its most vulnerable
residents. New York Citys shelter population has increased to an all-time high of
more than 50,000 people, including 22,000 children. Shelters, intended to be
interim solutions for housing emergencies, are becoming fixed realities, with
families’ average length of stay increasing and resources to help them leave
decreasing. As New Yorkers live longer, New York City’s senior population is also
growing, and affordable housing is a critical concern of older New Yorkers. Despite
legal protections, people with disabilities also continue to face challenges in the
Citys housing market. The City is making efforts to provide high quality afford-
able housing to the most vulnerable residents not only because it is the moral thing
to do, but also because it is fiscally responsible. Investing in quality affordable
housing for the Citys special needs, homeless, and senior households, as well as for
people with disabilities will reduce the demand for social expenditures in the
long-term and provide a more cost efficient strategy for addressing this critical
housing need.
The enormity and complexity of the affordable housing crisis for populations in
need in New York City demand a dynamic and compassionate policy response. For
some families and individuals, the ability to access eviction prevention services
will make the difference between staying securely housed and entering a shelter.
Others may need a short-term rental subsidy as a bridge out of the shelter system
into permanent housing. Still others, who rely on fixed-incomes or live with
chronic disabilities, may need supportive housing or public housing. These
strategies are not only humane, but also can yield taxpayer savings by reducing
demand for high-cost shelters, hospitals, and other emergency resources.
This chapter summarizes housing policies that will help create and maintain stable
housing for homeless families, those in need of supportive housing, seniors, and
people with disabilities.
Key strategies:
Assist Homeless Individuals and Families
Expand Supportive Housing
Improve Housing Options for Seniors
Ensure Accessible Housing for Individuals with Disabilities
Chapter 4
Supportive and
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Assist Homeless Individuals and Families
The City must help New Yorkers avoid homelessness in the first place, as well as
help those who have had to turn to the shelter system to return quickly to stable
housing. A multi-pronged approach including homelessness prevention and
multiple exit strategies is critical to realizing these goals.
Prevent homelessness before it happens
Preventing homelessness by keeping vulnerable families stably housed is a key
priority. The City will focus on homelessness prevention by enhancing anti-evic-
tion legal services, neighborhood-based housing stabilization services and after-
care to prevent re-entry to shelter. For example, the Human Resources
Administration (HRA) will enhance its homelessness diversion units in HRA Job
Centers around the city. It will also increase its “one-shot” payment program
providing emergency rental assistance to eligible families and individuals, and
increase access to the program in the Citys Housing Courts. The City is seeking to
enhance the Homebase program, a five-borough network of neighborhood-based
services that has been proven to help individuals at risk of homelessness remain in
their communities and avoid entering shelters.
Creative approaches to shelter nance
Whether building new shelters or improving existing shelter stock, a new ap-
proach to homeless shelter finance is required. Strategic planning and use of
resources for emergency shelters can help save money, preserve existing shelters,
and prevent the need for new ones.
The City will pilot new models for shelter finance, using long-term contracts to
leverage mainstream sources of financing such as tax credits, 501(c)(3) bonds
issued by HDC, or private bank financing. Doing so can enable the creation of
mixed-use projects that include shelter as well as other uses, create cost savings,
allow for capital improvements in existing shelters, and increase the capacity of
nonprofit shelter providers.
For example, a nonprofit shelter provider could purchase a property, obtain a
20-year shelter contract from the Department of Homeless Services (DHS), and
use the income from the shelter contract payments to leverage permanent debt to
finance mixed use buildings that contain both shelter units and permanently
affordable housing. In some cases, income generated from the shelter could be
used to subsidize lower rents for permanent affordable housing on the same site.
Finally, we will improve coordination among the shelter systems operated by
different City Agencies including HRA, HPD, the Department of Youth and
Community Development (DYCD) and DHS. For instance, survivors of domestic
violence will be eligible for HPD homeless set-aside units both from the DHS and
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
HRA shelter systems, and residents of HPD’s shelter system who qualify can be
placed in supportive housing.
Pilot new rental assistance programs for homeless families
Today, the majority of homeless households cannot afford to rent apartments on
their own. Approximately 90 percent of DHS clients earn less than 30 percent of
AMI ($25,150 for a family of four), which is below the average range of income
(between 40 and 80 percent of AMI, or $33,560-$67,100 for a family of four) that
most HPD programs serve. A targeted rental subsidy could help to bridge the gap
and connect homeless families to the housing market. Better targeting of existing
eviction prevention, credit repair, job training, and other asset-building and social
services will help formerly homeless households placed in housing to remain
stably housed. The City will work to implement a pilot rental subsidy program for
homeless families and provide targeted aftercare services throughout the length of
the subsidy and beyond. Potential sources of funding for this program include: City
tax levy funds, Federal Home Dollars and TANF funds.
Make better use of subsidized housing resources
Public housing is a critical source of permanent affordable housing for more than
400,000 low-income New Yorkers, but vacant apartments are scarce and in high
demand. As part of its plan to address the homelessness crisis, the City and
NYCHA will continue to prioritize homeless for project based Section 8 units. In
addition, for the NYCHA units, DHS will prioritize families with children who
have already been in the New York City shelter system.
HPD has long set aside units in its multifamily new construction programs for
homeless individuals and families. However, these programs are voluntary and
have in the past relied heavily on the availability of rental assistance such as
project based Section 8 units, which have been in short supply in recent years. To
the greatest extent possible, units for homeless families will be developed with
sources other than Federal rental assistance. Instead, underwriting projects to
make them affordable to homeless families will be accomplished by increasing the
capital subsidy to reduce the amount of debt the project carries, or by allowing
income averaging so that higher rent units can offset the lower rents for homeless
Accelerate the housing placement process
Multiple bottlenecks in the shelter-to-housing placement system have caused
homeless families and individuals to remain in shelters too long, leaving affordable
units vacant while depriving landlords of a stream of rental income, and increasing
costs to taxpayers by forcing shelters to expand. The City will convene a standing
interagency “bottlenecks working group” specifically tasked with reducing the
time it takes to move families and individuals from shelter to permanent affordable
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
housing. Strategies for this working group will include ongoing review of applica-
tion forms, documentation requirements and procedures, and creating a coordinat-
ed assessment system to streamline and automate the placement process for
homeless families and individuals. This will include electronic document manage-
ment and enhanced coordination across agencies to ensure that vacancies are filled
quickly by individuals and families moving on from shelters.
End veteran homelessness
The City is committed to the national goal to end homelessness among veterans by
the end of 2015. To help achieve this goal, the City will redouble its efforts through
programs such as Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH), Supportive Services
for Veterans and their Families (SSVF), and Grant per Diem (GPD). The City must
also identify and rehouse veterans living in shelters and on the street. This work will
require close collaborations among City agencies who work with veterans and with
our Federal partners at HUD and the Veteran’s Administration (VA) as well as with
community providers. Additional strategies will include data sharing and piloting
new tools to assess every veteran in shelter for appropriate housing options, elimi-
nate placement bottlenecks and rapidly link veterans to housing.
Expand Supportive Housing
While increasing the affordable housing stock and rental subsidy resources will help
many formerly homeless New Yorkers, some chronically homeless households and
people with disabilities need an additional level of support. Supportive housing is a
cost-effective intervention that provides a permanent, affordable place to live com-
bined with on-site services. Peer-reviewed research on New York City’s supportive
housing system has found that for every unit of supportive housing, taxpayers save
more than $10,000 per year in public resources such as shelters, emergency rooms,
jails, and psychiatric facilities. Research has also shown that Supportive Housing
improves the surrounding neighborhood and can help keep even those with the most
severe barriers to independent living stably housed in their own apartments.
Since the 1990s, New York City and New York State have signed groundbreaking
collaborative commitments—the “NY/NY” agreements—to develop and operate over
15,000 supportive housing units for vulnerable homeless New Yorkers. The latest
agreement, NY/NY III, is on track to create 9,000 units serving people with severe
mental illness, substance use disorders, HIV/AIDS or other disabling medical
conditions. The City will continue its commitment to finish out the NY/NY III
Encourage production of new supportive housing opportunities
The demand for supportive housing today far outstrips the available supply.
Building upon the lessons learned and successes from prior partnerships and
3. Levanon Seligson A, Lim S, Singh T, Laganis
E, Stazesky E, Donahue S, Lanzara C, Harris
TG, Marsik T, Greene CM, Lipton FR, Myers R,
Karpati AM. New York/New York III
Supportive Housing Evaluation: Interim
Utilization and Cost Analysis. A report from
the New York City Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene in collaboration with the New
York City Human Resources Administration
and the New York State Office of Mental
Health, 2013.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
agreements, the City will seek to expand the production of supportive housing.
Supportive housing is a critical ingredient in helping households in need of
additional services succeed in stable environments.
Other recent innovations developing in supportive housing include policies
adopted by the State’s Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT). Through MRT, New York
State has engaged in an innovative process to reduce Medicaid costs by investing in
housing. The City is currently using this new funding and new models to create
opportunities for previously underserved high-need populations. The City will
continue to partner with the State to leverage MRT dollars.
The City will propose changes to the Zoning Resolution’s regulations for
Community Facilities and Nonprofit Institutions with Sleeping Accommodations
to clarify the definitions of these classifications, reduce the possibility of fraud and
abuse, and facilitate the development of supportive housing. These changes will
promote construction of supportive housing and make these publicly funded
projects more cost effective.
Improve eciency: moving in, moving on
Housing New York calls for a major expansion of the supportive housing resources
in the City. However, building new housing will have a greater impact if we move
people into supportive housing more quickly and help tenants to move on when
they are ready. By improving flow through the existing system, the City will make
better use of the thousands of supportive housing units that currently exist.
Moving In: The supportive housing system in New York City is large and complex.
Multiple agencies and regulatory requirements can lead to process bottlenecks and
confusing, overlapping documentation requirements. The City must streamline
this process and eliminate unnecessary hurdles for supportive housing tenants and
providers alike, to make the allocation and use of this precious housing resource as
efficient as possible.
Moving On: Just as the process of moving into supportive housing should maxi-
mize efficiency, so should the process of moving out when a tenant no longer
requires a high level of service. Resources such as rental assistance, aftercare
services providing continuity of care, and a supply of affordable HPD or NYCHA
apartments must be available for supportive housing tenants who are ready to
move on. This will increase housing choice and independence among supportive
housing “graduates” while also making a much-needed and extremely scarce
supportive housing apartment available to a new chronically homeless household
who needs it. The recently approved 30 percent rent cap protection for clients of
the New York City HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) is an early victory
in this effort, as it ensures that people diagnosed with HIV and AIDS no longer
have to fear being rent burdened if they choose to leave supportive housing.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Improve Housing Options for Seniors
Seniors represent the fastest growing segment of New York Citys population.
DCP estimates that from 2010 to 2040, the number of New Yorkers who are age 65
and older will increase by 40 percent, to more than 1.4 million. Stable, affordable
housing for seniors is essential, whether they wish to age in their existing homes or
in a facility that offers specialized senior care. Current demand for subsidized
senior housing, however, far outstrips the supply. The City will take action to
promote a more secure housing future for its rapidly growing population of seniors
through increased production of senior housing in addition to enhanced housing
supports and services.
Increase supply of housing for seniors
Increasing the supply of housing for seniors will become ever more important over
the next decade as the Baby Boom generation enters retirement and as older
seniors continue to live longer. Part of this effort will leverage Project-Based
Section 8 vouchers to make housing affordable to those seniors whose income
remains stagnant or declines over time. To encourage development, the City will
propose amendments to the Zoning Resolution to reduce requirements for parking
(which often goes unused by senior housing residents), to update outdated regula-
tions to recognize a wide range of senior housing facilities that now exist, relax
minimum unit sizes where they prevent the creation of appropriately sized senior
housing units, and address other zoning constraints that make senior housing
development easier and more cost effective.
We will also actively seek out ways to develop new senior housing in collaboration
with NYCHA, leveraging their resources and prioritizing their residents..
Enhance services for seniors
The Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program, which protects
eligible seniors from rent increases, is currently administered separately by both
HPD and the Department of Finance (DOF). By consolidating these programs into
DOF, the City will boost their efficiency and make them more user-friendly for
tenants and landlords alike. The City will also perform more robust outreach to
eligible seniors to increase the reach and breadth of this program.
The City also supports increasing income eligibility for SCRIE recipients, which is
currently at $29,000 a year. Increasing the eligibility will allow more seniors who
are on a fixed income to remain stably housed. NYS recently passed legislation that
allows the income eligibility for SCRIE recipients to increase from $29,000 to
$50,000 per year. The NYC Council has also introduced a bill, which would
authorize increasing the SCRIE income level to $50,000 in the City.
Finally, the City will encourage developers of senior housing to partner with LGBT
Housing: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Markham Gardens Manor
Case Study:
Senior Housing
Staten Island
St George
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
nonprofit service providers, to provide inclusive affordable housing opportunities
for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender seniors.
Support Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities
A number of communities across New York City—including several large afford-
able housing complexes—have such growing populations of seniors that they have
been coined Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs). For exam-
ple, more than 76,000 seniors, or nearly 20 percent of total NYCHA residents,
reside in public housing. Many of these seniors have raised families and now live
alone, without the daily support they may require.
The City will need to ensure that adequate services, accessibility and housing
quality are maintained for these seniors. Developing dedicated senior housing with
supportive services in NYCHA buildings for the use of existing residents will be a
key element in the City’s comprehensive approach to undertaking redevelopment of
underutilized land for affordable mixed-income housing where opportunities exist.
Ensure Accessible Housing for Individuals with
Providing equal access and treatment for persons with disabilities has been the law
for several decades. And yet, all too often people with disabilities are unable to
secure affordable and accessible housing. The City is committed to creating
accessible apartments for New Yorkers with disabilities and removing barriers to
their sharing in the Citys affordable housing resources. The City will increase
oversight of accessibility standards in the private market as well as in its regulated
affordable housing stock and work to improve access to housing subsidies for New
Yorkers with disabilities.
Housing aordability for people with disabilities
Various housing subsidies exist for people with disabilities, such as the Nursing
Home Diversion Waiver, MRT vouchers, and Individual Supports and Services
grants from the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, but they are
misaligned with the timing and requirements of HPD’s policies and procedures.
The City will work to better coordinate across government agencies to maximize
their utility within the HPD housing stock.
The Disability Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) and SCRIE programs protect
people with disabilities and seniors from rent increases, but the programs are not
currently aligned. The City will advocate with the State to match the income
eligibility threshold of the DRIE program with that of SCRIE, enabling more New
Yorkers with disabilities to benefit.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
The City will take aggressive steps to match people with disabilities to available
affordable housing. HPD sets aside 7 percent of the units in housing lotteries for
individuals with hearing, vision, or mobility impairments. Too often, people with
disabilities are unaware of this valuable resource, or their income levels make
them ineligible for such housing. The City will step up marketing efforts and
aggressively match available subsidies for people with disabilities to affordable
housing developed through HPD programs, in order to ensure maximum partici-
pation, beyond the 7 percent set aside, for people with disabilities.
Rene roles and prominence of Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and section 504 coordinators
ADA and Section 504 Coordinators are Federally required positions intended to
ensure that City programs and facilities are accessible for persons with disabilities.
The City will enhance the roles of ADA and Section 504 coordinators who current-
ly serve part-time so they can actively improve access to the Citys housing pro-
grams for persons with disabilities. A full-time staff member will act as ADA and
Section 504 coordinator for the City’s Housing Agencies, ensuring a proactive and
coordinated response to the housing needs of people with disabilities.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Chapter 5
Rening City
Financing Tools
and Expanding
Sources for
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
The City will act now to refine City financing tools and increase sources for
affordable housing by using existing statutory and regulatory authority at its
disposal. However, many initiatives require legislative action and cannot be
accomplished without the assistance of State, Federal and industry partners. The
City will, therefore, establish a task force in the coming months to develop a
comprehensive City, State and Federal legislative agenda for needed reforms. This
task force will convene by August 2014 and deliver a set of preliminary recommen-
dations by December 2014.
The City and the task force will explore how to target tax incentives to better
leverage private capital, more closely align them with affordable housing objec-
tives and encourage affordable housing preservation and development.
Additionally, the City and the task force will explore whether legislation is appro-
priate to introduce new funding sources dedicated to affordable housing, and will
continue to streamline existing financing tools and develop innovative public/
private partnerships to fund affordable housing.
Key strategies:
Target and Strengthen City Tax Incentives
Identify New Funding Streams to Fund Aordable Housing
Increase Private Leverage and Expand Existing Financing
Strengthen Public/Private and Philanthropic Partnerships
Re-Evaluate HPD and HDC Programs to Stretch City Housing
Subsidy Dollars Further
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Target and Strengthen City Tax Incentives
Real estate property taxes represent a significant expense for multifamily building
owners and developers. For this reason, exemptions and abatements that reduce
an owner’s property tax can be a powerful incentive tool to induce investment in
the construction, rehabilitation, or maintenance of the City’s multifamily housing
stock. The City has a set of tax exemptions and abatements to promote the devel-
opment of market-rate housing as well as the development and maintenance of
affordable housing. Over time, some of these tax benefit programs have become
inconsistent and overly complex, and in some cases the tax benefits they provide
are higher than necessary to induce the construction and preservation of afford-
able housing. To address these issues, the task force will explore legislative and
administrative changes to simplify and rationalize tax programs while increasing
their effectiveness in generating affordable housing.
Modify the 421-a tax exemption
The State of New York implemented the 421-a tax exemption program in 1971
to stimulate the development of the tens of thousands of undeveloped lots that
existed at the time because of disinvestment in many New York City neighbor-
hoods. The initial legislation authorized a single as-of-right exemption from
real property taxes for ten years for all new residential construction. In subse-
quent years, the program was amended to provide longer-term benefits for
governmentally assisted affordable projects, as well as for projects outside
Manhattan. Restrictions added in 1984 established a Geographic Exclusion
Area (GEA) that required projects in the strongest Manhattan markets to
provide affordable units either on-site or in an off-site location in exchange for
the 421-a tax benefit. Between 2006 and 2008, the GEA was expanded by local
and state legislation to include all of Manhattan and portions of the other four
boroughs. In addition, the “certificate program,” which allowed off-site afford-
able units to generate 421-a benefits for market-rate GEA units, was eliminated.
At present, only buildings receiving substantial governmental assistance
pursuant to an affordable housing program, those that set aside at least 20
percent of their units as affordable, and projects that purchase negotiable
certificates from agreements executed prior to December 28, 2007, are eligible
for 421-a benefits in the GEA.
Based on the recommendations of the task force, the City will consider a number of
reforms to 421-a legislation and program rules in order to increase its efficiency
and effectiveness as an incentive for developing affordable housing.
Increase Eciency of 421-a
Today, developers frequently layer 421-a benefits on top of other public pro-
grams designed to subsidize affordable housing development, using the same
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
affordable units to qualify for multiple forms of subsidy. Going forward, in
cases where multiple subsidies are used by developers building in strong
markets, the City will seek to increase the percentage of affordable units
required and/or require the developer to provide deeper affordability (depend-
ing on the exact combination of subsidy programs). The task force will study
the 421-a benefit schedule, income levels and affordability requirements more
broadly, and will work to make recommendations that are flexible and can
respond to current market conditions. An updated and rationalized benefit
schedule would reduce over-subsidization and more effectively encourage
affordable housing development in areas where incentives are most needed to
make affordable projects viable.
The 421-a program has a complex array of statutory affordability requirements,
exemption benefit schedules, and Assessed Value Cap (AV Cap) limits on benefits.
The task force will study the fairness of the 421-a program and provide legislative
recommendations for deeper affordability requirements, revised benefit schedules,
and updated AV Cap provisions, and will work to make recommendations that are
flexible and can respond to current market conditions.
Harmonize 421-a and Inclusionary Housing Programs
421-a is a significant driver of affordable housing development in areas mapped
for participation in the Inclusionary Housing program. These programs can and
should work together to promote the development of affordable housing in areas
where rezoning has substantially increased the capacity for new housing. In
order to better align these programs, the task force will consider pursuing
legislative authority to expand the 421-a Geographic Exclusion Areas to match
the areas designated for Inclusionary Housing. In strong markets, where devel
opers meet the Inclusionary Housing requirements in order to obtain 421-a
benefits, the City will require more affordable units and/or deeper affordability.
To ensure that these programs work well together, the City also will seek to
harmonize the two programs’ requirements regarding unit size, unit distribution
and income targets.
Streamline program administration
The City will seek to streamline the 421-a program, improving its usefulness to
developers and its ability to promote affordability, by eliminating outdated and
unnecessary programmatic, eligibility, and oversight requirements. It will also
seek to address inefficiencies resulting from the program’s two-step application
structure by eliminating the Preliminary Certificate of Eligibility and making
construction period benefits retroactive. Additionally, the City will work to
ensure that 421-a recipients effectively contribute to the Citys market-rate
housing stock by combatting unit warehousing and hotel use in buildings receiv
ing 421-a benefits.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Harness homeownership development to produce aordable
rental housing
The strong current demand for condominium development presents an opportuni-
ty to harness market forces to boost the production of affordable housing. In order
to fully harness this demand, we need a more flexible way for developers of
condominium projects to participate in the 421-a program. The task force will
explore ways to induce more condominium (and cooperative) developers to fund
the development of off-site rental affordable housing as a condition of participating
in the 421-a program. The options considered will include requiring such develop-
ers to either (a) construct off-site affordable rental units within a prescribed
geographic radius of the market rate homeownership units, or (b) make payments
into a fund to be used for that purpose. The task force will also consider ways to
tailor the size of the affordable housing requirement and the value of the tax
benefits provided in order to maximize efficiency of such a program.
Modify J-51 and 420-c tax incentives
The J-51 program was originally implemented in 1955 to encourage landlords to
install heat and hot-water systems in cold-water flats. It was later expanded to
provide a combination of real property tax benefits for investments in critical
building systems. All rental units receiving J-51 benefits must be rent-stabilized.
Owners receive a tax exemption and/or abatement in exchange for the rehabili-
tation of existing buildings, or upon the conversion of certain nonresidential
buildings to residential buildings. The value of J-51 abatements is based on the
type of improvement provided, as well as other factors. Owners submit docu-
mentation itemizing the cost of each improvement; the value of the abatement is
determined in part by the Certified Reasonable Cost (CRC) schedule, which lists
the allowable costs for each item.
The program was overhauled in 2012-2013 through State and local legislation, as
well as changes to New York City Rules, resulting in marginal cost savings and
increased efficiencies. Going forward, the City and the task force will explore
additional reforms to encourage proper maintenance and upkeep of buildings by
providing incentives that lower operating costs. Broader participation in the
program would allow J-51 to meet two central policy goals: 1) increase the
quality of the housing stock and thereby reduce the need for enforcement actions
(e.g., Housing and Maintenance Code violations, Emergency Repair Program
expenses); and 2) retain the low-cost housing stock through investment in
rent-regulated units.
1. The value of the benefit can vary based on
many of the following factors: a) whether the
project is substantially governmentally assisted
(SGA); b) where the project is located; c)
whether it is in a landmarked district; and d)
the cost of the improvements.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Specically, the task force will consider:
Deepening the incentive for improvements to building systems and major capital
improvement (MCI) such as plumbing, heating and windows in order to ensure
safe and habitable housing for occupants now and in the future. The most recent
changes to the Certified Reasonable Cost (CRC) schedule enriched the J-51
abatement; however, the allowable costs by and large are not an adequate
recoupment for current construction costs. Increasing the CRC for key items
would allow owners to recoup more of their investment and potentially encour-
age more owners to participate in the program
Aligning the list of items eligible for J-51 benefits with HCR’s useful life schedule
for MCI, which enables landlords to increase the legal rent for rent-stabilized
units. Coordination with HCR would ensure that tax benefits to owners also
benefit tenants when owners secure both J-51 and MCIs for the same repairs
Providing incentives for investments that advance key policy goals, such as
building system upgrades that are environmentally sustainable and in line with
the Citys other green building initiatives (e.g., Office of Long Term Planning and
Sustainability Clean Heat program)
The 420-c program provides a tax exemption for low-income housing develop-
ments financed through tax credits and controlled by charitable organizations.
Under this program, the property owner must adhere to a regulatory agreement
limiting rents in 70 percent of units to levels affordable to households up to 60
percent of AMI. In return, the City grants a full or partial tax exemption for the
land and building for the duration of the regulatory agreement (up to 60 years).
The City will pursue a series of administrative reforms to better focus the program
on the provision of affordable housing, remove unnecessary eligibility require-
ments, expedite application processing by HPD, and increase predictability for
owners regarding the value of the exemption and the timing of its implementation.
Expand New York City Industrial Development Agency
The New York City Industrial Development Agency (NYCIDA), in collaboration
with the task force will consider legislative reforms that would enable NYCIDA to
assist the development or renovation of residential and mixed-use projects. NYCIDA
provides discretionary tax incentives that are subject to approval from NYCIDAs
Board of Directors. These incentives include real estate tax stabilization or reduc-
tion, sales and use tax waiver, and a Mortgage Recording Tax waiver. The savings
generated through these benefits could reduce construction and other upfront costs,
stabilize long-term property costs, and foster the construction and/or renovation of
more affordable housing throughout the City.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Identify New Funding Streams to Fund
Aordable Housing
Financing affordable housing is a major challenge. The availability of subsidy is
limited and subject to cuts to the Federal budget and the continuing need for the
City to fund other important projects and programs. It is critical for the City to
receive additional dedicated funding streams specifically to fund affordable
housing. The task force will explore a number of potential sources that could be
dedicated to fund affordable housing.
Increase Private Leverage and Expand Existing
Financing Tools
The City will encourage more efficient and targeted use of public financing re-
sources such as tax exempt bonds and expand existing programs that provide
capital for the construction and preservation of a broad range of affordable
Work to increase the pension fund’s commitment to aordable
The New York City Pension Funds have a long history of investing in affordable
housing. To date, the New York City Employee’s Retirement System (NYCERS)
alone has provided more than $747 million to finance long term permanent debt on
affordable housing projects. By working with the trustees of the Citys five pension
funds and engaging with New York State, the City will seek to:
Increase pension investment in affordable, moderate and middle income housing
to $1 billion
Commit capital to fund construction loans for the rehabilitation of small build-
ings that will remain affordable, in coordination with the Citys preservation
Target at least 50 percent of the pension’s Economically Targeted Investments
(ETI) Fund to fund workforce housing
Reduce the City pension funds’ mortgage insurance requirements to increase the
participation of projects insured by HDC’s Real Estate Mortgage Insurance
Corporation (REMIC). By reducing the amount of required insurance from 100
percent to 50 percent, the amount of reserves set aside to cover these insured
loans would be halved, thereby doubling REMIC’s capacity to insure pension
fund loans. An opportunity for similar alignment exists between the pension
funds and the State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA)
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Provide long-term credit enhancement and liquidity on HDC bonds so that HDC
can offer low rates for affordable housing projects that utilize 501(c)(3) Bonds
We will also engage with the New York State Common Retirement Fund to
explore opportunities for the state to provide funding to effectuate the objectives
of this plan
“Bifurcated” mixed-income nancing
The City is committed to using our financing tools to expand beyond the tradition-
al “80/20” model to more effectively leverage resources dedicated to such projects
and redirect resources conserved through those strategies to other projects that
serve a wider range of affordable housing needs.
A limited amount of tax-exempt financing capacity (also known as Private Activity
Bond Volume or “Volume Cap”) is allocated to HDC each year. The State has
consistently supported the Citys affordable housing efforts by allocating additional
Volume Cap to HDC above and beyond the City’s as-of-right allocation.
“Bifurcated” structures target volume cap to finance only the low-income units in a
mixed-income development, rather than financing the entire project. This struc-
ture allows for a smaller allocation of Volume Cap to be used for such mixed-in-
come projects and the resulting Volume Cap savings can then be used for other
projects, increasing the amount of affordable housing that can be financed each
year. The City will work in coordination with the State to ensure that Volume Cap
freed up under such bifurcated structures can be used to increase the production
of affordable housing projects in the City.
Tax-exempt bond recycling
The City will continue to conserve Volume Cap by maximizing and facilitating the
use of “recycled bonds” in developments that aren’t dependent on LIHTC equity.
HDC’s Recycling Program re-uses Volume Cap where there are prepayments in
the first four years from bond-financed loans. These proceeds can be recirculated
back for eligible tax-exempt affordable housing projects (but not with concomitant
LIHTC). This program is particularly useful for financing mixed, moderate and
middle income projects that do not require tax credits. Continuing this program,
especially in coordination with the State Housing Finance Agency, will maximize
the initial financial investments and reduce the need for additional allocations of
Volume Cap that do not need or qualify for tax credits.
Pursue low cost nancing to deliver maximum aordability
HDC will work with existing and prospective financial partners to provide the
lowest cost financing to affordable housing projects in order to deliver maximum
affordability for extended terms. Such financings may include traditional bond
sales through public underwriting, private placements, direct placements,
placement with one or more of the retiree pension funds, partnering with the
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
GSEs, and any subsequent housing finance providers as well as the Federal
Housing Administration.
In furtherance of these goals, HDC is expanding its capacity by entering into an
agreement to sell affordable housing loans to the New York City pension funds, to
become a Multifamily Accelerated Processing lender with FHA to provide mort-
gage insurance and lower cost financing, and participate in a program to facilitate
the sale of Federally insured mortgages pursuant to the FHA-HFA Risk Sharing
Program to the Federal government. Collectively, these measures will enable HDC
to take advantage of the low interest rate environment and the desire for banks to
attain strong Community Reinvestment Act (“CRA”) ratings.
Battery Park City Authority Funds
Funds derived from land lease rents paid to Battery Park City Authority (BPCA)
have been used for affordable housing purposes pursuant to several agreements
with the City and the State since Battery Park City was created. Currently, HPD
and HDC have $200M remaining from the original $400M BPCA 421-a Fund. The
final contribution from BPCA pursuant to this agreement is scheduled to occur in
2016. The source of this fund are rents paid to BPCA. The City will work with the
State to enter into a further agreement with BPCA after the current agreement
expires to provide additional resources that will be dedicated exclusively to the
production and preservation of additional affordable housing.
Strengthen Public/Private and Philanthropic
Investment in housing by the private sector is critical to the City’s housing stock,
particularly in publicly sponsored projects that leverage private sector capital for
affordable housing and community development. Expanding the use of those
programs and strengthening private sector relationships will be imperative to
maximizing the Citys ability to support these crucial goals.
Expand use of New Markets Tax Credits
The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Program is a Federal program administered
by the U.S. Department of Treasury Community Development Financial
Institutions (CDFI) Fund. The NMTC Program permits taxpaying investors to
receive a credit against Federal income tax liability in exchange for making
investments in designated Community Development Entities (CDEs), which in
turn invest in a variety of development projects and businesses in LMI areas.
NMTCs can catalyze the development of commercial, retail, and mixed-use
projects and enhance overall development efforts by supporting projects that
provide critical jobs and services in underserved communities. Since 2006, EDC
has facilitated the use of NMTCs for the financing of real estate projects that also
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
create quality jobs for LMI workers. Building on its experience, EDC is exploring
developing a CDE to apply for allocation authority to enable the City to better
target resources to mixed-use and economic development projects that may
include affordable housing.
Explore partnerships through the CDFI Bond Guarantee
EDC, in conjunction with Build NYC, the Citys conduit tax-exempt and taxable
bond issuer, will explore opportunities to partner with CDFIs to apply for the
CDFI Bond Guarantee Program (BGP). The BGP is a Federal program adminis-
tered by the U.S. Department of Treasury Community Development Financial
Institutions Fund. Through this program, the Federal Financing Bank guarantees
the full amount of bonds issued by Build NYC to support CDFIs that make invest-
ments for eligible community or economic development purposes. The bonds or
notes support CDFI lending and investment by providing a source of long-term,
patient capital to CDFIs and can provide CDFIs with the least expensive funds to
generate loans. These loans can support a variety of financial activities, including
the financing of affordable housing, commercial facilities, community facilities,
among a variety of other uses.
Leverage Social Impact Bonds to nance supportive housing
Social Impact Bonds are an innovative tool to for government to leverage private
sector capital to finance the delivery of services that address a wide range of
chronic social problems. Also known as “Pay for Success” contracts, private
investors pay for, and assume the risk of a program being able to deliver measur-
able results. The government only pays back the private investor if independent
evaluators determine that the initiative or program has achieved specific outcomes
that both create benefits for society and generate savings for the public sector. The
City is committed to exploring the possibility of using Social Impact Bonds to
finance supportive housing, and social service programs for homeless, elderly,
vulnerable, and extremely low-income populations.
Partner with philanthropic organizations
The City will partner with foundations to serve vulnerable populations and
families who are most in need of affordable housing. Through the use of grants and
below market rate loans, philanthropy can provide flexible capital that can supple-
ment current City programs and be source for innovative pilots that “test” new
strategies to combat homelessness, serve the elderly, and provide needed social
services and job training.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Partner with nancial institutions
The City will create new relationships and expand existing ones with financial
institutions and insurance companies. As the financial capital of the world, New
York City can creatively leverage these institutions’ resources to support housing
and neighborhood development, both in the neighborhoods in which their employ-
ees are based and in neighborhoods from which they draw deposits.
There is also an opportunity to work with, and educate, Federal regulators on how
supporting a wider array of the City’s affordable housing and community develop-
ment efforts, could qualify for Community Reinvestment Act credit.
Create a development nance toolbox
True mixed-use projects can often be the most complex to finance. In addition,
Federal, State, and City programs intended to support these projects can be
difficult to navigate, highly complex to structure, and often underutilized. EDC
will develop a centralized information “toolbox” of all available development
finance programs that support dynamic development. This will provide the
development community with a customized resource to harness programs that
maximize potential funding sources that make projects a reality. We will also work
to educate Federal regulators on how the Citys housing and community develop-
ment objectives can be further supported.
Re-Evaluate HPD and HDC Programs to
Stretch City Housing Subsidy Dollars Further
HPD and HDC will undertake a systematic review and revision of program terms
to implement the policy goals of the Housing Plan. Changes will be explored to
achieve three specific goals:
Enhance the production of additional affordable housing across a broader range
of incomes
Achieve greater leveraging of private financing sources
Ensure that we are spending no more public dollars than absolutely necessary to
achieve our goals
To that end, terms will be reviewed to enhance public benefit throughout the
lifecycle of the project, including leveraging development sources, strengthening
regulatory terms, and preserving affordability at project maturity. HPD and HDC
will consult with stakeholders in formulating these changes and provide adequate
notice to developers and operators before they take effect.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Chapter 6
the Plan
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plan has laid out a blueprint for
preserving and constructing 200,000 units of affordable housing; fostering thriving
and inclusive neighborhoods; and creating stable and caring environments for
homeless individuals, seniors, and others who have special needs.
But this plan is just the beginning. Achieving these goals will require significant
commitments of City capital and much more effective use of these resources to
leverage private investment. This chapter lays out the Citys financing strategy as
well as a series of immediate steps we will take to begin implementing the plan.
New Construction vs Preservation
Households Served
11% Middle Income
11% Moderate Income
58% Low Income
12% Very Low Income
8% Extremely Low Income
Funding the Plan
Creating and preserving 200,000 units of affordable housing over ten
years is a significant undertaking. We estimate the total cost, including
all public and private sources, will be $41.4 billion. This plan lays out a
series of steps we are taking to ensure this effort is a success:
The Mayors 2015 budget will propose to more than double HPD’s
annual capital budget in the five-year plan, a significant down
payment on this commitment
The Mayors budget will also propose additional funding for
infrastructure investments needed to make land available for
significant new housing opportunities
Through a series of new loan securitizations—immediately and
over the course of the Plan, the City will maximize the resources
available at HDC to contribute to the Plan
The Mayors 2015 operating budget will increase staffing at the
Department of City Planning and the Department of Housing
Preservation and Development to ensure that the Housing New
York plan can be efficiently and quickly implemented
We will make more efficient use of the City’s resources to maximize
their impact
Working with financial institutions, pension funds, financial
intermediaries and philanthropy, we will also seek to leverage
private capital on a greater than 3 to 1 basis
We will work in partnership with the State and the Federal
government to identify new resources to fund affordable housing
in the City and help us meet these critical objectives
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Uses Total TDC
New Construction
Sources Direct Housing Subsidy
City Capital
HDC (Contributions and Securitization Proceeds)
421a / BPCA Fund
Total City
Federal and State
Lower Manhattan Development Corporation
State Funding
Potential Dedicated Aordable Housing Funds
Total State and Federal
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Equity (4% and 9% credits)
State Low Income Housing Tax Credit Equity
HFA Bonds
HDC Bonds (Tax Exempt, Taxable, and Recycled Bonds)
Pension Funds
Private Financing
Total Private
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plan
Fiscal years 2015–2024
numbers in thousands - 10 year totals
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Near-Term Milestones
The City is committed to taking the following ten steps within the next year to
begin the implementation of many of the initiatives laid out in this plan:
1. DCP, working with HPD, will initiate and expedite the completion of a study to
provide the foundation in land use policy for incorporating a mandatory
Inclusionary Housing Program into the Zoning Resolution
2. DCP, in conjunction with HPD, will initiate a comprehensive review of the
existing Inclusionary Housing Program to identify and recommend specific
3. The City and NYCHA will restore the priority for homeless families for public
housing and continue to prioritize homeless individuals for Section 8 resources
4. HPD, DHS and HRA will begin an interagency process to develop a model for
financing innovative permanent housing for homeless individuals and families
using dollars that would otherwise be spent on higher cost homeless shelters
5. EDC, DCP, and HPD will compile a census of all vacant and underdeveloped
publicly controlled properties, and begin the process of forming partnerships
with the State, public authorities, nonprofit institutions, faith-based organi
zations, and private owners who have land that could be deployed for
affordable housing
6. HPD will create a pilot outreach and financial assistance program to provide
grants or loans, as appropriate, to accelerate investments in energy and water
efficiency projects in small and mid-size buildings housing low- and moder-
ate-income residents
7. HPD will issue requests for proposal for the first round of the NIHOP and NCP
programs, and HDC will pilot the new mixed-income program.
8. HPD and HDC will release a revised set of program terms to implement the
policy goals of the Plan
9. The City will convene a task force to solicit input from industry-informed
stakeholders about how to consolidate and streamline the permitting and
review processes across agencies in order to reduce costs and avoid delays for
10. Working with the City, NYCHA will fully engage with its residents to create a
tailored preservation and development plan that will provide a full-scale
evaluation of tenant needs and lay out a path forward to accomplish these
critically important objectives.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Create a Housing Plan Implementation
Advisory Board
These ten steps are critical to the success of the plan, but there will be much
more comprehensive action required. This plan also calls for a number of task
forces and working groups that will be convened to accomplish various compo
nents of the plan.
To help prioritize and refine the work of these task forces and accomplish the
many recommendations in this plan, the City will also create a broader
Implementation Advisory Board (Advisory Board). This Advisory Board will
engage in a regular dialogue with the City leadership. The Board will be comprised
of stakeholders from New York’s diverse housing community and provide import-
ant guidance to the City.
Create a City-State Task Force on Aordable
Coordination with other City and State elected officials and agencies will be
especially critical to the success of this plan. To coordinate on the range of legisla-
tive issues identified as priorities in this plan, the City will create a City-State Task
Force on Affordable Housing that will bring together City and State elected
officials. This task force will focus on developing and implementing policy changes
that will enable both City and State housing agencies to conduct their work more
effectively and achieve the goals of this plan.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
“We have to remember that the best and the
brightest are born in every neighborhood, in every
zip code. And what marks a just society is
that it allows them all to reach their potential.”
—Mayor Bill de Blasio
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
All dollar values in graphs are adjusted to
2013 dollars using the Consumer Price
Index for All Urban Consumers (Current
Series) for the New York-Northern New
Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA
Metropolitan Statistical Area, except
where otherwise noted. Source: Bureau
of Labor Statistics
Executive Summary
Pg. 5
Changes in rent and income over the last
twenty years are based on 2011 Housing
and Vacancy Survey data; nine year
differences are based on 2005-2012
American Community Survey (1 Year
Estimates); twelve year rent burden
estimates are based on 2000 Decennial
Census and 2012 American Community
Survey data. Note that rent burden and
severe rent burden estimates may vary by
data source in addition to time period.
Pg. 6
Annual Incomes for Income Bands are
based on the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development’s Estimate for
Area Median Income (AMI) in 2014
($83,900 for a four-person household).
Source: U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development
Pg. 8
Estimated number of jobs created from
the construction and preservation of
200,000 units of housing reflect gross
employment impacts associated with
construction and ongoing maintenance
and operations of affordable housing
projects, including operations associated
with commercial components of the
projects. They do not account for
short- or long-term displacement of
other economic activity and, therefore,
do not reflect “net new” jobs created in
New York City. Source: Economic
Development Corporation
Pg. 11
Evidence on the cost benefit of support-
ive housing includes, Levanon Seligson et
al, New York/New York III Supportive
Housing Evaluation: Interim Utilization
and Cost Analysis. A report from the New
York City Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene in collaboration with the
New York City Human Resources
Administration and the New York State
Office of Mental Health, 2013.
Pg. 16
Changes in median gross rent and
median renter household income shown
relative to 2005 values where the index
equals 100.
Pg. 17
Utility costs are calculated by summing
monthly electricity and gas costs as
reported by householders of rental units
who pay utilities separately from rent.
American Community Survey and
Decennial Census estimates may
overstate rent burden because they do
not exclude households living in
means-tested housing.
Pg. 18
Annual income needed to afford typical
New York City apartment is calculated as
the median gross rent divided by 30
percent and multiplied times twelve
Pg. 19
ELI and VLI definitions are specific to
household sizes of one through eight
persons, so households larger than eight
persons are excluded.
Units Affordable to Extremely Low
Income and Very Low Income
Households are defined as units with
gross monthly rent equivalent to 30% or
less of the monthly household income
limits for VLI households of sizes
appropriate to those units.
Max persons per unit defined using
standard occupancy practices for
affordable housing whereby a minimum of
one person and a maximum of two persons
per bedroom is considered appropriate;
does not account for household composi-
tion or gender of occupants.
Pg. 21
Households living in public housing or
receiving rental assistance (Section 8,
HUD-Regulated, Work Advantage,
Jiggets, Employee Incentive Housing
Program, or Other City, State or Federal
subsidy program as reported by respon-
dent) are counted as Non-Rent Burdened
Households, because they are means
Graph shows total shelter population by
month, which includes families and single
adults. For data through September 2011,
figures for homeless families, children,
and adult family members reflect
end-of-month census data. All numbers
for families after September 2011 and for
homeless single adults (men and women)
for all months reflect average daily census
data. Where data on the total population
are missing, monthly values on the graph
are interpolated, assumed a constant
monthly rate of change between
non-missing values.
For details on methodology and data
sources, please see www.nyc.gov/html/
Pg. 22
The graph shows number of units
permitted and completed, respectively.
Pg. 23
The Rent Guidelines Board estimates a
minimum number of units lost based on
DHCR registration data for stabilized
units. They also provide an actual
number of stabilized units added based
on data collected from various city and
state agencies. Calculations for the net
number of units lost are based on the
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
total rent-stabilized stock as estimated by
the U.S. Census Bureau for the 1993
Housing and Vacancy Survey.
Net Loss of Rent Stabilized Units is
defined as Cumulative Additions to the
stock subtracted from Cumulative Loss
to the stock. Cumulative additions to the
stock include units that become subject
to rent stabilization due to receipt of
421-a, 421-g, 420-c, or J-51 benefits; or
Lofts. Cumulative Loss includes units
subtracted from the stock from High
Rent/High Income Deregulation, High
Rent/Vacancy Deregulation, Co-op/
Condo Conversion, 421-a and J-51
Expiration, Substantial Rehab,
Commercial/Professional Conversion,
and Other.
Pg. 24
Single Parent with Children includes
either male and female householders with
own child(ren) and no spouse present;
Two or more Adults with Children
include married couples with own
child(ren); Two or More Adults without
Children is the difference between total
family households minus families with
own children added to the total non-fami-
ly households minus households where
the householder lives alone; Singles
defined as any individual who lives alone.
Distribution of households represents
the total number of persons in occupied
households (renter and owner); house-
holds that comprise more than 6 persons
are counted as having 6 persons or more.
Distribution of units shows all occupied
units (renter and owner); units that
comprise more than three bedrooms are
counted as having three bedrooms or more.
Pg. 25
HOME grant funding FY 2009 through
FY 2014 represents New York City
official grant award amount from HUD
for each year in thousands of dollars.
Data shown in nominal dollars.
Chapter 1
Pg. 40
Estimates reflect gross employment
impacts associated with construction and
ongoing maintenance and operations of
affordable housing projects, including
operations associated with commercial
components of the projects. They do not
account for short- or long-term displace-
ment of other economic activity and,
therefore, do not reflect “net new” jobs
created in New York City.
Source: Economic Development
Chapter 2
Pg. 52
The Rent Guidelines Board estimates a
minimum number of units lost based on
DHCR registration data for stabilized
units. They also provide an actual
number of stabilized units added based
on data collected from various City and
State agencies. Their estimates may
understate the total number of units lost
and should be understood as a minimum.
Pg. 53
For details on Housing Court proceed-
ings, see Housing Court Answers,
Summary of Evictions, Possessions, &
Ejectments Conducted for the period
January 1, 2013 through December 31,
2013 available at http://cwtfhc.org/
Pg. 56
Utility costs include electricity, natural
gas, and water and sewer charges. Source:
New York City Rent Guidelines Board,
2013 Price Index of Operating Costs, pg.
6-7 (http://www.nycrgb.org/downloads/
research/pdf_reports/pioc13.pdf )
Pg. 59
Information on changes to the Federal
Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), see SIRR
report available at http://www.nyc.gov/
Chapter 3
Pg. 61
The official New York City vacancy rate
is measured by the Housing and Vacancy
Survey (U.S. Census), 2011. For details,
see Glossary.
According to the Census Bureau’s CPS/
HVS, the 2011 estimated vacancy rate for
rental units in the United States was
approximately 9.5 percent. (https://
Chapter 4
Pg. 80
Evidence on the cost benefit of support-
ive housing includes, Levanon Seligson et
al, New York/New York III Supportive
Housing Evaluation: Interim Utilization
and Cost Analysis. A report from the New
York City Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene in collaboration with the
New York City Human Resources
Administration and the New York State
Office of Mental Health, 2013. For
research on affordable housing spillover
effects see Furman Center for Real Estate
and Urban Policy Working Paper 05-01,
Nonprofit Housing and Neighborhood
For details on New York / New York
Supportive Housing Agreements I, II,
and III, see http://shnny.org/budget-pol-
p. 82
Senior population projections provided
by New York City Department of City
Planning. For details on methodology
and data sources, please see http://www.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
The 420-c program provides a tax
exemption for low income housing
developments financed through tax
credits and controlled by charitable
organizations. Under this program, the
property owner must adhere to a
regulatory agreement with or approved
by HPD limiting rents in 70 percent of
units to levels affordable by low-income
households (up to 60 percent of AMI). In
return, the City grants a full or partial tax
exemption for the land and building for
the duration of the regulatory agreement
(up to 60 years).
421-a tax incentive programs provide
partial tax exemption for new construc-
tion of multiple dwellings on lots that
were vacant, predominantly vacant or
improved with a non-conforming use
three years prior to the start of construc-
tion. The benefit may extend for 10, 15,
20, or 25 years, depending on the location
of the development and any affordability
421-a Certicates
Historically, developers of affordable
housing projects were allocated 421-a
certificates, which they could sell to
market rate developers. This provided
equity for the affordable housing
projects, and the market rate housing got
10 year 421-a exemptions. The certificate
program was ended when 421-a was
reformed in 2006, although sales of final
certificates continued well after that
421-a Fund
When the 421-a Certificate program
ended, the City created a $400M fund in
lieu of the equity that would have been
generated through sale of certificates.
The Fund is managed by HPD and HDC.
501(c)(3) Bonds
Local government entities may issue
low-interest, tax-exempt 501(c)(3)
bonds, the proceeds of which are made
available to federally eligible 501(c)(3)
non-profit organizations to finance
affordable housing creation. These bonds
provide more flexibility than private
activity bonds.
The 80/20 Program uses tax-exempt
bonds to construct multifamily rental
buildings. In exchange for the low-cost
financing, 20 percent of the apartment
units are reserved for low-income
tenants earning no more than 50 percent
of area median income; whereas 80
percent of the apartment units are open
to mixed income families. The 80/20
Program is often coupled with 421-a.
Aordable Housing Preservation
This refers to the preservation of the
affordability of the existing housing
stock. Current affordable housing may
be unregulated privately owned
property, regulated privately owned
property, or publicly-owned property.
The City, in coordination with Federal,
State, private, and non-profit partners,
preserves affordability by offering
building owners low cost loans for
capital needs or refinancing and/or tax
incentives for operations in exchange
for regulatory agreements limiting rents
to affordable levels.
Aordable Neighborhood
Cooperative Program (ANCP)
ANCP provides funding and links
nonprofit and/or for-profit sponsors to
TIL buildings to perform rehab and
convert them to tenant-owned coopera-
tives. ANCP will assist in the rehabilita-
tion of the remaining properties in the
TIL Program.
Alternate Enforcement Program
HPD and the City Council developed the
Alternative Enforcement Program (AEP)
in 2007 to force owners of the most
physically distressed buildings in the City
to address their code violations. Through
AEP, HPD annually identifies the 200
multifamily buildings with the most
outstanding B and C code violations and
emergency repair (ERP) charges. If
owners do not correct violations and pay
for previous ERP work within a four
month window, the building is subject to
building-wide inspections, fees, and
extensive repair work to correct
violations and underlying conditions.
Area Median Income (AMI)
Area Median Income is a HUD-
determined metric used to determine
income level qualifications for affordable
housing programs. For instance, low-,
moderate-, and middle-income house-
holds are categorized by a calculation of
Article 7A
The Article 7A program serves tenants
renting apartments in privately owned
buildings. These buildings have been
abandoned by their owners, resulting in
conditions that are dangerous to the
tenants’ health. Experienced housing
organizations are appointed pursuant to
New York State Law to manage the
Article XI
Article XI limits the taxes paid by
affordable housing projects owned by
HDFCs. The exemption is authorized by
the City Council and can be a full or
partial exemption for up to 40 years.
Assessed Value
This is the amount used to calculate
property taxes. The formula for calculat-
ing Assessed Value is: Market Value X
Level of Assessment = Assessed Value.
For Classes 1, 2a, 2b and 2c, the Assessed
Value is modified by caps on assessment
Asset Management of HPD
Financed Buildings
HPD Asset Managers monitor HPD-
financed buildings from selected
programs; they assess capital needs,
financial stability, and regulatory
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
compliance. Asset Managers intervene
where necessary to return buildings to
physical and financial soundness through
payment plans, loan programs, refinanc-
ing, and other tools.
Battery Park City Authority (BPCA)
BPCA revenues were used to establish the
New York City Housing Trust Fund. The
funds are used to create or preserve
affordable housing units in New York City.
BluePRint Review Process
The Department of City Planning’s
Business Process Reform effort is a major
business change initiative to reform and
accelerate the portion of the land use and
environmental application review
processes that occurs before the formal
public review of an application, known as
the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure
An industrial or commercial property
that is underutilized, in part, because of
potential water and/or soil
Build It Back Program
The New York City Build it Back program
was designed to assist homeowners,
landlords, renters and tenants affected by
Hurricane Sandy within the five boroughs.
The program offers multiple pathways to
housing assistance, including property
rehabilitation or reconstruction, reim-
bursement for repair work already carried
out, and acquisition of homes. Rental
assistance is also provided for eligible
New Yorkers affected by the storm.
Business Improvement District (BID)
A Business Improvement District is a
partnership between a local authority
and the local business community to
develop projects and services that will
benefit the trading environment within
the boundary of a clearly defined
commercial area, where businesses have
voted to invest collectively in local
improvements which will benefit the
local economy. The New York City
Department of Small Business Services
oversees the City’s BID program.
Certied Reasonable Cost (CRC)
By law, J-51 tax abatement benefits are
capped at a maximum annual and
maximum aggregate represented as a
percentage of the CRC, which are the
costs of the alterations or improvements
schedule identified in a schedule
promulgated by agency rules attributing a
maximum value to each renovation item.
City Capital
Capital funds are used to primarily
support the new construction and
rehabilitation of affordable housing
projects across the City. Capital is also
used to fund key housing support
functions such as office reconstruction
and computer upgrades. Capital
investment is generated through the
issuance of General Obligation (GO)
bonds. All uses of capital funding must
meet eligibility requirements established
by the City and State.
CDFI Bond Guarantee Program
The CDFI Bond Guarantee Program
guarantees the full amount of notes or
bonds issued to support Community
Development Financial Institutions
(CDFIs) that make investments for
eligible community or economic
development purposes. The bonds or
notes will support CDFI lending and
investment by providing a source of
long-term, patient capital to CDFIs.
City Environmental Quality Review
CEQR is the Citys process for reviewing
discretionary land use actions for any
potential adverse environmental effects,
assessing their significance, and propos-
ing measures to eliminate or mitigate
significant impacts. Only certain minor
actions identified by the state, known as
Type II actions, are exempt from
environmental review.
Code Inspection
Housing Code Inspectors enforce the
New York City Housing Maintenance
Code and New York State Multiple
Dwelling Law by responding to com-
plaints from 311 calls and conducting
proactive building inspections in a
number of specialized programs.
Violations are issued as Class A, Class B
(hazardous), or Class C (immediately
hazardous) and are enforceable in
Housing Court.
Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG)
CDBG is a Federal grant funded under
Title 1 of the Housing and Community
Development Act of 1974 as amended by
Congress. The Act requires that the
funds be used for:
“the development of viable urban
communities, by providing decent
housing and a suitable living environ-
ment and expanding economics opportu-
nities , principally for persons of
Low-and Moderate Income”.
The goal of the program as mandated by
HUD’s regulations is to support pro-
gram/activities that will principally
benefit low-and moderate income
persons and prevent slums and blight.
The Mayor’s Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) administers the
Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG). Although HPD receives the
largest share of CDBG funds throughout
the City, OMB makes the determination
on how CDBG funds are allocated based
on Citywide needs and the availability of
funding. CDBG funds are used solely for
HPD programs, such as Code
Enforcement, ERP, DNP DPM, and TIL,
which meet the above eligible criteria.
Community Facilities
Under New York City Zoning Code,
community facility space in a building is
used to provide educational, health,
recreational, religious or other essential
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
services for the community it serves.
Buildings that contain both residential
and community facility uses are subject
to special density regulations.
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
A 1977 act of Congress intended to
counteract discriminatory lending
practices by encouraging banks to lend to
their surrounding communities, thus
increasing the availability of credit in
low- and moderate-income
Compact Unit
An innovative apartment model, which
includes a kitchen and bathroom, that is
smaller than what is allowed under
current regulations.
Department of City Planning (DCP)
The New York City Department of City
Planning oversees the City’s zoning and
land use processes. It works to promote
strategic growth and development in the
City, in part, by initiating planning and
zoning changes for individual neighbor-
hoods and business districts.
Department of Environmental
Conservation (DEC)
The New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation oversees
the conservation, improvement and
protection of New York’s natural
resources and environment.
Department of Finance (DOF)
The Department of Finance collects over
$30 billion in revenue for the City and
values more than 1 million properties
worth a total of over $800 billion. DOF
also records property-related documents,
administers exemption and abatement
programs, adjudicates and collects
parking tickets, maintains the City’s
treasury, chairs the Citys Banking
Commission, and acts as the Citys chief
civil law enforcement officer.
Department of Homeless Services
The New York City Department of
Homeless Services works to prevent
homelessness by providing short-term
emergency shelter and re-housing
support in partnership with its clients,
public agencies, and the business and
nonprofit communities.
Department of Housing Preservation
and Development (HPD)
Using a variety of preservation, develop-
ment and enforcement strategies, the
Department of Housing Preservation and
Development strives to improve the
availability, affordability, and quality of
housing in New York City, and to create
and sustain viable neighborhoods for
New Yorkers.
Department of Small Business
Services (SBS)
The Department of Small Business
Services makes it easier for businesses in
New York City to start, operate and
expand by providing direct assistance to
business owners, fostering neighborhood
development in commercial districts, and
linking employers to a skilled and
qualified workforce.
Department of Youth and
Community Development (DYCD)
The Department of Youth and
Community Development was created in
1996 to provide the City of New York
with high-quality youth and family
programming. Its central task is adminis-
tering available City, State, and Federal
funds to effective community-based
Disability Rent Increase Exemption
The Disability Rent Increase Exemption
(DRIE) program provides protection
from rent increases for low- to moderate
-income tenants with disabilities living in
rent-regulated apartments.
Division of Neighborhood
Preservation (DNP)
HPD’s Division of Neighborhood
Preservation assesses thousands of
buildings each year to determine
whether they are at risk, and to develop
and implement individual treatment
plans. DNP encourages owners to pay
their taxes, refers owners to education
and support programs including
anti-abandonment training, provides
assistance with rehabilitation loan
financing, refers buildings for targeted
code enforcement, and reviews dis-
tressed properties for exclusion from
Department of Finance tax lien sales.
Emergency Housing Shelters
HPD operates shelters for families
displaced by emergencies, including fires
or vacate orders from the Department of
Buildings or HPD.
Emergency Repair Program (ERP)
HPD’s Emergency Repair Program
repairs emergency conditions cited by
HPD Inspectors or other agencies (in
limited circumstances) where an owner
fails to do so. If HPD’s ERP repairs the
emergency condition, HPD, through the
Department of Finance, will bill the
owner for the cost of repairs. If the
owner fails to pay the bill, a lien is placed
on the property. Unpaid liens may make
a property eligible for the City’s tax lien
Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA)
The Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) supports communities
and first responders in efforts to build,
sustain and improve our capability to
prepare for, protect against, respond to,
recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
FHA-HFA Risk Sharing Program
In 1992, Congress created the FHA-HFA
Risk-Sharing program to increase and
accelerate Federal Housing
Administration (FHA) production of
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
multifamily mortgages. The program
enables qualified state Housing Finance
Agencies (HFAs) to underwrite FHA
mortgages in exchange taking on a
portion of the risk associated with them.
Fire Code
A City law (Title 29 of the New York City
Administrative Code) governing fire
safety in NYC buildings.
Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs)
FEMA produces Flood Insurance Rate
Maps (FIRMs) which identify areas that
are at risk of flooding. Areas are assigned
different zones depending on the level of
flood risk.
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
The principal bulk regulation controlling
the size of buildings, FAR is the ratio of
the total building floor area to the area of
its zoning lot. For instance, a
100,000-square foot building on a
25,000-square foot lot would have an
FAR of 4.0.
Food Retail Expansion to Support
Health (FRESH)
FRESH is a City program that provides
zoning and financial incentives to
promote the establishment and retention
of neighborhood grocery stores in
underserved communities throughout
the five boroughs.
Government-Sponsored Enterprise
Privately held corporations created by
the U.S. Congress to reduce the cost of
capital for certain borrowing sectors of
the economy (e.g. students, farmers and
Grant Per Diem (GPD)
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs;’
(VA) Homeless Providers Grant and Per
Diem Program is offered annually (as
funding permits) by the VA’s Health Care
for Homeless Veterans (HCHV)
Programs to fund community agencies
providing services to homeless veterans.
The purpose is to promote the develop-
ment and provision of supportive
housing and/or supportive services with
the goal of helping homeless veterans
achieve residential stability, increase
their skill levels and/or income, and
obtain greater self-determination.
HDC Bonds
HDC issues different types of bonds to
develop and preserve a variety of
affordable housing, from large and
small-scale multifamily buildings to
cooperative homeownership. In doing so,
HDC has become the nation’s leading
local housing finance agency, issuing a
higher volume and dollar amount of
bonds than many of the largest banks in
the country.
HDC Mixed Income (50/30/20)
In 50/30/20, 20 percent of the apart-
ments in a multifamily rental building are
restricted for low-income tenants, 30
percent are reserved for middle-income
tenants and the remainder is rented at
market rates. This structure provides a
deeper level of affordability across many
different economic levels. HDC uses the
proceeds from the sale of tax-exempt
bonds to make first position mortgages
and also uses its corporate reserves to
make 1 percent second mortgage loans.
HOME Investment Partnership
Program (HOME)
HOME provides formula grants to States
and localities that communities use to
fund a wide range of activities including
building, buying, and/or rehabilitating
affordable housing for rent or homeown-
ership or providing direct rental
assistance to low-income people. HOME
administrative funds are used for overall
program management, coordination,
monitoring, evaluation and certain other
Homebase is the City’s homelessness
prevention program. With locations
throughout the five boroughs, the
program connects people to an array of
services to keep them in their homes and
help prevent them from entering the
shelter system. These services include
family or tenant/landlord mediation,
household budgeting, emergency rental
assistance, job training and placement,
and benefits advocacy.
Housing Development Fund
Corporations (HDFC)
Housing Development Fund
Corporations are nonprofit entities that
oversee limited equity housing coopera-
tives or rentals to provide low-income
housing for New Yorkers.
Housing Maintenance Code
A City law (Chapter 2 of Title 27 of the
New York City Administrative Code)
governing minimum housing standards
in NYC residential buildings.
Housing Trust Fund (HTF)
The New York City Housing Trust Fund
(HTF), funded by $130 million in Battery
Park City Authority revenue, provides
subsidies for innovative acquisition
programs, rehabilitation of portfolios of
housing, and to facilitate rehabilitation
and new construction targeted to
households earning below 30 percent of
AMI and between 60-80 percent of AMI.
HPD Homeless Set-Aside Units
A homeless set-aside is a unit in an
HPD-funded project that is reserved for
referrals from the homeless shelter
system. Occupants of these units are
often paired with Section 8 vouchers,
when available and if the occupant is
HUD Income Limits (HUDIL)
HUD sets annual regional income limits
for eligibility to live in subsidized
affordable housing. HUD calculates the
limits beginning with a measure of
median family income, then makes
adjustments based on household size,
local housing costs, and other geographi-
cally-specific factors. The result is a set of
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
limits for households of different sizes
and different income levels. Public
agencies like HPD use HUDIL to qualify
applicants of different income levels to
live in affordable housing developments
and to regulate maximum rents for
subsidized units.
HUD Multifamily
The HUD Multifamily Loan Program
leverages public and private sector
financing to rehabilitate and preserve
privately owned HUD-assisted rental
housing throughout New York City. The
Program’s mission is to ensure long-term
affordability, stabilize low-income
properties and revitalize neighborhoods.
The Program targets buildings that are
most distressed due to physical neglect
and financial mismanagement, as well as
those properties that face expiring HUD
use restrictions or are considered
at-risk” of opting out of subsidy
programs and converting to market rate
Human Resources Administration
The New York City Human Resources
Administration/Department of Social
Services (HRA/DSS) provides temporary
help to individuals and families with
social service and economic needs to
assist them in reaching self-sufficiency.
HRA serves more than 3 million New
Yorkers through essential and diverse
programs and services that include:
temporary cash assistance, public health
insurance, food stamps, home care for
seniors and the disabled, child care, adult
protective services, domestic violence,
HIV/AIDS support services, and child
support enforcement.
Inclusionary Housing Program
The current Inclusionary Housing
Program provides a zoning bonus for
multiple dwelling developments in
return for new construction, substantial
rehabilitation, or preservation of
permanent affordable housing.
Individual Apartment Improvement
A building owner may increase the rent
in an individual apartment based on
increased services, new equipment, or
improvements. This increase is in
addition to statutory vacancy increases or
the regular annual Rent Guidelines Board
adjustments for rent stabilized apart-
ments, and biennial adjustments to
Maximum Base Rents for rent controlled
apartments. In buildings that contain
more than 35 apartments, the owner can
collect a permanent rent increase equal
to 1/60th of the cost of the Individual
Apartment Improvement (IAI). In
buildings that contain 35 apartments or
less, the owner can collect a permanent
rent increase equal to 1/40th of the cost
of the IAI. IAIs performed in an occupied
unit require written consent of the
tenant. IAIs performed in vacant units do
not require written consent of any tenant,
nor does it require approval by DHCR.
See DHCR Fact Sheet #12 for more
International Existing Building Code
A model building code developed by the
International Code Council, which
establishes minimum regulations for
existing buildings intended to encourage
the use and reuse of existing buildings
while requiring reasonable upgrades and
In Rem
Latin for “against the thing,” in rem is a
legal term used to refer to the City’s
possession of a building as collateral
against a tax-delinquent owner. At the
peak of urban blight in the 1970s and
1980s, the City held over 100,000 units
in-rem. Renovating and transferring
these buildings into private ownership
formed the basis of much of the Citys
housing policy through the 1990s.
J-51 Tax Exemption and Abatement
J-51 is an as-of-right tax exemption and
abatement for residential rehabilitation
or conversion to multiple dwellings.
Eligible projects include HPD-financed
or privately financed moderate and gut
rehabilitation of multiple dwellings,
privately financed and government–as-
sisted major capital improvements to
multiple dwellings, or conversions of
lofts and other non-residential buildings
into multiple dwellings.
A lien is a legal claim one party has
against another party’s property for
unpaid debt. Examples of such debt are
unpaid property taxes or failure to pay
for services provided.
Low Income Housing Tax Credit
LIHTC refers to federal tax credits
awarded by HPD to qualified low-income
housing projects in New York City. To be
eligible, projects must be substantial
rehabilitation or new construction with
at least 20 percent of apartments
reserved for low-income households.
The credits are sold to investors to
generate equity for the rehabilitation or
new construction work.
Major Capital Improvement (MCI)
When owners make improvements or
installations to a building subject to the
rent stabilization or rent control laws,
they can apply to the State’s Division of
Housing and Community Renewal
(DHCR) for approval to raise the rents of
the tenants based on the actual, verified
cost of improvement or installation. The
total value of the approved cost for the
Major Capital Improvement (MCI) is
amortized over 84 months and divided by
the total number of rooms in the
building, then added to the legal rent of
each stabilized unit based on the number
of rooms in the apartment. MCI increas-
es for stabilized units are capped at 6
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
percent per annum and are permanent
increases to the legal rent. An owner
must apply to DHCR for MCI increases,
and the State is responsible for calculat-
ing the legal rent increases. When
owners also receive a J-51 abatement for
the same work, the MCI increase is
reduced by half the value of the abate-
ment. See DHCR Fact Sheet #24 for
more details.
Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT)
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo created the
Medicaid Redesign Team to address
underlying health care cost and quality
issues in New York’s Medicaid program.
Medicaid Redesign is premised on the
idea that the only way to really control
costs is to improve the health of program
participants. Among the many initiatives
under MRT, supportive housing was
recognized a cost-saving measure to keep
chronically homeless and people with
disabilities stably housed and out of
emergency rooms.
Minority/Women-Owned Business
Enterprise (M/WBE)
Although definitions can vary slightly
between jurisdictions according to
factors unrelated to gender and ethnicity,
a minority/women-owned business
enterprise is a business that is at least 51
percent owned, operated, and controlled
by a woman or a member of a racial or
ethnic minority group.
Mitchell-Lama Program
Created in 1955 under the Private
Housing Finance Law, the Mitchell-
Lama program provides affordable rental
and cooperative housing to moderate-
and middle-income families. There are
currently 97 City-sponsored, moderate-
and middle-income rental and limit-
ed-equity cooperative developments in
the city, which contain over 45,000 units.
HPD supervises waiting lists, manage-
ment issues, and other oversight
responsibilities for New York City’s
Mitchell-Lama developments. In some
cases, responsibility is shared with HUD.
New York State also oversees a Mitchell-
Lama portfolio within New York City.
There are eligibility requirements related
to income limits, family size, and
apartment size for both City and State
assisted Mitchell-Lama developments.
Mixed Income Program
HPD’s Mixed Income Program funds the
new construction of multifamily rental
projects affordable to households earning
up to 130 percent of Area Median
Income. HPD may provide a subsidy of
up to $75,000 per unit in addition to
construction and permanent financing
sources provided by, but not limited to,
private institutional lenders and
programs at HDC, HCR, and HFA.
Projects may qualify for 421-a, 420-c, or
Article XI tax exemptions.
Mortgage Recording Tax
New York State imposes a tax on the
privilege of recording a mortgage on real
property located within the state. In
addition, New York City, Yonkers, and
various counties impose local taxes on
mortgages that are recorded in those
Naturally Occurring Retirement
Communities (NORCs)
Naturally Occurring Retirement
Communities refers to housing develop-
ments, including NYCHA properties,
with growing percentages of seniors.
New Housing Marketplace Plan
The NHMP was a multi-billion dollar
initiative to finance the creation or
preservation of 165,000 units of afford-
able housing for half a million New
Yorkers. Created under the administra-
tion of Mayor Michael R Bloomberg in
2002, at its time the NHMP represented
the largest municipal housing effort in
the nation’s history. The NHMP was
implemented by the HPD along with
many partners in the public, private, and
non-profit sectors.
New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC)
The New Markets Tax Credit Program
was established by Congress in 2000 to
spur new or increased investments into
operating businesses and real estate
projects located in low-income
communities. The NMTC Program
attracts investment capital to low-in-
come communities by permitting
individual and corporate investors to
receive a tax credit against their
Federal income tax return in exchange
for making equity investments in
specialized financial institutions called
Community Development Entities
New York City Construction Code
A city law (Title 28 of the New York City
Administrative Code) governing the
construction of buildings. This set of
codes includes several codes, including
the building code.
New York City Economic
Development Corporation (EDC)
New York City Economic Development
Corporation is the City’s primary vehicle
for promoting economic growth in each
of the five boroughs. NYCEDC’s mission
is to stimulate growth through expansion
and redevelopment programs that
encourage investment, generate prosper-
ity and strengthen the City’s competitive
position. NYCEDC also helps create
affordable housing, new parks, shopping
areas, community centers, and cultural
New York City HIV/AIDS Services
Administration (HASA)
The HIV/AIDS Services Administration
helps New Yorkers living with AIDS or
HIV gain access to benefits and support.
HASA clients may receive help with
medical care, housing assistance, direct
links to other HRA services such as food
stamps, employment services, and
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
New York City Housing and Vacancy
Survey (HVS)
The New York City Housing and
Vacancy Survey is a triennial survey
conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau on
behalf of HPD, as required by state and
local legislation. The survey measures
the vacancy rate for rental units in New
York City, which is required for the
continuation of rent regulation.
New York City Housing Authority
NYCHAs 334 public housing develop-
ments house more than 400,000 New
Yorkers across the five boroughs, and
another 235,000 receive subsidized
rental assistance in private homes
through the NYCHA-administered
Section 8 Program. HPD, in collaboration
with NYCHA, rehabilitates NYCHA
housing stock and constructs low- and
moderate-income units on vacant
NYCHA property.
New York City Housing
Development Corporation (HDC)
The New York City Housing
Development Corporation provides a
variety of financing programs for the
creation and preservation of multifamily
affordable housing throughout the five
boroughs of New York City. HDC
programs are designed to meet the wide
range of affordable housing needs of the
citys economically diverse population.
New York City Industrial
Development Agency (NYCIDA)
The New York City Industrial
Development Agency encourages
economic development throughout the
five boroughs, and assists in the retention
of existing jobs as well as the creation and
attraction of new ones. NYCIDA programs
are discretionary and provide companies
with access to triple tax-exempt bond
financing and/or tax benefits to acquire or
create capital assets, such as purchasing
real estate, constructing or renovating
facilities, and acquiring new equipment.
New York City Pension Fund
The Citys primary employee Pension
Funds are the New York City Employees’
Retirement System (NYCERS); the
Teachers’ Retirement System of the City
of New York (TRS), the New York City
Police Pension Fund Subchapter 2
(POLICE); New York City Fire
Department Pension Fund Subchapter
Two (FIRE); and the New York City
Board of Education Retirement System
(BERS). Each Pension Fund is financially
independent and has its own board of
New York State Division of Housing
and Community Renewal (DHCR)
The New York State Division of Housing
and Community Renewal (DHCR) is
responsible for the supervision, mainte-
nance and development of affordable
low- and moderate-income housing in
New York State. DHCR oversees and
regulates the State’s public and public-
ly-assisted rental buildings; administers
housing development and community
preservation programs; and maintains
and enforces the State’s rent regulations.
New York State Energy Research
and Development Authority
The New York State Energy Research
and Development Authority is a public
benefit corporation created in 1975
tasked with helping New York meet its
energy goals: reducing energy consump-
tion, promoting the use of renewable
energy sources, and protecting the
New York State Housing Finance
Agency (HFA)
The New York State Housing Finance
Agency offers financing to build afford-
able housing and preserve existing
affordable housing in communities across
the State of New York.
NY/NY Agreements
The “New York/New York” agreements
are a series of three City-State agree-
ments signed by three separate mayors
since 1990 to fund the creation and
ongoing operations of some 15,000 units
of supportive housing for homeless New
Yorkers with special needs.
Oce of Environmental
Remediation (OER)
The New York City Mayors Office of
Environmental Remediation was
established in 2009 to design, build and
operate a set of world class municipal
programs to advance cleanup and
redevelopment of brownfield sites. OER
works in some of the most blighted
properties in some of the City’s most
disadvantaged neighborhoods to perform
clean up, improve safety, and facilitate
new development. OER also provides
environmental counsel to the Mayor’s
Oce of Long Term Planning and
Sustainability (OLTPS)
New York City’s Office of Long-Term
Planning and Sustainability coordinates
with all other City agencies to develop,
implement, and track the progress of
PlaNYC and other issues of infrastruc-
ture and the environment which cut
across multiple City departments. In
addition to producing PlaNYC, the Office
of Long-Term Planning and
Sustainability promotes the integration
of sustainability goals and practices into
the work of City agencies and the lives of
New Yorkers.
Oce of Management and Budget
New York City’s Office of Management
and Budget oversees an annual expense
budget of $69.9 billion and a capital
budget of more than $9.2 billion per year.
With a staff of approximately 300
employees, OMB prepares and monitors
the budgets and programs of over 80 City
agencies and covered organizations such
as the Transit Authority, Health and
Hospitals Corporation and the Housing
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Oce for People with
Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD)
The New York State Office for People
with Developmental Disabilities is
responsible for coordinating services for
more than 126,000 New Yorkers with
developmental disabilities, including
intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy,
Down syndrome, autism spectrum
disorders, and other neurological
impairments. It provides services directly
and through a network of approximately
700 nonprofit service providing agencies,
with about 80 percent of services
provided by the private nonprofits and 20
percent provided by state-run services.
One-Shot Program
A one-shot deal is a one-time payment by
the Human Resources Administration
(HRA) to help pay back rent to avoid an
eviction. “One-Shot Deals” are for people
who have income from sources other
than HRA such as employment or SSI.
Pension’s Economically Targeted
Investments (ETI)
In an effort to generate risk-adjusted
market rates-of-returns and to promote
economic development within the five
Boroughs of New York City, the New
York City Retirement Systems (NYCRS)
share an investment policy allocation of 2
percent of pension assets towards
Economically Targeted Investments
(ETI). The ETI program seeks invest-
ment opportunities that are not only
expected to deliver risk-adjusted market
rates-of-returns for NYCRS, but also to
generate collateral benefits to the City.
ETIs are designed to address market
inefficiencies by providing capital or
liquidity to under-served communities
and populations City-wide.
Permanently Aordable Housing
In the Inclusionary Housing
Program, housing that generates the
zoning bonus must remain affordable for
as long as the market rate housing that
receives the bonus continues to use that
Pre-Certication Review
Prior to the start of the ULURP process,
the Department of City Planning reviews
an application for completeness. The
time period between an applicant’s first
contact with DCP to the start of ULURP
is called the Pre-Certification period.
This process involves two parallel
reviews: a land use review of the
application to ensure that the application
is complete and technically accurate, and
an environmental review, the purpose of
which is to disclose and analyze potential
impacts that may result from the
proposed action.
Proactive Preservation Initiative
Officially launched in January 2011, the
Proactive Preservation Initiative (PPI) is
the Citys strategic approach to identify-
ing and addressing deteriorating physical
conditions in multifamily buildings
before they endanger the health and
safety of residents or threaten the quality
of the surrounding neighborhood. Each
month, HPD uses data and community
referrals to identify and survey buildings
showing signs of distress. Based on the
survey, PPI combines tough enforcement
tools with low-interest loans and other
incentives to ensure that owners are
accountable and equipped to maintain
their buildings in safe condition.
Project-Based Section 8 Vouchers
Project Based Vouchers are HUD rental
vouchers designated to specific units that
require tenants residing in that unit to
pay 30 percent of their income towards
rent, with the subsidy covering the
Real Estate Mortgage Insurance
Corporation (REMIC)
The New York City Residential Mortgage
Insurance Corporation (REMIC) is a
public benefit corporation created to
promote the production and rehabilita-
tion of affordable housing in New York
City through the issuance of mortgage
insurance. It has been a subsidiary of
HDC since 1993.
Real Property Transfer Tax (RPTT)
The RPTT applies on transfers of any
interest in real property in New York
City (except by a mortgage or by a will or
through inheritance, or transfers to or
from charitable organizations), including
the transfer of a controlling interest in
the owner. The tax rate and amount of
tax due depends on the amount of
consideration, the type of property, and
the type of transfer.
Rental Vacancy Rate
The rental vacancy rate is the proportion
of units that are vacant and available for
rent at a specified point in time. The
rental vacancy rate is calculated for the
triennial Housing and Vacancy Survey
(HVS) by the US Census Bureau using
the following formula:
Rent Guidelines Board
The Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) is a
local body with a mandate in both state
and local law to investigate conditions
within the residential real estate industry
and to establish fair rent adjustments for
rent stabilized units. Under the Rent
Stabilization Law (section 26-510) the
Board is charged with establishing
annual guidelines following a review of
(1) the economic condition of the
residential real estate industry in New
York City including such factors as the
prevailing and projected (i) real estate
taxes and sewer and water rates, (ii)
gross operating maintenance costs
(including insurance rates, governmental
fees, and cost of fuel and labor costs), (iii)
costs and availability of financing
(including effective rates of interest), (iv)
over-all supply of housing accommoda-
tions and overall vacancy rates, (2)
relevant data from the current and
projected cost of living indices for the
affected area, and (3) such other data as
may be made available to it. The Board
comprises nine members, all of whom are
appointed by the Mayor. Two members
are appointed to represent tenant
interests, two members are appointed to
represent owner interests, and five
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
members (including the chairperson) are
appointed to represent the general
public. The chairperson serves at the
pleasure of the Mayor.
Section 236
The Section 236 program, established by
the Housing and Urban Development Act
of 1968, combined Federal mortgage
insurance with interest reduction
payments to the mortgagee for the
production of low-cost rental housing.
Under this program, HUD provided
interest subsidies to lower a project’s
mortgage interest rate to as low as 1
percent. This program no longer
provides insurance or subsidies for new
mortgage loans, but existing Section 236
properties continue to operate under the
program. The interest reduction
payment results in lower operating costs
and subsequently a reduced rent
Section 8
HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher
program, commonly referred to as
Section 8, is the nation’s largest afford-
able housing program for renters. HPD’s
Section 8 program serves nearly 37,000
households and is the nation’s fifth
largest. Participants receive a voucher
that covers the difference between 30
percent of their gross annual household
income and the cost of their rent plus
utilities. Payments are made by HPD
directly to the participating landlord.
Senior Citizens Rent Increase
Exemption (SCRIE)
The Senior Citizens Rent Increase
Exemption (SCRIE) program provides
protection from rent increases for low- to
moderate-income seniors living in
rent-regulated apartments.
State Low Income Housing Tax
Credit (SLIHC):
The New York State Low-Income
Housing Tax Credit Program (SLIHC) is
modeled after the federal LIHTC
Program, providing a dollar-for-dollar
reduction in state income taxes to
investors in qualified low-income housing.
However, it has one major difference:
SLIHC assisted units must serve house-
holds with incomes at or below 90 percent
of AMI, as opposed to the 60 percent
standard of the federal LIHTC.
State of New York Mortgage Agency
The State of New York Mortgage Agency
is a public authority created in 1970 by
the state government of New York to
provide affordable homeownership to
low- and moderate-income New Yorkers
by offering affordably priced fixed-rate
mortgages through several mortgage
Supportive Housing
Supportive housing is affordable housing
with onsite comprehensive social
services to help chronically homeless
individuals with special needs to remain
stably housed.
Supportive Services for Veteran
Families (SSVF)
SSVF is a program of the U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs that
awards grants to private non-profit
organizations and consumer cooperatives
who can provide supportive services to
very low-income Veteran families living
in or transitioning to permanent housing.
Grantees provide eligible Veteran
families with outreach, case manage-
ment, and assistance in obtaining VA and
other benefits such as health care, legal
services, child care, housing counseling,
transportation, and financial planning.
Tax Levy
In New York City, revenues are generat-
ed from a variety of local taxes and user
charges. Other revenues are raised by
imposing a property tax to cover the cost
of providing public services, such as
housing and other budget purposes. Tax
Levy funds are used throughout HPD to
support any function that is not purely
grant funded.
Tax-Exempt Bond Recycling
The use of “recycled” tax-exempt
multifamily housing revenue bonds was
authorized by Congress as part of the
Housing and Economic Recovery Act of
2008 (HERA). Under the legislation, loan
prepayments received from bond-fi-
nanced projects (paydowns that occur
with LIHTC equity) can be re-issued as
tax-exempt bonds to fund affordable
housing development with no additional
allocation of new volume cap. Unlike the
original bonds, recycled bonds do not
come with as-of-right tax credits; for that
reason, they are often used for middle-in-
come projects for which tax credits are
less instrumental.
Tenant Interim Lease Program (TIL)
The Tenant Interim Lease Program
provides assistance and training to
organized tenant associations in
occupied City-owned buildings of three
or more dwelling units to develop
economically self-sufficient, low-income
tenant-owned cooperatives. During City
ownership, HPD provides major
rehabilitation and management training.
Rental income covers operating expens-
es, minor repairs, and management fees.
Rents are restructured before buildings
are sold to the tenant association in order
for the buildings to remain financially
viable after sale.
Third Party Transfer (TPT)
TPT provides a mechanism to transfer
ownership of distressed and tax delin-
quent properties to HPD qualified
developers. Developers receive a
combination of City and private market
rate financing for rehabilitation. TPT
projects either become rentals or limited
equity cooperatives.
Tower-in-the-Park Zoning
Zoning regulations established in 1961
and still applicable in certain parts of the
city that encourage towers set back from
the street within open space that is often
occupied by lawns or parking.
Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plannyc.gov/housing
Transferable Development Rights
In certain locations, such as for proper-
ties near the High Line in the Special
West Chelsea District and for designated
landmarks, a property that is built to less
than the full floor area allowed by zoning
may transfer unused development rights
- sometimes called Transferable
Development Rights - to another,
non-adjacent property where this floor
area can be built in compliance with
regulations set forth in the Zoning
Uniform Land Use Review
Procedure (ULURP)
A standardized procedure set forth in the
City Charter for the public review of
discretionary land use applica-
tions. Examples of actions requiring
ULURP include changes to the zoning
map or text of the Zoning Resolution,
Special Permits within the Zoning
Resolution requiring approval of the City
Planning Commission (CPC), or the sale
or lease of City-owned property. The
process includes review and public
hearings held by the affected Community
Board, Borough President, the City
Planning Commission, and the City
Urban Development Action Area
Project (UDAAP)
Housing and urban renewal plans and
projects, pursuant to City, State and
Federal laws are required to be reviewed
by the City Planning Commission.
UDAAP designation authorizes rehabili-
tation or new construction on formerly
City-owned land. This action is subject
to the Uniform Land Use Review
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD)
The U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development is the nation’s
federal housing agency. HUD provides
funding and programmatic support to
sustain homeownership, create
affordable housing opportunities for
low-income Americans, and support the
homeless, elderly, people with disabilities
and people living with AIDS. HUD also
promotes economic and community
development and enforces the nation’s
fair housing laws.
U.S. Department of Treasury
Community Development Financial
Institutions (CDFI) Fund
The Community Development Financial
Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) promotes
economic revitalization in distressed
communities throughout the United
States by providing financial assistance
and information to community develop-
ment financial institutions (CDFI).
Veterans Aairs Supportive Housing
The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive
Housing (HUD-VASH) program
combines Housing Choice Voucher
(HCV) rental assistance for homeless
Veterans with case management and
clinical services provided by the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Workforce Housing
Housing affordable to households that
perform essential services for the local
economy, such as firefighters, teachers,
nurses, or police officers, who may
otherwise be priced out of the housing
market in proximity to their place of
Year 15 Program
HPD’s Year 15 Program seeks to preserve
LIHTC units beyond “Year 15”, the point
at which tax credit investors may exit the
program. Participating projects receive
mortgage modifications and rehabilita-
tion loans in exchange for extending
regulatory agreements another 15 to 30
Zoning Resolution
The New York City Zoning Resolution
regulates the permitted use, density,
height and setback of buildings. The
Zoning Resolution consists of text as well
as maps dividing the city into zoning
districts, each of which is subject to
regulations set forth in the text.
Housing New York is the result of dozens of meetings with
hundreds of people who have an investment in the quality and
availability of affordable housing in the City. Their deep
analysis into what strategies have worked well in the past
decades, and what efforts can be improved upon in the future
have been invaluable. We believe this plan is ambitious and
innovative, and will begin to make New York City affordable for
our working families. So many individuals from for-profit and
non-profit sectors, government officials at federal, state and city
level, labor leaders, the real estate industry, academics, and
other housing stakeholders in the City gave us valuable input
over the past few months. We would especially like to thank the
following people for their countless hours and dedication to
this report:
Oce of the Mayor
Anthony Shorris, First Deputy Mayor
Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, Deputy Mayor for Health and
Human Services
Emma Wolfe, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs
Agency Leaders
Vicki Been, Commissioner, Department of Housing
Preservation and Development
Carl Weisbrod, Chair, City Planning Commission
Gary Rodney, President, Housing Development Corporation
Dean Fuleihan, Director, Office of Management and Budget
Shola Olatoye, Chair, New York City Housing Authority
Cecil House, General Manager, New York City Housing
Kyle Kimball, President, Economic Development Corporation
Maria Torres-Springer, Commissioner, Department of
Small Business Services
Thomas Fariello, Acting Commissioner, Department
of Buildings
Gilbert Taylor, Commissioner, Department of Homeless
The incredibly hardworking staffs at the following
City agencies:
Department of Housing Preservation and Development,
Housing Development Corporation, New York City Housing
Authority, Department of City Planning, Office of Management
and Budget, Department of Buildings, Department of Finance,
Economic Development Corporation, Department of Small
Business Services, Human Resources Administration,
Department for the Aging, Department of Homeless Services,
NYC & Company, Office of Immigrant Affairs, Office of
Contract Services, and a special thanks to: James Patchett,
Steven Caputo, Elaine Braithwaite, Hayley Prim, Howard
Slatkin, John Kimble, David Quart, Kristin Misner, Jim
Quinlivan, Rich Froelich, Eric Enderlin, Jessica Katz, Elyzabeth
Gaumer, Eva Trimble, Andrew Eickmann, Connie Chan, Greg
Kelly, Alnisha Maniaci, Emily Osgood, Alexandra Warren, Eric
Stern, Noelle Marcus, Ana Arino, Katherine Gray, Carolee Fink,
Chandan Sharma, Susan Weinstock, Enid Harlow, Jessica
Singleton, Alex Costas, Emily Lessard, Ed Hogikyan, Ingrid
Ellen Gould, Mark Willis and Jessica Yager.
Image Credits
Pages 32-33
(East New York and Cypress Hills):
Page 35
(Hunters Point South Mixed-Use
Before: Google Maps
After: ODA Architecture P.C.
Page 37
(Artspace El Barrio @ P.S. 109):
Photo: HHL Architects
Rendering: HHL Architects
Page 39
(St. George Mixed-Use Development):
Photo: Cooper Carry
Garrison Architects / Cooper Carry
Page 41
(Harlem River Waterfront
Before: Pictometry International
After: DCP
Page 48
(College Avenue Multifamily
The Wavecrest Management
Team Ltd
Page 57
(Franklin Plaza):
Page 58
(Arverne View):
L+M Development Partners / Global
Design Strategies
Page 66
(Spring Creek):
HPD photos by Larry Racioppo
Page 68
(Melrose Commons Redevelopment):
Photo: HPD
Rendering: Magnusson Architecture
and Planning
Page 70
(Sugar Hill Development):
Adjaye Associates for Broadway
Housing Communities
Page 83
(Markham Gardens Manor):
James Shanks
Cover: John Lee